#Egyptian Desserts
viridian-pickle · 4 months
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fullcravings · 1 year
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Basbousa – Semolina Cake
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Vegan Ghraybeh (Arabic Shortbread Cookies)
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I have so much to say about this man its not even funny
Gonna rant in tags
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kalahs-beautiful-realm · 11 months
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Art by, Annie Stegg
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icedcaramelatte · 2 years
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Om Ali 🤎
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munatycooking · 23 days
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Umm, Ali is a classic Egyptian bread pudding made of crispy puff pastry and creamy sweet milk sauce; it is comforting and filled with nuts such as pistachios, almonds, and pecans, along with raisins and shredded coconut for a wholesome, delicious combination. You're bound to fall in love with!
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frankjspinner · 5 months
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African - Fried Katayef Egyptian Dessert Recipe These deep-fried Egyptian treats are stuffed with ricotta cheese and dipped in a lemon-flavored simple syrup.
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harveykian · 8 months
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North African - Fried Katayef Egyptian Dessert These ricotta cheese-filled Egyptian treats are deep-fried and drizzled with simple syrup with a lemon flavor.
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oubash · 11 months
Recipe for Fried Katayef Egyptian Dessert
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These ricotta cheese-filled Egyptian treats are deep-fried and drizzled with simple syrup with a lemon flavor.
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Om Ali / Egyptian Bread Pudding with Raisins and Nuts (Vegan-Friendly)
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auntie-cosima · 1 year
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North African - Om Ali
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anakinsafterlife · 2 years
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ٱم علي اللي عملتها
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bishopsbeloved · 4 months
kate bishop 💌
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moonrise on new york (ao3)
kate bishop x fem moon knight!reader
Reader, avatar of the ancient Egyptian moon god Khonshu, stumbles into working with Kate Bishop to eliminate Kingpin and his new celestial allies. Shits and giggles ensue.
crystal clear
kate bishop x fem reader
There’s something about Kate Bishop that you can’t get enough of. You need to be close to her, always, but you’ll take whatever you can get — even if that means you’re just her fuckbuddy.
kate bishop x fem reader
Kate Bishop is the most beautiful girl you know. She’s also the only one you won’t let yourself have.
a night in
kate bishop x fem reader
After dinner plans are cancelled, Kate Bishop skips straight to dessert.
bad idea!
kate bishop x fem reader
No matter how much of a bad idea it may seem to go back to Kate Bishop, you can’t help it. You’re like a moth to a flame
munch!kate bishop (nsfw)
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Teacher Love ~Steven Grant Imagine~
Requested by anonymous:
Steven Grant x gn reader, Steven being history professor (preferably in hs/middle school, he would be great with kids I just know it), reader showing up in his class, unannounced, Steven continuing to teach and at the end of the class, reader asks him out or tells him to get ready for some fancy suprise or something.
Summary: The students in the school you and Steven work at have a bet to see if you and Steven get together.
Author’s Note: For a limited time only, I'm accepting requests until January 30th!
Reader’s Pronouns: They/Them
Warnings: Fluff, lots of fluff, mentions of students, mentions of working at a school
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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The students at the high school both you and Steven Grant worked at has always favored you both. And there were many reasons to why.
You were a great English teacher who always had some good jokes and understood that being a teen was rough. You also helped out each student and encouraged them to at least get a good or passing grade.
And there was Steven. A history teacher who had a devotion for mythology. Especially Egyptian mythology. But everyone loved how he taught them and how he was patient with them.
However, it wasn't until the students began to see you two eat in each other's rooms during lunch time. Rotating at least every week. Then they noticed how you two would always sit next to each other in every assembling and every pep rally they would go to. Then it finally came to when a group of students saw you both out at a bookstore together looking a little more friendly.
"I have a question," one of your students asked one day after school.
"Okay. What is it?" You asked, stopping your grading. You smiled up at your student as you looked at them.
"Are you and Mr. Grant a thing?" Your student asked.
"I'm sorry?" You asked confused.
"Sorry, it's just- You two always seem close and most of us would love to see you two get together. I mean, in a way, we ship you two," your student explains.
"Yeah. Kinda like how most of us ship Gatsby and Nick in The Great Gatsby," your student explains further.
"Well, in all honesty, my personal life should remain personal to me," you tell your student.
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright. Just remember that some people prefer to have their lives private for their own comfort," you tell them.
"Sorry. But also, can you take a look at my essay and see if I'm going in the right track?" Your student asked.
"Of course."
The next day, you told Steven about your interaction with your student. The two of you sat in your classroom as you both ate lunch together. Sometimes, you would make a little dessert for you both and sometimes, Steven would have lunch for you both to eat together.
"What does that mean? Ship? Isn't that a large boat?" Steven asked you.
