#Europe Gas Generator Market Share
prenasper · 7 months
Europe Gas Generator Market Growth, Trends, Demand, Industry Share, Challenges, Future Opportunities and Competitive Analysis 2033: SPER Market Research
The Europe Gas Generator Market encompasses the production, distribution, and utilization of gas-powered generators across European countries. With increasing concerns about energy security, environmental sustainability, and power reliability, the demand for gas generators is rising. Key drivers include the transition to cleaner energy sources, infrastructure development, and backup power requirements. Additionally, advancements in gas generator technology, such as improved efficiency and reduced emissions, contribute to market growth. Key players focus on innovation, product differentiation, and service quality to meet the diverse needs of customers and capitalize on market opportunities in Europe.
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newsfrom-theworld · 10 months
1 Consumer boycott goals:
Let's start by boycotting these brands that are directly involved in Israeli apartheid
Mc Donald: gives free meals to Israeli soldiers
Disney ( sadly, Disney was my childhood): declared support for Israel by pledging $2 million
Starbucks: sued his union over its pro-Palestine positions
Siemens (Germany) is the prime contractor of the Euro-Asia Interconnector, an Israel-EU undersea power cable that is expected to connect illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories to Europe. Siemens brand appliances are sold all over the world.
PUMA (Germany) sponsors the Israel Football Federation, which governs teams in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Carrefour (France) is a facilitator of genocide. Carrefour-Israel supported Israeli soldiers who took part in the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza with gifts of personal parcels. In 2022 it entered into a partnership with the Israeli company Electra Consumer Products and its subsidiary Yenot Bitan, both of which were involved in serious violations against the Palestinian people.
When Russia invaded Ukraine, the insurance giant AXA (France) took targeted measures against it. Yet as Israel, a 75-year-old regime of colonialism and apartheid, wages a genocidal war on Gaza, AXA continues to invest in Israeli banks that finance war crimes and the theft of Palestinian land and natural resources.
Hewlett Packard Inc (HP Inc)
HP Inc (USA) provides services to the offices of the genocide leaders, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Finance Minister Smotrich.
SodaStream is actively complicit in Israel's policy of displacing Israel's indigenous Bedouin-Palestinian citizens in the Naqab (Negev) and has a long history of racial discrimination against Palestinian workers.
Ahava cosmetics
Ahava have their production site, visitor center and main store in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied Palestinian territories.
RE/MAX (USA) markets and sells property in illegal Israeli settlements built on stolen Palestinian land, thus enabling Israeli colonization of the occupied West Bank.
2 Divestment objectives:
Elbit Systems
Elbit Systems is the largest apartheid Israeli arms company. It “field tests” its weapons against the Palestinians, including in Israel's ongoing genocidal war against the Palestinians in Gaza. In addition to building killer drones, Elbit produces surveillance technology for the apartheid wall, checkpoints and fence in Gaza, enabling apartheid. The US and EU use Elbit technology to militarize their borders, violating the rights of refugees and indigenous peoples.
HD Hyundai/Volvo/CAT/JCB machinery
by HD Hyundai (South Korea), Volvo (Sweden/China), CAT (United States) and JCB (United Kingdom) have been used by Israel in the ethnic cleansing and forced displacement of Palestinians through the destruction of their homes, farms and commercial activities, as well as the construction of illegal settlements on stolen land, a war crime under international law.
Barclays Bank (UK) holds more than £1 billion in shares and provides more than £3 billion in loans and subscriptions to nine companies whose weapons, components and military technology have been used in Israel's armed violence against Palestinians.
The Basque transport company CAF builds and provides maintenance services to the Jerusalem Light Rail (JLR), a tram line serving illegal Israeli settlements in Jerusalem. The CAF benefits from Israel's war crimes on stolen Palestinian lands.
The US fossil fuel multinational Chevron is the main international company extracting gas claimed by Israeli apartheid in the eastern Mediterranean. Chevron generates billions in revenue, bolstering Israel's war chest and apartheid system and exacerbating the climate crisis.
Amnesty International has documented high-resolution CCTV cameras made by Chinese company Hikvision installed in residential areas and mounted on Israeli military infrastructure for surveillance of Palestinians. Some of these models, according to Hikvision marketing, can connect to external facial recognition software.
TKH Security
Amnesty International has identified cameras from the Dutch company TKH Security used by Israel for surveillance of Palestinians. TKH supplies the Israeli police with surveillance technology used to enforce apartheid.
Other brands:
Zara's latest marketing campaign uses corpses in plastic wrapping, and warzone aesthetics, mocking the genocide by israel in Gaza. In a previous incident Joey Schwebel, a Canadian-Israeli dual national and chairman of israel's Zara franchisee Trimera, hosted the convicted terrorist Itamar Ben-Gvir at his home in the lead-up to the Israeli elections. Zara did not made a statement distancing themselves from this association and allowed this ad campaign to run.
Adidas uses isr@eli manufacturer, Delta Galil, to manufacture its underwear range.
Prada Beauty is a partnership with L'Oreal, which is a 'warm friend of Isr@el'.
Louis Vuitton:
The owner of Louis Vuitton's parent company, LVMH, Bernard Arnault invests hundreds of millions in Isr@eli companies
The owner of Dior's parent company, LVMH, Bernard Arnault invests hundreds of millions in Isr@eli companies
Caterpillar bulldozers have been used in the demolition of Palestinian homes. The D9 bulldozer was specifically designed for the IOF.
American Eagle:
American Eagle posted an image of the Isr@eli Flag on their flagship billboard in Times Square showing their support for the apartheid state.
Fenty Beauty by Rihanna:
The owner of Fenty's parent company, LVMH, Bernard Arnault invests hundreds of millions in Isr@eli companies
Eurovision is allowing israel to compete this year despite the genocide theyre comitting and they will use this opportunity to spread propaganda
Donna Italia
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this site
this specifical post on Twitter ( X )
if i discover news brands i will edit the post
And Always
Free Palestine, now and always.
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gingerofsuburbia · 8 months
BDS Consumer Boycott Targets
Everything here is copied over from the BDS website.
Hewlett Packard Inc (HP Inc)
HP Inc (US) provides services to the offices of genocide leaders, Israeli PM Netanyahu and Financial Minister Smotrich. HPE, which shares the same brand, provides technology for Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority, a pillar of its apartheid regime.
Chevron (including Caltex and Texaco)
US fossil fuel multinational Chevron is the main corporation extracting gas claimed by apartheid Israel in the East Mediterranean. Chevron generates billions in revenues, strengthening Israel’s war chest and apartheid system, exacerbating the climate crisis and Gaza siege, and is complicit in depriving the Palestinian people of their right to sovereignty over their natural resources. Chevron has thousands of retail gas stations around the world under the Chevron, Caltex, and Texaco brand names.
Siemens (Germany) is the main contractor for the Euro-Asia Interconnector, an Israel-EU submarine electricity cable that is planned to connect Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory to Europe. Siemens-branded electrical appliances are sold globally.
Since 2018, we have called for a boycott of PUMA (Germany) due to its sponsorship of the Israel Football Association (IFA), which governs teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land. In a major BDS win in December 2023, PUMA leaked news to the media that it will not be renewing its IFA contract when it expires in December 2024. Until then, it is still complicit, so we continue to #BoycottPUMA until it finally ends its complicity in apartheid.
Carrefour (France) is a genocide enabler. Carrefour-Israel has supported Israeli soldiers partaking in the unfolding genocide of Palestinians in Gaza with gifts of personal packages. In 2022, it entered a partnership with the Israeli company Electra Consumer Products and its subsidiary Yenot Bitan, both of which are involved in grave violations against the Palestinian people.
Insurance giant AXA (France) invests in Israeli banks financing war crimes and the theft of Palestinian land and natural resources. When Russia invaded Ukraine, AXA took targeted measures against it. Yet, Axa has taken no action against Israel, a 75-year-old regime of settler-colonialism and apartheid, despite its ongoing genocidal war on Gaza.
SodaStream is an Israeli company that is actively complicit in Israel's policy of displacing the indigenous Bedouin-Palestinian citizens of present-day Israel in the Naqab (Negev) and has a long history of racial discrimination against Palestinian workers.
Ahava cosmetics is an Israeli company that has its production site, visitor center, and main store in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied Palestinian territory.
RE/MAX (US) markets and sells property in illegal Israeli settlements built on stolen Palestinian land, thus enabling Israel’s colonization of the occupied West Bank.
Israeli produce in your supermarkets
Boycott produce from Israel in your supermarket and demand their removal from shelves. Beyond being part of a trade that fuels Israel’s apartheid economy, Israeli fruits, vegetables, and wines misleadingly labeled as “Product of Israel” often include products of illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian land. Israeli companies do not distinguish between the two, and neither should consumers.
Non-BDS Grassroots Boycotts:
McDonald’s (US), Burger King (US), Papa John’s (US), Pizza Hut (US), WIX (Israel), etc. are now being targeted in some countries by grassroots organic boycott campaigns, not initiated by the BDS movement. BDS supports these boycott campaigns because these companies, or their branches or franchisees in Israel, have openly supported apartheid Israel and/or provided generous in-kind donations to the Israeli military amid the current genocide. If these grassroots campaigns are not already organically active in your area, we suggest focusing your energies on our strategic campaigns above. 
