#Elphaba's wedding happened
bookishtheaterlover7 · 10 months
WOO! Had to go through high or hell water, but a blessing in the form of the mysterious new friend 🎄 helped me get the info I need
Now... Let's drag this pretentious bitch through the mud again, shall we..?
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For starters, let's admire the "bride"😜
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Well, well... They actually made the Wicked Witch of the East (West is Elphaba, I will not drag her with this bitch) look good. Even 👸 said she actually liked the lipstick and wearing a good outfit, covering what everyone has already seen too much of, and choosing black, to mourn her lost Instagram followers? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And what is with that position?! She also hates the little bow on the dress, it's indicative of Albitch's Lolita personality (in my words, AS IF THE BITCH NEEDED TO REMIND EVERYONE). And those cold black eyes 😆 What is with the bow below? Most people would have the bow at the waist! (I told her that Albitch doesn't have curves to accentuate 🙃)
👸 is being a savage today and I'm loving it!!!
Honestly, she's right, as always 😆 and the thing with Albitch's stupid ass position it kinda reminds me of Cinderella's step sisters 🤭
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And she actually wears something other than crop tops?!😵 And really? A babydoll dress? Could you be anymore obvious, Albitch?!
Onto the topic of Chris...
Their rings don't fucking match! What married couple doesn't have matching rings?! This isn't the 1800s where only the bride wears the ring. Both husband and wife, are supposed to have a ring. They might not wear it all the time, but they do have rings! But these two? You put their photos right next to each other, and it looks like someone told them to each buy a ring without knowing what the other even looked like 🤭☕
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His is some form of gold. Still doesn't fit... And hers, are silver, dull and fucking loose!!!
Thank you 👸 for showing me this vid, I needed that laugh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Albitch, do you seriously don't know what to do with your hands? With all your slutty posts, I thought you'd be an expert by now 🤭 I guess that's why you never show them in pictures you post...
And another thing. This goes to all of the people who thought she's hiding because she's pregnant...
And we're back to Chris...
Yeah those wedding rings are seriously not matching. And no matter how you spin it, there's absolutely zero reason for those two to not match. Unless neither knew what the other bought in which case...
Just like how Albitch appearing without Chris only confirms our suspicions, that he's in MA, with his family, DEFINITELY WITHOUT HIS LOVING NEW BRIDE 😁
Now, isn't that just couple goals... 🙄
I mean Dodger will actually have a happy Thanksgiving this year, because his Daddy would actually smell nice and not have his wicked Step-Mother
Oh, I forgot! 👸 rewatched Chris' NYCC panel, and at 10:14 of the video...
She told me, it's really hard to notice, and I didn't but after two tries I did too, that Chris mentions that he has to use treats to get Dodger to come near him, because, "sometimes stuff happens"...
I know it sounds like a stretch, and probably a major conspiracy theory. But come on! Dodger is the least shy dog on the internet! He loves new friends, in dog and human form.
And he's a dog who, like his Dad, loves to show affection, and receive it. There's no way, Dodger would avoid people, unless, and my dog is like this, they've had a bad experience with that person, and they don't trust them. Even just the scent might have them stay away. 🤔🧐
🎄 is an angel sent from the heavens to have helped me. 👸 is SAVAGE today with the sick burns. Albitch looks decent, but her positions, and the fact that literally EVERYTHING but the ring shines is another Red Flag 🚩(we're about to run out of room for these flags). Chris and her have rings that don't fucking match. Dodger might be having a happy Thanksgiving because his wicked Step-Mother is as far from MA as she can be (Green card, what? She doesn't know her🤭)
Oh, and...
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Happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate it 😁🍗
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wicked-secretsanta · 9 months
Merry Christmas @wickedobsessed101!
Special message: Hope you like this! Merry Christmas ❤️
Read it on Ao3
Everything everyone had ever told Elphaba about childbirth and pregnancy had certainly not been her experience. 
“It can take up a year to fall pregnant, so don’t worry if it doesn’t happen before then,” the royal midwife had told her when she and Fiyero had decided to start trying; only to turn around and confirm her pregnancy nine weeks later. 
“First babies are always late,” said her mother-in-law, the midwife, random strangers on the street; but Elphaba had gone into labour at thirty-six weeks. 
“It’s probably just false labour, and if it is real, it will still be hours. First babies take their time,” the midwife had said dismissively, rather irritated about being sent for in the middle of the night and clearly thinking Elphaba was an idiot. 
A mere three and a half hours later, Azura Tiggular slid into the world. 
When Elphaba had gotten pregnant the next time, she’d gotten a new royal midwife. That delivery had been even quicker, so Fiyero felt rather justified in being wary about the prospect of taking the family out on Lurlinemas Eve. Elphaba did not. 
“Fiyero, I’m not due for another month,” Elphaba said calmly, needlessly straightening the covers on the bed of the spare room. “And if something happened, we’d have plenty of time to get help.”
“I don’t think that’s true,” Fiyero argued. “With Daxton, he practically fell out when you sneezed.”
Elphaba rolled her eyes. “Stop telling it like that. Dax is going to hear it one day and not know you’re exaggerating.” 
“You’re nesting,” Fiyero pointed out, watching her fluff the pillows on the bed. 
She turned to him, placing her hands on her hips. “I’m not nesting, I’m cleaning. Glinda’s going to be here any minute.”
“Okay, but-”
“Yero,” she cut him off gently. “I’m fine. I haven’t missed the Lurlinemas markets in all the years we’ve been married, and I’m not going to start now.”
Fiyero sighed, taking in the stubborn set of her jaw. “I want it on record that I have no desire to deliver this baby myself.”
Elphaba snorted. “You think you could?”
“Hey, I watched both the kids be born,” Fiyero defended himself. “I paid attention, I could do it.”
“Except for when you fainted right after Azura was born,” Elphaba smirked.
Fiyero’s shoulders sagged. “Fae, it’s been seven years. Can we maybe let that go?”
“No,” Elphaba laughed. 
Glinda arrived within the hour, and Fiyero went out to meet her.
“Hi,” he greeted her.
“Hi,” she beamed, stepping forward to hug him. “How’s Elphie?”
“Oh, then same as always,” Glinda laughed. “What is it now?”
“She wants to go to the markets on Lurlinemas Eve,” Fiyero explained, offering her an arm as her driver began to unload her luggage from the carriage. 
Glinda’s brow furrowed as she took his elbow.“So? You go every year. Isn’t it like, royal decree?”
“It’s tradition, not decree,” Fiyero corrected her. “But she’s never been this close to her due date before.”
“She has a month.”
“Azzie and Dax both came early. And fast,” Fiyero reminded her. “Dax pretty much-”
“Oh, for the love of Oz, do not tell the sneeze story again,” Glinda cut him off, wrinkling her nose. “It’s been four years, and I still can’t get rid of that mental image. How do you expect me to have a baby of my own if you keep telling me these things?”
“Maybe you should focus on planning your wedding first?” Fiyero teased her. “It’s been over a year.”
Glinda scowled at him. “Excuse me, but it took me four months to plan the engagement party, and then as soon as we started to even think of dates, someone got Elphie pregnant.” 
“Well, as far as I know, that someone was me,” Fiyero said lightly.
Glinda swatted at him. “My point is, I can’t get married without Elphie as my matron of honour, can I? And she certainly can’t stand beside me at the altar with Baby Glinda in her arms, can she?”
“No way,” Fiyero protested. “Azura’s middle name is already Glinda. You don’t get two namesakes.” 
They met Elphaba and the kids in the parlour, and Azura and Daxton dashed to greet Glinda, while Fiyero moved forward to help Elphaba up off the couch. 
“Oh, Elphie. You look so good!” Glinda exclaimed excitedly, hurrying forward to hug her and immediately pressing her hands to Elphaba’s stomach to feel the baby. 
“How was the journey?” Elphaba asked calmly, ignoring the way Glinda prodded at her belly. 
“Oh, it was fine,” Glinda said airily. “How are you? Fiyero was saying something about the markets?”
Elphaba shot Fiyero an exasperated stare and he shrugged innocently. 
“I’m perfectly able to go to the markets,” she said. “Fiyero’s just being ridiculous.”
“He does that,” Glinda nodded knowingly. 
“Hey,” Fiyero protested, but was ignored. 
The small village of Elmspire, nestled in the Lower Kells, had been the hometown of Fiyero's great-grandmother; and so the tradition of the royals attending the markets on Lurlinemas Eve had been in place since the marriage of his great-grandparents. Since he was a child, Fiyero had loved experiencing the food, carols and the ritual of lighting the fairy lantern to guide Lurline and her fairies to the village to visit and bless the people throughout the night. 
In the past seven years, getting to share the traditions with his children and seeing it all through their eyes had made it even more special. But he’d never attended the markets with his heavily pregnant wife; who was definishly not as fine as she insisted she was as they all boarded the carriage to head out to Elmspire on Lurlinemas Eve. 
“Is this your first time, Aunty Glinda?” Azura asked her, bouncing with excitement.
“Actually, I’ve been before,” Glinda replied. “But you wouldn’t remember that- it was your very first Lurlinemas, you were just a tiny little baby!”
Azura’s dark eyes widened. “Really?”
Glinda nodded with a smile. “Really. I think you’d only just started crawling- isn’t that right, Momma?”
“Sounds about right,” Elphaba said, with a smile to her daughter that didn’t seem genuine to Fiyero. 
“Az, you and Dax will have to give Aunty Glinda the full tour when we get there,” Fiyero said swiftly. “Right?” 
Azura’s face lit up. “Oh, Aunty Glinda! They have giant gingerbread cookies!” she exclaimed, and Glinda gasped with the appropriate amount of enthusiasm.
“Really? How giant? Bigger than you?” she asked and Azura giggled. 
“Maybe not this year. I’m pretty big now,” she informed her solemnly. 
“You definitely are,” Glinda agreed. “What else do they have?”
With the kids suitably distracted, Fiyero took the opportunity to lean towards Elphaba. “You okay?”
“Fine,” Elphaba reassured him, unwrapping her cloak from around her. “My back is just sore- as always.” 
Elmspire was about a forty-five minute carriage ride away from the castle, and Fiyero was grateful he had Glinda there to help entertain the kids as Elphaba kept shifting ever so slightly, rubbing her stomach absent-mindedly and Fiyero struggled not to watch her like a timer was about to go off. 
“There’s Grams and Grandpa!” yelled Daxton as he spotted the king and queen. 
“Hello, my darlings!” the queen greeted them warmly as Azura and Daxton spilled from the carriage the moment it came to a complete stop, sweeping them both into her arms. “Are we ready for tonight?”
“Grams, can we have hot chocolate?” Azura asked immediately. “And candy apples, and pastry and cake-”
“Whoa,” Fiyero said hastily, climbing out of the carriage after them. “How about we get one food thing and one drink?”
“I think that sounds reasonable,” his father agreed, as Fiyero held out an arm to help Glinda alight before leaning back inside to help Elphaba out. 
“You good?” he murmured to her, as she leaned heavily on his arm after getting on the ground. 
The look she shot him was exasperated but fond. “I just need a walk. Stretch my back,” she replied. 
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” the queen asked her as the children greeted their grandfather. 
“My back isn’t great,” Elphaba admitted. “I could do with a walk. Do we have time before the lantern lighting?”
“Fifteen minutes or so,” she reassured her. “Enough time to do a loop- let the children settle a bit?”
“Sounds good,” Elphaba agreed. 
The more they walked, the more she did seem to ease and her eyes grew brighter. Fiyero suspected watching Azura and Daxton take everything in with wide-eyes was part of that. While Fiyero loved sharing experiences with the kids that he too had done as a child, Elphaba just loved seeing their children find joy in the holidays. It was something that she’d never really had herself growing up. 
Fiyero watched her soft gaze fixate on the way Azura held her little brother’s hand as they walked, pointing things out to him that she remembered from last year, sounding very mature. With a soft smile of his own, Fiyero couldn’t resist sneaking a hand over to cover Elphaba’s stomach for a moment, but he frowned as he registered how hard it felt beneath his hand. 
“It’s fine,” she said breezily, not looking at him and smiling at those that passed them. “They’re just practise ones. I can barely feel them.”
“Elphaba,” Fiyero hissed, his heart dropping like a stone. 
“Momma!” Dax yelled out excitedly, spinning on the spot to face them. “Look, there’s sillymon rolls!”
Glinda looked over her shoulder from where she was walking next to Azura, shooting Elphaba and Fiyero a bewildered glance. Elphaba laughed quietly, moving forward.
“Cinnamon,” she murmured to Glinda, and Glinda’s face cleared in understanding. “Do you want a roll, Dax?”
“Sillymon,” Glinda said with a smile, falling into step next to Fiyero as Elphaba led Daxton and Azura over to the cinnamon roll stand. “That’s adorable. It reminds me of when Azura used to call me ‘Glinna’ , remember?” 
She giggled, but when Fiyero said nothing, she frowned at him. “What’s with you?”
“Fae’s having contractions,” he hissed to her. 
Glinda’s eyes widened, shooting towards Elphaba. “Wait- real ones or fake ones?”
“Fake ones she says,” Fiyero said, keeping his eyes firmly fixed on his wife. “But…”
“I’m sure she’d know if it was real,” she said practically. “It’s not like this is her first labour.”
Fiyero wasn’t comforted. 
The highlight of the markets on Lurlinemas Eve was the lighting of the lantern; wherein the lantern atop the tall lamp post that stood in the middle of the village square was lit with light green flames. Typically this was done by the youngest member of the royal family, but this would be the first year Dax was deemed old enough to do it. Azura had spent the past three weeks teaching her little brother how to do it, using their toys as stand in props. It was the most adorable thing Fiyero had ever seen. 
