#Eddie and Steve are literally so stressed about the whole thing
wormdebut · 1 year
Something something AU where Steve has pretty much almost the same Upside Down squad in Hawkins but Eddie Munson lives in Tennessee with his Uncle Wayne and his band Corroded Coffin, the neighborhood girl Max whose brother died in a freak car accident last year (RIP in pieces asshole), and his best friend Cheerleader and southern belle Chrissy Cunningham.
Turns out the upside down isn’t only thriving in Hawkins Indiana but also in Robinson Tennessee.
Cut to a few years after Eddie and his squad fucked with the Upside Down in Robinson for the last time. Chrissy and Eddie relocate to Chicago for Eddie to do a tattoo apprenticeship.
At this apprenticeship he is so blessed (Shout out to you, Satan) to be tattooing a very very very hot man who has…almost the same scars that Eddie does?
Eddie tries to telepathically communicate with this hot ass motherfucker, but That’s Max’s gig…not his.
Thus ensues a comedy of errors of Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson trying to tell each other without telling each other that they know exactly what the other went through, but Those Pesky NDAs.
Cut to Robin Buckley and Chrissy Cunningham in the Corner who had ultimately met because their platonic soulmates are so gone on each other.
Chrissy: “Why don’t they just ask each other about it like we did?”
Robin: “Neither of our dingi are very smart. I’m enjoying this.”
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loveinhawkins · 5 months
for the one word ficlet prompt thing!!
I'd love to see something steddie with the word "sun". not picky about how you use it and im good with whatever season you'd like! 💕🌻💘☀️
pre season 3 crossing paths in high school, my beloved ☀️💕 ao3
There’s a blind spot just on the outskirts of the school grounds, before you get to the woods: a little hill that if you sit at just the right angle, back pressed up against the grass, no-one can see you. Eddie goes there whenever he needs some peace—like now, reading alone during lunch. He can still hear the distant laughter of students floating along on the breeze, but it’s far enough away that it doesn’t intrude as he reads.
The air smells like summer’s approaching. His fingers skim through drying blades of grass; they feel almost as delicate as pressed flowers.
Despite the calm solitude, the words aren’t going in—and he knows that with the right teacher, he kinda gets Tennessee Williams, but Mr Hauser’s gone, and he was the only one who allowed Eddie free reign to go wild when reading aloud in class, every other sub since then would say he was being disruptive and… okay, that was true some of the time, but most of the time it was because it helped, damn it, gave him at least some hope of scraping a pass—
A shadow falls across Eddie’s page—it doesn’t loom in the way a teacher’s stance would, but he still jumps at the suddenness of it.
Eddie tips his head back against the hill, cranes his neck to look upside down. Squints against the sun.
It’s Steve Harrington, and he must have gym straight after lunch because he’s already changed into a T-shirt and shorts, which is an odd decision in Eddie’s opinion as a perpetual gym-ditcher, but whatever, it’s a free country… and it’s not exactly like the guy’s an eyesore.
”You trying to give me a heart attack, Harrington?”
“No,” Steve says shortly; he looks a mixture of embarrassed and… annoyed? Which would be a new personal best for Eddie, considering he’s done nothing to piss him off save for just sitting on the ground. “I didn’t know you were here, dude.”
“Yeah, that’s kinda the idea,” Eddie waves his hands in explanation, “welcome to my hiding spot.”
Steve scoffs. “Not much of a hiding spot if I found it.”
It comes out a little petty, sure, but nothing major, Eddie thinks; it’s not like Steve’s picking a fight.
“What’s up with you, man?” he asks lightly.
It’s something he’s pondered more than once over the last couple of years, in between the stress of failed tests and the same platitudes in school reports: Eddie must apply himself next year; Eddie must try harder; Eddie must…
In the background of it all was the enigma that was Steve Harrington. Eddie had found that you couldn’t not look at him, his eyes drawn to even the most fleeting impressions: walking past the lockers or driving in and out of the school parking lot. Seasons changed—whole damn years changed—and still the question remained: just what on earth is up with Steve Harrington these days?
At least now, asking the question is profoundly less upsetting than it had been last fall, when Eddie silently tracked the progression of bruises healing across Steve’s face—along with Billy Hargrove’s intimidating stare.
“Nothing, I’m just…” Steve sighs. “Didn’t wanna spend forever in the cafeteria when it’s so nice out, but… Honestly?”
“Nah, I’d prefer you lie to me,” Eddie says deadpan, and Steve snorts before sighing again; Eddie almost asks him to read some Tennessee Williams out loud, ‘cause he’s surprisingly got the dramatics for it.
Steve flops down onto the grass, lies right on his back with no concern for his precious hair. “I’m so damn bored, Munson.”
“Gosh, my heart bleeds,” Eddie says. “Puh-lease tell me how hard it is to have passed everything and literally not have a care in the world?”
Steve blinks up at him, frowning. “Shit, are you repeating again?”
He sounds earnest, and there’s something in his phrasing that means Eddie isn’t nearly as defensive as normal—maybe because it’s about repeating again rather than failing.
Eddie lifts up the script in demonstration. “Not exactly reading this for fun, dude.”
“God, I’d take that over gym right now.”
“Okay, you’re bullshitting me. You love gym, Harrington. You, like,” Eddie gestures at Steve’s get-up, “actually make an effort and everything.”
“Not when the semester’s almost over, man. We don’t even have a cover right now, so we’re just left to, like, do whatever, who gives a shit. I’m bored outta my mind.”
“Tragic,” Eddie says—gym without a teacher sounds like a dream; he’d literally just leave. “I’m weeping for you.”
Steve rolls his eyes. But it doesn’t feel like a dismissal, even when he doesn’t reply and just lies back in the grass with another sigh.
So… Eddie mulls it over. What the hell, Steve’s graduating; it’s not like they’ll cross paths after that.
“Bet you can’t run to the woods and back before the bell rings.”
Steve sits up, a gleam of interest in his eyes. He checks his watch. “The bell’s gonna ring in, like, two minutes, Munson.”
“Oh, sorry, I thought you were so bored. Well, if you’re not up to the challenge—”
“No, no,” Steve says, standing up. “I didn’t say that.” He actually gets into position like he’s on the running track, looks at Eddie expectantly.
Eddie covers his bemusement with theatrics; he mimes firing a starting pistol.
And… shit, Steve Harrington can run.
Objectively, it’s not like it’s a surprise; he wasn’t exactly bringing up the rear in the swim and basketball teams. Still, it’s one thing knowing it, another to see it up close like this.
Eddie puts his book back in his bag, watching as Steve disappears from view. Reluctantly, he edges away from the hill—if he doesn’t, he’ll risk being late for class again by the time he walks over, and… He thinks of ‘86, what has to be his third time lucky. Start as you mean to go on, and all that.
Eddie turns back to look. Sure enough, Steve comes sprinting out of the woods, racing up to the hill right as the bell rings.
“Still counts, Munson!” he calls, a little breathless.
And Eddie knows that he’s not really solved the mystery of what’s going on with Steve Harrington.
What he does know is that Steve is smiling as he raises a fist in victory, the sun turning his hair golden for just a moment; he looks utterly free—as he should be, graduation’s right around the corner.
And Eddie can’t begrudge him that.
”Inspirational,” he shouts, cupping a hand around his mouth as he walks backwards. “I’ll get John Hughes on the phone, stat.”
The bell stops. Eddie turns around before he can trip on his own feet.
He’s getting closer to the school building now, can feel the change in the air, cliques unwillingly disbanding as teachers move them on.
But as he heads to class, Eddie faintly hears evidence that the moment hasn’t been broken entirely: Steve Harrington’s laughter, drifting across on the wind.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Smutty request here....massage therapist(s) Eddie and/or Steve 🥴
Got me feeling all the things
Happy Ending (Steddie X You)
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A/N: So this intimidated me a bit because I don't a whole lot about massages and that field. But I ran with what I know and put a spin on it. I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Masseuses Steddie and you and all that implies (I regret nothing), mentions of stress from the read and a broken heart, she is aware that they provide more than just massages, DP (I said what I said), they are gentle with her for the most part but their is slight allusions to Dom/Sub dynamics (spanking, some bratty behavior, and stern tones), I think that's it.
Word Count: 6244
“Trust me, Y/N, these two will change your life.”
“They’re masseuses. It’s a massage, Deb.”
“Yes and no.” You stare at your friend as you sarcastically blink in her direction making her laugh so hard she almost spits out her drink. “Yes, they massage your body but they also do…other things…to help you relax.”
“Nope. No thank you. I’m good.”
“Y/N! Wait, come on.” She reaches for you hand as you start to get up from the lunch table you two were eating at. “Listen… you remember how hard things were for me a few months ago? I was working 80-hour weeks trying to get that promotion, my mom was scolding me because I’m still not married, and then add in being broke as hell.” Your friend sighed as you placed your palm over her hand.  
“Someone suggested them and I thought ‘Hey, what do I have to lose?’ When I met them, they were so kind and gentle. I swear for a second, I forgot I was even worried about anything. And that was before the…ahem…happy ending.” You blush as you both giggle. Debbie suddenly leans in closer to you, lowering her voice. 
“They both do the massaging part but you can decide who makes your ending a happy one. Personally, I chose the tall, pretty one. Not that the other one wasn’t cute…he’s just not my type, you know?”
“You can only have one?”
Your friend gasps as she playfully hits your arm. “You whore!”
“What?! I’m just asking! More so out of curiosity.”, you shrug. “I guess not everyone is into that kind of…kink but…I mean if you’re hiring them knowing what they do…wouldn’t you want to take the opportunity?”
“Goddamn, I will never understand why Tony cheated on you.” Your eyes meet hers as she softly smiles. “You’re sweet, funny, fucking gorgeous, and apparently really open minded when it comes to ménage à trois.”
You return her smile with one of your own as you lean back in your chair. “Yeah, well, if you ever find that out will you let me know?”
You sigh as you enter your big, empty apartment. Tony, your ex-fiancé, was supposed to come by while you were out today with your friend to get the last of his things. Now half of your home was quite literally gone. 
As you hugged your arms around yourself you noticed a note on the kitchen counter. 
I think I got everything but if I forgot something can you save it and let me know? 
This was incredibly hard for me. I love you so much, baby. Can’t we just—”
You crumple the letter without bothering to read the rest. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. You heard it all before you caught him with her that night and after you threw him out.
After grabbing a beer from the fridge, you held the card Debbie gave you for the masseuses, tracing your fingers over the number.
“Ugh! Fuck it.”, you exhale as you reach for the phone.
It rings a few times but right as you begin to rethink what you’re doing; music suddenly blares through the line. 
“Yeah! Hello?”
“Um, hi. I’m looking for the Munson-Harrington massage people…thing.”
The man on the other end chuckles as he lowers the heavy metal in the background. 
“I don’t think I’ve heard us called that before. Massage people thing… Yeah, you got one of them here. How can I help you, sweetheart?”
“I, um, my friend recommended I utilize your services.”
“Do you always talk this dirty or are we special?”
“I don’t know. Are you always this much of asshole or am I just that special.”, you growl.
The music on the other end abruptly stops and you hear movement on the other end. 
“You sound like your absolutely special. Are you a little nervous?”
You sigh as you lean against the kitchen the wall. “Yeah. I’ve never done anything like this before. Not even regular…massages. Deb, my friend, said you guys changed her life. My life kind of sucks right now.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. You don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to and you definitely don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. My friend and I just want to help you relax. Pretty sounding girl like you deserves a clear head.”
“Hm. I bet you say that to everyone who calls.”
“You’re right. I did tell the telemarketer before you that he sounded gorgeous.”
That made you genuinely laugh. “What’s your name?”
“Eddie. I’m the Munson in the name. What’s yours?”
“Y/N.” You slide down to the floor as you take another swig of the drink in your hand. “Is the Harrington part of your company there?”
“Yes ma’am, he is. Would you like to say hello?”
“If that’s ok. I don���t want to impose or anything.”
“HARRINGTON! There’s a pretty girl on the phone who would like to speak with you.”
You listen to Eddie pass the phone as he tells the other boy your name. 
“Y/N? Hey, I’m Steve. I heard you wanted to talk to me.”
“Are you an asshole like your friend?”
“I can be when I need to. Eddie! What did you do to this girl?”
“Nothing! She started it by calling and being adorable.”
“Oh my god.”, you giggle. “You guys are good.”
“And we haven’t even touched you yet.” Your breathing stuttered at his comment. He said it with so much confidence as if he already knew his hands (and services) would blow you away. “Are you still with me, honey?”
“Yeah, um, Eddie said that…we could go slow and if I didn’t want…the…”
“He’s right. We want you to be comfortable. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, Y/N. If you just want a massage that’s fine. If you just want to talk that’s fine to.”
You exhale heavily into the phone before finally making up your mind. 
“Okay. I’m free on Friday.”
“Shit, shit, shit!” You continue to curse as you run down your apartment building hallway. “I am so sorry I’m late! Work kept me late and—”
You froze you saw them sitting outside your door, quickly rising when your eyes meet theirs. 
“Hey, no problem.” One of the boy’s grins as he extends his hand for you to shake. “I’m Steve. This is Eddie.”
“The asshole.”, he teases as his gigantic palm encapsulates your own. 
You couldn’t take your eyes off them; they weren’t what you were expecting at all. You assumed Steve was the “tall, pretty one” your friend had mentioned but to you they were both handsome. Eddie had that kind of metalhead look you’d seen walking the streets of your town with his leather jacket and long hair. His Metallica shirt rested perfectly above his belt that was holding up his blue jeans. 
Steve looked like the everyday 80’s guy you saw in most romance movies at the theater but his smile radiated a confidence that made you feel safe. His muscle-bound arms in his polo caused a little sigh to escape your lips as your eyes traced the rest of his figure. 
“Do we…have to do a chant or something?”
You glanced at Eddie completely confused until he gestured towards the front door. 
“Oh, fuck, right. I’m sorry. My head is just…” You clumsily turn your key in the lock and allow them entry into your home. 
“Wow. This place is really nice.”
“Uh, thank you. My fiancé, well ex-fiancé, and I wanted a bigger place closer to the city since we both worked over here. Do you…would you guys like something to drink?”
“No, thank you. We appreciate the offer.” Steve smiles in your direction making your knees a bit weak. “You can have something though if you want.”
“Thanks? I mean with it being my apartment and all.”
“Ah, there’s that sass I was waiting for.” Eddie flashes you a tooth filled grin.
After pouring yourself the strongest drink you could find, you watched them set up near your living room. Your eyes continued to rake over them as they exchanged small talk with each other, allowing you some space to get more comfortable with their presence.
The phone ringing startled you as you turned to give it your attention. Before you could pick it up it routed to the voicemail and Tony’s voice flowed through. 
“Y/N? Babe, are you there? Please, I just want to talk.” Your eyes fluttered shut as you listened to his excuses. You hated being alone and this gigantic apartment was just another reminder that he wasn’t by your side anymore. You missed Tony terribly but no one in the world had ever hurt you as badly as he had. “…I swear to God, she meant nothing to me. I’m just a fucking idiot.”
Feeling a sudden warmth, you opened your eyes to meet Eddie’s as he towered over you. You glanced at Steve whose own face reflected the same sympathy as his friend. 
“…I felt so fucking lonely, Y/N. You were always at work and I felt like you never had time for me. Baby, I know what it’s like to sit in that apartment all by yourself, hurting. Please just talk to me—”
“Hey. Just so you’re aware you are a fucking idiot. She’s not sitting here alone crying her eyes out over some asshole who broke her heart. Y/N has moved on and you should to. Stop calling.”