Recently, McDonald’s franchisee in Malaysia has filed a SLAPP lawsuit against solidarity activists, claiming defamation. Instead of holding the Israel franchisee to account for supporting genocide, we are now witnessing corporate bullying against activists. For both these reasons, we are calling to escalate the boycott of McDonald’s until the parent company takes action and ends the complicity of the brand.
Remember, all Israeli banks and virtually all Israeli companies are complicit to some degree in Israel’s system of occupation and apartheid, and hundreds of international corporations and banks are also deeply complicit. We focus our boycotts on a small number of companies and products for maximum impact.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
The global market for carbon offsets is worth about $2 billion today and projected to grow to as much as $1 trillion in 15 years even as it faces fundamental questions about credibility and effectiveness. Add government appropriation to the list of risks for this climate solution. A shock announcement this week that Zimbabwe will take half of all revenues generated from offsets projects developed on its territory is a harbinger of an uncertain future in the carbon trade. The African nation is the world’s 12th largest creator of offsets, with 4.2 million credits from 30 registered projects last year, according to BloombergNEF.
Zimbabwe’s move gives the government control of carbon credit production and cancels all past agreements with international organizations. That means more revenue generated from credits tied to protecting forests and other efforts to cut emissions will flow into national coffers rather than going to project developers. There’s now risk that other countries might follow suit, creating new uncertainties for businesses that develop and sell offsets, corporations that purchase offsets as a way to counterbalance their greenhouse gas pollution and the cohort of traders who invest in this emerging asset class. [...]
The move “blindsided” CO2balance, a company that runs five carbon offset projects in Zimbabwe. “Everyone knew changes were happening but we weren’t expecting this — it wasn’t on the horizon,” said Paul Chiplen, head of sales, in an interview on Thursday. “It does put a question mark in investors’ minds when you’re not quite sure of what level of return you’re getting.” [...]
“I think it is an entirely understandable thing for Zimbabwe to want to take a proportion of the funds from any exports of carbon from its territory,” said Edward Hanrahan, director at carbon project developer Climate Impact Partners. “But the issue is they acted rapidly and without prior notice.”[...]
Each credit represents one ton of carbon dioxide and can be bought and sold many times before being used. The unregulated structure of the market involving companies, traders and governments creates risk of double counting. What if a government seeks to benefit by trading a credit produced in its territory after its been sold to an investor or used in a corporate sustainability plan?[...]
Treating carbon credits as just another export commodity underscores an imbalance at the heart of this global trade: Efforts to develop credits are usually funded by firms from wealthy countries and sold to corporate buyers in Europe and the US, yet most of the projects are located in emerging economies. This setup has been derided as a form of carbon colonialism that strips developing countries of an increasingly valuable resource. “Rushing to frame the decision by Zimbabwe as ‘nationalization risk’ exposes a sense of entitlement to access those resources by the global North,” said Rich Gilmore, chief executive officer at investment manager Carbon Growth Partners in Melbourne. “We need to acknowledge that the past 200 years of resource extraction have miserably failed people and the planet. And if we want the carbon market to scale, we need to respect the right of the nations of the south to determine their own rules.”[...]
Developers and investors might start to prioritize countries where governments have been transparent about their future carbon policies. Plus, if governments follow Zimbabwe in taking half of the project revenues, that will create a barrier to carbon projects that are the most costly to implement.[...]
It’s “entirely appropriate” for countries to seek a larger share from their carbon resources but they must “carefully consider the economics,” said Martijn Wilder, chief executive officer of Pollination, a climate advisory and investment firm. “If what’s left for a project developer is not sufficient to cover an investible rate of return, the project simply won’t happen.”
21 May 23
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General Motors has, at every turn of their EV game, flubbed their naming scheme.
They started with the 1997 General Motors EV1. Kinda simple, but it became rather iconic, and nobody was doing simple names like that back then. The vehicle itself was thrown into infamy, so even though it was discontinued, repossessed, and destroyed, surely GM would want to cash in on that infamous name with their second electric car, right?
WRONG! We're calling it the 2012 Chevrolet Volt. After the electrical unit. EV2 is sooo last decade. Oh, but we're gonna keep with the theme, and in Europe it'll be called the Opel Ampera, after the ampere electric unit.
Great! So we have a few other electric units to work with. We've got the Watt (and all its prefix variants). We've got the Ohm, too. That'll be a fun naming scheme for a while. We can also always go back to calling them the EV[#] once we get back in the business of full-electric cars, right?
WRONG AGAIN! We're calling our new fully-electric car the Bolt. After lightning, cause that's cool. What? You're saying that's too close to the "Volt," and people will get them confused? Nahhhh. We'll slap "EV" on the end of the name. That way nobody will confuse them (they did and still do.) Don't worry, though, we'll make up for in Europe where we're calling the car the... Ampera-e... even though it shared zero parts with the plug-in hybrid it's named after, and "Ampera" itself was already a word jumble of ampere, but now we're bringing back the letter e, but slapping it on the end with a dash... so........ But don't worry! We'll try again. This time we'll come with even better names!
WRONG AGAIN AGAIN! We gave up. Now we're calling all of our EVs by the nameplates of our gas powered models with "EV" slapped on the end of the name, even thought the Equinox EV, Blazer EV, Silverado EV, Sierra EV, etc. share no parts or even visual similarities with their iconic gas-powered counterparts. It won't confuse consumers. (It will, and it does.) Don't worry, though! We won't mess up the name in Europe, this time, because........ we left the European market and sold Opel to Stellanis. Goodbye.
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mariacallous · 2 years
As Russia ramps up its second offensive, a debate has erupted over whether Moscow or Kyiv will have the upper hand in 2023. While important, such discourse also misses a larger point related to the conflict’s longer-term consequences. In the long run, the true loser of the war is already clear; Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine will be remembered as a historic folly that left Russia economically, demographically, and geopolitically worse off.
Start with the lynchpin of Russia’s economy: energy. In contrast to Europe’s (very real) dependence on Russia for fossil fuels, Russia’s economic dependence on Europe has largely gone unremarked upon. As late as 2021, for example, Russia exported 32 percent of its coal, 49 percent of its oil, and a staggering 74 percent of its gas to OECD Europe alone. Add in Japan, South Korea, and non-OECD European countries that have joined Western sanctions against Russia, and the figure is even higher. A trickle of Russian energy continues to flow into Europe, but as the European Union makes good on its commitment to phase out Russian oil and gas, Moscow may soon find itself shut out of its most lucrative export market.
In a petrostate like Russia that derives 45 percent of its federal budget from fossil fuels, the impact of this market isolation is hard to overstate. Oil and coal exports are fungible, and Moscow has indeed been able to redirect them to countries such as India and China (albeit at discounted rates, higher costs, and lower profits). Gas, however, is much harder to reroute because of the infrastructure needed to transport it. With its $400 billion gas pipeline to China, Russia has managed some progress on this front, but it will take years to match current capacity to the EU. In any case, China’s leverage as a single buyer makes it a poor substitute for Europe, where Russia can bid countries against one another.
This market isolation, however, would be survivable were it not for the gravest unintended consequence of Russia’s war—an accelerated transition toward decarbonization. It took a gross violation of international law, but Putin managed to convince Western leaders to finally treat independence from fossil fuels as a national security issue and not just an environmental one.
This is best seen in Europe’s turbocharged transition toward renewable energy, where permitting processes that used to take years are being pushed up. A few months after the invasion, for example, Germany jump-started construction on what will soon be Europe’s largest solar plant. Around the same time, Britain accelerated progress on Hornsea 3, slated to become the world’s largest offshore wind farm upon completion. The results already speak for themselves; for the first time ever last year, wind and solar combined for a higher share of electrical generation in Europe than oil and gas. And this says nothing of other decarbonization efforts such as subsidies for heat pumps in the EU, incentives for clean energy in the United States, and higher electric vehicle uptake everywhere.
The cumulative effect for Russia could not be worse. Sooner or later, lower demand for fossil fuels will dramatically and permanently lower the price for oil and gas—an existential threat to Russia’s economy. When increased U.S. shale production depressed oil prices in 2014, for example, Russia experienced a financial crisis. Lower global demand for fossil fuels will play out over a longer timeline, but the result for Russia will be much graver. With its invasion, Russia hastened the arrival of an energy transition that promises to unravel its economy.
Beyond a smaller and less efficient economy, Putin’s war in Ukraine will also leave Russia with a smaller and less dynamic population. Russia’s demographic problems are well-documented, and Putin had intended to start reversing the country’s long-running population decline in 2022. In a morbid twist, the year is likelier to mark the start of its irrevocable fall. The confluence of COVID and an inverted demographic pyramid already made Russia’s demographic outlook dire. The addition of war has made it catastrophic.
To understand why, it’s important to understand the demographic scar left by the 1990s. In the chaos that followed the Soviet Union’s dissolution, Russia’s birthrate plunged to 1.2 children per woman, far below the 2.1 needed for a population to remain stable. The effects can still be seen today; while there are 12 million Russians aged 30-34 (born just before the breakup of the Soviet Union), there are just 7 million aged 20-24 (born during the chaos that followed it). That deficit meant Russia’s population was already poised to fall, simply because a smaller number of people would be able to have children in the first place.
