missbaphomet · 9 months
Inflicts psychic damage by telling my friend about F.A.T.A.L :3
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Any day I can inform someone about this horrible horrible system is a good day
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austerlasterfossil · 5 months
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Done drawing :3 (Okay, the bomb is similar to cheri bomb from hazbin hotel but is NOT! culp's bonb have many symbols that is the victim's fates to be dead or dying)
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adrenaline-revolver · 2 years
I would pay real life money to hear Eddie and Gareth read the 2009 rpg.net destruction of FATAL. 
(if you read it be warned it does talk about FATAL, the rape game. Which is a tw in itself.)
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i wonder if they know there actually are RPGs where you roll for sexo
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jorjin · 1 year
Ok I gotta be honest I find Fear and Hunger TOO edgy to take it seriously. Sorry girlies
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suswous · 3 months
I have been struck with the f.a.t.a.l. disease
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probablybadrpgideas · 3 months
Power word: FATAL
9th level spell aimed at your true enemies, the DM and other players, by converting the campaign to the F.A.T.A.L. rules.
Grab a d100, asshole.
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lackeyhenchman · 7 months
I mean, I was familiar with the notoriety of F.A.T.A.L. back in the day, but I was under the impression that nobody actually liked or played with it. The idea that some pre-tumblr-renaissance DnD nerds got together in a basement to work out the math on how good they are at fucking or to earn skills from screwing zombies is both uncomfortable and heartwarming
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maxhpart · 1 year
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🏄‍♂️ The Gnarlacious Rhodey Slater 💦
Wax it up, wave hogs and hoggettes—here comes the primo surfer dude himself, Rhodey Slater! He's a "fan* favorite", an avid enjoyer of F.A.T.A.L. (and being organized), and a shredder of those bodacious waves 🌊🦈🌊
Happy April Fools from @artists-guild-of-exandria, and hang loose brah 🤙
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babydiaperboy94 · 4 months
So I watched a few videos breaking down the F.A.T.A.L system, and while it seems terrible R.A.W and not something I'd be interested in actually playing, it did get me thinking. Could you mimic being not-fully-potty-trained using an RPG system? Something crunchy enough to be somewhat realistic and interesting but playable enough to be fun? So I set out to make one.
Basically, it can be added on top of any other RPG system for a little diapered fun. It requires the GM to keep track of how many hours pass in-game, and keep track of two trackers per player, plus know their potty-training levels. The tracker levels are how full the players bladder/bowels are and use the scale of how many hours worth of pee/poop have built up. To keep things simple, they are constants, though if you wanted a bit more crunch, you could have bladder levels go up double if they consumed alcohol or add other modifiers, though those should only be to raise the amount the tracker goes up. 1 per hour on each tracker is the bare minimum.
Then, once per in-game hour, either the GM rolls a percentage die for each player, or the players roll in the tower, so only the GM can see the results. If the percentage die is lower than the number indicated by the character's potty training level, and their bladder/bowel levels are high enough, they have an accident.
If you're feeling very fancy, you can roll/have the players roll a second die/set of dice of the type usually used by the overall game system (2d6 for PbTA, d20 for D&D/Pathfinder, d100 for Call of Cthulhu/Dark Heresy, etc.). If they do have an accident, the check is to determine if they notice or not. If they don't, it's to determine if they know how full their bladder and bowels are. PCs who have no potty-training automatically fail such a check. If they do notice and don't have an accident, they're immune from accidents until after they've gone on purpose and built their levels back up, or until they're at maximum.
If the PCs are asleep, they either roll the same checks to see if they have an accident, or, if they're asleep long enough, they simply have the accident when they hit maximum level, and automatically noticing doesn't apply when they're asleep. Since they typically sleep for eight hours overnight, they will always wet the bed. If you want, you could give the PCs a roll to notice if they hit maximum bowel and are about to mess the bed and wake up in time to maybe stop it, though that check should be quite hard.
