#Especially to my favorite minor gods and goddesses
blackcat2907 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Hades (Video Game 2018) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Ethan Nakamura/Alabaster Torrington, Luke Castellan/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Silena Beauregard/Charles Beckendorf, Clarisse La Rue/Chris Rodriguez, Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang, Luke Castellan & Alabaster Torrington, Silena Beauregard & Luke Castellan & Ethan Nakamura & Chris Rodriguez & Alabaster Torrington, Melinoë & Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Deimos & Phobos (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Eris | Discordia/Harmonia (Ancient Greek Religion and Lore), Hecate/Nemesis (Percy Jackson), Apollo & Meg McCaffrey Characters: Alabaster Torrington, Ethan Nakamura, Luke Castellan, Silena Beauregard, Chris Rodriguez, Nico di Angelo, Will Solace, Hazel Levesque, Zoë Nightshade (Percy Jackson), Calypso (Percy Jackson), Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Thanatos (Percy Jackson), Khione (Percy Jackson), Tyche (Percy Jackson), Hecate (Percy Jackson), Nemesis (Percy Jackson), Harmonia (Percy Jackson), Eros (Percy Jackson), Deimos (Percy Jackson), Phobos (Percy Jackson), Asclepius (Percy Jackson), Eris (Hades Video Game), Nyx (Hades Video Game), Hades (Percy Jackson), Megaera (Hades Video Game), Meg McCaffrey, Ares (Percy Jackson), Aphrodite (Percy Jackson), Camp Half-Blood Campers (Percy Jackson), Camp Jupiter Campers (Percy Jackson), Jason Grace, The Olympians (Percy Jackson) Additional Tags: BAMF Alabaster, Alive Ethan Nakamura, Alive Silena Beauregard, Good Luke Castellan, Mystery, Poisoning, Cults, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Exile, Feral Luke Castellen, Discord: TItan Army (Percy Jackson), Near-Fading, Near Death Experiences, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Psychological Torture, Aftermath of Torture Series: Part 5 of War and Death Summary:
In which the Minor Deities have gone missing and once dead demigods are back alive to help find these missing deities. Ethan Nakamura and Alabaster Torrington work together to reunite the Titan Army and uncover a dangerous cult. In order to save their parents and other gods and goddesses, the Titan Army will have to work with Camp Half-Blood.
But some wounds can't be healed. Will it all fall apart?
@yonemurishiroku @nakamurastorrington
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five-rivers · 10 months
If you're still doing prompts, may I suggest Danny learning about the legends following his time travel (what the Romans thought was up; the Buddhists, that one kid, etc
Physics and engineering major or not, Danny still needed credits in the humanities. Comparative Mythology and Folklore was the obvious choice for that. All through high school, Sam and Jazz had been on his case about knowing so little mythology, on account of his ghostly enemies and allies sometimes being mythological figures.
(Also the constellation thing, but they didn't bring that part up all that much, funnily enough.)
At the time, Danny had figured (see what he did there?) that there wasn't much point to it. Pandora wasn't all that similar to her mythic version, Medusa didn't turn people to stone, and winged horses were, by and large, not friendly.
Recent events had made him reconsider that stance.
Anyway! The class was a "two birds, one stone" sort of deal. He got both credits and practical knowledge. Theoretically.
So far, they'd covered creation myths and etiological stories, gods and goddesses, the monolith and the hero's journey, and now, in the tiny slice of time before they had to start studying for the final, they were looking at weird minor similarities without clear causes.
"Now," said the professor, "this next one is probably my favorite, because it's so specific and so widespread. Of course, the most obvious reason for this is that it's a story that traveled, much like how the pre-Indo-European gods traveled. However, the times and locations involved make that very unlikely, at least in my opinion. The other end of the spectrum is, of course, aliens, which are even more unlikely."
There was a soft smattering of laughter throughout the large classroom. Danny started to get a bad feeling about this.
"The other strange thing about this particular similarity is that it comes out of seemingly nowhere, with regards to the larger culture. There have even been several instances of it in this century - although, given modern information infrastructure, those instances may not be entirely organic. But Imperial Rome, China, Colonial America, just to name a few… That's weirder. Any guesses about what I'm talking about?"
No one raised their hand, and after a couple of minutes, the professor used their remote control to go to the next slide of their presentation. Danny sank down in his seat as he stared up at a collage of himself in a dozen different art styles.
"All around the world, there are stories about a young man or boy with white hair and dark clothing coming from 'distant lands' to either fight off 'monsters' or to retrieve unspecified objects. As you can see, despite some of these pieces being from cultures that never had any contact with one another, the resemblance of the figures is striking. The– Yes, you have a question?"
"Will this be on the final?" asked a student a few rows down from Danny.
The professor sighed. "As a general rule, if I'm teaching you about it, I'll be testing you about it. Moving on–"
Danny forced himself to start taking notes. He couldn't believe he was going to be tested on himself. Especially when he was pretty sure he hadn't even been to all of those places yet.
Clockwork must be laughing his head off.
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lady-phasma · 2 months
Morpheus Returns
Part 1 of 2 (so far) cross posted from AO3
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, general smut and pretty fluffy, p in v sex. Written in first person fem!reader.
Summary a/n: Morpheus returns to find a favorite acolyte has waited 100 years for him. Also a bit of headcanon: I know he doesn’t sleep but the poor entity needs a break from time to time. No beta. 2k words
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He lay imperiously on the black sheets of the bed. Their blackness swallowed light, no sheen like satin or silk. Draped over his bone-white body they gave the illusion that any light in the room came from him. The sheet fell across his belly and one leg. His arms spread out to his sides. His shaggy black hair shone with flecks of light as he turned his head in his rest. The King of Dreams sighed deeply.
My every action was imbued with the deepest reverence for Lord Morpheus. Each of us in The Dreaming had our roles and responsibilities, purpose and function. We were each created for a particular role. Although things had changed since his return, I had not. I had waited for a century. As Lucienne had waited. I didn’t leave The Dreaming when others gave up. I had one purpose and my existence was devoted to it. Much like gods and goddesses, the Endless enjoyed worshipers, human or otherwise. I was created to resemble a female human. Lord Morpheus had sculpted me to be perfect for him. Without him I had no purpose. So I waited.
When he returned most of us were gone. Lucienne encouraged him to rest but he had guilt and anger to assuage. I was patient. He saw me once before leaving to find his tools. How I had missed his expressive eyes and perfect mouth. I slid my fingers down his cheek.
“You look tired, my Lord,” I whispered.
“I am, Asteria,” he glanced down at me. “But I will return and I will make good use of our bed.”
My heart ached for his return but I busied myself with helping restore The Dreaming. I especially focused on his quarters. His palace staff gradually returned, as did his dreams and nightmares, but among them all I was cherished. He had given me my own personality, interests, abilities, but I was his design. My very being was sculpted to be his own dream. Each dream or nightmare in The Dreaming was his creation but created for others, for humans. I alone was formed for him, the physical manifestation of his desires. My limbs were long, my skin nearly as pale as his, and my body blessed with ample curves. My breasts were firm and high above a small rounded belly. My hips weren’t narrow but neither were they broad. My entire body was inhumanly hairless like his, except for long chestnut locks that fell, curling down my back. We only possessed human form, we were far from human. He had even named me in honor of the Titaness Asteria, the goddess of falling stars and oneiromancy. She had once had the ability to call him to her at will, Endless or not, to divine meaning from dreams.
I only slightly regretted disturbing his repose. He had previously promised me an audience and given me express instructions when to rouse him. My audiences with Dream were entirely selfish on his part. However, since I was created as a devotee there was immense pleasure in it for me as well.
I stood at the foot of the bed and let my nightgown fall off my shoulders. I climbed onto the bed. My eyes ran up the length of his body, along his exposed leg, his flat stomach, his taught chest, and his perfect collar bones. I sat next to him, my legs curled beneath me. I cupped his cheek in my palm and pressed my lips against his. He moaned into my mouth. His eyes opened just a fraction and he wrapped his long arms around me. I let my body sink into his embrace. This was the first proper kiss we had shared since his return. I wanted to touch every part of him at once. My hands roamed over his shoulders and chest.
“Time to rise, my Lord,” I mumbled into our kiss.
“Yes I suppose it is,” he sighed as he laid back. He placed one hand behind his head and let the other rest on my thigh, his long fingers almost brushing against my sex. His every movement was calculated. It was evident in the twitch at the corners of his mouth that he was enjoying teasing me.
