#European federalism
Go back to the top of this article and reread that transcript of Rep. Buddy Carter grilling TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew. Now, Carter is a dunderhead, but he’s dunderheaded in a way that illuminates just how bad COPPA enforcement is, and has been, for 25 long years.
Carter thinks that TikTok is using biometric features to enforce COPPA. He imagines that TikTok is doing some kind of high-tech phrenology to make sure that every user is over 13 (“I find that [you aren’t capturing facial images] hard to believe. It is our understanding that they’re looking at the eyes. How do you determine what age they are then?”).
Chew corrects the Congressdunderhead from Georgia, explaining that TikTok uses “age-gating”: “when you ask the user what age they are.”
That is the industry-wide practice for enforcing COPPA: every user is presented with a tick-box that says “I am over 13.” If they tick that box, the company claims it has satisfied the requirement not to spy on kids.
But if COPPA were meaningfully enforced, companies would simply have to stop spying on everyone, because there are no efficient ways to verify the age of users at the scale needed for general operation of a website.
-How To Make a Child-Safe TikTok: Have you tried not spying on kids?
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empirearchives · 1 year
Short video about Napoleon’s impact in Switzerland:
It includes things I forgot to mention in my other post. For example, he introduced the Swiss Franc in 1799, which is still in use to this day. He also introduced freedom of religion. He introduced equality before the law. One really interesting fact from the video: Adrian Vatter, Professor of political science at the University of Bern, said that the Act of Mediation (1803) was actually the birth of modern federalism. It made all the cantons equal for the first time, and each got their own constitution. The cantons remain equal to this day.
André Holenstein, Professor of Swiss history at the University of Bern, said Napoleon “turned the former subject territories into new, sovereign cantons.” So, he was very important in the making of the modern map of Switzerland.
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mockingnerd · 1 year
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A silly little design I made for my historical fencing club! We’d been discussing mental health in HEMA and my clubmate said this banger of a quote and I had to immortalize it. You can get it on stuff here!
Turns out I do love drawing swords
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
really hoping for the last debate to let the international members to be able to talk in their mother language cuz admit it or not, its a HUGE handicap that they're not able to get themselves across as they'd like to cuz of the language barrier. they're trying their best and im glad the team is working to better the translator but my god, even if its more convenient for them to talk english its def affecting some of the candidates
this is mostly directed @ insaneduo cuz holy shit im so tired of people that keep missinterpreting them, they wont start a dictatorship go and actually watch their povs
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unless you are a usamerican person of colour living in a european country i dont want to hear it! stick to your own shit! i promise there are plenty of issues and nothing the usa do better! 🇺🇸❌
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workersolidarity · 3 months
[ 📹 After Russian authorities tried to stop a white Renault sedan, the same vehicle the terrorists that attacked Crocus City Hall were seen escaping in, the vehicle refused to stop, after which Russian police opened fire on and overturned the vehicle. After pulling one of the suspects out of the sedan, tying the man up, he is interrogated, telling local authorities that he was offered half a million rubles to engage in the attack.]
🇷🇺 🚨
As the United States tries to pin the blame for the terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall on the ISIS extremist group, Russian authorities arrested 11 men in relation to the event, including the four gunmen responsible for the carnage at the concert hall as they attempted to cross into Ukrainian territory.
Recently, the ISIS extremist group, which has a history of working on and off with the Intelligence agencies of the United States, and have been accused of acting as proxy for the U.S., claimed responsibility for the attack through its associated news agency Amaq on its Telegram channel.
However, in a recent address to the Russian people, newly reelected Russian President, Vladimir Putin, told the country's population that the attackers made arrangements with Ukrainian authorities to open a window for which the attackers would escape over the border into Ukraine.
According to Russian media, on the morning of March 23rd, a white Renault sedan, the same vehicle the suspects were seen escaping from the Crocus City Hall in, was seen heading towards Ukraine, about 100km (62mi) from the border.
The suspects refused to stop for local police, after which, police forces opened fire on the vehicle, overturning the sedan and wounding one of the suspects.
After pulling one of the suspects out of the vehicle, police tied the man up and attempted to interrogate him on camera.
The video, published online by local authorities, shows the suspect being interrogated on his knees, shaking and barely able to answer the authorities questions.
During the short interrogation, the suspect tells Russian authorities that he received the task of the terrorist attack after following a "preacher" on Telegram. At some point, the "preacher's assistant" assigned him the attack on Crocus, offering him half a million rubles to shoot up the concert hall, even paying half the sum before hand.
