#Everyone at the NRC is haunted by having to judge
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Every time there's a Culinary Crucible event in Twisted, I always end up thinking about it from the stuffing perspective of all the judges involved and how much they have to eat.
Like do they get excited? Dread? Are these known as battles in the dorms where they know they aren't going to fit in their pants by the time it's done. They have to judge for their grades just as much as the learning chefs have to so their grade depends on it. Some may try to game the system to try eat less, while some go full hog.
There's a lot to think about and I could write something but then I don't know who I should write it about or if I should attempt it about multiple people.
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achy-boo · 7 months
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Ambrose Astaroth Libya
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"Amber is mostly silent so you can't get much from him" -Night
"He can talk but..his voice will be...mentally damaging" -Tsukii/Jeanne
"He just came back from his trip from Purgatory in the Mystery Haunt. I am glad to see him again.." -Dawn
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"Such noisy people...no wonder I didn't go to NRC.."-Ambrose
Full name: Ambrose Astaroth Libya
Name meaning: Ambrose means Immortal from Greek/Latin and Astaroth means Star in Persian/Phoenician
Gender: male
Age: 23
Sexuality: He is in a lot of questioning right now
Species: Unknown to most people but he is what Erebos called it an immortal siren/vampire
Personality: Ambrose is...one of the most mysterious people you will ever meet. He never talk much and his expression is both stoic yet cold. He has no problem saying what is on his mind which may lead to people crying due to this. Strangers will feel like he is judging them with just his eyes(which he is actually..) and never like small talk unless it suits his interests. With his loved ones though, he is more expressive and kind. He is finally happy to be with his childhood friends and family. He missed everything so he wants to make up all the lost time. SO in short, Strangers will have a DIFFICULT time with him due to his wariness towards people and his lack of words but his loved ones will have an opposite of that since they all have been waiting for his arrival.
Likes: being free from Purgatory, his loved ones, staying silent, making up time lost, coffee, tea, a bit of blood, Night's dollmaking, music, rainy days, playing a flute, abandoned places, witchcraft, fashion
Dislikes: 'The Slimy bitch'(his rival), noisy people, bright places, people(sometimes), NRC(he don't hate it. He has a dislike towards NRC), anything that has a holy item and that 'symbol' on his whole back
Voice Claims
Japanese: Sunday from Honkai Star Rail
English: Dr.Ratio from Honkai Star Rail
He was a former student in RSA
After he later dropped out in his 2nd year due to his voice being a mental hazard towards his fellow peers
He was sent to Purgatory in Mystery Haunt since he was 13(which kinda means he went missing at that time)
Bro is silent and deadly when he is angry
He may or may not the one responsible for the chaos somewhere in the DL universe(The girls plead the fifth)
He is shorter than Valarian like he is 6'0 while Valarian is 6'5
Amber or Rose is one of his nicknames
He came back home after his 23rd birthday
He hated the person who sent him to Purgatory
His birthday is August 13th making him a Leo
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"I am back home everyone..after 10 long years."-Ambrose
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
TWST Azul’s senior
Let’s have a scenario where y/n is an Octavinelle 3rd year while Azul, Jade and Floyd are all 1st years. You’re the Dorm leader before Azul, before giving up the position to him. Let’s see how this goes! Thank you!
“Welcome to Octavinelle!”
That was what Azul heard as he stepped into the Octavinelle dormitory for the first time. Together with Jade and and Floyd, they looked in awe at the place. Lounge decorated with chandeliers, sofas were a plush lavender, the tinkering of glasses as some students in Octavinelle were catering to other students of other dormitories.
How interesting, he thought.
Then he saw them.
(eye colour), bright eyes, contrast with their (skin colour) tone, complemented with a warm, welcoming smile.
This was the dorm leader.
“What you see here, first years, is our lounge. We haven’t had a proper name for it yet, thus we just called it the Octa Lounge for now. The headmaster had allowed us to create an environment for students to study. Does anybody have anything to ask about the lounge?”
Azul raised his hand.
“ You, the one with the silver hair. You raised your hand?”
“Er, yes. Is this lounge perhaps acting as a study café?”
The dorm leader smiled at him.
“ Azul? Is something the matter?” The dorm leader asked.
Azul raised himself up the ranks from being a normal Octavinelle student to become the Vice President of Octavinelle. He and the dorm leader were the ones who made a deal with Crowley to expand the Monstro Lounge use to become a somewhat of a restaurant.
”Ah, nothing, senior y/n.”
He was lying. It wasn’t nothing.
But as time moved on, 3 months after the orientation, he felt like all eyes were watching him.
