#Eda knows about it through Lilith since like
qcoded · 1 year
So DOES Collector call Belos Papa in the baby AU? (if so, canon chars reacting to that would be hilarious)
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The Collector to some extent does have a concept of what parents are, so it was kinda natural for them to start calling Belos papa.
Ofc, Belos denied it at first but slowly it just kinda stuck (and let me tell you, Hexsquad did find out about it through Hunter snd they lost their shit 💀)
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sepublic · 2 months
Thinking about how in a way, the whole stable time loop from Elsewhere and Elsewhen protected Luz and the others; Belos couldn’t attack or imprison the protagonists, he couldn’t control them. He had to let the others, especially Luz and Lilith, figure things out on their own and do it for him; He was forced to depend on them (fitting, he always uses others because he won't do the work and becomes a literal parasite), and maybe nudge them in the right direction through Flora D’splora. But in the end he had to wait, the control was in the protagonists and they didn’t even know it. Belos had to let them give him the Light glyph first, which must've been painful to such an arrogant, controlling prick.
And that’s fascinating to me, that what Luz chose to do, by giving Philip the glyph, is what ultimately protected her, gave Luz and the others room to meet each other, team up, and undermine Belos and the Day of Unity in the end. It’s not that Belos spared Luz out of actual gratitude, but begrudging, selfish obligation. Luz sees showing the Light glyph as her biggest mistake, but in some ways it was one of the greatest things she did to ensure the survival of the isles, especially when you remember what the others say about how Philip would’ve found the Collector one way or another. Luz didn’t have to show him the Light glyph, it wasn’t the mission objective, but she did so anyway because she believes in celebrating and sharing the magic of the isles. And Philip might’ve thought he got one over Luz because of the light glyph, but her first and favorite spell representing Luz just doomed him in the long run.
So her kindness didn’t exactly work the way Luz intended, but it still paid off, it still helped her. She at least gave one chance so she’d know she tried with Philip, too (not that Luz or anyone else realistically should owe it to him). Belos is obsessed with destiny like it’s some higher force that chooses and binds him, but Luz doesn’t even know at the time and ultimately doesn’t care; In the end, the time loop isn’t some god picking her out as special. It’s just physics, the results of her own actions, and part of various circumstances that led her to the isles to begin with. Girl literally made her own destiny, which hearkens back to Eda telling Luz that she needs to work to make her fantasy happen.
Girl is undermining and frustrating Belos in major ways, sometimes without even realizing or meaning it. It just comes naturally to Luz, she’s the bane of his existence despite Belos’ attempts to control Luz and make her into the perfect example of why his genocide is actually helpful to humans and not just destruction for its sake, because he’s an insincere white savior. But as much as Luz thinks he manipulates her, as much as Belos thinks he has control, because he DID traumatize and gaslight her into self-loathing… Luz always knows to oppose Belos, even if she can’t speak for her own self-worth. 
If she actually did have to go through with being Belos’ guide in the human realm, that would barely last before Luz quickly screwed him over, esp since she knows way more than Belos does. She’d get him arrested so fast, and then he’d be interrogated for having no citizenship; It’d happen even without Luz. Belos is too stupidly proud, he HAS to go for a smug handshake that dooms him, just like that racist fuck from Django Unchained. Luz isn’t Belos’ parentified ‘salvation’, she’s not his proof that Belos is helping humanity, nor a way to get back to the human realm and be adulated for it; She’s the one ending everything and reminding him in cinematic parallel to Caleb that he’s full of shit. And Belos always underestimates Luz because he's a racist, misogynistic white man.
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
May I please request all the characters reacting to y/n's self-harm scars?
If your not comfortable with that it's cool.
Thank you either way ❤️
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!!Major tw for self-harm!! If you aren't comfortable with that please skip. Also, I'm sorry if I depict anything wrong. And I'm going to exclude Gus and Collecter since it feels weird to do this with the kids.
Amity: Once she saw your scars it didn't occur to her the source of said scars. In fact, she thinks someone else did it and was pissed the fuck off. "Who hurt you." was all she could muster. Once you told her the truth her whole demeanor shifts. She goes from wanting to stab someone to looking like she was going to cry. She wraps you in abomination goop as a makeshift blanket. She was not willing to leave your side for any reason.
Luz: She's basically crying at the scars regardless of who did it. She just hates seeing hurt okay? :( But when she learns you did it she freezes. She doesn't believe it in the slightest. Starts talking about how much she loves you. Granted she's saying 100 words per second so you can only hear bits and pieces of what she's saying. But she gets her point across. That point is: I love you so much and I'm sorry you had to go through that.
Willow: She doesn't mention them once she first sees them. It's none of her business, they all look pretty healed so why push? But a few days later when you guys are just normally talking she casually brings it up. You don't know how to respond. After a few moments, you tell her the truth. And you can see it on her face, the way it hits her like a sack of bricks. The fact that she didn't ask adds to the guilt. But this isn't a moment to focus on herself. She hugs you. The next day she takes you on a really nice date.
Hunter: Once he notices he does (correctly) assume the reason. But he doesn't want to believe himself. It is pretty understandable why you would want your s/o self-harming. But he knows that if he's right but doesn't talk to you he'll regret it forever. So, despite his nervousness, he asks you. He says multiple times that it's "probably not why." His heart sinks when you confirm his fears. You're immediately wrapped in a hug. He keeps talking about how sorry he is that he didn't help, as well as how much he loves you. And he means every word of it.
Vee: She does not dance around the question. Once she sees the scars she just straight up asked, "Why are there scars all over your arms?" So that was very jarring. Once you end up telling her she just stood there. Before wrapping her tail and arms around you. You felt extra secure. She is going to let you know how much you mean to her.
Raine: They know what your scars are from the moment they see them. They don't point the scars out so that you don't get uncomfortable. They do however become way nicer (if that's even possible.) Every chance they get they'll complement you. It's a very obvious but welcomed change.
Eda: Well shit. She's not even going to ask she knows what the scars are from and she's pissed. Not at you, at herself for not noticing. She hugs you and starts apologizing without an explanation. Once she does explain she makes very clear that she's not mad at you and will help you stop.
Emira: Since she's the oldest of the Blight twins I feel like she had a lot of the pressure to be the perfect child before Amity. (Edric was just kinda ignored.) But she didn't have much of a support system so she did have thoughts she never went through with them. But Titan does it break her heart to see you going through that? Her approach was way more gentle than anyone. She staged a mini-therapy for you.
Edric: On the other hand he's pretty clueless. When you tell him he is very sad. He doesn't know what to do but he starts buying you a bunch of things. He wants you to know how valuable you are.
Lilith: She has no clue how to react. She doesn't even know what you did but her blood feels like ice with how many scars you have. She asks what happened and who hurt you. She starts tearing up when you reveal the truth. She ends up cuddling with you and tries to make you feel as secure as possible.
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Story Post 14 (Part 2)
[Image ID under the cut]
[IMAGE ID: Two pages of a black and white comic.
