#Especially if she walks in on them macking in the back room when they refuse to come back from their break
artiststarme · 10 months
Baby, it's cold outside
@nburkhardt, you asked for a cute introspective fic, I hope this fits! I hope everyone likes it and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Eddie Munson had always hated winter. He hated snow, sleet, frost, and hail. Unfortunately for him, that's all there was in Indiana between late November to early March. The nights grew darker, the trailer was always slightly too cold, and his loneliness seemed exacerbated. Unlike the peacefulness and solitude that he felt in autumn, empty nights in the trailer’s living room while Wayne was at work only served to make him feel alone… burdensome. 
It wasn’t like he could cry to his uncle about feeling lonely when he’d been pulling double shifts at the plant practically since Eddie had moved in with him. He couldn’t complain to his bandmates that hardly put up with him enough to call them friends. And it wasn’t like he had anyone else in the town that cared about him even remotely. 
Most of all though, Eddie hated how the winter reflected the frigidity of the town. He knew they hated him year-round but it seemed so much more prominent in the cold. Their malicious laughter when he slipped on ice, the hardly-visible sneers from underneath scarves, and cruel words seemed harsher. 
One winter day though, everything changed for Eddie. He’d chosen that day to avoid the stifling isolation at his trailer. Winter had only just begun but its effects were already visible. Eddie’s pale skin looked paler, the bags under his eyes were heavier, and the tip of his nose was almost permanently red. The weather was dreadful, softly snowing with the flakes sticking to the ground. Still, he had to leave the trailer park to keep his sanity, weather be damned. He sat on a low hanging swing at the elementary school playground, snowflakes stuck to his hair and a blunt between his lips. He was still alone but it wasn’t so unbearable out in the open. 
“Hey, uh. Mind if I join you?”
A sudden voice took away Eddie’s peace and he flailed like a cat electrocuted before he was able to regain his bearings and grip the swing chains with a vice grip. He choked on the smoke of his blunt and looked through leaking eyes up at the cause of his shock. 
“The fuck?” He hacked while trying to determine who’d bothered him.
“I’m sorry man, I really didn’t mean to scare you. I just… you looked lonely and I’m kinda lonely too so I thought we might as well be less lonely together,” the stranger’s voice seemed genuinely apologetic and it pulled the strings in Eddie’s heart. As soon as his vision cleared though, his system was flushed with ice.
“Harrington? What the fuck are you even doing here? You come all the way over here to pick on little ole me? Pathetic. Where are your cronies, hiding behind the bushes waiting for your signal so you all can jump me? Fuck you,” Eddie snarled before trying to get up from his place. He stopped only once Harrington’s hands landed on his shoulders and pushed him back down. 
Harrington looked gutted, “no man, I’m alone. I was just… trying to get out of the house when I saw you here. I’m sorry for bothering you, I’ll uh. I’ll see you around, Munson.”
Despite his words, he stayed still for a moment longer, eyes focused directly on Eddie’s. Upon closer inspection, he didn’t appear to be the King Steve he always was at school. He wasn’t confident here. His posture was slumped, his mouth was twisted in a grimace, and his perfect hair looked like he’d tried to pull it out himself. Most notably though were the angry bruises on his cheekbone and along his jaw. Eddie had seen more than enough abuse in his life and the aftermath left it like a scar. Hell, he saw it every day in the mirror. 
He couldn’t let Steve leave with this revelation. It seemed that the King and the Freak had more in common than they’d ever known. With a sigh, he pulled a fresh blunt out of his leather jacket pocket and handed it to Steve. 
“Here man, I could use the company. And I’m not sure I could finish this one alone.”
Steve’s grimace fell to reveal the most breathtaking smile Eddie had ever seen. “I’m sure you could Munson, but I’ll stick around. Thanks!”
They sat on the swings in the snow for what seemed like hours. They talked, they laughed, they sat in comfortable silence at times. When their hands got too frozen and their faces flushed, they stood awkwardly as if neither one wanted the night to end. 
“So uh, you want to come back to my place? It’s closer and I have hot chocolate,” Eddie muttered, his fingers twisting his rings in anxiety. He didn’t know what the fuck was happening here but he knew he didn’t want it to end. 
Steve ducked his head to hide a grin, but accepted nonetheless. “Lead the way, Munson.”
They spent the remainder of the night drinking hot cocoa, cuddling in Eddie’s small twin bed, and sleeping off what was a great night for them both. When they woke up, things weren’t awkward or stilted, it felt like they were just as they should be. Thus in the winter of 1983, King Steve and Eddie “the Freak” Munson became friends in the public eye. It caused quite the stir around both the school and the town alike but it didn’t bother them. And in the safety and privacy of their homes, they became more. They became more than strangers or friends and instead evolved directly into boyfriends that held hands, space heaters for each other in the cold of the trailer, and partners that they could each depend on. 
After what started off as a dreary night alone in an empty playground, Eddie’s life changed for the better. From that day forward, his hatred of the winter faded into a feeling of gratitude. The cold weather had guided two lost and lonely souls toward each other. After that, seeing snow or frost, or sleet always reminded Eddie of the day that he and Steve became each other’s person. They would never be alone again as long as they had each other. 
My Permanent Tag List: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @ksherlock15 @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschildextra @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1 @devondespresso @gregre369 @mysticcrownshipper @disasterlia @lillys-weird-world @messrs-weasley @orangesunsets12 @awkotaco24 @pukner
@strangerthingfanfic @dangdirtydemons @bookworm0690 @hannahhook7744 @dreamlandforever @marsbars97 @precursorandthedragon @romanticdestruction @5ammi90 @death-thee-nervousqueer @panicatthediaz @justforthedead89 @fandommaniac123
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sunnyie-eve · 2 years
Getting In Trouble (Pt.2)
Series: Never Leave You | OBX
Paring: (JJ Maybank x OFC! Rafe Cameron x OFC!)
Word Count: 2443
Warnings: mention of abuse
Last | Next
After JJ steals some of the money from the safe, the group discusses what they should do and whether they should take it back, especially after seeing Scooter wash up on shore. They don't do that though and instead decide to throw a party for now. Callie seemed to be the one who wanted nothing to do with what was going on even after everyone slowly gave in.
"Sorry, you came back and got dragged into this." John B sits next to Callie as she sits on a tree branch alone with her beer.
"I just can't get in trouble, Johnny. If Joey finds out, I'm screwed." She sighs looking down at her cup.
"Joey?" He raises an eyebrow wanting to know who Joey was.
"My aunt's husband. Technically they aren't even married so that's why I always say boyfriend. He refuses to actually do it so they just use the terms because they've been together for so long. He's a total prick."
"Why would you be screwed though?" He asks her.
"As I said he's a prick and you don't want to see him angry. I don't know why she's still with him... how he treats us." She takes a drink of her beer.
"Treats us?" He starts to get worried about her.
"You get what I mean." She tells him so he puts an arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to his side.
"If you wanna talk, I'm here for you. I know four years have passed by but it doesn't feel like that with you back home now." He rests his head on top of hers.
"What happened to your dad? I didn't see him or hear him when I came over earlier." Callie lifts her head to look at him.
"Umm, he disappeared at sea nine months ago looking for a shipwreck. My Uncle T became my legal guardian but at the moment he's in Mississippi building houses. So it's just me and the Pogues. The law wants to put me in foster care to be in a safe loving home." John B tells her everything.
Callie didn't exactly know what to say to that. She felt sorry for him of course, "You aren't believing he's gone until you see a body?" She tilts her head.
"Exactly. No body, not dead to me." He nods his head so she gives him a smile. "I miss your smile when you had braces." He makes her jaw drop, "Because you used to get so insecure about them so I had to tell you how good you look with them. It was my job while JJ joked around about them."
"I hated them. I was so happy when I got to take them off." She makes a face.
"Your smile was great with them and now still without them."
"Are you flirting with me or?" Callie laughs at him making him chuckle.
"Depends, you want me to flirt with you or?" They both just smile at each other.
"So Pogues can't mack each other but Pogues can flirt with each other?" Callie tilts her head.
"Technically you left us so you aren't a Pogue anymore until I let you join again." John B points his finger at her.
"What I went through today sneaking into a motel room and hiding from the cops doesn't make me automatically join again?" She playfully shoves him while Kiara watches them from a distance.
"What up?" JJ asks her looking at the two in the distance laughing. "They're just friends catching up. She was our best friend, remember." JJ lets her know watching the two closer. John B and Callie kept giving each other flirty smiles and looks making JJ laugh, "Yeah, catching up. Don't worry." He walks away to drink more not wanting to think anything more.
"So you really aren't letting one of the original three Pogues not back in?" Callie smacks John B's arm.
"Fine, you're back in." He smacks her back.
"What is she doing here?" Kiara sees Sarah in the distance as she walked by Callie and John B making them look over at her.
"What Kiara doesn't like Sarah?" Callie asks.
"You know the Kook princess? She used to be Kiara's best friend in the ninth grade, then her worst enemy in the tenth grade. And that's Topper, her not-so-pleasant boyfriend. He thinks we were bred to mow lawns." John B gives her the rundown.
"Wow. She seemed nice when we went to her place for dinner. Her dad is old friends with Joey." Callie nods her head.
The two end up talking by themselves the whole night even though there were tons of people around them. "I gotta find another drink." John B gets up so they walk together running into JJ offering a drink until he starts talking to Sarah.
Her boyfriend ends up being a dick, smacking the drink at JJ and making JJ grab him by the shirt starting a fight so John B, Callie, and Pope stop him.
"Dirty Pogues!" Topper shouts making John B rush at him to shove him starting a bigger fight.
Everyone started to shout fight and JJ wasn't any help in the situation. "You're not helping JJ!" Callie slaps his chest.
Topper ends up starting to drown John B by holding him in the shallow water making Callie run over trying to stop him just to get elbowed in the face. She knew it was no use to fighting him so she goes for his hands trying to get his grip to loose.
JJ ends up going over with the gun out, "Yeah, you know what this is. Your move, broski." JJ tells Topper.
"JJ put the gun down." Callie shouts as she pulls John B back to fall into her chest as he calms his breathing.
Everyone ran off even more after JJ shot off into the air making Kiara and Pope yell at him while Callie held John B in her arms still as the waves hit her back rocking them.
Once he was able to calm down he got up making Callie storm over to JJ, "Are you insane or just really fucking stupid?! We're supposed to lay low and you use the gun you stole? I get it, you saved him but come on dude!" She shoves him back before heading off to go home for the night.
"How was your day out, Cal?" Tess asks as Callie walks inside the house.
"What happened?" Her aunt gets up to look at Callie's red cheekbone which was slowly bruising up as she walks into view.
"This chick's boyfriend and JJ started a fight so John B jumped in to stop but then those two started fighting. Topper started to drown John B in the water so I ran over to help him. This was the result of an elbow to the face." Callie explains to the two.
"Of course, you get into a fight for a boy." Joey scoffs.
"Did you miss the part where I said Topper was drowning him? Was I supposed to watch a childhood friend drown?" Callie snaps back making her aunt tell her to stop. "I'm going to bed." Callie storms up to her room.
Once she was ready for bed she just lays in the dark before she hears tapping on her window. She sits up looking to see JJ outside smiling, "What the hell are you doing?" She opens her window so he climbs in.
"Thank god that tree is still there to get up here." He laughs making her shush him, "Also you guys got power over here?"
"Yeah, we have a backup generator. Why are you here, JJ?" She huffs.
"I wanted to make sure you were okay. You took that elbow to the face well." He sits on her bed causing her to sigh because she's used to getting hit because of Joey.
"Not my first time in a physical fight." She forces a smile as shouting downstairs starts.
Tess and Joey were fighting about Callie. How they moved here so she could feel comfortable but now she's getting in fights with boys for a boy.
"She was helping her friend!" Tess yells making Joey throw shit around in the kitchen so she dodges things.
JJ looks at Callie as she gets up going to her bedroom door locking it for her safety as shit breaks downstairs along with all the screams.
Callie walks back over to her bed bringing her knees up to her chest looking at JJ, "Thought I got away from all the screaming when my dad went away. He only got replaced with someone different."
That's one thing the two of them had in common and understood each other's troubles. JJ really thought Callie got lucky when she had to go live with her Aunt. He thought she was finally free from the abuse but in reality she just hopped into another sinking boat.
JJ lays down opening his arms towards her motioning for her to lay down so he can hold her so she does. JJ's fingers lightly go up and down Callie's arm as she cuddles into his chest. The yelling was still going on downstairs so JJ starts to hum.
"I don't mind spending every day. Out on your corner in the pouring rain. Look for the girl with the broken smile. Ask her if she wants to stay a while." JJ whispers the lyrics, "And she will be loved." He whispers in a ridiculous tone making Callie quietly giggle with her eyes closed.
Callie ends up falling asleep at some point and during that time the yelling finally stopped and JJ didn't want to leave her side. Carefully he moves so Callie rolls off him sound asleep as he tucks her in before climbing back out her window.
The next morning Callie wakes up wondering at what point in the night did JJ leave. For the day she had her bikini on under her overalls shorts with a baby yellow crop tank top just in case. Looking in the mirror she could see her left cheekbone now had a noticeable bruise from Topper elbowing her in the face last night.
"Plan on getting in trouble today again?" Joey asks as Callie walks into the room.
"Not really."
"If you get in trouble again because of a boy..." He gives her a look.
"Where's my aunt?" She ignores the look.
"She left for work. Speaking of work, why don't you get a summer job?"
"Because my aunt said I don't have to. Now, I'm heading out." Callie makes her way towards the door heading to John B's place.
When she gets to the house she just walks in to see him sitting on the futon with his head down, "How you doing?" She asks so he looks up at her showing his black eye.
"Sheriff came by to check on me since DCS called her. Asked about the fight and asked if we came across the wreck yesterday." He lays back frustrated, "She said she would help me with the whole foster care situation if I stay out of the marsh."
"What like for a couple of days? It shouldn't be that hard. Especially if foster care is on the line and she can help you stay here." Callie sits down looking back at him.
"I know, and I need that because my uncle has been gone for three months." He sighs running his hands through his hair.
"Cool black eye." Callie decides to play around to ease some stress.
"Cool bruise." He nods his head at her letting out a chuckle.
"So when do the others show up when they don't crash here?" Callie lays back turning her head to look at him.
"Who knows?"
"You going to tell them?" She asks as he rolls over resting his head on her stomach so she puts her hand in his hair.
"Most likely." He closes his eyes thinking of what he wants to do.
One by one the groups show up and as they all sit out back John B tells them he's calling everything off because he wants the help. JJ and John B end up arguing about the situation before he convinces John B they have nothing to lose.
Defying the rules, the five decide to head back to the wreck, this time with a scuba tank, John B stole from his rich boss Ward Cameron. After a small discussion on who was going to dive, John B decides to go down there. While Pope does some math to calculate for him, Kiara jumps into the water.
"What was that all about?" Callie looks at the boys confused.
"I have no idea. So when you're down there, you look for the cargo hold. You stick this thing inside and twist and pull, okay." JJ tells his best friend as Kiara comes back up saying what she did.
"If we get caught we're all screwed so get a move on and be careful shitbird." Callie tells John B as he gets ready.
Before he goes Kiara kisses his cheek as a be careful and good luck. JJ looks at Callie but she was already looking at him. To her little knowledge of yesterday, she got the hint he kinda had a thing for her.
"Why did you look at me?" She giggles standing next to him.
"Why did you look at me?" He asks her the same thing.
"You like Kiara." She mouths to him making him shrug his shoulders. Yeah, he used to but with Callie back his feelings from when they were younger were coming back to the surface.
"Not really. Like I said it's for fun and being playful."
"Now, why did you look at me?" She nudges him.
"You two were flirty yesterday at the beach." He whispers annoyed.
"We were being playful." She tells him so they just look at each other before police sirens go off. "Just act normal, guys." Callie sits down next to Kiara.
"How you kids doing? You know the marsh is closed?" The deputy tells them so they act like they didn't know and ask why then say they haven't seen anything. "Where's your friend you always hang with? He here?"
"He's working." Kiara speaks up with a disappointed smile.
The deputy goes onto their boat to check it out so they let him then after a bit he leaves them John B comes up. A rogue boat quickly approaches them making to go as fast as they could.
"Umm, they're following us." Callie speaks up looking back making John B go fast as he could.
A gunshot is fired at them and they all duck down. "Oh, my god. We're gonna die." Pope says.
"That's helpful Pope!" Callie shouts, staying down as JJ makes sure she was covered.
Kiara manages to stop the guy's following them with a bit of ingenuity letting them get away. Back on shore, they all open the bag to find a compass. Everyone but Callie and John B gets disappointed because she recognizes seeing that exact one years ago.
"This was my father's."
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uniquewritersblock · 2 years
What Keeps You Safe
Hi new oc alert. Elias is the captain as opposed to Vivian the DA. Spoilers for ISWM. I wanted something different than just the immediate forgiveness so I wrote this. Might go differently later but for right now there’s no enemies to lovers its just enemies. 
CW: yelling
‘Captain…I’m so tired…’ Mark’s words kept ringing in Elias’s ears as he marched down the hall to the front of the ship. People scrambled to the side, slightly scared of the captain.  It was insulting. That what it was, downright insulting. People assumed that Elias would just forgive the arrogant engineer, but he doesn’t do that easily. Especially not when said engineer almost destroyed the universe and tried to pin in on him. His eternity in hell was his punishment and if the universe hadn’t depended on it, Elias would have left Mark there forever. Celci insisted it would be better for him mentally, but she wasn’t the one who had to deal with a crystal parasite stuck to her hand running from some crazy with a gun who refused to listen to reason. Burk seemed to be the only one of his side and Gunther didn’t have anything to say on the subject, surprisingly. If Mark thought he was tired Elias was beyond exhausted. When was the last time he slept?
“Woah, where you going, Captain?” Mack asked playfully, dropping a stack of papers he was taking to the reactor.
“S-sorry Mack. Just got a lot on my mind,” Elias answered, helping him with the papers.
“I can see that. Is this about…that event?”
“Always. Everyone expects me to just forgive and forget…” The two men started walking down to the reactor
“That’s much easier for them when they weren’t the ones being accused of horrible things. I’m very sorry, I won’t be much help in this regard. From what you’ve told me, I wasn’t exactly the most…wonderful…of characters. What I will say is, do you what think is best to keep yourself safe. If that means keeping a wall of hate around you, then that’s what you need to do. Don’t let people tell you how to recover from this.” Mack broke off into the room and Elias continued to the hull. He most certainly was one of those “wall of hate” types. It had kept him safe for years, no one wants to get with someone who is always angry and spiteful.
Hours later, Elias was starting to get ready for bed. Or at the very least take off this god awful binder. He had successfully avoided Mark and Celci all day. There was something going wrong in Cryo and that took up both of their attentions. They yelled at each other so loud and so much that if someone listened closely, they could still hear the “asshat” being thrown back and forth. No matter, tomorrow will be better.  
A quiet knock.
“Captain? Can I discuss something with you?” Mark called from the other side. Elias groaned under his breath.
“Give me a second.” Binder is going have to wait. He slid the door open, trying to mask the dislike. “What’s up?” Mark stepped into the bedroom, looking uneasy about something.
“Why are you so hostile to me? I know I messed up but-.”
“You didn’t just mess up. You almost destroyed the entire multiverse. Pretty sure you did at one point but there was too much going on that I couldn’t figure it out. Your little “invention” caused some kind of parasite that I couldn’t remove and when I did get it off, it just came back. You caused some crazy lady with a gun to chase me around trying to kill me and NO ONE LISTENED! Your little “mess up” almost got BILLIONS KILLED!” Elias yelled. Mark flinched at the yelling. “You destroyed the ship at some points! You killed us! Of course I’m hostile you almost ruined EVERYTHING! And you tried to make it MY FAULT! You are very lucky that I didn’t send you out the airlock once everything got back to normal.”
“I-I understand that…but I thought it was best for the ship and colony…” Mark was on the verge of tears.
“Captain, be warned that any louder might wake the crew,” The computer warned. Elias just sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. His chest started hurting from the binder.
“Just-just get out. I’m to tired to be entertaining this,” Elias ordered. Mark quietly departed, tears streaming down his face. Part of him felt bad about the lash out. But the other part felt justified. Maybe at some point forgiveness will be warranted, but for now. That will no be the case.
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Zemo and Sarah’s time in Madripoor
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR EP3, violence, flirting, ect.
Words: 3527
“He’s just through that corridor.” The security guard points to a door down the large hallway. Sarah stand between Sam and Bucky as the guard stops walking.
“Alright. Give us a sec.” Bucky turns to the two as the guard walks off. “I’m gonna go in alone.” Sam and Sarah look at Bucky like he has lost the plot.
“Cause you’re Avengers. You know how he feels about that.”
“Buck it’s not like you two were known for frolickin’ in the sun together.” Sam gestures to where Zemo is.
“This is dangerous Bucky... HE is dangerous.” Sarah states, looking at Bucky, concerned.
“He was obsessed with Hydra... We have a history together. Trust me...” He looks at them. “I got it.” He walks off before they can say anything.
“I hope he’s alright in there...” Sarah says to Sam, after Bucky leaves the pair alone.
“He will be... He’s Bucky.” Sam places his hand on Sarah’s shoulder and gives her a soft smile.
