#Efficient Music Software
gagliandi · 6 months
Discovering the Power of Reaper: My Go-To DAW for Music Production
In the expansive world of digital audio workstations (DAWs), Reaper stands out not just for its robust features and affordability but as my DAW of choice for all my music production needs. From the intricate beats crafted for the Garlic Farm project to the diverse soundscapes explored in my other works, Reaper has been an indispensable tool in my creative arsenal. Here’s why Reaper has earned its…
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kingshovelbug · 7 months
im sorry but i need to geek out somewhere and screaming into the void on tumblr is less likely to get me flayed than on twitter, especially if i get terms wrong. plus i can do a read more and yall can click into the tech talk if you want to verse it bombarding your twitter timelines
so idk if i only liked it or if i actually put it in my queue but i saw a post that talked about a few pieces of tech that focus on user repairs and being sustainable (fairphone and frameworks laptop) and after doing some more research into what they have to offer i actually really excited that these products are finely hitting the us market and that people are moving away from the belief that super smooth streamlined glassy = the future. being able to reliably repair and keep what you have alive verse throwing the whole thing away when maybe all you needed to do is add more ram to your current laptop (something that i would do with my laptop to keep using it for a few more years if it wasnt glued shut and i was at risk of cracking the screen) or swap out a fuse.
i know big corporations dont like it but i truly do believe with how much tech we use on a daily basis that the way that we are going to be more environmentally friendly is to move back to tech that we can hang onto for as long as we can and to recycle and then reuse what we cant. like with the frameworks laptop. i saw that they just partnered with coolermaster to create a case specifically so that you can reuse you motherboard, cpu, etc and make a portable workstation. you could dual wield with the laptop you just upgraded if you want to dedicate specific tasks to one or the other. they also specifically mentioned that you could screw it into the back of a monitor and create your own all in one. guys thats cool as shit??? if you had a 3d printer and some time you could even create that yourself
on top of the actual hardware part moving to open source programs when your able. when i update my desktop i plan on running linux. it might have a learning curve compared to windows but in terms of performance??? ive heard that it runs smoother even on older machines, that its more efficient because isnt running stuff in the background that tracks your data and shit. now i understand that not everyone can do that because there are some programs that dont play nice with linux but for my needs at least it does everything i would need it to. and maybe a couple years down the road we do figure out how to run these programs on certain flavors of linux since its open source and people fiddle with it so much. (still looking for alternatives to like word and excel though, i use google docs since its free but i want to move away from them as much as i can too since they laid of their youtube music team (i believe?? it might of been a different branch) for trying to unionize)
if anyone knows of any other smaller companies that actually focus on sustainability and user repairability please let me know. theres certain pieces of tech that i think are now unfortunately behind a software repair paywall, things that used to be just machines and are gaining more bells and whistles like cars and refrigerators if that makes sense. but the more we push for these things to be repairable by us the consumers id hope that would change, or there would at least be options that dont need specific companies to repair them or else they blow up
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maziijapanese · 3 months
Tips for Learning Japanese for Beginners
Learning Japanese can seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and resources, it can also be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Whether you're interested in Japanese culture, planning a trip to Japan, or looking to expand your language skills, here are some tips to help you get started on your Japanese learning journey.
1. Start with Hiragana and Katakana
The Japanese writing system consists of three scripts: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. For beginners, mastering Hiragana and Katakana, the two phonetic alphabets, is essential. These scripts form the foundation of the Japanese language and are used in most basic texts. Practice writing and reading them daily until you become comfortable.
2. Learn Basic Phrases and Greetings
Begin with simple phrases and greetings to build your confidence and start communicating right away. Phrases like "こんにちは" (Konnichiwa - Hello), "ありがとう" (Arigatou - Thank you), and "さようなら" (Sayounara - Goodbye) are great starters. Use these phrases in context to help them stick in your memory.
3. Utilize Flashcards
Flashcards are a great tool for memorizing vocabulary and Kanji. Regularly reviewing flashcards will reinforce your memory and help you retain new words and characters. However, traditional flashcards can be time-consuming and overwhelming. Consider using electronic flashcards or spaced repetition software to make the process more efficient.
4. Immerse Yourself in Japanese Media
Surround yourself with the Japanese language as much as possible to improve your listening and speaking skills. Watch Japanese TV shows, movies, and anime, or listen to Japanese music and podcasts. Try to mimic the pronunciation and intonation of native speakers. Additionally, consider finding a language exchange partner or taking a conversation class to practice speaking.
5. Learn Kanji Gradually
Kanji can be one of the most challenging aspects of learning Japanese, but don't be discouraged. Start with the most common and basic Kanji characters, and learn them gradually. Practice writing and using them in sentences. Associating Kanji with their meanings and sounds can help you remember them more effectively.
