#Equipped with HCs
bytesnbolts · 2 years
(( Passed @lord-squiggletits post about ‘alien robots crying blood’ and didn’t want to derail their post, so here is how I have crying set-up for my muses.
What/How do Transformers cry:
optical fluid - lubricant for the optical mechanisms that is internally produced with converted Energon (and/or externally produced based on frame) and refilled via a reservoir; a maintenance default is bypassed involuntarily when crying, causing an overflow of lubricant.
optical sparks - movement for crying causes pieces to scrape together, producing sparks; this may cause damage to the optics or visible paint transfers (equivalent for ‘puffy, red eyes’).
Which leads to these kind of things that I thought about, but have yet to use:
“Mech, you stabbed me in the feels!” as a reservoir is punctured.
“How’s my vorn going?! I had to go round to the shop and buy more optical fluid! That’s how it’s going!”
“Can’t be crying in the club, medical bay, energon mine, energon refinery, energon storage, forest, hayfield, or really anywhere for fire safety reasons.”
So, I guess I went for ‘alien robots cry fire’.))
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salemoleander · 8 months
Even if you don't watch every episode (which, unless you have to - my condolences to the HC Recap team - I assume most people won't) one way of narrowing things down that I HIGHLY suggest is picking at least one person from each of the mining teams to watch, because the vibes are wildly different and equally hilarious.
Team Blue Bin Bags - Spend the entire mining session roasting each other. Climactic moment involving a faux ad for project management software. Would sell each other to Satan for one cornchip.
Team Red Rashers - At one point Etho says, "I don't understand some things about social dynamics, I tell you," and that's this group's motto! Simultaneously the most competent and the most nervous team, like a bunch of racing greyhounds.
Team Mustard Milk Tots - They get a lot done, which I think is mostly because 90% of their dunking is targeted at Doc. Very 'parents out for drinks' vibes, despite constantly descending into childish bickering.
Team Purple Pickles - Lowest intra-group antagonism, made up for by their choice to run straight towards environmental dangers. The cave diving and sculk could make it a horror movie, but everyone is so unruffleable (excepting X, who is perpetually ruffled) that it wraps back to comedy.
Joe Hills
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ghostr0tz · 6 months
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he is disabled and chronically ill. to me
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mewguca · 5 months
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I am having a lot of health struggles lately so i drew this to comfort myself. chronically ill moon and hunter will save me even if it doesn't make the most sense canon-wise
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juustozzi · 3 months
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break trio coffee headcanons (because why not):
Kidou kinda gets deeper into hand-brewing, quite to the nerd depths but instead of making it his personality he just enjoys the meticulous preparation process. he probably has an app to follow the flow rate... and of course he has a chemex. in two sizes, most likely. he still does drink all kinds of coffee, but only in the morning, to not overcaffeinate.
Endou doesn't really drink coffee but he likes sweet coffee drinks and coffee flavored things. he has the adhd brain where caffeine makes him sleepy, so he doesn't really get people who use it to energize.
Gouenji doesn't like the coffee flavor that much, and prefers energy drinks for caffeine boost. though, he's the kind of guy who takes a cup if everyone else's having, more for the social experience than the drink itself. I think he enjoys chai a lot more.
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shannonsketches · 19 days
I think the three years Goku and Geets spent in the time chamber was a cycle of Goku saying dumb, innocuous things in an attempt to bond and Vegeta having to spend several hours convincing himself that he did in fact come back to life after the Buu Saga and this isn't just what his personalized hell looks like
I just think,
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Vegeta, to no one in particular:
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bloodheartz · 6 months
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I'm Right
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anonymocha · 5 months
Tee hee she’s so pretty
10/10 will draw again<333
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I actually saw this this morning but took my time to reply to jumpscare your inbox myself <3 BECAUSE THIS GOT ME PACING AROUND THE ROOM LIKE A DETECTIVE TRYING TO CRACK A CASE OOHRHURBEHHSJDHEJSHHSHSUWJHS THE GLUBBIES THE GLUMBOS THE LA CREATURAS THEY ARE SO BESTIES SO FRIEN 😍😍😍😍😍😍🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭😭😭💕💖💕💕💞💘💗💗💘💗 Peace harmony love joy
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hella1975 · 9 months
you are so right about hawks and shigaraki... I think about those two constantly. I just want to know if anyone found it kinda weird that Hawks first debuted with seemingly no connections, hero school, or even name and somehow got into the top ten as a teenager and had the funds to open his own agency??? like did no one find that suspicious??
