#Fairin' Fairin'
ask-chef-teruteru · 1 year
I managed to eat today. It was only a few bites of toast, but I did it. I don't even know if you'll see or acknowledge this, but I thought about you when I did. I feel almost worth something.
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“And you know what, darlin’? I’m proud o’ you for takin’ every last bite. Sometimes it ain’t easy, eatin’, n’ takin’ care o’ ourselves just the way we ought. We gotta start somewhere, n’ that’s exactly what you did by eatin’ some toast.
Now, I don’t know your situation, but did ya know toast is a real safe option if y’all got a stomach that can’t handle much? Gets recommended a bunch for people who can’t keep much food down, cause it’s light n’ ain’t likely to cause an upset. It would make me really happy to hear back from y’all again sometime, hear how y’all’re holdin’ up— cause I do see and I do acknowledge ya.”
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“As for that last bit though, darlin’, you should feel worth somethin’, alright? You might not always feel like it to you, but you’re worth somethin’ to me. Ain’t nothin’ you could do t’ever change that. If it helps, think o’ me every day— how much I’d want ya to be happy n’ cared for— ‘n if you need to hear reminders that you’re worthwhile n’ loved, diner’s always open.
I love you hon’. You take care.”
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auctmartfairings · 6 months
Motorcycle fairings are a broad term used to describe the protective panels that surround the frame of a bicycle. These panels are typically made of hard plastic, fibreglass or aluminium. It is common with racing and sport bicycles, as the fairing can help improve the aerodynamics of the motorcycle by reducing air drag. This increases fuel consumption and enables higher speeds at lower engine rpm
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whateveriwant · 9 months
hi!! i really love your 141 headcannons, can i ask for the 141 with a exotic animal vet/zoologist s/o? tysm!!! 🤍
He thinks you are the coolest person to walk the planet
Seriously, with the way he looks at you sometimes, you swear it's like you're a superhero or something
Any chance he can get to brag about you to his friends, family, or even total strangers, he's taking it. And when he does start to talk, they better settle in for a while because he is not shutting up anytime soon
One of his favorite things about you is what he calls your “mental encyclopedia” of animals. It can be very helpful to refer to, especially when he's trying to describe exotic animals he's come across in the field
“What d’ye call those awkward, pine cone lookin’ lads?” he asks from the room over. You take a moment to think before shouting out your answer, a second later hearing the keys of his laptop clicking as he confirms for himself. “Pangolin! Yes! Tha’s the wee devil who stole my socks!”
While he doesn't like to talk shop when it comes to his job, he could spend hours listening to you talk about yours
It's become a staple of your routine where every time you come home from work, he's there asking how your day went (and, get this, he's genuinely interested in your response)
Because he's usually pretty silent as he listens to you recount your day, sometimes you think he isn't even paying attention to you at all
But of course, just as soon as you begin to doubt him, he'll hit you with something that shows how attentive he's been all along
“How's Mona fairin’ by the way?” he asks one night in the middle of making dinner. Mona? The red panda who had a cough the other month? She's all well again, you tell him, surprised he remembered that. If he notices your shock, he doesn't say anything; he just gives a satisfied hum in response and continues cooking
Because his job is so integral to who he is as a person, he loves having a partner who's also just as dedicated to their work as he is
He'll stop at nothing when it comes to supporting you and your dreams, a big one he knows is to travel the world one day. He plans to make that dream come true once he retires, but until then, he'll have to settle for bringing the world to you
Thus, every time he comes home from deployment, he's always bearing souvenirs – many of them featuring animals puns because he knows they're your favorite
It started as a joke at first when he saw a silly magnet he just couldn't pass up. But now it's become a proper tradition between you two, so every time he leaves, you're expecting to add another item to your collection once he returns
His favorite is a toss up between your ‘Toucan do it!’ inspirational poster and your matching ‘I'm with jackass’ / ‘I'm jackass’ donkey shirts
He loves animals just as much as you do (if not more, honestly)
Literally on your first date together when you told him what you do for a living, he was about ready to drop down on one knee and pop the question right then and there
If it's a zoo or perhaps a sanctuary that you work at, you best believe you'll find him visiting you at every available opportunity he has
He sees you forgot your lunch at home? Oh no, he better bring it to you before you starve! He's running a few errands in the neighborhood? Hmm, might as well stop by and see his boo at work! (and, well, since he's already here, he might as well check out the new reptile exhibit you've been mentioning too)
Honestly, with just how frequently you're always bumping into him at work, you're convinced that most of the time he's not even there to see you
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underoospeterparker · 6 months
CONGRATS ON UR MILESTONE BABY!!! i’d like to request 🪸 CORALS !! with the idea of cowboy!james and innocent!reader in mind teeheeee <333
YAY babe thank you so much ily!!! challenged myself to use some slang hehehe
join the celebration
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cowboy!james potter x innocent!fem!reader, 0.9k words, hurt/comfort, angsty
tw: (slight) violence, blood mention, toxic ex, swearing
James strolled over with the confidence of a man who'd already won his race. "How're you ladies doing tonight?" He asked you and your friends, leaning over to plant a kiss on your forehead.
