cissi-sh01 · 2 months
did not have time to draw casper, but since he is also wearing purple and green and (kind of) black i made this Evangelion style poster for his win 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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so happy for him 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
captions: top=Barcelona; right side=champion. I have to keep it in Japanese this language just has the vibe
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dragonnyy · 5 months
The Day You Died.
Streber x Reader angst fic (with a good ending, because i can't take this [insert gif below]) Summary: It was all your fault. Proofread: Yes Word count: 1.4k CW: descriptive gore stuff, streber death
Decided to write some angst since I finally can bring myself to write anything. Sorry for being dead for like, months - Can't really bring myself to make any excuses other than being lazy or not having motivation, but yeah, mental health's a bitch. That Candybats game (by this person on twitter) inspired me to write this - REALLY wasn't expecting that ending. Made me cry tbh 😭 it's embarrassing but I just love Streber a whole lot; I do consider myself the #1 Streber Shrimp, after all. Right, I'm done rambling, here's your angst fic
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Your footsteps trailed up the wooden stairs, up to the porch where everything seemed strangely familiar once again.
You inspected your surroundings, to which everything seemed normal. The echoes of children could be heard down the street, trick-or-treating and spreading their joy. Autumn leaves fell from the trees, gracing the soft grass below and scattering the sidewalks. A cold breeze in the air carried them freely, letting them land eventually.
Around you, on the porch, were many Halloween decorations: Jack-o-lanterns, fake cobwebs, a coffin, boarded up windows, and whatnot. It was clearly all carefully chosen and handpicked to look perfect for the season of Halloween, and that it did.
You took a step forward closer to the doorway in front of you, whatever was inside being hidden by white cloth that draped over the entrance. You jolted back when someone jumped out at you from said doorway, dressed in a vampire costume with clearly fake fangs.
"Welcome to-" He started, before his facade dropped, expressing a huge smile before leaping onto you to give you a huge hug. "[Name]! You came!" He exclaimed, squeezing you tightly as he dug his nose into the crook of your neck. Despite the cold breeze in the air, you felt warm when he wrapped his arms around you. You didn't wanna let go, and it seemed neither did he, as he stuck onto you like a koala for half a minute.
As he finally released his grip on you, he leaned up on his tippy toes to grab your cheeks, littering your face with kisses. You laughed softly, grabbing his shoulders and gently pushing him back as he stopped. "Yeah, I'm here - Did you really miss me that much?" You teased, placing gentle hands on his waist.
"Of course I did, silly! I haven't seen you since this morning - I missed you sooooo much!" He wrapped his arms around your neck, placing a sweet kiss on your lips. You smiled, looking into his beautiful violet eyes. "I'm so happy you're here... What do you think of the haunted house?" He asks, your eyes glancing around at the decorations once again. You slowly nodded your head, a stupid smile gracing your lips. “I think… You totally overdid it, love.” You joked, receiving a grumpy face. “Heyyy!” He pouted, giving you a gentle push. You chuckled, cupping his cheek. “Joking, joking… It’s great. Love it.” Streber rolled his eyes, leaning into the kiss you left on his forehead.
Streber glanced behind him, to the entrance of the haunted house. “Sooo, you gonna go in, or did you just come here to see me?” You scoffed, pulling away. “Of course I came here juuust to see your face, dummy.” You joked again, making him giggle stupidly. “Shut up and get in there.” He leaned in for one more delicate kiss, looking at you with soft eyes.
“I love you.” You whispered, as you began to walk off. “I love you more, doofus.” Streber replied louder, watching you and giggling to himself. You rolled your eyes back as you entered the haunted house, to where you saw a dark hallway with also fake torches lighting the way. You began to make your way down, people jumping from corners and roaring at you, making you jolt and maybe even scream, but it was fun!
At least, for a while.
As you followed the path lit by torch, things got more eerie. All haunted houses were supposed to put you on edge, but you couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong. No one was jumpscaring you anymore as you made your way back. Everything was… quiet. You couldn’t even hear the animatronics anymore, and you couldn’t help but feel in your gut… something was wrong.
An ear piercing scream broke the silence, coming from back outside. Your heart dropped as genuine fear instantly sparked inside of you. You recognized it as Streber, and your worries only grew. You felt… You knew now there was something definitely wrong.
Your mind clouded with fear as your feet started moving, carrying you to Streber as you panted heavily. You ran faster than you ever could, eyes tearing up as you thought of all the possibilities of what happened. The hallway seemed to get longer with every step you took, almost never ending as your mind grew louder with worry, hearing his screams continue. Your heart felt like it was crumbling, corroded with disconcertment.
The hallway seemed to become darker as you ran, torches burning out around you, until the screaming was cut off. After what seemed like forever, you burst out of the door to the outside air once again, looking down and seeing a trail of blood leading to a corpse just next to you.
You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces to the sight before you, a gut wrenching feeling echoing throughout your chest. Not like this. No. Why?
