#Fairy Tail is bad with secrets
reidmania · 26 days
you are in love | spencer reid
part one, loml
summary; a year after jj’s wedding, you run into spencer at at museum only this time the difference between now and your relationship isn’t so much of a bad thing.
warnings; angst and fluff, new beginnings, fresh start, exes to lovers, hopeful/ happy ending, they are in love, they are my babies i love them, not edited bc my work is never edited, fem reader, no use of y/n cus EWWWW
2.2k words
an; since there was so many you are in love references in part one i thought it was fitting. thank u.
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‘One look, dark room, meant just for you. Time moved too fast you play it back. Buttons on a coat, light-hearted joke, no proof, not much but you saw enough. Small talk, he drives, coffee at midnight. The light reflects, the chain on your neck. He says, "Look up" and your shoulders brush. no proof, one touch, but you felt enough’
Beige rough detailing ran over walls, warm air flooded the space as couples and friends — even families walked around. The shadows of each item showcased cascading down onto the floor.
The room was lit dimly by warm yellow lights that strayed from overly intricate chandeliers. The only sound was quiet mumbles and soft conversation from the people surrounding, gentle voices as if anything too loud may break one of the valuables.
Your eyes danced over a painting that hung on the wall, your eyes skimming over minor details as the a-ray of warm and cool toned blues and purples covered the canvas. What had given you the idea to come to the museum alone? You weren’t sure.
Maybe the need for distraction, or perhaps a break from the real world that seemed all too busy lately. Time seemed slower between the beautifully structured walls. Everything seemed delicate, and softer than the harsh of the world outside this building.
You walked around for a while before finding your way into a room that others crowded into. It was dark, apart from a few blue lights that came from under a table in the middle of the room. You weren’t sure what you were looking at — you also weren’t sure you cared when your eyes lifted and your mind grew empty of any thought.
There was a moment where your eyes just danced over the side of his face, the curve of his nose and lining of his jaw. Overgrown hair dragging down his forehead. Then his head turned and his eyes met yours.
Of course you would see Spencer. Of course the one time you decide to go out by yourself, to a place so beautiful. You would see him.
He fit right in, suit jacket over his shoulders, tie buried under a sweater vest. He was as beautiful as the architecture around you, looking as delicate as the items being showcased. You were sure outside of this room his dark suit and hair would contrast the beige elegance of the walls.
His eyes filled with something, a secret language that lingered between the two of you in the air. Almost a greeting but not quite. A soft smile lined his lips. The side of his face glowing different hues of blue as he stood in line with the table.
A year. It had been just over a year since JJ’s wedding. A year since you saw Spencer last. A year since a promise was made and broken between the two of you.
Three years since your world shifted and never quite found its balance again.
You smiled at him, before your gaze dropped down to the table but any idea you had of focusing on the sight before you disappeared as your mind filled with him.
Everyone around you and their gentle whispers of appreciation fell into silence for you. Everything besides him becoming a blur as you separated yourself from the reality of the world around you and back into the made up fairy tail in your head.
You spent a lot of time trying to grasp the fact that you had seen him, you had been given an opening a year ago, and you had failed to take it for what reason? You couldn’t name one now even though you were sure at the time you had one.
The room seemed warmer with his presence in it. Not uncomfortably warmer, not too warm but sort of like a hug in the dark of the night or the feeling of cold hands against a fresh cup of coffee.
When the crowd began to dwindle away from the room towards the exit, you followed. That until you heard the gruff of the familiar voice behind you.
“Hey stranger.” It seemed ironic really. His choice of words.
You turned on your heels, eyes meeting his. “Hi Spencer.” You breathed out. People walked around the two of you. Maybe you got a few looks but none that gained either of your attention.
He paused slightly — one thing you weren’t expecting was awkwardness. You and Spencer had never been awkward, a year ago you fell back into rhythm after a few shared words. Now it seemed different, the air seemed thicker.
“You uh.. You never called.” He said, his voice hesitant to bring it up. You almost wished he didn’t. You partly enjoyed the ignorance you both had chose to live in at the wedding, that everything was okay, that everything was normal and that maybe it would work.
You shifted slightly on your feet, hands coming to fidget with the sleeves of your knitted sweater, that blended in with the neutral tones around you. You thought back to the night of the wedding, his whispered repetition.
‘Don’t be a stranger’ He had said the same thing when the two of you broke up. You had assumed he was aware of that. You assumed he understood what his words indicated based off your history.
They were less of a, ‘hey! call me!’ and more of a, ‘i’m sorry about what happened and the fact things are different’ They were three years ago, and they were a year ago.
“I didn’t know you were serious.” You admitted. Your mind began to dwell on every word said since. His greeting. Was that as meaningful as his whispered words.
Stranger. He greeted you as a stranger and although you were aware of the common saying and reasoning behind it for everyone else. Now, knowing he was serious about his whole ‘don’t be a stranger’ thing, you wondered if they held a heavier implication of what had happened between you two — or what hadn’t.
His eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he waited a moment before he spoke. He cleared his throat, “I was..” He mumbled, his hands rubbing against the sides of his suit jacket for a moment before dangling by his sides.
You weren’t sure what to say. “I didn’t know.” You settled on. He let out a huff, a hum of acknowledgment before he looked around. The room was now void of others. Leaving you and him alone in the blue lit room.
“You know um- Blue lights actually help elevate brain function and boots alertness— Which um, I could feel someone looking at me. I wasn’t expecting to be you but I’m glad at it was.” He mumbled out and your heart warmed at the familiarity of his beautiful brain.
Your cheeks too warmed, when he brought up the fact he had noticed your eyes on him. You wondered if it was really because of the alertness that the lighting produced or more the fact that your eyes were filled with such heavy emotion the strength of your gaze was unavoidable. You didn’t know if the human brain was that aware, and while you were sure Spencer would, you decided against answering.
