#Clinically Studied Minerals
health-product-dental · 5 months
DentaTonic | Supplements - Health
A Scientific Evaluation of DentaTonic: A Dietary Supplement for Oral Health
Dentists and hygienists recommend a consistent regimen of brushing, flossing, and regular checkups to maintain optimal oral health. However, recent research suggests that certain dietary supplements may offer additional support. DentaTonic, a formulation containing a blend of enzymes and minerals, has gained traction for its potential to promote comprehensive oral health. Let's explore the scientific basis behind its key ingredients.
Enzyme Activity for a Balanced Microbiome
DentaTonic incorporates a trio of enzymes: lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, and dextranase. Lactoperoxidase, naturally present in saliva, plays a critical role in the body's oral defense system. Studies indicate its ability to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria associated with plaque formation and potential decay [1]. Lysozyme functions as a natural antimicrobial agent, further targeting bacteria within the oral cavity [2]. Dextranase disrupts complex sugars, a primary food source for plaque-forming bacteria [3]. By influencing the oral microbiome, DentaTonic may contribute to a healthier environment for teeth and gums.
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Potential for Enamel Remineralization
Microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, another key component of DentaTonic, is a form of calcium phosphate that mirrors the mineral structure of tooth enamel. Research suggests it may possess remineralizing properties, potentially aiding in the repair of early enamel erosion [4]. This could be particularly beneficial for individuals prone to sensitivity or early signs of decay.
A Promising Ally in Oral Care
While further clinical trials are necessary to definitively establish DentaTonic's full range of benefits, the scientific evidence supporting its individual ingredients is encouraging. By potentially promoting a healthy oral microbiome, fostering remineralization, and inhibiting plaque formation, DentaTonic may offer a valuable complement to established dental hygiene practices. It is crucial to emphasize that DentaTonic should not be considered a substitute for regular dental checkups and professional cleanings.
汤永华, ... & 焦树武. (2000). 过氧化物酶系统在口腔疾病防治中的作用. 口腔医学杂志, 20(2), 81-83. [Tang YH, et al. (2000). The role of the lactoperoxidase system in the prevention of oral diseases. Oral Med J, 20(2), 81-83.]
Hutt, M. N., et al. (1960). Lysozyme in human tears. Nature, 186(4723), 888-889.
Koo, H., et al. (2003). Influence of glucose and sucrose on Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilm formation on polystyrene surfaces. Journal of dental research, 82(2), 136-141.
Reynolds, E. C. (1997). The role of calcium phosphate in enamel remineralization. The Journal of clinical dentistry, 8(2), 72-79.
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fatliberation · 1 year
they have a point though. you wouldn't need everyone to accommodate you if you just lost weight, but you're too lazy to stick to a healthy diet and exercise. it's that simple. I'd like to see you back up your claims, but you have no proof. you have got to stop lying to yourselves and face the facts
Must I go through this again? Fine. FINE. You guys are working my nerves today. You want to talk about facing the facts? Let's face the fucking facts.
In 2022, the US market cap of the weight loss industry was $75 billion [1, 3]. In 2021, the global market cap of the weight loss industry was estimated at $224.27 billion [2]. 
In 2020, the market shrunk by about 25%, but rebounded and then some since then [1, 3] By 2030, the global weight loss industry is expected to be valued at $405.4 billion [2]. If diets really worked, this industry would fall overnight. 
1. LaRosa, J. March 10, 2022. "U.S. Weight Loss Market Shrinks by 25% in 2020 with Pandemic, but Rebounds in 2021." Market Research Blog. 2. Staff. February 09, 2023. "[Latest] Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Market Size/Share Worth." Facts and Factors Research. 3. LaRosa, J. March 27, 2023. "U.S. Weight Loss Market Partially Recovers from the Pandemic." Market Research Blog.
Over 50 years of research conclusively demonstrates that virtually everyone who intentionally loses weight by manipulating their eating and exercise habits will regain the weight they lost within 3-5 years. And 75% will actually regain more weight than they lost [4].
4. Mann, T., Tomiyama, A.J., Westling, E., Lew, A.M., Samuels, B., Chatman, J. (2007). "Medicare’s Search For Effective Obesity Treatments: Diets Are Not The Answer." The American Psychologist, 62, 220-233. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Apr. 2007.
The annual odds of a fat person attaining a so-called “normal” weight and maintaining that for 5 years is approximately 1 in 1000 [5].
5. Fildes, A., Charlton, J., Rudisill, C., Littlejohns, P., Prevost, A.T., & Gulliford, M.C. (2015). “Probability of an Obese Person Attaining Normal Body Weight: Cohort Study Using Electronic Health Records.” American Journal of Public Health, July 16, 2015: e1–e6.
Doctors became so desperate that they resorted to amputating parts of the digestive tract (bariatric surgery) in the hopes that it might finally result in long-term weight-loss. Except that doesn’t work either. [6] And it turns out it causes death [7],  addiction [8], malnutrition [9], and suicide [7].
6. Magro, Daniéla Oliviera, et al. “Long-Term Weight Regain after Gastric Bypass: A 5-Year Prospective Study - Obesity Surgery.” SpringerLink, 8 Apr. 2008. 7. Omalu, Bennet I, et al. “Death Rates and Causes of Death After Bariatric Surgery for Pennsylvania Residents, 1995 to 2004.” Jama Network, 1 Oct. 2007.  8. King, Wendy C., et al. “Prevalence of Alcohol Use Disorders Before and After Bariatric Surgery.” Jama Network, 20 June 2012.  9. Gletsu-Miller, Nana, and Breanne N. Wright. “Mineral Malnutrition Following Bariatric Surgery.” Advances In Nutrition: An International Review Journal, Sept. 2013.
Evidence suggests that repeatedly losing and gaining weight is linked to cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and altered immune function [10].
10. Tomiyama, A Janet, et al. “Long‐term Effects of Dieting: Is Weight Loss Related to Health?” Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 6 July 2017.
Prescribed weight loss is the leading predictor of eating disorders [11].
11. Patton, GC, et al. “Onset of Adolescent Eating Disorders: Population Based Cohort Study over 3 Years.” BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 20 Mar. 1999.
The idea that “obesity” is unhealthy and can cause or exacerbate illnesses is a biased misrepresentation of the scientific literature that is informed more by bigotry than credible science [12]. 
12. Medvedyuk, Stella, et al. “Ideology, Obesity and the Social Determinants of Health: A Critical Analysis of the Obesity and Health Relationship” Taylor & Francis Online, 7 June 2017.
“Obesity” has no proven causative role in the onset of any chronic condition [13, 14] and its appearance may be a protective response to the onset of numerous chronic conditions generated from currently unknown causes [15, 16, 17, 18].
13. Kahn, BB, and JS Flier. “Obesity and Insulin Resistance.” The Journal of Clinical Investigation, Aug. 2000. 14. Cofield, Stacey S, et al. “Use of Causal Language in Observational Studies of Obesity and Nutrition.” Obesity Facts, 3 Dec. 2010.  15. Lavie, Carl J, et al. “Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease: Risk Factor, Paradox, and Impact of Weight Loss.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 26 May 2009.  16. Uretsky, Seth, et al. “Obesity Paradox in Patients with Hypertension and Coronary Artery Disease.” The American Journal of Medicine, Oct. 2007.  17. Mullen, John T, et al. “The Obesity Paradox: Body Mass Index and Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Nonbariatric General Surgery.” Annals of Surgery, July 2005. 18. Tseng, Chin-Hsiao. “Obesity Paradox: Differential Effects on Cancer and Noncancer Mortality in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.” Atherosclerosis, Jan. 2013.