Morpheus sighed again. He briefly closed his eyes. His hand moved slightly on my thigh. It was my turn to sigh.
I propped myself up on one arm and reached to stroke his chest, his arm, anything I could reach. This slight, intentional movement of my hips pressed his fingertips just against my lips. I shivered. He very nearly smiled at my urgency.
I moved to lean above him and began to kiss every inch of him that I could find. I kissed his neck, his chest, his nipples, under his arms, down his ribs. I gradually straddled him as I moved down his body. In doing so I pulled the sheet off of him. He had begun to grow hard at my touches. Oh how I had missed him! But I wanted to draw out my worship as long as possible. And worship I did. I slid my hands over his smooth, marble-like skin. I mumbled praise against his body, whispers of longing and adoration.
He had moved his other hand to rest under his head and lay almost perfectly still. There was a tinge of smile on his pouted lips. He was extremely satisfied. Anyone other than the two of us couldn’t possibly know the praise that was in that close, tight near-smile. It spurred me on. I had waited so long for this and I loved that I pleased him. I trailed kisses down his stomach.
“My Lord,” I said between kisses. “Mmmm… shall I leave you… mmmm… to continue resting?” My eyes shot up to meet his, my lips still on his skin. My grin was obvious.
“Don’t you dare,” he growled. He reached down, placing a hand on either side of my face, and guided me up to kiss him. I spread my legs wider to press our bodies together and he raised his hips up to meet mine. His fingers wound into my hair eliciting a moan from me. His tongue pushed past my lips and teeth. Everything about him was long: legs, tongue, fingers. Another part of him that was quite long pressed against my backside. He had grown harder as I rubbed against him. I pressed my wetness against his belly to force a moan from him.
Morpheus withdrew his hands from my hair and rose up. He lifted me off him, onto my knees. With his hands cupping my ass, he kissed my breasts and my neck.
“You waited,” he murmured. “All these years… you waited.”
“Mmmhmm,” I responded. I buried my face in his hair and wrapped my arms around his neck. I held him close to my chest. I breathed in deeply. “Yes, my Lord. The thought of this moment and memories of the many before kept me warm while you were away. I only wish I could ease your suffering, your hurt.”
He turned his face up to mine and I kissed him, deep and hard. He kissed me back. He maneuvered my hips so that he could guide me down onto his lap. His hardness pressed into me. No hesitation, no resistance, a perfect fit. I gripped and pulled at his hair as the pleasure swept over me. He guided and moved me where and how he wanted. I was attuned to the movement of each of his muscles. His skin against mine felt perfect.
With no warning he flipped us over. He let me down on my back gently but that was all that was gentle. I could tell how badly he had missed me. He never needed excess words or expressions of sentiment with me. Allowing me to touch him, to pull him into myself, to hold him, was evidence enough. As emotionless as Dream wished for others to think him he was in fact often brimming with emotion. He buried his face in my neck and breathed deeply. He pushed himself further into me. I gasped and threw my head back, clutching at his shoulders. I felt warmth and wetness on my neck. I stroked his hair. His rhythm slowed. He made no sound but I knew, I could feel the silent tears. His embrace tightened around me, crushing me into him.
I resisted the urge to shush and console him. For far too long his actions had been governed by others. I was created to be the sole entity in his existence that didn’t require anything of him. I loved it. I cherished that he could let his guard down with me, shed all pretense. His muscles flexed within the circle of my arms. His tears stopped as abruptly as they had begun, short lived and rare.
He raised his head to look at me. He cradled the back of my head in his giant hand and studied my face. His expressive, red-rimmed eyes searched my expression for judgement and finding none he kissed me.
He ran his other hand down the length of my body, down the side of my thigh, guiding my leg over his hip. I pressed my heel into the small of his back, taking him deeper. I purred and arched my back. My hard nipples brushed against his chest. With his elbow bearing his weight, one hand behind my head, the other kneading my ass, I was enveloped by love. I was safe, my Dream had returned.
“Oh Morpheus,” I moaned. I stroked his face, his jaw, his ears and neck. I drew my fingertips across his perfect bottom lip. He kissed them as they passed. He held my gaze with his dark eyes. I saw the universe flash in them. That energy, that power, loved me. His rhythm had never faltered. His strokes were small and intimate. He was savoring our time. That connection was secondary to the reunion he so deeply desired.
But the moment passed and his expression became impassive once again. His stern jaw and pursed lips drove me wild. My breathing was shallow and hot against his neck. My hands had found their way back to his shoulders. I moved my other leg to encircle him. His pace quickened. I clung to him as if even momentarily losing my hold would allow him to disappear again.
Dream felt my need.
His fingers twisted and pulled at my hair. He slid his other hand between us to my breast, kneading, and caused me to arch against him. I was breathless, the entirety of my senses were filled with Morpheus. I kissed his shoulders, his neck. I squeezed, tight, around him as he thrust into me. The blunt exhalations he made as I did this sent electricity through me.
I felt his resolve melting. His rested his head beside mine, his shallow breath hot against my ear. I thought I heard him whisper my name. I moved my hand up the back of his neck and into his hair. I tugged slightly. He groaned. His hand slid from my breast to rub circles around my clit as he pushed deep into me, synchronizing his rhythms. My grasp on his hair tightened.
He pressed his entire body against mine, nothing save his arm between us. The pressure on my clit increased. I dug my heels into his ass, demanding he go as deep as possible. I realized I had been holding my breath and as I exhaled, my face still pressed against his, I moaned his name in half a dozen languages. And came hard and wet around him.
“My Asteria,” he breathed against me. “My love, how I missed you.” So quietly a mortal may not have been able to hear him.
A shiver ran over him, beginning at his shoulders and radiating outward. He exhaled sharply and I felt his final thrust deep into me. His cum was warm and slick between us. Though I couldn’t see his eyes, I knew from experience that they wouldn’t show me the universe at this moment. They would be as black as a void. He almost purred into my neck as his body relaxed.
He slipped his arm from between us and let his full weight rest on me. I slid my legs down, still embracing my Lord. His hand in my hair loosened and rested on the bed beside us. He kissed my ear and began to raise his head.
“Please not yet, Morpheus,” I whispered. “We have spent so long apart.”
He raised his head to look at me and truly smiled.
“I will not leave you just yet,” he stroked my cheek and kissed me gently on the forehead. “I would imagine we need to do that a few more times before I do.”
Part 2
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lvckyyz · 3 months
Hello, you recently wrote a text about the relationship between Iris's cabin and Hades' cabin. I am a Nemesis and I am curious about the relationship of my cabin with 14 (Iris) and 5 (Ares). It's a bit random (and I hope it's not repetitive) but I found the headcanon really cute! Thanks! :D
“i trust you”
cabin 16 x cabin 14 friendship
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nemesis’ children are known for not being afraid to confront other people if they think something is wrong, and sometimes their sincerity can put them into some trouble. unfortunately it is kind of common for cabin 16 to be vandalized or be the target of some pranks as a revenge for whatever they’ve said
but we are talking about the children of the goddess of revenge so don’t expect them to be okay with that. of course they had their revenge planned already, but the other minor gods’ kids tried to call them down.
and when i say “the other minor gods’ kids” it means cabin 14 and 18, but mostly just the iris kids.
iris kids care a lot about harmony and peace, but some of their neighbors, like cabin 16, weren’t exactly the calmest ones. however, they were determined to keep the nemesis’s kids out of trouble.
cabin 14 helped them fix their cabin and that’s when the nemesis’s children started trusting the iris’s kids a little.
their friendship was something that took a long time to develop, and i mean years. there were one of two campers who became friends more quickly but the majority of nemesis’s kids waited until cabin 14 proved to be 100% trustable.
after some time, these two became like siblings. the nemesis’s kids showed a playful and relaxed side of them and the iris’s children showed to not be as naive as people think they are.
they gossip a lot. the iris’s kids usually know everything that happens around chb and of course they’re telling everything to cabin 16.
they like listening to each other’s opinions; their ways of thinking are completely opposites so they usually ask for each other’s advice or thoughts on a particular topic to help them understand different points of view
nemesis’s kids usually aren’t used to physical touch, but the iris’s kids are and they make sure to give them hugs everyday.
cabin 16 is extremely loyal to their friends and want them to be safe. sometimes one of nemesis’s kids checks if cabin 14 is okay before going to sleep.
iris’s children once had to stop their friends from screaming and mr. d when he said something stupid about the minor gods.
the nemesis’s kids want to teach cabin 14 that they don’t have to be nice all the time and that are some people who don’t deserve their kindness.
the iris’s kids want to show cabin 16 that there are still good people in the world that they can actually trust.
they work well together; the two of them have really deep personalities that could work really well together, and that will probably be the kind of friendship where they’re constantly learning something new about themselves.
