scienter · 1 year
What's with all the tornados in southern New England this summer? I was under a tornado warning yesterday with a storm that spawned FOUR tornados (including EF 2). Adding these 4 tornados to the previous 4 we've had in Massachusetts this summer put us at 8. This is bizarre. We usually get 2 tornados a year. And they're usually EF 0s. What is going on?
Although, now that I think about it the bizarre weather / natural disasters have occurred all over the US this summer. Vermont was hit with biblical flooding. Hawaii was hit with apocalyptic wildfires. The southwest is dealing with record-breaking heat. There's a Category 4 Hurricane/Tropical Storm heading toward southern California. Is this all just climate change? Probably.
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lemonlimestar · 2 months
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young justice in superman(1987) #163 btw…. if u even care….
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raycatz · 3 months
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Some dungeon predictions (and things I'd just like to see xD ) for the upcoming arc!
(inspired by boards I've seen in the past. like this! Art from @/linkeduniverse!)
I love Zelda dungeons and LU dungeon crawling fics are some of my favorites! I'm so excited to see what puzzles Jojo's come up with! Nine person puzzles? Let's goOOO!!! There's so many possible interesting things to do with the chain's items and abilities.
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magpie-lu-aside · 5 months
What are some songs that you guys associate with the chain/specific LU characters? I want to expand mine (cuz it's mostly Four and Time) for when I write fics, but I'm also just genuinely curious.....
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buds-and-baubles · 2 months
imagining a yj98 tv show that has great songs from the late 90's and early 2000's in it but also.. because of their vibes, songs by joey valence & brae.
i just feel that their music really encompasses the chaos they got up to. just imagine a fight sequence with the whole team while tanaka by joey valence & brae.
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shylighthi · 9 months
Storm Warning
The change from Hyrule's era to Wild's era was more shocking than it normally was. The drier climate of Hyrule's era was immediately off set as Time stepped into fierce winds and rain. Legend, who had walked through with Time, shot his hands up to block the rain from getting into his eyes. “Shit, this must be Wild's era!” He chuckled.
Wild, who had come in before them with the rest of the chain, walked up and gave Legend a friendly shove. “Why? Cause it's storming? I'm sure there's storms like this in your Hyrule!”
Legend frowned and rolled his eyes. “So you admit that this is your era?”
Wild took out his slate and showed Legend and Time the screen. “We are but the storm is making it hard to connect to the towers.” Normally, when entering new eras, the map function on Wilds slate gave a blank screen. Right now the screen was constantly moving with gray and white specks, sometimes the outlines of a map would appear but not for a long enough time to show anything useful.
“Do you know where we are?” Warriors had come up beside the group, holding onto his scarf so it wouldn't unravel and blow away.
Wild started to look around. Time would as well but the entire area was hard to see with the rain being as heavy as it was. “Hard to tell but I feel like we're near the Gerudo Highlands, somewhere in Hebra.” He gestured to a nearby rock wall. Time had no idea how Wild could just look at a rock and know where he was.
Wild tapped his slate a bit more. “We should take all of our metal off. It's only raining now but I think I saw lightning in the distance. I'll store everything in the slate.”
The chain was quick to start putting away shields and swords or to help other members, like Time, to take off armor pieces. It wouldn't be long after warriors got his chainmail off that lightning would strike nearby.
Wild had started to get antsy just before the chain finished putting everything away. The moment everything was settled he started to move. “We should find some shelter. I don't trust this weather.” The chain began to follow him. “If I'm right there should be a cave just east of here.”
Everyone stuck close to one another. The rain and wind threatened to steal them away into the dark. It was actually quite hard to tell if it was day or night, though, Time would have to assume that since they can even see a few feet in front of them that it must be day.
Something was off, of course everyone would be tense because of the storm but something rested deep in Time. Something was wrong. He looked at the chain. Wind was antsy, looking around into the dense rain. Legend and Hyrule stuck close to Twilight and Warriors. Sky was plastered to Wild's side. Wild himself kept looking around, not like he was lost but like he was searching for something. Four stuck close to Wind, making sure neither of them could.
