therealslimshady · 10 months
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Is this anything
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yuttikkele · 11 months
what is this happy music playing while the world is being destroyed? what is this, the end of evangelion??
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the-spaced-out-ace · 10 months
New challenge: learn to play A Cruel Angel’s Thesis on the piano in just 10 days
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iceyrukia · 7 months
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The way that weather woman dress is some parts of LATAM is just downright ridiculous like you would NEVER see men being required to dress like this in order to report the weather. And it’s a very formal job at that, where people get their NEWS and it’s supposed to be very professional but hey let’s have the dress code be something that will draw in male viewers at the expense of objectifying women.
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Quick what's the song that's playing in your head right now
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kienava · 2 years
flying type eeveelution with angel wings called evangeleon
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yourfaveisafearavatar · 7 months
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Asuka Langley Shikinami from Neon Genesis Evangeleon is an Avatar of the Extinction.
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wxrmeaterz · 4 days
so because lots of people cant understand that introjects arent equivalent to their source and generalising them like that is gross and ableist..
heres a list of some of our "cringe" or "problematic" sources cus fuck u!!
- Invader Zim: Gir
- Rick and Morty: Rick, Morty
- MCYT: (not disclosing), Slmccl, Quackity
- Tokyo Ghoul: Kaneki (x3)
- The Bear: Carm
- Jujutsu Kaisen: Mimiko, Nanako, Inumaki
- Bluey: Bingo
- FNAF: Sun
- MHA: Aizawa, Bakugo, Eri
- Killing Stalking: (not disclosing)
- Neon Genesis Evangeleon: Rei, Shinji, Tabris
if u cant be normal about introjects, DNI.
Note: I have asked for these alters permission to post their sources and/or names. any hate or fakeclaiming will promptly be deleted and blocked.
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the-muppet-joker · 2 months
what kind of music do you listen to (if any)
Insane Clown Posse
Mindless Self Indulgence
Maroon 5
Crywank (Just started listening to them.)
I also frequently listen to various muppet songs as well as the Neon Genesis Evangeleon theme song.
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doubleddenden · 2 years
Okay so like... anyone else have some insane theories about wtf happened in the Great Crater? I'm sitting here like
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and i saw really good theories, but i had my own takes on how certain things went down. Mind you I'm playing from the perspective of someone that beat Violet, so if there's something slightly different in Scarlet (which I doubt its all that different), i might be a tad off.
But if you want to fall down into this rabbit hole with me, read on what I basically copied from my insane ramblings at my friends and slightly expanded on. BUT, be warned, do not read unless you have beaten all the stories of the game. All of them. There's major spoilers if you do, and I strongly recommend you experience the ending for how powerful it is, and read the Violet book contents for yourself in the Entrance Hall.
There's a book called the Violet/Scarlet book depending on the version, and it was written by a man named Heath from the Area Zero expedition team that explored this huge, unmapped and perilous Great Crater at the center of Paldea/PokeSpain. Heath wrote about a lot of crazy things that the public thought was nothing more than fantasy roughly… I think 200 years ago? Until the professor half proves it true about 10 years ago by discovering the "jewels" that the book talked about that would make Pokemon all sparkly- Terrastilizing basically- and made them a pretty common phenomena in the rest of Paldea. This same book also mentions various weird monsters that look like either ancient versions of Pokemon or futuristic robot versions of Pokemon- again, this is HUNDREDS of years ago written down- and these Pokemon do exist.
Further into the Violet book, Heath talks about a particular… Thing he saw- He's unsure of whether its a Pokemon at all and the text is all garbled, and the picture is hardly any help because it kinda looks about as abstract as an Evangeleon angel. BUT, the Pokemon is said to be comprised of a LOT of hexagonal shapes basically, and since it's heavily hinted like this, it's most likely another legendary Pokemon not covered in base Scarlet or Violet at this point. Here's the creepy part about the hexagons: Professor Turo/Sada- although not really them and more like their AI counterpart- basically gets the player to come down to Area Zero/The Great Crater's very bottom to turn off a time machine that is uncontrollable, following a strict program by the ORIGINAL Professor that is long since dead, and is bringing past/future Pokemon to the present in ways that would destroy or endanger our ecosystems. GUESS WHAT FUCKING SHAPES ARE COMPRISED OF THE TIME MACHINE ROOM??? well, triangles, but also HEXAGONS!!!! LOTS OF MULTICOLOR HEXAGONS!!!
it gets even weirder. Heath wrote an entry about how he and his team found these weird carvings and symbols in Area Zero that cannot be deciphered. He also writes about how he woke up someplace random one night, faintly remembering having a conversation with something or someone but not having the foggiest clue what, and he had notes and shit scribbled down after that. Separate from that, the Time Machine Turo/Sada built is able to send pokeballs to distant eras to capture and bring back those creatures to the present- but they didn't invent it until about 10 years prior to the present day- AND YET Heath still saw Paradox Pokemon. It'd be a simple thing to say the Great Crater acts as a nature preserve to super ancient Pokemon if it were just that- but 200 years ago in VIOLET Specifically, a robot Donphan mortally wounded a team member- same as the ancient Donphan does in Scarlet. That should be impossible because Iron Treads/Robot Donphan is from the FUTURE, not the past.