"Well, bless your heart for asking," Mary Rose blushed, "we're fairin' just fine," she added, a huge smile on her face. James reciprocated it, but it wasn't as pleasant as hers had been.
When she turned around, you rolled your eyes and James chuckled, taking a seat next to you. "No need for jealousy, darlin', you know I'm all yours," he said, his voice deep and quiet. This time you were the one blushing, forced to hide your red face in the crook of his jacket.
It was a second later when you pulled away, and you noticed Mary Rose's glare from across the bench. James surveyed your eyes quickly, a touch of concern in his big brown eyes. "You alright there, sweetheart?"
You were quick to nod at him. Giving him your best smile, you asked, "when's that race of yours happening?"
He checked his watch on his wrist, then got up to stand. "Reckon it's about to start in a blink of an eye," he replied, grinning at you. "I'd be mighty honoured to have you by my side, darlin', will you come to cheer me on?"
Mary Rose was quick to speak up. "You bet your spurs we'll be there, cowboy!"
James looked at her with a small smile, then turned to you as she began getting her things ready. "I'll be front and centre," you reassured him, and his face brightened. "Wearin' my finest cowgirl hat," you added, giggling softly. "Now go show 'em how it's done."
Your boyfriend saluted you and head off to the races. "Yeehaw," Nellie squealed, tugging at your arm as you laughed along with her. "Let's mosey on down, ladies!"
While you climbed down the stands, hand-in-hand with Nellie, Mary Rose pulled you aside, her grip tight on your arm. "Don't think for a moment I didn't notice you cozying up with my ex. You better watch your back, partner!" Mary Rose's nails dug into your skin, drawing blood. She pulled away when Laura called her over, waving with a fake smile on her face.
You winced as you looked down at your arm, crescent moons left in her wake. You covered it up as best as you could, pulling your jacket on although it was mighty hot outside. Then, you returned to the race tracks to watch James ride.
"Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round," the announcer clapped his hands excitedly, "we've got a lineup of fine cowboys ready to tear up that track. Among 'em, we got James Potter!" The crowd roared with enthusiasm as James made his way onto the track, a massive grin on his face. You waved happily at him when he blew a kiss to you good-naturedly.
Mary Rose turned around to look at you, glaring. "Say, (Y/N), I need to make a trip to the outhouse. Would you be so kind as to join me?"
You couldn't refuse, not with all of the girls surrounding you, so you nodded, even though James was about to ride. Mary Rose would have done much worse if you hadn't.
She gave you a smile, then pressed a heavy hand to your back, leading you to the bathroom. James, however, noticed your disappearance soon after, and swiftly mounted his horse. He quickly rose over to where the girls were stood. "Where might I find (Y/N), ma'am?" He asked Nellie pleasantly.
Nellie pointed over to the outhouse, and James nodded, saying, "much obliged, my friend."
He climbed over the fence, although the announcer was yelling at him to get back over and on his horse. James started to jog over to the bathroom, starting to get worried. "Shucks," he said under his breath, swinging the door open to find you cowering in a corner, a bruise blossoming across your face.
You managed to gain some confidence, however, and you struck a painful punch across Mary Rose's face, so hard that she stumbled backwards. "You bitch! I'm gonna-"
James stepped between the two of you. "Hold your horses," he said, his face hard. "I'd never lay a hand against a lady, but you raised a finger against my sweetheart. So I'd suggest you keep your distance."
With tears in her eyes, Mary Rose nodded and stepped out of the way. James turned to you, nothing but care and worry in his eyes as he surveyed the damage.
