#Enugu State Government
gkingmusik · 2 years
Enugu State Government Laments Vacant Slots, Indigenes’ Lack Of Interest In Army Recruitment
Enugu State Government Laments Vacant Slots, Indigenes’ Lack Of Interest In Army Recruitment
The Enugu State Government has decried the lack of interest by the youths in the State towards enlisting in the Nigerian Army. Enugu State Government Laments Vacant Slots, Indigenes’ Lack Of Interest In Army Recruitment It has then invited stakeholders of the State at the local government and community levels, including the clergy, traditional rulers and youths, to an emergency zonal meeting with…
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newsleverage · 4 months
Enugu: Jubilation as Ishienu Amofu Nkerefi Chooses Christag as New Igwe
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DESIGN OF A NATIONAL IDENTITY CARD SYSTEM (A CASE STUDY OF NATIONAL IDENTITY CARD, NGWO LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA ENUGU STATE              ABSTRACT This project is aimed at improving along lasting processing and administration system on National Identity card. It is also aimed at keeping records of all processing and administration system for national Identity card with view of modifying it into a…
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kemetic-dreams · 3 months
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How Igbo customs checkmated wife battering
•Modernity neglected them
•Blame pentecostal churches; they destroy marriages — Ogbuefi Ray Ifeme
•They encourage conduct of marriage ceremonies in Igboland with soft drinks, instead of palm wine
•We use diviners to mete out punishment to wife batterers — Igwe Ukuta
•No Igbo community tolerates wife battering — Anaso
By Anayo Okoli, Vincent Ujumadu, Ikechukwu Odu, Chimaobi Nwaiwu, Chinedu Adonu, Chinonso Alozie, Ugochukwu Alaribe & Nwabueze Okonkwo
ENUGU — Domestic violence, particularly wife battering, has become rampant in the society today, including Igboland.
The death of popular gospel singer, Osinachi Nwachukwu, allegedly in the hands of her husband, brought to the fore what some women undergo in their marriages.
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This was not so in the past because in Igboland, they had customary ways of checkmating such acts.
In Nri Community in Anambra State, for instance, they included precautionary traditional rules to checkmate it as one of the items in the marriage list of requirements.
And at the marriage ceremonies, the groom is made to pay what they called ego otiti okpili, which literarily translates to ‘money for punishment’ of proposed groom, if he dared molest the wife.
The money, in essence, is like an advance payment by the groom to the in-laws, to hire youths in their kindred to deal with him if he molests or abuses their daughter in the course of the marriage.
And to ensure that the groom understands the implication, in the course of the ceremonies, he would be called to step out; the elders would dutifully explain to him what the money is meant for and ensured that he understood what he is paying for. The groom basically consents in advance, to thorough punishment if he beats his wife.
The traditional ruler of Iggah community in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area of Enugu State, Igwe Herbert Ukuta, said his community use diviners to mete out punishment to men who beat their wives. The monarch explained that the degree of the punishment is usually determined by the severity of injury inflicted on the wife and the cause of the violence.
According to him, it is a taboo in his community for men to batter their wives, no matter the provocation. He said that he has also initiated an orientation programme in the community, which has helped to enlighten his subjects on causes of domestic violence which has been guiding them to avoid such.
“The traditional punishment for wife beaters is always determined by diviners in my community. The severity or otherwise of the punishment is determined by the degree of injury inflicted on the wife and the cause of the violence. Sometimes too, it is the wife who beats the husband but it is a taboo in my community for husbands to beat their wives.
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“Instead of beating the wife, I normally encourage my subjects to report their wives to their parents or church leaders, as the case may be. If the church or the parents fail to resolve the problem, it is brought to the clan for settlement.
The middleman interacts with both families and if any of the parties going into the marriage has any problem, he or she complains to the middleman. If worst comes to worst, you don’t even return somebody’s daughter to the family, it must be through the middleman and the same middleman will return the dowry to the man if the issue cannot be settled.
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GIF by noonlight-stims
“Women are gold to Igbo men. It is now that we see Igbo men touch our ladies, be it in marriage or whatsoever. The reason is that we have city marriages now. You will see a girl today, the next day she is married to a man whose parents she doesn’t know. Somebody will stay in London and a marriage will be organised on his behalf here.