“i dare you”
cabin 16 x cabin 14 friendship
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i think these two would have a kind of playful rivalry, like they’re friends but compete in everything.
they already tried to team up in some games like capture the flag but it didn’t work well, so they started this “who’s the best” thing.
i personally think cabin 5 and 16 got along pretty quickly, some people thought that they’d hate each other but the friendship between them started naturally.
they’d understand their problems, especially if the problem is their parents since nemesis and ares are really strict with their children.
but would never talk about what they’re feeling, they think that’s embarrassing.
i think they’d be the kind to give the other some space or try to distract them from their issues.
cabin 16 is always scolding cabin 5 for bullying others and making them apologize for it.
their little competitions can get a bit dangerous sometimes, the apollo’s kids are already getting tired of them going everyday to the infirmary.
cabin 5 will make cabin 16 listen to their favorite songs
they act like they don’t care but they’re always taking care of each other
cabin 16 convinced cabin 5 to help the new campers to learn how to fight (without bullying little kids in the process)
they’d have some weird jokes that only they understand
they argue a lot about everything but eventually will be back to normal again
the two cabins always sit next to each other during campfires and once cabin 16 got mad at cabin 5 and almost burned them “by accident”
nemesis and ares children would be a good couple👀
⤷ author’s note:
i really hate school. that’s all.
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cienie-isengardu · 28 days
Blood of Zeus season 2
I was waiting for the premiere of the second season of Blood of Zeus mainly for Hades and in general I like how the show presented him and his relationship with Persephone but there is some stuff related to other gods that I don’t like.
Spoilers undercut.
First and foremost, the show really did make Demether dirty. I’m disappointed with her role in the story and how she treated both Hades and Persephona, the beloved daughter. I guess I would feel much better if she supported Hades for Persephona’s sake first and foremost and not for getting power. I would totally root for Demether wanting to be part of their family and have a chance to see how her grandkids grew up in better circumstances than being forced to be far away from their mother for 6 months each year (something she herself experiences when Persephona is going to Hades). Especially if that would demand from her and Hades to put aside their differences or work through them to find a sensible common ground and not go for manipulation. Like her lie that Hades abducted Persephona. I don’t mind ruthless Demether but there is a difference between a grieving mother willing to starve the whole world just to get her beloved daughter back and a power-hungry goddess willing to kill mortals and make her whole family sick just because she wants to rule now. Nope. This version of Demether is not for me.
My second big NOPE is for Ares. I’m not surprised they picked him for the asshole brother for Heron to confront, because let’s face it, Ares is always the first choice for a jerkass god. And look, if this was our first introduction to his character, then sure, I would not think much about it, because Ares is Ares, whatever, while enjoying his good look. But the thing that doesn’t sit well with me is the discrepancy between this jerkass and his first season persona, who was much calmer, serious and grim - he was dangerous, but he didn’t feel that much arrogant or into women or entitled the way he was in the newest season. And I admit, it feels to me like watching a totally different person that just happened to have the same handsome face as the previous incarnation. Which is what kinda ruined my joy of watching the show, because Ares was the other reason I bothered to watch Blood of Zeus in the first place. 
Hera too is different but her change makes a sense given what happened in the previous season and what she lost. Ares feels like the case of switching personality for no reason beside the fact that plot demanded it. But at lest he is still the mama's boy. Ares and Hera have this protective side toward each other, and I appreciate those moments.
A minor reason for disliking Ares’ role is the feeling how Ares and Hades visually share a lot similarities (short hair, dark colors, similar helmets) that made me joking Hades was Ares’ favorite uncle to the point he imitated his dark style (pissing off Zeus along the way most likely). I knew the chance BoZ would go with that route was very slim but still what a shame! Though fine, I will admit it: Hades beating Ares was funny to watch.
On second thought, my main complaint about Hades is that though I love how he is presented as a god with a strong sense of justice, it feels he wasn’t feared enough by other gods. Show the man some respect!
Oh! The nice thing worth mentioning is that BoZ remembered about and actually used Hestia in the show. Good for her! She deserves all the attention.
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marvelthottie · 1 year
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New Set
Steven Grant x BLACK Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Minors DNI,heavy steven centric, subby steven is my weakness,hand kink but not really but maybe so 😝
Steven was obsessed with your hands; well, your nails, you’ve noticed. You and Steven have been friends for a long time, ever since he started teaching night classes at your college. You taught a creative lesson on Wednesday and Friday nights. He taught History of Ancient Egypt, a small class, but his students were just as eager to learn as he was to teach. Sometimes when you give your students the last 20 minutes to do an open writing assignment, you would cross the hall to watch them ramble about the Egyptian Goddess of the day. But little did you know that as much as you watch Steven, he watches you twice as much, especially your hands.
Steven would call himself a dork, yes, and oddball maybe, a history nerd definitely, but with you, he feels like Steven. Whenever you’d go out to lunch before class, he watched you ramble about all the stories your students came up with. You always talked with your hands, he noticed, your perfectly manicured acrylic nails clacking as you exaggerate your points.
But tonight, he couldn’t keep himself from staring back at you when you walked in and leaned against the back wall as he was rambling about the wonderful Taweret. You were wearing a brown blazer with a white turtle neck, a matching brown shirt, and white ankle boots to pull the outfit together. But his gaze stopped at your hands; you were holding one of your favorite mugs. This time around, your nails were medium-length, white coffin nails. Steven’s very proud of his knowledge of getting your nails done. Your hands were always one of his favorite parts of you, though he’d never tell. And if you’d ask, he’d always say your brilliant mind.
He shook his head, clearing his thoughts, and sadly took his gaze from you and looked at the time; he realized his excited rambles had taken his class over nearly 10 minutes.
“Alright, everyone, I’ve talked your heads off. Let's get you all packed up and ready to go.” He watched as you walked towards his desk, eyes shamelessly watching the skirt cling to your brown legs.
His class cleared out quickly, seeing as it was a Friday Night and his class was barely six people.
“Hey, Steven,” You said, taking a sip of your coffee.
“Hey, done for today?”
“Yeah, told the class once they’re done with their writing, pack up and head out whenever.” You take another sip, slower, noticing his eyes tracking the movement.
You don’t know if it was genuine curiosity or mischief feeling but you couldn’t help to tease him.
“Steven?” you drawled out his name, to which he answered with intrigued yes. “ You’re obsessed with my hands, always staring but never commenting. Do you not like my nails?” You questioned, setting down your mug and standing in front of him as he stood behind his desk.
“No, love, that's not it.” He exclaimed, flushed and running a hand through his messy curls. “ I love them all the shapes and sizes, colors and gems. To be honest, this set is very plain for you.” He said, eyes widening, “ Not that there’s anything wrong with them. They're pretty, you’re pretty, and your hands are lovely. I quite like your hands, as you may know.”
You could see Steven get even redder when he took a second to realize what he had said. You walked around his desk, moving him over so you were between his legs. You grabbed his fidgeting hands, noticing he drew in a sharp breath. “ Stephen, do you like my hands?
“Yes,” he replied
“And do you want me to touch you with my hands?”
“God, yes, love,” he whispered.
You smiled, looking into his eyes, then you let your hands wander from his shoulders to his surprisingly muscular arms to his abs, to the bulge growing in his slacks.
“ Wait, as much as I want this, and I swear I do, but we c—“
You cut him off with a kiss, “ If you’re worried about being caught, Steven, then you’ll have to be quiet.” You smirked as he let off a soft whimper.
“Fuck”, he moaned softly as you unbuttoned his pants, gently pulling him out so as not to scratch him.
You stroked him from base to tip, going slow as to tease. You repeated the motion and squeezed softly when you to the head, watching as precum wet your hand. You wanted to make him beg for it, wanting to watch him fall apart, but you couldn’t. You knew the janitor would be around sooner rather than later; you had to make this quick.
You firmly stroked his cock, earning a hiss from Steven, which quickly turned to whimpers as you quickened your pace.
Steven thrusts into your hand; his hands balled to his sides, hushed heavy breaths coming from him. He’s trying so hard to be quiet, trying so hard to be good.
All you can hear is the squelching sound of his cock as you work him closer to completion.
You could hear the janitor next door cleaning your room, and you grabbed his cock with your other hand, applying pressure to the base and twisting the other on his tip.
