aberooski · 4 months
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I died on the altar waiting for the proof...
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blue-cherry-dust · 2 years
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Servant of the People - S02E13
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beevean · 2 years
Retranslating parts of the Curse of Darkness script
I thought to replay the game again, this time with Japanese voices to change the experience a little
I’m not sure whether the translation was JP -> ENG or ENG -> JP: it looks like the latter to me due to the lip sync. Anyway, the two versions are surprisingly faithful to each other, but I wanted to check if there were any interesting differences... and there are :P
For reference, I used this playthrough for the Japanese cutscenes, and the English script in the wiki.
First cutscene
Many interesting differences in this iconic cutscene. Isaac sounds much angrier in Japanese than he does in English, and I think he’s quite less effeminate too, although they couldn’t change his body language :P
ENG: With this, the most forbidden of arts, a wisp of conjured matter can be transformed into a hellish devil! There are but two humans who possess this magnificent power: you and I.
JP: A forbidden secret art feared by humans. Creating a devil that serves you and you only, from a bundle of magical power! There are only two people in this world who have mastered this power: you and I.
Additional details provided by the Japanese version: Devil Forging is “feared by humans”, implying their tragic pasts as outcasts of humanity, and Hector and Isaac aren’t the only ones with this power, but they’re the absolute best in their field. I also like the description of “bundle of magical power”, although both versions are equally “mystical” in this regard lol. Calling the Devil Forging “secret art” also refers to the name of the track playing in this scene, Flattery With The Secret Arts (“秘術との迎合”).
(speaking of “you and I”, Hector and Isaac use ore for themselves and kisama for each other.)
ENG: Ah, but you will, Hector. And soon! You have no choice. Without it, I could crush you in an instant... but that wouldn't be very satisfying, now would it?
JP: What's the point of a boring oath? It would be easy to destroy you here and now. You, who gave up your powers and became the lowest of the low, nothing but mere scum.
I love how in the cutscene you can see Isaac rolling his eyes at Hector’s oath so his snarky remark in Japanese is even more fitting 😂 but also geez man, I haven’t taken control of Hector yet and you’ve already killed him.
(if in English the last part sounds clunky, the original phrase is “ただのカスと成り下がった”: I really wanted to convey as much of Isaac’s contempt in English as I could)
ENG: You deserve a most gruesome fate for the humiliation you brought upon me three years ago.
JP: However, even if I destroyed such a thing, it wouldn’t make up for the humiliation I received three years ago.
The wording is vague, this is the version that makes the most sense to me. The Japanese line sounds even more bitter, as if even Isaac understands that it’s all futile and killing Hector won’t restore his old life, but he has literally nothing left other than his hatred.
(and yes, he says “such a thing”, which is a very Japanese expression but I’ve decided to keep it because, just in case it wasn’t clear enough, Isaac may be a little peeved at Hector :V)
ENG: But in the end, the glorious vengeance you seek will not be yours -- t'will be mine!
JP: That's it. I'll be waiting for you, as the former strongest Devil Forgemaster of the Dark Lord’s army.
No idea why they completely changed the line here, but Isaac’s farewell in Japanese is slightly more condescending. As a note, he actually calls Dracula “Demon King”.
Yes, all of these are Isaac’s lines. It’s not favoritism: Hector’s lines in Japanese and English are nearly identical to each other. Except for this one:
ENG: Heed my words. I will hunt you down like the beast you are. I will have my revenge!
JP: Very well! I'll do as you wish! And I will corner you, without fail!
... man, poor Hector doesn’t sound nearly as raw in Japanese :(
(well, this fits the different voices: Takahiro Yoshimizu sounds much younger and softer than Crispin Freeman. I had no idea Freeman carried most of Hector’s badassery)
Also, in the Japanese version, the name is for some reason translated as “Abolition Castle”! But the kanji correctly mean “Abandoned Castle” (“廃城”).
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Creating an Innocent Devil
Minor, but Hector calls Isaac “polite” (“丁寧”) because he went through all the trouble of carving instructions on a stele, and after the previous cutscene I find it hilarious 😂
(actually, the whole mental image of Isaac taking the time to write guides for Hector is hilarious, they really used to be friends lmao)
ENG: O great powers of darkness! Release to me one of the tortured souls! Let me infuse him with my life-force and awaken him to the world of the living! Immaculate being... Appear before me now.
