#not actually misha collins but close
mishaesque · 3 months
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finsmultiverse · 5 months
wdym destiel went canon AGAIN???
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fuckyeahaudiodrama · 2 months
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i still don’t have a brain! ah!!!! but i do have ears for listening! i actually listened to a lot of stuff that i ended up not liking as much, last month, but i still have plenty to rec.
Remnants — (ep1-2 early access) a dark fantasy mystery anthology. hard to describe without giving anything away. i love everything by Hanging Sloth (creator of SBR, NQD and Clockwork Bird), so i knew that i was very likely to enjoy this regardless of the premise… but my god, absolutely surreal vibes. the sound design is breathtaking! feeling very grateful to be a HS patron right now. keep an eye out for this one coming 15th july! subscribe now and don’t miss it.
Mockery Manor — (3 seasons, 37 eps + miniseries, between seasons) a murder mystery set at a theme park with a comedic twist. i didn’t think this was going to be my thing and i was so wrong. the protags are twin sisters with plenty of baggage between them. their shenanigans and banter keep the tone light even when the plot takes dark turns. looking forward to s4!
Limelight: The Specialist — (5 eps, complete) self-described as a “dark medical thriller” set in rural wales. Limelight series are generally good but satisfying endings are hit or miss; this one was VERY well-paced, with a satisfying payoff, and gave me hope for a series 2 in future. i loved the execution of the gruesome mystery and i loved the protagonist to pieces.
Close Your Eyes — (1 season, 9 eps, s2 in production) having recently listened to RQ’s Neon Inkwell: The Pit Below Paradise, which also centers around cult dynamics, i found this to be a very fun contrast. here we see how someone can be immersed and isolated by a cult, regardless of their personal skepticism or strength of will. the suspense was so delicious i had to listen to all nine episodes in a row. ends on an incredible cliffhanger — can’t WAIT for season 2.
The Silt Verses — (44 eps, finale soon) a grim religious fantasy dystopia. some of the most intricate and fascinating worldbuilding i’ve ever seen. huge cast. i know that everyone in the AD space has rec’d this pod a hundred times over, but i can’t stress enough how it’s one of my very favorite stories in the medium. the penultimate ep left off on an absolutely deranged note and i have no idea what’s coming! so exciting, if you’ve been waiting to check this one out — now might be the time!
Dice Shame — (2 seasons, 200+ eps, ongoing) classic dnd actual play ft. Harlan Guthrie of Malevolent fame, and his equally charismatic friends and family. i don’t listen to a lot of APs bc i have trouble focusing on such long episodes but i just love the chemistry of this party. slapping it on the rec list bc the current storyline has me hooked!!
Bridgewater — (1 season, 22 eps, ???) supernatural mystery, notably starring Misha Collins as the protagonist. this one has a lot of complicated family dynamics read: mommy AND daddy issues. the length of the series is just enough to let you spawn several of your own theories, which is fun, and i was really pleased that i was able to predict the true conflict and identify the antagonist. excellent use of foreshadowing etc, biggest props to Lauren Shippen of The Bright Sessions fame.
Consumed — (12 episodes) small town horror/mystery through the eyes of a stranded newcomer. this one did NOT go where i expected it to, because i started it before i listened to Bridgewater; they’re set in the same universe, so the same worldbuilding applies. i would honestly recommend listening to this one FIRST because if you do listen to the end of Bridgewater, it will kind of spoil the twist in Consumed.
The Penumbra Podcast — (5 seasons, 2 storylines, both ending this summer) still barreling toward the finish line for both Second Citadel and Juno Steel. as a patron, i was notified of early release for the SC finale this morning, which i know is gonna wreck me. just wanted to feature this because i don’t see it recced as often anymore and that’s a fucking crime. one of my top AD recs for sure.
Red Valley — (While You Were Hypersleeping 3) three ep miniseries featuring our main best boy, warren, who has been notably absent from most of this season! so nice to hear from him and to get a glimpse of what might be coming in the next part of the season.
Observable Radio — (11 eps, ongoing) my favorite recent sci-fi/horror anthology by far, tied up in a terrifically dreadful meta narrative. afaik this is a limited series but i’m really savoring each and every episode; the most recent, “Earworm”, was one of my favorites. very dark and dystopian. mind the content warnings!
The Network Defenders — (ep1) the debut of a new Planet Arcana miniseries, featuring some new voices and a fresh new tarot-based system (crowdfunding this year!) has all of the appeal of PA in terms of prod. quality, vibes and emotional depth, just new mechanics. 2nd ep is out now so i’m hopping right on that as i post this!
Waterlogged — (ep1) a new indie horror that i’ve been waiting to drop for a while now, and i really enjoyed the soft-spoken eerie vibe of the pilot. there’s a couple more things in the feed now so i’ll have to go catch up.
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castielslostwings · 1 year
A Eulogy and Obituary for Dagny Ayn September 13, 1978 -- February 2023.
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I am devastated beyond words to share that the wonderful Dagny Ayn (who you may know as daynz or meta_castiel on twitter) is no longer with us. Her sudden passing is a shock and the urge to speculate on details is understandable, but I hope we can focus on her light instead, because Dagny doesn't deserve to have her life defined by how it ended. Dagny did not receive the recognition of her life and memorialization of her existence that she deserved out in the real world, so I thought to give it to her here, as well as create a place for those of us who loved her to come together and grieve, to share about her memory as we should.
Dagny was here. Please read and celebrate her life with me.
To do it online seems right. I truly believe Dagny would approve. The online Supernatural fandom (and especially the Destiel-friendly spaces), served as her community, her chosen family. Like so many of us, fandom was her life vest, her social circle, her escape from the harshness of the non-virtual world, and the source of most joy in her life. To anyone who knew her, it was no secret as to how much Dagny loved this little corner of the internet.
On a personal note, Dagny was one of the first people I connected with after joining the fandom, and we immediately bonded over our mutual love for Buffy and Supernatural. Especially Willow/Tara, Misha Collins, Castiel, and Destiel. We shared many similar life struggles, from past trauma and complex parental relationships to mental health and disability challenges to a lack of IRL support and chronic loneliness.
The friend group I shared with her and @coinofstone was one of the safest places I have ever known. Talking to Dagny never failed to leave me feeling heard and understood. I hope I was able to do the same for her.
Dagny was strong. Despite the many obstacles life constantly hurled in her direction, she was always looking forward and moving towards the future. She saw the best in people, even those who failed her, those who didn't deserve her grace and forgiveness. She loved her mother more than anything in the world, and Chelsea, her cat, a very close second.
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(she would definitely want me to show you Chelsea!) When Dagny's mother and main support system passed unexpectedly in recent years, Dagny was handed a new armful of struggles and asked to face an uncertain future without the person she loved most and with barely enough resources to survive. She was uprooted from her home and moved clear across the country, losing so much in the process and dropped in a precarious situation. Despite all of that, she had big goals for herself. She was working hard to build the life she wanted despite a major lack of family & IRL support as well as her own demons.
Dagny was amazing at appreciating the simplest things. A free coffee at Tim's, some stickers in the mail, or a small windfall that allowed her to purchase a meal kit from the grocery store would brighten her entire week and she would gush about how happy she was for days. When she first moved cities after losing her mom, she talked about how thrilled she felt to have big windows and a view of the city, as she'd lived in a basement walkout for years. Her enthusiasm for those things, even in the face of great struggle, was always humbling and contagious.
Dagny was easy to love.
As for fandom, Dagny especially loved Misha, Castiel, and Destiel, and did so fiercely. She read tens of thousands of words of fanfic every day, frequently messaging me from the bus to complain about rowdy passengers "interrupting her gay porn". One time, she lost her phone and worried to me (from her laptop) about losing her entire collection of fanart, 100+ AO3 tabs, and the SPN-related photos she had saved, unconcerned about the actual phone and her ability to contact IRLs.
With what little extra money Dagny had (and how infrequently she could be convinced to treat herself), she enjoyed collecting fandom merch, especially items made by her favorite fan artists. She ALWAYS had a Destiel case from redbubble on her phone! Her Ace pin from Stands was a treasured item.
Dagny greatly admired Misha's missions and charity work very much, following GISH closely and always striving to share and his boost campaigns and those of other cast members. She would often express that she wished she could do or donate more, even while she struggled to provide bare essentials for herself. Dagny was selfless like that.