"James," you murmured softly, "any reason you're lingering 'round here instead of hittin' the track?"
He smiled, "I gotta take care of my girl, y'know? She's my top priority." James cupped your cheek, face softening when you grimaced in pain. "Shhh, I'm sorry, sweetheart," he crooned over you, wrapping you up in his arms, "don't you worry. I'm gonna take good care of you." He paused, making sure you were listening. "And I ain't one to make empty promises, darlin'."
You smiled up at him. "No doubt in my mind, cowboy."
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green-scout-tf2 · 2 months
I see the ears and tail are fairin’ well.
[Jordan waddles over and scratches behind his ears.]
By the way, I think the magic anon turned you into a bunny those last few time ‘cause of your teeth. They’re little rabbit teeth :3
- 🤡🪓
Do any o’ ya know how to ask for consent before touchin’ someone?
Also that’s just frickin’ rude
I hope someone takes that damn spell book away from ya
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sir-virtem · 8 months
I can't stop thinking about that panel on which a mirror show it different what ifs, and one showed Laios life as a woman
She was marry with a man and had children, probably was an arrangle marriage with some neighbooring noble... and I can see her doing noble things like financing public infraestructure, administring the land, when monster are near she would summon adventures/hubter, make "salted pork" and organicing banquets & festivities.
But also having a personal library full of bestiaries, herbolaries and agriculture books... and letters from fairin. She would hide her monster obsession from everyone except their sibling.
Somehow that would lead into her summoning the devil so she could have someone with whom speak and eat monster, until she one day decide to make a banquet for nobles that only have monster meals which ends with her turning the mannor into a dungeon, which itself would lie over the dinning table that is inside the dinning hall on the dungeon.
You would see her and devil above talking and eating what is on the plates, vases and pots the dungeon's room.
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sergeant-norman-allen · 6 months
*NORMAN.* How’s your vacation? :]
It ain’t too bad! I ain’t taken a vacation in as long as I can remember, so th’ “relaxin’” bit of it is somethin’ I’m still workin’ on.
Keep thinkin’ about Dialtown and how those rascals’re fairin’ without me.
. . . I need t’ figure out what I’m gonna wear on th’ beach.
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bxxth1ll · 4 months
Hello there good sir! How might you be at this moment? I am Whistle, you will be seeing a lot of me.
Howdy there, I'm doin' quite well. How are ya fairin'?
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w0lfysocs · 2 months
My Pokémon ship list (others below) bc I can the ocs link to the artfights which include full infodumps
Character: Kieran
Oc: Xavi
Ship Name: OrgeponParentsShipping
Emojis: 🎆👾
Media: Pokémon Scarlet Dlcs
Sharing: Ofc! Ofc!
Yuri or Yaoi(/j): Yaoi
Random Fact Abt Xavi he’s actually a system and is a alien!
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Character: Malva
Oc: Quilo
Ship Name: ReporterHuskyShipping
Emojis: 🐶🐈‍⬛
Media: Pokémon xy and oras
Sharing: Ofc!
Yuri or Yaoi(/j): they straight presenting…
Random Fact Abt them Malva was my first queer crush! Also Quilo has a service Glaceon
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Character: Spinel
Oc: Hoshi
Ship Name: StarComputerShipping
Emojis: 💫🖥️
Media: Pokémon Horizons
Sharing: Ofc!
Yuri or Yaoi(/j): Yaoi
Random Fact Abt Hoshi he’s based around comets and fallen stars
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Character: Molayne
Oc: Oscar
Ship Name: OshaAndOshaViolationShipping
Emojis: ⚡️🔋
Media: Pokémon
Sharing: Ofc!
Yuri or Yaoi(/j): Yaoi
Random Fact Abt Oscar he was originally a joke character for my zombie apocalypse Au given I wanted to make osha as a character to image someone judging every workplace hazard that’s a given in a zombie apocalypse
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Character: Amethio
Oc: Foster
Ship Name: PrettyScarsShipping
Emojis: none sadly
Media: Pokémon Horizons
Sharing: Ofc! Ofc!
Yuri or Yaoi(/j): Yaoi
Random Fact Abt Foster he’s actually part Rockruff!
Character: Ryuki
Oc: Fairin
Ship Name: FairyRockShipping
Emojis: 🐉🧚🏻‍♀️
Media: Pokémon
Sharing: Ofc!!