After hanging up the phone, the metalhead turned to face you again. “I hope that was ok.”
Before you could stop yourself, you wrapped your arms around his waist, clinging to him as you sighed into his chest. His arms gradually came down to hold you to him as his cheek rested on your head. 
“Thank you.”
“My pleasure. I’m not going to lie, Stevie, we may want to reconsider taking a payment in a hug because this is quite comfortable.”
They both laugh as you pull away and smile at them. 
“We’re ready whenever you are, honey.”, Steve grins as he points towards their makeshift table.
Your eyes remain glued in front of you as you listen to Eddie move about the apartment. 
“Y/N.”, Steve whispers from behind you as his breath warms your ear. “Remember, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. We can just talk if you want or we can even leave. No hard feelings. We understand how uncomfortable this situation can be especially since you don’t know us but that makes it a little bit freeing to.”
“Can, um, can I ask you for a favor?” You softly smile when you turn to look at him and he nods. “Can you…take off my clothes? I-I-I don’t think I…”, you ask, stuttering through your nerves. 
“Yeah. Yeah, of course I can. Did you want to keep anything on?”
“Is that an option?”, you giggle. 
“Sweetheart, you hold all the power here.” Eddie slides up beside his friend, now jacketless with no shoes. 
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been with anyone let alone naked in front of someone. Tony wasn’t lying about that. I’ve always been busy with work and—”
Steve gently places his index finger over your lips. “Nothing that asshole says matters. I don’t care if you were on the moon, he had no right to cheat on you.” His finger glides down from your mouth to your blouse as he begins undoing the buttons while the other man shifts behind you and unclips your skirt. 
Both garments fall effortlessly to the floor as Steve continues watching your face for any signs of hesitation or discomfort. 
“We’re going to do this one at a time, ok? I’m going to take off your bra and then Eddie’s going to remove your panties.”
Once he gets your approval, he leans over your shoulder and begins unhooking your bra from your body. You don’t know if it’s because he’s being so sweet or if it’s because his strong cologne wafts into your nostrils but something inside of you causes you to turn and softly kiss his cheek. 
Steve pulls back slightly, looking through your eyes till a small smile flickers across his lips. He and his friend had been doing this for a while but not one of them had been as tender at you had just been. He knew there was something different about you when he spoke to you on the phone and he knew Eddie felt it to when the metalhead completely turned off his music to talk to you. 
He hoped he wasn’t misreading things and took a leap of faith as he leaned forward to kiss your forehead before tossing your bra near the rest of your clothes.
Strong hands on your waist turned you so you were now facing Eddie as he sunk down on his heels, dipping his fingers under the waistband of your underwear, and delicately tugged them down your legs. The pads of his digits traced along your skin causing a little shiver to run up your spine. 
“You’re so gorgeous, Y/N.”
“I’m sure you say that to everyone.”
His grin grows as he stands up and looks down at you. “I did have a date with that telemarketer I told you about. Turns out he WAS really good looking.”
Steve smiled behind you when you laughed, gently guiding you towards their table, and helping you up as you lay on your stomach. Folding your arms above you, you rest your head on them like a pillow. The metalhead digs in a bag before kneeling in front of you again till his face was level with your own. 
“Which do you like better?” He holds up bottles to your nose and you point to one that smells like vanilla. 
“What are those?”
“Oil. Steve’s the smell guy and knows how to utilize them better than I do.” He stands up and passes the bottle you chose to his friend. 
“Honey, we’re going to touch you now, alright? It might feel a little weird at first because of the oil but if at any point you get uncomfortable and want to stop or take a break just let us know.”
“Okay.” You close your eyes, unsure of what to prepare for but when a set of hands begins rubbing into you back, you can’t help but let out a soft, low moan. “Shit. I’m—”
“Princess, this is your house. Make all the noise you want to and please don’t be embarrassed.”
“You can also talk to us if you want to. Maybe about things you’re stressed about.”
A second set of hands find your calves and a strong exhale leave your lips. “Honestly, you heard my main bit of stress.”
“Fucker Magee?”, Eddie asks. 
“Yeah.”, you giggle. “Everyone in my life thinks I’m overreacting and I should forgive him.”
“Um, we may not know the whole story but the man you were going to marry cheated on you. I think you’re reacting properly.” Steve’s hands trailed along your spine and back down to your hips. 
“I went to visit him at work and they were fucking in his office. Some pretty, young, big breasted coworker.” 
“What a bitch.” You smiled as Eddie laughed at his own comment, his palms massaging along your thighs and back down to your feet. “For how long?”
“A few months. We…we were supposed to get married next month.”
Fingers came up to firmly knead into your shoulders. “I’m sorry, Y/N.” Steve watched your lips form into a thin line before you pressed your face into your arms. As soon as you felt your emotions were in check, you turned your head back to the side. 
“That feels good actually.”
“Did you think the massage business part was just for show?”, Steve laughed.
“I mean… I don’t know. I don’t want to be rude.”
“Said the girl who called me an asshole.”
“To be fair, you were being one.” It feels almost on purpose when Eddie’s fingers slide up between your thighs just barely near your core before sliding back down your legs.
“You’re not wrong, sweetheart.”
Steve’s own hands glide up your sides, grazing the sides of your breasts before looping back around to your shoulder blades.  
“I hope I’m not being too forward but you have a beautiful body.”
“No, you’re not being too…thank you. Um, you-you can go a little higher if you want.”
“Who are you talking to, honey? Me or Ed?”
“Eddie… You can go higher to. If you want to…”
The hands on your back lifted off you as Steve came around to kneel in front of you on his heels. “How about we take it slow, huh? One thing at a time.” His palm petted your head as he moved the hair back from your face. You let out a little gasp when you felt the metalhead’s fingers slide between your folds. “Are you okay?”
You nodded as you bit your bottom lip, lifting one of your legs up the table to allow him more accesses. This man felt like a master with his fingers as he rubbed circles slowly into your clit.
“Pl-please.”, you whine. 
“Please what, Y/N? What do you need?
“Can…can I turn around? On my back.”
“Of course, pretty girl. Whatever you want.”
They patient waited for you to roll over before Eddie placed his thumb back on your nub. You watched with heavy, lust driven eyes as he stuck two of his fingers into his mouth, coating them with his saliva, and sliding them into your sex. 
“Oh wow, princess. You’re tight.” He exhaled, trying to hide the little moan that wanted to be heard. 
Steve stood back up to his full height, coming around to stand behind your head as he reached down and ran his hands over your tits, massaging them gently but firmly. 
“F-fuck.”, you whimpered. As your back arched, you could help but notice the bulge in his pants. When you tried to touch it with your palm, he jumped back like you startled him. 
“Hey. Um, you…you don’t have to do that, honey. We’re here for you.”
“You don’t want me to feel you?”
Your voice sounded so small; Steve felt his cock twitch. “I…I do…I just…you don’t have to.”
Grabbing his shirt, you yanked his lips to yours. The combination of man and mint on his tongue had you clenching tighter around the other boy’s fingers making him groan, this time much louder than before. 
“I want to.” You slid further up the table, allowing your head to hang a bit over the edge, licking your lips as the man pulls down his shorts just enough for his dick to spring free. “Jesus. I’ve never had anyone as big as you are before.”
He smirks as he subtly chuckles. “You can’t say things like that or else I’m going to cum before you even touch me.”
Your tiny hand reaches for him as he steps closer, mewling when your tongue runs along his tip. You don’t see it but the men give each other a cursory glance. This is a little out of bounds for them in the sense of they rarely ever have the women they massage service them in this way and on the off chance a client does it’s usually during the second part when they are alone with one of them in the bedroom. 
Steve continues to be gentle with you as he runs his fingers through your hair when you wrap your lips around his hard, now throbbing length. Eddie thrusts his fingers into you at a faster pace and your moans vibrate through to the boy in your mouth. 
“Goddamn, Y/N. Your mouth feels so good. Your ex is a fucking idiot.”
They both take note of your reaction, your head bobbing faster as your pussy clenches again. 
“He really is, sweetheart. Makes me want to call him back and curse that fucker out.”
Tugging your head back, you continue to pump him with your fist as your hips began to grind up into the metalhead’s hand.
“Fuck, I’m…”
“That’s it, beautiful girl. Just let go. It’s okay.” Eddie pressed the heel of his palm against your clit as he moves his fingers move at a quicker pace. The sound of your slick fills the room and after a few moments your body trembles as you cum. “Good girl. Coming like that. Geez, I’m so fucking hard right now.”
Abruptly, you sit up and grab the back of the man’s neck as you bring his lips to yours. After your release, your kisses were much hungrier and you reveled in the taste him as your hands shot down to fumble with his jeans. 
“Wait…are you sure…you don’t want Steve.”, he asks between kisses. “You’ve kinda…got him…all riled up.”
“Want both.”
Eddie froze as he pulled his head back. When you tried to chase his lips, his palms gripped either side of your face forcing you to focus. 
“Hey, you don’t have to do that.”
“Want to.” You tried to lurch forward again but he was much stronger than you, holding you in place. 
“Y/N, princess, come down from cloud 9 and really think about what you’re asking for.”
You couldn’t control the annoyed exhale or tone as your eyes met his. “Am I not allowed? I can pay you more.”
“It’s not about the money. We—”, Steve began before you cut him off.
“Want me to be comfortable. I know! I know what I’m asking for. Now, do you want to fuck me or not!?”
Ringed fingers snaked into your hair and firmly pulled it back. Something changed in Eddie’s eyes; a look he saved for partners he had in his own bedroom. 
“Control the attitude, Y/N.”, he growled. “Listen to what he’s saying. It’s not about the money and it’s not about getting off. It’s not fun for anyone here if you wake up in the morning with regret. And while this little session here IS all about you, don’t forget we’re people to. We’ve been doing this for years and no one has ever asked to take us both one right after the other.”
“I’m not asking for that either. I want you both…at the same time.” They look at each other again, unsure of what to do or say. Your hand reaches out to turn his attention back to you as you lean your forehead on his. “Please, Eddie. I know what I’m asking for. I need it. I need you both. Please, please, please.” As you keep repeating your last word, you manage to fully unbutton his jeans, glide your hand through the waistband of his boxers, and rub your palm against his cock.
His jaw falls open as your lips trail down his neck.
“I mean…if she thinks she can handle it.” 
Eddie growled again with more vigor as he lifted you into his arms and carried you to your bedroom with Steve in tow. After tossing you onto the bed, he tore off his shirt, and you marveled at his tattoos, crawling on your knees till you were in front of him again. His hands laced in your hair as your tongue descended down his chest, stopping just above his waistline to allow him to shuffle out of his pants. 
The bed dipped behind you, suddenly feeling strong palms grip your hips and lift them a bit higher into the air. Steve’s own tongue licked a long stripe through your folds causing your body to shudder pleasantly at the feeling. Eddie held the base of his cock, allowing the tip to brush against your lips. 
You opened your mouth for him and he wasted no time pushing through, groaning when your warm saliva began coating him. The metalhead was much thicker than his friend and at times you struggled to take him, gagging around his dick as he occasionally hit the back of your throat. 
The strong vibrations of your moans as Steve latched his mouth to your clit had Eddie’s own eyes rolling back as he held on to your hair tighter trying to control himself from just face fucking you till he came.
You weren’t sure if it was on purpose or not but both men were still massaging you with their palms, Steve especially. His hands rubbed and caressed firmly up your lower back, around to your stomach, and down to your thighs as his tongue flicked against your bundle of nerves. While one of Eddie’s hands remained in your hair, the other ran between your shoulder blades and around to your front to knead your breasts adding to your high. 
Your mouth came off the boy in front of you with a pop as drool dangled from your lips. 
“Yes, Steve. Please, you’re going to make me cum.”
You practically screamed as he pressed his mouth further into your core, sucking and licking until you felt the coil snap as you came. Your upper half fell flat against the mattress as you panted, smiling softly as your body continued to twitch. 
Eddie’s fingers left your hair and moved to your shoulders as he lifted you back up to your knees so he could see your face. 
“This is the last time I’m going to ask, sweetheart. Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes, Eddie, I’m sure I want you both inside of me.”
His head tilts to the side at your answer, mostly because it was said correctly, or at least how he liked his questions answered. He wondered if there was a submissive side of you that enjoyed it a bit rougher like they did. Both men NEVER brought that into the bedroom with a client and most of the time none of the women they were with never asked. 
You weren’t asking either but he imagined, like they did, that was something personal for you so you saved it for the man you were dating or intimate with. 
Eddie shook the thoughts from his head as his hand laced around your neck and brought your lips to his again. 
“Seriously, your fiancé is so fucking stupid to let you go.”
You smiled up at him and wrapped your arms around his waist as you yanked him closer to you for a hug. He could get used to this. 
“Have you ever done this before?”, Steve asked.
“This exactly, no. Have I ever done anal before? A couple of times. You may need to go a bit slow at first especially since…um…I’ve never had a man, men, as big or thick like you guys.”
You giggle when the boy exhaled again, grabbing your waist, and falling on to the bed with you on top of him. “You have to stop saying things like that. You’re going to kill me!”  
“What, do you want me to lie? ‘Oh Daddy. Your cock is average size and will definitely not split me in half.’” Your giggle turned into a full-blown laugh until you notice he had a funny little look on his face. “I’m sorry. Did I say something wrong? I was just—”
Steve leans up, cutting you off with a passionate kiss. “You’re an interesting woman. Eddie’s right. I seriously don’t understand why anyone would cheat on you. If you were mine, I don’t think I’d ever leave your side.”
“Aw…that’s creepy.”, you playfully smiled.
On impulse, he smacked your ass. They never did that first. Sometime a client would ask for a light spank but he just delivered you one he’s only given to bratty girls in his bedroom. He didn’t mean to but something about you made him comfortable.
“Shit. I…I’m sorry.” 
You shook your head, dismissing his apology as you kissed him again. Eddie reached over your shoulder to hand his friend a condom and they both hastily tore into the wrapper before sliding it on. His eyes met yours as he leaned back against your mattress and his hands gripped your waist.
“Whenever you’re ready, honey.”
Nodding, you exhaled the nerves as you tipped forward, and slowly lowered your body to his. You both moaned when his tip breached your entrance and Steve craned his neck to watch himself disappear inside of you inch by inch. 
“Fuck, baby. That’s it. Take your time.”
You heard the metalhead’s heavy breathing behind you as he stroked his cock at the site before him. The sound caused you to clench and a broken mewl left you as you pushed yourself further onto him. 
“Oh my god. You’re so…I can’t…”
His palm glided up your sides to caress your cheek. “Yes, you can, Y/N. You’re doing so good taking me already. Do you want some help?”
When you nodded, he firmly took hold of the back your neck and lowered you till your face was hovering over his. His hips thrust up to meet yours and your mouth fell open. 
“That’s it, baby. Good girl. I’m going to do it again, ok?” When you nod again, he pumped into you a couple more times till you felt him bottom out. “Good girl. Such a good girl. Jesus, so fucking tight. You feel so good, pretty girl. It’s Eddie’s turn. Let him know when you’re ready.”
After a few moments and subtly thrusts from Steve, you turned towards his friend and gave him the okay.
Hands spread open your ass and you tightened around the other man again when you felt spit hit your asshole and Eddie’s fingers massaging it in. Your body tensed slightly when the tip of his cock rubbed between your cheeks.
