#Eli vs his sisters
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🎃🎃🎃🎃 Halloween Imagine 🎃🎃🎃🎃
Imagine: Derek Hale your loving husband trying to single you to Not invite your parents to the pumpkin patch
Traditions were something Derek held close to his heart, considering he’s entire family was killed in a horrible fire that destroyed Not only just his family but he’s memories. It made sense that he would Value traditions even closer to his heart.
One Tradition was a Corny one.. your first date with the complicated sour wolf was going to a Pumpkin Patch, October 21. Close to Halloween but Not overly crowded. Derek still remembers how nervous he was to ask you out. you lived across the street from him. In the apartments. It was before Eli came to his life. You were a ray of sunshine. He instantly thought of Stiles when he saw you first. Clumsy and quick Witt. Honestly he was convinced for the first year of you living across from him that you were related to Stiles. During that first year he met SHE who Must NOT be named. He’s very Hot.. steamy Fling.. a passionate Fling that ended with her ghosting him for nine months and then dropping Eli at his door. And then running away. It was you who found the baby first. Derek was out helping the Shierff with a problem and you entertained Eli with the bit of things that was left for him. A few bottles, a bag of diapers nothing thrilling when Derek arrived. Home he saw you with a baby and he was stunned as you told him that their was a note.
he’s world spinner upside down once realizing he had a Son. And then he had to Figure out how to raise a baby. You having a baby sister. Who you helped care for, and little nieces and nephews you couldn’t Help but Help Derek.. especially after he tried waking up Eli.. the.Rule of thumb you NEVER wake a baby! You basically tackled him when Derek tried. It was then that Derek realized you were unconditionally Kind. You would make extra food for him to eat while you instantly helped with Eli and more times then not he came back from “work” which was him helping with a wolf pack or the sheriff to find you sitting on a rocking chair a old wooden one that you gave him to help With Eli. You would be holding Eli to you as you rocked him. But be dead asleep as Eli would be fast asleep. It was October 20th When Derek got the courage to ask you out. And he took you to a Pumpkin patch on the 21st. It was now tradition. The date was supposed to be just the two of you, but Derek’s sitter got sick. And you happily put on the “kangaroo do da’ as you called that that holds the baby to the chest. As a bundle. You always forgot the name and just called it that.
it was half way thur the maze as you were holding Dereks’ hand tightly as Eli was fast asleep in a little hat that you insited to bring. That Derek realized. That he was yours. Completely and utterly yours. It was when he realized. You were he’s Soulmate. The other half he was waiting for.
It was a Speical date and for the first few years. After dating and marriage, Eli would go with. But he was too “Old for that’ now to go with his parents so Derek would drag his favorite girl with you.
The last year of a family of three.. you were round. Pregnancy wasn’t what you expected… the “Glow” every talks about is just sweat. You were even hotter due to the wolf.. it had to be because she was a wolf. Because you were sweating buckets and the doctor Figured it was just pregnancy. Your local witch doctor figured it was due to the wolf gene. You were taking three showers if you coudl a day. Seven months. You were sitting at the kitchen table. Sitting resting your swollen ankles. You Knew you were being a absolute nightmare to Derek and Eli. So thru out the pregnancy you were leaving small tokens of “Sorry im a massive Beep right now”
Your Loving husband would refuse to agree with you that you were being a nightmare. Valuing his Life. Vs giving into the truth. Learning from how you snapped at Eli when he said you were hormonal… it wasn’t often he was scared of you- but that night he feared for Eli’s life. But alos. Took note.. Don’t tell you that your Hormonal he understood. The pregnancy was tough. Which was why he appreciated your kind little gifts. It made him realize the women he loved was still under the Sweaty mess that was you.
you were writing a ‘thank you” note to Eli for helping out with hte dishes. And giving him a 50 dollar gift card. When your phone rang. And Derek just walked in when you answer. It was your parents. Derek walked over kissing your head as you spoke, “Hey mom.”
“Hey sweetheart- your father and i were hoping to sneak down for the weekend and visit you and help out.”
Derke turned hearing that. He coudln’t help it. He’s ears were ringing when he heard your moms voice. Derek didn’t mind your parents.- they hated Him. He was older, a father to a Son that you instantly accepted as your own.. they could look passed ALL that but they still blame Derek for you two eloping. They weren’t overly aggressive to Derke. And they loved Eli and accepted him as a grandkid. But they were still stand of fish to Derek. Even after years later. Luckily they lived seven hours away and they NEVER Visit. You always have to go to them. So hearing them willing to drive down to them. Derek was stunned as you spoke, “oh- ugh.. we have plans we can’t change this weekend. Ugh.. what about next weekend?”
“what’s happening this weekend?”
You rubbed your head as you spoke, “we just- have plans…”
“Wait- is it that silly Pumpkin Patch you guys always do? Isin’t Eli too old for that?”
“Well- Yea.. but he’s going with his friends. It’s just Me and Derek going. It’s tradition. We always go on the 21st. .you can’ come next weekend.”
“Why dont we all go together?”
Your face went blank hearing that. As Derek shook his head mouthing out No, as he started waving his hands singling No. as your face flinched up , your hand went to your head as you said “ Sure… that be nice.” Derek leaned his head back trying nNot to groan out as you finished your chat with your mom. Derek stared at you once you were off the phone as you spoke, ‘what was i suppose to say? No? I can’t say No to mom!”
“that’s our thing!”
“it’s a family outing has ALWAYS Been a family date day.. their family.” “it’s the last one before Sabrina comes.”
“Who’s Sabrina? My child isn’t being named after a witch!”
Derek rubbed his face, “alright.. June..”
a common discussion in the house.. names for the baby.. you both tried the 2 veto’s thing. But that didn’t work, you then suggested Eli named his sister.. But then he came back with Prune which neither of you liked. You rubbed your belly, “Sasha.”
You smiled nudging Derek with your foot, “you know— we could just put names in a hat and whatever is picked is it?"
He chucked shaking his head," no.. what about Felicia?"
" Felicia? So people can always say " bye Felicia? No!! No!"
This battle probably won't stop till the baby is born
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Vicious and Vengeful Duology by V.E. Schwab
After finishing The Darker Shade of Magic series and longing for more of her work I decided to give this set a go. I have to say this is probably one of the most interesting stories based in on a super-hero/super-power premise I've read.
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I should note here that as a reader, I tend to be very focused on characters and their development (or lack thereof). Yes, plot, worldbuilding, etc... are always important and a big part of any story. But for me the characters are always going to be the most important component of the story and I can forgive a lot of things in a tale if they are written well. That being said, the most notable thing in this whole story for me is the lack of a clear hero. It's a Super-Hero book with no actual "Hero" No black and white with regards to morals. No "Good Guy". Only various characters who operate in shades of shifting greys.
NOTE: I'm not going to re-hash the summary of the books on here - you could go look that up anywhere. I'm planning to focus my efforts on discussion/personal observation for this blog, although I intend to avoid spoilers whenever possible. Seems like a fine line, we'll see how it goes.
When we meet Victor and Eli we are shown right away that not only are these two intensely brilliant guys, but that both are just a little "off-kilter." Turns out being ambitious, competitive, not quite mentally balanced, and possibly a genius is a recipe for disaster in a world where developing "Extra Ordinary" (EO) powers is possible if you are brave (or reckless) enough to force yourself to have a near death experience (or really actually die for a second and then somehow come back).
From the start my brain was trying to balance the two, attempting to make assumptions about who to root for, even as it's clear thru Victor's overwhelming jealousy (and later, revenge) and Eli's weird self-righteousness that neither have moral high ground. So, it's an interesting exercise in where exactly to draw the line between intention, motivation, and actions.
The true characters of Victor and Eli are shown more thru their choice in companions. Mich is such fabulous character - I just love the use of the underrated smart but big guy who everyone assumes is a thug. And of course, Sarena, an EO who can convince anyone to do anything she asks (while possibly an overused character type) is always going to be a frighting ally for any villain to have. Add in to the mix Sydney, the betrayed little sister to Serena who can resurrect the dead (and the dog she resurrected), a recovering addict vet who can move outside of time, and a whole city of brainwashed police officers and it's quite a showdown.