BUT for some fucking reason, for some DANG OL REASON, despite us going through several fail safes to turn it off, more and more fail safes come back online despite the AI wanting us to turn it off- because the AI saw that this was dangerous, but Turo for some reason wanted DESPERATELY to keep the Time Machine running. The desperation is so intense that the fail safes are able to overwrite AI Turo's will in order to protect the time machine.
Basically it seems fated that Turo/Sada obtains the Violet/Scarlet book somehow, because it ends up being their favorite childhood book and eventually brings them to the crater where they set up a lab and eventually succeed in building their time machine and proving Terrastilization is real. Turo, from my end anyway because Violet, seems obsessed with making "Paradise" in which Future Pokemon can coexist with present Pokemon- In fact, he seems to be driven somewhat mad by it, because his fellow scientists- including the woman that would become his son/Arven's mother even abandoned him. Turo would eventually create an AI that is a perfect replica of his personality and memories to a certain extent, made only possible due to the energy that is available down there. Turo would eventually be killed by a second Miraidon that he brings back from the future- I assume Sada is killed by a second Koraidon- either way, the robot is now all that's left of the Professor, and it asks us to come down to turn it off.
I believe Turo had some sort of… connection to some sort of entity- probably the same one that conversed with Heath- and the entity basically laid out seeds that would lead to Turo creating the time machine- including having Turo send future Pokemon back to the exact point the Zero Expedition was happening, ensuring the Violet Book would be written and bring him there. But now the issue is this: Why? Why was he so desperate? Why was it so important to keep the portal open? p2
The hexagons play another role in this: In Area Zero, crystals grow rampantly and even swallows technology whole, even trees aren't spared, but it was able to swallow WHOLE BUILDINGS. The mysterious Hexagon thingy Heath found is most likely the progenitor to Terrastilizing- and this is where it gets weirder and weirder- Terrastilized crowns that EVERY POKEMON WEARS all have tiny faces in the crowns. The orb that allows us to Terrastilize is also conveniently shaped like a Pokeball, imo.
Theory time: Terrastilizing is a sort of soft fusion between a regular Pokemon and this hexagonal entity that can alter its types- Which probably means it can be any type like Arceus. And again, the entire room the time machine is in is COVERED in hexagons- rainbow prism hexagons that constantly change and refract colors. Crazy time: The original Turo/Sada was lured into the Crater by some being- maybe from the ancient past or from the far future- so that it could make some sort of bridge to our time from when its most powerful, because as of now, its power barely escapes the crater in the form of Terra crowns. They were sort of driven mad by the same thing that visited Heath until they died. THIS THING IS AN ELDRITCH BEING OF SOME SORT. Maybe it has access to ancient records if its from the future after assimilating with technology, maybe it has clairvoyance about the far future due to being in its prime back in the ancient past- either way, there's something it wants in the present, and it NEEDED the time machine to be open.
And I don't wanna point fingers, but I think Glimmora has something to do with this. Glimmora is relatively... weak? Maybe not quite as imposing Pokemon as something like Garchomp or something to be the ace of a "Top" Champion. BUT, in Violet, this is its dex entry:
Violet: Glimmora's petals are made of crystallized poison energy. It has recently become evident that these petals resemble Tera Jewels. 
Its face also resembles the face in the crowns of each terra crown as well.
Now I'm not saying Glimmora is exactly evil- no no no, I'm merely putting it in the same boat as Cyclizard and Carbink specifically. Cyclizard, as we know, is either the descendant or ancestor to Koraidon and Miraidon, and Diancie is said to have evolved from a Carbink and then created Mega Stones. GUESS WHAT POKEMON IS SUPER FUCKING COMMON DOWN IN THE DEEPEST PITS OF AREA ZERO??? Glimmora! Where all of those crystals grow! What if this super ancient or super future hexoganal Pokemon is some sort of relative to it? Glimmora in the present just being a regular Pokemon or perhaps innocent seeming eyes for it- either way, like Cyclizard, it would become a future evolved from a past variant.
Let's go deeper. Glimmora and Glimmet have 6 flower petals- the Terra jewels are hexagonal. The petals for both are a toxic mineral- Whenever a Trainer Terrastilizes, it seems like it might be slightly painful for them or hard to control- most wince. Geeta... doesn't. She reacts to it, but not like others do, merely glancing at the Terra Orb. The player has no issues with this and seems to do it with zero discomfort.
When Geeta Terrastilizes, she says "Be the light of all trainers, Glimmora." Which... Could just be flavor text, but I feel like there could be more as well.
So now my theory is that this Hexagon Pokemon is likely some sort of eldritch being that can communicate with people via their minds- And mind you, another Rock/Poison type also could poison the minds of someone it possesses, that Pokemon being Nihilego. It could be that this Pokemon is brainwashing or sort of making people do its bidding- all to get the time machine built.
So now we're left with "Why?" and "How."
And I think we have a perhaps even bigger question
What the actual hell made that fucking crater?
and two scarier ones:
What does it want?