“Sweetheart, if at any point you want to stop, I want you to say ‘Red’ for me, alright? Can you tell me what I just said?”
“If…if—fuck—if I want to stop…say ‘red’.”
“Atta girl.”, he praised as he quickly leaned forward to kiss your temple. 
Prepared, Steve’s palms held on to your face as Eddie began to push into your body. Your head started to droop but his grip was stronger than yours. “Y/N, look at me, honey.” When you did what he asked, his thumb extended out to run along your bottom lip. “You’re doing amazing. How do you feel?”
“F-full.” The metalhead licked the pads of his fingers, looping his arm under your body to slowly and softly massage circles into your clit. “Oh my god!”
You tried to collapse against Steve’s chest but he still wouldn’t allow it. 
“Holy shit. Y/N, stop moving.”, he scolded in a firm tone before he realized what headspace he was slipping into and reeling himself back into the present. “Baby, not yet. You…you say you’ve never had anyone as big as us. I-I don’t know about, Ed but I’VE never…had a woman as tight as you.” He flashed you a small smile. “I’m trying so fucking hard not to cum right now.”
Eddie’s hair bobbed behind you and the man knew he was nodding in agreement. 
“You can—mmm—you can talk to me…like you did. I-I-I don’t mind.”
His eyes scanned over your face as your eyes closed. “Hey, I said keep your eyes open, sweet girl.” You purposely ignored him, grinding your hips forward slightly for good defiant measure. Both men grunted at the action but it was Steve who held your face tighter. 
“Look at me, now.” This time you listened. “What did I say, Y/N? Don’t fucking move. You need to be patient, little girl. Do you understand me?”
“Y-yes, I understand.” At that moment, the metalhead’s hips finally connected against yours. “You…you both can…move. Please, I need you to move.”
The man underneath you released your face and circled his arms around you as he pressed you to his chest. When they both thrusted into you at the same time, the euphoria you felt was indescribable. It was like they knew exactly what you needed and where they needed to be. Each stroke was strong and precise, hitting every nerve inside of you, and setting your body ablaze. 
“Go-go ahead, princess. You wanted—goddamn—you wanted to move so bad. Take over.” Eddie’s hand came down hard on your behind and you hurriedly (and willingly) did as he commanded. Their grunts and groans drove you crazy, egging you on as you bounced and rolled your hips as fast as you could. The obscene sound of skin hitting skin echoed in your room mixed with your whimpers of pleasure. 
It was almost too overwhelming as the ball in your belly began to wind faster and faster. Steve’s grip moved to your hips as Eddie held on to your shoulders.
“Cum, baby. Let go and cum as hard as you fucking can.”, the man under you whispered into your ear. Your forehead fell into the mattress beside his head as they both pounded into you. Their rhythm changed as they slowed, punching the air from your lungs as white blurs your vision. You scream into the bed below you as they fuck you through it, Steve lifting his hand to run his fingers through your hair.
“That’s it. Good-good fucking girl. Taking us both so well.” Eddie tilted forward, placing sloppy, wet kisses against your back as he rolled his hips. He soon followed after you, grunting loudly as he spilled into the condom. Steve, unable to hold back any longer, came as well, smacking his hips against yours and using you to milk himself dry.
Eddie’s eyes blink open as his watch beeps signaling midnight. His eyes take a quick scan of the area, realizing they were still in your apartment. He and Steve were tucked under your sheets but you weren’t between them. 
“Steven.” The metalhead reached over to shake his friend’s shoulder. “Steve, wake up.”
“Huh? Wha?”
“Oh my god, you idiot. Steve. WAKE. UP.” Between each word, he firmly punched his arm causing the other man to grumble in anger.
“What?! Why are you in my room?”
“Oh, you know. I thought I could just use a nice Harrington cuddle. WE AREN’T AT HOME!”, he hisses. 
Steve rubs his eyes before Eddie’s words sink in and he bolts up right. “Shit. We fell asleep.”
“You don’t say.”
“Shut the fuck up, Munson. Where is she?”
As he shrugs, they both jump out of bed. Steve finds his clothes on the floor but the other boy struggles to find his. 
“I know I took them off here.”
“You did.” They both jump at the sound of your voice. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I woke up before you and noticed your clothes had oil on them from when you picked me up so I washed them for you.”, you softly smiled as you handed Eddie his jeans and shirt.
“Um, thank you. You…you didn’t have to do that.”
“It’s no problem. I was hungry to I heated up some left-over pizza if you want some.”
Their eyes scanned over you as you leaned in the doorframe with a mug in your hand. You had changed into an oversized shirt with a metal band that Eddie definitely knew and some sleep shorts. Your hair was a little frayed but to both of them you looked like an angel. 
“I mean, you don’t have to. I don’t really know what the protocol is or how this works.”
“Well, to be fair, I’m not sure if you noticed but this whole thing was a bit off script for what we normally do.”, Steve grins as he nervously chuckles. He has no idea what they are supposed to do either.
You silently nodded before turning and heading back out to the kitchen as they follow behind. 
“How, uh, how are you feeling?”, Eddie asks. 
“Calm. Oddly relaxed. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve felt like this since before I got in engaged.” You hop up onto the counter before meeting their gaze. “Thank you.”
They smile as Steve heads for where their things were as Eddie grabs a slice of pizza. “I made some coffee to if you want some.”
“Did you put our table and all that way?”
“Oh, yeah. I cleaned it to. I’m not sure if you’re supposed to use a certain type of cleaner but I just used my 409. I folded it and placed it by the door with your bags. I, um, I wasn’t sure if when you woke up you’d…want to make a quick getaway.”
They exchanged a look as your head hung. 
“Why do you think we would want to do that?” When you shrug at Eddie’s question, he saunters casually over to you and lifts your chin with his fingers. “Let me rephrase. Is that what you want us to do?”
“Do you want us to leave?”, Steve reiterated. 
“Like I said, I don’t know…how this works…”
“That’s not what I asked, Y/N.”
“No…I don’t want you to leave.”
They both grin at your answer. “We don’t want to leave either.”
Eddie starts to giggle through his teeth as he jumps on the counter beside you. 
“What’s so funny, Munson?”, Steve asks as he comes to lean on the counter across from you both. 
The metalhead intertwines his fingers with yours and you lean your head on his shoulder. 
“Nothing. Just…this gives a whole new meaning to the term ‘happy ending’.”
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himbosandhardwear · 9 months
The first time Steve saw Eddie being a DM, it was because their session ran over the time Dustin said they'd be done, so Steve had gone inside the school to see what the holdup was. He could hear them yelling in the theater, clearly not finished, but Steve had never actually seen them play so he let his curiosity carry him inside. When he saw Eddie seated at the head of the table, at a literal throne, he snorted. It was so performative, holding court like a fucking king. Who the hell did he think he was?
The second time he got to see Eddie DMing was after Vecna, after his stay in the hospital, after the stress of it all waned and they were able to go back to a semi-normal life. Again, he was only there for the tail end of it, but because they were nearly finished he got to watch Eddie standing tall this time, still performing but captivating in his monologue. Steve stayed and watched the whole thing.
This third time, he knows something has fundamentally changed. He's sitting in the corner, on the sofa in Mike Wheeler's basement, trying not to drool and failing. Eddie is just sitting there, watching the Party argue over defensive strategies, but this time Steve has seen what he'd missed the first time: Eddie isn't performing his authority. He might look relaxed, all loose limbed on his throne, fingers steepled against his lips, eyes slowly tracking the progress, but Steve has now seen how Eddie can quell them with a look. He can control the narrative with one word. Gentle or sharp, he rules the table.
It's the sexiest thing Steve has ever seen. He's breathless with it. He can hardly remember why he thought Eddie sprawled out on that throne at the highschool was ridiculous. The space between Eddie's thighs right now is begging for Steve's shoulders to wedge right in.
He feels crazed with it. Thank god the basement is poorly lit and he's tucked into the dark, because he's pretty sure he looks like a flasher hiding in the bushes.
Maybe it's just wishful thinking but he thinks maybe Eddie would be receptive to Steve hitting on him. He's been thinking about the day a few weeks back, when they'd been fixing up Hop’s cabin and he'd caught Eddie staring at him. It wasn't overt or anything but Steve did have his shirt off and had been wiping sweat off his face with his forearm. Maybe it was nothing. But the more he has to sit and watch Eddie throw his metaphorical weight around, the more blood is leaving his brain and traveling south. So, yeah, he's gonna go for it.
The kids let out a wild cry, jumping and hollering like monkeys, and Steve figures now is his chance. They're all busy celebrating and packing up so no one notices Steve sliding past them toward Eddie's chair. Eddie does, he watches Steve approach until Steve moves behind him.
He bends low, tucks himself right up against Eddie's ear and whispers, “Any chance you'd wanna break into the highschool with me?”
Eddie turns his head enough to whisper back. “Maybe. Why?”
He places a hand on the back of Eddie's chair, the other sinks down until he can get ahold of Eddie's thigh. “Because I've got this fantasy involving you and your old Hellfire throne and I wanna see if we can make it happen.”
He's never been more smooth, he's so proud of himself, but of course Eddie has to ruin it by jumping and bashing his knees into the underside of the table. He stares up at Steve like Steve has told him he's under arrest.
“Are you fucking with me?”
He stares back. “No.”
Eddie looks him over. Steve lets him.
He finds himself being pulled by the wrist and yanked across the room.
“Nobody touch my shit!” Eddie yells as they rush upstairs. “I'll be back for it later.”
They don't make it to the highschool but the back of Eddie's van is a decent second choice.
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eyesofshinigami · 8 months
No Fucks Sundays
Rating: T
CW: None
Tags: Established relationship, language, mentions of sex
Prompt: From @steddieasitgoes "Love is sitting in comfortable silence together doing their own thing"
Written for @steddielovemonth Day 6
WC: 1031
Sometimes, it just feels good to sit around and do nothing.
Steve had spent most of his life constantly on the go. Between having to take care of himself in the absence of his parents, to ferrying himself to the various activities that were expected of him, to graduating to being a glorified babysitter and chauffer, Steve felt like he’s constantly in motion. Add in getting cut off completely and having to work to make his own way, there were so many days where Steve forgot what it was like to sit down. Rush, rush, hurry, hurry.
Sometimes it made him feel like he was running himself into the dirt. That he and the wheels of his car were just going to fall off, leaving him stranded on the side of the road. Like taffy pulled too tight; those days were the worst, when the stress he put his body through finally caught up with him and he was down for the count. Gone, done, stick a fork in him, find someone else to run your errands or bring you places.
Which was why Eddie, mad genius that he is, instituted No Fucks Sundays.
Steve was pretty skeptical at first. It was one thing to say “we’re not going to give a fuck on Sunday” and another to actually go through with it. But Eddie was nothing if not determined and stubborn, so it became a tradition in the Munson-Harrington Household.
No Fucks Sundays meant no errands. No chores. No work. The only thing that was allowed was morning sex, and even that was slow and lazy, where they would take their time and enjoy each other the way they couldn’t do during the week.
Meals were simple; cereal or frozen waffles for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, and some kind of takeout that meant neither of them had to lift a finger. The rest of the day was spent doing absolutely nothing. The phone was taken off the hook (though the walkie-talkie was kept on the coffee table, just in case) and both their car keys were tossed into the bowl beside the door, covered with a ratty dishtowel to remind them that they weren’t fucking going anywhere.
The kids were pretty upset about it at first, until Eddie helpfully reminded them that he and Steve did a lot of shit for them, the least they could do is figure their own shit out for one day a week. “Steve might be the best goddamn babysitter on the planet, but he won’t be for long if you assholes kill him by making him bend over backwards.” (Of course, Eddie had no problem bending Steve over backwards, but that was between them and their bedframe, okay.) Steve also helpfully reminded them that they could probably also benefit from No Fucks Sundays, just chilling out and doing shit they couldn’t do during the week.
It caught on after that.
Frankly, it became Steve’s favorite day of the week. It meant not having to put on clothes. It meant not having to worry about how he was going to get this person here, or that person there, or whether he was going to have to work a double or not. It meant being able to just sit down on the couch with one of his favorite people in the whole world and do nothing.
Neither of them would talk for hours, but it didn’t feel crushing. It was comfortable. Steve could watch the game in his underwear, with Eddie sprawled out in his lap reading a book, or writing in his notebook, or just napping like the big lazy cat he was sometimes.
Sometimes it would turn into more sex, the two of them lazily getting each other off for nothing more than the pure pleasure of it. It wasn’t something to fill the time, it was something to enjoy and take slow.
Sometimes it wouldn’t. Sometimes it was literally Eddie playing on his NES that he finally managed to save enough money for while Steve watched, or Steve would try to pick up the knitting project that he swore he would conquer even if it killed him first. He found the repetition of it relaxing, soothing. The most they would speak all day would be simple questions like, “What are you doing?” and “Hey, pass me the remote” and it was glorious. Not that Steve didn’t enjoy talking to Eddie, or listening to him ramble about whatever he was fixated on that day, but sometimes it was nice to just… exist together. Be lost in their own thing while still spending time together. Steve had never really had that before. As much as he loved Robin and the kids, they weren’t quiet.
He wouldn’t have thought Eddie would have been able to settle like that, but his boyfriend was constantly surprising him. He was a flurry of motion on a good day, but No Fucks Sundays seemed to quiet something in him. He could see the peace and relaxation written across Eddie’s features when they spent the whole day doing nothing but watching tv and fucking.
“You good?” Eddie asked one Sunday afternoon. The two of them were lounging in nothing but their briefs, passing a joint back and forth as some movie Steve had never seen played on in the background. “This all right?”
“It’s the best,” Steve replied, letting out a plume of smoke as he sank back into the couch. He was delightfully high, well-fed and well-fucked, and he felt… stationary. In a good way. Like nothing else mattered except for him and Eddie right here, just existing together. Breathing each other’s air. He’d probably flip the tv over to whatever game was on, and Eddie would grab his guitar, and it would be perfect.
Eddie smiled, wide enough that his dimples pop and Steve feel his heart swell with love. “Absolutely. No Fucks Sundays might have been my greatest idea to date.” He winks, taking another deep drag off the joint between his fingers. “Stick with me, baby. I got a million more.”
“I plan on it, Eds.”
No Fucks Sundays were here to stay, if Steve had anything to say about it.
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thestobingirlie · 10 months
I feel like you will understand some very specific gripe I have with a few Steddie fics.
1. When people take the Stobin bathroom scene and make it about Eddie. It makes me want to tear my hair out. The whole perfect thing about the bathroom scene is the Steve is into Robin, tells her, and then reacts in the best way possible when Robin tells him that she’s a lesbian and therefore can’t be attracted to him. And instead of being an asshole, Steve immediately pivots to making Robin feel accepted in his goofy way. I hate it when people rewrite it to be Eddie that Steve is confessing about :(
2. When Steve is genderbent but only so Eddie can be straight and Steve can be a self-insert. Like if Steve was always a girl, Robin would absolutely have been obsessed with girlSteve over Tammy and Steve had a crush on Robin in canon like in point one, so why wouldn’t they be dating?? I could understand if the authors wrote it that Stobin tried to date, but figured out they were better as friends, but usually Robin is almost totally forgotten in fics like that.
