underchaser · 1 year
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Sister Roze .::.Reference
I think i forgot to submit this piece from long ago!  Sister Roze takes care of all the kiddos uwu~ Wonder what she and the lil thief gonna have in common!  They belong to @lenne13
Might be taking a few days off due to medical procedures uwu wish me luck!
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🌳  Link tree  🌳
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mlbigbang · 1 year
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2023 Miraculous Ladybug Big Bang - F.A.Q.
What is a Big Bang?
A Big Bang is a fandom-wide event, where writers write a long fic (more than 10k words) for which artists make fanart during the 6 months long creation period.
How does it work?
Writers arrive with a fic idea at the start of the event. Once they have begun writing, artists select fics to illustrate in an anonymous process, then mods match writer-artist teams. Betas can apply for a specific story to help with what the writer requests: bouncing plot ideas, helping with the flow of the story, correcting spelling and grammar mistakes.
When can I apply?
Writer applications are open until the 24th of June. Beta and artist applications are open until the 31st of August.
Where can I apply?
Application links will be posted on the 1st of May.
What do I need to participate?
You’ll need an email address, a Discord user and if you’re applying as a writer, an AO3 account.
What is expected of me if I get accepted to the Big Bang as a writer?
Create a complete, previously unpublished fic for the event that is independent from your previous works (no sequels or prequels are allowed) and longer than 10.000 words.
Work closely and communicate regularly with your collaborator partners.
Keep the setting and plot of your fic a secret, don’t talk about it publicly outside the event’s server.
What is expected of me if I get accepted to the Big Bang as an artist?
Create at least two pieces of complete, previously unpublished artworks to accompany the fic of your choice for the event (recommended canvas size minimum 2500*2500 pixels).
Work closely and communicate regularly with your collaborator partner(s).
Keep the details of your illustration a secret, don’t talk about it publicly outside the event’s server.
What is expected of me if I get accepted to the Big Bang as a beta reader?
Work closely and communicate regularly with your collaborator partner(s).  Provide technical spelling and grammar corrections, along with content and plot feedback to the writers if they ask for that. The extent to which writers decide to incorporate this feedback is up to their own consideration.
Keep the setting and plot of the fic a secret, don’t talk about it publicly outside the event’s server.
Do I need to get my fic for the event beta read?
We encourage the fics to be beta-read, however, this year it isn’t required. Still, we’ll have betas on the server who can be called upon if you don’t have a beta, and you can also invite your personal betas (up to 3 people) to the server if you’d like.
How will the matching of artists and writers happen?
After writers submit their Project Proposal on August 28, all summaries, tags, and snippets will be shared anonymously with artists. From September 1 - 7, artists will fill out a survey listing their top 5 fics they wish to illustrate. Mods will announce writer-artist pairs on September 15.
If I apply and get accepted as a writer, is getting art for my fic guaranteed?
Artists have the right to decline any work they do not wish to illustrate, so while mods will do their best to match each fic, writers are not guaranteed an artist partner. However, all writers can still produce a long fic to be proud of with the support of the Big Bang discord community. Other benefits of being in the Big Bang are getting your fic added to the AO3 collection and reblogged by the Tumblr blog.
Can I apply for multiple roles?
We want everyone to have the best chance at completing their work within their writer-artist team. For that reason, you may only be accepted as either a writer or an artist, so if you apply for both be aware that it is up to the mods’ discretion which role you will get. However, writers and artists can also be betas.
What happens if I need to drop out of the event?
If you need to drop out please contact a moderator ASAP so they can inform you of the procedure! If you drop out before the pairing happens nothing will happen. However, if you drop out after this you might not be able to participate in next year’s event.
What happens if my partner drops out during the event? 
If you’re an artist or a beta, you can choose to work with another writer. If you’re a writer, the mods will make every effort to find an artist to fill in for you (this person is called a pinch hitter).
Can writers collaborate on fics?
Yes, writers may collaborate on a fic. In this case please indicate so in both of your sign-up forms. 
What kind of content is allowed?
Your work can be about any ships (or no ships). Salt content (content with a heavy focus on character bashing or other extreme critique) is allowed, though keep in mind that writers must explain any potentially salty content in their Zeroth Check-In and this may affect whether artists and betas choose to work with you. Crossovers are not allowed.
Are NSFW fics allowed for the event?