And as they all gathered near the lamp post, Fiyero watched Elphaba talk with Glinda and his mother and the way she kept shifting her weight, one hand bracing the small of her back. 
“Are we ready to begin, Your Highness?” the village minister asked, interrupting his musings a few minutes later. 
“I think so,” Fiyero nodded, searching out the kids. He spotted them on the other side of the lantern, talking to Elphaba quietly. She was kneeling down as she talked to Dax and Azura, a feat which Fiyero could only marvel at when she was in her third trimester. 
“Dax,” he called out, “you ready, buddy?”
Dax looked over towards him and then back to Elphaba, who said something to them with a small smile and then looked to Azura. Whatever she said, Azura nodded solemnly and then took Dax’s hand to lead the way back over to Fiyero. As they approached, Fiyero squatted down to meet them.
“You ready?” he asked again, drawing Dax close as he leaned in towards him.
“Daddy, can Azzie help me with the lantern?” Dax asked in a whisper, his gaze flittering nervously towards the minister. 
Fiyero’s heart melted. “If you want her to, absolutely,” he reassured him, running a hand over his rosy cheek. That earned him a tiny smile from Dax and Fiyero shot him and Azura a wink before rising to his feet.
“Azura and Dax are going to do the lantern together,” he told his father and the minister. 
“Wonderful,” the minister replied without missing a beat. “Let’s do this then.”
As the minister called for everyone’s attention, Elphaba slid into position next to Fiyero. 
“He okay?” he asked her in a murmur.
“A little shy about being the centre of attention,” Elphaba murmured back.
Fiyero nodded understandingly. “Ah. We have not had that problem with Az,” he replied and Elphaba snorted.
‘Shy’ had never been a word that could be used to describe Azura Tiggular. 
It was a short ceremony. The minister would welcome everyone, and then invite the king to read the story of Lurlinemas- of how the night came to be a holy night for Lurline and her fairy court, and how they now festivated the occasion by flying around Oz and blessing those Ozians with golden candles in their windows; and how long ago in the middle of a blizzard, the town had lit the lantern with green flames to guide the fairies to the village of Elmspire. Then the lantern was lit, and then the minister would do a short prayer, followed by a carol led by the village church choir. It had been the same thing every year for longer than Fiyero had been alive. 
His father had always been an excellent storyteller- so many of Fiyero’s favourite childhood memories involved his father reading to him, and even now in his thirties, he could still find himself transfixed as he listened to his father’s tales. But this year, Fiyero was distracted as Elphaba kept fidgeting beside him.
“You okay?” he whispered.
Elphaba merely hummed, which made Fiyero turn his head towards her hastily. “El-”
“Ssh,” she cut him off, slipping her hand around his elbow. “It’s the kids.”
Fiyero turned to watch Azura and Dax step forward together to light the lantern under careful supervision. Azura carefully guided her little brother into place, letting him do the bulk of the job while being a steadfast presence at his side; and Fiyero saw so much of Elphaba in her as he watched that he could only marvel.
But his gaze was ripped away from his children as Elphaba inhaled sharply, her grip on his arm tightening like a vice. 
“Are you still going to tell me that you’re fine?” Fiyero hissed to her. 
Elphaba’s eyes flickered to him briefly before returning to the kids. “My water just broke,” she murmured calmly.  
Fiyero’s heart leapt into his throat and he started to turn towards her, but she stopped him, her free hand rising from her stomach to press against his chest. 
“Ssh, it’s fine.”
The crowd began to applaud as the lantern was lit and Elphaba moved her hand from Fiyero’s chest so that she could applaud too.
“Go Dax!” Glinda called out brightly from somewhere behind them, but Fiyero was frozen, only jerkily clapping his hands together when Elphaba nudged him. Honestly, Fiyero felt like he was on the verge of a heart attack. 
“Your water has broken,” he said through clenched teeth over the applause. “Which means you’ve probably been in labour since we got here!”
“Probably earlier,” she murmured back as Azura and Dax began to make their way back to them. “My back pain started when we were helping the kids get ready.”
As she praised the kids upon their return and ushered them over to stand with Glinda and their grandmother; Fiyero snuck a glance at his watch, trying to think back to what time that was and how much time they likely had- based on the speed of Elphaba’s past labours. He did the mental math, and then did it again when he really didn’t like the answer he came up with. It didn’t change and that heart attack felt like a real possibility. 
“Ssh,” she said, patting his chest. “We’re about to pray.”
“You are an atheist,” he reminded her, but she hushed him again. Fiyero sighed frustratedly, wishing his wife wasn’t so stubborn. It was clear she had no intention of going anywhere until the end of the lantern ceremony. 
“Don’t sneeze,” he told her just as the minister called for those gathered to bow their heads.
Elphaba rolled her eyes, just before she lowered her head and closed her eyes. 
Fiyero did not. Instead he twisted his head until he found Glinda, who was standing hand-in-hand with Azura. After a moment she raised her eyes to Fiyero, like she’d sensed his eyes on her. Her brow furrowed.
Fiyero nodded minutely towards Elphaba, but Glinda’s frown just deepened. 
‘Baby,’ he mouthed, repeating the gesture and then involuntarily winced as Elphaba squeezed his arm again. Coupled with the sharp inhale she let escape, Fiyero guessed it was a contraction. 
Glinda’s eyes widened in alarm and her jaw dropped slightly. She took a step forward, but Fiyero shook his head ever-so-slightly. 
‘Wait,’ he mouthed back and Glinda shot him an incredulous look.
Fiyero could only shrug and turn back around. He didn’t hear a word the minister said, could only focus on the carefully measured breaths Elphaba was taking and her iron grip on his arm. As the crowd started to sing, movement caught his eye and he watched Glinda carefully move forward to Elphaba’s other side, taking Elphaba’s other arm supportively. 
By the second verse, Elphaba was gripping their arms to brace herself as she stood, rocking from side-to-side slightly. Fiyero had never been more thankful for a Lurlinemas carol to end. 
“Okay, we need to get to the hospital,” Fiyero said the moment it was done, leaning towards them both to be heard over the applause. 
“Oh, I don’t know if we have the time for that,” Elphaba said grimly, a little breathless. 
Fiyero stared at her. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Okay, you were right,” she admitted. “But can we have this conversation later?”
Fiyero made some kind of noise as he turned to find his parents, hurrying over to where they stood nearby with the kids. “Elphaba’s in labour,” he informed them quietly. 
They switched into alert mode immediately, but Fiyero didn’t have time for their reactions. 
“Her waters have broken, and she doesn’t think there’s enough time to get to the hospital. Please tell me there’s a midwife or doctor here? Or both?”
“I’m sure there must be,” his mother said immediately. “I’ll find someone. Just a moment.”
“Well, Azzie, Dax,” the king said as she hurried away, wrapping one arm around each of the kids. “I think that you both did such a wonderful job tonight that you deserve a reward. How about, when Grams comes back, you come back with us for a sleepover?”
Azura looked up at him with wide eyes. “But how will Lurline’s fairies find us if we’re not at home?”
The king chuckled, tapping her nose with a finger. “Azura, I’m the king. We have an in with Lurline’s fairies, I assure you,” he said with a wink.
Azura and Dax looked appropriately awed at this information and Fiyero sent his father a grateful look. 
“What about Momma and Daddy?” Dax asked, glancing over at Fiyero. “And Aunty Glinda?”
Fiyero squatted down to be at his eye level. “Aunty Glinda and I need to help Momma with something super quick,” he told him. “But then we’ll be right behind you. Save us some cookies, okay?”
Dax nodded, but Azura stared at him shrewdly. As his father led Dax away, she lingered and leaned into Fiyero’s side. 
“Is Momma having the baby?” she whispered. 
Fiyero startled, blinked and then smiled. “You, my girl, are getting way too smart,” he informed her, squeezing her tightly. “Yeah, kid. Momma’s having the baby. So I need you and Dax to go with Grams and Grandpa. Okay?”
“Okay,” Azura agreed easily. She lifted her head and kissed Fiyero’s cheek twice. “One of those is for Momma,” she told him. “And remember, I want a sister.”
Fiyero decided this was not the time to tell her that he had no control over that. “Thanks, sweets. Go catch up with Grandpa,” he urged her and Azura hurried off. 
When Fiyero turned back to Elphaba, she was gripping Glinda’s arm tightly with her eyes squeezed shut. Glinda looked more pained than Elphaba. 
“You okay?” Fiyero asked her.
Elphaba just made a noise, which after two prior kids, Fiyero could safely interpret as a ‘no’. 
“We can’t just stand here in the middle of the square,” Glinda said anxiously, glancing around. “It’s freezing, and it can’t be good for the baby. Or Elphie.”
Fiyero looked around the square and the surrounding buildings. “Let’s try the inn,” he said decidedly. “Hopefully there’ll be a free bed.”
It took him approximately ten seconds to decide the inn’s manager was his favourite person in the world, after she took one look at Elphaba as they entered the foyer and immediately handed Glinda a key, giving them directions to the room and a promise to be along in a moment with a stack of towels.
“Thank you…”
“Evera, Your Highness,” she said.
“Evera,” he repeated. “Thank you.”
He barely had time to let her know that his mother would be along shortly before he hurried Elphaba away. 
The moment they were in the room, Fiyero ditched his outerwear and helped Elphaba shed layers and get into the bed. Glinda hung back, wringing her hands helplessly. Evera swept in and presented them with a pile of towels, promising to send up help when it arrived.
“I need to push,” Elphaba gasped, rolling onto her side and Fiyero cringed.
“Just wait,” he begged her. “There’s a midwife coming.”
He hoped. Oz, he hoped.
When the door opened behind him, Fiyero’s shoulders sagged in relief as his mother entered the room. Which only lasted for a heartbeat until he registered she was alone.
“The doctor and midwife are at a delivery in the next town,” she told them. “There’s a retired doctor on a farm on the outskirts of the village and someone’s gone to wake him, but I’m not sure how long they’ll be. If there’s no time to get Elphaba to the hospital-”
Elphaba interrupted her with a long, quiet groan. 
His mother looked to Fiyero apologetically. “I’m sorry. Shall I-?”
“Go home with Dad and the kids, Mom,” Fiyero reassured her. “Az knows what’s happening, she might need you. I’ve got Glinda here.”
“Me?!” Glinda squeaked with wide eyes. 
“You,” Fiyero said firmly. He was only distantly aware of his mother leaving the room as he rolled up his sleeves.
Glinda grabbed his arm. “Fiyero, there is a reason that I am not in the room and only see the babies when they are clean and cute!” she hissed.
“Well, there’s a reason I don’t deliver my own children!” Fiyero hissed back. “Go. Hold Fae’s hand.”
Fiyero felt ill as he hastily washed his hands and moved to the end of the bed in between Elphaba’s legs. He’d watched both Azura and Dax be born, but he still felt completely out of his depth as he tentatively checked on her progress. 
“Well… there’s no head yet,” he announced, although he wasn’t sure if there was supposed to be that much blood. 
He was not typically down this end during the birth part. 
He looked up at Elphaba. “Fae, remember when I said I could deliver this baby because I paid attention when the other two were born? I lied.” 
Elphaba let out a half-gasp, half-laugh. “Just- just don’t… don’t faint again,” she panted, and then slammed her eyes shut as another contraction hit and from Glinda’s wince, squeezed her hand quite hard. 
“Seven years,” Fiyero muttered under his breath, rubbing her shin encouragingly. 
Fiyero knew better than to repeat his comment. “If you need to sneeze now, that would actually be helpful,” he said instead and Elphaba just gave a small sob in response. 
It only took another contraction before Fiyero tensed. “Ohhhhkay. There’s the head,” he said slowly.  
Elphaba groaned something incoherently and Fiyero squeezed her ankle lightly, urging her to push as he eased the head and shoulders free, remembering enough to make sure the umbilical cord wasn’t caught. Once the shoulders were free, the baby slid into his hands in the literal blink of an eye- one second Fiyero was cradling the head in one palm and the next a whole baby was in his hands. 
Fiyero swore unconsciously, and both Elphaba and Glinda’s gaze whipped to him in panic. 
“Everything’s fine,” he hastily reassured them. “She’s fast is all. Wasn’t expecting it.”
Elphaba craned her neck weakly, her eyes turning glassy. “She?” 
Fiyero grinned at her broadly. “She,” he confirmed and Elphaba collapsed back onto the pillows with another sob, this one tinged with joy. 
“Oh, Elphie,” Glinda exclaimed.
“Glinda, grab me some of the towels. Quick,” Fiyero said swiftly, before she could say anything else. 
Glinda hurried to grab a towel from the pile and came around to hand it to him. Without looking at her, Fiyero adjusted the baby to free a hand to take one, but nothing was placed into his expectant hand.
That made Fiyero look up in time to see the blood drain from Glinda’s face. He took the towel from her. 
“Don’t pass out,” he warned her, starting to clear the baby’s nose and mouth- he remembered that much from Azura’s birth before he’d passed out, at least. He’d watched her like a hawk, wondering why she wasn’t crying and trying not to panic before the midwife had explained what she was doing. Then Fiyero had taken in the mess on the bed, and things got very fuzzy after that. 
“Glinda?” Elphaba said tiredly, struggling up onto her elbows. That spurred Glinda out of her stupor and she stumbled back to Elphaba’s side, stuffing pillows behind her back to help her sit.
“I’ve changed my mind, I’m not having children,” she muttered distinctly.
Fiyero snorted as he rubbed at the baby’s chest, which was thankfully drowned out by the baby’s first thin cries. There was nothing like the wave of relief that swept over him at that sound, and as he looked up at Elphaba, saw the same overwhelming relief in her eyes. A crying baby was always a good sign. 
Without her needing to say anything, Fiyero wrapped their daughter in another towel and minding the still attached umbilical cord, carefully moved to place the baby on Elphaba’s chest. 
