#i know he can pick up anyone on the team w no issue i just know it
samarecharm · 8 months
Futaba called Ryuji a jock heehee
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atlabeth · 2 months
heat lightning
pt 1
pairing: spencer reid x fem gideon!reader
summary: you end up at the heart of the bau's latest case.
a/n: took way too long but here's more gideon reader! just as irritable as ever with some actual human emotions this time around. send help and prayers bc she's gonna need it. and before you ask there will in fact be some more parts to close up this case, i just have to write them first and it may take approximately 10 years. thank you for your consideration
wc: 4.1k
warning(s): reader still has daddy issues, still hates spence, and still argues w gideon the whole time. more angst! typical cm case stuff (a stalker that has taken vulnerable pics of reader) read w/ discretion if you are sensitive to those things. more drama and more tension and more not being a good time for anyone but me
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“On your right, pretty boy.” 
Spencer stops as Morgan rushes past him back to his desk, eyes trained on the hallway. 
“Why are you in such a hurry?” he complains. “I nearly spilled my coffee.”
“Gideon’s daughter is here again,” he says. “Did you not feel the temperature drop five degrees?”
Spencer frowns. He opens his mouth to say something when he hears the telltale signs of your arrival: arguing. 
“—so typical of you! I have to drop everything the moment you need me, but it’s like pulling teeth to get you to listen to me.”
Gideon turns the corner with you in tow. He has a duffle bag in one hand and a file in his other, his brow furrowed in frustration. 
“That’s because this is important,” he says. 
“Oh, and everything else I try to get you to be around for isn’t?” 
“You know that isn’t what I meant,” Gideon says, keeping his voice level. 
“This is ridiculous,” you spit. 
“It’s necessary,” he corrects. “I’m not going to play games with your safety.” 
“Oh, yeah,” you mock. “Because you’ve always cared about that.” 
He just shakes his head. “I’m not debating this with you.”
“Why? Because you’ll realize that it’s ridiculous?”
You follow Gideon into his office and Spencer watches him close the blinds. The door slams shut, and though he can still hear the muffled argument he can’t make anything out.
“Oh, great,” Morgan says. “Now we can’t even get Reid to read their lips.”
“I don’t think we need it to know what they’re talking about,” Elle says. “They’ve been arguing since she was brought in.”
“Of course they have,” JJ says. “Gideon sent Hotch to pick her up instead of doing it himself. She sees it as another slight.”
“She sees everything as a slight,” Spencer says. “She hates him.” 
“I don’t blame her,” Morgan mutters. “Not when we only found out about her last month.” 
“Surely this isn’t helping with anything,” JJ says wryly. 
Elle shrugs. “Doesn’t matter. Sometimes pointless arguing makes you feel better, even when you’re in the wrong.” 
“That’s enough, agents.” Spencer’s attention—along with everyone else’s—snaps to the top of the bullpen to see Hotch holding a file with the same expression as always. “I need you all in the conference room.” 
“Does it have anything to do with that?” Morgan asks, tilting his head towards Gideon’s office. 
“You’ll find out,” he says. Hotch starts walking to the conference room, the conversation clearly over. 
JJ sighs as she stands up and grabs the files on her desk. “I’ll get Penelope. The rest of you try not to gossip too much.” 
She goes off, and the others disperse back to their desk to finish up some last-minute things before the case takes them away. Spencer can’t tear his eyes away from Gideon’s office, even though he’s not getting anything. 
All he can think about is the last time you were here, when he got caught in the middle of your argument with Gideon—your dad, which was still a little weird—and he can’t help but feel guilty. 
Gideon is a father figure to him, sure, but it isn’t that difficult to end up with that dynamic when Spencer’s the youngest on the team. And he can go into everything about his father leaving and the psychology of that, but it doesn’t matter. Gideon treated him like a son when he had a daughter all along that he’d been neglecting. 
For all Spencer knows, it is his fault. 
“Reid,” Elle says, snapping him out of his thoughts, “you coming?”
“Yeah,” he says, nodding far too many times as he catches up to her in a few quick strides. “Sorry.”
“No need,” she remarks. “Gideon’s kid was all anyone could talk about when she first showed up here. This is only gonna make things worse.”
“He can’t really be that bad of a dad,” Spencer says, “right?”
“All I know is that having a parent in the force rarely ends well,” Elle murmurs. She opens the door to the conference room and looks at him. “We can’t be too hard on her when we probably see Gideon more than she does.”
Spencer recalls his meeting with you, how he barely got a word in edgewise while you spent the whole time arguing with someone half the office viewed as immovable. 
“Yeah,” he says distantly. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”
“Why? Because you’ll realize that it’s ridiculous?” 
Your dad shuts the blinds on all the windows in his office, then closes the door behind you. He sets your duffle down on the floor then looks at you, that infuriatingly even expression still unchanged.
“It’s not ridiculous,” he says. “Sit down and lower your voice, please. We have some things to talk about.” 
“I gathered that when you sent your guy to pick me up,” you say, crossing your arms as he walks over to his desk. “Couldn’t even do it yourself?” 
“Aaron Hotchner is the chief of this unit and one of the most accomplished agents here,” he says. “He lives closer to you than I do, and I asked him to pick you up on his way in because I knew you would be safe with him. Sit down, please.” 
“There it is again. My safety.” You remain standing. “Tell me what this is about. I’m missing work right now— I know you can understand that, at least.” 
He lets out a sigh as he says your name and looks at you. “Can we get through this without any arguments for once?” 
“That depends. Are you going to treat me like your daughter or an inconvenience?” 
“You’re my daughter, I love you, and your life is in danger,” he says evenly. 
You open your mouth to retort, but your dad opens the file in his hands and sets it down on the other side of the desk. You can see from your position that they’re photos, but your curiosity ultimately wins out. You walk over to get a closer look, and any words die in your throat as you pick up the first photo. 
A photo of you. 
You pick up the next one, only to see it’s another picture of you. At least ten photos are tucked away in the file, and they’re all of you. Taken outside your work, at your apartment, on your morning run— god, there’s even one taken through the window of your bedroom, half-naked in a towel after a shower. 
You fall silently into the chair, your heart hammering inside your chest as your eyes dart between all of the photos. You want to crawl out of your skin. 
“What the fuck is this?” you breathe. 
“The heart of our newest case,” your dad says. “It appears that you have a stalker.” 
“Yeah,” you whisper, eyes still glued to your oblivious self, “I would fucking think so.”
“These photos were dropped off at my door this morning,” he says, and he flips to the next section of the file, “with that note.”
The erratic handwriting instantly stands out to you as you pick the photocopy up, the lump in your throat growing with every word you read. 
such a pretty little thing. I wonder if she knows it.
you don’t care about her, but I do. she’s just like all the rest of us, everyone that you’ve ruined.
think about your priorities, agent gideon. I’ll be watching.  
“What the fuck is this?” you repeat. Blood pounds in your skull as a distant chill creeps down your spine. “I— I’m one of your cases now?” 
“We’re not sure yet,” he admits. “These only appeared yesterday, but from the looks of it, the unsub has been watching you for a while. Can you pinpoint when any of these photos were taken? 
You stare at him. “Some psycho has been stalking me for a while?” 
Your dad says your name again, slightly strained. “Please. I know this is difficult to think about, but figuring out a time frame would help us.” 
“Difficult,” you scoff. “Yeah, that’s one way to put it.” 
But it doesn’t have the bite your words usually hold. For once, you don’t think you’re mad at your dad. You think you’re terrified. 
“...Yeah,” you finally murmur, and you pick up one of the photos. “I thrifted a mirror a month ago, and this one doesn’t have it.”
Your dad nods, and he picks up two others. “Neither do these.” 
“So this has been going on for at least a month,” you say bitterly. “Great.”
Your dad says your name, quieter this time, and when you finally look at him his eyes have softened. 
“We’re going to figure this out,” he says. “This is a threat against an FBI agent’s family, and it will be treated accordingly. Forensics is doing tests on all the original copies to try and find a lead. The whole BAU will be on your case—I will be on it, and we won’t rest until we find whoever’s doing this.” 
“Yeah,” you say numbly. “You sure that’ll help? Because it looks like all this is happening because I’m your daughter.” 
“I know this is scary,” he says. “This… this is nothing like you’ve ever dealt with before. You shouldn’t have to deal with it. But you have to trust my team. We know what we’re doing.” 
“Of course you know what you’re doing,” you say. “You’re always here.” 
Your words have no bite behind them, more of an instinct as you grab your purse from the ground. You can feel the pinpricks of incoming tears, and you refuse to cry in front of your dad. 
“I— I need a minute,” you say. “This is all just—” 
“I understand,” he says. “Just don’t go far. Stay on this floor.”
You nod and start towards the door, but you pause right before you reach it. Your mouth opens as you try to think of something to say, but it falls shut just as quickly. You shake your head as you reach for the door handle, but before you get the chance, it swings open and you’re met with a familiar face. 
Spencer Reid, the kid your dad likes more than you. He’s nothing less than surprised to see you, from his stumbled step back, the slightly wide eyes, his hand poised to knock on the door. 
A mumbled apology falls from your lips as you move around him, and you can still feel his eyes on you as you speed off. You wonder what ideas he and the rest of the BAU have drawn up about you since your last visit to the office. 
You don’t really care. 
True to your word, you don’t go far—just to the bathroom. Thankfully it’s close, because the moment you make it to one of the stalls, knees stinging as you fall to the tiled floor, you vomit. 
By the time you’ve expelled the contents of your stomach, it feels just as empty as the rest of you. You stare at the wall, breathing slightly harried and skin warm to the touch, and you resist the urge to punch it. 
You have a stalker. Someone has been watching you for a month—at least a month, maybe longer—and you had no fucking clue, and now your only decent hope lies with your dad and his team. 
Normally, you wrote off anything depending on your dad as fruitless, but this involved the thing he loved more than anything in the world: his job. 
You huff a wry laugh at the thought. This wouldn’t get solved because it concerned you, it would get solved because it concerned his job. 
You stand up and walk over to the sink. You rinse your mouth, then just stare at yourself in the mirror. 
It— it feels strange. Looking at yourself like this, knowing someone has been—still is—watching you. 
You recall their words. 
Pretty little thing. 
You don’t care about her, but I do. 
A chill crawls up your spine. You can’t shake the dread settling all over you. 
What the fuck are you going to do?
You have to trust your dad, but you’ve never trusted your dad. God, he’s not even really your dad. He’s Senior Supervisory Special Agent Jason Gideon, nothing more—the estranged kid is an unfortunate side effect of the estranged wife.
You let out another breathy laugh. Would he even care if this psycho actually ends up killing you? 
You stand there for another couple minutes, time idling in the background as you continue to stare at the mirror. 
You haven’t cried, at least. That’s certainly something.
The door opens ever so slightly and someone says your name. Your eyes flick to the mirror almost immediately as your body tenses, and you recognize her as one of the BAU’s agents. She’s pretty and blonde with sympathetic eyes, and you know they’ve been briefed on your situation. 
If you have to deal with an office of pitying looks, you think you might lose your mind. 
“Are you alright?” she asks softly. 
“Just peachy,” you mumble. “My dad ask you to check up on me?” 
She nods. “You can imagine why Gideon is a bit high strung at the moment.” 
“I’m fine,” you repeat. “I just… needed a second.” 
“I understand,” she murmurs. “Do you still need some time?” 
“What do you need?” 
“Gideon wants to talk to you. It’s best if he explains it.” 
You huff a laugh and shake your head. “Fine. Lead the way, Agent…” 
“Jareau,” she supplies. “But call me JJ, please.” 
In lieu of a response, you walk over to her. She offers a thin smile and holds the door for you, then falls into step with you. A moment of silence passes before she speaks up. 
“We’re going to figure this out,” JJ says. “Your dad is one of the best to walk through these doors. If anyone can solve this, he can.” 
“So I keep hearing,” you murmur. 
Spencer watches you hurry off with wide eyes, and it takes a few seconds for him to snap out of it. He’s less surprised by your pace, and more surprised that you actually apologized for bumping into him. 
“Reid,” Gideon speaks up, and his attention snaps back over to his superior. “What do you need?” 
“Is she okay?” he asks instead. He can’t help it—after what Hotch just told all of them, he’s worried about you. 
Gideon gathers the photos back into the file then stands up. “Our job is to make sure she will be.”
“Hotch briefed us,” he says, and his eyes darted back to the doorway almost on instinct. “This— this is crazy. We just found out about her last month, and some guy’s been after her for longer?” 
“What this is is one of my enemies targeting my daughter because they’re too much of a coward to go after me,” Gideon says evenly. “We just have to figure out which one before they escalate.”
“How do you know?” he asks. 
“What you said is true,” he admits. “Hardly anyone knows I have a daughter. Even fewer would know where she lives. Someone who wants to hurt me would have incentive to discover both.” 