PAGE ONE PANEL 1: Gwen glances nervously over her shoulder at Dell. He beckons for her to continue. "It's not that. It's - ah--" PANEL 2: She turns back to the crow phone with a forced grin. "I hear you have a student now!" Dell's face drops in annoyance. PANEL 3: "A human one! How intriguing. I haven't heard of a human on the Isles since the one my great grandmother mentioned." Luz lies on her belly on her sleeping bag, happily reading in her room with King asleep next to her. Behind her, the window is open, revealing a scout brandishing a spear. PANEL 4: "And even that one disappeared, apparently," Gwen continues. Eda appears in the window, casting a spell that blasts the scout out of view. PANEL 5: Luz turns and looks out the window, puzzled, but there is nothing there. PANEL 6: "My human isn't going to disappear," says Eda. She looks over her shoulder at Luz's oblivious back through the window, determined. "Oh no, of course not!" says Gwen. "I'm sure you're doing a wonderful job looking after her and teaching her all sorts of things." PANEL 7: A close up of one side of Gwen's face, her eye looking to the side, knowing that Dell is behind her, concerned and waiting. "Like--," she says. PANEL 8: She leans in towards the phone, gritting her teeth. "--Palisman carving, maybe?" PANEL 9: Eda and Lilith clash. Eda blocks with her staff as Lilith comes at her with her own. "Mom, I'm busy!" Eda cries. "Just spit it out!" "Okay, okay!" says Gwen.
PAGE TWO PANEL 1: "It's about the family business." "What about it?" "Well," Gwen admits. "Palisman carving isn't exactly as easy as it used to be." A close-up of Dell in profile. His head is lowered, expression sad. PANEL 2: A view of an old, hanging wooden shop sign for a shop named "Clawthorne Palismen". It was once a mark of a well-cared for business. It has hand-carved wings, fancy lettering, and a second, smaller sign below it, declaring, "Established 16--" something. But the rest is broken off. The sign is in disrepair, with a, "CLOSED," sign plastered on top. PANEL 3: "A lot of people associate palismen with wild magic these days," Gwen continues. What was once a small, quaint shop sits boarded up and falling apart. It's covered in graffiti, reading, "REMEMBER METANOY," and "WILD." In the foreground, people avoid it, whispering. PANEL 4: A large, desolate field of clear-cut tree stumps. "And with the deforestation of the palistrom forests," Gwen says, "sometimes I worry it won't be feasible much longer." PANEL 5: "But your father can't do it anymore…" A close-up of Dell's hand. It shakes and is covered in scars. PANEL 6: A close up of Eda, guilty and distraught. "...And you--," PANEL 7: A flashback. Eda's cursed form looms over her frightened father, snarling. PANEL 8: A close up of Dell, younger and terrified, one hand towards the viewer, trying to ward off his attacker, the other clutching the side of his face. /END ID]
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dazeddoodles · 2 years
The ask I got about my ADHD Eda headcanon analysis got deleted, but I'm here to share it anyways.
Okay so. After Them's the Break Kid came out a lot of people started headcanoning Eda having ADHD and I actually REALLY like and agree with that headcanon. And not because
"Omg she got distracted by fire!!! 🤪"
But because of how we seen her when it comes to school. Now most fans assumed Eda hates studying and learning. Which is fair, since in I was a Teenage Abomination she made it clear she hates school.
HOWEVER, then you remember she literally made a hidden tunnel that can be used to listen to the different classes. Because remember, she WANTED to learn different types of magic.
A lot of her problems with school aren't because it involves learning, it's the school SYSTEM she has problem with.
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And in the scene where Luz was teaching Eda and Lilith how to use glyphs, she was using a traditional teaching system with desks and everything. Lilith liked it but Eda did not.
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This also led fans to believe that Lilith was just smarter and did better at studying.
But then in the opening of Them's the Break Kid we see the both of them studying. Lilith is using flashcards and assumes Eda is not paying attention because she's playing with her ball.
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But it turns out Eda not only knows all the material but knows more than Lilith.
To ME this reads as Eda being a hands on learner, (and possibly even a form of stimming) she learns through action and movement and hates having to sit still to learn like how you're supposed to do in school. And when she's able to learn this way she's actually very smart.
That could also be the reason she acts out so much in school, especially if she already knows a lot of the material being taught.
In fact, this is actually kinda a parallel to Raine. With Raine they were introduced as being smart, and then in Them's the Breaks Kid we learn they are also very powerful with magic but are underestimated because they are a bard.
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Meanwhile Eda was introduced as being the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles. And THEN in Them's the Break Kid we learn she is ALSO very smart.
Which is also meant to be a surprise in universe by how Lilith reacted. She didn't expect Eda to be that knowledge on the subject, especially more that HER.
AND she gets distracted by fire. In conclusion, this girl is mentally ill but we already knew that.
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pincushionx · 3 months
Thinking if a version of TOH where Hunter stays loyal to Belos until the day of unity. 
(AKA me making Hunter suffer more in the hands of brainwashing and making everyone hate him.)
[sorry for any grammar mistakes I’ll edit this later.]
That Hunting Palismen was a successful mission for him, he never answered Luz’s question and was able to escape the hand dragon with his staff and the palismen. Flapjack escapes however and flys off to Luz but the rest of the palismen are handed to Belos. Flapjack feels a tug towards Hunter but can’t bond with him due to a wish never being shared between the two. Hunter is praised for his success by Belos. Luz resents the Golden Guard even more now due to the fact that now all those palismen will now be given to the emperor. She definitely feels guilty for those palismen eventual deaths.
Flapjack stays with Luz but doesn’t bond to her. He allows her to use him in his staff form but they have no real connection and can’t communicate. He more or less just lingers around the owl house and will follow her if asked. It’s an odd situation but it’s not totally unheard of and unbonded witch and palismen working together.
Eclipse lake happened but since theirs no failed missions that waver Belos any thoughts on his competence to do the mission, he’s allowed to go. He goes ahead without kikimora and the scouts, meets Amity and Eda at the fools blood where he becomes known but beats them to the empty lake. Once Amity arrives he does not having the same mental breakdown as before since their are no previous failures to trigger it but he is a bit on edge. Him and Amity exchange brief words with her being hostile due to how upset Luz was left after the palismen incident. He states that it was just part of the job and before he leaves he spots the necklace. They fight but he has the upper hand due to having his artificial staff. He demands for the blood and she gives it to him but is still able to break some on to her glove.
(I personally don’t know if Belos didn’t want to let him go to Eclipse lake because of the failures or if he didn’t want to risk his grimwalker being killed or harmed in it but for the sake of the story it’s due to thinking that Hunter was incompetent)
With the lack of Flapjack telling him to focus on other stuff, Hunter only drowns deeper into his loyalty to Belos. As a result he has no interest in appeasing the Coven heads since he realizes more that he’s technically above them. Therefore he grows no bond with Darius. And Darius only views him as Belos little dog.
Any sport in a storm does not happen. Instead Hunter spends his free time resting (only because the day of Unity is getting closer) and practicing his infiltrating and lying techniques due to the rumors of a rebellion. He goes to the library to further research. He sees a book on grimwalker when learning about these techniques but it’s only fairy tail stuff, surface level but it does say that they are made up of dead things, Hunter shrugs and continues going through the library. However grimwalkers are now in his subconscious
Hollow mind, Hunter confronts Darius, Eberwolf, and Raine like in canon and Luz interferes like canon but more out of aggression then curiosity. She doesn’t tackle him but steers his attention away giving the other three a chance to runaway. He traps her in a bubble kinda like how Lilith did and flapjack tries pecking him but he he just traps the bird in his wood form. As result he doesn’t step on the potion and recognizes the the set up as an attempt into the emperors mind. He confiscates the potion as evidence. He reports this to captains and scouts over crow phone in quick alert so they can come over and search the market. He argues with Luz for a bit before taking flapjack away much to Luz horror. I imagine in a sonewhat humiliating scene for Luz, that he transports her to Eda in the bubble in the night market in front of others to see. It has to be embarrassing for the Golden Guard to return you to your guardian who was once a wanted criminal in a bubble in front of many others to see. Resentment from Luz and her friends to the Golden guard only grows. King sees that the Golden Guard has a wooden Flapjack and is able to secretly grab the bird under his cloak, saving the palismen.