“Here you go, Momma,” he said softly. 
Elphaba chuckled as she ran a trembling finger over the baby’s face, murmuring to her so softly Fiyero couldn’t hear the words until the baby’s cries settled into whimpers. Only then did she look back up at Fiyero, beaming. 
“She’s perfect, isn’t she?”
Fiyero leaned forward to kiss her. “Just like her mother,” he agreed. “I love you, Fae.”
“I love you too,” she said softly. 
He leaned his forehead against her temple, watching the baby settle with Elphaba’s heartbeat under her ear. 
“Oz, I’m never doing this again,” he said tiredly. “Next kid, we bring a midwife everywhere we go, got it?”
Elphaba laughed loudly enough to startle the baby, who whimpered. “Not the worst idea you’ve had,” she said amusedly. 
The next knock on the door brought the retired doctor and his daughter; and Fiyero was relieved to be able to stand back and let someone else take charge. It was all a whirlwind of activity then, checking both Elphaba and the baby over and getting them cleaned up. But at last Elphaba was back in bed with clean sheets; a clean, sleeping baby against her chest while Fiyero sat on the bed beside her and Glinda sat in the armchair, looking rather shaken. Fiyero couldn’t blame her. They'd travel back home in the morning as long as Elphaba was feeling well enough, although Fiyero knew it was killing her to miss Lurlinemas morning with the kids. 
“What are we naming her?” Fiyero asked, staring at the baby. “I think we need something… Lurlinemassy.”
Glinda perked up at the idea of names. “Ievie? Aine? Melia? Lirael? Loreline?” she rattled off a stream of options related to Lurlinist tales in one breath and Fiyero could only blink at her. 
Fiyero looked to Elphaba for a response, watching as she mused over the options. They’d had plenty of boy name options this time around, but they’d had trouble coming up with girl names. 
“I like Lirael,” she said slowly. 
“Lira for short?” Glinda suggested.
Elphaba looked up at Fiyero and he nodded. “Lirael Alvy?” he suggested. “After my great-grandmother?”
Given that the baby had been born in her home village, it seemed appropriate to him. Elphaba nodded, a soft smile crossing her lips as Fiyero kissed her gently. Pressing another kiss to her temple, Fiyero stroked one of the baby’s- of Lirael’s- tiny hands. 
“Best Lurlinemas present I’ve ever gotten,” he murmured. 
“Can’t argue with that,” Elphaba agreed. 
A quiet sniffle turned their attention to Glinda, who was delicately wiping away a tear as she watched them.
“Maybe one baby,” she said. 
Elphaba and Fiyero exchanged a knowing glance, and Fiyero couldn’t help but laugh quietly. 
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Wicked Fics- Post Canon
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Fics set post-musical.
A House is Not a Home Elphaba and Fiyero go house-hunting. 3.1k words
A Little Tradition Elphaba decides that having a little tradition in her life might be nice for once. 1.2k words.
After Forever 10 years after leaving Oz, Elphaba and Fiyero have to re-evaluate their promise of "As long as you're mine" 31 chapters. 126k words.
Ever Ever After Elphaba and Fiyero make their happily ever after. Part 1 of the series. 5 chapters. 19k words.
Flying Without Wings Elphaba worries if Fiyero is truly happy. 2.9k words.
Like We Were Somewhere Else Fiyero wants to give Elphaba the best New Year's he can, even if he has to improvise a bit. 4.2k words
No More Walking Away Elphaba and Fiyero need to break some bad cycles they've fallen into since leaving Oz. 2k words.
Nothing Comes From Nothing On the eve of her wedding, Elphaba is still waiting for the other shoe to drop. For once though, she gets some answer to her questions. 8 chapters. 33.4k words.
Our Kingdom Fiyero's favourite kingdom to rule over has two tiny subjects and a creaky back step. 3k words
Rest in Peace Ten years after taking over Oz, Glinda the Good is coming to visit Quox. 2.7k words.
Project Popular Glinda-centric companion piece to Nothing Comes from Nothing. 5.9k words.
Saviour Fiyero takes Elphaba to see that not everyone is mourning her death. 2.2k words
The Lurlinemas Tree Fiyero tries to make their first Lurlinemas out of Oz special. 3.9k words.
The Perils of Dating a Commotion Elphaba and Fiyero's wedding is derailed by a freak snowstorm. 3.9k words
What I Never Knew I Always Wanted This isn't where Elphaba thought her life would take her. 2.4k words.
Wildest Dreams Elphaba lets herself dream again. 3.8k words.
Written in the Stars Fiyero believes that everything that's happened- good or bad- is all down to Fate. Elphaba is less certain. 1.6k words
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i-am-baechu · 2 years
The People's Princess| Chapter Sixteen: Light Will Always Be With You
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Title: The People’s Princess 
Paring: Kim Seokjin x reader, Min Yoongi x reader 
Genre: Fantasy au, Angst, Romance, and Fluff 
Summary: “I, Y/N L/N, take thee Seokjin, to my wedded husband. To have and hold. From this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, to cherish and to...to obey. Till death do us part...”    
She looked at the man she barely knew for a month with an emotionless look. She turned towards her family to be met with sorrowful looks. This day was supposed to be the most beautiful day, a moment in a woman's life that signified a new chapter. A chapter that she no longer wants if he was part of the story.
↜ Pervious chapter ♔ Next chapter ↝
Previously on The People’s Princess 
Jin didn’t answer and he bent down to pick up a red rose. He turned towards Y/N with the softest smile that she has ever seen on his face. He gently opened her hand and placed the flower into her gloved hands, “Together.”
She glanced down at the flower and then back at him, “Together.” 
The bubble disappeared around them but Y/N saw a flash of light while Jin only saw her. Y/N didn’t understand what the flash of light meant but whatever it meant, she hoped it would help them in the long run. When they came back to the forest everything was frozen still and they both looked at each other with a confused look. It wasn’t until they heard familiar voices, “You two did a good job.”
They turned to see Albert and Anne giving them soft smiles. Y/N smiled at Anne while Jin gave a small nod towards Albert, “Anne!” 
“My dear Y/N, it's time to fight. I hope you're ready.” 
Y/N looked at Jin who was already looking at her. She nodded her head and intertwined her fingers with his, “I’m ready.” 
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The darkness that was around them disappeared revealing the two in different outfits as they held hands. Jin was dressed in a black suit with white lining and Y/N was in a short white dress that had black ruffles underneath her skirt, the perfect power couple. Elphaba got up from the floor glaring at them with blood dripping down from her forehead, “What do you think you're going to do? The prince and the princess saving the day?”
Y/N glanced up at Jin and nodded his head. He let go of her hand and Y/N drew a star in the air making a bright light come out. The others were blinded but once the light was gone, there stood two giant knights ready for battle. The two nights looked very similar to Jimin and Jungkook but their swords were longer and sharper. She pointed towards Elphaba with a determined look, “ATTACK!” 
Elphaba clicked her tongue and snapped her fingers making more men appear before her. While she was focused on that, Jimin snapped his finger, releasing them from the ground. He turned towards Yoongi with a heated glare, “We’ll figure out what we'll do to you later. For now, we’re one team helping Jin and Y/N.” 
Jungkook stood up wiping some blood from his lip. He pulled out his sword, “Anything for my cousin.” 
Namjoon helped Taehyung up nodding his head, “For our brother.” 
Jin took a deep breath whilst pulling out his sword. He turned his head watching the men run to him, he slashed his sword towards them. The slash produced rose petals that were covered with pure darkness, when they touched the ground it created a black hole. Sucking in all the men with them screaming in agony. He put his sword back into his scabbard looking around to see Y/N creating more knights for them. He smiled at her before turning around quickly, taking out a person in a matter of seconds. 
“Jin, you're doing well.”
“I’m trying my hardest, Albert. I want a future with Y/N.” 
Y/N flicked her fingers up and a wall of light came crashing into a group of men. Behind the wall, she started coughing when she pulled her hand away and her eyes widened. There was blood on it. 
“Anne...what’s happening?” 
“I-I’m not sure. Don’t use that move anymore, it could be too much for you.” 
Y/N nodded her head and turned her head but there was a sword making its way towards her. She didn’t have time to react but someone else did. The man fell to the floor with a sword going through his chest, the person kicked him off of the metal and she smiled at him, “Hoseok...”
“I told you I would protect you.” 
Y/N nodded her head and snapped her fingers making a light arrow hitting someone behind Hoseok, “And I said I’ll protect you as well.” 
Namjoon took out his book and started reading nature spells. The roots from underneath came out grasping the men tearing them down. Jungkook was slaying so many that he looked like a flash of light on the battlefield. Jimin and Taehyung were the perfect duo, they looked like they were dancing together. Yoongi was fighting like his life depended on it but there was a cloud behind his eyes as he did so. 
Just when things looked good for them, a ring of fire circled around the area causing the battle to pause. They all looked up into the air to see the man from the church, James. The man looked the same with his stern expression but this time he had a hint of annoyance, “Elphaba, I thought you were going to finish this.” 
Elphaba glared up at the man and looked away quickly when their eyes met, “I’m taking care of it!” 
James turned his head and looked at Jimin, “I see you're still fighting for the wrong side.” 
Jimin glared at him and pointed his sword towards him, “How could you just leave Albert!?!” 
“Simple, I had other plans.” 
Jimin placed his palm on the blade and water circled around him. He pointed his sword at James and glanced at Jin for a second, “For Albert...” 
Jimin jumped towards James leaving the rest on the ground to fight. Hoseok stared at Elphaba and made his way towards her as the fight continued. She saw this and got up from the ground, the brother and sister stared at each other with blank expressions. They knew in this fight only one of them was going to make out alive, it was finally going to end the suffering. The memories of seeing his dead parents appeared in his head and the centuries of being alone was all due to her...his own sister did this. He didn’t even know if he should call her that but his heart said otherwise. 
He took out his sword and pointed towards her as she stared at him, “It’s time we settled this, sister.” 
“I suppose you're right, brother.” 
There was a time that Aliyah meant everything to Hoseok. She was the one that saved him and gave him a chance. The two had a complicated relationship. Aliyah loved Hoseok but in the same light as Hoseok loved her. She only loved him because he was a piece to the puzzle of solving everything and he loved her like no other. 
Hoseok came back and reported what happened at the kingdom Audaqira that day. When he stepped in, his eyes widened when he saw Jimin in a heated conversation with her, “Jimin?”
They snapped their heads towards Hoseok and looked at him with wide eyes, “Hoseok...”
Hoseok closed the door and walked closer to them with a raised eyebrow, “Is everything okay?” 
Aliyah looked at him and then let out a deep sigh, “It’s your sister-”
“Aliyah knew your sister was alive this whole time.”
Hoseok's eyes widened and looked at Aliyah with a look of betrayal, “Y-You knew?” 
“I had a hunch but I confirmed it today...I was actually setting up a mission for the two of you...” 
“A mission?” 
“It involves Y/N.”
Hoseok glanced at Jimin who was already looking at him with a raised eyebrow. He looked back at Aliyah with a confused look, “The princess? She hasn’t even been born.”
“Her story will be in our hands...”
Y/N continued to produce more knights but at the last one she produced, she clenched her chest and winced in pain, “Anne, why is this hurting?” 
“I-I don’t know? I’m also confused by this, it shouldn’t cause any pain to you. Somethings not right here.” 
Y/N let out another cough and blood came out. She quickly wiped her mouth and shook her head, “I won’t die now...I want a future with Jin.” 
“You will have that...I will make sure of that.” 
Y/N turned around and saw everyone fighting but somehow everything was slowing down. She was confused and continued to look around until everything was paused.
“Princess Y/N.”
She turned around wincing at the bright light that was before her. When the light disappeared it revealed a dark skinned woman with long curly black hair and bright green eyes. She seemed so familiar and Y/N tilted her head at her, “We’ve met before...”
“We have... I’m Aliyah.”
“T-Th-The angel of light!?”
Aliyah nodded her head at the girl and looked to the side with a frown, “We need to talk...”
“That doesn’t mean it's good..I think I know what you're going to tell me. My only question is, how long have you known?” 
Aliyah’s eyes widened at the young girl's confidence, “I’ve known forever....”
“Hoseok and Jimin had no idea, did they?”
“You're very clever for someone so young. They figured it out...it was a deal that needed to be done..” 
Y/N shook her head at this and looked down at the ground, “I’m just your pawn to end this...do me a favor, I deserve that much.”
Jin continued to spread his rose petals and he started looking around him frantically, something wasn’t right. He felt it in his chest and it had something to do with Y/N. He quickly killed the people around him and ran towards the area he last saw Y/N. He killed more on the way there but his hands were shaking at this point in fear. 
When he got there he was met with Jungkook killing off some people. Jungkook looked at him wiping some sweat off of his forehead, “Jin?”
“We need to find Y/N.”
“Why!? What’s wrong!?” 
“I-I don’t know but something is wrong.” 
Just then a ball of light formed in front of them and all the henchmen were dead just from that attack. It revealed Y/N but her hair was pure white with her eyes matching. Jimin glanced down at her and kicked James away. He turned his head glaring at him, “I will kill you.” 
“Is that how you talk to your lieutenant, captain? 
“You lost that title the moment you left, aqua draconis!”
A water dragon came out of his sword and swallowed James up. He turned the blade to the side and with his palm touching the metal, he said his goodbyes to his old lieutenant, submerge.”
The water created a ball around the lieutenant and within seconds the water went down his throat, drowning him. To make sure he was dead, the move also sucked out all the water within his body. Jimin hated using this move but he knew he had to use it to ensure safety for the people he loved. He watched the water disappear and saw James’s body hit the ground beneath him. He let out a single tear and quickly turned around to fly towards Y/N. 