As full as her phone was with saved memes, cast photos, Castiel/Destiel art, and fanfic links, it was equally brimming with people who loved Dagny herself. She often expressed how happy and connected seeing notifications on her social posts made her feel, how loved she felt by her friends and fellow shippers.
Discovering the Ace spectrum through fandom empowered Dagny to feel confident in expressing her identity, allowing her to name and define a feeling and concept she could never quantify before. She felt very strongly about wearing her Ace pride on her sleeve. We spoke many times about the power of fandom and online community to turn shame and confusion into confidence and love, and Dagny truly embraced that concept. She was a wonderful role model for embracing your true self.
Dagny had many hopes for a bright future. She was trying to find a job and gain more financial independence, and she had a whole plan to do so. She was smart and motivated. She was also haunted and wrestled constantly with demons that just wouldn't let her go.
We talked frequently about finally meeting at an SPN convention, once she was able. One of Dagny's dreams was to have a photo op with Misha as Castiel, and we spent many nights planning excitedly for a theoretical day that we hoped would come. Since then, she fell in love with Heartstopper and dipped into other fandoms and was living her best online life. Dagny had so much room in her heart.
So many things, not the least of which were time and borders, kept us from ever meeting in person, but our friendship was no less real for those barriers.
To Dagny: family doesn't end in blood. Jen and I both love you and choose you back. We know you were here. You made an impact and we'll never forget you. This wasn't supposed to be the end of the road, but you taught me that sometimes life has other plans and there's nothing to do but roll with them.
Until we meet again, my friend. thank you for being you.
If you would like to do something to honor Dagny, her life, and her passions, she would want you to donate to The Castiel Project. It's particularly fitting, as besides being a beloved project to her, Dagny also deserved a happy ending that just wasn't in the cards.
Please feel free to leave your memories and/or love for Dagny here.
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lightofraye · 2 months
you lot need to learn to stop projecting your clear dislike for Misha onto Jensen. Deluding yourself to actually believe he hates Misha when he doesn’t. It’s not Jensens fault that he has to try to be the peace keeper between the fandom, Blame the fandom not Misha or Jensen. And Jensen didn’t Pander last night, that’s just your projection, And to say that Jensen is not close to Misha when crew members and other cast members has stated for years that Jensen and misha are particularly close to each other and Jensen said that he honestly loves Misha as a friend multiple times. It’s clearly your feelings of hatred for misha that you project this obvious lie about Jensen and Misha not being close. Grow up and open your eyes
Hi anon.
Sigh.🥱 I've no interest in liking a horrible man like Misha Collins. I'm not lying either, not about his bullcrap.
Go defend him elsewhere.
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profoundgayness · 1 year
Here’s my two cents on bishagate 2.0
If Misha Collins is truly straight, then I’m happy that he’s a good ally to the lgbtq+ community by refusing to stay bisexual for the WB’s sake.
If he’s actually bisexual, I feel really bad for him. His sexuality has been the scrutiny of homophobes and obsessive queer fans alike over the years. There’s been no winning for him. I wish he was in a situation where he was comfortable enough to live out of the closet (and for all we know he is to those who are close to him. Fans have no rights to the privacy of actors because they do not know us, or owe us any info about their personal lives), but if he’s not, I’m glad and think it’s funny that he chose to come out as straight again. The ultimate middle finger to the WB.
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orionsangel86 · 6 months
"I will probably never watch an episode of SPN again due to finale trauma"
I haven't watched a second of SPN since the finale aired. The finale retroactively destroyed the entire show for me. I literally threw out all my SPN merch the next day. Donated it all to a thrift store. I was so embarrassed. I unfollowed everyone (except Misha Collins) associated with the show the moment the last episode finished. I just didn't want anything more to do with it. I still find it hard to believe they really made that episode and allowed it to be broadcast. Blows my mind to think people were paid actual money to write and produce that. They frickin risked their lives (!!!) to make it. Imagine if they'd all gotten COVID and died in Vancouver, unable to see their families one last time, alone in COVID isolation wards, unable to hold funerals (if their bodies would've even been allowed back into the country).. and for what? The shittiest episode of television ever made. Oof.
I remember my friend (who knew I was dreading the finale) asked me the next day "so, how was it?" and I just replied "IT WAS SO MUCH WORSE THAN I EVEN IMAGINED."
Like, I was *expecting* it to be bad. I was *prepared* to be disappointed. But I was NOT ready for it to be SO bad that I would immediately retroactively disown the entire show and everyone associated with it out of sheer existential embarrassment.
Reading this is so sad because its so close to my experience. I didnt have a lot of merch, but the merch i did have was either thrown out or shoved in the back of my wardrobe never to see the light of day again!
That finale really did a number on us didnt it? Over 3 years later and it still hurts my heart when I think about it too much.
It really was the worst thing ive ever seen. Ive seen some pretty bad TV but omg nothing will ever top that. Its maddening that anyone could sign off on that absolute garbage as if it was worth anything more than being cast into holy fire and condemmed to the 7th circle of hell.
Its funny, I'm so weary and apprehensive about starting new media since then. Its impossible to trust storytellers especially anything made by those involved with spn. I have kept my heart so guarded since then and refuse to fall into fandoms that dont already have a known ending. The only reason i allowed myself to get super into Sandman is because the story is complete, and we all know Good Omens will get a happy ending. Anything else for me is either one off mini series, or shows that have already aired in full.
I want to love Dead Boy Detectives when it comes out. I dont know how that story will end though I suppose there are comics already for it that I can look into. Also Steve Yockey was one of the few gems of SPN and I'm happy that his ghost has partnered with Neil Gaiman to make something that looks really decent. Steve Yockeys SPN episodes were always meta masterpieces of metaphor and symbolism and so I hope it'll build a meaty fandom to get excited about.
Then again the apprehension and fear remains, because SPN finale trauma prob wont ever go away. You cant invest years of your life devoted to those characters only to have them destroyed to dust before your eyes and come out unscathed.
I hope over time the feelings we hold about it get easier to deal with, especially as we move on to new stories, new fandoms, and new characters to love. But SPN the show is very much dead to me, and this time it wont resurrect.
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fandomtherapy44 · 8 months
castiel x reader Chapter 13
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Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Winchester. The sister Of Sam and Dean. We will be starting from season four since sadly we did not get Misha Collins as Castiel throughout the whole series. It will start off as a friendship, but it will grow more as the series goes on. I will be skipping some episodes even though they are great episodes they do not push the story forward. I am so excited to get to write this since there are not many Castiel X reader stories out there. Okay without further due Love War & Grace enjoy the Story.
Paring: Castiel X Reader
Word count: 2,107
Warnings: Some language, Typical Supernatural violence, Spoilers for season four of Supernatural
I got the divider from
Firefly Graphics
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When the levee breaks
Pov (Y/n)
I don’t know how we are going to win this whole apocalypse thing with my brother being a blood junkie and my best friend hating me. “Okay. Let me out. This is not funny.” Sam kept screaming and we all could tell he was starting to get angry. “Damn straight.” Dean was not budging. “Guys, come on. This is crazy.” “Y/n?” I didn't even know how to answer. “No. Not until you dry out.” “Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lied to you. Just open the door.” Sam was starting to get desperate. “You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault. It's not your fault that you lied to us over and over again. I get it now. You couldn't help it.” “I'm not some junkie.” “Really? I guess I've just imagined how strung out you've been lately.” “You're actually trying to twist this into some kind of ridiculous drug intervention?” I walked up to the door.
“Look Sam we just care about you.” “Guys, I'm not drinking the demon blood for kicks. I'm getting strong enough to kill Lilith.” Dean huffed in disbelief. “This is about as far away from strong as you can get. Try weak. Try desperate. Pathetic.” “Dean!” He was starting to let his emotions swallow him. “What Y/n!? It's the truth.” “Killing Lilith is what matters. Or are you so busy being self-righteous you forgot about her?” And of course, Sam threw it right back. “Oh, Lilith's gonna die. Bobby, Y/n, and I will kill her. But not with you.” “You're not serious.” “Congrats, Sammy. You just bought yourself a benchwarmer seat to the apocalypse.” He started to close the cover to the little window with its closing Sam scrambled to try to appeal again.”Dean, look—no, wait—” It was mumbles after that and Dean stomped upstairs. Bobby followed. I put my head on my door. “I'm sorry Sam…”
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I went straight to the fridge for a cold one and downed it like it was the last one on earth. Bobby took notice. “You've never been one to drink like that.” I laughed at my situation because what else is there to do. “Yeah well, end of the world causes for a special occasion right?” I held up my beer like it was to something grand and noble and took a swig. “You ok?” “Bobby why wouldn’t I be okay, I mean my brother is under our feet getting dried out from demon blood and my so-called best friend basically hates me so yeah I'm doing great.” “What happened?” I had to reel myself in to make sure I wouldn’t release the cry that I had been choking back. “He said… that I was a distraction and that I was using him and we aren't… friends.” A teardrop slipped into my beer.
