#Emotionally but sometimes also physically LOL I get. Nervous .
cerealmonster15 · 1 year
On one hand I want to show my unhinged multiverse caterella flow chart(???) just bc it’s like. FUNNY to me how tangled and excessive and so very messy it is,,, but on the other hand I am Way to embarrassed to show how much I’ve obsessed over the branching concepts jdnffngjgn I don’t want people to Read It. maybe I’ll censor everything LOL you can fill in the blanks yourself 🕺
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ronancecats · 3 months
Could you tell us more about your Ronance As Mom’s AU? I think it seems really cute!
Ooooo, I love this au so much and it's all I think about sometimes.
-it took Nancy a while to want a family, she was too nervous she would mess the kid up and she didn't want to pause her career at a point she didn't feel comfortable. But eventually, she felt ready for it.
-Nancy also was the one that carried their daughter because Robin has an actual fear of pregnancy. Besides, it just made more sense for them.
-they got most of their advice from Karen and Nancy would call her whenever she felt overwhelmed.
-they named their daughter Lily Barbra Buckley because I am a whore for characters naming their kids after someone they lost. (I also thought about making their daughter's first name Kayla but that's my little sister's name and it felt weird lol)
-Nancy is a helicopter mom and Robin is surprisingly the more strict one, not in a mean way but more of like in an anxious way. Nancy is overprotective because she doesn't want her baby getting hurt or growing up too fast.
-They are really good moms and are always the "cool" parents. Robin loves bragging that she's the cool mom but Nancy's more chill about it.
-Robin was constantly anxious that their daughter would somehow know that she wasn't a part of her but Nancy would always reassure her that she's her mom, even if it's not by blood.
-lily is physically identical to Nancy. Like it's scary.
-They are very much those type of parents that don't care what their daughter plays with, she wants to play with dolls? Cool! Monster trucks? Amazing! A wooden spoon? Perfect, just don't hit anyone!
-They are very supportive parents in every way. They also both understand what it's like to have emotionally unavailable parents so they always make sure she knows they love her.
-Once their daughter got picked on at school and Robin had to hold Nancy back from beating up an 8 year old. (Robin was mad too but Nancy was furious and ended up confronting the mom of her baby's bully and got banned from the elementary school. Oh well.)
Anyway, I have a lot more specific ideas and thoughts about this au and I really want to write a fic or maybe oneshots? In fact, I was actually thinking maybe I could ask Y'ALL for some requests about this au and then write them. So...
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animeomegas · 1 year
I think Shikamaru would also go into deep subspace with his obsession. Feeling like he’d love for them to tell him exactly what to do and how to do it.
Shikamaru is actually almost impossible to put into a traditional subspace because his brain won't stop and he's nervous about it at the best of times tbh.
That being said, you can 'fog him up' using the obsession instinct which normally involves him becoming fixated on you, increased heartrate and breathing, and him being weak to anything you say to him/tell him to do.
And he definitely gets fogged up during sex.
Passed out the first time you tried to have sex with him before you got past groping.
Has incredibly intense orgasms and completely blanks for a few minutes afterwards sometimes. Like, he becomes out of it.
Get's a bit weird and obsessive when giving oral. Like, he worships you when he gives oral, y'know.
Gets grumpy and a bit upset if he can't see your face for a long period of time, and avoid sex positions that cause this.
(Side note, Shikamaru will at least once, try to sell you on a massage as foreplay, but then he will fall asleep while you massage him lol.)
Sex is an emotionally charged thing for Shika, 100%. He finds it physically and mentally tiring, in a good way, but still tiring, so, I do think you're right that he likes you to take control and tell him what to do. He's not really into being manhandled or anything, but verbal instructions help him relax for sure.
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
something I really don't like is when Steve's dad/parents are written as like, cartoonishly abusive as a way to get him together with Eddie. Like I've read a lot of meaningful and amazing fics where his relationship with his parents has been explored without it feeling like just a way to hurt him so Eddie can swoop in to comfort him, but I've also read fics where Steve is like, full on sobbing and melting down bc he broke a plate and his dad would've beat him for it. So then Eddie gets to save the day! Like I'm not saying this kind of trauma response isnt real. As someone who was emotionally abused by my mom and has cptsd, I still have a hard time not getting emotional and nervous when I break something even though I know my partner isn't like that. But the way people write about it makes me feel like they just want Eddie to be able to jump in and comfort him and heal him from his trauma when what he really would need is therapy lol. Also, the fact that there will be like terrible physical abuse when there's no evidence of this happening in canon makes me feel like people don't understand that abuse doesn't have to be like that to be incredibly damaging...emotional abuse and neglect have just as much effect on a person and ultimately none of it is going to be cured by Eddie munson coming in and telling you that don't worry, you are lovable and I am going to cuddle your trauma away. If this were true, my partner would have been able to fix me years ago lmao. Sorry for the long ask, I do love steddie and I think there are a lot of amazing writers and fics who characterize them really well, but I also think that writing abuse this way is kind of gross, especially when you then continue to put your characters in an abusive or at least toxic relationship but treat it like it's healthy and romantic
when it comes to parents, this fandom can be very all or nothing. they’re either horribly abusive in every single way possible, to the point that they’re basically a disney villain, or they’re the best parents around and never do any wrong! and both get pretty boring.
i think a lot of storylines in steddie fics exist to kind of… have eddie ‘rescue’ steve. from his jock-ness, from his interests, from his parents and his life. i don’t doubt it’s supposed to be romantic and present eddie as steve’s saviour, but it just ends up seeming kind of codependent, with just a bit too much focus on romantic love as the be all and end all (for me).
anyway, i think a lot of the attitude towards parents in this fandom is just focused on getting rid of most of them so they don’t have to waste time on them. steve’s parents are abusive, so he can just move in with eddie and wayne! or they’re neglectful and never at home, and now max (whose mother is either just dead or abandoned her) can move in with steve. robin’s parents are homophobic, and most of the parties parents just never get mentioned lmao. it’s all just abuse for the sake of abuse. so characters can be sad and parentless. i know i’m an outlier in this, but i actually really enjoy thinking about all the teens parents, and what their relationships may be like.
sometimes i worry that this fandom only sees the horrific physical abuse as abuse, because, like you said, a lot of people treat abusive or toxic relationships like they’re healthy. i honestly don’t think they recognise the abusive traits they’re representing, because it’s not ‘obvious abuse’.
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Hello! I gotta tell you that I read your recent Husk x reader fic and I AM IN LOVEEEE!!! I absolutely love it! I keep constantly going back to re-read it!! You’ve truly put your all in all in that fic!! So I’m here’s my question or questions lol. Can you write more based off that fic? IF NOT THATS FINE AS WELL!! I’m just curious, like would Husk and reader tell the everyone about their relationship? Would reader stay at the hotel even if she is an overlord? Would she involve herself in the fight now? UGHH I JUST HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS I CANT EVEN COMPREHEND THEM!!
(If you don’t feel comfortable with this ask/question PLS ignore me! 🙏 I’ll understand if you do lol [also this is my first ever ask on this app, I’m so nervous 😖])
Dont forget to take care of yourself first! Mentally, physically, emotionally, etc! 🫶
Hii! Thank you so much for all the kind words, you made me so happy!!! And I am beyond excited that you liked the story! <3
Secondly, don't be nervous to send asks, darling, you are very much welcome here, and I'm sure all creators are of the same mind <3
As to answer your question - I don't know if I'll write an actual part 2 for the fic (And if I do, I'll probably have to wait for at least Season 2 or so, to get more relevant plot)
However, I can answer your punctual question, and any other thing you'd like to ask about it! (In DMs also, if you feel more comfortable that way ^^)
So, to the question "Would Husk and Reade tell everyone about their relationship?" - They kinda already know.
Alastor brought Reader to the Hotel and was the one to tell her of Husk's existence and position as his vassal/Hazbin's bartender. Angeldust knows the story, and being Husk's friend, he'll easily realise the correlation between Reader having all characteristics mentioned, and Husk's sudden radiance and bliss. That, and Husk will trail around Reader's pretty dress 24/7.
Charlie and Veggie would realise immediately, as soon as Reader's hand is hooked to his arm, and she makes him laugh. They can spot a couple from a mile away, and though Charlie would most likely be the type to throw a celebration party, Vaggie would calm her down immediately and things are fine.
That only leaves Sir Pentious, who silently gushes over how cute they are, and would start asking them for advice, to court Cherry also (and succeed)... And Nifty is just Nifty haha.
Second question is - "Would reader stay at the hotel even if she is an overlord?" and the question is - Sometimes. Basically, she would stay where Husk wants to stay. She has her own pretty home, in a rather chill and safe neighbourhood, but the Hotel has Husk's friends, and socialising is important. However, she hates Heaven and doesn't want to ascend - In that regard, she's terrified Husk would become an Angel, and they'd be separated again. On another note, dates at Reader's home are the sweetest and most romantic~ <3
The Third and final question is - "Would she involve herself in the fight now?" and the answer is - HELL YES. She died a violent death, she is spiteful and bitter on life and on death, and most of all, she is angry at Heaven for denying her, over a measly thing as having a high self esteem and loving herself and life above the limits. If possible, if any being threatened her, her love, her new idyllic life and her friends, she will go livid. Though she hates how abominable she looks, like a monster - She would not hesitate, a single second, to rip their wings apart and bite their throats off. She almost hated how she enjoyed carnage like Alastor did - It must be that she got desensitised to the horrors of Hell, and how meaningless life is, since they can just respawn, but she is driven by love and hatred. Her only crutch, for a long time, was Rosie, who gently introduced her to the madness of Hell, and their new life; She taught her how to continue her human life fashion and elegance, while also protecting herself and navigating the machinations of deals and raising above all those lesser than her. Consequently, after Husk was kicked out of the Overlord seat, it was her who took his place, recommended by both Alastor and Rosie. Needless to say, most of the others were pleased to have someone mentally stable and with no vices that could ruin the meetings or deals.