Lightning struck a tree nearby. Most of the chain jumped or covered their ears, Time's own rang for a few moments afterwards. Not even ten seconds afterward lightning would strike again a little further away. The storms in Wild's era were always terrifying.
Time is focusing on making sure he doesn't trip or lose the chain when the next lightning bolt hits. Wild stops in his tracks and looks off to their left. His ears facing forward and listening intently for something.
“Wild, what is-” Time was cut off.
Wild lifted a hand and shushed him. Lightning struck after a few tense seconds waiting and listening. For a moment, as the sky was lit up they could see a dark funnel stretching from the clouds above them and touching the ground. A tornado.
Wild moves first. “We need to hurry!” Wilf doesn't wait for the chain before he begins to run. Luckily they are not slow to follow. Time falls behind, ensuring no one gets separated from the group.
The rain and wind starts to become harsher. A strong gust blows past them, sending Legend to the ground. Time doesn't waste a moment to grab the back of his shirt and heave him up onto his feet. The wind only seems to get louder the longer they run.
Wild makes a sharp turn straight at the nearby rock wall. He disappears into a crevice. Everyone follows suit, diving into the mouth of the cave. Time is practically shoved into the cave by the winds.
Wild falls to the cave floor and throws his hands above his head. Legend does the same and tries to yell at the rest of the chain but nothing gets past the raging winds. Everyone follows by Wild and Legends example, getting down onto the floor and protecting their heads.
Time's ears pop. There's a sudden jerk as the wind begins to be sucked out of the mouth of the cave. Four gets dragged by the wind. Time is slow to go after him but Sky isn't. Sky leapt over Time and landed onto Four, stopping him in his tracks. Time grabs Sky's leg and pulls them next to himself and further from the mouth of the cave.
Time tried to watch his other boys but the clouds and rain darkened the area so much that the world had gone black in only a few seconds. Every so often Time can hear things hitting the stone around him. Something hits his side, then his head and soon he is being pelted by things he can't see. He doesn't want to imagine what Sky and Four must be getting hit by at the moment if he was being hit as hard as he was.
The tornado seems to take hours to leave but in reality, it couldn't have stayed over them for longer than a minute at most. The rumbling begins to lower and Time can finally hear his heart beating again. The winds slow and the air pressure begins to go back to normal. His ears pop again as everything begins to even out.
Time could feel himself shaking like a leaf in the storm outside. Time barely trusts his own voice but he has to worry about his boys. “Where is everyone? Call out now!”
Wild is the first. “One! Over here, Time!” The darkest part of the storm had begun to pass, letting a dim light into their cave. Wild is dragging himself away from the wall he plastered himself to earlier.
Legend and Hyrule are curled around one another. Legend is sobbing and holding onto Hyrule like a lifeline. Hyrule calls out for them. “We're alright, not hurt at least, Um, two and three.”
Warriors is still on the ground, head tucked under his arms. “Four…” His voice is shaky but at least he's responding.
Wind is trying to stand up. “I'm in one piece.” He then starts to laugh as his legs wobble so hard that he needs to sit back down. Time counts five for him.
Twilight is almost beside Time. “Six. Goddesses that was horrible.”
Sky is still holding onto Four when they both sit up. Four calls out for them both. “Seven and eight!”
Time sighs with relief, everyone is safe. He slowly sits up and leans against Twilight. “Nine. Is anyone injured?” He looks at Sky and Four, both are dirty but neither seem injured.
There's a chorus of no's and ‘I'm fine’.
Wind is still against the wall when he speaks up. There is still a smile on his face but his eyes show that he's terrified. “What even was that? I've never seen anything like that from the Great Sea.” He must have been scared shitless if he couldn't find it in his to cuss.
Wild seems to gather himself up quicker than the rest, though Time can easily see the way his hands are shaking. “Tornado. I don't think I've ever had one creep up on me that fast. That was scary..” A few members of the group hum or nod in agreement. Legend let out a particularly loud sob in response.
They were okay, at least Time's boys were all okay. Though, there was going to be a lot of work to get Legend to be comfortable enough to ‘talk about his emotions’ after this whole ordeal.
Wind had nodded at what Wild had said but wasn't chatty like he usually is. Time reaches over and drags Sky and Four closer to him so he could hug them both. “I think we all agree to stay here until the storm passes.”
