#Eye of Terror
minart-was-taken · 1 year
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True story 💛
(I'm aware Webber and Wendy wouldn't say these things, or at least not in this way, but this is supposed to represent me and my friend playing and not the characters!)
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transmechanicus · 2 years
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inbarfink · 8 months
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adamk201 · 5 months
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i love eye of terror so so much shes really really cute especially wiþ þe eyeball in þe back of her þroat /srs
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þese guys too þeyre extremely silly too
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Explaining AELDARI ORIGINS To My Girlfriend
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dipndotz · 2 years
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aggie i did while on call with @twelviebunnie thought id share our abominations 
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trve-grimdark · 2 years
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Eye of Terror
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nightwonder7 · 2 years
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OCtober 2022 - Day 27: Scared
You could say Wayne is having quite a terrible night. Hah! Get it? Cause it's an Eye of Terror! And he's terrified!
...I’ll see myself out.
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weizhentian · 1 year
Do you think there's a place in the Eye of Terror called Iskandariyya?
(Iskandariyya is another name for Alexandria)
(Today I learned there's an Alexandria, Iraq)
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mirbisduschoen · 1 year
Children's TV Programming In The Imperium Vs. Chaos, My Hc
First off, CRT TVs aren't that high tech, really. I'd imagine that the Adeptus Mechanicus has those swanky plasma screens, but everyone else is using CRTs that are probably powered by a human heart or some shit (this is Warhammer after all).
I'd imagine that both Imperial and Chaos children's TV programming are designed with the express purpose of brainwashing young minds, but where the Imperium's shows are just straight propaganda the Chaos shows add a little bit of warpcraft to it to really get into the cracks and warp a child's mind.
Imperial children's programming, I would imagine, looks something like this:
Guardsman Joeeee (A Real Imperium Hero!) Guardsman Joe is theeerreee!
Guardsman Joe's full name is Sgt. Joseph Ogilvius, and he was created by a propagandist dude named Winston Smithius who is envious of his own creation. There is an ongoing disinformation campaign to make it seem like Guardsman Joe is a real person, and he gets credited with any and all victories the flashlight bois can scrape. Note the relatively cheap style of animation.
I'd imagine Chaos children's TV programming would be a lot more artistic in terms of animating style, but in the most creepy way possible. Something a lot like this:
Imagine this scene, but there's warpcraft at work to brainwash kids, James is a tiny adorable demon, and the Aunts are Loyalist Astartes.
"The Primarch will get you the Primarch will get you the Primarch will get you THE PRIMARCH WILL GET YOU THE PRIMARCH-(Warp lightning)"
Mechanicum kids are probably...IDK, watching old Thomas The Tank Engine episodes from some dusty archive as the Mars equivalent of those preachy bible cartoons from the 80s.
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the-consortium · 2 years
Doctor, I have an unusual request. The flesh I was born with is not my own. I would give it to you, if only you would fashion for me a new vessel for my consciousness that more closely resembles what my mind expects to reside inside of. Unfortunately, the flesh I give is weak, that of a normal human, so I will also offer my loyalty. Fashion me a form of tooth and claw and wing, and I will take to it as if born there, and be your living weapon. it is not much that I offer, but it is all i am.
The doctor steps up to one of the many windows that bathe his private library in a sepia-golden light on favourable days. Not today. From the western field of ruins (this world has no poles, yet its current inhabitants stubbornly use their familiar coordinate system. Just as they otherwise cling to many things that have long since ceased to have meaning) a dust storm moves in, scaring up the feathered monsters that nest in the tooth stumps of the ancient towers. One of the creatures is hit by something, bursts spectacularly, the pieces tumble to the ground and the rest of the swarm flies off in all directions. Apparently the pack is on the prowl again. Fabius turns around. Birds. Yes. "Vox dictamen. The question is not whether it's possible, but how far you want to go. For me, anything that doesn't amount to a completely new species is just boring. Not worth my time. Because here in the Eye Of Terror, function not only follows form, but vice versa. Things and living beings are what they seem. Or are becoming more and more so. Because in this respect, this area of the galaxy is so much more honest than the rest. Everything evolves here to be better at what it is. So if I give you the body of a winged predator, your spirit will follow. Little by little. There is no real going back. But after you, nothing will come. Is that what you want? Or do you want to create a new species - something that is optimally adapted and will continue to adapt? That changes to become better. Creating individual works of art can no longer be my goal. Populations that sustain themselves, that's what interests me. The genetic bottleneck is a greater adversary than the monsters you call gods." The doctor pauses. Clears his throat. Draws his brows together unwillingly. He's worked himself up into something. Something potentially distracting him. And giving in to passions only empowers the monsters behind the veil. But still - what is humanity without the spark he refuses to call "divine"? "It's your choice. You can be a solitary monster - creating that is downright obscenely easy. Or you can establish a species that rules the skies of many planets." Silence. The storm reaches the fortress and flows like water around the walls. The windows go dark. „Dictamen finit“
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He also has two thumbs and sleep deprivation
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deflare · 2 years
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Day 12 brings us the eminently reasonable chapter, the Raptors!
