#aph new hampshire
objection-zero · 3 days
What if I showed you guys my Hetalia OCs for the 50 states that I've been working on for the past 2 months?
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- Overly stressed all the time, he has a complex where he needs to feel important. So he opts to do work that would normally fall on the other 49 so he can seem important to them.
- He's the busyman of Delmarva, he gets everything squared away.
- He has the biggest, most effective puppy dog eyes in the world. They're just big and sad and it's hard to say no!
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- Very active, has a gym in her home for sure even though she prefers to go outside and work out.
- She and Delaware are very close, as the first two states they became good friends (and New Jersey!). She does her best to protect Delaware when she can.
- Very straightforward, she doesn't mess around. You always know what to expect from her.
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New Jersey:
- Loud. So very loud. Always wearing gaudy makeup and unappealing clothing.
- She's very loyal as a friend though–her and New York hang out constantly, with half of their time dedicated to debating something or other loud enough for everyone around them to hear.
- She and New York have been in a battle over the ownership of the Statue of Liberty for a long time. Since the statue is technically on an island that belongs to her, but New York will not give it up. She owns the gift shop.
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- One of my favorite states, I love her and her design very dearly.
- I like to think of her as a Mary Sue type, where she's always busy and has an overwhelming amount of work to handle, but she does it all so easily and so effectively that you'd never guess how much she does.
- Also, she owns a peach orchid absolutely.
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- "Um, actually—🤓👆" embodied.
- Everyone is sick of how entitled he is, because he acts like he's so much more intelligent than everyone.
- Which is funny because he is really really smart, but still not as smart as he pretends to act.
- He's one of the only states that's friends with Ohio.
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- Do not utter the word "revolution" around this man or he will go nuts.
- Very quick to act, very quick to anger. He likes to set things on fire—he always carries a lighter on him— and argue. If he ever came face to face with England, it would probably go very badly.
- He despises tea, to the point he physically cannot drink it.
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- The mediator of Delmarva, this man is the master of solving problems. He's the sweetest.
- Also, the best chef in the country aside from Louisiana and I cannot stress that enough. You know this man has a BIG kitchen in his house.
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South Carolina:
- The bimbo of the country okay.
- I just love the idea of her being so determined to be a farmer, but struggling so much because she's just not designed to be a farmer. But she won't give up even though she probably should.
- She's good friends with Georgia but her and North Carolina definitely have a rivalry going on.
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New Hampshire:
- Can this man calm down? Please?
- He basically bounces off the walls, definitely has ADHD, and always down to do somethint stupid.
- He spends a good portion of his time bugging Vermont because she's easy to annoy. New Hampshire and Vermont are very close though. The siblings ever.
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- I had to make one of them emo okay.
- She's the confident leader of Delmarva for sure. As the first state colonized, she's got a good heart for leadership. She's the state that works the closest with America directly.
- Despite being emo, she's very sweet.
Ahhh Image limit. Check repost for the other states!
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spidertalia · 1 year
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drew @rosethreeart 's abigail with my new hampshire oc <33 short queens rise up ✊
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delilah-dust · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: West Virginia & Maine (Hetalia) Characters: West Virginia (Hetalia), New Hampshire (Hetalia), Maine (Hetalia) Additional Tags: Disabled Character, Deaf Character, Deaf, Statetalia (Hetalia), Original Character(s), Anxiety, Coping, Family Feels, Brotherly Bonding, Sibling Bonding, Family Bonding, Breakfast, Character Study, Silent Protagonist Summary:
Charlie’s perspective of being deaf in a hearing family.
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New Jersey: *Setting down a card* Ace of spades.
Delaware: *Pulling out an Uno card* +4
Maine: *Pulling out a Pokémon card* Jolteon, I choose you!
New Hampshire: *Trembling* What are we playing?
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apollo11fangirl · 3 years
North East: AAAAaaaaaaaaaaa
Confederacy/South US/CSA/South: Can you keep it down hon. If you don’t I’m Fixen to fight all y’all.
America: please don’t, they will only get more angry sis
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thatsamericano · 4 years
New Hampshire: I know two people who can cheer you up.
Vermont, sobbing: Ben and Jerry?
New Hampshire: Ben and Jerry.
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missmagicandlight · 5 years
New Hampshire: You're violent.
Massachusetts: Yeah, but I'm short so it's adorable.