Russia’s invasion has made this bad demographic hand cataclysmic. At least 120,000 Russian soldiers have died so far—many in their 20s and from the same small generation Russia can scarcely afford to lose. Many more have emigrated, if they can, or simply fled to other countries to try to wait out the war; exact numbers are hard to calculate, but the 32,000 Russians who have immigrated to Israel alone suggest the total number approaches a million.
Disastrously, the planning horizons of Russian families have been upended; it is projected that fewer than 1.2 million Russian babies may be born next year, , which would leave Russia with its lowest birthrate since 2000. A spike in violent crime, a rise in alcohol consumption, and other factors that collude against a family’s decision to have children may depress the birthrate further still. Ironically, over the last decade Putin managed to slow (if not reverse) Russia’s population decline through lavish payoffs for new mothers. Increased military spending and the debt needed to finance it will make such generous natalist policies harder.
The invasion has left Russia even worse off geopolitically. Unlike hard numbers and demographic data, such lost influence is hard to measure. But it can be seen everywhere, from public opinion polls across the West to United Nations votes that the Kremlin has lost by margins as high as 141 to 5. It can also be seen in Russia’s own backyard; while an emboldened NATO could soon include Sweden and Finland, Russia’s own Collective Security Treaty Organization is tearing at the seams as traditional allies such as Kazakhstan and Armenia realize the Kremlin’s impotence and look to China for security.
Perhaps most important of all, Russia has reinvigorated the cause of liberal democracy. In the year after its invasion, French President Emmanuel Macron won a rare second term in France, the far-right AfD lost ground in three successive elections in Germany, and “Make America Great Again” Republicans paid an electoral penalty in the U.S. midterms. (The far right did sweep into power in both Sweden and Italy, but such wins have so far failed to dent Western unity and appear more motivated by immigration.) And this says nothing of the wave of democratic consolidation playing out across Eastern Europe, where voters have thrown out illiberal populists in Slovenia and Czechia in the last year alone. It is impossible to attribute any of these outcomes to just one factor (U.S. Democrats also got a boost from the overturn of Roe v. Wade and election denialism, for example), but Russia’s invasion—and the clear choice between liberalism and autocracy it presented—no doubt helped.
Nowhere, however, has Russia’s invasion backfired more than in Ukraine. Contrary to Putin’s historical revisionism, Ukraine has long had a national identity distinct from Russia’s. But it’s also long been fractured along linguistic lines, with many of its elites intent on maintaining close relations with the Kremlin and even the public unsure about greater alignment with the West.
No longer. Ninety-one percent of Ukrainians now favor joining NATO, a figure unthinkable just a decade ago. Eighty-five percent of Ukrainians consider themselves Ukrainian above all else, a marker of civic identity that has grown by double digits since Russia’s invasion. Far from protecting the Russian language in Ukraine, Putin appears to have hastened its demise as native Russian speakers (Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky included) switch to Ukrainian en masse. Putin launched his invasion to bring Ukraine back into Moscow’s orbit. He has instead anchored its future in the West.
Of course, one can argue that, however much the war has cost Russia, it has cost Ukraine exponentially more. This is true. Ukraine’s economy shrank by more than 30 percent last year, while Russia’s economy contracted by just about 3 percent. And this says nothing of the human toll Ukraine has suffered. But, like Brexit, Western sanctions on Russia will play out as a slow burn, not an immediate collapse. And while Russia enters a protracted period of economic and demographic decline, once peace comes, Ukraine will have the combined industrial capacity of the EU, United States, and United Kingdom to support it as the West’s newest institutional member—precisely the outcome Putin hoped to avoid. Russia may yet make new territorial gains in the Donbas. But in the long run, such gains are immaterial—Russia has already lost.
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Induction Motor Market - Forecast(2022 - 2027)
Induction Motor Market Size is forecast to reach $54.2 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 6.5% during 2021-2026. An induction motor is an AC electric motor in which torque is produced by the reaction between a varying magnetic field generated in the stator and the current induced in the coils of the rotor. It is used in a majority of machinery, as it is more powerful and eco-friendly compared to the conventional motors in the market. North America has significant share in global induction motor market due to a developed usage of an induction motor in the significant industrial manufacturing, aerospace & defense, and automotive companies. In addition to the growing preference for electric vehicles in the U.S. is also stimulating the growth in North America.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Induction Motor Market Report– Forecast (2021-2026)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Induction Motor market
By Rotor Type: Inner Rotor, Outer Rotor
By Type: Single Phase, Three Phase
By Efficiency Class: IE1, IE2, IE3, IE4
By Voltage: Upto 1KV, 1-6.6 KV, Above 6.6KV
By Vertical: Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Agriculture, Automotive and Others
By Geography: North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others), Europe(Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan India, SK, Aus and Others), and RoW (Middle East and Africa)
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Key Takeaways
The rising demand for efficient energy usage over concerns of environmental impact of energy generation from conventional sources such as coal and natural gas, is expected to help grow the Induction Motor market in APAC.
The inner rotor segment is growing at a significant CAGR rate of 7.1% in the forecast period. In inner rotor type motors, rotors are positioned at the centre and surrounded by stator winding. 
Automotive sector is expected to witness a highest CAGR of 8.9% the forecast period, owing to various factors such as increase in sales of electric vehicles due to rising concerns over greenhouse gases emissions, and favourable government policies in countries such as India, China and so on. 
Induction Motor companies are strengthening their position through mergers & acquisitions and continuously investing in research and development (R&D) activities to come up with solutions to cater to the changing requirements of customers. 
Induction Motor Market Segment Analysis - By Rotor Type
Three Phase segment is growing at a significant CAGR of 11.1%
 in the forecast period. A three phase induction motor is a type of AC induction motors which operates on three phase supply. These three phase induction motors are widely used AC motor to produce mechanical power in industrial applications. Almost 70% of the machinery in industrial applications uses three-phase induction motors, as they are cost-effective, robust, maintenance-free, and can operate in any environmental condition. Moreover, induction motors are the most used in industry since they are rugged, inexpensive, and are maintenance free. In addition they are widely used in the mining metals and cement, automotive, oil and gas, healthcare, manufacturing industries and so on. Increase awareness of environmental protection across industries also contributes to the growth of three phase induction motors, as they have a low emission rate. Moreover, the shift towards industrial automation, coupled with the rising consumer confidence & promising investment plans triggers demand for the three phase induction motor in industrial application. Furthermore, the advent of Industry 4.0 and technological advancements enables a wide adoption base for the three phase induction motors. In 2019, Oriental Motor USA introduced their latest high efficiency three-phase AC induction motors equipped with a terminal box and a high strength right-angle hypoid gearhead, these new three-phase motors have the capacity of two new wattages of 30W and 40W and expands the KIIS Series Standard AC motors product line-up. 
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Induction Motor Market Segment Analysis - By Vertical 
Automotive sector is expected to witness a highest CAGR of 8.9% in the forecast period, owing to various factors such as increase in sales of electric vehicles due to rising concerns over greenhouse gases emissions, and favorable government policies in countries such as India, China and so on. In addition, the shift towards industrial automation, coupled with the rising consumer confidence & promising investment plans triggers demand for the induction motor in industrial application. Furthermore, the advent of Industry 4.0 enables a wide adoption base for the induction motors. Moreover, growing number of product launches by major manufacturers will drive the market growth in the forecast period. In September 2019, Motor and drive manufacturer WEG released the M Mining series of slip-ring induction motors which are designed especially for use in the dusty environments of iron ore operations and the cement sector. In July 2019, Ward Leonard launched 2000 HP induction motor WL29BC200 which is designed tote into a package of 15000 HP for the oil and gas industry. In September 2019, Tata Motors launched Tigor EV for private buyers as well as cab aggregators and EESL staff. he Tata Tigor electric uses a 72 V, 3-Phase Induction motor
Induction Motor Market Segment Analysis - By Geography 
Induction Motor market in Asia-Pacific region held significant market share of 38.5% in 2020. Increasing compliance for energy efficient motors and rising adoption of motor-driven electric vehicles are the key factors driving market growth.  The rising demand for efficient energy usage over concerns of environmental impact of energy generation from conventional sources such as coal and natural gas, is expected to help grow the Induction Motor market. In addition advancements in the agriculture sector and enormous investments in industrialization in countries such as China, India, South Korea, and Australia is driving the market growth. Further, the increasing production and sales of electric vehicles in countries including China and Japan is also analyzed to drive the market growth. 
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Induction Motor Market Drivers 
Robust Structure of Motor
The rough physical structure of the motor is predicted to be a major driving factor for the growth of the induction motor market. Induction motor are robust in nature and can be operated in any climatic conditions. Moreover, the absence of slip rings and brushes in the motor induction eliminates the chances of sparks, which makes the operation safe even in the most explosive working conditions. In addition, induction motor is cost effective, highly reliable and the maintenance is very less, which is expected to propel the growth of the induction motor market in the forecast period 2021-2026.
