#Emperor Palaptine
marvelstars · 2 months
This isn't exactly a question, but just something I’ve felt like saying for a while. I just wanted to let you know that your posts about Palpatine and Anakin’s relationship are really refreshing. Speaking as a die-hard Palpatine fangirl, I have to say it is very rare to find anyone who realizes what a complex character he is and knows that he has a human side. So many of even his own fans simply like him because he’s (supposedly) pure evil, and that makes him cool. So thank you for your great posts and for actually understanding him.
Hi Thank you :)
I am glad you like my take on Palpatine, I believe he is a character not very explored by the fandom or even official media, he is usually characterized as the evil Emperor which is ok, he is fun, that´s a completely fair take for him because Lucas did write him that way in the original trilogy even if he gave him some nuances but he wasn´t truly explored until the PT.
What I found fascinating about him were the layers Ian McDiarmird and Lucas managed to give him in the prequel trilogy, this doesn´t mean I believe he was right or that he wasn´t the main villain of star wars but he was still human and it´s interesting to explore the story from his pov, because while I believe what he did, he did for power obviously, his character needed to have other talents to be able to fool so many characters in the prequel trilogy and become such a respected politician even by the founders of the rebellion and members of the Jedi Order but I especially like to explore his relationship to Anakin, the character closest to him in both trilogies.
For example, I always found interesting Sidious relationship with Padme in the first movie, he wasn´t just Naboo´s Senator but also Padme´s political mentor, he underestimated her and expected her to give up inmediately, which was a mistake and that was how she, along with Anakin, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon managed to stop his plans of starting a civil war for at least 10 years but he didn´t do so again, and despite the fact that he doesn´t have warm feelings towards her, I believe he respected her as a political rival.
He is the ultimate sith lord but he also is someone who likes art and seems to be able to read everybody around him like a book, you can´t do that if your understanding of people is superficial, he understands human emotion and motives, and more than his powers in the force,I believe his manipulative skills are by far the scarier part of his character, because he truly managed to get the political support of the Jedi Order and Bail Organa in the Second movie, you can´t do that if you don´t work with issues the republic already had and had causes those groups would support.
Finally his relationship with Anakin is openly toxic, is about him grooming a little kid to become his perfect apprentice, a little kid that comes with a prophecy that says he is going to stop his plans and maybe become Palpatine´s killer but this grooming took him 13 years of his life, you can´t spend years of your life espending time with someone and not be a little bit attached, Palpatine didn´t have family left or children of his own and Anakin was a trusting, loving kid starving for affection, you can be evil all you like but the fact that in ROTS novel Anakin knew Sidious pastimes and admired his political skills while also feel the need to defend the Jedi Order from him, the fact Palpatine knew exactly what kind of ship models Anakin liked, that he took time to mentor him in politics, tells that despite the horrible manipulation taking place there, there was a little bit of genuine feelings from Palpatine towards Anakin which unfortunately also came with a need for control, because Palpatine is a sith and they are possesive in their love.
The fact Palpatine calls Anakin Son while Anakin thinks of him as family and in the end the Emperor uses all the skills in the force and his personal resources to keep Anakin alive after Mustafar, that is something I don´t believe he would have done for Dooku or Maul and he raised Maul, which has it´s own implications.
The fact they are not only master and apprentice but subtly have called each other family directly or indirectly, it adds a whole other layer to them as main antagonists and villains, the fact Lucas point blank said Vader still loved the Emperor on ROTJ, despite the fact he made him fight his Son and it makes sense, you can´t spend 20 years of your life supporting someone you thought as family/leader and not have feelings about it as much as a sith you may be, that goes for both of them, this nuance tells that you can be a villain, commit evil acts and still have this little space for humanity and need for contact that not even the Emperor was safe from. He only let down his guard for Vader in ROTJ.
I just find it fascinating how between Anakin´s loved ones Shmi, Padme, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Rex, etc Palpatine was one of them and that while it was the result of manipulation and grooming, it also had some genuine elements. I could see a time travel story in which Anakin/Vader Post ROTJ tries to do for Palpatine what Luke did for him and be serious about it while also doing everything in his power to stop his plans from happening.
This kind of nuance is hard to get from a story like star wars with the main villain yet Lucas, Stover and Ian managed to do so and I like to explore the implications of this and I believe that´s what makes Palpatine cool as a character.
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Listening to an audible version of Lords of the Sith and I know this will mean almost nothing to anyone, but I love Isval so, so, so much. In this household we fully love and support mentally unwell SA survivors who help lead community-based freedom movements, kill fascist colonizers for therapy, and face Vader down alone with dual-wielded blasters.