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meetthemidwest · 5 years
Weird things the states have done
-Michigan once kicked a chair out from underneath Ohio and Ohio didn’t fall down. He also didn’t stand up, he literally just stayed sitting on nothing.
-Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan went to an indoor water park and floated around the lazy river while singing I Want it That Way. Illinois got a video.
-Minnesota and the Dakotas decided to go mattress sledding and North Dakota smacked his head against a table and got a concussion.
-Kansas walked directly into a tornado to prove that it was possible. It didn’t end well.
-Rhode Island once pulled a small tree out of the ground and used it to hit Massachusetts in the knee because Mass called him a sewer for the billionth time.
-Nebraska drove a tractor over a homemade ramp and it flipped over with him on it.
-Idaho slowly ate a raw potato in front of the United Nations while making direct eye contact with Russia. To this day no one knows why.
-West Virginia bit down on his wallet, looked directly at a poor CIA agent, and said “whom the frickity frack took my breakfast sandwich?” It turns out the sandwich was in his back pocket.
-Washington spilled coffee on their jeans and immediately declared God to be both a bitch and dead.
-Iowa bought a bunch of those corn on the cob holders and stuck them all over Illinois’ car because he was “being a little bitch”
-New York walked to New Jersey’s apartment (which was pretty far away at the time) at two in the morning just to ask if water is wet. He then made himself a cup of coffee and left.
-Kentucky rode a horse into a grocery store, looked around, and when told he had to leave yelled “THAT ISN’T VERY CASH MONEY OF YOU, CIVILIAN”
-Colorado wore a really large trench coat to a meeting one day and he wouldn’t tell anyone what was in it until after the meeting, where he pulled New Mexico aside and showed him that the inside pockets were filled with memes.
-There’s a video of New Hampshire screaming at Massachusetts while Massachusetts attempts to inject caffeine directly into his veins.
-New Hampshire also wore a shirt that said Big Dad Energy in big bold letters and when asked how many kids he had by a stranger he started laughing hysterically.
-Michigan has a shirt that says I’m Concerned About the Blueberries that he only seems to wear when he gets exactly two hours of sleep. Louisiana once saw him wearing the shirt and forced him to stop and take a nap.
-Florida grabbed a handful of leaves off the nearest tree and started eating them while Virginia explained that attacking European tourists is bad.
-Georgia pushed Alabama into a puddle and he just laid there for about five minutes before rolling over and calling Georgia a bitch.
-You know the vine where the guy at the mini golf course jumps into the water? Hawaii does that every time. No one goes mini golfing with her anymore.
-Alaska took a bite of a dog treat instead of a protein bar, stared at it in confusion, shrugged, and continued eating.
-Texas and Cherokee were arguing over how Oklahoma should live his life while Oklahoma filled a duffel bag with hors d’oeuvres at the fancy party Maryland threw.
-Arizona was carrying around a fancy velvet purse for a day and when California asked what it was for she pulled out seven hard boiled eggs. The only question California asked was “can I have one?” Arizona said no, packed the eggs up again, and left.
-One day Montana and Colorado switched wardrobes and no one noticed since they both wear flannels from the women’s section.
-Wyoming pulled out a water bottle at a meeting and chugged it in under a minute. Turns out it was vodka and she fell down the stairs trying to leave.
-Vermont drank a bottle of maple syrup while Maine recorded. They later sent it to Quebec who watched the entire thing twice before responding with “why are you so dumb?”
-Connecticut got locked out of his house and broke his leg trying to climb to the second floor window. 
-Literally everything New Mexico does is weird, like when he bought a set of sporks and threw his spoons and forks out.
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hipsofsteel · 5 years
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Live Free or Die, The Old North
Danielle (New Hampshire) and Kitty (North Carolina)
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Okay okay, now I'm curious. What are everyone's kinks. If some are too uh "risky" then don't answer.
That’s a Royal OOF
(We left out Ones that were over Riskay or just didn’t have any)
Rn we have that
•Maine and Rhode are masochists
•Mass got daddy kink
•NH got mommy kink
•’bama’s has a crush on at least 3 of his siblings
•Mississippi needs Jesus
•Berlin has a humiliation kink
•Berlin gets off to NY calling him names and also is a bit submissive
•Saxony likes hair pulling
•Schleswig has a biting kink
•Washington state uh.. He likes sorta kissing and getting a drink transferred to him
•Cali is secretly into BDSM (she will stab you if you say anything)
•Missouri has a kink similar to hot wax but instead it’s tree syrup
•Bavaria just is a romance nerd
•Schleswig is into blood (he’s a vampire so)
•Thuringia is a chionophile
(I should mention- OP2 came up with most of this)
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ask-50-nifty-states · 5 years
Which one(s) of you call England to brag for the Fourth?