The second book gives us more of Eli's backstory and a further understanding of his religious mission to rid the world of EO's (except himself of course) and also his intelligence and patience. Victor is burning thru potentially helpful EO's in a misguided (or maybe just poorly motivated) attempt to just stay alive. Also, we get the rise of a new team of characters under Marcela, a slighted mob wife (mostly) murdered by her husband. Also, the police stand where exactly in all of this (because they are a present entity here too)?
I found it a refreshing change that instead of a "Good vs Evil" face-off that we typically get especially in a super-hero story, we get a 3+ way tangled up mess of a climax where you aren't really sure who will end up with how much of what in the end.
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shanofarcadia · 2 years
i’m not one to tear down a successful queen ever, but there are moments throughout 3below where aja genuinely needed to get off the screen and let krel actually exist as one of the co-protagonists of the show, and allow me to drop some helpful examples:
the fight with halcon (1x07)
not saying that aja should be erased from this completely, but something that always pissed me off about this is that instead of letting krel help and fight alongside aja, he just gets knocked unconscious. which, okay, sure, stun him for a second like halcon did to varvatos, but when he comes to he can help! but then when he DOES wake up, he’s… instantly knocked out again, like literally instantly. what the fuck. not to mention, when halcon first attacks, it’s on krel (and ricky) alone (one of the rare moments that krel’s part of something without aja involved), so you’d think they’d give krel some stake in the final fight against halcon. and i’m not saying he needed to be the one to get the dramatic final blow on her either, in fact i love how varvatos just wakes up and one-shot blasts her to pieces in the sky. i’m just saying i think krel should’ve been an active part of the fight.
the battle of the bands (1x12)
this one’s not really as major, but it only slightly annoys me because i’ve always felt like most people were cheering because of aja’s vocals/dancing rather than krel’s music (save for eli and seamus who directly compliment him, they’re real ones) especially when krel literally has to clarify that HE’S the main act when someone in the audience cheers for aja. again, not the biggest deal, just a silly music competition, but it feels weird for the show to frame it as krel’s major legacy moment when moments earlier he was still being sidelined by people in favor of his sister.
rescuing varvatos (2x02)
this is by far the one that pisses me off the most. as we see in both 1x12 and 2x01, krel is VISIBLY more emotional and affected by varvatos’ betrayal being revealed. to the point where tears ROLL down his face, and he ALMOST EXECUTES varvatos on the spot, and his emotion in the season 2 premiere coming out in apathetic anger, but then we see him curl up and break into more tears when finally confronting his feelings on what happened. it’s literally HIS IDEA to go to the moon to save varvatos anyway. only, when the plan gets enacted, it’s… aja who gets to free varvatos from his cell. so where’s krel? playing dress up in the space tavern’s main room and getting hot-potatoed between dozens of bounty hunters. this makes me unbelievably upset. you show that krel is massively more affected by the events than aja is, but then he’s not even granted the courtesy of the 1-on-1 that aja and varvatos get as she frees him? say what you want about anything else i’ve mentioned, but this is a moment that 110% should’ve belonged to krel and not aja. also the fact that krel doesn’t even really speak directly to varvatos for the remainder of the episode once he’s freed. if anything, they kind of just gloss over krel’s internal conflict of being angry at him vs wanting to rescue him, another flaw in the usage of krel as a character.
also keep in mind that this is in no way meant to come across as anti-aja or anything like that, especially when she’s my 2nd favorite protagonist and 3below is my favorite show in the trilogy by a long shot. i mainly am just trying to criticize the show’s handling of its one and only dark-skinned protagonist and how him going severely underused in his own show and look at things through nuance, because there were plenty of moments krel could’ve been a part of things where he wasn’t, and it sucks that in both canon and fan spaces he goes so criminally underlooked. this has just been my two cents. this is longest tumblr post i’ve made in a while actually.
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elisundayapologist · 28 days
Some Watkins family related things
“One time the stout lady showed him a badly scrawled note from Ruth Watkins—Paul’s sister, whom he loved—saying that the family had had no word; also that they were having a hard time keeping alive, they were having to kill a goat now and then—and Mrs. Groarty said that was literally eating up their capital.”
Do you think Eli was the one doing the most goat killing? Paul said the rest of his family cannot do hard work like he can and in the play Eli says Ruth does most of the work minding the goats but I still want to picture him. I don’t think he would be squeamish but would he feel bad?
“She sat tending the flocks and herds, as boys and girls had done two thousand years ago in Palestine, which she read about in the only book to be found in the Watkins household. One week out of three she did this, ten or twelve hours a day, taking turns with her sisters.”
The Bible was the only book in the Watkins household.
“I’ve had three letters. Always it’s a new place, and he says he ain’t stayin’ there. Some day, he says, he’ll come to see me—jest me. He’s scairt o’ Pap.” “What would Pap do?” “Pap would whale him. He’s terrible set agin him. He says he’s a limb of Satan. Paul says he don’t believe what’s in the Book? Do you believe it?”
“Paul explained that he had turned up yesterday, having come to see Ruth. He had had things out with his father this time; being nineteen now, he thought he was old enough to be allowed to take care of himself. Bunny asked if his father had “whaled” him, and Paul smiled and said his father wasn’t in condition to whale anybody, he was getting worse with rheumatism. He was as bitter and implacable as ever, but told Paul to go his own way to hell, and his father would pray for him. Bunny noticed right away that Paul no longer referred to his father as “Pap,” and that he no longer murdered the English language like the rest of the Watkins family; he talked like an educated man, as indeed he was.”
Abel used to beat Paul as well as Ruth (I think the black sheep vs golden child dynamic between Paul and Eli in the family is very interesting)
“There was a pause, and Paul went on, grimly. “I know, of course; his money is at stake, and he won’t risk it; and you’ll do what he tells you.” “But Paul! I couldn’t oppose Dad! Would you expect that?” “When my father set up his will, and tried to keep me from thinking and learning the truth, I opposed him, didn’t I? And you encouraged me to do it—you thought that was all right.” “But Paul! If I were to oppose Dad in such a thing—why, I’d break his heart.” “Well, maybe I broke my father’s heart—I don’t know, and neither do you. The point is, your father’s doing wrong, and you know it; he’s helping to turn these ruffians loose on us, and deprive us of our rights as citizens, and even as human beings. You can’t deny that, and you have a duty that you owe to the truth.” There was a silence, while Bunny tried to face the appalling idea of opposing Dad, as Paul had opposed old Mr. Watkins. It had seemed so right in the one case, and seemed so impossible in the other!”
Paul thinks he maybe broke his father’s heart (also, Paul calling Bunny “soft” makes me wonder if he ever called Eli that in their childhood for not ever questioning the family’s religion and for being the “favorite”)
“Bunny tried haltingly once or twice to tell Paul about it; Paul being a sort of god, a firm and dependable moral force, to whom one might flee. Bunny remembered the scorn with which Paul had talked about “fornications,” and Bunny had not known quite what he meant—but Bunny knew now, alas, only too well.”
It’s interesting to me how, despite how much Paul tries to claim that he doesn’t care for religion (Later, when Bunny points out he “used to think like Eli talks” he will say that even though he had some religious anxiety at the beginning, he dropped all “superstition” when he became a Communist organizer) he still shows the influence of it in the way he talks about things.
There is an interesting parallel between Paul and Eli’s insistence of being sure of the “truth” in spiritual matters when you contrast it with their (implied) inner turmoil.
“Oh, Bunny,” pleaded Ruth, “We ought to write down what he says! He might stop—and never speak again!” Bunny understood—Ruth had been brought up to believe in revelations, in words of awful import spoken on special occasions, in strange languages or other unusual ways. The doctors might call it delirium, but how could they be sure? Things that were hidden from the wise were revealed to babes and sucklings. So Bunny got out his notebook and fountain-pen, and wrote down what Paul’s words sounded like, as near as he could guess.”
Paul’s Russian words are compared to the belief in speaking in tongues of the Watkins family (you could say Paul’s death loosely parallels Eli’s in the movie), this is not the only line where Eli and Paul are paralleled, they’re obviously different, the gospel Paul preaches is genuine and true but it’s still interesting that they’re paralleled.