“You’re alone.” You stated, brain fogged.
He let out a slight chuckle as he nodded, eyes running down the features of your face. “So are you.” He stated in the same sort of tone. Wondering what your point was, and you weren’t sure you had one.
“I was observing.” You mumbled out, a defensive for your random statement. His lips parted as they tugged into a smile.
He tilted his head slightly, “You’re beautiful.” He said. Your eyes widened momentarily. He snorted at your reaction as your lips parted in lack of a response. What were you suppose to say when your heart felt like it was being squeezed of all life.
There was new something in the air around you. Something similar in the look in his eye and the gentleness of his smile, the same something fluttering around in your stomach.
“I thought we were observing.” He mumbled out, shrugging simply.
You huffed at his quick wit and the light hearted playfulness. It made the air feel less heavy of history. A smile on your lips as you shook your head. You looked behind you, over your shoulder at the door before your gaze returned to Spencer.
“Do uh.. Would you want to walk around with me? Would that be weird?” You asked, almost half terrified of what his response might be. All too aware of the fact he could laugh in your face and turn away — although you knew deep down he wouldn’t.
He smiled, “Id like that.” He mumbled softly. His eyes staying on yours. The two of you stayed in the same position for a moment, just looking at one another. Your eyes having a conversation of their own, before you let out a soft laugh and dropped your head, turning to walk away, he followed.
You found yourselves walking beside one another. No words shared really. There was no pressure to talk about what had happened a year ago, or two years before that. There was no underlying tension or bitterness.
You stopped in front of a large painting that took up the space on a plain wall. Having the entirety of the space to itself. The canvas was covered by greens and cool toned browns, causing the pink of the flower to stand out.
“Do you know what flowers they are?” Spencer asked, his eyes never leaving the painting as he stood beside you. Your eyes ran along the details of the artwork. Taking in every inch of it.
You nodded, “Lotus’. It’s a lotus pond.” You mumbled out as you recognised the flower. He hummed in acknowledgment and recognition. A sort of validation you didn’t know you craved until you received it.
“Lotus flowers normally represent new beginnings. Lotus ponds symbolise beauty and growth. A lot of people believe that they are very spiritual and can represent rebirth and resurrection.” He mumbled out, you were silent for a moment as you listened to him talk.
Your eyes flickered to his for a moment, his gaze shifted to you. There was a shared glance, a weight lifted. Then you both as if in unison turned back to the painting. Admiring it in silence, appreciating one another’s presence without the distribution of conversation.
There was a lot to be said but none of it seemed important when his shoulder brushed against yours momentarily. You didn’t pull your gaze away from the painting, neither did he. The silence spoke a million words, the gentle touch, a million more.
There was an announcement over the speakers of the museum causing a damp in the quiet appreciation from the people around you. It was an alert that in half an hour they would be closing in half an hour. You hadn’t realise it had gotten that late.
Spencer turned to face you. You saw it in your peripheral vision but you kept your gaze on the painting wordlessly. His eyes lingered on the side of your face before he spoke, breaking the warm silence that wrapped around the two of you like a bubble away from the outside world.
“Im glad you’re a stranger.” He started, which caused your eyebrows to furrow as you turned your head towards him, a flicker of offensive covering your features for a moment before he laughed and shook his head.
“No- I didn’t- Not like that. Just- We were so young and everything was new and exciting and I felt so much- I feel so much for you. That never changed even if we have. I want to know who you are now. I want to learn everything new about you.” He said. His voice was quiet as if he was trying to keep that warm bubble around the two of you.
Any offence you felt disappeared within seconds. Your heart tightened in your chest at his sweet words. The recognition that things were indeed different, that you both had changed and that they wouldn’t be the same as they were all those years ago.
And that it didn’t have to be a bad thing.
“I’d like that.” You exhaled out. He smiled, and so did you.
He looked around for a moment, breaking the eye contact. The secret language shared between glances you learnt all those years ago, before he turned his gaze back to you. An almost playful look in his eyes.
“Hi. Im Spencer Reid. I’d shake your hand but a lot of germs are spread through hand shaking — not that i think you have germs, well everyone has germs— I um.. I think you’re really pretty and I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime”
Your eyes widened at his ramble. You recognised it. The same way he had approached you five years ago in a cafe. You were partly shocked he remembered it off by heart, he was more nervous back then.
You snorted, unable to take the situation seriously. A wide smile on your lips as you attempted to play along through half hidden laughter. “Hi Spencer.” You re-introduced yourself, “I’d love to go out with you sometime.”
He smiled, the same sort of smile on his lips that was on yours. His gaze held yours. Everything was different between now and then, the look in his eye then was full of anxiety and awkwardness, doing anything to avoid your gaze.
Now, his eyes stayed on yours and were full of nothing but pure admiration and love.
Maybe not everything was different.
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thatbirdrestaurant · 25 days
ʚ fairy tail headcanons ɞ
ʚ these all range from canon-compliant to pure fanfiction lala land ɞ
ʚ this ended up being so much longer than i planned ɞ
the b team from the gmg hang out regularly and are all very good friends. mirajane, cana, and juvia have special "making fun of laxus" privileges that not even bickslow has.
laxus is genuinely embarrassed about how he used to talk about erza and she uses it against him very often. "oh, yes, because how can i - a mere woman - possibly accomplish this task myself?" "fine! i'll open the pickle jar!"
cain instinct is strong in the fairy tail guild. everyone is resisting the urge to smack each other, and most of them aren't very good at it. even laxus can be a target, especially after he chilled out. the most surprising display was when levy smacked him square in the head with one of her books, and he just yelled at her, or when cana stared at erza for a few seconds before smacking her across the face.