Rise in Production of Electric Vehicles
The electric car market has witnessed rapid evolution with the ongoing developments in automotive sector and favourable government policies and support in terms of subsidies and grants, tax rebates. As induction motors especially three phase are widely used in electric vehicles because of high efficiency, good speed regulation and absence of commutators is analysed to drive the market growth. In addition these motor also serves as an alternative of a permanent magnet in the electric vehicles. Hence rise in production of electric vehicles is analysed to drive the market. In 2019, Ford has invested $1.45 billion in Detroit plants in U.S., to make electric, autonomous and sports utility vehicles, which is mainly aimed to increase the production of the vehicles thereby impacting on the high procurement of the induction motors.  In 2019, Toyota announced plans to invest $749M in expanding the U.S. manufacturing facilities to increase the production of the electric and hybrid vehicles. In 2020, General Motors had committed boost its electric vehicle production by investing more than $7 billion. Moreover governments of several countries have been investing heavily for the development of electric vehicles. In 2019 German government has committed to invest more than $3 billion to expand electric car market growth in the region. Hence these investments and developments are analysed to be the key drivers for the growth of the electric vehicle market and thereby the growth of induction motor market during the forecast period 2021-2026.
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Induction Motor Market Challenges
Easy availability of low-quality Induction Motors
The market for Induction Motors is highly fragmented, with a significant number of domestic and international manufacturers. Product quality is a primary parameter for differentiation in this market. The organized sector in the market mainly targets industrial buyers and maintains excellent product quality, while the unorganized sector offers low-cost alternatives to tap local markets. Local manufacturers of Induction Motors in most countries target the unorganized sector and compete strongly with the global suppliers in the respective markets. Leading market players are currently exposed to intense competition from such unorganized players supplying inexpensive and low-quality Induction Motors. This acts as a key challenge for the growth of the market.
Induction Motor Market Landscape
Product launches, acquisitions, Partnerships and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Induction Motor market. Induction Motor top 10 companies include ABB Ltd. AMETEK, Inc., Johnson Electric Holdings Limited, Siemens AG, Rockwell Automation, Toshiba Corp., Hitachi Ltd., Nidec Corporation, ARC Systems Inc., among others.
Acquisitions/Product Launches
In 2021 BorgWarner launched HVH 320 Induction Motors in four variants. They are offered to light-duty passenger cars and heavy-duty commercial vehicles.
In 2020, ABB has launched new range of low voltage IEC induction motors, which are compactly designed and reduces the overall size of the equipment by minimizing space and total cost of ownership.
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marketingreportz · 22 minutes
Gas Turbines Market - Forecast(2024–2030)
Gas Turbines Market Overview:
Over the past few years gas turbines have witnessed exponential growth due to the technological advances that have resulted in the design and development of highly efficient gas turbine units. Gas turbines are used in diversified services from jet engines and simple mechanical drives on land, sea and air to sophisticated gas lasers and supersonic wind tunnels. In the aerospace applications these units are referred to as jets, turbojets, turbofans, and turboprops. In land and sea based applications these units are referred to as mechanical drive gas turbines. Gas turbines are increasingly being used in power plants both in the utility and power sectors for their tremendous energy producing capacity, compactness, inherent flexibility, high performance, operational availability and multiple fuel capability. Aerospace sector seems to be the most promising sector in future due increasing investments in manufacturing and migration across various regions.
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The gas turbines market is scrutinized by segments including design type, capacity, technology, application and geography. Based on technology in accordance to the operation cycles, the market is segmented into combined cycle and open cycle. The report also comprises of the region wise study of the global market including Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World.
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Amongst the applications, aerospace has the highest CAGR of 4.78% for the forecast period 2017 to 2021. Industrial turbines held the major share in gas turbines market for 2016, during the forecast period of 2017 to 2021. Escalating demand less GHG emissive fossil fuel for power generation is propelling the growth of gas turbines market.
Decarbonization and Hydrogen Integration: There is a strong push for cleaner energy solutions, with gas turbine manufacturers focusing on hydrogen-enabled turbines to reduce carbon emissions. Companies like GE and Mitsubishi are developing turbines capable of burning hydrogen, supporting the transition to greener energy​
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Growth in Combined Cycle Power Plants: Combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants, which combine gas and steam turbines to improve efficiency, are becoming more popular. These plants can achieve higher efficiency rates (over 60%) compared to simple-cycle gas turbines and are seeing increased adoption​
Rise of Aero-Derivative Gas Turbines: Originally developed for aviation, aero-derivative gas turbines are becoming increasingly important in power generation and marine applications due to their lightweight design, faster start times, and ability to handle variable loads​
Digitalization and Predictive Maintenance: Digital tools, including AI and IoT technologies, are being integrated into gas turbine systems for real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance. This enhances operational efficiency and reduces downtime by predicting failures before they occur​
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Growing Demand in Developing Regions: While North America and Europe remain important markets, the highest growth is expected in regions like Asia-Pacific and the Middle East due to increasing energy demands and industrialization. These regions are focusing on transitioning from coal to natural gas, which boosts demand for gas turbines
Sample companies profiled in this report are:
Siemens AG
General Electric Company
Solar Turbines
Ansaldo Energia
For more Energy and Power related reports, please click here
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dh5ryxhgbctgr · 2 days
Industrial Frequency Ups Market Performance and Future Development Analysis 2024 - 2031
The industrial frequency UPS market was valued at approximately $10.6 billion in 2023. It is projected to increase to $11.44 billion in 2024 and reach $21.1 billion by 2032. This growth reflects a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 7.96% during the forecast period from 2024 to 2032. With the rising demand for uninterrupted power supply solutions, the industrial frequency UPS market is poised for significant growth in the coming years.
The industrial frequency uninterruptible power supply (UPS) market has gained significant traction over the past few years. As industries increasingly rely on uninterrupted power for critical operations, understanding the dynamics of this market is essential for stakeholders.
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Overview of the Industrial Frequency UPS Market
What is an Industrial Frequency UPS?
Industrial frequency UPS systems are designed to provide reliable power backup and ensure continuous operation in industrial environments. They protect sensitive equipment from power fluctuations, outages, and surges, thereby minimizing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency.
Market Size and Growth
The industrial frequency UPS market has shown steady growth, driven by increasing demand across various sectors, including manufacturing, oil and gas, telecommunications, and data centers. As of 2023, the global market is valued at approximately $X billion and is projected to grow at a CAGR of Y% over the next five years.
Key Drivers of Market Growth
1. Increasing Dependency on Industrial Automation
As industries adopt automation technologies, the need for reliable power sources becomes critical. Any power interruption can lead to significant losses in productivity and revenue. Thus, the demand for industrial frequency UPS systems is on the rise.
2. Rising Adoption of Renewable Energy
The integration of renewable energy sources in industrial settings often results in power instability. Industrial frequency UPS systems provide a buffer, ensuring that operations remain unaffected by fluctuations in power supply from renewable sources.
3. Growth of Data Centers
The surge in data generation and the corresponding need for data storage has led to an increase in the number of data centers. These facilities require robust UPS systems to ensure continuous power supply and prevent data loss.
Key Market Challenges
1. High Initial Costs
One of the primary challenges in the industrial frequency UPS market is the high upfront investment required for these systems. Many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) may find it difficult to allocate budget for such capital expenditures.
2. Technical Complexity
The design and installation of industrial frequency UPS systems can be technically complex. This may require specialized knowledge and skills, which can be a barrier for some businesses looking to adopt these systems.
Market Segmentation
1. By Technology
The industrial frequency UPS market can be segmented based on technology into:
Offline/Standby UPS: Ideal for smaller applications where the load is not critical.
Line-Interactive UPS: Provides voltage regulation and is suitable for environments with frequent power fluctuations.
Online UPS: Offers the highest level of protection, ideal for critical applications where continuous power is essential.
2. By End-User Industry
The market can also be categorized based on end-user industries, including:
Data Centers
Oil and Gas
Regional Insights
North America
North America holds a significant share of the industrial frequency UPS market, driven by advanced manufacturing sectors and high investment in data centers.
The Asia-Pacific region is witnessing rapid growth due to increasing industrialization and infrastructure development. Countries like China and India are emerging as key markets.
Europe is also seeing a rise in demand for industrial frequency UPS systems, particularly in the renewable energy sector and healthcare industries.
Future Outlook
The future of the industrial frequency UPS market looks promising, with several trends expected to shape its development:
1. Technological Advancements
Innovations in battery technology, such as lithium-ion batteries, are set to improve the efficiency and lifespan of UPS systems, making them more attractive to businesses.
2. Growth in Smart Grid Technologies
The rise of smart grid technologies will create new opportunities for industrial frequency UPS systems, as industries seek integrated solutions for power management.
3. Sustainability Focus
With growing emphasis on sustainability, industries are increasingly looking for energy-efficient UPS systems that reduce carbon footprints and operational costs.
The industrial frequency UPS market is poised for growth in the coming years, driven by increasing reliance on uninterrupted power supply across various industries. While challenges such as high costs and technical complexities exist, ongoing technological advancements and a focus on sustainability present opportunities for market expansion. Stakeholders should keep a close eye on emerging trends and adapt their strategies accordingly to thrive in this evolving landscape.
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tamanna31 · 5 days
Nanocellulose 2023 Industry – Challenges, Drivers, Outlook, Segmentation - Analysis to 2030
Nanocellulose Industry Overview
The global nanocellulose market size was valued at USD 351.5 million in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.1% from 2023 to 2030. 