“So we look into unsubs you’ve put away that have been released,” Spencer says. “Or ones that are still in, but have family that might be bitter.”
“Exactly,” Gideon nods. “But I have to ask something of you, Reid.”
He frowns. “Anything.”
“We’re working on getting a safe house for my daughter,” Gideon says. “I need you to stay there with her.” 
Somehow, his frown deepens. “What?”
“I need to know she’s with someone I can trust,” he says. “There’s someone after her, and we don’t know who—that means we need to keep this circle tight.”
“So you want me to be her bodyguard?” Spencer marvels. “Do you remember that you had to waive all my physical tests?”
“Less of a bodyguard,” he says. “More just… keeping her company. Making sure she’s alright—mentally as much as physically.”
“Why am I the one that has to keep an eye on her?” Spencer asks. “She hates me!” 
“Don’t take it personally,” Gideon says. “She hates a lot of things.” 
“But it is personal,” Spencer insists. “She hates me because she thinks you like me more than her.” 
Gideon doesn’t seem phased at the comment. “She’s opinionated, but she’s harmless. And right now, I need to know that she’s with someone I can trust.”
“I— I still don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Please, Reid.” Gideon leans forward, and there’s an uncharacteristic vulnerability in his eyes. "If I'm going to be on this case, I need to know that she's safe. I won't be able to focus otherwise."
Spencer wasn’t going to lie—he genuinely thought it was a bad idea. But… Gideon said he trusted him. And this was his daughter—they might’ve argued, but they still cared about each other. if he could keep Lila Archer safe, he could keep you safe. 
“…Okay,” he finally concedes. “Okay.”
Gideon nods, and he watches the change in his eyes, the slightest bit of tension leaving his shoulders. “Thank you.”
“Just… make sure there are two bedrooms,” Spencer says. “I don’t need her to kill me one day in.”
At that, he cracks a rare smile. Spencer is thankful for it, that he can bring even the smallest amount of levity to Gideon’s life right now. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Your dad says your name, but you hardly let him finish. 
“No! First I find out I have a stalker, then my whole life’s going to be uprooted until you find them, and now I have to be stuck with boy genius?”
“You know, we’re about the same age—”
“Do you ever stop talking?” you cry, whirling on Spencer.
“I actually don’t talk that much when I’m around you,” Spencer says, his brows creasing. “This is the third time I’ve met you, and I’ve only said nine sentences across those meetings. Thirteen, if you count all of these too.”
You let out a strained laugh as you shake your head, trying to blink back tears. “This is fucking unbelievable. I know he’s practically your son, but this is just—”
“A safety precaution,” your dad interrupts. “Doctor Spencer Reid is another one of the BAU’s finest agents, and he is fully qualified to keep you safe.”
“He looks like a strong breeze could snap him in half.”
“This is not a joke,” your dad says sternly. “None of this is a joke. Your life is in danger—you have a stalker that has been watching your every move for at least a month, and we have no idea what their next move will be. Doctor Reid is more experienced than you in every facet of this, and I am entrusting him to your care. I respect him immensely, and you will do so as well.”
You don’t even look at Spencer, quiet rage simmering beneath the surface as you stare at your father.
“You really don’t get it,” you murmur. “Do you?”
“The only thing to get is that your life is in increasing danger with every moment you spend pushing against me,” your dad says, and he stands up. “Get your purse. Reid, get her duffle. We’re leaving.”
He leaves before you get the chance to do anything—you assume he’s finally tired of you. 
You just shake your head and pick up your purse, and Spencer clears his throat as he reaches for your duffle bag. You wonder if it even has anything useful—Aaron Hotchner was the one who packed it. 
“…So,” Spencer says. “I guess we’re gonna be roommates for a while.”
You huff in fully unveiled annoyance, and you push past him on your way out. 
“Great,” he mutters to himself as he follows you. “So this is what Gideon’s trust earns me.” 
It doesn’t take him too long to catch up to you, despite the unnecessary quick pace you’re taking. You bypass the elevator and head towards the stairwell, and Spencer catches the door before it’s able to slam on him. 
He says your name, but you just shake your head. 
“If we’re gonna be stuck together until this is over, I’d prefer silence.” 
“I don’t really do silence,” Spencer says. 
“I’m sure there’ll be plenty of books for you to read in whatever jail cell they throw me in.” 
“It’s actually going to be a pretty nice safe house,” he starts, throwing his hand up against the wall to catch himself from running into it as he turns, because god you are moving fast, “Gideon picked it out himself.” 
“Oh, then it’ll definitely be a jail cell,” you mock. “It’s not like he knows anything about me, so he’ll probably think that it’s perfect.” 
Spencer frowns. “Cut him some slack. This is all just as hard on him as it is on you.” 
You come to a sudden stop, whirling around to face him, and Spencer has to reel to the side to prevent himself from running into you. Had he not already been pressed up against the wall, he would have moved back further, what with the fire blazing in your eyes. 
“I’m not going to cut him any slack,” you spit. “This is the most time I’ve gotten to spend with my dad in months, and it’s only because some creep is stalking me to get back at him. The only reason I’m in this at all is because of his job that he cares about more than me, and now he’s sticking me with the guy that he wishes was his kid. So no, Doctor Reid—I’m not going to cut him any slack.” 
You’re already off on your way again before Spencer even has time to blink, and you’ve made it down the whole last flight by the time he pushes himself back up. 
He takes the steps three at a time to catch up to you, and he once again barely manages to catch the door before it slams on him. He calls your name, finally managing to fall into step with you right before you reach Gideon. He, like a normal person, deigned to take the elevator. 
“You haven’t started arguing already,” he says, passing a glance at Spencer, “have you?” 
“What do you think?” you ask, your arms crossed. 
“I think you’re giving him a hard time that you usually reserve for me,” he says. “Cut him some slack.” 
Your jaw clenches. “I’ve been getting a lot of that lately. Save the profiling for my stalker, will you?”  
“There’s plenty of profiling to go around,” Gideon says. “You two wait here—I need to confirm the safe house location before we head out.” 
“Can we stop by my place before we go?” Spencer asks. “I need to pick up some things.” 
“You have a go bag, don’t you?” 
“Yeah, but I— I wasn’t exactly prepared for this sort of thing when I came in today.” 
“You’ll be fine,” Gideon says. He walks off before Spencer can protest, and he sighs. 
You lean against the wall, your arms crossed with your purse hanging off your shoulder, and for once you don’t pass judgment on his—admittedly small—plight. 
“I changed my mind,” Spencer speaks up, deciding to try and break the remarkably high amount of tension that had built up in such a short time, and your eyebrows rise as you glance at him. 
“About what?” 
“I— I think I can do silence,” he says. “Temporarily.” 
You huff a laugh. “Really?” 
“I don’t really want to annoy you while we’re stuck together in an undisclosed location,” he says. “I don’t know what you’re capable of.” 
And for the first time since Spencer has met you, you actually smile. It’s the smallest thing, just a slight tilt of your lips that’s more akin to Hotch’s moments of levity than anything, but it’s a smile. 
“...Good choice,” you say. It feels like a joke, but Spencer isn’t sure. 
He smiles anyway. You meet his eyes, and for a moment, you’re just another girl. Someone that Spencer could imagine himself stealing glances at in a lecture hall, a regular at his favorite coffee shop that he falls for over the course of an especially cold winter, someone he meets on a night out with the team that he ends up talking to all night. 
You really do have pretty eyes. 
And then your gaze hardens, darts away from him, and Spencer sees Gideon coming back in his peripherals. The moment fractures. 
You’re not just a girl. You’re Gideon’s daughter, you’re in a remarkable amount of danger, and lest he forget, you do in fact hate him. 
Spencer lets out another short sigh. 
At least this safe house won’t have a pool.
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milaisreading · 1 year
can u do its our girlfriend (ryusei shidou version)?? 🙏🏽🙏🏽 w/ sub20 time? 👀
Author: Here it is! I hope u like this one and thank u for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
The U-20 team felt a pretty huge shift in the dynamic when 2 certain players joined the team. One of them being Shidou Ryusei and the other one being Itoshi Sae. Now, Oliver as the captain did try and was somewhat successful with getting along with Sae, meanwhile Shidou... well he is a great player but really hard to get along with. But one thing Oliver noticed was that there was a rift and tension between Sae and Shidou, who were by all accounts always the closest to each other. The issue started a month ago when Oliver, and later on the team would notice how much bossier Sae was with Shidou, and the boy was in return a lot snappier with him. It was really getting out of hand and Oliver was ready to rip his hair out. Japan's U-20 team had an image to uphold and the last thing Oliver needed was their manager yelling at him to get them in line.
"You dumbass antena man, focus on the goal!"
"Under eyelashes senior is now the boss around here, huh?"
"Can someone shut them up?" Sendou pointed, tired from all the yelling.
"Why are they even arguing?" Teru questioned.
"God knows." Hayate shrugged his shoulders, watching as Oliver and Niou walked over to the bickering duo and pulled them away from each other.
"Alright! Enough!" The team flinched at Oliver's yell, but kept quiet.
"What's the issue you two? You have been acting like you killed each other's families!" Oliver started as Niou sighed and continued after the captain.
"We are just worried. Not only is this giving an issue to us as a team, but also to you two as a duo on the field." The long-haired boy explained as Sae and Shidou sent each other a side glare. The rest of the team kept quiet and watched the two as the huffed and looked away from each other. Oliver was pretty much speechless, he expected this from Shidou... but never from Sae of all people.
"This must be quite serious, Sae would act more mature otherwise." Teppei whispered to his friends and Miroku told them to be quiet.
"Spit it out." Oliver demanded and it seemed like Shidou finally broke.
"Under eyelashes senior here is butthurt his crush likes me more."
"I am not! All I said was that (Y/n) picking you as her boyfriend will come to bite her." Sae said back, shocking the team even more now.
'Shidou...Shidou has a girlfriend?!'
"Did I just hear correctly?" Hayate questioned with wide eyes and looked at his friends. Miroku and Teru slowly nodded their heads as Teppei and Sendou kept quiet, but were equally wondering how truthful that statement was.
'No way... he got a girlfriend before me?' Sendou thought with a huff.
'Ehh? I can't imagine Shidou with anyone.'
"What?" Niou raised an eyebrow as he closed Oliver's open mouth.
"Shidou basically got a girlfriend, way above his league if I may add." Sae repeated.
"Shut the hell up!"
"You know I am right. She literally could have had anyone, why you?" Sae said as his anger raised again, causing Shidou to smirk.
"Turns out my personality is more appear to her."
"Wait... Shidou has a girlfriend?" Oliver blurted out, causing the two to look at him.
"Yeah, they have been going out for a month." Sae rolled his eyes.
"Something you will never experience, might I add." Shidou chimed in.
"You two...are joking with us? Right?" Sendou suddenly spoke up as they raised their eyebrows.
"You sure? Sae that was a good joke." Miroku let out a laugh as Hayate and Teppei held back their laughters too. Niou tried to calm them down while Oliver tried to stop Shidou from yelling.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" The blonde asked, taking offense at their reactions.
"It's just...you don't seem dateable..." Teppei answered, earning a nod from Hayate.
"You are too loud."
"And you say weird stuff at times."
"Sorry, but there is no way someone is dating you." The statements caused Shidou's anger to rise even more, but along with that also came the insecurities. He could handle Sae saying those things, since he is pretty jealous of his relationship, but hearing people who are pretty much strangers to him say those things... it really stung.
"I think you are capping."
"Yeah... Sae and Shidou stop joking around-"
"Wait Sendou... who is your girlfriend?" Oliver asked, trying to wrap his head around this whole concept. Shidou wanted to answer the question, he did. He wanted to show off his cute, beautiful and funny girlfriend to everyone. But one part of him wanted to keep that part quiet, private. Sae knowing about her was enough as it is, he didn't need them to know it too.
'Especially when they don't seem to believe it anyways.' Shidou said nothing as he walked off towards the locker room, sending a warning glare as Niou and Teppei tried to get the name out of him.
"Enough joking... let's just get changed. Our training session is over." Hayate said as he pointed at the clock.
"Sae, can you please tell us who the girlfriend is?" Teru wondered.
"Yeah, otherwise we will think this is a joke." Oliver added in but the redhead just shrugged his shoulders.
"Believe whatever you want. I am not saying anything out of my respect for her. When she feels like meeting you guys, you will know."
While everything was going on outside, Shidou was in the locker room enjoying how quiet it was. He somewhat cooled down from the fight and his mind kept wandering off to (Y/n).
'Ahh~ just her cute face could make any of my bad days good. She is so kind and sweet, the World really doesn't deserve her. I wonder what she is up to.' Shidou thought, growing a little agitated.