“What are you talking about? You wanna break Zemo outta jail? Where the hell are we, Buck? Have you lost your mind?” Sam shines a torch around the large empty room.
“We have no leads, no moves, nothing.”
“What we have is one of the most dangerous men in the world behind bars.”
“And we also have eight Super Soldiers that are loose.” Sam covers his eyes as Bucky shines the light at his face.
“Sarah how do you feel about this?” Sam turn to Sarah. Sarah quickly turns to Sam.
“I don’t think it’s safe to break Zemo out... remember what happened last time we dealt with him?” The pair look at Bucky.
“Exactly. Zemo’s gonna mess with our minds. Especially yours. No offence.” Bucky flips a switch and these large lights begin turning on. The three switch their flashlights off.
“Offense.” Bucky glares at Sam. “Super Soldiers go against everything he believes in. He is crazy, but he still has a code.” Bucky walks away from Sam and Sarah.
“I’ve been on the wrong side of that code, Buck, and so have you and Sarah. He blew up the UN, he killed King T’Chaka and framed you for it. Did you forget that? You think the Wakandans forgot about it? It’s a rhetorical question. They didn’t. I know why this matters to you, but c’mon it’s pushing you off the deep end.” Sam takes a step forward as Bucky opens his arms.
“Sam, we don’t know how they’re gettin’ the serum. We don’t even know how many of them there are.” He sighs softly.
“This is a little too crazy Bucky... we will figure it out okay? We don’t need Zemo.” Sarah steps forward and gives him a soft smile and she rests her hand on his arm.
“Look, let me run you through a hypothetical. Can I run you through a hypothetical?”
“Bucky...” Sarah’s smile turns into a frown, as Sam turns to look at him.
“What did you do?”
“I didn’t... do anything...” Bucky loos to the left, refusing to make eye contact.
“The weakest point in the system isn’t the software, the hardware, it’s the meatware. The human element. Now, in this lockup, it’s nine to one, prisoners to guards, and if two prisoners start fighting then the protocol says four guards have to respond.”
“So why would two prisoners start randomly fighting at that moment?”
“Who knows? There could be many reasons...”
“What I’m hearing is that you started it.” Sarah crosses her arms.
“The point is, these things escalate.  Lockdown procedures would have to be initiated, and with all those bodies flying around left and right, it wouldn’t be hard to slip down a hallway or two.” Sarah shakes her head and facepalms, exasperated. Bucky starts up again. “And if the fire alarm got tripped while the prisoners were being separated... someone could use the chair to their advantage.” Bucky does a small shrug.
“I don’t like how causal you’re being about this. This is unnatural. Are you... And where are we, man?” Suddenly, a door loudly opens.
“Bucky, you didn’t...” Sarah gasps at him.
The three look over at a plastic curtain, seeing the silhouette of a man grow smaller the closer he gets, until HE emerges.
“Whoa. Whoa, whoa. hey! What are you doin’ here?”
“No, listen. I didn’t tell you ‘cause I knew neither of you would let this happen.” Bucky looks at Sarah, who is staring at Zemo, eyes wide, knowing memories of what he had done were running through her mind.
“What did you do?!” Sam gets in Bucky’s face.
“We need him, Sam... Sarah.”
“No, Bucky, this is crazy. Even for you!” Sarah growls, a glare plastered to her face.
“You’re going back to prison!” Sam points at Zemo.
“If I may...” The man in question begins.
“NO!” The three yell at him. He looks a little startled by the sudden synchronisation but nods softly and whispers out a small “Apologies.” Bucky turns to Sarah and Sam.
“When Steve refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, you both backed him. You broke the law, and you stuck your necks out for me. I’m asking you both to do it again.”
“I really think I’m invaluable...” Zemo once again interrupts. Sarah groans softly as Sam turns to him, with a glare.
“Shut up.” Zemo squints at him. Sam looks at Bucky and sighs, shaking his head.
“Okay. If we do this, you don’t make a move without our permission.”
Zemo makes a face for a second and nods.
“I don’t like this...” Sarah looks at Bucky and Sam. The pair shrug and turn back to Zemo.
“Okay, Zemo. Where do we start?” The three look at him as he smiles.
“So our first move is grand theft auto?” Sam looks at the large number of cars.
“These are mine. Collected by family over the generations. I spent years hunting people HYDRA recruited to recreate the serum.” Sarah, Sam and Bucky look around at all of his cars. “Because once it’s out there, someone can crate an army of people... Like the Avengers.” Zemo looks at Sam, his eyes flickering over to Sarah who stands beside Sam. “I ended the Winter Soldier program once before. I have no intention to leave my work unfinished.” He grabs a large coat from the top of his car. “To do this we’ll have to scale a ladder of lowlifes.” He begins walking away from the trio and the car.
“Well, join the party. We’ve already started.”
“First still is a woman named Selby. Mid-level fence I still have a line on. From there, we climb.” Sarah looks at Sam and begins to follow Zemo, Bucky and Sam right behind her.
The four walk towards the door of a private jet where an older man stands, waiting.
“So all this time you’ve been rich?”the look of confusion on Sam’s face made Sarah giggle softly, to herself.
“I’m a Baron, Sam. My family was royalty until your friends destroyed my country.” Sarah watches as Zemo and the older man talk in Russian, happiness and comfort evident on the Baron’s face. “Please.” Zemo gestures and leads the three up the stairs of the jet.
Once the four are in the jet, Sarah sitting across from Zemo. The older man explains the fridge is out.
“If it doesn’t pass the smell test... give it to them. But not the beautiful woman.” Zemo smiles as the older man laughs and leaves. Sarah zoned out of the conversation for some time, translating Zemo’s words and tries to figure out if he had actually meant to say beautiful or not. She is only snapped back to reality when she sees Bucky with his hand around Zemo’s throat.
“I’ve seen that book. It was Steve’s when he came out of the ice. I told him about Trouble Man. He wrote it in that book. Did you hear it? What’d you think?” Sam looks at Bucky expectantly.
“I like ‘40s music, so...” Bucky shrugs.
“You didn’t like it?”
“I liked it..”
“Trouble Man is amazing.” Sarah states.
“It is a masterpiece, James. Complete. Comprehensive. It captures the African-America experience.” Sam and Sarah look at Zemo confused for a second before they turn back to Bucky.
“He does have a point.” Sarah agrees with the Baron.
“He’s out of line, but he’s right. It’s great. Everybody loves Marvin Gaye.”
“I liked Marvin Gaye.”
“Steve adored Marvin Gaye.” Sarah shakes her head softly, takes out her phone and headphones out and puts on some ‘calming’ music by Pan!c at the Disco, trying to delve into her own little world as she looks out the window of the jet.
~~In Madripoor~~
“We have to do something about this. I’m the only one who looks like a pimp.” Sam complains.
“Only an American would assume a fashion-forward black man looks like a pimp. You look exactly like the man you’re supposed to be playing. The sophisticated, charming African rake names Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger.” Zemo shows Sam a picture of the man he is impersonating on his phone as the four continue walking.
“He even has a bad nickname. Hell, he does look like me, though.”
“Well you aren’t the only one who hates this plan, Sam...” Sarah walks in between Bucky and the Baron, in a small black dress and black heels that Zemo had bought for her to wear. “Do I really have to wear this? And who the fuck am I supposed to be?” She looks at Zemo, an annoyed glare pointed at him.
“Yes, darling. And you are my fiancée, it would be too suspicious for a new face to show up without a specific reason. No matter what happens, we have to stay in character. Our lives depend on it. There’s no margin for error.” Zemo states as a black car pulls up in front of them. He reached forward and opens the door for Sarah, who nods at him as she climbs into the middle seat, between Sam and Bucky. During the car ride, Zemo’s eyes flicker up to the mirror, watching Sarah. She notices his staring and she looks down, a soft blush covering her face. Suddenly, a group of motorbikes come out of nowhere, surrounding the car.
The car pulls up and Sam, Bucky and Zemo climb out of the car. Sarah turns to climb out after Bucky but an outstretched hand stops her. Specifically Zemo’s hand, waiting for her to take it. She reaches out and places her small hand in his and he helps her out of the car, wrapping his arm around her waist. Sarah tenses and he leans down, lips millimeters away from her ear.
“You’re my girl here, that’s your character.” He whispers huskily. The hand on her waist gives her a soft squeeze. She takes a small breath and leans against him, as the four of them walk along the walk above the large crowd of people.
As the four of them walk into the Princess Bar, Zemo’s grip on her tightens, pressing her close to him. The fur on his coat tickles her cheek and neck. “Here we are... Ready to comply, Winter Soldier?” Zemo asks as he leads Sarah, Sam and Bucky to the bar, still holding the woman’s waist. As the four make it to the bar, the bartender walks over, surprise written all over his face.
“Hello Miss, Gentlemen. Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.”
“His plans changed. We have business to do with Selby.” The bartender looks at Zemo with suspicion, then looks at the Sam.
“The usual?” Sam nods.
“Ah... Smiling Tiger, your favourite.” Zemo says, watching the bartender cut open a snake, using it to make the Smiling Tigers usual drink.
“I love these..” Sam says with slight hesitation. Zemo lifts his drink.
“Cheers Conrad.” Zemo drinks his own as Sarah sips on her drink, watching the two. Sam hesitates, then takes the drink like a shot, giving the bartender a thumbs up.
A man walks up behind Zemo and as he turns, moves Sarah out of the way of any possible harm.
“I got word from on high. You ain’t welcome here.”
“I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me...” Zemo gestures to Bucky.
“New haircut?” The man questions Bucky.
“Or bring Selby for a chat.” Zemo watches the man. He looks at Zemo, then at Bucky, then Sam and lastly towards Sarah who is peeking out from behind Zemo’s protective stance.
“A Power Broker? Really?” Bucky looks at Zemo, obviously done with this situation.
“Every kingdom needs its king.” Zemo slides his arm back around Sarah, softly and sneakily massaging the small area on her waist. “Let’s just pray we stay under his radar.”
“Do you know him?” Sam questions.
“Only by reputation.”
“That doesn’t sound to good.” Sarah mumbles, taking another sip of her drink.
“It’s not. In Madripoor, he is judge, jury and executioner.” Zemo looks around the room and then turns back to the bar. “Winter Soldier. Attack.” The moment the man roughly placed his hand on Zemo, Bucky’s metal arm shot out, grabbing his wrist and twisting, pushing the man to the middle of the floor.
Sam, Sarah and Zemo watch as Bucky kicks ass left and right, causing not only damage to the people but to the furniture around him. Zemo leans close to Sarah and Sam.
“Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form.” Zemo states. Bucky slams a man down onto the bar, then the sound of guns cocking. Sam and Zemo look around the bar at everyone and Zemo grabs Sarah, pulling her close, trying to protect her. Sam places a hand on Bucky’s arm.
“Stay in character or the whole bar turns on us.” Zemo whispers to Sam, then he turns to Bucky. “Well done, Soldier.” The bartender watches as Bucky doesn’t let go of the man.
“Selby will see you now.” Bucky let’s go of the man, slowly.
“Thank you.” Zemo nods and gives Sarah’s waist a squeeze. Sam turns to Bucky.
“You good?” He says softly. Bucky looks at Sam quickly before following Zemo and Sarah. Sam following shortly after.
“You should know, Baron. People don’t just come into my bar and make demands.” The woman, Selby, state as the four enter the room.
“Not a demand. An offer.” Zemo sits down, Sarah sitting down on his lap.
“A lot has changed since you were here last.” Sarah decides at that moment to play the character she was given and rests her head on Zemo’s shoulder, playing with the ends of his hair, sneakily paying attention to the entire conversation. Sarah then slides off the Baron’s lap, he gestures for her to sit back where he was sitting and he walks over to Bucky.
“And I give you him.” He walks around, behind Bucky, who looks like a statue. “Along with the code words to control him, of course. He will do anything you want.” Zemo runs his fingers over Bucky’s chin, softly grabbing and wiggling the end.
“Now that’s the Zemo I remember. I’m glad I decided not to kill you immediately. However, I want something else to go along with him.” She smirks at the two men, slowly turning to look at Sarah, who is still sitting on the chair opposite her. “I want that pretty little thing as well.” Zemo walks away from the soldier and Sarah scoots out of the chair for him to sit, taking her original place in his lap.
“Not this one, she’s mine.” His hand cups Sarah’s butt and squeezes, as a way of staking his claim in front of Selby. Sarah, deciding she didn’t like the way the woman talked about her as though she’s an object, steps in.
“I belong to my Baron.” She runs her fingers through the back of his hair. Selby looks disappointed by gives Zemo the information about the Super Soldier Serum and a man called Dr. Wilfred Nagel.
“You can’t find Nagel without me.” Sam’s phone vibrates suddenly.
“Sam? Who’s Sam? Kill them!” Suddenly Selby is on the floor dead with a bullet wound and then chaos ensues. Bucky and Sam take out two of her bodyguards as Sarah pulls a knife out from under her dress and stabs another in between the eyes. She lets the body fall and hit the ground, turns to look at the three men who came with her, staring at her in shock.
“Did you three REALLY think I was coming HERE, defenceless??” Sarah rolls her eyes. The four move towards the exit.
“They’re gonna pin this on us.” Sam states, leaning against the door. Zemo sighs, as Sarah sheaths her knife, the three men’s eyes lingering on her exposed thigh.
“We have a real problem now, so leave your weapons and follow my lead.”
Bucky, Sam, Sarah and Zemo quickly leave the area, the sound of phones receiving messages going off all around them. Zemo’s arm is once again around Sarah’s waist.
“This is not good...” suddenly the light above them go out and multiple gun shots are heard. The four duck and Zemo turns and drags Sarah off down an alley, leaving Bucky and Sam.
“Zemo wait! I can’t run in the-“
Sarah trips, her eyes closed as she waits for the rough impact but instead feels the soft fur from Zemo’s coat. He caught me... the two stare at each other for a moment before Zemo picks Sarah up and continues running down the alleyway.
Finally they got to the end of the alley and turn the corner to see Sam and Bucky standing there, as a body falls.
“You seem to have a guardian angel.” He points out.
“Well this is too perfect.” The last person the four expected to see was Sharon Carter to walk out of the shadow. “Let go of Sarah and drop it, Zemo.” Zemo puts the gun down and lets of Sarah reluctantly.
“Sharon?” Bucky takes a step forward.
~~~~ skip forward to the party at Sharon’s~~~~
Sarah stands off to the side of the crowd still wearing the dress Zemo bought her. Bucky and Sam are talking as she looks around at the dancing crowd only to see Zemo...
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Sarah let’s put a tiny laugh, shaking her head at the sight. When she looks back up at him, he is gesturing for her to come dance with him. Sarah thinks for a second before a goofy smile appears and she pushes off the bar and joins Zemo in the crowd.
“Those are so great moves!” She calls out to him over the crowd, he grabs her hands and continues dancing.
“Then dance with me!” He calls back, a large goofy smile on his face. The pair end up dancing and looking at some of the artwork together until they meet up with Sam and Bucky, waiting for Sharon.
“Hey, guys. I found him.” Sharon motions for the four to follow her. Sam turns to Bucky.
“Here we go.”
“Alright, he’s in there. Container four-two-six-one. Sarah and I will keep an eye out while you guys talk to Nagel. But hurry. We’re on borrowed time.” Sharon holds out her palm with five ear pieces for everyone. Sarah, Sam, Bucky and Zemo take theirs and Sharon leads Sarah away from the group, noticing how Zemo watches as the two disappear.
Minutes later, Sharon turns to Sarah.
“So, Zemo seems to have taken a liking to you?” She smirks.
“No he doesn’t.” Sarah shakes her head as she looks around, guarding the shipping container. “It was Allan act. I had to pretend to be his fiancée to get into the club.”
“It’s pretty obvious it wasn’t an act, when I showed up pointing that gun at him, he was being protective.” Sarah rolls her eyes as Sharon nudges her.
The pair are oblivious to the fact that their earpieces were still on and Zemo, Sam and Bucky could hear everything. Sam and Bucky turn slowly to glare at Zemo and if looks could kill, he would have been dead already. However he isn’t paying attention to the two, instead distracted by the voices in his ear and the burnin blush covering his cheeks.
~~~ After the explosion and Zemo’s scene of him kicking ass ~~~
Zemo pulls up in front of the group and shrugs.
Bucky climbs in the passenger seat and Sam climbs in behind him, Sarah walking around the front of the car. Before she opens the passenger door behind Zemo, he opens his door.
“Come here for a second.” Sarah looks at him inquisitively but complies, standing in front of him. Zemo reaches up, grabs her waist and pulls her onto his lap, passionately kissing her for a minute, Sam complaining in the back. He pulls away and smirks, giving her a small wink. She blushes and he pats her ass, for her to climb into her seat. She does so in a daze and once she is buckled in, Zemo takes off.
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queercapwriting · 4 years
“I Will Never Forgive You” (Fitz x Daisy, ft. Jemma, post 5x14 + 5x22)
It took a few months for either of them to start sleeping again. After Fitz died.
And anyway, space was big. All of these proverbial waters were uncharted, and Jemma wanted to make sure she could tell Fitz all the details of all the new things she’d learned once she found him.
Because they would find him.
He’d found her - the last time she was in space. He’d found her across the galaxy. Surely, it would be easy enough to find him across time.
They all but lived in the command center, for a few months. If they retreated to their bunks, it was to physically collapse for an hour or two. Never really more than that.
Jemma woke up screaming for Fitz.
Daisy woke up just screaming from Fitz.
The first time Jemma heard Daisy’s nightmare, she was standing over Davis’s shoulder, looking out at the vastness of it all. She hadn’t had this kind of luxury last time she was in space.
And Fitz had found her, even though she was all but dead.
She’d find him, now, even though he is all but dead.
Sort of.
She was fiddling with his ring - Daisy had thought she’d want to have it, and Jemma spent so many nights wondering if it had been Daisy herself, or Mack, or May, or some medic whose name she would never know, who’d taken it off of her dead husband’s finger. 
She was fiddling with his ring, and staring out at the infinity she was crossing for him, when she startled from the pitch of Daisy’s scream.
Piper and Jemma both whipped out their sidearms - she only vaguely remembered when she was some kid with no tactical training on the bus - and Davis flipped the ship into emergency mode.
But it was Jemma who started sprinting first.
She ripped the door open to Daisy’s bunk, ready to destroy anything and anyone that had somehow gotten in and threatened her, hurt her, but Daisy...
Daisy was just asleep. Having a nightmare.
And it was only then that Jemma heard her words.
“What are you doing? Fitz, I am begging you. No no no no no. Fitz, please. Fitz, no no no no no.”
The scream that followed, that had called her into the room to begin with, was agony more emotional than physical - though Jemma could not even begin to imagine the physical (and she could imagine quite a lot. Ward was... creative, in his torture tactics).
Piper’s eyes went wide, like she had seen and heard something indecent. Because really, she had.
“Ma’am,” she whispered, like a salute, like an apology, and scurried off to tell Davis to stand down emergency mode.
Jemma was alone with Daisy, and Daisy’s screams.
Her gun clattered to the ground and her hands were on Daisy before she could even think of what to do, what to say, or think, or feel.
She went for her wrists, first. Because Daisy was bound, in her nightmare. Jemma knew, because she’d been present, for her nightmare. So she brought her hands to Daisy’s wrists, caressed them once, twice, firm, like she was wiping away her bindings. Then her ankles, quick, efficient.
She didn’t realize she was cooing Daisy’s name until she brought her hands to Daisy’s stomach, her torso, her cheeks.
“Daisy. Daisy, wake up, you’re safe. I’m here, you’re safe.”
Daisy woke with a jolt, sitting bolt upright and immediately checking to see that she was unbound, immediately bringing her hand up to the scar behind her ear - the one she’d refused to do anything to minimize.
“Fitz,” she whispered, staring around her bunk until her gaze fell to Jemma.
“You’re safe, Daisy. He’s gone. You’re safe.”
She didn’t know if she was talking about the Doctor, or Fitz being dead but not dead but the version of him that did that to Daisy was dead... She didn’t know, and she didn’t want to know.
But she did know that her voice didn’t quake when she said it. Everything had to be steady right now. For Daisy.
Daisy stared for a long moment at her. It took everything in her to not look away.
Jemma didn’t understand, if she was honest with herself, why Daisy was still by her side. Why Daisy didn’t hate her because she’d had the audacity to defend him. Because she’d brought him tea and because she’d stayed married to him. Because she still loved him.
She didn’t understand what Daisy was doing in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of outer space, with no backup, no resources, no allies, and practically no hope.
The least she could do was have the courage to look Daisy in the eyes. It was hard. It felt almost impossible. But it was the least she could do.
“We’re going to find him, Jemma,” Daisy eventually said. Her voice was still ragged, from the yelling. The screaming that she let herself do in her dream, that she hadn’t given the Doctor - Fitz - the Doctor... Fitz. - the satisfaction of hearing in real life. In his past life. Daisy’s always life.
Jemma blinked. She’d said he was gone to comfort Daisy, not to...
“You don’t have to comfort me, Daisy. Not... not right now.”
Daisy squeezed her eyes shut, the way she often did when she needed to shut out her laptop after spending hours hunched over, working herself past exhaustion some problem or another.
No, now wasn’t the time to think about how very similar Daisy was to her husband.