Yes, you may create NSFW content for the event, be that Mature or Explicit fic. You’ll have to indicate this rating when filling out the Zeroth check-in, though, so we can make sure betas and artists who don’t wish to engage with this content don’t stumble upon them when browsing the summaries. You’ll also be able to discuss any adult parts of your creation on the designated channel. 
Who can work on an NSFW fic?
You may only apply to write, beta, or make art for an NSFW fic if you’re over 18. We’ll trust your word on this, but if we later learn that you lied about your age we’ll take away the project. 
Can I share part of my fic/art with anyone during the creation period?
We ask you to keep your idea and progress as private as possible except for the Big Bang’s Discord server. This is to preserve the anonymity of the writers when artists choose fics to contribute to, and to keep the suspense and excitement in the general fandom about the pieces.
I already shared some details of my fic before I knew about the Bang. What now?
Please contact the mods! We'll make an evaluation based on your specific circumstances.
In general, we aren't penalizing people for brainstorming an idea publicly on Tumblr or Discord; and we definitely don't mind if you shared your idea or bits of your work with a handful of friends privately. Our aim is to preserve the authors’ anonymity as much as possible, and to build excitement for the posting period. If you have shared anything publicly, we ask that you hide the post and stop discussing it immediately in any public spaces.
For more information: Schedule || Mods || Rules
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theabyssal · 1 year
Hello, I love your wip, sorry if this question bothers you but I think you said that we are no longer going to be blocked from having a romantic relationship with another Ll if we are in a romance with Sol, I ask you this because, in the part of F.A.Q. It says otherwise, I just wanted to confirm if you changed your mind or if you haven't corrected that part yet. Thank you, looking forward to reading more of your story.
Hii, and thank you!!
I need to update the F.A.Q. I totally forgot about that 😅😅
Thank you for pointing that out! 🖤🖤
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Hello, I need some help and I think you might have some answers? I went to the river early yesterday and found a bunch of things that the water washed up like jewelry, little statues of elephants and buddha, a statue of a God(?) that says Chango Machu, religious memorabilia and a little red satchet. I got so excited that I picked them all up, thinking this was completely random luck that I found cool stuff. I looked inside the satchet when I got home and there are things that I’m 99% sure are from a spell someone casted- a chocolate heart, coin with the serenity prayer, little clock, tiny metal horse shoe, animal fur etc. I didn’t think twice and threw them out. I’m now realizing I might have done something really bad. Did I mess with this person’s ritual? Am I cursed? I’m completely lost on what to do.
To add on the the previous ask, I still have some of the statues and jewelry. Also, please pardon my ignorance, I searched “Bruja” on tumblr because a lot of the items are clearly from someone of latin heritage and you’re the first blog that showed up. I apologize in advance for anything I said that might offensive.
"I got so excited that I picked them all up, thinking this was completely random luck that I found cool stuff"
Well you should know better than that. In absolutely no situation is it correct to just pick up whatever things you find laying on the streets unless it seems to be something someone clearly lost and you intend to give it back. But if it's a bunch of spiritual looking stuff? DON'T TOUCH IT. Specially if you find it in your front yard/porch or the entrance to your house or job, or any other place you commonly go to. Specially not in a graveyard either. I'm worried that nowadays people don't often get proper spiritual education as the first thing you get told by anyone ever is NEVER TOUCH ANYTHING IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHO PUT IT THERE OR WHY. It's as simple as don't get candy from strangers in the streets istg
I have an "am i cursed" post coming up but it's long and I thought I'd put here the main points in the meanwhile.
Unless you were the specific target of that working or there was a clause added to it so that if anybody interferes with it, they'd face consequences, you should be fine... but,
if the working involves calling on, or requesting the aid of, certain patron saints, spirits, entities, gods, etc. like the Orishas, for example, you're risking disrespecting that spirit orisha and thus facing repercussions due to that offense.
What should you do then? get rid of it. PUT. IT. BACK. right where you found it. Cleanse yourself (do a good, deep, powerful bath, just in case) and cleanse your home (if you think something could've followed you in...) then DIVINE. If you trust your own divination abilities, do that, but I recommend:
Consult with a priest of the faith involved to know what the next steps should be. Could be a santería priest, a babalawo, whomever respectable authority of that specific faith (in this case, a faith where changó/shangó is present, thus, orisha faiths) you have access to. Santería, Lukumi, Ifá, Isese, etc. African Traditional and Diaspora Religions. Request a consultation with a Priest or Priestess regarding your spiritual health and ask about this specific situation, they would be able to tell you very specific answers and protocols regarding your current situation and how to move forwards, and how to avoid getting in trouble again in the future.