'I didn't see her at all in the past 3 weeks, stupid Blue Lock and Ego... keeping her away from me like that.' Shidou pouted. He really missed her and hoped to get the chance to see her before that match with her team.
'Seems like it's just wishful thinking.'
Teru yawned as he walked down the hallway from the bathroom. After such an eventful day he just wanted to get dressed and go home to sleep.
'Maybe a good dinner and some movies would be a good idea.'
"Excuse me, do you know if Shidou Ryusei is still here?" The boy jumped up at the sound of a unfamiliar feminine voice from behind him. Turning around, Teru was surprised to find none other than Blue Lock's manager, (L/n) (Y/n). The boy's face turned beet red and slowly nodded his head.
"Y-yeah... why do you need him?" Teru asked shyly as the girl grinned at his answer.
'She is even prettier than on TV!'
"I need to see him, can you please call him or bring me to him?" She asked and Teru quickly nodded his head, laughing nervously.
"Of course! Follow me, sorry if I am jumpy a little."
'She will think I am weird now...' Teru thought nervously, internally facepalming at his own behavior.
"It's fine, my team is the same right now. Probably excited for the match coming up?" (Y/n) asked in a reassuring manner as Teru slowly nodded his head.
'Her voice is so soft...'
"Shidou!" The group turned to look at Teru as he ran into the changing room.
"What?" The blonde asked in annoyance, still mad at the way they spoke to him earlier. Teru took a few deep breaths as he tried to calm the redness on his face down.
"The...the manager fo Blhe Lock wants to see you..." Teru panted out. The blonde's frown turned into a grin as he quickly packed his things.
"What?! (Y/n) is outside?" Teppei and Miroku asked with wide eyes as Oliver grinned at the news. Niou and Hayate kept quiet along with Sae. The older Itoshi became restless at the mention of (Y/n)'s name while the other 2 grew a lot more nervous.
"Later, losers." Shidou chuckled and ran out with his bag.
"Hold it- Why is she even here?" Niou wondered as Teru spoke up again.
"It turns out the girlfriend Sae and Shidou talked about was (Y/n)."
The room grew quiet as Sae quietly left the room, hoping to catch up to the duo before they left.
'Is dating...'
'(Y/n)...' Sendou, Hayate and Miroku thought as Oliver's eye twitched.
"What do you mean?! No way did that guy get to her first!" Oliver yelled as Niou nodded his head.
"She was probably blackmailed into dating him."
"True. (Y/n) seems so sweet and kind..." Teppei started.
"And beautiful, she puts all the idols I know to shame." Sendou sighed dreamily.
"I also heard she is so considerate. I heard she always makes snacks for her team." Hayate chimed in.
"Forget that! Did you see the way she holds herself when talking to the reporters?!" Oliver added in with a blush.
"Yeah...she has to be blackmailed." Miroku concluded as silence fell among the group.
They looked between each other and at the door as Niou cleared his throat.
"I need to go to the toilet."
"Hold it! Why did you take your bag-" Before Hayate could finish his sentence, Niou was already outside the locker room.
"Hey!" Oliver yelled, running after his teammate and the rest joining in.
"I hope you like it! It's like a good luck charm for the upcoming matches!" (Y/n) grinned as Shidou held the necklace she bought him a few days back. It was a simple, 4 leaf clover pendant on a gold chain, but it did make Shidou's heart race a little and his face turned red from the attention.
"Thanks, th-this means a lot. I didn't get anything for you." Shidou said, getting a little shy from the sudden gift and (Y/n) shook her head.
"I am happy and fulfilled as long as you are, Ryu."
'So adorable! And all mine!'Shidou thought as his cheeks started heating up and he coughed.
"Want to eat something? There is a good restaurant-"
"Are we eating somewhere?" Shidou felt like all the rage he previously felt came rushing back as Sae appeared put of nowhere, putting his arms around (Y/n)'s shoulders.
"Sae-san?! Where did you come from?" The girl wondered, a little startled by his appearance. Shidou watched with a snarl as Sae turned his stone cold look to a much softer one as he glanced at (Y/n).
"Good to see you, (Y/n). You look just as pretty as the last time I saw you." The girl blushed a little at the comment as Shidou pulled her our of his grip and glared even harder at Sae.
"We, as in (Y/n) and I will go and eat now. You can go somewhere else." Shidou said as he started pushing (Y/n) in front of himself.
"Ryu, you don't have to push me.... but I feel a little bad..." (Y/n) admitted in embarrassment as the two stopped and looked back at Sae. Shidou raised his eyebrow, wondering what she actually meant.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Sae is your friend, maybe we could invite him along. He probably wants to eat with us too." (Y/n) smiled softly as Shidou felt his heart crack a little.
'She is so considerate! That Itoshi doesn't deserve this level of kindness! My cute, little girl.' Shidou thought as he poked her cheeks.
"Ryu~" She pouted as the boy chuckled.
"You are so adorable... Fine, we could invite Sae along." Shidou sighed, as he really couldn't say 'no' to (Y/n).
"Ahh~ Shidou? Is that your lovely girlfriend?" The blonde boy flinched as he heard Niou's voice and the two turned to look at the group. The blonde tightly grabbed onto (Y/n)'s hand as they observed the group. Shidou watched in horror and anger as he noted all their expressions as (Y/n) waved at them.
"Hello!" She exclaimed.
Niou, Hayate and Miroku had the most normal expression, just a small blush on their cheeks. Teppei hid behind a blushing Miroku as he sent (Y/n) a few glances here and there.
'So cute~ she is even more adorable in real life.' Teru, Oliver and Sendou where meanwhile blushing messes as they stared at (Y/n) and waved at her.
"It's so lovely to see you, (Y/n)-san. We weren't aware you and Shidou were dating." Niou spoke up as he walked closer to them.
"Yeah! Congratulations." Miroku added in as Teppei followed them.
"Can I get a picture with you?"
"Me?!" (Y/n) asked the boy in confusion as Sendou and Oliver chirped in.
"Yes, it would be lovely."
"You look even lovelier than a kpop or jpop idol."
"A-ah... Thank you, Sendou-san." The girl blushed a little as Teru and Hayate chimed in.
"Move a little, Shidou- Can I get a picture with you too?"
"Can you please be our manager? The old man is annoying." Hayate groaned, earning a hit on the head from Oliver.
Shidou watched in disbelief as his teammates tried to chat up his girlfriend, his jealousy close to reach its limit.
"Told you that (Y/n) is a real eye catcher." Sae snorted, equally annoyed at the scene.
"Shut it! I know...it's my (Y/n)... my girl we are talking about."
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avatar-anna · 2 years
hii so i wanted to know if you could do a frat boy harry who’s a hockey player and reader who’s a figure skater. and it’s like enemies to lovers type of thing like rivals.
idk how to feel about this one...but here you go!
Part 2
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You positioned your arms in the correct position, taking some deep breaths before the music began. The opening chords sounded—a lilting, breathy harp—and when you were ready, you bent down gracefully, and started the routine you'd been perfecting for months.
Your skates glided across the ice, your body letting the music move you through each trick. Nothing else existed for the next two and a half minutes. Drowning out every single distraction was the only way to achieve perfection, in your mind.
The music finally stopped as you skated back to the center to land in your final position. Your breathing was heavy, but you tried your hardest not to let it show. The routine needed to appear effortless, and panting like you'd just run a marathon would give the opposite effect.
There was light applause from some of the other girls you skated with after you left the center of the rink, but otherwise it was still fairly quiet. That is, until Harry showed up.
“Oh, come on, Princess, you can do better than that!”
“Suck my dick, Harry!”
“I’d rather suck on something else, love, you know that. But only if you let me.”
You rolled your eyes, but didn’t look over at him once, knowing that would only give him more satisfaction.
Harry Styles was the captain of your school’s hockey team. He was the best goalie in the state, had an excellent record, had his pick of any NHL team from coast to coast, could even be selected for the Olympic team next year. He was one of the most popular guys at your school, students and professors alike wrapped around his finger, but to you he was just a cocky, arrogant son of a bitch.
You skated at the same university, but instead of holding a stick and getting into fights and shoving opponents against plexiglass, you performed. Your competitions weren't so barbaric. You were a figure skater, an excellent one at that. Not that anyone at your school really cared. If it wasn’t aired on the a big sports network, it wasn't worth talking about. It didn't matter that you were a world class figure skater, or that you were mastering tricks that only the best skaters in the world merely considered putting in their routines. It didn't matter that you'd won competition after competition. You weren’t praised for your flawless technique or your effortless grace the way that Harry was praised for blocking an impossible shot. Statistically speaking, you technically had a better record than Harry did as far as victories went, but as history has shown, boys always got more recognition.
It didn’t bother you that Harry and his teammates were more popular than you, that wasn’t your issue. The problem was that it went straight to their heads. They lorded their talent over everyone like they were God’s gift to humankind. It drove you insane, and the fact that you all practiced and trained at the same rink made it that much worse.
You skated back to the center of the rink again, more laser focused than ever now that you knew Harry was watching. The only good thing that came out of his assholish ways was that it drove you to work ten times harder. When the music started, you could feel his eyes watching your every move, but you let it fuel you. You didn't just achieve perfection, you were perfection. And where you might have bobbled a landing last go around, this time you stuck it without a hitch.
“Yeah! That’s my girl!” Harry whistled, the sound of his hands clapping bouncing off the pretty much empty rink.
At that, you turned and glared at him, only to see him smiling and wiggling his eyebrows at you. Everything about him irritated you to the highest degree, from the self-satisfied smirk to the way his dark curly hair fanned out beneath his backward baseball cap, the one that rarely left his head unless he was wearing his goalie helmet. The most annoying thing about him was how cute he was. If he wasn’t such a dick you actually might be interested.
Before you could reply with a snide remark, your coach walked over to where Harry was pressed up against the rim of the rink. “Stop distracting my skaters, Styles!”
“Sorry, Coach,” Harry called, but he didn’t look apologetic in the slightest. Winking at you, he walked off, taking his hat off for a moment to run a hand through his hair before putting it back on again.
Shaking Harry off, you finished the rest of your training in peace. It went pretty quick, which was why Harry was there in the first place. Once you and your friends got out of your skates and changed into regular clothes in the locker room, you were all on your way to the parking lot.
“I swear he’s into you or something,” Kate, one of your best friend said when she saw Harry waiting by your car, a couple of his friends/teammates with him.
“As he should, but it’s never gonna happen,” you said.
Kate nudged you. “Why? I mean he’s annoying as fuck, but he’s the hottest guy at our school. And I’ve heard he’s, like, you know, good in bed.”
“Ugh, not you too, Kate,” you groaned, though you weren’t all that surprised she was playing devil’s advocate. She went to the dark side a few months ago when one of the other boys on the hockey team asked her to to some fraternity dance and had been together ever since. “And for the record, no one our age is actually ‘good.’ According to my sister, it takes years of practice.”
“If you’re worried I don’t have any experience, you shouldn't. I have plenty of it, Princess.”
You rolled your eyes. “Your hand doesn’t count as experience, Harry,” you said, walking past him and his friends to put your things in the trunk of your car.
His friends all laughed and pushed him around, but you ignored all of it, waiting for them all to leave. From your vantage point, you saw Kate walk over to Harry and her boyfriend Zayn. She went over and gave him a hug, but you stayed where you were, not looking Harry in the eye.
“There’s a party tonight,” Zayn said to you and Kate. “You guys should come.”
Before you could say no, Kate spoke first. “Yeah, we’ll definitely be there.” After telling you that she’d be at your house to pick you up later, she and Zayn walked off, leaving you and Harry alone.
“I’m assuming you’re sticking around because you need a ride?” you asked, slowly inching forward.
Harry nodded, reaching his hand out to you. You took it reluctantly, letting him pull you closer. Once you were close enough, though, you couldn’t help yourself. You surged forward and kissed him, pressing your body against his. Harry was more than receptive, letting you take his baseball cap off and run your hands through his hair. His kiss set you on fire, and you hated how much you loved it.
“You have to stop doing that,” you said once Harry’s lips attached to your neck. You almost couldn’t get the words out because he knew exactly which spots made your breath hitch, but you managed.
“I thought we were supposed to be keeping up appearances,” he panted, speaking the words into your skin. “You’re the one who doesn’t want anyone to know we’re dating.”
“We’re not dating.” Your response was immediate. You expected Harry to stop his attack on your neck, but he didn’t. In fact, you felt him grin against you.
“Sure, whatever you say.”
Screwing around with Harry was not something you expected. He was cocky and got on your nerves constantly. But he flirted with you just as often, and one day it just got to you. You dragged him into a closet at a party, and you’d been secretly doing whatever you were doing ever since.
“No one finds out, got it?” you whispered, unbuttoning his shirt.
“Whatever you want, Princess. We done talking now?”
So you were a thing. Friends with benefits. But not really friends because outside of closed doors Harry still pissed you off to no end. Rivals with benefits? No, that didn't have the same ring to it.