Middlemen don’t come into marriages now, even the kinsmen will just come, collect their entitlements and go. This is where the problem lies.
“Unfortunately, Osinachi’s husband is from my maternal home, Ukpor. He is not a responsible man. If he was a true Igbo man, he wouldn’t have maltreated his wife and again, religion messed up our marriage institution in Igbo land.
“You can hardly find a man or woman who would be there for the other because each will be dragging on gender equality. It is religion that is the problem. In Igbo customs and traditions, the man is the head of the family and the woman is the neck, so, we respect them.
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“My maternal grandfather had 32 wives. My mother was the last daughter. Out of those 32 wives, majority didn’t bear children for him. They married those days for farming and to show how brave one was.
The church, particularly the Pentecostal denomination, has bastardized our tradition. White wedding is not even acceptable to us in Igbo culture and tradition. Religious marriage is not for the Igbo because the priest won’t pour libations to the ancestors; neither will he settle the kinsmen. That is the problem.
These days, women give out their daughters in marriage which is not traditional in Igbo land,” Ifeme said.
The traditional ruler of Ogrute Autonomous community, Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State, Igwe Wilfred Ekere said that it is a taboo in Enugu-Ezike. He, however, regretted that customs and values of the community have been bastardized by the people.
He noted that the predominance of autonomous communities threw up traditional rulers who don’t know the tradition, custom and culture. They dictate to the people, neglecting the oldest men who are the custodians of tradition and culture.
According to him, the tradition in his community requires that anybody who beats his wife would bring a goat, a carton of stout, malt, two gallons of palm wine and food for cleansing.
In addition, any woman beaten by her husband will have to go back to her father’s house and the husband will come for her for peaceful discussion with drinks and kola nuts. He, however, regretted that the traditional law which ought to be binding on every member of the community, is now based on family acceptance.
“Our tradition has been bastardized by the people. The law is now made according to family. We have effective law for domestic violence and wife battering as prescribed by our forefathers. Wife battery is a taboo,” the monarch said.
In Atuegwu community, Nnewi South Council Area of Anambra State, Mr. James Anaso, the President-General of the town union, said that it is usually one of the conditions given to a suitor in his area that on no account should he lay hands on their daughter no matter the circumstances.
According to him, should a daughter from the community report on any physical abuse by her husband, the leadership of the village would not hesitate to send emissaries to the family of her husband with a serious warning.
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9jatinzmedia · 2 years
Scopy - (99Scopy Biography)
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Scopy Biography
Ezeilo Collins Chidubem is a well known Nigerian rapper, singer, and songwriter. Who is popularly known by his stage name Scopy. And also know as 99Scopy because he always says that he is with ninety nine code. (9inty 9ine Scopy)
Scopy is the king of zilo with 99code.
[Scopy Origin]
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He is from Ezeagu Local Government Area, Enugu State, Nigeria.
[Scopy Birthday]
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99Scopy was born on 2nd of September 2002. He taught he was born on 9/9/2002, that's why he added the 99 at the beginning of his stage name. But he later found out
[99Scopy Type]
99Scopy is also an Igbo and English rapper, Singer and songwriter.
He is studying programming at school.
[Scopy Girlfriend]
With our research we haven't seen or even herd about his girlfriend. During our research, a classmate of Scopy said. "Are you talking about that Scopy, I haven't seen him doing girlfriend stuff... In our school he don't really have a girlfriend".
That also means that Scopy don't really have a girlfriend yet...
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naija247new · 9 days
In Nigeria more LGBTQ members flee as Police go tough on outlawed same-sex marriage
More members of the outlawed Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning [or Queer] (LGBTQ) are fleeing Africa’s largest economy following the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) recent statement that their activities remain illegal. Onu Chekwube Emmanuel, a fleeing member of LGBTQ from Nkanu West Local Government of Enugu State, confirmed this development along with his other fleeing LGBTQ…
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sageglobalresponse · 15 days
Primary school pupil gets ₦21m scholarship for scoring 100% in maths competition
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The mathematics wunderkind recorded the feat in a highly competitive national competition where the brightest minds from across the country jostled for the honour.
A young mathematical genius, Ugwoezuonu Ogechi Zara, has bagged a scholarship worth ₦21 million after scoring a perfect score of 100% in the National Mathematics Competition.
