i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
I have a theory
God has a snake motif. He turned Aaron's staff into a snake, punished the Israelites by releasing a pack of snakes, when they ask for mercy he has Moses create a bronze snake that heals them.
The snake who told Eve to eat the fruit is usually said to be Satan but what if the Snake is God?
God got bored of angels being forced to worship him. So he created humans to have free will to stroke his ego when they worship him. He punishes humans for using there free will. Example: the flood.
God disguises himself as a snake, tells Eve to eat the fruit, Eve is blamed for bringing sin into the world and punished by being forced to be a house wife and for child birth to be painful. God then pretends to punish the snake and let's people assume Satan is the snake. He made Jesus to be a scapegoat so why not Eve and Satan?
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palatteflags · 1 month
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Radio Host and Egotistical character based moodboard~ ^^ For an anon!! Hope you like this~
Want one? Send an ask~ -mod Jay
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iceecube · 5 months
I have this problem where I get really attached to Egotistical characters so when Bakugou was introduced I just went-
“Nothing can happen this poor baby, his ego’s too big!”
And then he apologized to Midorya and I went
“Poor baby, your ego must be so bruised! You didn’t need to do that!”
…I have a problem
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vasterrorheadcanons · 7 months
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He definitely is one of those egotistical saxophone player.
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thatsmercysart · 1 year
(Ok but you guys cant tell that he absolutely wouldn’t say this word from word BAR FOR BAR-)
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Hey mark at the end there ya got a little something on ya umm……yknow what nevermind~
( I told y'all I was coming back with good stuff 🤭 daddy home 😩)
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spiralling-down · 2 months
have you always known you were above everyone else or was there a moment of realization that made you come to that conclusion?
I was not always this way, and I did not immediately become this way. I am above others because I made myself this way over the course of years. There was no singular realisation, but a long accumulation of understanding.
As I developed as a dominant, and as a hypnotist, I had more people going further for me, bending over backwards to please and serve me. And I realised it wasn't just gusto, many of them truly meant it. My ego got big, but it had its limits.
Until one day I pushed the envelope, made a sub believe I was their god. Temporarily, mind you, but the experience stuck with me.
In time, more people came to call me their god of their own volition. Offered to worship and deify me without me needing to ask it of them. All I needed to do was inform them of what I am, and sweet things (like you) bowed their heads in recognition of my status.
I continued to work with this idea. Honed my craft as a dominant, hypnotist and egoist. And now it's part of me. I live with the understanding that I have a unique superiority over many people, and I deserve to be worshipped for it by those who are inclined to acknowledge it.
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nando161mando · 5 months
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zombiee-reviews · 7 months
So I’ve heard yall loud and clear, don’t worry. But my next victim is going to be good ol’ Keirr!
Mainly because his breakdown is a little bit shorter and he is less prioritized by Kique, so I’d imagine I would get this breakdown done pretty quickly.
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That’s right, be scared bastard..
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thisisnotmyhomeplanet · 4 months
RIP Dabney Coleman 1932 - 2024
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Today in Gavilar's misogynistic assholery:
Ever notice how the Stormfather calls Kaladin child of Honor?
Yet Gavilar's secret club is the Sons of Honor?
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howifeltabouthim · 17 days
The great knight's manner was never anything but affable and unassuming, but it was somehow very clear that he was accustomed to being the center of everybody's attention, including God's. He honored you with his presence and in return you felt, ever so slightly, through no fault of your own, that you were taking up his valuable time.
Lev Grossman, from The Bright Sword
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kuro-no-kokoro · 29 days
At least I’m hot enough for people to make catfish accounts for.
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monriatitans · 1 year
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Saturday, July 15, 2023 controversial but stop equating eye contact with respect please, sincerely all autistic people - autistic gay wizard, @wizardsofautism
Imagine being so egotistical that you only feel validated when someone stares directly into your eyeballs when they speak with you. - Clancy Wigs, @mcshrimpshramps
The image was, initially, shared to Instagram; check it out here! Interested in seeing where the image came from? If so, check it out here! Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch and YouTube!
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decoding-narcissism · 2 months
Otiose: The Narcissist's Favorite Tool
Narcissists love making you feel otiose. They thrive on making you believe that you are useless and that your efforts are pointless. This behavior is not just harmful; it’s a calculated move to keep you under their control.
Picture this: you’ve worked hard on a project, but when you present it to your narcissistic partner or boss, they barely glance at it. “Why did you even bother?” they sneer. “This is otiose.” That one word, otiose, means futile and serves as a powerful weapon to undermine your confidence.
Narcissists use such language to plant seeds of doubt in your mind. They want you to second-guess yourself, to feel that no matter what you do, it will never be good enough. This tactic is known as gaslighting. By making you feel inadequate, they keep the spotlight on themselves, ensuring that they are the only ones who shine.
Let’s take another example. Imagine you suggest a new idea during a meeting. The narcissist dismisses it instantly, calling it otiose. The room goes silent, and you shrink back into your chair, feeling small and insignificant. Meanwhile, the narcissist basks in the attention, relishing in your discomfort.
Recognizing these behaviors is crucial. Narcissists often use phrases like “You’re overreacting,” or “You’re too sensitive,” when confronted. They twist reality, making you doubt your perceptions. This gaslighting technique is their way of controlling the narrative and keeping you off-balance.
How can you identify a narcissist? Pay attention to how they respond to others. Do they often belittle people’s efforts? Do they use complex words to make others feel small? Are they quick to dismiss ideas that aren’t their own? These are telltale signs.
Understanding these patterns can help you protect yourself. When you encounter someone who frequently uses words like otiose to demean others, take a step back. Recognize their game. Remember, their goal is to make you feel insignificant. Do not let them succeed.
Stay grounded in your worth. Seek support from those who value and uplift you. Awareness is your best defense against the narcissist’s manipulative tactics.
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valenciamidknight · 3 months
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“Benevolence” - July 2024
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nando161mando · 5 months
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