“You really don’t know why I’m here, do you?” Daisy asked. Her voice was still ripped, and if it wasn’t for the reason why, it might have lit Jemma’s body up. The way Daisy’s voice would get extra low sometimes, maybe, perhaps, especially when she was talking to women, to Jemma... No, no, no, no, no, absolutely not.
Fitz would understand - Fitz had understood, they’d talked about it, about her, he had... but he was gone, now. No use in fantasizing in all that. He was gone, now, and finding him was complicated enough without... without all of that.
“Aside from Fitz, you’re my best friend, Daisy. And I’m grateful that you’re here with me, every day. I -”
“But you don’t understand why.” Daisy was waking up, now, regaining some of her amused cockiness, her devil-may-care, her swagger. Exaggerated ever so slightly, deeply adorably, by still being somewhat asleep.
Jemma looked away.
“He hurt you, Daisy. He... he tortured you. He tortured you, he violated you, and he never even apologized, and -”
“He didn’t have to, Jemma.”
“No.” Daisy’s face, her voice, was serious now, sincere and genuine and intense. Like she was when she promised Jemma she would beat them, all of them, the LMDs, the entire world, everything. To get Jemma back to Fitz. Just like she was doing now.
Except back then, before the Framework, Fitz hadn’t... 
Oh, Fitz.
“No,” Daisy said again. “He seriously screwed up, yes. It was unforgiveable, yes. It was. I meant it when I said that I will never forgive him.”
Jemma searched for the anger in Daisy’s words, her face. She couldn’t find any. Daisy took Jemma’s hands into her own. Jemma gulped.
“But I don’t need to forgive him to love him. I have done my share of unforgiveable things -”
“You’ve never done anything like what he did to you, Daisy -”
“I did. Yes, I did. I could have quaked him against the wall and walked away. I didn’t. I strangled him, Jemma. I strangled him.”
“You didn’t know what you were -”
“Yes. Yes, I did know what I was doing. I wanted to do it. Just like Fitz. I almost killed Mack, Jemma. He was out of commission, he couldn’t have fought back. I kept beating him, Jemma, over and over and over again. I was not out of my mind. Mack is my brother and I almost beat him to death. I was not out of my mind. I know you don’t believe me. But you know who does? You know who’s the only person who really understands that I did those terrible things because they were inside me?”
“Daisy -”
“Fitz. Fitz is the only person who understands. It. Was. Me. I did those things. And I didn’t have to, Jemma, I wasn’t saving the world. Fitz tortured me, he terrified me, he violated me. Yeah. And I can’t forgive him. But he did it to save the world. I tortured Mack with my own hands, and for what? For what? To prove a point? Mack couldn’t have stopped me. Fitz couldn’t have stopped me. I felt your husband’s windpipe closing and I felt Mack’s bones breaking and I didn’t. Stop. Fitz did a horrible thing, but he was trying to save the world. That doesn’t excuse him, but he is the only one who understands that I can love him and not forgive him. And I do. Love him. And I love you. And I will never abandon either of you. Do you understand me?”
“Daisy -”
“Do you understand me, Jemma?”
She squeezed Jemma’s hands tighter. Jemma squeezed back.
“Yes, Daisy. I understand.”
Daisy nodded like that settled it. She looked around her bunk, brow slightly furrowed.
“Do you think Piper and Davis would want pancakes?”
“I think pancakes would be good, yes.”
“Pancakes in deep space, huh? We’re going to have some stories to tell Fitz.”
“Yes,” Jemma said, watching Daisy spill out of bed, trying not to stare as she tugged on a pair of black pants she’d apparently just taken off and left on the floor. “Yes, we will.”
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harrysgloves · 4 years
Let Your Hair Down (chapter xiv)
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Get caught up with the Let Your Hair Down Masterlist!
word count: 1,638
story summary: Harry gets more than he bargains for when he falls not only for you but your little girl as well.
chapter summary: Harry leaves and shit goes sideways.
warnings: language/abusive situations
a/n: This took a second to write. It was a bit tough for me. Hopefully you guys like it though. Please remember if you’re in a situation like this to not ignore it and reach out for help. xx
It was finally Monday and your morning was going great. You managed to get up and get ready way before Thea needed to get up, giving you enough time to enjoy your cup of morning coffee in silence. That was until there was a knock on your door. You huffed, placing your cup on the table in front of you. You were going to give Harry a key if he kept interrupting your mornings with your beloved caffeine.
You fluffed your hair, checking it one last time in the mirror by your front door before throwing it open. A smile on your face as Harry stood there with his bags sitting beside him.
"Came to say bye before I got on the plane." He said right as your neighbor came out of their door, making you pull Harry inside before he got recognized and you ended up with people constantly bothering you.
You shut the door quickly, locking it. Harry gave you a puzzle look but you just shook your head at him, you'd been on edge since reading all of Ryan's messages the other day. You wouldn't leave your door unlocked even for a second.
You wrapped your arms tightly around him, nuzzling into his chest when his own arms enveloped around you. You were going to miss him, miss the mornings he walked you to work, especially now that you were worried about Ryan showing up. You still hadn't brought it up to anyone, hoping if you didn't respond to him he'd leave you alone.
"I'm going to miss you." You mumbled into his chest before he pulled you back by your shoulders to look at him. His eyebrows knitted together in concern, biting the inside of his cheek. You could see the worry written all over his face but you quickly leaned forward to kiss him, hoping he'd not ask you what was wrong. You didn't want him to spend his whole time in California paranoid about you.
You heard the small footsteps of your daughter rounding the corner. You pulled back from the kiss quickly, not wanting to explain that to her just yet. She smiled brightly the second she saw Harry running up and hugging his legs.
"Hey sunshine." He pulled back from you leaning down to Thea's level and giving her a proper hug. You stood back, watching them. They were so cute together.
"I'm going to miss you." Thea said burying her head in Harry's neck. Her hands clamped together behind his neck. He was rubbing her back when you heard the small sniffles coming from her. Slowly turning to full on sobs.
Harry's own eyes starting to tear up as he looked at you. You gave him a small sad smile, bending down to their level. You laid your hand on her back as you shushed her, trying your best to comfort her.
"Hey, I'll be back and y'goin' to get on a plane to come see me Friday after school." He pulled her back from his shoulder, her eyes puffy and red from her crying. He wiped away her tears telling her he'd call her everyday.
She just nodded before turning to cling onto you. Harry looked absolutely crushed as you stood up with Thea, holding her as she continued her sniffling.
"It'll be okay." You reached your hand out, rubbing Harry's arm. You didn't want him to feel bad for having to go. He sighed pushing the hair out of his face and hugged you both one last time.
"I'll see y'soon." He mumbled into your hair, his arms around both of you. You nodded your head stepping away from him so he didn't stay any longer and miss his flight.
"Bye." You and Thea said at the same time. Him shutting the door behind him and you two standing there already missing him. You had no idea how you were going to cheer up your crying kid. Debating if having him in your life was worth this every time he would have to leave.
"Pancakes?" You asked as Thea lifted her head off your shoulder. She slowly nodded, not saying anything still. You gave her a kiss on the forehead before putting her down. Pancakes definitely solved all your problems.
"Go get ready for school and I'll make you some." She nodded again, dragging herself out of the foyer and to her room. You stood there staring after her, your heart breaking. You hated seeing her like this.
It only took two pancakes and a very unsettling amount of syrup before Thea perked right back up. Her hand in yours as you walked her to her school. Her smile back on her face and her bounce back in her step as she told you about all the things she loved about school.
"After the playground we get to color." Her hand swinging yours back and forth as you both walked.
"I'll draw Harry a picture. Then when I see him again I'll give it to him so he doesn't miss us when he's gone." You smiled down to her, biting your lip, she was such a sweetheart.
"That's a good idea." You agreed as you two approached the school. You made her go over your rules with you before she took off for the front door. Waving after her as you watched her walk in the front door.
You sighed as you made your way alone to work. You hated it. Maybe it was the fact Ryan hadn't left you alone all weekend, constantly texting you and calling, or just the fact you hadn't really had to walk alone with Harry almost always being with you. Either way you felt uncomfortable.
You tried your best to get your anxiety out of your head as you approached your work. You needed to get into work mode before you walked in there with your mind all clouded by worries. You weren't paying any attention to your surroundings when you felt the hand on your arm.
You instantly froze in fear, heart sinking, you didn't have to turn around to know who it was. You looked around to see if people were around you in case this got ugly. Luckily, it was morning and people were flooded in the street, a few stopping to look at you two.
"Let go of me." You said not turning around. A lump in your throat, all sense of confidence draining from your body.
"Not til you talk to me." He pulled your arm, turning you around to look at him. Your eyes instantly locking on the ones you used to love so much but were now dead and cold as they stared you down.
"I don't owe you shit Ryan." You sneered ripping your wrist out of his grasp, skin burning as his nails dragged across it.
"You're my fucking wife and your out whoring around with Harry." He stepped closer to you, making you step back. He was much taller than you and definitely stronger.
"Ex-wife." You clarified, turning your head to see if anyone was seeing this. Your heart dropping when you saw someone's phone out. The last thing you needed was this splashed all over the internet.
"He's my friend Y/N and you're fucking him." The volume of his voice made you cringe. His face red from how angry he was. If you were smart you would have shut up right then but you hated the way he made you feel, you hated him.
"Yeah I am. Better than you too if you cared to know." You scoffed arms crossed over your chest. Fuck him and him thinking he could still control you.
"You think you're so cute being a slut." He gritted his teeth, jaw twitching when his hand gripped your arm again. His fingers digging into your flesh causing you to flinch. Trying to jerk away from him but he forced you to stay in place.
Your heart rate picked up as you stared at him. He looked crazy, his blue eyes wide with anger. His once beautiful features twisted in pure hatred. You regretted provoking him and just wanted to get the fuck away from him.
"Hey." You heard from behind you, thanking the universe for something good happening for once. His grip on your arm loosened as you heard the footsteps from behind you get closer.
"This isn't over." He spoke slowly before turning around and taking off down the street. You were finally able to breath again when you looked up to see your manager come up and wrap his arm around you.
"Let's get you inside." He said quietly, pulling you in the front doors as you willed yourself to not end up in tears as you nodded your head.
You sucked in a deep breath as he helped you make your way to your office. You were shaking like a leaf but wanted so badly to just forget that ever happened. You sighed as you finally reached your chair, brushing your hair out of your face and finally catching the bruises already forming on your wrist.
"Can we just never talk about that again?" You asked, eyes refusing to meet his as you stared a hole into the floor. Blinking away a few tears.
"You shouldn't ignore that Y/N." Mack pulled up a chair beside you. His hands resting on his legs but leaning close to you.
"No it's fine. I can handle it." You shook your head but finally looked up and gave him a small smile. You could tell he didn't believe you, concern written all over his face. He started to argue with you but you quickly cut him off. Not needing the extra problems in your life right now.
"I'll tell you if it gets worse. Promise."
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black-dragon1998 · 5 years
waiting for supergirl
Part 4 ‘Out of the box way of starting a family’  : part 1- part 2-part3
Kara doesn't come home, being held up with superhero duties. witch leaves Lena to prepare Lydia for bed alone.
Thanks for reading and leave a comment if you like.
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Lena was walking through the apartment, Lydia playing in front of the TV on her playpen. On the TV was playing some child show with lots of colours to keeps the kids’ attention. Lena in the was waiting for Kara to come home.
Normally Lydia should be getting ready for bed, but Lena and Kara had a ritual for Lydia’s bedtime, and it hadn’t been broken since they started it.
Lena was a little bit conflicted about what she should do. She knew Kara was probably saving the city as Supergirl, still, she worried because she hadn’t heard from her since they shared lunch. Lena still hadn’t gone back to work, not being able to leave Lydia just jet.
Sam took over the duties at L-Corp as best she could, and Lena did the necessary paperwork from home.
“Mommy?” Lena’s attention was drawn away from her own thoughts when her daughter called. Looking up she saw Lydia running toward her, her little arms flailing to make sure her mother got her attention.
in the last week, Lydia was starting to do much better. She started to talk and play more instead of staying in her mother’s arms. She also started to trust people more, she actually started asking for her ants and Ruby.
When Lydia reached her she looked up at her with a huge smile.
“yes, a chroi?” Lena smiled back at her daughter.
“play with me?” Lydia asked pulling at her mother’s pants to make her move in the direction of the playpen.
Deciding to put away her worries for the moment and follow Lydia to her toys. To Lena’s great delight Lydia preferred to build with blocks instead of playing with dolls. Kara said it was the Luthor genes in her that made her want to build stuff. ‘just like her mommy’ Kara had teased her, and Lena could only blush and smile.
“What are we making, Angeal?” Lydia was delighted her ‘mommy’ was giving her, her full focus. Especially since her other mother wasn’t there for attention hogging. Kara usually was the one to play with Lydia. So, the little girl was going to make the best of it.
“Wobot.” Lydia clapped her hands while almost jumping up and down, Lena chuckled and pulled the little girl on her lap. A robot was something she could do.
To Lena’s own surprise she was enjoying herself and Lydia was delighted to lay with her mommy.
“Mommy look! Wobot.” Lena smiled lovingly as she saw her daughter fawn over the little block robot. She should probably make her a real robot when she was a little bit older.
“it’s lovely dear. Maybe I should take you with me to L-Corp next time. The men there could learn from you.” Lena laughed while hugging her daughter close. Lydia, in turn, hugged her mother back and couldn’t stop her giggles.
Lena lifter Lydia up so she could look her in the eyes.
“What do you say about dinner after all that building.” Lydia had gone serious as she looked back into Lena’s eyes. Proving to Lena she was positively Kara’s kid; only then could food be taken so seriously. The Luthor eyebrow raise was a rare contradiction to that.
“Mack and cheese?” Lydia was like a perfect blend between her and Kara, making the pout fired at her all the more effective.
“Alright, but only if you eat some fruits with them.” Lucky for Lena, unlike Kara Lydia likes to eat fruits and vegetables.
While the home-made Mac and cheese warmed up in the oven, Lena sliced an apple and placed it in front of her daughter. The food was devoured that is she didn’t live with an adult Kryptonian she would look up, but now it was just another thing she was used to.
Lena put their plates in the dishwasher while Lydia stayed in her high chair.
it was starting to become really late and Lydia had refused to take a nap this afternoon. This caused her to rub her eyes with a tiny fist but still being too stubborn to admit she is sleepy.
“A chroi, want to take a nap with me while we wait for mama?” Lena tried, Lydia was starting to get grumpy, making her whine and hold her hands out for Lena. Still not admitting she was tired. ‘them Luthor stubbornness.’ If Kara asked later, she so would say it wasn’t.
“Mama?” Lydia’s had her brows knitted together when her attention was brought back on the missing parent. Not wanting to a crying fit with would only leave ger grumpier.
“Mama will be here when you wake up.” Lena tried. Lydia vigorously shook her head. Lena seeing the tears welling up she acted fast. Sometimes you had to give in as a parent.
“not even if we sleep in the big bed.” Normally Lena would refrain from letting Lydia sleep in between her and Kara. Keeping it as a last resort, like now.
“Mama!” Lydia started to shout to getter with the first tears. Rubbing her temple’s, she went for another approach.
“How about this. Why don’t we watch ‘The Lion King’ while we wait for mama to get home?” Lena was gasping at her last straws with this. She already picked Lydia out off her high chair, rubbing her back soothingly. Hoping the little one would fall asleep while watching the movie.
“Cuddles?” Lydia asked shyly.
“How could I say no to my favourite cuddle buddy.” Lena smiled. Both were giggling the whole way to the bedroom. Having thrown  routine out of the window, Lena laid Lydia in the middle of the bed. putting a few pillows around her, preventing her from fall of the bed.
“Okay baby, look at me.” Lena tried to get her daughters full attention, who was distracted by the pillows around her. When two big blue eyes looked at her and smiled Lena continued.
“LION KING!” Lydia clapped her hands together giggling.
“yes, yes but first we are going to put on PJ’s okay.” Lena slits her forefinger over her daughter’s chubby cheek to keep her attention.
“yeah PJ’s.”
“A chroi, that means you have to stay here on the bed while I go and get them, okay.” Lydia nodded.
“Can you tell what to do?” Lena asks raising her own Luthor eyebrow.
“Stay here and wait for mommy.” Lydia answered proudly.
“Good girl, now wait for mommy to come back.” Lena stood up and made her way toward the other bedroom opposite the master bedroom. She had almost made it to the door when she heard yelling.
“Mommy! Don’t forget Leo and Luna.”
“Okay, a chroi.” Leo and Luna being her daughters' stuffed lion and wolf. Lydia had noticed that both her name and her mother’s name started with the same letter, so she wanted her ‘friends’ to have the same. Both Kara and Lena found it adorable, as did the super friends.
In the bedroom, she quickly took a new pair of PJs’. Picking the one that resembled Kara’s new suit, Lena also didn’t forget the stuffed animals.
When she got back inside the master bedroom Lydia was laying exactly where Lena left her.
“good girl.” Lena praised, picking her off the bed and kissing her cheek. Walking into the bathroom, she changed Lydia quickly. Lena herself changed into one of Kara’s hoodies she liked to steal.
“Ready for the movie?” Lydia nodded in the crook of her neck, but Lena didn’t miss how her daughter rubbed her eyes again and stifled a yawn.
It didn’t take long for the two to settle on the bed. Lena leaning lightly against the headboard with a couple of pillows propped behind her back to support her. Lydia nestled herself in her mommy’s front with head resting on Lena’s shoulder.
pulling the blankets up to Lydia’s chin she pressed play for the movie and waited.
When Kara finally made it back home, she was met with silence. The apartment was dark, and Kara was a bit confused, normally Lena would be waiting for her. This made Kara scared that Lena was mad at her for not letting her know where she was.
Aldo her worries were washed away when she entered her shared bedroom. Lydia had fallen asleep and turned so that she was snuggling into Lena. Her stuffed animals squeezed between the two off them. Lena in her turn had also fallen asleep, having curled around Lydia.
Not wanting to wake them she floated into the bathroom and changed quickly. Standing in front of the bed Kara felled conflicted. She wanted to join her family, but she also didn’t want to disturb them.
Lena noticed someone had entered the bedroom, Kara seemed to fill a room with a calming presence that put Lena at ease.
“Darling?” Lena’s voice sounded groggy from sleep.
“I’m here baby.” Kara answers sitting on her side off the bed.
“you're finally home.” Lena couldn’t help but smile.
“Yeah, sorry that I haven’t let you know where I was.” Kara said sheepishly.
“’s okay. Happy your home.” Said, half back to sleep again. Lena rolled over just enough for Kara to slip in beside her. Kara didn’t waste any time doing just that and hugging her two-favorite people into her.
Lena lets out a happy sight and rested her head on Kara’s shoulder. Kara fell asleep with a smile on her face.
Kara was woken up abruptly by a small body jumping on her chest.
“MAMA! MAMA! Wake up, mommy is making pancakes.” Lydia creamed loudly.
‘I’m up. I’m up.” Kara grunted out not opening her eyes just jet.
“Iska could you be so kind and move your knees a little.” Kara finally opened her eyes to look at her daughter who had her knees planted in her ribs and both hands on her cheeks. Not understanding the question, she just repeated her excitement.
Using her super speed Kara hoisted Lydia up in her arms and jumped off the bed.
“Alright little monster, let see what mommy is doing.” Kara chuckled while tickling Lydia’s tummy, making the girl shriek in laughter.
“no, mama don’t. no tickling.” Lydia breathed art between laughs. Both were still laughing when they med Lena in the kitchen.
“Morning.” Lena looked up from her stack of pancakes she made.
“Morning,” Kara answered when she slung her free arm around Lena and kissed her cheek.
Taking in the scene in front of her Lena couldn’t help feel her heart swell with love. The sudden emotions caused her to tear up a bit.
“I hope this never changes.” Lena whispered in a small voice in Kara’s neck. Kara having heard her gave her waist a small squeeze.
“I hope so too.”
Part 5
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"Go On, Pour Us A Pint!"
Tuesday 24th November 2020
Hello again everyone! Hope you're having a good week so far, this week has been such a busy one for me! I feel like there's so much I have to do! How are you coping with the slow run up to Christmas?! Have you all done your Christmas shopping? This has been the week I've managed to make a start! Let's hope COVID won't spoil our Christmas!
Anyway, I shall be reviewing Tuesday's episode, I'm really looking forward to writing about this one! Let's get stuck in! The episode begins out on the Square, the police are still pulled outside the Slater household, waiting for Kush to show his face! Whether he's being polite or maybe a little sarcastic, Ben approaches the unmarked vehicle and informs the cops that he's brought them some hot drinks. I suppose if he acts as the supportive citizen, there's no way they'll think he was involved, maybe? At this point, I'm sure the police are only after Kush, as far as I know, they're completely unaware that Phil, Ben, Kat and Shirley were also involved, of course other than DI Thompson who is desperate to get his hands on Phil! As Ben leaves hot drinks on the top of the police car, he walks away to see Martin stood on the front of the Slater household, asking Kat whether she's heard from Kush or whether she knows his whereabouts. But the only thing Kat tells him is that everything is sorted, Martin leaves looking almost disappointed that he didn't receive the answers he wanted, as he walks away, Ben questions Kat on exactly how much Martin knows, but she makes it perfectly clear to him that Martin has no idea what has happened recently.
