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M:- I should go to bed too, goodnight everyone! see you guys in the morning! :]
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ruthytwoshakes · 1 year
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after 30 hours we’re done!!!
I love little pootis so much, a fantastic series. If you haven’t seen it yet I really recommend it!! I bought one of the plushies for my little siblings for Christmas hehe.
I’ve been wanted to make some fanart for it for a while, but I wanted it to be special! Since it means too much to me and my family :3 so I tried my hand at digital painting again! Here’s my process:
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First I started out with the sketch and putting in the values, (that image is the scene I was referencing.) and since I have absolutely no idea how perspective works I just guessed and went “eh good enough.” I also used my radical composition skills to give the whole thing some life! (Golden ratio my beloved.) I should have gotten some reference images, first mistake, but I was way too excited lol.
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Then I duplicated the layer and started painting over my sketch using some painting and blending brushes. Unfortunately I forgot to capture any in-betweens of this process so it makes it a little hard to explain. But once I got my values down and my painting rendered to point I wanted it to be, we started coloring!
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And oh god! This is why the painting took 30 hours! This was my first time painting using this method, so I was so not ready for the coloring part. I’m in a love-hate relationship with gradient maps so the coloring was mostly done with blending modes, I think I used the linear light mode?
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After watching a stupid amount of videos by Marc Brunet I finally got it! Used just one overlay layer and adjusted my colors and values as needed for this one. Used a couple gradients and other techniques to get the snow and the water looking how I wanted, and we’re almost done!
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My favorite step! Adding a bunch of textures and sparkly stuff! It’s not for everyone but I really like it. And congratulations we finished our first painting yippee! Thanks for reading :3
little pootis by @quazies
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filtharchives · 9 months
a sfw piece! finally! yippee! happy new year!
four parts total, mostly short aside from the third 
summary: cove x reader - you presented as your secondary sex and now you and cove have to cope; just small moments in the omegaverse
tags: sfw, fem/afab reader, omega!reader, alpha!cove, omegaverse, minor implications of predatory behavior towards reader, slight reimagination of the intro to Step 3, kind of possessive cove (very minor tho), blood mention (during bond marking), not edited lol i don’t do that lmk if i missed any tags tho
at fourteen years old, you figured you got the hang of the whole ‘puberty’ thing—or at least understood it enough to live with it. of course, you weren’t done with new changes, according to your parents and your middle school health teacher. you still had to present, which would come sooner or later by now.
it came sooner rather than later. you went to bed feeling a little weird but woke up this morning feeling normal again, only to run into your sister on the way to the bathroom and for her to freeze in her tracks and stare at you in surprise for a moment as she sniffs the air. 
“oh, hey. you’re an omega. congrats,” she’d said before quickly entering the bathroom and locking you out as she went about her morning routine.
despite elizabeth’s lackluster reaction, your moms were much more enthusiastic about your presentation, and your ma even taught you how to nest, bringing you to now. 
you’re waiting on cove’s bed while he digs through his closet, looking for things to give you for your first nest, as per your request. he was incredibly flustered when you asked and the blush on his face still hasn’t quite gone away. 
“is a blanket okay?” cove asks, holding one up and avoiding eye contact. 
“ma says that when people give their omega stuff for their nest, it’s usually used clothes,” you say matter-of-factly, pretending not to notice cove’s flinch when you say ‘their omega’. “cause it still has their scent and stuff on it.”
“w-why do you even want my stuff anyways?” cove asks shyly, putting the blanket back.
“ma said that for younger omegas who don’t have mates, their nest usually has stuff from their family and friends, and you and i are best friends, so i need your stuff too.” 
cove nods in understanding, a little less embarrassed now, but only enough to look up at you from his place on the floor. 
“alright, then. so… wanna look through my laundry basket?” he chuckles a bit, finding the proposition a little weird. you giggle as well but nod, scooting up the bed and out of the way as cove grabs his laundry basket and dumps its contents across his sheets. you grab one of the shirts and sniff, feeling butterflies in your stomach. you don’t even notice you’re smiling as you do, and cove doesn’t have the guts to point it out, instead electing to turn away and pick out another shirt for you. 
you put the two shirts to the side and return your attention to the laundry pile, a small snort escaping you before you can cover your face. 
“what’s up?” cove asks, raising a brow. you snicker and point to a spot in the pile, where a few of cove’s underwear are visible. cove let’s out an embarrassed sound and quickly grabs at them, throwing them back into his laundry basket. he tosses one more shirt your way before clearing the rest of the laundry off the bed. “i think that’s enough!” his voice cracks at the end but you decide to be merciful and ignore it, thanking him for the clothes instead and asking if he wants to come over and see your work-in-progress nest. 
when you return to school after summer–your first day of high school!--cove anxiously sticks by you as you both wave goodbye to mr. holden before he drives off to his shop. after you presented, his father told him to look out for you–a young omega is a target for new and seasoned alphas alike–and even if you would only be on school grounds for majority of the day, anywhere that wasn’t sunset bird suddenly made cove hyper-aware of how others looked at you; especially upperclassmen alphas. it didn’t help that he was a late bloomer who still hasn’t presented yet, as it made him feel like a younger kid who wouldn’t be able to defend you if need be, despite his height and athletic build. 
the two of you hang around outside the school building, not wanting to overwhelm your nose with the amount of presented alphas and omegas within before it was time. cove sympathized with you, as even without presenting, his nose had always been pretty keen and for some reason he had a weird feeling in his gut since he woke up this morning. still, even waiting outside hardly comforts him as he watches alphas look at you as they pass by or sit outside. cove holds your hand–whether for your sake or his is debatable–and groans when the bell rings, warning students they have five minutes to get to class. 
“do we have to go?” he practically whines as the others outside make their way into the building. 
“we don’t wanna be late on the first day,” you say, chuckling at his behavior. 
“we’re freshmen–we can just tell them we got lost,” he shrugs. despite that, he relents and stands from his seat along with you. he puts both hands on your shoulders and looks you in the eyes. “text me if anything happens, okay? if anyone makes you uncomfortable or anything, i’ll come over, even if i’m in class.” you don’t doubt he would–he’s your best friend and didn’t care too much about school so long as he passed. 
“alright,” you nod. cove hesitates for a moment before pulling you into a hug and you can feel how worried he is to be apart from you in such a big, new school and your perceived vulnerability. if only you had the same schedules, but unfortunately, your counselors didn’t get the memo that you two were a package deal. 
cove gives you another squeeze as you hug him back and suddenly something catches your nose, making you sniff a few times. led by your senses, you bury your nose into the side of cove’s neck, making him yelp and pull back in surprise. 
“what are you doing?” he squeaks out. you don’t have the mind to be embarrassed as you look up at him in surprise. 
“cove,” you say with wide eyes. “i think you just presented. i think you’re an alpha.” cove’s eyes match yours. 
“wait- seriously?” he gapes. “wha- how? just now? an alpha.” instead of answering, you pull the collar of your top to your nose and inhale.
“... and i think you just scented me,” you add. cove’s face is pink at that revelation and before he can continue sputtering and apologizing, the second bell rings, meaning the two of you are officially late to your first classes. you grab cove’s arm and all but drag him into the school.
“hey, wait!” cove’s brain catches up and he matches your steps. “uh- what now?”
“now, we go to class,” you say. “we can talk about this all at lunch, but i really don’t wanna be later than we are.” you flash him a grin. “besides, since you’ve scented me, i’m sure no other alpha’s gonna wanna come near me, so that’s good, right?” cove blushes deeper but nods. 
“r-right. yeah. that’s good.” 
cove is beyond delighted to be an alpha. yeah, he wouldn’t have minded being a beta like his mom and his new friend terri, but being an alpha almost guaranteed that he could keep you safe from other alphas just by his scent laying a soft claim on you. 
so, after that first incident, it became routine for you to have cove’s scent on you. even now, in your sophomore year of high school, cove would scent you in the back of his dad’s car on the drive to school. cliff fully supported this morning routine out of concern for how high school alphas would act towards you without this kind of deterrent, even calling cove a ‘good kid’ for looking out for you so heavily. if only he knew cove’s actions were a little less platonic than he let on since the two of you confessed your mutual feelings at 13 (but even without being officially dating yet, cove was pretty sure his dad wouldn’t be surprised). 
summer of 2016 rolled around and now you were with cove on the steps outside his house, waiting for the new tenant(s) of the donnells’ former summer home. finally, the sound of a car grabs your attention, followed by the sight of a taxi turning into the street. 
“this has to be them, right?” cove asks, eyebrows raised. 
“the only people who come out here, live here,” you grin, a chuckle leaving your lips. “it has to be!” 
cove let out a small, surprised “oh” when the taxi door opened, revealing a young man around your age, dressed in black and white with swoopy hair to match.
“hello, folks,” the young man greets with a smooth voice. “who might you be?” 
“um- we’re the neighbors,” cove replies, only slightly recovered from the surprise. the new tenant’s smile grew in a cocky yet non-malicious way. 