“Why would he think that?” I really thought about it and what we had been through together and how he not just saved my brother from Hell but saved me from well … me. “I don’t know Bobby I don’t know what happened when he was in Heaven. To be honest, I'm more scared of what happened to him, the rest of the Angels are a bunch of dick bags. He was practically there because of me Bobby.” At this point, the tears had broken through and my eyes were burning from not blinking. “How am I supposed to help Sam when I'm just a distraction. I should just leave and let Dean do this I've never been a good hunter.” Bobby took in my words and he said something in return that would always be with me.
“Are you kidding me!? Not a good hunter? Y/n Winchester, you better be possessed or I'll be pissed. You are one of the best Damn hunters I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. You never give up on the people who need you even though the whole world is against you, doesn't matter how many monsters, gods, Demons, or Angels. you fight for the people who can’t fight for themselves that is what makes you a good Hunter Y/n Winchester. I can’t count how many times you have saved us and that’s including Cas. I think you saved him in an entirely different way and if he can’t see that then he is the dick bag.” Now I’m crying for a whole different reason. I bear hug Bobby and he does the same.”Thanks, Bobby.” I sniffle. “Anytime kiddio.” But around the corner was Dean listening to the whole thing now mad as Hell at Castiel for breaking his little sister’s heart.
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Dean had been standing outside thinking about what to say to Cas. “Well, it's about time. I've been screaming myself hoarse out here for about two and a half hours now.” Cas had appeared in the shadows. “What do you want?” “What do you mean?” “No, you don’t give me that bullshit I heard what you said to Y/n.” “I had to Dean.” “Really!, you had to break her heart!?” Cas looked confused. “Her heart?”
“YES Cas, her heart she’s in there crying out in pain because you told her she was just a distraction!” Cas looked like he was deep in thought thinking about what Dean had just said. Dean huffed and half laughed at Cas’s look. “I mean after all you two have been together through this year you say that to her.” “Dean you need to understand that I can't have friends. I can’t have that.” “Why because of me and this “mission”.” “Yes.” Cas was very cold in his answer but in the back of his head, he was starting to question what Y/n meant to him.
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“Correct me if I'm wrong, but you willingly signed up to be the angels' bitch?” Apparently, Dean had a little convo with Cas. “I'm sorry. You prefer 'sucker'? After everything you said about them, now you trust them?” “Come on, give me a little credit, Bobby. I've never trusted them less. I mean, they come on like shady politicians from planet Vulcan.” “Because what other option do I have? It's either trust the angels or let Sammy trust a demon?” “I see your point.” “You hear that?”
Sam had stopped screaming. All three of us run down to the demon cage. We open the little window to see Sam freaking out. “What if he's faking?” Sam was writhing on the ground. Then he gets flung to the wall by some invisible force. I’m the first one in there. “SAM!” We run over to him and struggle to get him down. “We're gonna have to tie him down for his own safety. Dean? You with me? Dean! Before he has another fit.” Bobby was screaming out and it looked like Dean was out of it. “Yeah, yeah. Let's just get it over with.”
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“I'm gonna ask one more time. Are we absolutely sure we're doing the right thing?” Bobby asked out loud. “Bobby, you saw what was happening to him down there. The demon blood is killing him.” Dean was very steady in this decision, “No, it isn't. We are.” “What?” “I'm sorry. I can't bite my tongue any longer. We're killing him. Keeping him locked up down there. This cold turkey thing isn't working. If—if he doesn't get what he needs, soon, Sam's not gonna last much longer.” Dean looked at me like could you believe this.
“Look maybe if we talked to him and tried to figure out his thinking. Sam is smart he wouldn't do this for shits and giggles.”  “Y/n he is beyond talking to he lied to us.” “He’s still our brother Dean.” “He is our brother that’s why I'm not giving him demon blood. I won't do it.” Then Bobby asked a question that terrified me. “And if he dies?” “Then at least he dies human!” “I would die for him in a second, but I won't let him do this to himself. I can't. I guess I found my line. I won't let our brother turn into a monster.” “I know you don’t mean that.” I said my piece and left the room. 
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The next morning we found out that Sam had escaped Dean and I were now driving towards him. Bobby was on the phone. “Us finding Sam? It's gotta be about getting him back, not pushing him away.” “Right.” “I know you're mad, Dean. I understand. You got a right to be, but I'm just saying. Be good to him anyway. You gotta get through to him.” Dean was quiet. “We will Bobby, we will.” I answered. I hunged up. “Dean he’s right we can't screw this up.” “Like you said Y/n we won’t.” 
We got in the hotel and up to the sweet that Ruby and Sam were staying. We sneak into the room and Ruby is packing some clothes. Dean tries to stab her they struggle and he throws her to the wall. Just as he was going to stab her. Sam rushed in.”No. Let her go. Just take it easy.” He fishes the blade out of Dean’s hand. “Well, it must've been some party you two had going, considering how hard you tried to keep us from crashing it. Well, solid try, but here we are.” “Dean, Y/n I'm glad you're here. Look. Let's just talk about this.” I’m about to say yes but of course Dean didn’t like that. “Soon as she's dead, we can talk all you want.” “Ruby, get out of here.” “No, she's not going anywhere.” Ruby left in a hurry, “Look Dean I hate her as much as you do but let's talk about this.” He ignored me.
“She's poison, Sam.” “It's not what you think, Dean.” “Look what she did to you. I mean, she up and vanishes weeks at a time, leaves you cracking out for another hit—” “She was looking for Lilith.” “That is French for manipulating your ass ten ways from Sunday.” “You're wrong, Dean.” “Sam, you're lying to yourself. I just want you to be okay. You would do the same for me. You know you would.” Sam still is holding the knife and Dean looks at it and Sam throws it on the bed. “That sounds great. As long as it's you and us. Demon bitch is a dealbreaker. You kiss her goodbye, we can go right now.” “I can't.” “Sam please!” I pleaded and he ignored me too. “Dean, I need her to help me kill Lilith. I know you can't wrap your head around it, but maybe one day you'll understand. I'm the only one who can do this, Dean.” “No, you're not the one who's gonna do this.” “You don't think I can?” It’s starting to get intense.
“No. You can't. You're not strong enough.” Oh shit. “And who the hell are you?” “I'm being practical here. I'm doing what needs to be done.” “Yeah? You're not gonna do a single damn thing.” “Stop bossing me around, Dean. Look. My whole life, you take the wheel, you call the shots, and I trust you because you are my brother. Now I'm asking you, for once, trust me.” “No. You don't know what you're doing, Sam.” “Yes, I do.” “Then that's worse.” “Why? Look, I'm telling you—” “Because it's not something that you're doing, it's what you are! It means—” “What? No. Say it.” “Dean don’t!” I tried once more to try to stop something being said that can't be taken back. “It means you're a monster.” Sam nods. A tear falls from Dean's eye; Sam doesn't see it before he punches Dean. Dean goes down hard, then gets back up and watches Sam for a moment before punching back.
Sam and Dean fight, Sam dominating. Anything in the room that can break does. Dean hits the floor and doesn't get up. Sam pins him down, choking him, then lets go. “SAM STOP! STOP!” He doesn't so I did what I had to. I tried to pull back but he didn't budge instead he knocked me back so hard that my head hit the floor with a huge force. It started to bleed. “Oh god N/n I'm sorry I didn't mean to.” He starts to walk toward me. “Leave her alone!” Dean yelled out and Sam backed away. “You don't know me. You never did. And you never will.” Sam starts to walk out the door. “You walk out that door, don't you ever come back!” And he did. “Sam come back!” But he didn't.