The precocious pupil contested in the primary category of the competition, organised by the Mathematics Association of Nigeria (MAN).
Her exceptional feat was announced by an education activist and Chief Executive Officer of Educare, Alex Onyia, in a post on X on Friday, May 17, 2024.
“Ugwoezuonu Ogechi Zara scored a perfect score of 100% in the primary category of the National Mathematics Competition organised by the Mathematics Association of Nigeria (MAN),” Onyia said.
Pupil bags reward for mathematical excellence
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Accordingly, Zara's flawless performance has helped her secure a full six-year scholarship at Evergreen College in Enugu State.
“She has been awarded a full scholarship worth N21 million to study for six years at Evergreen College, Enugu,” Onyia added.
The annual national mathematics competition is where the brightest minds from across the country converge to jostle for honours.
In a related development, six students from Divine Rays British School in Idemili North Local Government Area of Anambra State came out tops in the 2024 edition of the National Mathematics Competition (NMC).
The just-concluded contest, organised by Catalyst Consulting, was held across designated states in the country, covering all classes in primary and secondary schools.
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dailyanarchistposts · 1 month
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Brief history of militant trade unionism in Nigeria
It is clear that trade unionism in Nigeria has a proud history of fighting for justice and progress. The ideological standpoint of trade unionism has been leftist since inception, going back into the 1930s. Trade unionism was formally recognised by the British colonial authorities in 1938 with the union ordinance, but recognition arose from struggles.
The colonial economy based on the extraction of raw materials by a cheap labour force formed on the basis of ongoing agitation; notably the strike over the Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) that followed the global depression in 1930, and the callous and unforgivable massacre of miners at the Enugu colliery in 1949.
During the independence struggle trade unions in Nigeria also played a key role. They were, though, divided into conservatives exemplified by the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUCN), the United Labour Congress (ULC) and the Nigeria Workers Council (NWC) affiliated to the ICFTU and the radicals exemplified by the Trade Union Congress (TUC) and Nigeria Trade Union Congress (NTUC), which were socialist in orientation and affiliated to WFTU.
It was only in 1978 that the NLC was formed as the sole central labour organisation with a check-off system. In fact, the NLC was the creation of a military government which wanted to create a form of corporatism to promote labour quiescence. But like the British authorities, the military miscalculated: workers did not become quiet due to government action.
This plan was a failure for the NLC never shied from challenging the Nigerian state and the Nigerian elite. It was especially notable when in the wake of neo-liberalism exemplified by the 1986 Structural Adjustment Programme, the NLC mobilised and, in alliance with the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), issued documents such as “Nigeria Not for Sale” and the “Student Charter of Demand.”
The NLC was proscribed from 1990–1998 by the Military junta. With the return of the civilian administration via the 1999 Fourth Republic, the NLC revival was rapid, culminating in a delegate-based conference that elected a dynamic new leadership. This leadership developed a programme of rebuilding the union movement and of making it relevant to a wider segment of society beyond simply the employed unionised workers.
The formation of Labour and Civil Society Coalition (LASCO) in 2004 was one outcome; a means to rebuild the labour movement both on the shop-floor and in alliance with the masses across society. LASCO focused on fighting against neo-liberal state policies such as deregulation and privatisation; it also fought against corruption, such as elite-driven scams in the pension industry and waged a robust campaign for electoral reform.
