#Enzyme-Powered Plaque Control
health-product-dental · 5 months
DentaTonic | Supplements - Health
A Scientific Evaluation of DentaTonic: A Dietary Supplement for Oral Health
Dentists and hygienists recommend a consistent regimen of brushing, flossing, and regular checkups to maintain optimal oral health. However, recent research suggests that certain dietary supplements may offer additional support. DentaTonic, a formulation containing a blend of enzymes and minerals, has gained traction for its potential to promote comprehensive oral health. Let's explore the scientific basis behind its key ingredients.
Enzyme Activity for a Balanced Microbiome
DentaTonic incorporates a trio of enzymes: lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, and dextranase. Lactoperoxidase, naturally present in saliva, plays a critical role in the body's oral defense system. Studies indicate its ability to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria associated with plaque formation and potential decay [1]. Lysozyme functions as a natural antimicrobial agent, further targeting bacteria within the oral cavity [2]. Dextranase disrupts complex sugars, a primary food source for plaque-forming bacteria [3]. By influencing the oral microbiome, DentaTonic may contribute to a healthier environment for teeth and gums.
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Potential for Enamel Remineralization
Microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, another key component of DentaTonic, is a form of calcium phosphate that mirrors the mineral structure of tooth enamel. Research suggests it may possess remineralizing properties, potentially aiding in the repair of early enamel erosion [4]. This could be particularly beneficial for individuals prone to sensitivity or early signs of decay.
A Promising Ally in Oral Care
While further clinical trials are necessary to definitively establish DentaTonic's full range of benefits, the scientific evidence supporting its individual ingredients is encouraging. By potentially promoting a healthy oral microbiome, fostering remineralization, and inhibiting plaque formation, DentaTonic may offer a valuable complement to established dental hygiene practices. It is crucial to emphasize that DentaTonic should not be considered a substitute for regular dental checkups and professional cleanings.
汤永华, ... & 焦树武. (2000). 过氧化物酶系统在口腔疾病防治中的作用. 口腔医学杂志, 20(2), 81-83. [Tang YH, et al. (2000). The role of the lactoperoxidase system in the prevention of oral diseases. Oral Med J, 20(2), 81-83.]
Hutt, M. N., et al. (1960). Lysozyme in human tears. Nature, 186(4723), 888-889.
Koo, H., et al. (2003). Influence of glucose and sucrose on Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilm formation on polystyrene surfaces. Journal of dental research, 82(2), 136-141.
Reynolds, E. C. (1997). The role of calcium phosphate in enamel remineralization. The Journal of clinical dentistry, 8(2), 72-79.
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rjdavies · 2 years
Heart Awareness Month: Eat some Fruit!
The month of February is Heart Awareness Month!
The challenge is to do one thing every day to promote a heart-healthy lifestyle
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Tip: Eating fresh fruit can be a heart healthy smart choice
Did you know: 
Apples are a high source of fiber, and people who eat apples regularly are less likely to develop high blood pressure!
Apricots are a great source of Vitamins A, C, E and K plus fiber! (The dried apricots are just as good!)
Bananas provide Vitamins B6 and C, plus fiber, potassium and magnesium, all of these help keep  your blood pressure in check.
Berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries) take your pick! They are all a great source of vitamin C and fiber. Eating high fiber foods, lowers cholesterol, and blood pressure.
Grapefruit contains a dose of vitamin C, potassium, fiber, a study was done of women who ate grapefruit or drank its juice had higher “good” HDL cholesterol and lower triglycerides.
Mangos are a great source of vitamin A, folate, and high in fiber they help with weight control and prevention of heat disease.
Oranges great source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber plus they have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers, they help improve your blood pressure.
Papayas high in beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium and fiber.
Peaches deliver fiber, potassium, vitamin C, E and K, lowering blood pressure. 
Pineapples contain a naturally occurring enzyme bromelain which can break down cholesterol plaques in the arteries.
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RJ Davies - Science Fiction Author, Maddox Files, Novels
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anappleadoctor · 4 years
An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away
Gingivitis, periodontitis - red apples are recommended as dark as possible. They are eaten unpeeled and cut into thin slices or grated, in the morning and evening,so that an apple a day keeps the doctor away in cures of at least a month.
 Each sip will be chewed at least 30 times, so that the tannins in the apple peel come into contact with the gum for as long as possible. These substances have anti-inflammatory and gingival healing effects.
Coming from the biblical paradise, together with their symbolic collection from the "tree of Good and Evil", the apples carry in their juicy core and in their wonderfully colored shell a part of the flavor of Heaven. Now, in autumn, their consumption is a real medical treatment, the effects of which an apple a day keeps the doctor away must be known. Apple Pharmacy Every year, in the world, no less than… fifty-five billion kilograms of apples are harvested, they being the most consumed fruits on the entire planet.
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Each apple closes a pharmacy. It is not only a food, but also an extremely powerful medicine. What makes these fruits so valuable in therapy? First of all, their exceptional content of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, dietary fiber and other healing substances that have an extremely strong antioxidant effect.
In addition, apples have an incredible ability to keep these active ingredients intact for long periods of time, making them the most valuable aid for maintaining good health during the cold season. Dozens of active substances have been identified in the pulp and especially in the peel of apples, which prevent cell mutations and cancer, prevent aging, support digestion, regulate blood sugar, stimulate immunity, prevent poisoning with various " poisons ”with which we come into daily contact through polluted air, water and the food we eat.
What apples to use? The most therapeutically valuable are the "peasant" apples, smaller and more modest in appearance, compared to their industrially grown sisters. "Natural" apples obtained from grafted wild apples are much more resistant to disease and pests, as they do not need the procession of chemicals without which most "improved" varieties would not bear fruit for even a year. Then, well-ripened apples are recommended, whose intensely colored peel indicates a high concentration of substances (especially pigments) with anticancer and antioxidant effect.
Apples must not be hit, at the slightest trauma the pulp of the apples releasing an enzyme that simply triggers processes of alteration, destruction of substances with antioxidant effect. The beaten fruit quickly turns brown and becomes unpleasant in taste, precisely because of that enzyme, which inactivates most of the pharmacy in the apple. Method of administration As with most fruits, the rule is that apples should be eaten fresh, as unprepared as possible. The best form of administration is simply the apple consumed as such, well washed, not peeled and "nibbled" with pleasure, for a long time, so that as many nutrients as possible can be assimilated from the pulp and, especially, from its peel. The minimum daily dose is one apple.
In fact, there is a well-established proverb in many European countries, which says that "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." However, for more clearly noticeable therapeutic effects, a much higher dose of this fruit is needed or, in other words, a cure is needed.
Diseases Prevented By Apples
Diabetes - a category of active ingredients in apple, called polyphenols, have a very effective effect of normalizing blood sugar levels. These substances, contained mainly in apple peel, regulate the secretion of the pancreas, preventing both hyper and hypoglycemia.
Coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction - a single apple contains 15% of the daily fiber requirement, these indigestible substances lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, regulating blood pressure in combination with antioxidants in the apple, preventing the formation of cholesterol deposits in the arteries. As such, regular consumption of apples prevents heart ischemia, stroke, arteritis obliterans and other such cardiovascular diseases caused by inadequate food, unhealthy habits (smoking, alcohol consumption), associated conditions such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, some problems. hepatic etc.
Asthma - the skin of apples contains substances with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, which prevent changes in the bronchial tree, specific to asthma. This protection, through the daily consumption of apples, is necessary especially during the cold season, being especially recommended to those who suffer from chronic bronchitis, recurrent bronchitis, respiratory allergy.
Rheumatoid arthritis - if you do not want to wake up with stiff joints, with the arrival of the first waves of cold, a very good approach is the daily consumption of 4-5 apples, in cures of at least four weeks. The content of vitamin C of these fruits, but also of antioxidants, recommends them to prevent joint inflammation, to prevent degenerative changes in the fine cartilage in the joints, as well as to maintain the mobility and functionality of the limbs as a whole.
Internal Treatments
Obesity, fattening - apples eaten before meals significantly and effortlessly reduce the amount of food consumed. Diabetes - apple treatment helps relieve diabetes in three ways simultaneously. First of all, apples slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, which will not allow a sudden rise in blood sugar, but will help keep it within normal limits. Then, the consumption of these fruits undoubtedly lowers the rate of glucose absorption in the digestive tract, which again will bring less blood sugar than normal. Finally, the active substances (polyphenols) in apples stimulate the beta cells of the pancreas to secrete more insulin, which will help the body to control the concentration of blood sugar on its own. As such, apples can be considered a real medicine for diabetes.