The night market is searched and the news of the attempt to infiltrate the emperors mind is let known to Belos. He proud of Hunter for not allowing such a thing to happen but also disappointed that the witches responsible were not caught. Hunter gets punished for this and is left with a scar through his eyebrow. He swears to catch them and bring them to justice to Belos. The rebellion has a new specific enemy. Belos tells him he better not fail.
Labyrinth Runners, Hunter is put with Adrian to infiltrate Hexside and stamp the students with sigils. He sets up an invisible forcefield around the school to prevent anyone from escaping. He helps with the illusion so a few student get the “fake” sigil before Gus sees and reveals the illusions. Gus sets up the large illusion that covers the school. Adrain paired with the golden guard reveal the illusion and are able to catch more students and sigil them. Gus eventually gets caught and Hunter who’s more interested and following orders then be petty has Gus be stamped before the whole, “making Gus see his memories” thing happens, it’s still happeneds but he gets stamped before hand. The fight breaks out and while the students can handle fighting scouts, when face against the Golden guard with his artificial staff and military order do they falter. Eventually everyone in Hexside gets sigils including Willow and Amity. It’s a failure for Hexside and a win for the emperors coven. Soon all the schools besides Hexside has their students be given sigils.
O titan, Where Art Thou, While not in the episode, The Golden is brought up in discussion when talking about the topic of day of unity, Belos and the draining spell. They all view him as in obstacle and the obedient brat of Belos.
Clouds on the Horizon, Luz gets the news that students have been given sigils including her friends and girlfriend. This only makes the plan to stop the drawing spell more dire as now children are involved too. They also get the news that a coven head the golden guard are to blame which only fuels the hatred. Luz meets up with her friends but the atmosphere is tense due to the fact that they have sigils now. They break amity out of her house. Luz has some help thanks to flapjack. They don’t face kikimora since Hunter is still in the emperors coven. She probably off dealing with some packages and goods since she’s been demoted. Hunter in the meantime is with the scouts capturing the finale of the wild witches and given them sigils. They all fight and leave Odalia and leave on the blimp with Alador. Luz is not taken to Belos.
Kings tide, the plan is being done. News of most of the isles being stamped including children and all wild witches make it to them and things become tense. The golden Guard walks besides Belos. Darius stares at him for a moment, looking at the person who wears the golden guard uniform but is nothing like the man who did before. Kikimora not there so that whole bit with her doesn’t happen. Belos quickly gets rid of the collector. That whole sequence with Luz never happens. Belos doesn’t get his sigil and will remain stable. Eda gets found out and the golden guard along side the coven members stop the plan. Hunter makes a snarky comment. Belos in there and simply watches, Hunter returns to his side. Belos pats Hunter on top of the head, agitating the rebellion adults more. He really is a dog. The eclipse happeneds and the spell begins.
The draing spell takes effect. Hunter collapses to his knees and looks up to Belos in utter betrayal and confusion. The rumors that the day of unity was actually a doomsday was…true? He questions Belos and Belos simply smiles at him. He bends down and pulls down Hunter mask and flicks his cowlick. He tells Hunter that he’s been a very good grimwalker and was the best he ever had. That it’s a shame he can’t take him to the human realm due to his witchy assets. He grabs Hunter face in an almost affectionate way and tells him that he wished Caleb was more like him and it’s sad that he has to die. He slips Hunters mask back on and leaves to go to the portal and Hunter is left there on his knees shaking and in shock. The kids go up the podium stand not for Luz this time but for the adults, they see them crumbled.
They also see the Golden guard. They are met with him shaking on the ground. They note on how small he looks. They stare at him for a moment. He’s the only one of the emperor coven members conscious. He looks up them “I…I did-didn’t know this would happens.” They would say something but they don’t have the time. They all weak due to the sigils and are running out of time. They go to Eda before going down to where the portal is. Hunter in moment of strength grabs his staff, gets up and teleports away into the portal room.
Just as the he other see Belos about to leave, amity grabs him with her abominations hand and pulls him away, in this rush, Belos second form appears. They fight the beast like in canon and where he thinks he gets the upper hand, Golden guard appears and blasts Belos. They are shocked by the appearance of the golden guard. Hunter may be loyal to Belos but not enough to warrant the death of everyone in the isles. In rush of the moment to keep Belos away from the portal, he teleports every one down to the ground to the golden guard pit and to the collector. He stops fighting and just stares at the out in horror and so does everyone else. The collector shadow appears.
Belos tries escaping but the others get their attention back and continue to fight. Luz and flapjack are mainly the ones fighting with the other supporting due to them being effected by the drawing spell. King is letting the collector free. In the moment if the chaos Hunter turns over and blasts Belos with the upmost power he could muster that’s practically vaporizing and splatters Belos all over the place. He hit with the ‘splash zone’ everyone just stares at him in shock.
The golden guard has killed Belos. The collector now free boos at this saying he wanted to do that. Though does congratulate him on being the first grimwalker to win against Belos in the grimwalker cycle game. All the other Grimwalkers lost except him. This reveals the Golden guard to be a grimwalker. He asks the other what game to play and the owl house game comes up but first he must stop the draining spell, the collector laughs and teleports them up and moves the eclipse. Then the game starts and in the rush of the moment once they realize what’s going to happen they escape to the portal.
Instead of Hunter going through, King is able to escape with them. Flapjack gets left behind, too distracted by Hunter. The Golden Guard simply stays in too much shock to move, the portal closes and the collector laments that fact that he just lost his playing partner, he looks at Hunter and decides that a grimwalker will do. That he never has the chance to play with a grimwalker before because Belos breaks them before he gets the chance so this should be fun. He asks Hunter how to play the owl house game.
Hunter knows nothing of the owl house
Possible ending. (That I Like)
Belos posses Hunter soon after he recovers inside him a bit to get to the collector. At the same time the others come in a lot sooner after thanks to King being a titan. Probably only a month or less. The whole issue gets resolved a lot sooner but now they have to fight a possessed Hunter once they reach the collector. The fight I imagine is harsher then in canon due to them not knowing g Hunter besides all the bad stuff he did and splattering Belos. In the end Belos is forcefully ripped out of Hunter by the collector, and is killed by Luz officially. Flapjack gets to live due to Hunter not drowning in this version. They simply stare at Hunter awhile as he gets up, they never seen his face before when he wasn’t possessed and now they are met with an exhausted scarred teenager, a teenager they all hated because what he did and stood for and all they can feel now was a sense of pity. Luz offers her hand, he accepts.
Eventually everyone is free from being puppets. The rebellion crew come around and they see the Golden guard. A scarred, traumatized teenager. Darius offers kindness for once, Hunter shakily accepts it.
Second possible ending
Hunter gets possessed during the final fight and Belos is rid of sooner by the collector. The ending is mainly focused on the collector now that Belos is gone. Also the fact that Hunter gets possession trauma sooner than season 3
Alternative endings.
1. King is left behind in canon and Hunter remains with him to be with the collector and they develop a bond together since they a both playmates for the collector.