3. This is kinda like point 2, but when Steve is trans fem in fics just so Eddie has a girlfriend again. My favorite trans fem Steve fic is one where Robin is figuring out that she has a crush on Steve while Steve is figuring out that his gender is different, and is honestly more nonbinary than trans fem in the but it’s just so good in my opinion. It doesn’t make sense when people fuck with Steve’s gender but leave his relationship with Robin the same? It just makes no sense in my brain.
anyone making the bathroom scene about characters other than robin are not seeing heaven. that is a stobin moment, and that is robin’s coming out. (i also just don’t see the point in it!!! that’s the way she would come out not anybody else. just be creative!!! that’s the point of fanfiction!!!)
i think with stevie, what’s happening is that people are deathly afraid of getting accused of shipping stobin, so run in the opposite direction when it comes to transfem, or genderbent steve. i mean, steve in canon had a crush on robin, was and/or is (depending on how you interpret it) attracted to robin. and if stevie’s around, i don’t see why robin wouldn’t find her hot, or want to date her etc.
also, this is kind of a different complaint, but so much transfem stevie content is literally just about her gay boyfriend (it is always stressed that he is gay and has never been attracted to women), and i hate it lol. i’m here for HER
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grandwretch · 2 years
ok let me talk about the steddie sentinel au I wanna write bc like. its all I can fucking think about yk
alright so. I want it to be closer to show canon bc the shows origins have really been like. lost in the fanfic trope of it all which is cool and all but i think that making it show canon could be so delicious.
and like its set a decade before the show right so it would be like. blair's research into sentinels and guides would have never been published, so it's a great way to have something weird and terrifying happen to steve and NO ONE ELSE IN PUBLISHED HISTORY has been through it before so its really up to the Party to figure it out.
so I'm thinking that Steve comes "online" while in the Upside Down. because that's the most stress he's ever been in AND I think its what his instincts would see most as a survival/tribal situation like. he has three people he has to protect and he's literally in a blighted hell dimension and also if he doesn't take care of everyone, Max will die and, oh yeah, he has no proof that Jonathan, El, Will, and Mike aren't already dead.
He chalks the random oversensitivity to stress and wounds. Its not until he's in his hospital room that he realizes he can hear Eddie's heartbeat from across the hall. He yanks the IV out of his arm and goes to find Dustin.
After that, I think there's like a huge squabble about Steve's "powers" and whether or not they're real and what they mean. Steve doesn't think of them as powers, he doesn't think they compare to El at all and they're functionally useless. "I can't SMELL a demogorgon to death, Dustin." Robin freaks out and wonders if Steve is a vessel like Will now, but they all dismiss it because Will got weaker, not faster and stronger. Eddie practically climbs inside Steve's mouth looking for fangs.
El quietly asks if Steve is from a lab, too. Steve says his dad is pretty awful, but he's not an evil mad scientist sponsored by the government or whatever.
So they undergo a series of stress tests, trying to find the outer limits of what Steve can do. Hopper gets surprisingly into the whole thing, sending Steve through drills and training that he picked up in the military. Steve's Sentinel powers come to him much more smoothly than Jim, simply because he has a much more structured regimen, and less near death experiences while he gets used to his new senses.
Steve fucking hates it. He hates feeling like a science experiment, and he hates running stupid obstacle courses and letting El throw things at him to test his reaction time. He hates how his entire stupid life has become about this... thing that's happened to him, thats not even that useful, because its not like he's stronger. He's just a better fighter for a human, which isn't going to do much against Vecna.
Even worse, he had to quit his job, because turning all his senses up to 11 has made retail impossible. The blend of perfumes and body odor gives him headaches, he can't stand being able to hear every fucking conversation in the store, and the fluorescent lights hurt his eyes.
Throughout it all, the Munson's trailer is kind of a refuge. After Eddie finally accepted that Steve wasn't some kind of sexy vampire here to seduce their souls away, he dismissed whatever was happening to Steve as boring. So Steve feels like a fucking human again with Eddie, and-- Okay, Eddie is loud and grating and always smells like weed, but those things were already annoying before Steve was like this. He's used to tuning it out, so its almost comforting to be surrounded by them.
Besides, everything the Munsons own is well worn and soft, not like the textures of his own home, more pleasing to the eye than the skin. And if Steve asks very nicely, Eddie will play his acoustic; sweet, soft melodies that don't hurt Steve's ears like the radio does.
(Unbeknownst to Steve, Eddie learns all his favorite songs in a flurry of tapes. He replaces all the soap and detergent in the house with the fancy kind meant for people with allergies. He spends so much money Steve-proofing his place, but he never complains once. He never wants Steve to leave again.)
But the Munson trailer can't stop the worst of it, which is Steve's unbearable need to protect. He already had a superhero complex, but now its even worse. If he goes too long without doing something active, there's an itch under his skin that he can't shake. So he has to venture out again, back to Hoppers' canon for more stupid tests, or patrolling around the town until even his improved stamina falters.
Thats how he zones, the first time. He's roaming through the streets when he hears Dustin and Lucas up in Dustin's room, laughing at some movie. He focuses on the sound of their laughter for a little too long, and suddenly thats all he can hear. Thats all he can feel at all, actually, just their voices. It consumes him.
They find him like that when Lucas goes to leave, hours later. Standing in the Henderson's yard, bat in hand, unmoving. They call everyone, but Eddie gets there first, driving like the devil is after him. He freaks out, understandably, but Dustin calms him with the facts that Steve's eyes haven't rolled, and he's been gone for who knows how long without floating, so its probably not Vecna.
Eddie doesn't feel better.
They try every song on every tape Steve owns. He flinches at a few louder ones, but nothing works. Eventually, Hopper and Jonathan manage to get Steve into a car, his body unresponsive in their hands.
Robin wants to take him to the hospital, but Nancy tells her, softly, that it might alert the wrong people to Steve's condition. What wouldn't the American military do for a body with improved reflexes and speed, who can see and avoid a speeding bullet, and hear the heartbeats of his enemies? They take him to the trailer, because Eddie insists that he and Wayne will be able to take care of Steve. They know what he likes, what triggers him, better than people who do it on purpose.
The worry makes Eddie maybe a little meaner than he means to be.
When they get him home, Eddie wraps Steve up in all his favorite blankets, ones that smell like them both and Wayne's favorite cigarettes. He kisses Steve's forehead and sits next to him on the bed, playing his acoustic and singing all Steve's favorite songs. He knows they didn't work before, but he doesn't know what else to do, and if he just has to watch Steve lay there, he'll cry.
Its the first time, and he's been stuck so long it takes him forever to find his way out, but eventually Steve surfaces. His eyes blink into focus and he swallows around a dry throat.
Steve looks at Eddie, the man who Guided him out of the deep, dark well of his own mind.
"What'd I miss?"
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riality-check · 2 years
Hi!! I bought the wonderful @lazylittledragon’s Steddie dads zine last night, and in that time I’ve read it twice and loved every second of it. One of the panels (for those of you who have the zine, it’s page 42; for those of you who don’t, it’s a panel of Steve and Eddie sitting on a bed, holding each other, while Steve cries and Eddie says “I’ve got you.”) has lived rent fucking free in my brain, and it’s inspired 1k of whatever the hell this is. 
If you haven’t already bought the zine, do it now, it’s so incredibly worth it!! Anyway, bon appetit.
Steve doesn’t know why he’s freaking out so much. He’s not the one literally growing a person. He’s been pretty much fine this entire time. He’s held Eddie’s hair back when the morning sickness got bad and he’s bought baby clothes and he’s read so much (even though he can’t read for shit) of those little parenting books they have at the library.
Steve has been fine this entire time. He’s pushed back all his anxiety and every other remotely negative emotion because Eddie needs him. Eddie needs all the reassurance and comfort and joy that Steve can give him regarding this kid, and Steve is more than happy to give it. He’s got a nearly infinite supply.
But right now, on this random afternoon in July, everything that Steve has been holding back so carefully is coming to the surface.
In four months or so, he’s going to be a dad. He’s going to have a little, tiny, helpless baby utterly dependent on him for everything.
And Steve knows he’s going to fuck it up.
God. Steve loves this kid so much already. He thinks about who she’s gonna look like more (he hopes it’s Eddie). He sings to her, even when Eddie laughs and tells him to stop. He wonders how much she’ll cry, what her favorite food is going to be, what her first word will be, where she’ll take her first steps. 
He’s so excited to meet her, and he’s so scared, too.
Because love doesn’t prevent people from fucking things up. Steve doesn’t have a single doubt in his mind that he is going to love this kid. But he’s worried that he’s going to make every mistake in the book.
What if he can’t get her to sleep? What if he can’t get her to eat? He doesn’t even know how to change a diaper!
What if he ends up putting his issues on to her? What if he loves her enough to make her resent him for it? 
(Wouldn’t be the first time.)
What if-
There’s a knock on the door. “Steve?”
Steve tries to wipe his eyes and steady his voice before he answers, “Yeah.”
It doesn’t quite work.
“Can I come in? You’ve been gone a little while.”
Steve wipes his eyes some more and sucks all the snot he can back up his nose. He hopes Eddie doesn’t notice. “Sure.”
The door opens, and Eddie stands there for a minute, just looking Steve over. He looks good, he always does, even in a plain black sweatshirt and ratty old jeans.
Steve watches in real time as an expression of sympathy takes over his face.
“Sweetheart,” Eddie says, and yeah, that’s enough for Steve to start crying again.
He curls up and buries his face in his arms and doesn’t look up, not even when Eddie sits next to him on the bed. He puts his arms around him, just holding, and when Steve can feel Eddie’s belly pressed against his leg, he cries harder.
“I’ve got you,” Eddie says.
This is stupid. I’m not the one who should be stressed out.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” Eddie asks after a minute. He rubs soothing circles on Steve’s back.
“It’s stupid,” Steve gasps out.
“If you’re crying over it, it’s not stupid,” Eddie says gently.
“It is. I’m not the one doing the work.”
Steve can feel it when Eddie laughs. The gentle shake of his whole body makes Steve stop crying for just a second.
“You’re doing work, Steve.”
“I’m not the one growing a person.”
Eddie pulls back a little and looks at Steve seriously. “Just because you don’t have the parasite doesn’t mean you’re not doing work. You’ve gone shopping and you’ve cooked and you’ve cleaned and you’ve taken care of me. Does that not count as work?”
“If we flipped the situation, and I was doing all that, would you still think that?”
Steve hates when Eddie is right.
“You’re allowed to be overwhelmed, Steve.”
Steve sniffles. “You need me, though.”
“I do,” Eddie says. “I’m always going to need you. But you’re allowed to need me, too, okay?”
Steve nods. “Yeah, I know.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows.
“I know!” Steve insists with a wet laugh.
“Okay,” Eddie smiles, and it’s the kind of smile Steve always wants to be the reason for. “Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?”
“I’m gonna fuck this up.”
Eddie snorts. “So am I. You’re not special.”
“No, like,” Steve struggles for the words. “I’ve never been around kids-”
“Neither have I.”
“-and I don’t even know how to do basic shit-”
“That’s why Joyce is teaching us.”
Steve gives Eddie a look. “I know you’re trying to be reassuring, but can you let me finish?”
“Sorry, sweetheart.” Eddie mimes zipping his mouth closed.
It’s stupid little things like that that make Steve wonder how he got so lucky.
“I’m worried,” Steve swallows. “I’m worried that I’m gonna fuck up this kid enough to be just like me.”
Eddie’s eyebrows pinch together. “Steve. You are nothing like your parents.”
“I know! I know that. I have no doubt about loving this kid. I’m just afraid that - I don’t know.”
“It’s okay,” Eddie assures him. “It’s okay not to know.”
“I’m so afraid that I’m going to be overbearing and end up suffocating her,” Steve whispers.
Eddie stares at him for a good, long moment. Finally, he says, “Are you worried about loving her too much?”
“It sounds stupid when you say it like that,” Steve mutters.
Eddie takes his face in his hands and looks him dead in the eyes. “Not stupid.”
Eddie kisses him, soft and sweet and slow, and Steve kisses him back just as soft, just as sweet, and just as slow.
“You make me feel like the luckiest man on earth every single day,” Eddie says, Steve’s face still in his hands. “This kid is so goddamn lucky to be loved by you.”
Steve can’t help it; he starts crying again. Eddie wraps his arms around him.
“I’ve got you,” he says again.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Knowing a lot of bad shelters believe in the whole get a hybrid fur Christmas thing, but unfortunately the ones who aren’t taken in are usually thrown on the street, or given a more permanent solution.... And at your local one there’s overcrowding. Especially because, as you overhear from the street, two are bonded together, so it’s easier to get rid of the pair, in whatever’s the quickest way...
Needless to say you’re literally lifting puppy Eddie and Steve up on both your hips as you walk them back to your car, head rushingly thinking over everything you’ve gotta do now, as they both happily lick at your face and thank you for not separating them!
This is a couple of weeks before Christmas, and these two are so desperate to work together and get you something. The best gift ever! Unfortunately, they really can’t think of how they’d acquire something that good, and it stresses the poor men out. You’ve already bought them clothes including brand new shoes! Food, food they actually like! Blankets, toothbrushes, everything, and all that before Christmas!! They’re so needy to think of something for you, together
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
NO BC I WAS THINKING ABOUT THIS!!! ugh my head was just full of hybrid!steddie christmas thoughts and i was like oh shelters probably push hybrids for christmas like people buy pets for christmas and then i was thinking about browsing a shelter to try and help someone out for the holiday season n you see them and you just have to take them home :(( and yes it's even worse bc they're bonded!! anytime anyone tries to separate them they pitch a fit, kicking, screaming, crying, and they'll even get aggressive if people persist, which only makes their chances of adoption worse :(
maybe you were only looking for one hybrid, maybe you weren't looking for any at all!! maybe you'd just passed the shelter and gone in on a whim, just browsing when you see them get condemned :( you panic and it's the only solution you can think of, so now they're yours!! you're filling out all the paperwork and they're just standing there stunned and ecstatic because they have a home now!!! both of them, together, have a home!!! i think if we're going with shelters raising them and training them to be more animal than human in this world, and it's your job to fix that, they definitely have some hyperactivity that they're not bothering to control!! they're big, too, it's not like they're actual dogs and they're somewhat containable, they're grown men who are so overwhelmingly happy that they're trying to jump you at the counter before you can even sign off on the adoption forms 😭
eddie's snuffling into your neck while you're dragging him through the parking lot towards your car and steve's more concerned with trying to crawl under the hem of your sweater!! you're barely able to wrangle them to the car, let alone in the car, and you definitely have to hang out in the backseat with them a bit, let them get their fix of love and pets and scratches and cuddles and kisses before you get on the road 🥹 and when you get home?? instant freakout, they're racing around touching everything and diving headfirst into your bed and flipping through photo albums - they're so happy!!! if you think they'll sleep in their own beds at night.. you are dead wrong. they're curled up happily on either side of you, tails going crazy against the bedsheets so you can barely sleep, but you're not angry 'cause you know they've never felt safe or happy like this before :')
aw no :(( omg!! you're right, they're wracking their brains trying to figure out what to put under the tree for you 'cause you've showed them their own wrapped presents a bunch!! every time you add new ones you go eddie this one's for youuuu or here's one for steve!! and the more the pile grows the guiltier they feel for not having anything nailed down for you yet :(( if you've introduced them to any friends of yours or your parents or something they reach out and ask for help!! they know what they want to get you, they just don't have money to do it :( you're confused when eddie starts mowing your mom's lawn and steve cleans her bathrooms but on christmas morning it all makes sense when they give you their gift :(( it's so sweet and heartfelt you probably cry a bit!! they're worried at first that they made you sad but you assure them they're happy tears and make sure to love on them all morning as a thank you :')
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lostlimerence · 2 years
“Munson…what the fuck?! Put that down!”