Yuri or Yaoi(/j): Yaoi but t4t yaoi
Random Fact Abt them I actually relate to Ryuki not Fairin!
Now below the cut is non Pokémon ones
Character: Elliott
Oc: Timber
Ship Name: DuckfeatherShipping
Emojis: 🪶🐀
Media: Stardew!
Sharing: Ofc!!
Yuri or Yaoi(/j): Yaoi
Random Fact Abt Timber he’s actually a shapeshifter!
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Character: Victor
Oc: Chasm
Ship name: ShadowbeakShipping
Emojis: 👤🐦‍⬛
Media: Palworld
Sharing: Yeah! Ofc!
Yuri or Yaoi(/j): Yaoi
Random fact abt them is Chasm is part shadowbeak but mostly human and originally created to help with giving shadowbeak commands but Victor got attached
Character: Saya
Oc: Orson
Ship name: TheStarsInTheyreEyes Shipping
Emojis: 🌑⭐️
Media: Palworld
Sharing: if anyone oc x canons her ofc
Yuri or Yaoi(/j): straight somehow but like I’m 98% sure Orson hardly understands gender
Random fact abt Orson is he’s a boyfailer
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riprendscore · 6 months
Been away a while. How we fairin, folk?
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serpentsurgency · 10 months
You do have the potential to gain a lot from them, if we're honest. Kri's anomaly is unmatched, and Zayin definitely has more insider knowledge than he should.
That's between them an' whatever they choose t' do; I sure as hell wouldn't take either of th'm under my own command though. Neither of 'em would do well here an' I ain't 'nough of an asshole to ignore th't fact. I could see them fairin' well elsewhere but we're back t' that bein' their decision.
- D.W.
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
" i told you this was a bad -- "
" can this wait?! "
lee was booking it back to the warehouse where he stashed his ship, hester in his arms and a pocketful of stolen watches and what was apparently a very important brooch jangling precariously in his pocket. how was he supposed to know that awful woman with the sickening perfume was the mayor's wife??
" what about the girl? " hester asks, " you're not just gonna leave her? "
" i'm thinking. " he pants out. what about her? she'd helped them get out of the bar unscathed, and he owed her. besides, he's sure the townsfolk will turn on her the second he and hester are out of town, and he can't let that happen.
" did you hear where she went? " he ducks behind a building, desperate to catch his breath. hester, her little heart beating so fast, lifts her ears, listening carefully before giving lee an exasperated look.
" lee. did you check this alleyway was empty first? "
he follows her gaze and...well, that was easy.
" well, " he pants, grinning at the woman, " howdy, miss. how ya fairin' with the locals? "
@sialiia || plotted starter
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vander-affectionate · 2 years
theres a villain named jia, not a lot of grayson, but new look on younger, vulnerable vander
warning for harassment, assault, and a hell of a lot of bullshit i made up in two seconds about piltover law enforcement regulations, not proofread but when do i ever do that. i'd been working on this for days straight, gn!reader here ig? it's not as intense as you think it is i swear
Vander draws a hand down his face because the situation in the bar is not getting any better. It's not that he can't ask Grayson's new tail chaser to leave, but it wouldn't be too wise if he wanted to keep the peace. She's flirting him up and down the counter as he hands off tankards, following behind him with bouyant laughter and brushing against his arm when he's collecting half finished flagons from tables.
Her superiors think it's cute. He's sheepishly turning her away and avoiding her more than occasional wandering touches. Grayson's gone to deal with some shit and this is a favor he's paying back. He didn't anticipate this woman taking a liking to him.
"There's a nice lookin' gent over there who can't take his eyes off ya," he nods to the booth over her shoulder, but she doesn't follow his eyes to the flustered lad. She's staring up at him.
"But I don't want a gent." Her hand curls around his wrist - tries to - and Vander tries not to wince from how she's pressing herself into his hip. "I want you."
His eyes flit up to her and the muffled chuckle of her higher ranking officer is not helping. He stopped looking over there after the first half hour went by and now he's hoping to shake her before this hour comes to a close. "Look. Uh-"
"Jia." She offers on a dreamy sigh, smiling wider and pushing up on his tense arm so her breath fans over his face.
She's a pretty thing. He couldn't deny that if he wanted to because her eyes are a twinkling jade and her hair is a startling flow of gold that looks like it's outgrown a bob. She's had half the enforcer unit in his bar giving her none too subtle glances and she knows it so he doesn't understand why she's caught up on him when there's a perfect little puppy eyeing her in the corner.