And please for the love of everything holy, just don't pick up, don't even touch, anything that looks like a spiritual working ever, unless you're an experienced practitioner (or know and trust one) who knows how to deal with the possible consequences.
Hope that helps!
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trans-androgyne · 1 month
Hello, if you have time in really confused on something and was reccomended messaging you
I'm fairly new to Tumblr, I've only been on here a year and a term I've been newly introduced to is transandrophobia and I'm really very confused. I'm getting a solid mix of people saying it's a thing and people saying it's not and I keep trying to look it up but it's just people arguing with each other
I'm just. Very confused. Please help
Thank you
Of course, happy to help. Transandrophobia is the system of oppression that targets trans men and transmasculine people. Most people use it to mean the intersection of transphobia and sexism that primarily affects trans men and mascs--by sexism, I mean both misogyny and antimasculinism. Examples include the "Irreversible Damage" narrative that paints us as delusional little girls too dumb to know what's good for us and our bodies (misogyny), and the way testosterone is demonized and trans men/mascs are encouraged to stay off it even by other queer and trans people (antimasculinism).
The biggest issue people take with it is that they don't think sexism affects men or that they can have any unique experiences ("trans men can't be oppressed for being men"). This is a misunderstanding of both sexism and intersectionality. If you look up sexism anywhere, just about every definition will clarify that it usually affects women but can also target men. And basic intersectionality is that all of our identities--including race, gender, transness, disability, and everything else--all interact to create a unique experience with privilege and oppression. People will claim that intersectionality exclusively means two systems of oppression (like misogyny and racism) intersecting, but that is most certainly not how I was taught it in college. None of this is to say that men are generally oppressed for their gender, it just means that trans men and mascs can and do in fact have experiences specific to them--manhood/masculinity is not the "default" experience, as there is no default human experience.
There are a couple even less valid issues people take with the term. They'll say that, unlike trans women, trans men and mascs "just don't need" a word to describe their oppression, that we're just trying to copy from "transmisogyny" and our oppression is either "just transphobia" or "just misogyny." This is a very silly argument. It is both transphobia and misogyny, interacting. When my doctors misgender me to be misogynistic towards me, that is both. That is transandrophobia. The woman who coined the term transmisogyny states that trans men and transmascs may require "additional language" to talk about our issues, so she doesn't even agree with these people. Folks will also attack the makeup of the term, saying "transandrophobia can't exist because androphobia doesn't exist." This misunderstands how words work; it's like saying "homophobia can't exist because I'm not 'afraid of things that are the same.'" Also, androphobia (the literal fear of men) does exist, but it's not really what we're talking about. Additionally, people will claim trans men and mascs are using this term to try to say that trans women oppress us. This is just blatantly false; nobody notable in the conversation has ever claimed anything close to that, and the few individuals who have said something like that are immediately shut down as terfy/bigoted.
I apologize for the length, but I hope that helped break down what the term means and why people have issues with it. I didn't really include examples for length reasons, but I would be happy to share more or answer any other questions you have. Thank you for seeking an understanding of the term.
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kamodofilez · 2 months
-2024 MasterPost-
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Howdy, My Name's Filez! :]
19 y.o college student who's currently obsessed with Cult of the Lamb stuff atm.
✅Inbox Open!✅
★ My Inbox is always open, though keep in mind that I may be slow to respond, but please do send some if you have any! I genuinely love answering any questions I get! Confused about my random AU’s? Just send me an ask!★
🚫Minors/Proships DNI!🚫
☆ Disclaimer: I don't really draw anything graphic, but I still want to express that my content may not be suitable for certain viewers. I will draw depictions of violence, gore(?), and suggestive themes, so if any of these make you uncomfortable, then my page is unfortunately not for you. ☆
want to support me even more, than consider giving me a tip over on my ko-fi! Any support is greatly appreciated! :D
Here's a link to my other socials:
★ TikTok ★
★ Twitch ★
★ Youtube ★
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★ Twitter ★
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wonderful-meganekko · 4 months
okay so i finally searched up what a meganekko is and y'know what I think they actually are kinda wonderful.