Sky's voice is quiet when he replies to that. “Yeah… I don't think I can go out there.” He coughs to try hiding a choked cry. Sky hugged Time back. Meanwhile, Time was planning on how he can kill whichever god is responsible for so many of his boy's crying today.
The weather would die down just before sunset. The sky was bright orange up until the last moment it could be, night fell and it was still brighter then it was earlier in the day. Legend and Sky would bond over their fear of the storm, or at least that is what Time was thinking when the two cuddled up to one another to sleep. When Time laid down himself, Twilight and Wild would plant themselves to his sides soon followed by Wind he wrapped around an arm that he was keeping out of the blankets to keep cool.
Time was so thankful for these boys and how much they loved one another. He just hoped that the goddesses didn't think they needed to be thrown into another storm to be reminded of what they had.
This was originally posted onto Ao3! Feel free to leave a judos or comment there if you enjoyed!
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dynamitekansai · 6 months
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WWE NXT (APRIL 2, 2024)
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thehappiestgolucky · 4 months
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Four sorcerers is just teehee hope you liked framerate! Proceeds to bombard a goblin with four meteor storms
Pawn Featured:
Avraham - @bardistraee (been a while since i last took him out! was wonderful to travel with him again :] )
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hi! it’s me! i love tornado warnings! 😍
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setevulpo · 4 months
i was thinking about the archangels and how fucked up being possessed by one of them would be and this was created. headcanons on what each (non-bloodline) vessel would go through while possessed! bon appétit
their vessel runs hot, grace a constant thrum under the skin that imitates a heartbeat well enough for those unaware not to notice. the blue glow that takes over their eyes upon the slightest provocation calms only when their enemies are on the ground, enochian seared into what’s left of their skin once the light dies down.
the heat that follows them shapes the air into wings too big for the space they’re in, even in the most expansive fields earth has. they have to watch out when stepping on grass, or stretching their wings too far into the trees, or fire will follow them too.
eventually it starts to burn, whatever body they’re in. the grace running through its veins turns closer to lava with each passing day, flares deep inside its chest and expands down to its hands when their anger rises. bruises showing up in blues no matter how old they are, burns in its skin hot to the touch.
a smell of fire and smoke follows them when they leave the vessel, and they set ablaze anything in their path on the way to a new body. the largest fires are caused by their rage, charred eyes and hearts left behind on their path.
there's something freezing under their skin, somehow encompassing entire rooms and digging into the skin of everyone around them. the air around them is cold enough to kill, frostbite reaching others before turning their own vessel's hands red with it. its lips are bitten red and raw because the taste of blood is almost intoxicating.
garbled enochian slips through in a constant downpour, because they are an angel and won't taint their tongue with a human language despite the way it burns their vessel's mouth. the easiest way to find them is following the trail of frozen footsteps and the scent of rust so strong it can be tasted.
the hypothermia that sets after some time is what leads them to find a new body, when the one they are wearing becomes too sluggish and their grace starts slipping through the dry cracks in its skin. all that's left is a cold body with its eyes frozen shut.
the earth bleeds on their path, water freezes red by being in their proximity, plants burn and die from the frost. their grace whips through the air and leaves bloody slashes in the skin of anyone who dares get in their way, the wounds never closing completely.
their electricity can be felt under the skin of their vessel, sometimes shocking those who try landing their hands on it. their presence makes people’s hair stand on end, their voice resonates through the room in a way that makes it impossible to ignore. the fissures that appear on its skin from one day to the next are eerily similar to lightning.
the eyes of their vessel gain an unnatural brightness, something fiery that is just wrong when compared to the decaying state of the rest its body. their words flow in a way that’s almost hypnotic, calming until the next strike of their blade.
an ill-suited vessel can’t hold them for long. the tremors starting in its hands show that, as do the bouts of dizziness that hit them every so often. by the time their vessel starts losing its sight they have a new victim picked, their electricity having already eroded the brain of the previous.
it seems as if thunderstorms follow their grace, both rain and lightning falling close but never hitting them. wildfires start in their wake, raindrops never quite reaching their destination, and the injured miraculously recovering in hours.