2. King is left behind and the golden guard is sent off with the other. This much more messed up version of Thanks to Them. Now they have to navigate an extremely strain a hostile relationship with Hunter and the others. Hunter face gets revealed forcefully, showing that he just a tired and scarred teen who is also powerless they find out later when his staff is no longer working. Things are pretty intense. Camila of course being the bridge between them since she just see Hunter as a clearly abused teenager who’s also done wrong. (I really like this idea, I wish we saw more of the hexsquad being hostile with a Hunter they barely know.) (this gives me a dog left behind vibes)
3. No possession , Belos dies and stays dead.
Other alternative versions
1. Hunter doesn’t teleport to the portal room which results in the collector being let out a different way, many probably die due to it taking longer
2. Belos takes Hunter with him to the Human realm
3.. The rebellion decide to deal with the golden guard ahead of time so he gets kidnapped, (insert found family thing, or really intense whump) (fun idea to explore)
4. Hollow mind does happen somehow which leads to the events being similar in canon and Hunter bonding with flapjack later. (Closer to canon story )
5. Darius, Raine and Eberwolf decide to fight the Golden Guard instead of running away, (not a pretty sight )
6. The Golden guard gets defeated during labyrinth Runners, it’s revealed that he’s a powerless witch and is also a beat up teenager. (Angsty wowie) this pretty much Hunter being captured by a bunch of teenagers (many who he forcefully gave sigils to)and teacher. (This idea seems the most fun to explore to me)
7. Flapjack dies in hunting palismen cause he gets given to Belos , so no flapjack :(
8. Hunter going more rogue, being more like an Azula then Zuko. Like more murder n stuff. (Pretty OOC but another idea I want to explore)
Yeah, just a some fun idea I wanted to write, I think of scenarios with Hunter not meeting the hexsquad like in canon a lot so I wanted to write down what I think would happen plus some extra ideas.
Also I love seeing my boy get hurt. Why do we do this to our faves lol. I don’t have the motivation to write an actual fanfic of this so here just the gist of it. I might write oneshots based on it though. We’ll see.
I also wrote this earlier but the original draft got deleted :’)
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kingarubin · 1 year
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I was thinking about Collector and remembered that episode from season one. It's similar but at the same quite different to what Collector is going through.
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Both King and Collector just want to spend time playing with their best friend, but things seem to never go they way. They are trying to have fun and it doesn't work.
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And even when they all are together they feel like they don't belong with the rest. The others seem to have so much fun together while they are being left out.
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Also, in both cases a villain took notice of their insecurites and use them to manipulate them.
But despite all these similarities there are major differences between those situations. And the most important one is the motivation behind King and Collector's actions.
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The problem that King was dealing with was that he wasn't anymore Luz's only friend on the Boiling Isles. At first it was just the three of them (with Eda being Luz's mentor, not equal) and now she was meeting more and more new people. King never had any close friends besides Luz so seeing her have less and less time for him was really difficult. King was scared of losing Luz to others.
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King was jealous of Willow and Gus. That resulted in him wanting to separate them from Luz so that she could spend all her time with him. He wanted to have her all for himself.
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That desire manifested in him being desparate to obtain friendship braceletes for them. He needed to have a proof that he is the most important person to Luz, that they really are best friends.
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But in the end the end King learned that it's okay that Luz has other friends. This was represented in frienship braceletes spiliting into four parts. Because you don't have to have one friend, you can have three or more. They all can be friends with each other.
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Meanwhile Collector's problem was that they never really had any friends. Archivists, Belos and even King just wanted to use them. Titans who were kind to him were gone. He never had a chance to learn how to play and be a good friend.
And from what we know it's safe to assume that their way of "playing" by turning people into puppets is something that they were taught by the Archivists.
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Collector was jealous of Luz because she had exactly what they wanted. She came to the Boiling Isles and managed to gain trust and friendship of a lot of people. Collector had no idea how to do that.
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And there was also her relationship with King. King was Collector's best friend, but Collector wasn't King's best friend. King didn't have any close friends before Luz came but Collector had no one (King at least had Eda). King was not only the most important person in their life, he was the only one they had. But Collector wasn't even close to being as important to King as he was to them.
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But unlike King, Collector was never trying to keep King for himself. He doesn't even seem to be a person who would get jealous easily. They released Lilith from the spell and they didn't want to turn Eda into a puppet, instead wanting to convince her to join the game. He wasn't trying to separate King from the others. Because in the end they just wanted to be everyone's friend. They just didn't know how.
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Both King and Collector know what it's like to feel unwanted and alone. They both know the feeling of wanting to spend time with a person that they consider to be their best friend, yet having trouble doing that. And they both know what it's like to feel unimportant to the person that is important to them. Although the circumstances and problems they were facing were quite different.
It turned out to be much bigger analysis that I expected, haha. At first I wanted to just point out similarities that I noticed (since King and Collector are very similar), but then I thought that if I'm comparing those episodes I can also take some time to look at the differences between them. So that would be it. Thank you for reading my thoughts!
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rex-shadao · 1 year
The Lonely End of Belos
Or why Hunter, Caleb, Evelyn, Lilith, Collector, or anyone that Belos personally wronged didn't get to be the witness to his demise.
I admit, I was a bit unsatisfied with Belos' demise. After all the build up with Caleb hallucinations and Grimwalker bones, I thought he would fall into the graveyard pit, see the ghosts, and realizing all too late it's his fault before he melts into a pile of bones.
Prior to that, before Thanks to Them, I speculated on Belos' fate would be him being hunted down by an angry mob of humans led by Jacob Hopkins believing him to be some kind of cryptid monster either threatening the town... or offer a rare opportunity to get rich on the news. And then he falls apart like an animal.
And when Watching and Dreaming trailer hinted at Belos possessing the Titan, I wondered how they were going to defeat Belos without resorting to revenge or poetic irony (since Belos is this big final boss that the heroes would blow up like with the core). I thought perhaps they would turn Belos into a Palisman tree and make him give back all the Palisman he devoured in a twisted form of redemption. Perhaps they'll remind him of his past and start a mental collapse that causes him to lose control of the Titan as he sees images of Caleb. I was pretty sure Caleb would show up just before Belos dies, giving him the realization that he's damned.
But his actual demise... feels empty. He did fall apart as I expected and there's sense of loneliness in his demise, but... no Caleb. No Evelyn. Nothing hinting to his past. Heck, I don't think the name Philip is even brought up once. It feels like we've been cheated out of a cathartic demise, and I spent the hours since the special aired trying to make sense of this choice and why. Why is there no Wittebane lore.
And ultimately, I make this conclusion:
Belos refused to open up about his past. It's quite telling the Collector spilled everything of his Freudian Excuse from being bullied by the Archivists to being wrongfully imprisoned by King's Dad to his desire for friends and being accepted. Him opening up communications of his insecurities allowed Luz, Eda, and King to empathize and help him. To teach him kindness and forgiveness. To teach him the value of life through death. And through their teachings does the Collector become better and ultimately redeemed.
But Belos? We know he had a traumatic past and a lot of insecurities with his brother. We know he's a lot like Luz and the Collector when he was a child. But unlike them, he never opened up about his insecurities. He forcibly molds them into abstract ideas and rules. For the greater good of humanity. For the good of your souls. He always tries to make it non personal, thinking it makes him selfless and pure.
But what he ends up creating is a caricature of himself. A shallow representation of his former human life. The Hollow Mind portraits released this week on Twitter shows tragedy with the happy memories being free of scratches and burns. Those were the original looks. But in the actual episodes, even the happy memories were scarred and burned. As Understanding Willow reveals, if you burn the memory pictures, you essentially erase them from existence. This means that Belos barely remembers his past. Now that I think about it, Belos never actually used the word brother at any point. Just an old friend. At first, I thought he was trying to avoid triggering trauma memories regarding Caleb's murder, but now I wonder... did he actually forget Caleb was his brother?