sex education was, probably, the worst thing to happen to those who grew up in the guild hall. either makarov didn't give enough details or he gave way too many.
lucy and gray are the biggest gossipers in the guild. they know everyone's secrets and while they don't blackmail people, they never hide something from the other. if they're staring at you and whispering, they are talking mad shit or they found out something about you.
juvia and natsu get along alarmingly well. they're not even sure how it works, just that they're so different that it kind of makes them perfect for each other (as friends).
natsu is sting's celebrity crush and he thinks he's doing a great job at hiding it. he's not. everyone knows. rogue knows, lector knows, all of sabertooth knows, all of fairy tail knows, sorcerer weekly knows, natsu knows. no one has the heart to tell him.
juvia doesn't have romantic feelings for lyon but she wants them to be friends so badly. not to get closer to gray, just because she thinks he's really cool and easy to talk to. lyon is so smug about it and gray wants to throttle him for it.
erza and mira's rivalry is alive in the tiniest of ways. they're always having small contests like "i bet i can wash this cup faster than you," or "i bet lucy says hi to me first." there's no hard feelings involved, they just can't help but be a little competitive with each other.
erza was illiterate for a really long time, way longer than she should have been, and makarov felt awful for not realizing it sooner. she was just looking at the reward numbers and going with the flow. on top of that, she has really bad dyslexia, something that somehow went under the radar.
related to the previous headcanon, lucy eventually realizes that the reason natsu has such bad grammar and reading comprehension is because he was tutored by erza, and erza's so bad at writing and understanding big words because she has undiagnosed dyslexia. so takes the time to slowly teach them how to read more complicated things, showing erza ways to read with her dyslexia, and giving them handwriting lessons. the first time erza writes a comprehendible letter is to jellal, and she's absolutely ecstatic about it. natsu is thrilled that he can finally read lucy's book without feeling stupid.
gray teaches wendy a lot about social cues and how to survive in a city as big as magnolia. she grew up very sheltered in a tiny village, so it makes sense that she struggles with "big city living." she's very appreciative and gray is just happy he can be of use.
gray stopped smoking because he heard lucy say she finds smokers unattractive. (gray, in the manga, smoked for a bit, and it's explicitly stated that, at least for the first handful of arcs, he was interested in lucy).
natsu started having romantic feelings for lucy during their fight against kain, but he didn't realize he was in love with her until he watched future lucy die. lucy didn't realize she had feelings for natsu until she realized she was in love with him, which was after the events with the eclipse gate. (the specific moments i'm talking about: kain | future lucy | post-eclipse gate)
between her and gajeel, juvia is the older one. she doesn't give it much thought but gajeel sees her in a big sister role, and has found himself accidentally referring to her as his older sister. which he would rather die than let her find out about.
when asked who she would go after if gray wasn't in the picture, most people expect juvia to say she could never picture a world without gray, but she will look you dead in the eye and, without any hesitation, say, "erza."
gray and loke had something very gay going on before loke went back to the celestial spirit world. the sexual tension between the two of them in this scene is too strong, they've fucked, kissed at least.
when gray realized he liked juvia back, he had a full mental breakdown for several reasons. a fear of intimacy, a fear of losing her like he has every single woman he's ever cared about, and because he just couldn't believe her very weird and very aggressive flirting tactics worked.
in the same vein, evergreen was inconsolable for days when she realized she was in love with elfman. laxus, freed, and bickslow have never been more worried about her mental well-being.
all of crime sorciere have a betting pool on when jellal and erza will get their heads out of their asses. they've had to place new bets several times because they're still dancing around each other. at this point, the betting pool is getting tense, and someone is going to lose so much money.
cobra and jellal kissed once because they were both extremely drunk and extremely sad about their respective crushes. neither of them remember it but the rest of crime sorciere can never forget watching cobra shove his tongue down jellal's throat.
makarov has said "you're like the son i never had" way too many times for it to be an accident.
elfman wants to be a girl dad so bad. he absolutely loves having sisters and he's obsessed with the idea of having a daughter to spoil and dote on.
gray and juvia have a kid before getting married...whoops.
going against the grain and literally what mashima has said, and saying that natsu and lucy have a son before having a daughter. he's a lot like lucy while their daughter is almost exactly like natsu.
yukino is a raging lesbian and is endlessly distressed by how many people think she's in love with sting. her month was ruined when minerva congratulated them on their relationship. completely ignoring the fact that sting is a gay man and is openly down bad for rogue.
rufus and orga have been dating for almost three years and literally no one knows.
lucy cried for three hours when she found out about anna and ichiya.
laxus and freed are in a queer-platonic relationship. laxus is aroace and has no interest in being romantically involved with someone, but he likes the dynamics of dating someone, and freed just likes having someone to spoil (back massages, compliments, all the things freed does in canon).
natsu has ended up in so many situations where he's put in feminine clothing, that he's actually started to kind of like it. he really doesn't mind the idea of wearing a skirt or letting lucy do his makeup. lucy is obsessed with it, and they sometimes do each other's makeup.
romeo is a trans boy and canon is my enemy. macao is extremely supportive and is always introducing romeo as enthusiastically as he can. "this is my son, romeo. isn't he so handsome? just the most handsome boy out there. i'm so proud of my son. he's the best." it's as embarrassing as it is endearing.
gray gets really bad joint pain after using his demon slayer magic, because the demon ice is so cold that it hurts him. thankfully, juvia is always happy to give him massages and crack his back.
natsu had the fattest crush on laxus from the age of thirteen to the very end of the battle of fairy tail arc. everyone just thought he had too much faith in his guild mates, but it was actually because he was so horrendously down bad for laxus that he couldn't accept that he was kind of a psycho.
gray tries so hard to seem cool and nonchalant that he accidentally flirts with basically everyone he interacts with. he thinks he's being cool and mysterious, instead he's making people fall in love with him.