He always felt this way, he felt very insecure about his octopus form. The children from his hometown constantly bullied and taunted him. And now, he feels all the students from NRC are haunting him with the same experience he felt before.
You being the Octavinelle dorm leader, weren’t naive. You quickly caught up what was going on.
He had been talking with you the most regarding about the dorm‘s lounge, and how it should be run.
He also shared some past experience with you. You could tell in his eyes, you and the two twins were the only people he talked to the most, and the only people who he talked about his personal things.
You knew from young how he was bullied by the children in the sea for his octopus form. Being in NRC also made you felt like you didn’t fit in with other students. He surely must have felt the same.
And by being the bold dorm leader you are, you decided to take matters into your own hand.
”Azul, come with me.”
You’re unique magic was “Will never do us apart”, where people you have made deep connections with, you can open up a portal for them. (Inspired by RWBY semblance btw-)
Azul stepped into the portal, and now you were on some stranded island. Surrounded by sea.
”Well, transform.”
Azul was taken aback. Transform? Really???
”Don’t worry, I know this place well. No one is in the sea, except for dumb little fishes.”
”Well.. alright..” he complied hesitantly.
He transformed into his mer octopus form and submerge before popping his head out of the water.
”Are.. are you following me, senior y/n?” ”Of course, but when I dive, please do not touch me, my appearance would give the explanation.”
Azul just nodded and gave some space for his senior to dive.
You made a running start and dived, air bubbles surrounding your figure, to which Azul closed his eyes, hands and tentacles shield his face before he hovered away even more.
Then he opened his eyes.
A glowing, blue, translucent figure was all he see. Tentacles thin and delicate flowed gracefully in the water. It all made sense on why you ask him to move away.
You were a mer jellyfish.
“Judging by the looks on your face, I’m guessing you have connected the dots.”
“I’m a chinorex fleckori species, my stings could kill anything in a matter of mere seconds.”
You looked down and smiled sadly.
”I was never allowed to go to the coral reefs. My stings might have killed the entire population by accident. I was stranded, lost. I didn’t know what to do, where to go. Thus, learning about spells to transform me into a human whenever I want, made me desperately try to cling onto it. I practiced and practiced everyday until I felt my skin melting in the sun and went back into the waters. When I transform into a human, that stranded island was the place I finally could land on my two feet without melting. I was so ecstatic.”
You paused.
” But, growing up, before I knew about my poison, people screamed in fear when they saw me, when I just wanted to play. When I accidentally touched someone, they died. In my hands. Everyone else screamed ‘murderer! murderer!’ and I didn’t understand.”
” And when I felt like had no one, Azul, that is when,”
you paused again,
”that is when I admitted I was lonely. To move forward. I had to remind myself there are people out there feeling lonely, too. And when you feel shameful, I knew I couldn’t keep everything to myself. While I had no one, the only thing I had was the sea. I pretended it was a person and talked to it. Pretty embarrassing, but I felt a lot better.”
You smiled at Azul.
”So what I’m trying to say here, Azul, is to never be afraid of opening up, to telling others about what disturbs you. And if you really feel you have no one to turn to, just talk to me, Jade or Floyd.”
Azul remained speechless. Loneliness. Someone he looked up to felt the same way before?
”Let’s return to the surface. I have a gift for you.”
Returning to the stranded shore, you asked him to open his palm, to which he complied.
A blue, tampa drill shell was placed softly on his palm.
“So, when I graduate, if I’m not free for a phone call, or when I’m not free in general, you could share your worries with this little me. I collect seashells as a hobby, and this one is my favourite one, but I think you deserve it the most.”
You grinned at him.
”Remember you don’t have to face your battles alone, Azul.”
Azul eyes widened in awe. He never felt so touched by a person this way before. Then he realised he was staring a little too much, to which he coughed awkwardly and blushed in embarrassment and euphoria.
”Of- of course, senior s/o. Thank you.”
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
Yandere Teams //Twisted Wonderland x Reader//
The quality of my writing keeps getting worst and worst 🤣
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Malleus + Lilia
Lilia and Malleus are one of the better pairs of yanderes to share a darling. Malleus is so eager to keep his darling locked up, away from everyone, everything. But simultaneously Malleus has a weak spot for Lilia, he looks up to the older fae and desperately wants to gain his approval. He also trusts his judgment, so if Lilia wants to play a little bit "rough" with the darling then Malleus is willing to turn a blind eye. On the other hand, Lilia has a sicker, much more twisted manner of thinking about their situation, the older fae doesn't just see the Darling as his property he also sees Malleus as his now! Yes in Lilia's warped mind both Malleus and the poor darling belong to him and only him. 