“Chill out Sunshine I’m not going to eat it!
“You can’t eat it…”
“Ahh stop getting technical…eat it, suck it’s blood, same difference,” Eddie snuggles his nose into the cats fur with a grin, flashing a sharp fang at Billy. “It’s so cute I just wanted a cuddle, I forget how exciting it is up here compared to down there,” he sighs.
“Hey, you’ve got me down there!” Billy grumbles, dusting himself off (the portal from the upside down isn’t exactly clean).
“I do baby, I do, but you’ve gotta admit our one day of freedom up here is pretty fuckin sweet!” he puts the cat down, watches it as it sprints into the bushes.
“See it was shit scared of you Eds,” Billy throws his arm out in the direction of the cat.
“Aw California I didn’t know you were all soft on cats! Should be King of the witches not the ghouls” Eddie raises his hands wiggling his fingertips in the air.
“And you shouldn’t be King of anything you royal loser…” Billy grabs him by the collar and pulls him in the direction of the town “hmmm, wonder what Stevie will be when he dies?“ Eddie muses, as he shakes off Billy’s hand and falls into step beside him, then immediately regrets asking when he sees Billy’s shoulders bunch a little.
“Sorry sunshine, I shouldn’t have said that, I know it’s hard,” Eddie frowns.
“It’s just…we were so young Eds…it’s going to be years until ya know, and they only let us up here on Halloween so…” he says it to the ground.
“But then baby, it will be us three for the rest of our lives? No our undeadness? Think about that yeah?” Eddie squeezes his arm.
Billy huffs a laugh, let’s the smile of it stay “yeah, and it’s the day we get to see him”
“Sure is! Just need to find him!”
“Yeah and you need to not suck any blood…unless it’s Steve’s”
Eddie shudders at the thought, presses his tongue to the point of his fang.
“Hear me Munson?” Billy drawls.
Eddie gives his head a quick shake “Yesss, I only sucked that persons blood for like a second and it was ages ago, I was still getting used to the whole undead thing…besides you’re one to talk you literally smashed a rock with your fist last year!” Eddie presses an accusatory finger into the side of the ghouls head.
Billy’s eyebrow twitches, arm flexes, as he says “they were mocking me, I was just showin them what would’ve happened to their skulls if they’d kept going…”
“Mmhmm, yep and then when we’d both have inevitably been found out, lost our cool-ass titles and been banished to fuck knows where” Eddie tosses his hands in the air.
“Yeah well that’s exactly why I didn’t bash their skulls in” Billy stresses, as they approach the clearing, trees frame a street full of trick or treaters, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, zombies, “why’s no one ever dressed as a ghoul?,” Billy pouts as they step onto the street, the one day of the year they blend in seamlessly with the locals, “not as sexy baby,” Eddie sticks out his tongue “hey!” Billy gapes brow furrowing slightly.
“I’m sorry but it’s true, undead demon thing that loves hanging around graveyards vs sexy undead thing that can drink your blood sexily? No contest!” Eddie shrugs in a ‘what can you do about it’ kind of way.
Billy grumbles affronted “I’m sexy.”
“Yes you are darling trust me, but some of your loyal subjects,” Eddie shudders “not so much…and…” he’s interrupted by a sharp prod to his shoulder “oi, isn’t that your little nerd kid Dusty over there” Billy gestures to the porch of a house across the street where a kid wearing what looks like a potato costume stands.
Eddie frowns “it’s Dustin stop pretending you don’t know his name you big lug and,” Eddie looks properly “yeah, yeah it is! Potato’s an interesting choice but whatever.. So that means..”
“Steve’s probably nearby, sniff him out!!”
“Hey! I’m not a dog! I’ve just got insanely cool powers!”
“Ah stop getting technical dog, vampire…same difference,” Billy grins proud of his parroting, Eddie rolls his eyes and focuses slightly overwhelmed by the sheer number of scents mingling in the air, it takes him a moment but he catches the familiar rich scent of Steve, “got it” he mumbles, they keep their heads down, ensure they avoid Dustin’s eye-line as they head round the corner.
Steve is leant against a wall with his back to them. He jumps with a little yell when Billy leans in and says “a sailor pretty boy? That ain’t very scary,” his shocked expression morphs quickly into one of delight, his cheeks flushing red “hey! Yeah um would you believe this is actually my work uniform” he chuckles rubbing his palm over the back of his head, skewing his hat a bit to the right.
“No way Stevie, you’ve been hiding that cute outfit from us!!” Eddie flashes his fangs.
“Cute? It’s ridiculous!”
“I mean it is cute but we could go get it off” Billy rumbles, crowding Steve back into the wall.
“You haven’t seen the kids yet, I can go get…”Eddie cuts in “we were thinking maybe we just go back to yours? We’ll pop in and see the kids just before sun’s back up.”
Eddie’s dressed head to toe in black, hands covered in rings, a chain round his neck, his tongue runs across his teeth. Billy’s shirtless, thick thighs pressed into tight black jeans, his blue eyes blown wide, fists clenched like he’s trying very hard to hold himself back.
Steve’s doesn’t take long to decide.
Fangs graze gently at the skin of his nape, his breath hitches in anticipation, blood singing in his veins. God he craves this, can’t believe how long he has to wait for it every year. Eddie tongues the skin gently, the area tingles, and when he finally bites Steve feels euphoric, then he sucks and Steve groans. Eddie drinks and drinks until Steve’s aching and hard.
A whimper sounds from the corner, Billy’s enthralled, he sits hands pressed to the tops of his thighs, Eddie had told him to wait and enjoy the show for a bit.
Eddie lifts his head from Steve’s neck, locks eyes with their beautiful blonde and smiles softly, speaks with gentle command “Christ, Billy baby, you’ve been so good, come here, it’s about time we properly worship our King...”
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For @a-redharlequin thank you for your creative prompt:
“it's spooky season! So Ghoul King Billy and Vampire King Eddie back from the dead and find King Steve <3 (harringroveson)”
I really enjoyed writing this thank you so much for taking the time to send a prompt I find them so fun!
And sorry it turned out to just be a lot of Billy and Eddie banter with a sprinkling of Steve, their undead bickering carried me away a bit 😂
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Hellfire’s Mama fox; Eddie Munson x fem!oc Chap. 6.1
*Author’s note*
HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDDIE MUNSON!!! One year ago today you came onto the show and literally stole ALL of our hearts. Unfortunately I couldn’t get the whole chapter done but I’d be damned if I didn’t at least post up something in honor of the one year of season 4 of Stranger things for his debut. So to any and all readers out there enjoy part one of this chapter and I hope to have part two up in like a day or so.
Now this chapter specifically is set in Eddie’s POV cause one I said it could be and two it’ll really show just how much Eddie cares for Roxxi and it really needed to be from his POV esp. this chapter after what happened in the last chapter. 
Warnings: Flirty Eddie MAJOR FLIRT AND TEASE!! Some mentions of angst, mentions of suicide (past event not current in this timeline), fluff, SMUT (the next part will be some MAJOR smut so underaged blogs or bot blogs you’ll be blocked I’LL BE CHECKING)!! 
Chapter 6;
The Bard and the Elf-witch’s anniversary
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*Eddie’s POV*
The rest of the week went by in a blur.  Even though she says she’s fine, I knew Roxxi still kept thinking back to her encounter with her cousin Steve Harrington.  God if only I had known, hell I’ve been over to Family video throughout the summer and I didn’t even see Harrington once whilst I went in there to rent Wayne and me a movie.
It was Friday and as unfortunate as it is, I had begged Roxxi to take a mental health day.  She didn’t need the stress of Fridays piling up on her with all that’s been buzzing on her mind.  And as promised (more like forced) I had agreed to come to class and take notes for her.
Truthfully I hated leaving her alone when she got this way. The last time she was like this after an encounter with Steve, she had slit her wrists in her own bathroom.  Had I not gotten there in time, I—I don’t even want to think about what would’ve happened.
“Eddie, you alright man?” asked Gareth.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Just thinking about Roxxi.” I said picking out a pretzel from my bag and popping it into my mouth.
“You still wanna go through with Hellfire tonight?”
“Of course. You know the rules. Just didn’t feel right leaving her alone today, that’s all.”
“Still going off about you know who?” asked Jeff as he sat down with his lunch.  I hummed with a soft nod.  “Say isn’t yall’s anniversary coming up or something?” I perked up.
“Already? Jesus Christ last year it felt like a fucking eternity for it to come.”
“Maybe you can cheer her up on your anniversary. You always seem to make her day brighter every September the 21st.” Gareth said.
“What’s September 21st?” Dustin’s voice soon spoke up as he and Mike finally joined out table.
“Eddie and Roxxi’s anniversary.” Gareth told them.
“Wait so you guys—are you guys really married or is it like—” Mike started off but I flicked a pretzel at his head.
“No you little shithead.” Not yet anyways.  “Today marks the first time Roxxi and I met back in the sixth grade. She wore a Queen t-shirt, which I’ll praise her for. Her hair was done in a tight-knit ponytail and she had in her hands her journal which had various band and solo artist names written all over it. All ranging from Queen to REM, to Elton John and Bowie. Even Fleetwood Mac made the cut. She sat down at a table far in the corner, looking like a lost little fox kit. But that’s to be expected when someone goes from the 4th to 6th grade.”
“Wait she what?” asked Dustin incredulously.
“Oh yeah. Back in the day she was like a female Einstein or some shit. So much so the school board thought she could skip the 5th grade entirely and go straight into sixth. Which made her a target to some of the sixth grade bullies.”
“And one day I saw her being tossed around by said jerk wads. They were literally tossing her around in the alleyway between there and the high school.” Gareth first started out the tale I’ve always told of my meeting with my One.
“So gathering my courage, I preformed my best Gollum impression and made the boys piss themselves and run like cowardly dogs.” Jeff said.  “But then, just as I was about to ask if she was alright, she looked up at me with those hypnotic, piercing (e/c) eyes of hers.”
“And it was then I knew,” both he and Jeff struck themselves in the heart finishing my tale.
“I was hooked.” They both finished together, to which the whole table began to laugh.  I smirked snidely before standing up and chuckling alongside them as I sat myself between both Jeff and Gareth.  Placing my hand on their shoulders, I looked between the two of them before quickly pulling them both up.  I wrapped my arms over their necks bringing them close as I told them.
“And without the two of us, there wouldn’t be a Hellfire for you guys. And without her, you guys wouldn’t have become my lead bass and drummer for Corroded Coffin. So be thankful that I met her that day, for without her, there’d be no us. So show some respect to your DM’s first meeting, okay?”
“Yes Eddie.” They both shuddered nervously.  I smirked and gave them a playful slap in the face as I gathered my shit up.  
“Now if you all will excuse me, I have some planning to do before Monday. Hellfire’s still happening, 3pm sharp. Don’t be late.” I walked out of the cafeteria and headed to the library for some quiet time planning on how to make this anniversary more special than all the others in the past.
After school I went over to the payphone to give my Queen a call and to check up on her.  The phone rang a couple of times, my heart racing hoping she’d answer until I heard the click and her voice came on the other end.
“There’s my gorgeous girl.” I said leaning up against the payphone.
‘I take it that school went okay?’
“Babe, it’s school. It never goes okay with me. Boring lectures and even boring-er teachers.”
‘And this is why you’re failing English. Boring-er is not a word.’
“All words are made up Mama, isn’t that why we have our own English language while the British supposedly have theirs?”
‘Touché I’ll give you that.’ I grinned victoriously.
“But I’m sure you had a more fun day than me. At least you didn’t have to deal with O’Donnell’s nagging voice for a day.”
‘Just sat around, cleaned up a bit, watched some TV.’
“See you got to have all the fun.” I teased and I knew she was rolling her eyes at me statement.
‘I also finished that last bit of leftover pizza from last weekend. So if you were looking forward to that, sorry.’
“No worries. I’m already planning on having something else for dinner.” I lowly sung out seductively twirling the cord around my finger.
‘Eddie Munson! You eating me out does not equal a meal!’ I couldn’t help but smirk.  Oh man she was so easy to fluster sometimes.
“Actually sweetheart what I was going to suggest was some Benny’s but maybe I should go with your idea. After all you are better than any burger or milkshake they could ever make.”
‘I walked right into that one didn’t I?’
“Yes you did.” I heard her groan as I let out a chuckle. “In all seriousness, you’re okay right?”
‘Yes love. I am. You were right, I just—needed to take a day for myself. But that doesn’t mean this should happen more than three times. Remember we’re graduating together.’
“I know, I know. This will count as day 1. After Hellfire, I’ll pick up some Benny’s and then I’ll be home okay?”
‘Sounds good. Kick some ass and wow the guys tonight.’
“As always. But you know it’s not the same without my Dungeon Mistress.”
‘Get home sooner and maybe we can make up our own campaign. One on one.’
“Oh babe don’t tempt me.” I heard her chuckle.
‘Okay tough guy, I’ll see you whenever you’re done. Better get going it’s almost three.’ I looked down at my watch and saw that she was right.
“Shit! Okay babe sweet you love you so much buh-bye!” I hung up the phone and quickly raced towards the theatre to start the campaign for the day.
As promised, after the campaign was over I drove to Benny’s, picked up our order and then drove back to the trailer.  I parked the van and right there on the porch I saw my beloved feeding one of the local stray cats that come by our trailer.
Ozzy, a skinny black cat with orange eyes was a favorite of ours.  He came around just shortly after Roxxi had moved in with Wayne and I, abandoned by his own mother so Roxxi took it upon herself to feed him and take care of him.
“Honey, I’m home.” I sung out as I held up the food.  She and Ozzy turned to me and Ozzy let out a loud meow in hello.  “Hey to you too Ozzy, hadn’t seen you in a while. Hope you’ve been making good choices.” He let out another meow as he raised a paw in the air to the bag of food.
“Ozzy, if I’ve told you once I’ve told you a thousand times.” Roxxi started off as she picked him up.  “You do not eat people food, it’s not good for you.” He let out another low meow as he squirmed in her arms wanting to be put down.  “Now go eat your wet food like a good kitty.” She reprimanded as Ozzy went back to the can of wet food and ate from it.  “What are we gonna do with him?”
“No idea. I swear in another life he must’ve been human.” I said shrugging as the two of us went inside.
“I wish we could take him in as our own cat.”
“Me too babe but you know Wayne’s allergic to cats.”
“I know. And I don’t want the old man to be held up because of something he can’t control. It’s just with Halloween around the corner, I worry for his safety.” I set the food down and wrapped my arms around her, burying my face into her neck.
“He’s resourceful, and cunning. Just like his mama.” She smiled softly as I pecked her cheek.  “Now c’mon, let’s eat.” We headed to the kitchen and gathered our food before heading to the couch and turned on the tv.
“So how was the campaign tonight?” she asked.
“The boys didn’t expect that twist you suggested to me. Totally threw them off and fucked their entire gameplan they had going.” She smirked softly.  “And speaking of campaigns, your upcoming Halloween one, you still gonna do it?”
“Uhh duh!” she said as if she were answering a dumb question.
“I just wanted to be sure you weren’t pulling my leg when I saw your holiday campaign folder. You got it all done and checked out? Sure you don’t need me to have a quick peak?”
“I already told you Eddie, no peeping toms at my Halloween campaign. Now did you managed to find your Beren character sheet?”
“Yeah. Finally after digging through my locker I managed to find it. Still haven’t found his figurine though. Jesus I wish I knew where that went.”