Fatness was associated with only 1/3 the associated deaths that previous research estimated and being “overweight” conferred no increased risk at all, and may even be a protective factor against all-causes mortality relative to lower weight categories [19].
19. Flegal, Katherine M. “The Obesity Wars and the Education of a Researcher: A Personal Account.” Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 15 June 2021.
Studies have observed that about 30% of so-called “normal weight” people are “unhealthy” whereas about 50% of so-called “overweight” people are “healthy”. Thus, using the BMI as an indicator of health results in the misclassification of some 75 million people in the United States alone [20]. 
20. Rey-López, JP, et al. “The Prevalence of Metabolically Healthy Obesity: A Systematic Review and Critical Evaluation of the Definitions Used.” Obesity Reviews : An Official Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 15 Oct. 2014.
While epidemiologists use BMI to calculate national obesity rates (nearly 35% for adults and 18% for kids), the distinctions can be arbitrary. In 1998, the National Institutes of Health lowered the overweight threshold from 27.8 to 25—branding roughly 29 million Americans as fat overnight—to match international guidelines. But critics noted that those guidelines were drafted in part by the International Obesity Task Force, whose two principal funders were companies making weight loss drugs [21].
21. Butler, Kiera. “Why BMI Is a Big Fat Scam.” Mother Jones, 25 Aug. 2014. 
Body size is largely determined by genetics [22].
22. Wardle, J. Carnell, C. Haworth, R. Plomin. “Evidence for a strong genetic influence on childhood adiposity despite the force of the obesogenic environment” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Vol. 87, No. 2, Pages 398-404, February 2008.
Healthy lifestyle habits are associated with a significant decrease in mortality regardless of baseline body mass index [23].  
23. Matheson, Eric M, et al. “Healthy Lifestyle Habits and Mortality in Overweight and Obese Individuals.” Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 25 Feb. 2012.
Weight stigma itself is deadly. Research shows that weight-based discrimination increases risk of death by 60% [24].
24. Sutin, Angela R., et al. “Weight Discrimination and Risk of Mortality .” Association for Psychological Science, 25 Sept. 2015.
Fat stigma in the medical establishment [25] and society at large arguably [26] kills more fat people than fat does [27, 28, 29].
25. Puhl, Rebecca, and Kelly D. Bronwell. “Bias, Discrimination, and Obesity.” Obesity Research, 6 Sept. 2012. 26. Engber, Daniel. “Glutton Intolerance: What If a War on Obesity Only Makes the Problem Worse?” Slate, 5 Oct. 2009.  27. Teachman, B. A., Gapinski, K. D., Brownell, K. D., Rawlins, M., & Jeyaram, S. (2003). Demonstrations of implicit anti-fat bias: The impact of providing causal information and evoking empathy. Health Psychology, 22(1), 68–78. 28. Chastain, Ragen. “So My Doctor Tried to Kill Me.” Dances With Fat, 15 Dec. 2009. 29. Sutin, Angelina R, Yannick Stephan, and Antonio Terraciano. “Weight Discrimination and Risk of Mortality.” Psychological Science, 26 Nov. 2015.
There's my "proof." Where is yours?
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nightbunnysong · 27 days
Strategies for enhancing collagen synthesis
A biochemical perspective
Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body, is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of skin, bones, cartilage, and connective tissues. Its production naturally declines with age, leading to wrinkles, joint pain, and other signs of aging. This article explores specific, scientifically-backed methods to boost collagen production, with a particular focus on the biochemical processes involved.
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1. Bone broth
Bone broth is a direct dietary source of collagen. This nutrient-dense liquid, derived from simmering animal bones and connective tissues, is rich in collagen, gelatin, amino acids (such as glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline), and minerals. When ingested, collagen from bone broth is broken down into its constituent amino acids, which serve as building blocks for collagen synthesis in the body.
Biochemical mechanism
The collagen in bone broth is primarily composed of type I, II, and III collagen. Upon ingestion, it undergoes enzymatic hydrolysis in the stomach and intestines, producing peptides that are absorbed into the bloodstream. These peptides, especially glycine and proline, are crucial for collagen synthesis. Glycine provides the basic structural unit, while proline and hydroxyproline confer stability to the collagen triple helix by facilitating hydrogen bonding.
Scientific support
Research suggests that consuming bone broth can increase the levels of collagen-derived peptides in the bloodstream, which may be utilized by fibroblasts in the skin and other tissues to enhance collagen synthesis. A study published in Nutrients found that participants who consumed collagen peptides from bone broth showed improvements in skin elasticity and hydration, indicative of enhanced collagen production.
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2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) plays a critical role in collagen synthesis as a cofactor for the enzymes prolyl hydroxylase and lysyl hydroxylase. These enzymes are responsible for stabilizing the collagen molecule by hydroxylating proline and lysine residues, which are essential for the formation of stable collagen fibrils.
Biochemical mechanism
Vitamin C donates electrons to the iron-containing active sites of prolyl and lysyl hydroxylase enzymes, converting Fe3+ back to Fe2+ and thereby maintaining enzyme activity. This hydroxylation process enhances the thermal stability of the collagen triple helix and is essential for the secretion of mature collagen from fibroblasts.
Scientific support
Studies have demonstrated that vitamin C supplementation can significantly increase collagen production. For example, a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that daily supplementation with vitamin C led to higher levels of procollagen mRNA in the skin, indicative of upregulated collagen synthesis.
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3. Jumping rope
Exercise, particularly high-impact activities like jumping rope, has been shown to stimulate collagen synthesis in connective tissues. The mechanical loading experienced during jumping rope promotes the production of type I collagen in tendons and type II collagen in cartilage.
Biochemical mechanism
The mechanical stress from jumping rope induces microtrauma in collagen fibers, which stimulates fibroblasts and chondrocytes to upregulate collagen synthesis. This process is mediated by the mechanotransduction pathway, where mechanical forces are converted into biochemical signals, leading to the activation of signaling molecules such as integrins and focal adhesion kinase (FAK). These signals enhance the transcription of collagen genes (COL1A1, COL2A1) and increase the production of growth factors like TGF-β (transforming growth factor-beta), which further stimulates collagen synthesis.
Scientific support
Research in sports medicine indicates that regular mechanical loading, such as through jumping rope, leads to adaptive remodeling of collagenous tissues. A study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that athletes who engaged in high-impact exercise had significantly higher collagen content in their tendons compared to those who did not.
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4. Nettle (Urtica dioica)
Nettle is an herb rich in silicon, sulfur, and other minerals essential for collagen synthesis. This plant is traditionally used in infusions and teas to improve the health of skin, nails, and hair, indirectly contributing to collagen production.
Biochemical mechanism
The silicon present in nettle plays a key role in cross-linking collagen, enhancing the strength and stability of collagen fibers. Sulfur is involved in protein synthesis, including key enzymes in collagen production. Nettle is also rich in antioxidants that protect collagen from oxidative damage.
Scientific support
Studies suggest that supplementation with nettle can improve collagen quality. A study published in The Journal of Herbal Medicine found that using nettle-based supplements led to increased collagen synthesis and improved skin elasticity.
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5. Green tea
Green tea is rich in catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has potent antioxidant properties. These compounds not only protect existing collagen from oxidative damage but may also stimulate the production of new collagen.
Biochemical mechanism
EGCG in green tea inhibits the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) that degrade collagen in the skin. Additionally, EGCG has been shown to upregulate the expression of collagen genes and enhance the proliferation of fibroblasts.
Scientific support
A study published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry demonstrated that green tea catechins can prevent collagen degradation and stimulate new collagen production in the skin, particularly in response to UV exposure. This makes green tea an excellent natural choice for promoting collagen health.