Because if he did, then it explains why he never seem to make the connection that Eda and Lilith may in fact be the descendants of Evelyn and Caleb. He only remembers Evelyn's first name but can't remember her face or anything that would link her to the Clawthrones.
And then it hits me. Despite being the big main antagonist of the series... Belos has only one personal connection to our main trio: Luz the Human. Eda, he dismisses her as an Owl Lady outlaw who isn't important in the grand scheme of thing. And King, he thinks it's a weird dog demon, not a baby Titan. But Luz, he's obsessed with because A) she would help him learn the Light Glyph and find the Collector and B) she's the first human he has seen in centuries.
Thus, it is Luz that Belos focuses on the most. It's Luz that Belos wants to form an actual connection since Caleb's death. And when you think about those witnessed Belos' demise... Luz is the only one that Belos has any genuine interactions with. Eda, King, and Raine... they were all background pawns or obstacles, not even worth specializing personal grudges towards like he would with Lilith, Hunter, Evelyn, or even Caleb.
So in spirit, Luz is the last lifeline for redemption and forgiveness. And Belos blew it. He was so obessed with Luz due to her human status but he never gave anything about his past to her (Luz only got Belos' backstory from Masha). He assumes that being human alone is sufficient enough for speaking terms. And he choose the best looking human look for her: A non-broken nose Philip Wittebane. Just as how she saw him in Elsewhere and Elsewhen. The ideal adventurer and hero of the 17th century. He evidently forgot that this bearded Phillip destroyed Luz's respect for him. This Philip lied to her and betrayed her and Lilith. This Philip was not the hero Luz envisioned. After all, the Philip she idolized in the diaries was clean shaven. He could have chosen that form... if he actually remembers that.
And then he sloppily try to make himself sound like he's freed from a curse, sloppily using the term dark magic instead of wild magic, and taking great pains to even say that he did horrible things, even under the excuse of a curse. He has no idea on how to make himself relatable when it's all there within him deep down. He just uses the surface-deep level of relatability and Luz doesn't buy it. And the boiling rain melts away that skin deep humanity, revealing a rotting ghoul barely clinging onto life, screaming of how witches are evil and unforgivable as he crawls to Luz. Notably, he still doesn't give a reason as to why he thinks they're all evil. We all know what it likely is, but Belos never confirms it to Luz.
Belos is virtually on autopilot, repeating the mantra of humans are superior and witches are evil. He never speaks about how Caleb was "stolen" from him by a witch. He never speaks about how Gravesfield taught that witches are evil. His memories almost completely erased by his self-inflicted denial, all he can think of is wiping out witches and saving humanity. A caricature of his former self.
And by failing to swayed Luz, he's completely alone. There is no Caleb now. No Evelyn. No Hunter. No Lilith. No Grimwalkers. No Flapjack. Just Luz whose connection he tries to forge is now a shallow parody because of how much he doesn't understand her at all. But she wouldn't kill him since that would give him a known company at his last moment. Instead he meets his end by those that he doesn't even see as personally important beyond pawns. Though they have a lot of personal grudges against the former Emperor and tyrant, Belos only sees strangers at the end of in his long life.
Philip Wittebane is nothing more than a faded memory of a bygone era. He died with his brother Caleb, regulated to just folklore ghost stories told in Halloween of Gravesfield. To some, they may never really exist in the first place since 1613 is a very long time.
The creature that resembles Philip is just Belos and he is little more but a parody of a man, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
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mdhwrites · 8 months
The Collector Isn't a Baby. He's a Monster.
In terms of villains for TOH, The Collector dehumanizes and takes away more agency from more people, and instills more widespread, constant fear in the populace, than Belos EVER did. Heck, probably soft killed WAY more people too with his puppets too if not for the fact that Belos has been doing it longer. This is just a fact of the character.
And this isn't "Oh, that was while he was with the archivists." No. It's not. It's in For the Future. Really bluntly too for that matter. He has literal, unmanned drones hunting for people to turn into puppets for his own amusement. It's the only way that Hexside doesn't come across as brain dead is that some of the kids saw what the stars did, people tried to defend the school when they showed up and then the stars did what they do: Turn people into puppet and abduct them.
And then, MONTHS later, they are STILL doing that. As far as that implies, the Collector genuinely won't be done with soft killing people until he has EVERYONE on the Isles. Which then makes who he lets live make no sense, especially since the stars turn people into puppets the second aggression is shown. Why/how did Terra, who has no filter, ever, survive for so long? Because it was up to the Collector? Because he apparently doesn't have actually enough control over the puppets to make them pretend to be Eda well enough? That's still dehumanizing her as her and Odalia are only allowed to be people because they satisfy his desires better that way.
Meanwhile, Hexside has guard shifts. That implies that they think the Collector will actually attack them and has potentially done so in the past. That they need to fend off assault. We have no idea who the Collector's minions are because we never see them but this is still a group of KIDS, terrified for their life and having to literally work around the clock for survival.
None of which, Belos caused, either through the Collector or before. The VAST majority of people on the Isles were genuinely happier with Belos. Hell, Belos never targeted kids. You could be under his regime and in school and you did not require a coven sigil. The fucker didn't even have a plan for them as during the Day of Unity, he was preparing to leave without even checking his work. Worse yet is that a wild witch of at least close to Eda's same age faced no consequences when she finally turned herself in and took the sigil. That's the extent of how non-existent Belos' fear and dehumanization was. It's effectively a volunteer system so long as you aren't loud about how you break the law.
And yes, you can claim parallels to LGBTQIA+ people, especially in places where being gay is illegal and punishable by death but... Then the Collector just tries to wipe them all out. The only people he seems to have no interest in collecting are... Eda. He might spare Lilith again but I'm pretty sure she gets turned into a puppet again as well so it's literally just Eda and only because Eda matters THAT MUCH to King.
Which cute... But it doesn't excuse him. Doesn't excuse that he explicitly knew that Belos' plan would kill people and knew that for CENTURIES. He was excited to play amongst the BONES after all. Hard to deny you know what death is with a statement like that. Especially because Belos wouldn't have sugarcoated it. Their deal would have been to give him a way to murder all the witches and power in return for the Collector's freedom.
In order for the finale to work AT ALL, you have to ignore ALL of this. How the Collector was 100% evil. He might have been scared of being alone and what not but he still did AWFUL things without any prompting. Without any encouragement. Without anything to justify it or even explain why he did all of this besides finding trying to work with people annoying and frustrating. So why not turn them into dolls? Easier for him and more fun too.
The Collector is not an infant. He is not a child. He has lived for THOUSANDS of years. He has killed people. He cares not for the sanctity of life. He never recalled his stars because he doesn't even consider what his actions are doing because he would have to give a single fuck about someone other than himself. He only cares about King because King makes him feel better and even King is TERRIFIED.
But sure: Celebrate when the abuser and killer is redeemed and is best buddies with the person he forced to be his friend for literal months. Who had to sit in fear of saying the wrong thing, something not even Hunter feared with Belos. It's literally the first thing Hunter does the first time the two talk while King is constantly terrified anytime he has to ask for even the slightest concession.
And then he's used to criticize how SU redeemed tyrants and killers, thousands of years old, with just a speech about friendship. I'm sorry, I don't feel like that quite holds water, do you?