Before he could move, something grabbed his ankle and his eyes widened. He looked down to see a firey hand around it, “Captain, it won’t be that easy.” 
He got pulled to the ground and his body was slammed onto the grass field. He coughed up some blood from the impact and James stood up slowly glaring at Jimin. Jimin sat up looking at him with horror. You could easily see Jame’s bones with the skin peeling off and half of his skull, he was a child's nightmare. It was clear that he also sold his soul for hell magic. 
Jimin stood up with the help of his sword and made an X in the air. With water coming out of the X creating a bubble around them, separating them from the others. Jimin knew this fight was going to cause more damage to them than to him. Jimin watched James struggle to stand but he held his sword with all the strength that he had left. He pointed his sword at Jimin with a glare, “This fight has been a long time coming, Captain.”  
“I never saw it like that but I shouldn’t be too shocked with you...”
“Don’t talk down to me!” 
Jimin smirked at him, dropping his sword into the bubble, “Then act your age.” 
Hoseok was panting heavily as he stared at his sister. She was growing weaker because of hell magic, it was running out. He brought his sword to the sky and lighting went to the blade as he watched his sister clench her chest tightly. He brought his sword in front of her glaring at her but he was only doing this to cover his broken heart, “Good bye, sister...” 
The battlefield was silent for a moment as everyone was tired but the energy came back when they heard Jin’s loud cry echoing through the forest, “Y/N!” 
Y/N turned her head towards Jin letting tears fall down her face, “J-Jin...I love you. I really wanted a future with you but...that’s impossible.” 
Jin fell to the ground and stared at her with wide eyes, “What do you mean!? Y/N d-don’t do this!” 
She turned her head looking away from his tears, “If I don’t then...we can all die. I can’t let you die, Jin. I won’t let that happen.” 
Jungkook shook his head and walked forward towards her, “Y/N...please there has to be another way.” 
“There isn’t...thank you for always protecting me.” 
She started walking away and Jin started running after her, “Y/N!” 
She turned around walking towards him, she placed a kiss on his forehead and they were transported into the same field of flowers that was in Jin’s mind. They stared at each other in their normal forms as Y/N gave him a gentle smile. She was dressed in the same white dress that captured Jin’s heart but this time it didn’t feel happy, “This was always my destiny...I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
“Y/N but...I-I don’t understand. What’s happening?” 
“Aliyah needed me...I need to die in order for everything to be normal.”
Jin’s eyes widened at this and he shook his head, “I-I...I won’t allow it!” 
She gave him a sad smile and walked towards him slowly. She grabbed his hand and placed a red rose into his hand, “I want you to live. Live for me. I don’t care about the past but I care about you only...”
“I-I...I just got you.”
They both shed a tear and she leaned forward placing a quick kiss on his lips, “No matter what...our souls will always end up together. Remember that.” 
She turned around and started walking away. With each step she took, the flowers around her slowly died and Jin stood there in shock. He looked down at the rose and shook his head. He placed the rose in his jacket and ran towards her but everything turned dark and he was floating. He tried his best to get near her but nothing was working. He started crying even harder as she slowly started disappearing, “Y/N! DON’T DO THIS! I NEED YOU IN MY LIFE! I JUST GOT YOU...I JUST GOT YOU!” 
She turned around and gave him a final smile with tears running down her face, “I love you Jin...I love you so much..I’m sorry we couldn’t have a better ending but I’m saving everyone.” 
The darkness was slowly swallowing Jin as he watched Y/N disappear and he let out a scream. A scream that didn’t do him justice on how he felt in that moment. The love of his life...the love that he never got to experience was gone....
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Jin sat up in bed clutching his chest tightly. He looked around and saw everyone (but Yoongi who hopefully passed on the battlefield) in his bedroom with emotionless faces. He quickly pushed the blankets but when tried getting out of the bed, he crumbled to the floor. Namjoon quickly ran to his side, “Brother!”
His eyes widened and he looked around the room with tears threatening to spill, “Where’s Y/N!?”
Jungkook looked away when he heard this question hiding his tears. Hoseok looked at him but his appearance was different, he was wearing an eye patch with his right arm missing. Jin looked up at him with tears running down already, “Hoseok...where is she?” 
“Sh-She’s gone....”
Jin sat there, processing the information and let out a loud cry that echoed through the room. The others watched with sadness on their faces knowing their comfort will never heal him. Jin started screaming and he looked at Namjoon, “H-How long was I out?”
“Brother...it’s been two months since everything went back to normal...No one remembers anything.”
Taehyung sighed at this and looked at his brother with a blank expression, “The only people that remember it is us...Y/N’s family doesn’t even remember her. It was as if she was erased...”
Jin wiped his face roughly and stared at the carpet, “Wh-Where’s her body?�� 
“That’s the thing...we have no idea.”
Jin's head shot up and stared at Jimin with shock on his face, “What do you mean?” 
“She put the magic core to rest and when we reached her, she told us one thing....”
“What was it, Jimin? Please tell me.” 
“Light will always be with you and then her body vanished before we can do anything.”
Jin nodded his head and looked out the window, “She’s not dead.” 
“That’s what I think....” 
“Wherever she is...our souls will meet again. No matter what.” 
He couldn’t tell if this was the grief that was talking or the hope that he had deep inside of him but whatever it was it made things feel better. His heart told him that Y/N was alive and that’s all he needed. 
“No matter what...our souls will always end up together. Remember that.” 
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Aliyah nodded her head at the girl and looked to the side with a frown, “We need to talk...”
“That doesn’t mean it's good..I think I know what you're going to tell me. My only question is, how long have you known?” 
Aliyah’s eyes widened at the young girl's confidence, “I’ve known forever....”
“Hoseok and Jimin had no idea, did they?”
“You're very clever for someone so young. They figured it out...it was a deal that needed to be done..” 
Y/N shook her head at this and looked down at the ground, “I’m just your pawn to end this...do me a favor, I deserve that much.”
Y/N looked up at her with a tear falling down, “I want to be with Jin in any universe. I don’t care what you have to do...make it happen. Since I can’t be with him here.” 
Aliyah nodded her head slowly at this and sighed, “You could have anything in this world but that's what you ask for?” 
“I just want to be with him...we deserve that much. Especially since this is your mess to begin with.” 
Aliyah looked at the girl and stopped a glare to form. She was right. This was her mess and now she's asking her to do the impossible, to give her life up, “I’ll do it...how did you know about the different universes?” 
“Jimin...he used to tell me stories about it. Promise me that I’ll be with Jin forever.”
“I promise you....” 
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wickedobsessed101 · 3 years
"Sewing It Up" Oneshot #3: Care For You
Villy was surprised when she awoke on her own. Normally, Nyris assumed the self-appointed role of being her alarm clock. A bouncy, giggly, snuggly alarm clock.
Confused, reached over towards her nightstand and groped for her watch. Nine forty-seven. Much later than Nyris usually woke up on a Saturday. She pushed herself out of bed with a grunted yawn and shuffled over to the door. She twirled her robe around her shoulders and walked down the hall to her step-daughter’s room.
“Nyris?” she asked as she opened the door, wondering if she was awake and decided to read or play quietly. Silence answered her, and she went over to the bed, relaxing slightly when she found her still sleeping. “Good morning. Rise and shine, Jellybean.”
Nyris moaned, but it wasn’t an “I’m still sleepy” moan. It was more of an “I’m not feeling well” moan. Villy’s eyebrows furrowed and she felt her forehead. It was clammy, but didn’t feel dangerously hot.
The touches roused the little girl and she slowly opened her eyes. “Mimsey…”
“Hey, honey. You’re not feeling well this morning?”
“Mmm… back hurts. It’s hot and itches, but hurts when I scratch it.”
Villy lifted her nightgown and lightly touched her back, feeling a large patch of warm, scaly, swollen, blister-covered skin. A rash had developed overnight. She thought back to the previous day, where they were playing in the grass, lying on their backs, wondering if that had triggered it. “Does that hurt?” she asked when Nyris stiffened.
“Uh-huh. It didn’t hurt yesterday.”
“Does it hurt anywhere else?”
“… No. I want Papa.”
Geri had returned to the Glikkus for the weekend for a conference. “He won’t be back until tomorrow, Jellybean.”
Nyris moaned and curled into a fetal position. Villy searches the back corners of her mind for something that could help soothe her. She remembered her mother rubbing coconut oil on her older sister’s body when her eczema flared up, and figured it would also soothe rashes.
“I’ll be right back,” she said, kissing her forehead and going back to her bedroom. She searched her vanity for the coconut oil. Had she run out? Geri never threw anything away without telling her they needed to replace it, so maybe it was just –
“Ah,” she smiled, finding the tub in question. She opened it and stuck a few fingers in, checking the amount. It was almost gone, but figured it’d be enough to provide some temporary reprise from the pain. She went back to the little girl’s room. “Lay on your tummy, Nyris.”
She heard the little girl shift and sat, lifting her nightgown again and cautiously feeling the infected area, trying to gauge its size.
“No! Don’t touch it!”
“I need to put the coconut oil on. It’ll make you feel better. I promise I’ll be very gentle.”
Nyris pushed away from her with a strained moan. “No! No touch! I want Papa!”
Fighting with the hysterical girl wouldn’t do either of them any good. “Okay. I won’t touch it. Would you like an ice pack instead?”
She relaxed, considering that option. “Mmhmm.”
“Okay. Stay on your tummy. I’ll be right back.”
She kissed her forehead and went down to her workshop to grab a large square of cotton, then up to the kitchen, where she searched for a small, plastic bag from under the sink, and filled it with ice. She tied the bag and wrapped it in the cotton.
When she returned, she found Nyris on her side, curled in a fetal position, hugging her stuffed lamb.
“Lay on your tummy, honey,” she gently reminded, helping her shift and lifting her nightgown again.
“It’s cold,” she complained, trying to squirm away.
“It’ll cool you off and make you feel better.”
The ice helped enough where she now allowed Villy to gently touch it, just to gauge its size. The rash covered her shoulder blades to her mid-back. She gently applied the coconut oil, keeping her touches light, and got through it without any tears.
“I’m hungry,” Nyris announced, sitting up and pawing her stepmother’s arm.
Villy’s stomach growled, reminding her she hadn’t eaten yet. “Let’s get breakfast.”
“I want your fuzzy robe, please.”
“You can wear my fuzzy robe.”
The two slid off the bed, making a pitstop at the master bedroom to grab the fuzzy, pink bathrobe in question. The robe was large on the little girl, dragging behind her like a wedding gown train, and Villy suspected that was one of the main reasons she liked it so much.
Nyris seemed to have enough energy to want to help make the food, and Villy helped her crack two eggs into a bowl and whisk the eggs.
“You’re not working today?” Nyris asked, wiping her mouth with her palm, cleaning it from the orange juice mustache.
“No. Elphaba’s on a class trip, and it was going to be closed, anyway.”
“You were very busy.”
“We were. We had a lot of custom orders due.”
“Like that purple dress?”
One of the local politician’s wives had ordered a royal purple mermaid dress with a beaded bodice and large, satin bow in the back. Villy had decided to work on that one at home to free up the shop a tiny bit. It took a week to complete, and every night after dinner, she would lock herself in her workshop until it was time to tuck Nyris into bed and read her a bedtime story.
“Yes. Like the purple dress.”
“It was pretty. I liked the sparkles. You should wear a dress like that.”
“I might. I like mermaid dresses.”
Once they finished, Villy checked Nyris’s back. She made sure to still be extra gentle, still feeling the swollen blisters.
“Does it still hurt?”
“Not as much. It’s a tiny bit better now.”
“It doesn’t feel as warm as before. I have an idea. Wait right here.” She returned to the kitchen, searching the cupboard for the canister of oatmeal. She found it behind the cereal (though she didn’t remember putting it there), and opened the drawer for the measuring cups. Scanning the handles, she found the one cup and went back to her stepdaughter. “Come with me, Nyris.”
The little girl sashayed over, slipping her hand into Villy’s. “What are you doing with the oatmeal?”
“You’re gonna have an oatmeal bath.”
“Do I have to eat it afterwards? Can I have a blueberry bath instead?”
“You don’t have to eat it, honey. The oatmeal will help soothe your back.”
“Oh. Okay.”
They went into the bathroom, and Villy filled the tub with warm water, mixing in two cups of oatmeal, and helped Nyris in.
“How long do I have to sit here?”
“Half an hour. I’ll start the timer.” She reached over and groped for the timer on the sink. She turned the dial, setting it for thirty minutes.
“How long is half an hour?”
“Thirty minutes. The timer will ring when it’s over. Do you want your colorful mermaids?”
“Yes, please.”
Villy searched for the two water dolls in the basket next to the tub. Nyris entertained her with a long story about the two mermaids and their best friends, the Colorful Fish. Villy alternated between roleplaying as one of the mermaids, and gently splashing the oatmeal water onto Nyris’s back, making sure it was fully coated.
Nyris was in the middle of the climax of the story when the timer rang. “I’m not finished yet,” she pouted.
“You can finish your story. Then we’ll dry off.”
Nyris continued the story (mostly getting sidetracked and long-winded), only getting out when the water lost its warmth. Villy drained the tub and told Nyris to stand so she could shower her off.
“I don’t like the indoor rain!”
“The oatmeal already did its job, and you don’t want it sticking to you for the rest of the day, do you?”
“I don’t like the shower.”
“It’ll be super quick, I promise.”
She crossed her arms and shook her head, the water splattering across Villy’s face. “No.”
The seamstress set her face, giving the little girl a stern look. “Nyris, we need to shower the oatmeal off.” She turned the water on and turned the center knob to the right to activate the showerhead.