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redavexat · 4 months
In case you missed any of the text, all of it is written here:
Medical transition works
80% of individuals reported significant improvement in dysphoria
78% of individuals reported significant improvements in psychological symptoms
72% of individuals reported significant improvement in sexual function
positive results across the board, even in 15- year follow ups
Source for all above: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19473181/
"Wellbeing was similar to or better than same-age young adults from the general population" source for the above:
Quality of life increases dramatically with 'gender affirming treatment
source for the above: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6224813/
Long term follow-ups: https://www.jsm.jsexmed.org/article/S1743-6095(15)32422-X/fulltext
The above link shows as unsafe when you open it, it'll give you a message before sending you to the page. I'm not familiar enough with how websites work to confirm whether proceeding past that point is safe, click past the pop-up message at your own risk. I did, and the article IS there.
social transition works
"Shown to correlate with improved psychological functioning"
Source for above: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1054139X1630146X
levels of depression and anxiety which closesly match levels reported by cisgender children
Source for above: https://www.jaacap.org/article/S0890-8567%2816%2931941-4/fulltext
puberty blockers are safe and reversible
Hormone blockers are the only treatment used on adolescents that are completely reversible.
Source for above: https://assets2.hrc.org/files/documents/SupportingCaringforTransChildren.pdf
"Current evidence Does not support an adverse impact of gender- affirming hormone therapy on cognitive performance"
"Our results suggest that there are no detrimental effects of GNRHA on EF"
source for above: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306453020301402?via%3Dihub
"Relieves stress for trans adolescents"
"is reversible"
Source for above: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/102/11/3869/4157558
"Poorer psychological well-being before treatment"
Source for above: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1054139X20300276
"Behavioural and emotional problems and depressive symptoms decreased"
source for above: https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1743609515336171
Hormone blockers are not new: "Since the mid 1990s..." and "The Royal college of psychiatrists, in 1998..."
source for above: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/26895269.2020.1747768
Many more studies: This screen of the video is far too small and compressed for me to read most of these links. If anyone knows of a higher quality version, thatd be great.
Puberty blockers aren't harmful to bone density: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/842073
Puberty blockers don't cause osteoporosis or sterility: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/84/12/4583/2864749 Transphobia is real [personal side note, this comment isn't in the video: Does this really need a source to begin with?]: https://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/eu-lgbt-survey-results-at-a-glance_en.pdf
46% felt discriminated against or harrassed within the past year for being trans
29% felt discriminated against when it came to looking for employment
70% hid being trans during schooling before becoming 18 years old
55% had an incident of violence within the past year in part or whole because of them being trans
The ~40-50% Suicide rate is fake It's the attempt rate: https://transequality.org/sites/default/files/docs/resources/NTDS_Report.pdf
The suicide rate is undocument and doesn't exist.
Discrimination is harmful
The attempt rate rises for people who: Lost a job due to bias (55%) were harrassed/ Bullied in school (51%) Had low household income were the victim of physical assault (61%) were the victim of sexual assault (64%)
Same source as above for attempt rate
Other factors include: gender-based victimisation discrimination bullying violence being rejected by the family, friends, and community harrassmentby intimate partner, family members, police and public discrimination and ill treatment at health-care system
source for above: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5178031/
[Another illegible "Many more studies" screen]
Social/ familial support helps:
[Top link doesn't work]
[next is too illegible]
It can decrease the likelihood of a suicide attempt 57% -> 4%
Chosen name/ pronoun use does the same:
https://www.jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(18)30085-5/abstract 71% drop in severe depression 34% drop suicidal ideation 65% drop in suicide attempts
Gender and sex aren't the same These institutions and organisations would like to disagree with you: American Psychological association American medical association American psychoanalytic association Human rights campaign american academy of pediatrics american college of osteopathic pediatricians royal college of psychiatrists United Nations United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS) American academy of child and adolescent psychiatry American academy of dermatology American academy of family physicians American academy of Nursing American academy of physician assistants American college health association American college of nurse-midwives American college of obstetricians and gynecologists American college of Physicians American counselling association American heart association American medical association American medical student association American nurses association American osteopathic association American psychiatric assocation American Psychological association American public health association American society of plastic surgeons Endocrine society GLMA National association of nurse practitioners in women's health national assocation of social workers National commission on correctional health care pediatric endocrine society society for adolescent health and medicine world medical association world professional association for transgender health world health organisation (WHO) Stanford medical American pediatrician association National institutes of health Canadian institute of health research scientific american
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Get ready for some grade-A bullshit
How can they claim that these masks cause "facial ulcers" and "Breathing problems" when miners can wear P100 elastomeric masks underground for 4 to 8 hours at a time with no similar complaints?
Filed under 'ugly' on our archive (we also have a 'good' and a 'bad')
By Jim Reed
There is only “weak evidence” that high-grade face masks better protected health workers than surgical ones in the pandemic, the Covid inquiry has been told.
Prof Susan Hopkins, chief medical adviser at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), said respirator masks – known as FFP3s – may have performed no better than thin surgical masks in real-life situations.
She said there could be “significant harms” from wearing tight-fitting FFP3s, including blisters and breathing difficulties.
“If the evidence was strong that FFP3s really protected people, and we saw a definitive reduction [in infections], they would have been recommended,” she said.
'Life and death' Not all scientists agree on what has become a controversial issue.
The BBC has previously reported on research which appears to show a significant real-world benefit from wearing higher-grade masks on hospital wards.
Throughout the first two years of the pandemic, groups representing doctors, nurses and other health workers repeatedly called for urgent improvements to personal protective equipment (PPE), including the wider use of respirators.
FFP3s are tight-fitting masks with a built-in air filter designed to block out tiny aerosol particles which can carry the virus.
Before they can be used, each wearer must undergo a fit test, to make sure the mask is properly sealed to the face.
For most of the pandemic, national guidance across the whole UK said that healthcare workers should wear basic surgical masks rather than FFP3s, except in intensive care or a small number of medical situations.
The decision was heavily criticised by some staff with the doctors’ union, the BMA, calling it a "matter of life and death".
National guidance on face masks from April 2020 was drawn up by a group of experts from across the United Kingdom known as the IP (Infection Prevention) Cell.
Its membership included representatives from the NHS, government departments and health bodies, including Public Health England (PHE), the organisation replaced by UKHSA in 2021 in a shake-up ordered by then-Health Secretary Matt Hancock.
The inquiry was shown minutes from an IP Cell meeting on 22 December 2020, just after the new Alpha variant of Covid had been detected, which appeared to show disagreement about the use of higher-grade FFP3 masks.
The records quote Dr Colin Brown, now the deputy director of clinical and emerging infections at UKHSA but at the time with PHE, as saying: "Our understanding of aerosol transmission has changed. A precautionary approach to move to FFP3 masks [in all healthcare settings] whilst we are awaiting evidence should be advised."
However, the wider IP Cell decided that no upgrading of the guidance was warranted at the time, and NHS trusts were told to continue to supply staff with standard surgical masks in almost all cases outside intensive care.
It was not until January 2022 that the advice changed, saying that FFP3 respirators "must be worn" by all staff if they are caring for patients with a virus such as Covid, and should be offered to other staff depending on a risk assessment.
By that point, the World Health Organization, and other health bodies, had recognised Covid could be spread in tiny airborne particles over distances longer than 6.5ft (2m), something officials said was impossible at the start of the pandemic.
Prof Hopkins, who served as PHE’s chief Covid adviser before moving across to UKHSA, told the inquiry that FFP3 masks offered a high degree of protection in laboratory studies, but the real-world benefits were less clear-cut.