If the PCs are wearing diapers or pull-ups of some sort, then the GM will also have to keep track of how many accidents they've had (and if you want a lot of crunch, a what level they had said accidents at), as they will have a finite capacity, and leak if the PCs exceed that capacity. If they are not, they simply have to deal with having their clothes ruined, and might face penalties of charisma-type checks, which also apply if the diaper leaks
Levels of over-all potty training can be determined randomly or chosen at character creation. While the two levels are separate, PCs with none as their overall potty training level do not get a sperate bowel control level, and it would be quite prudent to impose the restriction that if they have Middling over-all potty training, they have at least Decent bowel control.
Levels of overall potty training:
None: Absolutely no training whatsoever Dice :50% at Bladder 1, Automatic voiding at bladder 2 or bowel 5
Alleged: More than 4 accidents per day. Dice:30% at Bladder 1 or higher +3% per bladder level past 2  Max bladder=4 (automatic voiding if unnoticed)
Nominal: Fewer than four accidents while awake per day Dice: 10% at bladder 1, 22% at Bladder 2 or higher. Add +2% per bladder past 3 if unrecognized Max bladder=5 (automatic voiding if unnoticed)
Insufficient: Fewer than three accidents while awake per day. Dice: 18% at bladder 2 or higher 8% at Bladder 1. Add +2% for bladder past 3 if unrecognized Max bladder=5 (Automatic notice, void within 5 minutes)
Poor: Fewer than fifteen accidents while awake per week. Dice: 13% at bladder 2 or higher with +2% per bladder 4 or higher Max bladder=6 (Automatic notice, void within 5 minutes)
Middling: Fewer than ten accidents  while awake per week. Dice: 8% at bladder 2 or higher with +1% per bladder 4 or higher Max bladder=7 (Automatic notice, void within ten minutes)
Levels of bowel control:
Terrible: Messes self more than ten times per week while awake. Dice: 10% at bowel 5 +4% per level higher Max=8 (automatic voiding if unnoticed)
Low: Messes self fewer than ten times per week while awake Dice: 8% at bowel 5 +3% per each bowl level higher Max=9 (automatic notice, void within twenty minutes)
Decent: Messes self fewer than five times per week while awake Dice: 4% at bowel 5 +2% per bowel level higher than 6 Max=10 (Automatic notice, void within twenty minutes)
Good: Messes self fewer than three times per week while awake Dice: 2% at bowel 5 +1% per bowel level higher than 7 Max=10 (Automatic notice, void within thirty minutes)
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austerlasterfossil · 5 months
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I finish this, this is literally inspiration by my old class when i was 12 and plus they're in AU..
@yanalavender GURLL I FINISH IT
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possessedscholar · 6 days
Best I can give as to why FATAL is Bad-With-A-Capital-B are a few reviews:
I should note the language of both is, let us say, a bit typical for 2010’s Internet Nerd Circles.
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prokopetz · 5 months
Question: Is FATAL (yeah that one) bad in an interesting way? I've heard a lot about it and how infamously terrible it is - but it it terrible in a way where reading it can be interesting or is it just plain old bad in regular, totally bog standard ways.
Short answer: no.
Long answer: system-wise, it's a classic case of a couple of chucklefucks thinking they've got some bright ideas, but ending up repeatedly re-inventing the wheel because their experience with the medium is extraordinarily narrow – and that's before you get to the fact that the text's editing, technical writing, and grasp of elementary statistics are uniformly atrocious, to the extent that it's almost entirely unplayable as written. As for the "humour", it's the sort of sophomoric horseshit you'd expect from an author who never outgrew their "saying slurs is inherently funny" phase; you can't Mystery Science Theatre this shit funny, though some reviews have made a valiant effort.
(Which isn't to say that it's entirely lacking in value, mind. It's definitely a text of historical interest if you're doing a deep dive into a very particular era of tabletop gaming culture. However, it's such an unpleasant read that I wouldn't recommend it for any other purpose.)
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Comment on the terrible boardgame mechanics video from before: The best mechanic in F.A.T.A.L. is the random magic misfire that destroys the world so you can go play something other than F.A.T.A.L.
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kayforpay · 6 months
im sorry the fate series and their WHAT CHART
I misremembered, the Fate series is seemingly perfectly SFW and doesn't have an anal gape chart
the F.A.T.A.L. series on the other hand,
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source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F.A.T.A.L.
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jagar-tharns · 4 months
Rev is making a F.A.T.A.L. character and its so bad.
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