6. Delve into Japanese Culture
Understanding Japanese culture can deepen your appreciation and comprehension of the language. Learn about Japanese customs, traditions, and history. Try cooking Japanese dishes, practicing calligraphy, or participating in cultural events. This cultural immersion will make your language learning journey more enjoyable and meaningful.
7. Embrace Patience and Consistency
Learning Japanese is a marathon, not a sprint. With dedication, practice, and the right strategies, you can make steady progress and achieve your language learning goals. Set realistic expectations, celebrate your achievements, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Remember, consistency is key to long-term success.
Additional Tips:
Find a learning method that suits you: There are many different ways to learn Japanese, so find one that fits your learning style and preferences. Consider taking a Japanese language course, using online resources, or hiring a tutor.
Set realistic goals: Set achievable goals for yourself and break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. This will help you stay motivated and track your progress.
Make it fun: Learning a new language should be enjoyable. Find ways to make learning Japanese fun for you, such as watching Japanese movies or listening to Japanese music.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes: Everyone makes mistakes when they're learning a new language. Don't let this discourage you. Instead, view mistakes as opportunities to learn and improve.
Immerse yourself in the language: Surround yourself with Japanese as much as possible. This will help you to learn the language more naturally and quickly.
Learning Japanese can be a challenging but rewarding experience. With the right approach and dedication, you can achieve your goals and become fluent in Japanese.
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ladyniniane · 1 year
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FE OC WEEK DAY 1: Introduction
I’m so excited to participate in @fe-oc-week! Please note that English isn’t my first language.
Allow me to introduce my FE3H OC, Maeve!
❧Name: Maeve Fresnay
❧Age : 21 years old in 1185
❧Affiliation: Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
❧In short: A magician serving lady Gladys of house Eilyn, a vassal of house Fraldarius. Maeve joins Dimitri’s army after the time skip as a part of the reinforcements brought by Rodrigue. Sweet, elegant and sensitive, she isn’t a soldier by vocation but is willing to protect her friends and bring an end to the war. A skilled singer and musician, Maeve brings a lot of color and joy to her lady’s entourage. She may not look like much, but possesses a lot of inner strength and bravery. She has been separated from her older sister and his looking for her. She also gets along very well with Dedue and later falls in love with him. 
❧Click here to read her story! (It's in French, but it should still work with the help of a translation software ;) ). 
❧Apparence: She's 1m70 tall, with pale skin and long wavy black hair that she ties up in a bun (with hairpins that can be used as weapons) or keeps unbound when she can. Her eyes are dark brown, her face oval and her nose slightly upturned. Her smile gives her dimples. Her clothes hide her battle scars. 
She usually wears a knee-length tunic, pants and boots with her magic staff tucked in her belt. She always has a pouch embroidered with a robin that her friend Vigdis made for her. While fighting, she wears a gambeson and armor pieces to protect her limbs, allowing her freedom of movement and substantial protection. As a civilian, she always wears elegant dresses, her favorite colors being red and blue.
Maeve almost always wears make-up, especially red lipstick (this detail was inspired by a real historical female fighter: Kumander Liwayway!). She does so because she wants to keep some beauty and color in her life. This coping mechanism allows her to stay in control of her appearance and hide the damages caused by the war. In battle, she also wears dark eyeshadow to give herself a more ferocious appearance and bolster her confidence.
❧Theme song : Free, Florence and the Machine + Passacaglia della vita, Stefano Landi
❧Her pinterest.
❧Personality: Maeve has a luminous personality. Smiling is her way to stand against adversity and she's at ease in most social situations. She likes having fun and has a passion for music. She often sings or plays her lute, finding pleasure in playing for others and entertaining them. Open-minded and curious, she enjoys learning new songs and meeting new people.
Due to her sensitivity, she’s extremely receptive to other people's emotions, sometimes to the point that she absorbs them like a sponge. Her mind works very fast and she’s plagued by anxious thoughts, that can even become morbid and tries to hide them with more or less success. To deal with this, she needs to find an occupation or talk to someone as she hates being lonely. She can cry after difficult events as she releases all her pent-up emotions.
Her receptivity allows her to assess complex situations. Maeve is indeed lucid, clever and observant. She’s for instance able to analyze the information regarding the Tragedy of Duscur and suspects Lambert’s opponents of being the true culprits. She shows a lot of emotional maturity for her age and knows how the world works. 
One of Maeve’s major traits is her bravery. Even though she's now used to fighting, she was scared at first and laments the use of violence. Yet, she won't give up and will stand alongside her friends. This is another proof of her generosity. Despite all the horrors, and even if she sometimes feels like it’s too much, she will never give up. In combat, she’s efficient and focused, capable of much courage. 