It didn't really matter, though. Even giving that much thought to the situation at hand was too much.
Harry slid into the passenger seat of your car after throwing his gear in the trunk. Giving him a ride wasn't something you foresaw after that first night you spent with him, but he didn't own a car and didn't live with his friends, and after he mentioned nearly getting jumped at a bus station, you offered to drive him home. Harry was a thorn in your side, but you weren't heartless.
His hand settled comfortably on your knee as you pulled out of the parking lot, his thumb moving back and forth along the soft material of your sweatpants.
“Don’t,” you warned.
“Don’t what?” Harry asked, though you didn't even have to look over to know he was smirking at you.
“Last time you tried something in the car we almost crashed”
“That’s because your eyes were closed. I'm completely innocent,” Harry reasoned.
“You had your fingers—”
“Now, now, Princess. Stay calm before you nearly kill us again.”
You groaned in sheer annoyance. At Harry's childishness, at yourself for letting his immaturity get to you. He knew just how to push your buttons, and you absolutely despised him for it.
“Stay with me tonight.”
“I already told Kate—”
“Tell her you’re sick,” Harry interrupted, kissing your bare shoulder. “You didn’t even want to go in the first place. Just stay here.”
You wouldn't lie, staying in Harry's bed sounded much more appealing than holding a plastic cup of stale beer and shouting over music to be heard. Parties were never really your thing, but it was something to do on the weekends, so you went. But now Harry was presenting another option, though it was one that wandered beyond the boundaries of your arrangement.
“Don’t you think people might get the wrong idea if both of us don't show up?” you asked. You felt like you needed a reason to say no, and this was the best one you could come up with.
“Everyone thinks we hate each other,” Harry replied. His voice was raspy and slow, the way it got when he was tired. You weren't sure when you started to recognize little details like that, but now you did. “Come on. My roommate is gone for the weekend. We'd have the whole place to ourselves.”
“We’d probably kill each other,” you mused, though the idea did spark something in you.
His voice was muffled as his lips dragged across your skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake. One hand moved your hair to the side so he had better access to the spot just below your ear while the other traced lazy circles on your hip. You were tired, utterly spent really, but the sensation of Harry’s skin and the occasional nip of his teeth was hard to ignore. You leaned into his touch almost involuntarily, humming as his hands continued to dip and stroke apply pressure in the places he knew were your most sensitive.
“What were you gonna do at that party anyway?” he said. “Pretend to have a good time? Talk to guys who think they have a chance with you when they don't?”
“Who says they don't?” you asked, though it was mostly to egg Harry on. You didn't miss the glares pointed in your direction whenever you talked to other guys at parties. There weren't any kind of rules that the two of you abided by, but both of you were well aware of the fact that you weren't seeing anyone else. And Harry would always let you know how he felt about you flirting with other guys when he finally got you alone.
You'd hoped that your remark would set Harry's jealousy aflame and make him remind you how wrong you actually were. It was the kind of cat and mouse game you played often, but instead of responding the way he normally did, Harry did the oddest thing. He let go of you completely.
“Fine then. Go and have fun at your party.”
You were inexplicably cold as Harry's arms released their hold on you and he shuffled towards the edge of the bed so he wasn't touching you.
Totally and utterly surprised, you laid still, unsure of what was going on. Finally, you said, “Really?”
Harry shrugged as he pulled a book from his nightstand and opened it up, completely nonplussed. “If you think that anyone at that stupid party is going to measure up to me, then by all means,” he said, gesturing towards the bedroom door with his book.
Without another word, he went back to reading, leaving you virtually alone with your thoughts.
Something stirred in you. Guilt didn't feel like the right word, but you felt...kind of bad for making Harry feel that way, and even worse now that he wasn't paying attention to you. It was ludicrous, seeing as he drove you insane and you hated him, but at the moment, all you wanted to do was crawl over to him and have his attention again. At the very least to have him finish what he'd started.
So, perhaps against your better judgement, you did.
“I’m sorry,” you said, squishing your cheek against his shoulder and spreading your hand across his torso.
By now you didn't even have to look at him to know which tattoos you were tracing, so you kept your eyes on his face as your fingers traveled from the butterfly on his stomach down to the fern leaves on his hips. Up, down, lower, grazing until you got a reaction from him.
“You’re gonna have to do a lot better than that,” he mumbled. His eyes were still on his book, but he had yet to turn a page, so you knew progress was being made.
You added kisses to the mix. All across his chest you kissed him, sucking a hickey right where his heart was. You could feel Harry's heart beat faster, but he still wouldn't look at you, which made your brows furrow with mild annoyance.
“Hmm. Now we're getting somewhere,” he said, a satisfied grin on his face, when your hand finally stopped teasing and got to work.
Still, it took another couple minutes of you practically groveling for him to finally look at you. His chest was flushed, but his face still remained as calm as ever. He'd hardly reacted at all to what you were doing, which made you want to please him that much more.
Pouting at him, you took the book out of his hands and chucked it across his bedroom, then placed one of his hands on you.
With one brow raised, Harry looked down at you. “You ready to behave?”
The logical part of your brain was saying this was madness. You hated how smug he was acting, how sure of himself he was. You were stroking his ego, and he was eating it up, something you never thought you would do voluntarily. But you wanted to, and you hated how much you loved it, loved having to work for it.
You nodded, leaning towards him. He would most likely never let you live this moment down, and you would have to exact some kind of revenge on him in the future, but all of that was far from your mind. The only thing you cared about was Harry's lips meeting your own as he pushed you back against the mattress, finally ready to give you both what you wanted.
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earl-grey-teacake · 8 months
omg hello! your brain is truly so big for this idea… george coaching logan lives rent free in my mind at all times and their minimal interactions bring me life fr 🥺🥺 now.. very important question.. WHO adopted logan first? alex as his current teammate or george as his long-time mentor? i also have this insane image in my mind of george making a powerpoint titled “7 step plan on how to win oscar’s heart / why he’s definitely in love with you don’t be stupid / we need to talk about your (lack) or self esteem” . yea there are three topics but alex has sighed deeply and provided snacks to keep them going. and also the idea of carlando adopting oscar?? it’s a very strange dynamic bc lando is so excitable he’s def not a parent figure and oscar and carlos are still squinting suspiciously at each others for sure. maybe the three of them are using their combined 8 brain cells to come up with a game plan for wooing logan? and they’re just sitting their arguing over flower symbolism and lando and carlos genuinely almost break up over how worked up they both get. i know this ask got out of control but bestie.. your mind is so large and i am obsessedddd w this idea
Hello! Thank you so much! Very happy to hear that the ideas my brain makes up in the middle of the night are appreciated!🥰
To answer your question, Alex adopted Logan first. I see George keeping his distance, close but still professional. Alex, as both an eldest sibling and having gone through 2021, is very sympathetic to Logan. He sees the spiraling, he understands being alone as your parents are dealing with their own issues, and he knows what it feels like to be left behind while the friends you joined F1 with go on ahead. When Logan stops answering his texts and James brings up his worries, Alex is at Logan’s door telling him to pack up and come over to his place. George starts off in a “I’m here to help but mainly because Alex wants to do this and I love Alex” and quickly becomes “i am onboard with helping you, here is a list of therapists I have complied, please pick one.”
George is absolutely making PowerPoints. It starts off with “No one on the grid or your team hates you + with proof from the group chat” to “Your lack of self-esteem is alarming and we are all a bit worried” before becoming “Oscar is in love with you + photographic evidence.” George’s love language is PowerPoints. When he was getting Alex that Williams seat, I imagined him cornering people with a laptop in hand and a PowerPoint titled “Alex Albon’s Achievements: Why he is a perfect fit for Williams”. Alex is ordering take out and providing commentary on the slides, and questioning where certain photos came from.
I see Carlando adopting Oscar not in a parental way, but more in a “I have more life experience so let me tell you why ghosting your friend and crush is a bad idea”. They absolutely brainstorm ways to woo Logan but they keep failing because Logan thinks Oscar is doing this to apologize for not talking to him for a month/forgetting his birthday and Oscar is slowly going insane because nothing works and in every interaction Logan looks sadder and sadder. Carlos and Lando are definitely getting worked up because it was never this hard when they got together .
Your idea with the flower language is genius, can I write that in the fic? I am thinking of a scene like
“No, Lando we cannot put yellow roses in the arrangement. They mean decrease of love, that’s an awful flower to include.”
“How about orange lilies? There aren’t exactly a ton of papaya or orange flowers to choose from.”
“No! Orange lilies mean hatred. We should be starting simple like pink roses and baby breaths.”
“Those options are basic. They don’t have personality to them. It looks like Oscar just went to a supermarket and picked it up. How is anyone supposed to feel special receiving a standard supermarket bouquet?”
“I wouldn’t know Lando. You never got me flowers before so I don’t know how I would feel receiving a supermarket bouquet?”
This ask was super fun to answer! Thank you so much for sending it❤️ I am also obsessed with it and am drafting outlines to write it. Please feel free to send more asks. I really love answering them.
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my unhinged rant about how Save Me by Muse is the perfect silver & dad!lance song
okay hi lemme preface with i haven’t played any of the johto games so, all of this is 2nd hand knowledge + headcanons so feel free to correct me!! my evidence will be taken almost entirely from pokemas lol 
!! this is abt game silver and not the pokespe iteration !!
also for my sake i will be referring to silver with she/her pronouns bc it genuinely feels wrong for me to refer to her by anything else. you can criticize any other part of this mini-analysis/rant but if you criticize a headcanon i hold very, very dear to me i will not hesitate to block you :>
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okay right off the bat “save me from my superstitions, now i’m free from this old condition” is 100% about silver’s abandonment issues. my poor girl she’s been through so much
“hold me cause i’m sure i’m hated, promises they are overrated” do i even have to say it. it’s explicitly stated in pokemas that she sees herself as an inherently bad person due to her heritage and her previous actions (stealing + mistreating her pokémon). as such, she doesn’t trust ANYONE, including her closest friends, as she worries they’re going to leave if they find the ‘real’ her (the one who is supposedly malicious and cruel and just like her father).
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(the scene when lance is trying to convince her to go find ho-oh with the MC + the gang / johto villain arc when she’s asked to not face giovanni alone). the analysis writes itself.
“wait just a while, while i’m drowning in denial”. i really love this lyric in relation to silver and her father - just a quiet ‘wait’. she’s getting there. she’s not a good person yet, she’s trying so hard, she’s not there yet. she doesn’t know if she CAN be a good person, hence drowning in denial. but once again it’s lance that picks up his daughter and says that she’s drowning in DENIAL; silver is a good person, she’s just having a hard time seeing it.
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(a day with SS silver if i remember right, discussing the actions of team rocket back in johto and how she sees herself in relation to those actions / once again, lance convincing silver that she should go to find ho-oh)
“watch me, cause i’m on a mission”do i even have to say anything??? team rocket radio tower. lance’s original dialogue in GSC about being worried for silver. her never-ending quest to be the strongest also factors in here.
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(johto arc again, saying how she’s going to take on team rocket alone, much to the dismay of the johtrio)
“hold me back, so i’m forced to listen” can be taken a few different ways. i like to see it as she needs to be held back by her friends/family from throwing herself headfirst into both team rocket headquarters and self-doubt spirals. we know she has a vitriol for TR, so i 100% see her trying to enact her own justice by taking them down on her own (much like her pokespe counterpart). HOWEVER i do think it can be taken more metaphorically, with her having to be forced to listen to the facts; people love her and she’s not going to be abandoned for perceived weakness. 
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(lance convincing silver / johto arc / i forgot where this was whoops 💀 i think it’s paulo related, anyways she lost to lance and he said “great battle! you almost had us.” she responds with this, which highlights what she needs to be held back from: her self-deprecation when she’s a formidable trainer in her own right.)
“don’t let me go, ‘cause i’m nothing without you” does NOT feel like a silver line in the slightest lmao. she’s proven herself to be very independent. however i do think you can read this as her taking to her pokémon here. even with her threats of leaving them behind, she never does. her SS story is explicit in stating that she is developing herself for the sake of her pokémon.
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(a day with SS silver)
“turn me into someone like you” just SCREAMS silver and lance. sure, she hates him initially, but it’s ultimately out of envy. how is HE so powerful? how is HE able to talk to her about strength when HE doesn’t know half of the things she’s done to survive? doesn’t know the lingering, taunting pain that is being beaten at every turn and still refusing to make the same mistakes your father did by never abandoning a pokémon? sure, she parrots it a lot, but when does silver’s team change? when do we ever see her straight-up abandon a pokémon? she desperately craves his strength, yes, but in the end what she also really wants to be is a trainer people can be proud of. she wants to stop hiding in her hole of self-loathing and worries that she’ll only be a repeat of giovanni and just wants to have a legacy she can be proud of. (does anyone have that line of lance saying the cape is almost like a dragon master uniform? cus that’s what i mean to put here.) she wants a background she can be part of, something to embrace, not to be ashamed of.
admittedly, “find a place that we can go to, run away and take me with you” are less strong when it comes to silver herself. she very much does NOT want to run away, she knows the pain of abandonment all too well. i do think, though, that she would want pure privacy in moments of vulnerability, so when saying something along the lines of the previous lyric (‘turn me into someone like you’) and explaining the reasoning behind her actions (it’s trauma), she’d much rather do it with nobody else around. we all know how she feels about weakness, after all.