The little girl tried to step out when the water droplets hit her, but Villy held her in place and was able to shower her off, despite her wiggling. She knew she would have to clean out the tub later, but her main focus was getting Nyris done as quickly as possible.
Once she was dry and back in the fuzzy bathrobe, all Nyris wanted to do was cuddle with Villy on the living room sofa.
“Do you wanna relax on the sofa downstairs?”
“No. Stay here.”
“Okay.” The seamstress had planned on getting a bit of work done in her workshop, but hopefully, Nyris would fall asleep soon, and she could carry her down to the sofa in the library.
The little girl ended up falling asleep mid-sentence, telling her about her ballet class, her head resting on her lap. Villy kissed her nose and tenderly brushed her bangs from her forehead. She stayed like this for a while, waiting until she was sure Nyris was deeply asleep, so she wouldn’t wake up.
She slowly slid from under Nyris’s head and stood, leaning down and gracefully lifting her into her arms. She shifted, but stayed asleep, and Villy tightened her grip around her as she walked towards the stairs. She felt for the railing, giving as much strength to her other arm as she could, and slowly made her way downstairs.
It was a bit harder to carry Nyris in one arm, and Villy wondered how long she’d be able to carry her in general. Her little jellybean was growing up, and she knew she wouldn’t stay tiny forever.
She settled Nyris on the sofa, draping a blanket over her and kissing her forehead. She went into her workshop, closing the door so the sewing machine wouldn’t wake her, but ajar enough where she could hear if she wakes up.
She worked for two hours straight, finishing the two dresses on the dress forms, and went back into the library. Nyris was still peacefully asleep, somehow having wrapped herself in the blanket like a burrito.
“Jellybean,” Villy whispered, nuzzling her nose against her cheek to rouse her.
Nyris stirred and opened her eyes. “Hi.”
The seamstress chuckled. “Hi. Did you have a nice nap?”
“Yeah. I had a dream you made Elphie a pretty wedding dress with a long train and lots of flowers.”
“Elphaba’s wedding dress?” Nyris didn’t know the full extent of the stress the last wedding dress had caused her, but the thought of making Elphaba’s wedding dress made her smile. “Who did Elphaba marry?”
“Fiyero!" She laughed. "Will you make Elphie’s wedding dress for her?”
“If she asks me, I’ll gladly do it.”
“And I can help?”
“I’d love your help.”
“Okay.” She wiggled out of her burrito and grabbed her stepmother’s hands. “We can start right now.”
“Wait, honey. Elphaba only got married in your dream, not in real life.”
“… Oh.” She sounded disappointed.
“But I’ll tell you a special secret; I think that dream will become a reality.”
She perked up. “When?”
“Soon. Probably after they finish school. Would you like some lunch?”
“Can I have a fruit cup, please?”
“You don’t want a full lunch?”
“No. Just a fruit cup.”
Nyris bounced towards the stairs, and Villy quickly folded the blanket before following her. “Where are the fruit cups?”
“They should be in the fridge’s bottom compartment.” Villy followed her and opened the bridges, squatting down and opening the bottom compartment. “Do you want the peaches, pears, or mix?”
“Mix, please.”
Villy reached all the way in the back right and grabbed a large, plastic cup of the lemon, melon, and pear mix. Nyris drank all the juice first before fishing the fruit out, eating the individual pieces slowly.
By the end of the day, the swelling had gone down and the skin had softened.
“It’s less red,” Nyris reported, craning her neck to see her back in the mirror.
“That’s good. We’ll have Papa look at it tomorrow when he comes back. It should be better by then.”
“Okay.” She turned and wrapped her arms around the older woman. “Thank you for taking care of me today.”
Villy returned the embrace. “Of course, Nyris. You know I’ll always take care of you.”
“I know. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
That night, once Nyris was asleep, Villy stepped in the shower, but paused when she felt small, hard chips beneath her feet.
Right, she remembered. The oatmeal.
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mychemicalraymance · 2 years
I'm gonna throw out costume ideas just in case me speaking them actually makes them manifest because I think these would go hard as all fuck.
Images for luck
Most to least likely
Victorian wedding dress, possible blood
Other people have already said this one but I want to try and make it real. Gerard wear this
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Bat. I want it to be the silent film type soooo bad
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Witch. Not elphaba specifically but can u imagine
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Classic vampire. OR thosferatu
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Cowboy/girl/person Revive the sheriff of emo town
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Bride of frankenstein
This one is obvious and probably they will not do it but like its so amazing they would look incredible
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Sally Bowles. Won't happen but there might be some inspired looks
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Baby jane
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First Meeting (Sibylle's Perspective)
My girlfriend @ellielovesdrawing and I decided to do a collab fanfic about Sibylle and Kath's first meeting! Mine is in Sibylle's perspective while hers is in Kath's perspective which you can find here. Hope you guys like this!
Sibylle exited her office at exactly noon. She had double saved her work on her laptop and crossed out the 8 am - 12 pm slot on her daily schedule chart. She made sure to lock the office door and put up the sign that read:
'Out to lunch'
She started doing this to avoid anymore stolen ledger incidents. The last this she needs is hunting someone down who took her ledger and throwing her entire schedule off. Sibylle exits through the employee door and makes her way to the theatre cafe next door. She ducks as she enters to avoid hitting her head on the door frame.
'One concussion is enough in both of my lives,' she thought. Adjusting her thick glasses.
She goes over and gets in line. Waits until it was her turn at the counter.
"Hey there, Sibylle. What will it be today?" Arthur Tudor, the cafe owner, and fellow reincarnated historical figure greeted.
"Hi, Art. I'll be having my usual iced coffee and club sandwich. Take away thanks," she said.
"Coming right up."
As Arthur made her order, Sibylle looks at the pastries displayed behind the glass display by the counter.
"Hey Art, do you carry any other pastries aside from cookies and cupcakes?" she asked.
"Sometimes I have slices of cheesecake and a box of cinnamon buns that EB loves," Arthur replied.
"Do you make cakes? My Papabär is coming over to visit tomorrow and he loves cakes. I was thinking of buying one for him."
"My sister baked the pastries that I sell. She owns a bakery across the street and I just buy from her."
"I didn't know you have a sister."
"I have three sisters. The youngest one is the one who owns the bakery. Here's your order."
Arthur comes back to the counter with her take away order and Sibylle pays for it.
"Why don't you go check it out. See if you fancy any of her cakes and other pastries. The bakery's called Tudor Rose Bakery," he suggested while counting her payment and giving her her change.
"I think I will after work. Thanks, Art," she said. She took her to take away and exited the cafe before making her way back to the theatre and in her office.
Around five, she saves her work on her laptop, crosses out the 1 pm - 5 pm slot on her daily schedule, and packs up her things in her backpack. She picks up her helmet then shuts the lights before shutting and locking the door. She clocks out and leaves through the employee door. Sibylle goes over to her motorbike parked at the employee parking and hangs her helmet on one of the handlebars before crossing the street.
She walked a few paces until she was standing in front of a small bakery with the sign 'Tudor Rose Bakery' on top. She ducks down a bit as she enters the bakery. The bell above the door rang as she entered. As soon as she was inside, the smell of fresh pastries hit her senses. The bakery was small but the place was beautifully simple with rose themed decorations, mostly murals of roses on the white walls. She smiled a bit when she hears the song 'Popular' playing on a Bluetooth speaker propped onto the counter.
She hums along to the song while looking around the few shelves that carried the packed pastries displayed there and their corresponding prices.
"Welcome to the Tudor Rose Bakery! What can I do you for?" a woman's voice cheerily said behind her.
Sibylle straightened up and turned around to face the owner, greet her back and tell her about her intention in buying a cake but all words, even german words, escaped her when she faced the owner.
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The very pretty owner.
The very pretty owner looking up at her with icy blue eyes.
The very pretty owner with freckles decorating her very pretty face.
The very pretty owner that was smiling sweetly at her.
The very pretty own-- okay we get it! You're gay!
"Um...ma'am? Are you okay?"
Sibylle snapped out of her flustered stupor by shaking her head, clearing her throat and adjusting her glasses.
"Uh ja! I was wondering if you have any cakes?" she asked.
She hit herself internally for that ridiculous question. Of course she has cakes! It's a bakery for crying out loud! The owner chuckled and Sibylle got even more flustered upon hearing her laugh.
"Yes I have cakes. My brother, Arthur, told me that you would be coming. Sibylle correct?"
"Yes. Sibylle La Marck."
"I'm Katherine Tudor but just call me 'Kath'. Nice to meet you and you don't happen to be related to Anna, William and Amalia are you?"
Sibylle chuckled. "I am actually. I'm their older sister," she said.
"I can see the resemblance! Anna and William loves to come here every other day and orders everything that's either chocolate coated or chocolate flavoured."
"All four of us loves chocolate everything to be honest."
Kath smiled at her again which almost made her heart skip a beat. "No wonder! Now, would you like to order a custom made cake?" she asked.
"Um no. I would like one that's already made. My father loves cakes and he's coming over to visit tomorrow," she replied.
"Of course! This way please."
She follows Kath to the display counter where several cakes and pastries were on display.
"I have madeira, heavy fruit cakes, light fruitcakes. Heavy sponges. Light sponges. And red velvet," the baker listed off while pointing to the cakes in the glass counter.
Sibylle looks at the wide variety of cakes on display. Contemplating which one to get for Papabär. She herself prefers chocolate but her Papabär loves red velvet.
"Found anything you like?" Kath asked.
"Hmmm...I think I'll take one chocolate cake and one red velvet," Sibylle said.
"Sure! Which one? There are a few to choose from."
"Anything is fine as long as it's chocolate and red velvet."
"Coming right up!"
She goes to the back to get two boxes for the two cakes that Sibylle picked. While she waited for her cakes, she noticed the song playing on the Bluetooth speaker had changed and was now playing 'Defying Gravity' and Kath was quietly singing along to it while she ties neat red ribbons around the boxes.
Should she test the waters?
See if this beautiful baker is a fellow Wicked fan?
Might as well do it then.
"I can't help but notice your playlist consisting of songs from Wicked," Sibylle said. She internally patted herself on the back with that start.
The baker seemed to blush shyly and she decided at that moment that she loved the way she blushes. This thought makes blush a bit in turn.
"Oh! Yeah, I'm a major fan of wicked, I prefer the books to the musical though but the music in the musical is bopping!" Kath said. A big, excited grin on the baker's face.
This made Sibylle have an excited grin of her own.
"Same actually! I love the songs from the musical but the books are my preferred canon! The musical all but removed the political commentary and that's what I loved in the books."
"I know! The political commentary in the books make it much more interesting and in depth! Not to mention the lack of Glinda and Elphaba romance in the musical which was very abundant in the first book."
"I know right!"
She noticed her blue eyes had lit up while geeking out with another Wicked fan. She herself is quite happy to discover that this beautiful woman shares the same interest as her.
"You know, you do kind of remind me of Elphaba," Kath said.
"Oh? How so? Do I have green skin or a water allergy?" Sibylle asked.
"More like tall, lanky, glasses and the long braid."
She blushed a bit and absentmindedly played with the tip of her braid.
"The braid is actually the intentional nod to Elphaba in my appearance. The rest is just...me," she said.
Kath smiled at her and yet again, her heart skipped a beat. She rings up her order and gave her the price to which she paid with a bit of extra.
"Keep the change," She said as Kath started to count her change.
"Are you sure?" the baker asked.
"Ja. It's a tip for having the lovely conversation with me." She smiled at her.
Kath smiles back. "Thank you, Ibby."
"Oh sorry! I just thought 'Ibby' would suit you as a nickname."
Sibylle smiled at this. "Funny enough, my Papabär gave me the nickname 'Ibby' when he first met me," she said.
"Oh! Well do you mind if I call you that? Because I kind of want to see you more and get to know you," Kath said.
At this point they were both blushing now. Sibylle more so than Kath.
"I-I would like that," she said.
The baker seemed to lit up more at this. She rushed out back before running back out again and handing her a business card with a number written on the back.
"Here's my number! Let's talk more when you have the time!" she said.
Sibylle smiled and graciously took the card. Putting it in her left pocket where her wedding ring was in.
"I'll text you when I get home then. That way you can save my number," she said.
"I'm looking forward to it!"
"Thank you for the cakes, Kath."
"No problem, Ibby."
With that, Sibylle took her cakes and left the bakery. A small smile remained on her face as she drove home to her flat.
Perhaps she can modify her daily schedule to fit in the new 'Go to the bakery' slot with as much break time as she can fit in there as possible.
Yeah. She would definitely do that.
Featured/Mentioned Sixtended OCs:
@ellielovesdrawing 's Katherine Tudor
@djts-arts 's Arthur Tudor
@spooner7308 's EB
@pandora-dusk 's Mali von Kleve
@lexartsstuff 's William Jülich-Berg-Cleves
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okay, so i rewatched the SK10 livestream and here are some of my favorite parts (part 1 of too many.)
Okay, all in all i just love corey lubowich hes so amazing and a god on earth. also nick lang ? a king
the entire discussion of what strapping means that escalated and then got shut down so fast
tyler 👏 fucking 👏 brunsman 👏
when they’re all reminiscing robert just kinda sits there like 👁👄👁
none of them know what freebird sounds like
brian rosenthal i love him “this is my good angle”
“in some ways i feel younger than i ever have.”