Increased cholesterol and triglycerides - a kilogram of apples consumed daily provides 150% of the dietary fiber needed by the human body. Dietary fiber is an indigestible substance that has a beneficial role for the body, among other things helping to reduce the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. People who consume apples in sufficient doses for 60 days have a decrease in total cholesterol and negative cholesterol (LDL) by more than 10%.
Constipation - organic acids, enzymes and complex sugars in these fruits help to normalize the intestinal flora, while dietary fiber acts as a piston, pushing residual matter from the intestine. As such, the apple cure is one of the simplest and most effective ways to get rid of constipation.
Smoking - another category of substances also contained in the peel of apples, called catechins, largely inactivates the over 60 carcinogens in cigarette smoke, from various tars, to the cadmium it contains. As such, eating apples does not help us smoke without health problems, but it greatly reduces the harmful effects of this habit.
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Rheumatism - apples are among the foods with the most intense anti-inflammatory action of the joint, their consumption leading to significant decreases in the so-called "C-reactive protein", whose presence in the blood indicates the imminence of rheumatic outbreaks, joint inflammation, loss of elasticity, etc. Then, it appears that phenols, ie substances that give apples flavor, have joint anti-inflammatory effects comparable to those of synthetic drugs such as ibuprofen, ketoprofen, etc. For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatic diseases in general, the apple cure is recommended, in which at least 800 grams of fruit are consumed per day, for a period of 4-8 weeks.
External Treatments
Caries, dental tartar, bacterial plaque - the biting of raw apples, morning and evening, is an excellent means of cleaning teeth. In the peel and in the pulp of the apple we find antibacterial and antifungal substances, which will help, along with the mechanical action, to eliminate the bacterial plaque and will prevent the formation of tartar and caries. Dental hygienists appreciate that regular consumption of apples does not replace brushing your teeth, but simply completes it, being just as necessary.
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foodforhealh-blog · 4 years
Health benefits of eating Onion.
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Heart well being
Onions promote a wholesome heart in a lot of ways, such as"reducing blood pressure and lowering heart attack threat." When platelets bunch, the danger of heart attack or stroke increases. This study further supports an identical 1992 research in Thrombosis Research that concentrated on sulfurs in garlic. What's more, a 1987 animal research in the Journal of Hypertension demonstrated postponed or reduced beginning of hypertension with sulfur consumption. On the other hand, the authors said more study was required to ascertain whether that advantage may be discovered in people.
Lately, health scientists have seen a connection between messaging molecules known as oxylipins and higher cholesterol administration. A 2016 research from the journal Redox Biology discovered that consuming onions raises oxylipins which help regulate blood glucose levels and amounts of cholesterol.
The quercetin in onions can also help stop plaque buildup from the blood vessels, which decreases the danger of heart attack and stroke, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. However, as a lot of the research in this respect have concentrated on creatures, more study is required to comprehend the ramifications in people.
Quercetin was proven to relax the airway muscles and can supply relief of asthma symptoms, based on some 2013 research in the American Journal of Physiology.
"The polyphenols from antioxidants act as antioxidants, protecting the body from free radicals," explained Anne Mauney, a dietitian located in Washington, D.C. Removing free radicals might help promote a powerful immune system.
A 2015 meta-analysis discovered that intake of allium vegetables, such as onions, were correlated with reduced esophageal cancer threat. Based on World's Healthiest Foods in the George Mateljan Foundation, ingestion between 1 and seven portions of onions weekly might reduce the risk of colorectal, laryngeal and prostate cancer. Eating several servings of onions every day might help reduce the risk of esophageal and oral cancer.
Quercetin might be a effective anti inflammatory agent, based on Jarzabkowski. The University of Maryland Medical Center explained that quercetin could inhibit cancer cells in"breast, prostate, colon, ovarian, endometrial, and lung cancer tumors"
The National Onion Association discussed a recent study by the Netherlands that revealed that individuals who ate onions consumed twice as much quercetin as people who drank teaand over twice as much quercetin as people who ate apples, that are additional high-quercetin sources. Shallots and yellow blossoms will also be excellent choices.
A 2016 research printed in Integrative Cancer Therapies discovered that consuming new yellow onion helped reduce insulin resistance and hyperglycemia in breast cancer patients experiencing a sort of chemotherapy known to induce insulin resistance.
The fiber from onions promotes good digestion and helps to keep you regular. Furthermore, onions have a distinctive kind of soluble fiber known as oligofructose, which promotes good bacteria development on your intestines. One 2005 research in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology discovered that oligofructose might help treat and prevent forms of nausea . The phytochemicals in onions which scavenge free radicals can also lower your chance of creating gastrointestinal disorders , according to the National Onion Association.
Regulating blood glucose
The chromium in antioxidants assists in controlling blood glucose. The sulfur in antioxidants helps reduce blood glucose by activating improved insulin production. One 2010 research from the journal Environmental Health Insights demonstrated that this may be particularly valuable to individuals with people with diabetes.
A 2014 meta-analysis from the journal Nutrition discovered that individuals who have Type 2 diabetes found normalized liver enzymes and also reduced glycemic levels when swallowing chopped onions.
Bone density in elderly women
A 2009 research from the journal Menopause discovered that daily consumption of onions enhances bone density in girls that are experiencing or have completed menopause. Girls who ate onions often had a 20 percent reduced risk of hip fracture compared to those who never ate onions.
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dietsauthority · 5 years
10 Amazing Benefits Of Onions You Probably Didn`t Know
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Onion has layers and layers of health and wellness benefits. It is most definitely one of the most pre-owned components in the kitchen area and also it is utilized as the base for various recipes, enhancing foods flavor.
Besides being delicious as well as tasty, onion has a high dietary worth and also can improve your general health and wellness. Maintain reading as well as discover more regarding the extraordinary advantages that onion possesses.
10 Health Benefits of Onions
1. Bone Health
Onions have a high web content of calcium as well as they have the capacity to maintain strong bones. They are a great source of sulfur and can maintain connective cells healthy and balanced and strong.
These 2 aspects can prevent bone loss, particularly in aging people. Onions are additionally valuable for ladies who are undergoing menopausal phase given that this vegetable can relieve the signs and symptoms of menopause.
2. Diabetes Prevention
One offering of onions has 27% of your biotin DRI that is exceptionally helpful for your total health. It has the ability to fight signs and symptoms connected to Kind 2 diabetes.
A recent research study showed that a combination of chromium and also biotin can control blood sugar and reduce insulin resistance.
3. Healthy Digestion
Onions are abundant in fiber that is vital for maintaining a healthy digestive system. With a correct amount of fiber in the system, the harmful chemicals can be released via defecation of waste products in order to prevent wellness problems.
The proper feature of the digestion system can assist in correct digestion and successfully soak up the nutrients from your food.
4. Lowers Blood Pressure
The sulfur located in onions could serve as a natural blood thinner and protect against blood platelets from accumulating. This is useful for decreasing high blood pressure, hence protecting against the risk of heart strike or stroke. Quercetin could avoid the buildup of plaque in arteries.
5. Prevention of Cancer
Onions are loaded with flavonoids, especially quercetin understood for its powerful cancer-fighting properties.
It can minimize DNA damage and avoid the formation of lumps. A variety of researches revealed that quercetin could decrease the danger of creating intestines and ovarian cancer.
6. Improved Immunity
Onions are an excellent resource of vitamin C and phytochemicals which could raise the effectiveness of vitamin C in your body. Simply puts, you will have an extra efficient as well as healthier immune system.
7. Healthy Heart
The regular usage of onions could stimulate the manufacturing of good cholesterol in the body, hence assisting the correct guideline of cholesterol levels. This will certainly balance your blood stress and also stop heart problems.
8. Pain Relief
Fresh onion juice can ease discomfort as well as burning sensation from insect bites. It is likewise very effective in the instance of stings due to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
9. Skin Health
Biotin is extremely valuable for preserving a healthy and balanced skin. It can deal with breakable nails, keep skin health and wellness and prevent hair loss.