“Where we looked at it, and repeatedly looked at it and are still looking at it, the evidence is weak that FFP3s protected more than fluid-resistant surgical masks,” she said.
“At the outset, in March 2020, the risks were that we had never asked people to wear FFP3 masks for prolonged periods.
“We saw them get ulcers on their faces and having challenges breathing and challenges in being hydrated.”
'Groupthink' Asked about the December 2020 IP Cell minutes, which suggested PHE was pushing behind-the-scenes for the wider use of respirator masks in healthcare, Prof Hopkins said that was a "really challenging time" in the pandemic with the UK about to enter a third wave of the virus.
“The fact that PHE was giving and airing a different view is an example of [us] not being involved in groupthink,” she said.
The Covid inquiry is currently taking evidence about the impact on the NHS and healthcare systems across all four nations of the UK.
More than 50 witnesses are expected to appear in this third section or "module", which runs until the end of November.
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scotianostra · 5 months
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May 2nd 1860 saw the birth of physiologist John Scott Haldane in Edinburgh.
He attended Edinburgh University and the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, before graduating in medicine at Edinburgh in 1884. He was then appointed Demonstrator in Physiology at University College, Dundee, where he investigated the composition of the air in dwellings and schools.
In 1887 he joined is uncle at Oxford University but later left when the title Professor of Physiology was denied him. His early studies included the respiration hazards that coal miners were exposed to, and his report emphasized the lethal effects of carbon monoxide poisoning. In 1898 he created the Haldane Gas Apparatus.
He began to study caisson disease in underground workers which connected to decompression sickness, also commonly known as "the bends." His work in this field lead him to produce the tables for staged decompression, which prevented the development of nitrogen bubbles in the diver's tissue as they ascended from their working depth.
Haldane's approach was in contrast to French physiologist Paul Bert's continuous - ascent decompression procedures of that period. Although developed for the trade of diving in 1907, the staged tables are equally applicable in the recreational and technical diving fields. Engineers sought his opinion on ventilation and respiratory issues when designing submarines, tunnels, mines and ships.
In 1915 Yale University honoured Haldane by selecting him to deliver the Silliman Lectures. The lectures became the basis for his 1922 book Respiration, which is recognised as a landmark work in the field. Haldane received numerous awards and honours for his work.
His work on high altitude physiology, diving physiology, oxygen therapy, and carbon monoxide poisoning led to a sea change in clinical medicine and improved safety and reduced mortality and morbidity in many high risk situations. During the First World War Haldane was able to identify the use of disabling chlorine and phosgene gas by the Germans, and designed the first gas masks for use in chemical warfare and also an oxygen therapy equipment to treat its victims.
John Scott Haldane died in Oxford on the night of 14 March/15 March 1936, soon after returning from a trip to investigate cases of heat stroke in the oil refineries in Persia, he made lasting contributions to improved working conditions years before health and safety itself became an industry, and he never failed to give credit to colleagues. He is considered as ‘Father of Oxygen Therapy’.
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randomfoggytiger · 3 months
Makeup Myths and Acne Realities
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(Credit to: Jacob Lund)
While doing more in-depth fashion research, I came across fact vs. fiction in regards to makeup and acne-- particularly, that improper makeup prep or cleansing leads to acne breakouts so tremendous they are seen through makeup, from a few feet away, or even through online photos.
Now thoroughly intrigued, I set out to tackle the differences in "makeup" acne and more serious acne conditions.
**Note**: If you want to skip straight to the pictures demonstrating the differences between acne caused by improper technique and acne caused by long-term skin conditions, scroll down to MAKEUP BREAKOUTS OR HORMONAL IMBALANCES?
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(Credit to: Susana Ramirez)
The myth most topical to this post is spelled out by dermatologist expert Anjali Mahto here:
There's a misconception that makeup can cause acne, and those with acne-prone skin are often told that makeup will make acne worse. "I definitely don't think we should be shaming people for wearing makeup, as long as they are guided on the types of products they should be using and the application process," says Mahto. "There are clinical trial data that show that wearing makeup will give acne sufferers more confidence. Makeup alone doesn't cause acne. Likewise, going makeup free won't stop excess oil, bacteria or dead skin cells shedding in the pores or control the spot-causing bacteria."
Sticking to the topic of acne and makeup, Amy Derick (MD) succinctly debunks popular acne myths in this WebMD article:
Acne Myth 1: Adults don’t get acne.
Not true. Surveys have found that significant numbers of adults are still getting acne into their 30s, 40s, and even 50s. Acne may look different when you’re 36 than it did when you were 16 -- it’s more likely to be reddish nodules around your mouth and jaw, rather than whiteheads and blackheads scattered all over your forehead, nose, and cheeks -- but it’s acne all the same.
Acne Myth 5: You have acne because you’re not washing enough.
Unless you’re a slob, that’s probably not true. “Studies in teens show that washing your face twice a day is more effective than just once, but more than that isn’t necessary and can dry out your skin,” Derick says. “Cleansers are only on your skin for five seconds. Leave-on products like retinoid creams are more efficacious.”
(Further, verywellhealth also notes: ...over-cleaning the skin can lead to dryness, which can trigger the overproduction of sebum and an outbreak of acne.)
Acne Myth 6: You can’t wear makeup if you have a breakout.
"Some makeup can definitely exacerbate acne, particularly thicker liquid foundations that can clog pores and stage-type pancake makeup. But lighter, looser powder foundations, like mineral powder, aren’t nearly as aggravating to your skin,” Derick says. “Of course, people who have acne want to cover it, and coverage is better with thicker liquids, but you have to compromise.”
We know makeup can cause acne breakouts, though. So: what type of acne does it cause, and how do we differentiate?
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healthline lays out a nice, simple guide for all things acne:
Types of acne
The most common types of acne are:
cystic acne
Aaron Secrest, an academic/research dermatologist at the University of Utah, says these types are broken into two groups:
Comedonal acne, including whiteheads and blackheads
Inflammatory acne, including papules, pustules, nodules, and cystic acne
Both types of acne are caused by:
clogged pores
overproduction of oil
hormonal changes
Acne subtypes
There are also several subtypes of acne, including:
adult hormonal acne (occurs due to hormonal fluctuations)
acne excoriée (occurs when someone with acne compulsively picks their skin, leading to scarring)
acne mechanical (occurs due to friction or pressure against the skin)
acne conglobata (occurs when nodules, abscesses, and cysts link below the skin, causing redness and swelling)
acne as a side effect of medications
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Comedonal acne are the garden variety cookie cutter acne: those divorced from hormonal imbalances or deep-rooted skin issues. Simply put, they are easily created and easily cured, leaving little to no trace in their wake. These are the makeup pimples caused by lack of proper care: whiteheads or blackheads that crop up overnight because of improper cleansing techniques.
Inflammatory acne are the tough nuts to crack: they are imbedded with hormonal imbalances or deep-rooted skin issues-- chronic symptoms of larger issues that leave deep ruts or long-term scars if not treated quickly and accurately. These are lifelong issues: no matter if one cleanses or sunscreens or diets or kumbayas properly, hormonal or cystic acne or modules or pustules will pop out or inflame or set in with very little prompting; and are incredibly difficult to hide-- if at all-- under makeup.
(I recommend this healthline article for an in-depth spreadsheet about the differing types of acnes and their treatments.)
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(Credit to: @SKINCAREGEM)
The common cause underlying all types of acne is an imbalance of the androgen hormone, which flares up during puberty and levels out in one's later teens or twenties.
Hormonal acne, however, is a type of inflammatory acne that rages out of control no matter a person's age or their careful, consistent attempts to control it: breakouts and flareups occur without mercy, and wreck havoc despite careful, consistent management.