Eventually Ben returns home, he appears to be pretty agitated about everything that is happening. Phil notices his son is looking a bit distracted, in front of his boyfriend he asks his son what's bothering him. It's then that Ben completely admits he's fearing that the police are still on the Square, Kush is nowhere to be found, the person who grassed them up to the police is still wondering the streets, to him - it feels like someone is out to get the Mitchell family. Both Phil and Callum try to persuade Ben that he's worrying over nothing, Phil explains that it could've been anyone who grassed them up, maybe a security guard or something? As Phil leaves the room, Ben confides in his boyfriend that he can't let anything happen to his family, Callum once again look defeated as he assures his boyfriend he'll try his best to try and find something, to which Ben is utterly grateful. If only he knew what Callum knew, eh?!
Out on the Square, Peter is having a run - maybe trying to get his head together? Music can be heard from his earphones as he runs, as he comes to the Square gardens, he spots both Ian and Bobby across the Square. you can see as he watches that both Ian and Bobby appear to be having a civil conversation, as Peter approaches and questions what they were discussing, Bobby reveals that he was simply asking his Father how to spell "Lasagne!". It's then the Peter questions his brother as to why he's even talking to their Dad, considering he never managed to find Peter the money for Lauren, but Bobby tries to defend his Dad, admitting that he really did try. Peter leaves the conversation leaving Bobby calling after him. As Peter walks away, he bumps into Ash, who tries to reassure him even though Ian couldn't help him, there's no need for him to take it out on Bobby.
Meanwhile, at the Cafe, Mick and Tina have managed to catch up after his return. She shocked to hear that while he was away, Mick got mugged by a group of youths, but Mick reassures her that he's absolutely fine. It's then she apologies for causing so much hassle regarding the Vic, but Mick reassures her that she was just trying to help, suddenly she announces that she's going to make it up to her brother and has a plan set in stone. Mick looks confused, what does mean, a plan?! What is she planning?! However before she can let on, Ian enters the Cafe and she swiftly makes her exit! As Ian enters we can he's walking towards Max as he's sat with the journalist from the Walford Gazette. It looks as if Max is informing the gentleman about the business he runs with Ian, however Ian seems pretty unimpressed that Max is talking to the journalist and is quick to inform him that he needs to get back to the restaurant because they're expecting a delivery. While I'm watching this scene, I feel like saying out loud "Ian has the nerve to speak to Max like that!" - Considering how much he owes him, plus they're business partners, Max is his partner, not his employee!! I'd be fuming if someone spoke to me like that, would you?! However, Max politely excuses himself from the interview and instantly Ian is looking smug and delighted to be in the spotless, however his smug grin is soon wiped from his face as the journalist mentions the topic of "Bribery"! (HA!)
At the Beale household, Bobby is sat looking over his Lucy Beale charity on his laptop as Peter walks in, he seems rather nervous at his brother's appearance. They begin to discuss their Dad, Peter can't quite seem to understand how Bobby can stick up for their Father when he appears to do nothing for them, also considering the horrendous things he's done recently, stealing from their Gran and not even spending lockdown with them, and instead being at the Vic with Sharon. Bobby tries to reassure his brother that deep down, their Dad is an okay guy - while he's doing so, he appears to be tapping his fingers rapidly against the table. He begins to explain to Peter that when Bobby first arrived back on the Square, his Dad was very supportive to him (Really, not that I can recall!) However, Peter has no idea what Bobby went through, As he pressures Bobby to tell him what he means, he gently presses his hand against his brothers to calm his tapping, it's then that the teenager blurts out that he saw Lucy, much to Peter's surprise!
Meanwhile at the Vic, Ian seems to have brought the journalist over for a more private conversation. Ian questions how and where he has heard the story about bribery, it's then that the journalist mentions Suki, and how she bribed him into getting her idea for property put forward to the council. Ian tries his best to swerve the journalist off the subject, saying that this isn't a story he should be working on. But when the journalist refuses to drop the subject, and insists that that will be the only story he's going for, Ian makes one of the most biggest mistakes and drops Suki right in it! He informs the journalist that Suki isn't one to be messed around with, he even describes her as an iceberg, and where she's concerned, bribery is the tiniest tip of it!
Returning to the Beale household, Peter is trying to understand what his younger brother is telling him. He can't seem to understand that he was having haunting visions of his deceased sister. Peter questions whether their Dad and Gran knew about it, which of course they did. But Bobby tries his best to explain that it doesn't happen anymore, but the visions dead get harrowing and caused him almost to commit suicide. This scene is pretty sad to watch, Peter reveals to Bobby how much he's missing his sister and how he'd do anything to see her one last time, he slams the table in anger as he states the fact that Bobby was the one who killed her, out of all the people in the family, why would she appear to him?! But of course, Peter has no idea what Bobby went through, it was as if Lucy was haunting the poor boy, and not in a good way. Peter leaves the room, leaving Bobby alone.
Meanwhile, Kat has visited Whitney - obviously wanting to have an update about Kush. Whitney confides in Kat that he's still causing a lot of racket as he's hiding above in their attic. She mentions that Sonia will be due back from Bianca's any day, so they need to find somewhere else for Kush to hide incase Sonia finds out. However, Whitney also informs her that during that morning she hasn't heard a thing and she's assumed he's fallen asleep. Feeling a bit suspicious, Kat takes it upon herself to go into the attic to double check on Kush, however once she gets up there, she realises he's disappeared! Suddenly Kush is seen entering the Mitchell household, and he's not looking very happy. Both Phil and Ben are stunned to see him as they believed he had scarpered away from the Square, especially considering the police having been waiting outside the house for him. Kush demands that Phil gives them the money they are owed, or he sorts out the situation they have found themselves in, Kush refuses to hide any longer! But Phil isn't one you should make threats to, he demands Kush to leave his house, but as Kush stands his ground, he slowly makes his way towards him and Kat is heard from the hallway and dares him to lay a hand on her boyfriend. Once again Phil forces them out of his house, but something tells me that they're not going to stop pestering him until they get what they deserve!
Back outside on the Square, Gray has taken his children, Mack and Mia for a play about in the gardens. He strolls along with Whitney as they discuss what's happening in each other's lives. Whitney mentioning she's having to cope with Slaters, whereas Gray mentions he's having to cope with the Carter sisters. However as they continue their walk, Kheerat walks passed them and tries his best to ignore Gray but can't help but give him a look, to which he reacts pretty badly to. I think this is the moment when Gray almost revealed his dark side to his children. He confront Kheerat from across the Square, questioning whether he had a problem with him, but it looks as if Kheerat takes his chances to wind Gray up, almost knowing that this could be the chance for his children to see what he's really like. Gray warns him to keep his opinions to himself in future, to which Kheerat responds in a way of really teasing him, as if he's wanting him to show his dark side, he almost pushes him to the edge when he questions him, what's he going to do about it if he doesn't? Gray really sees red and begins to make his way towards Kheerat, but Whitney stops him in his tracks as she calls his name. It's then that Gray begins to come back to Earth and realise what his children had almost witnessed. He apologises for his outburst as Whitney begins to walk with the children.
At the Minute Mart, the journalist who was interviewing Ian walks in, Suki is polite to begin with asking whether his interview with Ian went well, the journalist appears friendly as he mentions he's exploring other local businesses, but of course, Suki doesn't let anything slip and admits she just works in a small shop. However, when the journalist begins to read out her other business prospects, she begins to realise that someone has been having words about her to him behind her back. The only way she can back herself up is by explaining that everyone in her family work really hard for what they've got and are really tough grafters. But when the journalist makes the slight dig that she's had to bribe a local councillor, Suki makes a slight threat that it wouldn't be good if a small local newspaper went out of business for writing false stories. It seems as if the journalist understand the threat she's making and leaves peacefully - however it looks as if Suki is raging from the encounter. Will she find out that it was actually Ian who attempted to throw her under the bus?!
Returning to the Beale household, Peter is still reeling from the news about Bobby being able to see Lucy. He demands his Gran to tell him why no one ever told him anything. Kathy tries her absolute best to convince her Grandson that Bobby was not well, plus the fact he wasn't able to control his visions of Lucy. Sorry but, Peter's reaction I find is pretty childish - when he says "It's not fair!" - I'm sorry to say that although I understand he's upset but how can he say it's not fair?! Bobby was pretty much tortured by Lucy's ghost! Why on Earth would Peter want to experience seeing the ghost of his deceased sister?! Kathy explains to Peter that Bobby has been trying to make up for what he did since he returned the Square, she explains that the only reason he's doing this Lucy Beale Foundation, is to make it up to his brother. Kathy informs Peter that Bobby adores him and he'd literally do anything for him. To me, it kind of looks like Peter has some horrible thoughts going through his mind when she mentions that, is he going to ask something horrid of Bobby, with the knowledge that Bobby looks up to him, will he use it to his advantage?!
Meanwhile, at the police station, Callum looks to be doing some digging on DI Thompson's laptop. Suddenly Jack walks in and questions what he's up to, Callum is quick on his feet and explains he's doing research for a fellow officer. Almost on cue, Thompson walks in and Callum makes it look as if he's managed to find a file for Thompson. As Thompson plays along with Callum's excuse, Jack pulls him for a word warning him not to use junior officers to accept specific files. However, as soon as Jack leaves the room, Callum informs DI Thompson that he's managed to come across the anonymous 999 call, he explains that this is the closest they've got to getting Phil. Although Thompson doesn't seem interested and warns Callum that he's running out of time. As he leaves, Callum looks quite suspiciously at the computer screen, is he going to be able realise who it was who called the police?!
Returning to the Atkins household, Whitney is trying to entertain the children, but they both seem pretty unhappy - maybe is it because of what they saw their Dad do?! Did his reaction frighten them?! Suddenly, Gray makes his way into the house and notices his children's unhappy faces. Whitney explains that they were going to shoot a music video, considering they've been practising for days, but the children don't seem do want to do it anymore. Gray takes it upon himself to speak softly to his kids, he kneels down to their level and tries his best to encourage them, it's then that Whitney suggests that their Daddy joins in. Little Mia then mentions that their Daddy doesn't like dancing. This seems to really touch Gray's heart, he cracks a smile and persuades his children to teach him and they jump about happily. Eventually they manage to film their music video, everyone dressed in sparkly outfits, Gray even makes the effort of throwing glitter about. Feeling very excited that they completed their music video, the children rush to give their Dad a big hug. The look on Gray's face as his children hold him is soft - I get he might have a terrible temper and anger issues - but something tells me that deep down, he is a good Dad ... Or do you all think I'm completely wrong?! As the children disappear to get changed, Whitney brings up the situation which happened with Kheerat earlier on the Square, she explains that she's never seen Gray act that way before. He looks to the floor and simply says that that is not the man he is, Whitney seems to completely understand - to her, maybe Kheerat just caught him on a bad day? Or he rubbed him up the wrong way? She reassures Gray that no everyone he cares about sees him in a bad light, to which he responds with a smile. However, what would they think if they really knew the truth on how Chantelle died and what torture she went through?!
Back at the attic, Kush has found his way back to his hiding place. Kat is trying to understand what Kush was planning, she questions his actions earlier and what he was playing at. But, understandably, Kush is getting sick of hiding, he suggests he just does a runner as he simply can't stay cooped up in the attic forever. But interestingly, when he suggests running, he says the word "We!" - meaning him and Kat?! If this is the only option of this, will they make a run for it, start a new life somewhere else? Or will Kat really take him seriously, considering she's got her children to think about, it may not be easy for her to just jump and head off. We know Kush is leaving, will this be his ticket out of Walford? Will he go on the run as a Wanted man?!
Back at the Vic, Ian is alone as he makes himself a cup of tea for himself and Sharon. He shouts to her to inform her it's ready, but as footsteps approach we see Suki enter the Vic kitchen. Ian is stunned to see her walking so freely inside his house, he informs her she can't simply walk into his property the way she has. However, she's quick to mention the interview Ian had had with the journalist from the Walford Gazette. She seems to play him to begin with, suggesting that neither of them said anything to the journalist and he has no idea about their arrangement, but things take a dark turn as she begins to threaten Ian, warning that if anything about her has been mentioned - she'll make sure he'll regret crossing her.
Returning to the Beale household, Bobby is once again alone looking at his computer screen. It's looking like he's struggling to cope as he stares at the image of Lucy on the screen. Once again he begins to count and he places the laptop screen down. Unbeknown to him though, Peter is watching from behind. Peter mentions to him that counting isn't going to help, Bobby is surprised to see his brother watching him and instantly he is completely apologetic to him about how he found out about his visions. Peter suddenly takes a deep interest in the Lucy Beale Foundation on the screen of the laptop, he notices that overall over £15,000 has been raised! He comments on how generous people have been. Peter sits beside his brother and they begin to discuss Lucy, what would she think of them right now? Would she be looking after them? Just then, Peter asks Bobby the cruellest thing, giving the money that people have raised for the charity to him. Bobby is insistent that he will make it up to his brother in any way he can but not in the way he wants, he couldn't possibly give him the charity money. Then Peter says the most cruellest, nastiest thing you could ever say to anyone - "I wish it was you that died!"
The final scene of this episode, Callum is in the Vic, he appears to be looking at his phone with a file with looks to be the anonymous 999 call that was made to the police. Before he even has time to put his earphones in and press "Play", Ben appears and starts to question his boyfriend whether he has managed to find any leads to who grassed them up. Callum seems a little bit irritable, he informs his boyfriend that he's doing all he can to find something, he instructs his boyfriend to go and fetch him a drink. As Ben approaches the bar, asking his brother to fetch him and Callum a drink, Ian seems to make a snide remark, mentioning that he still hasn't paid for his previous drink, however Ben seems to lighten the mood, saying there must be pros to him being his brother and he being the owner of the Vic now. Meanwhile, as Ben is chatting away with his brother, Callum plugs his earphones and in and presses "Play" on the recording, suddenly he instantly recognises the voice playing and reporting the robbery - Ian!!! Callum looks in disbelief as he watches Ian behind the bar!
How on Earth is Callum going to be able to tell Ben and Phil that is was Ian who grassed them up?1 What is he going to do with this information?! Something is telling me that over the next few episodes, Ian is going to upset quite a lot of people, we know he's going to end up being attack around the Christmas period, with all these different people having negative feeling toward Ian, may the list potentially grow as to who attacks him - the ones we know that have been listed include Peter, Bobby, Kathy and Max - something tells me that maybe Ben, Phil, Sharon and maybe even one of the members of the Panesar family will be added to that list! What do you guys think?! Who has had enough of Ian Beale?!
I hope you've enjoyed reading this post, I apologise it's taken so long! I'm really looking forward to what's going to happen over the next couple of episodes! Thank you all so much for reading and I'll be back again tomorrow! Love you all xXx
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peggysousfan · 5 years
The Torment of the Future
Here is an Au series I have started where Peggy and Daniel are brought back from the dead and mix in with the Marvel movies on Infinity War and Endgame. This is just the 1st chapter, so this is just the intro. Enjoy the twist and surprises in store😉
There in the hidden bunker below, down and down you go far from civilization, they sleep. Two figure locked in cages, beaten and bruised like wild animals. They hold each others hands through the bar; a small comfort to hold their beloved in this time of torment.
All at once it seamed reality and their lives were flipped upside down. What started as a long over due reunion for the lovers, it was all ripped apart by an endless void. They clung to the other with all their might, but they were torn away. For what seemed like hours they opened their eyes again, and meet each other's gaze. Their hands reach out to the other, only to be stopped by the rusted, cold, metal bars. The woman's face began to stain in tears and her love wiped them away. They tried to get free, tried to hold each other again, but it was no use; and they noise they made only caught the attention of their keepers. For days, weeks, months, they didn't know, they were beaten and tortured; everyday for hours on end.
"Stop! Please- Just s- stop!"
The guard grinned, yanking the man's matted hair, caked in grime and blood.
"Plea- please..." She begged, her hands just out of reach from her beloved. "Ple- please don- don't... don't hurt h- him..."
Her face is drenched in the saltiness of her tears, and there's nothing she can do. She thought this part of her life was over. No more running, no more fighting. It was simply the darkness that took hold of her in her sleep that transported her to live anew, back into her husband's arms. He died several years before she did, and she longed to see him again; yearning for nothing more than a kiss and an embrace. Just one more time. And it seemed as if God had heard her prayer before death, too, took her away; and she was met with the loving face she missed do dearly. Now it seemed, they  were alive and young again; only to be trapped and tortured.
"W-what do you want from us!?" She yells with a crack in her voice. And a crack in her will to continue living. She and her husband both agree its time to give up, to stop fighting; they won the fight of life a long time ago. They would die and hold each other as close as possible; returning to the light they once knew.
As she continues to listen to his cries of agony, she grabs the bars and shakes on the door, anything to get him to stop. And to her surprise it works, but it doesn't work out as she expects it too.
"No. No please no-" The guard hits him in the head and tosses him back into his cell as he enters the woman's, She backs away into the corner and tries to make a run for it, but he grabs her from her hair and drags her out. "Take me! Let  her go and take me!!" He shouts, but to no avail."No.." He sits down and slides against the bars, as she cries out from the electric bar whipping her spine.
He recounts they day they met at the SSR, and he was so nervous. She was his first friend there, and the only person he liked. He fell too hard too fast, and was distraught when she declined his offer to go out for drinks. Little did he know, she was meeting with a friend to move into an new arrangement, and he took it the wrong way; so wrong he moves across the country to get away from her. He was afraid to be around the woman he loved and think she never thought the same; but he was entirely wrong.
She called him everyday, but he never answered. She flew across the country, saved his life, and asked him out; but he declined. She found out about his new girlfriend, and encouraged his happiness; so much that he actually proposed. And yet it didn't work out. All it took was watching her nearly die to know he can never fall out of love, to know he can never out run his feelings no matter how far he moves away. It wasn't until he was teasing her after she saved him when she actually made the first move. She kissed him so hard he lost his balance and they fell into his office chair; and they've never been apart since then.
There first date was out to get ice cream once the files were written up from the Isodine case. Then the were thrown into another problem; the attempted murder of a dear friend. Chief Jack Thompson got in over his head with the people he associate with, and it nearly got him killed stealing a redacted file on her. The woman now being tortured. Come to find out the man that shot Thompson was her long lost, dead brother; Micheal. He was kidnapped during the war and brain washed using an early Hydra program. They were able to help him get better and take down the SSR to get rid of the hydra operatives that slithered in.
Once the SSR was shut down, something new emerged; SHIELD. It was created to help the world from threats beyond the normal problems, and to get rid of Hydra once and for all; even if that meant some got int only to get dummy cases and be sent into death traps. But none of that matter now, because it didn't work. And now they are at the will and whim of Hydra; being tortured and starved for no reason at all. Not even an explanation of how they were brought back to life.
Lost in his distracting thoughts, he finally notices the screams have stopped, and turns around to find her unconscious in HIS cell. The guard watches as he rushes over to her, keeping her in his lap. He checks for a pulse and finds it, but its very faint.
"She need medical attention. Now!" But the guard does nothing but stare fro several more moments, then walks away. The man cries out and groans in frustration as he holds his wife closer. "P-Peggy." He stutters. "Peg you gotta listen to me, okay? You're gonna be fine, amada. I just need you to be strong and hold on." He looks down at her and she doesn't even stir; and his heart begins to shatter. his own face begins to stain as she moves slightly in his arms. "Peg?" She takes a gasp of air and sits up slightly. "Peggy!" He hold her against his chest, as she cries.
"D-Daniel? Daniel!" She exclaims, throwing her arms around his neck. Although it hurts, they refuse to let go. He only leans back to pepper her face in sweet, tender kisses. She leans forward and hold him close, giggling at his affection.
"I'm never letting you go again." He whispers. "Never!" He squeezes her tight nearly to the brink of pain, but she doesn't mind.
"I heartly concur." She releases his neck and attacks his lips with hers. At first he's in shock, then melts in the feeling.  They kiss and kiss and kiss until their lips are bruised and their lungs are out of breath. Peggy snuggles against him, her body between his legs huddled close, as he leans against the wall, embracing her. They're hearts beat as one as they begin to relax and forget their troubles; content to only hold and love one another. The fall asleep holding each other, everything is quiet, that is until they hear a large bang. "What was that?" She asks untangling herself from him; but he doesn't let go of her.
"I'm not sure." They watch the door intensely, waiting for an explanation.
"Daniel..." She tries to walk to the door, but he doesn't let her.
"Not yet. Lets just...wait." She looks over her shoulder at him; giving him the look. "Peg we don't know anything. Not only can we barely stand up, let alone fight our way out of here, I'm not gonna lose you again. I just got you back." She looks into his eyes and sees the unspoken words and the fear in his eyes; so she stays. After several minutes of loud banging and yelling, the door bursts open by people in uniform, head to toe in government gear.
"Since when does Hydra keep prisoners locked in cages like this in a basement?" One of them says.
"Since when did Hydra resurface after Talbot and that whole charade with Thanos?" Another one says; this one is a woman.
"Oh. My. God." Another woman enters the room, in no tactical gear, and freezes at the sight of them.
"What? Do you know these people, Simmons?" The tall man asks.