“hallelujah,” he says. you and cove share a bewildered look before looking at the young man again, watching as he grabs his suitcase from the taxi and thanks the driver. when he saunters over, you and cove stand up from the steps. 
“i’m baxter ward,” the new neighbor, now known as baxter, says. “it’s excellent to meet you, neighbors.” he turns his attention to you and holds out his hand to shake. feeling no bad vibes from him–a sense of familiarity filling you instead–you hold your arms open for a hug instead, which baxter accepts without missing a beat. 
“welcome to sunset bird, baxter,” you say before introducing yourself. baxter greets you in kind as you both pull away from each other. 
“we’ve met before,” he says, making your boyfriend ask, “what?! when?” baxter continues to smile widely, head tilted slightly to the side as he studies your visage. “it’s embarrassing, but i haven’t remembered that part yet,” he admits with a cordial laugh while cove continues to stare in disbelief. “i’m getting there. don’t tell me. i know you want to, but do not. it’ll come to me.” he sniffs the air from his polite distance, trying to recall where he’s smelled you before, and suddenly recognition appears in his eyes. he announces his revelation with a snap of his fingers. “the cypress, at the summer soiree! of course. mm, that had to have been before any regionals, so, ah, at the time i was about fourteen years old. that makes it… five years ago from now, right?” cove’s mouth fell open. 
“are you kidding me?” your boyfriend asks with a raised eyebrow. “is he serious? did you really meet this guy at that country club five years ago?”
“yeah,” you say with a small, disbelieving smile–a little speechless about said guy being right in front of you again. “i told you about him, remember? the mysterious boy who danced with me that night? lee was all over that story.” cove’s eyes widen a little more, both in surprise and realization. he let’s out another little “oh” before baxter speaks again. 
“it’s good not to forget a face,” he says. “you see, my parents are members of the cypress. they happened to be passing through on a trip across different states when they heard about the event. funnily enough, the entire reason they joined was for the connections they could make with other members there. looks like that perk has finally hit for me too. originally, i thought it was only any good since i could occasionally dance there.”
“dance?” cove asks. 
“yes,” baxter nods. “i’m a ballroom dancer. ah- forgive me. i started talking about myself before you even had the chance to introduce yourself.” he holds out his hand for cove to shake. you see your boyfriend straighten up to his full height–on purpose or not, you can’t tell–as he shakes baxter’s hand, eyeing him carefully. 
“i’m cove,” he says. “i don’t know much about dancing, but that’s pretty cool.” 
“you have a wonderful name,” baxter grins. “dancing isn’t hard once you get the basics down.” cove doesn’t seem convinced, raising a skeptical brow once more. baxter decides to continue with that same cocky grin. “well, if either of you are looking for a partner, i’m available.” cove involuntarily stiffens, instinctively pulling you closer by the waist. 
“i already have a partner,” he says, relaxing as you lean into his side with a hand on his torso. “(y/n) is the only one i’d wanna dance with. she’s my girlfriend."
“you’re both together?” baxter asks with only a little surprise.
“yeah, we are,” you confirm with a soft smile. 
“now that’s crushing; but makes sense,” he says with a small chuckle. “i got here too late. should’ve taken a semester off sooner.” cove’s smile flattens out and his eyes narrow at his new neighbor. you can’t help but snort at the sudden flare-up of his scent, lightly patting your hand on his chest. on the other hand, baxter looks unoffended, instead offering another apologetic smile. “that’s a joke,” he clarifies. “really, i didn’t mean to intrude on anything you have with the offer.” cove reels in control of his scent, placated. 
“i’ll take you up on that offer sometime,” you chirp with a cheeky smile, giggling to yourself as cove rolls his eyes with an exasperated smirk and a huff through his nose at your agreement coming right after his refusal. 
“i really am qualified to give lessons,” baxter says, looking at cove for his blessing. 
“yeah, it’s fine,” cove relents, playfully pinching your side. “so, um. what made you decide on sunset bird?” 
“oh, yes,” baxter nods, taking in the question. “well, my parents rented a condo so i had a place to stay while i’m off for a semester from college and not living in the dorms.” there’s a playful glint in his eyes as he continues. “ideally, they wanted to send me somewhere that wasn’t too exciting, but, lucky for me, they picked the wrong street. considering the two of you live here.” baxter then preemptively lifts his hands up in front of his chest, giving the gesture for meaning no harm. “it’s nice not to be the only one my age around the neighborhood for an entire summer, nothing more.” 
“you could’ve phrased it like that in the first place,” cove sighs. 
“i don't feel the need to keep words of praise to myself, but they’re not romantic come-ons,” baxter explains. “i see that you two are very much a committed pair. i’d like to be friends, if we can. but that’s all.” 
“it’s… okay,” cove says with a small smile, an attempt at friendliness. on the other hand, you can’t help but grin. 
“i’m finding it pretty entertaining.” baxter laughs at that, due to your own amusement or the difference in how you and your beloved receive him you don’t know.
“glad we’re working things out,” he says. shifting his weight to his other foot, baxter tries to move forward. “so, which condo is yours? how long have you been living together?” 
“oh- no!” cove sputters again, making you laugh. “we’re… we’re both your neighbors, but we live in different houses with our parents.” the two of you point to your homes directly across the street from each other with your free hands. 
“you’re neighbors who started dating?” baxter asks with wide eyes before sighing with a sort of satisfied smile. “what a couple of lovebirds. you’re the backbone of romantic society! honestly, i hope you never break up. if you can make it work, there might be a chance for the rest of us.” cove sighs in exasperation despite the bit of amusement on his face. baxter continues, “well, if either of you are free, i’d be thrilled to hang out this summer, but we can save the schedule talk for later. goodbye for today.” he gives you both a small nod and a dazzling smile. you and cove both give your “bye”s and the newcomer turns around to go to his new, temporary home with his belongings. 
with him out of the scene, coves lets out a long breath. 
“well,” he says, looking at you with a tired smile. “i don’t know how i’m gonna explain that guy to my dad.” you burst into a fit of laughter trying to imagine the conversation. “at least the job is done. we saw the new neighbor, and now we can go meet up with terri and miranda.”
“yeah, we should get going,” you nod. as you and cove start to walk up the street, you feel him give your waist another squeeze, his arm not having left you at all since he first placed it. 
“don’t think i’ve forgotten about how much of a brat you were just a minute ago,” he smirks. “i’ll pay you back eventually.” 
“i have no clue what you’re talking about,” you snicker, only for cove to stop walking and pull you into his chest, both arms now wrapped around you. he holds you in a tight embrace as he takes his time rubbing the sides of his neck against yours. 
“i should’ve scented you the moment you crossed the street,” you hear him mutter, making you snort at his protectiveness–or is it possessiveness? either way, you can’t say you hate it when you tilt your head to give him easier access. miranda and terri may have to wait a little longer. 
it’s a week after your shared heat/rut that cove decides to bring it up. the two of you have been engaged for some time now and he feels like he might just burst. 
“you want to bond?” you repeat, a little slack-jawed. “now?”
“yes,” he nods firmly despite the apprehensive look on his face and the awkward squirming in his seat. “not unless you do, of course. but i’ve been thinking about it a lot these past few months, even before we got engaged, and… a-and it was all i could think about doing during- …during my rut.” his face goes even redder at that admission but he forces himself to maintain eye contact with you. “we’re already engaged and honestly… i don’t wanna wait until after the wedding. i wanna be yours, forever, now.” you can’t help the blush that creeps up your neck nor  the way your heart pounds, just like you can’t help the smile that spreads on your lips. 
“okay,” you breathe out softly, as if not trying to scare your fiancé. “okay. i wanna bond too. i’m ready.” 
“r-really?!” cove squeaks out, surprised you agreed so soon. “are you sure?” you chuckle, nodding. 
“yup. positive,” you affirm with a smile. “do you wanna go first?” cove gulps as you run a hand through your hair, slightly moving it away from your neck. you bite your lip to keep from laughing when you see the look on his face: eyes wide and focused on your neck while his mouth is slightly open, maybe even close to drooling. 
without even responding, cove leans towards you, his strong arms simultaneously pulling you into his lap. he looks you in the eyes again and without a trace of doubt on your face, he smiles shyly before opening his mouth and going right for your closest scent gland. you wince and let out a whimper as you feel his teeth sink in, but you know it has to be done–the bite needs to be strong enough to bleed in order to leave a proper mark. cove gently rubs over your back when he feels you wince, a silent apology for the pain as he gently releases your neck and laps up the drops of blood that remain. 
“you did so good,” he says softly, licking and kissing at the new mark on your neck. you meet his eyes for a moment to see the tears welling up, your softie alpha crumbling at how permanent your intertwined lives have become, before he returns to burying his face in your neck and soothing the purposeful wound. “thank you.” 
“don’t thank me yet,” you muse, running a hand through his seafoam locks. “i still have to mark you.” 
“i know,” he says with a watery chuckle. “and i’ll thank you again after that. just… in a moment. just let me finish with the blood. i don’t like seeing you hurt, even if it’s for this. but thank you for trusting me to do this. for wanting to be with me forever and stuff. for being with me all this time.” 