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glittter-vamp · 6 months
Best moments and worst moments of the cruise? 👀 (sorry I’m being nosy I can’t travel on a boat like that due to a health issue so I’m always here to hear about the stories)
No worries! I’m here for the gossip of my cruise 😂
Best moments:
Getting to know Eli’s brother and his wife. We all got along so well.
Disconnecting from the world for a bit, it was so needed after these past few months
Meeting other queer couples on the ship and hanging out with them. We made friends with this couple from Tennessee and and an older couple from Georgia who were celebrating their 35th year anniversary, it was so nice
The endless food & drinks, I had probably one of the best steaks on the cruise
Getting to watch a Celtics vs Pelicans game on the boat with two Pelicans fans and finding other Celtics fans who were buying shots every time Tatum made a 3pointer (we got very drunk that night lol)
Partying until late and waking up like 5 hours later to continue the fun
My gfs brother getting so drunk we had to wheel him to the room and help his wife get him in bed (he attempted to out drink me)
Worst Moments
My gfs brother losing his phone for like three hours before someone found it and returned it to lost & found
Some drunk lady spilling her red wine all over my girlfriends white dress
Some guy upset that he couldn’t leave the boat in the Bahamas without his key card and holding up the line for like 15 minutes when he could have just went back to his room and got it in that time
Kept bumping into a guy who was on a bachelor’s trip and at first was very nice and cool but he started to hit on me even after I told him I was with my girlfriend who was literally right next to me and my gf & her brother started to get angry that he wasn’t respecting our relationship and the guy was even grabbed me by my waist, him being drunk wasn’t an excuse and a whole think was about to pop off due to that
Running into an old high school teacher I had that I hated. Like what the hell are the odds?
As cool, fun and nice as my gfs sister in law is, she is so picky with her food and drinks that hearing her complain about every little thing the entire time had my eye literally twitching at in annoyance
The ship was rocky as hell the first two nights and Eli felt sick the first night so she didn’t get to enjoy the drinking and eating as much
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sliebman10 · 1 year
10 Books
Thank you, @schmem14 for the tag. 
10 books to get to know me!
1. Forever by Pete Hamill
This an imperfect but beautiful story about a man granted eternal life is he stays on the island of Manhattan. Lovely writing style, and great New York history,
2. Summer Sister by Judy Blume
A long, complicated female friendship with a great cast of supporting characters. I’ve loved this one for such a long time. 
3. All Souls Trilogy by Deb Harkness
A witch and a vampire fall in love and all hell breaks loose. Rich in historical details and a strong, memorable cast of characters. What’s not to love?
4. The Omnivore’s Dilemma
A thoughtful exploration of the American diet and how food is made/distributed.
5. Angels in America
I loved seeing the play and the movie, but there was something about reading this play that stuck with me. The story and dialogue are gorgeous. 
6. Simon Vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
A YA book about drama kid Simon and his coming out journey. It’s sweet, poignant and really fun. 
7. Night by Elie Weisel
This book packs such a punch in so few pages. An honest, moving, thoughtful account of Elie’s experience in Auschwitz during the Holocaust.
8. The Outsiders by SE Hinton
I read this book so many times as I was growing up. It’s such a great story of friendship and found family and survival in the face of class differences and turf wars.
9. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
This one is such a lovely story of healing and friendship. I really loved it when I was a kid and I still love it now.
10. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
I feel like there was a time when reading Little Women was a rite of passage. I don’t know if that’s still the case, but this story was popular for a long time for a reason.
I will leave this as an open tag since I’ve seen this around a bunch. 
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List of all my aus ig, master post?
Lucifer or Luci is my version of 2012 Leo, some things just a tad or a lot not Cis about her
StE- Sisters to enemies: Lucifer and Karai grew up together, Karai fights turtles, then finds out about her parentage, She leaves the foot clan, and Luci Doesn't.
GoLV- A group of vigilantes: Luci is polyamorous and in love with the following: Lotus Blossom, Koya, Yumana Usagi (a version of Yuichi), Casey Jones, and April O Neil. And Lucifer's brothers try to get her to come back to the team.
WLG?- Where'd Leo go? (2012) A mess where Leo and Yumana end up in Yuichi Usagi's universe.
Shadow Slugger- when Eli is 2, Will gets into the Duel that will send him into the future, and Burpy goes with him. He is sent five years into the future. When Eli was 3 His guardian takes him to slugterra to search for Eli's dad, they encounter Dr Blakk's men and Eli hasn't been seen since.
Elias Thorne- Will is transported to wherever he was earlier on, and Eli comes down earlier on, not having made the 'has to be 15-years-old' promise yet. Eli tried to help but gets traumatized and raised by a pizza maker and a racer. Billy is Eli's partner in crime, and jokingly suggested he change his name to sound serious and make his last name Thorne as he was a thorn in Dr. Blakk's side.
Percy Jackson
WBGPoRP- What's better? Ghost Percy or Roman Percy? Instead of Bianca going into Talos, Percy does, and he follows Nic around for a year trying to shoo Minos away from the kid and disappears after BOTL. Nico doesn't visit camp Jupiter very often, it's just to visit hazel who he still found, searching for Percy, and either He finds Percy or Bianca does.
Link to the inspiration for this next one here
BvS-KvA. Body versus Mind or Kronos versus Achlys- (Aka I haven't read MOA or anything past it and somehow grew attached to Achlys, so I made Achlys Percy's aunt figure) based on a post where Percy falls into Tartarus and his soul gets pushed out of his body by Kronos, who takes his body. And the wandering soul meets the goddess of Poison. And she immediately adopts him
RMA- Red Madder Archer: Kai is basically Oliver queen, pre pilots by years. He was going to Chen's Island for work but the ship went exploded, five years later Hes back but with no signs of fire.
Phelix or Miraculous Kai- Kai with a Phoenix miraculous to boost his elemental abilities with Elder brother Morro.
Curler Kai- Crack Au where Kai joins a curling club.
Dsmp Villains vs Kai- Aka Kai fistfights Dsmp villains in the McPuffy's parking lot.
Arrowverse Aus
ABT- Arrow's brother: Target. Moira adopts Dick Grayson while Oliver is away.
Helena's brother- Frank Bertinelli Adopts Dick Grayson
RedX au- Joker isn't revived :)
Ouat au
Okay, a more indepth explanation for this au Is that Jason Todd uses his upcoming birthday and other things to bribe John Constantine and Zatanna into bringing him and the other bats to a world where the joker did not survive outlash from family members. The family member who changed the most in this world is not the one Jason had in mind.
Sog - Swan of gold: Mr. Gold of storybrooke adopts an eleven year old girl named Emma.
Platinum Protector/Silver Sentry - Hunter and Luz swap. Darius finds out Belos has a child (1 yr old Hunter) and immediately nabs him and runs to Eda. Hunter ends up in the human realm with the Nocedas, and one year later, Luz is born. Luz goes to the demon realm at nine, and a few years later, Hunter returns to the Demon realm out of curiosity.
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heaven-s-black-box · 11 months
Notes- Modern Star Wars pt.2
Return to File
Recovery date: September 5th, 2022
Description: While taking notes on this modern universe, I began to ponder alternate paths it could have taken, specifically Eli Vanto and Thrawn.
Notes: N/a
Parts: 1 2 3 4
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- Thrawn takes on the role of Castle and Eli is Detective Beckett
- I imagine instead of being a writer Thrawn is an artist that draws cultural studies mostly for himself, and made a name for himself drawing more... macabre things
- A series of these drawings become the bases for a case Eli gets assigned to as a newly graduated cadet or something like that, basically Eli is a newby
- He approached Thrawn who immediately takes an interest in the fact someone is basing their crimes off his work, the two solve the case together
- Maybe Jixtus is behind the first murder (like he's the master mind), but Yiv gets caught for actually committing the murders and while Thrawn knows something is still up Eli can't really keep the case open and it sort of becomes a Sherlock and John vs Moriarty bit
- Like Castle, Thrawn takes enough of an interest in Eli to pull favors to get to work with him and Thrawn begins to plan an exhibit based around Eli
- I don't know about everyone else, but I think Thalias and Che'ri would be Martha and Alexis
- but like, if Martha was his sister and Alexis was his niece he was really close with...