Vander relaxes his arm so the distance is kept. "Jia." he sighs patiently, "I'm not interested in a person who wears the enforcer uniform." Or you for that matter lingers on the tip of his tongue. Other less civil replies are spinning laps in his head as he tries to form a polite sentence.
She's stronger than she looks. She yanks him down by the collar and he drops a couple freshly topped off tankards on the floor and he rounds to tell her to back the fuck off so he can do his job, but his ear is between his teeth and Vander drops the other tankards when her lips press against the shell of his ear,
"I can take the uniform off, sir."
He freezes up.
His head is spinning and the hand on his collar suddenly feels like it's around his neck when it won't free his collar after he tugs loosely at it.
"Y'lright mannin' the bar, hotshot?"
Vander's shoulders fall and his eyes are nearly closing from the contentment that comes from hearing your voice, it's only natural that he's tilting his head back to steal a glance at you despite how awkward it might feel on his neck.
"A new face or two, nothin' I can't handle," He shoots you his best smile, the one that makes his heart full and his mind empty and fbe one you tell him makes you a clutz in rush hour. But you're not looking at him. "I see you're a walkin' marvel once again. How's that fairin' for you?"
"Flirting won't get you a raise, V."
You're wiping the bar down and sending a wink to one of the rosy cheeked uniforms sitting at the counter.
He pouts, huffing and grumbling about not wanting a raise anyway as he picks up fallen tankards. You're so preoccupied with the company in front of you that you won't look at —
"You never answered my question, V." a syrupy voice lilts through his ears.
Vander stills, that nickname on someone else's lips making him sit upright. He doesn't spare her a glance as he walks back toward the counter, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me that." he grounds out.
"But it's sexy." she giggles and he's caught on a table. He stops immediately, having remembered all the messes and fights he's caused from tipping ale only to turn and see Jia with a beltloop in her finger. "Is that something people only call you after hours?" Her hand slides around his front and over his toned stomach before his hand closes around her wrist and keeps it from going lower.
A few eyes are on them and Jia is certainly wide eyed as she regards him. He's no longer smiling politely, a pointed look on his face as he returns her hand to her.
You want to laugh because you've never seen anyone grate his nerves like that, let alone a girl, and still people despite his size expect him to have a bad temper. It's hilarious to see him cornered in an audience of gunpowder because, despite the looming danger, it's where he best thrives. But as you guessed, when Vander straightens, broad shoulders accenting how massive he really is — some gazes darken from the unrealized threat.
It's best to get him out of the crowd when people start seeing him as such.
His eyes fall away from the woman in front of him to you and he thinks he might be in trouble from how firm your voice is, wincing slightly and head bowing despite doing nothing wrong until he sees the amusement in your eyes. You see him. You know what's going on and he hopes you don't tell him to go in the back because he doesn't want to leave you to handle the collective uniforms alone.
You nod your head, an order rather than a question for him to come near. "Help me behind the bar."
He's more than happy to ignore the protests of an enforcer to do as you say and he's brushing up against you like pleased housecat, a faint hum on his lips before he cleans tankards (his least favorite job) with a smile.
"You never answered my question, Vanner." she opts for leaning on the bar and he stills.
She's saying his name wrong and you're not sure if it's on purpose, but it's usually an easy pet peeve to get him riled up. He doesn't turn. He doesn't answer and she slams her hands down on the bar counter. Vander jumps slightly, throat bobbing as he stares at the tankard in his hand and his ears are flushed.
"Look at an officer when you're spoken to."
Her voice is a reminder of what happens in the undercity when you're cornered by an enforcer, let alone a brigade of twenty.
Doing the math, there are four people at the bar and you can count on your hand how much shorter two of them are than Vander. There's one elder among them and a woman packed to the gills with ammo, but doesn't have the look of experience her elders do. Jia is much like the rest of her squad; well-equipped and no doubt well trained to take a challenge like Vander.
Vander's twitching fingers are pressed tight to the tankard and he turns his back to her so he can meet your eyes for a brief moment.
His shirt is sticking awkwardly to him from sweat, his brows are steepled, and his wobbly frown paired with pleading eyes makes your breath hitch. He's never been this panicked before. He's never had a woman insist she sleep with him without a way out.