“Maybe I’ll talk to Sinclair about it. I’m told his sister’s been getting into the game and made the guys current figurines. Maybe she can make you a new one.”
“Ahh yes, Sinclair’s infamous sister. Wonder if we’ll stick around to see her enter High school?”
“Don’t go talking like that Eds. We’re gonna get out of here, and then every summer we might just visit and reunite with the Hellfire gang. And who knows, maybe Henderson could take over as DM when we go.”
“He does show much potential. Though the kid needs to get his ego in check, I swear that tone of his is gonna get him into trouble one of these days.” I pulled her close so her back was against my chest before laying a kiss to the top of her head and looked down at her wolf tattoo.
I took her tattooed arm and raised it up before lifting my other arm which had the fox tattoo and had our forearms placed together.
“It really was a great idea meleth nin. Especially when we have the other’s animal spirit tattooed on us.”
“If you ask me, you’re more of the fox than I.”
“Oh c’mon Eddie you’ve seen the foxes that come out every now and then. They’re full of energy, hyperactive and above all extremely dorky but they do it so adorably. If anything maybe I should just call you Papa fox instead.”
“Excuse me? Who are you calling a dork?” I asked offensively but in a playful manner.
“I said adorably dorky.” Well I wasn’t gonna take that lying down.  Without a word, I stood up and walked briefly away from her, my back facing her as I crossed my arms over my chest.  “Eddie? Eddie come on. I didn’t mean anything by it!” oh she was too cute whenever she pleaded like that.  “Eddie please don’t be mad, I’m sorry okay? I just—” that’s when I made my attack.
With a cry I quickly gathered her up in my arms and carried her towards the bedroom and dropped her on my bed.
“You big, sneaky, son of a—” I then pounced on top of her, my body hovering over hers as I pinned her arms above her head.  I noticed how her breathing hitched and I knew her heart was racing.  I gave her a devious smirk before lowering my face down to her neck and kissed her pulse point, the one spot I knew got her every time.
I softly growled as I kissed and nipped at her neck while I felt her squirm underneath me and she let out her sweet little mewls that always got me.
“I am the only wolf in this pair,” I whispered huskily into her neck.  “Ever question that again,” I kissed down the right side of her neck.  “And the Big, Bad Wolf will come for you. And he’s not so merciful, especially towards beautiful girls.” After a few more kisses on her neck to fully drop her guard, I made my real attack.
I blew a raspberry right into the right side of her neck that she had now fully exposed to me.  She let out a screeched laughter as I felt her legs kick under me but I placed my hips down to hers to pin her fully as I continued to deliver my raspberry attack to her soft, sensitive neck.
“Eddie! EDDIE NOHAHAHA! STOHAHAP!” she spoke through her laughter.  God I swear no drug on earth could compare to her laughter, I could get hooked on it forever. “NO NOT THAT! NOT THE WOLFIE NIBBLES AHEHEHE!!” oh yes the wolf nibbles my darling.  Along with raspberries she loved hated whenever I could give her some ticklish nibbles.
All across her neck and shoulders and even her collarbone I gave her nibbles, raspberries and ticklish kisses (with kissing sounds included). Finally I decided to take pity on her and cease my attack leaving her a panting mess.
“What….was that….for?” she whined softly as she tried to catch her breath.
“What? Can’t I show my best girl how much I love her?” I asked nonchalantly.
“That was mean Eddie!” she whined sadly.  “You tricked me and then tortured me.” Aww my poor sweet girl.  
“Okay maybe I did go a bit too far, forgive me?” I asked with a head tilt and cutely nudged my nose against hers as I stared deeply into her eyes.
“Will you give me snuggles and no tickles?”
“I swear.” I said crossing my heart.
“Then I forgive you.” I smiled and gave her a sweet kiss to her lips before rolling on my back and brought her close to my chest, her face burying just above my heart.  I kissed her forehead as I wrapped my arms around her, my thumb stroking her bicep softly while my other hand stroked through her hair.
Jesus Christ how did I ever get so lucky to get a girl like this to fall for me? She truly was an ethereal Elven princess who fell for the lowly Bard Ranger.  And come Monday, I’m gonna make this the best anniversary she’s ever known.
Monday soon came.  The one thing that sucks about today is that we’ll have to spend most of our anniversary at school, but on a brighter side at least I don’t have to worry about not having one class without her today.
I got up as early as I could and started to prepare us breakfast. Now I’m no gourmet chef or anything like that, but I do know how to make a mean Munson Supreme (eggs sunny side up, bacon, and orange juice).  After setting up the table with some wild flowers I had picked up outside in a cup as the center piece, I heard my girl’s footsteps coming into the kitchen.
“Good morning my Queen.” She looked at the table then up at me before asking me.
“Is it today?” I nodded as I took one of the flowers from the center piece and held it out to her.
“Happy anniversary Roxxi.” She took the flower and sniffed it softly.  She came up to me and kissed my cheek lovingly.
“Who would’ve thought on a Monday you’d get up this early and do all this?”
“Ye have little faith in me my beloved. I’m wounded.” She giggled as she shook her head.
“But I love it Teddy-bear. And I see you’ve made your Munson Supreme.”
“Only the best for my girl.” I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close and nuzzled our noses together.  I forced myself away from her and pulled out her chair for her to sit down.  She thanked me and I pulled her chair in as I gathered up and prepared her breakfast on a tray.  “If you had stayed in bed a bit longer, I could’ve served you breakfast in bed.”
“Woke up to feel that my teddy bear wasn’t beside me anymore. You know I sleep better with you by my side.”
“Same goes for me Foxy Roxxi.” I winked at her.
“Your animal nickname is much cuter.”
“Yours is adorable. And sexy if I might also add.” She rolled her eyes as she began to eat her eggs.
“Agree to disagree.” Even though I didn’t want to, I nodded to her.  “So, besides school, any plans you’ve got for us tonight?”
“And that’s where we divert from the previous years. This is a special anniversary for you my darling, you won’t know what I’ve got planned for us.”
“Okay I see you. Very well, I’ll trust you on this Eddie. But if you take me somewhere just to murder me, I’ll come back and haunt your ass.”
“Damn you caught me. My ultimate plan was to kill you by cuddles and tickles.” She playfully glared at me.  I cheekily grinned at her before blowing her a kiss as we continued our breakfast.
We did our morning ritual as always and once we were backed up ready for school, I quickly raced out and opened the door for her as I extended my hand for her to take.  She thanked me again as she got into the van and I shut the door behind her.  I went back around to the driver’s side and told her as I started the engine.
“Okay sweetheart, pick our tunes for the week.”
“Sorry did you say week?”
“You usually never let me take control of the radio for more than 2 days.”
“Like I said, we’re doing things differently this year. Now pick which mixtape shall be ours today.” I watched as she took out her mixtape box from under the seat and dug through it until she found the first ever mixtape I ever made for her when we first began dating.
She placed it in and soon ‘Stand by me’ by Ben E. King started playing.  I saw her tap her tall and index fingers along the side of the door to the beat of the cello blaring from the radio.
“There’s no one on earth I would ever have done this for. Not a single metal band song at the time.” I told her.
“It’s still so sweet that you did that. Thankfully by the next one you gave me, you had included some stuff from your bands.” She said taking my hand in hers.
“All cause you said you’d be open to hear some of their love songs. Sure some of them aren’t the normal slow, love ballad but the lyrics ring true.”
“Follow me now and you will not regret. Leaving the life you led before we met. You are the first to have this love of mine. Forever with me till the end of time.” she said quoting Black Sabbath’s love song N.I.B.
“Jesus is there anything more sexier than you quoting Sabbath to me?” I reversed the van at a normal speed before putting it in drive and drove at a normal speed.
“Is the Eddie ‘the Speed’ Munson actually obeying traffic laws?”
“I could easily put this van in park and follow through with my fake murder plot against you.” I playfully threatened her as I gave her the look.  She stuck her tongue at me and gave me a cheeky wink as I drove us towards the school, all the while our hands reconnected and I stroked the back of her hand with my thumb.
As usual school went on the long, boring path it always did every Monday.  However this time during lectures in secret, I secretly passed notes to Roxxi telling her how beautiful she looked, how smart she was, all the basics and plus a little bit more.
Along with the secret note delivery service I provided for each class, I also did my best to take as many notes as possible as well as praying to whomever above that they wouldn’t give us too much homework tonight, I got places to take my lady tonight.
When school was finally over, I guided Roxxi towards the theatre and right as we came to the doors she asked me.
“What are we doing here Eddie? We don’t usually come to the theatre until weds. to compare notes for the next campaign.”
“I told you my love, for our anniversary, things are different.” I snapped my fingers before the doors opened on their own (thanks tech geeks for staying afterward to help with this).  Her eyes widened at the doors magically opening on their own.  I held my hand to her and we walked in together.
Inside our D&D table was halfway set up with both our figurines of Beren and Lúthien standing side by side along with the D20 dice and a candelabra all lit up.  I stopped her just short of the table while I came around to my throne, my hands leaning against the table.
“Lúthien the ethereal, Elven white witch, Princess of the Border Forest, you have braved through many hardships, battled demons the like of which no one in our company could ever imagine. And now, now you must face another quest. The quest of Two Lovers, and you will be the deciding factor in which path both Beren and yourself will travel. What say you my fair lady?” I spoke in my DM voice.  She pondered as she looked between me and our figurines.
“What are the stakes?” she asked.
“A voyage of passion, bliss and a union of a bond the like of which had never been seen before. Or you end up taking them down a road of darkness, suffering and agony so horrifying and so unbearable that not even being trapped in a troll-hoard could compare to what could happen to our two lovers.”
As always when she was in deep thought, she took the ends of the right side of her hair and twirled it in her fingers.  Even with the short curl, she still managed to twirl the multi-layered strand of hair around her finger.  She then looked up at me and said in a firm, determined voice.
“Give me the D20.” I smirked and grabbed it before tossing it at her.  She caught it straight into her palm and observed it.
“You get three shots. Don’t waste them.”
“Three shots? Pretty humble of you Dungeon Master, either that or very reckless of you for allowing me some additional help.”
“Let’s just say the three rolls you make will decide the whole quest itself for our Lovers. Now milady, take your first shot.” I sat down upon my throne with my arms cross over my chest as she held the dice between her hands.  She first had it roll between her palms before I saw her shake it up and then tossed it across the table.
The dice bounced and skipped across the table board until landing on 13.  Not bad for a first roll.
“Lucky 13, not bad for the first roll. The start will be fairly easy for our lovers to come across.” I took the dice and threw it back at her.
“You sure you’re not going easy on me today?”
“When it comes to D&D, I never kid around my fair lady. Let’s see what your next roll shall be?” she did the same thing again but this time she shook the dice up a little bit longer than her first roll before letting it go.  With a skip and a leap, the dice rolled until it began to spin around and landed on 8. I hissed softly as I gave her a pained expression.
“Guess I went down the wrong path?” she asked.
“Not the best but I won’t say it’s the worst. Your last chance, and who knows maybe you’ll get lucky. I’ve seen it happen before when it comes to the wire.” I rolled the die between my fingers before tossing it back at her.  She and I looked at each other and I gave her a slow nod.
She took a deep breath in before holding my d20 to her lips and began to shake it up.  She had that die in her hand for a full straight minute before finally letting it go. It flew across the table as I slowly rose from my throne to see where this would all end.
The d20 soon began to slow down and start to pick where it wanted to go.  I was at first seeing low numbers which made my heart race but then by a miracle, it landed on crit-hit 20!
“CRIT HIT!!!” She exclaimed.  I threw my head back laughing as I threw my arms up in the air rejoicing. At least by sunset we’d get to the best spot in town and then end it all with a bang.  I came around towards her and narrated.
“It all began where it left off;” I took Roxxi into my arms as hers wrapped around my neck.  “Beren and Lúthien after leaving their company to set off on their own adventure together, they were settled in their cabin, Lúthien by the fire in her grand chair built by her husband. Beren had been noticing how his wife hadn’t been acting like herself. So he proposes; ‘My beloved, set your needlework aside. We’re going on an adventure today.’”
“‘Meleth nin,’ Lúthien says.” Roxxi soon joined my narrating. “‘We have seen many of the world already, what more is there to see?’”
“‘Unlike previous adventures we are not seeking the glory of treasure or seeking out new lands. But the pleasure of viewing the world with my wife. Will you not give me that?’ Beren asks his beloved Elven Queen.” I said as I stroked Roxxi’s cheek, gently brushing aside some of her tri-colored strands out of her face as I stared into her eyes.
“‘It does sound tempting.’ Lúthien begins to ponder. She looks at her husband and begins to understand why he is doing this for her.” She placed her hand against my cheek.  I turned towards her palm and softly kissed it.  “‘Yes. Yes we deserve an adventure. Not for value or glory, but for love. For our love.’” I smiled and I leaned forward and kissed my Lúthien.
“‘Then let us saddle the horse and be on our way.’” I said as I gathered up my D&D stuff and blew out the candelabra before taking Roxxi by the arm and the two of us raced towards the van.
We quickly got in and I started the engine as her mixtape resumed playing.  But she quickly ejected it out and began to find a new one to listen to.  She popped it in and soon Foreigners “I wanna know what love is” soon came on the speakers.  This was the 2nd mixtape I made her, that I had added some metal love songs to from not only mine but the bands she was starting to love at the time.
“So where did you find Beren’s figurine at? And how did you get my Lúthien figurine as well?” she asked me.
“Turns out I left Beren at the last summer session we ever had at Gareth’s place. He told me last week how he had found it when he and his mom were doing some fall cleaning. As for Lady Lúthien, I have my ways.” I gave her a cheeky wink as I drove us to our first destination.
We first started off with dinner at the old 1950’s diner that I took Roxxi on our very first date.  I still remember how she wore that cute black skirt with rose petals stitched across it, and a gorgeous blouse to match.  Boy did I look underdressed but bless her heart she thought she overdressed.
Nonetheless she was a vision, and I knew right then and there I had to hold onto her and not fuck this relationship up.  Fast forward to seven years later (three of them being just when we finally started dating) and we’re still together.  Sure we’ve had our ups and downs especially this past year but we’re taking it one day at a time.
“Shall we get the usual?” I asked her.
“Whatever you want babe. I’m game for anything.” She replied.
“But this is for you Roxxi, now if you want something different I will give it to you.”
“You know you don’t have to go out of your way for me sweetie.”
“Spoiling my girlfriend on our anniversary is not going out of my way.” I reached out and took her hand.  “I want to do this.” She softly smiled at me as coming up to our table was the same waitress who served us on our first date, an old lady named Rose.
She was like your average 70 something year old woman, however unlike every old lady who cowers everytime I make a public appearance, she saw me like her own grandson (whose supposedly a metalhead like me who lives out in San Francisco).  She always told me to get my hair out of my face so Roxxi could see my eyes better and to always pay for the date.
“That time of the year again kids?” she asked us.
“Don’t you know it. Sorry we couldn’t do it last year Rose.”
“No worries dearies, shall it be the usual?”
“Yes. But instead of the chocolate milkshake can we get the oreo mix?” Roxxi answered.
“Absolutely sweetie, two chicken sandwiches and fries and one oreo milkshake coming up.” she took the menus from us and went over to the kitchen.
“An oreo milkshake?” I asked.
“The Dairy Queen up in Indianapolis had something called an oreo blizzard and it changed my life forever. It’s basically a milkshake but has oreos in them. When I took notice that they had some new milkshakes and an oreo was one of them, I had to do it.”