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gidd-blog1 · 1 month
JUST IN: FG transfers regulatory oversight of Enugu electricity market to state govt
The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has announced the transfer of regulatory oversight of the Enugu electricity market to the Enugu Electricity Regulatory Commission (EERC), effective from May 1, 2024.  The move marks the first-ever transfer of regulatory powers from NERC to a state government electricity regulator. The disclosure was made through a memo issued by NERC and…
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newsleverage · 5 months
Tension in Enugu Community as 'Igwe Candidate' Contests in Absentia, Threatens Action
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newscornermedia · 2 months
NGE Raises Voice On Growing Security Challenges ...Urges Enugu State Gov. to Stick to his revolutionary projects
Following the growing security challenges in the various parts of the Federation, the Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE) has urged government at all levels to step up efforts in addressing the menace, in line with their constitutional responsibility of securing life and property. A slide in the security situation in the country, reawakened the consciousness of the professional body of editors/media…
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hardynwa · 2 months
Onuigbo urges state governors to support national drive towards just transition
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Hon. Sam Onuigbo, a National Climate Change Champion and the father of the Nigeria Climate Change Act, says state governors have a duty and scope to support the nation towards a just transition from oil and gas Onuigbo, who is also Chairman of the Committee on Security, Climate Change, and Special Interventions North East Development Commission and sponsor of Nigeria's Climate Change Act, 2021, spoke as a Guest of Honour at the workshop organised by the Centre for Climate Change and Development, Alex Ekwueme Federal University (CCCD, AE-FUNAI) and the World Resources Institute (WRI) Washington DC, to present findings from a recent research on the implications of just transition on oil & gas. During the workshop, Onuigbo provided valuable insight into the implications of the oil and gas transition for the Nigerian economy, as well as the necessity for all levels of government to work together to ensure an equitable transition. The workshop presented preliminary findings on how Nigeria's transition away from oil and gas will affect government revenues, employment, and the general economy. The research team which was led by Prof. Chukwumerije Okereke, Director of CCCD-AEFUNAI, said that global green transition is happening and will likely increase in pace in the coming decades regardless of Nigeria's readiness. The team predicted that gas, commonly seen as a bridge fuel, will outlive oil in the transition process, creating opportunities for a more stable overall transition for Nigeria. They however warned that a chaotic or unplanned transition away from oil and gas could result in economic breakdown, high fiscal vulnerability and multidimensional poverty in Nigeria. The team argued that failure to plan for the transition could lead to stranded assets, and the waste of current investments in the oil and gas industry. In his remarks, Onuigbo said that President Bola Tinubu's government was working hard to guarantee a smooth transition by signing the Electricity Act within his first 10 days in office. He noted that the ninth assembly enacted the electricity law, which removed electricity from the exclusive list as a step towards change. The Act provided that the federal, state, and local governments could create laws and oversee power generation. According to him, the Act also included specific rules for combining renewable energy at the subnational level to facilitate and accelerate the transition. He noted that the government of Enugu has already taken advantage of this change to pass an electricity Act, while Abia state is now generating electricity through the geometric power plant. Onuigbo stressed that it was imperative to leverage the immense renewable energy resources in the country to support the advancement of green transition in and throughout Africa. Onuigbo said that some indigenous oil companies have already begun to use renewable energy in their operations, indicating that what was achieved in making the transition from NITEL-based landlines to mobile phones can also be achieved in the context of green transition with courage, vision and boldness. He emphasized that with the numerous policies put in place by the government to facilitate the transition, complete implementation is one of the decisive elements in how quickly we can transition away from oil and natural gas. In closing, Onuigbo praised the Federal Government for taking the daring step of signing the electricity bill. he encouraged all Nigerians to take the subject of transition seriously by turning it into commercial prospects for Nigeria. He noted that the Climate Change Act, which was supported by Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila, the then Speaker of the House of Representative and the current Chief of Staff to the President laid a solid foundation for the massive mobilization of financial resources to advance Nigeria’s climate and energy transition agenda. He added that Nigeria has a number of policies, including the Climate Change Act, Renewable Energy Act, and Electricity Act, that, if properly implemented, could provide the groundwork or offer a framework for the country to make progress in the transition. Read the full article
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gbeducitynews · 5 months