gripping you by the shoulders THANK YOU. like why was it CELEBRATED that an eighteen year old was in the top 10 and running his own agency and going out to risk his life day in day out as a hero. that's a teenager. how is that even legal. and even if it is, it should at least be frowned upon or warrant SOMEONE to side eye it a bit, and on top of the fact like you said he's got NO ACCESSIBLE HISTORY not even a NAME like i firmly believe he was just locked up in the HPSC until he debuted bc they didn't want anyone knowing about the whole. you know. child trafficking so like. WHY DID NO ONE QUESTION THIS. WHY IS NOT A SINGLE PERSON CONCERNED
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palms-upturned · 2 years
Tbh as a cane user it’s a little funny to me that Harry gets shot in the leg (and potentially the shoulder) and then has to just. Continue w his Jamrock shuffle. Sounds like a wheelchair situation to me, but damn, nobody had even a spare cane for the guy? Crutches, perhaps? Couldn’t even like go out and get a particularly large stick? He reopens his wound just by taking a nap and having a nightmare, and then if u try and let him catch his breath you’ll just trigger the idle animation where Cuno makes Harry give him a piggy back ride 😩 and then you can’t even do drugs about it or Jean will bully you. How about I shoot YOU in the shoulder and the thigh and see how well YOU do even trying to MOVE without fourteen different substances in you, hm?? Anyway I think there should be a cane in the game with +2 Pain Threshold (pain management) +1 Volition (soldiering on) -2 Hand/Eye Coordination (hands full) and +1 Half Light (improvised weapon)
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pip-n-chips · 1 year
Harper the type of mf to knock you up because he’s curious what you’d look like pregnant
oh god for real tho,,
he'd be so creepy about it too, wanting to see how you grow each week (even if there's no visible progress, still gotta record it), feeling your bump with his cold hands,, watching you shiver at his touch,,,
i haven't played the pregnancy content yet so I don't know how it goes exactly but I do remember that they like,, smear some kind of gel on you for it? so now I'm just imagining Harper taking his time feeling you up while applying it + the ultrasound itself
he'd also love to monitor your behaviors due to all the hormone changes, especially your libido
+ extra thought but Harper would make so many subtle yet inappropriate comments upon seeing you if your baby bump is showing, shit that seems normal at the time but makes you go "wait what the fuck..?" as you leave the hospital
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vriskabot · 5 months
random davris hc GO
UHHHHHHH they host karaoke nights for the sburb/sgrub crew!!!
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dearest-sapphics · 5 months
When Nagito’s dementia gets worse there’s a slightly high possibility that he’ll call Hajime “Izuru” since forgetting who you’re talking to or thinking someone is someone else is a common dementia symptom
(This really only works if you hc that Nagito and Izuru knew each other or had a relationship during the tragedy but arguably it could happen regardless since Nagito knows Izuru in canon anyways. They just don’t talk except for chpt. 0 and the gun scene)
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samarecharm · 8 months
Futaba called Ryuji a jock heehee
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skin-slave · 1 year
Ben makes his own hand sanitizer.
Most hand sanitizers work bc they contain alcohol.
The kids don't have a can opener - which tells me that they haven't tried raiding restaurants, bars, or break rooms in satellite labs.
That dork pouch cannot contain enough alcohol to make 6 months worth of sanitizer.