The growth is attributable to the rise in demand for various applications and the shifting trend for using bio-based goods are the factors responsible to drive demand for product. Due to its various qualities, such as increased paper machine efficiency, better filler content, lighter base mass, and higher freeness, nanocellulose is suitable for the producing a wide range of products. The paper industry uses nanocellulose as a prominent sustainable nanomaterial additive owing to its high strength, strong oxygen barrier performance, low density, mechanical qualities, and biocompatibility among the available bio-based resources. Additionally, the construction of materials, aqueous coating, and others are some of the major uses of nanocellulose composite materials.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Nanocellulose Market
The U.S. is the largest market for nanocellulose in North America contributing a considerable amount to global revenue. People in the U.S. are concerned about their health, which has greatly aided the use of MFC (Micro fibrillated Cellulose) and CNF (Cellulose nanofibers) in the production of functional food products thus increasing the demand for nanocellulose in the country.
The food & beverage, and paper & pulp industry are majorly driving product growth in the country. Demand in the country is majorly driven by the increasing awareness and insistence on highly advanced sustainable products along with paper-based packaging in the food & beverage industries.
The pulp & paper business heavily utilizes nanocellulose as an ingredient to create light and white paper that further accelerates the market growth. Owing to its benign qualities it is used in healthcare applications such as biomedicines and personal hygiene products. Additionally, owing to its superior adsorption abilities, Nanocellulose is a suitable constituent for sanitary napkins and wound dressings. The market has been further stimulated by expanding product research activity.
Nanocellulose Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global nanocellulose market report based on the type, application, and region:
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; Volume, Kilotons; 2018 - 2030)
Bacterial Cellulose
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; Volume, Kilotons; 2018 - 2030)
Pulp & Paperboard
Pharmaceuticals & Biomedical
Food & Beverages
Others (Textile, Paints, cosmetics, Oil & Gas, Cement)
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; Volume, Kilotons; 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Browse through Grand View Research's Renewable Chemicals Industry Research Reports.
The global chondroitin sulfate market size was valued at USD 1.29 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.6% from 2024 to 2030.
The global pine-derived chemicals market size was estimated at USD 5.82 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.4% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market is consolidated owing to the existence of a few major players in the market including Cellu Force, Fiber Lean, Kruger INC., and others. Manufacturers operating in the market engage in strategic mergers & acquisitions, geographical expansion, product developments, and innovation in order to strengthen their positions, increase profitability, and simultaneously generate innovations and advancements.
When compared to other nanotechnology high-performance materials, nanocellulose offers a lower cost and the potential to replace many products made from petrochemicals. It has exceptional qualities like biodegradability, transparency, flexibility, high mechanical strength, and barrier characteristics, among others. Growing interest in health issues and the food & beverage industries will both have a significant impact on the market share in the years to come.
Consequently, the focus on manufacture of the product has increased owing to increasing awareness about health and environmental concerns arising from harmful chemical products. The global market has witnessed several new product developments, mergers & acquisitions and joint ventures due to several industrial challenges. Some prominent players in the global nanocellulose market include:
Cellu Force
Fiber Lean
Kruger INC
Borregaard AS
Melodea Ltd
Blue Goose Refineries
GranBio Technologies
Stora Enso Biomaterials
Order a free sample PDF of the Nanocellulose Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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digitrenndsamr · 5 days
How Nano PLCs Are Transforming IoT and Smart Factory Operations
Allied Market Research, titled, Nano Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Market by Component, Service, Type, and Industry Vertical: Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2017-2023, the nano programmable logic controller (PLC) market was valued at $2,585 million in 2016, and is projected to reach $4,250 million by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 7.0% from 2017 to 2023. The Processor segment held nearly half of the total market in 2016
Nano programmable logic controller is used across numerous industries such as energy & power, automotive, oil & gas, pharmaceutical, and others. At present, rise in demand for automated electronic devices and increase in trend of artificial intelligence (AI) drive the market. Moreover, popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to provide lucrative opportunities to market players.
The processor segment is estimated to maintain its lead in the global nano programmable logic controller (PLC) market, as it is the most important part in the controller for operations. Moreover, input/output (I/O) segment is expected to grow, owing to its durability and easy replacement.
The fixed nano PLC segment dominated the global market in 2016, accounting for more than half of the total market share. Requirement for compact automation solutions, enhanced efficiency, and increased need for high-voltage operating devices fuel the market growth. However, the modular nano PLC segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR of 6.3% during the forecast period, due to increase in demand for module rack system.
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Asia-Pacific was the major revenue contributor in 2016, and is expected to maintain its dominance throughout the forecast period. This is attributed to the increase in number of automated devices and solutions. Moreover, developments in energy & power and automotive sectors are anticipated to boost the growth of the nano programmable logic controller (PLC) market, especially in the Asia-Pacific countries, such as China, Japan, South Korea, and India.
Europe is anticipated to grow at highest CAGR of 8.4% during the analysis period, owing to increase in demand for automated devices and rise in the adoption of controllers in automotive and oil & gas sectors. Moreover, technological advancements to overcome complexity of the circuit are expected to offer lucrative opportunities for market players in the near future.
Key Findings of the Nano Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Market:
In 2016, the processor segment dominated the global nano PLC market, in terms of revenue, and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 6.2% during the forecast period.
The modular nano PLC segment is expected to exhibit the highest growth rate, owing to the flexibility and durability.
The training segment dominated the global nano PLC market, accounting for nearly half of the total market share in 2016.
The key players operating in the nano programmable logic controller (PLC) market have adopted new product launch as their preferred strategy to expand their market foothold. The major players profiled in this report include Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Rockwell Automation Inc., Schneider Electric SE, Siemens AG, ABB Ltd., Robert Bosch GmbH, Honeywell International, Hitachi Ltd., IDEC Corporation, and General Electric.
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businessindustry · 6 days
Hydraulic Generator Market Size | Industry Research by 2024-2032 | Reports and Insights
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Hydraulic Generator Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Hydraulic Generator Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Hydraulic Generator?
The hydraulic generator market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period of 2024 to 2032.
What are Hydraulic Generator Market?
A hydraulic generator is a device that transforms hydraulic energy into electrical power by utilizing the flow of pressurized fluid to drive a generator. Commonly used in industries like construction, marine, and other sectors where hydraulic systems are present, these generators efficiently convert the kinetic energy of moving fluid into electricity. Known for their durability, compactness, and ability to generate power in remote or mobile settings, hydraulic generators offer a practical and reliable solution for applications that require on-demand electrical power without a conventional power grid.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/1917
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Hydraulic Generator Market industry?
The hydraulic generator market growth is driven by various factors and trends. The hydraulic generator market is experiencing consistent growth, driven by the rising demand for dependable and efficient power generation solutions across industries such as construction, mining, marine, and heavy industrial operations. Hydraulic generators are highly regarded for their capability to generate electricity in remote or off-grid environments by leveraging existing hydraulic circuits, making them essential for mobile equipment and heavy-duty machinery. Market expansion is further supported by increasing infrastructure development, innovations in hydraulic systems, and a shift towards sustainable energy practices. Major regions driving this growth include North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Hence, all these factors contribute to hydraulic generator market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Power Rating:
Low Power Hydraulic Generators
Medium Power Hydraulic Generators
High Power Hydraulic Generators
By Application:
Oil & Gas
By End-Use:
Market Segmentation By Region:
North America:
United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific:
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America:
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa:
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Rest of MEA
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Atlas Copco
Generac Power Systems, Inc.
Enerpac Tool Group
Wacker Neuson SE
Caterpillar Inc.
Cummins Inc.
Stanley Infrastructure, Ltd.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Briggs & Stratton Corporation
Doosan Corporation
Discover more: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/hydraulic-generator-market
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rahulpande15 · 7 days
Global Green Hydrogen Market: Growth Opportunities and Technological Barriers
According to a new report published by Allied Market Research, the green hydrogen market size was valued at $2.5 billion in 2022, and is estimated to reach $143.8 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 50.3% from 2023 to 2032.
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Green hydrogen, also known as renewable hydrogen, is a form of hydrogen produced using renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, or geothermal power. Furthermore, the demand for proton exchange membrane electrolyzer is anticipated to witness growth during the forecast period, owing to economic growth in emerging markets continues to surge.
In 2023, Asia-Pacific accounts for the largest green hydrogen market share, followed by Europe and North America.
Major Companies
Green Hydrogen Systems, Air Liquide, Shell plc, Enapter S.r.l., Plug Power Inc., Ballard Power Systems, Linde plc, Reliance Industries, GAIL (India) Limited and Adani Green Energy Ltd.
The green hydrogen market is expected to be driven by factors such as the promising growth of the food and beverages, medical, chemical, and petrochemical industries.
Demand for power generation has escalated due to global population growth, coupled with urbanization and industrialization, leading to increase electricity consumption.
The food and beverage segment are projected to manifest a CAGR of 51.6% from 2023 to 2032, and has significant proportion in green hydrogen market size. Rise in the food and beverage industry significantly influences the green hydrogen market, primarily due to intensive energy demand of the industry.
Food and beverage production requires substantial energy for processing, packaging, refrigeration, and transportation. Green hydrogen presents a sustainable solution to meet these escalating energy demands, especially in processes were direct electrification not efficient.
Rise in living standards and technological advancements also contribute to higher energy needs, especially in emerging economies where electricity access has expanded rapidly.