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OMG next chapter is Saeson finale. Like that is crazy I'm so grateful and... I'll save the speech for the end. I love this conflict between Cas and Y/n. And maybe we will see them come back together or maybe not you will just have to see. until next time dear reader XOXO gossip girl. ;);)
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foxtricksterwriting · 2 years
Lani Clatcher
Author's Note: this is 1 of 3 mcs, I'll link the others when they're posted. While making this I wanted to think of like, what genre their band would be considered but like.... I'm terrible at figuring out genres for music😓
Credits: This is a mc for the interactive fiction game-thingy Infamous. Find it here @infamous-if
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Preferred Name: Lani Clatcher
Alias: Ivy ("I know it's not original! Shut it!")
Gender + Pronouns: Agender/Nonbinary + they/them and ve/vir
Singing/Voice claim, if any: Andrew Volpe from Ludo is a really close singing voice. Specifically in the album You're Awful, I Love You. I don't have a speaking voice for them unfortunately.
Age: 26
More About Vir; Lani is often described as overwhelming to strangers. They don't tone any part of their personality down, ever. Vir loud, outgoing and loves meeting new people; textbook extrovert. They'll be the first to greet someone walking into a room and try to make someone comfortable. Ve talks fast and only gets faster when ve gets excited... which is often. They often accidentally volunteer their friends for things they definitely didn't sign up for. Ve realizes it quickly and will either backtrack it or take over for whoever they volunteered.
Ve has a habit of not thinking before doing something and often gets in some kind of trouble because of it. Ve's surprisingly a bit of a pushover; they're overly willing to help out and is very willing to do something for someone if they're lead to believe the person can't do it for whatever reason.
Ve's gained a love of nature from Yijun, but it's evolved into a love of travel. Ve wants to travel everywhere they can and honestly fears settling down someday. They collect little souvenirs from every place they go, but they're a little weird; a pinecone from a forest in Y City, a broken thing they found in Z City. And shiny things. Vir kind of like a crow. Sometimes they'll use the random knick-knacks they've collected to make necklaces and bracelets.
Lani has a certain chaotic energy. Everything ve does has at least a hint of this and it almost makes up their foundation. And ve embraces this chaos. Ve loves fast paced things and get very fidgety when they have to slow down. That's not to say that they won't; ve tries to go slow for vir friends and loved ones. It doesn't always work out, but ve'll try vir damnedest so they aren't alone.
Fun Facts:
Their Pinterest here.
Like I said in Yiijun's post, vir band is called The Cult of Dionysus. Ve calls vir fans Dionysians.
Ve has a habit of accidentally talking over people. ("HEY GUYS DID I TELL-- Oh wait fuck, shit, no keep saying whatever you were saying, I'm sorry!!")
HATES silence. If it gets too quiet they'll tap their foot loudly, hum a song or start a conversation. Usually has headphones so ve can listen to music if it gets too quiet for them.
Allergic to nuts and lactose intolerant. Doesn't really care about being lactose intolerant, will consume dairy products anyway.
They tend to wake up early to watch the sunrise and try to always watch the sunset.
True to vir nature, they LOVE talking to fans. They happily invite fans to take pictures with them any time, any place. Recently, ve had some....issues with a small group of 'fans', which caused vir to set very firm boundaries with vir fanbase.
There's a video out there of I think Misha Collins walking somewhere with his security and he hears a fan or someone call him and just fucking ignores his security to go hug this person; Lani would definitely do that lol
Wants to open a PO Box for fans to send them things
Calls everyone bestie, doesn't matter if they're actually best friends or not. Does have specific nicknames/pet names for vir friends tho.
Ve's probably the kind of person to out-loud say lol or lmao
Like the other two, Lani is one of my regular ocs. Vir backstory is the same as Yijun's; the two met when they were 8. They met Storm in high school and started a band after that. Lani is the bassist and backup vocalist. Ve can play keyboard, too.
"You and me, man. Ride or die! Yep, ride or die!"
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fanonsupremecy · 3 months
RomCom idea: Adam Sandler, Dwayne Johnson, Jim Carey and John Cena play californian bachelor roommates (Joey, Corey, Dewey and Davey) who for some reason have to coparent 2 twin teen girls from texas (Enid, an alt girl bordering on goth with a hint of punk whos obsessed with yungblud, falling in reverse, carolesdaughter and MOD SUN and Eva, A super girly colorful bubbly optimist and hopeless romantic who true to her texan roots is in love with country music and is obsessed with scotty mcreery, tenille art, kane brown and kacey musgraves) AND adam sandlers character and dwayne johnsons character fall in love, john cenas character is ace and jim careys character ends up with a character played by megan fox named Delia. Also kevin james and kevin Hart make an appearance as Arty and Darnell who are high-school sweethearts and joeys best friends from high-school and theyre always bickering but about endearing things and they own a lawfirm together and are renowned lawyers. idk who plays the twins maybe Olivia Rodrigo. Just her she plays them both. But she has to be able to do a thick texan accent. Maybe the twins end up in their care because their mom is dying and says corey is their dad so when she dies theyre sent to him except he has 3 roommates who end up fullhousing the shit out of the situation. theres some doubt that corey is actually the dad by himself but he ends up loving them and it turns out he IS the dad but some shit goes down and theres some "CoNcErN" for the girls and the situation but Arty and Darnell help him keep custody. The movie could be called how did we become girl dads, I would also accept this as a tv show. I would prefer it actually. Joey and Corey get married and get a house to raise Enid and Eva in and Davey lives with them too and helps out (so still fullhouse vibes) but Dewey and Delia get their own place close by when Delia finds out shes pregnant and of course Jack Black plays Enid and Evas new teacher who also moonlights as their counselor and the art club leader that their both in this whole time. and the whole time Davey gets asked why he doesnt date anyone by everyone but Joey, Corey, Enid and Eva and everyone else just doesnt understand when he explains that hes just not interested in sex or romance but then he meets Lane played Misha Collins who is also a sex and romance aversed aro ace and they enter a queer platonic relationship and eventually Dewey and Delia start to understand. I want Ryan Reynolds to make an appearance also but idk what his role would be. But it could be really funny if he was the case manager or judge. But idk.
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found--family · 1 year
I think they might be planning a Luke and Leia thing with Turner and Duela? It was kind of telling (imo) that they were "flirting" by talking about how neither of them really know or remember their parents. (Also, possibly a coincidence, but both of them look like they could be Misha Collins' kids. And did you notice that Turner has heterochromia? One eye is blue, the other is brown. Very Two-Face! Also just.. their names. Turner and Duela. What is Harvey if not one character who Turns into Two? (a Dual) I can see it. Ah, isn't spec fun! ;) #Gotham Knights
I actually really like the idea that they could both be Harvey's kids, whether full siblings or half siblings (twins?), and the name stuff is perfect! I confess I didn't even notice his heterochromia at all in the show and I chalk that up to the golden filter and also soft low-contrast lighting and not a lot of close-ups on Turner's eyes. In fact I didn't believe you, so I googled.. 
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If Turner is fugue!Harvey's son, talk about perfect casting! 
But my point remains: you can have the reveal of them being Harvey's kids without prefacing that with them flirting/growing close because they have no idea they're related. Tbf, their chemistry can be read as friendship if you squint, but Turner being speechless over Duela's 'makeover' and Duela being against [re:nervous?] about holding Turner's hand just screams Budding Young Love, which is gross. 
If they are both Dents I'm going to be so annoyed they didn't just let them become friends, because you can care about someone as a friend [re:Cullen about Steph, Turner and Steph about each other] without jumping ahead to romance and sexual tension, but teen dramas always tend to make that leap which is sad because friendships take more care and feel more grounded than just having two teens go googly-eyed over each other. 
In short, it feels like shortcut lazy writing (and I hate to say that about this show I love) even if it turns out they're not related it feels like Duela/Turned came about suddenly, like they're forcing it, especially when you compare it to the slow build of Sharper. However, I was just looking at some gifs of Duela watching Turner fight and being impressed, and I'm reminded of how pleasantly surprised and approving she's been of Turner choosing to do 'bad' things or be a badass over the course of the season so far - which I've been reading as a platonic appreciation, though I guess they might have been laying the groundwork for them as a couple...
Imho Turner/Duela is an interesting dynamic on paper (son of Batman and daughter of The Joker) and their personalities are a good contrast, but it was the one thing I didn't like about 1x08 because it didn't feel organic. 