loke tells lucy she's beautiful all the way into her sixties, and he means it every single time.
jude, technically, didn't take layla's maiden name, they just had the most unbelievable coincidence in the world where layla's last name was "heartfilia," while jude's was "heartphilia," so neither of them really saw a point in changing their last names.
juvia and gajeel were not only introduced to the wonders of genuine friendship and family after joining fairy tail, but also the amazing world of weed by cana and bickslow. laxus will never forget walking into his apartment with the thunder legion for the first time in years, and being met with juvia, gajeel, and cana on the couch, passing a blunt, while bickslow was raiding the kitchen.
gajeel and levy elope, only bringing lily and juvia with them as their witnesses. lucy was a little (a lot) insulted by it, but she eventually understood why levy did what she did when her and natsu decided to do the exact same thing, and only bring along their team. basically, elfman and evergreen, and gray and juvia are like the only couples to have a ceremony.
fairy tail has a lot of lawsuits and property damage bills, and freed, levy, and lucy almost had collective aneurysms trying to get through and organize them all. the guild has never spent more money on coffee.
lucy eventually takes advantage of the fact she has a very powerful kick and gets a black belt in taekwondo, a type of martial art that focuses mostly on kicking. her raw leg power combined with knowing what she's doing AND her heels? deadly.
(cw for child abuse on this one, skip if needed) minerva has such a massive appetite because jiemma would starve her both as punishment but also to "make her stronger." her body just never feels full, like the food will be taken away from her again.
sabertooth members calling minerva "m'lady" started as a serious thing to show respect, but now it's a running joke where everyone is trying to be as obnoxious as possible with it.
it's kind of implied that rogue is (at least) sexually attracted to minerva, and the fact larcade's "find out who's a virgin" spell hits him right after seeing minerva being affected by it, makes me think he lost his virginity to her. it was awkward and objectively bad but he's still glad it happened. sting drank an entire bottle of tequila when he found out about it.
getting 1 v. 2-d by natsu was the biggest ego crash sting and rogue have ever, and will ever experience. they will never be able to live it down. it will follow them to their graves. please never talk about how egotistical they used to be, they will cry from embarrassment.
minerva calls everyone's boyfriend their "boy toy" because, and i quote, "i don't respect men."
juvia is the best gift giver you will ever meet. she just has a way of always knowing what's perfect for someone, and it's a mutual agreement to always make her go last for gift giving so everyone else feels better about their gift for at least a few minutes.
natsu is the kind of guy to remember something someone said to him once in passing and randomly bring it up weeks or months later. his brain is a library of miniscule information about the people around him.
gajeel talks trash about levy's romance novels but will also be sneaking peeks over her shoulder and trying not to react to various moments. he is deeply invested in the plot twists and the main characters' romance.
while he's traveling, gildarts will buy cana a gift from every town his visits, which results in him having about a pound of knickknacks, clothes, and alcohol for her when he comes back. she pretends to be embarrassed about it but she secretly loves being spoiled by him.
gildarts and cana go on daddy-daughter dates and she'd rather drink bleach than let other people find out about it. gildarts is just happy to be there.
natsu and cana have had this conversation: "so, are we, like, siblings now?" "excuse me?" "because, like, gildarts is basically my dad, and he's your dad. so..." "we are not siblings, natsu." "okay, didn't know you liked being an only child so much." "go fuck yourself."
gildarts knows lucy is going to be his daughter in law. he doesn't know if it's going to be from her marrying natsu or from her marrying cana.
wakaba would sneak teenage gray cigarettes. erza, mirajane, and makarov almost killed him when they found out about it.
mira is aroace, feeling absolutely no romantic attraction and being sex repulsed, but she is absolutely obsessed with other peoples' love lives. she thrives on it.
lisanna is fairy tail's resident lesbian and is a little in love with every girl she meets.
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cyverrieee · 9 months
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𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝙰𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙰𝚣𝚞𝚕
➳ 01 : I love the little mermaid growing up so
for real, it gave me some ideas from @thecoolsquirrel 's post (hehe) ANYWAYS I love Azul sm. I altered the plot to match Azul's backstory or smth-
➳ 02 : Contains random merpeople names😝
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈 : 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐭
— ... —
Growing up, Azul never had friends before middle school. He was seen as the odd one out because of his chubby stature and eight legs. He would always stay in his pot because he's scared. Scared that someone would talk bad about him, that is—before he met the two leech twins. He had fun with them, standing up for Azul to stop his bullies
At that time, he was studying everything he can get from the school library. He won't lie; he's interested in land dwellers but where he lives. They despise them, they ruin their homes and take stuff from the reefs! Azul's mother even hated them more. She always told Azul to never go to the surface because "who knows what danger lies in land", yes it's true. He doesn't know anything about the land as much but he's curious enough for a peep! He started collecting the stuff the land dwellers drop in sea.
“Haaa? What's this?”
Floyd talked, Jade looking at the different items that Azul hoarded in his secret collection room. Floyd holds a danglehopper (a fork), doing random stuff to see it's purpose.
“Oh well.. I'm not sure! But the white Bird from the surface told me it's something land dwellers use to comb their hair”
Azul explained like the nerd he was, adjusting his glasses in the process. Jade looks at his brother who was combing his hair with the "danglehopper". The three metal bristles smoothly brush through Floyd's sleek teal locks. He was in awe by it, Jade only laughs in amusement
“Hey 'zul! Mind if I keep it?”
Floyd yelled, Azul sighed playfully with a pout
“I knew you were gonna say that. But sure.. ”
Azul murmured, Floyd flicks his eel tail with glee. Jade looks around and finds a box full of silver and gold circular objects. The calmer leech twin grabs one from the box. It shimmered a golden hue— Jade clicked a small button on the front of the weird circular object. The top flung open showing a long hand and a small hand. Azul saw Jade's interest towards the circular metal objects
“I haven't named those things yet. The white Bird also told me that land dwellers use these to tell time"
He muttered, Floyd let out a small "ahhh" at the explanation. Jade nodded and asked in interest.