JP: O magical power, converge here! Play the melody of an irrational soul, under my command, a person who is not of the human world. Innocent soul, come to life here!
The Devil Forging formula was hard to translate. Yes, it uses musical terminology, しらべ (melody) and 奏でる (to play a stringed instrument). The most interesting part is how it specifies that Devil Forgemasters don’t belong to the human world, a theme quite pervasive in Hector’s and Isaac’s arcs.
(nothing interesting with the conversation with Zead. He simply calls Devil Forging “splendid”, a downgrade from “it’s enough to make your blood run cold”. He uses watashi and speaks rather politely.)
“Baljhet Mountains” is spelled as “Balget Mountains” (“Baljit Mountain Range” in Japanese), which I prefer.
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Not much to report about the cutscene where we meet Julia. The most unique change is that she doesn’t outright say that she can envision the future in Japanese: she simply “has some knowledge” (“それなりの知識はあるわ”). To be fair, it’s not like we ever see her powers lol, although it ruins my headcanon about her and Isaac sharing powers :( As for her speech pattern, she uses watashi and often ends sentences in wa but she’s otherwise quite brusque. Hector calls her kimi, and most importantly forget about the Shakespearan style she and Hector use to talk to each other in English, here they speak like normal people :P
St. Germain
ENG: I won't bandy words with you. I have an urgent request. Please refrain from pursuing Isaac any further.
JP: I'm here to ask a favor of you, it's a little thing. Please stop chasing Isaac any further. 
St. Germain is even more polite in Japanese, as expected. He uses watashi for himself and speaks in perfect keigo.
Hector also calls St. Germain “Isaac’s minion” (“手先”) specifically, and St. Germain says “adios” when he leaves lol. (sonic adventure 2 reference?)
Garibaldi Temple is also the Cathedral of Garibaldi.
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ENG: For one that served under Dracula, you seem much too weak. It's been said that the Devil Forgemaster's power rivals that of Death.
JP: You’re too weak to be the only surviving Devil Forgemaster, who was said to be equal to Dracula's aide Death.
It just says that Devil Forgemasters are “equal to” Death, not that they’re specifically as strong as Death - obviously that’s implied, but the use of the word “同等” also implies that Hector and Isaac were equals to Death in rank. That’s pretty high up.
Also, “The only surviving Devil Forgemaster” makes Hector’s comment “Oh, so you’re hunting Isaac as well” flow a little better: you can see how he could make the connection that Trevor only knew about Isaac. In English the “surviving” bit was moved later (“Could he have survived? It cannot be”), and Hector’s comment feels more forced. (although it’s still odd because Isaac was into hiding all those years, so why does Trevor assume that one Forgemaster survived but the other died? oh well)
(of course, Trevor also uses ore for himself and kisama for Hector)
The cutscene at the beginning of Mortvia Aqueduct is unremarkable, but the level is named “Mortavia Ruins” (“Mortavia Aqueduct” in Japanese). Why did they take out the A? It sounds better :(
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Zead vs. St. Germain
ENG: That's ridiculous. You have different rules for yourself--
JP: What a funny joke. Your objective--
Not only St. Germain comes off as more sarcastically polite (Zead calls him kisama but he reciprocates with the courteous anata), the dialogue hints more strongly at Zead’s suspicious nature. He has an objective that we aren’t allowed to hear, huh?
ENG: I cannot have you interfering any longer. 
JP: I won't let you get in our way anymore.
Yep, our way (“我々”). Just in case you didn’t find Zead suspicious enough.
Finally, not quite related to translation, but I find the name of the track playing here interesting: Those Who Desire the Resurrection (“復活を望む者”). I think it should be singular, for obvious reasons.
Also, please enjoy this utter mangling of “Jigramunt”:
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(technically it says “Jigrumunt” in katakana, but the English spelling is just beautiful)
The siblings’ sad fate
Not much to report about the cutscenes with Isaac and Julia in Cordova Town (or “Town of Cordoba” in Japanese), except one line that hit me hard:
EN: And also... if you are the one to slay him... only then could I live with it.