She wants to be seen by all as a reliable ally and secretly has self-esteem issues. Being the youngest member of her friend’s group, she was at first the "little sister" and the one with the least battle experience. She doesn’t want to be seen as such and feels bad when others have to reassure and comfort her. 
She likes flowers, pretty clothes, make-up and accessories. She tends to accumulate objects and is sometimes tempted by some impulse purchases. The circumstances of the war have, however, taught her to deal with these these.
Read her introductory chapter!
Strengths: Reason, faith
Weaknesses: Heavy armor, bow
Maeve possesses great offensive power. She favors fire and thunder spells such as Thoron, though she also uses Sagittae. During the story, she learns to master Ragnarok.
Her faith list is more limited, with practical spells such as Ward. She’s notably able to cast Seraphim, making valuable contributions against demonic beasts or the Titanuses. 
Maeve is, to her regret, a mediocre healer. She can only treat superficial wounds and only with great effort. 
Her older sister taught her unarmed self-defense and the use of a stiletto. She’s able to pull out her blade very quickly and take advantage of her foe’s surprise.
Stay tuned for her relationships and backstory!
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luxe-pauvre · 9 months
We spend a great deal of time lamenting the role that specific platforms and pieces of software play in sowing discord in society—I certainly have—but it’s worth widening the lens in order to examine the hardware that houses nearly all of it. For it is the presence of powerful computers in our pockets, much more than any one platform or app, that sets the tone for our society. We are everywhere connected, and yet we are unable to connect. As our phones become ever more ubiquitous in the daily business of our lives—helping us to buy plane tickets, post selfies, order tacos and town cars, or to dash off emails and text messages to friends and colleagues—the ease with which we complete each task reinforces the fiction that efficiency and convenience have intrinsic value. That fiction, in turn, gives weight to the belief that the smartphone is an indispensable appendage for each of us. Technology companies depend on our embrace of this myth, for a loss of faith would signal an existential threat to the devices’ manufacturers, and to all the software makers whose products depend on our fanatical devotion to convenience at all costs. And so it is that we are, minute by minute, fed pabulum laced with little hits of instant gratification, Huxley’s Soma to keep us dazed and obedient. It’s a world in which we get the hook of “God Only Knows” on a recursive loop, shorn of context. (This is not a metaphor. Go to a streaming service or digital music store; they’ll no doubt have the audio sample cued up to the chorus.) Me, I long for the searching harmonic journey, the spiritual quest, the slippery chromaticism that prepares the sonic parting of clouds, that makes that delayed resolution feel like nothing less than catharsis.
Gabriel Kahane, In Defence of Friction
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caelanglang · 1 year
Can I ask you what program do you use for the animatic? And can you recommend any good program for practice? (I never used any of these programs, and they look pretty hard, so I don't want to pay yet for one, but I want to make something :c)
Hello! This might be a bit long but I hope I can help you with this (I'm holding your hand because this is also my first time doing an animatic so I have no idea on what kind of good pipeline there is to follow...) I apologize in advance if this won't be the most helpful answer :,))
okay so for the software. I use the ipad for most of my work nowadays... unfortunately, both apps that I use are paid—RoughAnimator and Procreate. I'll walk you down with how I do it. It is not the most efficient way but here's how it goes for me... :,))
I think the most important thing for planning something like this is having a clear vision of what you want to see. I started this animatic by brainstorming in my storyboards what I want to see in timing with the song and its lyrics. Here's an example of what I previously shared... [disclaimer: I did not follow the template so yeah, feel free to ignore the kanji characters]
you can see the outline I roughly made to tell myself what scene I want to show to what lyrics (I got lazy to write the whole lyrics down lol) and also added some notes like the movement of the character and camera pans etc.
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here are the corresponding drawings to it (sorry if the quality is bad, I just screenshotted this from my gallery ><;;)
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Drawing the Cuts
All of the drawings are done on Procreate. I use this software for most of my drawings now, mostly because I like the texture of the brushes there. At this point, I am not worrying about timing these drawings to the music yet but I am reassured since I already made my guide of that in the storyboards. Procreate also has an animation feature that helped me draw the breathing sequence.
Compiling and Timing the Drawings
Once I've saved my drawings to my photos, I move them to RoughAnimator. Here is where I time the drawings with the song. What I like about RoughAnimator is that it has its own drawing tools (I don't really like the brushes tho... hence, me using Procreate instead), it has a camera tool that allows me to pan across my drawings and also shows the sound wave thingy of the song that helps me with timing. It also allows me to easily adjust the exposure or how long a drawing flashes on the screen at my chosen framerate.