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this-acuteneurosis · 2 years
Ive been haunted recently of a delightfully bleak story premise that goes like Yoda wounded Sideous but died of his wounds, Sideous cant rush to Mustafar So Vader dies but like the aftermath is Obiwan survived and Palaptine Survived and that's it on each side. but the TWINS cause their survival means Obi sits in the desert/somewhere cause survival, BLEH, but ONLY trained master so maby not? or what if one twin got taken by Palps, one by luke? or just real bleak, twins and Padme die. thoughts?
I am very sorry friend, I think you brought this idea to the wrong person. I am not bleak enough for this.
My first thought, if Palpatine is too injured to get to Anakin, is that there's no way he gets a twin. Padmé was on Mustafar too. So that's out.
Setting that aside, you wanna know who's on the ship with Obi-Wan after Mustafar?
Bail Organa.
And Palpatine, the man behind the schemes, is down for the count. The brand new Emperor, critically injured.
Bail's back on Coruscant so fast there's galactic whiplash. He's got a delegation of 2,000 lined up, he's got to have plans for who was going to step in for Palpatine. And hey, Anakin just murdered a bunch of Separatist leaders, so the war's basically over. Ish. Padmé is dead, but it happened on Mustafar where the Separatists were. Spin the hell out of that story and you've got some great pathos to work with.
Bail immediately disassembles the Empire, gets a good person installed, and laughs over Palpatine's immobile body. Maybe even discreetly gets him killed. Sure, Yoda's gone, but Palpatine is critically injured? It's only murder if they can prove it was medical malpractice.
I suppose the twins could have died with Padmé, which would be sad. But if they’re alive, I think Bail has Obi-Wan take both children to Alderaan. It was Yoda's suggestion to split them up, and to send Luke to Tatooine. Bail would want Obi-Wan close, somewhere safe until they can prove the Jedi were framed (and stop the clones from killing Jedi on sight). If Obi-Wan has no babies to take care of, Breha can fuss over him. If he has babies to take care of, well...he'll be grieving, but he'll have something to do.
If Obi-Wan refused to go to Alderaan and took himself and the kids to Tatooine, he'd still probably hit up the Lars farm first. Either they take both and he lurks in the desert, not so different than his original story except that Luke and Leia definitely figure out how to use the Force as children by sheer proximity to each other and shenanigans. Which is fine because Bail will have things sorted out for the Jedi in the next decade or so. No need for them to hide. Or they take both, take a long look at Obi-Wan, and are like, we need more hands on deck, this is two babies, your new room's on the left.
Even if Bail took Leia and scampered off with her, as long as he has the government back on track, Leia and Luke are reunited in several years when it's safe again.
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hannibalzero · 6 months
How would you fix the sequels?
The sequels? That's a bit difficult but I'll give it a go! Just know that I'm no script writer but this is what I would have done.
First things first, I would have had Rey unconnected from the main family. No skywalker connection, just like Anakin she came from the force. She is simply there. Poe is still an ex-stormtrooper but he is force sensitive and will become a full-fledged Jedi. Poe is about the same. Kylo Ren would not have removed his helmet until the last movie, the first movie would make him monstrous but the helmet would crack and on the final movie his face would be reviled. Ben Solo under stokes control. Stoke is a sith Lord, Palaptine guides him thought the force.
Rey is tinkering with r2 and R2 has ‘hickups’ showing memories to Rey from Anakin, Obi-wan, Qui-gon-jinn and Luke, Leia too. This is how Rey learns who Ben Solo is, maybe a big fight with Han. Teen drama, stuff. Rey learns from the best Jedi masters because of R2’s hickups. Rey and Fin train together with the videos R2 shows.
3cpo doesn't know sith language…why would he? 3cpo is the one who has the map to find Luke.
Rey having a dyad with Ren is pretty cool, Rey having nightmares of this monster begging to be freed.
The stupid ass sith dagger, it matches with the death star? No way. It matches with the mountain leading to a cave.
The rebels slowly being attached? Let's go with they are on Hoft and the first order is slowly finding the routes strangling the rebels supplies stream. Giving enough time for Poe and Rose to get help.
Hux is the surprise big bad, Rey and Kylo kill stoke like in the movie. The sound of slow clapping is heard the two force users turn around to see Armitage Hux walking into the throne room. “My my, you took out my puppet…maybe you both are worth something.” pushes the puppet out of the throne and sits down. “But I doubt you can handle a real sith.”
Sith Hux reveals himself to be the new Emperor of the Galactic empire, lightings both Rey and Ben but they both escape in a pod thanks to Fin.
That's all I really have at the moment, I liked the sequels but man so much lost potential! Let me know what you think!
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passionesolja · 2 years
The jojo fans who think song is a jojo reference are much more tolerable than the Star Wars fans who think every real world tragedy is a Star Wars reference.