“Y/N,” he whined, “ I won’t last.”
“That’s the point, Steven, cum for me, cum all over my hand. Don’t you want to be a good boy for me?”
Maybe it was your words or your hands on him, but you watched as he gasped, eyes rolling back as his orgasm punched out of him. He came all over your hands, even some hitting your thighs and the bottom of your skirt, but you didn’t care. You watched Steven cum, pleasure clouding his features as he shivered from the aftershocks.
You tucked him back in his pants, using the tissue of his desk to try and clean any evidence of what transpired. He sat down and slumped in his chair from the pleasure.
He looked at you dazed, smiling softly, “So, what color are you getting next?”
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moononmyfloor · 2 months
In the 1st Quarter of 2024 Cdramaland...
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1. The Hope
Nothing can be better than a Zhang Ruoyun drama to start the year with. One of the best High School shows I've seen in the recent years, it had an amazing balance of explosive emotions of youth and jaded realism. It would appeal to viewers of all age ranges and I felt so so much nostalgia and relatability from beginning to the end. It was funny, it was smart, it was beautifully acted down to every minor role. (I pretend that last 30 minutes didn't happen, though)
2. Wang Qiang (as Li Ran from The Hope), Zheng Hehuizi as Yang Caiwei from In Blossom)
LOOK at that babie😭🥺. Don't you want to pinch his cheeks? One of the most darling characters I had pleasure of watching recently, I wish a bright, bright future career for Wang Qiang. He portrayed the classic outwardly-prickly, marshmallow-inside teenager archetype with amazing nuance.
And Yang Caiwei oh Yang Caiwei.... as one of the shows and characters that created quite the buzz recently, I don't have anything more to add to the discussion. I can only say: lady, thank you for taking up a role that is FINALLY convincingly scarred, unkempt, dirty and not strikingly goddess-y from the first glance, and playing her with such gusto the true, genuine beauty of the character was drawn out with no external effort at all.
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3. The Hope
This drama utilized music so beautifully than 99% idol romance dramas ever would. Atmospheric music that elevated the scenes with lyrics that fit, not to mention writing three whole songs to be FULLY performed in-drama for character purposes. It felt like a musical at times. Talk about dedication.
4. Pan Yue's, from In Blossom, Legend of Shen Li (Only few)
I mean
How many costume drama wardrobes can top these embroidery and visibly high quality fabric? Not to mention they actually look wearable in daily life, and not just ornate for "main character's costumes" reasons. They are actually quite simple, if you think a bit- but immensely tasteful. AND
My FAVORITE thing about not just his, but all costumes in this show that I've rarely seen other dramas do is: They repeated the costumes! Many times! Almost all of them! And that added so much to the groundedness of the character. Rich young master having a runway-worthy wardrobe? Nothing new. Him wearing them again and again because that's what a normal, reasonable person does? I'm sold.
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I loved the plain but in an elegant and carefree way styling of the two leads of Shen Li whenever they were having recluse times. *This* is exactly how I imagine immortals too- just vibing and not decked in gold from head-to-toe because they are simply beyond it. Whenever the show changed to the typical bejewelled guzhuang garb in heaven scenes, it immeadietely visually reduced the show to just another xianxia. First Till the End of the Moon and now this😭. Guys, pick a consistent style and rock it proudly! A signature look is very important especially if you are aiming to create an impactful all-powerful character! I see no reason the gods couldn't do all the grand court and fight scenes in these robes either, honestly that would've served drive home the nail that the gods function on a different wavelength than humans.
(Also Wtf was even that Shen Li in a Greek goddess like getup? [last image] Not that it's not pretty BUT *waves hands around helplessly..)
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5. In Blossom, Legend of Shen Li, The Hope, Baking Challenge
In Blossom posters had a perfect balance of traditional Chinese ethereal elegance mixed with gothic horror mystery vibes.
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I LOVED the "how I imagine the peaceful cottagecore fairytale like life of my great-grandparents" vibe of Shen Li posters. It's giving lore.
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Really liked the "hooligan teens on retro album cover" aesthetic of The Hope posters too.
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The whimsical food posters of Baking Challenge were also fun.
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6. Detective Chinatown 2
I didn't even know a Detective Chinatown S2 was even coming like...until it did and it was like a second new year because I LOVED that show and it was the most unexpected pleasant surprise of the year- especially when almost all the main cast members were returning. And the first few eps were amazing too and didn't do a disservice at all to the previous season and I got my hopes up thinking we'll get to see a continuation of the Roy Chiu-Janine Chang arc too... only for the show to pull the rug and did the exact same thing as the previous season- the main character withdrew from the story by midpoint. Oh my gods. I want to find this show's creators and give them a good shake. Have some Janine jiejie pics from first season though just for the nostalgia's sake.
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7. Baking Challenge
If you aren't deterred by barely-legible machine subs, give this one a try. It's a fun little food drama that doesn't take itself seriously yet has a lot of heart. And for The Untamed fans, there's our Lan Sizhui (Zheng Fanxing) in it, and he's still the same cutie pie!
8. Pegasus
I watched five episodes, it's a solid show, fun too, it's just that I'm not very into racing AND Hu Xianxu is still a baby in my head😭😂 To convince me that he's a rich CEO with his own romance and adult problems will take at least 20 more years!
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I see him parading like this and couldn't help but want to laugh hysterically lol. IT'S NOT HIS FAULT. He's an amazing actor! But still..
I hope he doesn't try to force-rush his shift to adult characters, either.
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attheendoftheline · 1 year
You might say that the boy was touched…
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I adore the fact that we get to see Orpheus’s not only be “blessed” by the gods with his voice, but also have a real connection with them. Now often times being blessed or favored by the Gods never goes well— usually it’s a few years of good stuff happening then a gnarly end or string of bad luck (no different here). What I like is that here Orpheus has a tangible relationship with at least two of the gods. Being Hermes Ward and Persephone? Well she just likes him.
His relationship with Hermes was expanded in a sort of unseen backstory, in Working on a song Anïas goes into detail on how he came to be under his wing. He was partly raised by his mother but she’d be gone for impossible lengths of time on her own, so she left him with Hermes. The idea of a minor goddess showing up on the doorstep to a train station with a wiggling magical toddler and going ‘here’ is wildly entertaining to me— even more so for Hermes just to “alright” and keep him around. No better city for a musically inclined kid either.
I love how some of this is seen throughout the show, most of the time and especially in the beginning Hermes watches him sing with the proudest look on his face. Yet he’s not entirely easy going, there’s several times through the show as both a narrator and a father figure he tries to snap him out of things or explain what has to happen and how. That amusement can very easily turn into frustration one of my favorite lines is in Chant where Hermes tries to pull Orpheus back into the story and realize what’s happening with Eurydice - he’s yelling at this point “talk about oblivious”. He’s stern, he’s annoyed but the same man who’s told a million bedtime stories to the same kid.
Hermes wants to interfere so badly. Do you know how easy it would be for him to tell Eurydice to not take the deal or to get Orpheus away from his table? But he can’t on two front. Being a God and being a Narrator. In stories like this there’s just nothing you can do and that must kill him… he has some stake in this game! He raised that boy! How many times has he seen this happen wanting things to go right and how many times has he has to sing it again? It’s the fates that keep messing with things— the world of mortals goes the way they want and they’ll be damned if they change it any time soon.
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Now persephone? She’s fun, honestly she gives “Wine aunt” energy. Popping in sometimes completely unannounced and slipping candy and drinks across the counter to her favorites. She would have seen Orpheus since he was a child as she always comes through the same station (hell it’s Hermes line. This man does everything it’s mentioned in the book he’s also conductor). She adores Orpheus, he’s a sweet guy and a generous server. He takes her coat and always makes sure everybody has a full glass and is happy. I can imagine it being a late spring night and he’s still at the bar listening to her stories— complaining or just talking to talk— not out of obligation but out of a genuine hope for friendship.
And Eurydice? The girl is brand new to town, no one’s seen her before but Persephone instantly offers her a drink and to dance and enjoy herself. She then sees the look the two have in their eyes and all but pushes them together like Barbie’s. Once again I morn her cut Chant II line talking about how they reminded her what true love was. She also takes a different route then Hermes by trying to interfere directly. She speaks up! She yells! She makes Hades listen, I think she actually realizes— unlike Orpheus and Eurydice — that she’s just as trapped by the narrative. So she steps in…she tries, it does little difference though.