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I would sometimes be unsatisfied with my initial drawings, leading to me going back and forth between Procreate and RoughAnimator to revise stuff. (which in my opinion is not efficient but I can't really think of any other way to do this...)
So yes. That's pretty much how I'm working with it so far. I am currently stuck because both Procreate and RoughAnimator have very limited features when it comes to panning images... I'm still figuring out how to do that but I'm thinking of moving to video editors for these kinds of stuff instead of relying on RoughAnimator...
I hope you aren't discouraged by this,, I know it isn't the best solution... If you are to follow this kind of workflow, I think a good combination of any drawing software (hopefully with an animation feature) and a reliable video editor to time it to the music (I recommend finding ones with camera pan and motion tween features) is sufficient enough for this.
If you're using an ipad like me, iArtbook is a good free alternative to Procreate with a good animation feature. I have yet to check it out properly but Filmora or Capcut might be a good video editor... If you're using a desktop, I think Krita is good for drawing and animating!
I'm so sorry again if this wasn't really helpful. I will definitely share it if I were to find a better workflow for this. If you'd like to have some storyboard templates, here are some I found on the internet!
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I wish you all the best in your plans and practices!
(feel free to ask again if you have any questions, I hope this helps somehow :,))
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carpeossa · 2 years
Most Federation parents have issues with their children listening to Klingon heavy metal, but not Sarek.
Oh no, for Sarek, his issues involve Sybok discovering Bardcore music which has further lead the youth astray from his electronic and software studies.
Sybok has started a medieval band and plays the Lute and the medieval transverse flute. He has made friends with medieval and music historians and goes to their lectures instead of the lectures of his major.
Sarek only knows about him LIKING this illogical “Bardcore” nonsense and nothing about the later stuff.
Amanda has plausible deniability because she makes it very clear to Sybok that he is SOLELY responsible for the house when they are away and to make sure that, “all chores are to done and everything is put back where it’s supposed to be before Sarek or I return. Here’s are the time schedules so you can be more efficient in this. 😉”
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389 · 11 months
What do u use to make music?
I'm currently using digital audio workstation software called Ableton for my music production work. Unfortunately, I've been facing some performance issues with my laptop, and it's causing noticeable latency and lag when I'm using the program. These performance problems have been causing frequent interruptions and have made my user experience less than ideal when I'm composing and producing music. The lag and latency issues have also been affecting my workflow and overall productivity, making it difficult to achieve the level of efficiency and creative output I'm aiming for.
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charleecat-bat · 1 year
Important things the Guardians did:
Basically wanted to go through everything my Guardian family did as Guardians in their time that kinda makes them well known/iconic for their time and what was their most notable acts and achievements.
Shepherd- Basically, the pioneer. He set the bar. He gets props being the first one tbh Probably fought in a major war in his time and just had to solve a lot of issues with fighting... very tiring. I don't want to go into detail about a lot of 'physical' acts such as battles and fights, those are just probs obvious.
Marcello- Extended Scientific Research and revolutionised it in his time. Probablay made at least one scientific discovery.
Hadar- Reinstated diplomatic solutions and stopped a lot of issues the island was having through diplomacy. Something like that. Also improved health care and started to touch on many social and political issues
Rhett- Mental Health awareness, Anti-bullying for children and increasing the quality of children's services to protect them.
Coal- LGBT+ support and fighting for rights for the people.
Johnathan- Equality, LGBT+ Rights, Workers Rights and a lot of social issues
Morgan- Revolutionised Research on Chaos Energy and improved it's study of i. Also was an advocate for equal rights, as well as a lot of her other family but her becoming the first female guardian was the biggest reason she was known for it despite it not being her priority.
Chase- Worked to improve the education system, advocating for neurodivergent youth and people in general. Also advocated for trans folks and even got the island more well-known in the athletic world by going to an off-island international sports event with other angel island athletes.
Theodore- Mostly advocated for children getting better care and protection when abused or endangered, donated to improve hospitals and prisons and tried to improve on diplomatic solutions and was the most well-known for visiting hospitals occasionally to do origami and music with the patients, the visits increased more so after his trauma.
Seth- Extended communications outside of island with other regions further and also introduced more cultures to the island as well as showing off theirs with other places.
Sorrel- Improving medical practice, especially for trans people but in general wanting to improve medical practice. Also stepped in to improve the environment on their island, trying to make lifestyle more environmentally friendly and organic solutions and protect endangered plant life.
Tiberius- Worked on improving mechanical workings and engineering also worked to improve transportation on the island to make it more efficient, both in cars and also public transportation to make travelling through the island smooth and not try and destroy all of it for the sake of 'roads'.
Journey- Improved International agreements with the island and even got new ones due to her going off island much more than any other guardian, as well as improved international trading to and from the island so they got a lot more imported goods and could do international trades smoothly. Also stood for equal rights, but took it a step further but discussing and advocating the issues all species, sexes and genders face.