i may or may not be in a bias here but yes i would very much agree. there's several layers to what makes the meganekko so wonderful but in general if I had to boil it down I'd say:
They are pretty. This is a general extension of the fact that girls by themselves are very pretty but I believe megane by itself gives a +2 bonus on charm (alongside it's known bonus of +5 eyesight, and +3 INT)
They are beautiful. This is a result of the variety that Megane can have, allowing each girl to have one extra layer of customization beyond the basics such as clothes and hair. There's the oval types that provide +2 appearance on any type of librarian, the square type that gives an score multiplier for office work and secretarial tasks, the big round types that give the bookworm a +50 reading speed bonus, and so many more.
They are like. Extremely cute. Probably a result of the inherent purity of the concept. A meganekko is vulnerable by design, perhaps on account of the moe that comes from requiring such a simple implement during all of day-to-day life. But it's also the authenticity of wearing them that makes them moe.
They are justice. Wearing megane can be perceived as defying standard rules of beauty, those perpetuated by the media establishment and the makeup companies. The meganekko overcomes all odds by simply being true to herself and rebelling against the standard percepcion of what is beautiful. This is also why contacts are extremely evil but I shall not discuss such disgusting implements.
Ultimately, when it comes to the meganekko, I think they are beautiful as they are. They are incredibly cute, absurdly pretty and a being that overwhelms me with pure justice. To put it in simple words, I'd say every meganekko is a wonderful meganekko.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 1 year
okay, i've heard you're one of the 'greek gods are white' people. how do you explain 'zeus athiops', considering linguistic research proved that's a word for what we now call Black. how do you explain drastically different depictions of the same deities in Syria and Lybia and more. how do you explain that a third of the pantheon have eastern roots. like girl... please get out of that mindset.
i think you need to legit drop that whole whiteness thing. it'd reductive as fuck, to us Europeans too. leave it to the people who made it, adhering to whiteness is just erasing heritages.
If that's what you got out of the discourse, you have a really USAmerican thinking pal, albeit not a USian. Or perhaps someone simplified this to you in this way and you took it word-by-word. Let me tell you what the discourse is actually about, and why there's a problem even when the Greek gods are depicted (for example) blue-eyed and blond, like N. Europeans.
It is about the treatment of pantheons by Western nations, a treatment with colonizing and imperialistic attitudes which separate the gods from their culture. A treatment that ignores depictions of a culture with an extremely large history and reduces it to distinctly Western and Anglophone pop-culture and Fandom.
Just because this happens to a nation which is considered generally light-skinned it doesn't mean it shouldn't alarm you. And the complaints of Greeks only alarm you when they address changes from lighter to significantly darker appearance, and not the opposite.
I bet you didn't send Greeks any hatemail when they were complaining about actors being too pasty and saying "This person doesn't even look like a Greek. More Irish. They even have an Irish accent…" We had this problem for centuries. N. Europeans had this super pale depiction of our gods which they considered "noble" and they saw actual Greeks are dark barbarians who are "not like the original Greeks". Now this type of projection is happening again, in order to make the West feel better, and we are actually told how we look and don't look.
Now we constantly hear "You are too light to be Greek"/"You don't look Greek" because another stereotype has settled among the powerful nations that control our image. Needless to say, this is negative too, just by the nature of being untrue, and harmful to Greek people. But this doesn't seem to worry you. You only worry when the West tells you to worry because now the cause is "noble" according to them. They never stopped seeing themselves as the righteous and noble ones. Fuck other cultures and their specific issues and histories, right?
Treating popular pantheons as a blank canvas will happen to more "races" and ethnicities when they start being considered "white" specifically in the US, our "beloved" planetarch nation. (There's already some discourse about Mexicans and Asians being the "new white"). In 50 years perhaps your grandchild will shout at a Mexican for not understanding why "it is okay" for the deity Tezcatlipoca to be depicted half-Chinese half-Nigerian.
The same thing happened to the Greeks. In many parts of the world, Greeks are still "non-white" and in the US we only recently became "white". The Middle Easterners and N.Africans are also "White" on paper. The Greek Whiteness is also only on paper, since the Westerners get the hickeys every time they hear our names, or see a part of our culture which so resembles the Middle Eastern ones. Or they clock us as Mexicans, Arabs, Turks etc. But I digress.