10. Stress Relief
Quercetin also avoids stress and anxiety. When an individual is experiencing tension, the body creates cortisol. Way too much cortisol can result in protein malfunction and also damage your muscle mass cells. Quercetin has the capacity to suppress enzyme needed for cortisol release.
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wellwaytea · 2 years
Benefits of Drinking Black Tea for a Healthy Life
The struggle is real when the clock is ticking and you need to get out of bed for the busy day ahead, but your eyes just won't open. Caffeinated beverages have made life easier for most of us who need a morning booster to start the day, and black tea is one of the world's favorite morning drinks. Black tea has developed a cult following with its strong, earthy flavor and hydrating effect.
However, anything that is consumed regularly should be closely scrutinized for its effects on health. Black tea, one of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide, has been extensively studied for its health benefits and adverse effects.
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What's so special about black tea?
There are many types of tea – green, oolong, yellow, white, and black. All come from the same plant - Camellia sinensis.
Black tea undergoes an oxidation process that gives it a distinct taste and effect. Oxidation refers to the process of exposing tea leaves to oxygen-rich air for extended periods of time. It breaks down the enzymes that give black tea its color and smell.
Nutrients of black tea
Before moving on to the pros and cons, it is important to understand the nutritional content of black tea. The best black tea contains the following nutrients:
Alkaloids like caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine
amino acids
Minerals and trace elements
Other organic compounds that determine its taste and smell
Here are some evidence-backed health benefits of black tea:
Helps in controlling blood pressure
Fast and high-fat food has become a regular part of our daily life. Research suggests that high-fat meals disturb the body's blood pressure, which further affects heart function. It is commonly known as hypertension.
Black tea contains a rich compound called catechin. It relaxes the muscles lining the blood vessels. As a result, the blood pressure level decreases.
Prevents clogging of arteries
For many reasons, our arteries can become clogged with plaque. This condition is called atherosclerosis. It can result in chronic kidney diseases or cardiovascular problems. There is ample evidence to suggest that drinking black tea prevents atherosclerosis. It helps keep our arteries 'clean' and significantly reduces the chances of stroke or heart attack.
Improves gut health
Digestion has a profound effect on our overall health, immunity and well-being. Organic black tea has antimicrobial properties that wonderfully promote the growth of 'good bacteria' while inhibiting harmful gut bacteria.
You have often heard that Darjeeling black tea is good for immunity. Polyphones are the reason why it is called one of the most powerful immune boosters.
Fights cavities
Here's one more reason to stick to your ginger black tea.
Those who drink black tea regularly need to worry less about their oral health. Modern dentistry accepts that black tea can fight cavities. Black tea powder is a natural source of fluoride. When it interacts with the tannic acid in the tea, it strengthens tooth enamel and creates a natural defense against cavities.
Excellent source of antioxidants
Natural processes and environmental stressors create unstable molecules in our bodies - known as free radicals. If left unchecked, free radicals can damage or change cells, resulting in health conditions such as atherosclerosis and even cancer. Therefore, health fanatics advocate foods and beverages rich in antioxidants. Black tea is one of the best sources of antioxidants. The oxidation process makes black tea's antioxidants more potent. It is converted into potent cherubins, theaflavins, and flavonols.
Reduces the risk of cancer
Studies have shown that black tea can reduce the risk of developing tumors. In addition, black tea is considered beneficial for skin, breast, lung, and prostate cancer. However, more research is needed on this front.
Moderation is the key
It is said that excess of anything is poison. Black tea is good for health. However, it should be consumed in moderation for maximum benefits. Otherwise, it can contribute to the following health conditions:
Poor digestion:
Black tea is high in tannins and excessive consumption of this material can adversely affect digestion.
Should be avoided during pregnancy:
The 'kick' that black tea gives is due to the 2 to 4% caffeine content. It directly affects our brain function and improves alertness. However, the same material can cause health problems
During pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women are advised not to drink more than two cups of black tea per day.
Caffeine is good for the brain to some extent, but it can overstimulate the brain to the point that it can disrupt your sleep patterns. Therefore, health experts advise that it should not be consumed before going to bed. Especially people with problems like anxiety and insomnia should drink black tea in small amounts.
Some studies show that tannin, the active compound in black tea that gives the tea its pungent flavor, inhibits the body's absorption of iron, leading to anemia. That is why doctors advise stopping drinking black tea two to three weeks before surgery.
Black tea is packed with powerful nutrients and has many health benefits. A person without any health problems can drink two to three cups of black tea daily.
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chyechoonfoods · 2 years
Health Benefits of Organic Brown Rice
Organic rice, particularly organic brown rice, is touted to be one of the healthiest grains that one can consume! Since organic brown rice processing removes only the hull, it is least damaging to the kernel, and therefore retains most of the nutritive value of the rice grain. Rice noodles manufacturer
It is naturally enriched with essential minerals like iron, manganese, zinc, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, selenium and potassium. It is inherently rich in vitamins such as Vitamins B1 or Thiamine, B2 or Riboflavin, B3 or Niacin, B6, Vitamin E and Vitamin K. Additionally, organic brown rice is a great source of protein and dietary fibre, along with essential fatty acids. Here are the major health benefits of adding organic brown rice and organic rice to your diet.
Controlling Diabetes:
The low glycemic index of this product is helpful in reducing insulin spikes, assisting in stabilization of blood sugar levels. Rich in fibre, phytic acid, and essential polyphenols, organic brown rice is a complex carbohydrate, releasing sugars slower than white rice.
Manages antioxidant activity:
Naturally rich in powerful antioxidants, It helps fight against the damage caused by free radicals. It also contains the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase which provides oxidation damage protection to cells during production of energy.
Weight management:
The manganese present in brown rice helps the body properly synthesize fats. Furthermore, It enhances the activity of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase, thereby elevating good cholesterol (HDL) in individuals coping with obesity. Rice noodle supplier
Aids in digestive health:
High fibre of this product helps in regulating healthy bowel functioning and provides relief from other conditions such as colitis and constipation. It beats even the organic rice when it comes to digestive health benefits.
Maintains cardiovascular health:
It is a great source of selenium which is immensely beneficial for maintaining heart health. Consuming whole grains like brown rice aids in the reduction of arterial blockage due to plaque build-up, thereby reducing the risk of cardiac diseases such as high hypertension and vascular disorders.
Helps prevent the risk of cancer:
It is assistive in the prevention of cancers like breast cancer, colon cancer and leukaemia, due to the high antioxidant and fibre content present. The fibre content in this possesses the ability to bind itself to cancer causing toxins in the body, and helps properly eliminate them from the body.
Boosts brain & nervous system health:
It aids metabolic acceleration in the brain due to the abundance of vitamin B and magnesium present. Magnesium in this product helps balance the calcium activity in the body and helps to regulate nerve and muscle tone. Additionally, it prevents sudden surge levels of calcium into the nerve cells, thus aiding nerve and muscle relaxation while preventing excessive contraction. Vitamin E content in this product plays a key role in preventing various brain disorders caused due to oxidative damage. Singapore rice noodles gluten free
Protects from neurodegenerative disorders:
The abundance of gamma-aminobutyric acid in this product helps fight against Alzheimer's disease. Germinated brown rice is rich in components which helps in control of protylendopetidase, the enzyme closely associated with Alzheimer's; it also protects from other cerebral-related disorders like amnesia and dementia. So when you think of organic rice, think of brown rice.
It is a wholesome grain food benefiting your heart, cholesterol, blood pressure, brain, digestion, muscles and bones. It also works well in treating skin ailments such as psoriasis; it promotes skin health and also restores hair loss. The presence of the antioxidant ferulic acid endows organic brown rice with anti-aging properties.
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healthynewsworld · 3 years
Is clove bud good for digestion?
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Studies have shown that clove is good for the digestive system, but how does it help? In addition to its medicinal properties, this plant also has antibacterial properties. Its oil can be used to flavor dishes or as a natural spice. But be careful, the essential oils in clove can cause some allergic reactions, especially if you're sensitive to them. Here are some tips to keep you safe from these harmful effects.
Cloves contain eugenol, which helps fight the growth of harmful microbes. They are also a powerful antiseptic. It can control the growth of bacteria and prevent the occurrence of food poisoning. It is a favorite in dentistry, where it fights the formation of gum disease. Its benefits are many and diverse. Read on for more information on this herb's health benefits.