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(chase the northern wind (eusine + shiny suicune event), her reminiscing on how she used to see jasmine + her ampharos /
a day with silver and ho-oh(?), talking about how much she can still grow)
“don’t let go, i need your rescue” is just. can we please appreciate how good this song is? okay cool, back to business. this is definitely a post-arc silver, where she’s less afraid to express her need for safety. even without her arc, it’s once again a callback to one of her most traumatizing moments: being left by giovanni. she’s never really gotten over that fear of being left behind, and all she really is, is a scared little girl desperately calling out to her father. she’s terrified. but to be terrified is to be weak and weakness will get you left behind, so she covers it up with a rude exterior. finally letting those walls down is her ultimate show of strength, revealing how clingy she can be just to feel safe and reassured. and to share that with her father, to have lance be the dad she always needed, it just warms my heart :)
YOU MADE IT TO THE END!!! CONGRATS!!! :D k hope this was an accurate analysis and you guys enjoyed :>
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victorluvsalice · 6 months
Valicer OT3 Week, Day Two: The Cool Kid, The Jock, And The Nerd
OT3 Week (as per @ot3-week) continues with a prompt that definitely seemed suited for a High School AU -- "The cool kid, the jock, and the nerd!" I think we can all agree that would be Smiler, Alice, and Victor respectively. :p At any rate, here's a high school version of the trio hanging out together at lunch -- with Victor having a rather important question for Smiler...
“...why do you hang out with me?”
To Victor’s horror, Smiler looked up from their sandwich, confirming that he had indeed said that out loud. “Because...I like you?” they said once they’d finished chewing and swallowing. “Do I need a better reason than that?”
“I – um, it’s just...” Shut up shut up shut up – but now that the door had been opened, Victor found himself plunging onward, needing to know. “You’re easily the popular, well-liked person in this school. The coolest of the cool kids. People think you’re the greatest – and you are!” he hastened to add, waving his hands. “You’re funny, and friendly, and you really s-seem to take an interest in e-everyone – anybody and everyone likes to hang out with you! You could be friends with anyone! And – and I’m–” Victor swallowed, trying to find the words. “I’m – n-not that. I’m – me.”
Smiler gave him a long look – the kind of look that suggested some kind of “Victor Is Having Self-Esteem Issues Again” alarm was going off in their head. Then they put down their sandwich in favor of taking his hand. “And I like you,” they repeated, looking Victor in the eye. “Even if you’re nothing like me. Especially since you’re nothing like me! I don’t need another me in my life – I’ve already got me! But I didn’t have a ‘you’ until I met you. And now I do.” They shot him one of those stunning grins. “And I’m very happy about that.”
“I...” Victor pulled at his tie, trying not to think about how warm Smiler’s hand felt against his. This wouldn’t be half as hard if I hadn’t had a very enlightening dream about my romantic tastes last night, he groused to himself. Why couldn’t this have happened before I realized I had a crush? “I just – don’t get it? W-why you would want a me?”
“Well, for starters–”
“What’s going on?”
Victor looked up as Alice (aka the other person that he was crushing on, and who hopefully would never find out that fact) came over, carrying a tray. “I mean, I can guess from context that Victor just had a self-loathing moment, but fill me in on the specifics,” she continued, sitting down.
“Not much to fill in – Victor just asked me why I hang out with him, and I’m in the process of reminding him that he doesn’t have to be one of the ‘cool kids’ for people to like him,” Smiler told her.
“Ah.” Alice picked up a chip and popped it into her mouth. “Well, allow me to second the sentiment. I personally find ‘cool’ is often overrated.”
“Maybe, but...I-I just have a hard time seeing the a-appeal of me,” Victor said, looking between them. “Especially – Smiler, like I said, you’re already the most popular kid in school. You don’t need to hang out with someone like me if you want company. And Alice – you’re smart, you’re witty, you have an amazing imagination – oh, and you’re an incredible fencer. The absolute star of the team!”
“I’m also the girl who most people avoid because she spent the majority of her childhood in supervised hospitalization after her family died in a horrific house fire,” Alice retorted, taking a swig from her bottle of soda. “And the one who still talks to invisible creatures on the regular, because so far every medication I’ve tried has had side effects that just are not worth it. Just because I’m like, three percent jock doesn’t mean my social life is any better than yours.” She jerked her head to the side. “Do you think I understand why Smiler’s here? They could do damn better than hanging out with the local loony, that’s for sure.”
“What do I have to do to make you both understand I like you and that’s the end of it?” Smiler grumbled, folding their arms.
“Go back in time and stop the murder of my parents and sister,” Alice replied, waving a fry at them.
“Somehow convince my mother that I’m not a complete failure of a human being,” Victor muttered, looking at his feet.
Smiler sighed. “You two sometimes...look,” they said firmly, leaning across the table. “I think you’re both awesome people, all right? Alice, I agree with everything Victor said – you’re intelligent, you’ve got a great sarcastic sense of humor, and you’re frighteningly good with a sword. I respect that a lot. And Victor – you’re kind, and artistic, and really smart yourself! You know so much about butterflies, you could write your own encyclopedia! I’ve learned a lot, hanging around you!”
“Not to mention your piano skills,” Alice said, shooting Victor a little smile that made his stomach do flip-flops. “I know your parents have got you thinking that you’re not worth anything, but – you really are. To us, at least.”
“Yeah – so could you please stop trying to understand why we’re friends with you and just accept it?” Smiler added, reaching over and giving Victor’s wrist a little squeeze. Then they shot him a disarming grin. “Or do I have to kiss you silly to get that to happen?”
Victor felt himself go beet red as a certain bit of a certain dream started replaying itself in his head. “I – uh – you – um–”
“Who put you in charge of kissing him?” Alice asked, with a playful smirk that did not do anything for the images inside his brain. “Maybe I want a go at it.”
“Maybe we should just do it both at once then,” Smiler joked back. “That’d probably reset his brain.”
This time it was both Smiler and Alice blinking that alerted Victor to the fact that, once again, he’d said that out loud. He dropped his head, wincing. Oh no – that’s it, that’s the bridge too far, it doesn’t matter what they said before, me blurting out that I’d be open to kissing both of them at once is sure to make them –
There was another squeeze on his wrist, and he looked up to see Smiler and Alice looking at him with – not disgust, like he’d feared, but simple surprise. And – just perhaps, if he wasn’t seeing things – a bit of interest? Could they possibly... ? “Well,” Smiler finally said with a little wink. “Think that’s a discussion we should have after school.”
Hope alighted in Victor’s heart, chasing all the dark thoughts away. “Yes,” he breathed. “After school.”
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zylian · 2 years
Ash: Like u know the Mapicc, Subz, Vitalasy plan
Zam: what plan??
Ash: the Death Star?…….oh wait I don’t think that’s right
Zam, Planet, Leo: ?????????
Ash: why’s it have to be Zams base? Just pick another one at spawn that’s public
Planet: Nah it has to be Zams
Zam: WTF??????
Zam to chat: so apparently the ppl in like the four corners of the server are like talking up a plan and ashswag is in it but I doubt anyone in the eclipse federation is in it
Zam: Yeah he fought a 2v1 so he’s exiled from spawn
Ash: ooooooh that’s dumb so he just did a righteous suicide
Zam: (I did that too)
Ash: I find it funny how Parrot is snapping on everyone who hasn’t logged on in the past week
Leo: Parrot is so based for that
Ash: Poafa was like “yo zam send me a picture”
Zam: and Parrot was like “Ay maybe if you like log on”
Ash: Spoke says he’s on like 4 teams but keeps saying he’s gonna betray them so I just consider him solo
Planet: Spoke just plays for himself
Ash: Zam do u have a second layer on
Leo: it makes u bald bro, u look silly as f*ck
Zam: yeah but- Ur bald too I don’t know why ur talking
Leo: Yeah ur right
Ash: wth I have a full head of hair
Ash: Aren’t u on a team w “them”
Planet: Nah nah nah zam don’t listen
Ash: this guy is suspicious- maybe u should tell that to ppl planet
Planet: no no no it’s secret and it’s funny
Zam: I am so lost
Ash: I think I like Mapicc and Ro
Zam: oh ok!
Planet: HEY!! u can’t say that u can’t say that
Ash: I think I like Subz and vitalasy and Mapicc
Planet: what?
Zam: dudes adding to my trust issues smh
Zam to chat: first there’s this Mapicc and Ro guy who can stop time, second they have 20 hearts and duped gear so if they die it means nothing- and than there’s this planet lord guy who wants to find my base and has a plan for when he finds my base AND FOR SOME REASON both Ashswag and Leowook know about it-
Ash: exploits are boring when everyone uses it
Planet: but it’s just Mapicc and Ro
Ash: No it’s spoke and parrot all this mfs just exploit like I’ll just whip out the google doc
Leo: yah f*ck those mfs
Ash: yah f*ck em
Zam: Ash I don’t trust u ur like a wild card
Ash: can I be draw 4 instead
Planet: if u join my team it can be draw 5
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nimuetheseawitch · 2 years
First, I like your John HC posts, they're interesting! 💜
For the ask game, I think you know where this is going 😏😎
I'm glad you enjoy my John HC posts! I'm having a lot of fun putting way too much thought into him. Subsequently, I'm assuming you want me to talk about John :)
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I have to pick one thing? I guess I wish we could've had him be canonically queer. It wouldn't have happened, given that he was USAF during DADT and they weren't trying to be angsty and dark. But I'm also content with where it was at because canon gives us so much space to play.
my OTP: McShep. Is anyone surprised?
my crossover ship: Vala (is it cheating to consider SG-1 crossover? I've decided it's not). Vala and John are great and I love them getting together casually, I love them getting together when Daniel and Rodney are being dicks to them, I love them getting together seriously because they just get each other. They feel like/are aliens on Earth (and are always outsiders), they have daddy issues, they have commitment issues, they are survivors, they are loners who still need love, and they're both so attractive. They are also just characters I wanted to see happy.
a headcanon fact: John is missing some very strange basic life skills due to growing up wealthy, countered by the strangeness of the basic skills he did learn. For instance, he can only cook breakfast foods because he learned to cook breakfast for the morning after his hookups. So he makes really, really good breakfast but is completely helpless for anything else. (I also enjoy asexual John, or John who doesn't do hookups, in which case he still can only cook breakfast because he learned in college that you could eat breakfast for dinner and never bothered with anything else).
How I feel about this character: He's an emotionally stunted brilliant idiot who needs a hug but doesn't want a hug unless he really knows and trusts you. He is oblivious and self-destructive and I love him. He's great to project my problems on.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Rodney McKay, Vala Mal Doran, Cam Mitchell, Jennifer Keller (w/Rodney, and I really love asexual John with them - there's some great fics of this trio out there), the whole team, Evan Lorne (also Evan and Cam), Elizabeth Weir (although I prefer her with Teyla) and I'm sure there's more. He's just easy to ship.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Vala. Everything I love about them as a romantic pairing is also why I love them as friends. Or as a non-romantic sexual pairing.
My unpopular opinion about this character: honestly, I don't know what's popular or not in this fandom. And I have a lot of conflicting opinions about him. So here's just some thoughts that bother me: I don't like that he's military. Obviously the show wouldn't be anything like it is without the USAF, and John's supposed to be the least military military person in the whole franchise, but my dislike for the military is strong. So I'm super conflicted about fandom portrayals of John's relationship with the military - and those portrayals are all over the map too. I do appreciate how many fics approach it, and I appreciate that the show tried to put some nuance into its messages about war, but sometimes I just get angry about the glorification of violence and the military. Sorry, that was a depressing note to finish this on.
Thanks so much for the ask! I enjoyed working on my answers. Sorry it got dark, but then again, John gets dark. Probably wouldn't love him as much if he weren't a little fucked up.
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stitchthesewords · 2 years
Here's some fun, non-to-lightly spoilery Rift AU thoughts for everyone!
So Ren in Rift AU is inspired by the faon interpretation [maybe closer to canon? I havent watched s7] of Mayor Scar mixed w the Red King from 3rd Life - Specifically, Ren is inspired by @mochiwrites's Scar in her Good Crimes AU [Which if you haven't read you ABSOLUTELY should]. I just love how she wrote Scar to be publicly one way and Privately another, and while I certainly don't imagine that Ren the King is quite as beloved, the inspiration is there.