My point so far is that this Western approach, in its effort to be progressive, has used pantheons of foreign cultures in a way that it negates these cultures and their depictions, or their beliefs. (Something that I wouldn't call progressive)
Onto the depictions themselves. As you understand, me - and the overwhelming majority of Greeks - wants to maintain them. To this day, within the Greek culture I haven't seen depictions of native gods as - we would say today - Black. If we had some that would be okay. But we don't. I reckon, even other lands who got Hellenized didn't change the "race" of these gods. Sometimes they were alterations, yes, but to the point we are talking about a new deity, and certainly not a deity the Greeks would recognize or worship. Then we are not talking about Greek mythology, but mythology of other nations which, at some point, came in contact with the Greek culture.
But, again, it doesn't look like the Greek gods had different races in the depictions of other nations. Even today the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern nations don't racebend the gods. They see them as they are in the ancient depictions. Perhaps they indeed saw these gods looking a bit more like them but if you think Greek people and their neighbors (N. Africans, M. Easterners) belong to different races… you might want to check some racist notions you might hold.
"Aithiops" can mean "glowing" and "of burnt face". (αἴθω < πρωτοϊνδοευρωπαϊκή ρίζα *aidʰ- (φλέγω) = burn/on fire + όψη = face/look) It's an Epithet (an adjective) of Zeus on the island of Chios (Lycophron, Cass. 537, with the note of Tzetzes.). You can see where this island is and you may easily understand that it had more or less the same population as the rest of Greek areas, in which "Black" individuals were very rare.
But the most important thing is, we also haven't found a depiction of Zeus as a "Black" individual. If we had found a statue with the features of a "Black" man and the name Zeus underneath, I'd be happy to say "Some Greeks indeed saw Zeus as Black". I don't mind the "race", I mind how everyone gets in mental gymnastics to try and defend a lie just because it sounds progressive.
Perhaps in their minds this aspect of Zeus had the appearance of a Middle Eastern but... this is not what you call another race. Even today Greeks don't consider Middle Easterners and South Arabs a different "race". Also, as I said in the beginning, it could just mean "Glowing Zeus", like his face is glowing so much as if it is on fire. One word can have more than one use. The "αιθ-" root is also used about the sky, because it's glowing. The word Aether/Aitheras which we still use in Greece (αιθέρας/αιθέρες) refers to the skies. Maybe he had a "appearance/face like the sky"
Also, very important: Back then the region where the country of Ethiopia is today was called Abyssinia. The Greeks, in the period you're thinking about, probably had no contact with the land which today is Ethiopia. Aethiopia was a whole region, possibly the Middle East. (See the post here where many sources are gathered)
The first depiction of Andromeda, an Aethiopian princess as "Black" came from Ovid, who came much later and who is not part of the Greek narrative. He's also very unreliable because with his stories he wanted to oppose the status quo and therefore the mythological figures of his time. The Greek depictions have Andromeda and her family look more or less like Greeks. (Otherwise, they would have noted the difference in appearance)
Plus, Andromeda and Perseus birthed the nation of Persians. As you know, while there are "Black" Persians the population, in general, is not "Black". Plus, I am not even sure the Greeks had contact with the "Black" Persians because they are mostly extremely far south. Such a small population so down south it's not something to base the whole Look of a Nation on, at least.
It's the Northwesterners that always use the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern nations as an excuse to disrespect these depictions. (Meanwhile the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern nations don't agree with this. They never get ACTUALLY asked)
Not to mention, the changes the western nations make are not part of a cultural exchange and they don't happen naturally through cultural osmosis. It's plain theft and ownership over the gods of a foreign culture, which they have been doing for some centuries now. The Western cultures are dominant over the Greek one. We are towards the bottom of the ladder socioeconomically in Europe. The US is literally a puppet-master of the Greek nation (and many other nations). Our government can't even fart without checking with the US. Oh, and the US also helped the 70's Junta rise to power.
Lastly, the Greek gods don't have "Anatolian origin". This rhetoric (which again implies that ancient people of a region were all the same stock) has been refuted. Nobody "stole" gods from anyone. There are so many posts on these blogs about it. Greeks were also in Anatolia for 3.000 years before the genocide, so we are not even talking about separate regions. (But I know that you saw them as separate so I approached the argument the way you meant it)
There are common roots, common beginnings, perhaps but the difference grew so much that neighboring nations had distinct gods. They also believed that their gods were distinct. You have to respect that, and also you can't lump them all together because they "all look the same to you" or some sort of a similar mindset. The Greek gods are not interchangeable with the Assyrian gods etc.