“Mind if i take something like this?”
Azul agreed, Jade thanked Azul for letting him have one of these circular shiny objects. Dawn hit— and the twins returned back home with Azul, Azul has always hid his secret interest of Land Dweller items from his parents; knoeing them, they won't be happy if they knew this.
The silver haired octopus sat with his family for dinner. Azul's mother was talking with his father, leaving Azul all silent, but he prefered that since he was busy thinking of a way to get some more information in Land Dwellers. Him and his parents did have some small talks before and after dinner, but after that– Azul just goes to his room to think of ways to learn about humans. Even til now he was interested in them..
He wont lie, he kind of dreams for a partner in his life. Its a dream— he knows that, knowing him being an octopus that no one wants. He just didn't have the time to believe in that fairy tale of his. Well before he met such a charming young royal who fell of their ship..
➥ 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲'𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬! 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧. 𝐔𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 :(
! ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ғᴏʀɢᴇᴛ ᴛᴏ sᴛᴀʏ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜʏ! ᴅʀɪɴᴋ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴇᴀᴛ ғᴏᴏᴅ ᴀᴄᴄᴏʀᴅɪɴɢʟʏ !
ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ'ʟʟ sᴇᴇ ᴍʏ ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ!
Chapter 2 ->
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anitalenia · 7 months
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꒰ঌ definition ໒꒱ ˏˋ°•*⁀➷   𝑤𝘩𝑒𝑛 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑡𝘩𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑤𝘩𝑜 𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑎𝑟𝑒 / 𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑦'𝑟𝑒 𝘩𝑖𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ below you will find sub genres under this category, as well as some useful pairings for this trope. for educational writing purposes <3
note: several of these can also be used in other tropes as well, just depends on how you write it and interpret it.
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₊˚⊹.* ♡ let’s start with the obvious, person A is a superhero and person B is completely oblivious
₊˚⊹.* ♡ a villain needing to hide their true self to avoid being caught
₊˚⊹.* ♡ secret admirer (can be a best friend, co-worker, etc)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is rich and hides that fact from person B so they’re not taken advantage of
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is actually undercover (can be for a case, cop au possibly)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is in witness protection
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A started a new life because of their dark past (changed name, town, etc.)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is a celebrity where they come from, but moved somewhere where no one knows who they are
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is hiding who they really are to protect person B
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is really a higher being (angel, deity, something divine) sent to earth for various reasons (to pass on a message, complete a task, protect person B without giving themselves away)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is extremely powerful and mysterious and no one knows who they are (i.e. mystogan from fairy tail, black knight trope)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ a person of royalty (king, prince) has abandoned their royal duties and left on the side of the road like a common beggar (can be because they didn’t want that life, there was a mutiny, etc.) — they’re found by a group of people or a person who have no idea who they really are
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A stumbles upon a powerful object that gives them magic / powers when they wear it (i.e. the mask)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A only looks a certain way during a specific time of day — they transform back into their original form at night / at sunrise (fiona from shrek, cinderella)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is incredibly poor but mistaken for someone else in a bizarre twist of luck — taken into the rich home to carry out the duties of the original person because no one is the wiser
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is a thief / good liar and never shows their true colors until they fall in love with person B
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is a common criminal taken under the wing of a generous prince who falls for their beauty — revealed at the end that person A was never who they thought they were (doesn’t have to end bad, they can reconcile)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ bouncing off that idea, person A is a criminal sent to kill / rob person B, a royal. person A assumes a fake persona to gain their trust but ends up falling in love with person B and can’t finish out the task
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A faked their own death before moving away
₊˚⊹.* ♡ in a dystopian kind of setting where person A belongs to a group of people not accepted by society, so they must hide that part of themselves to stay alive
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is ashamed of what their real name is associated with (toxic family life, weird past, etc.) so they lie to person B
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A must lie to cover for someone else (seen in movies where person A’s friend, person B, doesn’t show up for a date so person A must fill in for them, then when the date shows up they think person A is person B) — can be used in other ways ofc
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is doing intel on a certain group of dangerous people and must fit in or they’ll die
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is the maid of the princess and has no choice but to take her place when the princess disappears — person A has to temporarily take care of royal duties and ends up falling in love with the prince the princess was set to marry
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is under the protection (doesn’t have to be protection) of whoever, so very few people know their real identity but they end up falling in love with person B anyway — points if the people who know their real identity say it can never happen / not end well if person B knew who person A really was
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A must wear their mask at all times but person B fell for them anyway (darth vader, the mandalorian, ghost from cod)
₊˚⊹.* ��� person A is a shapeshifter and assumes multiple identities all the time anyway
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A time travels to the past or future to stop someone from doing something and must gain person B’s trust
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is a demon in disguise to bring person B to hell / make them hold up their end of the deal — obviously ends with love periodt
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is actually an angel meant to help person B come to terms with their own death, but ends up trying to save person B’s life
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is the doppelgänger of person B and uses it to their advantage (katherine from tvd)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is using a cloaking spell to disguise themselves as person B for whatever reason
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is the twin of person B who is much more important and has to take their place — ends up falling for person B’s love interest
₊˚⊹.* ♡ similar to that person A and person B are long lost twins with drastically different lives — they switch places to live the others life and falls in love with their respective love interest (the parent trap, the princess switch)
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Wild's Wolf (Modern AU): Febuwhump Day 15--Who did this to you?
When they escaped the compound in a sprint and piled into Time’s rusted old truck, peeling out of the dimly lit parking lot with a shriek of rubber against concrete, he did the first thing he always did when he got himself into trouble. 