Life with the two isn't too bad, it's really all a matter of staying on both their good sides. Don't tick off one and expect the other to side with you. Malleus always takes Lilia's side no matter what, in his eyes, the pink and black-haired fae can do no wrong. On the other hand, Lilia just doesn't care. 'Malleus put you under a sleeping curse?' oh well that just how he is. 'Malleus broke your arm when he mistakenly thought you were attempting to escape?' That's just how things are around here better get used to it. 
Just sit around like a nice pretty doll and let the two powerful fairies do as they want with you and everything will be okay.
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Jade + Floyd
It all started when you made the mistake of asking Jade out on a date. One day when you'd swallowed up enough courage you marched up to your senior and all but begged for a date. To your surprise, Jade had agreed, hesitantly but never the less the "yes" was said. Oh, how happy you had been that day. Rushing back to your dorm room to doll yourself up.  Fantasizing about the date as you danced around the room.
But when you actually arrived at the Mostro Lounge somethings off. Jade isn't...well, right. His smile is too big stretching across his cheeks in the most unnatural manner. His eyes have lost their spark, they're dull and dead almost like they're made of silicone. His personality isn't right either, he's too fidgety too hyper. He's all but bouncing off the walls and singing every other word.
When you finally walk over to him, the teal haired teen lounges himself at you, wrapping his arms so tightly around your body that air can't pass through your lungs. It's in that quick-paced breathless moment that you realize your mistake. This isn't Jade, this isn't the sweet charismatic gentleman no..this is his brother Floyd, the one person in NRC that haunts your dreams. The one boy that never goes one day without screaming your name through the hallways and "accidentally" bumping into you.
Try as you might to get out of his grasp and run for the exit, it's all futile. The younger just keeps hugging tighter and tighter until pesky black spots start to float around your sight, the bright lights fade into shimmering orbs as your consciences slowly slips away.
It's later when you wake up that you notice just how grave and hopeless your situation is. The grinning faces of both twins are peering down at you, sharp teeth on full display as they get closer and closer...
These two are the most in sync yanderes you will ever meet. Sure they seem like polar opposites but when it comes to their darling they can agree on practically EVERYTHING.
Now friendly reminder that Floyd is the more aggressive one out of the two. His cold fingers are always trickling over your skin, pinching the flesh as he proclaims how "cute" you are. Jade is the last string of sanity for both you and his brother. He makes sure you are both in line and never go overboard...technically Floyd never goes overboard. Jade is also much more hesitant to hurt their precious darling, he does enjoy how much you need him, but he hates seeing his little "goldfish" (the only fish's name I can write without getting a mini heart attack, yes I hate fish that much XD) in any form of pain. Now both marks are a completely different story, both twins adore marking their darling. Jade prefers to leave "love bites" over your neck and shoulders trailing down to your arms, while Floyd prefers to mark your thighs and torso area.
The twins may not be the most intense yanderes but they aren't very subtle either, just when you're starting to go with the flow they change something to throw you off and send you spiraling down a waterfall of confusion.
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Riddle + Chenya Riddle and Chenya are the most contradicting yanderes you'll ever meet. These two can't agree on anything! Riddle usually set rules but Chenya always manages to convince their darling to break them under the pretext that "they won't get punished". Technically he's not telling a complete lie, He won't get punished but you sire will. Riddle is slightly more sympathetic when he's punishing his darling for a broken rule that Chenya convinced them to break. He knows that it's all his childhood friend's fault but he still has to discipline you with the hope that next time you won't listen to that idiot.
Now both these boys are possessive and desperate for any form of affection their beloved will give. Doesn't matter if it's kisses or gentle head pats so long as they can feel their s/o's tender fingers over their flesh. This usually leads to a tug of war between childhood friends. One of them is always trying to strangle your attention away from the other. Wither its Chenya sneaking up behind you and Riddle while you cuddle or Riddle yell and screaming until you and Chenya break apart your kiss and make room for him on the couch.
Overall these two are so chaotic together that sometimes their darling wonders why they even teamed up in the first place...
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Leona + Ruggie Leona and Ruggie are actually a very underhanded duo. It's obvious from the start that Leona is pulling the strings. He manipulated Ruggie into helping him, briding the younger boy with the promise of the darling's undying love or food, either one works. It's Ruggie that does the physical kidnapping, it's also Ruggie that has to take care of the darling. Making sure they stay fed, clean, having something to wear after both he and Leona got rather aggressive on some nights. He does all the heavy lifting, while Leona just lays around cuddling the darling before falling asleep.