I hope you had fun reading this, and that it answered your questions! I'm always open to answer more, or chat about it <3! Have a lovely day, dear!
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illarian-rambling · 5 months
☀️ Sun - What's your favorite part of your WIP?
🔥 Wildfire - Who is your most emotional character and why?
🌋 Volcanic Eruption - What's your biggest flaw as a writer?
That's a tough one. Story element-wise, my characters are my favorite part. I love worldbuilding and I love my setting, but my characters are what make it shine! In terms of actual scenes though, I couldn't say. I am really looking forward to writing the big finale of Mortal God, I think that'll be fun.
Also a tough one lol. The title goes to either Sepo or Astra. Sepo comes off as pretty emotionally repressed (because he is), but he just feels so much that if he didn't try to keep a tight lid on it, he'd be losing his mind. He loves incredibly deeply, hates with terrible ferocity, and gets anxious every time he leaves the house. He hides this all rather poorly, so his friends know he cares. He can go from a 0 to a 100 with any emotion in seconds.
Astra, on the other hand, wears her heart on her sleeve. Unlike Sepo, she makes sure people know when she's angry, or happy, or embarrassed. She's very free with physical affection, frequently flicking Mashal on the shoulder or dancing when she's excited. She's more than a little free with words of anger too. The only emotion she has trouble showing is uncertainty. Her pride keeps her from admitting when she's nervous or doubtful of her own abilities. Other than that though, she's a whirlwind of emotions.
I infodump like a motherfucker. I had to cut an entire chapter from MG because I was just talking about fantasy microbes for seven pages straight. This is why I have to have a smart character in every group; because I'll physically explode if I can't nerd out about the magic system through one of them. Also, given that I don't outline super well, my pacing can get a little funky, and I sometimes lose track of plot points. Basically, I just need to outline better.
Thanks for the ask!
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awsugar · 2 years
🐾🧸I have something to admit. When the boys broke I never listened to their solo work because I was so upset and hurt. But reading your post about Millions and Where Do We Belong? Anywhere But Here... I had to go and listen and just.. Ow. Just ow. Frank is/was so so hurt. So now my questions are
1. What other songs have they written that talk about this hurt?
2. Because Frank wears his heart on his sleeve, do we know if Jamia knew about it?/Was ok with what Frank and Gee had? Cause like.. Frank was very clearly hurt. More so then just friends going their separate ways.
3. What other things have you heard down the grapevine?
4. The 1st reunion show, there was very clearly some animosity/ stiffness/coldness on stage, why do you think it was like this? Like I feel like if they wanted to reunite they would've hashed that all out before hand right? But then covid happened and we wait 2 years and then we finally get to see them again, and they've changed. They're happy again.
sorry this took me so long to respond to !!!! ive been either working or depressed and tired mostly. im glad it was so apparent to you from listening....cause it really is like a slap in the face tbh.
frank has a TON of songs about that relationship, or that at least mention it? i think sometimes his songs reference multiple things but like there are soooo many songs that are at least partially about gerard. weighted (more about the end of the band, at least in part, like i said), stitches, guilttripping, all i want is nothing, diluted, why is love so disastrous?, choke on one another, where are my fucking pills?, underneath it all, possibly i dont know much but i know i loathe you, world destroyer, they wanted darkness, ill let you down, oceans, the resurrectionist, viva indifference, young and doomed (lol), fever dream, the host, basement eyes,ode to destruction, medicine square garden, record ender.....im serious i know i probably sound insane but there is at least one line in all of these songs that i believe are about that. gerard has way less solo stuff first of all, but also just doesnt write about it as much i thnk because its not the heartbreak perspective, from his perspecting at least in millions like hes not nearly as torn up about it so like hes just not giving it quite thhe same brain power, plus his lyrics are more like metaphor and storytelling than strictly personal like franks so it makes sense. but the bridge of no shows is VERY about the band to me.
i tend to try to avoid talking about family members of the band who are not public figures, because i think thats the most respectful option. and that stuff isnt my business. but frank has talked about being in an open relationship at the beginning of the band before, and also theres the swinger allegations. ill just say that i dont think he was ever cheating, physically or emotionally, and that everything was known and communicated.
i think that things were a little stiff at the shrine due to nerves mostly tbh. they hadnt done it in so long and they didnt know what the reception would be. i really think it was all nerves. because i think they absolutely had to put in work to repair that relationship before making the decision to play a show and go on tour. so i do chalk it up to more just being out of practice and being nervous rather than them not being close/friendly at that time. i think theres also a level of like anxiety around being to affectionate/friendly in fron of fans these days and they were still trying to figure out then how they would approach that. because i do think that thats a thing, but sometimes they also slip through that and now they DO show each other affection on stage sometimes so. you know. its a process i guess.
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anxious-lee · 1 year
|| Drakepad + Gosalyn Tickle Headcanons ||
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(A/N): these three are undeniably a family and I love them ❤️
i want drake mallard to be my dad what who said that
- launchpad is such a tickle monster
- his solution to all stress is just to tickle until the sadness goes away
- it always works on poor, overworked drake
- (drake tends to neglect his wellness for the sake of crime fighting and sometimes needs lp to make him go to bed, or eat, or drink water) (he will grumble a little bit after, but he knows he needs it)
- drakepad is so physically/emotionally comfortable with each other that tickling is almost an unspoken thing between them
- they can hold an entire conversation using only eye contact and wiggling air fingers (gosalyn will hear them arguing behind her, it'll go quiet for a few moments, and then drake will shout "OK OK FINE ILL GO TAKE A NAP"
- so yeah launchpad is a switch
- probably ler-leaning switch
- drake I'd say is a chaotic 50/50 switch
- depending on who he's with, he can either be a tickling neir-do-well, or a clumsy, nervous, ticklish puppy
- with gosalyn, he's the former. with launchpad, he's the latter
- gosalyn isn't really the type of kid to enjoy being tickled as much as her dads might, but it's fun sometimes (only because she trusts them with everything)
- one morning, gosalyn refuses to get out of bed, despite it being 11:00 in the morning (I feel you girl). drake however needs his crime fighting partner and goes to coerce her out of bed
drake: ... but I need you! You're my partner!
gosalyn: mrrgmbm cant grmb too tired mbghmmhn
drake: oh dear, whatever will I do without my faithful companion... *scratches a finger up her sole*
gosalyn: *hrn* s-stooop
drake: *puppy eyes* i can only hope that I'll be alright... out there... all alone *wiggles more fingers on her foot*
drake: works every time 😏
- when tickling gos, drake does this bit pretending that his hands are sentient beings that cannot be controlled, and that they eat when they tickle (classic dorky dad stuff)
- he loves to make his daughter laugh and smile, and he loves to play with his husband ❤️
- when tickling launchpad, he doesn't do the sentient hands thing. he mostly sticks to teasing about how a big guy like him is so "vewy vewy tickwish~" and it works like a fucking charm
- teases lp uses AGAINST drake would be calling himself the tickle monster, and actually encouraging his lee to come out on top; "come on, darkwing duck, you can take this! you're almost free, I believe in you!" but try escaping a 6-foot tickle monster and see how successful you are with that. drake ultimately crumples into launchpad's lap at his ticklish mercy
- drake's most ticklish spot is his belly, making him fit perfectly in launchpad's lap for tickles
- lp is a very gentle tickler
- and also quite ticklish himself
- his most ticklish spot is his underarms
- launchpad LOVES kids, ESPECIALLY his own kid, so gosalyn finds herself the target of her dorky dad's tickle attacks. he teases her with silly noises like "tikikikikikikiki" and "brbrbrbrbrbrb". which she finds SO embarrassing lol
- remember that scene in the jungle book when baloo pretends to be knocked out and mowgli accidentally starts a tickle fight with him? yeah that's launchpad and gosalyn actually
- drake will sometimes convince gos to help him tickle-ambush papa, to which she always agrees a little too evilly
- lp isn't the only one gos tickles
- gosalyn also realizes that her dad can overwork himself, so she takes it upon herself to lecture him into relaxing. when that doesn't work, her next plan is to tickle him to exhaustion. drake is no fool, he can see the glint in her eyes from a mile away, but she's young, and agile, and determined, and he's clumsy, awkward, and old, so the chase isn't long
- gosalyn is 100% a ler
- the happiest days in the McQuack house are when all three of them are engaged in a full out tickle war that has them running around the lair screaming and laughing
My contribution to the Drakepad shippers! I wrote these as they came to me, so they're not organized at all sorry
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leffee · 8 months
alright here are some more things I thought of forgive me if there are ever any repeats I may never remember what I’ve ever said lol
- since Vinnie is never tall enough to reach anything he has gotten into a bad habit of trying to climb things to reach what he wants rather then ask for help because in his head he doesn’t need anyone lol
- I wanna mention that I feel like Zoe or penny would have a ton of things in their purses like candy, makeup, wallet, change, tissues, receipts ect.. and they both end up saying “let me check the purse” on a daily basis just because hey it might be in the purse
- I also have a theory that since Vinnie does speak more English than Italian I feel like his Italian side would come out when he gets super excited or super sad and doesn’t want to talk to anyone (kinda like his own get out of jail free card for questions he doesn’t feel like answering) (feel free to add to that)
- a thought on Russell I feel like the reason he hates marshmallows is because he’s allergic to them not deathly or anything but they give him major stomach issues to the point where his body physically rejects them and he could start throwing up blood so he does what he can to avoid them ( idk if that’s a real thing but his friends don’t know because he’d rather keep to himself the only person he’s told is Sunil just in case
- when Vinnie gets nervous he (when he has one) he wraps his tail around himself kinda like a hug to ease his anxiety
- pennyling keeps in touch with everyone she’s ever met she’s super good at checking in on everyone and making new friends she is also close with her relatives in china they send her snacks and she sends them snacks back they video call often
- pepper is always the first one to try and fight someone when she gets drunk jokingly asking if they “wanna go bro?” Sometimes it’s hard to tell though if she’s serious which worries some of her friends in that moment
- Sunil is just like Russell in the sense that he is kinda like the dad he takes care of everyone and everything when he can and sometimes forgets to do anything for himself he’d rather see everyone else happy especially Vinnie everyone often calls Vinnie “ sunil’s baby”because he babies him so much from making sure he eats to laying him down for a nap because he knows he’s tired he’s also never missed any of vinnie’s dance shows
- sharukuh is so protective of Sunil he would do anything to make him happy after all he’s his first real connection emotionally,mentally and physically that he’s had. he’s kinda like Vinnie in the sense that he doesn’t like letting anyone he cares about get hurt or leave him so he’ll do anything to keep him around deep down Sunil saved his life without even knowing it
- Vinnie loves any and all type of music he’s made it his personal mission to be able to dance any kind of song no matter what it is his friends kinda made it a game to pick songs at random and see if he can make a dance for it
- Zoe has had so many crushes that everyone’s lost track of her love life they just try to be as supportive as possible even though they are incredibly lost Russell was the only brave soul to try but after a while he to was lost..