Originally, Rift AU was tagged w Watcher Grian but I changed that because I want to mess with the Rift as it's own separate force and leave the Watchers for something else. I think the Watchers [And Listeners! *looks at Martyn*] function more as an ancient, ANCIENT religion, maybe even older than the ancient cities.
Also another original idea that's been put to the side for now is that the Warden was a watcher - I don't know where I was originally going with that idea, but it was my first pivot after deciding Grian wasn't going to be the watcher.
For anyone curious, and because I don't know if I'll name it directly in the stories or just leave it more ambiguous, I'm basing Scar's mobility issues and chronic pain off my own experiences with Cerebral Palsy, among other things. I have a very mild for of Cerebral Palsy that left me with a weaker right side and mobility issues and I absolutely wanted to make sure Scar was still disabled even if he isn't wheelchair bound. I imagine that he certainly has a wheelchair for bad days, but those would be like. Really bad days. The staff - to - cane that he has, made out of the same magical wood as his tree, is probably good for most of the sort of bad days.
Rift AU actually started as a way for me to explore sculk and ancient cities in fiction, which is funny given that we are now 17k in and counting with no mention of either. I have plans for it, but the story needed more work up than I was originally anticipating, which is great! I'm really enjoying returning to my roots with fanfiction, which is the whole reason I started writing Rift AU in the first place
Obviously I'm sort of picking and choosing what elements from hermitcraft [and the life series] I want to include in Rift AU but I am a little bit grumpy that I started writing it before I really fully understood the king plot [When I started, I had only watched Grian and Etho. Now I've caught up on Ren, Impulse, Mumbo, and Cleo, with plans to watch Pearl, Tango, Zedaph, and Doc next. I also really want to watch Beef and Iskall lol] because now I really wanna jam the whole royal council shenanigans in there and I'm not gonna be able to without probably retconning Scar and Ren's relationship which I refuse to do!
Obviously, Mumscarian and Treebark are in the story, and there's also going to be platonic Soup Group and platonic Team ZITS [bc. Skizz deserves to be here. I love him]. I won't tell you ALL of the pairings that end up in the story because a. I feel like we're be here all day but b. some of them are spoilers but I AM planning on having Solidaritek [Apparently team ranchers is only for platonic or something???] and ZedBeef and also Ethubs all make their own appearances. There might even be some like short stories following a few of the other couples in the story because I have attachments to Ethubs in particular. IDK if you can tell but Etho is my favorite hermit and I used to watch him all the way back in 2011 on his singleplayer world. I remember the boat dispenser. My baby girl.
One of these days I will genuinely type up an essay about my latent energy theory but in case anyone else is interested here's a very short tldr version: Redstone, Glowstone, End Rods, debatably sculk [I havent decided if it falls into the same category yet tbh], etc etc all power themselves via latent energy. That latent energy is compatible with electricity in some way, as evidenced by the fact that lightning rods can be used to power redstone machines, but it's different. More in between electricity and magic - either because it actually is or because it's not as understood by the people who work it. That same latent energy is the stuff magic feeds off, like is seen in Changing of the Season to help rejuvenate Scar. Whatever it is is old. Older than the Ancient Cities since they knew to build redstone machines to distract the Warden. It's older than the end cities, too, since end rods exist. Arguably it has always been and will always be around in some way.
Also this might not interest anyone else but thoughts on vampires and elves. Vampires are more closely related to Zombies, whereas Elves [Who are Fae, which means the Vex are included here] are more closely related to Endermen than anything [<- that will come up again] - and then the Warden and sculk are like. Very distant cousins of vampires. Sort of. Their trees connect somewhere.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
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I decided to do another clear. This time, aiming for something more specific: secondary on-type damage only.
Vs. Phoebe For Dark, I went with Lysandre's Dark Pulse. I don't have Marnie at 3/5 to do full Power Trip sets, and Sentry Entry x2 makes that ill-advised anyway. Lucian is a strong pick, debuffing attack and special defense while keeping Lys' gauges high. And as always when Lucian is around, SC Jasmine is a great partner for capping off offensive needs and general tanking. Late-game, Jasmine's Safety Net means that if Lys misses a flinch, we're not immediately hosed by enemy AoE. That said, he couldn't finish the job before foe's sync. So we had to eat one. This is what got us to Lucian in the first place.
Vs. Sidney I was a bit surprised how many options there were for Fairy. In that there were any. Somehow I forgot about Anni Lillie, who I love. SS Hau is a fantastic partner to her, hitting the Alola requirements, but also providing speed boosts through Buddy Electroweb, stacks of moves up next for each field effect set, and the Fairy Zone for Moonblast. Frankly, on his own, he likely would've been enough. But I added Mina for funsies, since her Buddy move can let us finish with full HP on the team. Dunked, loser.
Vs. Drake Rock doesn't have much for secondary damage. I did Tate in the first run, so I figured now was a good time to test out Rose. Turns out, even 1/5, Rose is able to blast through CS on his secondary DPS type. So long as his GMax Move crits center. Rose's single-target damage is understandably less impressive, so the missed crit costs too much for him to recoup. At 1/5, he barely finishes the job. Colress is great for Screech and general tanking, while Oleana has a metric ton of benefits. Lead with Max Move to quad queue with Venom Drench, and her -1 cooldown offsets Rose's Max Move instead, breaking even in the first round. Rose can easily perform a denial. Added fun, the Toxic chip damage took out the left after the Max Move hit. So that's fun. The gauge issues weren't nearly as severe. Granted, we had the condition that speeds up gauge, but I like to think Oleana's Gauge Boost and Pep Rally 2 helped a lot.
Vs. Glacia One nice thing about using secondary DPS is that it doesn't feel like a complete beatdown when you use a pair like W!Jasmine. I love Jasmine, I love this alt, but I struggle to slot her in most teams just because I tend to off-type. Using just DPS on-type and having no sync damage matter does make her significantly more valuable. She's a great partner to Dojo Gloria, covering the crit rate beautifully, and adding defense buffs that will offset Close Combat penalty, making AoE stages like Glacia less threatening. Kukui was just here for Leer. I didn't have a great idea for anyone else I wanted to run.
Vs. Steven Similarly, SC Steven. Fun sync pair, very rarely used. Secondary DPS makes him a lot more engaging to run. SS Serena hasn't seen much use, so I decided to break her out with Lodge Dawn. Dawn offers both defenses and speed in one button, which is perfect complementary buffing for Serena. Team Sharp Entry also lets her start blasting early. Believe it or not, I actually didn't use Serena's sync. She's able to truck without the bonus stats. The denial required her to attack in time, and I didn't want to risk a quad queue. She would've won anyway, but sometimes it's about sending a message to the tune of 10k damage on each opponent because SC Steven is stacking damage. Speaking of, a fun fact about SC Steven is that he applies Restrain, which is what gives Serena that whole 50% bonus multiplier. He's quite exceptional for her Thousand Waves set, given rebuff, restrain, defense debuffs, and the usual boosts to physical damage.
Final Thoughts Secondary DPS is a fun way to play. It prioritizes the support EX sync, and I find a lot more value in the SEUN supports here than in the rapid clears. I know, others disagree, they want the quick finish, but that gets boring after a while, right? This just feels a bit more fun.
0 notes
arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Ahhh I love your writing sm!! Could I request how the brothers would react to an MC that's super doting and overly loving from the get-go?. Always insists on helping w cooking duty, brings the brothers coffee if they look busy, etc? pls & ty!
Tbh I don't really have a love language over than verbal but this speaks to me
In game I make my MC very much like this, overly positive and always wanting to help. Not because I have to, I could easily pick more honest or teasing options but when it comes to it. My first instinct/Response is those options because I like the idea of being helpful to people
It's only when people start using that for their advantage or make me help them out even though I'm busy or just don't want to do it. That's when there's an issue.
"oh~ Luci! You still working?"
You peered over at him at his desk, peaking from the space between the wall and the stair railing
He looked up at you with a tired expression, frowning
"I am, what do you need?"
you trotted down the rest of the steps, walking over to him with a bright smile
A tray in hand with coffee and biscuits and apple slices
"I made these for you, I know it isn't much but you're always working so hard... perhaps I can help?"
Lucifer wasn't too surprised, you were always offering your help whenever you could but it still surprised him you were so quick to offer
He didn't know how you had all that energy to face the day and then do more for others but he always enjoyed your company
"be my guest."
You grabbed a mini stool and sat beside him, you'd read over papers with him, massaging his hand whenever you noticed it cramped
He shared the snacks you got him and even revealed the mini snack draw he had in his desk
He put a finger to his lips with a smile
"don't tell my brother's, this will be just between you and me."
He showed you what he had and you picked whatever caught your fancy, happily eating as you looked over the papers
He wasn't use to Someone being nice to him so when you came along and offered acts of service - he was blown away!
Even over time he wasn't really use to it
Speaking of you and your acts or service; you were whistling a happy tune
A thick wallet in your pocket, you headed straight to mammons room
It was as if he could smell the money, he rushed to your side and started eyeing the wallet
"Stop peeking - it's a gift."
He looked at you confused but was grinning
"oh? The great Mammon can't refuse a gift!"
You placed the wallet in his hand, he let out a yelp at the weight of it
It was completely loaded!!! It was stuffed with money!
He couldn't believe it - it had to be a trick! There was no way you were giving him this much money!
"Are ya playing with me? Ha ha human."
"no tricks, you've been struggling with your debt to the witch's so I thought I'd help, I heard you've been getting in trouble with Lucifer more because of it so I wanted to help!"
He didn't even realize he teared up, he jumped towards you and hugged you close
Nuzzling your faces together as he hugged you tight
You patted his arm, laughing and it wasn't long before he was planning to spend a big splurge on you despite his issues with money already
He was shuffling into his room, headphones on and just starting to calm down
Today was hectic so he was happy to finally be back home
"Evening! Don't worry, I still used the secret password."
He threw his headphones off, face bright red
He should of known you were up to something, you kept humming whenever you entered his room
Talking about cleaning up after himself but he kept forgetting due to getting distracted
"I noticed it's gotten really messy so I decided to clean it for you but before you say anything, I know you hate when it's cleaned because you don't know where anything so I've labelled where everything has been stored if it's changed places."
He was still upset, he REALLY hated it when things are changed without him knowing first
But he looked around the room and sure enough, things were still in the cupboards and places he stacked them in and the labels were correct
Everything was completely organized! All the piled up ramen was even gone!
He exhaled a long breathe calming himself down, he was happy - really really happy
"Thanks.... just - can we arrange something next time? But I do like what you did! It looks nice - it's much better now!"
"of course, I'll ask next time - also~ I got you some special ruri-chan themed chips in hopes to make you feel better."
He moves before he knows it, hugging you tight
He's definitely embarassed afterwards and gets you out of his room before he makes himself look more like a love sick fool
But don't worry, he texts you wanting to hang out later
Satan has been locked in his room after having a big outburst earlier that day
He got overwhelmed from all the noises and threw a book at mammon
You waited awhile before going after him, wanting him to calm down and looked after mammons sore head
You grabbed the book he threw, making a nice calming tea and even made some Apple pie
When you knocked his door he freezed
"Who is it-?! Lucifer, I'm not in the mood for your scolding-"
"it's just me, I got you something!"
He opened the door for you, letting you inside
His room looked clean for once - you didn't doubt he continued his rage into his room and cleaned up to calm down
You offered him a smile, placing the tray on his bed
"I hope you like it, I made it myself."
He looked at the fresh apple pie, his stomach rumbling at the mere sight of it
"you did this...for me? Didn't I scare you?"
You hummed, sitting close to him
"yeah a little but everyone has their bad days, you having one doesn't change anything - though you do need to apologize to mammon."
He sat down by his bed, placing the tray on his lap
"you're right I do, thank you for not just seeing me as some angry creature....I didn't intend to blow up like that."
You patted his arm, still smiling
You two sat together, you read his book for him whilst he ate and drank
He was very bashful at how supportive you are but that was you, you've always been so quick to offer help or do things for people ever since you've arrived
You were good to him, he'll always appreciate that
His love language is affection and words
Yours is acts of service
It's perfect!
Though, when it was established you were quick to help and offer your service - prepare for MANY innuendos
He'll come skipping to you, draping himself off the nearest object and asking if you want to help him de-stress
Most of the time you just have spa days or lay around doing nothing
You decided to treat him today seeing as exams were stressing him out
"Asmo! Won't you help me? I have this lovely new-"
He's skidding as he appears in the doorway, ready to do whatever you want
But you just grinned, knowing your plan worked
You grabbed him and shoved him into a chair
Before he knew it; his hair was tied up and his jacket and scarf has disappeared
"oh? What's all this about? Does my love want some special care?"