“you’re always thanking me,” you laugh, now just as watery as his voice. “you did the same thing during the proposal.” 
“i know,” he repeats, looking at you with a smile despite the tears now falling down his cheeks. “i just have a lot to be thankful for when it comes to you. and i want you to know that. how much i appreciate you and need you and… and love you. i love you so much. and thanks to you, i know it’s not ‘too much’.” 
“i love you too,” you whisper, not trusting your voice to not break if you spoke any louder.
“i know.”
BONUS my omegaverse hcs
alphas: liz, cove, cliff, gregorio, jorge
omegas: noelani, lee, miranda, derek, irene, shiloh
betas: pamela, kyra, terry, baxter, nicolas, jeremy
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dance-like-an-idiot · 3 months
i kinda just wanna talk about how Monumental tight-knit family reprise is for marvins character, cause for all of act 1 before this, nothing really changes with him.
tight-knit family reprise starts marvins character arc and makes it a lot, a Lot worse. like not-including-motf-next-time-we-see-him-is-the-chess-game worse. cause this is when his reality gets rocked for the first time.
okay so we all know act 1 marvin. he's controlling as hell and he wants it all. but he can't have it all and he doesn't like that! he doesn't like being wrong (or told he's wrong) and he always needs to win, and always gets what he wants. thats marvin.
in tight-knit family reprise he is actively losing a part of his life to his fucking shrink. so technically he's losing two parts of his life, and like it or not mendel is challenging him. and marvin needs to win.
so he throws a tantrum, moving the set while singing and ruining whizzers space, messing up jasons life, (leaving whizzer to comfort jason btw) and getting in the way of mendel and trina. but mendel stops him. mendel stops his little game, and keeps him from ruining their life too. and neither wins that game but mendel moves the set. he takes control of marvins little game and tells him "stop that!" but marvin doesn't acknowledge this at all.
(also i just wanna say "i just got a family" "the family was mine" is one of my favorite lines in falsettos)
this is when marvin gets worse.
he loses trina, and he loses mendel. and even worse, mendel started fighting against him and his power he needs over the two of them.
and so he loses whizzer.
he made himself lose whizzer after losing trina.
marvin is so upset from losing even one part of his power that he starts to blow up again and again. cause lets face the facts:
tight-knit family reprise: marvin blows up at mendel
trinas song/motf/trinas song reprise: trina trying to figure out how men work and realizing she's got it all wrong
the chess game: marvin blows up at whizzer
making a home: trina, mendel, and jason try to feel comfortable in their new lives
the games i play: whizzer solo (YIPPEE)
marvin hits trina: marvin blows up at trina
so yeah, after tight-knit family reprise he goes a little crazy over needing his power back. but during marvin hits trina he finally realizes he's lost everything.
in tight-knit family he says "i want it all" he says this again in tight-knit family reprise, and mendel says "i got it all" (which they don't harmonize at all ("i want a group that harmonizes") and its my favorite thing) then in marvin hits trina he finally lost it all.
i also just want to highlight the fact that he's never really had jason in the first place (marvin at the psychiatrist part 3).
so in father to son, he tries to get jason back... but does he?
he doesn't.
he just tells jason to be himself.
he tells jason to not repeat his mistakes, and tells jason to never allow him to be controlled by someone.
shout out bill finn and his morally grey characters
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wowa-bublord · 3 months
How do you decide how to stylize the characters you draw? If it's okay to ask.
totally okay to ask! but kind of a hard question because I have so many designs BAHBGFHDJKS!! I'll use my zack design as an example since I draw him the most... and I want an excuse to talk about my process BAHABGFH
the first thing is obviously to get references haha. with Zack thats really easy cos he has 500 designs, I did some studies to figure out how to draw him, what aspects I liked and what things I didn't like! I don't have the studies anymore cos i lost them (bubby lost media) so heres my recreation vvvv
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the thing I liked the most were the sharper, bigger eyes of the cutscene zack, the harder jaw of the remake older zack, and the bigger eyebrows of the younger remake zack >:3 so I slap them all together into my design !!
some other stuff misc stuff I took from some design are the darker skin from the og crisis core, and the big ol mane he's depicted with in his first designs!
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BOOM first pass design
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once I have my first design, I just slowly decide what parts I want to emphasis and exaggerate :) for zack, I like to really push his hair and his eyes. I like to make his visuals very expressive because I see him as a character who isn't very good at verbalizing his emotion, having him physically readable makes writing comics with him easier despite this. (In canon he actually has a tendency to completely turn around or hide his face when he cries! You can see this when Angeal dies, he hides his face behind the sword, later faces away from aerith in the church when he cries, and then at the end during the final meal he turns away from them again. Just a little zack fact.) I also like to push triangular shapes in his design to give him a sort of super hero vibe. Triangle eyes, triangle body type, triangle hair, that sorta thing. Triangles are the strongest shape, so they give him a sort of immovable vibe, however triangles in character designs are also often used for villains because they convey a sharpness and unpredictability. That's why I use them in my sephiroth design a lot too LOL, parallels. I also tend to push the wolf/dog theme a lot with him, with the sharp teeth, big fur hair, and puppy dog ear bangs in his younger design. Mostly because. yea duh Zack The Puppy BAHBVGFHD but also to mirror Sephiroths own theme of dehumanization. Zack is a person second and an attack dog first to ShinRa. Sephiroth the hero and Zack the puppy..... ive got a lot of thoughts but idk how to say them i just hope it comes out in my drawings at all thats what its all about LMAO
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Some other things I try to add are visual parallels I give him to my sephiroth design, with a low nose, sharper jaw, big shoulder pauldrons and a triangle body type. It's more obvious from how I draw their side profiles tho hehe
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And that's how I got to my current Zack design!! sorry for the ramble, thanks for giving me an excuse to talk about my art FWWHWH character design is a big passion of mine yippee!!
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imraespace · 3 months
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note: i wrote this when the second chapter for the jealously book came out so ignore the "new chapter" part.
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(i like card captor sakura guys.)
"Zenitsu they are calling you a cheese head." You giggled at the tweet on your phone.
He mumbled something to himself then let out a soft sigh.
You five was already in the game, mostly interacting with the chat, mostly Muichiro fighting with that one fan. Seems like everyone was ready.
"Is everyone ready?" You asked as you created the lobby. In reply, you got a yes from everyone.
Their usernames appeared in the lobby as your cursor hover above the start game button.
You clicked it and the game began.
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"Hm?" You replied.
Zenitsu had called out to you.
"Why did you chose Nightmare mode?"
"I did?"
"Oh well!"
The game had already started, no take backsies.
You five had watched the intro played, you running up to the person and then bam! You're in game.
"I want to quit already.." Zenitsu again, complained.
"Shut up and play the game." Muichiro told the boy as he began to walk.
We all followed behind him and then stopped when we noticed a light was passing by.
Well the "We" is Mui, Shinobu, Zenitsu and you, where is giyuu?
"Where is Giyuu.." You asked out loud.
"I don't know how to move my camera so I didn't move as yet." He said.
"Oh my god just move your mouse.." Shinobu mumbled, he did as she said and met up with us.
"Thank you." He told her. She simply mumbled a small 'Your welcome'.
Zenitsu already found out where the light was coming from!
"WHAT IS THAT?.." He screamed rather loudly in the mic.
"I NEED MY EARS.." You, too, screamed back.
I looked up to see a rather large thing. With glowing eyes looking back and forth.
"According to my gaming knowledge and skills, I guess we gotta move without getting in its sight!" You said and began to make your way behind some rocks and bushes.
Zenitsu though? He wasn't having the whole sneaking strategy. He ran with full force in a straight line, screaming as he took damage and surprisingly made it to the end, with a pinch of life left.
"Or you could just do that." You mumbled as the others followed what you did.
You guys did it yippee!!
Another cutscene happened which was very much amazing and then.. a hand grabbed you and boom, new area!
You all just ran without any care in the world, tree branches from every direction was blocking the way as you ran but still, made it to the stairs and up into the building like structure.
"Maybe this isn't so bad.." Zenitsu said.
He finally calm down and was enjoying the game and you were proud of him!
"What's that noise?" Muichiro asked.
"It sounds like uh moist..?" Shinobu replied.
"No. It's something eating." Giyuu corrected her.
He was up by a window. You came up behind him and saw that there was some creature thing, eating another thing. Too much things is happening..
"Uhm what is that.." You asked.
"What is what." Zenitsu said. But found out as he made his way towards the window.
Muichiro sighed, you all was standing here for way too long and he got bored and decided to walk.
Oh how wrong he was!
"Where are you going Muichiro.. ITS MOVING TOWARDS YOU MUI!" Your words was too late, he stepped into the room and with speed it ran towards him and munch him up!
Everyone was silent until Shinobu spoke up.
"I guess we sneak around." She said as she crouched and began to make her way into the room.
Giyuu followed behind but stepped on some glass, causing the both of them to get eaten.
"Giyuu.. Please, go on your own time." She said as she went on and accidentally stepped on said glass.
"I hate this game." Was her last words.