Anyone who wants to debate on me saying The Collector soft kills people, really think about what being a puppet means. You have no autonomy. You can do nothing. You are literally trapped in a body with your consciousness apparently intact but unable to stop anything that is done to you with no reason to believe you'll ever be freed. Frankly, that to me seems like a fate worse than death.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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pizzaboat · 4 months
Audhd Eda headcanons/old and young Eda headcanons no one asked for, but they also wouldn't turn down (they're mostly young Eda headcanons)
Eda struggled to make and keep friends growing up because she'd miss the vibe of the room and not adjust herself to the social rules within that situation. Like, at the nerd convention, she put herself out there, but she missed the mark trying to make an impression on people, so she only left a bad impression on them
She often had that really lonely feeling in school when everyone would be standing together, and yet she would be on her own. Even people who knew her and sorta talked to her, wouldn't approach her, so she'd stand there awkwardly and try not to feel embarrassed if Lilith wasn't there with her
Eda would prefer waterboarding to being made sit down, stay still and shut up for anything longer than 20 minutes. 20 minutes is pushing it. She could never do it. She has to say something
Eda collected shiny things as a kid. If someone had a shiny pen or sparkling marker and they left it down and didn't come back for it, it was her marker/pen now. The OB isn't the only one who likes sparkles
She was obsessed with her mom's jewelry collection for the same reason as a kid
Eda would fake being sick when Lilith was sick when they were growing up, so she wouldn't have to deal with going to school alone and dealing the all the RSD feelings for 2-3 days afterwards, that come from no one talking to her
She was actually a decent, if not loud, and mildly disruptive kid at first. But she was approached with bad faith by teachers and Faust specifically, and Eda became a target for teachers to pick on
Because of this, she grew up to distrust authority and teachers, and she made sure to get them before they could get her. If a teacher was a jerk or she didn't like them, they'd end up on the receiving end of one of her pranks
Because of her ADHD she has poor emotional regulation and feels things very deeply, so when someone was picking on her or Lilith, she'd get mad and punch them. To her, it was the best way to make sure people left her alone since the teachers wouldn't do anything about it (since they didn't like her)
A lot of Eda's "fights" got started because of this
Eda was shown being defensive/distressed when Faust told her one of her "pranks" was poorly received (the jello incident) "it was his birthday! He liked it!"
She often did big extreme things to try and make friends, and it often didn't amount to much and just made her look bad to everyone around her. She didn't know what was an appropriate behaviour was when making friends
Eda didn't get why when someone said they liked something (like magic, boiling Isles' version of cryptids, sports), they also didn't wanna talk about it 24/7. To her, her favourite things made her so happy she could talk all day about it
People labelled her as weird, nerdy, and rude because of it
Her special interests were and are magic, sports, and in the past, it was things like the cryptid shit before she outgrew it
Eda had a bunch of hyperfixations and it made her pick up and start a great number of hobbies and skills, and now she only remembers how to do 30-40% of those things as an adult
She stopped having energy for hyperfixations when the curse got really bad for her body, and her depression got even worse
For two whole years, she wasn't allowed to join the same grudgby team as Lilith because it was for older kids, and she was just "a baby," according to the coach at the time. To be fair, you had to be 13 to join that age bracket
Eda got fed up halfway through and forced her way onto the team because she loved playing grudgby and she had no one else to play with except for younger kids and she thought she was too good for that at this point
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seyfertgalaxy · 1 year
Collector rant again :p except im sleep deprived
The fact that the collector knows the draining spell would kill people is so,, out there. but its also so fucked up because he also believes that people, mortals, are like toys. i think this mindset of his started with Belos. because whenever the archivists took the baby titans from collector all those years ago, i dont doubt he tried to get them back since he did that with Luz as well. so he knows, to a degree, that you cant just snap your fingers and have everything be all rainbowy and cheery again.
but then, he met philip. and philip likely explained everything to the collector in order to get what he wanted in a more efficient way. one of those things being grimwalkers! clones.
That's probably when it started. i think after the third or fourth grimwalker, Collector made this connection that mortals are similar to toys you can just break and then "fix." Because it's the same exact person! hey! didn't he just disappear? and now he's back?? good as new? wow!!
and after so many years of this, it's likely ingrained in his mind. he pulls the head off of his doll, and then it's back on. That's his example and his understanding.
He doesn't even see the grimwalkers as people after a while. he calls them "those things" and finds amusement in Belos hurting them and lashing out at them. but at least he has the basic understanding that they're mortals, living beings. and i also think that's why he was so angry with Lilith whenever she called King her nephew. Belos called the grimwalkers his nephews, and then he would hurt them and make them disappear. while, to Collector, he did fix them eventually. It was a cycle. a cycle that he didn't want King to go through because King is the last titan and Collector's "best friend."
and because he couldn't make the other baby titans come back, he probably figured that King was the same way. so he wasn't gonna risk anything with his new friend.
and with mortals, he's shown to be careless and even reckless. in Watching and Dreaming, whenever he's showing Luz, Eda, and King his favorite games, they're all very dangerous. maybe not for him, because he can shift his size and control the games with his power, but to them! to them, its dangerous.
Pacman: he literally "ate" Luz and could have badly injured her.
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Marbles: he was huge and flicking them around! that's harmful. especially whenever King ran underneath Collector's foot to make them fall, that could have ended very differently for King. for example, if the "marble" he was in wasn't very strong, the impact of Collector stepping on it could have busted it open and—you probably get where im going with that.
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jenga: do i even need to explain why this is dangerous? giant blocks. small mortals.
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whenever he figures out that they aren't enjoying his games and they're actually angry with him, because they keep messing them up, he gets upset then gets rid of the games and retreats to go cry alone. its like he didn't even register that these games were hurting them or could even kill them. especially since his intention was to Wow them with these games and be their friend.
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i think they're just "naturally scary." because a few times, their expression and tone is almost contradicting their intentions. for such: asking for grudgy buddies, talking about tag in Kings Tide, and the "Let me show you some of my favorite games" line.
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its a bit of a complicated situation because he needs to be around mortals to improve and grow, but he also doesn't understand anything about them. bit of a personal take here; i didn't like the ending they had for the collector. he'll either be alone, or with some shitty space gods. at least its implied that he visits every so often or holds some contact with King and possibly the others. anyways-
to close this off because i keep getting distracted, he doesn't truly grasp death or the gravity of ANY of his actions. he knows people die, but he also assumes you just fix them and they come back. (that makes me wonder what he thought about the baby titans "disappearing" at first).
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like this scene here: he didn't understand that Luz was dead until later on. whenever he says "she's really gone". he also tells Eda(and King)that he doesn't want anyone else to go missing and that he's sorry for everything. "Missing", not Dead. because he doesn't understand yet.
and he likely still doesn't understand what happened because Luz came back in a completely different form/look, much like how the grimwalkers did. dissappearing but coming back later on with a slightly altered appearance. but i think he has some sort of idea of death still since he couldn't "fix" Luz and was heavily reminding himself of the archivists
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sepublic · 1 year
Philip’s Witches before Wizards
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            Anyone remember these ruins from Witches before Wizards? I think this town was where Caleb and Evelyn originally lived (or frequented, being closer to their home than Bonesborough).
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            After all, we know these ruins are beyond Bonesborough, in a wooded area; As is Caleb and Evelyn’s archway, not too far from the Clawthorne household. During the Coven Day parade, an illusion of Belos is flanked by a cat statue, which we’ve seen only one other time…
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         …As a fake resident of this very town. Which leads me to believe that Adegast didn’t entirely make up the details he was filling in; There might’ve actually been a little cat demon that Philip saw there and remembered. How fitting; Shortly after discovering the Demon Realm, Philip and Luz encounter this town, before entering a secluded area where they make a crucial choice that influences how the rest of their journey goes; Philip decides to double down on his fantasy by sacrificing his own brother to his hero complex, whereas Luz chooses not to succumb to the fantasy.