JP: Only then I could accept it. Even if I lose my family...
I think we’re all sleeping on how much Julia was hurting through CoD, game itself included :( Michiru Yamane as usual gets it.
Fight with St. Germain
Eneomaos Machine Tower is the even weirder “Clock Tower of Eneomaios”.
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Only one line stood out to me:
ENG: In this space, I may be partially freed of the fetters of time.
JP: If you are here, the shackles of time will be partially released.
Actually there is no subject in the first part, but I assume that St. Germain is talking about Hector because he just confirmed that he entered Zead’s “trap” normally. Again, I think it makes the conversation flow better.
Trevor vs. Isaac
Similarly to Geclmunt, the name of Aiolon Ruins gets twisted into Iororn Ruins. It’s spelled correctly in katakana.
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And this line from Isaac baffled me for days.
ENG: You vanquished Lord Dracula by a fluke, a mere twist of fortune. Yet I grant, you are adept.
JP: Not for nothing you destroyed Lord Dracula, even though it was a fluke. But the game is just about to begin.
Other translations would be “no wonder you destroyed Lord Dracula...” or “as expected from the one who destroyed Lord Dracula...” (“ドラキュラ様を滅ぼしただけのことはある”).
While his voice still sounds angry, Isaac is much more impressed by Trevor in Japanese: in English he sounds like he’s tacking on the half-hearted praise by force, while in Japanese it’s the other way around, as if the “fluke” part is an afterthought. I am genuinely surprised. Isaac, hon, why are you being so flattering with the man who killed your Lord? So let me get this straight, you’re a complete ass to Hector, you called him scum, and sure I don’t blame you, but Trevor nooo, even though he ruined your life just as much as Hector did you’re standing there like “oh wow you’re awesome, now I know why Lord Dracula was defeated!”.
between this and the stabbing scene, i think i understand now why the japanese side of the fandom seems to prefer isaavor over isaactor. yeah. yeah i don’t blame y’all. and trevor ain’t kidding either, in english he says “you’re not without skill” but in japanese he says “you’re pretty good” - i’d say “just kiss already”, but isaac already got me covered so :V
ENG: On the contrary. To obtain the vengeance I seek, Isaac must be slain by my hand alone. Ergo, nothing was lost. 
JP: Not really. After all, I promised that I would defeat Isaac with my own hands. I’m rather relieved.
I like how Hector puts it as a promise, the one he made to Julia, and not just his own selfish sense of revenge. He cares and was touched by Julia’s sadness. On the other hand, he’s outright relieved that he still has the chance to kill Isaac himself, now that’s the badass Hector I know and love.
(this is also where Hector and Trevor switch to omae for each other, indicating that they’ve become closer allies, even if Trevor is still being a prideful asshole :P)
Rematch against Trevor
ENG: “Oh, so that is why he fought me earlier!”
“What is it, Belmont?”
JP: “Damn it! The battle earlier...!”
“Why are you panicking?”
Trevor is more worried about the fact that Isaac stole his blood, and Hector notices it. I like how more serious this version sounds.
ENG: This is your reason! Defend yourself! 
JP: No arguing! Let’s go!
I’ll just point this out because Trevor says “問答無用”, and when I searched it to double check if it had any other meaning, I discovered that yes, it does. It’s a porn genre, apparently. Just wanted to share.
But yeah, the English version is funnier this time :P
ENG: For now, hold the image of Isaac in your mind. Think only of defeating him. Hector... Hunt him down. And when you have him, show him no mercy.
JP: I want you to concentrate on defeating him now. I’m depending on you, Hector. Make sure you catch up with him.
Uh... well, the two versions say the same thing, but Trevor’s tone feels weird to me. I can’t quite put my finger on it, so I’ll just leave this here. In general, I never understood why he’s taking Isaac so personally.
The Infinite Corridor became the Corridor of the Inferno, wow! Interestingly, the first part of the Japanese name, “無間”, means “ceaseless”, but is also associated to the Buddhist Avici Hell (“無間地獄”), or Hell of Uninterrupted Suffering. Welp.