“What’s on your t-shirt, Brian.” “I feel good! I feel better than I ever have,”
the contrast between brian saying that he can’t grow a beard and,,, now
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nick is just begging for tyler to move to L.A and i support it
lag lag lag lag lag lag lag
i would love a nick lang recreation of p90x
voldemort and quirrel pulled an aunt becky
cast tyler as glinda. cast tyler as glinda.
cast nick as audrey. cast nick as audrey.
celine dion as elphaba literally has to happen.
cinema. magic.
jeff was in the wedding singer ? i want to see that so bad.
i love this cats discussion. also cats came out ???? in december ??? damn times flies ig.
jeff genuinely concerned about judy dench and nick just going “jellicle cats jellicle cats.” is the best thing i’ve ever seen
i donated when they talked about cats live no lie.
hearing them be so excited about homecoming and then watching it is an emotional whirlwind
also this is unrelated, but if you’re sharing that bootleg of homecoming i dislike you.
hey, whoever gave 1,000 i love you !
ted porker.
avengers! enders game.
i’m a bumfuzzle ✌️
i’m literally so sad i didn’t pledge enough to get that calendar-
brian’s fear when he said that people are gonna be there for the rehearsal
“WE’RE MAKIN’ A MOVIE?” god, he was so excited.
brian (holden) !!!
how has things changed in the past 10 years (for you)?
“i have to get rid of my body. my heart wants to be free.”
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storyofmychoices · 5 years
[Justin Mercado x MC Masterlist]
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Pairing: Justin Mercado x MC (Mari); Nora x Monica
Rating: General
Notes:  ***Mari’s internal thoughts are in italics***
This takes place early in Save the Date, before MC and Justin are together.
@choicesfebruarychallenge -- Karaoke (I know it is a day late...sorry!)
☆  ☆  ☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
“Oh! Mari, you have to come with us!” Nora suggested excitedly grabbing Mari’s hand.
“Go where?” Mari questioned.
“My favorite bar is hosting Broadway Karaoke tonight!” Nora explained. “Monica and I would love for you to join us. You can get to know us better!”
Karaoke isn’t really my thing, but Nora and Monica are my first real clients. Ugh. Fine.
“Sure?” Mari agreed apprehensively. “Just text me when and where.”
“Yay! You made it!” Nora cheered meeting Mari when she saw her enter the bar. “We’re over there.”
Mari’s eyes followed where Nora had pointed. 
As if Broadway Karaoke wasn’t going to be bad enough….. Justin.
“I didn’t know Justin was coming,” Mari expressed. “Maybe it’d be better if I catch up with you two next time…”
“We’re all adults here,” Nora decided. “I’m sure we can handle a night out without drama.”
That doesn’t sound right. Have you met your brother? I know he adores you, but you’re the exception. 
“If you’re sure,” Mari signed reluctantly. Her eyes were fixed on Justin who hadn’t seen her yet. 
The way he’s talking with Monica… and laughing? Who knew he could laugh? He almost seems like a person. I mean that night at Ali’s wedding…. He was different...Maybe this won’t be so bad...
Mari ordered a drink and went to meet her new friends at their table. As soon as she sat down, Mari watched the smile fade from Justin’s face as his eyes narrowed on her, his lips twisting in the corner. 
And, here we go.
“To what do we owe your presence,” Justin grumbled. 
Why did I even think this would be different? Mr. Personality as always. What nice manners.
“Nora invited me,” Mari stated, settling uncomfortably beside him. 
Justin took a sip of his whiskey and turned his focus away from Mari.
I guess pretending I don’t exist is better than deriding me publically.
Justin remained mostly quiet, brooding over his whiskey, glancing over to Mari in disdain every so often as the three women chatted.
“We’re up next!” Nora pulled at Monica.
“I’m not sure who ‘we’ is but it’s not me,” Monica complained. “You know I love you, but I’ll pass on publically humiliating myself in front of a bunch of semi-drunk theatre patrons.”
“But,” Nora pouted. Monica held her position. Nora turned to Mari, her eyes big. “Mari…”
“No!” Mari quickly replied. 
“Please. I am the bride after all. You can’t say no!” Nora argued.
“You’re wedding is still months away. Plus, I’m not much of a singer,” Mari shook her head.
“It’s karaoke, you don’t have to be good!” Nora added.
“Easy for you to say, you actually perform on Broadway!” Mari retorted. “What about Justin?”
“No,” Justin stated, turning his attention away from the conversation.
“PLEASEEEE,” Nora continued. “I had selected ‘Take me or Leave me’ but we can do ‘For Good’? I know you know Wicked. You can be Glinda.” 
The client is always right, right? Even off hours? What am I getting myself into? 
“Fine,” Mari breathed. “Next round is on you!”
“YAY!!!” Nora practically dragged Mari by the arm up to the stage.
Nora belted out Elphaba’s part, not missing a single note or beat. Mari focused her attention on the screen just trying to get the words right. She did enjoy Wicked, but it wasn’t like she had the soundtrack on her phone. 
At the end of the song, Nora pulled Mari into a bear hug. “Thank you so much. You were wonderful!”
“I’m not sure that’s true, but I survived,” Mari laughed. 
“I’ll go get another round,” Nora offered. Monica followed to help her.
Mari returned to the table, sitting next to Justin. 
“Thank you,” Justin offered quietly, not really looking directly at her.
What did he just say? Is he being sarcastic? What is happening?
Mari looked at him curiously.
“For appeasing Nora,” Justin added. “I know it meant a lot to her. I appreciate that.”
Mari took a moment not sure how to process that. “If I didn’t know any better, that almost sounded like a compliment, Mr. Mercado.” 
The corner of Justin’s mouth turned upward for the first time since she had sat down at their table. “I wouldn’t get used to it, but I guess you never know.”
For a moment, their eyes met, for perhaps a second too long, before they both turned away, returning to sitting in silence, waiting for Nora and Monica’s return. A smile lingering lightly on both their faces.
Justin Tags: @princess-geek ; @maria-soederberg ; @samihatuli; @lilyofchoices ; @thearianam ; @tuesdays-are-for-bobby ; @nighthunternik ; @lazyviolinnn​
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madisonrooney · 5 years
im not that involved in the tangled fandom but i have some Thoughts on the finale/series overall now that its done so i figured id share. im a little under the weather so sorry if these are kinda scattershot
(spoilers below)
for starters, ive been watching since the beginning and was hype since it was announced. i love tangled the movie, probably in one the higher tiers of my fav disney movies, not to mention it was the first tv show wed gotten based on disney movie since emperors new school 11 years prior.
at first i was skeptical about them giving rapunzel her long hair back. it was pretty clearly just a marketing ploy but it was done pretty well in the pilot which i really liked so i could get behind it.
i thought the first half or so of s1 was really good and really cute. it was just a sweet little slice of life in corona. 
i started to get disappointed in the show once queen for a day came around. varian is my fav character (more on him later) and i didnt really like his villain arc. it felt really out of nowhere. not an obvious villain, not a surprise twist villain, just a character that didn’t feel like should’ve been a villain at all. it just didn’t bode well with me. 
i also felt that the jump from slice of life show to high stakes, serialized show was far too abrupt. even tho i liked the second half of s2 and all of s3 better (more on that later as well), it still seemed to have an uneven balance of light and heavy plotlines. i dont wanna sound like one of those people who hates filler episodes. filler episodes are good, but need to be done in the right way at the right time, and i feel like this show didn’t do that very well.
speaking solely on the high stakes, i really feel like they were too high for a show of its kind. in a way, i felt it was somewhat disrespectful to the source material. the show isnt canon, and i feel like it made some big changes that effected the story and characters from the movie, which i think is taking a step too far if youre working on a tv show thats made by an entirely different crew than the film (even tho its the same cast). like, eugene’s dad being revealed and being given a backstory, gothel having a daughter, it just felt like too much for me. compare it to, say, the dragons series, which had very high stakes but also fit snugly between the first and second movies, and took great effort so that nothing they did effected the films’ stories. the showrunners on the dragons show were even consultants on the third movie, so they all flow together nicely.
but rapunzel and the great tree reeled me back in and i was much more invested from there forward, main reason being it gave me my favorite trope (that was kind of already there, but even moreso from this point on): a bubbly girl and an angsty girl who are somehow best friends, though they may be at odds sometimes, like during this arc. i became way more invested in cass as a character and rapunzel and cass as friends (or a ship, im fine with either).
my problems with the imbalance and too high stakes didnt go away with the remainder of s2 or with s3 but my investment in cass’ arc (AND THE REDEMPTION OF VARIAN WHICH I WAS HOPING FOR) was enough for me to put my issues with the show at least somewhat aside.
as far as more things i liked about the show:
he is my fav character and has become one of my new fav characters of all time. i have this thing i think ive mentioned before where if i like an actor and like a show he’s in i love the character twice as much as i otherwise would. so having one of my fav broadway actors whos in one of my fav broadway shows play him made him an instant fav. but i also just love how cute and quirky he is.
like i said, i love cass and grew to love her more through her newest arc. partially for the same reason as with varian with the VA thing. i dont know much about eden espinosa but ik shes played elphaba and i love that they employed so much broadway talent for this show (more on that later). since the show has started, ive gotten into rent, and she was broadways final maureen, so thats cool too. but beyond just that, i love her arc and personality and of COURSE her relationship with rapunzel, that being one of my fav aspects of the show. it fits right in with liv and maddie, riley and maya, trish and jessica, webby and lena, luz and amity (depending on how the rest of the owl house plays out lol) and im HERE FOR IT. also, despite the fact that i wasnt a huge fan of the high stakes, i give the crew a lot of credit for making a main character a villain for an entire season. thats a big step for disney to take that i dont think theyve come anywhere near before and i give them props for that.
the broadway and disney alum cast!
weve got james monroe iglehart, pat carroll, christian borle, gavin creel, laura benanti, jane krakowski, etc. and as a broadway nerd i love that, not to mention that some of these people had worked with alan menken before which is awesome
the fact that they brought back the ENTIRE movie cast PLUS alan menken is amazing. i dont think any other show based on a movie can quite attest to that
so, onto the finale itself
- i was worried varian may go bad again especially given his initial resistance to eugene suggested his dad might go bad but that didn’t happen so yay. i noticed other people mentioning musical call backs but the only one i noticed was let me make you proud and it made me so happy - ALSO VARIAN BEING THE ROYAL ALCHEMIST IM SO PROUD OF MY SON - this being disney, i figured cass getting redeemed was probably inevitable, but i’m still relieved it happened. now i dont have the bad taste left in my mouth jessica jones gave me. and i loved how her redemption went, seeing her so vulnerable and letting herself be that vulnerable in front of rapunzel CRYING INTO HER ARMS LIKE MY HEART. they really made her very broken, it reminded me a lot of maya hart. sometimes disney channels not willing to go that deep but im impressed they did. - i was kinda hoping it would be revealed that gothel wasn’t actually cass’ mom, i remember seeing some people hoping for that, cuz, again, i feel like thats a bit much to change from the movie canon, buuuut that didnt happen. oh well. - I WAS HOPING FOR I LOVE YOUS BETWEEN CASS AND RAPUNZEL AND WE GOT IT AND WE GOT A HUG AND IM ALIVE - lance adopting the kids was adorable - all the movie parallels were *chefs kiss*
everything wrapped up so nicely and im really happy with it as a finale!
that aside, again, i do still have some issues with the show. so im gonna take a moment to shamelessly plug big hero 6 the series bc imo that does the movie to show adaption FLAWLESSLY.
tl;dr: great finale, despite both loving and hating some things about this show, yall should watch big hero 6 the series, im love varian
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ao3feed-harrydraco · 5 years
by Cissy_Toujours_Pur666
It was four years after the war, when Draco and Harry had that... little idea...
 ,,You know… your mother`ll kill us both, if she find out…“ Harry said, and Draco nodded, and bit his lower lip. ,,I know, but… I don’t know… I had to do something, Harry. She’s my mother, and Hermione´s our best friend. I would like to have them both on our wedding, without anyone wants to kill the other one.“ Harry nodded: ,,And I love you for this idea, but… are you sure? I mean… this here, is a muggle theatre.“
Draco was not quite sure, and Harry knew that. He took Draco´s Hand and looked down from their balcony, they were sitting on. He searched up the rows of seats for his best friend, and also his future mother-in-law. The plan was stupid…
But what even was their plan? More precisely Draco had had that idea to buy Hermione a ticket for the musical “Wicked“ for her birthday, and Harry had bought Narcissa also a ticket. Neither Hermione nor Narcissa knew, they would be on the same evening show…
 What will happen between Narcissa and Hermione?
And what about those dreams that they both had?
Both dreamed of the two witches from the musical...
what does it mean?
Words: 1136, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Wicked - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Elphaba Thropp, Galinda Upland
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Narcissa Black Malfoy
Additional Tags: Forgiveness, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Love, Dreams, Wedding Planning, Don't Like Don't Read, Please Don't Hate Me, Don't Judge Me
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theoriesoflove-old · 5 years
@scandalaciious - act two begins...
The village had been decimated. It was one of the few Animal-friendly places in Oz and, upon arrival, Elphaba could only feel cold as she looked upon the ruin.
It had been five years. Such visions that once drove her to tears merely stoked the fire in her to change things, and as she made her way through the rubble she did her best to keep an eye out for survivors.
The Wizard’s men must have predicted she would try to come here, and when she did not immediately fall into a trap, they moved on. This was not the first time it had happened. It would not be the last.
“Elphaba. We shouldn’t linger.” A Rabbit -- one of her allies -- informed her from just a few feet away. “There’s nothing left here. It must have been weeks since they tore this place down.”
“You don’t know that, Quinton,” Elphaba informed him seriously, shaking her head. “There’s always a chance.” She wouldn’t risk leaving anyone behind.
The Rabbit sighed, a sign of his resignation. “Very well. Let’s hope the soldiers are long gone, then.”
Elphaba stepped forward, inhaling deeply as she stretched her arms out before her. The magic she had once tried to restrain -- now free, even more powerful than before -- now surged forth from her fingertips and into the ground, causing it to quake. Behind her, Quinton and the others accompanying other raised their weapons and braced themselves.