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nightsidewrestling · 2 years
D.U.D.E: Part 1 - The Man Behind The Crown (Set in 2020)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Gluttony's P.O.V:
As she looked up, she saw Damien's face, and that scowl... that damned scowl. The one of an angry tyrant looking at an insubordinate servant moments before carving their skull in half with a sword.
Kirby wakes up in a cold sweat, shivering with her mouth drier than the Sahara. She knows it was a nightmare but it was the same nightmare she had been having since moving into the building two years ago. Damian Lum, her boss, had bought an old disused motel, just enough room for the girls and their families if needed. The girls, each with their own problems in life, were representing the other six sins, and they had chosen Kirby to be Gluttony. Kirby, the only giant, was now known as a gluttonous beast and Damian... no, Damien, was to blame.
Damian was rich, not from wrestling as 'Damien Lucifarian', but because he was Damian Lum, son of wealthy businessman Adam Lum and thus his family had more dollars than sense. Stupid mental jokes aside, Kirby had to get up, her mind was the type that stayed awake after being awoken. Plus, it had just gone '06:00', or so her alarm clock told her.
"If I were luckier, I'd have been saved by the bell." She mutters to herself as she gets out of bed, a long day ahead of things already on her to-do list from last night's unfinished work and the days before. It was Monday. 20th July. 2020. Around three weeks earlier she had called her parents to wish her father a happy birthday. Three weeks; 3; Three weeks of working for AEW. Three weeks of editing Eli's Vlog, too. Kirby hated; no; Kirby hates the vlog. She went to college, and university, only for those skills to be used on the vlog. That stupid vlog.
Admittedly, she only hates it because she isn't getting paid for her work, despite the amount of hours put into it. Hours she could spend doing projects she has more love for. Her art. Making her own rig gear. Alas, she was awake and therefore she had to get dressed and do her morning routine. Shower, dry off, brush teeth & hair, get dressed, done. She would head to the gym next door and wait until someone got in contact. Kirby's not a social person; nor is she a recluse: she has anxiety and can find new people intimidating at first.
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At '06:30' Saraid arrives out front in the car. They had already planned out the morning; café, breakfast, grab gear, airport, check in, flight, get to Jacksonville, reach the hotel, have lunch. Saraid's relationship with Kirby is like a younger sister, Saraid gets on Kirby's nerves, Kirby watches over the eighteen-year-old and waits for orders. Both of Semi-Irish descent and with an annoying habit of blurring the lines between gimmick and reality, they had grown protective over each other during the two years they were together.
Thanks to the fact the 'compound' as Damian called it was in Asheville, North Carolina, it took just under two hours to get to Jacksonville, Florida. From there the girls went to meet with their boss and the rest of the sinful team at their hotel, taking in the sights that they can before they reach their destination and unpack their belongings.
Eli's Vlog P.O.V:
Eli flipped the camera screen around before turning it on and filming.
"Bonjour [Hello], my darlings, tis me." She started her intro, same as the three weeks prior, making sure to get the other girls with her in the hotel lobby on camera.
She always began the same, a small intro to herself and her life before going on with her day and filming most of what she did within a day. Kirby would edit it later, taking out the unnecessary and double checking whenever she had to censor a word.
"Today, is the first day of our trip to Jacksonville. We're going to wrestle in Daily's Place and then hang out with some of the guys in a nearby bar. But first, I'll show you around Jacksonville with Geia and Billie."
As Eli continues to film, Kirby and Sara chat in the background with Renee, Jon Moxley's wife, Renee. Sure it was in the background, but viewers paying less attention to Eli and more to the goings-on in the camera view could glimpse Moxley and one of his friends going past the girls, Mox's friend pushing past Kirby quite aggressively.
"Woah, Kirby, ça va mon ami [are you alright my friend]?"
"I'm okay Eli, just another jackass who thinks his tiny **** gives him reason to barge past a woman taller than him." Kirby scoffs, staring daggers at the man who just barged past her.
"**** you!" The man yells, his Bronx accent thicker than Sara's.
"**** me yourself, you coward." Kirby snaps back.
"Kirby." Eli gasps, surprised at her friend's sudden snap at a stranger.
"What? Oh yeah right, I have to censor myself now. Well in that case, **** you, **** head."
The man only laughs in return, it's the laugh of a smoker. He stops for a second, doubling over slightly which makes his black t-shirt hug his beer gut more than when he's standing, the rosaries around his neck swinging down the moment he puts his hands on his knees.
"Eddie. Come on, man." Mox murmurs, looking over his shoulder at the other man.
"A'ight, a'ight. I'll stop ******* with them." 'Eddie' chuckles as he follows Mox.
Renee excuses herself and follows her husband and 'Eddie' out of the room, heading to their car.
Gluttony's P.O.V:
Kirby grunts as she heads to her and Sara's shared hire car, picking up her bag and heading to the locker room. Quickly changing into her workout gear (orange leggings and an orange sports bra that looks two sizes too small despite being the right size) before heading out to the gym, accompanied by the other girls as they each start their workout. The interaction from earlier still stuck in her mind as she replays it mentally for the millionth time.
Who was that guy? Mox said his name was 'Eddie'. What was his deal? Probably just another jerkwad trying her patience. When did Tony hire him? Judging off of every website she checked he wasn't signed to AEW. Where did he get such an attitude? Probably from growing up in New York, like Sara, only worse. Why would he even dare to piss off Kirby? He hopefully didn't realise she was standing in his way when he pushed past her. How did he have the balls to do such a thing? He's friends with Moxley, of course he would have the balls to do something like that.
She barely notices the hours pass as she continues her workout, that was until Damian and Tony came to check on her and ask about the incident. She put little thought into the words, giving her 'boss' and her actual boss a general spiel of answers that would calm them and get them to leave her to her workout.
It reached '13:00' before Kirby's stomach made her aware of how hungry the hours of working up both a sweat and an appetite made her, she took five minutes to shower and change into casual clothes (the outfit from earlier) ahead of quickly heading to her hotel room to grab her laptop and wallet and then finding a small café that would allow her to write several emails to her family back home, replying to her kin's worries.
"I... Mox said I should apologise for pissing you off earlier." The Bronx accent from earlier mutters.
"Apology is not required. I'm busy." Kirby grumbles, not looking up from her screen.
"Then..." 'Eddie' stalls for a moment, "... lemme buy you lunch to say sorry and to avoid me gaining an enemy."
"Sure, you can sit with me too, just don't annoy me further, Mister...?"
"Eddie. Kingston. You don't have to bother with any formalities or fancy words."
"Alright then, Eddie, no gimmicks as we're in public, right?"
"I'm Eddie Moore. Friends call me Eddie, Ma calls me Edward and enemies call me Asshole." He smiles softly.
Kirby smiles gently in return as she finally takes in Eddie's features, not too perfect, but not too rough either. A Yankees cap, which Eddie swiftly turns backwards, revealing his buzzed black hair beneath it. Two seemingly perfect eyebrows and green eyes... bright green eyes, rare on anyone, but a noticeable difference from people she's met before. A slightly crooked, but rather cute nose for a wrestler. Then the scruffy beard and thin lips. If looks could kill, he'd be far worse than any Voorhees, Sawyer or Krueger. She shakes the thoughts from her mind as she checks back into the conversation.
"So, what's ya name? I heard ya friend call ya 'Kirby'."
"I'm Kirby Rhydderch, or to the audience, Kirby Lucifarian."
"Rid..." Eddie struggles in an attempt to pronounce her surname before giving up, "where ya from?"
"Llanfaethlu, Anglesey... Wales."
"Oh, you're that Welsh girl that Mox was talking about, the female Andre."
"He calls me that?" She asks, partially inclined to end the conversation there and go talk to Moxley about his words.
"Better female Andre than female Doink, right?" He jokes as he sits opposite her.
Kirby chuckles softly, shaking her head slightly before looking up at Eddie, "Can I get you a coffee or something?"