“Hope it’s better than your oreo and peanut butter idea. I still can’t believe you talked me into trying that.” I shuddered remembering that god awful taste.  Now I like oreos and peanut butter as much as the next guy but combining them together, gross!
“Oh that’s rich coming from the guy who still drinks pickle juice whenever he gets the chance.” She mocked.  When there’s absolutely nothing left to drink and all you find is some leftover sliced pickles, a rotten tomato and expired celery, you tell me which would you choose.  But truthfully it wasn’t half bad when I got past the third sip.
“Okay kids here we are, fresh and hot out of the oven.” Rose sat down our meal as well as the oreo milkshake which I’ll admit it did look pretty good.  Two main oreo cookies stuck out above and were leaned up against the cup, and I could see both above and through the cup oreo crumbs mixed into the vanilla ice cream.
Roxxi took her spoon and dipped it first before holding it out to me.  I leaned forward and took a bite of the ice cream mixed with oreo crumbs and my god was that something I never knew I needed.
“Well? Pretty good huh?”
“That is the second greatest thing I’ve ever tasted.”
“Second? What’s the first? No wait don’t answer that.” I snickered as I dipped my fries into the shake before popping it into my mouth and we continued our dinner date in peace.
After paying up front and heading back to the van, Roxxi said.
“Now you said that my second roll though it was low, it’s not as bad of a path.”
“Ahh yes. Hold on I need to make a quick phone call real quick. You go wait by the van, I’ll be right there in a moment.” I pecked her cheek before quickly racing back towards the payphone at was at the corner of the diner. I dug through my pockets for the change and put it into the payphone before dialing up the number.  It rang a few times before he finally responded.
“Jeff, hey it’s me. Turns out Roxxi and I will be heading to your place after all.”
‘She rolled low didn’t she?’
“If she had rolled less than seven then we’d be at the library doing our homework. So can we come over?”
‘Yeah, you’re lucky my mom’s out of town and my dad’s visiting my sick grandmother.’
“See you then man.” I hung up the phone and walked back over to Roxxi.
“What was all that for?”
“Just to confirm where we’re heading off too next. Now like I said, unfortunately it’s not a fun or memorable activity but it must be done for the fun to continue. But due to your roll of 8, there is a catch to this.”
“Which is…..”
“We’ll need some assistance with that.” We got into the van and I turned on the engine before pulling out of the diner and drove us to Jeff’s place.  I pulled into his driveway and she said.
“Jeff’s house? Why are we here Eddie?”
“Unfortunately due to the date of which our anniversary on, I was forced to acknowledge that it was a school day and that in order for us to graduate, we do need to get our—homework done.” I shuddered at the end of my statement.  “Seriously, why couldn’t our special day always be on a weekend like Friday or Saturday. Hell I’d even take the holy day of Sunday, at least then the streets and shops wouldn’t be as crowded.” I felt her take my hand.
“Eddie Munson, have I ever told you how proud I am of your dedication these past few weeks?”
“You tell me every day. Besides I made a promise, and for our day I’m willing to really make this work. Which brings us here, study session with Jeff. But his house holds a special place too, remember?”
“Uhh—was it—no it…..no I don’t.” I smiled softly and ducked my head in before explaining.
“Middle school, talent show. You had done the cheer thing with Chrissy Cunningham, and the guys and I had our first live performance as Corroded Coffin. We came here after the show when you both won second place, which was bull! You should’ve won first!” She playfully rolled her eyes.  “We were out by his pool, and I looked at you and that was the moment that my feelings for you had changed. I no longer wanted to just be your friend.”
I stroked her cheek softly before brushing my thumb over her soft lips.  I felt her lips pucker up slightly as she kissed my thumb.
“You never told me that.”
“Was waiting for the right moment to confess that story.” She smiled softly at me before leaning in and softly kissed me.  I cupped her jawline and softly deepened the kiss but I had to hold myself back.  Just wait Eddie, you’ll get your chance tonight.  “As much as I would love to continue this, I don’t think Jeff would appreciate us having car sex in his driveway.”
“Yeah, and neither would the neighbors. Don’t wish to scar any kids with the van rocking.” I pecked her lips before reaching behind and grabbing our backpacks and we exited the van and headed up Jeff’s porch and I rang the doorbell.
He opened it up and allowed us to come into the living room. Jeff was in both our English and History class so we all agreed we could get those assignments done first before Roxxi and I would move onto our next two classes.
Now truthfully nothing really fun happened throughout this time frame cause I made a promise that today there’d be no funny business. If I got confused with something, Roxxi was there to guide me through it or explain it better than what was described on the paper.  At least until we started our math homework, that’s when Jeff came into play.
Being in AP Trig, he knew how to read numbers and formulas better than anyone.  So he helped us with understanding our math assignment until we had every last bit of homework completed.  And boy did my brain feel like it was put through the blender then spat out before being shoved down a toaster and be burnt into a crisp.
“So what’s next on you guy’s anniversary plan?” Jeff asked.
“None of your business, thanks for letting us crash here Jeff to do the boring stuff.” Roxxi playfully nudged against me before she said.
“We’ll see you tomorrow in English, Jeff.”
“See yah guys, and happy anniversary.” We both waved him off before loading the van back up.
“And finally comes my crit-hit reward right?”
“You are correct milady. And a good thing we got done when we did cause the sun’s just about to set and hopefully we’ll get there before it gets dark.” I turned on the van and backed out of Jeff’s driveway before punching the gas and sped off towards our final destination.
Pelennor fields.
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bluedalliances · 2 years
My steddie TOP 10+1 of January
Here are some of my favorite readings of January in no particular order and with some things that are not trigger warnings but I usually like to know. 
Take the money and run by thisapplepielife
This is the first fic I read this year and it became one of my favorite ever. Eddie and Steve go on a road trip and fall in love across the country. It’s sweet, it’s funny, the characters are on point, and every detail is considered. I can’t explain how good this is.
140k / period-typical homophobia - internalized homophobia / Happy ending / Rated E
that'd be the end of the last man on earth by pbandjeremiah
Years after everything goes down, Steve is in a plane from San Francisco to Chicago and Eddie Munson sits by his side with his two kids. Four hours of softness, good care of children and Stevie craving a family.
I actually cried with this one because of how beautiful it is and how nicely it portrays the wishful daydreaming of being a part of something. 
9k / Happy ending / Rated M for like two seconds
Promise To Try by LocalCryptid7
Steve finds out the kids are hanging around Eddie and doesn’t want them to get in trouble. So he helps him get a job and graduate. They fall in love along the way. 
This has everything. A slow burn canon rewrite, with realistic temporal setting, lovely Wayne Munson and great relationships, soft moments, fun moments, hurt moments, comfort moments, the whole deal. There are some heavy themes, tho, so mind the tags, they are great tags. 
84k / Happy ending / Rated M
The Sun Is Gone, but I Have a Light by OfmdLins
THIS VAMPIRE AU IS LITERALLY SO GOOD. I’d pay for more of it. It’s wonderful, cute, funny, good consent talk, spicy time, and amazing ending.
“Chicago, Illinois, 1993. Eddie follows the recommendation of another vampire to visit a 'donor,' a human who lets vampires feed off them for a living. What he's not expecting is for said donor to be a ghost from high school past in the shape of Steve Harrington.” 
I’m begging you, read this. 
10k / Open but really good and soft ending / Rated E
A Hawkins Hallmark Christmas by Appledagger
They play Secret Santa and Eddie is decided to give Steve the best gift of his life, but to do it, he has to get to know him. Chaos, family time, pining and going around forgotten secrets. So good it hurts. Also! It has pretty good communication, I always enjoy that.  47k / Happy ending / Rated M
nothing quite like this by ashleigh
Wayne doesn’t like Steve. But maybe it’s a matter of time. A study of Steve Harrington and his relationship with Eddie from Wayne’s eyes. Steve is the softest boy ever and he grows into people. 
5k / Happy ending / Rated M
waters so inviting by monstrousfemale (stresslinesandcigarettes)
Steve teaches Eddie how to swim, but no time is enough if it is by his side. So, pining, they both think it’s unrequited, swimming, softness, smut, what else do you want?
28k / Happy ending / Rated E
We'll Know for the First Time by Kikiz
They are friends. But one day, Steve realizes he’d choose Eddie over any date. Until then, oblivious boys pin for each other and share platonic intimacy. It’s very fucking cute. 
This is a fix-it post-canon fic, slow burn, pining, fluff, smut, a homegrew graduation and all the love Eddie deserves. 
41k / Happy ending /Rated E
I've been trying to figure you out, tell me then would you lend a hand? by eloquent_fairy
Where Eddie discovers Steve is not what he thought and wants to understand him. From preseason 4 to fix-it fic. He’s stubborn about it, but gets there. I laughed, cried and (mentally) screamed with this one. So many feelings and such a wonderful character study.
30 k / Happy ending / Rated T / Part of a series! 
linger by yournowheregirl
Alternative universe. College Au. Rivals (kinda, not realy) to friends to lovers. Classic misunderstandings and angst. If you feel like stressing out with a lovely fanfic amazingly written, this is for you, my darling. 
They fight for the same desk at the library and somehow become suddy buddies, but then become more. Idiots in love and protective ronance <3 
45k / Happy ending with lots of angst before / Rated T 
some nice young satanist by heuniversesaidiloveyou
It's 1991, Robin and Steve have moved to the big city and have an annoying metalhead neighbor. That’s how they meet Eddie again after 5 years. Ft. going out, experiencing queer joy and falling in love while trying to get over their past.
This one has angst and people getting hurt from internalized homophobia. Mind the tags!
 40k / Happy ending
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hunter-sylvester · 1 year
1, 8, 16, 17 & 22? For the choose violence ask game ✨
-cracks knuckles- let's go
(I got so fucking rambly I put in a cut so this doesn't clog everybody's dash lmao)
01. The character everyone gets wrong
It depends. My first thought was Hunter Sylvester. But I do see a lot of takes I agree with. I definitely wouldn't say everyone gets him wrong. I guess it's closer to maybe being about 50/50? But he's the character I've seen people get the most wrong I think. To the point where I wonder what fucking movie they watched cause it's not Metal Lords 2022 I know that much. The "he wouldn't say that" is strong.
The other answer would be Riley Finn (btvs) I guess. Because he is WIDELY hated by the fandom and there are just some scenes that I find really endearing. He has shitty moments, sure. He does. I'm not blind to those, nor do I excuse them. (Ultimatums are never ok!) But it feels like most of the fandom hates EVERYTHING about him and there is just an endearing quality to him for me. It's weird because my favorite Buffy character is Spike and it's not like Riley even makes it into my top 10. I don't love him as a character but I just...kinda like him?? Which is already in pretty stark contrast to most of the fandom I feel lol There is just something quite sweet about that goody two shoes soldier boy who's stressing out because everything he's ever been told is true and correct is crumbling around him. It's particularly the scene where he's helping Xander move that really does it for me I think. (I know you've been watching through Buffy for the first time and I don't think you've gotten to it yet so I'm trying not to be too spoilery) But yeah, I don't even have that strong of a defense of him at all. Again, I just…kinda like him. (disclaimer it's been a WHILE since my last watch-through, do not come for me)
08. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Eddie being a top/Dom. I have literally nothing to back that opinion up other than I prefer Bottom!Eddie + Top!Steve. I know I'm kinda the one that's wrong on this one but...I like what I like. And I shall be delusional about it lol
This one's not super common but tiny fandom so eh I don't see where people remotely get the idea that Hunter is into Clay. Nor vice versa to be honest. I don't think they're particularly on each other's radar one way or another. At most I feel like Clay would be like "he's kind of a dick...hope he's okay tho" (like after the party particularly) And I feel like Hunter forgets Clay exists when he's not actively standing in front of him.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I must preface this by saying I have NO ISSUE what so ever with polyamory. It's all good, there should be more rep and the societal bullshit stigma needs to go. That being said... I just don't like poly skullflower, personally. It's not for me. I don't see it. I don't get it.
Also x reader anything I just can't and I don't get why people like it but to each their own.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Basically any fanart of Metal Lords, preferably Hunter (obviously). But I'll take pretty much anything T-T I would love to have more Metal Lords fics to read too but I'm extremely picky about Hunter's characterization so I don't even know what to say I want more of, we'd be here all day lol
22. Your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I guess I truly don't think I've seen anybody else acknowledge that Kevin is a Fallout fan. Not necessarily my "favorite part of canon" or anything but I genuinely don't think I've seen anybody talk about it. And I do like it, I think it's really fun. (I was going to say Hunter's anxiety initially but I don't know if that is technically canon?? Or if the jacket thing (just the idea of it being one jacket not the whole scenario lol) can be counted as canon. Or even if Hunter being in love with Kevin can be considered canon. It's how Adrian played Hunter but it wasn't in the script. I would consider that canon but it's not widely ignored so...Fallout.)
Thank you so much for sending these 🤘 (And I'm so sorry it got SO wordy asjdlkalsjl)
From this ask game.
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berenwrites · 1 year
Whole New Us Ch11 - Stranger Things - Steddie
Whole New Us: Trauma Bonded and Beyond
Also on AO3 | Or here CH1 | CH2 | CH3 | CH4 | CH5 | CH6 | CH7 | CH8 | CH9 | CH10 | CH11 | CH12 | CH13 | CH14 | CH15 | CH16 | CH17 | CH18 | CH19 | CH20 | CH21 | CH22 | CH23 | CH24 | CH25 (Mature) | CH25 (Fade to black) COMPLETE
Summary: Steve has been ignoring his own problems, he’s been busy. They’ve all been busy, preoccupied with fixing everything that was broken. Vecna has been defeated, but the Upside Down is still there, and the gates are not completely closed even though Hawkins has almost returned to normal. It’s been a couple of months and the aftereffects of Steve’s encounter with the demobats is about to come back to bite him. However, it also brings some unexpected hope.
Pairing: steddie (Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson)
Rating: Teen (with mature content in later chapters)
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Chapter 11.    Friends
The government suits, along with Nancy, had come up with added extras to the cover story for Eddie being innocent to explain how he was alive. It had taken a couple of weeks, but everything had been put in place.
Eddie was still the tragic victim, kidnapped, nearly killed defending one Dustin Henderson, so much so he had been reported dead, only now he had miraculously managed to escape, only to be found wandering miles away and falling into catatonic trauma in a small clinic several towns over. This was where Hopper and Steve had tracked him down after Steve had heard a strange rumour and done some investigating. Bringing him back had helped him snap out of it by reuniting him with his uncle. All very dramatic and daytime soap opera like, but this was Hawkins, so no one would question it.
Steve wasn’t sure he liked the role of hero for the whole thing, but when Nancy had glared at him, he’d gone with it, since it also gave a decent explanation as to why Eddie could be staying with him if anyone found out.
It was all set to be released that lunchtime so that it would be a big feature on the evening news. Hence, just before twelve, Steve left Eddie with the phone to call his friends to give them advance warning. He didn’t know a whole heap about the other members of Corroded Coffin, but he knew they meant a lot to Eddie, letting them find out by media was not an option.
To give Eddie some privacy, Steve was stress baking in the kitchen since it was his day off. He’d asked Eddie if he should stay and Eddie had seemed conflicted, but eventually told him no, so he was doing his best to keep out of the way. It was quite hard to not listen since his hearing was that much sharper now, especially when it came to Eddie. He’d just put in his second batch of chocolate chip cookies when he felt a spike of anxiety come from Eddie’s direction. Without his conscious consent he froze.