Ongoing R&D efforts focus on enhancing electrolyzer efficiency, durability, and scaling up production, leading to cost reductions and improved performance. This trend aligns with ambitious governmental targets and corporate commitments aimed at fostering the green hydrogen industry, spurring innovation and market growth.
Increasingly stringent regulations and carbon pricing mechanisms incentivize to transition of industries into low-carbon alternatives, propelling its market penetration. These converging green hydrogen market trends collectively position green hydrogen as a pivotal player in the sustainable energy landscape, driving a fundamental shift toward cleaner, more resilient energy systems across the globe.
the electrification of transportation and heating sectors, driven by the push for cleaner energy sources, further amplifies the demand for power generation. This growth in demand provides a significant opportunity for the green hydrogen market. 
Green hydrogen emerges as a versatile solution as traditional energy sources struggle to meet these escalating demands while maintaining environmental sustainability.
This symbiotic relationship between the rise in demand for power generation and the need for clean energy solutions positions green hydrogen as a key player in meeting the escalating energy needs sustainably.
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The push toward decarbonization and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector amplifies the appeal of green hydrogen market opportunities.
Carbon Solutions, a greenhouse gas reduction consultancy, in May 2023, stated that less than 1% of the 10 million metric tons of hydrogen produced in the U.S. at present counts as green hydrogen. Instead, 76% is derived from natural gas or coal, and 23% is a by-product of petroleum refining or other chemical processes.
Globally, the hydrogen market is about 96 million metric tons per year. The report from Carbon Solutions puts number of electrolyzers operating in the U.S. at just 42, with a combined hydrogen production capacity of about 3,000 tons per year.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) aims to have 10 million tons of clean hydrogen flowing per year by 2030, 20 million tons by 2040, and 50 million tons by 2050. About half that production is expected to come from renewably powered electrolysis. The U.S. government is projected to invest $8 billion in several hydrogen hubs across the country by 2026 and produce about 250 times as much hydrogen per day.
Trending Reports in Energy and Power Industry:
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About Us
Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business-consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Portland, Oregon. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality of "Market Research Reports" and "Business Intelligence Solutions." AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domain.
Pawan Kumar, the CEO of Allied Market Research, is leading the organization toward providing high-quality data and insights. We are in professional corporate relations with various companies and this helps us in digging out market data that helps us generate accurate research data tables and confirms utmost accuracy in our market forecasting. Each and every data presented in the reports published by us is extracted through primary interviews with top officials from leading companies of domain concerned. Our secondary data procurement methodology includes deep online and offline research and discussion with knowledgeable professionals and analysts in the industry.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
[Atlantic Council is NATOs think tank]
Relations between the United States and Azerbaijan have historically centered on energy transit, most significantly the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline and the Southern Gas Corridor. In July 2022, Baku signed a new memorandum of understanding with the European Union (EU) to increase Azerbaijani gas exports to the EU from 12 billion cubic meters (bcm) per year to 20 bcm by 2027. Officials in Brussels certainly see the importance of diversifying energy imports away from Russia—European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called Azerbaijan a “reliable” partner in the bloc’s renewed emphasis on energy security.
But Azerbaijan’s geography means it is also a gateway to the countries of Central Asia and the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR), also known as the Middle Corridor, that connects Europe with China via Central Asia and the South Caucasus. The Middle Corridor provides Europe with a critical alternative to trade routes that pass through Russia and Belarus, the so-called Northern Corridor. At the same time, the Middle Corridor provides the inverse opportunity for Central Asian countries to reduce dependency on transit through Russia to the European market. It is in Washington’s strategic interest to help develop alternative trade routes between Europe and Central Asia that minimize opportunities for Russian malign interference along the way.
Moreover, Azerbaijan and the United States share a set of strategic interests that may only grow in the coming years. Washington should resist the calls from some commentators to distance itself from Baku. Russia’s war on Ukraine has shaken stability in the South Caucasus, and Moscow may try to claw back influence in the region at the expense of regional peace and security. Greater US engagement with Baku should reinforce a platform for peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Stronger US-Azerbaijan ties can also help counter threats to shared interests emanating from Moscow and Tehran.[...]
The turning point came in May, when Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan recognized Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan in the EU-mediated summit in Brussels, following US-mediated talks weeks earlier between the two countries’ foreign ministers in Washington.[...]
Some political groups in Armenia and in the diaspora continue to pressure the Pashinyan government against acknowledging Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized sovereignty over Karabakh. Separatist leadership in Karabakh refuses to integrate the region into Azerbaijan and recently undertook unrecognized “elections.” These authorities also receive financial and diplomatic support from Kremlin-connected individuals. A peace treaty signed via Western mediation and built upon the recognition of Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan would deal a severe blow to Russia’s influence in the region. Such a treaty would create preconditions for the withdrawal of Russia’s peacekeeping mission from the Karabakh region where it was deployed after the 2020 war and, generally, deprive Moscow of one lever of influence against Baku.[...]
By voicing a plan not to extend the Russian peacekeeping mission beyond 2025 and by investing more in the Western-mediated track of negotiations, Baku regularly challenges Russia’s policies vis-à-vis the peace process. Azerbaijan stands out as a rare post-Soviet state that has provided humanitarian and political support to Ukraine in the context of the country’s fight against Russian aggression.[...]
The Azerbaijani government’s stance on Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine contrasts with the policies of two of its neighbors, Armenia and Iran. [...]
Baku has long opposed Tehran’s brazenly aggressive foreign policy, even as Iran’s ties with Armenia and Russia may be growing. Significantly, Baku has also redoubled its support for Israel—a major US ally—despite Iran’s anti-Israel threats and increasingly militaristic posture in the region. The time is right for the United States to strengthen its relationship with Azerbaijan and take the historic opportunity to pursue peace and break ground on a new template for regional stability.
Vasif Huseynov is the head of the Western Studies department at the Center for Analysis of International Relations (AIR Center), a think tank founded by the government of Azerbaijan. He is also a lecturer at Khazar and ADA universities in Baku, Azerbaijan.
15 Sep 23
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trendingreportz · 11 days
Flocculants Market - Forecast 2024-2030
Flocculants Market Overview:
Flocculants Market size is forecast to reach $1.4 Billion by 2030, after growing at a CAGR of 7.9% during 2024-2030. This growth is driven by the Flocculants Market witnessing a burgeoning trend driven by the growing demand for water treatment solutions. Escalating concerns over waterborne diseases and the imperative for freshwater conservation fuels this trend. Municipalities and industries alike are increasingly turning to flocculants and coagulants to purify water effectively. As populations expand and industrial activities intensify, the necessity for robust water treatment processes becomes paramount. Consequently, there's a notable upsurge in the adoption of these chemicals across water treatment facilities worldwide, ensuring the delivery of safe and clean water to communities and industries alike.
Additionally, the Flocculants Market experiences a significant trend with North America emerging as a dominant player, poised to capture around 28.5% market share by 2033. This growth trajectory is propelled by several factors, including stringent government regulations concerning public health and water management. Additionally, the region's pressing need for efficient water treatment solutions drives the heightened demand for flocculants and coagulants. As North America continues to prioritize environmental sustainability and water quality, the market for these chemicals is expected to witness sustained growth, solidifying the region's position as a key market leader in the global flocculants industry.
Flocculants Market - Report Coverage:
The “Flocculants Market Report - Forecast (2024-2030)” by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments in the Flocculants Market.
By Type: Natural (Chitosan, Cellulose, Gum and Mucilage and Starch Derivative), Synthetic (Polyacrylamide, Polyethylene Oxide and Polyethylene Amine) and Inorganic (Activated Silica, Metallic Hydroxide and Colloidal Clays).
By Application: Water Processing, Mineral Dressing, Fermentation and Others.
By End-User Industry: Oil & Gas Industry (On-shore and Off-shore), Food & Beverage (Dairy, Soft Drinks, Alcohol Drinks and Others), Wastewater Treatment (Industrial and Municipal), Mining Industry, Paper & Pulp, Power Generation (Hydro, Wind, Nuclear and Others) and Others.
By Geography: North America, South America, Europe, APAC, and RoW.
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COVID-19 / Ukraine Crisis - Impact Analysis:  
• The Covid-19 pandemic significantly impacted the flocculants market, presenting a mixed bag of challenges and opportunities. On one hand, the pandemic-induced economic slowdown temporarily slowed down industrial activities, leading to reduced demand for flocculants across various sectors such as mining, oil and gas, and water treatment. Supply chain disruptions and logistical challenges also hampered the market's growth during the initial phases of the pandemic. Conversely, the increased focus on hygiene and sanitation during the pandemic spurred demand for water treatment solutions, including flocculants, particularly in healthcare facilities and municipal water treatment plants. Moreover, the gradual recovery of industrial activities and the resumption of infrastructure projects post-lockdowns provided a stimulus to the market's rebound. Overall, while Covid-19 initially posed obstacles to the flocculants market, the renewed emphasis on water treatment and gradual economic recovery has fuelled its resurgence, indicating a resilient trajectory amidst challenging circumstances. 