One or two, like Dionysus, indeed were brought from outside. But most are considered native to the land. (Aphrodite, too, is native to the island of Cyprus) And the Greek gods are considered ethnically Greek. The Greeks considered themselves born by these gods. Each line had a god that gave birth to it or claimed to descend from a god. See more at the end of this great video: (Video with Timestamp) Again, the Greek gods are not ethnically Japanese, or ethnically Argentinian, or ethnically Norwegian. They come from a specific culture, with specific stories and appearances. You cannot imply otherwise without making all cultures a disservice.
You can see more discussions about this, including why the argument "But a minority must be represented!" kind of argument.
Some are a bit old but the general point is the same.
*In my language "Black" for a person is not exactly a positive term so it's in quotations. The term "race" is also extremely bad in Europe. I leave this disclaimer cause I know no one gives a shit if non-Anglophones must say slurs to convey a point, as long as we all speak the USAmerican way :) We also know that the individuals I am talking about weren't identifying as "Black".
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splatreference · 1 year
i need a side view of ink-tinted goggles
This blog doesn't do gear references. Anyway, these are literally from Inkipedia
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kwanisms · 2 years
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why was i blocked?
There are many reasons I may have blocked you but the main ones are as follows.
๑ your blog is empty
empty blogs, meaning blogs without icons, headers, titles, reblogs, etc, look like bots. If you don't know what a bot is, it's defined by Oxford as an autonomous program on the internet or other network that can interact with systems or users. Bots on [tumblr] have been an issue for many years and [tumblr] has a hard time distinguishing between empty profiles and bots. For this reason, you may end up getting shadowbanned. For us content creators, if we have too many of these blogs following us, we may also get shadowbanned. So simply, we block empty blogs to protect ourselves from being banned.
๑ your blog has no age indicator
age indicators are important on [tumblr]. It allows us content creators who are over the age of 18 and make nsfw content to know that the people following and interacting with our work are not minors. There are actual legal ramifications we can face by supplying sexual content, even erotica, to minors. So when we don't know how old you are, we block. It's, again, to protect ourselves.
๑ you are underage
minors are not welcome in nsfw spaces. Our blogs are OUR safe spaces. I don't care if you're 16 or 17. Under 18 is still a minor. I don't care if you're engaging in sexual activity in real life. You are still a minor. My blog is not a place for you to come and learn about sex. I write fanfiction. It's fake and not meant to be educational. If I find out you are under 18, I will be adding your name to a blacklist that I share with other writers and you will be blocked by all of us.
There are no exceptions to this rule.
๑ something on your blog has made me uncomfortable
this boils down to I saw something on your blog I didn't like or it made me uncomfortable. Usually it would be something along the lines of explicit visual content or something that can be considered triggering. Most of the time, it's explicit material. I do not want to be associated with any blogs posting or reblogging p0rn.
as a final note: I check all blogs that follow, like, and reblog my content. If your blog falls into any of these criteria, I will block you.
that being said, if you are 17 and I block you. I may unblock you after you've turned 18. Emphasis on may. I am almost 30 years old and I still have a hard time swallowing 18 year olds following my blog and interacting with my content but at the end of the day, you're over 18. You're no longer minors.
again, this isn't out of malice. I'm bot blocking you because I hate you. I'm doing this to protect myself and my blog. This is my safe space I started back in 2018. I've worked hard on this blog and all my content. If it were to be shadowbanned or deleted, I would be extremely devastated. So, no. It's not because I hate you.