"This is a bar, not a brothel," you call and she stares at you thoroughly pissed off at your interruption. "And as such, the bar hands are not allowed to interact with the customers for more than a friendly chat in and outside of the bar, so can I interest you in a drink?"
She shifts her weight on her feet, nodding, "If you could pour me a glass of fuck off then I'd be delighted."
Jia pushes her weight onto the counter and her feet barely landed on it, but you have moved, situating yourself between her and Vander who's staring down at you, tugging at your shirt to try to defuse the situation, but you're leaning on the bar with a kind smile that's making his heart drop into his stomach.
"Get your feet off my bar counter." your sweet tone does little to mask what's going to happen next.
The female enforcer swings her foot at your face, but in one smooth motion to dodge it, you catch her ankle and shove her off the counter. She squawks and it makes her superiors at the counter choke on their laughter. All you do is pointedly watch and wipe down where her boots dug into the counter.
It's no surprise when she climbs to her feet and takes hold of your shirt, but you're completely unbothered as you stare at her hand as if it's riddled with disease.
"If you rats wanted a fight all you had to do was say so," she sneers at you and you sigh.
"I want you to get your piltie hands off me before I catch whatever delusional bullshit you're on."
A firm crack echoes on the four walls of the bar. You hiss, gripping the metal edge of the counter and as you stagger back with watery eyes. It stings and you groan, leaning your head back to meet her eyes.
She stares in shock when you're smirking at her.
"Isn't it a misdemeanor to assault a citizen for an unwarranted incursion?"
As your blood drips on the floor, the situation settles in. That vehement glare falters before she's collecting whatever resolve she has to square off on you. "What of it?" she scowls, "You're no citizen of Piltover."
"I'm not?" you whisper conspiratorially, a hand coming to your chest, "But then who governs the undercity?"
You receive only silence in return.
"Right. So I've been assaulted by Piltover law enforcement." you let blood drip down your nose, uncaring if it's running along your cupid's bow. "Not only that, you've spent the last half hour harassing one of my bar hands which is also a violation of civil code and enforcer behavioral practices."
"You can't prove anything," she scowls and her pretty green eyes are sharper than they've been all afternoon when aimed at you.
"I can't? My nose doesn't have indents from your tailored brass lined gloves?" you raise a brow, "There are plenty of enforcers with the size of your fingers specifically? I'm sure the Academic Bureau of Inventive Research couldn't possibly find a match to you."
A hand on your arm squeezes and Vander's quickly giving your face a onceover before you turn your attention back to the officer in front of you. He's giving you these eyes, please stop.
"Not to mention what kind of trouble decorated officers would get into for watching a subordinate assault and harass a representitive to the civil council of the Academic Bureau." you lean on the counter and her associates seem to have just been hit by a brick of reality when they remember their own existence. "And Grayson, let's not forget her. What would she say? I'm sure the other half of the bar didn't see anything either?"
Vander's painfully aware of the picture you've painted. There's a handful, five or six people in a booth, that give a wave as if to prove your point. There's only a handful of them, you and Vander, and you're all outnumbered by government dogs. It wouldn't matter how good you are at handling yourselves.
"Nothing." one of the enforcers say, "You're under arrest for conspiracy."
You roll your eyes and the people at the bar stand up, guns cock and Vander's clutching you by the arms and you roll your eyes at this show of blatant dominance from the enforcers.
"What are you doing?" he asks, pulling you closer to him as the woman who was aggressively flirting with him pulls you away to cuff your wrists in metal.
Vander's shouting for them to let you go before he cracks some skulls and he's about to lose his shit when they're pulling you outside, but they stop. Twenty uniforms are outnumbered by the crowd in front of the bar and all of them slowly come to realize you're in cuffs and there are enforcers in their neck of the woods.
You shoot a smile at Jia, "Are you really going to arrest me for defending my husband?"
Your voice carries and the crowd shifts, closing in a little closer as murmurings break out. Vander pushes from the small crowd of uniforms to be among the sea of fissurefolk and you can see the visible sweat forming on their foreheads.
"What's going on here?"
You nod gleefully at Grayson, a smile on your face as Vander approaches her and he opens his mouth to speak, but someone's doing it for him.
"Nothing." Jia says, quickly undoing your cuffs and you purse your lips.
"Really?" you look over your shoulder to the small band of witnesses you purposefully had waiting in the bar.