Unlerelated note but if the gifs are getting annoying tell me
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samwisethewitch · 1 year
15 Days of Freyja Devotion
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Day 7: Offerings -- Historical & UPG
Freyja's historical offerings include:
Pork was a common offering for all of the Vanir, but especially Freyja and Freyr. (I personally do not offer meat to the gods unless I can find meat that was ethically slaughtered, but I know pork is still a common offering for other modern Heathens.)
Horses were also a common sacrificial animal in Old Norse society, and Freyja probably received them as offerings.
Ale, mead, and other drinks were commonly poured out for the gods, including Freyja. There is some evidence that Freyja was invoked in a toast over the couple's first drink together at Norse weddings.
Jewelry. Sacrificing jewelry by throwing it into a lake was a common Norse offering practice. As a goddess of wealth, Freyja would have welcomed offerings of fine jewelry, such as gold torcs. (I have an amber necklace dedicated to Freyja that I wear to feel connected to her.)
Weapons were sacrificed in the same way as jewelry, and Freyja may have received some of these sacrifices as a goddess of battle.
Spinning tools may have been offered to Freyja and/or Frigg. Tools were another common votive offering, and both Freyja and Frigg are associated with spinning. These tools may have been offered when asking the goddess(es) for help in domestic matters.
Human sacrifices? I would be cherry-picking if I didn't include this. The Norse did practice human sacrifice (though from what I understand it was uncommon), and some scholars believe Freyja may have received human sacrifices, especially sacrifices of kings or princes, but there isn't enough evidence to say for sure.
Some of the modern offerings I personally give Freyja are:
Apples or apple cider because of her association with apples in Swedish folklore.
Wine and sparkling wine, especially sweet wines with a lot of fruit notes. I find she is especially fond of sparkling rosé.
Coffee or tea. I like to make coffee for the gods the same way I would for a friend who is visiting. I find Freyja enjoys coffee with lots of cream and sugar and chamomile tea.
Flowers are one of my favorite springtime offerings. I like to use flowers from my own garden when I can, but I have also bought her bouquets.
Taking care of cats is another way I honor Freyja. Any time I encounter a stray cat, I check to make sure they aren't injured or sick, and if thy need medical attention, I try to capture them so I can either treat minor wounds myself or take them to the vet. (I am an experienced animal rescuer. Do not do this if you are inexperienced.) I also leave out food for stray cats in my neighborhood. If a cat repeatedly comes to my house and seems friendly and social, I adopt them. (This is how I got both of the cats I've had as an adult.)
Donating money to appropriate charities or nonprofits. I see Freyja very much as a goddess of bodily autonomy, so I have donated in her name to Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America as an offering before. I also try to support local organizations that do free STI testing and prevention. I work at a nonprofit that serves survivors of sexual assault, and I see this as Freyja's work as well.
A serving at my holiday feasts. I like to make a plate for any appropriate deities when I celebrate holy days. I make a plate of whatever I've cooked for me and my family and leave it on their altar.
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ferris-the-wheel · 5 months
guys i just finished reading the sun and the star and omg 😭 definite spoilers </3
will = carebear☀️ i absolutely love it
Nico— the cocoa puffs??? i'm dead fr, like why? was cacodemons really that hard to pronounce? but it's cute so i'm in >:D
but also we stan Nemesis, she fr made her own mother flinch like damn. literally stood up to a primordial goddess while being just a minor goddess herself? i think Nemesis is by far my favorite of the gods. also a wonderful reminder that Nemesis is the goddess of revenge and balance!
also Nyx is cruel af, like who literally brings someone's deepest darkest fears and traumas to life and uses that as an example of why they shouldn't/can't change? especially Nico's fears and traumas— you really fucked up on that one Nyx. i'm sure Will got some great satisfaction out of blasting your wing <3
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gretavangroupie · 2 years
Bloom (Chapter 2)
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Chapter Two
“Some people are just light, glow, hope…human stars.” - Butterflies Rising
Thank god it was Saturday and you could sleep in a bit. You eyes feel scratchy when you try to open them all the while you make a mental note to stop sharing bottles of wine with Amelia. You always end up drinking more and feeling bad the next day. 
Once you force your eyes open you grab for your cell phone to check the time. 9:05AM.
Your heart beats faster when you realize you have 3 unread text messages. One from Amelia saying she ran out to get you both coffees before the big day she had planned for you. One from your mom asking if you wanted her to ship a few things you left behind. And one from “Unknown” sent at 6:00AM.
Unknown: Good morning, I hope you slept well. With a smiley face.
Crazy how a message so simple could bring such a big smile to your face. Especially before you had your coffee. After adding the unknown contact to your phone you decide to message back.
You: Good morning, I did sleep well. Gotta love Saturdays. I always try to sleep in a little bit. Not you though I guess? Up at at em at 6:00AM?!
Shortly after you hit send you hear Amelia coming through the door, bringing coffee like the goddess she is. 
“Pen! I have the goods!” she said in a sing song voice.
“Thank you my savior!” You sing jokingly.
She sits down on your bed and begins to grill you about this man and you tell her what she wants to know without giving too much away. After she feels like she knows enough she tells you what all she has planned for you today. 
Since you moved to Nashville she has been begging to doll you up and take you to some of her favorite bars. You begrudgingly agreed as long as you had veto power over your outfit. 
“Okay so first things first we are going to go to DryBar for blowouts, then we will head over to the nail place, we can hit Anthropologie on the way back and then head home to get ready. What do you think?” She said hopefully.
You nod your head and agree that sounds good. You do love a good blowout and manicure.
As you’re getting ready to head out for your girls day, you get a text from Josh. 
Josh: They say the early bird gets the worm… no I actually do some of my best writing early in the morning so I like to get up before anyone else does. It’s getting harder and harder these days to find my moments of peace. But, anyways, got any big plans today?
You text him back quickly and tell him all about the day that Amelia has planned for the two of you and how you love your friend but sometimes she forgets that you aren’t as girly girl as she is, but that you’re looking forward to spending time with her. 
He texts back fairly quickly.
Josh: Have fun, enjoy your day!
By the time 5 o’clock rolls around you are beat. You have been poked and prodded all day but you have to admit you do look really good. Definitely better than usual. Your hair is blown out to perfection and you have a gorgeous nude pink manicure to boot. Amelia insists that she do your make up tonight before you two hit the bars.
After she finishes up, you look in the mirror and she has given you a very simple glamorized version of your normal make up routine. Her additions being a thin stripe of black eyeliner, a tiny bit of highlighter on your cheek bones and a nude glossy lip. It goes perfectly with the new outfit you got today. A teal crushed velvet jumpsuit, that ties at the waist, while accentuating yours. The top is a modest v neckline with cap sleeves. You pair it with your favorite gold initial necklace and gold shoes and you’re ready to go. You are feeling very confident in your appearance tonight. You take a picture of yourself just in case you muster up the courage to send it to Josh. Were you at that stage yet? You aren’t quite sure, but vodka may help to move things along.
Two bars later Amelia is begging you “Please please just one more, its a total dive but its so fun, I think you’ll like it Pen, just try!!! Pleaaasseee…” she continues on before you stop her.
“Okay, okay ONE more.” You say firmly “Then we go home, this has been the longest day of my life.”
“Yayyyy Thank you Penny girl” she says smiling at you so hard that her eyes are squinted shut. You make a mental note to keep an eye on her drink intake, even though you’ve probably had too many yourself.
The Uber drops you off at the bar and you walk inside and instantly are assaulted by cigarette smoke, loud music and very dim lightning. “Oh gosh Mill, you weren’t kidding this is…quaint” You say over the music.
She flits over to the pool tables and begins talking to some people nearby. You make your way to the bar and order a drink for her, a vodka soda, and a drink for you, a gin and tonic, extra lime. 
It’s Saturday night at prime time, so it is very crowded, nearly shoulder to shoulder in some parts of the bar. You spend the better part of 10 minutes just trying to find her. The place is poorly lit, colorful Christmas lights as the main source throughout. Add in the smoke and it’s nearly impossible to see, let alone make out faces. 
After searching a few more minutes you find her over in the corner of the bar talking to a group of people you don’t know on a vintage green velvet couch. 
“Oh Pen, you found us! I was wondering where you went!” She says drunkenly. 
“Hey Mill, I brought you this” as you hand her her drink, feeling incredibly awkward as the people stare at you. You tell them hi and your name, and they begin to lighten up and introduce themselves to you.
“Hi I’m Danny” he reaches out to shake your hand. This is who Amelia has been chatting it up with, he is tall, muscular and has long dark curly hair. Exactly her type, so you’re not surprised at all. 