“Gar, I’m safe, okay,” Eddie was saying. “I want to see you too, but … look I can’t.”
Steve could literally hear the longing in Eddie’s voice. These guys had been Eddie’s support system for years, and Eddie might have been part of the Upside Down party now, but he had been one of them longer. Steve knew all about losing your whole social group and he made a very quick decision.
Walking to the door he opened it.
“Eddie,” he said, peering round the corner to where Eddie was perching beside the phone, “you can invite them over.”
He made sure his voice would not carry over the phone, but Eddie heard him loud and clear. His boyfriend gave him a look that was all furrowed brows and conflicted tightness. For a second Eddie was clearly undecided, before he raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner. Steve nodded back.
“I made cookies,” he added, as if that might be a deciding factor.
Eddie sent back a fond smile for that, although it disappeared in nerves pretty quickly.
“Look, Gar,” Eddie said, “forget what I just said, but you’re going to think I’ve lost it when I tell you where I am.”
“If they need transport, I can pick them up,” Steve added, before disappearing back into the kitchen to allow Eddie to continue his conversation.
“They know about me,” Eddie said as they waited for Eddie’s friends to arrive.
“You?” Steve asked, because he didn’t quite follow.
“They know I’m gay,” Eddie expanded. “They might … um … us … they might pick up on it. I’ll try, but, sometimes my impulse control is shit around people I trust.”
Steve caught on. Rather than saying anything straight away, he reached out and gently pulled Eddie towards him, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.
“If you trust them, I trust them,” he said simply, because that was what it all boiled down to.
“They might be, well, a little hostile at first,” Eddie said, searching his face for something Steve couldn’t quite guess at. “They don’t know you like I do.”
“And they only ever saw King Steve,” he replied, because he could understand that.
Eddie nodded.
“And we’re kind of protective of each other,” Eddie explained.
“That I get,” Steve said, doing his best to reassure his boyfriend. “I was an asshole for much of my school career even if I was nowhere near as big a dick as Billy Hargrove. They have a right to dislike me. But I have cookies, I will win them over.”
Eddie took the hint and grinned at him.
“God, what did I ever do to have such a cute boyfriend who bakes too?” Eddie teased.
“I am not cute,” Steve protested. “I am devilishly handsome.”
“Well yeah, but I’m going with cute, adorable, beautiful…”
He shut Eddie up by kissing him. It was only supposed to be a quick kiss, but it deepened as Eddie threaded fingers through his hair, pulling him closer. The feeling of Eddie washed through him. It was so easy for Steve to lose himself in the moment as their desires and needs curled around each other, mixing into a heady cocktail.
Only the sound of the doorbell snapped them out of it.
“Fuck, you’re intoxicating,” Steve said, blinking back to reality.
Eddie gave him a grin, while pulling his shirt straight.
“Right back at ya, Big Boy,” Eddie said.
“Ok, go let your friends in,” Steve said before he got more ideas. “I’ll be in the kitchen with the radio on, so you guys can have some privacy. Just let me know if you need anything.”
Eddie leaned back in and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“Thanks,” Eddie said. “I will wait for the cookies to work their magic before introducing you properly.”
Eddie’s eyes flicked back towards the entry way, biting his lip.
“I can let them in for you, if you want,” Steve offered, picking up the fizzle of nerves in the back of his brain from Eddie, as well as the more than obvious body language. “Give you a chance to breathe before disappearing.”
“While that sounds very appealing,” Eddie said, taking a deep breath, “I think I’d rather get this over with. Let’s go with plan A.”
“Whatever you need,” he said, giving his boyfriend a supportive smile.
As Eddie headed towards the front door, Steve headed for the kitchen as he had promised.
“Gar…” he heard after the sound of the door opening, but the sound was cut off abruptly.
“Eddie, fuck, you really are alive you bastard.”
He knew the sound of desperate affection when he heard it and he hurried on his way. He flipped on the radio quickly, just loud enough to cover any sound coming from the other room before setting about preparing things for dinner. Robin was coming over later along with Wayne, and he had no idea if Eddie would want to invite his friends to stay as well, so he was determined to be prepared. He was pretty sure he had his Grandma Lucy’s feeding people instincts. No one had ever left her house hungry.
This house had been a bit like that once too, when he was younger, and it was just him and his mom at home. Now he thought about it, it was after his grandmother had collapsed and died from an aneurism (a timebomb waiting to happen no one could have predicted according to the doctors, he remembered hearing them tell his parents) that his mom had started pulling away. Going on business trips with his dad had suddenly been more important than baking cookies for Christmas or cakes for Easter.
Steve understood something about grief now and his thoughts were something of a revelation. Not that he was interested in dwelling on such deep thoughts when he had Eddie to worry about. Pulling out things from the refrigerator and cupboard he began to sing along quietly to the song playing as he went into prep mode.
He’d put together enough lasagne to feed an army (he could put some of it in the freezer if it wasn’t needed) when he heard the door open behind him. He turned to find Eddie standing in the doorway looking dishevelled as if he’d been playing with his hair, a bit shellshocked, but otherwise happy.
“You okay?” Steve asked.
“Yeah,” Eddie replied. “I’ve given them the whole story,” he made quotes with his hands as he said it, “and the sorry can’t tell you all the details speech, there might have been some crying, but we’ll all deny it to our dying day. Wanna come meet the guys?”
Steve wiped his hands on the closest cloth and pulled off the apron he was wearing.
“I’d love to,” he replied, even as his heartbeat picked up.
Following Eddie back into the living room, he found himself the focus of attention of Eddie’s three closest friends. He’d faced the Upside Down and honest to God monsters, but this was right up there with that.
“Hi,” he greeted.
“Steve, this is Gareth, Jeff and Frank,” Eddie introduced. “Guys, I’m sure you remember Steve.”
“We do,” Gareth replied.
“But none of us would have guessed The Steve Harrington bakes,” Jeff added.
“Awesome cookies, Man,” Frank finished.
“One of my grandma’s secret recipes,” he said, raising a smile at that. “She taught me to make them when I was eight. After she passed, they became my go-to comfort food.”
“You could create your own empire with them,” Gareth said, returning his smile.
“Nah, Robin would never forgive me,” he replied. “She uses them to bribe her mom into letting her stay over. If you could get them everywhere she’d lose her leverage.”
“Robin Buckley’s mother can be bribed with cookies to let her daughter sleep over at your house?” Jeff asked incredulously.
The cookies were more of a tradition these days than a bribe, but Steve wasn’t about to admit that.
“Yeah, or sometimes I sleep over at her house,” he replied, falling onto the couch beside Eddie. “We trauma bonded during the Starcourt fire. Sleepovers are way cheaper than the phone bills we were racking up.”
“They’re platonic soulmates,” Eddie offered up. “You should see it, it’s adorable.”
“Says the man who hides behind his hair when he’s embarrassed,” Steve countered.
“Well, I didn’t say I wasn’t adorable too,” Eddie replied, batting his eyelashes and deliberately pulling his hair over his face.
Shaking his head and laughing, Steve elbowed his boyfriend in the side, turning back to look at his guests. Jeff and Frank were smiling along too, but Gareth had a worryingly serious expression on his face. Eddie had mentioned that Gareth was his closest friend even though Eddie was significantly older.
“Adorable, yeah, that’s the word that first comes to mind with you, Eddie,” Jeff said, joining in the teasing.
“You break my heart, Sir Knight,” Eddie responded in true dramatic fashion. “I cannot go on.”
“Oh no,” Steve said firmly, “one dramatic death scene is one too many, so have another cookie and deal.”
Eddie giggled at him, but did take the opportunity to grab one of the few remaining cookies on the plate.
“Yeah, definitely one too many,” Gareth agreed, sobering the moment. “Look, Harrington, we owe you our thanks for finding Eddie and bringing him back.”
“It wasn’t just me,” Steve replied, because there was no way he was taking all the credit, no matter if they were talking the cover story or reality. “And I was just in the right place at the right time to figure out the truth.”
“Yeah, but most of this town wouldn’t have bothered,” Jeff joined in. “Eddie told us how you and Henderson helped him after what happened to Chrissy too and that it got you all in trouble.”
Steve saw Jeff’s eyes flick to the pale scar on his throat.
“Dustin’s a good kid and a force of nature,” he said before Jeff could go on. “He deserves all the credit for that, and Eddie nearly died saving Dustin, so they’re the heroes in this.”
“You keep telling yourself that,” Eddie muttered by his side. “Okay, enough of the deep shit, I want to know everything I’ve missed.”
And Steve was more than happy to go along with that, even if he was pretty sure he wasn’t going to understand half the conversation that was coming.
Over the next however long it was, time seemed to fly, he learned a lot about Eddie’s dynamic with his friends and found them carefully trying to suss him out along the way. There was none of the hostility Eddie had been afraid of. Apparently returning Eddie to them had overcome that part, but it was clear they still weren’t quite sure how to take him. Steve could accept that, after all, they didn’t really know him, and he didn’t know them.
Gareth was waxing lyrical about an album that had come out while Eddie was missing, by a band Steve had never heard of, when the walkie-talkie sitting on the side table crackled to life.
“Steve,” came over the connection, “are you listening? It’s Dustin. Over.”
“Sorry, guys,” he said, standing up and walking over immediately and picking up the device. “Hey, Bud, everything okay?”
“Is Eddie alright? Over.” Dustin asked.
“Yeah, he’s fine,” Steve replied. “He’s right here. The rest of his band have come to see him. Did you want to talk to him?”
There was definitely something off about Dustin’s tone.
“No, that’s okay,” Dustin replied, “just … um … just needed to check.”
When there was no ‘over’ at the end of that, Steve knew there was definitely something wrong.
“Hey, Dustin,” he said, “did something happen? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” came back. “I just … well … I heard the news on the radio and … and … it kinda brought everything back.”
“Where are you?” Steve asked immediately.
“At home,” Dustin told him.
“Is your mom there?”
“She has her gardening group today,” Dustin replied.
“Okay,” Steve told him, “sit tight, I’m coming to get you. You don’t need to be alone right now, and we can leave your mom a note.”
He was kicking himself for not thinking about it sooner. If he had known Dustin was going to be alone, he would have prepared better. It might only be a fake cover story being released to a disinterested public, but it was likely having an effect on them all.
“Sorry, guys,” he said grabbing his keys, “I’ve got to go. Eds, you know where everything it, just help yourselves. I won’t be long.”
Eddie leapt off the couch and came over, placing his hand on Steve’s arm.
“Need me to get rid of the guys?” Eddie asked quietly.
“No,” Steve said quickly, “you need to catch up. If Dustin wants to talk, I can drive him around a bit, or we can go to my room when I get back. In fact, if you want you can invite the guys to dinner. I’m sure it will help Dustin to talk nerd for a few hours and I made way too much lasagne.”
The way Eddie smiled at him for that made his heart flutter.
“You are such a momma bear,” Eddie said without the slightest hint of malice. “And thanks, now go get your cub.”
Then Eddie leaned forward and pecked him on the cheek in what was clearly a totally unconscious gesture. Eddie’s brain caught up with what he had done a second too late.
“I just did that didn’t I?” he said.
“You did,” Steve replied, glancing over at Eddie’s friends who looked surprised and confused, except for Gareth who looked vindicated. “I’d stay, but Dustin…”
“Go,” Eddie said, ushering him out the door, “I’ll deal with this. They’ll be fine.”
“You’re sure?” Steve checked.
“Shoo,” Eddie said and all but bodily ejected him from the house.
End of Chapter 11
Chapter 12
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therosebunpost · 1 year
Okay, this is an idea that I’ve toyed around with for so long with different fandoms, but Stranger Things seems to be the best candidate for a cross over like this. Especially set in season 4.
But basically, a Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist AU of Stranger Things, with Eddie being in Zoey’s place. Specifically Vampire/Kas Eddie!
We know know Music is a defense against Vecna. It brings the person back from his affect. But what if that wasn’t the case anymore? What if Vecna gains someone who has an intimate view of music? Eddie has similar powers to Vecna, with one special diversion. He can hear the music in people’s minds. In their souls. Instead of them getting a vision, it’s him. It’s like a live wire right into their currant emotional state.
I would LOVE to add this idea into my current Vampire Eddie fic, but I don’t want it to be too bloated, so for now I’ll just talk about it here. But yeah, he basically hallucinates song/dance numbers involving the people around him when their emotional state heightens. It’s basically a literal interpretation of the Musical Theater saying of ‘If the emotion is too much to say, you sing, and if it’s too much to sing, you dance.’
Every song is a known one, so it’s like the ultimate Juke Box musical spanning multiple genres. He even gets a vision of Vecna. I have no idea what song he would sing, but the sheer amazing idea of a Vecna villain song brings me joy.
Now, knowing me, I just gotta add a lil Steddie x Reader to this, so hear me out. At some point Eddie realizes that it’s not just him who hears/sees these things. Steve does too. In fact, he’s seen Eddie do a few numbers and vice versa. What if if they both sang love songs to Reader that the other hears? So there’s weird tension because they both like the same person, but they don’t know that the other knows that. Then things get even MORE complicated when they catch feelings, and sing love songs TO EACH OTHER. Reader is obviously torn between them, but unaware of the whole music thing.
Random addition, but this idea was sparked by the idea of Steve singing Kenny Loggins’ ‘I’m Alright.’ Like, I imagine it happens after someone asks Steve if he’s okay. Then Eddie has to witness Steve’s insistence that he’s fine, all the while getting more and more stressed. (While also privately admitting to himself that Steve has a damn good set of pipes on him, even if that song isn’t his style.)
Anyway, yeah, I just desperately want all my fave things to have musical episodes.
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uwusillygirl · 2 years
wait wait wait...OR dare i say it: first one's free eddie and chrissy in a future where it's not just a scare? pregnant chrissy or them as parents? idk
chrissy has always stressed about potential scares. eddie never does. his answer to her what if i get pregnant? is always we have it or we don't. palatable or not, those are the only two options, so eddie doesn't see the point of flipping about it.
it happens eventually (earlier than planned, they're not babies but they will be definitively young parents) and the answer comes to them quite clearly - they're just gonna do it
she takes care of herself well, eddie dotes on her, she quits whatever low paying service job she's in and eddie sells a bit more than usual on the side so that she can rest up and not fight bullshit maternity leave.
like their quiet wedding, they're pretty lowkey about the whole thing. everyone else they know flips their shit. the younger kids, despite always teasingly calling eddie and chrissy their "parents", are suddenly shocked and appalled by the idea of the two of them are actually having a child ("chrissy's like twelve!" mike insists when they tell them. dustin keeps calling himself The Godfather, though no one has said anything about that.)
they may as well have told robin and steve they personally are having the child - it's as if they're offended they weren't consulted ("are we sure about doing this?!" is robin's first response, while steve goes white as a ghost. eddie thinks the two of them need to eventually grow out of their permanent adolescence). chrissy has to repeatedly ask robin to just ask before reaching for her tummy ("i'll literally always say yes, you just keep scaring me when you come up from behind!"), and she has to repeatedly explain to steve extremely basic baby stuff, which she often realizes halfway through her third science lesson of the day she doesn't have to be doing, because the child has literally nothing to do with him.
nancy is the only one who is remotely normal about it. mrs. wheeler throws a baby shower despite only sort of knowing chrissy ("you have to say yes, chrissy. it's so unclassy not to have one, people will talk." chrissy knows she's just saying that so chrissy can't say no, but it means the world to her)
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