"Nah, I'm buying, whatever you want."
"Whatever I want, huh, okay then... a cappuccino and a hot chocolate, both large and in to-go cups and a blueberry muffin if there's any left, please."
Eddie leaves for a few minutes, giving Kirby a perfect chance to give him a mental dressing down. He's rugged, no he's rough. He's a tough guy, no shit Sherlock he's a wrestler. He smokes he would fit in back home, as if a guy like him would want to visit Wales let alone the Rhydderch clan. He must be at least in his 30s, no his beard's greying either he's so stressed his beard's gone grey or he's like 50. A guy like him has to be married, according to what Mox has said in the past he doesn't even have a girlfriend or kids. He's kinda hot to be honest, WOW Kirby first we think that actors like Luis Guzmán, John Goodman and Dan Aykroyd are cute and now this dude, plus he's got a Bronx accent, as if our childhood crush on Raphael needed further help coming to light. He then returns with both drinks but no food.
"No luck on the food, sorry."
"Well, beggars can't be choosers or so they say." Kirby shrugs, her mind still mid-argument with itself.
Eddie passes her both drinks before looking at her laptop, almost studying it, "That's a lot of stickers."
"I collect them, I travel a lot because as you know wrestling takes you to a lot of places and I need this for work and private stuff so it comes with me and thus it's gained... personality, for lack of a better explanation."
"Gotcha, it's got a life of it's own, so you add stickers to make it look like it." Eddie nods and smiles softly.
Eli's Vlog P.O.V:
Over at the hotel, Eli, Sara and Honey are playing video games and answering questions on a livestream while recording the livestream to keep as an archive.
"Excellent question, mon ami [my friend], 'Where are the other girls?' from someone who I didn't catch the name of."
"Vi is in her hotel room, talking with her husband. Billie is probably trying to pick up a potential date somewhere. Geia is meeting with two of her step-kids for lunch, I can't remember which ones... and Kirby. Well, Kirby's a ghost in giant form, nobody knows where she is ever, except for Kirby." Honey explains.
"This will probably be in this week's vlog, but Kirby and one of Moxley's friends had quite the first meeting."
"Yeah, the jerk barged past her and Kirby's gonna have to censor herself and the dude for the vlog." Sara scoffs.
Eli nods in agreement before going back to reading the comments as Sara and Honey continue to play Mortal Kombat together.
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oh-three · 2 years
Station 19 S6E7:
- Hopefully Beckett takes Ross's report seriously and gets himself sorted. I kinda like the guy. So, has Beckett actually been drinking this whole time (and masking it with the mints), or is he relapsing because the house is crashing and burning under his leadership? - I knew Travis would regret telling Eli to leak the Dixon story. This is why you don't make impulsive decisions. - Again, the cops on this show. I miss the Ryan Tanner days even more. Less bad cops back then. Should've seen it coming down to a Crisis One call. FD vs PD, I mean. Things have been rough between them for a long time.  -- Poor kid just wanted to make a pound cake. Jesus Christ. - The look Carina gave Maya. Yeah, you ain't getting discharged. nice try. Maya, listen to your wife for once.  -- "I thought she was dead." 😭  Jack has so much heart and deserves just so much better.  -- "I lose you either way, Bella. I'd rather lose you and have you be alive." THAT LINE. THE DELIVERY. She made the right choice, and hopefully Maya will come to see that in time. - I hate the Ross/Sullivan ship, but damn I love Ross on her own. Sully, too. But especially Ross. She's such a great chief, I'm glad she was chosen. - Seeing how the kid reunited with his mother, I'm gonna be pissed if Crisis One gets terminated. It's done so much good for so many people. Shitttttttt. Eli, what happened, man. You were supposed to not leak that article. - HE'S MEETING HIS SISTER. - Welcome back, Jack.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 years
KP watches Snow Day 2022
so...Nick apparently remade Snow Day. how’s it stack up to the original (which is a favorite watch of mine btw)?
first of all, the sister is our narrator, not the brother. we start off with “one year ago...” and the snow day is immediate; we got no character setup for Hal or his friends and love interest, no family setup, nothing. and immediate musical number. this...this is gonna hurt isn’t it?
oh, the “one year ago” was pointless for just an opening song. Natalie (was that her name here? i kinda missed it) is way too over the top; she was believable originally, now she’s...idk, lame Disney Channel? the mom is too...but at least we get family setup now; not great setup, but it’s something. (is that the Fairly Odder mom?)
so...Claire is in a play and not a diver? Hal also seems to have lost his dude friend and only has Lane, who is also a bit too over the top but she’s at least got the same vibes. and Claire’s whale is now a necklace and from her dad instead of boyfriend. and yeah sis is still Nat, and still too sitcom adult in a kid’s body. and i know in the original, Hal and Nat had a good friendship, but why is Nat hanging around him and Lane at school?
we’re getting a Summer Nights type song number for Chuck and Claire? uh...can we say filler? too bad we cut out all the Chevy Chase dad opening setup, we really had no other way to fill the run time...
the Claire and Chuck break up is shown; ok i’ll give that’s a nice addition. however...Chuck was a cartoony jerk in the original, but he’s just...cartoonishly bland? the original would’ve known her dance thing was coming up. also pulling the “how well do you know me” quiz now?
oh we get a “woe is me” music number for Hal instead of him wearing Claire’s whale creepily. i guess that’s an improvement...also i will give that new Hal is a geeky looser looking kid vs original Hal who really wasn’t, so you get some point for that new movie. but no dad checking on Nat about the barometric pressure and the storm coming...idt dad is even the weatherman...idt we even know what he does...why do we even have mom dad and Randy?
we get no real setup for Snowplow man; it hasn’t been an established rivalry just a “hey i’m gonna stop him plowing so i don’t have to take a test”. it’s not something Nat and Hal have been planning for years, it’s a random spontaneous plan. and since we haven’t established Nat’s friends, she looks like she’s doing this on her own since we’ve only seen her hang with Hal and Lane who are going to go do the Claire plot. you really dropped the ball introducing your main antagonist, and featured character on all your promo covers here guys.
ok we now get to establish Eli and Wayne. Eli is not creative (and British?) and Wayne is not Josh Peck. they kept the tv in the snow fort so that surprised me. and now we get family stuff...and dad is working at home...this destroys the mom and Randy stuck at home subplot because the parents can now take shifts; also Randy is clearly older, so he doesn’t need as much of a babysitter you’d think. and he’s just as manipulative as Nat; what is with this family??
awww we cut out the snow angel scene with Hal and Lane, that’s a shame, since that’s a helpful message later on. we also cut out the Claire-stock setup...and Claire forgives Chuck far too easily...yeah this new version is just making it “nerd likes girl with boyfriend” not “looser likes the most popular girl that everyone wants” so...it’s creepy?
geeze we’re like halfway through the movie and at this point, i’m afraid this is so not  good that even Jerry Trainor can’t save it...it might even make him not funny the rewriting here is just that not good so far.
no jelly snownuts??? booooo. i get it, they don’t want imitate able behavior, but c’mon!
oh...oh Jerry...the Siri!Bird is already bad but...you’re singing a song that’s basically “I hate music” and...idk...Jerry i love you man, and you can kinda sing, so i’m gonna blame the writing...and Snowplow Man backstory in the song, wth?? he’s like the Grinch, we don’t need an origin story. also, his snowplow is named Trudy instead of Clementine; minor detail i guess. ok, waiting to throw snowballs at him until he’s stopped rather than causing him to crash into a car; again, don’t want to promote dangerous behavior. however popping his tires is bad...and the snowplow is the Gadgetmobile?? O.o i guess Siri!Bird makes more sense then for that...
oh, oh wow we replace the TV scene with Hal breaking into some tiktok girl’s house to make his Claire declaration. yeah, new Hal is creepy and dare i say simpy?
oh we are replacing Wayne being dead with ketchup, by dressing him up as a grannie and nearly getting hit by the snowplow. that’s still dangerous guys...
oh NOW we get the snow angel scene, ok, you get a point back movie...you’re still really bad though. because now we get Lane taking about ice skating? did she JUST fall in love with him? the musical number seems to imply that; original Lane seemed to be into him the whole time, just saying. it was nice and subtle...and this new one doesn’t know what the word “subtle’ means, so yeah there’s my answer i guess.
we cut back to the family...and a zillion pancakes...you know, in the original the mom and Randy subplot was about mom realizing how disconnected from her family she’d become getting wrapped up in her work. what is the point here? that the parents work too much? we haven’t established that.