R: “so, how are you and Brad doing?”
Z: “Brad?” “Oh no darling we split weeks ago! But Daniel is certainly on my radar”
R: -_-
- pennyling is crazy good at knitting she’s made so many sweaters for her friends especially vinnie since he gets so cold he has one in every color at this point
- vinnie and pepper love to photo bomb when they see the chance. But Zoe if she gets a hold of your phone you’ll find your camera roll filled with her selfies she’s graced you with lol
- Russell has tried so many times to understand his feelings he’ll lay awake at night thinking about how he’s supposed to feel. if he’s normal? what his future will be? if he’ll have kids? get married?will the robots be his company? he’s got so much going on up there if only everyone knew…
- vinnie and Russell were each others first kiss (in one scenario) the only reason that Sunil wasn’t Vinnie’s was because their relationship didn’t get a chance to go any farther before Sunil left for college (sharukuh ended up being sunils when they became official after Sunil graduated)
- Vinnie won’t let anyone mess with his hair much he gets grumpy when they try because to him it’s his best feature “don’t touch the hair” “hey my hair!” it really brings out his Italian side everyone can swear they hear his accent in that moment
- Russell and penny made a tiny garden after finding random seeds and they are pretty proud of how it turned out and plan to have a bigger one if they get any space
- I feel like the boys wear make up but in a way that’s kinda like it matches fur or skin color so they can cover up pimples or imperfections themselves 
- minka can’t stand quiet she has to have some sort of sound in order not to go insane like, for example music anyone talking she doesn’t like awkward silence at all 
- Vinnie has a countdown clock that was gifted to him so anytime Sunil goes out of town he has a way to keep track of how long it will be before he could see him again. he can’t stand any of his friends being so far from him, especially Sunil (one time his flight was delayed due to bad weather, and Vinnie freaked out. They couldn’t calm him down for hours. He was in tears and begged them to take him to the airport, so he could wait there)
- zoe has started a fashion blog to help others try to be as fabulous as she is. It’s pretty small right now, but gaining a pretty large following. She believes this is what she might be famous for in the future. Everyone is pretty supportive, being her models
- Sunil did try the no shave November thing. He grew pretty nice beard but ended up shaving it off because he felt too self-conscious about it. On the other hand, the girls found it kind of weird to see they found it hard to get used to sharukuh thought it was cute Vinnie thought it was hot Russell had mixed feelings although pepper swears, she caught him, staring, much more when he had it he denies it every time lol
- since Vinnie loves physical touch so much being in a relationship for him is the best thing in the whole world his boyfriend would have to have this clingy man forever, and always attached since he has had a history of depression, being in a relationship is almost healing for him in a way.
- sometimes some or all of the group have sleepovers just for fun or because they can. they bring all types of food,watch movies,play truth or dare the whole Shabang! They try as much as they can to keep the connection They’ve always had strong by hanging out as often as possible, seeing as life can get really busy 

all right, this is why I think I’m going to end it for now. It kinda ended up being longer than I thought. I feel like there’s more but I’m blanking on some of the things that I thought of before lol. 
You have no idea how giddy seeing those each times makes me, you actually don't because I can't put it into words. Here and now, I'm saying that I love all of them, but of course now we shall get more into each one and be crazy about them aaaand my beloved Vincent of course:
headcanons that revolve around Vinnie being short make me very very happy no matter what and this one is no different :DD and yeah, the LAST thing he will do when unable to reach something is ask for help, because that would be admitting to himself and others that he's short and he is not doing that. In fact, it's not even the last thing, he just won't do it at all. But yes, he climbs things to reach the items that he needs, and even more importantly, he climbs people sometimes too, "Vinnie what are you-?" "Shh, Sunil, I just need to get something." "I... I can just get it for you?" *hiss*. You know? He's so small. As he should be
ok but I think they say that "let me check the purse" literally no matter what item it is that someone needs. If it was a hairbrush or something then that's understandable, but you can ask them for anything and they will still look for it there because just maybe it's there. A laptop? A scented candle? An entire lamp? Better check just in case. How does that even fit in there is a mystery, who knows, who knows
yes yes, this! In my all "don't actually know how bilingualism works" glory I decided that in moments of extreme or sudden emotions (like that excitement you mentioned) his brain just gets completely overtaken by the more, let's call it, primal language which for him is Italian, and he just yells excitedly in Italian or something. Nobody else has a clue what he's saying but they know he's excited. And when it comes to that second part, he totally does use Italian as an excuse not to talk to anyone, not just when he's sad, just whenever he feels like not doing it. For example, if a stranger on the street asks him for directions or something but he's tired or not in the mood to deal with anyone or whatever he will just pretend he doesn't speak English and will start sputtering words in Italian - it usually works, though there were one or two times when the person was like "Oh, don't worry, I speak Italian too." And he was like "...Great :)". Oh, and also he usually switches to Italian when angry and wanting to swear but not wanting to make a scene, so he just, "Gimmie a moment." he walks to the side and begins yelling italian swears "Al diavolo! Cazzo! Porca puttana!"
yeah, fair enough, I like when characters are allergic to something. Idk if that's a real thing either but if I can give Vinnie allergy to raspberries which I also have no idea if it's possible, then Russell can be allergic to marshmallows. Though I feel like at some point Sunil would break and tell someone because he can't stand the tension of others teasing Russell about it when he knows the truth. Like, he'd say Vinnie at least, and the the next time that marshmallow thing occurs Vinnie is just quiet and Russell picks it up and adds two and two together in his head and later he's like "Suuuunil." Sunil swears he did nothing, in a very sweaty fashion I mean
yeah, it's kinda like I said that he "borrowed" some things from Sunil, like playing with his tail when nervous, or like in this case changed it a bit, not playing with it but wrapping it around himself. Side note: he would also wrap his tail around himself when cold, but that would not work because guess what, this thing is also cold, he just sometimes forgets about it because it works for mammals, and he sees them doing that sometimes and then forgets it won't work for him. Poor soul. Another side note, I headcanon him with a much longer tail then he has in the show, 1. Because I want to and would do that anyway 2. Because I read somewhere that lizards' tails are as long as their body, so if anthro Vinnie is 5'2" then if I understand it correctly his tail should literally be exactly that too or close to 5'2". In other words, in whatever form, his tail should be as long as he is tall
man, she's good, I mean, imagine keeping in touch with everybody you ever met, that'd be a no from me 🙃 but that's actually really sweet, I mean the snacks sending part, she sends them hot-dogs lol. She should send Vinnie's cake actually. Can I just say that I actually really like her relatives in the episode? The ending was genuinely really heartwarming. Good for her, good for them too for that matter
honestly, I think most people, at least ones that know her would assume that's she's absolutely serious because it's Pepper, so they never quite believe she's just jokinh and keep an eye on her, just in case. In short: she says that a lot when sober too, so everyone is like "uh oh" when she says that when drunk
he'd rather see Vinnie happy than himself? My God, he's just like me. Except that I also want to see him in pain and misery sometimes. Aaanyway. Sunil carries him around, I imagine, I mean, look at how small he is. Sunil really is just like me, because if Vinnie was real I would do everything for him and then lie him down at the end of the day and pat his head. Wait, wait, a thought! With that making sure he eats part. Sunil just brings him a nice actually nutricious dinner but Vinnie is always eating random, unhealthy snacks like chips or whatever so he's like "No thanks, I already ate dinner." He didn't, he ate 200g of salted nuts. Though I'm not personally a fan of calling characters "babies" in this way, it removes their autonomy somehow and he is a grown-ass man at the end of they day
Vinnie and Sharukh bonding over being willing to do anything not to let people they care about get hurt or leave them and treating Sunil like a devine entity worth of worship because he saved their lives in a way🤝. Like, maybe Sharukh slowly but surely notices that about Vinnie and eventually they have a talk, or the other way around, Vinnie's the one who notices. I think Vinnie would be jealous at first that there's someone else around Sunil so much but then he feels that kinship "ah, yes, this is also a crazy man who is willing to go to insane lenghts to keep Sunil happy. And he probably has attachment issues". He can respect that, Sunil has that effect on people, well, on him anyway
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bro, why even try, of course he can dance to any and every type of music. You know, a long long time ago I saw someone's headcanon that Vinnie doesn't like pop music because he thinks it's not real music and for a while I went with it but eh, it never stuck in the end. I agree though, I mean, I think he just basically loves all types of dances, all, (and since different types go with different music so he naturally loves all kinds of music too), people got so stuck on him and tap dancing but I disagree, let him dance tango or foxtrot, damn it. I just, I think he really really loves dancing, and he's really really not good at it, he does not get better, in fact, he gets worse. But still, he watches dancing videos for hours and analizes every step
Brad? Just wait until she gets to Chad. I imagine at this point most of the time they don't even catch the change of name. Just, one day Zoe would be talking about let's say that Brad, but next day she will be talking about Daniel, and because she sometimes doesn't even acknowledge that it's not the same person, and her friends are so lost so they don't even notice, they think it's the same person. Damn, Daniel!