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         I think Evelyn frequented this community, just as Eda visits Bonesborough frequently in the present day; And when Philip killed Caleb, she might’ve warned the people there of this murderer running around, which contributed to Philip having to skip towns. And the closest place to skedaddle was none other than Bonesborough…!
         Presumably, the Boiling Isles doesn’t have social media at this point, nor a unified government; This would make it easier for Philip to avoid consequences by simply evading the local authorities and settling in a new place, as he explains to Luz. Kind of like the older days, when information didn’t travel as easily, so you didn’t have to worry as much about news of your notoriety following you.
         At which point, Philip must’ve immediately enlisted Blue Fang for his failed expedition to the Titan’s skull, hence why the people of Bonesborough aren’t familiar with him; He’s only just arrived, and hasn’t made himself too acquainted with the local populace just yet. Red Fang and Green Fang hold a grudge over their brother’s death, but don’t seem to be aware Philip was possibly more than just callously careless.
         And we see what a clever, charismatic liar Philip is; So he would’ve brushed over any rumors of misdeeds (painting the gruff Fang brothers as bullies, with himself as a meek victim) and appealed to the rest of Bonesborough, enough for them to accept his diary as a donation to their library. Afterwards, Philip may have left; Either because his victims got together and connected the dots, and/or he had missions elsewhere. Possibly the latter, since Luz doesn’t find any articles indicating Philip was ousted as a pariah, but for all we know Belos erased some history. He might’ve figured out that Luz and Lilith were time travelers during the Deadwardian Era, and set his journal up for them to find as a result.
        But, back to the ruined town; There’s a good chance Philip remembered this place and went back to destroy it as Belos, probably as part of a staged false flag attack. A reminder of the worst day of his life, the realization that the Boiling Isles was NOT the adventure he expected or wanted... The specific place where Caleb was corrupted, where Evelyn regularly visited and lived… And by destroying this place, Philip sets up Adegast to exploit what’s left over, all for Luz to go through the same challenge there as Philip did, and emerge victorious. As for the Clawthornes, they ended up visiting what was the second-closest town, Bonesborough.
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crimeronan · 11 months
Dunno if this counts as horrible things but it sure is a Situation I’ve had in mind for a while but do not have the time or brainpower to do anything with: Post ASITS/Reaching Out but pre-Hollow Mind where Belos somehow gets wind of Hunter having a gigantic crush (probably from Kiki) and confronts him about it with full intent to dispose of another failed Grimwalker but when Belos asks after which witch has stolen his nephews heart Hunter panics not wanting Belos to target Willow and says it’s Luz. She had the Owl Lady and Lilith and The Demonic Bird Tube and she’s already a traitor to the Empire that Belos let’s walk around freely so it’s fine it’s totally fine Belos will just punish him for getting distracted from his duty to the Titan and nobody else has to get hurt. Except the second he says Luz’s name all the menace radiating off Belos that Hunter associates with his curse vanishes completely.
Hunter thinks he fucked up so bad that his Uncle’s so shocked and appalled at him that he can’t even be properly angry so he keeps trying to explain with half truths. Luz was the traveler who picked him out of the wreckage of his ship and they bonded over not having magic and he just keeps going until he says that he believes they can “save her from wild magic,” like Belos saved him. And so whether it’s cause he does want to “save” a human from the Demon Realm and witchcraft or because he thinks Hunter “falling for a human” is a sign that he might have actually gotten Caleb right this time, Belos flips the script and tells Hunter that “Yes, this is your purpose as decreed by the Titan. You are to court and save the Human Girl from the terrors of wild magic by the day of Unity. Nobody has a fun time about this
YELL. THIS IS SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SOS O SOOOOOO GOOD. FIC-WORTHY TBH. i also doubt i have the time to do anything with it ficwise but GOD.
i think hunter would have no fucking idea how to Court Someone and would just be transparently pathetic and weird in ways that like.,... like. luz doesn't even think he's Crushing on her. she's just like hey. dude. are you good?? are you Sick?? what is the deal here
like hunter is not suave or subtle when he's undercover. We Know This. made even more complicated by the fact that luz knows what he's like when he's Not undercover, albeit having met a very different side of him than willow did
i feel like hunter would break pretty fast and fess up about what's going on because he thinks -- based on their prior interactions -- that he can probably get through to luz better if he's honest with her. and he likes having relationships where he can be honest. so he's very earnestly trying to explain that the titan wants her to abandon wild magic and MAYBE come with him back to the castle or whatever and to stop being taken in by eda's wicked ways since she's evil and all that
and luz isn't even upset or put off by the courting thing, like. she's like okay well i'm dating amity but this is probably just how castle politics work, i've read a lot of fantasy YA, i get it, it's whatever. hunter if you think i'm going to leave eda who is my mom and closest friend for your fascist dictator uncle then you are OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND-
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beezzaroll · 4 months
having such a hard time deciding whether Caleb should be killed by the owl beast or the common mold 😭 😭 bro I just want Philip to have trauma
Anyways here's the notes so far:
The Wittebane brothers live in the woods on the outskirts of Bonesborough in a little cabin
Caleb wears old clothes from gravesfield for nostalgia sake
Caleb makes clothes for Philip
Philip doesn't lie to the grimwalkers about their origins. He is bad at names- the first one he made he tried to lie to, but he couldn't handle it. The grimwalkers are created to be witchlings- yes, capable of magic, just very limited- so that they can go into public without a hood. The grimwalkers run errands and sometimes even go to school.
The current grimwalker, Hunter, named himself because he read the word in Caleb's old diary. He thought it was cool and philip didn't have the heart to tell him what it meant.
When Caleb was still alive, he was not careful- running into town, hanging out with Boiling Isles wildlife, or getting himself hurt trying to make his brother clothes.
Philip has fashioned an old hut in the woods into his home. Out of universe, it's like his owl house.
Hunter is in the abomination coven.
Eda is evil...well, kind of.
Philip only made a deal with the collector to help his brother.
The collector got bored of Philip and found Eda. She was much more reckless and willing to set him free - as long as he gave her power over her curse and sister.
Eda doesn't know yet that Lilith cursed her- she keeps her in a stasis mode of being young forever as a way to look down on her
Lilith acts as her bodyguard and student
Eda enforces the coven system - it was collector's idea and she agreed begrudgingly
Canon Luz and Canon Hunter accidentally travel to this warped reality during the events of Hollow Mind: after they land in the real midscape, after the knee memory, but before inner kid belos reveals himself as evil. Like in Canon, Eda, King, and Hooty successfully make the potion to get Luz and Hunter out. Since Eda is proficient in potions, she notices something odd about the potion. According to it, Luz and Hunter are actually close to what's known as a False Memory. However, Eda ignores this as she is just trying to bring Luz back.
The main break from the Canon is that instead of heading into the collector's painting, kid belos leads them into one showing belos sitting beside Caleb in a sick bed. Caleb's eyes are not scratched out.
Canon belos cones through the false memory along with Luz and Hunter. Since he is displaced, he ages rapidly until he is at his 400 year look.
Belos runs away as soon as he realizes he has entered a false memory. He knows the collector and therefore knows the legends of false memories. He accuses Luz for doing this to him but this is before he fully ages so she still sees him as inner kid belos and tries to explain
False Memory: a memory placed in a person's head by a higher power (the collector, probably idk) that does not belong to them in this timeline. It acts a portal of sorts into the reality it depicts. Since it's the collector's magic, only a titan (not glyphs or blood, just a titan itself) can pull someone out of this false memory
Please ask me questions I want to expand this lore
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Post-Series Finale HCs: The Owl House (Spoiler!)