Ben reads about everything, especially emergency preparedness, and must know how to make alcohol himself in a pinch.
That boy has a moonshine still somewhere in the jungle.
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doctorbrown · 10 months
You once said that Doc's dog is his most important tool. How did Doc get his dog? Is there a special story behind their meeting? Or his naming of his dog?
It's late 1949 and Doc is still not only working through the aftermath of '45, but he's trying to once again find his footing in the world after having spent the last several years working on the bomb at Los Alamos.
Circa '46, he and a few other scientists are recruited to work on a classified project straight after the war's end and Doc, cautious but hopeful, accepts, desperately in need of money, a change of environment, and a new creative outlet.
The job, unfortunately, does not pan out, doing more harm than good to Doc overall. He gets fired. In the interim, he decides that he's better off trying to work on his own and sort things out. Doc starts the first iteration of what will eventually become E. Brown Enterprises, 24-hour scientific services (more or less a front by '85, but he has actually gotten the odd job throughout the years) and works freelance as a mechanic, repairman, and fledgling engineer. He makes house calls, repairs faulty equipment, and even improves on some already existing designs to make the lives of the people who call upon him just a little bit better.
It works, for a time, but Doc is incredibly lonely, still dealing with the pangs of guilt. He has always wanted a dog—his father didn't allow pets growing up because they were noisy and messy; a hassle, really—and what with his young acceptance to university and his job as a professor straight after graduation which eventually led to his being snapped up for the Manhattan Project, the window simply was never there to allow him to get a dog.
But as he's reading the paper one night, there are ads from the local shelter listing various dogs up for adoption and he decides, finally, that this could be good for him. So Doc goes down there and adopts his very first dog, a Norfolk Terrier that he's named Copernicus. Copernicus is energetic, friendly, and took an almost immediate liking to Doc. There was simply no better choice.
He's always been partial to the idea of adopting a dog; whenever he got the chance to, he always told himself that he'd go to a shelter and pick out one of the lonely, abandoned dogs that were in need of good, loving homes. That, coupled with the fact that it was much more cost-effective to adopt a dog considering in '49, his father's fortune had not yet come to him, so he had only the money he earned up until that point working at CalTech and on the Manhattan Project, made it the obvious choice.
Doc's first dog, Copernicus, was adopted out of a need for a very specific kind of companionship at that point in his life. He needed a friend, the unconditional love and affection that a dog would give without judgment, as well as someone that would keep him going and remind him that things got better. Copernicus was someone Doc could focus his attentions on in a positive way and who kept Doc on a schedule, reminding him that it was time to eat, to go for walks, to just get up and out and about.
Two lonely, down on their luck souls. Yeah, there's a little bit of poetry in their meeting.
It just so happened that his canine companion(s) would prove invaluable help with his scientific endeavours as well, aiding him in the lab.
Regarding Doc's naming conventions for his dogs, since science and the brilliant scientific minds of the past (and present) have been big inspirations/role-models for Doc, it made sense to him that he name his dear companions after such incredible figures in history. At the time, he chose Copernicus because not only was Copernicus a very, for his time, out of the box thinker, so to speak, challenging the accepted view of the cosmos with his heliocentric theory that so branded him a heretic, but it was for this theory, the planets revolving around the sun, that there's also a deeper layer of meaning to the name, as now that Doc had a dog to care for, his life would essentially revolve around his canine companion, making sure he was well and happy.
Sun and planets, anyone?
Anyway, that trend just continued with all the dogs he'd rescue over the years. Edison was next, named so for the light that he would bring to Doc's life. He was also the first dog adopted in the Hill Valley area, as Copernicus was still alive at the time of Doc's father's passing and his return to Hill Valley to move into the Brown mansion. Following Edison was Einstein, aptly named for his breed and his long white hair. Sheepdogs are incredibly intelligent, as was one of his greatest heroes, Einstein, and so the name was perfect.
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