In a moment, growths of shrubbery and small trees burst from the earth, gradualy growing bigger and bigger, lifting the debris that littered the ground. Once everything had been appropriately jostled, they all paused to listen for sounds. Voices, scratching -- anything.
But all that could be heard was the soft chime of a music box, which led them to a grisly sight: an innocent family of Animals, or what remained of them. And they were not the only ones. The music box played softly in the palm of a little Cat’s hand.
... Quinton was right. There was nothing left here.
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“Come along, then.” It hurt so much. Every time she saw someone she could have saved, if only she were everywhere at once, her heart shredded into smaller and smaller pieces. It was amazing there was anything left. “Let’s keep going.”
As darkness fell upon their modest camp, Elphaba took her place as first watch for the night. Her group consisted of Animals whose lives she had saved, some of the many loyal few who were grateful for her assistance. That was the most rewarding part of it all -- knowing, for certain, that she was doing good at least for them. All the while, the Ozians went on demonizing others within their pretty emerald towers. It made her sick.
And it didn’t show any signs of stopping, either.
A faint flutter of wings caught Elphaba’s attention, and she turned immediately to greet its source: “Chistery!”
Yes. The Wizard’s very own loyal pet was on her side. Through him, she could keep tabs on what he did -- at least, as best she could. He handed her a folded envelope and grunted and she frowned.
“Chistery. You have to try,” she soothed, accepting the note. “Please try to say something. Try at least once before you go to bed, all right?” She gave him a one-armed hug, ever grateful for his courage. “Thank you.”
The envelope in her hand was all green and gold, written in loopy script. On the front it read You’re Invited and her brow furrowed in response. An invitation? What exactly had Chistery brought her--
You’re invited to the Holy Matrimony of Glinda the Good and Captain Fiyero of the Gale Force!
Their wedding. The one Glinda had always went on about. Hands suddenly shaking, Elphaba crumpled the envelope in a fist, trembling slightly.
“...Well. I hope he at least knows about it now.”
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mycelium-bf · 5 years
I know of one Duchess s/I that wants to be involved in the planning of this poly ship wedding that she knows is definitely going to happen. Now, Duchess Elphaba needs to go..have a discussion with Jessie and James to make sure they treat her friend right. [Congrats on the new poly ship friend!]
Thank you!!!!! 🥺💕💖🥺🥺 n oh they will don't worry hdbdhddh
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i-am-baechu · 2 years
The People’s Princess | Chapter fourteen
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Title: The People’s Princess 
Paring: Kim Seokjin x reader, Min Yoongi x reader 
Genre: Fantasy au, Angst, Romance, and Fluff 
Summary: “I, Y/N L/N, take thee Seokjin, to my wedded husband. To have and hold. From this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, to cherish and to…to obey. Till death do us part…”    
She looked at the man she barely knew for a month with an emotionless look. She turned towards her family to be met with sorrowful looks. This day was supposed to be the most beautiful day, a moment in a woman’s life that signified a new chapter. A chapter that she no longer wants if he was part of the story. 
Authors note: I will update this series once or twice a month!
↜ Pervious chapter ♔ Next chapter ↝
Previously on The People’s Princess...
Sylvia got out of her bed and went to her journal that was hidden between the bookshelf. No one, not even Elphaba, knew about it. She took out a pen and started writing a message, 
The evil is moving towards the forest in the upcoming week. You must find the magic core before she finds you and kills you. To activate the path, you have to be from the royal bloodline and use the magic. The path will light up and show you the way. Elphaba doesn’t understand the forest, so you might have more time to find it. Please activate the core before she kills us all. 
She puts her pen down and folds the paper. She looked at her door and took a deep breath. She walked towards the window and opened it slowly, she whispered Seokjin and the note disappeared in the night sky. She watched the note with a frown and closed the window quickly when she heard footsteps in the hall. She jumped into her bed when she heard the door opening. She sucked in her breath and closed her eyes when she saw the light from the hallway enter her bedroom. When the door closed and she didn’t hear any sound, she sat up in her bed staring at the wall with a fearful look. Whatever happens, she prays that Jin will beat her grandmother and everything can be over, for good. 
Jin dropped the letter on the coffee table in front of him as he brought his hands up to roughly go through his hair. He knew who sent the letter but he couldn’t figure out how she sent the letter nor did he know how he woke up with it. How was he going to tell everyone? He knew if he dropped this information then the team would be more divided and that's not what he wanted. Yoongi already hated him and he would probably think that he's lying about everything. Then his mind drifted to Y/N, she was so young and he couldn’t let her life be destroyed even if she was the chosen one alongside him. It’s only been two days since they left but everything seems to be going at a fast pace and he can’t do anything about it.
He gently picked up the note and folded it until it was a small square. He put it in his pants pocket and let out a deep sigh, a sigh that didn’t relieve anything. He glanced behind him to see Y/N sleeping peacefully on a bed that Hoseok made for her and he smiled gently. He watched her lips part and her messy hair framing her face perfectly, even the baby hairs made her look like a painting. The only thing he wanted to do was to get up and gently push some hair behind her ear but he knew he couldn’t do that. He looked back at his shoes and remembered the second time he saw her. He lied to her, him seeing her at his castle gardens wasn’t the only time he saw her.
It was the day after Jin’s twenty-fifth birthday and all he wanted to do was leave the castle to have peace. All day his mother was showing him portraits of potential wives and he was getting sick of it. None was as handsome as his dear Sylvia, none could ever compare to the light in his life. He kept walking into the forest and he watched as the dark woods of his country were slowly turning into something from a fairy tale. How long has he been walking? 
He saw soft petals leading him the way to a garden that would make any florist cry with glee. The soft hues of pink and purple were only brightened with the brightness of the sun. He looked around and saw a countless amount of butterflies in the area, as if he was made out of nectar himself a small butterfly touched his hand. The tall trees weren’t as tall as the ones that dotted his country and they weren’t so frightening to look at either. He wasn’t used to all these colors and brightness that it made him overwhelmed. He continued his way through the flowers, getting surprised each step with just how much was there. 
He walked until he was on top of a hill and he didn’t even realize he was even walking on a hill. The sheer amount of flowers put him under a spell that he didn’t want to break free from. The beauty of everything could put any man under. He looked around and saw a medium size river going through the fields and oddly enough, it felt familiar to him. The sounds of the water crashing against the rocks made him close his eyes, as if he was on the river itself. He opened his eyes again and they widened when he saw a young girl look at the river with a soft smile.
She was dressed in a corseted white dress but this was different from other dresses he's seen. Somehow this dress was flowy and each movement she did the fabric mimicked the ripples of the river. Her ruffle sleeve was slowly going down her shoulder but she didn’t bother with it. There was no way that she was nobility with the way her hair was in a messy braid and how dirty her shoes were but he didn’t care. She went to look behind her and he noticed flowers along her braid, so delicate.
He stood there in a trance as the girl placed some flower petals into the water. She watched them go down stream and gave them a dreamy smile. She then closed her eyes and started to mutter softly to herself, as if she was making a wish. She opened her eyes again and the sun shined on her skin as if she was the beacon for all. She smiled when the flowers were out of her sight and rolled her eyes when she heard her name, “Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY!?” 
“CECEILIA, I’M ONLY NEAR THE RIVER!,”she glanced back down at the water and put her fingertips into it, “OH, NO THERE’S A SHARK! HELP ME!”
She stiffened at this voice and wiped her hands off on her dress skirt, “Coming mother!” 
He watched the girl go back into the woods but before the green swallowed her, she looked back. She didn’t really look at anything particular but she was searching for something. She shrugged her shoulders and ran into the trees. The last thing he saw was the white skirt and just like that his beacon was gone. 
He watched Y/N let out a small yawn and slowly opened her eyes but he couldn’t look away. That day something shifted in him but he couldn’t figure it out, now he understood why. She turned her head and looked at him with a small smile, “Good morning.” 
“Good morning, nice slumber?” 
She stretched out and he let out a small laugh when he watched her face scrunched up, “I truly appreciate Hoseok for making me a bed, I hope you're not green because of it.”
He shook his head and glanced out the window to see the sun slowly coming up but not enough for the sunlight to shine through. He glanced back at her and gave her a small smile, “No, you deserve a bed. You were showing signs of great fatigue and like Hoseok said, we need your full potential.” 
She shuddered at the words and looked down at the white sheets with a frown, “Please, don’t remind me.” 
Jin nodded his head and was angry at himself for upsetting the young woman. She quickly whipped this look off and gave him a small smile, “Shall we go outside?” 
“What for?” 
“To get fresh air, it's cramped in here. Especially with Namjoon and Jungkook’s loud snores. Shocked the house didn’t shake from the vibration.” 
He let out a small chuckle and slowly got up, letting his body get used to it. He quickly cracked his bones before placing his hand out to her causing her to glance at him and then his hand. She smiled and gently placed her hand into his larger hand. He intertwined their fingers together and helped her up from the bed. Jimin was kind enough to transform her dress into a shirt and riding pants, something that gave her happiness. 
They made their way to the small river and stood by the running water like they did years ago. He glanced down at the clear water and watched small fishes make their way through. She kneeled down and placed her fingertips into the water, “Surprisingly the water is warm.”
“That’s surprising especially with the early morning.” 
She wiped her fingers against her pants as she stood back up with a small shrug, “We are in a magic forest, anything could happen in here.” 
He nodded his head at this and looked out into the forest and frowned, “Are you ready to train today?” 
She let out a small laugh and shook her head, “The only training I have is horseback riding and I don’t think that can take me far.”
“Don’t put your talents down. From what I read, you are a talented horseback rider. With the amount of medals you have, you shouldn’t bring yourself down.” 
She turned her head at him and saw him giving her a serious look, “You read about me?” 
His ears turned slightly red as he looked back at the rushing water, “When we were going to get married...I looked into you because I wanted to know you more.” 
Her eyes widened at this and looked back at the water with a small smile, “I guess I left an impression on you.” 
“Of course you did. You're different.” 
She stiffened at his serious tone but she only let out a small laugh to hide her stiffness, “You’re different too...I like different.” 
She moved closer to him to the point their arms were touching and he glanced down at her with a shy look but he didn’t move away. They both stared at the rushing water with a comfortable silence between the two until it was ruined with a small cough. She looked behind and a smile appeared giving Jin a clue on who it was. She quickly made her way to him with open arms, “Good morning, Yoongi.” 
“Good morning, love.”He leaned in and kissed her cheek as he glared at Jin. Jin fully turned around and gave him a small smile, “Good morning...” 
Yoongi wanted to scoff but kept it in because Y/N was hugging his waist, “Yeah, good morning. Y/N why are you outside so early in the morning?” 
She released him and looked at Jin with a smile, “We wanted to get fresh air. Today is going to be a long day so we must start off well.” 
“You could’ve woken me up.” 
She glanced back at Yoongi and shook her head with a small smile, “You were busy yesterday with checking the land around us that I wanted you to sleep, you deserve it.” 
He gave her a small smile and leaned in to kiss her forehead while glancing at Jin. Jin shuffled awkwardly in his spot and looked away, it was clear what Yoongi was doing but he didn’t want to say anything. It was too early to fight. Y/N poked Yoongi’s nose and turned around to look at Jin with a wide smile, “We should go back inside, Hoseok will probably want to discuss our training.” 
The three walked away with Jin in front wanting to be far away from Yoongi. Y/N watched Jin tense his shoulders and glanced at Yoongi with a disapproving look, “Stop making him uncomfortable...You said you were going to try for me.” 
He fought back the urge to roll his eyes, Why does she care about him so much? “Love, why did you come outside with him?”
“I told you, we wanted fresh air and you were sleeping. You deserve to be rested-stop giving me that look.”
“What look?” 
“Like I’m a child.”
She pushed his arm off of her and walked away from him making him sigh, “Then stop acting like one...” He said this out of earshot because he knew if Y/N heard him then he would’ve probably been yelled at or slapped. 
She went next to Jin and gave him a worried look as he looked down at her, “Jin, are you alright?”
“I’m okay...he’s not easy is he?” 
She glanced behind her to see Yoongi grumbling to himself looking down at the forest floor. She rolled her eyes and then back to Jin, “No, he isn’t. Then again aren’t all men difficult.” 
The three enter the house to see everyone awake and talking among themselves. She smiled at Jungkook and made her way towards him, leaving Jin with Yoongi in the entrance way. Jin felt the cold air next to him, making him shiver because this cold air stabbed him. He glanced down to see Yoongi already glaring at him and he let out a deep sigh before smiling at Yoongi, “How was your sleep?” 
“Cut the crap. Stay away from Y/N.”
Jin’s eyes widened at the threatening tone and let out a small cough. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at Yoongi, “Listen, I didn’t want this-”
“I don’t give a fuck, I see the way you look at her. Stay away from her.” 
Before Jin could say anything, Yoongi was already walking away from him. He leaned against the wooden door with a look of defeat. Of course Y/N’s partner would hate him, he would hate him as well with the way he looked at her. He imagined himself in Yoongi’s shoes, the only emotion he would feel would be fury. He glanced at Y/N and everything about her was perfect, the way her hair fell down her face to the way she stood her ground. He couldn’t help but not be attracted to her. An angel in his darkness, that was how Jin saw Y/N. 
Y/N glanced over her shoulders to Jin and she looked back at Jungkook with a smile. He raised his eyebrow at this and looked at Jin then back at his younger cousin, “I see you went outside with him. How did that feel?” 
“Peaceful...something I haven’t had in awhile, if I’m being honest.”
“Even with Yoongi?”
She sighed and looked down at her fingers, “Yoongi is complicated...I’m complicated but this is different...I usually like different but this difference scares me.” 
“I’m sure time will heal.” 
“But that’s something we don’t have, time.” 