“I listened to the preacher... His assistant wrote to me... about a month ago,” the detainee said.
He goes on say to Russian authorities that after a conversation with the "preacher's assistant," he received the task of "killing people."
Russian news outlet Ria Novosti described the information extracted from the suspect as follows:
"After some time, he admits that through an Internet resource where he listened to sermons, recruiters contacted him and offered to commit mass murder for 500 thousand rubles. Half was transferred in advance to the card, the rest was promised after completing the task. They also provided weapons. Who exactly it was is still unknown. According to the terrorist, he flew to Russia from Turkey on March 4."
Meanwhile, another suspect said that he met a man named "Abdullah" on Telegram, after which he was offered a job.
"We went to Dmitrovskoe Highway and bought a car from the relatives of a new friend. We are probably talking about the same Renault vehicle," the suspect is quoted as saying.
The suspects have since been taken for questioning by the Investigative Committee.
According to the Russian intelligence services, known as the FSB, the suspects have contacts in Ukraine and intended to cross the border where the Ukrainian authorities had opened a window for the attackers to escape into the warring country.
The FSB says the attack was carefully planned, with a cache of weapons that were hidden for the attackers to use.
Russian authorities have since detained a total of 11 suspects, four of whom have been shot by Russian forces.
According to some Russian reports, at least some of the attackers were natives of Tajikistan, however the authorities have not confirmed this information and asked that journalists "refrain from disseminating unverified and unreliable information."
The death toll in the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack rose today to 137 people killed, while another 180 were injured in the attack.
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sonodaten · 10 months
We really could’ve had a Sweden v Australia final now that’s the 3rd place match and instead we have to watch two dickheads play for 1st
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cealesti · 5 months
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another day, another usamerican making an ass of themselves.
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zingaplanet · 2 years
You know you truly broke all couples' goals when they had to ask an anthropologist about your PDA Fedal edition:
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
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#Sorry akdbrvekkdbrjekbdke this is just. not the first time I receive an ask of this kind and I really can't figure what makes this idea–#come across and how to stop it akdmbrkskdbbeksbdbeksk#I am. very much not. Besides I feel like my English is super broke so I thought at least *that* would give it away!!!#people asks me stuff#It's just. There's a big modern cultural colonization by the usa of my and other European countries–#which... Eh... Doesn't make me... Well... Uh... Very fond of the usa to put it that way#And I KNOW it's unfair towards the people and I love all of my friends from the usa deeply and truly#But like. I totally get this is just a small thing but like... It's hard to explain.#But you need to understand the influence the usa has on Europe is BAD. And at least in my country it's utterly terrible.#And it's more of an extension of a deep capitalist structure than all usa's fault but like... My country is currently undergoing a–#privatization of healthcare and education following a blatantly american model which is BAD. There's like one (1) thing that our country–#has going on which is free healthcare and some of the current leaders want to change that just because for them if that's how it works in–#the usa then it must be good. It's bad. it's screwed up. Once every year someone brings up making of the country a federal state–#like what the fuuuuuck what is wrong with everyone. Not to mention all the media we consume comes directly from the usa and contributes–#spreading the idea the usa is on top of the world and all other countries are underdeveloped compared to them. You see why it's bad#But like. God this is an awful and faulted way to reduce an extremely complex subject I really can't dwell on because an entire thesis–#could be written on it. But there's a huge cultural colonization in Europe that makes people feel like there's no possible alternative to–#late stage american capitalism which is sooooooo so so so fucked up.#Because capitalism wins the moment people start believing no alternative is possible
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eldesperadont · 2 years
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heehoo, my wrestling oc A.D.
—actual name René Schrattenecker, a demonic lil bastard brat working in the european indie scene, just really into fighting and entertaining crowds, the wrestling ring being the place they feel most comfortable in to express themself. Would be a babyface if he wouldnt rely sm on trickery;; has a few spooky moves that nobody wants to really question cause uhh… is that kid actually demonic?
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In 1998, Congress passed the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which prohibits online service providers from collecting the data of children under the age of 13 without parental consent.
COPPA is remarkable, first because it is one of the very, very few federal privacy guarantees enacted by Congress, an exclusive club whose founding member is the Video Privacy Protection Act of 1988, passed by Members of Congress panicked at the thought of video-store clerks leaking their porn rental histories.
But the other remarkable thing about COPPA is how poorly it is enforced.
In this regard, COPPA is very similar to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the EU’s 2016 landmark privacy law. The GDPR has many more moving parts than COPPA, as befits a general data-protection regulation, but at core, the GDPR seeks to incinerate the absurd fiction at the root of commercial surveillance: namely, that we “consent” to commercial surveillance by clicking “I agree” on long, unreadable terms of service.