The Raptors are an early successor chapter of the Raven Guard, formed from a group that had just finished initiate training when the Horus Heresy kicked off. They cut their teeth on the immediate post-Heresy campaign known as the ‘Scouring’, where the loyalist forces chased the traitor forces into the Eye of Terror.* They were initially a fleet-based chapter, and then were granted a homeworld near the Eye; then that homeworld was destroyed, taking a bunch of their records of their early history with it. They seem to have found a new homeworld, but refuse to tell anyone where it is.
The Raptors have been beat to shit multiple times in their history, almost rendered extinct in one campaign or another. This has forced them to become extremely adaptable. Each officer is given a lot of leeway to improvise in campaigns, and they often favor, for lack of a better term, ‘clever’ strategies. They’re a lot more likely to employ hit-and-run tactics and snipers than to bother facing down an enemy in a “glorious” frontal assault. They’re far too acquainted with the brutality of war to find any glory or nobility in it.
Of course, because the Imperium sucks, this kind of flexibility makes them seem suspicious. Some other Space Marines abhor how loose they are with the ‘advice’ in the Codex Astartes and how willing the Raptors are to employ ‘dishonorable’ tactics, and the Imperium isn’t wild about them keeping their home base secret. They’re skilled at secrecy, espionage, and generally Being Smart, which is all deeply offensive to other Space Marines.
An interesting note on their icon: It’s pretty similar to the eagle’s head that the Emperor used as his emblem when he was unifying Earth. Veterans of that Unification War were allowed to wear the eagle-head emblem on their armor as they went forth into the Great Crusade. It’s interesting to me that this chapter was more or less allowed to keep that icon.
*The Eye of whatnow?
So you might recall that the Eldar are the alien space-elves who accidentally made a Chaos god of excess and sensation and blew up their homeworlds in the process. The Eye of Terror is where that event happened. It’s a gigantic rift into the Warp that glares out at the galaxy, allowing constant raids by daemons and Chaos warbands out of its depths.
After the Horus Heresy, when the traitor legions were on the run, they fled into the Eye of Terror as the largest and most accessible gateway between real-space and the Warp. They remained there, kept alive by time-fuckery and the power of the dark gods, and regularly ventured out to mess things up. The current leader of the largest Chaos Space Marine warband has launched a series of Black Crusades from the Eye, trying to bring down the Imperium each time. For the first twelve, after killing a lot of people and causing a lot of damage, the crusades crashed on the rock of the planet Cadia. Cadia was a planet populated almost entirely by billions of soldiers, which lay at the safest point between the Eye and realspace. It was the bulwark against the forces of Chaos, the lynchpin in the Imperium’s defenses.
I use the past tense, because Cadia is now rubble. It was destroyed during the 13th Black Crusade. And with its destruction, the Eye of Terror exploded, sending warp storms cascading out across the galaxy, and cutting the galaxy in two. The Eye is a bit of a footnote now, just one large eddy in a galaxy-spanning river of Warp energy. It’s a bad time all around.
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adamk201 · 5 months
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bilal-salah0 · 2 months
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We are nearing the end of the campaign 🍉
€57,641 raised of €70,000 goal
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pisscentral · 6 months
haven’t posted any art in a bit sooo
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(btw yes the dice is purposefully all snake eyes, just clarifying)
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