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(From days to weeks) Right after;
—Raine spends time between recovering and pitching ideas to rebuild the Isles, reconnecting with Eda. They find out what music range the Owl Beast spirit cannot handle to avoid making their girlfriend (later wife) go deaf. Happiest they have been in years since the breakup.
—To limited degree, witches can use magic outside their coven sigil now. The sigils cannot completely block other magic-types only just restrict it. Biles sacks are pretty fragile though.
—Several cults/religions tried to start up once people learned King was a living Titan. Eda shut them down before they could get established—the Collector has a few cults too.
—Hooty helps Lilith practice her own Harpy form. Has to catch her several times as the other half of Owl Beast is less sentient(?) than Eda’s own curse. It grows to be a Raven. He finds being in his “Porta-Hooty” mode to be more fun since he can hang out with Lily.
—Alador spends time catching up with his kids. He likes to study how various beasts and animal species are adapting to the raised left arm. (If the Abomination track wasn’t expected of his family, he would have joined the Beast track.)
—Luz does, in fact, keep a portion of her Titan form’s power. Being in direct contact with such immense power has left its mark. She has fangs and magic will spark off her fingers whenever she holds Stringbean. Her shouts are loud!
—The decision to tear down the ruins of Belos’ castle is pretty unanimous. They find several thousands of snails hidden away, remains of the Grimwalkers, and old wild magic texts.
—So much rebuilding to be done. Not just buildings but the entire infrastructure of the Boiling Isles. People outside the main cast wonder what in the realm happened for everything to crazy during the Day of Unity.
—Hunter does some soul-searching in between joint custody of the Nocedas, Clawthornes, Parks, and Darius (plus Eber). There is a lot to unpack in his life after everything that went down. He ponders what being a Grimwwalker means, processes Flapjack’s passing, and what he is going to do going forward. The poor boy is traumatized to high heaven being raised under Belos/child soldier/clone of Caleb Clawthorne.
(Yes. I headcanon that Caleb took Evelyn’s last name or they refer to him by that after finding out what his brother did.)
—Eda jokes about Hunter technically being her and Lillith’s however-many-greats-grandfather.
—Wrath has to go through a redemption arc. Seriously! He sees how much Braxas missed him and begrudgingly accepts that the coven system was wrong. It takes a few years though.
—The Collector does not go straight back to the siblings who left him alone. This idea is argued for by the main cast who want them to spend time being a kid. King begs him to stay.
(I do not know how to write pronouns for a person who has He/him and They/them).
—On a side note, everyone who was ever mean to King is now genuinely terrified of him. :)
—People wonder why the Titan’s left arm is stretched out toward the sky. Even Luz does...
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Four Years Later;
—The concept of carving a palistrum egg has boomed in popularity. Stringbean inspired many people to respect Palismen as individuals.
—Cultural trade between the Boiling Isles and Earth is still tentative. Unfortunately, Andrias’ invasion made humans wary of other realms. (We know ToH and Amphibia share a universe due to easter eggs. Might as well capitalize~)
—Gus secretly eats movie DVDs. He knows that they are supposed to be watched but they taste good. He will eat some on his lunch breaks.
—A president/representative has been put in charge of the Boiling Isles. Democracy is still new so there are a few kinks to work out. Each town has a few spokespeople for them to really give everyone a voice in how things are run.
—Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter, Eda, King, Lillith, Raine, and the others are still the main celebrities on the island. Their popularity has finally died down from fan-worship levels much to their relief (Raine, Hunter, & King mainly).
—King keeps discovering glyph types outside his parent/father’s elemental ones. The combo testing can get a little crazy since this is his new magic language! He is really excited to learn it.
—Funnily enough, future students of Eda’s have visited using the time pools. They never say anything too revealing about the future but the subtle picture they paint is chaotic.
—The Basilisks help the Unversity of Wild Magic keep from burning down/freezing/exploding/imploding/getting damaged by wild studies.
—Willow acts as a motivational speaker for young witches and demons in the Flyer Derby off-season. The still-new freedom of magic can be overwhelming in sheer choices to the kids.
—Camila can only handle a certain amount of the Boiling Isles’ otherness. She loves that her first kid found such an accepting second home, really she does! But it is still a lot to take in...
—The Collector took care of the Titantrappers years ago. Only the youngest members are more open to interacting with King.
—Eda still finds it ironic she became a teacher.
—Amity spends her days exploring the world, though she is always a call away from Luz and her friends. She did not expect to fall in love with exploring different Titan-civilizations.
—Viney has interned under Camila to learn about Earth animals. The difference in biology between the two realms plays a part in how she judges treating pets at her mythical pet clinic. Some species react adversely to magic being used on them which she learns cause of it.
—Hunter gives each past Golden Guard a name based on what little he could find about their personalities. He still sees their ghosts but in a “guardian angel” way. Is for sure dating Willow.
...It. It took a while for him to carve Waffles.
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iamchaos1234 · 6 months
[spoilers for all of The Owl House]
Short version: I love found family
Long version:
Eda, King, and Luz. The original three. One a witch, one a titan, one a human. Maybe King and Eda have always been close, since Eda found him on that island. But the progression of the three's bond throughout the series made me cry when I thought about it. It starts out as Luz just being a random human, a pawn they use to get back King's crown. Then Luz decided to stay, and it's quite clear Eda doesn't really care at the start. You can see how she clearly ignores Luz's wishes. But you see as season 1 goes on, Eda starts caring for her wellbeing and starts actually bonding and caring for Luz. But you really only see the full extent of Eda's newfound care for Luz in Agony of a Witch. Eda goes to save /her/ human from Lilith, despite knowing the dangers, despite knowing it was a trap, despite knowing her curse is getting worse and worse. And as her curse takes over, she thanks Luz. For being in her life. Luz fights ferociously to save Eda, stopping at nothing to save her Boiling Isles mom. Season 2, episode 1 Eda states that she uses the money they have to get special food for Luz instead of her apple blood, which she is shown to stop at nothing to get. You see the three's bond grow so much in season 2. Luz helps King through his identity crisis, and tries her very best to help him figure out who he truly is. At the end of season 2 Eda's concern for her two children is so great, she just wants them to be safe. They shouldn't have to go through this, since they are just children. But Luz is so desperate to help, to fix her mistake, to redeem herself for her part in this horror. In Clouds on the Horizon you can see Luz's concern for Eda and her plan. Both King and Luz are terrified, because Eda talks like she may never come back. After the Day of Unity when the Collector is taking King you can see just how desperate Luz is to save her found family, her brother and her mom, she wants so badly to save them, just to make sure they are okay. You can see how emotional both are, King thanking Luz, then for her wellbeing shoving her through the portal. Throughout Thanks to Them you can see all of that sadness and want and guilt well up in Luz, not even knowing if her owl mom and little brother are alright. Then, there is Watching and Dreaming. When they all reunite, they are so happy, just so thankful to see the others okay. Then there is the battle with Belos. Eda and King can only watch, as Luz saves the Collector from Belos. Which kills her, and she can't even get the words to tell them as she fades away. In the in-between realm, her inner thoughts say she should have thanked them. Just as they had to her. The absolute fury and anger from Eda and King is insurmountable. They went from a ragtag group, to a family. A true family. Their anger is so great they shift to forms we never have seen or see again, only showing themselves in their absolute despair over Luz's death. When Luz is revived their extreme joy and relief is so great, and it shows.
A witch, a titan, and a human. A mother, a son, and a daughter
Titan I love found family 😭 don't even get me STARTED on Hunter-
This has been a Chaos rant, thanks for reading ;)
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