Under the GDPR, companies that want to collect, sell or process your data need to explain themselves, clearly: they have to tell you what they’re collecting and how they plan on using it.
-How To Make a Child-Safe TikTok: Have you tried not spying on kids?
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empirearchives · 1 year
Will Durant on Napoleon’s dream of a peaceful Federation of European States:
“In that Association Européenne, all the component states would have the same money, weights, measures and basic laws, with no political barriers to travel, transport and trade. When Napoleon reached Moscow in 1812, he thought that only a just peace with Alexander remained in the way of realizing his dream. He had underestimated the centrifugal power of national differences.”
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menalez · 1 year
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leave it to TRAs to spew the most ice cold, ignorant takes without actually reading into what they criticise (beyond the header, of course)...
So for this cisgender woman with naturally high testosterone (and/or an intersex condition, I do not know her specific condition and it's honestly none of my business)
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it takes one quick search to find out that yes, christine mboma is intersex. it also takes a quick search to find out that not every intersex athlete is impacted by these rules. the ones impacted are intersex women with XY chromosomes and testosterone levels above 3 nmol/L, and a list of specific intersex conditions.
has to be be forced to take the same testosterone suppressing medications that these same competitive regulatory committee said wasn't good enough to suppress trans women's testosterone to allow them to compete in women's sports.
its ironic the same people who pretend to care for intersex people are the same ones making false equivalences rooted in intersexism. yes, a literal male who decided to transition is not the same as an intersex woman with XY chromosomes. intersex conditions affecting those that are genetically male but assigned female affects the way their body reacts to testosterone. someone who had a normal male puberty vs an intersex woman whose body does not process testosterone normally and thus did not have a normal male puberty are obviously completely different things. these intersex women have female bodies and genitalia, their bodies developed this way because their body did not undergo the puberty that non-intersex males like trans women have.
If she has naturally high testosterone, similar to that that trans women experience in their lives pre-transition then wouldn't she have the same advantages that a trans woman supposedly inherently has and can not be corrected with said testosterone suppression?
no, because trans women did not simply have 'naturally high testosterone', they had testosterone within the male range, experienced male puberty, have male biology, and their bodies process testosterone the way any average male body would. intersex women can have high testosterone that still isnt within the male range, have female biology, and their body does not process testosterone the way any average male bodies would. for this reason, a male that transitioned after puberty and an intersex woman who simply has higher testosterone and XY chromosomes are not the same category. the intersexism in this post is off the charts
Like, no one should have to undergo forced medical treatment to be able to compete or to make it "fair" for their competition. Other athletes have all kinds of natural advantages, like Michael Phelps having an abnormal wingspan and larger lungs and heart. In fact, every high level athlete has some kind of physical advantage, that's how they're such high level athletes. You think the people they beat out for their spots just, what, didn't work as hard? Didn't grab those bootstraps tight enough? Fuck no.
this is such a false equivalence. yes, atheltes are already all outliers. in fact the regulations created already consider outliers bc the testosterone levels expected are way higher than that of the average woman. we can sit here debating all day over how actually athleticism in itself is unfair but at the end of the day, theres a reason the women's sports category was created and it was to include women who naturally are disadvantaged in terms of speed & strength when compared to men. arguing that there's no kind of unfairness and no one should have to undergo any kind of criteria to be able to compete is beyond ridiculous, as well as ignorant.
that said, i dont know if the regulations for intersex athletes have undergone thorough enough research and investigation and i think that world athletics needs to look deeper into that and see if making blanket categorical exclusions of intersex athletes isn't the wisest due to heterogeneity within those intersex conditions.
this person is clearly ignorant and doesn't know what they're talking about, at all, and they admitted to this from the beginning. and yet people blindly agreed w it lmao
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blkwag · 1 year
europeans fuming any time the usa is brought up to host anything football related
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beaniegender · 1 year
But it did reveal a reality many people know but very few say: we often feel most passionately about causes that directly affect ourselves or those we consider most like ourselves. During this tournament, there was no player or coach or national federation executive who was openly gay and prepared to talk about their experience. Elite men’s football and the state of Qatar are united in that trait: gay men are often invisible and their experiences go unheard.
No football player or coach communicated the purpose of the armband they wished to wear, or the importance of rights and freedoms, or sought to convey in any way what life might be like for a Qatari queer person or a gay supporter elsewhere. So all these lives were reduced to a row about a rainbow, which wasn’t even a rainbow.
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