Cedar- not an official guardian but did a lot of volunteer work and went off island to assist in many troubled cities, countries and islands. Also advocated a lot about unknown health issues such as his.
Salem- advocate for animal rights, worked to improve animal protection, trying to protect endangered and native species. Also worked to improve the livestock industry and making It more sustainable for the island.
Lance- Technological and software developments and Inventions that are unique to Angel Island. Well as adding even more technological aide to angel island and also increased awareness on internet usage and safety. Also advocated many physical and mental health causes, especially ones that were close to him.
Knuckles has a lot to live up to huh? no pressure buddy... fr tho the family tries to indicate so much to the newbie to please dont' feel pressured just do what you feel you want/need to do to improve the island the best way you think possible.
EDIT: should also give hounrable mention to Evangeline, while she was not a guardian. She did plant the seeds for the guardian concept (despite them being much more different then what was made of the idea) as well as her engineering developments/ideas and political stance still being known, used and looked upon highly to this day.
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sophia--studies · 11 months
100 days of code - day 04
Hello again, today I did a little practical project in Rust, it was just a simple guessing game, where the program generates a random number from 1 to 100 and the user try to guess it (I like to guess using binary search, it's very efficient).
The program was kinda simple, but helped me a lot to understand how to use the I/O (input/output) library, how to handle errors in Rust, and some syntaxes differences from another languages.
I finally stopped procrastinating on a project that I was doing, and continued doing it. It's a project from the software engineer course I take. It's uses Docker, and basically I have to up a WordPress website, set up database and web server using containers. It's a little difficult, and I'm facing some troubles, but It's worth the effort because Docker is a very useful tool to know.
That's it, I feel like I have to find a way to reduce procrastinating during the day O_o
I'd like to share this playlist, today I studied while listening to it, if you like classical music, piano, and violins, you should try.
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Also, this blog is now a codeblr certified blog!!! Look at this badge.
Hahaha, joking, this badge was made by @xiacodes (you can find it here), and it's perfect!!! This gray one fits my blog style so much. I think I'll put this badge at the end of my posts from now.
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jvzoousa · 4 months
GPTReels: An Innovative Tool for Content Creators.
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. GPTReels, an innovative information product, promises to revolutionise the way content creators generate and utilise short-form videos. As a content creation tool harnessing the power of AI, GPTReels aims to simplify the process of producing engaging and high-quality reels for various social media platforms. In this review, we will explore its features, usability, and overall value for content creators.
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Features and Capabilities
GPTReels boasts an impressive array of features designed to cater to both novice and experienced content creators. One of its standout features is the AI-powered video script generator, which uses advanced natural language processing to craft compelling scripts tailored to your niche. This not only saves time but also ensures that the content is relevant and engaging for your target audience.
The tool also includes a vast library of royalty-free music, sound effects, and video clips, allowing users to enhance their reels without the hassle of sourcing media from external platforms. Additionally, GPTReels offers customisable templates, enabling creators to maintain consistency in branding and style across their content.
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Another notable feature is the integrated analytics dashboard. This provides valuable insights into the performance of your reels, helping you to refine your strategy based on real-time data. Metrics such as engagement rates, viewer demographics, and optimal posting times are all accessible through this intuitive interface.
Usability and User Experience
One of the key selling points of GPTReels is its user-friendly interface. The platform is designed to be intuitive, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. The onboarding process is straightforward, with comprehensive tutorials and support resources available to guide new users through the initial setup.
Creating a reel with GPTReels is a streamlined process. Users can start by selecting a template or creating a custom project from scratch. The script generator is easy to use; simply input a few keywords or a brief description, and the AI will generate a script in seconds. From there, adding media, transitions, and effects is as simple as dragging and dropping elements into place.
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Despite its robust feature set, GPTReels manages to maintain a clean and uncluttered interface. This ensures that users can focus on creating content without being overwhelmed by unnecessary distractions.
Performance and Value
In terms of performance, GPTReels excels. The AI-generated scripts are impressively coherent and tailored to the input provided, demonstrating the advanced capabilities of the underlying technology. The quality of the pre-included media assets is also commendable, with a wide variety of options to suit different content themes.
From a value perspective, GPTReels offers a competitive pricing model. Given the range of features and the potential time savings, it represents good value for money for content creators looking to streamline their workflow. The inclusion of analytics and the ability to track the success of your content further enhance its appeal, providing actionable insights that can drive growth and engagement.
GPTReels is a powerful tool that stands out in the crowded field of content creation software. Its combination of AI-driven script generation, extensive media library, and intuitive user interface makes it an attractive option for content creators seeking to produce high-quality reels efficiently. The added benefit of integrated analytics ensures that users can continually optimise their content strategy, making GPTReels not just a tool for creation but also for growth.