Nat and Eli hack the bird to call Snowplowman...ok. it was creepier when he went to Nat’s house and they called him from across the street; but also showed that he knew who they were because they’re local and had a standing rivalry.
Claire’s friends have names?? weird. Chuck is an idiot.
so we replace Iggy Pop running music at the skating rink, Lane distracting him, and Hal taking over the music...with a random high schooler in a food truck, Lane taking it over and tricking Chuck into getting Claire a burger with pickles. what a downgrade. also this whopping crane story sounds like the baby chick story...but instead of it hyping Hal to Claire, it’s a pep talk to Hal; also kind of a downgrade.
why are we back to the parents? “oh i’ve missed you” WHY? you two had 2 seconds of screen time pre-snow day, we established nothing about you two over working or whatever. were you on the brink of a divorce maybe? and now we get the Randy snowball fight? kinda early for that.
the Wayne/Trudy exchange is in the middle of town now? i get eth comedic western showdown, but it out in the middle of nowhere was the dangerous part of it. it made double crossing easier. why are none of the business owners concerned about this display in front of their stores? but ok, using the exchange as an opportunity to sabotage the plow, sure that’s not that bad of an addition, but the rest wasn’t good. he’s also kidnapping all the kids?? O.o oh no Wayne cut the brakes, that’s not good.
so Hal drew Claire to the football field for a speech and the shoveled out whale. how did he invite her if Lane didn’t bring her? also no “But I like Zebras” line! boooooo. also no payoff for the snow angel scene either. Chuck shows up the same, and pulls receipts for Hal being a wiener. yeah, sure, super lame. and Claire tells Hal to meet her elsewhere later instead of him knowing she’d be diving, yeah sure.
back to Speed snowplow edition. there is no original scene to compare this to...unless you count them nearly hitting Chuck as an equivalent to when they took over the truck at the end and plowed him. but i don’t. he truck crashes in a sink hole, so i guess no kids driving the truck to unplow after dark...also no mob justice.
but wow is Lane’s confession lame. she over explains, she’s less annoyed with Hal, it’s just...way less impactful. also no snowmobile chase, but that was expected. the Claire kiss is also less impactful. also don’t buy Claire knowing who Lane is, they had zero interactions. the whole sequence of events were just...no.
and now it’s still daylight at the skating rink, and a couples’ skate. no, this is just, no. original had the deposing of Snowplowman, the reconciliation of Hal and Nat, and Hal finding Lane alone at the rink showing how well he knew her and that neither would  be alone again. this...was just setup for another upbeat musical number. and since this is the ending, i guess that WAS the plow scene for Chuck earlier. very lame. 
“the best is yet to come” huh? you gonna play the original next to apologize for this bland not good movie?
no final narration to sum things up. the plot threads still feel unfinished. this is just all...no.
now before starting this, i’d made guesses at what subplots would get cut. i rightfully guessed the principal one, and that’s fine, HOWEVER, they kinda set up an equivalent with the teacher Nat couldn’t blackmail at the start you know. it’s not just me that saw that right?
overall, this movie is a very poor imitation of the original. it’s not rage inducingly bad, but it’s very bland. they did not use Jerry Trainor to his best, and honestly that would’ve been the only thing to save this. Nick, you gotta stop these live action remakes of things, you’re not doing a good job at them.
i recommend watching the original over this. it’s better paced, better acted, and filled with early 2000s cheese. but it’s fun, and has a complete and engaging story. this one was written based on the original’s synopsis with musical numbers half heartedly thrown in.
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laresearchette · 2 years
Friday, September 30, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WOMEN'S BASKETBALL WORLD CUP (SN) 3:00am: Semifinal #1 (SN) 5:30am: Semifinal #2
SPELL (Crave 2) 6:25pm: After surviving a plane crash in rural Appalachia, a man tries to break free from a woman's dark magic and save his family from a sinister ritual before the rise of the blood moon.
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 7:00pm: Red Sox vs. Jays (SN Now) 7:00pm: Orioles vs. Yankees (SN1) 9:30pm: A’s vs. Mariners
PRE-SEASON NHL HOCKEY (SN1) 7:00pm: Leafs vs. Sens
MLS SOCCER (TSN/TSN4) 7:30pm: Toronto FC vs. Miami
BUFFY SAINTE-MARIE: STARWALKER (CBC) 7:30pm:  A musical celebration of iconic singer-songwriter Buffy Sainte-Marie; a performance from Buffy and her band; those she has mentored take the stage to honor her life's work as a musician, visual artist, activist and composer.
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN3/TSN5) 8:00pm: Roughriders vs. Blue Bombers (TSN/TSN4) 10:30pm: Redblacks vs. Lions
THE SECRETS OF BELLA VISTA  (W Network) 8:00pm: When Tess inherits an apple orchard along with a half sister she never met, she unravels the mystery of the family that abandoned her, ultimately finding a new understanding of herself.
THE PASSIONATE EYE (CBC) 9:00pm: The Pretendians:  Anishinaabe author Drew Hayden Taylor investigates how and why Indigenous identity, culture and art are being appropriated by those who are not First Nations.
TRANSPLANT (CTV) 9:00pm: Bash treats a man with a rare medical condition; Mags gets a visit from her parents, and goes above and beyond for a pregnant woman with an undiagnosed condition; a misunderstanding with a rabies patient lands Theo in trouble.
TRUE STORY (History Canada) 9:00pm:   An in-depth look at the relationship between Indigenous people and settlers, offering an important lens into Indigenous history on the land that is now Canada, including Turtle Island's creation story and the important role women play in society.
RETURNING HOME (Crave) 9:00pm:  A woman goes on a cross-Canada tour as her family struggles to heal from multigenerational trauma. She explores how the federal fishing moratorium is tearing at the very fabric of Secwépemc communities and traditions.
BOBBY’S TRIPLE THREAT (Food Network Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  Heavy hitting chef Jonathon Sawyer fights for his life against Bobby Flay's Titans; one chef risks it all by making pasta for legendary Italian chef and judge Nancy Silverton.
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xoxo-bunnydumpling · 3 years
About last night, when we all cried a little:
The thing about Mama is that she's extremely direct. It's not that I do a ton of beating around the bush, but...I feel like Karma is coming at me full force in the face.
When we got to the house, the first thing she said was "so where is my grandson?" I told her he'd be here tomorrow, she made like she was heading for the door and said "I'll come back then." She and Eli have the same dry as fuck sense of humor...this will be a long week.
"Elias tells me you're a writer? Are you published? Where can I get your book?"
I just have to laugh. No one has ever called me a writer before. People are usually hesitant to even call me a chef when they find out I didn't go to culinary school, even with all the experience I have. People have such weird qualifiers.
"I don't have a book, per se. I just wrote some poems, that's all."
She does what I've seen Eli do an untold number of times, and sits smiling and waiting for more information...her head tilted slightly to indicate a vested interest in this particular thing. Karina, who is seated next to me so closely that we knock knees whenever we move, brightens and reaches over the table to try to pinch her brother. She misses, and clicks her acrylic nails in his direction instead.
"She's THE poet then, indychka? The one you were soooooo in love with you stopped being gay?" (She's called him a turkey)
He laughs so loud it scares the cat.
"That's not very woke, suka." (He's called her a bitch, albeit very lovingly in tone). Mama kicks him, not that hard though.
Gabby leans back and raises her hand. "When was he gay? I'm the gay, or did you forget?"
"It must be hard to be THE gay..."
"Yeah, doing the parade all by myself gets difficult." She says, winking at me. I officially have never met a lesbian that doesn't like Margaret Cho.