"nope, I just want to look after you today~ you've been stressing over exams so much, I wanted to treat you like a prince."
He had the biggest grin on his face after that
And treated like a prince he was
You did his skin routine, brushed his hair and curled it
If he even mentioned being thirsty you were straight to getting him a nice refreshing drink
If you're able to - please carry him bridal style - he will love every second of it
"you treat me so well, I know I'm already a blessing to this demonic world but you're just pure light."
He's so love sick, an absolute fool in love
"nonsense, I'm just helping you like usual."
Which is true, you were always being helpful to him
Thats why he loved doing whatever he could for you
"Never leave the Devildom, I couldn't bare not seeing your beautiful face everyday."
You just laughed, massaging his face and gave him a quick kiss
Another person who does acts of service as a love language
Though, do forgive him if he forgets due to hunger - he'll immediately make it up to you
At this point he's become a subconscious challenge/game of service - always trying to one up each other
Currently, he was really anxious about his up coming game
It was the biggest one that R.A.D was having and was against a smaller school in the Devildom
The brothers all agreed to come watch him play and even made banners and levi brought glowsticks
You were no were to be seen
The weeks running up to the game you were always busy and whilst you still do some things for him here or there - you were mostly out of the house
But it was but a long lasting plan
You planned on supporting him the best way you could!
When he finally rolled onto the field he felt dread when he didn't spot you in the crowd
He couldn't stop frowning until he saw you, shaking pom poms and running with the cheersquad
That's right, you joined the cheer team to show your support for the lovely demon
He's so flustered and absolutely shining with joy under his helmet
As soon as he could he came running towards you and hugged you tight
"I was so worried I did something that made you drift away....you did this for me?"
"of course! I'm sorry I made you worried, I wanted to surprise you."
He had to take off his helmet after trying to nuzzle your face, you yelped when it bonked you
"This is the best thing anyone has done for me, thank you (Y/N)."
"you're welcome, now go win that game! Prove those losers that R.A.D is the best school around!"
It was no surprised that R.A.D won
The players all cheered and partied, inviting the band and cheerleaders to celebrate with them
But you decided to have a sleepover with Beelzebub, feeding him plenty of tasty foods as your own type of celebration
"Open wide."
You almost choked on the cake basically shoved in your mouth, laughing as frosting covered your nose and cheeks
You got your revenge but he happily licked what he could
This is the best celebration he could ever get
All because of you!
Even if your love language wasn't acts or service, you definitely got in the habit of doing it with this guy
He was spoilt from always being carried and pampered by his twin
He could get away with sleeping anywhere as long as he got things done and good grades
But you were always the helpful human, giving him snacks or fluffing his pillows
He's joked about getting a bell so he could call you whenever he needed you
That never happened
"Belphie!! You awake? I got something for you."
He immediately popped his head up and waved to get your attention
You showed him the cup of hot mocha you've recently made; sweet and delicious and has an extra kick to help with keeping awake
"Smells delicious, you made this?"
"yep! Now drink up, we got plans today."
He happily drunk it, feeling more awake with every gulp
By the end of the Cup he was absolutely overjoyed from the taste
Though you almost groaned in frustration when he yawned, so happy that he got sleepy
"you have anymore~? I could drink loads of these- make me more, you know how to make them, I'm too sleepy - it's your fault I'm sleepy."
You flicked his head
Reminding him to not act like a brat
But you did make him more and throughout the day you'd give him a large cup
You needed to do studies and make sure belphegor kept his grades up - Lucifer's orders
But he was already a star pupil regardless so you weren't sure why you had to
But spending time with your favourite demon was never an issue, regardless of his attitude
"We need to do this more, I love it when you look after me."
"I know, now write your answer, I need proof you're working so I don't get strung up."
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suguruverse · 3 years
hi mimi! i, really, really, REALLY love your "being best friend with..." series and i was hoping that you could do for tsukishima and yamaguchi? 🥺 thank you in advance, love! <3
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includes - tsukishima kei and yamaguchi tadashi
a/n - hehe i hope you liked this one <33
published date - 29/03/21
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- this friendship is definitely not for the weak
- shit talking 24/7
- don’t be decieved, yamaguchi isn’t all that innocent
- yall he’s literally been best friends with tsukishima all his life plus he’s a scorpio sooo nuff said
- he definitely has tea on EVERYONE
- yamaguchi is also the type of friend who lets you copy all of his work
- on the other hand, tsukishima thinks you’re insufferable
- you always insist on coming to their games and practices
- tsukishima just says that he doesn’t want you there in general (spoiler alert!! he actually does)
- but yamaguchi only says that because he thinks that he’s not going to be on court that much and that he’s probably gonna do bad anyways so he doesn’t wanna waste your time by making you watch him fail
- but when you go to their games, tsukishima does a peace sign at you after he scores a point, like he does with his brother
- when they’re feeling particularly unmotivated, you do aggressive pep talks for them
- it makes them scared but also a lil happy
- but the rest of the team is definitely scared because they just see this random girl yelling at two of their teammates but they’re enjoying being yelled at??
- masochist vibes
- omfg i literally cant deal w myself holy shit okay
- you guys have sleepovers every weekend. no questions asked.
- most because you and yams come over to tsukishima’s house all the time and unannounced and he ‘can’t be bothered kicking you guys out’ so he lets yall stay
- it’s always late nights whenever you guys get to have deep conversations
- these conversations are super important in the friendship!!
- they both struggle with insecurities and issues of their own, and since the normally don’t voice out their feelings, you try to be as supportive as possible
- but they never make you feel as if you should carry all of their burdens
- they (mostly yamaguchi) always encourages you to be more open but never forces you to
- i feel like trust and communication is vital for this friendship to last
- tsukishima is way too attentive for his own good
- if you’re having a bad day, tsukishima never really does anything but he lets yamaguchi go crazy on food, snacks and your favourite things in general
- tsukishima know that you like hugs so on special occasions, he’ll let you hold onto him longer than usual
- THEY BOTH LOVE BACK HUGS it makes them feel safe and secure
- pls you initiate most of the physical affection and they love it so much
- tsukishima acts like he hates it, but if you don’t greet him with a good morning hug or kiss on the forehead/cheek, he’s gonna be grumpy for the entire day
- i feel like for this friendship to have happened, yall would have had to grown up together 
- also yamaguchi worries over you almost too much
- his brain is 50% worrying about you, 25% volleyball and 25% school
- yall eat lunches together everyday
- sometimes yamaguchi will make you and tsukishima lunches or just little snacks like cookies
- on birthdays, they go full out
- they bring party hats, ALL of your favourite foods with serving sizes that could feed their team and a cake (strawberry shortcake of course because tsukishima was being stingy and chose the cake that he wanted)
- they insist on walking you home every single night
- and when you’re up at 2am wanting to get snacks, tsukishima acts as if you’re crazy and should be sleeping but he still walks with you to the store because ‘only a dumbass would go out alone this late and he didn’t want to hear yamaguchi cry everyday if you got kidnapped’
- yamaguchi leaves motivational notes on your desk and locker
- tsukishima has made you cry while trying to tutor you multiple times
- and yamaguchi yells at him every time he makes you cry
- also yamaguchi can be hella intimidating when he tries
- so don’t worry if anyone is bothering you bc they’re your biggest protectors
- the LITTLEST things you do for them will get them flustered and happy
gc name: y/n’s sluts 🤑🤑
you: KEI
tsukishima: jesus i’m here what happened
tsukishima: what’s wrong with him
tsukishima: omw where r u
yamaguchi: hi guys
yamaguchi: hehe i’m alright :)
yamaguchi: they were actually trying to confess to tsukki, they thought he would be with me
you: aww babes are you okay ??
yamaguchi: mhm!! just a little embarrassed, that’s all
you: i’ll come over to u
you: plus why are they confessing to kei, he’s an asshole 😒 tadashi is way more boyfriend material
tsukishima: i’m right here you brat
you: 🤪🤪
tsukishima: anyways, let’s go already, we need to get snacks for movie night at yamaguchi s
yamaguchi: mine?? i thought we normally go to urs
tsukishima: shut up, deal with it
you: don’t be rude to my lovely tadashi!!
you: we’re doing movie night at urs bc keis doesn’t want akiteru to interrupt the movie
yamaguchi: oh okay!! i’m picking the movie this time
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chainofclovers · 3 years
Nate the Great
Hello, I am here because I cannot stop thinking about Nathan Shelley and the many things that are Happening with him. Spoiler-cut for spoilers through Ted Lasso 2x8 and speculation based on conversations w/@bristler, other people in the fandom, a really great interview with Nick Mohammed, and the endless barrage of thoughts in my head!
In 1x7, when Nate gets his chance to roast the players before their match in Liverpool, I both delighted and cringed at the moment. Nate's big moment gets the intended results--he riles up the players by hitting them where it hurts, and that energy nets Ted and the team a much-needed win. But I've always felt that part of why Nate is allowed to deliver his speech in such an uncensored way has a lot to do with Ted's shame that he got drunk and snapped at Nate the night before. It took vulnerability for Nate to decide to slip his thoughts about the team underneath Ted's door, and Ted wasn't in a position to recognize that act for what it was; Ted makes Nate feel weak, and that's got to be crushing coming from someone who's become a mentor and friend. At the same time, Ted is starting to evolve into a person who understands winning is important, so he makes the call that's going to help the team win...and ends up unwittingly rewarding the crueler parts of Nate in the process.
Fast forward to season 2, and Nate still hasn't learned the difference between vulnerability and weakness. The people in his life who understand the difference haven't fully comprehended how much Nate needs to learn it, and they haven't taught him, and Nate's own feelings of self-worth are so bound up in external factors that he's not able to pick it up by osmosis, either.
So now I can't stop thinking about the moment in 2x8 when Higgins and the coaches huddle before the big match and Ted tells everyone he's been having panic attacks. Everyone goes around and spontaneously shares something they've been keeping to themselves, and each person's admission feels like an act of solidarity. Vulnerability. But Nate sees weakness, and his own admission is actually about his ability to be calculating--his ability to make an idea feel spontaneous.
I keep imagining a moment when fame- and power-hungry Nate gets an opportunity to be in the spotlight, and I imagine another moment like the locker room scene in 1x7. A moment with spontaneous-feeling energy that's actually totally calculated. And this time, instead of a cringe-y moment easily forgotten because it brought victory, this moment could be devastating and profoundly regrettable.
Because what if Nate tells the press his own version of the vulnerable stories his friends and colleagues shared in confidence. The weak versions of their vulnerability.
In my imagined version of Nate's words to the press, Ted isn't a man seeking treatment for his panic disorder; he's unfit to coach due to untreated mental illness. Roy isn't an impatient person who doesn't bother to read the coaching reports Ted, Beard, and Nate put together; he's a star whose ego allows him to coast on fame without having to bother with the details of the team. Higgins isn't a harried, office-less professional who messed up a timezone; he's inept and in over his head and sabotaged the roster of the team. Beard isn't a normally-perceptive coach who made a mistake with the mushroom tea because he's being abused by his girlfriend and lacks his usual support system; he's a drug user who lets his personal relationships get in the way of his professional responsibilities.
There's a grain of truth to everything Nate says, but he's lacking the spirit of why he has this information, the context of vulnerability, the preciousness of this one oasis of connection between coaches who are currently disjointed.
I know there's a lot of talk about the relationship between Sam and Rebecca and the Dubai Air and Bantr sponsorships and how those could be a big issue in the press. I definitely think that's a big possibility, but everyone involved in that subplot has a support system. They have a place to land no matter how bad things get, and the show already does a great job depicting how incredibly cruel and unfair the British press can be about personal matters.
This stuff with Nate, though...while the coaches do have a support system and people they can trust, all those connections seem so much more tenuous. And Nate isn't able to trust anyone right now, least of all himself. So the more abusive he gets, he could really fuck a lot of people over, and he might be the one who gets the most hurt in the end.
There's a lot to appreciate about the interview with Nick Mohammed linked above, but I want to particularly call out the fact that he points out that in s1, when he's angry with Rebecca, he calls her a "shrew." I knew that wasn't just a throwaway line, a moment of casual misogyny overlooked, somehow, by the multi-gender writers' room. It was absolutely intentional, absolutely a sign of how far he can go even on a dime when he's upset. He also points out the importance of Rebecca telling him early in s2 that he deserves what he wants. Imagine the irony of that coming back to haunt her if Nate betrays the team (and Rebecca by extension), or if he hurts Rebecca again more personally. I also appreciate that Mohammed lets us know that he's not going to die in season 2 and that he has a storyline in season 3.
I just think there's going to be a lot of pain on the way there.
(This show is so good. Even if it goes nothing like what I'm predicting here, I have every confidence that the betrayal arc is going to be intense and earned.)