I would much rather deal with reading “it just works” under every King Crimson song than have some self important Star Wars fan explain to me how what happened to their fave group of space wizards also maybe kinda if you squint happened irl so you have to treat the fictional galactic mage guild like a protected class, or that every politician they dislike is emperor Palaptine
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mcrcki · 1 year
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Was that [WILLA HOLLAND]? Oh no no, that was just [LEIA ORGANA], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [STAR WARS]. They are [TWENTY FIVE] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here -
leia technically has been here for nearly seven years now. she’s been in dc since she was twenty three, and while for plotting sake i have her age on pages frozen at twenty five, she is almost thirty now.
what is your character’s job -
president of the united states leia organa at your service
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom -
leia is pulled a few months after the battle of endor and the end of the galactic civil war. she was specifically on her way to a meeting with mon mothma about the role she would be taking in the new republic when she entered hyperspace and woke up in dc. that’s the last thing she remembers from home.
has any magic affected your character -
multiple times, yes. when leia first arrived in dc, she was completely unaware of her life back in her galaxy. she had originally thought she grew up in a political family, her father being the senator from oregon, her mother being a state representative. in that time is when she and sheev grew to be close friends, and eventually running for office together while both unaware of the true reality behind their connection. during one of the first storms in dc, leia had gotten caught up in the magic which brought her memories of home back for the past few years. two summers ago however, for reason we’ll get into i promise, she went unaware again, was the absolute worst and regained her memories during the jumanji nightmare. so, while she is completely aware now, she was unaware for a few times on and off. you never know though, third time’s the charm, that might stick this time around
extra information -
we know the drill by now right? i’m going to write a novel for no reason and apologize for how long i will go on gushing about the space mom
background :
let me just start by prefacing this with i pull pretty much everything i know and write about leia from legends canon. i really don’t follow new canon at all. of course, for rp purposes we’ve meshed the two and i love the solo family and their four messy kids, but i do write leia solely from legends and the path that life took.
a woman of too many names and titles. born leia amidala skywalker, younger twin to luke skywalker, the only daughter of padme amidala and anakin skywalker, she and her brother were separated at birth following the death of their mother and the fall of their father. it was the safest option. they would be hidden away from vader and palaptine. they should have been safe that way.
adopted by the organa’s, leia became the crowned princess to the alderaan throne, thus being known as the princess leia organa of the royal house of alderaan. and while she always knew she was adopted, she never knew about the family that she had lost to the force. her parents, bail and breha organa did everything they could to keep leia safe from that. she had at first, not shown any signs of the force.
unfortunately she did reveal a skill in it around the time she was two, and was soon on the empire’s radar for the incident.
might have been a baby but hey, gotta start pissing the emperor off from a young age.
while she never knew her twin growing up, leia had grown up with her best friend, and adopted sister, winter celchu. the two could not have been more different and yet as thick as thieves. winter was the perfect example of refined and regal, it didn’t take long for people to mistake her for the princess of alderaan. where leia was often mistaken as “a domestic girl”. which leia didn’t mind really. she never wanted the pressure of being the princess, to have to go through all of the training that her aunts would push on her. (she appreciates it more than she could have ever imagined now)
honestly shout out to winter for literally everything. the girls used to switch places, winter going to plenty of events as leia so that leia could sneak out of the palace and “create mischief and visit inappropriate boys”. this is something the girls carried on their entire lives, and even now winter will cover for her as president at least once a week.
leia really was just a rebellious child and i apologize to bail and breha for the nightmare girl she was. she was kicked out of almost every single school on alderaan, one of them because she staged a protest for not giving the students fresh squeezed juice, at seven. and another because she broke into the school’s speaker system and changed the programming so that any mention of “emperor palpatine” was replaced with “emperor fuckface” and the empire’s anthem was replaced with the anthem of the old republic. she was like 13 at the time.
she was mostly homeschooled after that by tutors.
honestly i could go into everything leia did as a child because dear god she got in so much trouble she was a terror. like dropping a water balloon on tarkin’s head. truly read her legends wiki, it’s so funny.
proficient in far too many languages, it was her favorite thing to learn and one of the only tutors that held her attention. that and her self defense teacher, but that was to be expected.
either way, leia learned that she hated most of high society, the way they all thought they were better than everyone, the lavish parties while people suffered and she, along with her father’s hand in training her for this, had decided early on that she wanted to change the galaxy she lived in.
bail had trained leia for this. she was the youngest senator ever elected, at just eighteen when she was formally introduced to the galactic senate and palpatine himself.
she was only seventeen when her father started to bring her into the fold of the rebellion.
when her father stepped down from the senate, leia officially took his place and subsequently used her diplomatic immunity and cover for her ship to run secret missions for the rebellion. it began her first steps into her double life of senator and rebel.
this was around the time that mon mothma had taken leia under her wing and she grew even closer into the senate but also the inner workings of the rebellion. she was meant to fully take over the rebellion thanks to mothma’s teachings.