"It is but I believe it's a slang now for the younger generation. It means that they like us together," you explain.
"Interesting," Steven said as he continued to eat his food.
"Yeah. But the students mean well right?" You asked.
"Yeah. Of course."
After work, you were with one of your other teacher friends as you two were helping each other get a plan ready for your next book assignments.
"So get this, our students ship me and Steven. Isn't that funny?" You asked.
"No. Because everyone can see it. You two really like each other," she tells you.
"What are you talking about?"
"We all see the way you two look at each other," she tells you.
"What do you mean?"
"You two are so oblivious. Look, remember when that one guy asked you out and you declined him?"
"Why did you decline him? It was very obvious he was into you and he was perfect."
"I just wasn't interested."
"Because he wasn't Steven. You know most of your conversations are about what you and Steven do," she mentions.
When you got home, you thought about on what she said. Did you like Steven but is oblivious to your feelings? You looked around at your apartment to see the things that you had out that were gifts from Steven. Your eyes widen in shock as you realized that you did like Steven.
Friday rolled around and you knew what you wanted to do. You didn't have a sixth period or a class before the school day ended. So you slipped into Steven's classroom where he was teaching about the aftermath of World War II. Steven looked at you before looking back at his students.
"Read pages 301 to 305 for a moment please," Steven said before walking over to you.
"Is everything okay?" Steven asked you.
"Yes. I was just wondering if I can watch you and your class till the end?" You asked.
"Of course. Do you want to sit at my desk?" Steven asked you.
"Yes. Thank you," you smiled.
You watched as Steven continue to teach until the bell rung. You waved at some of your students that you had in your class as they walked out of the room. Once you both were alone, you stood up from the table.
"What do I owe the pleasure?" Steven asked you.
"Well, Mr. Grant. I was hoping you can accompany me on a date tonight?" You asked.
"A-A date?" Steven asked in shock. He could feel his heart racing and he could feel himself grow slightly dizzy.
Steven couldn't believe that the person he had been falling in love with everyday, was asking him out on a date.
"Yes. I know this restaurant that has a good vegan menu selection," you tell him.
"I-I would live that," Steven tells you. You smiled at him before kissing his cheek.
"Dress semi-formal. We're going on a date after all," you tell him.
"Of course," Steven smiled happily at you.
Unknowingly, when you walked out of his classroom, your students were around the corner, trying to see if there was any difference after you walked out.
"They're definitely going on a date," one of the students said as they watched you walk away happily.
"Where do you think they're going?"
"Probably somewhere vegan. Remember, Mr. Grant's vegan," one of them pointed out.
"Should we follow them? I'm in the rooting-for-them bet pool and I could get about twenty bucks from ten people each," another student said.
"No. We'll find out on Monday. Come on. My mom's waiting in the car."
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lakewillowmerewraith · 3 months
The Night Court is Based on the Middle East
I've long thought the Night Court is based on the Middle East, making the bat boys Middle Eastern. Ignoring the physical descriptions (dark hair/tan skin), here's why I think so.
First, the night court clothes are described as loose satiny pants with crop tops and sheer sleeves. This is very similar to pre-Islamic middle eastern fashions (think Princess Jasmine).
Secondly, the mountainous region. Lots of countries in the middle eastern are mountainous, not just desserts! (Turkey, Lebanon, to name a few)
Lastly, and this is a weird one, I think SJM took huge inspiration from the 1999 movie, The Mummy, which takes place in Egypt. In that movie, there's a scene at the very beginning where the Pharaoh paints his mistress with an elaborate design. Later, he realizes she has cheated on him when the paint is smudged from her lover. Sound familiar???
Later, the treasure hunters (thieves lol) read a curse written upon an ancient chest, which reads "Death will come on swift wings..." SJM then uses the phrase "Death on swift wings" TWICE in ACOMAF.
Lastly, is the way the film and SJM treat the natives. In The Mummy, the modern Egyptians are largely treated as stupid, backwards fools. They're literally called "smelly" several times, they die in droves with little fanfare (falling off cliffs, eaten by bugs), their deaths merely a plot device. Meanwhile, when the white treasure hunters die, it's always one by one, given time and attention, etc. In my mind, I think this is so similar to how SJM writes the Illyrians. Especially in ACOSF when they describe the blood rite, and the young Illyrian males die in absolute droves. Apparently their families and communities are ok with sacrificing scores of their young males for no apparent reason each year?
Conversely, in the Mummy, there's a select group of the natives, the Pharaoh's Guard, who are held above the rest of the natives. They're more sophisticated, honorable, etc. This is the Bat Boys lol.
Anyways, I could be totally off the mark, but I think the similarities to the movie are very striking. I definitely believe SJM took big inspiration from it.
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