Cloves are a powerful natural antiseptic, as they are known to boost the immune system. They can be used to treat common cold and flu as well. They also enhance bone strength and improve digestive health. You can also use cloves in cigarettes or cooking. They are safe to ingest, but they should be stored at room temperature. It is best to use whole clove buds. Ground clove is not very effective for the digestive system and can harm your digestive health. Taking digestive supplements like Paraguard can aid in your digestive health. Paraguard contains clove bud and the benefits of the product can be read in Paraguard parasite cleanse reviews.
When chewed, cloves prevent bad breath. The aroma of cloves is very strong, and this can make you prone to bad breath. But it's not just the smell of cloves that makes them useful. The essential oils in cloves promote the production of digestive enzymes and reduce gasses that contribute to stomach bloating. Another benefit of eating cloves is that they can reduce insulin resistance and improve gastrointestinal hormones.
The aroma of cloves is distinctive. They are used in toothpaste and other products. They can reduce digestive problems. They also improve the immune system. If you're looking for an herbal remedy, clove bud is a great option. A good quality extract is highly beneficial for your health. It is also good for your teeth. And it can prevent tooth decay. There are many studies to back this up. Its antibacterial properties can help protect your teeth from plaque and help with dental health.
While it's not a medicinal herb, it is a great source of antioxidants and fibers. Several studies have shown that cloves have aphrodisiac effects and can be useful for digestive issues. While they may not be a cure-all, they can help improve your digestive health. And if you're suffering from a stomach problem, this herb can help.
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atozearth · 1 year
Top 25 Mouthwash Products: Ingredients, Use Cases, and Reviews
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Introduction Maintaining optimal oral health goes beyond regular brushing and flossing. Incorporating a high-quality mouthwash into your dental care routine can provide added protection against cavities, plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath. With a plethora of options available, it can be overwhelming to find the right mouthwash for your specific needs. To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled a list of the 25 best mouthwash products, along with their key ingredients and recommended use cases. 1. Listerine Total Care Anticavity Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Sodium fluoride, eucalyptol, menthol, thymol, and methyl salicylate. - Use Case: Offers comprehensive protection against cavities, strengthens enamel, and freshens breath. 2. Crest Pro-Health Multi-Protection Rinse - Key Ingredients: Cetylpyridinium chloride, fluoride, and glycerin. - Use Case: Provides all-around protection against plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath. 3. ACT Anticavity Fluoride Rinse - Key Ingredients: Sodium fluoride, cetylpyridinium chloride, and sodium phosphate. - Use Case: Clinically proven to prevent cavities and support enamel health; suitable for both adults and children. 4. Colgate Total Advanced Pro-Shield Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Cetylpyridinium chloride, fluoride, and propylene glycol. - Use Case: Combats bacteria, plaque, and bad breath while maintaining long-lasting freshness. 5. TheraBreath Fresh Breath Oral Rinse - Key Ingredients: Oxyd-8 (chlorine dioxide), sodium bicarbonate, and zinc gluconate. - Use Case: Specialized for combating bad breath with an oxygenating formula, leaving the mouth feeling clean and refreshed. 6. Scope Outlast Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Cetylpyridinium chloride and menthol. - Use Case: Provides a long-lasting, minty freshness to keep bad breath at bay. 7. Sensodyne Pronamel Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride. - Use Case: Designed for sensitive teeth, strengthens enamel, and protects against acid erosion. 8. Tom's of Maine Wicked Fresh! Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Xylitol, peppermint oil, and menthol. - Use Case: A natural option with a powerful flavor, providing long-lasting fresh breath. 9. CloSYS Original Unflavored Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Chlorine dioxide and stabilized chlorine dioxide. - Use Case: Alcohol-free and gentle on sensitive mouths, kills germs, and promotes a healthy oral environment. 10. Jason Healthy Mouth Tartar Control Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Grapefruit seed extract, tea tree oil, and cinnamon. - Use Case: Fights tartar buildup and maintains healthy gums with botanical ingredients. 11. Biotène Fresh Mint Moisturizing Oral Rinse - Key Ingredients: Bio-active enzymes and moisturizers. - Use Case: Specifically formulated for individuals with dry mouth, providing relief and long-lasting moisture. 12. Plax Advanced Formula Plaque Loosening Rinse - Key Ingredients: Cetylpyridinium chloride and sodium fluoride. - Use Case: Helps loosen and detach plaque for more effective brushing and flossing. 13. Hello Naturally Healthy Antigingivitis Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Aloe vera, coconut oil, and tea tree oil. - Use Case: A vegan and alcohol-free option, fortified with aloe vera to soothe and protect gums. 14. Desert Essence Natural Tea Tree Oil Ultra Care Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Tea tree oil, witch hazel, and spearmint oil. - Use Case: Harnesses the power of tea tree oil to reduce plaque buildup and promote healthy gums. 15. Oral Essentials Fresh Breath Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Dead Sea salt, aloe vera, and essential oils (peppermint, spearmint, and lemon). - Use Case: Features natural ingredients for a refreshing mouthwash experience. 16. Periogen Complete Oral Rinse - Key Ingredients: Tetrasodium pyrophosphate and citric acid. - Use Case: Targets and breaks down tartar buildup, reducing the risk of gum disease and cavities. 17. SmartMouth Original Activated Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Zinc chloride and sodium chlorite. - Use Case: Utilizes zinc ion technology for all-day bad breath prevention and oral health maintenance. 18. Oxyfresh Lemon Mint Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Oxygene (stabilized chlorine dioxide) and essential oil blend. - Use Case: Neutralizes bad breath while being free from artificial dyes and alcohol. 19. Arm & Hammer Advance White Extreme Whitening with Stain Defense Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Sodium bicarbonate and fluoride. - Use Case: Whitens teeth and helps prevent new stains from forming. 20. Rembrandt Deeply White + Peroxide Whitening Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Hydrogen peroxide and sodium fluoride. - Use Case: Contains peroxide to effectively whiten teeth and improve overall oral health. 21. CariFree CTx4 Treatment Rinse - Key Ingredients: Xylitol, sodium fluoride, and nano hydroxyapatite. - Use Case: Formulated to prevent cavities and promote remineralization, especially suitable for high-risk individuals. 22. Corsodyl Daily Gum Care Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Chlorhexidine digluconate and propylene glycol. - Use Case: A medicated option that aids in treating and preventing gum disease. 23. Listerine Naturals Antiseptic Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Eucalyptol, menthol, thymol, and cornstarch. - Use Case: A more natural option from Listerine, free from artificial flavors, sweeteners, and dyes. 24. Parodontax Clean Mint Mouthwash - Key Ingredients: Stannous fluoride and cetylpyridinium chloride. - Use Case: Designed to help stop and prevent bleeding gums, promoting healthy gums and teeth. 25. Philips Sonicare BreathRx Antibacterial Mouth Rinse - Key Ingredients: Cetylpyridinium chloride and zinc gluconate. - Use Case: Aids in reducing bacteria that cause bad breath, promoting fresher breath for hours. Remember to read the labels and follow the instructions for each mouthwash product carefully. Additionally, it's always beneficial to consult your dentist or oral health professional to find the mouthwash that best suits your specific dental needs. Incorporating a top-quality mouthwash into your daily oral care routine can lead to healthier gums, fresher breath, and a brighter smile. Also Read about car cleaning kit Conclusion In conclusion, mouthwash can be a valuable addition to your daily oral hygiene routine, providing numerous benefits for maintaining optimal oral health. With a wide range of products available, each tailored to specific needs, you can find the perfect mouthwash to suit your requirements. From fighting cavities and plaque to freshening breath and combating bad breath, mouthwash plays a crucial role in promoting healthier teeth and gums. However, it is essential to remember that mouthwash should complement regular brushing and flossing, not replace them. Consulting with your dentist or oral health professional can help you select the most suitable mouthwash for your unique dental needs, ensuring a brighter smile and fresher breath for a confident and healthy you. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Mouthwash What is mouthwash, and how does it work? A: Mouthwash, also known as oral rinse or mouth rinse, is a liquid product used as a supplementary oral hygiene practice. It is typically swished around the mouth, reaching areas that brushing and flossing might miss. Mouthwash contains various active ingredients, such as fluoride, essential oils, and antibacterial agents, which help to reduce bacteria, plaque, and bad breath, promoting healthier teeth and gums. How often should I use mouthwash? A: The frequency of mouthwash use depends on the specific product and your oral health needs. In general, most dentists recommend using mouthwash once or twice a day, after brushing and flossing. However, it's essential to follow the instructions on the mouthwash label for the specific product you are using. Can children use mouthwash? A: Yes, many mouthwash products are safe for children to use. However, it's crucial to choose a mouthwash specifically formulated for kids and to supervise them while using it to ensure they don't swallow it. Additionally, consult with your child's dentist to determine if mouthwash is suitable for their specific dental needs. Are there different types of mouthwash available? A: Yes, there are several types of mouthwash, each designed to address different oral health concerns. Some common types include: - Antiseptic mouthwash: Contains antibacterial agents to reduce bacteria and fight gum disease. - Fluoride mouthwash: Helps prevent tooth decay and strengthen enamel. - Whitening mouthwash: Aids in removing surface stains and maintaining a bright smile. - Alcohol-free mouthwash: Suitable for individuals with sensitive mouths, as it is less likely to cause irritation. - Dry mouth mouthwash: Formulated to provide relief and moisturize the mouth for those experiencing dry mouth symptoms. Can mouthwash replace brushing and flossing? A: No, mouthwash should not replace brushing and flossing. While mouthwash offers additional benefits and can improve oral health, it is not a substitute for mechanical cleaning provided by brushing and flossing. It should be used in conjunction with regular brushing and flossing for the best results. Can mouthwash cause any side effects? A: Some people may experience temporary side effects when using mouthwash, such as a mild burning sensation or irritation. This is more common with alcohol-based mouthwashes. If you experience any persistent side effects, discontinue use and consult your dentist or healthcare professional. Can mouthwash help with bad breath (halitosis)? A: Yes, many mouthwash products are specifically formulated to combat bad breath. They contain ingredients that neutralize odor-causing bacteria and provide a fresher breath for an extended period. Can I use mouthwash if I have sensitive teeth or gums? A: Yes, there are mouthwash products designed for individuals with sensitive teeth and gums. Look for mouthwashes that are labeled as "gentle" or "for sensitive mouths," as they are usually alcohol-free and have milder formulas. Can mouthwash help prevent cavities? A: Yes, some mouthwash products, particularly those containing fluoride, can help prevent cavities by strengthening enamel and making teeth more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria. Remember, for personalized advice on oral care and mouthwash use, always consult your dentist or oral health professional. They can recommend the best mouthwash for your specific dental needs and offer guidance on incorporating it into your daily oral hygiene routine. Read the full article
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healthspiritbody · 3 years
Multiple Benefits Of Aloe Vera
Aloe vera, or Aloe barbadensis, is a thick, short-stemmed plant that stores water in its leaves. It is best known for treating skin injuries, but it also has several other uses that could potentially benefit health.
This miraculous plant is commonly used nowadays as well, but you should know the benefits of aloe vera are only limited to topical application on wounds, scrapes, and burns, as it can also be taken internally and thus improve overall health.
Its minerals, such as zinc, iron, potassium, copper, calcium, magnesium, chromium, selenium, sodium, boost metabolic pathways. Moreover, it is high in important enzymes like amylase and lipase which can help digestion by breaking down fat and sugar molecules. Among the other vitamins, Aloe Vera is a rich source of contains vitamin B12, which is needed for the production of red blood cells. It is also abundant in vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3 (niacin), and B6, folic acid, choline.
Potential benefits of aloe vera
1. It contains healthful plant compounds 
The cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries use aloe vera extensively, and the plant has an estimated annual market value of $13 billion globally. Each leaf contains a slimy tissue that stores water, and this makes the leaves thick. This water-filled tissue is the “gel” that people associate with aloe vera products.
2. It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties
Antioxidants are important for health. The benefits of aloe vera gel contain powerful antioxidants belonging to a large family of substances known as polyphenols. These polyphenols, along with several other compounds in aloe vera, help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that can cause infections in humans.
3. It accelerates wound healing
People most often use aloe vera as a topical medication, rubbing it onto the skin rather than consuming it. In fact, it has a long history of use in treating sores, and particularly burns, including sunburn. Studies suggest that it is an effective topical treatment for first and second-degree burns. The evidence for aloe vera helping heal other types of wounds is inconclusive, but the research is promising.
4. It reduces dental plaque
Tooth decay and diseases of the gum are very common health problems. One of the best ways to prevent these conditions is to reduce the buildup of plaque, or bacterial biofilms, on the teeth. Aloe vera is effective in killing the plaque-producing bacterium Streptococcus mutans in the mouth.
5. It helps treat canker sores
Many people experience mouth ulcers, or canker sores, at some point in their lives. These usually form underneath the lip, inside the mouth, and last for about a week. Studies have shown that aloe vera treatment can accelerate the healing of mouth ulcers. For example, in a 7-day study of 180 people with recurrent mouth ulcers, applying an aloe vera patch to the area was effective in reducing the size of the ulcers.
6. It reduces constipation
Aloe vera may also help treat constipation. This time it is the latex, not the gel, that provides the benefits. The latex is a sticky yellow residue present just under the skin of the leaf. The key compound responsible for this effect is called aloin, or barbaloin, which has well-established laxative effects. However, people have raised concerns about safety with frequent use. For this reason, aloe latex has not been available in the U.S. as an over-the-counter medication since 2002.
7. It may improve skin and prevent wrinkles
There is some preliminary evidence to suggest that topical aloe vera gel can slow the aging of the skin. In a 2009 study of 30 females over the age of 45, taking oral aloe vera gel increased collagen production and improved skin elasticity over a 90-day period. Aloe vera could help the skin retain moisture and improve skin integrity, which could benefit dry skin conditions.
8. It lowers blood sugar levels
People sometimes use aloe vera as a remedy for diabetes. This is because it may enhance insulin sensitivity and help improve blood sugar management. For example, a review of eight studies found that aloe vera could have benefits for people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes due to its effects on glycemic control. However, the quality of the existing studies is not ideal, so scientists do not currently recommend using aloe vera for this purpose.
Aloe vera has a range of therapeutic properties, especially as an ointment for the skin and gums. Oral options should contain decolorized whole leaf extract of aloe vera to minimize risk. A person should always speak to a doctor before using aloe products to treat a condition.
Multiple Benefits Of Aloe Vera was originally published on Health Spirit Body
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
What are SkinCell Pro Side effects?
Is red wine good for brain health?
Have you ever heard of the French paradox? It is a well-researched phenomenon which refers to people who live in certain parts of France where red wine is commonly consumed during meals and have fewer cases of death from coronary heart disease. Studies show that this phenomenon may be due to the many benefits of red wine for the heart.
Taking advantage of the various health benefits of red wine is nothing new. An investigation carried out at Harvard University found a jar in the tomb of King Scorpion I, dating from 3150 BC. C., which contains traces of wine along with herbal residues.
Based on these findings, the researchers attested to the great antiquity of Egyptian herbal wines as medicine and their importance under the pharaohs during the initial unification of the country.
These wines contained dissolved herbs such as balsam, mint, sage, thyme, juniper berries, honey, and frankincense, and were consumed to treat various health conditions, from digestive problems to herpes.
In addition to the knowledge of our ancestors, who used red wine to treat ailments and diseases, thousands of studies published over the course of several decades have shown that red wine, when consumed in moderation, can have a positive effect on the health of the wine. heart, improve cognitive function, reduce oxidative stress and even normalize blood sugar levels.
The 6 main benefits of red wine
When consumed in small amounts, red wine can be considered a superfood that provides powerful antioxidants that heal the body at the cellular level, like quercetin and resveratrol. That is why the benefits of red wine are so abundant when consumed in moderation.
1. Increases heart health
The active compounds in red wine, including polyphenols, resveratrol, and quercetin, have been shown to have cardioprotective properties. Numerous cross-sectional, observational and controlled studies show that drinking moderate amounts of red wine has beneficial effects on many different aspects related to cardiovascular disease.
This research shows that the antioxidant nutrients in red wine can slow the progression of atherosclerosis, a type of arteriosclerosis that occurs when there is accumulation of fat, cholesterol, and plaque on the walls of the arteries.