I look over at Mama, who is rolling her eyes. She does not look surprised at the mention of Eli's queerness...but I suppose if you'd known someone 42 years, you probably wouldn't be. She catches me looking at her.
"You knew about this?"
"The guy? Yeah we actually saw him at the store the other day. Very nice dude...and cute too." I also kick him lightly under the table...he catches my foot and holds it in his lap. When he told me he'd been out with a guy before we met, he didn't say the guy was STUPID HOT. Several miles hotter than I am, that's for sure.
She tsks. Three whole times. Not unkindly or judgementally, just thinking. "You're a different kind of woman."
"Different than what?" There is a touch of challenge to it. Right here, right now, for the sake of our relationship going forward I'm refusing to be afraid of her, back down from her, or be dishonest with her.
She laughs. "Good point, baby. Very good point. So tell us what he looked like, Elias refused."
I look at him, and he shrugs. So I describe the guy, and when I'm done Karina asks if he's "all the way gay or only some" because "I might want to get out of the house a few times while I'm here, you know." That's not something I'd know, and Eli refuses to offer any further information...purely out of brotherly spite.
Gabby has packed several small photo albums, and apparently, that's her role in the family. The archivist. The keeper of lore. The memory bank. We have an astonishing amount of things in common. Flipping through and identifying all the family members for me, she stops and puts her hand over her mouth for a moment.
"I haven't seen this one in a while. Eli look...you look so much like daddy now that you have grey in your hair."
It's a picture of them, Eli and his father, on Eli's third birthday...cake all over his face, sooooo much thick, dark hair, and a happy papa obviously in love with his son. I look up at him, thinking he'll be smiling at the memory but he looks stricken instead.
Gabby slams the book shut and apologizes.
He smiles at her, or tries to, and pats her on the back. He's trying so hard to smile, to not make her feel worse, but something is breaking underneath the surface and he's struggling. I don't want to get in their way, but I can't watch him flounder under the weight of this...so I get up, climb into his lap, and moosh his face.
"Look at you, handsome AND sensitive. He'd be so proud of you."
He's gotten a little misty before, bless his heart, but he really cried this time, right into my shirt. Which set off Gabby. Seeing Gabby cry got Karina started...and also got her irritated.
"Oh Gabby, fuck you. You're always the one. Such a baby."
Gabby laughs through tears, flipping the bird at Karina, but leaning over to pull Eli into a one armed hug. "This is why he's my favorite and not you."
Mama, with her head in her hands, tells us all we get on her nerves. But that she loves us very much.
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kenkamishiro · 3 years
Lost in Translation: Choujin X chapter 1
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Fun fact, I was planning to do fan translations for Choujin X with a scan group until it could get a simulpub release, though I didn’t expect it to get one from the very first chapter lol. I’m happy though since it means everyone can read it right away and it doesn’t mess up my schedule.
So instead I’ll be making comparison notes between the EN and JP text to supplement the official translation. I’m not doing this because the official TL is bad (I actually think it’s pretty solid and I hope it will maintain this quality) but because it’s inevitable for something to be lost in translation, and it’s nice to have that additional context for theory crafting and whatnot.
If you want to read it on Twitter instead, the original thread is here, but this is the proofread and way more detailed version 😄
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This translation isn’t wrong, but there’s an emphasis on それ (which is TLed as ‘it’) that connotes a stronger, “other, that thing” feeling that isn’t present here. The general idea behind this sentence is: That [becoming a Choujin] resembles more of a disease [than a transformation].
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Ely talks like a tomboy, she uses rougher speech patterns and the pronoun オラ (ora), a derivative of the masculine 'ore'. But it's a bit old-fashioned (eg. すまなんだ) which makes sense considering her upbringing with her grandfather on a farm. Hence her country bumpkin speech pattern in English.
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Not sure if I should use Ellie or Ely? Ellie makes more sense based on the kana, but Ishida explicitly called her Ely so I might stick with Ely for now... (also istg that blond guy with the huge chin is a reference, I've seen him somewhere)
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Tokio, I know your teacher is annoying, but it's rude to call her that lol. This is basically the oppai equivalent of paisen (senpai backwards, it’s slangier). Similar thing actually happened with Ely describing her dream hubby as Goldilocks instead of blond; ‘kinpatsu’ (blond hair) was inverted to become ‘patsukin’, hence the translation as Goldilocks.
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Kurohara Tokio (黒原トキオ) and Higashi Azuma (東アヅマ). Kurohara is a common surname, means 'black fields'. Tokio is in katakana, so it’s hard to say what kanji it could be. 'Toki' could be 時 (time) or 外喜 (outside + delight). The 'o' can be the common male name suffix 男 (boy).
But when I think of Tokio, I think of TK's song called 'tokio'. You can read the translated lyrics here. If these lyrics end up being relevant to Tokio's character development I will eat my shoe lol.
Higashi means 'east'. Azuma (which can also be romanized as Aduma, it’s a softer ‘zu’ sound which is why Tokio called Azuma ‘Aju’ earlier in the chapter before correcting himself) is an archaic form of ‘east’. So...this guy is literally East East. The Choujin X equivalent of Moon Moon 😂
Someone also informed me that Higashi Azuma is a station in Tokyo, though the kana are slightly different (アヅマ/あづま vs. あずま). They effectively sound the same though nowadays, if I have to be honest. It’s like comparing the difference between 애 and 에 in Korean.
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Tbh this is minor, but worth mentioning just cause it changes the meaning a bit. Tokio is saying something more like, “Why are we even talking about this [the roly-polies] again?”
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I think I heard people talking about how the official TL doesn’t match the original text, but personally I really like how this was translated! Sis is using the expression  「爪の垢を煎じて飲む」, which literally means “boiling the dirt under someone’s fingernails and drinking it”. By taking the dirt/grime under the fingernails of someone that you admire, and boiling it and drinking it like a tea, you can become more like them.
But because idioms don’t tend to directly translate well between languages, translators often have to adapt it so that the meaning still remains the same. In English the closest idiom we have to this is “rubbing off on someone.” The “holding hands” bit was added to replace the physical aspect of “taking the dirt from someone’s fingernails” and also contribute to Sis’s sassy and very informal way of speaking.
So Sis is saying in JP (ignoring her personal speech style for now):
You should take the dirt from under [Azuma's] fingernails and boil it so you can be more like him.
And now in ENG it becomes:
You guys should hold hands or something, then maybe he’ll rub off on you.
It now sounds natural in English, still carries the same meaning as the original text, and also suits the character’s speech pattern.
Moving on, in that same panel the literal TL of Tokio’s dialogue is, “Policeman Azuma got dispatched again today,” emphasizing Azuma’s heroic deeds along with his family connections to the police. Another thing I want to note is that this is the second time Azuma has been called 偉い (erai) so far - noble, and now great guy. I’ll just dump the general English definition of 偉い from Jisho here so you get the general idea:
Great; excellent; admirable; remarkable; distinguished; important; celebrated; famous; eminent
But you can tell from how people describe Azuma as 偉い that others look up to him, think he’s a great person and Mr. Perfect. Always being placed on a pedestal by others. (What are the odds this will affect his mentality after the Choujin serum?)
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The meaning is still pretty much the same, but I’ll offer a slightly different perspective. Sis mentions that if she were Tokio, she’d burst from the [Azuma] complex. (Clearly Tokio and Azuma's relationship is gonna crack at some point)
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Tokio mentions an idiom about hawks (taka) before recalling his childhood memory about vultures. Vultures are called 'hagewashi', but in the chapter it mentions they can also be called 'hagetaka' (buzzard/condor, literally bald hawk).
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The kids call him names like "Hagetaka Tokio" and "Hageo". But Hagetaka Tokio only really works in JP cause Hagetaka kinda mimics his last name (Buzzard Tokio doesn't give the same vibe). Same with Hageo. Hage-o = Bald-o = Baldy.
I also think Buzzard was chosen over another name for a vulture like Condor because Buzzard can pass off as an insult.
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I would have translated this as, “I wanted to be a lion too...” but this is just personal preference.
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A continuation of the 「爪の垢を煎じて飲む」 expression Sis used earlier. Without the adapted idiom the exchange goes something like this:
Tokio: My sister said I should bring home the dirt from under your nails. Can I have some?