Bur they forgot who they are playing with.. The best streamer of them all (you) got passed the first room, and the other and the other until the end.
And then you waited, with a proud smile on your face.
"Beat that losers."
"Don't care."
"Shut up."
They were obviously jealous as you can totally see.
Skipping alot that happened because it wasn't important, you all are now behind the door of something, someone? It was amazing anyways!
Zenitsu opened the door to see something that looked like a sack of flesh. It looked like humpty dumpty in your eyes!
"Uh what the fuck is that." Muichiro thought out loud.
"No swearing boy." You told him.
Zenitsu, being the sensible one, walked back out the room, you all did. Leaving Giyuu in it though! Shinobu closed the door.
"Where did you all go?"
"We're right here what do you mean?" She answered back, clearly trying to hide her giggles.
"No I'm not dumb."
"Are you sure?"
You burst right back into the room and went up to talk to "Nuppeppo" because they were taking too long. and bad talking your new best friend(Nuppeppo).
But no! Nuppeppo had an attitude.
"I know for a FACT that this sack is not calling me an ugly creature."
"But you are."
"Muichiro shut up."
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um im not writing an hour long of gameplay haha!
You all was playing for 2 hours straight so far, alot of screaming, crying, arguing, and cooking?
The cooking wasn't Muichiro's favorite part.
"Why the HELL does this ugly ass demon want ME to cook for HIM.. and in the end ISN'T SATISFIED?" Clearly Muichiro had the most fun out of the rest.
Oh not to mention when you all played hide and seek with the demon child!
Definitely Zenitsu's favorite part.
Zenitsu was quite happy when he found her the first time. and then..
Sadly he mostly found her, and her mother mostly found him.
And lastly..
"Is this slenderman? Why are we finding pages.." You complained.
The long, tall, slender, disgusting creature(the mother) appeared infront of you scaring the life out of you.
"No we're almost finished."
Muichiro's wise words kept you going! What a nice friend.
But in the end you all did it! Never touching roblox for the rest of the day.
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TAGLIST: @deezy12299 @s0uldarling @cherryblossomly @boogiemansbitch @delusional-mushroom @ashlovelys (OPEN)
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dayseedrawz2 · 5 months
This is gonna be a Looooooong post.
I wrote so much-
This is practically a retelling of the entire episode so...
Well, now that that's outta the way...
I can't express ENOUGH how much I enjoyed this!!
Here are some highlights/thoughts I had during my first watch:
The new GLITCH intro looked pretty cool!!
The dream sequence at the beginning was really good!
We kinda get to see how Pomni really felt through the first day in her dream. And her fist impression on the others...
I wasn't expecting this to take place the day right after episode 1, but it makes a whole lotta sense.
We already saw this in the trailer, but the part where Pomni glitches through that block lol
Ragatha tried to comfort Pomni even when she was abandoned by her <33 ALSO-
I got so hyped when Caine came on screen
I am so normal about him
Caine ominously stands for a few frames before starting the explanation of the adventure... hmm...
The maple syrup thing got me thinking (forgive me if I'm incorrect, but-) Isn't Caine's VA Canadian? If so it makes sense to have Caine and Maple syrup in the same room. (That was the first thing I thought of BEFORE the episode, btw)
"Sounds like alot of [BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP]."
"Bubble, you can't say that..."
Mmm, very good delivery 👌
Caine seemed kinda in a rush to get them out also...
"Hmm?" "No thanks, I'm trying to quit."
Also another great line delivery
"Look!! The princess is already friends with us, Pomni!!"
"Im not a child. You don't have to hype me up."
Jax needs a life sentence for Gangle abuse >:(
Auzzie gators go brrr
"Do it, or I'll tell Ragatha about the figurine thing."
I'm sorry, WHAT-
(Fast forward a teensy bit)
Gummigoo coming across his own model...
Realizing that he never actually had a mom...
It was all just elaborate programming to give him a backstory...
Fudge monster go brr
He did what-
Aww, pomni trying to comfort Gummi was so cute...
She offered to take him back to the circus...
I'm sure he'll have a great time :)
Pomni, knowing how to break the game to get them out, was not what I was expecting.
But this whole episode is not what I expected, so here we are-
(One cool truck flying scene later...)
Blah blah blah, they end the adventure, Jax causes some chaos, and they finally take Gummigoo to his new home!
I'm sure he's gonna love it here in the c-
*Sreams at my computer for 5 minutes*
*highlights this as if I wasn't screaming the entire episode*
Oh wow, Zooble didn't abstract yippee :D
And then, the end scene...
The little funeral for Kaufmo oh my word-
And Pomni realizing that the others actually care...
They all got her back...
*The end card begins*
No, you can't just leave us with this!! Wh-
Aaaaaand that was my experience! :>
I... am not okay rn...
What are yall's thoughts???
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ive been turning these 2 around in my mind so so much lately... id like to share why i like them, so ill do so under cut :)
what draws them together? both of their traumas are part of them. neither of them are going to 'get better' in the expected way. they can learn to cope with their struggles, possibly get medications to help with that, but that's it. theyre similar in many things ('their trauma isnt leaving', both are suicidal "feeling suicidal/i wish i wasnt alive" "i should actually just die id be doing everyone a favor LOL"), neither like who they are as people "all the pretty girls make me not wanna be me" "do u know what thats like? being someone you wouldnt want to know?") and both of their songs are about their relationships with other people, even if its not the main theme
weevildoing said this about disposable girl. with chemical girl, its more obvious
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this gives them both a deeper understanding of each other !! even though their traumas are still different, theyve got this similarity. they could talk about that, relate to each other, etc...
another thing that draws them together: their interests, id say! she was a skater girl she was a fitness girl, can i make it any more obvious... most of their hobbies arent the exact same, but they are at least in a similar vein id say - anime and gundam, skating and fitness, rap and megan thee stallion. they could easily enjoy each other's interest, i think!:)
what stands in the way? misunderstanding and miscommunication. i think that (when theyre first getting to know each other, at least) disposable wouldnt stand up for herself/tell chemical when shes uncomfortable/when chemical says something that upsets her ("being mistreated would at least mean im real" "that at least means youre someone that they wanna be around"). she'd feel like voicing these things would cost her her and chemical's relationship. i also feel like she wouldnt see this as something worth communicating, possibly
thatd be a problem in all relationships ofc, but itd upset chemical girl especially. she has a hard time forming relationships ("i wouldnt want to be around me either. do u know what thats like? being someone you wouldnt want to know?"). she pushes others away so that she cant hurt them ("theres no point in getting close, leave me alone"). i think that if she and disposable got close, and she found out that it isnt communicating its feelings, shed be upset !! yknow ?? thinking that youve finally found a friend that likes you as you are, when in reality ur just hurting them with everything that you say... getting close to someone for the first time in forever, opening up, just to find that out would probs frustrate her
have an example of smth that i think that would happen when theyre first getting to know each other
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i think they'd communicate this eventually tho:) yay yippee! im communication and im understanding🏳️‍🌈the girlfriends
what are their good traits? they want to be there for each other, to help each other grow, to understand one another!! like in "what draws them together?", they understand each other more than the average person. they could help each other accept this - like, its easier to accept people for things that you beat yourself up about, yknow? were more strict with ourselves than other people, its easier to deem someone else as deserving of love than yourself, etc etc... since theyre similar in many things, they could learn to love themselves while they start to love each other !! i hope that makes sense..
them sharing hobbies would be SOOO so cute!!! chemical teaching disposable fitness so that she has an outlet for her frustration, disposable teaching chemical how to skate... chemical showing it gundam, her figurine collection, disposable showing her anime, them listening to rap together.... it would be so cute !!!!! i think disposable would enjoy fitness, but would be embarassed by being bad at it/being slow/sweating a lot/etc. chemical would be cheering her on, proud of her for the smallest improvements... likewise, i think chemical would suck at skating. steps on the skateboard and it explodes. u know how it is
what makes them hopeless at romance? ARGHHH "what to do, when everybody that ive loved has only up and left me?" "im alwasy left out of everything" "nobody fuckinf wants me" vs "theres no point in getting close, leave me alone" "i dont think you should come by my place tonight" "nobody can keep up with me"... need i say more...
i think they should latch onto each other like leeches and never let go
thank you if youve read this far:) theyre so everything to me !!!! theyre sooo... god... shaking them!!!! arghrrrr!!! chemwaste!!! save me chemwaste!!!