Basket weaving: Students, elders compete, make brisk business in Enugu
Not many people know that Obollo-Afor, the headquarters of Udenu Local Government Area in Enugu State, is not just known for banana, avocado pears, cashew nuts and original honey, but so many other things. Many people do not know that the baskets, with which tomatoes, pepper, Okra and other vegetable produce are packaged from the northern part of Nigeria and sent across to other parts of the…
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rainsmediaradio · 5 months
5G Telecoms Network Coverage in Nigeria PT2 - Dr Kenny Odugbemi
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5G telecoms network coverage in Nigeria
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5G Telecoms Network Coverage in Nigeria The 5G network provides a greater speed in the transmissions, a lower latency and therefore greater capacity of remote execution. It also serves a greater number of connected devices and the possibility of implementing virtual networks (network slicing), providing more adjusted connectivity to concrete needs. This will enable telecom operators in the country to deliver the right level of effective digital solutions to power Nigeria’s economic growth. But at the moment less than 2% of mobile phone connections in Sub-Saharan Africa are on 5G, and some telecom experts said this number is not likely to increase this year. However, a report by Ericsson said it is likely to reach 7% in 2026. With their rollout in Nigeria, MTN and Mafab might have given the country an edge over South Africa and Kenya in the 5G race in Africa. Both operators are expected to increase the number of their 5G sites to over 1000 this year. This will make the latest telecom technology ubiquitous in the country. Their 5G network launch will also assist the Federal Government to achieve its 70% broadband internet penetration target by 2025. States that have 5G network in Nigeria As of now, 5G can only be found in any accredited site across seven states in the country. These states are Lagos(Lagos), Abuja, Port Harcourt (Rivers), Ibadan (Oyo), Kano (Kano), Owerri (Imo), Maiduguri (Borno), and Kano and Enugu will be launched soon. MTN and Mafab said more sites are also being worked on within these states. How to access 5G in Nigeria Basically, there are two major ways to connect to 5G in Nigeria: By using a 5G router, or by using a 4G sim (they are also 5G enabled) on a phone that is both 5G-compatible and 5G-enabled. 5G-compatible phones are built with the 5G network technology, enabling them to access 5G networks where available. Recent phones manufactured by Samsung, iPhone, Redmi, Xiaomi, Nokia, and Huwai and others models are 5G compatible. 5G enablement, on the other hand, is the backend integration of the phone models into the operators’ 5G network, enabling these phones to access 5G services within their accredited sites nationwide. The 5G router is the second option and is a non-restrictive way for everyone to access 5G in Nigeria. Users can buy the device from any 5G operator Inand if they’re within a 5G site, they can use any device to connect to the 5G network through WiFi. 5G and data consumption Tech experts said 5G would definitely require more data for the seamless experience it provides, but it won’t be anything too much from the experience of existing 4G subscribers. For example, when watching a Youtube video on a 4G network, 4k is the maximum resolution that can be obtained. With 5G, the resolution doesn’t increase beyond 4k, and the data expense will also stay the same. However, doing a speed test with a 5G network will cost more data, as 5G networks can transfer more data in the speed test process. 5G, business outfits would expand their frontiers with operational ease and speed, especially in the fields of education. medical sciences, engineering, security, businesses like the banking sector, SMEs and smart cities, among others and that the 5G would not just benefit the urban areas but also meet long-term goals of ensuring that rural areas and villages enjoyed benefits of this amazing technology. “The rollout of Mafab 5G network is the beginning of immense opportunities for the country as it represents Nigeria’s capabilities and infinite possibilities. The prospect of increased job opportunities as a consequence of the value-chain benefits the technology will generate and offer is the dream we have all gathered here to launch today. “It is no secret that the countries that can provide their citizens with the latest network infrastructure which the 5G technology represents, will also be the ones that will thrive in the coming years. “They will be the ones that will stay competitive and the ones who will lead in innovation in addition to bringing socio-economic benefits to their citizens. And so, I can declare that with the 5G infrastructure, Nigeria will surely be a head ahead of many other countries, especially in Africa. Indeed, with the 5G network, our future as a people and as a country is remarkably bright, 5G has enormous benefits for security institutions, because there are technologies in security that leverage on it which allows security institutions to properly manage security situations. Conclusion MTN Nigeria emerged as the two successful winners of the 3.5gigahertz (GHz) spectrum auction for the deployment of 5G technology in Nigeria. NCC also confirmed that the two companies fully paid $273.6 million each for the 5G spectrum licence in February 2022. Read the full article