He called Malon.
Time’s knuckles blanched white around the steering wheel as the phone rang all the way through on the first try, as well as the second and the third. On the fourth ring, she finally picked up.
“Link.” Her sleepy voice warbled through the phone’s old speaker. She sounded… pissed. “What’re you doing, calling at two in the morning? Why aren’t you in bed? When did you slip out? Where are you?”
“Sorry dear, a work thing came up—”
“—Who’s talking?” came the frightened bark from the backseat. “Where’s ‘at voice a’coming from? Mr. Time?”
“—do you have someone with you, honey?” Malon asked, sounding fractionally more alert now. There was a shifting on the other side of the line, likely Malon pushing back the covers and rising out of bed. “What’s going on? What in the world did they say?”
“Don’t worry about it, kid, it’s just my wife,” Time said lowly, then raised his voice to be heard over the speaker. “Yes, sweetheart, listen. I’d love to answer all of your questions when I see you. I’ll be home in about thirty minutes.”
Time glanced up into the rear-view mirror. The agency hadn’t given chase, not yet anyways, given the dark, empty highway road stretching out behind them. The wolf boy—Twilight, Time had gathered after their most recent conversations, not just Wolf —cradled Wild in his arms, braced awkwardly against the movements of the car and looking every bit a caged animal as he watched the world speed by outside the car’s dusty windows. Wild himself lay slack and quiet across the backseat, dried blood spilling over his pale face from the gash at his hairline. Time wasn’t sure if he was fully conscious or not—his torn hospital gown made it hard to tell if he was even alive, the way it washed him out. 
Malon said nothing to his dismissal, patiently waiting for some explanation in the crackling silence. “We’re, uh…” Time broke at last as he turned his eyes to the road.  “We’re going to be having some… guests this morning. Would you mind to prepare the guest bedroom? And get out that old med kit you’ve got in the top of the dresser, while you’re at it. And that bag of chocolates in my desk drawer.”
“The med kit? Are you hurt?” Malon’s next words were low, tense. “And just who are the guests you’re bringing home with you?” A heavy sigh. “What have you gotten yourself into now, Fairy Boy? ”
Time winced. “Nothing—nothing bad,” he lied through his teeth as he again checked the rear-view mirror. Still no cars tailing him, yet. Good. But they knew where he lived. His house would be the first place they checked, if they decided to come after him despite his threats to go to the news about their whole secret human experimentation project. “M-m-make sure that the boys stay in bed, Malon, we can explain things to them in the morning. And don’t forget those chocolates.”
“Alright, Link.” A heavy sigh rang out from the other end of the line. “You better know what you’re doing.”
Time resisted the urge to slam his own forehead against the steering wheel. “Oooooh, she’s gonna be so upset about this,” he said to the empty air. “I’m going to be out in the doghouse for a month.”
“You did not tell me that your wife is a fierce goddess, Mr. Time,” Twilight whispered, wide-eyed. Those long ears of his stood pricked up and alert, nearly completely upright as they swiveled as if to catch her voice again. “That she may use her powerful influence to project her holy presence to our lowly senses, whilst she is absent from this place of being herself? And yet you dare to incur her wrath upon yourself, so much so that she shall transform you into a lowly dog? What offering must we make to appease her fury?”
Aaaaaaand that was their jabber nuts reaching the time limit of their magic. “No, she’s not a goddess, and that’s just a figure of speech.” Time restrained himself from making a joking comment about her in regards to that—he’d just confuse the boy more. He dug into the sack of candies in his front shirt pocket and passed two jabber nuts back, careful to keep one eye on the road. “Take another one of these. See if Wild will eat one as well.” 
Twilight hummed suspiciously, muttering something to himself that Time could no longer parse out without the jabber nut’s magic, but took the chocolate candies from his palm. Time popped another one into his own mouth just as headlights appeared on the horizon behind them. He veered off the nearest exit and turned on the winding road that led through the woods and eventually, to the farm.
“D’you reckon he’ll be alright, sir?” Twilight asked a few quiet minutes later. “He’s lookin real hurt back here. Ain’t woken up once since we hightailed it out of that curs’ed place.”
Time smiled at the sudden difference in the sound of his voice. The jabber nuts were funny in that they not only translated the meaning of a person’s words, but they also conveyed how that person’s words would come across to a native speaker. Not only did that mean tone indicators such as sarcasm—underneath the jabber nut’s magic, Time did not hear that upwards lilt of an interrogative with Twilight’s question, perhaps their language had a specific word that signified such a thing—but it also imbued an accent, when applicable. For Wild, his voice was an unremarkable American English, which meant he likely spoke the most common iteration of their language. For Twilight, the jabber nut’s magic chose to give him a deep, drawling southern accent. Perhaps he had originally been a farmer, or he hailed from a stereotypically less educated corner of their home country, or maybe he was just from a rural area. Time could only guess what the magic had picked up on. The academic, professorly side of him noted it as something to look into more deeply later.
“I’m sure that he’ll be fine, he just needs to sleep off whatever they did to him,” Time said smoothly. But the vicious blow to the Wild’s head and the jerking of his thin body from the electricity's effects after those researchers had shocked him for daring to fight back—it might take a little bit more than a good night’s sleep to heal. “Malon—that’s my wife who you heard talking earlier—will fix him right up, I’m sure of it.”
“So, I reckon I did understand that right, earlier—that’s where you’re taking us? To your wife?” Twilight mumbled as he leaned his arm against the window, watching the world fly by. His hand carded absently through Wild’s bloodied hair. “You said that you’d help me get him back, an’ we’d be free to go. You ain’t never mentioned taking us nowhere other than back home.”