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(both of these poses are from mellon_soup)
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daandyli0n · 1 month
more Rewrite Refs, y'all!! this time: MCI edition!
it is going to become apparent that my favorite Ghost Trope is the "whatever caused your death shows up on you as a ghost" thing
(warnings: child murder/death, blood/gore, bruises, somewhat obvious broken bones (in Felix's ref), eye injury (again, Felix), eye contact, bright colors/eyestrain, disturbing imagery)
this isn't in order of their deaths, but like. animatronic order, i guess
(click on the images to zoom)
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design details!! yippee!!
the second of the murders.
soul inside of Freddy
transfem, fun fact!
shy and anxious; pretty much the reason Freddy sticks to the shadows.
biracial! mother is from Mexico and her father is black.
family wasn't too wealthy; her clothes were from her older sister.
was one of Elizabeth's friends, and was a kid that Cassidy was close to in the aftermath of Liz's death.
a "popular girl," mostly due to being friends with Naomi and Liz.
died on June 24, 1982; her birthday :(
the third of the murders.
soul inside of Bonnie.
the youngest; thought he was being taken to see Bonnie :(
AuDHD. no i will not elaborate.
one of Kelsey and Cassidy's closest friends.
one of the calmer spirits, surprisingly.
he thinks the fact that he became Bonnie is one of the coolest things that could've happened (Charlie thinks that it's either a coping mechanism or due to the fact that Baker was too young to really comprehend what happened).
died on June 25, 1982.
like Susie, she was The First.
she wasn't the first to die; she was still alive when Gabi was murdered. she was the first victim of the MCI.
soul inside of Chica.
"popular girl," but not...mean. she Does complain about people who annoy her, though. but it's not too often.
like Gabi; best friends with Liz and close to Cassidy.
died on June 24, 1982; tried to warn Gabi, but was stuck inside of Chica and hardly able to even speak. the most she could do were raspy breaths; think along the lines of the noises Chica and Bonnie make when they enter the office in Fnaf 1.
the fourth of the murders.
soul inside of Foxy.
big fan of Foxy and pirates in general.
the oldest of the original MCI. (Charlie is 12, and three kids in the '87 Murders were 15-16).
genderqueer; "Idgaf what ye call me tbh. Call me whatever ye like, Matey, I don't care-"
was one of the more skeptical kids being lured; wondered why "O'Hare" was leading him to a back room to see Foxy...
was the only kid who really fought back; led to some...worse injuries (bruised, several smaller cuts, hand got broken, missing an eye).
died June 25, 1982.
the final murder
one of the souls in Fredbear.
liked to draw! still does, tbh.
shy and anxious (cough autistic) kid.
close friend of Baker and Cassidy.
doesn't...come from a good home.
was at Fredbear's the day he died.
wandered to the Parts & Service room...where William was. got springlocked.
odd, cut-like wounds are from where he was y'know. a young kid in a springlock suit.
William cleaned the suit up and dumped Kel's body in a lake since he couldn't hide him in the suit.
him and Cassidy have a sort of "Comedy/Tragedy" thing with their masks. Kelsey's is much paler, is frowning, and leaks blood instead of the Black Liquid.
fun fact: Kelsey is technically transfem! didn't get to figure it out, unfortunately...but y'know.
anyway!! @that-darn-clown and @hello-there-world if y'all wanna see this :D
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ppenguinpperson · 11 months
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cardiomyocytes and connective tissue @nopanamaman
I’ve wanted to do a fic like this for some time now, a ‘thank you’ letter to PAFL and its community of sorts. I’m happy I finally got around to writing it:) 
I wasn’t sure whether I should do this or not, but, hey! It might make someone feel a bit better!! Or, reading the fic will. That’s enough reason, I think, and you don’t have to read this, of course, no matter who you are.
First of all, I want to talk about PAFL a bit.
The first PAFL song I listened to was PiP. I saw its thumbnail when listening to some other music youtube, and so, I listened to it. Oh boy am I glad I did:) I remember thinking how cool it is that someone's making songs for their OCs and that people are interested in them. I could see so much love for the characters in it. I was so happy when I discovered there were more songs like that!! This was around when Comfort Zone had first come out, a week or two after at most. That was two years ago. I’ve been obsessed ever since.
I love PAFL. I genuinely love that songs haven’t been coming out much lately. Like, there’s media that comes out weekly and sucks shit. I’m glad Ferry is taking their time with this!!! Even if all we get each year is one song, that’s cool, because the community is wonderful and we also get doodles and art and now patreon stuff.. yippee yay… !!! And even if we didn’t. who the fuck caressss!!!!! I love coming up with AUs and OCs and theorizing with my friends!!! the time between songs gives us time to do all that:)
The characters are so charming. Every member of the cast has been a fave of mine at some point or another. They’re all so, real! I love them! I love how they fuck up and I love how they get fucked over and I love how they get exploded and killed and shot and hugged and saved and helped!!! They’re human… might not make sense, but i rlly do like them…
It’s so neat looking back at older songs and seeing how stuff’s changed. The art style, the music, it’s all so nice to look back on. Even if I wasn’t there for it.
And don’t even get me started on the worldbuilding..  Everyone say thank you to Boris Strugackij and Arkadij Strugackij for making roadside picnic and inspiring Ferry to make this… so lovely and neat. wonderful. I have not read it myself, but I might, just to be able to make my own pafl OCs more swagger..
So. This fic.
I can’t mention two years ago without at least mentioning my depression.
I can’t remember most of last year, speaking truthfully. Parts of 2021 are also fuzzy. Depression and anxiety are terrible, would not recommend. This feels cheesy to say, but it does get better!!! Slowly, unsteadily, it gets better!!! I don’t mean for this part of the post to be a ‘feel bad for me’ thing at all. Do not. I am safe and healthy now and I couldn’t be happier to be here right now.
Is life good now?? Sorta, but what matters to me right now is, I’m happy!!! It feels so surreal. I never thought I’d be like this. A part of me wants to be angry, to get depressed again about how I could have been happy all this time. But I won’t!!! Because then I’d spiral and forget another year, and, I don’t want that!
Which is so cool!!! I can like, fucking, do stuff now!! I can throw away the bad thoughts, embrace the good ones, encourage myself!!! I do things!!! I go outside and goddd dude that’s so good!! I go outside!!!
I’m doing stuff! I’m drawing, writing, cleaning my room, taking care of myself!!! If I didn’t stay alive to enjoy these small joys, what am I even here for?? 
And I’m alive!!! I’m here!!! I made it, I’m here, writing this on 10th november, 2023, and I’m ALIVE!!!! How cool is that??? 
And yea, the world is shitty, it sucks ass, but, my friends don’t!!!:3 and that’s more than enough for me… SHOUT OUT TO MY FRIENDS!!! I LOVE YOU DUDES!!!
Moving on:
It doesn’t feel right to say that I’m here now only to PAFL. But, what I can say is that it’s been a wonderful crutch for me!! It’s been something to focus on, something silly, but also something I can relate to, and something that inspires me to make my own stuff! I’d most likely still be here, were it not for these silly songs.. but, not sure I’d be as alive as I am now! Unsure if my heart would feel right in my chest! And I wouldn’t have met my amazing friends!!!! Everyone here is so nice.
Dima may be a bit OOC in this fic, and that's because! This fic is based on my own experiences, which, i don’t think is bad…
I could talk here forever about how it gets better. Butttt to be quite honest I don’t wanna lol. I just wanna say, Thank you! to Parties are for Losers, for being cool. 
(Though I also wanna say, don’t put Ferry on a pedestal, they’re human, we all make mistakes, all that stuff.)
Ok time to go back to my manly Sergei ways and never talk about emotions ever again. or as anya would say: FUCK IT WE BALL!!!!!
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subwaytostardew · 5 months
▽ Adoptable Joltik  - Sidetracked Events⚡️
I added a 7-event (more like 3, really) storyline included as an update to the Adoptable Joltik mod. It consists of Emmet not taking loss well. He misses his Joltik. He doesn't want to bother you about it. He will get back on track eventually.
These play when you enter the backwoods/mountain pass between 6:00 and 10:00 AM after seeing the adoption event and have at least 8 hearts with Joltik. Enter the mountains at the same time for the 5th event (with Ingo). Each event unlocks a new line of daily dialogue from Joltik and starts a cooldown for the next event to not start until after 4 days. The final (7th) event requires 9 hearts with Joltik.
As always... Commentary under the read-more.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
This update didn't really have any planning. It was a spontaneous decision to make more events and all the content was written as I coded so it's a bit rougher than previous events.
I've been wanting to update the Joltik mod to use Emmet's new recolored spritesheet and lock adoptability behind 8 hearts as intended (and also... fix the event requirements since I realized it was set to 10 hearts instead of 8... oops). The file was also zipped in a way that removed the containing folder so it made using mod loaders like Stardrop and Vortex more finicky.
If you've already seen the adoption event, there wouldn't be much incentive for downloading an update since Emmet doesn't appear outside of events. I'm not ready to release him as a full NPC to the general public just yet! His heart events are still broken. I dread going back and fixing them. I got a bit burnt out from working through my backlog of things to do for the mod and wanted to switch tracks from pixel art (so many portraits...). Eventing is my favorite thing to do regarding the mod, so I decided to make more events to include in the update as a break of sorts (not working on the mod? Taking an actual break? Why, I'd never!). More events are the perfect solution for me wanting to show off the new art for Subway to Stardew while also not implementing submas as full NPCs in the Joltik mod.
I could make Emmet's 9-heart event but... I feel like that's more of a Subway to Stardew thing than an Adoptable Joltik thing... if that makes any sense. I might include it later when I get around to writing/coding it, but I thought it would be a bit abrupt to add in the Joltik mod since you don't really get to befriend Emmet as intended there. There's also some people who aren't obsessed with submas and do download the Joltik mod for well, Joltik! Only Joltik. I went into eventing with that in mind and well...