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 06x20 The Man Who Would Be King
“More than a few” “He’s making a heart shape with his hands” “I’d watch a whole series narrated by Misha” “How many audiobooks has he done?” He did his poems
“He should have done them in the Cas voice” 🎶breaking the 4th wall🎶
“Jensen must be high as fuck” “I think they’re trying to make him look tired or sad” “Hey Misha Collins is in the episode” “He makes these awkward eye contacts with Dean like when you like a girl. You can’t make too much eye contact because you don’t want to be creepy” “You can sometimes see the gears turning. It’s obnoxious” “It’s funny because Misha is so different than this character. It’s the ’tism” Cas has autism
“It’s relatable” “real trouble from what? The war? Is that what he’s saying?” “The fuck? Ohhhh” “What’s Crowley talking about? Erotic value? Whose erotic value?” “They bicker like a divorced couple or some shit” laughter
“A terrible cost” “He’s always so close to people” “Jesus fkn christ” “They really had a brand new chain just hanging around?” “That’s just a flesh wound” “He’s an angel of the lord” “How do they not notice that he’s right there?” Angels can be invisible
“So.Hard” “Spicy” “He just supermaned that ho” “I love how he did all of that then stood there to stare into space and think” Freedom is a length of rope. God wants you to hang yourself with it.
“Is that line ever said again? It’s a good line” “ha ha ha” “wasn’t 2016 but still funny” “yes?” “built like robots” “any time they fall into trouble - hey cas!” “Why does he look so short?” laughter
A whore is a whore is a whore
“Why is there a red rag?” “More of his butt” “Is he actually the angel of Thursday? I want to work only one day a week. I could do it” “Staring at one dude then walking off into the woods with another dude. No big deal” “The Evangelicals could sell better if they made Hell a waiting line” laughter
🎶new sheriff upstairs🎶
“When Crowley says nuclear, I think of Cas riding a bomb like a cowboy. Yeehaw!” “His name is Fergus. I forgot. Fkn A. That’s funny as shit” “I didn’t see that coming” “I wonder how much testosterone it takes to make those eyelashes?” Whose? “All of theirs” “oh shit” “Left him in the circle? What a fkn shitty thing to do” “Cas got really close to Crowley” “They made this episode super dark. Film-wise” “Is Cas just staring at him?” “Not even a chair. Jesus fkn christ” laughter
“Takes some balls to yell at an angel” 🎶I’m just a man. You’re just an angel. Can I make it any more obvious? 🎶
“Sky Daddy doesn’t care”
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kithariel · 2 years
HAPPY WELCOME, an introductory post.
Oh lord, oh my. How do I even start? I feel so nervous about being here. I mean, being more than just a shadow on tumblr, being substantially present to the point of actually sharing my thoughts. My writings. Oof.
Well, whatever. Hello, hi. Uh, I hope you're doing good. For some reason or another, you've found your way to my little corner on here. So, welcome to "The Reverist's Lounge", my small safe space. And of course you're invited to stay for a while. Make yourself at home, put your feet up on my my blog's imaginary coffee table, lean back into the soft cushions of the sofa behind it. Tea, maybe? Feel free to close your eyes and dream a little bit.
Usually, I'm more of the silent story connoisseur. I'm always down for reading a good little something. Interesting blurbs, relatable head cannons or spicy reader inserts? Count me in! Just trying to still my fandom thirst on here, indulging my current hyperfixations and leaving anonymous kudos on the way. A shadow.
But lately, I am feeling the need to engage more, to create and also give something back to the community. To the people who made so many of my days worth it. To the people who let me dream all day for years.
So, yeah. Let's do this. What could possibly go wrong?
I do have some experiences in the field of fanfiction writing, but it's been years since then and I'm still trying to figure out the ropes of tumblr writings. Hm, also, English's not my first language, so please be nice to me or else you might find me crying in a corner of the lounge here. Cool? Cool.
To give you a hint of what's coming, here are some of my current and past character hyperfixations:
ADAR, rings of power. Joseph Mawle.
CASTIEL, supernatural. Misha Collins.
CLINT BARTON, avengers. Jeremy Renner.
ELROND PEREDHEL, lord of the rings. Hugo Weaving.
EREINION GIL-GALAD, rings of power. Benjamin Walker.
IVAN, shadow and bone. Simon Sears.
SILCO, arcane. Jason Spisak.
SOLDIER BOY, the boys. Jensen Ackles.
THADDEUS VALENTINE, mortal engines. Hugo Weaving.
THRANDUIL OROPHERION, the hobbit. Lee Pace.
Ten for the beginning, that should do the trick. And yes, I do have a whole list with quite a lot more of names, but I'm only mentioning those, I'm actually willing to write for at the moment.
So, be ready for some content in the near future. Can't wait to get some things off my mind and throw them into the mixing pot of fandoms.
Until then, with love and lasciviousness, Vanya.
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Holy crap, you gotta watch the most recent episode of gotham knights. This is the storyline of Harvey Dent we NEED. It’s as close to perfect as possible. They’re TRYING and guess what? IT SHOWS! Also, Misha Collins did a really good job portraying two separate people. I was shocked. You can tell the characters apart just by looking at screenshots. It’s amazing.
Just wondering, are you the same anon who sent a related/somewhat similar ask on my other account? I'm just curious and want to know. No worries if you don't want to answer that though.
But as I said on my other account, consider me curious! I'm glad to hear it! And this is slightly pushing me more towards actually watching it! How they would portray Harvey's plurality (if they decided to go down that path) was one of my biggest concerns about the show. But thus far (the whole calling the Other Harv "Fugue Harvey" notwithstanding) it sounds like they're handling it well, which is promising! I still have some hesitance, but as of right now, I do think that at the very least, I'll probably watch it when the season is done...? I think that I need a little more convincing to watch it as it's airing though...
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mercurialkitty · 2 years
I posted 14,951 times in 2022
93 posts created (1%)
14,858 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 10,290 of my posts in 2022
Only 31% of my posts had no tags
#destiel - 1,227 posts
#cas - 1,217 posts
#castiel - 1,033 posts
#misha collins - 795 posts
#destiel fan art - 505 posts
#dean winchester - 444 posts
#spn - 349 posts
#castiel fan art - 345 posts
#jack kline - 273 posts
#suptober22 - 214 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#is there a fic where jack has his angel powers and just flits back and forth between destiel saileen and kelly households? earth & heaven?
I sent 2 gifts in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
I was tagged by @tuometarr (💖THANK YOU so much! 💖 ) in Fic Authors Self Rec, which does give a a great excuse to talk about my own fics so here are  my 5 fave fics I have written
Ahem, that's the tag prompt -- actually I am so new to writing, that I don't have 5 favorite fics yet, but here's what I have:
Talks with Dads - Dean and Cereal - It's super short at 875 words, but I think this is my fave thing. My obsession is repairing the Dean and Jack relationship, so this ficlet has a soft spot in my heart. I think it's sweet.
On the Road again - This is the first destiel fan fic I wrote and shared out with the world, courtesy of a @winchester-reload Suptober prompt. So I'll be forever grateful for Suptober. It represents finally getting out there and creating content even in my fandom fifties. It's short at 1,563 words, but I like it, and I put in three Willie Nelson songs via YouTube links. Really, just the song Angel flying too close to the ground is worth clicking the link.
Game Night - Again, this is me wanting to repair the relationships around Jack. This is a heart to heart between Dean and Mary in heaven. It's 2,204 words.
Road Trip for the Holidays - was my first multichapter fic. It's a pile of self-indulgent college!Jack and his family fluff, with Jack's original character friend, and just a bit of Jack and Dean regretful feelz and memories so it's not pure sugar. At 54,897 words, it's novella length, so finally a decent amount of story to get into. I love parts of it sooo much, and yet I have newbie author embarrassment about it.
Instead of a fifth fic, I'll put in a plug for my fave fic that I'm working on. It's a Season 13 fix-it fic -- the formal title not set yet. Again, it's a repair of the Dean and Jack relationship we saw in 13.01 Lost and Found. I've been working on it for a couple years, but I've joined the WIP Big Bang to "Finish your SH**" , and I feel confident about finishing. So keep an eye out for the @wipbigbang and hopefully you'll see a promo when it gets close to the publishing date.
I'm also working on a midam, but I fear that will be a long time coming.