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For those in the business of social media marketing or digital content creation, GPTReels is certainly worth considering. It offers a compelling blend of innovation, ease of use, and value, positioning itself as a valuable asset in the modern content creator’s toolkit.
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spitdrunken · 2 years
yandere!mark beaks x reader hcs
notes: stalking, possessive behaviour, implied kidnapping
If there is anything Mark picked up from among the rubble of his parents’ failed marriage, it is that he would like to do it all better. Not only to rub it in his mom’s face after years of being told he’d have to change (though he’ll have to record the moment he breaks it to her), but to prove once and for all that he’s not like her. And not like his dad, either. He’ll be loving, or whatever!! A good partner. …Sure, he’s not thought much about the details yet, but it’s best if that kinda stuff comes naturally, right? 
Though the idea sticks in the back of his mind, Mark doesn’t try to find anyone he’s compatible with. He doesn’t use any dating apps or goes on dates at all, for that matter, and is famously bad at picking up on flirting. People have certainly tried. No one has caught his eye, and so he doesn’t care all that much. He fully expects life to throw the perfect person, the one who will unconditionally love him, right at his feet– No effort involved. Easy peasy. As an African Grey Parrot, the idea of bonding intensely to one person is instinctively already appealing to him, only bolstered by his personal opinions. He can’t just go around having failed relationships with people, it needs to be a one hit K.O. Otherwise, the point he’s making wouldn’t count.
His feelings for you hit him like a flash of lightning. It’s love at first sight, he believes, and he’s immediately all over you, taking so many selfies that the shutter makes a continuous noise. Your first conversation is likely a rushed one with little substance, Mark feeling so euphoric in that moment that he isn’t really listening to what you’re saying. But he has your face and your first name, which is all he needs. 
He spends hours finding and sifting through all your social media, including accounts you haven’t used in years. Every picture he finds of you is saved instantly, and he jots down the names of everyone he sees you interacting with frequently. Most importantly, he looks at your interests, likes and dislikes, and what kind of person you present yourself as online. He’s spent enough time online to know that people often either idealised self, in one way or another, and he’s sure he could get you whatever you want. 
He could figure out all of these things through actually talking to you, of course, but that’d take far, far too long. That’s for commoners. He’s simply making the way to your heart easier and more enjoyable for the both of you! Efficiency is how he got his success, that’s all there is to it. Mark’s attention span makes it so that he can’t spend long focusing on most tasks, but he physically can’t get bored of finding out more about you. 
Once he believes he knows what kind of person you are, the texts and calls begin. They’re constant. In between listening to music and making posts, he’s sending you personal updates on his every thought and conversation. He’ll call you in the middle of conversations or meetings when he’s not interested in whatever the other person is saying, and talk and talk and talk. Whether you pick up or not. Your voicemail box fills up very quickly. No matter how many times you change your number, he’ll figure it out again. Whenever you block him, he simply pulls out a new phone. You can’t block his account on Waddle, and his face is often plastered all over your feed with how often he posts. 
You’re getting a copy of each and every new piece of Waddle tech, personally customised to your taste as well! It’s better to toss them in the corner or simply get a burner phone, as the vast majority is equipped with both tracking software, plus a constant livestream to Mark’s phone. Not to mention, a phone through which you can only call him is not the most convenient thing in the world. You get far more gifts from him, though. He wants to indulge in every sickeningly sweet couple trend (whether you’re dating or not), and you get heaps of matching clothes. Somehow, everything you’ve looked up to purchase ends up at your home the next day as well. 
He gets jealous incredibly easily, and his reactions are always overblown. You like one of your friends’ posts, but not his, even though it’s been up for longer? That’s enough to set him off and prompt even more calls. When you’re spotted hanging out with anyone else, it’s even worse. Mark doesn’t like getting anywhere near physical fights, so he’ll simply start online smear campaigns against whoever you’re hanging out with. He either digs up old information on them, or simply fabricates whatever he wants to make sure their reputation is entirely ruined. If that doesn’t stop you from spending time with them, well… He has enough money to make someone permanently disappear. 
If you notice any tension between him and your friends and try to reconcile instead of barring either of them from your lifes, good luck. Mark will be purposefully obnoxious, only responding when you speak to him and constantly blasting music from his phone. He’ll call you out online for ‘forcing him to spend time with someone who he hates’, and tags you a million times. His only intention with this is to make you feel guilty. Once he takes note of some of his fans sending you terrible messages, their accounts will be suspended and their IPs banned. It’s only a rightful suspension for harassment. But he only does this after first ratioing them. 