His jaw was brutally ripped off, muting his screams. His left arm was mutilated from his body, the rest of it nowhere to be found. Scratches tore through his clothing and revealed flesh, blood pouring out of them. The blood was still rapidly pooling through the floorboards, and his eyes… It made your soul crack. You stifled a sob, dropping to your knees next to him as tears fell, covering your mouth with one hand as the other cupped his cheek. Whatever was left of his face.
“No…” You sobbed, shutting your eyes as you leaned over him, pounding the bloodstained floor next to you in anger. You cried out, not even being able to bring yourself to look at him anymore.
He was dead.
And it was all YOUR fault.
Why? Why him? Just… WHY?
You awoke with a jolt, a cold sweat on your neck as you sat up. Your breath was panicked, tears tracing down your cheeks as you began to calm down, realizing where you were. It was all just a dream.
A presence sat up in bed next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. You jolted slightly, looking back at those comforting violet eyes. You were relieved to see him, but he seemed concerned.
“Love?” Streber whispered, pulling his hand away to rub his eyes tiredly. He looked at you sympathetically, seeing the pain in your eyes. You leaned against him, reaching to lay a hand on his lap as you wiped your tears away.
Streber leaned in to kiss your tears away, wrapping an arm around you. “Hey, hey, deep breaths, okay? Look at me, breathe in…” Streber looked you in the eyes, attempting to calm you down as he breathed in through his nose, you following. When your breath had calmed, he leaned in for an embrace, you only feeling one of his arms around you. “It’s okay, love. You’re okay. It was just a stupid dream, I’m right here…” He whispered, comforting you as he rubbed your back gently.
You sniffled, wrapping your arms tightly around him as well. “I-I’m sorry… I-” Streber interrupted you, cupping your cheek. “Hey, hey!” He looked into your eyes intently. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Nothing was ever your fault.” He said in a low voice, his eyes welling up with tears as well. “I love you so much, my love.” His voice broke, salty tears falling from his eyes. You felt bad for making him cry, the sight breaking your heart. You closed your eyes, tilting your forehead against his.
“I’m sorry for worrying you.” You whispered, wiping his tears away with your thumbs. He shook his head, recollecting himself. “It’s fine, love,” His voice was shaky, and quiet. “Let’s just… Go back to sleep. Okay?” He offered. You nodded, laying back in bed as he snuggled up to you. Feeling his warmth pressed against you made you feel better as you turned on your side toward him, wrapping the blankets over you both as you wrapped your arms and legs together.
“I love you.” He whispered, nuzzling his face into your chest as you both fell asleep. “I love you, too.” You whispered back, running your fingers through his hair as you were both lulled to sleep by each other’s presence.
You certainly felt better, but it would take a while for you both to recover from the… incident. As long as you had each other, you both felt like… everything would be okay.
I feel as if Streber would not be the only one having constant nightmares about the Halloween incident. His close ones would be quite shaken - especially his lover.
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orangewsunglasses · 5 months
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you guys rodya just experienced a miracle
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octobrrrr28 · 5 days
omg guys i can finally animate again 😭😭😭 i was gogig insane not being able to
got toonsquid so i hope it’ll be good
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sunshinemarauder · 2 years
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when i'm not with you (think of you always) - AO3
for jilyweek 2022, hosted by the lovely @thegobletofweasleys! 24th July - the inevitability of change // foreign travel
For a moment they’re both quiet, drinking in the guitar interlude. Buzzing with energy, James has finally made the decision to break the silence when Lily says, suddenly, “Summer break starts tomorrow.” 
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cyberkatsworld · 2 months
I just finished a lotion after having it for like 2 years are you guys proud 😛
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kiraman · 2 months
@hastyprovocateur is back it's over for the mizemi fandom 💃🏻💋
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It’s finally happened. I can rest easy now🦅
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seductive-snail · 11 months
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n0-im-dirty-dan · 1 year
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got a proper fibromyalgia diagnosis yesterday!
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abianeverdecides · 2 years
To year 3 we go, besties
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lustwithoutlore · 3 months
Stephanie, clearly upset: I just spent $30 at the grocery store and all I got was eggs, mayonnaise, fruit, and pop.
Tim: Oh so prices have gone down, that’s good.
Stephanie: …. I really hate you sometimes, Tim. Really hate you.
Tim: Isn’t $30 for all that cheap?
Stephanie, calling Jason: I need an immediate extraction I’m about to kill Tim.
Jason: … And you need the extraction, why?
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devilart2199-aibi · 2 months
Starscream wants to give you a little squeeze ❤️
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lambjurk · 1 year
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pov: the green man you kidnapped hasn’t stopped talking for 3 days
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werewolf-cuddles · 2 years
Hey, hot take, but if a company decides they no longer want to distribute a piece of media they own the rights to, then they should be legally required to sign the rights back over to the creator.
They shouldn't be allowed to just sit on the IP for the rest of time, especially if they have no intention of ever releasing it again.
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