Could something turn the machine back on? Because we know things other than Pokeballs can travel through time thanks to AI Turo.
I think future DLC is going to be fucking WILD because holy shit, the story in this game is already freaking fantastic, and now we might havve some major eldritch conspiracy shit going on.
Or I'm probably wrong, reading way too deep into this, and GF is just gonna be like "lol who knows" like they usually do. They tend to do that a lot and just... never elaborate on things. This time just feels way too detailed and interwoven to just be left alone, though.
end Pepe Silvia time
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therealslimshady · 10 months
I feel so bad I only boy post about nge when the girls are the best part of the entire show but truly nothing compares to the shrimp emotions you unlock after watching twenty three episodes of the most "yeah we get it showrunners this is an anime and you think girls are hot" only for shinji to fall heads over heals in love with a guy who not only loves him back but also turns out to be the final angel and begs shinji to kill him so he has a chance to live and be happy. Like HELLO??
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ursaspecter · 2 years
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Now time for the best girl: Valerie! The first two aren't so much redesigns as they are just drawing them in my style with miniscule changes. Her upgraded Red Huntress outfit is the one I really redesigned. I usually don't do mechanical tech stuff, so this was a fun challenge! As always design notes will be under the cut, and any feedback is appreciated and welcome!
Tools used: XP Pen Artist 15.6 Pro, Clip Studio Paint Reblogs >>> Likes!
For her casual outfit I gave her a sort of muscle tee instead of a tank top since I personally think the tee is cuter :P I also made her skirt a pleated one because I saw so many cute pleated skirts in Delias catalogs while researching her looks.
Her first Red Huntress outfit is not much different from how it is in the show. All I did was make it slightly more practical and added more detail to her backpack. I loosely based the design off a proton pack from Ghostbusters. If you've seen my Ghostbuster Barbie art, you'll see the similarity.
Now the fun part. Her upgraded Red Huntress outfit was inspired by the plugsuits from Neon Genesis Evangeleon (which I still need to watch). I thought they really fit with the y2k futurism aesthetic I wanted to incorporate into this design. All the reds were taken from Vlad's color palette to show that she still got her tech from him in the first place.
I think there's something interesting about my designs for Danny's ghost form and Valerie's Red Huntress. Danny's is more utilitarian and has a lot of big pockets to store things. He has a belt and harness to attach things to him or himself to other things. Valerie on the other hand is very sleek and has no pockets. Her main task is to hunt ghosts and collect her bounty whereas Danny's main task is really to learn to live with his powers even if he ends up defending the town along the way.
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c4arl2y · 1 year
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evangeleon is probably my favorite work... how strange, but I often review it because I want to calm down. there's a lot of pain in it, so it's easier to cope with stress, you just project everything onto the characters....
For the same reason, I often drew crossovers with Eva. And I also had uchiha brothers in number 😓
I am the only child in the family, which is why I cling to this image of siblings so often. the need to protect someone or why, since no one did this to me in childhood...
so for me, the relationship between Shinji and Kaoru. or Itachi and Sasuke.... it's probably a dream of saving two drowning people....? even if you make a choice not in your favor, the second one will definitely pop up. it's painful, but many people do it and don't admit it. it's probably also selfish.... therefore, it seems to me that this should be talked about as a fact. not to wander, but to try to understand the root cause....
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elongated-twink · 2 months
See I LOVE the Killdozer story because it has all the elements of a good movie:
✅ Religious crusades
✅ Big fucking machines
It’s exactly like Neon Genesis Evangeleon probably idk I never watched it
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slenderverse · 4 months
random martin oc facts u may not know (but u know now)
the myers men (& mickey) are very, very good at math. myers' grandfather joseph handled the finances of their hunting shop up until his death. myers' dad james picked up on it, then myers. mickey's good at math but she doesn't run the shop
angel gets married to a man named elvis when they're in their 30s. he's a business investor who met angel when he was interested in investing in the diner that she was the manager of. they adopt angel's niece and nephew later on & have a kid of their own (i love elvis i need to talk about him more)
mickey becomes a social worker :) she started college later due to the amnt of trauma in her life and her gen ed degree advisor actually pointed her in the direction of being a social worker
marcus gets really into anime when it starts getting popular in america. he took vinny to a showing of akira :) marcus is a big fan of sci-fi/action anime and his favorites are evangeleon & cowboy bebop. out of all of the "long running" classic animes he probably likes one piece the most, followed by dragon ball.
ann was a trekkie and a spirk shipper when the show first started airing. it was her idea to go see a new hope when it came out! she and vinny are big into fan culture, she's probably contributed some writing to zines that she won't admit unless you ask
this involves other ppls' ocs but myers gives floral-based petnames to his partners :) vinny was dandelion (they dated in college), but with my friend's ocs across several universes he has clover, honeysuckle, rosa & pansey
(for my birthday... u should ask me questions abt my ocs...)
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So you know how in Evangeleon the robots alive. Dies the same case go for you this fnaf AU based on it?
Mhm! The robots here are very much alive! Or at least sentient. Like the glamrocks normally are (maybe even a lil further), except it extends to all of them. Which means Baby can be a menace without killing a kid!
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