wait, that's so adorable. Everybody always be like "Sunil's the one who wears sweater" but please, imagine Vinnie in a sweater, better yet, imagine him in a turleneck. God, he's so cute. He would look so good in a classic black one, but might I also suggest very light pink. And Penny's so good to him, all of them really. What if she also makes them those matching sweaters? I dunno if there are any patterns for 7 people, but like those "If lost return to __" and "I'm __."
yes, and Vinnie and Pepper photobomb anybody they can, be it their friends or complete strangers. If they are together and see their chance they will try to arrange some sort of mockingly dramatic pose in the background. Zoe on the other hand, well of course! She has graced you with her presence and beauty, you wanted those selfies, you know that ;)
ok, but what if sometimes he just couldn't keep all those thoughts in his head so he texted one person those thoughts. The problem is that when he texted Pepper, Vinnie or Minka they had this sort of conversations: Russell: "What's your biggest fear? Mine is being forgotten..." One of them: "Damn that's deep, mine is kool aid man." I think if anyone, he'd talk about it with Sunil, maybe Penny. Well, that's a hypothetical situation if he actually talked about it to anyone of course. However! I shall answer all those questions because I have all the answers: is he normal? Compared to some others, yeah, he's fine; what his future will be? Lovely, because there will be VInnie there :D; will he have kids? No, Vinnie doesn't like kids; will he get married? yes, to Vinnie; will the robots be his company? ok, that one I don't know, what's important is that Vinnie will be his company
aww man, you're tearing me apart here, says I - a crazy Vinnil fan. No, but I think Vinnie would be happy that his first kiss ended up with someone whom he actually ended up with, it feels more special and like there was ✨ destiny ✨ at play, maybe it didn't let him kiss Sunil because he was destined to be with Russell. On a side note, I think I will take a page out of your book and just start saying "in one scenario" too instead of throwing alternative universes around
ok ok, so I have a pretty much the same headcanon, though mine goes that both Zoe and Vinnie won't let you touch their hair, Vinnie - because he's obsessed with his hair and doesn't want it messed up, and Zoe - well, because she doesn't want it messed up either or for it to get oily. So if it so happens that someone, let's say, puts their hands on their heads from the back they will turn around simultaneously with annoyed expression and ready to throw hands, "No touching the hair!" "Leave my hair alone!". Vinnie however is more flexible when it comes to it, he will let you touch it if he doesn't need to be anywhere more that day, and if he trusts you because it feels so fucking nice when someone touches his hair actually. Even if he lets you in his house without him being there and look through all the drawers it means nothing when it comes to whether he trusts you or not, does he let you touch his hair is the real question. It's genuinely a trust test with him, if he lets you touch his hair then that means he trusts you because it truly is his best feature. Zoe on the other hand will just not let you touch hers at all lol, just her hairdresser. Vinnie and his so called Italian side, ahh, I don't know why Vinnie being Italian makes me so happy but it sure does and I love thinking about it
aww, well ain't that lovely. In the future they shall have a big-ass botanic garden that shall be beautiful. But returning to this mini-garden, what if Pepper, knowing about it, constantly asks them if they planted some fruits there, because if so she wants to be the first one to get her hands on them >:> "Pepper, we don't know what will grow out of these seeds, we found them randomly-." "Shh, just let me know if they're fruits or something once they grow, we could sell them!" "I... even if that turns out to be fruits I'm pretty sure there will be way too little to sell anything. Also, that's not why we have it."
hmhmh perhaps. I mean, I do have this one headcanons for Vinnie that, you know, in my mind he has a shit-ton of freckles and when he was younger some kids were making fun of him because of that so he became insecure about it and gradually learned how to use make-up to cover them up. That's all he knows, because it was useful to him. Anyway, he's not insecure about them anymore so he stopped long ago, though I don't think he would care about pimples enough, or rather he's too lazy to cover them up. Sunil or Russell though? Hmm, perhaps, I can see it
oh, she definitely does not like awkward silence, but on the other hand, I don't think with her awkward silence occurs too often because she always has something to say. The other person stopped talking? Well then, no worries, she has 100 other topics she can talk about, and that's only on top of her head. Though in my mind she can stand silence when she's alone that is and it's night, so when the world is quiet in general. As much as she likes noises and sounds and during a day needs them, there is something nice about it being quiet for a while, sometimes it's easier to paint like that. Well, until she has had enough and needs to put on some music
!! Wait, that's actually such a good idea, one problem though, the one you mentioned. Cause like, he's already not doing good, but at least the clock counting ever down makes him calmer, buuut, if it just so happens that Sunil or someone else is delayed or sth, and so then his clock goes down to 0 and they're still not there he will freak! So I imagine it's probably better to set it for a bit longer, but at the same time he doesn't want waiting any longer than he needs to so in the end he never does that. It kinda counts until his sanity drains, no xd? If they don't come back until that time that is. I can just imagine Vinnie sitting next to this clock, almost unblinkingly looking at it, eyes blood-shot, just observing as the time goes down, even if it's still 6 days left. On the other hand, I believe in this scenario you described he would just go to the airport himself, either run there on foot or just drive, and my God, road safety laws prepare to be ignored! So not a good idea and once he's there he'd be clawing at every worker there he can find because "Why the fuck is this flight delayed?! Do something about it!" Anyyyway, I love when he's like that, damn
awww, they are all her models, that's actually pretty sweet, considering that it's Zoe and she would probably want all the attention on herself xD. Actually that's a pretty good thing to give her, cause I sometimes say that she's somewhat popular, but I never know because of what. That would be a good direction. I also like that she's doing that to help other be as fabulous as she is, well, she is, can you blame her?
wait, is no shave November a thing? Hmm, I guess no X November can be anything you want it to be, I do the "No me November" it's when November passes and I just don't exist B). Russell just like 👀. But honestly, maybe he has a perfectly undrstandable reason, I mean, if you saw your friend who does not have a beard normally suddenly grow one you'd probably be looking too. I just imagine Rusell yeah, would be trying to hide his staring, but Vinnie on the other hand would be like 👁️👄👁️, because holy shit
ah, if talking or reading about Vinnie makes me giddy then Vinnie but depressed makes me just crazy. Fucking trembling. Well, he just needs people and has a somewhat anxious attachment style so once he likes you enough and gets attached you're not getting rid of him, even if you actively try to do it, he will attach himself like a leech, you lucky lucky person! Especially if you're in a romantic relationship with him, it's a given (It also comes with possesiveness, going crazy if you're away and being able to kill for you but sshhh) And, ah, physical contact, oh he revels in it and preferably wants to feel physical contact with you literally all the time, he's touch-starved ok ;-; ?
why, of course they do! They will do it until they're all senile, damn it. I don't want them apart, idc what they do or how old they are, I'm not separating them ever, they live in the same city at least, adult life isn't real and also they're not real so I can do whatever I want. Them not being real is a blessing... and a curse
Lmao, don't worry, you saw those two random pauses between the bullet points? It's when tumblr demanded that the section was too long so I had to make a new one. But oh, how much I love talking about them and bouncing ideas around, especially about my beloved <3. He is soooooo uggh, sooo incomprehensible, I love it. And also I checked, you didn't repeat anything you said before, believe me, I would have remembered, I still screenshot all those headcanons and keep them forever in the gallery on my phone to have easy access. I love him I love him I love him. Stupid reptilian people, they make me lightheaded.
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diaryofseraph · 2 years
ick list to remind myself why i am checking out
- has said ‘i love you’ a total of like 4 times unprompted during our whole relationship 
- takes a while to say ‘i love you’ back and sometimes doesn’t even say it back :D
- rubs nose very violently 
- when he can’t find of the word/thing he wants to say, he sticks out his tongue and makes this weird expression. he does this a LOT
- small eyed blobfish :)
- greasy smelly hair and violent scratching to create dandruff storm 
- picks at skin relentlessly until it bleeds
- constant “i don’t know” and “whatever” whenever i ask him a question
- confirmed to be emotionally similar to a rock 
- does not like holding hands, hasn’t held my hand for months
- doesn’t like kisses on the cheek or just goodbye kisses
- doesn’t like any form of pda. i must be 3 feet away from him at all times
- i must always initiate cuddling and physical affection or he is basically a statue :)
- those freckles are sun damage, honey...