One study, published in the International Journal of Molecule Medicine, found that moderate alcohol intake, especially red wine, decreased heart mortality due to atherosclerosis, but people who did not drink red wine and people who drank too much red wine they had an increased risk of cardiac mortality.
There is also plenty of evidence to support the full benefits of resveratrol, which protects heart cells from tissue damage after a stroke, inhibits platelet build-up, and lowers triglyceride and cholesterol build-up. Resveratrol has also been shown to relax the coronary arteries, making it partly responsible for the benefits of red wine associated with cardiovascular disease.
Quercetin, one of the most important flavonoids found in red wine, also promotes heart health by regulating blood pressure levels, reducing inflammation and preventing oxidative stress.
2. Improves cholesterol levels
According to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, wine consumption was associated with a significant increase in HDL cholesterol, and participants were able to notice that their levels improved between 11 and 16 percent.
Another study, conducted at Curtin University in Australia, found that regular consumption of red wine reduced the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by lowering LDL cholesterol levels in postmenopausal women by 8 percent and increasing HDL cholesterol levels by 17 percent.
3. Combat damage caused by free radicals
The accumulation of free radicals plays an important role in the development of chronic and degenerative diseases, which include cancer, autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative diseases.
The antioxidants in red wine help counteract oxidative stress by acting as free radical scavengers, preventing and repairing damage caused by oxidation. Antioxidants improve the body's immune defenses and reduce the risk of developing several serious health conditions.
Due to its ability to fight free radical damage, the resveratrol found in red wine has the ability to block the carcinogenesis process, including the stages of tumor initiation, promotion, and progression. Additionally, resveratrol is involved in the regulation of the body's negative inflammatory responses.
4. Benefits of red wine in diabetes
Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst found that red wine can slow the passage of glucose through the small intestine and eventually into the bloodstream, helping to prevent the spike in blood sugar levels that diabetes patients experience type 2. This research shows that red wine, due to its benefits, can be part of a diabetic diet plan if consumed in moderation.
Both red and white wines were used to determine how well they could inhibit the activity of an enzyme responsible for triggering glucose absorption.
The researchers were able to find that red wine was clearly the winner, as it was able to inhibit enzymes by almost 100 percent, while values ​​for white wine were around 20 percent.
The effectiveness of red wine was so significant as it contains approximately 10 times more polyphenols (a type of antioxidants) than white wine.
In addition to these findings, the study found another benefit of red wine, which is that it does not have an effect on a pancreatic enzyme that breaks down starch and that patients need to avoid the side effects of blood sugar medications.
5. Combat obesity and weight gain
A study conducted at Purdue University found that red wine can help fight obesity. This is due to a compound found in grapes and other fruits (such as blueberries and passion fruit) called piceatannol, which has a similar chemical structure to resveratrol. According to the researchers, piceatannol blocks the ability of immature fat cells to develop and grow.
It was also found that it alters the timing of gene expressions, genetic functions, and insulin functions during the metabolic process of fat cells.
When piceatannol enters the body, there is a complete inhibition of adipogenesis, which is the process of cell differentiation. Piceatannol is very effective in the fight against obesity and weight gain because it is capable of destroying fat cells at the beginning of the cell differentiation process, thus preventing the accumulation of fat cells and, later, the increase in body mass.
It does this by binding to insulin receptors found on fat cells and blocking insulin's ability to control cell cycles. It also blocks the activity of insulin to activate genes that are important in the later stages of fat formation.
6. It can help prevent Alzheimer's disease
Research found that people who eat a Mediterranean diet, which consists of red wine, vegetables, legumes, fruits, fish, and olive oil, have a 28 percent lower risk of developing mild cognitive impairment and a 48 percent lower risk risk of going from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease.
In addition, further research has been done on red wine specifically as a preventive measure and natural treatment for Alzheimer's. According to research published in Frontiers in Aging and Neuroscience, resveratrol can control the main features of Alzheimer's disease and delay the development of dementia.
This is due to resveratrol's ability to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, as it works as a neuroprotective.
The ingredients that make red wine beneficial
Red wine is loaded with antioxidants, particularly flavonoids like quercetin and resveratrol. These antioxidants stimulate many of the body's processes, but are particularly revered for improving heart health.
Bioflavonoids are made up of a large family of polyphenolic compounds that perform key functions in plants, such as combating environmental stress and modulating cell growth. One of the best-known flavonoids that is present in red wine is quercetin.
Quercetin is one of the most abundant antioxidants in the human diet, and it plays an important role in fighting free radical damage, the effects of aging, and inflammation. Research has shown that quercetin can help control a number of inflammatory conditions, including:
·       Heart disease
·       Infections
·       Chronic fatigue
·       Autoimmune disorders
·       Arthritis
·       Allergies
·       Blood vessel problems
·       Cognitive impairment
·       Eye-related disorders
·       High cholesterol
·       Skin disorders
·       Cancer
·       Stomach ulcers
·       Atherosclerosis
·       Diabetes
·       Gout
The presence of quercetin is at least partly responsible for the benefits of red wine. Other flavonoids found in red wine are procyanidins, which are also found in high amounts in chocolate and apples. Research has shown that procyanidins have a powerful antioxidant action and the ability to increase immune function. (16)
Resveratrol one of the most powerful polyphenols
Resveratrol is another polyphene bioflavonoid antioxidant found in red wine. It is classified as a phytoestrogen because it interacts with estrogen receptors in a positive way.
It is believed to be one of the most powerful polyphenols and the strongest protectors against free radical damage, cognitive decline, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. In fact, plants produce resveratrol, in part as a mechanism for protection and response to stressors within their environments, such as radiation, and fungal infections.
Red wine is probably the best-known source of resveratrol due to the fermentation process that converts grape juice into alcohol. When red wine is produced, the seeds and grape skins are fermented in the grape juices, which has a positive effect on the levels and availability of resveratrol.
People consume resveratrol for a number of anti-aging and healing benefits. Research suggests that resveratrol can improve your health in the following ways:
·       Fight oxidative stress
·       Support cellular and tissue health
·       Protect Against Cancer
·       Promote circulation
·       Protect cognitive health
·       Prevent premature aging
·       Support healthy digestion
·       Improve energy levels and stamina
·       Protect against diabetes
Red wine vs. White wine
There is research to suggest that drinking wine in general is more beneficial than consuming beer or liquor. In a study in which more than 13,000 men and women between the ages of 30 and 70 were observed for 10-12 years, researchers found an inverse correlation to overall mortality in people who drank wine but not those who drank beer or liqueur.
Low to moderate wine intake lowered the risk of death from all causes, while similar liquor intake carried a higher risk and drinking beer had no effect on mortality.
Although studies like this show that drinking wine can be beneficial, is there a difference between red and white wine? For one thing, there is a higher concentration of antioxidants in red wine.
Antioxidant compounds are mainly found in the skin of red grapes, which are removed after the grapes are crushed in the white wine making process.
Although white wine also contains antioxidants that are present in the pulp of grapes, their levels are much higher in red wines.
Ethanol, which represents 8 to 15 percent of the volume of red wine, has a wide range of biological functions, since it alters the composition of cholesterol, alters the fluid balance, alters the activity of the metabolization of enzymes and has effects pro-oxidants.
However, the polyphenols present in large quantities in red wine can counteract the pro-oxidant effects of ethanol and even reduce oxidative stress. Drinks with low concentrations of phenolic compounds, such as white wine, cannot combat the pro-oxidant effects of ethanol.
Benefits of red wine vs. the disadvantages of drinking red wine
It is important to note that drinking more wine does not mean receiving greater health benefits. Despite the healthy properties of red wine and the benefits of red wine, alcohol itself is actually a neurotoxin, meaning it can poison your brain and negatively affect your liver, among other bodily systems.
Although drinking in moderation can always be beneficial, chronic binge drinking can seriously damage your organs. Especially for people who choose to drink cheaper fortified wines that don't have as much nutritional value.
Another drawback of drinking any type of wine is that some ingredients, such as aroma enhancers, stabilizers, and clarifying agents cannot be found in nature.
These additives are used to improve the taste, color and texture of the wine, and to extend its shelf life. And unlike the food industry, winemakers are not required to list the ingredients that go into making their products, so you can never be sure exactly what you're drinking.
Sulfites and sulfiting agents are used in wines as a purifier and disinfectant. Research has shown that exposure to sulfites can induce a variety of negative clinical effects in people sensitive to these additives.