I'll tag a few random blogs who follow me and who have AO3 links in their header or pinned post. I think most blogs are a lot bigger than mine, especially with folks who write, so this may get lost in notes or they wonder who the heck this is :)
@procasdeanating @stillwinchester @damonnscroww @bluefirecas @fellshish @luninosity
Also if anyone else wants to use this as a reason to talk about their work feel free to consider yourself tagged ☺️
16 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
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Day 20 - Spa
Cas, Claire and Jack are at the spa juice bar. Cas and Jack have matching fluffy white robes from their massages. Claire was trying out lounging around with an eye mask, but that's not her thing. She's probably going to head to the pool or a cardio dance workout. Jack's considering reminding her that the eye mask is still on her head, but Claire may not mind. It makes a decent headband to keep her hair out of her eyes until she braids it.
19 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
Hey folks, if you went to Rotten Tomatoes to leave a RoadFood review and didn't find the entry last week, it's been added! I know a lot of us must have asked for them to add it so soon, so congrats to us.
Tell them how great Misha is! 😇
22 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
So Adam is born on September 29 which is traditionally St. Michael's day. Dean was born in January
Adam was the true Michael sword and Chuck just ignored it because he was so obsessed with Dean.
It's like it was the universe's choice and not Chuck's.
25 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Misha photo op! Raven @magnificent-winged-beast edited it for me! (i.e., graciously took me out of the image, etc.)
And what everyone told me before is true. You think he looks good in pictures? It is nothing compared to what he looks like in person. Like maybe he has a big aura or something, but he looks even more handsome than most photographs of him. It's difficult to understand.
127 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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amberjazmyn · 6 months
slipping through my fingers
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - slipping through my fingers 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - other than some tears, older brother x misha collins, wedding fluff but not much 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - it's the day of misha collins' younger sister marianna's wedding to her long-time fiancé. misha and the spnfamily are way more emotional about it than they all thought they would be. they realised that their little sister was growing up and almost as though she was slipping through their fingers. especially when twelve hours before, marianna was utterly frightful of getting married to her fiancé. 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - this idea was originally an idea that came out of my arse but now, on new years eve with the literal movie this movie is from, mamma mia, i decided to write this because i just thought it would be very adorable. also, again, misha's parents are very much alive but they just won't really be mentioned/included by name in this one-shot except for maybe once or twice.
masterlist listen to "slipping through my fingers" right here! - - -
marianna was absolutely mortified and she couldn't understand why she was so scared. was it because she was twenty-two years old and was getting married to the love of her life in literally less than twelve hours? or that she was getting married without the two most important people there with her? for as long as she could remember, her biggest fear was the prospect of something bad happening to one of her parents yet, within months of one another, marianna lost contact with both of her parents. and now, at this point, she had absolutely no idea about who she was going to get ready with for her wedding, who was going to walk her down the aisle or anything of that sort. come to think of it actually, marianna felt and knew exactly the fear, stress and anxiety that sophie sheridan from mamma mia was going through during the movie. and honestly, this isn't something that the poor girl ever thought she'd be feeling twelve hours out from her wedding. she genuinely thought she'd be jumping up and with the utmost excitement, more than she had ever been before. however, she couldn't even think about jumping up and down or be a tad bit excited and it was all because of the fact she didn't have her mom, rebecca, with her to help her get ready and she didn't have her dad, richard, to walk her down the aisle and give her away to her husband-to-be.
marianna felt like her head was travelling and spinning at a million miles per millisecond and she couldn't do anything to stop it, even if she tried. even if some of her bridesmaids told her to calm down, she physically couldn't and it genuinely caused some arguements and that was something everyone had been hooping and trying their hardest to avoid the entire time. so, as tears began to cloud the young girl's eyes, chaos freely flying around her mind, she ran to the only other two people she knew would be able to help her clear her mind, making her judgement clearer.
holding back sobs, marianna helplessly beat down on the bedroom door of misha and their sister danielle and when no noise of acknowledgement came back, the distressed bride-to-be nearly slid down the door in complete hysterics. before marianna suddenly squealed, the door opened however misha nor danielle opened the door. ruth connell and genevieve padalecki did.
"...marianna? are you okay sweetheart?" gen questioned, ruth reaching her hand out for marianna to hold as the girl's teary eyes grew wide as she tried to hide her tears but, both gen and ruth knew their "sister" and could immediately tell that the young bride-to-be wasn't okay
however, both ruth and gen didn't need to wait that long before marianna shook her head, her eyes closing as her bod shook from her sobs before being immediately scooped up in a hug by gen and ruth, "oh, marianna, baby girl, what's wrong?" gen whispered, softly rocking the distressed girl side to side, ruth moving side to side as well
allowing the girl to calm down properly, gen and ruth waited patiently for an answer, taking in a breath, marianna responded, "the wedding...it...it scares me gen...ruth...ah...sorry for the tears--"
"--don't apologise, sweetpea, not to us especially...why are you so scared, marianna? i think instead of this just being between the three of us, we should tell misha or jared, maybe rob...or danneel even?" ruth stepped in this time, offering the girl options as to who else she could talk to about her wedding fears as marianna managed a small smirk in gratitude for genevieve and ruth "thanks ruth and gen and could i tell you and misha, please?" marianna almost whispered, sounding almost ashamed for being so fearful of the even that she was once so excited about and was now so terrified of "oh, of course, you can darling! sit tight here for a big alright and we'll grab misha..." as ruth and gen went to both leave the room to get misha, marianna's brother, they were stopped by that very girl who refused to get go of ruth and gen's hands scoffing softly, gen spoke up this time as she turned around, "...darling, we can't get misha if you don't let go of me and ruth," gen spoke softly as marianna shook her head, gen and ruth quickly recognising the fear in marianna's as the same one they first saw when richard first forced him, marianna and rebecca to stop contact and this broke both genevieve and ruth's hearts - since it was a look they hadn't seen since "can...ah...shoot...could you both stay here?" marianna stammered out shyly as both gen and ruth immediately nodded their heads, gen grabbing her phone to shoot misha a text instead
"of course, i can marianna," gen smiled softly, the text quickly sent as she pulled her distressed sister in for another hug whilst they all, gen, ruth and marianna waited for misha
the three girls found their way to misha's bed and sat there quietly when they suddenly heard the quick footsteps of misha. it sounded like he was panicking and running so, they knew right away they needed everyone to be calm and collected. so, with the help of gen and ruth, marianna took in some deep breaths and tried to rid herself of as many tears from her face as possible. however, the moment misha entered the room, it seemed like he could already tell what was stressing his little sister out and it truly devastated him and he didn't even need to think that hard to figure it out either.
catching his breath back, misha gently went down to his knees and held his sister's hands, "i know why you're scared anna but i want you to tell me. what's bothering you, honey? what's stopping you from being so excited about what's going to be the happiest day of your and your fiancé's life? you were so excited the past few weeks, what stopped you?" misha whispered as gen and ruth slowly backed away, allowing the brother and sister to have this talk in private, marianna's chin wobbled as she shrugged her shoulders
truthfully, she didn't want to tell her brother the reason, even though she knew he knew since he just explained he did know but wanted to hear it from her. she just felt like if she said it out loud, it would be true and she didn't want it to be true. marianna, in some ways, still refused to believe that both of her parents cut contact with her, as childish (and possibly delusional) as it was, she still hated the thought that she, at twenty-two, was now virtually parentless for the rest of her wedding life. she despised that she was the only collins sibling out of all six of them that wouldn't have their parents at her wedding like she always dreamt they would. since every brother and sister, their parents didn't cut contact with them during their season of getting married. wait, despised isn't the right word at all. she knew her parents weren't hateful and did it in a hateful way even though cutting their youngest daughter off does seem abusive, that wasn't why they cut contact with her. they did it because of the fact that they were travelling together through europe, completely forgetting that marianna was getting married in the middle of their backpacking trip where they wouldn't have any service...that should have been made clear right at the very beginning because marianna's parents are not awful people at all. and they legitmately tried to cancel their backpacking tour so they could come home back to the states for marianna and her partner's wedding but weren't able to. but they did promise that by the time mom and dad collins returned, they'd make it up to marianna and her partner by paying for their honeymoon and taking care of every other expense which even included the downpayment on the new house the newlyweds were moving into shortly after the wedding. and honestly, marianna really loved that deal, even though she was at first against it, misha made her see sense and told her it was the only way mom and dad felt better about being no-contact during the time of their youngest daughter's wedding. however, misha wanted to be told so then he could help his sister because he knew how hard it was to plan a wedding with your parents invovled so, he knew that it would be even harder without. so, he wanted to do every single thing, big or small, he could to help his little sister with the most important day of her life. misha sighed softly, picking himself up off the ground and sitting beside his sister on his bed, "has it got to do with mom and dad not being here?" misha whispered softly, emotion wavering in his voice for it was also emotional for him to talk about the fact that their parents weren't here in the states for the wedding as marianna's staggered breath and nod of the head confirmed misha's question
marianna closed her eyes, leaning into her brother as the tears she had tried so desperately hard to hold back just streamed down her face as she covered it with her hand. misha held his sister as tightly as he could as his heart broke even more. this was basically the first time since getting the news that their parents would be in europe during marianna's wedding that she's cried over it. which is why it was hitting the girl all at once with her wedding being less than a day away and knowing that they wouldn't be there to physically witness it like they all hoped they'd be able to.