- dirty bedroom that is also very unorganized ^_^
- cheapskate!!!
- doesn’t know how to give compliments :) i am flabby, have gained weight, devil who drains him of time/money/fluids, look like a little boy
- i am basically bored or miserable or annoyed except for when we have sex and cuddle
- cannot cook to save his life
- jokes about there being other girls, whether or not we’d last til the next christmas, etc etc
- keeps referencing his exes and i’m so tired lol
- sometimes becomes a dead fish when i am giving him head and just glazes over and does not make any noise, quite concerning
- really bad at comforting me lol
- lazy
- very low effort dates/attempts at romance
- my parents don’t like him
- his mom is a bit too much for me tbh, and it doesn’t seem like she likes me that much
- no interest in stuff i wanna do or at least interest in learning more about it : ) no to museums, art, games i might want to play, books, stuff that i did during my week. but i always have to be interested in whatever he’s into
- grating and honestly stupid sense of humor
- doesn’t want me to get more tattoos and piercings
- doesn’t take care of his own health, worse about it than kunal was lol, forgets to eat and drink water :) and drinks a ton of sugary drinks bro
- takes really bad photos of me
- we barely have any photos together :)
- has a vv slightly lazy eye according to my dad LOL
- will not post photos of us together
- i’m not even his facebook friend bro
- not romantic at all to be honest
- i am no longer motivated to make a 1yr anniversary drawing, i don’t think he deserves it LOL
- makes fun of me when i’m nervous or hesitant, that shit annoys me
- doesn’t know how to articulate emotions even though he is a grown 26 year old man :)
- pretentious 
i’m just here for the sex and cuddles
that is all!
he can leave after it’s done
gotta shoo him out ^_^;;
0 notes
astrobyoph · 3 years
Pick a perfume; Current situation + What do you need to hear
Hello everybody, hope y’all are having a great day/night wherever you are. Anyways I’m here with a Pick a pile post, kinda nervous because it’s my first time doing something like this, but hope y’all enjoy this! Everything is done intuitively btw so let me know if it resonated :)
What will be in the readings; Your current situation, What do you need to hear, Possible placements 
We have 4 piles today, with a perfume theme because I’m a sucker for that. Unfortunately, I’m broke so I can’t afford these but let’s just admire how pretty they are LOL. Take a deep breath, and pick the one that you’re most drawn to! Lets get started;
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Pile 1: Good girl by Carolina Herrera
Your current situation; Gosh are you guys okay? HAHAHA but for real though. I’m sensing a lot of dark, tired vibes here. Some of you might be undergoing a certain change right now perhaps? Maybe emotionally, or even physically for some of you. You’re tired of the things around you, and it’s been draining you. I heard “backstabbing” maybe some of you got backstabbed as well, really sorry if you did, you don’t deserve it :( But yes, generally very tired and exhausted energy here.
What do you need to hear; There’s change coming for you. Definitely. I sensed a butterfly, so maybe at the end of this phase you’d be like a butterfly and look completely different. Whatever it is, it’s not your fault, you are enough. You got this, and you have the strength to get through this too. Oh and if anything feels too good to be true, don’t take it. Trust your gut always. Your guides are with you, pile 1. Hang in there baby
Possible placements; Water placements/dominant, Scorpio, Sag placements. 2/7H emphasis, Pluto/Venus dominant perhaps. Maybe you can go near a water body to recharge, meditation might help too. Or maybe swimming can be theraputic too. Take care pile 1, sending you lots of love <3
Pile 2: Black Opium by Yves Saint Laurent
Your current situation; I feel like some of you just entered a relationship perhaps? Or you might be in the talking stage, or maybe one is coming into your life soon. I sense a lot of happiness, content in this pile. You’ve gone through a lot in the past and I feel like you’re in the prime right now. So happy for you guys arhasdjh. I sensed a flower, perhaps you like flowers or it might have a significance to you, I think this also showss growth in you, pile 2. Do some of you like pink as well? It feels as though some of you picked up a new hobby/recreation as well. Cute vibes overall you guys
What do you need to hear; So with your new beginning here, or better life whatsoever, you should keep going at it! This is bringing you happiness and change. I feel like abundance and rewards are coming your way too? However I think you need to learn how to manage your time, segregate your days well. Prioritise the things that you still need to do too. Protect yourselves as well, in the sense of don’t let anyone take advantage of you and let slip kind of thing.
Possible placements; Cancer, Virgo, Mars/Saturn dominant, Aquarius placements, Air/earth dominant. Remember to treat yourself, go out, take a deep breath of fresh air. You got this pile 2, sending you lots of love <3
Pile 3: Chanel No.5 by Coco Chanel
Current situation; There’s a really consistent vibe here guys, and I think it has to do with desire. Some of you are really desiring something, desperate for something? I heard widow, maybe some of you are widows (for the older people), or maybe you come from a single parent family. Sending you love. Anyways, you guys probably need a hug pile 3. There’s a vibe of healing, protection here too. You guys might be healers, empaths maybe? You have a tendency to take care of the people around you and not yourself as well.
What do you need to hear; Definitely protect yourself that’s for sure. I felt it in the previous paragraph, and now again. Be careful of energy vamps, people who feed off your energy. Some of you might be intuitive readers/creators here? Hello if you are haha. Be careful of people taking advantage of you, I heard short, close friend so maybe that might be them. But yes, cut off what’s bad for you. Cut off the things that are toxic to you as well, do yourself that favour. It’s self protection for you. (18+) Sorry this just popped in my mind but if anyone here’s going to have sex, protection if you do! Just be careful :)
Possible placements; Pisces, Aries, Leo, Sag, Water dominant, Earth dominant, Sun/Mercury/Venus dominant. Definitely take care of yourself, you deserve better. Your energy is precious as well, I feel like some people here like bread too lol. Take care of yourselves pile 3, sending you love <3
Pile 4: Hypnotic poison by Dior
Current situation; Right off the bat there’s very strong bad bitch energy HAHAH. Y’all are the ones who have been through everything, maybe some of you were attracted to pile 2. There’s a similar energy of accomplishment with both piles, but this has more of the firey and bad bitch energy. I think you guys have learnt to know your worth, and to be content with yourselves. You might be nearing an end in something, maybe education? Some of you might be finishing a certain level in education soon. I think there’s a lot of rewards coming your way too. There’s really the emphasis of growth in this pile.
What do you need to know; So immediately I felt the feeling of being overconfident. Now I’m not saying being confident is bad, but overconfidence might be a little bad. You guys might be hiding something too, something you’re scared to show other’s in the fear that your reputation might be tarnished? This might not be for all, but I felt “Sexual orientation”, that might be something you’re hiding? But yes, I think as much as it is good that you’ve grown to be comfortable and confident, remember to be considerate to people around you too. Be careful of their emotions and feelings, and don’t be too absorbed in yourself, or this might drive people away and I don’t want that for you guys 
Possible placements; Fire/Earth dominant, Leo, Aries, Aquarius, heavy Plutonian energy, Saturn as well. I’d say be cautious of what you say and do, remember to process before letting things leave your mouth sometimes. But no harm, you guys still mean good for everybody I know. Continue to be badass pile 4, sending you love <3
Thank you for reading to the end guys, I really hope you enjoyed the Pick a pile! If you can reblog and share what you think, I’d love to hear your opinions as this is my first time doing something like this haha. Anyways take care and stay safe everyone, sending you all lots of love.
See you next time! ❤️😮‍💨
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skepticalarrie · 3 years
Hello Allie!
How are you? Sending you lots of love💙
Sadly I couldn't watch Hs first show bc. of an illness. I don't have much energy to stay updated with all what happend...
Just wanna ask you, if you can write a post, summarize the basic facts about H. show, what he did and how he was? And what you think about all of it?
I would really appreciate it💚
Hi love, of course. I'm really sorry to hear that you're unwell, I hope you can feel better soon. I'm sending loads of love ❤️❤️
Love on Tour Las Vegas 04/09
- Harry was wearing an amazing all pink Gucci outfit, no shirt. He looked incredible. Pink nails too. 💗 💖
- Harry has a lot of new members in his band, I really like the new people! Most songs also had a new twist to them, which made it sound fresh and exciting. I love that, it was great!
- The stage was pretty big and 360, Harry had mic stands all over it which made him run around the stage quite a lot! It looked good though, a very different setup. He felt the need to warn people that sometimes they would get his face and sometimes they would get his ass lol
- The setlist had 17 songs. No big surprises there, all songs from Fine Line except TBSL. Unfortunately, a lot of songs from the previous tour had to go because of the new ones and I think we all got a bit emotional because of that, but apparently, the setlist will be changing over the tour. So there’s always hope
- They made a mashup between Two Ghosts and Falling, amazing.
- Blue and green lights during Sunflower vol. 6
- Harry’s speech was very very emotional, he talked about the tour being his favourite part and how much he missed it and how we all went through some hard times for the past year and a half.
- He answered a fan sign "dogs or cats?" with "dogs" and we were all a little in shock.
- Harry sounded very excited to finally being back, it was pure joy watching him. He’s such an amazing performer! But you could also tell he wasn’t completely loosen up, I think he sounded a bit nervous in the beginning and missed a few lyrics. But I imagine it was a lot to take in at first, and the stage demands a lot of him physically. On the last tour he was also stiffer at the beginning of the tour and clearly more comfortable after a few weeks. He also just lost his grandfather very recently, so I’m sure that made him a little more emotionally unstable too. There wasn't much interaction with the crowd, no jokes, probably because he's going through a hard time and covid also make things extra hard. A lot of rumours going around that things don’t look good behind the scenes too.