this is about when we get to the events of the original trilogy so !!
life in dc :
alright deep breath everyone.
first and foremost, let’s just talk about the solos. leia is a mother of four, grandmother to three, and aunt to one. and she loves each and every one of them with all her heart and soul. her kids are her life, her grandchildren hold all of her heart. truly is just a very family oriented person, despite her workaholic tendencies, she would do anything to keep her family safe.
she is married to han solo, having eloped right before the halloween gala of 2022. they had kept it rather quiet, and were going to announce it to the family later until SOMEONE had to go and get themselves skewered again..... smh.
she is kinda still the worst. i’m so sorry to any agent ahsoka assigns to her detail because leia is a runner. there are far too many times that ‘nebula’s disappeared’ is called over the radios. but listen she’s got her blaster and her own lightsaber now, it’s fine
she was in the process of training with the force. she knows she’d never really be a jedi, she didn’t ever want to be a part of the order like that. and while she was doing well, learning how to control the force within her, there was always a darkness in her. one that she couldn’t fight off forever. the actual use of the force is something that still scares her. it’s a fear that she only talks to luke about, the both of them having an understanding about the darkness that continues to call to them.
her anger takes over far too often, not thinking clearly when it does and it leave a perfect opening for manipulation. for her own fall. to make the mistakes of her father. and that terrifies her.
she wanted to be good, she wanted to be strong, but she just doesn’t think it can happen. her greatest fear is that she will fall to the dark side as vader had, that she won’t be able to fight it. and with each encounter with palpatine, she fears he’s making more and more progress on that.-- i wrote that like two years ago AND OH BOY DID WE FORESHADOW.
she’s fought with palpatine about four ?? times now, three of them discreetly, but another when she tried to kill him. a futile attempt that ended only with leia falling and her brother’s death only being mirrored instead of avenged. she wants to forget it ever happened but knows she can’t.
she doesn’t think she can ever really forgive her father for what he did. she knows, somewhere deep down, that one day she will find a time to forgive him, seeing as how one of her sons is named after him, but she still has nightmares about what vader did, about the days she spent locked in her cell on the death star. often she will close her eyes and clear as day feel vader’s hand on her shoulder, forcing her to watch as alderaan was destroyed. those days set her back.
right now, leia’s main goal is just keeping her kids safe. keeping luke and han safe. and trying to keep herself from falling. but she’s also made up her mind, that if any of her family is to deal with the dark side, leia will be the one to take that fall. she will let herself fall under palpatine if it ever came down to that or her family’s safety. - big fucking oof to that one lMAO
god there is probably more i could ramble about, like certain things that happened in the og trilogy or headcanons about her and the force or her and her family or her and her job. who knows. i will probably do some like head canon posts for more details about like her and jabba or her and what happened on the death star idk glkdfjg
BUT if you want to know what’s going on with sith vibes, here is the link to that update, since it’s where we’re at currently with leia !!
anyways once more sorry for the length but also as always, throw a middle finger into the sky for the space momby, carrie ♥
connections :
✩ secret service agents
a long standing connection i’ve had up on the main. truly anyone is free to apply for this, if you need a job, the agents are there for you!!
not all of them will work with leia directly, but she would definitely know all of their names, as she cares a lot of everyone who works for/under her.
just be warned, if you are on her personal detail, it’s probably meant to mess with you because leia is known for disappearing from her detail whenever she feels like it and getting into one mess after another
definitely be ready to have “nebula’s disappeared” be part of your daily vocabulary.
✩ white house employees
this can be anything from her cabinet members to a maid, truly anyone who works in the white house would definitely know her
leia doesn’t like to have this big separation between herself and the rest of her employees so feel free to have your characters work in the white house and be friendly with the president!
✩ people in politics
i mean of course she would know just about everyone in politics, but she definitely would have friends she would have business lunches with, go out for some drinks after a long day, all that jazz
✩ people outside of star wars
leia has been in the city for 4+ years as well, she would be pretty much all over, going to any and every fundraiser, doing speeches at schools, visiting different jobs etc
so she would realistically know a bunch of people from all over the city, both good and bad interactions, feel free to plot these out with me!!
✩ friends outside of politics
people she would know that she doesn’t have to talk shop with, someone who maybe she meets on one of her many adventures running away from her agents
just about anyone she can just be leia with
✩ opposing politicians
my love is very very liberal , she is not always going to rub people the right way with very progressive thoughts and actions. she’s the youngest president in history and that can be to her detriment sometimes. on top of all of that, there have been how many disasters under her administration within the city?
point is, she’s not always going to get along with everyone, and i would love to explore some people who are definitely against her re-election, people who oppose her that she has a very strained professional relationship with etc
just tension all around !!!