The guy next to him reaches his hand out to you and says “Hey girl, I’m Sam nice to meet you.” You smile politely at the tall, lanky, but weirdly handsome man. “Hi, Sam. Sorry about Amelia, she can make friends with a brick wall I swear.” 
“Ah no worries it’s not often we get to come out here anymore and socialize.” He says coyly looking at Danny with a smirk.
You all begin to chat casually for a few minutes discussing some cool music event happening around town soon when suddenly Sam yells “Brother, we were wondering where you went!”
You all turn around to face him and at that moment you could feel all the blood drain from your face.
You make eye contact with Josh. Yes, the man that lives in your phone, Josh. A small smile creeps up on your face and you try you hardest to stifle it back. He looks at you nervously before addressing Sam. “Hey yeah, the line at the bar was massive but I did bring shots?” he says, as he nervously glances at Sam, and then back to you. 
You immediately look away and Amelia is staring at you, knowing exactly what is going on. 
All the men in this bar tonight she had to chose these?
You nervously swallow knowing that introductions are about to be made. 
Josh first introduces himself to Amelia, who is absolutely scoping him out and trying to get a feel for him. She says her hellos and goes back to chatting with Danny.
You look over to him and he is already looking at you, absolutely beaming when he reaches the tiny plastic shot glass out to you and says, “Hi, um, shot?” 
You nod as you wipe your clammy hands on your outfit and quickly reach up for the shot, he begins to count down “three, two, one, down the hatch!” As you all take a shot of what you now know is Fireball, and your lungs burn. You hope that this will calm your nerves a bit. 
You then begin to question if maybe he doesn't realize its you. He reaches for your arm and places his hand ever so gently on top of it, sparks igniting under your skin when he says “Well this isn’t exactly what I had planned for our first date but I guess that something mystical intervened.” He looks at you, eyes sparkling, waiting for your response. 
“I didn’t know if you were going to recognize me.” You say shyly looking down at your feet.
“Recognize you?” He says in a questioning tone, “Of course I recognize you, your face has been on the billboard in my mind for the past two days straight.” He says reassuringly.
“And now you have materialized in front of me, and quite frankly I am not sure what to say or do.” He says rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “I have been working on clearing a little free time to ask you on a proper date.”
Your eyes widen and you are shocked at his statement. What does he mean clearing free time? You don’t think on it too long before you say “Well I am glad Amelia picked Danny to talk to tonight. If she hadn’t, we would be here right now at the same time and not even know it.”
“Yeah, they seem to be hitting it off pretty well, don’t they?” He says looking over at them. You turn your head to see Danny laughing at whatever Amelia has just said, Sam rolling his eyes at the entire interaction. He then looks over to you and gives you a small half smile before continuing to sip his drink, legs crossed on the couch.
With the liquid courage having its way with you, you bite the bullet and ask “So what kind of music do you play? Your profile said you are a musician right?”
“Well, it depends on your definition, but I would say Rock. It’s actually us three,” he motions with his drink, to Sam and Danny, “and my twin brother Jake who couldn’t be bothered to leave his house tonight.” He says sarcastically. 
“Wow that is awesome, you have a twin? I thought the other guy in your photos kind of looked like you?” You say smiling at him.
“Yes” he says, and then making air quotes with his free hand he says “my better looking, twin”.
You reach for his arm and say “I don’t think so”. He places his hand over yours and says “That’s a sweet thing to say, but tell it to his fans.” he laughs. Confused, you shrug it off and change the subject.
The conversation continues to flow so naturally, Josh is extremely flirty and a big fan of romantic sentiments. He has barely been able to keep his hands off of you all night, and you find yourself naturally drawn to wanting to touch him back. 
Sam starts up a story and you both turn to face him and listen in. All the sudden you feel Josh reach for your hand and he begins to trace the outline your fingers with his, studying and committing the feeling to memory. With his eyes still focused on Sam’s story he leans over and whispers in your ear, “I hear him talking, but all I can think about is how beautiful you are in person.”
You blush so hard that you are positive he can feel the heat radiating off of your cheeks. He laughs a little and then says “and that is the most marvelous shade of pink I have ever seen.” 
A while later he takes your hand firmly into his and leads you over to the Jukebox. 
“Pick a song, my treat.” He says smiling at you.
“I feel like this is a test, and I fear I may not pass” you say smirking at him.
“Oh it definitely is. I just need to see how much work I am going to have to put in to your musical education.” He says with a smile.
You pick A9 which is ‘Electric Feel’ by MGMT and he smiles at you. “Good choice pretty girl, I love this song.” You add this to your mental note on his music choices. 
You two make your way back over to your friends, still hand in hand. Once you arrive back at the little couch you both take a seat, Josh places his hand on your thigh, looking at you to make sure it is ok. You nod and smile at him and he starts up a conversation with Danny, subconsciously rubbing his thumb in circles.
Amelia, who has just plopped herself down on your other side is begging for details. You tell her that you will tell her in the morning when she will actually be able to process. She agrees reluctantly and asks if you are ready to go.
This night has been the most fun you have had in weeks, and you are sad that it’s coming to an end. You both agree you should probably head out soon, and you order the Uber.
You look at Josh and tell him that you and Amelia are going to head home for the night. His face drops slightly and he shakes his head and says, “how about I drive you girls home, there is plenty of room in the car” it's almost a plea. 
You talk it over with Amelia, and you both decide that it would be nice not to have to pay for another Uber tonight, so you agree that he can take you home.
Sam, Danny and Josh all close out their tabs while you cancel your Uber.
A few minutes later you walk out to the parking lot to Josh’s White Jeep. Josh and Sam are up front and you, Danny and Amelia take the backseat. Josh hands you his phone and asks you to put in your address.You put it in and you are on your way.
Sam calls DJ and within seconds Danny, Josh and Sam are all belting out the words to ‘Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’ by Elton John. You and Amelia are positively reeling and laughing so hard tears are forming in your eyes. You wish every night could be this fun. You think maybe it could be?
Ten minutes and three songs later, Josh pulls up at the apartment. He turns around to look at you with a smile and jokingly announces that “the cab fare will be $22.50”, he smiles even bigger and winks at you before shutting the car off. 
“Hey guys I am just going to make sure they get in okay, I’ll be right back”. He announces.
Danny and Amelia are furiously exchanging numbers as Sam scrolls through Spotify to find another song to play.
Josh walks around and opens the door for you, and takes your hand in his, yet again while you walk up the path to your building. 
Amelia walks ahead, Josh pulls you back a little to put some distance between you and Amelia.
“Hey” he says, “This has been the best night I have had in a while, I want you to know that I do want to take you on a real date, as soon as I can. My schedule is pretty hectic but somehow I am going to find time for you. I just want you to know.” he says squeezing your hand. 
You turn to him and look into his eyes and put your hand gently on his neck, and he grabs the side of your face, running his thumb across your cheekbone and leans in. His lips slowly part as they reach yours. His kiss, so electric and warm you feel like you’re on fire. You are intoxicated by the smell of him. Warm, natural, and familiar. You begin to kiss him back very softly just as he is doing to you. You both pull away at the same time. A small involuntarily whimper leaving your throat at the removal of his soft lips from yours.
“Thank you” you say to him before he cuts you off and says “No, don’t thank me, I should be thanking you. I feel so good and normal right now and it’s something I will cling to for quite some time.”  
You blush again, and continue walking to your door. He releases your hand and gives you a quick sweet kiss on the cheek and says “Until next time.” You smile at him as he starts to walk away. You walk in and shut the door, positively on cloud nine.
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percy-x-luke · 8 months
Robin, if a demigod (whose parent is one of the big three) and an Olympian second generation/or a minor god<>goddess have a child together, who will it belong to?
a more powerful grandfather or a divine parent?
My headcanon — grandfather, because the big three likes to show their superiority over the Olympian second generation.
But I am very interested in your opinion on this issue.
It depends on which of the Big Three it is.
Zeus usually claims his divine children even when he has them out of wedlock (the list of which includes: Apollo and Artemis, Athena, Dionysus [used to be a demigod], and Hermes off the top of my head). Zeus didn't raise any of them except Athena but it should be noted that all of them are major Olympians and under his strict control. That being said, even though Thalia (and others) knew he was her dad, it's unclear if Zeus ever actually formally claimed her. That level of distance might have been because of the oath he took, but frankly we just don't know. I'm leaning towards not having much involvement though.