I'm just protecting myself (legally) and my blog. ~booki。
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izzyizumi · 1 year
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{New "The Beginning" stills are being added to the official DM_Partners account!} [as well as the official site!] The first one is Daisuke + Vmon "training" at a "ramen shop". The second is Daisuke, Ken, and Rui during what appears to be a sequence involving Rui focus. #The Beginning Spoilers #TheBeginningSpoilers
#motomiya daisuke#ichijouji ken#owada rui#2012 chosen#the beginning caps#2012 daisuke#2012 ken#rui oowada#izzyizumi 02#izzyizumi posts#the beginning spoilers#digimon spoilers#digimon adventure 02: the beginning spoilers#ramen chef daisuke#daisuke and rui#kensuke#: live#(Formatting this now so when I feel comfortable lifting no rbs hopefully it can be rbed without issue later)#(However these are VERY NEW and I do not feel wholly comfortable lifting no rbs yet)#(Reminder I do have an F.A.Q and blog rules so please read them before interacting with my blog thankyou!!)#(I tried to use less popular name formatting for now but I might still make this post rb-able later)#(For now these are being posted by official Twitter account so please go check them out there but)#(BE WARNED THEY ARE LIGHTLY PRELIMINARY PLOT SPOILERY WITH A COUPLE LATER SCENE CAPS TOO)#(These all got posted within last 25 min as of this posting so they are VERY FRESH and MIGHT BE DROPPING MORE BUT DONT QUOTE ME)#(Personally I like Daisukes look in the 2nd shot too including the new outfit + theres a cap of him without the blue vest on too!!!)#(oK BUT IM INTERNALLY FLIPPING OUT I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS THIS EARLY TODAY AAAAAAAAAA WHATS GOING ON)#(NO I DO NOT SEE KOUSHIRO OR ADV CHOSEN YET BUT IF I DO IM POSTING KOUSHIRO TOO)#(I'll try to refrain from posting majorly spoilery stuff that looks like 2nd half stuff but I'm pretty sure these two happen earlier on!!!)#(EDIT it seems we dont have more for this very second so no rbs may be lifted on this post eventually!)#(If I do PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL or I will BLOCK anyone who attempts Discoursing about the series using my posts THANKYOU)
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pathesis · 7 months
Greeting! Here's some things you might be curious about!
✦ - Do you play D&D/PF2e?
Yes! the art I've made tagged are my ocs :)
✧- Can I use your characters/art as my token/NPC art?
Please don't unless given permission!
I have some characters that are made specifically to be NPCs and if asked & given credit I don't mind sharing, BUT majority of my art are my personal ocs.
✦ - May I trace/steal/ or claim ur art as my own?
:) No.
✧- Do you do Commissions/sell your art?
1.) I have an Inprnt (some🔞art) but someday I want to get my own personal shop.
2.) I do take commission but atm they are CLOSED unless you see a post stating a few slots have been opened.
I'll have a post with my current prices posted and linked here soon.
✦ - What Stuff!
1.) I use a One by Wacom tablet
2.) I use CSP EX
3.) I use a lot of default brushes and a variety found on CSP store it'd be literally impossible for me to list them all here.
Here are the most important ones I use not from the CSP store.
Evenant concept brush pack
Efficient Landscape Brushes by Jordangrimmer
✧- Age/Pronouns?
I'm 28! She/Her♥
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pratyakshkhabar · 8 months
टाटा की नई गाड़ी की लॉन्चिंग : Tata curvv No1
Tata curvv पहली टाटा एसयूवी होगी जो आपको गैस, डीजल या इलेक्ट्रिक पावर का विकल्प देगी। क्या आपको इंजन की गड़गड़ाहट की आवाज़ पसंद है? तेज़ 1.2-लीटर टर्बो-पेट्रोल विकल्प चुनें। क्या आप पंप पर पैसा बचाना चाहते हैं और ग्रह के प्रति दयालु बनना चाहते हैं? कर्व्व ईवी के साथ इलेक्ट्रिक बनें, 500 किलोमीटर तक की रेंज का दावा! आपकी पसंद चाहे जो भी हो, कर्व ने आपको कवर कर लिया है।
Tata curvv पहली टाटा एसयूवी होगी जो आपको गैस, डीजल या इलेक्ट्रिक पावर का विकल्प देगी। क्या आपको इंजन की गड़गड़ाहट की आवाज़ पसंद है? तेज़ 1.2-लीटर टर्बो-पेट्रोल विकल्प चुनें। क्या आप पंप पर पैसा बचाना चाहते हैं और ग्रह के प्रति दयालु बनना चाहते हैं? कर्व्व ईवी के साथ इलेक्ट्रिक बनें, 500 किलोमीटर तक की रेंज का दावा! आपकी पसंद चाहे जो भी हो, कर्व ने आपको कवर कर लिया है।
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magz · 11 months
updated magz links
now have "about donations" and "f.a.q." page
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miniepsds · 2 years
*this post is in portuguese, translate it into your language.