- Pretty clear reference to Freddie Mercury before singing Watermelon Sugar.
- He slipped and fell, obviously.
- There weren’t many pride flags in the crowd, which was surprising and quite upsetting. Before the show, there were rumours going around that a larrie got punched by someone and apparently the atmosphere didn’t feel very safe there. But Harry managed to find a few and waved the flags during TPWK and WMYB (they gave us a really nice version of the last one!!). I hope the atmosphere is safer on the next one and that people can bring their flags. That is something clearly very important to Harry and it really upsets me how hostile his fanbase is towards that and struggles to understand who he is.
- Olivia was there, waving to people and surrounded by security. No one gave a shit.
- Rainbow rabbits.
- Lyric changes again in the middle of Golden, as expected, but it's hard to tell exactly what he said this time.
- In terms of covid, Harry and the band were using masks before going on stage and immediately after. However, Harry did the whale and also threw water he had just drank from into the crowd. I hope he can realize how unsafe that was.
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sagemusesoutloud · 3 years
Anti-Romantic, Part 2
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(credit to the original owner of the image)
Character | Jaehyun x reader
Genre | nonidol!au, Mutual Pining, Slowburn, Fluff
WordCount | 2 K (bitesized for your convenience lol)
Author'sNote | I know this is kinda short, but I've decided not to rush the ending. I'm for sure not drag it out too much, but the slowburn reaaaally got to me and I ended up liking more than I orginially thought, so! I'll be back to post Part 3 tomorrow!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
I know that you love me, It makes me deeply drunk
You’re like champagne, I shouldn’t do this
You’re at the base of the stairs to your apartment complex when he pulls up. The window on the passenger side rolls down.
“Hurry! I think they’re about to wash the machines at the ice cream shop!” he reaches over and opens your door while you grab your two bags and your pillow. You loved him, you really did, but he had the flattest, most uncomfortable pillows in the world in his guestroom.
“What? Why didn’t you stop there before picking me up? It’s not like you don’t know what I like.” You’re trying to move all your stuff to the backseat as he pulls away.
He sighs, “Thank you Jae, you’re so nice to pick me up,” he mutters. You’d be a bit apologetic if it wasn’t for the grin he was trying to hide. “I’ve already spent most of my ‘special’ day alone, thanks to someone who had to bail on me. I wanna spend the rest with you.”
“I knew it, it bothered you didn’t it?” You accused while fastening your seatbelt. “Next time, just tell me, I know it seems as if I know everything but I actually can’t read minds.” You knew he was just messing with you but for some reason his words cut at the guilty feeling you were trying to push away. “I actually got you something this time around, it’s why I wanted to see you before the day ended.”
Jae parks the car outside the shop before turning to you, “wait, did you really get me something?” You sigh, offended, “well, if you don’t want it or don’t like the idea of it, then I can still return it.”
“I just thought of you when I saw it…” crap, it’s too soon for you to go anywhere near that subject.
“That’s not what I meant,” he shakes his head, “It’s just been a while since we shared birthday gifts.” You look away from him. If he kept this up, you’ll start to regret calling him. Your hands were slightly shaking with the effort of not reaching over and pouring all your feelings into him. Unlike what you’re used to, he was dressed down with a simple t-shirt and grey sweats. He looked so soft, and domestic. You hated how much you loved it. At least for work, you had both always been professionally dressed, which was a nice barrier for your thoughts. If you dressed professional, you felt professional. This helped control your thoughts. But now that you were here with him, it was definitely harder to keep track of your thoughts.
Today was a day for him, not for you. You took in a deep breath as you turn to look at the shop. It looked like they were getting ready to start closing duties. Even if you weren’t looking at him, you could feel your heart race with acute awareness to his proximity in the small car. He was waiting for a response.
You open your door, “yeah well…if we don’t hurry, we won’t get those diabetes-inducing bombs you’re so fond of. And this all would have been for naught.” You needed to get a grip, fast.
I can clearly see the end, Worse than a hangover
It will be hard, Now, Just end it somewhere here
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“I can’t believe you told them it was my birthday,” he groaned, pushing off his shoes at the door. You followed suit.
“Of course I did, it meant free goodies!” You raise the plastic bag with macarons. “It just sucks that they’re all valentine’s themed.” You make your way to the kitchen to put away the snacks you brought, dumping your overnight bag at the door of the guestroom. Maybe if you kept the heart-shaped gift out of sight, it won’t make you as nervous with him.
“I brought your fave by the way, chocolate covered almonds and gummy bears,” you call out. He appears in the kitchen, hair out of his way with a headband. Be still my heart, you thought. You decide to hyper-focus on placing some snacks on a plate to bring to the living room.
“So, what’s the plan?” He reaches over you to grab a water bottle from the fridge, brushing your hip with his front. No no no no no no no!
Was he teasing you? You knew that your face would give you away, you could feel how warm your ears and cheeks were. You hated how honest your face was, and it didn’t help that Jae knew you like the back of his hand. Maybe this is how he is nowadays? Flirty and confident? You’d be lying if you didn’t find it attractive, but not when his attention was only directed at you. You felt like you were slowly suffocating but even that wouldn’t stop the warm light that seemed to burst from your chest.
It seemed so easy to pretend you were closer to him, to pretend this happened all the time. That you were close enough to reciprocate his flirty actions.
“uh, em,” you clear your throat, “actually, I remembered you wanting to see that movie last time we hung out. I have it ready in my apple tv account.” You back away with the tray, “can you also grab me a water?” your throat was suddenly parched.
You settle in the couch, grabbing the throw blanket behind you. Any physical barrier you could place between you, you’d take it gratefully. “You remembered? That was almost three months ago, when the trailer came out.” He handed you your water and grabbed at the corner of the blanket nearest to him, covering himself with it and moving closer to you so that you both could fit under it.
“Jae, there’s another blanket on your side of the couch,” you wanted to feel embarrassed but you just felt an unexpected giddy feeling at him wanting to be near you. “Yeah but it’s my birthday and this blanket is my favorite,” he says as he pulls you closer and wraps his arm behind you on the couch.
“here, put in your credentials so we can start the movie,” he hands you the remote.
You suddenly thank your lucky stars that the movie was an action packed one and not a romantic one. You couldn’t help but sink further into his side, wanting to be comfortable. As the movie starts, he takes the remote from your hand and wraps your arm around him. “I’m cold, keep me warm,” he mutters. Oh sweet Jesus.
Back in the day, this wouldn’t have been something new. Your friends knew you were very heavy with the affectionate touches. A hug, sharing seats, even holding hands. You never shied away from it because it was part of how you showed your friends that you loved them. Some of your friends were also this way, so it was never weird. But now that you’re older, and now that it’s been a long long time since you’ve been close to someone else, the once innocent touches Jae was giving you felt like hot brands across your shoulders and under your arm. If you focused enough, you could feel his hard work at the gym in the way your softness gave way to the hard contours of his leg that pressed against yours and how your shoulder leaned against his chest.
This was going to be a long movie.
You prayed that Jae wouldn’t ask you what the movie was about, you only had enough sanity to pay attention to the first fifteen minutes. It was all a blur after Jae pulled you half over on his lap, “you’re hogging the blanket, move over,” was the only excuse he gave.
Now, your legs were tangled with his and you sat almost on his lap, his arms encircling you from behind. He felt so soft and every little movement made your skin break out in goosebumps. You felt like a live wire about to explode.
“D-did you like it?” you started shifting to the side so you could face him but he held you tighter in place, resting his chin on your shoulder. “yeah, it was pretty good, we have to wait for the end credits though. I heard that they’re starting to give hints about The Eternals.”
“Did you like it?” he squeezes your middle.
Did you? You’re not sure, but you sure as hell loved the attention you were getting for the past two and half hours. “Yeah, all Marvel movies are great,” you finally concede.
“Wanna watch another one? You can pick this time,” his hand started tracing through your arm as you waited for the stupid end scene that was taking too long to start. Is it getting hot in here?
“Sure, whatever you want,” you mutter. He could have asked you for the most ridiculous thing and you would have still agreed to it.
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Jae wakes with a start, the room was dark, the only light came from the still on TV. A show was playing softly, the clock under the tv read 3:45 am. He felt pretty hot, was the A/C not working?
He begins to shift when he realizes the position you both are in. Your legs were still tangled together, as if unconsciously refusing to let go of the proximity. You gripped his shoulder, your breath hitting his neck as you slept soundly on top of him. God, if this is a dream, let me never wake up, he thinks.
He usually hates being too close to someone, any sort of intimacy was bad news to Jaehyun. Either emotionally or physically, he kept everyone at a distance because he had seen it too often. How people settled for something they weren’t sure of and hurting those involved. He was aware he was too logical sometimes, but it’s what he knew to protect himself. Moments like these, they only lead to expectations and empty feelings, leaving behind only pain that even time couldn’t heal sometimes.
But why was he finding it so hard to untangle himself from your embrace? He should go to his bed and sleep comfortably, but at the same time, having you in his arms felt just right. Like two pieces of a puzzle finally coming together.
He could smell the light scent that was you and it almost made him squeeze you closer, as if it was possible. You smelled of spring, a light floral scent that reminded him of better days.
He was glad he woke up, he was going to enjoy every second of peace this brought him. He would store it in a little box and hold on tightly when the cold reality came back. As he fought with his drowsiness, he felt you nestle closer. He kissed the crown of your head as he finally gave in to sleep. I hope I dream of you… If this was love, he finally understood why sometimes the pain was worth a shot.