• The Russia-Ukraine crisis exerts a notable impact on the flocculants market due to its implications for the global supply chain. Ukraine is a significant producer of raw materials used in flocculants manufacturing, including chemicals and minerals. The conflict disrupts supply chains, leading to potential shortages and price fluctuations in the market. Additionally, heightened geopolitical tensions can create uncertainties, prompting companies to reassess their sourcing strategies and seek alternative suppliers, which could further strain supply and affect pricing. Moreover, instability in the region may hamper logistics and transportation networks, impeding the timely delivery of flocculants to end-users. Overall, the Russia-Ukraine crisis underscores the interconnectedness of global markets and highlights the need for resilience and diversification strategies within the flocculants industry to mitigate risks associated with geopolitical conflicts.
Key Takeaways:
• Asia-Pacific dominates the Flocculants Market owing to the rapid development in the wastewater treatment sector which is significantly influencing the demand for Flocculating agents in the region for removing suspended solids.
• Growing production of crude oil resulting from high petroleum demand has accelerated the demand and usage of Flocculating agents for wastewater treatment in the oil & gas sector, which has positively impacted the Flocculants industry outlook.
• Rapid growth in mineral mining production due to the high demand for minerals in manufacturing products such as plastics, paints, and ceramics has accelerated the demand and usage of Flocculants in the mining industry for the removal of suspended solids during mineral extraction.
• The establishment of effective and eco-friendly alternative water treatment technologies would hamper the usage of chemicals in such applications. It would decrease the market growth of Flocculants, thereby negatively impacting the Flocculants Market size.
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Flocculants Market Segment Analysis – By Type
Natural type emerges as the leading contender in the flourishing flocculants market due to its eco-friendly nature and superior performance and it has a market share of 39.5% in 2023. Unlike conventional flocculants derived from synthetic chemicals, Natural types harness the power of natural polymers sourced from renewable resources such as plants or microorganisms. This sustainable approach not only mitigates environmental impact but also addresses consumer concerns regarding toxicity and biodegradability. Moreover, Natural flocculants exhibit remarkable efficacy in water treatment, industrial processes, and wastewater management, surpassing traditional alternatives in performance metrics like sedimentation efficiency and residue minimization. As industries increasingly prioritize sustainability and regulatory compliance, the demand for Natural flocculants continues to surge, marking a paradigm shift towards greener solutions in the global market landscape.
Flocculants Market Segment Analysis – By Application
Water processing has emerged as the fastest-growing application of flocculants in the market with a CAGR of 8.5% during the forecast period. With increasing industrialization and urbanization, the demand for clean water has escalated, necessitating advanced treatment methods. Flocculants play a pivotal role in water processing by effectively removing suspended particles and contaminants, thus improving water quality. The adoption of flocculants is particularly significant in industries such as mining, oil and gas, and municipal water treatment plants. Moreover, stringent regulations regarding wastewater discharge further drive the demand for efficient flocculation processes. Additionally, advancements in flocculant formulations, such as eco-friendly and biodegradable options, cater to the growing environmental concerns. As water scarcity becomes a pressing global issue, the water processing segment is poised for sustained growth, underscoring the indispensable role of flocculants in ensuring clean water supply.
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Flocculants Market Segment Analysis – By End-User Industry
The pulp and paper industry stands out as the fastest-growing end-use sector within the flocculants market with a CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period. Flocculants play a pivotal role in this industry by aiding in water purification and recovery processes during paper production. As environmental regulations tighten, the demand for efficient water treatment solutions escalates, propelling the adoption of flocculants. Additionally, the burgeoning demand for paper products globally fuels the expansion of pulp and paper production facilities, further boosting the requirement for effective flocculants. Moreover, advancements in flocculant technologies tailored to address the unique challenges of the pulp and paper sector contribute to its rapid growth. With sustainability concerns driving industry practices, the use of flocculants becomes indispensable, positioning the pulp and paper industry as a key driver in the flourishing flocculants market.
Flocculants Market Segment Analysis – By Geography
The Asia Pacific region stands out as the dominant market for flocculants within the global market landscape and it has a market share of 43% in 2023. Several factors contribute to this burgeoning growth trajectory. Firstly, rapid industrialization across countries such as China, India, and Southeast Asian nations fuels increased demand for water treatment solutions, where flocculants play a vital role in purifying water for various industrial processes and municipal use. Moreover, stringent environmental regulations drive industries to adopt advanced water treatment technologies, further propelling the demand for flocculants. Additionally, the expanding population in the region amplifies the need for clean water, stimulating investments in water infrastructure and treatment facilities. Furthermore, the flourishing mining sector in countries like Australia and Indonesia necessitates effective water management practices, boosting the uptake of flocculants in mineral processing operations. The Asia Pacific's dynamic economic landscape, coupled with rising environmental concerns and infrastructure developments, positions it as the leading growth hub for flocculants in the global market, offering lucrative opportunities for market players to capitalize on.     
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Flocculants Market Drivers 
Increase in Mineral Mining Output 
The increase in mineral mining output serves as a significant driver in the flocculants market due to its direct correlation with the demand for water treatment solutions. As mining activities escalate worldwide to meet the growing demand for essential minerals such as gold, silver, copper, iron ore, and rare earth elements, the need for effective water management practices becomes imperative. Flocculants play a crucial role in the mineral processing industry by facilitating the separation of solid particles from water during the extraction and refining processes. The rising mining output leads to higher volumes of wastewater containing suspended solids, metals, and other contaminants, necessitating efficient treatment methods to meet environmental regulations and ensure water reuse or safe discharge. Consequently, the demand for flocculants surges as mining companies seek cost-effective and sustainable solutions to optimize their water treatment operations. This trend presents a lucrative opportunity for flocculant manufacturers to cater to the evolving needs of the mineral mining sector and capitalize on its growth trajectory.
Bolstering Growth in Oil Production 
Bolstering growth in oil production serves as a significant driver in the flocculants market, amplifying demand for these chemicals due to their crucial role in the oil and gas industry's water management processes. With the global energy demand persistently rising, oil exploration and production activities are expanding, particularly in regions such as North America, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. As oil extraction involves the use of large volumes of water for processes such as drilling, hydraulic fracturing, and enhanced oil recovery, there's a growing need for efficient water treatment solutions, including flocculants, to manage wastewater and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. Moreover, as oil reserves become more challenging to extract, unconventional extraction methods like shale oil and deep-sea drilling become more prevalent, further driving the demand for flocculants to treat the associated wastewater. This trend positions the flocculants market for sustained growth, with oil production serving as a key catalyst.
Flocculants Market Challenges
Introduction of Alternative Technologies 
The introduction of alternative technologies poses a significant market challenge for the flocculants industry. As sustainability and environmental concerns escalate, industries are increasingly exploring and adopting alternative water treatment solutions that may compete with traditional flocculants. Advanced technologies such as membrane filtration, ultraviolet (UV) disinfection, and electrocoagulation offer more efficient and eco-friendly alternatives to flocculation processes. Furthermore, the emergence of nanotechnology and bio-based polymers presents innovative solutions that can potentially replace conventional flocculants. These alternatives often boast lower environmental footprints, reduced chemical usage, and enhanced treatment efficiencies, making them attractive options for various applications. However, while these alternative technologies offer promising benefits, their widespread adoption may challenge the market dominance of traditional flocculants. Market players in the flocculants industry must adapt by investing in research and development to innovate and improve their products, ensuring competitiveness in the face of evolving market dynamics and shifting consumer preferences toward more sustainable solutions.
Market Landscape
Product/Service launches, approvals, patents and events, acquisitions, partnerships and collaborations are key strategies adopted by players in the Flocculants Market. The top 10 companies in this industry are: BASF SE, SNF Floerger, Ecolab Inc., Kemira, Solenis LLC, Buckman Laboratories, Feralco AB, Suez S.A., Ixom Operations Pty Ltd., Kurita Water Industries
Kemira focused on sustainability in the flocculants market. In May 2022, they launched "Superfloc® BioMB," the world's first biomass-balanced flocculant. This eco-friendly option offers similar performance to traditional solutions but with a lower environmental impact.
Solenis bolstered its global presence in the flocculants market through their acquisition of Diversey Holdings in July 2023. This deal, valued at $4.6 billion, expands Solenis' reach to 130 countries and strengthens their position as a key player. While not directly focused on flocculants, it suggests continued growth ambitions.
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Next-Gen Shipping: Market Forecast and Trends 2024–2030
Cargo Shipping Market Overview
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Report Coverage
The report: “Cargo Shipping Industry Outlook — Forecast (2021–2026)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Cargo Shipping industry.
By Type: Linear Ships, Tramp Ships.
By Cargo Type: Passenger, Liquid, Container, Dry, General, Bulk, Others.
By Vessel Type: Multi-Purpose Vessels, Dry-Bulk Carriers, Tankers, Container Vessels, Bulk Vessels, Reefer Vessels, Ro-Ro Vessels, Others.
By Vessel Cargo Capacity: <1000 TEU, 1000–4000 TEU, 4000–8000 TEU, 8000–12000 TEU, 12000–16000 TEU, 16000–20000 TEU, >20000 TEU.
By End Use Industry: Food and Beverages, Electrical & Electronics, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Metal and Mining, Logistics and E-commerce, Consumer Goods, Chemicals, Medical and Pharmaceutical, Others.
By Geography: North America, South America, Europe, APAC and RoW.
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Key Takeaways
Improving port infrastructures and incorporation of favourable trade agreements overtime is analyzed to significantly drive the cargo shipping market during the forecast period 2021–2026.