Leona has multiple ways of keeping both Ruggie and the darling in line. He's always being so considerate, so "caring" constantly showing them in pricey gifts or treating them over the top fancy restaurants. Anything at all no matter how expensive as long as it keeps them compliant.
These two do make a good team, but it's all manipulation and mind games. When the dust settles did either of them really love you? Or was it all a sick game for the two wild beasts? 
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Divus + Sam
Now Divus and Sam are a rather...odd mix. They don't work very well as a team at first, they're constantly bickering arguing over the smallest things. What their darling will wear, what she'll eat, etc, etc
It gets so bad at one point that Divus and Sam actually start a custody battle over the poor darling. The other teachers are intrigued, playing along for their own amusement. At some point, Lilia - only wanting to see how disastrous it will be- suggests a trial like they do in the movies and because the teachers in NRC are over-glorified children themselves that's exactly what they do!
The jury is made up of the dorm leaders, all reluctant to be there -with the exception of Kalim and a very confused Malleus- Ashton is Divus' lawyer, a horrible one at that. The man has no idea what's going on and is constantly yelling "OBJECTION"!  At some point, Azul and Riddle take their gym teacher aside to explain the basic principles of a courtroom to him.  He's slightly better after that bringing in students to testify for professor Crewel after he promises them a passing mark in his class that is.
Mozus is surprisingly a great lawyer, he has the perfect "witness", asks all the right questions and is constantly throwing shade at how bad Ashton is at anything that requires a bit of wit.
Crowley is obviously the judge, he's just happy to be there honestly. The poor bird-man's throat is slowly going raw from the number of times he's screamed at Ashton to quite down, at Leona to wake up, at Kalim to sit down, at Vil to stop checking his makeup and at Idia to get off his dame phone! An hour into the "Trial" and he already has his verdict.
That leaves you, the reason this whole catastrophe started. You're seated by the headmaster, dressed up in a glittering white dress, your hair and makeup done as if you were the guest of honor at some banquet. Your hands are threaded with silver handcuffs identical to those used on criminals if anyone with no prior knowledge to these events was to enter they surely would think that you were the criminal on trial here.
Finally Crowley proposes a split. Divus gets the darling from Sunday to Tuesday, while Sam gets her on Thursday until Saturday. With Wednesday being a day in which they both get their beloved. The setup works for a few weeks, almost shy of a whole month but...
It gets too much, neither men can standing being apart from their lover for three whole dame days! It's to vexing, too taxing. So they find another way, actually, it's Sam that turns up one day at Divus' room looking like a kicked puppy and all but begging to see their darling. Feel a tingle of pity Divus lets him in. This ends up becoming a normal thing. Every time Sam has you Divus will show up in his room and visa versa. They get better at sharing, agreeing with one another, one may even say they start to enjoy each other's company as much as their darling's.
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twstdreams · 4 years
Thank you so much for the dorm match up! 😊 I am a bit of a chatterbox and I love to discuss on various things. I don't really care what, just as long it's interesting! With subjects I am good with English, History and Geography but I am really bad at match, physics, chrmistry, literally anything of that sort. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I am open with my emotions, if I feel like crying I'll cry, if I feel like laughing, I'll laugh. (1/?)
Also, I am really not good with technology either! I am an INFP and when it comes to people there isn't really a specific personality type I get along with. It's mostly kind of just "if we vibe, we vibe" thing. My friend group is very quirky and varies which makes things so fun! As a person I am quite cheerful, optimistic and bubbly but if I'm in the mood I am quite chaotic! Just really random which freaks some ppl out while others love it, pick your side 😂
I'm a sucker for sweets and yougurt, I can never get enough of that! I also have a passion for scary stories and when I go on walks I love listening to them! I love mythology, faries especially, and I daydream all the time! I get so lost in my world that I sometimes lose track of where I am! I'm generally nice to people I might, maybe a bit shy to some, but still pleasant enough for them to like me.
However I can be quite cold if I don't like some person. I give them the silent treatment and if I HAVE to speak to them I'm just really bitter and snarky. I strongly dislike arrogant people and people who bully. I can also be quite protective over the ones I love and my friends call me that mum of the group, although when the mood hits me I can be a child too. But yeah, mostly the mum friend who worries too much! Is this enough?
Happy Birthday, sweetie! I hope you enjoy this gift!
The shape of thy soul is ... Diasomnia!