So stupid, sweet love song, extravagant rom-com
As much as I was happy, on the receipt there’s a red line
EndNote | I know this chapter was pretty short. In all honesty, I had written something else before deleting it entirely and starting again, but I really like the direction the story is going now. Hopefully I can update Part 3 tomorrow, but I'm really excited about it!
Previous: Part 1 | Next: Part 3
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oinkawa-bb · 4 years
first time dads!haikyuu pt. 1
note: here’s part one? i wrote this headcanon for daichi, kuroo, and oikawa ^-^ um i kinda went off i am having a major thing for domesticity rn i'm sorry but let me know if you’d like a second part! or leave me a request for anything you’d like to read here! my reqs are open, and if you have any questions about what i write, check it out here
mentions/topics: pregnancy, domesticity, timeskip, female reader insert
part two (iwaizumi, suna, the miya twins)
part three (tsukki, akaashi, yams, kenma)
☀︎—daichi sawamura 
one word: prepared
from the day you surprised him with the pregnancy test, he’s been preparing for this maybe he started even before that but he’s just eager ok
expect daichi to utilize any and all resources he can get his hands on
parenting books and birthing classes and pestering colleagues and relatives for advice
he’s super thorough and wants to cater to your every need during pregnancy 
always a little on edge and nervous but won’t show it because he wants you to be able to fully rely on him emotionally and physically i love this man
his favorite part (after bringing home his baby ofc) was setting up the nursery
he literally stared at the crib and closet full of smol onesies for an hour with major uwu eyes because the man is just so excited <33
and when the day comes,
daichi is calmly but quickly ushering you to the car while he single handedly carries the bulky hospital bag (which he definitely helped you overpack months in advance)
he’s cool and collected and clear minded because the man has read too many books and watched too many videos on how labor progresses
after guiding you through a rough and long labor with deep breathing techniques
he finally catches the first sight of his baby,,
and he’s super teary eyed and overwhelmed with all the emotions he tried to suppress while preparing for his baby’s arrival
but his dad instincts majorly kick in and he’s counting the baby’s fingers and toes and asking the doctor questions and keeping an eye on the nurses who hold his whole world in their hands
during skin-to-skin, daichi can’t stop touching the baby’s little fingers and toes and cooing softly (incredibly soft daichi is a rare sight)
but still, the sight of daichi holding his baby against his chest is like none other - it looks like he was waiting his whole life for this moment because he was uwuwuwu
after returning home,
daichi is super super extra tender with you
he knows (from research and now experience) the emotional and physical toll it takes on your body, 
paternity leave is an unspoken necessity for daichi 
changing diapers? he’s on it. burping the baby? he’s on it. checking on the baby in the dead of night? he’s on it.
daichi wants to do whatever helps you recover the fastest
and he’s just so so soft and sweet to you and it’s just UGHHHH
dad daichi is best daichi
☀︎—tetsuro kuroo
for a nerd, the poor boy is kinda slow and he doesn’t realize that you’ve been leaving him hints for about a week now
when he said kenma was the brain, he meant it
it’s only when you leave your positive pregnancy test blatantly next to the bathroom sink one night 
he finds it and he’s jumping and pumping his fists in the air like an idiot
it’s the cutest moment when he comes sprinting out of the bathroom with his hands flailing in the air and his face plastered with the biggest smile
but he lets his excitement die down as he pulls you into a soft hug and kisses the top of your head 
he’ll murmur softly with his chin resting on your head,,
“how long have you known?”
“tetsu, i’ve known for more than a week, and i’ve been trying to tell you for more than a week too...” PFFFFT
but now that he knows, he can’t be separated from your side
like, if you thought he was affectionate before, soon-to-be dad kuroo is triple that
he can’t stand to see you in discomfort, and he feels helpless seeing you struggle with morning sickness among other symptoms
so he does his absolute best to help quell your discomfort with his affection
he’ll massage your sore back and your swollen feet and try to adjust to any cuddling position that helps you sleep better
he’s also trying your cravings with you and he’s overly eager to go clothing shopping for the baby
kuroo wants to make the experience good for you, so he picks up cooking and cleaning duty as often as he can 
kuroo in an apron is now a normal sight to see
and when your due date arrives,
it’s the middle of the night when your water breaks,
and kuroo leaps out of bed when he hears you whimper and tug on his shirt
he knows how anxious you are, and he channels as much calm energy as he can to help you relax
he’s big on positive affirmations, from the drive to the hospital to the labor process
“baby, you’re doing so good, okay?”
“you can do it, i know you can.”
BIG uwu
but it really hurts him to see you in pain, and he’s trying to do anything and everything when you experience contractions
but after all of the contractions and pain and anxiety, he finally gets to see the baby rest on your chest
silent tears of joy fall from his eyes, and he’s leaning over the both of you, planting gentle kisses on your hair
when he’s reaching out to touch his baby’s smol hands,
the baby’s whole hand wraps around his pointer finger and he’s so smitten
dad kuroo nearly passes out
at home, he’s super encouraging to you, and he’s always reassuring and praising you for working tirelessly
he didn’t know he could experience more love in his life than he already has
but now he knows he can with his new little family<3333
☀︎—tōru oikawa
he’s literally so overjoyed and excited
like he picked you up and spun you around and peppered you with kisses after you first shared the news
after the first trimester passes, oikawa’s the type to tell everyone (who will listen) that he’s going to be a dad
like,, he’s picking you up weird craving foods or something and the cashier couldn’t care less but he’s like
“yeah, it’s for my baby momma” <3333 LMAO i’m just kidding he doesn’t say this... exactly
he’s also obsessed with your baby bump
like obsessed
he always absentmindedly rests his hand beneath your bump and caresses it tenderly
majorly freaks out when he feels a kick
kisses your bump almost more than you (i said almost because if you pout at him after, he’ll kiss your lips twice more ahhh)
i bet he definitely tried to plan some corny halloween costume involving your bump
it’s not all easygoing sometimes though,,
oikawa lays awake sometimes at night and he’s super anxious and insecure about being a dad
but one glance at your peaceful sleeping face
and he feels so reassured and lucky to have you as a partner
the day your water breaks, oikawa literally gets a superhuman adrenaline rush lol
like he’s yeeting things into the car on top of your already well-packed hospital bag because he just wants to be sure everything goes smoothly
“tōru we don’t need the yoga ball-”
he’s definitely a little more nervous and frazzled than you are and he’s not the best at hiding it
but you think it’s funny and cute to see him like this
and after hours of labor,
it honestly looks more like oikawa gave birth LMAO
his eyes are kinda wild and his hair is so disheveled and his clothes are crinkled from trying to cuddle and comfort you in the hospital bed
but he’s overwhelmed with a range of emotions
he’s definitely doing his ugly cry until he gets the chance to hold his baby
his heart stops for a moment and he swears that time stops too
the love in oikawa’s eyes is undeniable, and he promises right then and there that he’d do anything for this little bundle of joy
after bringing the baby home,
oikawa’s glued to the baby monitor if he’s not physically with his baby
but when he’s settled into bed with you after the baby’s asleep, you can hear him mumble incoherently about how happy he is
and it’s true
his eyes literally shine with joy now that he has two loves of his life
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dog-teeth · 4 years
is there anything you wish you had known before starting T? are there any effects that you dislike? sorry if this is too personal, i'm just trying to make sure i'm making a good decision. i'm agender but i want to present more masc but i'm scared that i'll end up hating the effects of T even though there are some things that i really really want from it. also, i love your art!
no worries im honestly fine with talking about almost all transition/gender related stuff! im gonna talk (p non-explicitly) about sex and body stuff so i’ll put this under the cut
there aren’t any effects i dislike. when i started there were things that i was very nervous for because i thought i would hate them but ended up loving them. i prefer almost everything i experience on hrt, or i don’t care about it, so for example i LOVE my voice now & i love the way T makes me feel emotionally (both physiologically and psychologically), but i don’t care about having facial hair because i always shave it but it’s not that much of a hassle and sometimes stubble is cute. i don’t care for the body hair either bc i was already basically as hairy as a cis man pre-T, i even liked my old leg hair better because the texture was less coarse. the only thing i like better not on T is sexual sensations, but honestly i dont have sex so it doesn’t matter lol. i was v scared for bottom growth and was certain i would hate it but it actually rules i love it (i don’t love that i need like three times as much lube now tho cuz ur ability to naturally lubricate goes way down) also this was one of the most uncomfortable changes at first cuz it makes the clit very tender and sensitive and it will rub against your underwear and be really uncomfy with friction, so make sure u have soft underwear and loose pants. sorry for talking about my genitalia but tbh there is nowhere near enough information about trans bodies and its one of the least discussed aspects of hrt.
however, i was not always this content with taking T! it was a rocky start! there’s nothing that bothers me now, but when i was first starting, a lot bothered me. i was SO sweaty for NO reason, my voice HONKED like a third of the time i opened my mouth, i was VERY ANGRY very quickly, and i was so so hungry!!! snacking forever!! all of these things mellowed out over the first few months, i’m back to not sweating very much and being able to speak like a human person and my anger is actually significantly more manageable than it was pre-T because it comes and goes easily which means i no longer fester deep frustration and anger all the time. i think my appetite leveled out but it’s still higher than before, i gained a couple pounds but it wasn’t a lot.
i don’t want to pressure or sway anyones decision to take hrt, but i would say that your body and mind are so very capable of adapting to new things & even if you end up not liking some parts of hrt you will be able to deal with them and move on, and most of the things that are nerve-wracking end up being fine. its super super scary to try taking hrt since so much is permanent changes to your body. but you can always take a low dose to make the changes happen slower, and like i said you get used to things way easier than you think you will.