F.A.Q ?! ❀
1. Sobre dar créditos: é obrigatório o uso da hashtag do blog, #miniepsds. mas, aviso: apenas darei reblog nos posts em que o blog for marcado/mencionado no post. mencione-o sempre que lhe for perguntado sobre o psd.
2. Sobre o uso dos psds: são para uso sem fins lucrativos. não copie ou use meus psds como base. não diga que eles são seus ao modificar, não coloque-os em pastas (como o drive) ou compartilhe os links e senhas. seja educado.
3. Para receber: seja um blog ativo para receber os psds. não aceito blogs sem fotos, blogs vazios e de reblogs. caso estiver começando ou se seu blog for secundário, avise.
4. Sobre as asks: aceito apenas um psd por ask, se quiser mais psds, envie separadamente, mas atenção: aceitarei apenas DUAS asks seguidas por blog NO DIA. certifique de usar os psds que já enviei e assim você pode pedir mais. se usar os dois psds no mesmo dia, você pode pedir mais dois psds <separadamente> no mesmo dia. não mande chat, apenas envie a ask e eu mandarei para você.
Obs: aceitarei apenas um pedido de chave por ask, ou seja, um psd. só responderei pedidos pela ask, não peça pelo chat. você precisa enviá-la com o perfil público e para receber seja um blog ativo. não aceito blogs vazios ou de reblogs, caso o seu blog for secundário, informe qual, ok?
1. Do acesso aos psds antigos: para os psds de 2021 para trás, permanecem as mesmas regras que estão descritas nos posts desses psds. ex: siga-me, mande uma ask com o nome do psd + por favor + like/reblogue o post do psd.
E MAIS… click here.
Como encontrar os psds: você pode pesquisar por “psd download” na busca do blog ou no meu archive: aqui
Sobre sugestões: aceito se for feito com educação e paciência. não faço cópias de outros psds, mas me inspiro em músicas / filmes / livros e arte. você pode sugerir.
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pigeonneaux · 2 years
30 26 17(if you say no I come to kick your ass because it seems you stay several hours without drinking and it's no good) 28 7 8 I'll stop here before I ask everytthing
wait just one last and I stop 11
Wowie thank you for the questions i appreciate the attention😢❤️ ce post va faire 3km de long because i cannot shut up
7) "A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate" i love clay and sculpting, i think making things in volume is pretty impressive, i tried it out but i don't like doing it as much as i like seeing people do it
8) " What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in" now you're just calling me out i have too many
There's this Et Tout le Monde s'en fout redraw i will never finish :
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And this school project (vraiment celui la je l'ai abandonné, trop galère, trop long)
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(can you spot the references and where i gave up? Lol)
There's also those two Doctor Who illustrations i wanted to finish, but i ended up dropping out of the HetBigbang 2022 maybe i'll get back to them next year
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And finally thooooose :
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They are objectsonas (from left to right, me, @enfoutreur-du-futur @breizhbaguette and @eclipsedshadowk ) i wanted to draw my bestie's sona as well but i had no time 😔 (i also made colored version as a print for @enfoutreur-du-futur that i gave him in person!) (if u see this mwamwamwah)
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And this is a wip i am slowly working on, it's my OC's city, but it's also an art school project, the prompt was "Babel's tower" ! Did you see the flying boat? I think it's pretty cool
11) "Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what" i listen to music for hours or to long video essays, the stupider the better (also bad book reviews, they are super funny) lately i listen to a lot of Orelsan and Yodelice, but my Drawing playlist is 50h long and very diverse
17) "Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what" i always have a bottle of water or some tea on my desk (i live dangerously) (malgré ça je suis déshydratée comme une feuille craquante, bonk me)
26) "What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended"
I don't know, i rarely make art that's hard to understand, and when it comes to original art, i rarely put thoughts into the meaning behind it so every interpretation i hear is interesting
28) "Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)"
I'm in the vdf discord's Secret Santa this year, and the last two years i was doing the Kaamelott's fandom secret santa !
And as i said earlier i tried to participate to the HetBigbang but dropped out because i had too much work. i was also in an exhibition this summer in Carpentras, where they got this drawing printed on a big canvas (2x1m something like that) and suspended in the street with a bunch of other artists! :) and i am working with my sister on an exhibit for april. I never made anything for a fanzine but i would love to.
30) "What piece of yours do you think is underrated"
This one
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