Mark simply can’t fathom the idea that you wouldn’t want to be together with him. He’s clearly the best person you know, right? And he’s done so much for you. He thinks just giving you some fun tours, forcefully inserting himself into your daily life and a constant barrage of gifts is enough for you to absolutely adore him. Your personal feelings on this are simply not taken into the equation. As such, anything other than outright telling him you want nothing to do with him flies right over his head. Even then, he believes you’ll come around with some time and extra attention. 
If you continue to deny him directly enough for him to understand, he’ll get increasingly anxious and desperate. It starts off with just fishing for more compliments in conversation than usual, and noticeably puffing up his feathers when you eventually relent to his bombarding. If things get bad enough however, he’ll actively start plucking at and pulling out some of his feathers while thinking the situation over. Your relationship has become a very big deal to him, and he might have already told his entire family that you’re getting married soon. 
Mark is far from impossible to manipulate. When it’s coming from you, at least. A constant drip of attention and praise is, generally, enough to keep him placated. (That’s all he really wanted, in the end. Someone who looked at him and wouldn’t want to change him, someone who didn’t ridicule him or criticised him but loved him no matter what.) He yearns for your attention enough that he doesn’t really think about the possibility of it being fake. It’s a delicate balancing act though and, no matter how hard you try, the ending will remain the same: Though at a private wedding you are granted his last name, your whole identity will forever be wiped off of any remaining records.
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soundbanks2wq · 5 months
Output – Rev Download
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Efficiency is key in the fast-paced world of audio production. AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 seamlessly integrates into your existing workflow, whether you're working within your favorite DAW or editing audio files directly. Say goodbye to cumbersome processes and hello to streamlined editing, thanks to AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024's intuitive controls and flexible routing options. It's time to unleash your creativity without limitations.
Expanded Creative Possibilities
Beyond its renowned pitch correction capabilities, AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 offers a treasure trove of creative tools to explore. From harmonization and formant shifting to time manipulation and vocal effects, the possibilities are endless. Elevate your productions with rich textures, ethereal harmonies, and captivating vocal effects that breathe life into your music. With AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024, your sonic palette knows no bounds.
Unlock the Full Potential with Rev
Experience the Ultimate Sound Library
A masterpiece is only as good as its ingredients. That's why AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 comes complete with Rev – the ultimate sound library curated to inspire and elevate your creativity. Featuring a diverse array of meticulously crafted sounds, loops, and samples, Rev provides the perfect sonic backdrop for your musical journey. Whether you're crafting beats, scoring films, or producing chart-topping hits, Rev has you covered with its unparalleled versatility and quality.
Stay Ahead of the Curve
In the ever-evolving landscape of audio production, staying ahead of the curve is essential. With regular updates and enhancements, AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 ensures that you always have access to the latest innovations and features. From performance optimizations to new sound packs and plugins, your arsenal remains cutting-edge, empowering you to push the boundaries of creativity and redefine what's possible.
Join the Community
Greatness thrives in community. Join the vibrant community of AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 users and connect with fellow musicians, producers, and audio enthusiasts from around the globe. Share tips, tricks, and insights, collaborate on projects, and embark on a journey of growth and discovery together. With AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024, you're not just investing in software – you're joining a movement dedicated to pushing the boundaries of audio excellence.
Get Started Today
Ready to take your audio production to the next level? Download AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 and experience the future of professional audio editing firsthand. With unrivaled precision, seamless integration, and expanded creative possibilities, the only limit is your imagination. Don't just make music – make history with AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024.
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audiotemplate · 5 months
Naroth Audio – Bloom  Kontakt Library Download
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In the competitive landscape of music production, having access to top-tier tools is essential for achieving professional-grade results. If you're looking to elevate your vocal processing game, look no further than AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of acquiring and downloading this industry-leading software, ensuring that you can harness its full potential with ease.
Understanding AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024: Before diving into the download process, it's crucial to understand what sets AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 apart. This powerful toolset offers a range of advanced features, including real-time pitch correction, customizable effects, and intuitive controls, allowing you to achieve professional-grade vocal enhancement with ease. Whether you're a seasoned producer or a newcomer to the world of music production, AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 provides the tools you need to take your projects to the next level.
Step-by-Step Download Guide: Our guide provides a comprehensive, step-by-step walkthrough of the download process for AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024. From researching purchasing options to activating your software, we'll guide you through each stage of the journey, ensuring that you can acquire and install the software with confidence. Whether you're downloading from the official website or through a third-party vendor, our guide will help you navigate the process smoothly and efficiently.
Maximizing the Potential of AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024: Once you've successfully downloaded and installed AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024, it's time to explore its full potential. Our guide provides tips and tricks for getting the most out of the software, including how to use its advanced features to achieve professional-grade vocal enhancement. Whether you're looking to fine-tune pitch, add creative effects, or achieve a specific vocal style, AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 provides the tools and flexibility you need to bring your vision to life.