even though it was more than misha just being an emotional person, he could also feel tears stream down his own cheeks as he hugged his sister tightly as she just fell apart in his grip, "i love you, marianna. we'll be okay, i promise," misha whispered as he started to soothe marianna's cries as she started to take in some deep breaths to control herself
"i love you too, misha...and, you really think so?" marianna whispered back as misha nodded his head, his grip not once weakening
"i know so, marianna! no matter what, even with them in europe, they are still with us and they'll get to see the wedding because they'll get to watch it!" misha responded as marianna hummed, a small smile gracing her lips as she nodded her head in agreement "not even them being in europe can stop them from being apart of the wedding..." she trailed off as she and misha stayed in one another's embrace
𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐲 her head was swirling with regret, marianna had just blurted out to her big sister figure, ruth, if she could help her get ready for her and her fiancé's wedding and it looked as though ruth didn't want to do it, that is until happy tears rose in her eyes and she smiled
tearing up, ruth spoke up, "...you want me to help you get ready, annie?" she nearly whispered as her voice caught with emotion, marianna nodding her head with the sweetest smile after she relaxed 
"is that okay, ruth?" marianna questions with the biggest smile as genevieve and danneel, the wives of jared padalecki and jensen ackles, stand behind the bride as they would also be helping the spn baby get ready for her wedding - the reason why vicki, misha's wife wasn't here is because, simply, misha and vicki were no longer married meaning that vicki and marianna were no longer sister's-in-law wiping away her tears, ruth nodded her head, her smile big, "of course! i'd be honoured, marianna! thank you for even asking me let alone danneel and genevieve! does the rest of the bridal party know we're helping you get ready instead of with them?" ruth questions as marianna bites her lip and shakes her head with a smile  "they don't know at all. i thought i'd tell them during the first look since that's when they'll see me next alongside misha and the groomsmen," marianna smiled as ruth sighed, pulling her "little sister" in for a hug  ruth smiled as did danneel and genevieve and immediately decided to get the young bride ready in an instant, the rest of the bridal party getting ready next door. because it was too quiet, danneel decided to play her wedding playlist she had specifically created and hit shuffle. and, like it was fate, the very first song that played was none other than abba's slipping through my fingers.  smiling softly as genevieve started her makeup, marianna started to sing and hearing her sing made genevieve, danneel and ruth smile at her, especially since the girl's favourite movie was mamma mia, the movie from which this song is from.  schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning, waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile, i watch her go with a surge of that well-known sadness marianna smiled as she sat on the makeup chair whilst genevieve did her makeup whilst danneel and ruth watched on in pure joy at the girl's happiness when just not even a day earlier, she was terrified and sobbing in her older brother's arms about it. 
it hadn't taken genevieve that long to do marianna's makeup when she smacked the bride-to-be's bum and told her to move over to danneel. sitting in danneel's lap, danneel started to paint marianna's toenails since her nails had already been done days beforehand. 
and, it was at this moment that marianna realised why weddings were so emotional and so stressful because there was a sort of innocence that she'd be losing because she'd be growing up. but, at the same time, marianna was the happiest she had ever been and she was just so excited to be married that she kind of tried her best to soak in and savour all the emotion so that she'd never forget it.  and i have to sit down for a while, the feeling that i'm losing her forever, and without really entering her world, i'm glad whenever i can share her laughter, that funny little girl whilst doing marianna's toes, danneel started to sing along with marianna to slipping through my fingers as it truly did feel like the supernatural family was losing their little spn baby after a short twenty-two years. and six of those twenty-two years, she had been dating her husband-to-be so, for the rest of the supernatural family seeing their little baby finally marry her husband made it real for them. it made it real that she was growing up and entering into the new life that they all had been in for more than two decades at this point.  
even though he knew he wasn't allowed to be actively looking for his sister, misha just couldn't help himself to stay when he heard marianna and danneel, along with genevieve and ruth, all sing together. it almost made him teary-eyed when he realised the song... who was he kidding, it totally made him cry when he heard the song as he rested his head against the door as he too also started to quietly sing along to the song. this song is really meaningful to misha now that he really started to feel like his younger sister was slipping through his fingers and finally growing up and getting married.
slipping through my fingers all the time, i try to capture every minute, the feeling in it misha sang softly as he closed his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks as he rested his head against the door of the room where his sister was getting ready with the help of the spn wives & ruth. the wedding photographer was also in there but seemed as though she was also joining in with the singing and having fun. 
misha smiled tearfully as he continued to sing, grateful that even though marianna was missing their parents, who were backpacking in europe, she was still positive and allowing herself to fully be present and have all the fun in the world, no longer upset or scared about her wedding.  slipping through my fingers all the time, do i really see what's in her mind? each time i think i'm close to knowing, she keeps on growing as misha sang softly on the other side of the door, danneel had finished painting marianna's toenails so ruth was now taking care of marianna's hairstyle before finishing it off by helping marianna put on her wedding dress. 
the girls continued to sing whilst the photographer continued to snap some candid photos of ruth curling marianna's hair before braiding two sections and forming it into a bun at the base of her head.  "...wow ruthie, this looks perfect and it's only just started..."  slipping through my fingers all the time marianna smiled at the mirror as ruthie finished doing her hair. her long blonde locks were curled and put back with a braided bun that was decorated with baby's breath. now that her hair, makeup and toenails were done, all that was left was to get her into her ceremony dress since marianna realised she couldn't choose between two so, instead of having to choose which one to say no to, she decided which one to wear for the actual ceremony and then which one to wear for the reception afterwards.  
"...thank you girls! i cannot thank you enough for helping me get ready!"
  misha's pov
i could tell from the window next to marianna's room that she was getting changed into her ceremony dress. turning away from the window, i sat down and rested against the door as i softly started to sing the next verse of slipping through my fingers. i hadn't realised until this very moment that the girls had been playing it and singing to it that i really related to it. in the same way, mom and dad surely would have related to it, because it was finally marianna's wedding day, i truly realised and felt like she was all of a sudden just slipping through my fingers and growing up way too quickly for my liking. 
going back through our childhood together, i remember always telling marianna to just slow down because before she knew it, she'd be getting married and having to do adult stuff like pay for bills and work ten hours a day so she should just be thankful that she was still young and stay young for as long as she could and now, she was an adult and she was getting married. and there was no way i could just press a button that stopped time and stopped my sister from getting any older. 
and it wasn't because i don't ever want marianna to grow up or get married or create her own family, heck no, it would and it does bring me so much happiness to see marianna grow up and get married to her beautiful husband-to-be and have a family. it just makes me sad that she's no longer that spunky, bubbly, innocent little girl like she used to be. i just sometimes wish she could stay this little forever as selfish as it sounds, i just know it's something that our parents would be begging marianna about because i know they'd also want their youngest child to stay as little forever as i'd want her to. 
but, that's the thing, she can't stay that little forever and, she has to grow up and get married and have her own family otherwise i don't think marianna would be as happy as she is now if she wasn't moments away from getting married to her husband-to-be. 
sleep in our eyes, her and me at the breakfast table barely awake, i let precious time go by. then when she's gone, there's that odd melancholy feeling and a sense of guilt i can't deny i smiled as i sang, even though i knew i'd start crying and just let myself reflect. i was remembering those days when marianna and i were younger than we are now, obviously, sleep in our eyes and the both of us eating our breakfast together before going our separate ways to school and whatever it was i was doing with acting at the time or when i wasn't acting. and now, i've realised the precious time that i just let slip away now that she's gone and just as donna sings to sophie, i feel that same odd melancholy feeling and guilt that i wasn't able to deny. 