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Nothing to report in the Stabbing scene, as much as I wish it was, except that listening to it in Japanese is an experience that needs to be had. this is the point where cod officially becomes an animated yaoi audio drama
Before Dracula’s Castle
I just wanted to show how much better the dialogue flows in Japanese :P
ENG: “I know not what happened to you in the past, but there is no time now for regret. We must try to cleanse the castle and dispel the vile curse...”
“If the curse from demonic power, I may be able to find the source! Indeed, I must, for this is something only I can do.”
JP: “I don't know what happened, but there’s no time to regret it. At the very least, we have to stop the curse somehow...”
“If the source of the curse is magical power, I might be able to do something about it. No, it’s something that only I can do. ”
Is this your idea of flirting, guys? :P
Rematch against Isaac
Much like the first cutscene, this one is juicier than the previous ones when it comes to dialogue changes. I don’t know why it’s Isaac in particular who changed so much in translation.
ENG: You want me to regain my powers. Now I see why. I fell right into your plot... After 3 years of peace, I'd lost my edge.
JP: You must feel good about yourself, don’t you? I fell right for your scheme. You’ve fallen so low... and so did I.
Finally it’s Hector’s turn to have a completely different, intriguing line. In English, there’s almost an undertone of... respect, for how Isaac played him like a fiddle? In Japanese, Hector sounds more biting (and tbf Isaac is even more of a little shit here lol, he’s like “Thank you so much for resurrecting the castle <3″) and much more disappointed in himself. No reference to his powers and how he was rusty: he doesn’t care about Isaac’s plot, he cares about the guilt he’s feeling. Then you remember how he was ready to die in the ending, and well...
The last line is “落ちぶれたものだ、この俺もな”. “落ちぶれる” means “to come down in the world; to fall low; to be ruined; to be reduced to poverty; to fall on hard times​”, or "a person's social status and standard of living deteriorate, and they become miserable”. Very... interesting choice of word, to say the least.
ENG: And I've sharpened mine. I've been waiting quite a long time to plot my revenge. Not only did my Lord die because of you -- you stripped me of my pride, my home. Now I shall make you suffer as I suffered. You shall die a most painful, gruesome death!
JP: It's merely an entertainment to me. Three years ago, you defeated me. And then I lost my Lord Dracula... my pride, a place to return to... Everything, yes, you took everything away from me. Have a taste of the same hellish torment and die in despair!
Obviously Isaac’s response differs, but that’s not the main point.
His final words hurt. “Have a taste of the same hell” should be the anthem of every tragic villain lashing out. Both versions are good, but I feel the Japanese one really points out how much Isaac suffered because of Hector’s actions: notice especially how “I plotted my revenge for a long time” (emphasizing Isaac’s role as the villain of the story) was replaced with “I was defeated by you three years ago”, originally in passive (emphasizing Isaac being a victim).
I wish they kept his scream at the beginning of the boss fight, though. That’s just raw :(
Not much to say about the “Zead is Death” scene, although TIL that in Japanese “black curtain” is a way to say “mastermind”. A bit of a different nuance, Zead doesn’t say “Devil Forgemasters alone are suffused in my master's magic” but “Devil Forgemasters are always [constantly] with my master's magic”. Hector calls Death “close associate” (“側近”). Death doesn’t say that Hector was the favorite but Isaac will do - thank you, I think my man was humilated enough :V
For some reason, this cutscene feels like a bit of a downgrade in Japanese. For example, Dracula doesn’t greet Hector calling him “the traitor”, shame.
ENG: Why did you unleash your hatred upon the humans? When you began slaughtering them indiscriminately, I had no choice but to disobey you.
JP: Three years ago, when you showed your hatred for humans... I just couldn't allow it.
The Japanese version is vaguer, both in describing Dracula’s genocide and Hector’s reaction.
ENG: You side against me... for the sake of humans? Humans are not worth the air they breathe. I was simply cleansing the world.
JP: Is that so. But you must have realized... Human beings don't even deserve to exist. That's the truth of the world.
“Humans aren’t worth the air they breathe” deserved to be translated faithfully :(
ENG: The powerful always judge the weak. The humans made their judgment of me, as well. Thus I sentenced them... to extinction. Sympathy is merely a form of weakness. You betrayed me, Hector... And for that, the punishment is death.