You’re not good with technology? No worries, neither is Malleus. Diasomnia is founded on the Witch of Thorns who comes from the Valley of Thorns, a land where most things are magic-based rather than machine reliant. Therefore, no one is going to judge your lack of technical skills
You don’t encapsulate the elegance that Diasomnia students usually emulate. However, considering Sebek is shouting left, right, and centre, Silver is taking naps anywhere and everywhere, and Lilia is currently hanging upside down, it’s not enough to be a deal-breaker
It’s great that you get along with a variety of people because Diasomnia has a wide range of students as well and will help you overcome the aura that the other dorms feel make it hard to approach Diasomnia students
Even if other students don’t have the guts to point it out, Diasomnia, like most of NRC, has its own brand of chaos. Malleus is threatening to light people on fire, Sebek could not stop exalting his young master if his life depended on it, Lilia teleports as he pleases, and Silver has infamous “mad-free space.” You will fit in just fine with the chaos.
Your cheerful, bubbly, and optimistic nature will be welcome! There’s not a lot of sunlight as the dorm as it's modelled after the Witch’s castle, but you can be the designated source of sunshine! Lilia finds your bubbly nature so cute and Malleus finds your optimism refreshing
Your love of sweets will be indulged when there are tea parties! Ignore Sebek’s glaring and forge on, tea and sweets are a lovely combo.
You and Malleus are quite the chatterbox combo! Malleus goes on and on about gargoyles and the stories surrounding them and you adore listening to the ones about haunted ones. 
You love asking him about fae customs and he happily obliges given that you’ve listened to his gargoyle tangent. Lilia answers your questions too, but sometimes you wonder if he’s just pulling your leg. Sebek will answer inquiries too but be prepared for a lecture to go hand in hand.
Losing track of where you are? You probably run into Silver napping at random areas. If you decide to wake him up from his impromptu slumber, he’ll be very grateful
Diasomnia is filled with protective friends, so that aspect is easily accepted. What’s the use of all this power if not to protect that which is precious to you?
Your cold and feisty treatment towards those you detest is nothing new at Diasomnia either. Most people are scared of accidentally angering those from Diasomnia as they can’t be dealt with by normal means. There’s a reason others find people from this dorm hard to approach. The fact that you’re not throwing shotput balls fast enough to break bones as a warning already puts you amongst the nicer ones.
Dorms to avoid:
Being bad at chemistry, and all the sciences in general, will already put you at a major disadvantage at the dorm where everyone excels at magic potions and sorcery
You may love sweets but you probably won’t like the vigorous exercise routine you’ll have to complete first to compensate for any and all desserts you consume
Vil can and will make you cry. Furthermore, he might not even stop his berating even if tears are streaming down your face
Daydream in the middle of Vil lecturing you and you will most likely get smacked right then and there
Not all of Pomefiore’s students are arrogant, some are kind and open-minded to a degree, but you’ll definitely meet people who you’ll want to kick off their high horse
You dislike arrogant people and bullies, which this dorm has in spades. 
Exasperated sighs fall from your lips as you nearly marvel at how Leona is both so incredibly lazy yet also arrogant.
Cocky upperclassmen who have no issue playing dirty and bullying others also infuriate you. Be careful because they’re not afraid to use magic or brawn to drive a point home
Daydreaming is not really a safe activity at the Savanaclaw dorm given how ready everyone is to fight, even a small slight like bumping into someone is enough to set off a brawl
Other possible dorms:
Your love of sweets is thoroughly sated at the Heartslabyul dorm. There are constantly a galore of high-quality sweets thanks to Unbirthday parties and you’ll get your fair share as long as you don’t upset Trey
If Ignihyde is known for little to no social interactions and sticking to itself, then Heartslabyul is the opposite. Like many other Heartslabyul students, you get along with a variety of people. Cater has friends from nearly every dorm, showing her personable Heartslabyul students can be
Don’t mistake this dorm as a cutesy pushover place because of the pretty parties and eccentric activities. Heartslabyul dorm is filled with people who have no qualms getting revenge or doling out punishment. 
Riddle screams “OFF WITH YOUR HEAD” at a moment’s notice, and especially if he catches someone breaking the rules more than once. Trey may come off as a serene brotherly figure but he’s ready to dole out fitting passive-aggressive punishments like any older sibling is. Deuce is ready to throw down at a moment’s notice if someone is disrespectful. So your cold and snarky treatment towards those you dislike probably doesn’t even have anyone blinking an eye unless it breaks a rule
Speaking of rule-breaking, having to memorize 810 rules and daydreaming are not two things that mesh well. If you were part of the dorm pre-overblot, it was rough. It probably still is, but you’re trying!
Bonus: Riddle ensures no students fail so even if you suck with anything science or math-related, you’ve got an incredibly smart, tutor
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