as the girls continued to sing, i knew i had to leave since i also had to get ready due to the wedding being less than an hour away at this point. walking away, i could faintly hear marianna and ruthie sing the next verse making me smile at two of my best girls. 
what happened to the wonderful adventures, the places i had planned for us to go? well, some of that we did, but most we didn't and why, i just don't know knowing that i had been crying before walking back into the room where the groomsmen and best men were getting ready, i wiped away my tears as best as i could and took in a deep breath. mainly because i knew if marianna's husband-to-be saw me crying, he himself might start freaking out and that wasn't something that was needed at this point, especially now with so little time before the actual ceremony taking place. however, as soon as the lads were all ready and just chilling at this point, resting in our hotel room after so many photos had been taken, a small knock was heard on the door. 
due to being the closest to the door, jared opened it to see his wife, genevieve's gorgeous smile straight away, "hey gen, what are you doing here?" jared spoke up as genevieve smiled before giving an apologetic look to noah, marianna's husband-to-be
"i am so sorry noah but, is it okay if i just steal your lads for a moment? marianna has requested to have a small little moment with them before the ceremony..." genevieve trailed off as all of the groomsmen (me, jared, jensen, rob, alex, jackson and damien, two of noah's brothers) all lit up in excitement as noah smiled 
"...of course you can, gen, it's not a problem at all," noah smiles as gen sends him a wink and grabs my hand whilst the rest of the groomsmen filter out behind us in a mix of confusion and excitement as to why we were suddenly being summoned 
by the time the groomsmen and genevieve had made their way to a gorgeous floral archway, they stopped and in confusion, misha spoke up asking gen why they had been dragged all the way over there. 
"...gen, what are we doing here?" misha questions with a soft giggle as genevieve smiles lovingly at her best friend
knowing that marianna wouldn't have the chance of a first look with her dad and to be walked down the aisle by him, she thought this was the perfect time to let marianna have a first look with her husband-to-be's groomsmen, which included her brother and also have him walk her down the aisle. 
smiling, gen spoke up, "do you trust me, mish?" misha smiled and nodded his head at his best friend almost immediately - of course he trusted her, how could he not? 
"of course, i trust you, gen!" misha answers in a matter-of-fact tone which makes the group giggle as genevieve smiles back before responding 
"good because i'll need you guys to close your eyes and keep them closed until i tell you to open them again, okay?" genevieve announces which slightly worries them but they listen and close their eyes 
genevieve noticed that all the guys had closed their eyes and weren't trying to peak or try to see what was going on so she gestured for marianna to come out of her hiding spot and walk over to the groomsmen for the first look.  
slipping through my fingers all the time, i try to capture every minute the feeling in it
taking in a deep breath, marianna stood in front of her husband-to-be's groomsmen which literally included her older brother, misha and the other "main" costars of supernatural. this was originally a moment she had been waiting for and dreaming of doing with her dad. however, due to his trip around europe with mom rebecca, she wasn't able to do that. so, noah, marianna and genevieve decided that as a compromise, marianna would instead do a first look with the groomsmen and then ask misha if he could walk her down the aisle since their dad wasn't able to do it. 
 genevieve gave the girl some comfort knowing this whole situation was emotional and bittersweet for the girl before giving her a slight head nod, signalling that she could tell the guys to open their eyes. 
"...you can open your eyes now..." 
slipping through my fingers all the time, do i really see what's in her mind? each time i think i'm close to knowing, she keeps on growing. slipping through my fingers all the time
...as soon as marianna spoke up, letting the guys open their eyes, they did just that and then all fell silent as soon as they realised who was in front of them. standing in front of noah's groomsmen stood marianna all dressed up in her wedding dress and looking exactly how misha had imagined his baby sister would look like on her wedding day. 
silence filled the floral outdoor archway for a few more moments before a tearful misha spoke up, "...you look so pretty, annie," he sniffled quietly as he smiled wide as marianna sighed out of relief as she giggled softly 
"thanks, mish, you guys look so good as well!" marianna giggled as she swayed side to side shyly before misha walked forward 
grabbing his sister's hands, he lifted one up as she smiled in slight confusion before understanding what he was doing when he started to twirl her to see the rest of the dress and the back of her hair. holding back a sob with his free hand, misha spoke up again as everyone else watched on with smiles. 
"mom and dad are for sure kicking themselves that they're not here to see this and are still in europe," misha's voice broke as tears welled in his eyes and marianna nodded her head, her facial expressions softening 
"i know, mish. i bet they are roaring mad that they're missing out but, i know they're here, i can feel them. they may be in europe but they're here!" marianna smiled as she pulled her brother in for a hug, giving him a quick kiss on the head
she then moved to jared, jensen, alex, rob, jackson and damien for hugs before moving back over to her brother to ask him a very important question. 
"...misha, i have a question i wanted to ask you..." marianna trailed off as she held her brother's hand as he smiled, nodding his head 
"...what is it bug?" misha replied with a smile on his face as everyone else watched on in suspense, everyone but gen, obviously 
"well, since dad isn't here, neither is mom, i was wondering if you wanted to walk me down the aisle and give me away..." marianna trailed off as misha's eyes once again filled with tears as a shaky breath left his mouth
"...are you sure?" misha whispered as his voice broke and marianna nodded her head, a big smile on her face 
"i'm serious, i'm not marrying noah if you don't give me away, please mish. and before you ask, i have already asked sasha and even danielle and elizabeth but they have all kindly refused, wanting it to be you. so, please, will you walk me down the aisle, cause, truthfully, i'm too scared to do it alone..." marianna trailed off softly, her voice in a tone that wasn't at all pleading as misha gulped  
he had no idea that their three other siblings had refused to walk their little sister down the aisle because they wanted him to do it instead. he wasn't hesitating because he didn't want to walk his sister down the aisle, he was hesitating because he knew that this job was supposed to be their dad's, not his. however, misha quickly came to his decision and wiped away his tears, smiling and nodding his head. 
"even though i wish dad was here to do this and not be in bloody europe, i'll be honoured to walk you down the aisle, annie," misha breathed out with a smile, marianna smiled brightly as she was brought into a hug by misha
sometimes i wish that i could freeze the picture, and save it from the funny tricks of time, slipping through my fingers...
marianna smiled as she and misha walked down the aisle, her husband-to-be, noah patiently waiting for them. staring at her in complete awe, noah felt tears well in his eyes but he kept his cool even when he saw the tears well in his soon-to-be brother-in-law's eyes as he held his younger sister's hand as tightly as he possibly could. 
the song that misha and marianna were walking down the aisle to was amazed by lonestar since it was the song that had been pre-picked by their parents, richard and rebecca. it only made sense that that song stayed unchanged as it now paid tribute to them both since everyone was informed that mom and dad were in europe. 
the brother and sister had now made it halfway down the aisle and that was when they finally decided to share a sweet, comforting look with one another. both of them acknowledged that whilst today was a happy occasion, it was still upsetting and bittersweet that their parents weren't here in the states to see it take place. 
leaning to her ear, misha spoke up, "you alright, bug?" he whispered as marianna smiled and lightly nodded her head, so as not to alert the guests that they were talking 
"uh-huh, i'm okay mish," she mumbled back as misha smiled and took in another deep breath, comforted by the fact that his sister was okay 
"slipping through my fingers all the time. schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning, waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile," 
tears filled misha's eyes as he gave his sister away to marry noah, ignoring the way the bridal party, groomsmen and guests watched in complete awe. standing with his two kids, west and maison with the rest of the bridal party, he couldn't help the tears that fell down his cheeks watching his sister get married to her husband without their parents here at the wedding to watch it happen since, again, they weren't dead but they were backpacking in europe.
halfway through the ceremony, marianna turned her head and made eye contact with her teary-eyed brother. understanding her brother's emotions, she smiled comfortingly and gave him a little wave before returning her attention back to the ceremony and her husband who gave her a sweet smile.  
misha never realised until now that marianna had well and truly slipped through his fingers and it no longer bothered him because it wasn't like she'd never return ever again. 
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this was so much fun to write but jesus holy it took what felt like years and literally a whole month basically so, that's ages! anyway, i love this one-shot so much that i'm going to do like a part two that follows the reception part of marianna and noah's wedding and have it include the best man speech and all that jazz. it may also follow an abba song or something but i don't know yet but do keep your eyes peeled as it will be a good one. 
ok ily bye xx
wc; 5256
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