Azuma: ...huh? What for, that’s scary. No way.
Tokio: I have to boil it and drink it, apparently.
Azuma: Don’t even think about boiling or drinking it.
But since the 「爪の垢を煎じて飲む」 expression was modified to make it sound natural in English, it means this conversation has to be modified too.
JP: My sister said I should bring home the dirt from under your nails. Can I have some?
EN: My sister says we should hold hands...so I can be more like you. What do you think?
The “dirt from under your nails” part got adapted to “holding hands”, hence how the 1st line from Tokio becomes, “My sister says we should hold hands...so I can be more like you.” “Can I have some?” makes no sense now in this context now, so it was changed to “What do you think?” as a question to Azuma to keep the similar conversation flow going.
JP: ...huh? What for, that’s scary. No way.
EN: Huh? What’re you talking about? No thanks.
Azuma’s next line is similar enough to the JP text except for the removal of “scary”. I think the reason it was most likely removed is because leaving it as it is could be constituted as homophobic (2 boys holding hands, absolutely nothing scary about it as bible thumpers would like people to believe).
JP: I have to boil it and drink it, apparently.
EN: She said to hold hands so you’ll rub off on me.
Tokio’s response to that is explaining what he meant by his proposal. In the original text he lays out the latter half of the idiom (he doesn’t even realize it’s an expression, poor boy), and in English he does something similar by going into why his sister said they should hold hands (so Azuma can rub off on Tokio).
JP: Don’t even think about boiling or drinking it.
EN: C’mon. That’s not how things work.
Azuma’s then rebuts Tokio’s proposal as ridiculous. In the original text he drops a typical straight man response (don’t do *insert whatever ridiculous thing the idiot suggested*). But since Tokio’s proposal in English isn’t as preposterous, his rebuttal is toned down in response by telling him not to take it literally.
Ultimately, even though a lot of this dialogue was changed, I still think it was successful in maintaining the original’s intent. Tokio takes his sister’s sarcastic suggestion literally and brings it up to Azuma, who dismisses it as silly. It would be nice if we could keep the expression as it was in Japanese, but in instances like this where it’s played off of in multiple lines, that’s easier said than done.
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軟体 isn’t an actual word, it’s made up of the kanji soft + body. So kinda like Elastigirl, but Flexi was chosen instead. It doesn’t sound 100% right, but I don’t think I could come up with anything better.
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Replacing the しい in 楽しい with the C plus that elongated pronunciation makes Johnny sound even more like a stereotypical Yankee, which is why he sounds like that in English 😂
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Random but I found it interesting how Azuma called Johnny a youkai (妖怪) instead of something like bakemono (化け物) or obake (お���け) since they’re shapeshifting monsters.
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Tokio is worried that if he doesn't do something right now, he's going to lose his friendship with Azuma. The sentence is fine as it is though.
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Azuma’s line can also be worded as, "No hard feelings, okay?"
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Bestial = 獣化 (juuka) = beast+change = beast transformation
That’s it from me, if you have questions about the TL feel free to send an ask or reply to this post, I promise I’ll check my inbox more often this time 😂
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Yandere! Identity V Masterlist 2
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- Yandere! Dragon Hybrid! Norton and Naib HCs
- Yandere! Hunter! Acrobat and Embalmer HCs/Concept
- Hunters who would fall for a Hunter! Darling
- Yandere! Mini Survivor! Norton, Naib, and Aesop (Meant for fun, not really serious)
- Yandere! Identity V Jungle Concept (Feat. Ganji, Eli, Naib, and Norton)
- Yandere! Servais, Kurt, William, and Jose Getting A Kiss On The Cheek.
- Yandere! Naib, Ganji, and Kevin with a Darling who has a fiance
- Yandere! Eagle! Naib and Owl! Eli with Pregnant! Darling HCs
- Yandere! Seer, Prospector, and Forward Danger Level/Yandere ranking
- Yandere! Experienced Huntsman! Eli vs Yandere! Clarity! Naib HCs
Naib Subedar (Mercenary)
- Yandere! Spring Hand! Naib HCs
- Wither - Yandere! Man in Red! Naib Scenario
- Yandere! Mr Inference with Drafted! Darling
- Yandere! Inference with Spy! Darling.
- Assassin - Yandere! Naib HC Set
- Yandere! MIR! Naib Subedar Concept
Eli Clark (Seer)
- Yandere! Experienced Huntsman HCs
- Yandere! Unyielding Devotion! Eli HCs
- Want Kisses? - Yandere! Owl Hybrid! Eli Scenario
- Yandere! Lunar Phase! Eli HCs
- Yandere! Recluse! Eli Concept
Emil (Patient)
- Yandere! Emil x Patient! Darling
- Yandere! King! Emil with Maid! Darling HCs
- Yandere! Majnun! Emil with Layla's Sister! Darling Concept
Eda Mesmer (Psychologist)
- Yandere! Eda Mesmer HCs
Melly Plinius (Entomologist)
- Yandere! Wicked Witch! Melly HCs
Andrew Kreiss (Gravekeeper)
- Yandere! Brown Bear Hybrid! Andrew HCs
William Ellis (Forward)
- Yandere! William Gets His Rescue Stolen
Edgar Valden (Painter)
- Yandere! Peacock hybrid! Edgar Valden Concept
Martha Behamfil (Coordinator)
- Yandere! Nostalgia! Martha with a Healer Darling
Norton Campbell (Prospector)
- Yandere! Highway Cavalier! Norton Concept
Luca Balsa ("Prisoner")
- Yandere! Paranormal Detective! Luca Balsa with Ghost! Darling
- Yandere! Auditorium! Luca Balsa with Famous Singer! Darling
Aesop Carl (Embalmer)
- Like You're Dead - Yandere! Aesop Carl Scenario/Short
Xie + Fan (Wu Chang)
- Yandere! Frost! Wu Chang Information/Lore
- Yandere! Dragon Hybrid! Wu Chang concept
Joseph Desaulniers (Photographer)
- Yandere! Joseph Reaction To Darling Wanting A Baby
- Eternally Grateful - Yandere! Vampire! Joseph Scenario
Jack (The Ripper)
- Everlasting Beauty - Yandere! Joseph Desaulniers Short
- Defiance - Yandere! Joseph Desaulniers Short
- Yandere! "Good Child"! Jack HCs
Yidhra (Dream Witch)
- Yandere! Dream Witch HCs
Antonio (Violinist)
- Yandere! Goat Hybrid! Antonio HCs
Phillip/Philippe (Wax Artist)
- Yandere! Wax Artist HCs
- Prophecy - Yandere! Wax Artist Scenario
- Yandere! Wax Artist with Darling framed for murder
Michiko (Geisha)
- Yandere! Michiko (Geisha) Being Jealous
Mary (Bloody Queen)
- Yandere! Lady Bella! Mary Concept
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keibea · 3 years
jessieee it has no numbers ;-; what they wanted to be, best friend, three genie wishes, worst habit + redo a past event for eli!
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oh my gosh YAY eli finally got some questions THANK YOU LOVELY LILA
what they wanted to be when they grew up vs what they do now.
welllll eli originally wanted to be a firefighter, just like his grandfather. he was in love with the idea of helping people. however, now hes studying to be a doctor :)
what would their three wishes be if they found a genie?
none. eli is the type of person that takes what he's got and makes the most of it. he would feel as though he was cheating life if he did have three wishes. he much prefers to take life as it comes, no matter how painful.
what do they consider their worst habit?
most likely his recklessness. he has a tendency to make quick decisions without thinking of the consequences, and run into things head-first. this has led him to have many fractured relationships. however, he is still somewhat logical, and usually his recklessness comes from a burst of emotions.
if they could hit redo on a single past event in their life what would it be?  would they do it if it meant changing the present?
for any event, it would definitely be spending more time with his sister before she died. one of his biggest regrets in life was not visiting her as much as he could because he was terrified of loosing her and felt that seeing her made it real. however, like with the genie, even if he had a choice he wouldn't have done it. he learnt from his mistake, and paid for it. he knows he'll never make it again.
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