i was really really really scared and uncertain when i started T, but i’m so glad i made the jump to do it! i could never have imagined how much it would improve my life! there were so many things i was terrified of - doing irreparable “damage” to my body, regretting it, being read as male, certain specific physical effects, etc. i also didn’t know anybody irl who took T, just my beautiful lovely trans woman friend who started E years ago while we were friends, so seeing her go through the process inspired me a lot. we r both so sexy now like we were sexy before but honestly hrt has made us unstoppable & i love it for us. i definitely couldn’t have done it without her support. i’m getting off track, my point was that i didn’t know anybody on T so i couldn’t see firsthand what it was like, i was basically my own experiment, and it was so scary. but eventually i reached the mindset of “i’m so fucking miserable and something needs to change and i’m not 100% certain it’s this but i need to try because i can’t spend the rest of my life wondering about it and if i do end up hating it i’ll just fucking deal with it from there” i would def recommend being more certain than i was but i do think theres a lot about hrt you just wont know how youll react to until it happens. above all my fears, i just wanted it, and all my fears were very surface-level (what if i hate my body [i already hate my body] what if i hate how people percieve me [i already hate how people percieve me] what if it makes me miserable [i’m already miserable] what if i regret taking it [what if i regret not taking it or i miss out on an opportunity to be happy] )
i cant tell you if T is the right choice for you, but i can tell you that i also had fears and uncertainties before starting, and that if you do end up hating it you’ll be able to adapt.
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arumin-arureruto · 3 years
Honeytea PT 2
Kyoya x fem reader and Hikaru x fem reader, Kyoya angst, Hikaru slowburn.
Warnings: none
word count: 1.7k
songs to listen to while reading:
What Am I by Why Dont We
Greek God by Conan Gray
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hikaru’s outfit:
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Reader’s outfit (your outfit can be whatever you want this is just what I had in mind while writing <3):
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Cafe Hikaru and reader are at:
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you woke up with the sun shining on your eyes, reaching out to feel the spot where your husband had been sleeping cold and empty, he had already left for work. Last night was emotionally exhausting, you had a fight with Kyoya and called Hikaru while your emotions were running high, even though you woke up feeling calmer it would still be nice to see him. You decided to get up and check your phone to see if you were still on for today, there were 6 unread messages from Hikaru.
“checking if ur okay”
“meet me tomorrow at 12pm for lunch at that cafe near my house, the one Honey got banned from”
“btw how the fuck do you manage to get banned from a restaurant for eating too much cake”
*picture of a single spoon inside a sink* “lol me”
“I should probably go to bed now goodnight”
He hasn’t changed a bit since high school, that’s what was so comforting to you about Hikaru. He took you back to a time where everything was much more simpler, lazy afternoons on the grass with the host club, drinking tea by the window in music room 3 with Kyoya, study sessions with Mori and Honey, getting into all sorts of mischief with Hikaru and Kauro, quietly reading with Haruhi, piano lessons from Tamaki…
All those memories started playing back in your mind and you started to feel all warm inside, you really didn’t know how good you had it. It’s not that you weren’t happy, you were married to the man you loved, you were one of the most respected and powerful women in society, what else could you ask for? But sometimes it felt like you were missing out on something, like your world could be so much more. When you mentioned this to Kyoya a couple months ago he suggested you try for children but you quickly shot down the idea, you were 23 and he was 24, having kids right now would be too big of a responsibility.
Shaking those thoughts from your head you checked the time on your phone, 10am. You still had 2hours before you had to meet Hikaru so going back to sleep was a tempting offer, but considering the cafe was almost 30 minutes away and you got easily distracted while getting ready it would be wiser to start picking out some clothes and getting in the shower. There was about 45 minutes before a maid was supposed to come in and clean your room so you figured that should be enough time to take a quick shower, you could just ask them to wait till you were done but you always felt awkward doing so.
After zoning out for a minute you headed for the shower, got undressed, put your hair up and turned on the hot water, you already washed your hair yesterday so there was no point in washing it again. You had always loved showers, the feeling of the warm water on your skin, the sound of the water dripping on the floor and the smell of all your products were enough to wash all your problems away. After about 25 minutes in the shower you turned the water off and stepped out, already missing the warmth of the water. After quickly drying yourself off with a towel you started massaging some lotion into your skin, first your arms and then your legs, this was your favorite part of your routine. When you felt that you had enough lotion on already you put on a robe, walked out of the bathroom and towards your walk in closet. It was september so the weather was still warm, today would be a simple dress day, or as simple as you could. Downside of being married to Kyoya Ootori: having to keep up appearances ALWAYS. After picking out a dress it was time for shoes, you gravitated towards a gorgeous pair of open toed gold heels that would’ve gone really well with your dress, but your legs were still slightly sore from last night so sandals it is.
After scrutinizing every part of your outfit and make up, which in the end you decided to go with a simple eyeliner, mascara and gloss, it was already 11:15. You grabbed your purse and asked someone to bring the car around. You hurriedly walked down the large staircase, excitement clear in your step, you got inside the car and gave a quick hello to the driver.
“Good morning Mrs Ootori, where to?”
“Morning Ryuzaki, Honeytea Cafe.”
“Understood ma’am.”
After giving your instructions you  pressed the button to lift the divider between the driver and the backseat, needing to be alone. You hadn’t seen Hikaru in person since your wedding reception, you talked on the phone occasionally but always for less than 2 minutes, this was the first time in months you would be in the same room again. Was it gonna be awkward? I mean you did call him yesterday late at night crying so what if he thought you were weird? No, no, this was Hikaru, your best friend since your first year of high school, everything was gonna be fine.
The 30 minute ride felt like it went by in less than 15, After getting to the cafe you told Ryuzaki to go back home and that you would call when you were done, since you didn’t know how long you would take. 11: 52pm, 8 minutes till you were supposed to meet Hikaru, meaning you had 8 minutes to get your act together.
You stepped into the cafe and scanned the place, 6 years and nothing had changed. Still the same old tall bookshelves lined the walls. The same paintings on the walls, and just like you remembered, peace and quiet. Since the cafe was a bit old fashioned it tended to attract an older crowd, old people just trying to enjoy their coffee and adults in their 30s that wanted a quiet place to work. While you continued to examine the room, lost in your own world, you felt a pair of slender hands on your shoulders and heard a familiar voice coming from behind you.
“Taking a trip down memory lane while blocking the way huh? Honestly y/n I thought commoners taught their children better manners.”
At first you were startled but then you quickly turned around to face the voice and there he was. Tall, mischievous smile and wild hair, Hikaru Hitachiin in the flesh. “Hikaru I-” you hugged him before you could even finish your sentence. You stood there with your arms wrapped around his neck in silence for a couple more seconds.
“We’re still blocking the way.”
Oh right.
Behind you 2 old ladies stood with unpleasant expressions on their faces, you both moved out of the way to let the ladies through, they walked past you and muttered something about today’s youth having no respect for their elders. You stood there slightly embarrassed, heat rising to your cheeks while Hikaru looked like he might burst out laughing.
You decide to grab a table at the very back of the cafe, away from everyone else. After you sit down Hikaru strikes a conversation. “Haven’t seen you in a year y/n, how’s married life been treating you?” He propped up his elbow and leaned his head on his hand, keeping his eyes focused on you.
Damn so we’re already on that topic.
“We’ve had our ups and downs, what about you? How are you and Kaoru doing?” Hopefully he won't bring up your phone call from yesterday. “We’re doing pretty good, Kaoru actually started seeing someone a couple months ago. Cute boy he met at an art gallery.” You could hear the tiniest hint of jealousy in the last part, but overall Hikaru sounded happy for his brother. “Oh he did? That’s cool” you stay silent for a couple seconds before proceeding with what you were saying. “And how do you feel about Kaoru seeing someone?” Hikaru’s eyes shifted from you to the table and kept them focused there. “In the beginning it was weird, I hated the idea of having to share him with someone else but now, I see how happy he is with Evan and that’s all that matters to me.” He looked up from the table to look at you and smile, then he spoke again but this time in a more playful tone. “So are we eating or what? Man were you seriously gonna let me starve? Typical Ootori.” That comment made you laugh, you really did miss him.
You both ordered and paid separately, since you knew you would argue over who would pay the bill. After you both received your food you sat down to eat, while you ate you reminisced about the past and talked about all the trouble you used to get into back in the day.
“No no, you were the one that tricked Tamaki into dressing up as Haruhi to fool the doctors during the physical exam that one time.” He laughed and pointed at you with a piece of bread. “Whaaaaat? Me? I would never, I was just an innocent bystander” you defended yourself while also laughing, then you remembered something. “No but for real that one wasn’t my idea, actually Kyoya came up with it.” Hikaru stopped laughing but still had a smile on his face, he then asked you a question.
“So Kyoya…” There was a pause before he spoke again.
“You mentioned you have your ups and downs, I’m guessing yesterday was a down?”
The food that was in your throat had trouble going down, you tried to quickly swallow and answer Hikaru’s question. “Yesterday was definitely not one of our best days” You let out a nervous laugh. Before you could elaborate a middle aged man came up to your table and asked if he could borrow one of your chairs for his daughter, seeing that you were both already finished with your food you told him he could have the chairs and got up to leave.
As you were walking out of the coffee shop Hikaru tapped your shoulder.
“Hey my house is just a 5 minute drive from here, we could go there if you wanna talk more in private.”
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