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VA: Maryland is another and Massachusetts... he just sends memes... At least the others are considerate. Especially New York who tells them not to do this. He really doesn’t even think about calling England to do such a thing; just to apologize if any of the others bothered him. That New York...
((Sorry if this was late. My family was planning things out and we had a barbecue that lasted til around 10 at night. Also, I don’t like how Rhode Island came out, but I don’t hate it. I’ll do some adjustments when drawing him so next time he looks better. And also don’t mind my messy handwriting XD))
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stupid-art-thing · 5 years
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I though it would be cute to draw New England in a Hocas Pocas costume for Halloween
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lads-of-new-england · 5 years
Mun here! Boys, introduce yourselves!
Massachusetts: John. I’m the leader of these crazy fools.
Rhode Island: Vincent here! Don’t listen to Johnny- he has an ego problem!
Massachusetts: I do not!
Maine: uh yes you do, I’m Andrew by the way.
Connecticut: Nathaniel! And these arguments are pretty normal.
New Hampshire: Thomas here, and lilittle Nathaniel is right. I do hope we haven’t scared you off.
Connecticut: I AM NOT LITTLE!
*arguements keep going*
Vermont: and I’m Trevor. Please send us asks, if we interact with you then those knuckleheads won’t argue with themselves so much.
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Massachusetts: Hey, Happy New Year, guys.
Vermont: Dark Ally Fears
Maine: Hairy Leg Gears
Delaware: Kinda Hot Seer
New Hampshire: Barley Wheat Near
New York: Fanny Milk Sphere
New Jersey: Baby Hops Here
Pennsylvania: Danny Devito's Beard
Connecticut: Jolly Man's Ear
Rhode Island: Salty Squid's Pier
Maryland: Granny's Fake Cheer
Virginia: Black Panty Jeer
North Carolina: German Mercenary Beer
South Carolina: Campbell's Plastic Rear
Georgia: Johnny Cash Sneer
Florida: Fat Man's Tears
Massachusetts: This is why I don't fucking talk to any of you.
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New Hampshire: Here’s an idea! We hang a mistletoe, but instead of kissing the person underneath, we have to fight them.
D.C: We are not doing that.
Ohio: *nodding* Mistlefoe.
D.C: Don’t encourage him.
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askaphmaine · 5 years
A NewMaine prompt in honor of the end of Halloween: Maine and New Hampshire having to deal with their sugared up siblings and cleaning after Halloween is finally over
Issa drabble because I still don’t know where I’m taking the other story I’m working on
NH sighed as he lifted Concord over his caped shoulder. The boy had gone beyond ‘sugar rush’ and had already gotten sick four times before passing out. Halloween was an interesting time for New England every year and he swore the cities made bets on who could end up in the worst state by the end of the night. This year seemed to be the worst, with Concord getting as sick as he did, Augusta going missing for 2 hours only to pop up drunk with candy corn vodka, and Boston trying to throw herself into the harbor, but he knew they’d do even worse next year.
Maine stood nearby, watching her own brothers act like idiots. NH always loved her simple costumes, though he knew a lot of them were specifically chosen to piss off Mass. This year’s was a witch, though she abandoned the hat early on. He himself was dressed as a vampire, though he refused to wear the fangs. He moved beside her, turning his attention to the pair of brothers before him.
“We raised some kind of idiots, huh.” He chuckled, glancing over at her comment.
“Yes. Yes, we did.” They stood quietly, waiting for the two to calm down a bit more. “Should we help Mass clean up his house?” She snorted, shaking her head.
“He can do it. His fault for agreeing to have a party here. He knows what we’re like.”
“True. Well, I better get Concord home before he wakes up. He’s going to hate himself tomorrow, I can tell.”
“Yeah, same with these two.” She glanced at him for a moment before leaning up and giving him a peck on the cheek. “Good luck.” She smirked at his red face, moving towards her brothers. NH carefully touched the spot she kissed, giving her a nod. By God, he loved that girl.
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