I missed Emmet. I wanted him to be clingy again. I think you can tell where I got a bit self-indulgent. Making a mod is a lot of work and if I have the ability to turn Stardew into an Emmet friendship simulator, I'm going to make the most out of it. I need my emotional support Emmet to keep me on track. So for people familiar with Subway to Stardew and do like submas, you can get Emmet hugs at 9 hearts with Joltik now because I got derailed. Yippee!
The sneaking around in the mountain pass part was just silly. Since you can't visit Emmet in the Adoptable Joltik mod, I wanted to write around you not being able to find him. He's actively avoiding you now. Whether or not you notice him doesn't matter. He's not going to talk to you. It's safer that way.
I was thinking that Emmet doesn't take loss or changes in his routine very well; adopting Joltik would cause him to split tracks with you for a little bit. He's clingy and can't stand the few he cares about being gone even a little bit. He overthinks Joltik being happier with you so his inferiority complex flares up and he gets insecure about you forgetting him, too. He's jealous of you being a two-car train and he misses having Joltik aboard. He knows it's wrong to direct his frustrations at you since all you did was make Joltik happy.
There is a lot derailing his train of thought. While it's hard for him to stay on track, he still cares about you; you're still his best friend and favorite passenger (at the end of the line...). He doesn't want to split tracks forever, so he'll steer himself away in case if he accidentally lashes out or you end up thinking he's annoying with his visits for Joltik. He doesn't want you to hate him. He just wants to make sure Joltik still cares about him and still care for them while he takes the time to adjust to the changes in his routine. He's still frustrated with you, but that's his problem, not yours. He knows that. He thought it was a good idea to avoid you until he adjusted.
After all of that, his frustrations die down and he's a little deprived of his favorite (not-Joltik) passenger. He's clingy again. He won't let anyone derail him. Not even you. But he's back on track!
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6okuto · 1 year
Been going feral over the shy reader headcanons . I'm very biased towards Ais and Leander, but I'd love to see more shy reader hcs with the other boys too ❤️
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(shy) gn!reader | yippee!!! there's less for each since it's 3 charas but i did my best. not sure how the notes got so long... lol?
** suggestive notes
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a kiss while he compliments you, whether you're actually wearing something new or look the same as usual. kuras can't help how attractive you are!! he Can let you know though. you walk toward him and he greets you with a smile as usual, so you're caught off guard when he gently grabs your hand and cups your cheek to kiss you. it's only right to make sure you know he adores you, isn't it?
kisses to your temple as he rushes around the clinic or before running errands because even if he's busy he never forgets to thank you for sticking around and helping. he promises to take a break soon, And to treat you to dinner later. your favourite spot, or maybe you want to check out the new place that opened nearby? he's happy wherever you choose
soft kisses goodbye/goodnight ! an actual kiss on your lips, or the back of your hand,, maybe on the inside of your wrist. it's a good balance between polite and teasing when your relationship is just starting. he smiles afterward, not commenting on your flustered state, only asking if you're available to spend some more time together tomorrow
kisses to your shoulders and back while he massages you. kuras's voice is soft while he asks how you feel, if there's anywhere he should reach, or something he can do. you feel stuck in a (good) loop of relaxation and surprise every time he reaches a knot or hums near your ear
**kuras is tall. it's easy to sit somewhere between his legs as his fingers trail across your hips under your shirt, and his lips kiss the space between your jaw and ear. he asks what you'd like him to do, saying he needs to hear you say it out loud. and when he moves to kiss you properly, it shifts from soft intimacy to a rougher one at the sounds you let out despite his best attempts
asks you for a kiss for good luck or something before he goes on a job. or when he has to deal with someone annoying. or when you have to part ways and well Don't you want to make sure He gets back safely. really any excuse to see how you react and if you'll do it, since you both know he'll always make his way back to you safe and sound
kisses that turn into nips at your skin (or lips.) you're flustered enough when he leans in and hovers at your neck, but then he catches you off guard when you feel his teeth instead of his lips. he laughs at your reaction, and if you feign annoyance hard enough, vere might halfheartedly apologize before actually kissing you
he does a thing when he wants attention where he'll come and wrap himself around you before trying to distract you with kisses. they start slow, one to your hand that he pulls into his, but they escalate quickly until you finally stop to give him the unwarranted attention he wants deserves
intimate kisses while he's being vulnerable. vere doesn't like spilling his heart out, he isn't well acquainted with it. but he knows physical affection well and naturally finds comfort in your touch. you gently kiss him as reassurance and he smiles—its somewhere between being grateful and incredulous—before he asks for another so he can Really feel better
**messy kisses while you stumble toward the bed. his hands find their place, one rubbing your thigh and the other pulling your top to expose your collarbones/shoulders. vere whispers about how much he's wanted to do this, boldly listing everything you could do, trying out pet names to gage your reaction. at the same time, he leaves hickies both in obvious places and ones he says only the two of you get to know about
a kiss when (they think) you're asleep. they might softly poke you or say something to see if you react. if you don't, they make sure you're in a comfortable position and gently kiss your temple before also getting ready to sleep. embarrassed if they notice you were awake afterward so you might have to kiss them back and say now you're even! 🫣
kisses after a long day apart and they're slightly more open to physical affection. their replies are mumbled as you lie together, and they can't stop themself from melting into your touch. it's nice to finally feel safe and relax. the conversation dwindles, you're looking at each other, and the way their gaze flickers down to your lips doesn't go unnoticed in such close proximity. the kisses are soft and quick, but come in groups of 2 or 3 before you have to smush your face into the pillow to cover how flustered you are
a casual kiss that catches you off guard, especially since you either just made them worry or frustrated. maybe you've just come back later than expected and you're sitting in front of them as they tend to your wounds. you say something cheeky and they roll their eyes. the kiss is quick, to the top of your head or temple, before they stand up to grab something. you barely register the comment they mutter about needing someone to watch you
a kiss to prove a point after jokes about how if people didn't know better, they'd be shocked to find out you're a couple. mhin doesn't kiss you in front of a crowd or anything—it's more for them/the both of you. somewhere in private, their hand on the back of your neck or small of your waist. a few seconds longer and you'd wonder if they wanted to go further, before they pull away with a determined look (blush tinting their cheeks), as if that was all the confirmation they needed
**the kisses that happen when they finally accept they want you that take your breath away and have your hands tangled in their hair. ones where their hold on you tightens with every noise you let out, and their eyebrows furrow as they reach to take off their cloak without looking. mhin's chest presses against yours as they breathe heavily, and there's a second where the both of you check to make sure the other is okay before leaning in again
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chronicbeans · 1 year
What would it be like if you were Wally's puppeteer?
I actually have a whole story, start to finish for that scenario! I'll provide the links to the Masterlist that have the parts for it below, alongside some extra little info and just an overview for his behaviors and thoughts! Just a heads up, these Masterlists are a bit chaotic, because I am not well practiced in making them! 😅 Also, the story is pretty old - my first one on here - so idk how well it holds up!
Being Wally Darling's Puppeteer:
TW: Idol Worshipping, Obsessive Behavior, Unintentional Violence (Puppet Man Doesn't Understand how Fragile Humans can be)
As a puppet, Wally isn't necessarily in as much control over you as he would be as a puppeteer. He doesn't mind, though! He doesn't see the need to control you. It's your job to control him. Why would he want to control you?
He always knew he was a puppet, but not necessarily what it meant. To him and his friends, being a puppet was basically the same as being human, just with more stuffing and felt than skin and bone. So, when he got brought to the human world, realizing that every puppet has a puppeteer... someone who controls what they say and do everyday... his mind is blown. His mindset is filled with the idea that making you happy will, in turn, make his already pleasant life perfect! His friends will be even happier, he will be happier, and most importantly, you will be happier!
Then, that desire to make his own life better fades away as everything settles in better. As he watches you, he begins to grow attached to you. Well, more so than a puppet and puppeteer already are. You are his savior! Think about it! Someone who controls what he says and does in his world... What does that sound like to you?
He isn't scared to reveal himself to you. He's your puppet! Why would you be scared if he is walking and talking? You are pals! You have a bond stronger than pals, actually! He wants your attention. He wants your affection. He wants you to be proud of him. He needs it.
He is willing to go to extreme lengths, however, he doesn't understand the consequences of it. As a puppet, he can handle things like... say, a heavy object falling from a high place and hitting his head. That may sound very specific, but as a three foot tall puppet, that's one of the few things he can do. He can also handle things like accidentally stapling himself. Just pull it out! It feels uncomfortable, yes, but no severe injuries! He doesn't understand that humans can't handle it. That humans are harmed by it. He may know that if feels uncomfortable for them and mean to do these things, but he doesn't understand the extent of injury these actions can cause.