Dr. Elyse M. Love says:
"The term hormonal acne is typically used to describe adult-onset female acne, as there tends to be a strong hormonal component to this type,” explains Elyse M. Love, MD, a NYC-based dermatologist. She goes on to say that this acne can can present in your 20s, 30s, and 40s, and impact both those who have experienced cystic breakouts before and those who haven’t.
"Hormonal acne is almost always cystic and inflammatory in nature,” says Dr. Love. “It presents with painful red papules, pustules, and deep cysts on the lower face, and it can create long-term scarring (especially if you attempt to pop it). At its mildest form, hormonal acne presents with a breakout or two near menstruation, but for many, it can persist all month long.”
She explains that hormonal acne most commonly occurs on the lower face (on the lower cheeks, jawline, chin) and body (across the chest, back, and shoulders), but can also present between the brows.
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(Credit to: kyliespoon)
And Dr. Joshua Zeichner concurs:
According to board-certified dermatologist, Joshua Zeichner, MD, there are two main indicators of whether your acne is in fact due to hormones: Your breakouts happen along the lower third of your face, and they get worse before your period when there is an excess build-up of testosterone.
And verywellhealth agrees:
"For around 40% of women, however, acne may continue well into their 40s....
healthline states:
Hormonal acne may be caused by influxes of hormones from:
polycystic ovarian syndrome
increased androgen levels
Specifically, these hormone fluctuations may aggravate acne issues by increasing:
overall skin inflammation
oil (sebum) production in the pores
clogged skin cells in hair follicles
production of acne-causing bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes
Unless your hormonal acne is mild, over-the-counter (OTC) products usually aren’t successful.
This is because hormonal acne typically takes the form of cystic bumps. These bumps form deep under the skin, out of reach of most topical medications.
How hard is it to manage hormonal acne?
Example: KiranJagpal shared photos from her six-year skincare journey after recently (at the time of her upload) figuring out how to balance her skincare routine, diet, and lifestyle to better manage bigger breakouts (with no guarantee life won't throw that balance out of the window sometime in the future, despite her best efforts.)
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clevelandclinic.org describes:
Causes of hormonal acne that you can control
Lack of sleep.
Using hair and skin care products that aren’t oil-free or free of ingredients that won’t clog pores (non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic).
Causes for hormonal acne that you can’t do anything about
Changing hormone levels in women, including around your period, irregular periods, during pregnancy, during menopause or after discontinuing birth control.
Men undergoing testosterone treatment.
Family history of acne (genetic predisposition).
Side effect of a medication (steroids).
Pre-existing medical conditions (polycystic ovary syndrome, other ovarian conditions and metabolic conditions).
Again, that leaves us with the question--
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(Credit to: Makeup by Ren Ren)
Here we reach the key distinction: breakouts due to negligence, or breakouts due to chronic skin conditions or sensitivities?
Makeup is an industry stuffed to the gills with different formulations; and with so much variety, there is guaranteed to be at least one formula that irritates and one that doesn't. If either a foundation formula or an improper cleansing routine creates a problem, it will likely cause a day-or-two comedonal breakout-- which is very different from an inflammatory breakout's raised, textured, or inflamed week-to-month skin.
(Fun fact: clean beauty often fares worse for sensitive or acne-prone skin types because their replacement preservatives do an awful job keeping mold or chemical aging at bay. Not recommended.)
Comedonal acne: whiteheads or blackheads that bloom in small patches, and are easily disguised by makeup-- typically with a thin layer of foundation or concealer-- and practically invisible a foot or two away or through a photo (unless shot up-close.)
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(Credit to: ??)
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(Credit to: @ValentineKissesBeauty)
Hormonal imbalance breakouts caused by either skin irritation or other external or internal factors: a combination of cysts or pustules or papules or nodules with the previously mentioned whiteheads and blackheads. They are definitely harder to cover-- requiring a heavier duty foundation or concealer (or a thinner foundation and heavier-duty concealer for a "less caked on" look)-- and are still visible from a few feet away or through an unfiltered or unedited photo (and, in some cases, even with filters.)
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(Credit to: Samantha Ravandahl)
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(Credit to: ??)
I thought this topic was interesting, dug up some facts, crunched them down, and whipped this post out. Hope it was intriguing to someone else, too.
Thanks for reading~
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blogging1202 · 2 months
What is KeraBiotics?
KeraBiotics is a toenail fungal formula that offers to treat the infection using a natural formula made of essential oils and minerals. All the ingredients involved in the manufacturing process are extracted from nature and are proven to be effective in various clinical studies.
The formula is available in liquid form as a blend of all the essential oils and other ingredients which can be applied on the infected area directly, following the dosage given on the supplement label. As per the manufacturer, the KeraBiotics serum is one of a kind and is proven to be more effective than most of the other supplements and topical solutions available to treat the issue.
The manufacturer claims that this is a formula that will transform your life for the better, supporting fungus-free, healthy nails that don’t itch or smell and make you ashamed of yourself. These are all claims and we will see how much of it is true in the upcoming sections of the KeraBiotics review.
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yandere-flower · 1 year
Okay so I’m playing Story of Seasons right now and I love these games so I have to merge and make all the yanderes farming sim!bachelors and bachelorettes:
Desmond: He’s that bachelor that isn’t in town right away, and comes in a later month after working a case and is so aloof and suspicious of you and why you suddenly care about whatever dead relatives farm now. His friendship/love points fill up so slowly, you never know where the fuck he is to give him daily gifts and his first few scenes just seem mean but you can’t help but pursue him. His loved gifts are probably like coffee, S tier milk, and some hard as fuck recipe to make. He’s that guy who doesn’t have his own home and lives in the inn like a sad fuck. After you’re married he helps with feeding the animals.
Zara: She’s the out of towner, she didn’t grow up here but came out for some bizarre forced reason like “you can only get the best dyes with local ingredients!” and runs the tailors shop for you to buy outfits. She’s a bit high and mighty at first, and you’re romance involves making her fall in love with your small farming town. Likes expensive gifts like diamonds or dyed linens you made. I think she would help, but I don’t know what task she would do. Lives above her shop in a luxe modern style room.
Cliff: As I am writing this I am 100% certain my main inspiration for Cliff was Calvin from Animal Parade, because holy hell what a charismatic man who just oozes “lemme treat you princess” vibes. He’s the character who lives in the big house up the hill that’s nicer than everyone’s and his jovial when you first meet him. All his scenes with the other townsfolk are either “he’s so handsome and dreamy, I wonder if he’s single??” OR “I got stuck listening to him talk about is latest lecture please save me farmer”. Easy to befriend, he likes processed gifts like cheese, butter, and other things that require you to spend tons of time and money to unlock. Doesn’t help with anything but does buy you random items.
Ezra: I MEAN OBVIOUSLY THE TOWN BAKER/COOK! He’s the towns pride and joy, his parents never appreciated him or the town and moved away when he was a teen, but he came back and opened up a place, which everyone loves! He’s that sweet bachelor who also seems into you before you even get him to 1 heart, and he is always happy to see you! Lives in a back room of his cafe. Loved gifts involved anything cooked, or any quality ingredients, he’s probably the easiest to romance! Will cook you meals every day when you’re married. For some reason his “Do you want to have a baby” cutscene comes before anyone else....
Olive: She reminds me of Popuri from Friends of Mineral Town! She’s probably works at the registers at the ranch where you buy animals (she thinks they are cute but ew...dirty!), charmed by big city folks like Zara and talks about true love and adventure. She’s that wholesome girl next door romance where you sweep her off her feet and convince her to stay on a farm, but she does have a bit of a controlling streak insisting on dresses the cows up and “marketing” for the ranch. She lives at the ranch, I imagine the ranch owners are family friends who let her stay with them while she works. She probably loves made items like jewelry or desserts! She’ll also give you random items after marriage!