"Know them?! How could you not. Especially her!" She says with an enormous smile on her face as she runs to the door and shoots the lock. "Are you both ok- oh no." She stops as she sees the extensive wounds on both of them. She turns to her peers and ushers them inside. "Quickly, we need to get them to med bay. Now!"
"We're aren't going anywhere before we know WHAT THE HELL is going on!"Peggy yells. "Who are you people!?" Simmons backs away out of shock. She didn't expect her outburst.
"Oh my God, is she-"The woman in gear starts to speak.
"I think so, May. She certainly looks like her." Simmons says and she grabs medical supplies from her bag.
"Am I missing something here?"The man asks
"You're always missing something Mack." May says sarcastically, but everyone can see the small smirk on her face; that's as close as she gets to a smile or any expression of enjoyment. Simmons reaches out to Peggy and Peggy balls up her fist ready to punch.
"Touch me and you'll regret it." She spews.
"Who are you people? And what do you want with us?" Daniel finally speaks as Peggy leans further back into him; not giving a damn who sees.
"Right now all we want to do is help you." Simmons speaks, gesturing towards the supplies. "We aren't with Hydra, quite the opposite actually. But given you're the founder of our organization, I would think you would understand where it is we work." "What?"
"We're working with S.H.I.E.L.D." Agent May speaks.
"S.H.I.E.L.D.? But-" Peggy looks at Daniel and sees his confusion. "That can't be right. S.H.I.E.L.D. fell in 2015 after Hydra destroyed it."
"You remember that?" Simmons asks
"Vaguely. Its not all clear but...It is hard to forget that my entire life's work went down because bloody Captain America couldn't help but put his nose in business that didn't concern him."
"Y-you remember that too?" May asks, shocked.
"Obviously. That wanker wouldn't stop visiting me while I was in the nursing home. He kept obsessing over the war and how he wished he could go back."
"He loves you. How is that obsession?"
"If he loved me," she looks at Mack. "Then he would accept that fact that I moved on with my life and was happy without him there. Its been what? at least 4 years the last I checked before I died. He needs to let me go and get over himself." Her blood starts to boil and Daniel holds her arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. The bracelet on her wrist starts to glow and gives her a small shock, and she groans from pain, and Daniel whispers in her ear to calm her down.
"What is that for?" "Don't touch me." Peggy snaps at Jemma's fascination.
"Please, Directer, let us help. We won't do you any harm." At first she's hesitant, but lets Simmons look at their wounds.
"Don't touch that!" Peggy shouts as she touches the bracelet. "Leave it be."
"What does it do?" She asks gently. Peggy doesn't answer, instead she looks over at Daniel and he takes her hand in his.
"It's for her safety. And all of ours." He explains. Everyone turns to him and May asks who he is. She's never seen his file.
"He's my husband." And as Peggy says this, they;'re all stunned. "You've never read his file because I destroyed it. No one could know his identity or about his connection and relationship with me." She explains.
"I guess that makes sense." Mack says. "Can you both stand? We should get you both back to head quarters to get you properly treated." The lovers share a glance and have a silent agreement. They both nod and are taken one the quinjet to the Lighthouse. When they get to the med bay they are all patched up and take care of.
"Your wounds are extensive, especially the ones on your back, Director. As for your husband..."
"Daniel. Daniel Sousa." They shake hands and she continues speaking.
"And as for your wounds, Agent Sousa, you have a broken rib and a a minor concussion." The married pair nod along as they listen. "I know you said you don't want me to take off your...wrist band, Director, but it has causes burns on your skin that need to be treated." Peggy looks down at her lap, and takes a deep breath. "May I ask why it is you want to keep a device that torture you on your wrist?"
"Because I need it. It...helps me." Simmons looks perplexed as she tries to figure out what Director Carter means.
"Peg..." She looks up at Daniel. "I think we can trust them. It's okay." He smiles at her, trying to bring a small comfort to her in this moment of fear.
"I need this because it helps keep it under control." She chokes up.
"Keep what under control?" Jemma asks, her brows furrowed. Peggy sighs and wipes away a loose tear.
"Abilities?! What abilities? How long have you had them?!" She fires up in excitement, quickly examining the bracelet.
"I'm not sure. We only found out about them while we were in the bunker,"Peggy says. "I'm not sure how long we were down there, but I do know that some days they would take me away from Daniel and..." She breaks away from speaking and and tries to gather her composure, but the memories continue to play in her mind. The torment an torture. Being tied down and cut into like a sack of meet. Being pocked with needles and having blood drawn, as well as odd colored injections.All of this was swirling through her mind and she had to ground herself and remember it wasn't real.
"Director...?" She looks up and notices Simmons patiently waiting.
"They did experiments I believe. My blood was drawn and I was constantly injected with an odd liquid that burned throughout my entire body. I wasn't sure what it was suppose to do until..." She stops again and looks at Daniel, who's hand is outstretched to her, and she takes it.
"Until she got so desperate and angry at the guard that beat me half to death," Daniel chimes in. "She screame at the top of her lungs from the pain in her veins. And that's when it happened."
"What happened?" Jemma asks, leaning in her seat like an excited child.
"She blew the bars off the hinges in a light show of an explosion from her hands." Peggy looks away but squeezes his hand. "Scared the hell outta the guard, and me. I think it scared her most of all..." He tips his head and peaks into her face, and she nods. "But she ran with it and blew a damn whole in the guards body like laser or something. It felt like all the energy in the room was vacuumed into her and she started to...glow." He says in amazement. "But more came in and tackled her down, forcing that band on her wrist. She never learned to control whatever it is she does. And she's afraid of it."
"That's...incredible. I-I mean awful that you went through that but, your abilities sound incredible. Now I can run some tests on your DNA to see just what we're dealing with. And I can take the band off and replace it with one that doesn't hurt. It will dampen your powers, but it will make sure not to burn you and cause you any sort of pain." Peggy  agrees and then is taken to a different room for those tests.
"So...what does it say?"
"I-I've never seen anything like this before. Its like pure energy is coursing through your veins. I can also see molecule structure similar to what we find in space."
"Space? As in the stars and planets sort of space?"
"Yes. Those particles and structures discovered in astral phenomenons and super novas, that is. See here, how you cells are estranged from this set here and then this one?" Peggy nods. "These cells are inhuman, the other human; but yours...its as if its a hybrid mixture of human, inhuman, and something else. Something that Captain Marvel herself may very well posses."
"Oh shes an Avenger that has similar abilities to yours. She glows and fly's and has abilities that have to do with energy; but its not exactly the same as yours." Simmons continues to explain. "You see, your power has to do with everything around you, that and your emotions. It doesn't come from a source inside of you, not like it does with her. Yours is also very new and unpracticed. I think once you train and get comfortable with them, then you'll be just fine."
"What happens if I suppress them for too long or don't practice?" Jemma looks at Peggy and presses her lips together sheepishly.
"Well that's another matter we will have to test. But from what I can read from your incredible results...nothing good." She slouches in the chair in the lab as she lets this sink in. "If you don't want to suppress them and would like them to just be controlled so you can train, I can modify a device to do that instead."
"If you think that's best...then I'll do it."
"Only if that's what you want, Directer Carter."
"Peggy, please, or Agent Carter if you prefer." She corrects Simmons. "I'm not the director anymore."
"Alright, Peggy." Jemma smiles like a fan-girl. "If you would like to practice with your abilities and get them under control, then I can design something up for you and get your opinion."
"That would be great, thank you Agent Simmons."
"Jemma." She reaches out her hand and they shake on it. Peggy gets up and leaves the lab to find Daniel, and Jemma walks into the Director's office.
"Simmons. You're back. So what do you have to report on...them." He gestures towards the outside.
Jemma confirms they are the real Margaret 'Peggy' Carter and Daniel Sousa. They were brought back to life with the same alien DNA Coulson had, but their formula was different; so they won't go insane like he did. She informs him of the injuries that they have, but they will make a full recovery; and she also tells him about Peggy's DNA and abilities.
"Note to self, don't piss off Peggy Carter. Not unless you want to die in an actual nuclear explosion." Mack mumbles. "And I though May and Daisy were terrifying when they were mad...damn."
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Ultimatum (a tyrus oneshot)
Disney made the wrong choice when they cancelled Andi Mack. I am so distraught by the news I don’t know how to put it in words. But I did write a one shot based on the basketball game that is supposed to happen in one of the (very sadly) final episodes. 
Word count: 2045
The bell rang, allowing for a stampede of middle school students from classrooms all over the school to make their way to their lockers. Buffy and Andi had just finished English class, which was spent mostly passing notes to each other.
“So, what’s the deal?”
“Cyrus isn’t back from biology yet, is he?” Andi asked, looking around the Jefferson Middle School corridor.
“No, now hurry up, before he comes back,”
“Okay, so, you know how Cyrus was supposed to do a costume with TJ?”
“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask him what happened to that. When we arrived, he was just sitting there all sad with a colander on his head,”
“Well, I asked him about it, and, turns out, TJ ended up doing another costume with Kira!”
“Kira?” Buffy asked, her face scrunched up in disgust, “As in, basketball Kira? The one with the awful attitude?”
“The one and only,” Buffy shook her head while Andi continued, “Anyway, I didn’t even know TJ and Kira were friends!”
“They both play basketball. If it wasn’t for basketball, I’d be blissfully ignorant towards TJ. But, unfortunately, I’m not. And Cyrus really cares about him. Why would he do that? As far as I know, he was the one who came up with the costume in the first place,”
“I have no idea.”
Just as Andi completed her sentence Cyrus popped up between the two girls, “No idea about what?”
“Uh…” Andi hesitated.
“No idea when you would show up, but speak of the devil, I guess!” Buffy said. The girls let out a forced laugh.
“Oh yeah, you know I always stay back after biology to ask more questions. Every part of that subject astounds me, I—” Cyrus stopped when he noticed Buffy had left his side and was running down the corridor, calling out to TJ.
Cyrus turned to Andi, “Why is she talking to him? Why is she talking to him?” He shook Andi by the shoulders, staring anxiously across the corridor.
“Don’t be mad, but I told Buffy about the whole TJ and Kira thing,”
“Why would you do that? You know how much she likes to meddle, especially when it comes to those two. I didn’t think she could like anyone less than TJ but then Kira came along,”
“Listen, Cy, I know how much you care about him. And I know he cares about you, too. Maybe Buffy’s meddling will do good this time. She cares about you, too. Maybe in a slightly different way than you do about TJ, but—”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Cyrus interrupted, “what do you mean?”
“Nothing, nothing. Just, maybe he had a reason.”
Cyrus was unconvinced but decided to drop it. His focus was trying to hear his best friend and whatever TJ was to him, across a swarm of eighth graders.
“Cyrus is your friend and you let him down, TJ!” Buffy shouted, while TJ simply stood there, taking it, “What possible reason could you have for leaving behind a boy who showed up to school with a colander on his head, after you were the one who thought of the costume first? Did you see how upset he was after you two left? Of course, you didn’t, because you left! You left him all alone, while you were off galivanting with Kira, with whom, by the way, I didn’t even know you were friends! And all I want to know is why. And I’m sure Cyrus does, too,”
TJ stood in front of Buffy, still, for a moment, before muttering, “Kira made me,”
“She what?”
“Why am I even talking to you about this? I should be talking to Cyrus,”
“So why don’t you?”
“He hasn’t spoken to me since Costume Day, and I don’t even know what I would say,”
Buffy’s eyebrows furrowed, “Are you… scared, Kippen?”
TJ sighed and looked at the floor. “Kira said something to me after I told her about our somersault costume. She said, ‘So you’d rather do a costume with Cyrus, than with me? Good luck with that.’ And the way she said it, I just, didn’t know what to do or what to think. She made me feel bad about doing a costume with Cyrus and I can’t figure out why. I’d only met her the day before! I don’t even know her last name. You want to know why? So do I,”
“It’s almost as if she didn’t want you to do the costume with Cyrus because he’s a boy,” Buffy’s words faded away towards the end of her sentence. She looked up at TJ, who had worry filling his eyes as he took a very visible gulp.
“Oh,” she whispered, as his eyes made their way back to the floor, “You have to tell Cyrus about Kira. He’s torturing himself over this, TJ. He thinks it’s his fault you ditched him. He’s been beating himself up for being “too enthusiastic” about something that “could never happen”. He’s barely come outside since that day,”
“He doesn’t want to talk to me, Driscoll,”
“Of course, he does. He just doesn’t know it yet. But it’s your friendship’s funeral, Kippen. Do what you want. But Cyrus deserves to know.” Buffy turned on her heel to leave, but turned back to say one more thing, “Will you meet me in the gym after school? We have a game coming up and I want to practice my jump shots,”
“Uh… okay.” TJ replies, a slightly confused look on his face.
Buffy walked away with a smile and rejoined Andi and Cyrus.
“What did he say?” Cyrus asked, trying not to sound too eager.
Buffy looked towards the boy, “You should really talk to him, Cy,”
“Well, can’t you just tell me what he said? I don’t even know how I would begin a conversation. It’s been so long since I spoke to him,”
“I can’t tell you myself. It’s his explanation to… explain,”
Cyrus sighs and looks straight ahead, a slight pout across his face. Buffy and Andi share a look of disappointment but continue to walk next to the boy. It’s a silent journey to their next class. Just as they’re about to enter Buffy pulls Cyrus to the side, “Can you meet me in the gym after school? We have a game coming up and we really need practice. And… I really need moral support,”
“You got it,” Cyrus replied, stepping foot into the classroom.
“Is everyone usually this late?” Cyrus asked, scanning the empty room.
“I’m sure they’ll be here soon. It’s only,” she looked at her watch, “4:05,”
“You ready, Driscoll?” A voice said, followed by the sound of a bouncing ball, sending chills down Cyrus’ ack. He knew that voice.
“I’ll do my best but you’re not that ta—” TJ noticed the other boy and dropped the ball as well as his jaw. He waited for the bouncing to stop before saying, “Cyrus,” He looked at Buffy who nodded back at him, urging him to say something, anything. TJ looked back at Cyrus and took a deep breath, “Can I talk to you?”
Cyrus, still flustered, opens his mouth, but before he can elicit any sound another voice emerged, bringing Buffy’s blood to a boil, “TJ, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
TJ jumped at the sound of Kira’s voice and receded, taking a couple of steps back, towards Kira instead of Cyrus.
Cyrus angrily whispered to Buffy, “Why did you bring me here?” unable to take his eyes off TJ and Kira, his mouth scrunched up at the sight of them together.
The two parties stared at each other in complete silence until Cyrus broke it, “Listen, I don’t even know one side of what happened that day, and right now, I don’t know if I want to, but I’ll make you a deal,” Buffy looks at Cyrus, surprised, but Cyrus continues, “Kira and TJ? One on one. Buffy, you keep score. If TJ wins, I hear his side of things, but if Kira wins,” he paused, “I’ll leave you two to be and I won’t stand in your way again,” he glanced at TJ, silently hoping he would win.
Throughout the first half of the game Cyrus repeatedly asked Buffy to tell him what was happening because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t understand how the game worked. He did end up falling asleep halfway through, only to be awoken by a sweaty, panting TJ running towards him on the bleachers.
“Can we talk?” TJ asked, his words making their way through heavy breaths.
“That was the deal.”
Cyrus and TJ walked away, but Buffy still wasn’t done. She marched up to Kira. A fountain of words came out at full speed.
“You’re a terrible person, Kira. You had no right to manipulate TJ into standing Cyrus up. You’ve ruined a friendship that both of them care about so much. You have no idea how much damaged you’ve done. Cyrus hasn’t spoken to TJ since he showed up with you. He’s barely been hanging out with us. He even refused to eat baby taters the other day! Do you know how much he likes baby taters? Probably almost as much as he likes TJ,” Buffy scoffed, “I knew you were a bad person, but I didn’t expect you to be evil.”
“I did them a favour. Can’t you imagine what people would’ve said if they saw them in a costume together? I know you’re not stupid, Buffy. I know you can see what’s there between them. But I did it for their own good. Getting back at you was just a bonus.”
“You are just plain ignorant,” she said, her tone calm, I’m leaving. And I never want to see you again.”
Buffy walked out of the gym, consciously taking deep breaths, in and out, in and out.
Meanwhile, Cyrus and TJ had made their way to the locker room, where TJ sat Cyrus down on one of the benches, while he paced around, searching for the words to say, but it was Cyrus who began the conversation.
“Why didn’t you tell me you didn’t want to do the costume anymore?”
“It’s not that I didn’t want to do it, Cy. I was just… scared,”
“Of what?”
“Of this,” he gestured to the two of them, “of Kira telling people,”
“Telling them what? TJ, you’re scaring me,”
“I’m scaring me, too.”
Cyrus furrowed his eyebrows. This conversation was too familiar to him.
“Cyrus, I think I like you,” TJ held his breath in anticipation for the other boy’s response.
“Why does that have to be a secret? You’ve made amends with everyone important t—”
TJ looked at Cyrus. Right into his eyes. His hands were trembling, his breaths shaky. He couldn’t bring himself to say it again, so instead, he continued to stare, hoping Cyrus would understand, and then, Cyrus spoke, “Oh,”
“I’m sure you don’t feel the same way and you definitely don’t have to say it back. I just thought I owed you an explanation for running off without warning,” he rambled, not even pausing to take a breath.
“I get it,” Cyrus’ expression was unreadable.
TJ started walking away but Cyrus couldn’t let him leave. He gathered his thoughts as best he could and called, “No, wait, TJ!”
TJ turned around, anxiously waiting for Cyrus to complete his thought.
“I think I like you, too,”
The locker room door swung open, followed by Buffy, still calming herself down. She looked towards the two boys, “You guys done here?”
Cyrus took his eyes off TJ and looked at Buffy, “Yeah,”
“Yeah,” followed TJ, stuttering.
“Cyrus, Jonah and Andi are probably waiting at The Spoon, we should go,” Buffy said. She noticed TJ’s bright red face and faint smile and turned towards him, “Do you want to come, too?”
The flustered boy kept his eyes on Cyrus but nodded aggressively. Buffy smiled and dragged the boys out of the room. There seemed to be no words left for them to say, so they sat in silence beside each other for the rest of the day, sharing intermittent glances between their baby taters and milkshakes.
And that was how it started.
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theartofbeinganerd · 6 years
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 These Stars Will Guide Us Home - Chapter Nine
Yes, yes, I know, it’s late. I’m sorry, but here it finally is!
“My goodness, this is adorable!” Jemma cooed as she lifted an ornament out of the cardboard box that she’d been sifting through. She held it up to show the others, giving it a little shake. “How old are you here, Mack? Five, six?”
Mack groaned, shaking his head as he snatched the ornament with a picture of him at a very young age dressed up like an elf pasted onto it. “I was five.” Turning to a smirking Elena, he arched an eyebrow and asked pointedly, “What is this doing here? I told you we were leaving this at my parents’ place.”
“It was too precious not to put on our tree,” Elena insisted, taking the ornament from Mack and carefully placing it on one of the branches of the Christmas tree in their living room that Jemma and Daisy were helping to decorate. “Besides, your mother gave it to me.”
In response, Mack simply gave another groan, and a grinning Daisy asked, “Do you still have that costume?”
Fortunately, Mack was saved from having to respond to Daisy’s tease when a knock issued on the front door, followed shortly by it opening to reveal Bobbi and Hunter. “Sorry we’re late,” she told them. Thumbing at Hunter beside her, she explained, “The Grinch here took forever to get ready.”
“It’s the first day of December; you’ve got a whole month to decorate,” Hunter griped as he plopped onto the couch beside Jemma.
“Oh come on, Hunter,” Daisy said, stepping over to drape tinsel around his neck, “get in the Christmas spirit!”
Teasingly, Jemma pointed out, “Given last year’s Christmas party, I believe it takes a couple glasses of eggnog for Hunter to find his Christmas spirit.”
“You’re right about that,” Bobbi agreed with a laugh, “his rendition of White Christmas was very spirited."
Narrowing his eyes suspiciously, Hunter asked her, “You don’t still have that video, do you?” When she simply laughed in response, he cried, “Bobbi! You swore to me that you deleted it! Bobbi!”
Chuckling at her friends’ antics, Jemma turned to Mack and Elena, asking curiously, “Where are you guys celebrating this year?”
“We’re spending a couple of days with my family, then a couple with Yo-Yo’s,” Mack answered as he attempted to untangle a string of lights. Glancing toward his girlfriend, he added jokingly, “Though, I’m not sure if I should keep bringing her around my mom if they’re gonna keep conspiring against me like this.”
As she was walking past him to grab a few more ornaments to hang, Elena popped up on her toes and kissed his cheek, replying confidently, “You love that she loves me.”
Mack grinned, giving in easily and telling her, “Yeah, I do.”
Though seeing her friends happy made Jemma happy, she had to glance down at her lap then to try and hide the sudden wave of sadness that swept over her in response to their casual affection. Though it hardly seemed possible, as the holidays began to grow closer and closer, she found herself missing Fitz even more than usual. For some time, she’d thought that they’d get to spend Christmas together, to celebrate the holiday for the first time as a couple (and simply together for the first time in years) and as a family – in the same place. But, now, he was still in space, and though she had her friends there, it just wasn’t the same.
And, given that she was going to be over eight months pregnant by the time the holiday rolled around, she wouldn’t even be able to fly to England to spend it with her family, and she knew that Mack and Elena, and Bobbi and Hunter were going to be leaving to visit their families.