there’s a wind hiding under their skin, usually unnoticeable to the common eye. they’re light on their feet, eyes travelling through every corner of the room they’re in, the air around them somehow feeling heavy with the power they chase. at times it blows stronger, the whole of them looking longer, bigger than their vessel, but it doesn’t last long anymore.
their vessel’s skin grows dry with time, tearing open with each snap of their fingers, grace pouring from its hands and giving life to lilies wherever it falls. all of their vessels’ hands are burnt by the time they leave, skin too fragile to handle their grace.
erosion is what kills their bodies, the debris that always seems to fly back towards them easily chipping away at flesh and bone. what’s left of the body after they take their leave isn’t enough to keep it alive, not with the dust coating its lungs.
tornadoes follow the path of their grace, leaving destruction and chaos between their vessels. they are angry, and they are frustrated, and the mayhem they create is the singular way they can be heard. the debris lifted by their rage is flung as far as their grace can reach.
#spn archangels#supernatural#spn#alright time for the rant in tags#michael's whole thing was inspired by this really cool phenomenon called blue lava... it's actually fire in its majority though#lucifer got the blood falls from antarctica based on their little comment in swan song about actually being cold#raphael's is the dry thunderstorm cause they (the storms) are really cool and i feel they (raphael) should get to actually destroy some >>#<< stuff with their lightning#gabriel's inspiration was the dust devil (which i spent a good ten minutes laughing about) but also tornadoes in general#i lost inspiration with them a bit but i think gabe would probably be the most human of the four?? so he would be a little more normal#also i think each would have preferences of who to possess...#michael picks people who are dying or fighters when they're possessing out of the bloodline#they looked at adam and saw a little pet... both died and was a fighter... also looked directly at their form... pet vessel#lucifer likes messing around with people who fell in some way... or are disgraced#they hop onto powerful people from time to time if it's necessary... also spent a bunch of time hopping at random#raphael possesses unhealthy people.. and then leaves them in a worse state <3 but at least they can't feel it (in raphael's mind)#probably got attached to donnie cause his body was taking longer to succumb... then balthazar salted him#gabriel only had one vessel... good for them#anyway gabriel would go for travelers or anyone who spent time moving around#they need their witness protection#anyway rant over i wrote all of this while delirious from a migraine#have fun folks#seven.
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belloves · 5 months
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wanderingmind867 · 1 month
Of the Justice League in DC comics of the 60s, 70s and 80s, there's only 5 members I know I really like: Martian Manhunter, Superman, Wonder Woman, Red Tornado and Firestorm. And Batman, The Atom, Aquaman and The Flash are probably the most boring members of the team. So there's 5 characters I really like and 4 characters i either hate or dislike because I find them boring. I don't know if those are good odds or bad odds, but they don't feel like great odds.
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start0uched · 2 years
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train to nowhere / at least you’re there.
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thekidthesuperkid · 2 years
The Young Justice comics are so frustrating timeline-wise because all their adventures follow one after the other. Like, they go fight a brainwashing children’s show cult, then when they come home Red Tornado is in court to get approved for custody of his daughter because her mother is in a coma, Fite & Maad show up because they predicted RT would fight the police when custody was denied, the team sneaks in with civilian disguises to break RT and Traya out of the courthouse, then while escaping the courthouse the Super-cycle phases them through the Earth’s crust far enough that they end up in a cavern where some dude made a knock-off hell, and the team proceeds to fight Supergirl and trash a random small town while being controlled by some succubi, they fight a bunch of demons because hell is freezing over, then when they come home from THAT, they find that Secret is frozen solid and Harm randomly attacks them again, and while half of all that is happening Red Tornado is in jail and a bunch of really old Golden Age sidekicks are manipulating the local government to stop Young Justice from being a thing. I don’t even know where to start with trying to match that to 1) a reasonable timeframe for those events to be happening in and 2) where they fit with the events in other books
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evilhorse · 1 year
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That’s it, Tornado! Up and over!
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cryptidsdad · 7 months
me when it’s raining as I go to bed: no fear <3
me as soon as light thundering starts in the distance: one fear! :)
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