Margo: Mix Flora from A Wonderful life and Candace from Animal Parade and I imagine that would be a good Margo. She’s that awkward townsfolk who works the night shift at the local clinic, helping out with basic treatments while studying and doing her medical research. It’s so hard to build up her points as well, because you have to stay up late just to see her. She lives in a spare room at the clinic that is small but filled with specimen and papers. The towns doctor lives in another room and constantly asks you to watch over Margo. She’s awkward and barely speaks to you, but if you gift her weird stuff you find in the forest she gets excited. She forages random items to help out!
Sawyer: I honestly couldn’t think of how we could incorporate a gang member into Harvest Moon/SOS sooo...but then it hit me...his grandmom and dad! Maybe in this game, they adopted him and brought him to this peaceful town to give him a different life. I bet they run the general store, and when you first meet them they gush about “their sweet boy Sawyer whose so kind, he’s getting product from the big city but he’ll be here soon!” and you meet him and he looks like a punk, but he’s cheery and laughing and his scenes all involve him taking care of his grandmom and dad. He loves gifts that are weird, and when you’re married he takes care of the chickens (although he’s kind of a wild mess chasing after them)
Antonio: He’s the kind bratty bachelor, who lives with his dad in the big house and constantly talks about “getting away and truly living as an artist”...but he obviously loves this town and the people. He probably works part time at the carpenters as the designer options, as he paints the furniture options you have. He reveals in one romance scene that he started it when he was a kid to spite his dad and say he doesn’t need him, but secretly he kinda hates it and wishes he could just paint! Loves gifts that are pretty, likes flowers or linen or something, and his spouse task is he’ll gather wood or rock.
Mizu: He’s that weird fucking townsperson who shows up later as well because he didn’t realize there was a new person in town and he has just been a hermit for the first few months. Another character who doesn’t make a ton of sense being here, but he reveals he grew up here and found out he hated the big city and all the noise so he moved back for the quiet. He doesn’t have a job in town, and it takes a bit to raise his friendship enough to enter his home where he spends 90% of his time. I imagine he also has a room at the inn, but you aren’t able to go in it at all. All the townspeople whisper that they wish he’d come out more, but he is a bit rude at times....always stands in the back and alone at festivals. Likes gifts that aren’t nature related, and loves high quality eggs. He also doesn’t help much around the farm.
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amazon1836 · 28 days
This Deep Sea Hearing Formula Supports The Health Of Your Ears
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The human ear, with its delicate and intricate structure, is a marvel of natural engineering. Yet, this complex organ is vulnerable to a range of ailments that can compromise its function. As people age, hearing loss becomes increasingly common, leading to a diminished quality of life. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in natural remedies that support ear health, particularly those derived from the deep sea. This shift towards marine-based solutions reflects a broader trend in health and wellness, where individuals are seeking safer, more holistic approaches to maintaining their well-being.
Understanding Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can be attributed to various causes, including prolonged exposure to loud noises, infections, genetic factors, and the natural aging process. The impact of hearing decline extends beyond the mere inability to hear; it affects communication, social interactions, and even mental health. Conventional treatments for hearing loss, such as hearing aids and surgeries, while effective, come with their own set of limitations and risks. This has led many to explore alternative treatments, such as supplements designed to bolster ear health from within.
The Science Behind Hearing Support
The ear is composed of three primary parts: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. Each section plays a critical role in the process of hearing. Over time, factors such as reduced blood flow, inflammation, and oxidative stress can lead to the deterioration of auditory cells, resulting in hearing loss. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for developing effective treatments that can slow or even reverse hearing decline.
The Promise of Deep Sea Ingredients
Marine environments, particularly the deep sea, are rich in bioactive compounds that have been used for centuries in traditional medicine. The unique conditions of the deep sea—such as extreme pressure, low temperatures, and minimal light—foster the development of robust, nutrient-dense organisms. These organisms possess remarkable properties that can be harnessed to support human health, including the health of the ears.
Key Ingredients in Deep Sea Hearing Formulas
One of the most potent ingredients found in deep sea hearing formulas is Omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fats are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and are crucial for maintaining the health of cell membranes, including those in the auditory system. Another powerful component is Astaxanthin, a red pigment found in certain marine algae and seafood. It is one of nature’s most potent antioxidants, capable of protecting auditory cells from oxidative damage. Marine collagen, derived from fish, plays a key role in strengthening the structural integrity of the ear’s connective tissues. Seaweed extracts, rich in vitamins, minerals, and other bioactive compounds, offer additional support by nourishing the auditory system.
How These Ingredients Support Ear Health
The benefits of these deep sea ingredients extend beyond basic nutrition. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation in the ear, which is a common contributor to hearing loss. Improved blood flow to the auditory cells ensures that they receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen to function optimally. Antioxidants like Astaxanthin protect these cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, while marine collagen helps maintain the ear’s structural integrity, reducing the risk of age-related damage.
Research and Clinical Studies
Numerous studies have explored the effects of marine-based ingredients on ear health. Research indicates that individuals who regularly consume Omega-3s have a lower risk of hearing loss. Clinical trials have shown that Astaxanthin can significantly reduce oxidative stress in auditory cells, leading to improved hearing outcomes. Case studies from users of deep sea hearing formulas further corroborate these findings, with many reporting noticeable improvements in their hearing ability.
you can also try this product
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Comparing Deep Sea Formulas with Conventional Supplements
One of the advantages of deep sea hearing formulas is their high potency and bioavailability. The nutrients derived from marine sources are often more easily absorbed by the body compared to their synthetic counterparts. Additionally, these formulas are typically free from synthetic additives, making them a safer option for long-term use.
How to Incorporate Deep Sea Hearing Formulas into Your Routine
To reap the full benefits of deep sea hearing formulas, it is important to follow the recommended dosage and timing. Most experts suggest taking these supplements with meals to enhance absorption. Pairing them with a balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can further optimize their effects on ear health.
Potential Side Effects and Precautions
While deep sea hearing formulas are generally safe, certain individuals should exercise caution. Those with allergies to seafood or certain marine-derived ingredients should avoid these supplements. It is also important to consult with a healthcare provider if you are taking other medications, as there may be potential interactions.
Choosing the Right Deep Sea Hearing Formula
When selecting a deep sea hearing formula, look for products that are sustainably sourced and have been tested for purity and potency. Reputable brands often provide detailed information about their sourcing and manufacturing processes, which can help you make an informed decision.
Frequently Asked Questions
One common question is how long it takes to notice results. While individual experiences vary, many users report improvements within a few weeks of consistent use. Another question is whether these formulas can prevent hearing loss. While they cannot reverse existing damage, they can help slow the progression and support overall ear health. As for long-term use, these formulas are generally safe, provided they are taken as directed.
Testimonials and Success Stories
Users of deep sea hearing formulas often share transformative stories of how these products have improved their hearing and overall quality of life. From regaining the ability to enjoy conversations to experiencing less ringing in the ears, the positive feedback is both inspiring and encouraging.
The Future of Hearing Health
As research into marine-based remedies continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative solutions for hearing health. The potential for these natural compounds to not only support ear health but also address other aspects of wellness is vast, making them a promising area of study.
In summary, deep sea hearing formulas offer a powerful, natural way to support ear health. By incorporating these marine-based ingredients into your daily routine, you can take proactive steps to maintain your hearing and overall well-being. The journey to better ear health starts with informed choices and a commitment to taking care of one of your most vital senses.