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hotchocolatejedi · 5 months
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↳ @valorums
OH, HOW WONDERFULLY NAÏVE this young man has just revealed himself to be. Shi’al was indeed truly moved by Luke’s words, and thus, unable to stop a small smile from creeping onto her lips. The PRESS SECRETARY gazed upon the JEDI in silence for a few precious moments, lost in memories and lost in thought.
        “ Your mother would’ve responded with something similar, I think. It seems that you have inherited her immense kindness. ” Shi’al said softly, breaking the silence that had settled between them while handing him the requested cup. “ Cling to your kindness, young man; it is desperately needed within our galaxy. ”
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In a rare display — even amongst members of the rebellion, Press Secretary Valorum was still renowned for her STOICISM — of emotion, she swallowed the lump inside her throat, glancing down at her shoes. Quite some time has passed since she last spoke of her DEAREST FRIEND, to the point where the eternal ache in her heart left by Padmè’s demise almost entirely subsided. Now, however, that same ache was revitalized, and subsequently returned in full force.
        “ What you must understand, though, is that this game of chess played here is incredibly intricate and decades in the making. Emperor Palaptine has no regard for the value of bravery or delusions of agency — he is a mortal man who masquerades as divine. Much of my life path has been a creation entirely of his design. ”
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𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐘𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐊𝐘𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄, 𝐈𝐒 𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐒 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐃𝐌𝐄́, 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐎 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝐍𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐗𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐌𝐒. The longer he lives, the more he feels this connection to the mother he never knew. Her name, like her face, is shrouded in much darkness, and oh, how he wishes he had the chance to know her. Kindness like hers must have been legendary, could have made the sands of Tatooine weep water.
Luke takes the cup and digs into it, satisfied by the slightly sweet taste. It'll help his body acclimate to the prosthetic and help him heal after such a fall. His leg muscles still ached from clinging to that piece of metal on Bespin. When he's done, he puts the cup down and simply chews over her words: he'd had no regard for chess games as a moisture farmer, as he'd been too busy fending off Sand People & bullseyeing womp rats from long distances away. Chess games and strategy remind him of the very things he struggles with.
"You knew my mother?" he says, swallowing thickly, excited + nervous all at once. Luke almost jumps out of his bed with curiosity nipping at his heels. He almost wants to prod, ask her what she was like, but in seeing the way she looks at her feet, Luke thinks better and swaps the topic.
"I just try to do the right thing. You've done a lot for us. But thinking about the Emperor... how did a man like that come into power? How long has he been around?"
Planets in the Outer Rim had little need to follow politics, though they should. Luke was always far too worried about his vapor quota to think about justice or greater subjects such as freedom - that was, until Aunt Beru & Uncle Owen died, and Ben took him under his wing.
Luke's face falls, and he goes to reach to comfort her with his prosthetic hand, but pulls back at the last moment, instead offering a slight gesture of understanding in a head nod. His voice is softer when he speaks up a moment later.
"You deserve to design your own life."
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ao3feed-obikin · 6 months
how to fight a war (when you're already lost)
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51885196 by KnockKnockOut The Republic has fallen. The Jedi Order has fallen. And with it, two of the Republic's greatest heroes, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, find themselves in the thrall of the Sith Lord Emperor Palpatine. Darth Vader is Palpatine's boot across the galaxy, crushing any resistance. Obi-Wan is forced to serve in the Imperial Palace, waiting hand and foot on the two Sith Lords. But their labor isn't enough. The Emperor has plans for them to serve in even more ways—ways that, if enacted, would tie their future to that of the Empire more thoroughly than anything else could. Obi-Wan Kenobi has done nothing but fail since before he can remember. And with Palpatine's new torture, even his own body is fighting to keep him subject to Palpatine's rule. With everything he once loved lost—his Padawan, his Master, his family, the very Force itself—it is time to see if Obi-Wan can succeed. Words: 10450, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, CC-2224 | Cody, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Vader, CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Darkfic, MCD Warning is for Palaptine, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Rape/Non-con Elements, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Body Image, Body Dysphoria, Porn With Plot, Hurt No Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, alpha to omega, Forced Alpha to Omega transition, noncon kink, Breeding Kink, Non-Consensual Bondage, Humiliation, Public Humiliation, Male Lactation, Shameless Smut, Angst and Tragedy, Body Horror, Omega Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alpha Anakin Skywalker, Creepy Palpatine, forced eating, unhealthy relationship with food, Dark humor if you squint, eventual hurt/comfort read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51885196
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ayo-cowbelly · 3 years
Star Wars characters as bad reaction memes from my camera roll
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obi wan:
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newswcanonprompts · 4 years
prompt #18 - Artoo Gets A Gun (AKA a Slugthrower)
he'd be even more of a menace
imagine R2 with something that actually packs a punch no matter how many lightsaber blocks you do
Artoo rescues himself when he's captured
R2D2 with a gun could take on Palpatine
He uses separatist leaders as target practice. 