So, you may notice some of your coworkers being brought to the hospital for odd injuries. An "incident with the stapler", "a large box of tools fell on their head", "the sewing machine malfunctioned". They never really want to explain what actually happened when they come back, either. They tend to avoid you, too. Wally does feel bad, don't get me wrong! He didn't mean to hurt them that badly... But, depending on the person, he might think they deserved it. Specifically if they were mean to you in the past.
You also get a bucket load of letters, drawings, and paintings on your desk at work, every single day. He has no fear in signing them, either! He'll proudly write his name, mention how much he loves you, and doodle little hearts and smiley faces all over the paper. If he didn't reveal that he is alive at this point in time, you probably think that it is all some sick joke. If he did, you are most likely twice as scared as before.
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peccaberry · 5 months
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Happy Mermay everyone!
I am bringing back the Volorei merman au this month with a slightly redesigned Volo tail and some new art to share!
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We finally go full mermaid, love it!
This au takes place in Hisui instead of in the modern day like the other two.
All the PLA cast are members of one of 4 different pods that live in the ocean surrounding Hisui.
The Jubilife Pod: Contains all the prominent members of Jubilife Village. Leader is Kamado.
The Ginko pod: Contains all the members of the Ginko Guild as well as Cogita. Leader is Ginter.
The Diamond Pod: Contains all the members of the Diamond clan. Leader is Adaman.
The Pearl clan: Contains all the members of the Pearl clan. Leader is Irida.
The 4 Pods live on opposite shores for the most part. The Jubilife Pod is near Prelude Beach, The Ginko Pod is in Cobalt Coastlands, the Diamond Pod is just off the Crimson Mirelands, and the Pearl clan lives in the icey waters around the Alabaster Icelands.
These 4 Pods visit their neighboring pods for trade and if they've formed friendships with other members, but the Diamond and Pearl pods are rivals and have been known to get territorial with each other.
Rei met Volo when they were both small and they became fast friends. Living on opposite sides of the island made it hard for them to see each other regularly but as they got older and better at swimming they started to be able to make that journey more and more.
Rei learning how to fly definitely helped and he eventually started to visit the Coastlands on a weekly basis.
Volo ditches work whenever Rei comes to visit him and it's pretty obvious to everyone they've got it pretty bad for each other. They never tell anyone they're dating but they can often be found cuddling with their tails entwined.
Volo becomes more and more interested in what's happening on land as he gets older and spends whatever spare time he can exploring it which is considered incredibly strange for a merpokemon.
Volo brings back many things he manages to get from the humans including clothing which he and Rei have fun figuring out how to wear.
Volo has some traumatic experiences with the humans he was getting stuff from and becomes angry. He doesn't understand why they aren't accepting of him or would want to hurt him. Rei becomes increasingly worried about him but after some time passes Volo seems to have put his anger with the humans behind him.
Volo asks Rei to help him collect these cool colorful plates he found out exist!! Rei is happy to help his boyfriend with this fun new hobby :))) Yippee!! Yay!!
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It depends on how he wants to style it! Like human Volo and anyone else in PLA who goes to Arezu for the "Sinnoh Style" cut, it can be like that on land too. Underwater it would probably naturally flow around like anyone else's would unless he was wearing it in Sinnoh Style.
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Volo would not have to stay wet at all times. Like a lot of Pokemon he's incredibly hardy! He would ideally spend at least part of the day in the water (or in a PokeBall if this is the Mer-Volo human Rei au) He would not be able to spend days at a time away from water or anything like that but spending the night on land wouldn't be a big deal.
If the mermaids in this au spend time dry on land they like to wear shirts to help keep them warm :) they don't have to, but it's comfortable for them.
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Hey Cap!!!
First section of OM observations plus commentary, chapters covered is: fox skin and changeling. Questions are numbered and in bold! 
Right, finally found the time to have a sit down and do this, yippee! College has been taking up far too much space in my brain! 
I’ve got a mocha, and a slice of lemon drizzle cake so I’m all set up :3
[— — —]
I’ve always really loved what you open with for OM, its both nice and straight to the point and the tone is kept light to play up the comedy that *somehow* no one has figured out just what Juleka is. 
Question 1: How does glamour work in this universe? Is it a natural magic that developed as a defence mechanism from when monsters were being persecuted or was it something cast over monsters by design? Is it a different sort of glamour that protects miraculous users' identities?
I did chuckle when Juleka referred to the miraculous as “hero business she wants no part of” because a) PN being a thing, and b) Juleka is literally insanely protective and sacrificial in OM as is so she’s heroic either way, so like ha! I know what you are Juleka… mentally ill…
Oh, I do love reading and seeing the gang form, you introduce these familiar characters with unfamiliar aspects so wonderfully. The way each of them have a different intro… it’s so much fun. I do like how the reveals slow down as the story goes on but still pop up from time to time, like with Kim in later chapters. 
Speaking of, I do adore how you write, like, overall plots? It’s hard to describe, but you always have a very good mix of character driven plot beats, and manage to keep the story arcs flowing. OM does have less of a clear ending point because of how it’s written but if anything it adds to the vibe of the story; teenagers being silly goofs and learning to rely on each other and discovering who they are as people. 
It’s so funny how Rose kicks off the plot by casually mentioning Alya’s coat, like did she just get bored or something?? 
I do like how you write Juleka’s vampiric driven thoughts, they toe the line of being a bit funny and with her being self aware enough that they feel grounded. They don’t feel unnecessarily creepy or melodramatic.
Christ it’s really weird seeing Juleka interact with Marinette. I'm so used to the toxic LadyNoire yuri…
Question 2: But also. Fr. Why did Marinette react like that when asked about Alya’s jacket??
Question 3: Does Juleka also have to count things if they are thrown on the floor as another weird vampire thing after needing an invitation and being unable to cross running water? Also is Juleka burnt in the sunlight and she’s just been wearing a huge hat and been fully covered this entire time or…?
I do love Alya as a character, especially in this she has so many fun qualities which are a lot of fun to read about. They’re awkward in an adorable way in this chapter, both of them lack any tact Juleka’s “I like your skin.” line will always make me lose my mind, why tf is she like that?! I do like their dynamic in this with the magical investigative side of things and becoming closer friends it's super cute :3
Question 4: How does Juleka’s whole mind control thing work? Because you explicitly wrote that the “I suggest you tell me more.” thing is a suggestion spell and I’m not sure if we ever see Juleka attempt to mind control someone. Like, I get why she wouldn’t whip it out on the reg, it’s kind of nasty on the consent side of things, but for when they’re fucking around and finding it out it feels like it could be useful depending on how it works :)
EEEE, Alya’s transformation is so cool… love how you wrote that, plus her reaction afterwards with immediately wanting to know more about Juleka is so in character for her. 
The running bit of Juleka being like “Why does everyone think Rose and I are dating?” only for her to be the only one who didn’t think that is literally so funny. My poor girl has no self esteem but to be fair Rose, girly, use your words!
Question 5: In your lore, is a bitten vampire different to a born vampire in any capacity? If so, in what ways?
Question 6: Why are Etta and Ella just people but Nora and Alya are selkies? Is it because their mum didn’t bring her coat with her when they escaped the sperm donor? If so; does that mean their mother lost the other traits of a selkie (as was described about Alya having sharper teeth, claws, etc.) or is it another reason? Also I find it so upsetting that Alya’s mother couldn’t keep her coat like man wtf she suffered enough
THEY’RE SO CUTE. I love Juleka just rambling about her experience as a vampire with all that stuff and Alya’s rapidly writing everything down… the buddy cop duo of all time actually. 
HA, Alya actively stalking observing Rose and Juleka as a fox at the end is so silly…
[— — —]
The way that I’m like so frustrated that Juleka doesn’t try harder at shape shifting… girl if I could turn into a few animals and all I had to do was practise a lot you best know I’d be experimenting on the reg
Hey… the gangs (mostly) all here! (plus Marinette) 
To be perfectly honest with you; until I read this I never cared about Sabrina as a character. She just felt so directionless without Chloe there. Plus the writers kept flip flopping between Sabrina relishing in the nasty tasks Chloe gave her, ending up as a quieter mean girl or being this poor girl who’s Chloe’s lackey and is being pressured into everything. So in canon she had no consistent behaviour and had no substance behind her actions. 
On the other hand, Chloe felt similarly baseless and like she was just used for cheap plot progression until they introduced her mother and everything sort of clicked into place, as far as I can remember they never did the same thing for Sabrina.
Like the show really didn’t give us anything but hints on how you could make her interesting but you write her fantastically :)
Like, you both managed to make her a really fun character to read by pulling from bits and pieces of the show and when adding the magical element to it all you created a very compelling person who has complex relationships with people and herself and it’s just a joy to read
Not the title drop-
HEHEHE I love Alya and Juleka covertly gathering information they’re so silly, the idea of them concocting this plan all mischievous like is so funny
Alix expertly changing the subject (“Marinette wasn’t you dad a werewolf Akuma?”) but still hinting towards being / having connections to a werewolf was very smooth I don’t think I noticed that before! 