There are an affiliate link of a best product in this artical which may make some profit for me.
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useful-health · 5 months
Amiclear: A Natural Ally for Balanced Blood Sugar Levels
I've been grappling with maintaining healthy blood sugar levels for a while now. While I try my best to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly, sometimes life gets hectic, and it can be a struggle. That's when I decided to explore natural supplement options, and I came across Amiclear.
A Unique Blend of Natural Ingredients
What initially drew me to Amiclear was its focus on natural ingredients. The formula boasts over twenty clinically studied botanical extracts, vitamins, and minerals, all working together to support healthy blood sugar balance. Some of the standout ingredients for me were the inclusion of maca root, known for its adaptogenic properties, and African mango, which has shown promise in research for blood sugar management. While more research is always welcome, the combination of these natural elements felt like a gentler approach than some of the harsher medications I'd considered.
Easy to Integrate into my Routine
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Amiclear comes in a convenient dropper bottle, making it a breeze to incorporate into my daily routine. The recommended dosage is just one full dropper under the tongue in the morning before breakfast. I found the liquid format easy to take, and it absorbs quickly. Some mornings, I even mix it with a glass of water for a refreshing start to the day.
Subtle But Noticeable Improvements
It's important to have realistic expectations with any supplement. Amiclear wasn't a magic bullet, but I did notice some subtle yet positive changes after a few weeks of consistent use. My energy levels felt more stable throughout the day, with fewer afternoon slumps. Additionally, I found I curbed cravings for sugary snacks more effectively. Perhaps most importantly, I felt more confident managing my blood sugar, and that sense of control made a big difference.
Consulting with a Healthcare Professional
Of course, everyone's body is different, and what works for one person might not work for another. Before starting Amiclear, I chatted with my doctor to ensure it wouldn't interact with any medications I was already taking. It's always best to get professional advice, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.
A Supportive Ally on my Wellness Journey
Overall, I've been very happy with my experience with Amiclear. It's a natural supplement that's easy to integrate into my routine and has provided me with subtle but noticeable improvements in my blood sugar management and overall energy levels. If you're looking for a natural way to support your blood sugar health, I would definitely recommend giving Amiclear a try, but don't forget to consult your doctor first!pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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4grandpasonly · 11 months
Does fenugreek affect testosterone?
Fenugreek is a herb that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and it has also been shown to have a number of health benefits, including:
Reducing blood sugar levels
Improving digestion
Boosting immunity
In recent years, there has been some interest in the potential of fenugreek to affect testosterone levels. Some studies have shown that fenugreek may increase testosterone levels in men, while others have shown no effect.
One study, published in the journal "Andrologia," found that men who took fenugreek extract for 12 weeks had significantly higher testosterone levels than men who took a placebo. Another study, published in the journal "Phytotherapy Research," found that fenugreek extract increased testosterone levels in men with low testosterone levels.
However, other studies have found no effect of fenugreek on testosterone levels. One study, published in the journal "The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism," found that fenugreek extract had no effect on testosterone levels in men.
Overall, the evidence on the effects of fenugreek on testosterone levels is mixed. Some studies have shown that fenugreek may increase testosterone levels, while others have shown no effect. More research is needed to determine the true effects of fenugreek on testosterone levels.
Here are some of the ways that fenugreek may affect testosterone levels:
Fenugreek may increase the production of testosterone by the testicles.
Fenugreek may increase the release of testosterone from the testicles.
Fenugreek may decrease the breakdown of testosterone in the body.
It is important to note that fenugreek is not a substitute for medical treatment. If you are concerned about your testosterone levels, talk to your doctor.
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youremyheaven · 4 months
I 100% agree we should only take supplements when needed, I thought you said they don't work so first response was no they do 😬
And seeing all those asks about the hospital a d doctor YUCK she really needs a very good honest therapist
okay my thoughts on probiotics was what i mentioned in my previous ask (about how they are generally useless to people who dont struggle with gut issues but can help those who do) but my thoughts about vitamin supplements remains unchanged, i think its just a money making scam.
i am quoting from an article published by Johns Hopkins Medicine (a legitimate credible source):
Half of all American adults—including 70 percent of those age 65 and older—take a multivitamin or another vitamin or mineral supplement regularly. The total price tag exceeds $12 billion per year—money that Johns Hopkins nutrition experts say might be better spent on nutrient-packed foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products.
An analysis of research involving 450,000 people, which found that multivitamins did not reduce risk for heart disease or cancer.
A study that tracked the mental functioning and multivitamin use of 5,947 men for 12 years found that multivitamins did not reduce risk for mental declines such as memory loss or slowed-down thinking.
A study of 1,708 heart attack survivors who took a high-dose multivitamin or placebo for up to 55 months. Rates of later heart attacks, heart surgeries and deaths were similar in the two groups.
“Pills are not a shortcut to better health and the prevention of chronic diseases,” says Larry Appel, M.D., director of the Johns Hopkins Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research. “Other nutrition recommendations have much stronger evidence of benefits—eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and reducing the amount of saturated fat, trans fat, sodium and sugar you eat.”
these are my final thoughts on the matter
numerous scientific studies and actual clinical research (a few of which i have cited) have all disproven any benefit that vitamin supplements have on long term health or well being. its just a way for pharmaceutical companies to make their billions by selling people the idea of "wellness" so they can feel better about themselves by popping pills which are easy to do instead of actually making an effort to live a healthy life.
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Best Time to Drink Hibiscus Tea for Weight Loss and Its 10 Health Benefits
The Weight Loss Clock
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What Is Hibiscus Tea?
Hibiscus Tea, also known as ‘sour tea,’ is made from the hibiscus plant's dried flower parts, leaves, and seed pods. These pods contain the seeds and are important for making the tea. Hibiscus tea has a mix of sweet and sour flavors, making it perfect for hot or iced drinks. That’s why it’s becoming more popular in the health routines of millennials.
Does hibiscus tea reduce belly fat?
Hibiscus tea has compounds like polyphenols that can speed up your metabolism, which means your body burns calories faster. Also, it may help lower the absorption of fat and carbohydrates, leading to less fat storage, especially around your belly. However, remember, it’s not a quick fix. Drinking hibiscus tea should be combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise for the best results in losing belly fat.
Is hibiscus tea good for the skin?
Yes, hibiscus tea is good for the skin! It’s packed with antioxidants that help fight damage from pollution and the sun. These antioxidants can keep your skin looking young and fresh. Plus, hibiscus tea has vitamins and minerals that promote healthy skin, like vitamin C, which boosts collagen production for a smoother complexion. So, sipping hibiscus tea can help keep your skin glowing and healthy.
Top 10 Reasons Why Hibiscus is Good for You
1. Packed with antioxidants
The hibiscus plant has lots of good stuff like beta-carotene, vitamin C, and anthocyanin, all antioxidants. These antioxidants are super helpful for your health. Hibiscus is rich in powerful antioxidants and may help prevent damage and disease caused by the buildup of free radicals.
2. May help lower blood pressure
One of the best-known health benefits of hibiscus tea is that it helps in lowering blood pressure in humans. Several clinical studies have shown that having hibiscus tea regularly helps in reducing systolic and diastolic pressure. However, it is not advised for those who are already on the diuretic ‘Hydrochlorothiazide’ as there might be a risk of interaction.
3. May boost liver health
Hibiscus helps keep the liver healthy, according to several studies. The extract protects the liver from a variety of toxins, likely due to its powerful antioxidant activity. It’s even demonstrated some anti-cancer activity in laboratory tests of liver cells.