a plan that basically boils down to "drop the crazy gun-toting droid into the situation and get clear of the blast zone"
R2 would absolutely kneecap Dooku
just because he's that kind of petty bastard
~If it's OT, Vader knows he's doomed right away, he knows that droid~
The Council has three folders on the thing they've dubbed "A Skywalker Plan" and two are for the sub-category "let slip the droid of war and then run like hell”
R2D2 assassinates Palpatine before anyone else finds out about him being a Sith and everyone's just trying to work out what happened
 So little people would be prepared for them, it's one hell of a surprise weapon to put on a droid
especially a model like R2
We know that it’s mostly Mandos who use slugthrowers.
and they mostly used them as anti-jedi weaponry, so to have a droid working with the jedi pack that kind of punch? hell of a surprise
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thedetectivesteve · 3 years
Detective Reviews #20 - Revenge of the Sith (7/6/14)
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knowledgepronto · 5 years
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Top 10 Sith Lords (Results) – Star Wars Top Tens Top 10 Sith Lords (Results) - Star Wars Top Tens
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downtofragglerock · 2 years
To continue my “kid me didn’t understand Star Wars but in weird ways” I initially thought that chancellor palpatine and darth sidious were two different people
but here’s the thing
I may have, at an earlier point, thought (correctly) that they were the same dude
but then I got a hold of a lego Star Wars ultimate guide book, the one that came with a unique minifigure
and when it showed the spread of clone wars characters, darth sidious and chancellor palaptine were shown as different characters (obviously intentionally)
but here’s the other thing
I knew that darth sidious’s name was palpatine because I had heard him being called emperor palpatine
so here’s what I thought
Chancellor Palpatine and Emperor Palpatine were twin brothers, and it was like one of those “good twin evil twin” things
No matter how many times anybody I told this to kept telling me, “they’re the same guy” I didn’t believe them, and I kept pointing to the page of the guide book being like “if they were the same character they wouldn’t show them twice’ like it was the ultimate rebuttal
And I don’t actually remember when I stopped believing this
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mcrcki · 6 months
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Was that [WILLA HOLLAND]? Oh no no, that was just [LEIA ORGANA], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [STAR WARS]. They are [TWENTY FIVE] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here -
leia technically has been here for nearly eight years now. she’s been in dc since she was twenty three, and while for plotting sake i have her age on pages frozen at twenty five, she is like thirty one now.
what is your character’s job -
president of the united states leia organa at your service
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom -
leia is pulled a few months after the battle of endor and the end of the galactic civil war. she was specifically on her way to a meeting with mon mothma about the role she would be taking in the new republic when she entered hyperspace and woke up in dc. that’s the last thing she remembers from home.
has any magic affected your character -
multiple times, yes. when leia first arrived in dc, she was completely unaware of her life back in her galaxy. she had originally thought she grew up in a political family, her father being the senator from oregon, her mother being a state representative. in that time is when she and sheev grew to be close friends, and eventually running for office together while both unaware of the true reality behind their connection. during one of the first storms in dc, leia had gotten caught up in the magic which brought her memories of home back for the past few years. two summers ago however, for reason we’ll get into i promise, she went unaware again, was the absolute worst and regained her memories during the jumanji nightmare. so, while she is completely aware now, she was unaware for a few times on and off. you never know though, third time’s the charm, that might stick this time around she has been unaware several times, forgetting she is the president during that time , so sorry to anyone who has been personally victimized by the idea of president palpatine
extra information -
we know the drill by now right? i’m going to write a novel for no reason and apologize for how long i will go on gushing about the space mom
background :
let me just start by prefacing this with i pull pretty much everything i know and write about leia from legends canon. i really don’t follow new canon at all. of course, for rp purposes we’ve meshed the two and i love the solo family and their four messy kids, but i do write leia solely from legends and the path that life took.
a woman of too many names and titles. born leia amidala skywalker, younger twin to luke skywalker, the only daughter of padme amidala and anakin skywalker, she and her brother were separated at birth following the death of their mother and the fall of their father. it was the safest option. they would be hidden away from vader and palaptine. they should have been safe that way.
adopted by the organa’s, leia became the crowned princess to the alderaan throne, thus being known as the princess leia organa of the royal house of alderaan. and while she always knew she was adopted, she never knew about the family that she had lost to the force. her parents, bail and breha organa did everything they could to keep leia safe from that. she had at first, not shown any signs of the force.
unfortunately she did reveal a skill in it around the time she was two, and was soon on the empire’s radar for the incident.
might have been a baby but hey, gotta start pissing the emperor off from a young age.