Time’s heart ached at the kid’s betrayed, defensive tone. “I did say that. And you will be home, soon, I promise,” he soothed. As if the forest they’d survived in before would be safe anymore, given that people knew about them now. Time shook his head. That was a bridge to cross and a conversation to have another day. “I’m just taking you to my home to make sure that Wild’s okay. You want him to be okay, don’t you?”
Time felt even worse, then, for turning such horribly manipulative phrasing upon the kid in order to gain his compliance. But it worked, and Twilight shrunk into himself with a meek nod.
“Good. We’ll be there in 15 minutes.” Time peered at the both of them in the backseat. Twilight was nearly standing now in order to withstand the jostling movement of the car on the winding country roads. His back was pressed against the car door and legs braced stiltedly against the floorboard, turning him all askew where he tried to keep Wild’s head in his lap despite such a position. Wild’s eyes remained closed. “Sit down and put your seatbelt on, Twilight. It’s dangerous to be unbuckled in a moving car.”
“Put on my what?” Twilight’s icy blue eyes snapped to Time, his ears pinning back in alarm. “Dangerous to be unbelted in a what?”
Ah. The jabber nuts, despite their magic, did not have the power to translate everything, especially when a concept was not shared between respective languages.
“Nevermind,” Time muttered, turning onto another street. “Just stay seated and hope that I don’t crash before we get there.”
Finally, they pulled into the gravel driveway. Battered fence posts ran along either side of the road, penning in the horses and cows that would all be asleep in the big red barns at the backside of the property. The vegetable gardens lay to one side; the white farmhouse loomed on the other side at the top of the hill; the kitchen light flicked on, and if Time squinted, he could spot Malon’s silhouette shadowing the window.
“Listen, boys, we’re here.” Time spoke up. Twilight, previously nodding off, jerked to attention in the backseat. Wild remained still, but Time thought he saw his eyes flicker open at his words. “When we go inside, I want you to go and sit in the living room. I’ll talk to Malon. She’s likely gonna want a pretty good explanation on all of this, and I’d rather it come from me.”
“An’ if she turn you inta dog?” Twilight asked tremulously. Wild made a little confused noise on his lap, and Twilight returned to petting his head, looking very, very stressed about the idea. “What’re we s’posed to do then?”
“She’s not going to turn me into a dog, Twilight,” Time answered tersely. She may kill me, though. He knew better than to voice that thought—the jabber nuts were clearly not doing a good enough job to translate the idea of irony to the poor kid. Time pulled up the car to the garage, parking in front of the closed doors. “Alright, everybody get out.”
Just as Time stepped around the vehicle to release a trapped Twilight from the backseat—he’d forgotten the boy wouldn’t know how to use the latch—the front door to the house opened. Light spilled onto the driveway.
“Link!” Malon’s scolding voice nearly made him cower in its intensity. “Just where have you been? Two in the morning, calling me telling me—”
“Shh, shh, shh, shh!” Time begged, waving his arms. He raised a finger to his lips. “One’s got a head injury, you’re gonna hurt his ears.”
Malon took in a deep, preparatory breath, but right on cue, Twilight unfolded himself out of the car—a mess of lanky limbs and unsteady after the long, unfamiliar ride—and her lecture petered out then and there. He clutched Wild, still so small and shivering, to his chest. “Uh… ‘Lo, Mrs. Malon.” Twilight seemed to attempt to dip into a respectful bow, but the precious cargo in his arms made it difficult to complete the gesture. He ended up bending his head over Wild, the tips of his ears downturned. Always with the ears. Time didn’t remember there being so much body language about them. But it had been decades since he’d last seen them, after all. “Nice t’meet you, ma’am.”
“Oh my god, where did you get two kids?” Malon whispered, her hands over her mouth. “Looks like you picked up a hobo and a psych ward escapee.”
“Like I said, work,” Time said briskly, retrieving and shouldering his professor’s satchel from the passenger’s seat. “Did you eat one of the chocolates already?”
“Of course I did, Link.”
“Then stop insulting the poor boys, because they can understand you, too, and they’ve been through a lot today.”
Malon huffed, crossing her arms as she looked over the two. Twilight stepped forwards, then, and his knees seemed to shake underneath him beneath her gaze, but he stood tall. “I’ve heard lots about you from Mr. Time, kind ma’am. Can… can you help my lil brother, please?”
“I’m afraid I can’t say the same. My husband likes to keep his secrets, it seems.” The look Malon sent Time was deadly. Then, as if on a dime, her voice changed to a soft, motherly coo as she turned her attention to Wild. “Oh, you poor boy, you." She placed a gentle hand over his forehead, brushing his bangs to the side; he gazed back, his eyes open but glassy and unseeing. "Who did this to you?” 
“C’mon inside, dearies, I’ll get you and your little brother all fixed up, and get you something to fill your stomachs too?” She took Wild from Twilight with ease—and Twilight let her, surprisingly enough—then headed for the front door. “And while we’re doing that, my husband and I will talk. That sound alright to you?”
“Yes ma’am!” Twilight followed her readily inside, a skip to his step that Time had never seen from him before. Time trailed far behind, a shadow staying out of Malon’s blazing sight. Oh, he was in so much trouble.
Read this on ao3! Wild’s Wolf - Chapter 4
Or check out the whole series here! HotCheetoHatred's Febuwhump
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galactic-space · 6 months
Making a follow up post for my stupid ass MHA X Monster high x Ever after high x fucking Winx club??? Ehhh???
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Soooo answering this dude up here ^ @faemagic88 let’s just say I got a few ideas
So basically, for anyone who didn’t see my last post?