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Later that day, Jimin brought Jin and Y/N away from everyone to train with their magic. Yoongi made sure everyone knew how displeased he was with the whole situation but no one listened. The others walked through the forest to make sure it was safe. Jungkook watched Yoongi closely, he knew something that would make Y/N hate him and he was fighting the urge to tell her. He wanted to give him a chance because of what was happening with Elphaba but he didn’t appreciate the way he was treating his dear cousin. He pretended to like Yoongi because it was clear to him that Y/N was deeply in love with him but after what he heard him say, it was getting harder to fake it. There was a small part of him that wanted her to be with Jin, especially now but he couldn’t speak on that. He barely knew Jin and he was probably just picking him because of how well they got along. Nothing more.
Jungkook sat on the forest floor and took a deep breath as the sweat dripped down his forehead. Tired from slashing at the overgrown weeds and putting markings on trees to set a perimeter for the group. He glanced at Taehyung who sat next to him with a boxy smile, “You're good with a sword, Jeon.” 
“You're not so bad yourself, Kim.” 
He glanced at Yoongi who walked away from the group. He sat as far away from them and he shook his head at this. Taehyung raised his eyebrow and glanced between Jungkook and Yoongi, “Why does he hate us? We haven’t done anything for these actions. Were trying our best to get along because of the situation at hand.” 
Jungkook nodded his head at this and looked back at Taehyung, “He doesn’t like to work with others. That’s how he's always been and on top of that, he feels threatened because of Jin.” 
“Jin? Why?”
“Jin and Y/N...a jealous man will do anything to make the green go away. That’s why it's unnerving to watch because of how unpredictable they can be.” 
Taehyung shook his head at this, “That doesn’t excuse his actions towards us. I’ve barely spoken to him...at least you're more approachable.” 
“Thank you?”
“What do you think Y/N and Jin are doing?” 
Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and leaned back onto his hands staring up into the sky, “Whatever it is, I hope Y/N is doing okay.” 
Y/N fell to the ground again and she let out a gasp when the grass touched the back of her neck. She leaned up on her forearms and she looked at Jimin with a frown, “Why would you do that again? You know I don’t know how to use magic!” 
Jimin gave her a small smile and nodded his head, “The more times I attack, the faster your magic will appear. Especially your magic.”
Jimin walked up to her and put his hand out for her. She glared at it but gladly took it and was pulled up to her feet. She glanced at Jin who was meditating and she crossed her arms over her chest, “That’s no fair. Jin is just meditating while I’m the one that’s getting hurt.” 
He rolled his eyes at the younger girl and shook his head, “I already told you, Jin’s magic is different. He needs to channel his darkness and he needs to learn how to keep it balanced. You on the other hand have to have light pulled out of you.” 
“That doesn’t seem fair at all.”
“It doesn’t have to be, now, shall we.”
“Can I have a break? You literally tossed me like I’m nothing.” 
“Yeah, you can.”
Y/N smiled at this and turned to see Jin laying on the ground with sweat dripping down his face. Her face turned into worry as she made her way towards him with a frown. She sat next to him and gently tapped his shoulders. He glanced at her and gave her a soft smile, “Hi...” 
“Are you alright? You look so pale.”
Jin got up and rubbed his clothed thighs trying to get the sweat off of his hands. He looked at Y/N with a frown and nodded his head, “It’s terrifying...the darkness. I don’t understand how Albert did it. It’s like I’m surrounded by bad memories and it just hurts. Sometimes the memories transform into nightmares, I-I...I don’t know if I’ll be able to do this.” 
She shook her head and gently grabbed his hand, “We can do this...think about good times to balance it. I know bad memories are horrible but remember you also have good ones, don’t forget that.”
He smiled at her and nodded his head. He pushed some hair behind her ear making her feel warm in her chest, “I also know you can do it. I have no doubt that you can figure it out.” 
“I have to save my family...I also want to save you.” 
His eyes widened at this and his heart fluttered at the thought that she cared for him that much. He tightened his grip around her hand and had the urge to kiss her but he held himself back, “I want to save you as well, you deserve a life of happiness by your choice. I’m sorry that everything changed in your life the moment we met.”
She shook her head at him and gave him a small smile, “Don’t say that. I could say the same for you about meeting myself. I am happy that I met you though.” 
“Like I told you, you were different and I like different.”
Jimin watched from afar and smiled at the scene before him. He walked up towards them and clapped his hands making them jump at the sudden noise, “We’ll practice for another hour and then we’ll head home.” 
“That sounds great to me, Jin?”
Jin glanced between Y/N and Jimin and nodded his head, “Yeah.” 
Back with Jungkook, he pushed Yoongi to the side from everyone and glared at him while Yoongi stared at him with a blank expression. Jungkook looked behind him to make sure no one was there and looked back at him, “What the hell are you doing?”
Yoongi scoffed at this and crossed his arms over his chest, “What do you mean?”
“Stop making things so complicated. You're making everyone on edge and you're making Y/N upset with your actions, so stop it.” 
“Don’t tell me what to do. How can you expect me to feel fine with everything? We are forced to be with people that we barely know because of this.” 
“Stop acting like a child! Especially since you only love Y/N because Jin didn’t have a chance to be with her.”
Yoongi's eyes widened at this and pushed him away, “You don’t know anything, Jungkook. Stay out of my business.”  
“It is my business when it involves my cousin. Next time you're talking about secrets, lower your voice.”  
Jungkook pushed him back and walked away from him before Yoongi could say anything back. The fact that Jungkook knew about his reasoning to go forward with Y/N made him feel stressed. If Y/N found out about this then it would end their relationship for good and he had no doubt that Jin would run towards her to sntach her up. He punched the tree behind him and let out a frustrated sigh, what was he going to do?
Everyone made their way back to the house and there was obvious tension between Yoongi and Jungkook but no one brought it up. Afraid that Yoongi would snap at them. Jin and Y/N went straight to her bed and laid there together as they felt their muscles becoming tense from the training. She turned towards Jin and she looked at his handsome features. She wanted to be closer to him but she didn’t move because she knew Yoongi was coming back and she didn’t want any more fights.
“Are you okay Jin?”
He glanced at her with a tired look and nodded his head, “I’m tired...I never thought that mediating would be so tiring.” 
“Did I help you?”
“You did, I somewhat had balance but I still need to figure it out.”
She smiled at this and nodded her head, “That makes me happy. I feel like I’m doing something right, unlike my training.”
He shook his head and grabbed her hand, “It takes time, remember that. We may not have a lot of time but be patient with yourself.” 
“I will try, thank you Jin...” 
His hands in her felt right to her as if he was the one that could fix everything in her life. His large hands in her small hands made her feel safe. The hope that she lost because of everything was restored the moment his fingertips touched her. Something she never felt with Yoongi before...
The door opened and Jin got up quickly to open the door leaving Y/N on the bed watching his back closely. The door revealed the rest of the team and she smiled but it never reached her eyes when she saw Yoongi. Yoongi moved past everyone and grabbed her hand, taking her away from everyone. As he pulled her out of the room, she turned her head and her eyes landed on Jin who gave her a sad smile. The warmth that she felt only minutes ago was gone and it was because of Yoongi’s touch. She didn’t pull away as she followed the man she loved into the other room. 
She sat on the bed and she watched him close the door quietly. She raised her eyebrow when she watched him tossing his sword to the side of the room, “Is everything okay?” 
“Y/N, you know I love you...right?” 
She furrowed her eyebrows at this but nodded her head (confused towards Yoongi’s question), “Yes...Are you alright?” 
Yoongi doesn’t say anything but he sits on his knees in front of her grabbing her hands. Y/N was taken aback at the sudden affection but she didn’t pull away from him, “No matter what happens. I love you.” 
She tilted her face and lifted his chin to make him look at her, “Is that why you’ve been acting like this? You're scared of what’s going to happen. It takes bravery to admit you're scared, Yoon.” 
He looked away for a second and Y/N didn’t catch the guilt in his eyes in that one second. When he looked back, he leaned forward placing a kiss on her lips. When she closed her eyes to return the kiss, she didn’t feel any type of warmth and she also saw something when she closed her eyes. Well not just something but someone... 
↜ Pervious chapter ♔ Next chapter ↝
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talesandfluff · 6 years
things that represent Gelphie having sex for the first time:
Glinda giving Elphaba her pink flower in Popular
things that represent Gelphie’s honeymoon:
Glinda and Elphaba taking a trip just the two of them and affirming their feelings for one another and how they want a shared future
things that represent Gelphie’s wedding:
holding hands in For Good and reaffirming their love for one another
things that literally don’t happen in Wicked: 
the melting, Elphaba running away, fiyero’s existence
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lily-onher-grave · 7 years
6 and 21 pretty please also your a beautiful human and your writing is fantastic!
6. “You make every day worth living.”
Glinda swallowed hard and looked at herself in the mirror. She pressed her hands to the silky fabric covering her stomach. She almost reached up and touched her face or her hair, but she stopped herself. Good thing, too, because Crope had stepped into view, ready to scold her for it.
“I think I’m ready,” she said quietly.
“I could have told you that,” said Crope with a smile. “You’re the most gorgeous bride I’ve ever seen.”
Glinda almost smiled. “Have you really seen that many brides?”
“Fair. Though Tibbett almost wore a dress to our wedding.”
“What stopped him?”
“He couldn’t find the perfect pair of shoes to match.”
This time Glinda did laugh. A little. Crope came up to her and grabbed her hand.
“Why am I so nervous?” she asked in a whisper. “This is what I want.”
“Exactly. So you think it has to be perfect, or else it’ll be your fault.”
“I shouldn’t have made her do this.”
Crope squeezed her fingers. “She’s fine. More than fine. Getting to see you like this? She’ll be delighted. And, secretly, me and Tibbs think she loves her suit.”
Glinda smiled again. “She’d do anything for me. Sometimes, I just…I’m afraid I abuse that.”
“Well, I’m not the Elphaba expert here,” said Crope gently. “That would be you. But from my experience, she doesn’t let you abuse it. She does anything for you because it makes her happy, too.”
Glinda looked down at her feet. Her nails were painted a pinkish gold. She wiggled them. “If I tell you a secret, do you promise not to tell anyone but Tibbett?”
“You know me so well.”
“We’re already married.”
Crope jumped–she felt the jolt go through his hand into hers. She squeezed his fingers and looked over.
“I was…not expecting that one,” he said. Then he laughed. “Of course you are, though. I should have known. How long?”
“We went to the courthouse last weekend.”
Elphaba had wanted something private, some place where they could make it their own. So they’d called Boq to be a witness and swore him into secrecy, at least until after the public ceremony. And that night when they’d gotten home–
“Do I get to carry you in bridal style?” Elphaba asked, pulling the keys from the ignition.
“Funny, I was about to ask the same thing.”
Elphaba snorted. “You’re cute.”
“Is that why you married me?”
They grinned at each other, wide and giddy. Then Elphaba opened her door.
“Stay there.”
Glinda waited, watching Elphaba cross around the front of the car to her door. She opened it, grabbed Glinda’s purse from her feet, then offered her hand. Glinda took it and let herself be helped to her feet. Elphaba reached around her to lock and close the door. Then, without any warning, Glinda was being lifted off her feet, cradled in Elphaba’s arms. She squealed and clung to Elphaba’s neck as she hurried across the yard and to the front door.
“If you drop me trying to unlock this door,” Glinda warned. Elphaba grinned, then leaned down to kiss her cheek. She heard the lock shift.
“Don’t worry,” she said, pushing it open and carrying Glinda inside. “I just vowed to take care of you forever, remember?”
“I don’t recall you saying any vows,” Glinda teased.
“You’re right. It was too public. Boq might have heard me pouring my heart out.”
“Pouring your heart out?”
Elphaba lowered Glinda to her feet, then took her hands. She brought them up to her lips, kissed Glinda’s knuckles, then held them to her chest.
“If I say this,” she started, looking into Glinda’s eyes. “You have to promise not to make fun of me until I’m finished, okay?”
“Glinda Arduenna, I am so in love with you. I have learned from you and shared with you, and I want to continue to do so for the rest of our lives. You’ve shared your soul with me and helped me believe in mine. You make every day worth living. Today, and every day for as long as we live, I am devoted to you. I will cherish you, and protect you, and adore you, because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you, Glinda.”
Glinda was crying. Elphaba took the handkerchief from her pocket and wiped the tears away, kissing each cheek as she did so. “Please don’t cry. That wasn’t the intended effect here.”
“Oh, Elphie. And people think I’m the hopeless romantic.”
“It’s a side reserved only for you.”
Glinda brought her hands to Elphaba’s face, holding her close. “There’s no way you’re saying that at the ceremony, right?”
“Right. I will be saying the pre-written vows, because for some reason our families needs us to be married before a god we don’t believe in.”
Glinda smiled. “Good. I…I…” She swallowed. “Words can’t–damn you, Elphaba, you’ve made me a mess, and now I have no way to tell you how much I love you.”
“Well, there are other, unspoken ways,” Elphaba said, taking her hands again and leading her through the living room toward their bedroom. “And we did just get married.”
“This will be easier to get off than a wedding dress,” Glinda offered.
“Very true. Really, I’m not sure what else we’re supposed to do.”
Glinda stopped her, jumping into her arms and kissing her hard. Elphaba whimpered into it, and Glinda stroked her cheek and ran her fingers through her hair.
“I love you,” she whispered when they parted. “Forever and ever and ever. You are the only thing I need.”
Elphaba grinned. “The only thing? What about food?”
“And water?”
“Shelter? Warmth? Clothes?”
“Screw clothes,” Glinda said, undoing the top button of Elphaba’s shirt. “You, you, and you.”
“Well, then.” Elphaba started walking again, carrying Glinda to the bedroom. “Who am I to argue?”
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