Question 7: Can a werewolf be Akumatized during a full moon? If so; what would happen? I’m ngl, this question does stem both from curiosity as I may have a little bit of a plan for that in my over complicated miraculous fic (Like, seriously, I get why you largely ignore Adrien, Marinette and the miraculous in this. Combining superhero + miraculous shenanigans AND monster / magical society AND civilian stuff into one, is a right bloody fucking nightmare to make it all fit together and figure out how the different aspects interact. It’s a lot of fun but jesus christ is it a pain in the arse to sort out)
EEEE, I love Sabrina and her changeling thingmies, it’s so much fun how you write the glamour being peeled away from each character once they have an ounce of evidence and are actively looking for it
Help not Juleka rolling her eyes at Marinette motor mouthing about Adrien, girl you are no better about Rose. Though I wonder why Adrien makes Juleka nervous.
Also, I wish we fucking went on nature walks more often. The last time I did that in school was when I was in primary 7 (grade 7 if you’re american… I actually don’t know if you are sorry) wait how old are the gang?? 
Question 8: How old is everyone in this?? Wait not literally everyone- you know what I mean!
Anyway. The point is a nature walk would rock and I love how absolutely none of the reveals for the monsters are the same! Like, Alya and Juleka’s ‘’confrontation’ was in her flat, Sabrina gets fucking lured through a forest by Juleka “Blunt as a dull hammer” Couffaine, and it goes on but I’ll natter on about them when we get there :3
Insane about the Sabrina backstory with her mother divorcing her dad after she found out Sabrina wasn’t the child she gave birth to. I headcanon that Roger also sucked ass at being a husband. He seems the sort. 
Neither of her parents are the best but like I can understand freaking the fuck out that your child got kidnapped and you were left with something inhuman, I cannot, on the otherhand, understand Roger treating Sabrina as he did and then trying to get his ‘real’ daughter back… but we’ll get there and I can rant more! 
I am curious about how they found out their baby got replaced, changelings are supposed to be convincing copies or were used as an excuse to kill physically deformed babies- but let’s not get into that! 
Juleka’s simply speaking the truth about all the changeling nonsense largely pushed by how her dad talks about her.
YES GIRL SHE IS NOT A FAKE. SHE. IS. HER OWN. PERSON!!! Juleka + rightful rage about other people’s shitty situations is always so much fun, a bit depressing that she’s so much more vocal when it’s someone else but rarely if ever speaks up for herself. But fr, whenever you write a character going off about another character’s shitty parents / situation or whatever I’m always right there with whoever’s ranting and raving. You write righteous anger impeccably cap, the dialogue and the action tags, all of it gets the feeling across spectacularly. 
Not the way that you said the stump Sabrina was sitting on was “now flourishing, not regrowing in any way, but moss and grass continued their newly improved growth, flowers blooming around their feet along with mushrooms and shrubbery.” is. Is this because Sabrina has been fucking smother by her dad her entire life and this is symbolic of how Juleka’s words affected her. If it is I’m a fucking eejit cause how did I miss that, it feels like it is because of how you phrased it. I mean it might be that but it is also foreshadowing about her botanical magic
Sabrina must be getting whiplash from Juleka suddenly being all chatty and asking pointed questions about her friendship with Chloe compared to her normally just like. Nervously standing somewhere in silence. 
Also. Hey. Sabrina girly you’ve been dealing with this whole life altering revelation by yourself for four years? What the actual fuck? I feel so bad for her?? Like I am so glad the gang forms and she hashes out her shit with Chloe and- aaaaah… The gang is just such a good friend group, the dynamics feel fleshed out for all the characters…
Question 9: Hey. what the fuck is Ms. Bustier? I vaguely remember you saying something about her nearly being a succubbus and then rethinking that cause she’s a teacher, and I *think* that it’s implied she is the Fae Queen from that story about Anarka but I’m not sure… Obviously don’t say if it’s spoilers but I just realised I’ve kind of assumed she is Fae and idk if that’s correct
I do love the wee bit at the end with Alya and Sabrina jokingly pushing Juleka to get drunk off of Fae blood, it’s really funny. Also in my head Fae blood is a dark turquoise and I’ve just realised you said “off-coloured blood” not fucking blue where did I get that from???
[— — —]
That's all for tonight! I’m not sure if I’ll go as in depth with each chapter (and I may get too into reading and forget to write stuff down). I might fiddle with making the questions easier to find… Oh and If this is too much text in one ask, do say and I’ll split things up :)
(P.S, thank you for wishing me a happy birthday after my last ask :) it was very sweet <3)
guahh Im so happy to read this guahhh okay lets get to answering
Question 1: Glamour is both a defense mechanism and a hunting mechanism! In terms for defense, its used by monsters to hide from being hunted or bothered. In terms of hunting, creatures like vampires and kelpies benefit from looking "normal"
Question 2: As for Marinette's reaction, she just straight up didn't notice Alya's coat! It confused her, and when Marinette gets confused by something she gets curious and suspicious. But she was made to show the difference between her, a normal human, and Juleka, a monster who knows what to look for.
Question 3: Juleka has a desire to count things but its not very intense its more like a subtle observation. It's also deeply uncomfortable and slightly scary to cross running water. Juleka would dub it a phobia of getting carried away by the water. She also gets pretty bad sunburns, she won't turn to dust, but god will it hurt to go out without a hat or sunscreen on for a full day.
Question 4: Suggestion magic kinda taps into a curse side of things I imagine! Like, putting someone magically into your debt by being polite. I imagine the origin lies in Fae stuff.
Question 5: They are in fact different! Juleka is a born vampire, meaning while she's sensitive to sunlight she will not die, and other 'holy' objects won't immediately kill her. She can also eat human food. Meanwhile, to be bitten into a vampire means Dying. When you're bitten by a vampire, you dont turn unless that bite Kills You.
Thus bitten vampires are undead, and Will die in direct sunlight, and can only survive on blood.
Question 6: You're correct! Etta and Ella lack the traits because Alya's mom lacks her coat. Im unsure if that means Marlena's own traits are fading without it.
Question 7: I think it would be VERY difficult to akumatize a full moon werewolf since theres little emotions involved with the creature. Only instincts.
Question 8: I think they're around 16-17 in this!
Question 9: I shan't sayyyy thats a spoilerrrr
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Sharing more ocs again it’s my enrichment hours 🤭
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Lore for them under the cut! Tw for mentions of self harm and incest (which is kinda there in asoiaf but still). If you can’t handle these topics that’s more than alright! I just recommend you don’t read for the sake of your mental health. Love y’all <3
Allyria Ladybright: I don’t have much on her tbh, but she’s one of my favs already <3 basically her story is that she witnessed Baelor’s whole hostage return/Aemon rescue at around seven years old, and that rocked her shit so hard she became a religious fanatic and was convinced from that whole event that King’s Landing was some incredible holy land. She’s a lesbian and acknowledges it but still thinks it’s a sin so hurts herself as a form a repentance whenever she has a gay thought. She’s part of Myriah’s royal retinue and was super excited to finally see King’s Landing only to get really sad when she realizes it’s kind of a shithole and the royal family are incestuous freaks. These are mostly scattered thoughts but she’s been banned from the Great Sept for confessing her absolutely graphic gay sex thoughts so kinda just prays in private, she idolizes all the seven worshipping Targs but immediatelyyyy starts crying if she ever gets put in Aegon’s presence, so she moved to Daeron and Myriah’s social circle until they thought it best she just… go back home. So anyway she goes back home and builds a little sept in her family seat and becomes a pseudo-septa before walking out into the desert and never coming back, yippee <3
Rowan Tully: Probably the one I have the least amount of info on, honestly her whole thing is that she’s the middle child of four daughters and was my other oc Naera’s former friend/kinda lover? She’s really jealous and hated it when Naera would flirt with any other girl even though she spent years simping for the sexy st. Sebastian-esque painting of Criston Cole she saw exactly once. She gets married to a Mallister guy but they don’t like each other so she just stays locked away in Riverrun making really nice clothes for her extended family. Has probably pushed for her older sister to support the Blackfyres out of spite, didn’t succeed in that though since the Tullys did end up pledging to the Targs. Honestly idk how she dies, maybe I’ll be nice and say she got to he geriatric and died of natural causes but I’ll take any suggestions lmao
Laenys Blackfyre: Ok I’ll be honest she’s my real favourite lol. She’s the oldest child of Aegor Rivers and Calla Blackfyre, and took her mom’s last name in order to push the Blackfyre agenda. Girlie’s charismatic as all hell and has absolutely won support from important figures in the free cities, but definitely has a more cruel side that she likes to hide behind closed doors. A little weird about relationships because she fully believes in the whole incest practice but is also a lesbian so she’s only psychosexually obsessed with her younger sister and is incredibly controlling over everything she does. Kinda believes herself to be the family’s real heir because she’s super committed to the cause and is the reason why they still have some support and when one of her brothers tried to argue that she had him “taken care of”. Anywayyy tho all her connections kinda fall apart once she gets assassinated in front of all her political allies, people think Bloodraven might’ve done it but nobody can prove it so the Blackfyres kinda just…. Brush Laenys’ whole legacy off to the side and keep trying to fight their wars. Rip queen.
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