JP: The powerful have the right [to judge humans]. The humans who destroyed me with their power... Yes, as if they were brandishing justice. But now I grow tired of this nonsense. Traitor... I'll make you pay the price of what you did three years ago.
See what I mean? It doesn’t feel the same. “Sympathy is merely a form of weakness” could have been kept.
(Dracula uses watashi for himself but speaks plainly. Hector doesn’t speak with respect to Dracula, but he still calls him anata.)
Dracula’s death
To compensate for how flaccid the previous cutscene was, Hector tells Dracula “rest in peace and perish” (“安心して、滅びるがいい”), and I think that is the rawest thing he has ever said in the Japanese version.
ENG: The struggle has ended. I feel I can let go now, and die in peace.
JP: It's all over. Am I going to die like this? That wouldn’t be bad...
For some reason the Japanese version feels sadder, like Hector just accepted in that moment that it would be better to die :(
(“That wouldn’t be bad” gets echoed at the very end, when Hector accepts to live with Julia, and that is enough to mend my heart lmao)
ENG: You see through it all, don't you?
JP: I'm no match for you, am I?
Okay this is cute lol
And that’s it! The last two cutscenes are very straightforward.
This was very fun to translate :D overall, I prefer the Japanese script in its changes, although the English script is iconic in its hamminess lmao. If the Japanese version is the translation as I think, they did an excellent job, and I appreciate how they adapted Hector and especially Isaac.
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deiatdawn · 2 years
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off they go to be printed
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i somehow managed to write my entire thesis project in two weeks. note to self: never do this again
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onefey · 5 months
you're going about your normal day when, suddenly, surprise! you've been pokémon mystery dungeon'd!
unfortunately, due to budget cuts, the pokémon assigning quiz has been canceled. instead, you must spin THE WHEEL, assigning you a random, unevolved, non-legendary and non-mythical pokémon. you must now go on some sort of world-saving adventure as this pokémon. good luck!
tell me in the tags what you rolled, and how you feel about it - for bonus points, you can spin the wheel again for (or just take your pick of) a pokémon to be your partner.
bonus rules:
you're not shiny unless the wheel tells you you're shiny
take your pick of regional forms and evolutions (for example, if you roll vulpix, it's up to you whether that means normal or alolan vulpix)
apply whatever logic you like with regards to gender
have fun and be yourself!
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daydreamerwonderkid · 3 months
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The amount of anime screenshots I stared at for this one a;dslkfsa;lk
Obligatory click for better quality.
Many thanks to @ashoss for helping me keep my sanity while I was working on this one. Couldn't have done it without them!
Meme reference and clean versions under cut
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If you haven't seen The Good Place yet, you definitely should.
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I just wanna show this panel off. I put WAY too much effort in it, but I don't regret it :3c
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bixels · 6 months
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Félicie (Fluttershy) peeved expressions.
References from S6E11, a.k.a. the funniest episode in the series.
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cbmagus49 · 10 months
Hey guess what it's time for a big ol' Relativity screenshot edit sketchdump!!!!
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danijaci · 3 months
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Go crazy go stupid
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monstermonger · 10 months
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I recently bought an art book on Caspar David Friedrich, whose emotional work stuck with me since I first saw it in a museum years ago. Over the course of a few weeks, I read about his life and at the same time did studies/interpretations of many pieces. It was a really enjoyable and fulfilling project; here's a good lot of them together :)
I was happy to see many people enjoyed Friedrich's work+my interpretations while posting them individually. It took way too long, but I FINALLY set up a print shop for some of these + some other pieces for those who expressed interest. Thank you so much!
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thekaiserroll · 5 months
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Zosan comic inspired by videos of otters holding hands so they won't float away from each other.
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inkskinned · 2 months
actually sometimes being neurodivergent is great bc you have a particular kind of Silly Mode that just . manifests glory. harmless fun is my precious side quest & i have a high score in whimsy. like okay if i gotta be the first dork in the dance pit it's gonna be me and this random toddler and we're gonna avril-style rock ouuuuttt
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cantobear · 7 months
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another vision of mine...
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edgepunk · 7 months
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Fallout: New Vegas + Locations
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kuradex · 3 months
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Paid request noivern!
buy stickers, commission a pokemon, or support me on kofi!
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