As we learned in Chalice Of The Gods, Poseidon has absolutely zero boundaries with Percy. Aside from watching and photographing Percy in bathrooms using the condensation on the bathroom mirrors, it's directly said that (gods) Poseidon (and possibly other gods) will show up in Percy's shower. It's safe to assume that this isn't actually new behavior (except maybe showering together), especially since we know that Percy has a memory of Poseidon from childhood that Sally doesn't know about and because Poseidon has been sending nature spirits to spy on Percy. I wouldn't be shocked to learn that Poseidon is a bigger part of Estelle's life than anyone really knows because he's obsessive about things that are his.
Hades behaves like a man who has had too many family members taken away from him. He's generally cold and distant toward Nico (calling him the di angelo kid, saying he'd rather have Bianca alive than Nico, using Nico to get the upper hand in the war, hoarding Maria and Bianca's souls for himself) but there are some times when Hades does what might be considered caring things for Nico (giving him a room in the Underworld, the zombie chauffeur driving him around, actually listening to Nico when Nico talks to him about joining the battle of manhattan). Hades has his favorites and they're in his domain with him. I don't think he'd care very much about any grandchildren.
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tidemoonchild · 7 months
So I haven't seen the movie yet myself. But I heard something about the movie that made me scream and so hyped!!!!
More under the cut:
I'm so hyped for this especially because they casted Kelsey Grammer again and I loved him as Beast in the old movies!!!!
Beast always was one of my absolute favorites and beside Hulk one of my first favorites ever!!!! I watched all the cartoons back then and I just loved him so much!!! I also loved him in the movies even if in the old movies he just had such a minor role...
I so want Bruce and Hank to work together at one point like Tony and Bruce used to work together!!!! Just imagine Professor Hulk and Beast in one room 😭 I WANT THIS SO BAD!!!!
But also Disney PLEASE! If you are really bringing the X-Men and mutants into the MCU for gods sake let Mystique wear some clothes like she does in the comics and cratoons and like everywhere except for the life action movies. I never understood why she's always running around completley naked there... Like I get it mutant and proud. But you can also be 'mutant and proud' while wearing at least some clothes... Idk this kinda always bothered me... Even Beast who has fur everywhere is wearing clothes... SO PLEASE PUT SOMETHING ON MYSTIQUE!!!!
Anyway I'm so hyped for the X-Men and I hope they bring some more of the old cast back. I really want James Marsden as Cyclops again or Ian Mckellen as Magneto! But I think chances are high with the return of Patrick Stewart as Charles, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and now Kelsey Grammer as Beast.
On the other hand I wouldn't mind if some characters get recasted like Storm. Nothing against Helle Berry but I know Storm from the cartoons and saw pictures of her from the comics and in my opinion the actress didn't really fit the role. She's a great actress but she just didn't really looked that part... I saw people having DeWanda Wise, Yaya DaCosta or Yetide Badaki as fancast. Tbh I loved Yetide Badaki the most for that role. I don't know much about the actresses but their look just slam!! She also already played a goddess in American Gods a series I still want to watch. And according to other marvel fans her acting skills would be perfect for that role.
I mean look at her!!! She's perfect!!!! This woman screams goddess and vibes so much with Storm. She looks that part so much and as far as I know she also would love to play the character. SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR DISNEY/MARVEL???
Yetide Badaki
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You already made one of my wishes come true by casting Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop who has been my no. 1 fancast for that role for years. So pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeeee I'm begging you. Go and get this woman for Storm!!!
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
Yandere Apollo w/Child!Like Rapunzel Headcanons
Request: ‘’By any chance do you write platonic fics if you do can you do (Greek Myth) yandere!Apollo having a child!reader who is like Rapunzel (just the hair) having healing power through her voice and hair (combined) y'know like she did to Eugene’’ - send by Anon.
"Your voice is the sweetest of all, my baby." - Apollo.
❝☀️ — lady l: okay, I did that, I'm not sure if it is good, I confess I'm not used to writing headcanons, but I tried. Constructive criticism is welcome! :)
❝☀️ tw: yandere themes, mention of murder and torture, possessive and obsessive behavior, child being taken from its mother. If you are uncomfortable with some of these topics, I recommend not reading.
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When you were born, your mother always knew you wouldn't be "normal", after all you were the child of the god Apollo, therefore a demigod. She always knew you would have some kind of power, but she had no idea what you were really capable of.
Apollo has many demigod and god children, but you are his favorite. Since your mother got pregnant, he's become especially attached to you and no one knows why he insists on being with his mother at every stage of her pregnancy. It wasn't natural, since normally after the gods impregnate a human they tend to "abandon". He would be together in absolutely everything, like your mother or not, and no one would dare to contradict the god.
You were the apple of your father's eye. He absolutely adores you and, against all the other gods' habits, he took you to raise you. He didn't mind your mother's disagreement at all, he strictly warned her (threatened) not to try to interfere in your relationship.
As you were born a demigod, he will transform you into a minor goddess. He wants you to be immortal so you could be with him forever.
It wasn't until you grew up and discovered your powers that you finally understood why your father was so protective and smothering of you. You possessed a special power, that none of Apollo's other childs, your hair, was magical and could heal wounds and even bring people back to life. Your power was unique and must be protected.
Apollo became overprotective, smothering and possessive of you. He adores you, ironic isn't it? The god worshiping a demigod. You weren't like the other children, you were more special, so he took care of your education himself. No one could educate you like him, he's sure of it.
You can't talk about Apollo without quoting Artemis. Artemis didn't think much of you at first, she just thought you were one of the many children Apollo had. But when he decided to raise you, that's when things got interesting. Artemis also developed a platonic feeling for you, when she first met you and realized how sweet, innocent and naive you were, the goddess knew she had to protect. She was probably just waiting for you to become one of her Hunters (if you are a girl).
As you grew up, your hair was already so long that you had to spend hours of your day combing and pinning it, but you liked it that way and you knew your father did too.
You also possessed the gift of music, of course, you were the child of the god of music, but along with the healing power you possessed, your voice soothed whoever you were going to help. Although Apollo doesn't much like you getting close to other people, except him and Artemis.
Speaking of which, Apollo won't allow you to have a relationship with anyone when you reach marriageable age. You will stay with him, he will make sure of it. Apollo is more than willing to shoot a few of his arrows at any suitor. Artemis, who has become as protective of you as he has, won't mind helping hunt down anyone who approaches you in a romantic way.
Apollo loves it when you sing to him when he gets hurt. He is the god of healing, but he prefers you to heal him, singing a gentle melody as you wraps your hair around his wound.
Although Apollo is known to have many lovers (most tragically dead) he doesn't want you to have the same experiences, he doesn't want to see you cry over being rejected and, out of his own selfishness, he doesn't want you to leave him.
Apollo will allow you to grow a little, but only up to 16 years old. You were adorable as a child and became stunning as a teenager and that attracts attention that he considers unnecessary.
There are few people who know of your power, being the gods themselves and your mother. Apollo wants it to remain my secret as long as possible, he knows it's selfish to keep a rare gift that can help humanity all to himself, but he doesn't care, you were his child and he would make sure you stay by his side forever.
If you were taken from Apollo, by some monster or even human, oh boy, it would start a war. He doesn't care one bit that he's not the god of war, he'll probably convince Ares to help him (maybe Ares developed his own obsession with you) and he's more than willing to destroy the entire world just to have you back. Curse the place where you're being held with a plague, flay the kidnapper alive, and definitely, after that person's death, would ask Hades to torture them forever in Tartarus.
Apollo tries to be a good father to you, and he is. But you know he's both selfish and jealous, he doesn't want to share you with anyone but Artemis because he trusts her and knows she adores you. The god knows the power you have is special, how your hair shines, your singing and how you can heal people and even bring them to life, should be shared, but again, he is selfish and he is not letting go his little girl/boy leave his side. You belonged on his father's side and he will reward you eternally if you are a good girl/boy and listen to him.
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allthehetalia · 2 years
Yandere!Canada Headcanons
This is gonna be a little long so Imma put it under the cut... also because there is a small N$F/W section. A huge massive brain dump because he is one of my favorite Yanderes to write.
Character: APH Canada
TW: yandere behavior, violence, N$F/W content, some drugs mentioned. Basically a Minor DNI post.
Danger zone: 10/10
🍁 I'm gonna premise this by saying that his main yandere traits are: Worship, codependent, and delusion.
🍁Note, he does show traits of obsessive as well.