Reactions can include dermatitis, abdominal pain, diarrhea, asthmatic reactions, and even life-threatening anaphylaxis.
Tips for drinking wine in moderation
Sometimes it's easy to lose track of how much wine you've had in a day. Especially during festive dinners, while the family sits down to talk and celebrate. In these cases, you may have too many glasses of wine without realizing it. Here are some simple tricks you can use to keep your alcohol portions in check, even during parties, family dinners, or special events:
·       Plan things ahead: If you know an event or dinner is coming up where you'll have a glass or two of wine, refrain from drinking wine for the entire week of the event.
·       Drink slowly: Enjoy and savor each sip, and try not to be distracted by drinking your wine.
·       Don't refill your glass unless it's empty: Sometimes we add a little wine to our glasses, even if it's not empties yet. Better wait until you've finished the whole glass and then pour just a little more if you want.
·       Drink your wine with water on the side: If you don't have another drink at your disposal, you will start drinking the wine because it will make you thirsty and you will end up drinking too much. Keep a glass of lemon or mineral water aside, and alternate between the wine and water.
However, before we dive into how to remove skin tags and all of the best products to do so, let’s just take a moment to mention moles. Unlike skin tags, moles are made of cells that usually produce skin pigment. But, instead of lying flat against your skin, they bunch up. It’s important to familiarize yourself with your moles so that if one changes over time or looks or feels different, such as becoming painful, itchy or tender, you’ll notice straight away. This will allow you to consult with a doctor right away for further investigation, in case you have something more serious.
Skincell pro supplement
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atozearth · 1 year
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nishi78-blog1 · 6 years
Wonderful benefits of Aloe Vera juice
This makes aloe vera the most genuine and versatile for all your panacea health problems. You must have seen the aloe vera plant in a garden and you must have wondered how this ornamental plant can help improve your health. Well, this is the most jealously guarded secret of nature!
Many of us have also used face creams and shampoos enriched with aloe juice. The sap made from the stems of this succulent plant, is used to produce aloe vera juice. With so many advantages it offers is a surprise that  Aloe Vera has been considered the plant of "immortality"  by the Egyptians. Aloe vera has been used since ancient times for its healing properties and to provide relief.
But do you know why this small cactus plant is known as a "miracle plant"? To know the miraculous properties of aloe vera juice you need to know how to make aloe vera juice at home. Always use organic aloe vera juice to get the maximum benefit.
Aloe vera is a fatty plant that has thick fleshy stems with thorny leaves. The fleshy stem contains aloe juice, which is used for various purposes since the beginning of the first century, as an excellent home remedy. Juice and gels are used in various cosmetic treatments Medicine and Health.
Aloe Vera Juice Preparation:
Cut some stalks of the plant of the central section open. Choose the outer stems as they are the most mature and have the highest concentration of antioxidants.
The liquid leaving the gel is fresh from aloe.
Sock whole gel stem and store it in a bowl.
Put the gel in a blender and add a cup of water.
Licúalo to get pure aloe vera juice. Use the extracted juice in the next 3 or 4 days, otherwise the juice will lose its antioxidants.
A rich source of vitamins and minerals:
Both juice and aloe gel are powerful sources of antioxidants, antibiotics, they work as stimulators of cell growth and have analgesic and healing properties. They are rich in vitamins and minerals the following:
Folic acid
Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E
amino acids
Aloe vera is the most bioactive of all species of aloe. There are more than 75 active constituents in the plant, this includes polysaccharides such as acemannan, anthraquinone, aloin, enzymes, lignin, saponins and salicylic acid.
Aloe vera gel can be used for its laxative properties. True aloe gel times with whole sheets are used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis, metastatic cancer, infectious diseases and chemotherapy.
Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice:
Aloe vera produces two substances called gel and latex. Aloe gel is a transparent jelly-like substance found in the plant. This includes aloe juice pulp extracted from the fleshy stems of the plant. Aloe juice can be applied to the skin and hair or worn to relieve irritable bowel syndrome, inflammation, osteoarthritis and stomach ulcers. It is also a general health tonic you can take every morning to get all the benefits.
Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Health:
Digestive care:
Aloe Vera is very useful for treating intestinal problems because of their great anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera also helps the growth of positive bacteria in the intestines, this keeps all intestinal disorders at bay.
Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis:
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects the whole body. The immune system attacks the tissues of the body, in particular the membranes covering the joints. There is swelling and stiffness. No accumulation of fluid in the joints, which worsens everything. Since rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease; patients are usually given conventional drugs such as analgesics, non-steroidal drugs and corticosteroids. These drugs have a strong impact on health.
Taking aloe juice for two weeks can help reduce inflammation in the body, such as rheumatism, swollen eyes and hates and arthritis. Aloe juice contains compounds such as anti-inflammatory herbal sterols that help reduce pain and stiffness. Plant sterols function as steroid analgesics, but without damaging the body.
For muscle and joint pain:
Applying the gel externally can relieve muscle and joint pain. But do not forget to use freshly prepared gels at the moment.
For reflow:
Do you have serious digestive problems? Taking aloevera juice reduces reflux symptoms and stabilizes alkaline body levels. It has a soothing effect on the stomach wall and reduce acid reflux and discomfort. Thanks to its laxative properties it also helps to alleviate constipation.
Lowers cholesterol levels:
Aloe is great for maintaining cholesterol levels to reduce triglycerides. It includes fresh Aloe juice in your daily diet to maintain cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol levels. By reducing cholesterol damage you are protecting your heart.
Lose weight in a healthy way:
Insurance has taken diet pills and tried all the exercises and diets to lose weight. But without getting the desired results. Do you want to lose weight naturally? Aloe vera juice is an easy and natural solution to weight loss. Decreases the stabilizing weight of the metabolic rate, reducing lipid levels and helping to burn fat.
And dental oral hygiene 7.For:
Studies have shown that regular consumption of aloe juice improves oral and dental hygiene. Reduces gingivitis and plaque formation. Provides relief for cold sores and mouth ulcers.
Washing the mouth with aloe juice improves oral hygiene. A study by the Journal of the Society of  Periodontology  India reveals that the local application of aloe vera juice improves periodontal health after procedures such as endodontics and dental cleansing. Another study in the Journal of Advances in Clinical and Experimental Sample Medicine and Aloe Juice helps to reduce oral lichen planus, a common dental problem.
Fight Diabetes:
Aloe vera is good for patients with diabetes because it helps regulate blood sugar levels if consumed regularly. However, consult your doctor before starting to consume aloe juice . It is necessary the doctor will prescribe a dose that does not interfere with drugs taken to control the level of sugar in the blood.
It helps to detoxify:
Mix 2 teaspoons of fresh aloe vera juice with a glass of water and bebelo every day in the morning. This will help to detoxify and clean your system. Aloe juice helps to treat ulcers and detoxify the digestive system.1
Maintains healthy gums:
Apply fresh aloe gel directly to gum reduces pain and inflammation. If the bleeding of the gums is caused by a bacterial infection, aloe juice will help fight infections and leaves the mouth clean and fresh. There is no doubt about why so many toothpastes and mouthwashes are made with aloe vera extracts!
Reduces eye irritation:
1 Create your own eye wash completely natural. Mix two teaspoons of aloe vera in a cup with water. You can also add a teaspoon of boric acid. Use this eye drops to reduce the irritation and redness of the ojos.1
nasal and chest decongestant:
Do you suffer from constant nasal problems? Well, now you can try this completely natural choice. Aloe vera is rich in magnesium lactate acts as an antihistamine which helps reduce the problem of inflammation of the sinuses and chest due to various allergies.
regular intake of aloe juice helps fight cancer. It contains high levels of anti-cancer tumor growth antibodies to antibodies.
Helps the immune system:
Drinking aloe juice regularly compensates for the lack of amino acids in your body. Its high vitamin content enhances your immune system and self-defense mechanisms.
Fight the cough and common cold:
For those who regularly suffer from colds, coughs, flu, runny nose, bronchitis and other respiratory problems, aloe vera juice is the best natural solution. Vitamin C content of aloe vera juice ensures protection against the common cold that is verify when environmental changes.
Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for the skin:
Aloe vera is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Insurance have seen and used various skin care products of the gel containing aloe. It is the most common for all skin problems remedy.