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crimechannels · 6 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade Remains of Maj.-Gen. Yohanna Kure laid to rest The remains of Maj.-Gen. Yohanna Kure was on Friday laid to rest in his home town, Mallam Kure Manchak family compound in Kurmin Musa, Kachia Local Government Area of Kaduna State. The 1 Division Nigerian Army, Acting Deputy Director, Public Relations, Lt.-Col. Musa Yahaya, announced this in a statement issued on Saturday in Kaduna. Yahaya said Kure passed away on Nov. 2 at the age of 84 . He said Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.- Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, represented by the Commandant, Nigerian Army School of Artillery, Maj.-Gen. T. E. Gagariga, read the late senior officers funeral oration. The COAS described late Kure as an articulate and professional soldier with a good sense of responsibility and served the Nigerian Army and the nation with utmost dedication and total loyalty. He added that the late retired General was a highly competent, level headed, conscientious and reliable senior officer who took keen interest in his service to fatherland and the welfare of his subordinates. He described the demise as a great loss to his family, the NA and the nation in general just as he prayed God to grant him eternal rest. Yahaya said until his voluntary retirement from active service in 1990, Gen. Kure held several appointments, including GOC 2 Mechanised Division Ibadan, GOC Commanding 82 Division Enugu and Director, Army Special Duties and Plans, among several others. He was a member of the Supreme Military Council from 1983 to 1985 and a member of the Armed Forces Ruling Council between 1985 and 1987. “Upon retirement from service, he was subsequently appointed Minister of Culture and Social Welfare and later appointed Minister of Youths and Sports Development. “The burial was attended by people from all walks of life, including the representative of the Kaduna State Governor who is Deputy Speaker, Kaduna State House of Assembly, Barr Magaji Danjuma, the former Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Martin Luther Agwai “Others included the GOC Commanding 1 Division Nigerian Army, Maj.-Gen. Valentine Okoro; former Chief of Air Staff, AVM John Femi; the DG NIMASA, Dr Bashir Jamoh; wife of former Governor of Kaduna State, Mrs Amina Yakowa, amongst others, ” Yahaya said.(NAN)
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months
Events 11.18 (after 1930)
1940 – World War II: German leader Adolf Hitler and Italian Foreign Minister Galeazzo Ciano meet to discuss Benito Mussolini's disastrous Italian invasion of Greece. 1943 – World War II: Battle of Berlin: Four hundred and forty Royal Air Force planes bomb Berlin causing only light damage and killing 131. The RAF loses nine aircraft and 53 air crew. 1944 – The Popular Socialist Youth is founded in Cuba. 1947 – The Ballantyne's Department Store fire in Christchurch, New Zealand, kills 41; it is the worst fire disaster in the history of New Zealand. 1949 – The Iva Valley Shooting occurs after the coal miners of Enugu in Nigeria go on strike over withheld wages; 21 miners are shot dead and 51 are wounded by police under the supervision of the British colonial administration of Nigeria. 1961 – United States President John F. Kennedy sends 18,000 military advisors to South Vietnam. 1963 – The first push-button telephone goes into service. 1970 – U.S. President Richard Nixon asks the U.S. Congress for $155 million in supplemental aid for the Cambodian government. 1971 – Oman declares its independence from the United Kingdom. 1978 – The McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet makes its first flight, at the Naval Air Test Center in Maryland, United States. 1978 – In Jonestown, Guyana, Jim Jones leads his Peoples Temple to a mass murder–suicide that claimed 918 lives in all, 909 of them in Jonestown itself, including over 270 children. 1983 – Aeroflot Flight 6833 is hijacked en route from Tbilisi to Leningrad. After returning to Tibilisi, the aircraft is subsequentially raided on the ground, resulting in seven deaths. 1987 – King's Cross fire: In London, 31 people die in a fire at the city's busiest underground station, King's Cross St Pancras. 1991 – Shiite Muslim kidnappers in Lebanon release Anglican Church envoys Terry Waite and Thomas Sutherland. 1991 – After an 87-day siege, the Croatian city of Vukovar capitulates to the besieging Yugoslav People's Army and allied Serb paramilitary forces. 1991 – The autonomous Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia, which would in 1993 become a republic, was established in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 1993 – In the United States, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is approved by the House of Representatives. 1993 – In South Africa, 21 political parties approve a new constitution, expanding voting rights and ending white minority rule. 1996 – A fire occurs on a train traveling through the Channel Tunnel from France to England causing several injuries and damaging approximately 500 metres (1,600 ft) of tunnel. 1999 – At Texas A&M University, the Aggie Bonfire collapses killing 12 students and injuring 27 others. 2002 – Iraq disarmament crisis: United Nations weapons inspectors led by Hans Blix arrive in Iraq. 2003 – The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court rules 4–3 in Goodridge v. Department of Public Health that the state's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional and gives the state legislature 180 days to change the law making Massachusetts the first state in the United States to grant marriage rights to same-sex couples. 2012 – Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria becomes the 118th Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria. 2013 – NASA launches the MAVEN probe to Mars. 2020 – The Utah monolith, built sometime in 2016 is discovered by state biologists of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.
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