🍁I will also say that these are ramped up to the MAX. Matthew has been pushed to the back his whole life so when he meets you it's no holds bar, you are his everything even his own god/goddess and church.
🍁 The boy loves hard, and I mean HARD, everything is over the top with him. Reject him, he's a blubbering mess; accept him, he's still a blubbering mess but now nuzzling and laughing. Eventually, you'll crack since there is no calm with a love-sick Matthew.
🍁 With everything at max it's safe to say it's easy to make Matthew snap, even seeing someone look at you in a way that he doesn't like will make him lash out, not at you though. Never at you, it's the offender that's taking a beating, and please remember Alfred is his brother and we all remember his insane strength... now add desperate yandere to it.
🍁 Now life with Matthew can be domestic, fluffy, and seem as normal as a toxic yandere relationship can be. You may even convince him to see a doctor or therapist about his erratic tendencies, leaving out the fact that he's holding you captive.
🍁 Drug TW: He may be prescribed something for it but Matthew will stop taking it, he hates the way it zombies him out. How will he be able to watch after you if he's sitting on the couch zoning out?
🍁 Drug TW: With that, you may be able to talk him into recreational weed, and hey if you smoke it's a win-win situation. He stays calm and in his head, and you get to relax because he's less likely to tip over the deep end.
🍁 Drug TW: High cuddles? High cuddles, I mean his normal cuddles are nice but he does tend to hold you too tight and smother you but when he's on cloud nine and loose they're the best. It is the right amount of comforting and warmth, you two may even dose off due to it.
🍁 Okay now that's over let's talk about living with him. It's not bad since once you're either talked into moving in, which is a best-case scenario, or kidnapped he has less of a reason to burn a whole town looking for you so fewer casualties.
🍁 After a while there becomes a comforting lul to your routine, Matthew leaves to do country business and you stay home reciting the rules to him as he hurries out the door a hot cup of coffee in hand.
Don't leave the house, the furthest you go is the mailbox. Don't answer the door, especially if it's Alfred. Don't hurt yourself while he's away. Don't answer the phone. Don't try any funny business.
🍁 It becomes very black and white, same thing different day. He does do something special on your birthday like planning a movie night and ordering pizza, he of course gets the door. Can't have the pizza guy's wandering eyes on you.
🍁 I hope you like hoodies too because you suddenly have accumulated a lot of them thanks to Matthew not wearing anything but hoodies outside of work. I hope you're ready for grey sweatpants season too he owns tons of them.
🍁 Unlike some yanderes Matthew does not want to force himself on you, remember you are his everything from the air he breathes to his own personal church (TAKE ME TO CHURCH, I'll show myself out now), doing something so heinous to you would be the last thing on his mind.
🍁 He waits for you to come around, knowing that the move, if you can call it that, was a lot it probably killed your mojo. He'll settle with cuddles and kisses until you start to show signs of wanting him too. With you, by his side, he can play the waiting game.
🍁 Of course body worship is on the table, he loves praising you telling you how much he loves you and how beautiful you are inside and out.
🍁 Pillow talk > dirty talk. He'll gladly take it if you're a dirty talker, yo that's kind of hot, but he prefers the sweet nothings and sweet compliments. France really did rub off on him huh?
🍁 Now if you turn the tables and praise him it's automatic NUT. Call him a good boy and he's putty in your hands.
🍁 He's definitely a switch with more service top energy but if you prefer to be the dominant one he's a-okay with that. Just praise him dammit.
🍁 Lowkey has a stuffing kink, loves to see the belly pouch out after you eat, and seeing the pain on your face after he feeds you more than what your poor tummy can take.
🍁 He's not the best at oral, he's a little too shy, but he tries for you and he's getting better every time he tries. Now take his hair in your fist and guide him while you praise him and that's when the real fun starts.
🍁 Will go nuts if you go down on him, doesn't know what to do with his hands but they'll soon find purchase in scratching your scalp as he lets you know how good you're doing.
🍁 His pace is mid-range and kind of sloppy, he sometimes pulls out too far and slips out but that's all the fun right?
🍁 He's not very experienced, he tried to save himself for you so if you know what you're doing it's best to show him and learn with him.
🍁 Damn does he know how to do aftercare though, he'll run you a bath with some essential oils, get you water, cuddle you, just say the word and he's at your beck and call.
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Hera and Persephone
Episode 119 was very striking to me, in many different ways. Hera’s speech/internal monologue in the cold open is quite possibly one of my favorite lines in the series. It gives us so much information on her character we’ve never seen before, and it’s powerful and tragic. 
There’s a lot to unpack there that I can’t get to in this post, and it makes me even more curious about her past than I already was...But there’s one particular aspect of it I want to unpack, because that little speech made me realize something important about her character I never saw before. 
I was already very struck in ep78 by just how sweet and gentle Hera was in the past. (Actually I was struck by the contrast between then and now in ep20). She’s so badass today, and can even be rather cold at times, it’s strange to see her as this sweet and innocent, warm and down to earth girl scared of a little blood. It almost doesn’t seem like she’s the same person.
It’s especially strange when compared with how she interacts with Eros and Artemis later in ep119. Despite knowing how she acts in modern day, I was actually surprised at how she treated them. 
Despite being Queen, she treats Persephone with kindness, (a kindness that allows me to see that that sweet girl she once was is still there). Zeus is the main person we see her treating more coldly (with good reason), so I kinda thought she treated most people like Persephone and was surprised at her almost callousness towards Eros and Artemis. 
The one thing I was surprised (but not ungrateful) about in her treatment of Persephone is that she is almost obsessed with her vision of Apollo. It made me happy that she is so concerned for Persephone, but I also wondered why the Queen of the gods put so much of her time and energy into this minor goddess and a vision. 
But when I was saw these shots of 119...
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And they finally made me connect something. 
Young Hera...
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Reminds me of someone. 
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And suddenly, when I connected that, a great many things about her made sense to me.
She treats Persephone the way she does, with such kindness, wanting to protect her, she is so reactive to her being hurt by Apollo...because she reminds her of herself. 
She sees this sweet, on innocent girl, who loves the Earth, and her mother, and (who would kill for) her friends, but who is lively and full of fire...and she sees herself. 
Why, in the end of ep119 she even becomes Persephone, further cementing to me that we are supposed to see the connections between them. I’m guessing she’s the only one with that power, and that’s why they asked her to do it, but I still think the implications are interesting. I wonder if it’s possible the reason she was able to pretend to be her is because they’re similar (or were once).
In the myths Zeus preys on Hera’s kindness...and ends up raping her, forcing her to marry him. I don’t know if that happened in LO, (I sincerely hope it went differently)...but if it did, it makes even more sense why she’d be so reactive to Apollo raping her. 
Let’s not forget (though I’d very much like to)....
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I do actually like Zeus in LO, but he does do terrible things at times...and this ^^ is probably my least favorite line from him in the entire series right now. But if it’s true he raped Hera like in the myths...the connections are even stronger. Apollo even talks about making Persephone his Olympian...I really hope that’s not how things went down with Zeus and Hera back when...but it’s very possible.
Hera is as angry as she is at Apollo because...that’s what happened to her. except this time, she can do something about it. So she is going to (see end of ep120).
She reacts the way she does towards Hades way back in ep20
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because she is so scared what happened to her is going to happen to Persephone.
At the time I thought she was just being nice to, and protective of, her, like any older woman should hearing that kind of talk. But it’s more than that. I think perhaps those lines could be applicable to her own past self too. Perhaps she was young and impressionable...and didn’t argue with Zeus. (I could see Zeus trying to impress Hera with little trinkets like he does Semele...and maybe if Zeus did make a speech similar to the one Apollo made Persephone...maybe Hera didn’t argue...)
Hera sees this sweet, down to earth girl, who loves the earth, and her mom, and is wild and free...and she doesn’t want her to be torn apart for Olympus. For a god. For a king. For a marriage...Like she was.
They call Persephone “something nice” in ep20, and she hates it...because that’s exactly how she was treated.
If Hades is going to be with Persephone, she wants to make sure he isnt going to treat Persephone like Zeus did her. (Notice that she only checks Hades as an acceptable suitor for Persephone until after it’s clear he’s moved on from her. ...I guess that was a test?? I’m not super familiar with the myths, just a few stories).
It goes without saying that I’m super excited to see what she does to Apollo in the next chapter. But I also am really hoping we get to hear more about their pasts at some point. Why is she his “golden traitor”? How did she get that scar? There were so many things that intrigued me. And how similar are Hera and Persephone, and Apollo and Zeus really? maybe the past will answer.
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