while she never knew her twin growing up, leia had grown up with her best friend, and adopted sister, winter celchu. the two could not have been more different and yet as thick as thieves. winter was the perfect example of refined and regal, it didn’t take long for people to mistake her for the princess of alderaan. where leia was often mistaken as “a domestic girl”. which leia didn’t mind really. she never wanted the pressure of being the princess, to have to go through all of the training that her aunts would push on her. (she appreciates it more than she could have ever imagined now)
honestly shout out to winter for literally everything. the girls used to switch places, winter going to plenty of events as leia so that leia could sneak out of the palace and “create mischief and visit inappropriate boys”. this is something the girls carried on their entire lives, and even now winter will cover for her as president at least once a week.
leia really was just a rebellious child and i apologize to bail and breha for the nightmare girl she was. she was kicked out of almost every single school on alderaan, one of them because she staged a protest for not giving the students fresh squeezed juice, at seven. and another because she broke into the school’s speaker system and changed the programming so that any mention of “emperor palpatine” was replaced with “emperor fuckface” and the empire’s anthem was replaced with the anthem of the old republic. she was like 13 at the time.
she was mostly homeschooled after that by tutors.
honestly i could go into everything leia did as a child because dear god she got in so much trouble she was a terror. like dropping a water balloon on tarkin’s head. truly read her legends wiki, it’s so funny.
proficient in far too many languages, it was her favorite thing to learn and one of the only tutors that held her attention. that and her self defense teacher, but that was to be expected.
either way, leia learned that she hated most of high society, the way they all thought they were better than everyone, the lavish parties while people suffered and she, along with her father’s hand in training her for this, had decided early on that she wanted to change the galaxy she lived in.
bail had trained leia for this. she was the youngest senator ever elected, at just eighteen when she was formally introduced to the galactic senate and palpatine himself.
she was only seventeen when her father started to bring her into the fold of the rebellion.
when her father stepped down from the senate, leia officially took his place and subsequently used her diplomatic immunity and cover for her ship to run secret missions for the rebellion. it began her first steps into her double life of senator and rebel.
this was around the time that mon mothma had taken leia under her wing and she grew even closer into the senate but also the inner workings of the rebellion. she was meant to fully take over the rebellion thanks to mothma’s teachings.
this is about when we get to the events of the original trilogy so !!
life in dc :
alright deep breath everyone.
first and foremost, let’s just talk about the solos. leia is a mother of four (soon to be five!! solo #5 is on their way), grandmother to six, and aunt to one. and she loves each and every one of them with all her heart and soul. her kids are her life, her grandchildren hold all of her heart. truly is just a very family oriented person, despite her workaholic tendencies, she would do anything to keep her family safe. (i don't want to hear it about bastilla rn let her just be happy mom for a second)
she is married to han solo, having eloped right before the halloween gala of 2022. they had kept it rather quiet, and were going to announce it to the family later until SOMEONE had to go and get themselves skewered again….. smh. and then the other half of this fell to the darkside in a full on dive but ya know lol
she is kinda still the worst. i’m so sorry to any agent ahsoka assigns to her detail because leia is a runner. there are far too many times that ‘nebula’s disappeared’ is called over the radios. but listen she’s got her blaster and her own lightsaber now, it’s fine
she was in the process of training with the force. she knows she’d never really be a jedi, she didn’t ever want to be a part of the order like that. and while she was doing well, learning how to control the force within her, there was always a darkness in her. one that she couldn’t fight off forever. the actual use of the force is something that still scares her. it’s a fear that she only talks to her siblings about.
her anger takes over far too often, not thinking clearly when it does and it leave a perfect opening for manipulation. for her own fall. to make the mistakes of her father. and that terrifies her.
she wanted to be good, she wanted to be strong, but she just doesn’t think it can happen. her greatest fear is that she will fall to the dark side as vader had, that she won’t be able to fight it. and with each encounter with palpatine, she fears he’s making more and more progress on that.– i wrote that like two years ago AND OH BOY DID WE FORESHADOW.
she’s fought with palpatine about four ?? times now, three of them discreetly, but another when she tried to kill him. a futile attempt that ended only with leia falling and her brother’s death only being mirrored instead of avenged. she wants to forget it ever happened but knows she can’t.
she doesn’t think she can ever really forgive her father for what he did. she knows, somewhere deep down, that one day she will find a time to forgive him, seeing as how one of her sons is named after him, but she still has nightmares about what vader did, about the days she spent locked in her cell on the death star. often she will close her eyes and clear as day feel vader’s hand on her shoulder, forcing her to watch as alderaan was destroyed. those days set her back.
right now, leia’s main goal is just keeping her kids safe. keeping luke and han safe. and trying to keep herself from falling. but she’s also made up her mind, that if any of her family is to deal with the dark side, leia will be the one to take that fall. she will let herself fall under palpatine if it ever came down to that or her family’s safety. - big fucking oof to that one LMAO
god there is probably more i could ramble about, like certain things that happened in the og trilogy or headcanons about her and the force or her and her family or her and her job. who knows. i will probably do some like head canon posts for more details about like her and jabba or her and what happened on the death star idk glkdfjg
BUT if you want to know what’s going on with sith vibes, here is the link to that update, since it’s where we’re at currently with leia !!