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feyre-darling92 · 2 years
Captain & Major P.2
Cassian Andor x reader
Guess who became obsessed with writing this and decided to write instead of socializing or doing something useful for society? Yup, That’s me.
Here’s Part 2.
T/W: Bad writing, swearing, let me know if there’s something else
Word Count: 1k
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“So, what about the mission?” you asked after a while.
“What about the mission?” he raised an eyebrow, not taking his eyes from the sky.
“What is it about?”
“Haven’t you been told?”
“Even though I trust the rebellion, I believe that they haven’t even told me half of it”
He gave you a small nod.
“And if they haven’t told you, why should I?”
“Oh, please. If we’re gonna work together we have to trust each other”
“And how can I trust you?”
“I am a Major and I’ve given my life to the rebellion. What do you want me to do, die heroically on a mission, and be remembered as a savior to trust me?”
“I don’t know. Many have been proven to be spies for the empire”
“You know, trust goes both ways”
“Oh, and do you trust me?”
“Yes. Although I hate your guts”
The corners of his mouth twitched into a smile. “Alright then”
“But if you betray me,” he said after a few seconds “I’ll do what I must”
“Calm down, patriot”
“We have information that there is a new weapon. We will meet our contact, we are informed that he has information about it”
“Then” he looked at you “if we have survived, we will try to stop them from constructing it”
“Wonderful,” you said ironically.
“Isn’t it?” he laughed and it was the best sound you’d ever heard.
You immediately threw this thought out of your mind and focused on the view in front of you.
Judging by your experience you had a couple of hours ahead of you, so you decided to do something else. Travels by ship weren’t the best for you.
You got up and picked up your bag bringing it with you back where you sit. You searched for a book you’d brought with you and when you finally found it you threw your bag behind you.
“Are you going to read?”
“Yeah, is there anything wrong with it?”
“No, I just-” he paused for a moment, “I just don’t know anyone who reads for fun”
“Well, here I am. How about you?”
“I have more important things to do than read”
“Hey, reading is important too!”
“In fact reading can improve your vocabulary, stronger your brain and give you important information about many things. In one word, it makes you smarter” K2 appeared from behind you. “Which is why in fact Major Y/N is smarter than you”
You smiled at the comment and looked at Cassian who was now angry. “K2,  I swear-”
“Alright, alright, I’m leaving,” he said and headed back where he was sitting.
“Why are you angry? He spoke the truth” you grinned and he gave you a furious look,
“Just shut up and read before I decide to kill you” he muttered angrily under his breath.
“You know, Captain, you may have a god complex” you could hardly suppress your laugh.
“I may have, Major, but I also have anger issues. So you might want to go at the back and sit with K2 before I decide to do something we’ll both regret” he half joked.
“Ok, ok. But I know that you’ll miss my company”
“Oh, I will. But it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make”
You got up, took your book with you, and sat next to K2.
“It was a matter of time for you to start fighting. Actually, the percentage was about-”
“Yeah, I know. High enough. Guess now we’re on the “Don’t get any closer or you’ll die” team”
“He’ll calm down. He just wants to act superior to anyone else when you’re around”
“Excuse me what?”
“uh ok,” you said and started reading, K2′s words still running in your mind.
“Get ready to land” Cassian yelled after about an hour and you ran at the co-pilot’s seat.
The land was successful and you got out of the ship.
“K2, you stay here”
“Do you think an imperial droid will go unnoticed?” 
“It’s not unusual for them to wander around in the cities” you stepped in.
“Yes, but an imperial robot next to two civilians? This is unusual”
“K2, he’s right. Maybe you should stay. For your own safety, of course. I can’t imagine what we’d do without your help” you made a pause and Cassian gave you a questioning look. “So, what do you think?”
“I think that you use your diplomatic skills to convince me and even though they’re good enough, I am a droid. I can’t be fooled”
“I’ll stay” K2 finally said. “Only because I like you more than him” he gestured to Cassian.
“Oh, great. What’s next? Are you gonna make an anti-Cassian team?” Cassian walked past you and you ran to get to him.
“We already have,” you said and began to walk next to him.
It isn’t that bad, you thought. 
“Where are we going to meet our contact?” he asked you.
“Follow me,” you said and he did.
“Do you know this place? Or are we going to get lost?”
“What did we say about trust?”
“Alright. But how do you know this place?” 
“I’ve lived here for two years”
He gave you an understanding nod and you continued.
You wandered around for a few minutes before you found the bar you were looking for. As you entered you noticed that there was all kind of creatures and you were the only humans, which made you easily noticeable.
“So, how are we gonna find him?”
“Oh, we won’t find him. He will find us” you replied with a grin and drank the drink the bartender had brought you.
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lasquadrasfuckhouse · 3 years
What do you think about la squadra(separately) with s/o that is very childlish? Like, not a little child ofc, they can get serius when it has to be, and they talk ,like, normally (without "owo uwu" shit). They just loooove some cute things, animals etc. They also love watching cartoons, play games, and many other things likke that.
If you don't want to write it that's okay :)))
Bye bye <3
awwww i love it!!!!!
la squadra with a cutesy and playful partner 😚
risotto ✂️
he loves cute things too, he gets it. he adores how excitable and sweet you are and you absolutely count as cute things that he loves
the two of you will fawn over the neighbourhood cats together and every time you run into his office with fun shaped snacks to share cause u both love them (like gummies or cookies or chocolates) his heart goes ❤️❤️❤️❤️💕❤️💕❤️❤️💕💕💕
he appreciates that you're not afraid to get serious when the time calls for it too but seeing you without your normal attitude is so jarring and sad for him, he'll work twice as hard to fix what's wrong to see you smiling again. you're so full of love and wonder despite everything and that's so precious to him, he's protective (he knows and respects that you can handle yourself he just loves u) and would never want you to change for the wrong reasons ya kno
you absolutely balance each other out very well and you're fucking adorable to see because he's so stoic and scary and then ur this energetic sweetheart
he's not really one for cartoons or video games but he'll indulge ur interests!!! if he has the time to watch a cute movie with u (like disney) he will pay attention and give u his honest opinion
prosciutto 🚬
honestly when you first joined the team he was an ass about it, thought it was unbecoming of an assassin to behave so childishly (the others already give him a headache) but the fact that you stood your ground actually really impressed him. you're still an adult and you're not unreasonable, you know when to take things seriously, you just have your eccentricities like everyone else in this circus and he came to appreciate your point of view and your seemingly boundless enthusiasm for nice things in life. he later expressed as much to you during his apology for being an ass.
you temper each other. he'll be your grounding force and you'll help him loosen up
he does like how ur sweet and open with your affection. if he grumbles about sharing the bed with plushies that's code for 'cuddle me instead'
he also loves bringing you to cafés that do those fancy or fun shapes in the lattes cause he loves to see your eyes light up and fawn over how 'its almost too pretty to drink!!!' it's really quite adorable how excitable u are and prosciutto is not immune to it
pesci 🎣
he very very much loves and appreciates it, you're a big comfort to him. the instant you chugged milk with him and gave him a silly grin with a milk moustache, he was in love
your sweetness and energy picks him up and when you've dropped your attitude he will take on the WHOLE WORLD to hear you laugh again. he's very protective and he's the first to jump to your defense if the others tease you or otherwise give you a hard time
he could listen to you gush for hours. he will absolutely sit and watch cartoons with u. he's not the greatest at video games but he'll try his best for u
because of his name you'll often lovingly make that cute fishy face at him with the kissy lips and ur eyes crossed and his heart explodes every time
he has somewhat of a sweet tooth, he likes things that have a light sweetness to them rather than anything super sugary. you'll share desserts and it's very cute
formaggio 🧀
he LOVES IT. he's just as fun-loving, there's never a dull moment with you two whether you're playing a dumb game you made up out of boredom, you're dancing and he's twirling you around, or ur in a pillow/tickle fight and play wrestling. you tend to get each other into trouble but you both snicker about it. two peas in a pod.
cats like you more than they like him but he can often get his pets in if the kitty is curled in ur lap and u both get giddy about it
you definitely game together. he's not as into the cartoons but he'll still watch em with you, he thinks they're cute and you're cute, but he may fall asleep during movies
he's a very grounding support when things require you to be serious, you work together hand in hand to solve the issue so u can get back to laughing
and he will do anything to hear u giggle, doesn't matter if he makes a damn fool of himself, he doesn't care. as far as he's concerned your laugh is the best sound in the world
illuso ✨
oh, he will tease you about it. probably in a way that's kind of mean when you first join, but you aren't bothered by him or concerned with his opinion. if you point out that he's the childish one for trying to get a rise out of you when you're just minding your own business, that has EVERYONE appreciating you because it's unbearably fun to see illuso taken down a notch. that has him huffing and retreating for a bit and having a think. when he comes back, he's less of an ass. as you grow closer, he apologizes.
now the only way he teases is gentle and loving and fond, because you really are quite adorable and he wouldn't have it any other way. it honestly kind of freaks him out when you get serious but he doesn't show it, he'll just place a gentle hand on your arm or your waist and work with you to resolve the issue. he's relieved when you smile again
he warms up to your plushies because they're nice cozy additions to his piles of pillows for lounging around on and they make u happy
he may keep up his aloof air when he picks up a controller with u or watches over ur shoulder like he has nothing better to do but he gets REALLY into it and competitive, or intensely supportive and backseat gaming if ur going solo
he honestly loves how sweet u are because that sort of thing doesn't really come easy to him
melone 🍈
he thinks ur absolutely adorable and makes sure u know it. he's playful too in a more relaxed sort of way so he mellows you out while still having fun
he loves to hear you gush and wants to get involved in ur passions. he's pretty good at gaming but he'll get more into admiring/analyzing the design aspect of it and same w/ cartoons, he's concerned for all the babies out there because they deserve good stories that make them think and benefit their growth and he will think out loud about how a show/movie fares in that regard after you've watched it together
he can talk a lot about animals with u too!!!! every time u grin or coo at a cute creature or Stay Very Still so a butterfly will land on u and giggle cause it tickles, his heart is doing backflips and he can't believe someone as wonderful as u exists and loves him as much as he loves you
ADULT COLOURING BOOKS!!!!! he absolutely loves to fill in the pages with u and add onto the designs outside the lines in all sorts of colours
he admires that ur not afraid to get serious when it's called for but still so sweet, he's so drawn to you and you make everyone's day better and just light up the room
ghiaccio ❄️
he also loves cute things. that includes u. but it will take him a while to admit out loud how adorable you are because he's flustered about it
forget normie relationship milestones like moving in together, the moment u both started slowly familiarizing your plushie collections to each other, swapping or gifting ones u saw and HAD to get for them or keeping two of them together because they're friends now Do Not Seperate!!!!, he knew this was Real
one of his favorite pastimes is sharing a big big cozy sweater with u, it doesn't matter if it's a bit tight with two people in it or that ur faces are squished together, he'll wrap his arms around u (if u haven't already put ur hands in the sleeves too) and cuddle u against him like a fluffy, snuggly, grumpy cat. welcome to sweater town, population u and ghiaccio
ur both very into pokemon too. you'll spend hours with ur heads bent together over ur gameboys with each other's companion games for that generation and help each other with trading and version exclusives
he's the first to yell at anyone for teasing you and he honestly gets a little freaked out when you go serious but he won't show it. he'll want to address the problem as quickly as possible tho and discreetly hug u when ur giggling again
sorbet and gelato 🔪🍦
THEY LOVE IT UR ADORABLE. they're both playful in their own ways (sorbet is more chill and dry wit sort of playful, gelato is no impulse control and hyena cackling sort of playful) and they love to have fun with u
it's also like.... the world is fucked up and they're both kinda fucked up (more than kinda), and they know you're not like an innocent baby or at all incompetent (hell, you may be kinda fucked up too, who isn't when ur an assassin) but it's just. nice to see someone else having fun and being sweet and enjoying things about life. so they are very protective of you when things get serious, they never EVER want to see you become embittered and will do absolutely anything to get you laughing again as soon as possible. which, guaranteed, they do
gelato has always had a short attention span so he knows what to do for entertainment and sorbet knows how to entertain, he may be the more patient one but they both like to mix things up and keep the surroundings interesting. they will play all sorts of games with u, video games or card games or stupid shit like beer pong or making a game of how many marshmallows u can each fit in ur mouths. you'll all go for a nice walk in the park and nothing is more relaxing for sorbet than kickin back on a bench while his rowdy babes end up tussling in the dirt. be free
of course, u and gelato also drag him into the dirt and put flowers in his hair and he would want nothing less
they'll both squish ur cheeks and lovingly tease u about how cute u are. blow a raspberry at them and they'll give u a kiss
sorbet will throw u over his shoulder and carry u around (no matter ur body type, he's strong!!!) + gelato will smatter ur face in kisses, just to hear u squeal and giggle
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