Tankers had accounted for the largest market share in 2020, attributed to the factors including longer sailing, involvement of lesser number of ports and many others, making it highly preferable for conducting marine transportation.
Presence of some key players such as Evergreen Marine, Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation, Pacific International Lines and so on opting for partnerships, product launches or expansion to improve cargo shipping facilities have helped in boosting its growth within APAC region.
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Cargo Shipping Market Segment Analysis- By Vessel Type
By vessel type, the cargo shipping market is segmented into multi-purpose vessels, dry-bulk carriers, tankers, container vessels, bulk vessels, reefer vessels, ro-ro vessels and many others. Tankers had dominated the cargo shipping market with $3234.07 million tons in 2020 and are analyzed to grow at a CAGR of 3.4% during the forecast period 2021–2026. Tankers generally refers to those cargo shipping vessels used in transportation of bulks of liquids and gases, which had emerged as an ideal mode of transportation for chemicals, petrochemicals as well as gas refineries. Oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers are some of the common type of tankers utilized for serving applications based on load carrying capacities for the shipping goods. Compared to other types, these vessels are capable of offering advantages be it longer sailing, involvement of lesser number of ports and so on, thus creating its higher adoption within marine transportation facilities. Factors such as economic slowdown owing to COVID-19, decarbonization measures as well as dropping oil prices are some of the threats encountering the tanker vessels across cargo shipping markets. However, with slow economic recovery post the global pandemic situation, the demand towards crude oil imports or exports are bound to surge in order to begin with various industrial or commercial operations, thereby promoting the market growth of tankers in the long run. In 2021, Shell had signed an agreement to charter crude tankers including very large crude carriers from Advantage Tankers, AET and International Seaways, powered with dual-fuel liquefied natural gas engines. Owing to capability of lowest possible methane slip and highest fuel efficiency with an average 20% less fuel consumption, this is further anticipated to mark an important step towards increasing LNG-fuelled vessels on the water by 2023.
Cargo Shipping Market Segment Analysis- By Vessel Cargo Capacity
By vessel cargo capacity, the cargo shipping market is segmented under <1000 TEU, 1000–4000 TEU, 4000–8000 TEU, 8000–12000 TEU, 12000–16000 TEU, 16000–20000 TEU and >20000 TEU. Vessel cargo capacity of 12000–16000 TEU had held the largest share in the cargo shipping market with of $3269.44 million tons in 2020, thus analyzed to grow further with a CAGR of 4.0% during 2021–2026. Neo panamax vessels with capacity (10000–14500 TEU) and ultra-large container vessels with capacity (14500 and above) have been considered under this segment. Neo panamax refers to those medium to large sized vessels, capable of carrying about 19 rows of containers with a beam of 43 m, with comparable size of Suezmax tankers, while ultra large container vessels are considered as the biggest container ships with capabilities being at least 366 meters long, 49 meters wide, draught of at least 15.2 meters, causing its dominance within the hazardous end-use markets. Due to flexibility perspective, vessels with load carrying capacity ranging from 10000 to 15000 TEU are generally capable of allowing carriers to deploy largest ships which can traverse Panama Canal, gaining popularity in transport of goods including metal ores, coal and so on. In 2020, Evergreen Line had revealed about delivering two 12000 TEU class F-type container ships, featuring an optimized hull design as well as a smart ship system. Since these containers are equipped with a main engine of 58,000 horsepower, along with preventing containers on the deck from affecting the view from the bridge as well as maximizing cargo loadability prior to its configuration, these vessels are further analyzed to create a significant impact towards the market growth of cargo vessels with 12000 TEU capacity in the long run.
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Cargo Shipping Market Segment Analysis- Geography
APAC had accounted for the largest share of $6589.12 Million Tons in 2020, analyzed to grow with a CAGR of 4.1% for the Cargo Shipping market during the forecast period 2021–2026. Growth of various end-use industries including food & beverage, consumer goods and so on, initiatives towards improving as well as incorporating new trade agreements, improving sea port infrastructures, rising technological advancements along with many others can be considered as some of the crucial factors which had attributed towards the market growth of cargo shipping across APAC region. Presence of some of the key cargo shipping companies including Evergreen Marine, Mitsui O.S.K Lines Ltd., Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation, Pacific International Lines and others have also helped in creating a positive impact within the Asia-Pacific ocean freight shipping facilities. Partnerships, expansion, R & D investments and so on were considered as some of the key strategies adopted by the market players to drive cargo shipping services within the region. In 2020, Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation announced about expanding its Intra-Asia service networking through extending Japan-Taiwan-South China Express (JTS) to Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore. This expansion was meant to optimize the competitiveness between Japan, Taiwan, South China as well as Southeast Asia, while improving the linkage connection of Yang Ming’s main port, Kaohsiung. Such factors are further set to create a positive impact towards adoption of these shipping services in order to facilitate sea transport in the long run.
Cargo Shipping Market Drivers
Growing initiatives towards improving port infrastructure:
Growing initiatives towards improving port infrastructures either by governmental support or shipping company investments can be analyzed as one of the major drivers impacting the growth of cargo shipping during the forecast period 2021–2026. Port infrastructure plays a crucial role in cargo shipping operations be it handling of bulks of goods, which had been creating high need towards upgrading, modernizing or constructing new ports to support growing trade businesses around the world. Increasing demand towards consumer products, crude oil and many other related commodities have been also raising the requirement of infrastructural growth of sea ports in order to help in meeting the consumer demands overtime. Factors such as adaptive secured communication, IT architecture and so on within the ports are getting introduced to benefit strategic traffic while assisting ship infrastructures, thus positively impacting the cargo shipping growth. Sea port infrastructures have been also getting upgraded with advanced handling systems capable of autonomous or semi-autonomous operation to achieve higher throughput levels. In addition, government along with various private infrastructure companies across developed as well as developing countries have started to focus towards establishing new ports, upgrade or expand the existing ones through investments as a move towards supporting growing trade volumes. In 2021, Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone (APSEZ) had revealed about completing its acquisition of Dighi Port Ltd for a value of INR 705 cr (around $97million), alongside an investment of INR 10,000 cr (around $1375 million) to upgrade the existing port into a multi-cargo port. Such measures are further set to boost the market growth of cargo shipping industry in near future.
Increasing number of trade agreements drives the market forward:
Increasing number of favourable trade agreements in a motive towards enhancing the trade business between countries can be considered as one of the major driving factors impacting the growth of cargo shipping market. Trade agreements are essential towards helping the importers or businesses access to low cost goods at reasonable prices, making it one of the crucial factors to drive better and optimum level of sea trades. Regional trade agreements have been increasing over the years towards extending geographic reach within the last five years, including significant increase in pluri lateral agreements with negotiations, as a way behind improving bilateral relations between developed as well as developing economies across the world. In 2020, various Asia-Pacific countries including China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Brunei, Singapore and Vietnam had signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), making it one of the largest free-trade agreements. This trade agreement was meant to focus at lowering tariffs, increasing investment as well as streamlining customs procedures in order to facilitate free movement of goods. Such initiatives are further set to strengthen the economic integration between these member countries, while creating more growth opportunities in the cargo shipping market in the long run.
Cargo Shipping Market Challenges
Growing incidences of cargo rollover:
Growing incidences of cargo rollover due to ocean freight supply chain issues act as one of the major challenging factors restraining the market growth of cargo shipping. Cargo rollover situations arise mainly due to growing levels of demand at times of usually low volume or traditional seasonal decline in cargo flows, which tends to create shipping delays. Owing to the increase of container demand from U.S as well as Europe terminals and carriers, the Asian port hubs witnessed a rapid surge in cargo rollover in December 2020. Prior to economic shutdowns amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, there was recovering demand from U.S and Europe during the second half of 2020, resulting in creating disruption in the container shipping sector. Moreover, growing rollover incidences result towards clogging in major ports, forcing various carriers to cancel out sailing in order to catch up with the disrupted schedules. Supply chain disruptions are further poised to continue post the pandemic situation, prior to incapability of meeting increasing shipping requirements simultaneously, thus analyzed to hamper the market growth of cargo shipping services. Additionally, shift towards alternatives like air cargo transport can also adversely impact the cargo shipping prior to ocean freight supply chain disruptions as well as port clogging issues in the long run.
Cargo Shipping Market Landscape
Product launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Cargo Shipping market. The key players in the Cargo Shipping market include A.P Moller-Maersk Group, CMA CGM Group, Evergreen Marine, Hapag-Lloyd, Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A (MSC), China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO), Hamburg Sud Group, Mitsui O.S.K Lines, Ltd., Pacific International Lines (PIL) and Yang Mang Marine Transport Corporation among others.
Acquisitions/Technology Launches/Partnerships
In February 2020, a container shipping company, Hapag-Lloyd had launched a remote reefer supply chain monitoring tool, named Hapag-Lloyd LIVE. Development of this real time monitoring solution was done in order to increase transparency of cold chain by providing customers with number of data sets related to condition as well as location of their reefer containers.
In March 2019, Yang Ming announced about the launch of two ultra large container vessels, namely YM Warranty and YM Wellspring, under the 14,000 TEU capacity range. These vessels were designed with a nominal capacity of 14,220 TEU, equipped with 1000 reefer plugs, capable of reaching speeds upto 23 knots.
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