However, Daisy was going to be staying put as well, and had promised Jemma that they’d celebrate Christmas together, which she greatly appreciated. After all, it was going to be hard enough to get through the day without Fitz, let alone if she’d had to spend the entire day alone.
“Hey!” Daisy cried suddenly, beaming as she pulled something out of one of the boxes of decorations. She placed a Santa hat on top of her head, and planted her hands on her hips, nodding decisively. “Okay, now it’s December.” Taking out her phone, she snapped a photo of herself in the hat, then turned to Jemma and said, “Oh my gosh, can you imagine all the cute little Christmas outfits you can put the baby in next year? I fully expect to get a Christmas card from you next December that has me melting into a puddle.”
“Maybe you should dress her up as an elf,” Elena put in, smirking when Mack shot her a dry look for the comment.
“And you and Fitz can be Mr. and Mrs. Claus!” Daisy added. “That would be so cute!”
Laughing, Jemma told her, “I know that you don’t know Fitz very well yet, but I promise you that he would never go for that. Dressing the baby up? Sure. Dressing up himself? Not in a million years.”
“Oh, we’ll convince him,” she insisted, “Fitz hasn’t really met me yet; I can be very persuasive.”
“We know,” Bobbi reminded her, chuckling fondly.
“Who’s bloody phone is that?” Hunter said suddenly, and a frowning Mack turned down the volume on the Christmas music that had been playing in the background. Sure enough, a phone could be heard ringing from their kitchen.
“Oh!” Jemma cried, struggling to get to her feet. “That’s me.” Standing the closest to her, Daisy and Bobbi each gave her a hand standing, and she hurried into the kitchen to grab her phone just before it could go to voicemail. “Hello?” she answered, slightly out of breath.
“Hello, is this Jemma Simmons?” a woman asked.
“This is she,” Jemma replied, leaning back against the island in Mack and Elena’s kitchen.
“Oh, hello dear! This is Valerie Newton, calling about the rental property that you filled out an application for.”
Jemma’s heart leapt in her chest, but she tried to tamp down on her hope, replying, “Oh yes, hello Valerie. Thank you for getting back to me so soon.”
“Of course, of course. I just wanted to let you know as soon as possible that you and your fiancé were approved, and that you can come on over and sign the lease whenever you’re available.”
For a moment, she was speechless, even though all of her friends had insisted for days now that she and Fitz were practically guaranteed the house. It simply seemed to be too good to be true when everything else appeared to have been going so horribly lately. Finally, she asked in disbelief, “We…we got it?”
On the other line, Valerie laughed, assuring her, “Yes, you got it. Truly, I couldn’t imagine the house going to a more impressive and more importantly, a more deserving couple.”
“Oh thank you, thank you,” Jemma told her, letting out a disbelieving little laugh and shaking her head. “I…I can come sign the lease Monday around noon, if that works for you?”
“Sure thing, dear. I’ll see you then, and I hope you have a good weekend.”
“Thank you, you too,” she replied before hanging up the phone. For a moment, she simply stood there, still slightly taken aback.
But, then Daisy called over the back of the couch, “Everything alright out there?” and she snapped out of it, beaming and hurrying back to join the others.
“We got the house!” she cried, clasping her hands together under her chin.
As her friends all began congratulating her, all Jemma could think was that she couldn’t wait to tell Fitz, and that she couldn’t wait to start building a home with him – and, today, they’d taken the first step to finally making that happen.
“Ugh, what do you have in here, Jem? Bricks?”
Rolling her eyes at Daisy’s theatrics, Jemma tapped her neat handwriting on the top of the cardboard box that she was carrying, pointing out, “They’re my biology texts, Daisy, and they can go in the living room for now.”
“Good.” With that, Daisy unceremoniously dropped the box onto the floor in front of her, ignoring the less than pleased look that Jemma shot her. Then, she turned to head back outside to bring in another box, stepping back out of the way as Mack and Hunter entered the house carrying her mattress.
It had only been a week since Jemma had found out that they’d gotten the house, and then later signed the lease, but her friends had all rallied together to help her get moved in as soon as possible. And, she was completely grateful for all of the help – especially since she couldn’t exactly do much of the moving herself at the moment.
Though it felt rather…lonely moving into the house by herself, Jemma was trying to push that to the side and instead focus on getting it all ready for when Fitz came home, determined to truly give him a home to come back to.
“Alright,” Bobbi called as she entered the house, carrying a box in her arms, “it’s marked clothes, but is that clothes for you, or the baby?”
“Probably mine, but let me just check,” Jemma replied, stepping over to crack open the flaps and peer into the box. “Yes, they’re mine; our bedroom is to the right.”
“Gotcha,” she answered, turning to go through the door on the left that led to the master bedroom, returning a moment later to go back for another box.
Sidelined as she was, Jemma had been sifting through the boxes that had already brought in, so she went back to that, grabbing another few of her books and arranging them on the bookshelf that had already been set up in the living room. She’d been putting them in order by subject, and subcategorizing by author in alphabetical order, but she had fully committed to it yet, given that she didn’t have any of Fitz’s books there yet.
“My goodness, this place is adorable.”
Surprised, Jemma glanced up to find Nora Fitz coming through the front door and looking around the house as though she’d been summoned by Jemma’s thoughts, a cardboard box in her hands with a container of what appeared to be Christmas cookies balanced on top of it. “Oh, Nora! You’re early!” Hurrying over, she attempted to take the box from her, but a narrowed-eyed Nora refused to hand it over.
“I may be old, sweetheart, but I’m not that old that I need a heavily pregnant woman carrying boxes for me,” Nora told her pointedly. “Besides, it is just some of Leo’s clothes, not those big heavy textbooks of his – I’ll have one of your friends get that box.” She carried the box into the kitchen, placing it on the counter, then complimented once more, “This house is simply perfect, Jemma. I can’t believe you found such a nice one for your first house; my first place was an absolute disaster.”
Laughing, Jemma replied, “Well, thank you. It was actually my friends Mack and Elena that found it, though – they live just down the street.”
“They did good, then.” Nora was quite a moment, studying her carefully, then she asked in a low, concerned voice, “How are you doing, hon?”
“I’m…” Jemma gave a small sigh, then shrugged, murmuring, “I’m hanging in there, just as I’m sure that you are.”
Nora nodded in understanding, wrapping a comforting arm around Jemma’s shoulders and giving her a little squeeze. “He’ll be back before we both know it, sweetheart. And, then he’ll get to come home to you and this beautiful new house, and just in time to see this precious little baby come into the world.” With that, she placed her free hand over Jemma’s bulging belly, smiling warmly.
“Yes, that’s what I do my best to try and remember,” Jemma agreed, always eternally grateful that she had Nora around to not only understand what she was going through, but also to lift her back up when it all seemed to be too much. Truthfully, she didn’t know how she could’ve gotten through all of this time without Fitz if she hadn’t had his mother.
They both glanced up at Daisy’s excited greeting as she reentered the house with another box in hand, and a chuckling Nora replied, “Ah, good to see you again, dear. Have you been taking good care of Jemma and my granddaughter?”
“Trying to,” Daisy answered with a teasing grin, “Jemma can be pretty determined when it comes to being independent.”
Jemma let out an insulted huff at that, no matter how true it was, but both Daisy and Nora simply laughed at it, Nora nodding in clear agreement with Daisy’s statement.
“So, are you girls spending Christmas with your friends, then?” Nora asked them curiously, adding to Jemma, “I know your mum said that you couldn’t fly home this year.”
“Actually, it’s just us,” Daisy answered with a shrug as she set her box down as well, making an immediate beeline for the cookies. She pried the lid off of the container, grabbing one that appeared to be shaped like a snowflake and taking a bite. Around a mouthful of it, she explained, “All of our friends are going off to spend it with family, but Jem and are still gonna have a great time.”
“What about you, Nora?” Jemma asked. “What with Fitz not being home, do you have any other big plans?”
“I imagine I’ll just stay in, sit by the fire and work on this year’s jumper for Fitz,” Nora answered. In a mock-whisper, she told them, “Don’t tell him I told you this, but it’s going to be out of this world.”
In response, Jemma bit her lip to hold back a laugh as she imagined Fitz’s face when he eventually opened what she was now sure had to be a rocket ship jumper. She really needed to make sure to take pictures.
“Hey,” Daisy said suddenly, “why don’t you come hang out with us? We can drink eggnog and eat some more of these amazing cookies, and Jemma can probably send a bunch of pictures of all of us to Fitz and tell him that his mom’s more fun to hang out with than him or something.”
“Oh yes,” Jemma agreed instantly, “I can’t believe that I didn’t think of that myself; we’d love to have you, Nora.”
“Well, then I’d love to join you girls, thank you both,” Nora replied, offering them both a warm smile and giving Jemma’s shoulders another little squeeze. To Daisy, she then asked, “Now, dear, could you give me a hand with something?”
“Sure thing,” Daisy agreed easily, following Nora through the house and out the front door.
While they were gone, Jemma curiously cracked open the box of Fitz’s clothes that Nora had left on the counter, and had to take a moment to collect herself when she was bombarded with the smell of Fitz. It’d been nearly eight months that she’d been apart from him, and though they spoke all the time, it simply wasn’t the same as having him physically there; she hadn’t realized until just then that she’d missed his scent so much, and it brought tears to her eyes.
“Hey, Jemma, check this out!”
Blinking back the tears and rearranging the flaps so that the box was closed once more, Jemma took a steadying breath before turning back around. She found Daisy and Nora carrying a folded up crib into the house, the old wood polished to look practically like new.
“It’s Leo’s old crib,” Nora explained, “he told me that he didn’t think you had one yet, and I just had this lying around the house, so I figured I’d bring it up for you.”
“Oh Nora,” Jemma murmured, the tears coming back in an instant as she moved closer to more closely inspect the crib, which she now knew had once belonged to her best friend and the love of her life when he was just a baby. There were a few little nicks here and there in the wood, and there were a couple of old, fading stickers of cartoon puppies stuck to the posts.
It was one of the most wonderful things that Jemma had ever laid eyes on, and meant far more than any crib that she could’ve gone out and picked up herself.
“It’s perfect,” Jemma told her, swiping any a tear that had managed to slip past her defenses and roll down her cheek. “Thank you so much. Oh, I just love it.”
“I’m glad, sweetheart,” Nora told her warmly, briefly setting her side of the crib down to catch Jemma’s hand in hers, giving it a small squeeze.
“Thank you,” Jemma repeated, unable to say anything else and truly touched by the gesture, and by how Nora just always seemed to know exactly what she needed – it was definitely a trait that she shared with her son.
“Don’t mention it, Jemma, truly, I was happy to do it,” Nora assured her, giving her hand another squeeze before picking her side of the crib back up. “Now, how about we go see how this looks in there?”
Jemma nodded, agreeing, “Alright, though I’m already sure that I’m going to love it.”
“Let’s get this to the nursery, then,” Daisy said, nodding to the hallway on their left, which led to the second bedroom that they were going to be using as the baby’s nursery. Jemma followed them there, and between the three of them, they managed to get it unfolded and all set up in no time.
“How does it look, dear?” Nora asked Jemma as they stepped back to admire the crib.
Even though the only other thing in the room at the moment was a few scattered boxes of baby things that she’d collected already, the sight of the crib set up off to the side of the room, exactly where she’d imagined it when she’d first seen the house, had emotion welling up inside of Jemma.
Though everything about her pregnancy and having a baby with Fitz was very real, suddenly it all just seemed to hit her at once. This was the crib where her child, their child, was going to be sleeping in a matter of months, this was the room where their daughter would begin her life, where they would change her and dress her and rock her to sleep.
It made everything about her pregnancy somehow, startlingly, even more real.
“It’s…it’s perfect,” Jemma murmured, unable to think of a better word to describe the sight of the crib in their daughter’s nursery, to describe the feeling that it had inspired in her.
“I think so too,” Nora assured her warmly, “and I’m sure that Leo will as well.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” she replied softly, already picturing Fitz’s reaction to what would soon be the finished nursery, quite sure that he’d feel exactly the same way about it that she did.
After all, he was the only other person in the world (or, well, in and outside the world, as it was just then) that could understand the deep, all-consuming love and adoration that she held within her for their daughter.
The sky had just begun to darken when everything had finally been brought into the house and placed in its proper rooms, and it wasn’t much longer after that that everyone else headed back home – though Mack and Elena were quick to assure Jemma that they were there if she needed anything.
Once she was alone in the house, however, Jemma was hit with just how alone she really felt after being surrounded by her friends all day long, and after rooming with Daisy for years now.
The familiar loneliness of the last few months swept over her then as it often did, which she would usually combat with giving Fitz a call or asking him if he was available for a video call, as seeing his face or hearing his voice did wonders to chase away the ache in her heart caused by his absence, if only temporarily.
However, knowing that Fitz was working and wouldn’t be able to talk that night, Jemma instead opened an email and typed out a brief message to him for now, intending to write a longer and more detailed one about her day for him before she went to bed.
Everything’s moved into the house – now to find places for all of it. I think I know what I’m going to be doing for the next few weeks; it’s a good thing I’m on maternity leave and have plenty of free time.
She sent the email, then set her phone down, taking a leisurely little walk throughout the house to try and get a better idea of how she wanted to arrange things, and also trying to take her mind off of how big and empty the house seemed all of a sudden. When she reached their bedroom, however, she caught sight of a pile of boxes in the corner, Fitz’s familiar scribbled handwriting on the side reading ‘clothes’.
Thinking about the one that she had briefly opened earlier, about how the clothing had carried his scent, thinking about how the last person to touch those clothes, to wear them, had been Fitz, Jemma walked over to them. She opened one, which she found was filled with sloppily folded jumpers and t-shirts.
Smiling softly, she picked up one of the jumpers, thumbing at the soft, warm material. Then, she lifted it to her nose, closing her eyes and taking a whiff of his unique blend of solder, some sort of cologne or aftershave that he must’ve started wearing after they’d fallen out of touch, and what was simply and familiarly Fitz.
After a moment, she set the jumper down on the bed, stripping out of the shirt that she’d been wearing and instead replacing it with his jumper. It was a bit of a stretch around her rounded stomach (Fitz wasn’t exactly the biggest of men, after all), but it was still perfect.
It was somehow far comfier and cozier than anything she’d ever owned, and Jemma simply felt…content, comforted in the jumper, tucking her fingers in the sleeves and letting her eyes slip closed as she was surrounded by warmth and the smell of Fitz.
In a way, it almost felt like having him there with her, like being wrapped up in his embrace, and she folded her arms around herself.
Yes, Jemma was well aware that it wasn’t him, and that she was still alone, but it was more than she’d had yesterday, and it was closer to him than she’d been in months.
For now, for the remaining month and a half that she was going to have to spend without him, it was enough.
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askaphmaine · 7 years
((For the ship thing!)) Annapolis/Dover, Maine/New Hampshire, and Alaska/Hawaii?
//Oof, hope you’re ready for a read!
Who’s the more protective one
I’m going to say Dover. She seems like she’d follow in Delaware’s footsteps with how he treats Maryland, so she’d do everything to keep Anna safe. She also wants to be Anna’s ‘knight in shining armor’, so she feels like she has to protect Anna from literally anything.
Who’s more emotional
Also Dover. Dory tends to feel like she needs to ‘prove’ herself a lot and runs on high amounts of energy. This causes her to react in very emotionally driven ways, even when the best option is to sit back and relax.
How they balance each other out
Both are energetic. They can spend a lot of time together and never get bored. While Dory is more emotional, Anna tends to keep her calm. They enjoy similar things and grew up with one another, so they can read the other extremely easily.
How they clash
Both are energetic. While this can be a blessing, they can burn themselves out sometimes. Dover’s more emotional responses tend to cause anxiety in Anna, leading to her panicking in an attempt to help. These emotions bounce back and forth and escalate until the problem is solved or a state steps in.
How they confessed
Like I said before, the two are really good at reading each other. However, Anna would’ve pulled away in fear when she came to realize her feelings for Dory. This cause fear and heartbreak in Dory, which then caused those emotions to bounce back off of Anna. So they two avoided each other until they couldn’t take all the time apart. Either Trenton or Harrisburg would’ve stepped in, reminding them that the two of them had bee n close for years, so they were literally throwing away decades, if not centuries, of their friendship. However, due to the emotional tension, Dory basically yelled at Anna that she loved her. Anna then promptly tackled her.
What others think of the relationship
Both Delaware and Maryland approve 100% because who’s better for their capitals than the other’s? Maine only sees them through Augusta but she’d cover an escape for the two if they want some alone time. New Hampshire and Vermont think they’re cute, like two puppies.
As for other cities, Albany thinks they’re both terrors in their own right so they’re a perfect couple. Portland and NYC have learned to avoid them and any room they are in together, though they’ve learned how to hunt NYC down to play pranks. They don’t dare try to follow Portland. Augusta still hasn’t learned to avoid rooms they are alone in and has walked in on them making out many times.
All in all, everyone is okay with it but would prefer the non-straight jokes to stop, Dover.
Maine/New Hampshire
Who’s the more protective one
Now this is hard. Both Maine and New Hampshire are extremely protective people. However, Jacob wins by a slight margin. How? He knows Maine’s past. He knows how many people abandoned her. He’s seen her in the heat of battle, throwing her life on the line for others, including him. And he hates it. He can’t stand seeing her in pain ever again. In his eyes, she’s dealt with enough.
Who’s more emotional
NH shows more, Maine feels more. While Jacob doesn’t show much emotion, he shows more than Mack. However, Mack feels too much. She tries to cut herself off from emotions but loses that if anyone shows resemblance to someone she deeply cares about, such as Vermont reminding her of Portland, NH reminding her of Augusta, and Jefferson reminding her of herself.
She also simply can’t hide her more motherly side. She raised both Portland and Augusta, not to mention herself. She nurses animals back to health. As such, she tends to take people younger than her under her wing, giving them more leeway than someone closer to her age. Two good examples would be Sacramento and Los Angeles, as she’s willing to put up with them far more than either California.
How they balance each other out
They understand what the other has gone through. They fought alongside each other, seen the same horrors as the other, ect. While Maine is cold to others, NH tried to be welcoming without overstepping her boundaries. He helps open her up to others, while she helps keep him from trying too hard or becoming a doormat.
How they clash
There’s a reason this blog has the words ‘What is ‘responsibility’ you speak of?’ in the description. While they both tend to act more reserve and calm, they’re also ticking time bombs. Not of anger or jealousy, but of awful ideas. They feed into one another and cause a lot of havoc.
How they confessed
It was a slow start. Maine didn’t want him to become too ingrained into her life, in case he left her. However, she also noted he was similar to Augusta, as he preferred to be left alone but would work with others if forced. Knowing that they had saved each other during the American Revolution helped as well. However, the tipping point was when their cities met. Portland and Augusta took some time to get used to Concord but refused to make him feel unwelcome, even if they weren’t sure how, which lead to the three becoming almost inseparable. NH decided enough was enough, so he tried going the romantic route and taking her on a moonlit walk in the woods. However, before he could even speak, she kissed him.
What others think of the relationship
Portland, Augusta, and Concord knew it was going to happen and worked hard to make sure they never got in the way, so they were excited when it finally happened. Vermont and Montpelier had a bonfire of their plans to get them together. It lasted for days.
Everyone else expected it. Seriously, everyone. While the two aren’t the most lovey-dovey couple, everyone knows how deeply they care about each other.
Who’s the more protective one
Shockingly enough, Hawaii. Alaska was also an outsider due to his Russian roots, so he didn’t feel like he fit in. Hawaii knew this and refused to let anyone feel alone, so she began to argue with people that he’s just as much of a state as they are.
Who’s more emotional
Alaska. While he’s similar to Maine in the sense that he tries to hide it more, he put up with a lot growing up. He just bottles it up and waits for a better time to release it all at once. Hawaii is more ‘go with the flow’, unless Alaska is upset, in which case, she becomes protective.
How they balance each other out
Alaska is used to harsh conditions, while Hawaii isn’t. She reminds him to move forward in life and to relax, while he reminds her that sometimes ‘going with the flow’ isn’t the best option. While Alaska hides under a cold mask, Hawaii reminds him that people care about him and that he can open up. Hawaii tries to forgive and forget, but Alaska remind her that holding negative feelings for a short time isn’t the end of the world.
How they clash
Alaska can’t leave things undone. Hawaii can. They two clash a lot over time constraints, especially self-imposed ones. Due to Alaska’s stubborn nature, he’ll hide away when Hawaii has upset him, which annoys her, especially when she doesn’t know what exactly she did. This causes Alaska to get more upset and bottle up more negative emotions until one of them explodes and the two reconcile.
How they confessed
Alaska confessed on accident. They were hanging out on the islands, walking on a beach after a meeting. Hawaii had stood up for Alaska again and dragged him from the building to talk. He said ‘Have I ever told you how much I love you?’ and she responded with ‘No, but you should.’ and slipped her arm around his waist.
What others think of the relationship
Some were shocked. States on the East Coast were confused how the two got along so well and thought it was a joke at first. The Pacific States knew both of them and saw it coming for miles.