UPDATE FROM 12/12/23
welcome to maig's longest intro in the history of hidden and I JUST KEEP MAKING IT LONGER
anyways , here's a bastilla update :
leia went dark and tried to kill her family lol that's it :))))
not really jk but , like she's fine now?? things are fine??? she's fixing it. she's not a sith anymore, she died like twice over and it fixed her brain a little bit.
she had made a deal with sheev, and she a very poor grasp on the force to begin with so the moment it became more powerful, she sort of lost control over it
on top of that, most of the bastilla nightmare happened during the valentines day mini event where everyone was trying to kill people and they weren't themselves so, she really went above and beyond at that point and was struggling to control herself
she choked allana, stabbed jacen and killed kirei and yeah.. NOT GREAT but she's better now, she basically doesn't use the force at all. she won't even look at her lightsaber anymore. she is going to make it up to the family if its the last thing she does, she just wants to fucking fix this
for now, though, she is currently several months pregnant with solo #5 and is hoping that she can sort out the family drama before the baby comes
anyways once more sorry for the length but also as always, throw a middle finger into the sky for the space momby, carrie ♥
✩ secret service agents
a long standing connection i’ve had up on the main. truly anyone is free to apply for this, if you need a job, the agents are there for you!!
not all of them will work with leia directly, but she would definitely know all of their names, as she cares a lot of everyone who works for/under her.
just be warned, if you are on her personal detail, it’s probably meant to mess with you because leia is known for disappearing from her detail whenever she feels like it and getting into one mess after another
definitely be ready to have “nebula’s disappeared” be part of your daily vocabulary.
✩ white house employees
this can be anything from her cabinet members to a maid, truly anyone who works in the white house would definitely know her
leia doesn’t like to have this big separation between herself and the rest of her employees so feel free to have your characters work in the white house and be friendly with the president!
✩ people in politics
i mean of course she would know just about everyone in politics, but she definitely would have friends she would have business lunches with, go out for some drinks after a long day, all that jazz
✩ people outside of star wars
leia has been in the city for 5+ years as well, she would be pretty much all over, going to any and every fundraiser, doing speeches at schools, visiting different jobs etc
so she would realistically know a bunch of people from all over the city, both good and bad interactions, feel free to plot these out with me!!
✩ friends outside of politics
people she would know that she doesn’t have to talk shop with, someone who maybe she meets on one of her many adventures running away from her agents
just about anyone she can just be leia with
✩ opposing politicians
my love is very very liberal , she is not always going to rub people the right way with very progressive thoughts and actions. she’s the youngest president in history and that can be to her detriment sometimes. on top of all of that, there have been how many disasters under her administration within the city?
point is, she’s not always going to get along with everyone, and i would love to explore some people who are definitely against her re-election, people who oppose her that she has a very strained professional relationship with etc
just tension all around !!!
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ao3feed-obikin · 6 months
how to fight a war (when you're already lost)
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51885196 by KnockKnockOut The Republic has fallen. The Jedi Order has fallen. And with it, two of the Republic's greatest heroes, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, find themselves in the thrall of the Sith Lord Emperor Palpatine. Darth Vader is Palpatine's boot across the galaxy, crushing any resistance. Obi-Wan is forced to serve in the Imperial Palace, waiting hand and foot on the two Sith Lords. But their labor isn't enough. The Emperor has plans for them to serve in even more ways—ways that, if enacted, would tie their future to that of the Empire more thoroughly than anything else could. Obi-Wan Kenobi has done nothing but fail since before he can remember. And with Palpatine's new torture, even his own body is fighting to keep him subject to Palpatine's rule. With everything he once loved lost—his Padawan, his Master, his family, the very Force itself—it is time to see if Obi-Wan can succeed. Words: 10450, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, CC-2224 | Cody, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Vader, CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Darkfic, MCD Warning is for Palaptine, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Rape/Non-con Elements, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Body Image, Body Dysphoria, Porn With Plot, Hurt No Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, alpha to omega, Forced Alpha to Omega transition, noncon kink, Breeding Kink, Non-Consensual Bondage, Humiliation, Public Humiliation, Male Lactation, Shameless Smut, Angst and Tragedy, Body Horror, Omega Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alpha Anakin Skywalker, Creepy Palpatine, forced eating, unhealthy relationship with food, Dark humor if you squint, eventual hurt/comfort read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51885196
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