"It looks like you arrested one of the partners of that bar." Grayson says and you shoot her a smile as you walk over to Vander. He's all too happy to sweep you into his arms and nuzzle his nose against your cheek, his chest rumbling as he grunts threats if you ever were to try that again.
"I guess nothing happened, Vander. Is wrongful arrest a misdemeanor, too?"
You don't have to look behind you to know Grayson's squad has stiffened and you tip your head back, a smile on your face when you meet eyes with Jia.
"Oops." you set a hand over mouth and do nothing to hide your smile as Grayson herds them off before the bar's weekend rush of ale drinkers decide to sate a different kind of thirst as they watch the uniforms disappear.
Other employed barkeeps take on the brunt of the sudden fill of people in the bar while Vander pulls you away from the crowds and upstairs into your shared bedroom.
The first thing he does is pull you into his arms and bury his face in your neck.
"Next time you're going to pull something like that, wink at me or something." he groans as you pepper kisses over the side of his face and he pulls back to look at your semi-clean face.
You peel off your shirt and wipe the rest of the blood from your nose. Vander takes your chin in his fingers, gently prodding the swollen area and sighing when you don't wince too bad. He kisses the space between your brows and rubs your bare arms.
"It's not broken, you're lucky." he whispers, kissing your forehead. "I should've called you when she started flirting with me. Thought I could handle it."
You kiss his shoulder as he pulls you to lay on top of him while he sprawls out on the bed. "You couldn't have known." He grunts in response, burying his face in your neck and sighing, "You okay, big guy? You were pretty shaken up earlier, had me worried."
"Yeah," he murmurs. "Nothing a little rest can't fix."
You hum, pressing a kiss to his cheek and his jaw, massaging his shoulders and feeling the way he allows himself to relax from your touch. Kisses slowly run down his neck and his hands seat themselves on your hips,
"That was hot." he squeezes your hips. "When you tossed that enforcer off the counter, I think I saw my soul leave my body."
You snicker against his neck and lean up to look down at him. He pulls your hips to grind over the hardness in his trousers, licking his lips and taking in the sight of you topless. "I wouldn't be surprised if you orchestrated all that to get me like this."
"I would. Smart enough to convince Grayson and Nia to let you defend my honor? Genius." He whispers, fingers playing with the button of your pants.
"Jia." you correct and he gives you a pointed look to which you giggle and lean against him.
"That's what you want to correct me on? Not working with enforcers, just the Jia part?"
You lean down and capture Vander's lips in a sweet kiss that has his breath hitchng and his head spinning. "Keep your enemies close." you remind him gently.
He draws the button to your pants loose to draw his hands around your hips before cupping the your ass. You sigh, leaning your head back and grinding harder on top of him.
He jolts suddenly and you're in his arms, both of you against the wall, but Vander's focused on something else.
"Right there. You see that?"
"Babe, are you serious?"
He's glaring at the frog on your cracked window. He's outside and perched vertically against the glass. Vander sneers at him as a cat would a dog and you kiss his cheek, prying yourself from his arms as you near the window and he's two steps behind you.
"He's going to get in, slam it." he whisper shouts and you pause by the window, only to grate his nerves. "The safety of our bedroom is at stake. Slam. It."
You slowly roll the window shut and he holds his breath when the frog moves a little.
"Lock it."
"Vander." you laugh and he's nearing the window, cautiously tapping the glass that shows the frog's belly.
You lock the window and he sweeps you into a grateful hug, "What would I do without you?"
"Succumb to frogs, apparently."
He's pulling his shirt over his head, adamant on showing you his gratitude for having his back against the cold-blooded villains of the world.
Enforcers. And frogs.
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on-the-cliffs-edge · 14 days
How art thou lungs?
-Inhaler anon
“Fairin’ about the same as usual. Which isn’t horrible.”
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rorydflanagan · 7 months
Hey, what's up? I'm Stevie! Just thought I'd see how you're doing with all this mess. I know you were concerned about your accent but wanted to let you know that it's pretty awesome.
‘Hello there. I’m Rory! I’m fairin’. How are you doin’ with it? It seems like some people are freakin’ out. Oh thanks! I appreciate ya for that.
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haikuandy · 1 year
haiku 20230720
evening street fairin the alley, fire dancersrelax between sets Like my haiku? Buy me a coffee
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