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flyingsassysaddles · 7 years
A Love Letter
So @askaphmaine posted an ask meme to send a love letter to one of their muses, and of course, I thought “CHALLENGE ACCEPTED” and made a 6 page love letter to aph Maine from an anonymous person they were supposed to guess by context clues, but it got really long and like heck I was putting all that in their ask box, so I decided to just post it here. This is a love letter from [redacted] to Mackenzie (aka Maine), and try and find out if you can see who they are! I hope I didn’t make it too obvious ;;
   Dearest Mack,
   I haven’t the courage to send you this love letter in person, though I had gotten as close as about to hand it to you as you passed me by. Yet, this still was an unconquerable task for me, and I slipped away without letting you know that I was a foot away from revealing my feelings for you. I redrafted this letter so many times my trash bin needed to be emptied more than once, filled with the paper with the words I botched up while trying to transcribe my longing into written form. After a million tries, and a million thrown away letters, I have come upon this draft, where I have chosen to take the direct approach instead of dragging out my words into paragraphs upon paragraphs of words. As you may know, I’m not a person who reveals their true feelings very often, and especially not through paper.
I was thinking today of my love for you, how it made me feel butterflies in my stomach to hear your name, how the moment you step into the room you alight every part of my being, how you make me feel so alive just by fluttering your eyelids and lifting the corner of your mouth into that mystic smile you wear so well. I thought of this while you passed me by, wearing clothes that many would find unfitting for one of your status yet you wear them as well as any princess would a gown, and I had the sudden urge to write it all down, as if one letter could hope to match up for the bottomless love I have accumulated for you over the years.
I remember you at the ball last week, the one thrown by Lady Mary Baltimore, and which I was forced to go to by my family to see the sights and sounds of the world, even though I would much rather stay at home in my study then socialize with the people at one of Mary’s party, as she always seems to make the most curious of friends that can drink the most curious of wine and still be able to juggle a few bottles while hopping on one foot, as you may recall from the spectacle. I was talking to one of these curious men, though this one, a certain Warren McKinley, has been known by both you and I for much longer than we give him credit for, and he, being the man that he is, guided my gaze towards you as you walked into the room.
I was cast in shock at once, my legs locking into place and my face going red as I saw you, in the clothes you would never wear, dressed as the epitome of fashion, your locks of coffee and midnight placed in the most intricate bun that complemented your face and made your wise eyes seem to glow in the dim light of the ballroom. Your gown was a rich red, the color of crimson, and dare I say the color of my cheeks when we locked eyes, and then you lifted up a corner of your painted lips as some sort of small greeting that I am still trying to unlock the meanings of, and looked away, soon swept up by Lady Mary and taken around the ballroom, to greet her curious strangers while I tried to recover from the vastness of your beauty in that moment. I too was swept away, and this gave me more time to recover and return my face to a somewhat acceptable shade of red, though I must say Warren’s eagerness to get me drunk was not much help in this endeavor. I caught glimpse of you throughout the night, your small, patient smile that radiated off you and entranced my heart until I wanted to swoop you away to have that smile to myself; the way you spoke softly, waiting for everyone to become silent and listen to your words of wisdom that had been so tested by the trials of time, all of it enchanting. My love, I must confess that I refused to drink a single drop of Lord Penn’s fine wine and Lady Mary’s rich liquor in fear that I would lose my sense and march up to you, and in some error in my impulse confess to your red painted lips and wide eyes my true feelings that I have harbored ever since we first met, and I’m afraid that in the pursuit of not weakening and giving in to my desires, I was rude to you on the way out of the ball.
You came up to me, hurrying past a hovering Mary and our good friends Aaron and Michael, though I doubt you would consider him so, and you stopped right in front of me, panting slightly and recovering your breath before one last final smile shone off your face as you said to me, “You are leaving, aren’t you? Can’t you escort me out as well, I am dreadfully tired of this party and I long for a goodnight’s air.” I must confess again, that I wish it was me that you longed for, and as my thought was caught up in this fact, you tugged my arm and we left Mary’s ball, walking out into the corridor and down the small steps to the door. You turned to me again, and you said, “Do you mind staying out here with me a bit? I do not wish to go back to that awful place; if I have to talk to another stranger about the early snow I must say I will shove some of that snow up into their noses. They don’t know what true snow is like, right old friend?” You smiled at me again, inviting me to stay by your side and talk like we used to with a quirk of your cherry lips, but yet my feelings of adoration and love for your humor and your still flushed face and the way you looked at me with complete innocence disallowed me from trusting myself with you, because I wasn’t just your old friend anymore. I was a man who held feelings, love, and more emotions than I could count for your enchanting lilac eyes, and I knew I couldn't stay, even though a man inside me longed to do so, and I said, “I have to leave, Mackenzie. I cannot stay, I have business to attend to. Good night.” I saw the way you flinched back when I said your full name, a breach of the code of friendship we signed as children, to always be ourselves and tell the truth, yet I broke this by retreating, by not giving you an informal and friendly answer, but I was afraid to be informal with you, afraid that one false word would unleash the floodgates of my emotions and pour them out for you to judge with your harsh eyes, for you to reject and send the remains of my heart out onto the streets where they belonged.
I left, dear Mack, and I was again afraid to look back, so I slammed the door to try and shock myself awake, to get me out of this trance I have been drowning in, my longing for you growing every day until I couldn’t glance at your innocent face without looking away in shame. I am sorry that I did it, for immediately after, it occurred to me that you could interpret this as anger, even though I could never hold a shred of resentment for you, but I could not turn back, for I had already said I would leave and I already made a spectacle of myself as it is, so I kept walking until I called a carriage to take me back to my manor. And there I have stayed for the past two weeks, tossing away letters of apology and going over every detail of that evening in my mind, trying to come up with some way to make it up to you, until my hands wrote the word love in the middle of a paragraph, and I knew I had to write a letter showing how I truly felt and give it to you for you to inspect yourself, for I fear you would embarrass and ruin me greatly have I told you in private. The letter never made it’s way to your hand, however, so the virtues of mail will have to do.
I cannot elaborate on my feelings Mack, in fact, I feel I have already said too much for a man of my composure, but I can say that I love you with every beat of my heart, with every breath I breathe, and with every stroke of this pen. The depths of this love reaches far deeper than I can hope to fathom, and I know that I will keep loving you, my dear Mack, until the end of my days. Your firm hand, your dry wit, your wise lilac eyes, your shimmering hair, your scarlet lips, your mind that can entertain the most brilliant of thoughts even God could scarcely hold knowledge of, all of it only seems to affirm my love whenever I catch a glimpse of you, and I write to say in the sincerest words any man could say to a woman, and I say it to my old friend as well.  
I am in love with you Mackenzie.
With the lofty and pitiable hopes you feel the same,
Lord [Redacted]                                
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Behold Yourself
Chapter 1
It was a fine morning as I rolled out of bed, stretching my long, muscular arms, and shaking my long, gloriously soft red hair---yeah, who am I kidding!
It wasn't a fine morning. Or rather, it isn't a fine morning. My feet trip over themselves, causing me to hop around, as I scurry to my closet to whip through my available clothing options.
Let's see here, I have a pair of skinny jeans, 3 t-shirts, a blouse, a black and red checkered skirt, and some scrubs. . . I really do need to do laundry.
Pulling out the jeans and a gray t-shirt, I rush through the morning process. I'm almost about to brush my teeth before Fiona calls out "Meds, Yusa!"
Oh, yeah, right. Setting down my toothbrush, which is currently properly covered with toothpaste, I rush downstairs. On the table is both my Lexapro---Fiona was always so nice and prepared for everything, wasn't she?---along with a glass of water. Downing a quick gulp of water, I swallow my Lexipro---ugh, thank goodness I don't have to split it anymore---and rush back up to the bathroom.
My toothbrush with toothpaste is still sitting there, nice and proper, and I hurry through that process before running back to my room to make sure I have all my tiny trinkets. Watch, check. Phone, check. Necklace?
My hand flies up to my neck as I gaze around the room. Where is it, where is it?!
There! On my wardrobe, half hidden by what can only be described as a mass of junk---not that the stuff isn't useful, but I never use it, and it's just amassed into a pile. Snatching my necklace from among them---without knocking anything off, I grin, put it on, and rush back downstairs.
Fiona's already waiting for me. "Your backpack is in the car already, and so is your tablet." Never let it be said that my foster mother isn't amazing.
Yes, foster. My parents died when I was young, at the hands of some very careless bullies. I don't mean that they just didn't care, I mean that these bullies weren't careful as they tried to set some of my stuff on fire. The blaze found my house, decided it was very hungry, and that a house, with my parents inside, was much better than the little pile they'd amassed.
Yeah, not a fun memory. I try my best to keep it from showing, though, and I guess it succeeds, because Fiona returns my grin with an eye-roll and a smirk. "Geez, you'd think you're going to an awesome place, or something, not Reggard's Parochial High."
I snort, laughing as we get into the car. "What, Reggard's isn't awesome?" At her incredulous look, my laughter escalated. "I'm kidding, just kidding." Yeeeeaaaah, Reggard's Parochial was a high school funded by the local church. They were a very. . . religious bunch, but there were no other schools in town.
Crappy, I know, but it's all we got. Quite a few of the kids there take to some of their practices easily, but for people like me, who refused to be forced into a belief, and didn't actually believe in something like that anyways. . . well, it's sucky.
A few minutes of laughter and silence as we drove later, and there it was. Reggard's Parochial, the only high school in town, and home to hell. Ironic? Yes. Overstatement? Not really.
See, the thing is, many people at Reggard's, and admittedly many people in this small town of Hildeburg, were very judgmental. Very, very, very judgmental. So while it might've been sucky for the extremity of religion, it was hellish for how easily everyone found that one thing which seemed out of place and placed all their burdens upon it.
Getting out, I grab my backpack, wave to Fiona, and begin the walk. At the door, one of my only friends, Mack. Her hair was in a braid today, I noted as we waved to each other. Today must be off to a terrible start.
"Hey, Yusa," Mack grinned at me. "The ghouls seemed extra vicious today." Grinning back, I exhale and hide my necklace under my shirt.
Maybe I should explain. Ghouls are the term I used to describe our current bullies. Yes, our; Mack---whose real name is Erin---befriended me in our first year, and after my home and parents burnt to bits, joined the ranks among the bullied; I had seemed uncaring about their deaths, and that she remained my friend made them think she didn't care either, but I digress. I had come up with the term after a particularly silly spill with Geronimo Hacks, a prankster who had listed me as his target.
They don't have a brain, they don't have a life, and they haven't found their purpose. Until they find one of those three, we're stuck with them haunting us. Pretty accurate, I figured, and so it's stuck ever since.
"Oh? What'd they do?" Mack sighed before pointing at the banner---the banner I hadn't noticed because I was too busy thinking. On it, painted in gold, were the words, You're Not Welcome Back, Bollix!
What a lovely welcome. I said as much, Mack smiled wryly, and together we made our way into the wolf den.
Inside wasn't much better. Glares and whispers---okay, more like very loud talking that they pretend is private---follow the pair of us as we head to our first class. Today was the first day after winter break, so our classes hadn't changed, but it was a long enough absence to warrant a welcome back.
"You'd think they'd get a life by now," I muttered. "It's been an entire month for them to do so, so where'd they go?"
Mack snorted, giving me a patronizing look. "Now, now, Yusa. We shouldn't belittle the less fortunate."
We both laughed at that---really, having no life is unfortunate, but had to stop as Kirsten Wallace approached.
Just great.
Kirsten was among the privileged in the school, known for being devout, being hot, and being a complete and utter wagon.
Okay, well, it was more to Mack and I that she was a wagon, but still. She was a wagon, and a particular pox of one, at that. "I'm surprised you're talking, ginger-face." Her voice was sickly sweet, as always. The girl might look like and sound like sugar, but I'm pretty sure that sugar was actually lead. "I mean, being without parents is pretty unfortunate."
I raise a brow. They usually tried to avoid that topic, because it made them feel guilty, and ginger-face was a ludicrous insult. Kirsten must've had a bad break or there was someone new, because she'd never be such a 'female dog' otherwise.
The sugar-lead girl doesn't move, as if she's waiting for a reply.
She must've had a really bad time.
"It's not so unfortunate when I know they have no chance of meeting you. I'd worry they wouldn't be able to get to heaven, with the smell of your perfume." I wrinkle my nose. "You could drown out a flock of sweaty athletes who haven't bathed in a month just by walking by, and still have stink left to make people gag."
Mack was snickering into her hand, but I was being honest. Kirsten always wore too much perfume, as if she failed to get the idea it was supposed to make it easier to breathe around a person, not suffocate those nearby.
I guess the bratty brunette wasn't expecting me to spit something back---which was astonishing, truly. Surely, after three years of me returning fire and laughing at theirs, they'd have realized by now---because she became flustered, gaping for something to say before spinning around and marching off.
Mack leaned over to me, and whispered, "Despite how bitchy she is, she's probably the most pitiable soul around." I nod in agreement. Anyone who spent all their hours trying to make another feel like crap, but couldn't take anything they said back, they didn't even have an okay life.
Shrugging it off, I grinned lopsidedly at Mack, who raised a brow at me as we continued to first period. "With all she says and tries to do, I wasn't aware she had one."
Mack let out a bark of laughter, shaking her head at me, before shrugging. "Okay, good point." Our chuckles dwindled down as we found the door to her first period. Mrs. Madison, English 111. How sad. I sent Mack a little wave, walking away as I called, "Good luck!"
Mack glared at me, frowning as she reached for the door. "Coward!"
"When it comes to Mrs. Madison, that I am!" Is my reply, especially as I zip through to crowds to my own first period. It is, thankfully, not far away, but the ghouls always got worse when I wasn't around Mack. I guess they were reluctant when one of their former own was right beside me. If I lingered too long, they'd find some way to mess me up, and I didn't want to be late.
As I made my way to the classroom door, I felt a shiver go up my spine, like something bad was going to happen. Frowning, I slowly pushed the door open with my foot. It didn't feel like the danger was nearby, but it was better safe than sorry.
Knew it.
>> A/N Originally written on my Inkitt, BreathingInk. The link is below. Please, tell me what you think!
Chapter 2
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
Sleepover comfort; Sebastian Stan x teen reader
This was a recent request from my wattpad account that I had just posted today. This request was inspired by one of my favorite Full House episode and I hope you guys enjoy it. Now there are some major sensitive topics mentioned so I’m just gonna say, TEXTING OR DOING SOCIAL MEDIA WHILE DRIVING CAN WAIT!!! DON’T END A LIFE JUST BECAUSE U WANNA SEE WHAT YOUR FRIEND JUST SENT YOU. IT CAN WAIT SERIOUSLY!! One swear world is said, but all in all there is fluffiness in the end with daddy Seb. I hope you all enjoy it :)
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I rode up to my backyard and just dumped my bike on the ground before storming in the backdoor of my house. I saw my dad, Uncle Chris, Uncle Anthony, and Aunt Scarlett all sitting in the kitchen.
"It's official! I quit! I'm quitting the Dance team!" I proclaimed as I handed my dad Sebastian Stan, yep that's right I am the 14 year old daughter of the Winter Soldier himself, Sebastian Stan.
"(N/n) you can't quit, I just spent 25 dollars buying you this Dance Varsity jacket" he said as he pinched the collar of my dance jacket.
"And there's no way I'm going to the Varsity sleepover this Saturday!" I then ran up the stairs leading up to my room.
"What was that about?" asked Anthony Mackie.
"I know what," Sebastian stated solemnly. He then walked towards the kitchen table and sat down on one of the chairs and he said to his Marvel friends, "those sleepovers are for Mothers and Daughters".
"Ohh man poor (n/n)" said Chris Evans.
"It's gotta be devastating for her" said Anthony
."At times like this, especially now I wish (y/n) had a mother" said Sebastian.
Now I wasn't really told this because it was always so hard for my dad to speak it to me; but when I was just 2 years old, my mom and I were driving home from the mall my dad was away filming Infinity War when it happened, a young teenager texting on their phone didn't pay attention and rammed into my mom's car. It flipped a total of five times and was completely totaled. It took over and hour and a half to get me and my mom out of the car.
When my dad got the news, he immediately booked a flight from Atlanta to New York and rushed to the hospital asking where we both were. For 2 weeks my dad refused to leave both me and my mother's side, unfortunately my mother was soon pronounced dead after failing to get out of her coma but I came around.
The young teenage girl who was texting on her phone went to trial for reckless manslaughter and attempted manslaughter on an infant and was sentenced to 25-40 years in prison.The press was all over my dad after the trial, asking him questions of what he was going to do now. Did they give him a fair trial even though he was a celebrity? His only statement was this before refusing anymore questions.
"Kids today do not realize the pain they can give to another family. All they care about is what's on their phones or what text they've received than the life of someone else. I'm only grateful that I get to take one of my girls home today".
After that my dad went out of the spotlight for a while to raise me, he had only just started back into acting just a few years ago after I had watched him in the Marvel movies and asked him to be an actor again so that I could see him on TV and say 'that's my daddy!'
Sebastian raised his head up in an idea and turned to Scarlett and said.
"Hey Scarlett, I know this is a big question to ask,"
"No Seb I will not marry you". Which got Chris and Anthony to call him out on it, Scarlett smirked knowing what Sebastian was really meaning and said, "But I will be happy to take (y/n) to the slumber party. I'll be in Boston Saturday morning for a photoshoot but I'll be back in plenty of time".
"Thank you Scarlett, and know that if little Rose needs someone and you're too busy, I'll be there for you". The two actors hugged each other before Scarlett went up the stairs towards my room.
I was currently on my bed holding my 'Bucky-bear' given to me by my dad as a birthday present when I was 6 years old when I heard a knock.
"I'm fine please go away".
"(Y/n) it's Scarlett" I heard her say.
"Come in". My door opened and in came in my Aunt Scarlett
"Hey Big (n/n) can we talk about this Saturday?"
"Sleepovers are so boring, all you do is just sleep on the floor and eat junk food, besides Uncle Don would have my head if he found out about that".
"Well gee that's too bad cause I was hoping maybe you and I could go to that party?" My eyes widened in hopefulness.
"You mean it? You'd go with me? AWESOME!! We're gonna sleep on the floor and eat junk food!" I jumped on my bed and hugged my Aunt Scarlett who chuckled and hugged me back. "Thanks Aunt Scarlett, I can't wait till Saturday!"
"Hey I'm there for you babe" She rocked me back and forth and then as we separated she told me that even though she had a photoshoot for People Magazine, she would be back in plenty of time to pick me up and take me to the sleepover slumber party.
*FF to Saturday*
It was Saturday afternoon and I was busy packing up for the slumber-party when my dad came in with a load of my clean laundry and when he saw my packing my sleeping bag he said.
"Whatcha doin packing now? I thought the party wasn't for another 6 hours?"
"You know the Varsity motto. 'Always be one step ahead'" I said. My dad smiled then he said,
"Well can yah take a break and help me with your clean clothes?" I paused my packing and went over to help my dad with my clothes. I put my underwear and bras into my top drawer, my pajama shirts in the middle and pajama pants at the bottom drawer.
Suddenly I was glomped by a mass of fur and next thing I know something is licking me. I looked up to see Dodger standing over me.
"Hi Dodger!" He barked and I ruffled his head and face as I playfully wrestled with him making him growl and grunt.
"Dodger! Dodger where did you get to you mangy mutt!?" Uncle Chris soon came in and saw us playing together then he said to my dad, "Sorry man, as soon as we came in he just got away from me".
"No worries Chris, we love having Dodger here, out house is his house, so long as he doesn't shit on the carpet".
"Uncle Chris! Tati said a bad language word!" I proclaimed.
"Did Robert tell you about that?" he asked. I smirked then next thing I knew I was in between my dad and uncle who were now tickling me. Dodger soon turned to my team and he would get on top of either my dad or uncle and lick them trying to get them to get off me.
*FF 6 hours later*
I was downstairs on the couch with my bag all packed up, Dodger was lying on his stomach just a few inches away from me. Now should've been the moment when Aunt Scarlett would come through the front door ready to take me to the slumber party. I soon heard the sound of footsteps coming down the staircase and soon my dad and Uncle Chris were just getting on their jackets and baseball caps on.
"Dad, where is Aunt Scarlett?"
"Calm down squirt she's only 20 seconds late she'll be here. Now your Uncle Chris, Anthony and I are gonna meet with your Uncle Don and the other guys for a Nightly gym session before having our own Guy's Night Out while you're at your party. I want you to text me whenever you get leave, when you get there and have fun and be safe, okay?"
"Alright". Dad then kissed my cheek and hugged me goodbye then Uncle Chris gave me a kiss before saying.
"Have fun tonight with Scarlett, you girls are gonna have fun tonight".
"That is if she gets here" I stated.
"She'll come, Scarlett isn't one to dump you without good reason, just be patient, and you know how traffic is on a Saturday afternoon between Boston and New York". He gave me another kiss on my temple and soon the boys left saying bye to me and I told them bye back.It was then my cellphone rang. I turned to Dodger and told him.
"I got it," I reached out for my phone and saw that it was labeled 'unknown landline'. I slid the answer button and said, "Hello?"
'(Y/n) it's Scarlett'.
"Aunt Scarlett where are you!?" I asked.
'Honey I'm in New Haven. I've finally managed to get to a phone since my phone died, look my car broke down. I dropped my transmission'.