Introducing Naroth Audio – Bloom Download In addition to AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024, our guide also introduces Naroth Audio – Bloom, another
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blazehedgehog · 6 months
Is it possible to make a game like Sonic 3 today within the deadlines it had back then? Pixel art, physics and all.
Why wouldn't it be?
It was the third game in the series. They already had a very strong idea of what they were trying to do with the character, they already had proven technology under them that they could easily extend and upgrade. They had been doing this on Sonic for three years already, and some of the people had been working for Sega even longer than that.
These were talented, experienced people. Professionals. Having the prior knowledge to be able to say, "if we do X, then we get Y" allowed them to work quickly and efficiently.
So I would compare it to, say, what I did with OverBite. OverBite was a game I made for a Clickteam Fusion Game Jam in 2016. We had from like, September 30th or even the 29th up to October 31st to make an entire game. It came out to something like 33 days.
So I made this game where you play as Dracula. I wrote all the code, designed all the mechanics, made all of the sprites, and built all of the levels. Alone. By myself. A single person. The only other person to help me with anything was my old friend Malcolm Brown, who handed me some music.
I had JUST bought Clickteam Fusion 2.5 on Steam, which means it had 0 hours of usage registered. I used it to make OverBite, which means I could track exactly how many hours I spent working on the game, and though I don't remember the exact total, I remember after doing the math it ended up shaking out to between 9 to 11 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 33 days. It was more than 300 hours total.
Again. For one person. I'm not saying it's the greatest game ever made. The level design in particular was extremely last second -- literally, I was down to the last day, only really had finished the gameplay engine, so I cobbled together four levels in a few hours and put it up seconds before the deadline at midnight. But the point is that I had worked in Clickteam Fusion for a decade and a half and could execute on my needs very well. I knew the software and the process like the back of my hand.
Now imagine having two people like that. Or five. Or ten. "300 hours of work in one month" suddenly turns into 3000 hours in one month. Using tech they already have, and proven gameplay concepts they have a lot of familiarity with.
It still wasn't easy, mind you. But the concepts that made it work back then not only still work today, they probably work even better because you aren't fighting to squeeze things down into such limited hardware. Like, the entire reason a game jam can even exist as a concept at all is because at a certain level of development, things are just easier now.
A game jam in 1994 is an impossible concept to think of because the tools had to be so super specialized to an incredibly narrow kind of work environment. You had to be a genius computer scientist to get something like Sonic the Hedgehog to function, never mind how much money it would cost to get something like a development kit.
Today, literally anyone can pick up a copy of Godot or Unreal 5, watch a few Youtube tutorials, and make a game from their bedroom with consumer tools. And those tools are faster, easier, and more intuitive to work with than anything that came before. It cannot be understated what a huge concept that is, and how that used to be totally impossible 15-20 years ago.
(And before some British dude rolls up like "yeah well you could always do that with the amiga" -- that's true, but it's also still different, and the fact that you can just give Microsoft $20 to unlock "Developer Mode" on an Xbox and start pushing Unity and Unreal games you develop on your PC to a console is still mindblowing in context.)
And it trickles down, too. If you know the conversion process, you can use these nice amazing modern tools to make proper retro games that run on real retro hardware.
All of this is to say that just because it's easier doesn't mean it should be done. OverBite absolutely slaughtered me. 11 hours of game development a day, 7 days a week, for almost five solid weeks was deeply unhealthy, physically and mentally. I haven't come close to finishing any game project, ever, since OverBite. It fried me.
And on Sonic Team's side, Sonic 3 was so massively stressful for them that they quit making Sonic games for almost half a decade. Crunch time development like that hurts in many ways, both visible and (mostly) invisible.
But yes, it could still absolutely be done.
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pluginsforest03 · 6 months
MusicProduction Essential: Steinberg Cubase Pro 12 for Windows - Download Now!
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Experience the pinnacle of music production software with Steinberg Cubase Pro 12 for Windows! Elevate your music-making process to new heights with this cutting-edge digital audio workstation. Whether you're a seasoned professional or an aspiring artist, Cubase Pro 12 offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features to fuel your creativity. From recording and editing to mixing and mastering, this versatile software empowers you to bring your musical ideas to life with unparalleled precision and efficiency. With its intuitive interface and advanced functionality, Cubase Pro 12 is the ultimate solution for producers, composers, and audio engineers seeking a seamless workflow and professional-grade results. Download Cubase Pro 12 now and embark on a journey of sonic exploration like never before!
Product Link: Steinberg Cubase Pro 12 for Windows - Download
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