Fighting the signs of time:
The anti-aging property Aloe keeps it flexible and rejuvenated also decreases the appearance of stains.
Eliminate dead skin cells and stretch marks:
Aloe vera moisturizes the skin and helps remove dead cells, wrinkles and fine lines. Aloe juice also helps to remove stretch marks.
For After Shave use:
Men can use aloe vera gel after shaving. Reduces the irritation and inflammation of the skin and heals the cuts caused by the shaving process.
It helps to remove acne and the scars that it leaves:
Do you suffer from acne? Then aloe vera is your friend, because it is the best natural remedy to treat pimples and blackheads and scars left behind. It has antimicrobial properties that help kill acne-causing bacteria and reduces acne scars to lighten the skin.
  It  prevents sunburn and gives relief to the skin:
We all have put different blockers and sunscreens to prevent harmful rays from damaging our skin. But sometimes rays penetrate through them. The aloe vera gel is extremely useful for the treatment of burns. It is an excellent cooling agent. Apply fresh gel to the skin every day to get immediate results. Reduces pain and redness of the skin and form a protective layer that prevents further damage.
Relieves Wounds:
When applied externally, it relieves wounds and cuts, dermatitis and insect bites.
For all seasons:
Aloe gel is moisturizing and moisturizes the skin well. Thus it can be used in all climates to prevent dry and irregular skin
Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Hair:
Excessive exposure to dust, sun and pollution makes our hair extremely dry, brittle and damaged. It removes natural oils and moisture to your hair causing split ends and dandruff. Aloe vera is useful for all types of hair, especially for dry and damaged hair. The constant use of aloe vera in the hair will make it soft, durable and without damage. The following are some of the benefits of aloe vera will bring to your hair.
Promotes hair growth:
Aloe vera is rich in proteolytic enzymes that help remove dead skin that clog the pores of the scalp, preventing the growth of new hair follicles. Accumulating sebum on the scalp can cause hair problems such as partial alopecia. aloe gel So remove the sebum causing the scalp is clean and promote hair growth.
Maintains pH balance:
Aloe Vera has alkaline properties that help maintain the pH level of the scalp and hair. This keeps the hair hydrated and allows hair growth.
Reduce dandruff:
Aloe vera is widely used to fight dandruff since ancient times. Due to their breakdown enzymes properties in the skin cells, as well as its antifungal properties, reduce dandruff. It also helps to heal scalp diseases such as psoriasis and seborrhea.
Hair conditioners:
You can add two teaspoons of aloe gel to cool your favorite conditioner and use every day. This will increase the wetting properties of your conditioner and deeply hydrate your hair giving it a smooth and fresh appearance. You can also make the following hair masks for hair conditioning at home.
Using Juice / Aloe Vera Gel masks:
  Aloe mask and clay:
In the clay smectite pasta (Fuller) adds ½ teaspoon gel to aloe.
Then add a few drops of rose water and honey and mix well until you get a homogeneous mixture.
Apply to the face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and dry your face with soft touches.
Fruit and Aloe Mask:
Liquefy some pieces of your favorite fruit such as papaya, bananas, apples, oranges, etc.
Add a teaspoon of aloe gel to this mixture and mix well.
You can also add a teaspoon of almond oil or wheat germ if you have dry skin.
Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.
For Dry & Sensitive Skin:
2 teaspoons aloe gel added a teaspoon of rose water and almond oil.
Then add fresh cucumber paste and mix well until smooth consistency.
Apply to the face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
This facial mask is also an excellent cleaning. It moisturizes and softens oily skin, eliminating dead skin cells, oil and excess sebum.
In a bowl add 2 teaspoons of oatmeal and cucumber paste.
For this mixture mix one teaspoon of aloe juice and mix well to form a smooth paste.
Apply gently with circular movements.
Now let it rest for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Green tea mask:
This facial mask is especially useful for women who suffer from premature aging. Green tea and aloe are rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals and reduce the signs of aging.
¼ avocado crushed pulp and mashed cucumber in a bowl
Add a teaspoon of aloe gel and green tea water to this mixture.
Mix well to form a paste and applied to the skin. Dejala for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Moisturizing mask:
Shea butter has excellent moisturizing and moisturizing properties. It is an essential ingredient in many creams and lip balms.
In an aloe teaspoon gel added a teaspoon of olive oil and shea oil.
Mix all the ingredients and mix to form a smooth paste.
Apply the mask and leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
This mask is ideal for people with dry and sensitive skin.
2 teaspoons Kiss (chickpea flour) adds curd and a teaspoon of aloe vera gel.
Mix well to form a straight hair mask and apply it to the hair.
After 30 minutes, wash with a mild shampoo.
Using Capillary Mask Juice / Aloe Vera Gel
Cleansing Mask:
2 teaspoons Kiss (chickpea flour) adds curd and a teaspoon of aloe vera gel.
Mix well to form a uniform mask and apply it to the hair.
After 30 minutes, wash with a mild shampoo.
For a straight hair:
An aloe gel 3 teaspoons, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and coconut oil.
Massage the scalp and leave for 20 minutes.
Wash your hair with shampoo.
In a blender add aloe gel and a handful of hibiscus leaves. You can also add flowers for the best results.
A uniform white paste is obtained. Apply to the roots and strands of hair and leave on for 30 minutes.
Wash with shampoo. You may need to wash your hair twice to remove this hair mask.
Hibiscus mask:
You can also apply fresh aloe gel directly to the scalp and wash it after about 20 minutes with mild shampoo. It will work wonders for your hair, leaving it soft and healthy.
Side effects of Aloe Vera Juice:
It is advised not to consume more than 4 ounces of aloe vera juice . Excess intake of aloe vera can cause nausea and inflammation of the liver.
Always check the labels before buying aloe vera juice , see that the percentage of aloe vera has. This will prevent consuming more.
Sometimes aloe vera interferes with some over-the-counter or prescription drugs. For example, it may increase the effect of some drugs to reduce sugar but may cause loss of potassium when taken with diuretics.
If you experience discomfort after consuming aloe vera juice, inform your doctor. Some people may have allergic reactions to Aloe Vera.
Generally aloe latex is known for its laxative properties, but consuming one gram of latex every day can cause diarrhea, kidney problems and stomach cramps. So you need to ask your doctor how aloe latex is suitable for consuming.
If you are pregnant or avoid nursing taking aloe vera juice, because it can cause problems. Also you never give aloe juice to children under 12 because it can cause stomach upset and diarrhea.
Sometimes aloe vera can react with diabetes medications. So, ask your doctor if it is safe to take aloe juice. If you are taking aloe juice carefully watch your blood sugar levels.
If you suffer from intestinal diseases such as ulcerative colitis or Cron does not take aloe latex or any product made of aloe. Because aloe is intestinal irritant.
If you suffer from hemorrhoids avoid aloe juice as it may worsen your condition.
always consume adequate aloe vera, otherwise it can cause serious kidney problems.
Aloe Vera can interfere with blood sugar levels during or after surgery. So stop taking aloe vera two weeks before surgery. Aloe vera can also prevent blood from coagulating This function is performed by sevoflurane, anesthetic used in surgery. So taking aloe can cause excessive bleeding during surgery.
Never take aloe vera juice with digoxin (lanolin) Aya stimulating laxatives such as latex aloe can decrease potassium and increase the side effects of lanolin.
Aloe Vera can react with oral medications and reduce its effectiveness.
Recommended dosage:
To solve constipation problems, you can eat 100-200 mg aloe vera juice. Avoid aloe latex if possible.
For the treatment of psoriasis can use a cream based on 0.5% aloe vera gel three times a day.
This dose has been solved thanks to scientific research, to find out how it is advisable for you, ask your doctor or follow the directions on the label.
If you already desanimaste after reading the side effects of aloe vera juice. Remember the saying, too much of a good thing is not good. Yup; you just have to take some aloe vera juice, taking a lot will not give you any additional benefit. If you taped before taking aloe juice and taste disgust, let me tell you that sometimes you need to ignore what your palate and make you want to take something for the sake of your health. You can also use aloe juice for enviable skin and hair. So doing aloe juice in your daily partner and say hi to good health.
I hope that after reading this post, know the reasons why Aloe Vera is considered a "miracle plant". Include it in your daily skin and hair care routine and see the difference.
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