"Well pick it up and get your butt over here we're gonna miss the party!”
'Honey I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it, I feel terrible' she stated solemnly. My heart dropped but I told her.
"It's okay. Thanks anyway, bye". I hung up and just sat there on the couch broken-hearted. "I didn't wanna go to that party anyway Dodge, it's just a bunch of girls with their moms, how boring. We'll have much more fun by ourselves, won't we Dodge?" Dodger then leaped onto the couch and placed his head on my shoulder as I turned around and hugged him.
I decided that since Aunt Scarlett wasn't coming, there was no point in having my bag still packed. I walked upstairs back to my room and began unpacking. I then heard a flush from the bathroom across the hall and it was then my Uncle Anthony came pass my room and saw me.
"Big (n/n) what are you doing? Scarlett's gonna be here any second".
"No she's not, her car broke down in New Haven" I told him solemnly.
"Aww (n/n) that's awful". I looked down sadly when he then suddenly proclaimed, "Hey! I'll take yah!"
"To a slumber party?" I asked skeptically."Hey I slumber and I bring in the party, ain't no party starts without the Mack-Attack!" He stated strongly.
"But it's for Mothers and Daughters, and you're a guy. Plus you only have a son, no offense but you don't know what girls do at slumber parties".
"Well I won't tell if you won't. Come on Little Stanner your friends all know me. Now we are going to that party and we are going to have a ton of fun!" He said as he walked right up to me and put my Bucky-bear back in my sleeping bag.
"Are you sure about this?" I asked him skeptically.
"Hey I'm there for you my little Stanner-rama!" He wrapped his arm around me in a one armed hug. But I had a little voice telling me that this was going to end badly.
Anthony drove us to our Head instructor's, Amy's mom's place. I rang the doorbell and answering it was Amy herself.
"Hey (y/n)"
"Hi Amy".
"What'd yah bring Anthony for?" she asked confused.
"Oh don't mind me tonight I'm just one of the girls". We entered inside and soon my instructor Mrs. Perry came up and she and Anthony exchanged some words.
"Hi Anthony".
"Hello Deb, ladies"
"Where's Scarlett I thought she said she was coming?"
"Oh she had car troubles so I'm the DDM. Designated Dance Mother".
"Well you and (y/n) are just in time for some Monster".
"Oh none for me thanks, tried it once didn't like it". I mentally face-palmed and explained it to him as my dance team all looked at him confused.
"Uncle Anthony, that's Monster High Dolls".
"Oh well now—hey that's even better I love those crazy High school girls!" We set his sleeping back down while Mrs. Perry told me where to set mine at while Uncle Anthony went to sit down on the couch with the rest of my team and their moms and he grabbed Lagoona Blue. "Oh look its Aqua-girl. Sea-creatures come forth" he then began making beeping noises acting like she was sending out a telepathic signal.
"Her name's not Aqua-girl. It's Lagoona Blue" stated Tayandra.
"Oh yeah I knew that, well I'm—I'm more of a manly monster anyway". Uncle Anthony said as he picked up Clawd Wolf and stated in a deep, masculine voice. "Hey she-wolves, looks like we have a lot in common. I mean, we howl at the moon, we're real werewolves and we're a whole lot better looking than those Twilight pups. So let's Boogie baby!" he then moved Clawd side to side making him dance.
"Hey Mack-attack. Cut. The. Check!" I used his catchphrase against him as I sliced my finger across my neck telling him to just stop.
"Mother-Daughter Double-dutch!" exclaimed Allie. The girls all cheered and we all got up and Uncle Anthony said.
"Alright (n/n) let's show these girls how we superheroes do it!" I looked up to the ceiling and muttered.
"What am I doing here?" Then as Tayandra and Amy held the two jump ropes and began turning them around and around. I leapt in first and the girls and their mom's plus my Uncle Anthony began doing the Teddy Bear rhyme.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around, 
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show your shoes, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear that will do!Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, call a friend.
"Anthony Mackie!" I proclaimed. It was then Anthony jumped in successfully and the rhyme continued.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go upstairs,
Teddy, Bear, Teddy Bear—
But it was then Uncle Anthony got caught on the rope to his right and he joked out.
"Get caught in the rope like a big dumb dope".
"Next" I said as the two of us left the ropes and Amy and her mother came in.
Out in the streets of New York, Sebastian, Chris, Don and his workout team were walking from the restaurant to the gym.
"I'm wondering why (y/n) hadn't texted me yet?" said Sebastian
"Maybe she's having such a good time with Scarlett maybe she just forgot, don't worry Seb, she'll be fine". Said Don as he placed a strong hand on his shoulder.
"I hope so. I just—I just worry about her that's all, especially now. Starting next year she can legally go out and test for her diver's permit then the next year, her license".
"I know how much you worry for her Seb, even after all these years but you can't go about your life always worrying about her. Yeah it's scary out there on the road, hell I was a nervous wreck when my sisters first started driving, but if you keep holding onto that fear forever, how will you trust her out there on the road. She won't be like those other teenagers". Said Chris.
Sebastian took the advice from his friends and nodded. That's when his phone began to ring and on the caller ID it said 'Chocolachino'. He swiped to respond and he said.
"Hey Chocolachino where were you? You didn't follow us after we left".
'Scarlett had car troubles so I'm here with (n/n) at her slumber party'
"Is she alright?"
'Oh yeah she's doing great. By the way I took second in the PJ competition'.
"Not gonna comment to that".
'You just jealous cause they made Falcon PJ's and not Winter Soldier ones'.
"Shut up!"
'Alright hey listen I gotta go they're about to start the relay race!'
"Okay, tell (y/n) I love her".
'Aww I love you too Papa Bear'.
"Seriously Mack-Attack".
'Yeah, yeah, yeah I'll tell her, bye!' The two then hung up.
"So he went with (y/n) to the slumber party?" asked Chris.
"Yeah apparently Scarlett had car troubles so Anthony stepped up and took her there".
"Oh man that must've sucked for (n/n). But bless Anthony for taking her there" said Don.
"Yeah well at least now we'll actually be able to work-out without the Mack-attack bringing us out of focus" joked Sebastian which made all the guys laugh as they continued walking towards the gym to work out their meal.
Back at the slumber party, all the girls and their mothers plus Anthony were now all in their pajamas.
"Okay now girls, mothers—I mean parents—uhh.... Adults" Mrs. Perry began but as she took notice of Anthony she tried to come up with a better word for the grownups in the room until she finally stuck with a good one before continuing. "The object of the race is to carry an egg and a spoon without dropping it but the tough part is...we'll be wearing High-heels" my friends all laughed and giggled out as their mothers held up their high heels but I just looked down embarrassed.
"Hehe silly me I guess I left my High-heels at home" Uncle Anthony stated jokingly.
"Don't worry I've got an extra pair" said Mrs. Perry. Then we all began to prepare for the relay race. First me and my friends wore the high heels as Mrs. Perry explained, "Alright everyone we're gonna go three times around the coffee table then back to your starting places, you'll hand off your eggs and your spoons. Girls go first, ready. Set—go!" I then took off like a shot and circled the coffee table three times without dropping my egg.
The mothers and Uncle Anthony were all clapping for each of us then as I came back Uncle Anthony proclaimed.
"Yeah gurl! Cut the check!" I then handed him the egg and spoon and quickly took off the high heels and Uncle Anthony tried to get his big feet inside them before slowly starting to walk as did the rest of the mothers as we now began screaming and cheering.
The rest of the mothers then began to pass him with no trouble at all and in the end Mrs. Perry won while my Uncle hadn't even completed one turn before falling to his knees on the carpet floor dropping the egg.
"Ahh Mack-attack" I said shamefully as I walked up to him. He breathed a sigh and said.
"Sorry there Big (n/n), if these heels were my size we'd have definitely won, besides the blonde cut me off". I placed my hand on his shoulder and admitted to him.
"I knew this was a bad idea".
"Let's do Beauty salon. Daughter's makeup mom's, then mom's makeup daughters" proclaimed Amy. The girls and their moms all cried out at what a great idea it was then all gathered around the couch and chairs while Mrs. Perry looked at us mainly my uncle worriedly.
"No, no this works out fine, my wife sometimes tests out her makeup on me".
"Umm, why don't we skip Beauty salon and do something else" Mrs. Perry said. All the girls whined then Amy whined out.
"Why can't we do the makeovers?" All the girls soon turned to me and that's when I finally snapped.
"BECAUSE OF ME YOU DUMB BITCHES THAT'S WHY!!!" I then turned and ran out the front door and slammed it shut. Uncle Anthony took off the heels and ran after me calling out my name.
Back at the house, Sebastian and the guys were now settling down after a quick workout at the gym just talking and drinking a couple of beers.
"So then Ton here comes up to the Bell weight and he—" the door suddenly opens revealing me stomping in the living room.
"(Y/n)?" My dad stated in disbelief.
"(Y/n) will you just stop and talk to me?" said Uncle Anthony. I whipped myself around and faces all my dad, uncles and a few of my dad's workout friends before exclaiming.
"There's nothing to talk about! I don't have a mother and there's nothing you guys can say to change that! Right!?" They all remained silent before I finished, "See". I then took off up the stairs towards my room. I shut my door loudly before knocking random objects off my drawers in anger before ripping the sheets off my bed and threw my pillows at the wall before finally sinking to my bed.
My door slowly opened and I felt a dip in my bed and I heard my dad's voice say.
"I'm sorry you had such a bad time tonight baby girl. I know exactly how you feel". I sat up and choked out.
"No you don't! When you were a kid, you had grandma to take care of you and go to anything that required a mother!" He looked at me sadly and said to me.
"But that doesn't mean I don't miss your mother just as much as you do".
"IT'S NOT FAIR DAD!! ALL THOSE GIRLS WITH THEIR MOMS TONIGHT WERE SO HAPPY! Why couldn't I be happy too?" Tears spilled down my face and next thing I know, dad scoots himself closer to me and I'm crying against his chest with his arms wrapped around me.
"Iubita mea it's okay. You know I look at guys with their wives and feel the same way". He rubbed my back and that's when I finally had to ask him.
"How did it happen?" I felt him tense up and he finally confessed to me everything all the while holding me tightly refusing to let me go. After hearing the full and heartbreaking story I asked my dad.
"How do you deal with something like that? How do you make the feeling go away?"
"It's hard. But something that helps me is, I try to think of the things I gained, instead of what I lost that day" he said as he lifted my chin up. I sniffled before asking him.
"Like what?"
"Well your Marvel aunts and uncles were really supportive of us. Whenever your old man wasn't being such a stubborn ass they'd send in money, clothes and gifts for your birthdays and Christmases. They were there to help keep the press off my back even after the trial, but there's one thing I will always be grateful after all that".
"What's that?"
"I got to keep you". He choked out as he smiled at me with tears glistening in his eyes. I hugged my dad and he hugged me back as the two of us just sat there in silence with tears falling down our faces. "If I had lost both my girls that night I don't know what I would've done. Your mother must've made a deal with whoever is up there to take her soul instead of yours. And even though I had to lose one of my girls in the end, at least I got to see you grow up into this beautiful, strong, determined young woman. Your mama would've been so proud of everything you've accomplished in your life".
"Te iubesc tata" I said.
"Si eu te iubesc ingerul meu" he said back to me lovingly as he peppered my face with kisses making me laugh and giggle.
After our little moment together, papa called up Mrs. Perry and told her that Anthony would be arriving to pick up my sleeping bag as well as his and told her that everything had been taken care of but I wasn't going to go back to the slumber party.
When Uncle Anthony came back with our stuff, I thanked him for taking me to the slumber party and I apologized for running out like I did. He said it was no prob and gave me a hug and a kiss then the guys all left to head back to their homes leaving me and my dad alone again in the house.
We then decided to have our own slumber party. We did a three legged race, nerf gun war, pillow fights then to end the night, we got our sleeping bags, made ourselves a blanket fort and decorated it with beautiful lights and stars and we just lay there watching some Disney movies before I finally fell asleep curled up to my dad.
He smiled down at me and wrapped a blanket around the both of us before wrapping his arms around me. He kissed the crown of my head and whispered softly.
"Thank you God for allowing me to keep my little girl. And (m/n) I know you're looking down at us now, being our Guardian Angel". Then my dad fell asleep holding me in his arms never letting go.
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black-dragon1998 · 5 years
Waiting for supergirl
Kara doesn't come home, being held up with superhero duties. witch leaves Lena to prepare Lydia for bed alone.
part 4 of Out of the box way of starting a family. other parts here part 1 - part 2 - part3
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Lena was walking through the apartment, Lydia playing in front of the TV on her playpen. On the TV was playing some child show with lots of colours to keeps the kids’ attention. Lena in the was waiting for Kara to come home.
Normally Lydia should be getting ready for bed, but Lena and Kara had a ritual for Lydia’s bedtime, and it hadn’t been broken since they started it.
Lena was a little bit conflicted about what she should do. She knew Kara was probably saving the city as Supergirl, still, she worried because she hadn’t heard from her since they shared lunch. Lena still hadn’t gone back to work, not being able to leave Lydia just jet.
Sam took over the duties at L-Corp as best she could, and Lena did the necessary paperwork from home.
“Mommy?” Lena’s attention was drawn away from her own thoughts when her daughter called. Looking up she saw Lydia running toward her, her little arms flailing to make sure her mother got her attention.
in the last week, Lydia was starting to do much better. She started to talk and play more instead of staying in her mother’s arms. She also started to trust people more, she actually started asking for her ants and Ruby.
When Lydia reached her she looked up at her with a huge smile.
“yes, a chroi?” Lena smiled back at her daughter.
“play with me?” Lydia asked pulling at her mother’s pants to make her move in the direction of the playpen.
Deciding to put away her worries for the moment and follow Lydia to her toys. To Lena’s great delight Lydia preferred to build with blocks instead of playing with dolls. Kara said it was the Luthor genes in her that made her want to build stuff. ‘just like her mommy’ Kara had teased her, and Lena could only blush and smile.
“What are we making, Angeal?” Lydia was delighted her ‘mommy’ was giving her, her full focus. Especially since her other mother wasn’t there for attention hogging. Kara usually was the one to play with Lydia. So, the little girl was going to make the best of it.
“Wobot.” Lydia clapped her hands while almost jumping up and down, Lena chuckled and pulled the little girl on her lap. A robot was something she could do.
  To Lena’s own surprise she was enjoying herself and Lydia was delighted to lay with her mommy.
“Mommy look! Wobot.” Lena smiled lovingly as she saw her daughter fawn over the little block robot. She should probably make her a real robot when she was a little bit older.
“it’s lovely dear. Maybe I should take you with me to L-Corp next time. The men there could learn from you.” Lena laughed while hugging her daughter close. Lydia, in turn, hugged her mother back and couldn’t stop her giggles.
Lena lifter Lydia up so she could look her in the eyes.
“What do you say about dinner after all that building.” Lydia had gone serious as she looked back into Lena’s eyes. Proving to Lena she was positively Kara’s kid; only then could food be taken so seriously. The Luthor eyebrow raise was a rare contradiction to that.
“Mack and cheese?” Lydia was like a perfect blend between her and Kara, making the pout fired at her all the more effective.
“Alright, but only if you eat some fruits with them.” Lucky for Lena, unlike Kara Lydia likes to eat fruits and vegetables.
 While the home-made Mac and cheese warmed up in the oven, Lena sliced an apple and placed it in front of her daughter. The food was devoured that is she didn’t live with an adult Kryptonian she would look up, but now it was just another thing she was used to.
Lena put their plates in the dishwasher while Lydia stayed in her high chair.
it was starting to become really late and Lydia had refused to take a nap this afternoon. This caused her to rub her eyes with a tiny fist but still being too stubborn to admit she is sleepy.
“A chroi, want to take a nap with me while we wait for mama?” Lena tried, Lydia was starting to get grumpy, making her whine and hold her hands out for Lena. Still not admitting she was tired. ‘them Luthor stubbornness.’ If Kara asked later, she so would say it wasn’t.
“Mama?” Lydia’s had her brows knitted together when her attention was brought back on the missing parent. Not wanting to a crying fit with would only leave ger grumpier.
“Mama will be here when you wake up.” Lena tried. Lydia vigorously shook her head. Lena seeing the tears welling up she acted fast. Sometimes you had to give in as a parent.
“not even if we sleep in the big bed.” Normally Lena would refrain from letting Lydia sleep in between her and Kara. Keeping it as a last resort, like now.
“Mama!” Lydia started to shout to getter with the first tears. Rubbing her temple’s, she went for another approach.
“How about this. Why don’t we watch ‘The Lion King’ while we wait for mama to get home?” Lena was gasping at her last straws with this. She already picked Lydia out off her high chair, rubbing her back soothingly. Hoping the little one would fall asleep while watching the movie.
“Cuddles?” Lydia asked shyly.
“How could I say no to my favourite cuddle buddy.” Lena smiled. Both were giggling the whole way to the bedroom. Having thrown  routine out of the window, Lena laid Lydia in the middle of the bed. putting a few pillows around her, preventing her from fall of the bed.
“Okay baby, look at me.” Lena tried to get her daughters full attention, who was distracted by the pillows around her. When two big blue eyes looked at her and smiled Lena continued.
“LION KING!” Lydia clapped her hands together giggling.
“yes, yes but first we are going to put on PJ’s okay.” Lena slits her forefinger over her daughter’s chubby cheek to keep her attention.
“yeah PJ’s.”
“A chroi, that means you have to stay here on the bed while I go and get them, okay.” Lydia nodded.
“Can you tell what to do?” Lena asks raising her own Luthor eyebrow.
“Stay here and wait for mommy.” Lydia answered proudly.
“Good girl, now wait for mommy to come back.” Lena stood up and made her way toward the other bedroom opposite the master bedroom. She had almost made it to the door when she heard yelling.
“Mommy! Don’t forget Leo and Luna.”
“Okay, a chroi.” Leo and Luna being her daughters' stuffed lion and wolf. Lydia had noticed that both her name and her mother’s name started with the same letter, so she wanted her ‘friends’ to have the same. Both Kara and Lena found it adorable, as did the super friends.
In the bedroom, she quickly took a new pair of PJs’. Picking the one that resembled Kara’s new suit, Lena also didn’t forget the stuffed animals.
When she got back inside the master bedroom Lydia was laying exactly where Lena left her.
“good girl.” Lena praised, picking her off the bed and kissing her cheek. Walking into the bathroom, she changed Lydia quickly. Lena herself changed into one of Kara’s hoodies she liked to steal.
“Ready for the movie?” Lydia nodded in the crook of her neck, but Lena didn’t miss how her daughter rubbed her eyes again and stifled a yawn.
It didn’t take long for the two to settle on the bed. Lena leaning lightly against the headboard with a couple of pillows propped behind her back to support her. Lydia nestled herself in her mommy’s front with head resting on Lena’s shoulder.
pulling the blankets up to Lydia’s chin she pressed play for the movie and waited.
  When Kara finally made it back home, she was met with silence. The apartment was dark, and Kara was a bit confused, normally Lena would be waiting for her. This made Kara scared that Lena was mad at her for not letting her know where she was.
Aldo her worries were washed away when she entered her shared bedroom. Lydia had fallen asleep and turned so that she was snuggling into Lena. Her stuffed animals squeezed between the two off them. Lena in her turn had also fallen asleep, having curled around Lydia.
Not wanting to wake them she floated into the bathroom and changed quickly. Standing in front of the bed Kara felled conflicted. She wanted to join her family, but she also didn’t want to disturb them.
  Lena noticed someone had entered the bedroom, Kara seemed to fill a room with a calming presence that put Lena at ease.
“Darling?” Lena’s voice sounded groggy from sleep.
“I’m here baby.” Kara answers sitting on her side off the bed.
“you're finally home.” Lena couldn’t help but smile.
“Yeah, sorry that I haven’t let you know where I was.” Kara said sheepishly.
“’s okay. Happy your home.” Said, half back to sleep again. Lena rolled over just enough for Kara to slip in beside her. Kara didn’t waste any time doing just that and hugging her two-favorite people into her.
Lena lets out a happy sight and rested her head on Kara’s shoulder. Kara fell asleep with a smile on her face.
  Kara was woken up abruptly by a small body jumping on her chest.
“MAMA! MAMA! Wake up, mommy is making pancakes.” Lydia creamed loudly.
‘I’m up. I’m up.” Kara grunted out not opening her eyes just jet.
“Iska could you be so kind and move your knees a little.” Kara finally opened her eyes to look at her daughter who had her knees planted in her ribs and both hands on her cheeks. Not understanding the question, she just repeated her excitement.
Using her super speed Kara hoisted Lydia up in her arms and jumped off the bed.
“Alright little monster, let see what mommy is doing.” Kara chuckled while tickling Lydia’s tummy, making the girl shriek in laughter.
“no, mama don’t. no tickling.” Lydia breathed art between laughs. Both were still laughing when they med Lena in the kitchen.
“Morning.” Lena looked up from her stack of pancakes she made.
“Morning,” Kara answered when she slung her free arm around Lena and kissed her cheek.
Taking in the scene in front of her Lena couldn’t help feel her heart swell with love. The sudden emotions caused her to tear up a bit.
“I hope this never changes.” Lena whispered in a small voice in Kara’s neck. Kara having heard her gave her waist a small squeeze.
“I hope so too.”
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