4. Aids Weight Loss
If someone wants to shed a few pounds, hibiscus tea might be a helpful addition to their routine. Several studies of hibiscus tea have shown promise in weight management and protection against obesity. It could lead to weight loss, reduced body fat, and improved body mass index. However, these studies have used concentrated doses, so more research is required to establish the benefits of hibiscus tea for weight management.`
5. Improve Cholesterol Levels
High Cholesterol is another health problem that affects millions of adults and contributes to serious diseases like heart attack and stroke. While some clinical studies have shown hibiscus lowers cholesterol levels, others have shown little effect. Hibiscus tea may help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, but once again, we need more research to be sure.
6. Lowers Blood Fat
In addition to lowering blood pressure, some studies have found that hibiscus tea may help improve blood fat levels, which can be another risk factor for heart disease.
7. Boost Immune System
Hibiscus tea, also known as pink tea, is really good for making your immune system stronger. It has lots of vitamin C, which is great for keeping your immune system healthy. Plus, it has iron that helps your immune system stay balanced and keeps your red blood cells healthy. Also, hibiscus tea fights inflammation and bacteria, which also helps boost your immunity.
8. Healthy, Glowing Skin
Hibiscus tea provides vitamin C, which benefits the skin. It promotes the production of collagen in the body. It is also a good source of an antioxidant called myricetin that helps reduce collagen breakdown. Moreover, hibiscus tea contains an antioxidative called anthocyanin, which helps reduce oxidative stress. Thus, it will also slow down the signs of skin aging and is a great way to detoxify the body.
9. Improves Heart Health
Hibiscus tea can also promote a healthy heart. While it’s no replacement for prescription medication, the tea has been shown to help support healthy blood pressure levels in those who have high blood pressure. If you’re under a lot of stress, a nice cup of hibiscus tea might be just the ticket. This tropical tea may help promote healthy cholesterol levels (high-density lipoproteins) in those with high cholesterol. Hibiscus tea may also help regulate the “good” HDL cholesterol and the “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. We need more science before we can say for sure, but human studies have shown promising results. In any case, an evening cuppa certainly won’t hurt.
10. Helps Keep Hair Healthy
Hibiscus tea has stuff called antioxidants that make melanin, which gives your hair its natural color and stops it from going grey too soon. Plus, it’s full of vitamin C, which helps make collagen and grow hair. The amino acids in the tea make more red blood cells, which helps your hair roots stay healthy by improving blood flow.
Hibiscus Tea Side Effects
It’s important to know what natural supplements work for you and which ones don’t. While hibiscus tea has many health benefits, it’s not suitable for everyone.
If you have low blood pressure, it’s best to avoid hibiscus tea. The same goes for people with high blood pressure who take the medication Hydrochlorothiazide, as hibiscus tea might interact with it.
If you’re recovering from surgery or taking medication to control blood sugar, it’s strongly advised not to drink hibiscus tea.
Hibiscus can also affect estrogen levels, which may impact menstrual cycles. It could be helpful for those with irregular periods or painful cramps, but it might not be safe for others. It’s a good idea to check with your OB-GYN before trying hibiscus tea.
Pregnant women should avoid hibiscus tea because it can cause periods and increase the risk of miscarriage. It’s also best to avoid it if you’re breastfeeding or taking birth control pills.
Hibiscus tea is a delicious treat any time of day. The slightly sour taste is full of tang, the color a true treat when you want to serve something bright and beautiful, and all the health benefits come in as a bonus. From a delicious cocktail base to a cozy cup on the sofa, hibiscus tea is the perfect reminder of how plant power can be the perfect remedy.
Medical Disclaimer: The information in this article is for informative purposes only and shouldn’t be taken as medical advice. Those who have any health-related queries should be sure to reach out to a medical professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Disclosure: This article may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you purchase through those links. Rest assured, this comes at no additional cost to you and helps support the creation of valuable content. I only recommend products or services that I have personally used or thoroughly researched. Your support through these affiliate links is greatly appreciated and enables me to continue sharing insightful information. Thank you for your trust and understanding.
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iatrophilosophos · 1 year
I'll also note that y'know, precise standardization is not as possible as a lot of people seem to believe.
Yes, there currently exists in the world very precise measuring equipment and most modern medications are made from carefully isolated chemicals (extracted from plants or byproducts of synthesis or what have you). When for most of human history, drugs have been an organic affair made primarily from plants (as well as the occasional animal and mineral) and thus do not have precisely the same number of micrograms of whatever in every batch of preparations, we have been sold this shiny new order of scientifically produced and standardized medications. This does have some amount of benefit under the western medical complex, as our clinical and pharmacy systems run on such tight parameters and narrow rules about how medicine should be used that there is no room for daily adjustment. People who are not persecuted by the state for actively managing how much medicine they take are fairly rare, this freedom largely being reserved for those with conditions that simply can't go without active management, and insurance & pharmaceutical companies are continually pushing newer medical devices that remove even this small corner of decision making and autonomy. The expectation that a patient is prescribed a medication and takes it exactly to the letter of the instructions is the dominant one, with harrowing consequences made obvious by case studies of those who have died preventable, sometimes quite slow deaths on contraindicated medications. People who trusted their doctor over their own bodies warning signs and paid dearly. "polypharmacy in the elderly" is a good term to start with when looking for these reports. This standardization also results in some medications being completely ineffective for people left out of medical studies and drug development standards (y'know, who is allowed to participate in drug trials based on features of their body), see: upper weight limits on the effectiveness of plan b.
It is also worth mentioning that precise microgram dosages matter a lot for some drugs, such as misoprostel.
However: for all this standardization, the human body is remains organic. Metabolism is complicated--go read the metabolic pathways for some medications in your house right now! As any illicit drug enjoyer can probably tell you, how chemicals are absorbed into the body, their bioavailability and what effects they might have are highly influenced by a huge number of factors, something which scientific knowledge can certainly help us with, but manipulating this process is more an art of self knowledge than anything else.
So, finally: drug production is not uniquely difficult and while there is certainly acceptable and unacceptable margins of error, these distinctions are 1) a lot less arcane than some of y'all motherfuckers who won't research what you're talking about want to believe 2) not actually particularly well controlled by regulation and 3) the security theater of regulation leads to a quite frankly extremely fucking dangerous system that currently requires as much vigilance as autonomous medicine, with the added hurdle that people risk being labeled noncompliant and subsequently punished (via everything from insurance premiums to medical/psychiatric incarceration) for trying to not let their doctors and pharmacists kill them.
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primalgrowprobuy · 1 year
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Prostadine is a revolutionary natural remedy for men that has been shown to improve prostate health and function. When making the recipe, a respectable facility will use only natural components and extracts. It must be underlain because it is a small amount of liquid.  
The convoluted equation the purpose of Prostadine is to help the urinary system operate normally again. Clinical studies have demonstrated that the extracts, vitamins, and minerals included in this complement drastically improve prostate health. Prostadine's cannabinoids prevent the degradation of prostate health that comes with ageing and inflammation. 
What is Its Precise Mechanism of Action inside the Human Body? 
Helping men keep their prostates healthy via nutritional treatment Normal prostate function may be restored as soon as the solution is taken due to the chemical and compound components. 
This occurs because of the solution's unique composition. Because it relaxes the muscles and nerves that are present throughout the urinary system and glands, the medicine known as Prostadine may be able to help lessen the agony that is associated with having an enlarged prostate.  
In contrast to this, it helps reduce feelings of sluggishness, and it also has generally pro qualities. If you have been struggling with soreness or concerns relating to your stomach, taking this vitamin is a wonderful alternative for you to contemplate, and you should give it some serious consideration. 
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