Quirk toddler uses quirk on Izuku, bakugo, and denki and sends them to monster high, ever after high, and Winx respectively
Lord explosion god dynamight and his fairy tale adventures
For ever after high I totally want bakugo to be apart of the school purely because he heard how the school has a lot of secrets and magical items that might help with his issue, so he decides to force his way in to get back to his universe ( somehow… he’s working out the kinks of his plan )
While there he’s definitely gonna throw a ton of kids for a loop. Not caring about royal or rebel because A. He’s from another universe and B. He just thinks it’s so dumb to follow the paths of your parents just because of something as silly as “destiny”
He’s the type of person who believes that you chose your life, and he’s not gonna be silent about it.
Is he gonna cause more drama in this school? Yes, but this school is already filled with it so whatever
I don’t know what fairy tail he would pretend to be. I think he might pretend to be the son of “Momotaro” from the story “Momotaro; the story of the son and the peach” where basically this boy is born from a peach, soon taken in by a couple. When the boy turns fifteen, he goes off on a journey with a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant to slay the demons on an island, before returning home to be with his family
It makes the most sense, as Momotaro is fairly popular in Japan- or so I’ve heard
But an alternate story I thought of was of him pretending to be the son of Kintarō, “the golden boy” who is a warrior who goes on many journeys throughout his life, slaying beast and saving towns n what not.
Neither story would explain his weird… “explosion magic” as people call it, but hell it’s the best thing that he gots so.
I was thinking of mimickings ever after highs small story structure and maybe have an “episode” where Apple white realizes that he doesn’t seem to care about her, her status, her story, or even her looks and how that kinda bothers her ( more like gets her all riled up. She’s not used to boys just… not even giving her a second look. )
And then another small “episode” of bakugo deciding to take part in a sport cuz… well… let’s just say daring and his group found out that if you tell Bakugo he can’t do something, he’s gonna do it just to show off
Thing is, cerise is in the sport as well in the opposing team, and maybe bakugos team is like “well most of them are girls maybe we should go easy”
Cue the “equal rights equal fights” from bakugo, and basically forces cerise to show off her wolf abilities if she even wants to try to actually win against him.
And… who knows maybe that’s when people realize she’s haft wolf or something lol
I was also maybe having him be apart of the Dragons games??? Like maybe he wasn’t gonna be apart of it, but when Apple white accidentally releases the evil queen and the evil queen he senses some shit is about to go down and thinks “ugh, god, not more bullshit”
Also maybe he gets his own dragon for the games by literally TACKLING AND SUBMITTING ONE OF THE EVIL QUEENS BAD DRAGONS so he could ride it and use it so he could be apart of it.
And yes, Goldielocks did record this for her mirror channel and a bunch of kids did just see one of their “new students” fucking wrestle a dark dragon just cuz he needed a dragon to be apart of the games
Also maybe bakugo finally talks about his… HIS… FEELINGS?1!1!2??2!2?2 GASP lol
But that’s enough for bakugo
Next up
Dekus freaky experiences
Ok so deku… doesn’t know what the FUCK anything is. He just appeared in like the monster high catacombs, got fucking lost in them til Operetta finds him in there.
She’d probably be like “woah hey aren’t you a normie” and dekus like “wh- huh???”
Course before the two can get more into it maybe the place starts crashing down. Cue deku quickly realizing what’s happening and using his quirk to save operetta, there for showing that he definitely is a lot more then JUST a normie
Operetta concludes that deku might be a hafta like Henry Jekyl, and takes him to monster high to help him
Cue deku realizing that he’s NOT where he’s suppose to be. Maybe he tries to explain it to operetta, but when she simply gives him a weird look and ask if he’s ok, he realizes that no one is gonna believe him. So with a deep breath and shaky smile, he simply goes “maybe I just hit my head to harshly…????”
Which- yes, that’s even weirder, but he isn’t about to explain how he’s a human with a quirk when it’s so obvious that everyone is weary of him because of his human look ( he can always tell when people look at him with pity or fear. Being quirkless for most of your life then suddenly having a terrifying, powerful quirk will teach ya that ) so he does his best to just seem normal
Maybe he’ll pretend he didn’t know how he got here, talks to headmistress blood good and asks if she could PLEASE let him stay cuz “he doesn’t remember anything”
And- she’s nice, so she’ll let him stay just as long as he promises to help around the school anyway he can ( she is letting him stay here for free, it’s the least he can do ) and deku agrees to it
Now deku is… SOMEHOW a student at monster high. Everything is weird, but… here comes Frankie, who totally gets his feeling. She helps him out, teaches him all he needs to know, and helps him out- cuz, she knows what it’s like to be the new ghoul in school, and she can tell he definitely needs the help.
Cue Izuku befriending her, and maybe some of her friends.
Of Course, he still wants a way back home, so he’s gonna do everything in his power to do research into this world and ( hopefully, maybe ) try to find something to help him back home.
He’s probably not gonna tell the ghouls what’s actually happening with him til he literally has no where else to go to.
Cue the ghouls helping him go back to his comic book like world ( and maybe finding a way to get there cuz… heroes???? Villains??? Sounds like a scare-tastic experience! )
And ysaaaa they find a lot of secrets in this school. Like a lot. Oh dear
Also I totally want a scene where toralei just drills it into izukus head that he definitely isn’t gonna be all accepted here just cuz he’s “1/3 of a monster” and that he’s definitely gonna have people having it out for him because he’s mostly Normie in nature.
Idk, maybe Izuku might have some dejavú about feeling excluded because of his apparent lack of something
But it’s ok cuz Frankie would definitely cheer him up by saying “haft normie or not, you’re a great person Izuku. Don’t let someone like Toralei get under your skin, she doesn’t know what she talks about. Me and the ghouls care about you, Freaky flaws n all. And nothings gonna change that.”
And have him feel so… happy, because let’s be honest he was only accepted back into society cuz of his quirk. It would probably heal the poor little quirkless kid within him because she basically just told him that he matters, not because of what he has but because of who he is as a person and UGHHHBBN
But that’s enough of deku. Let’s talk about… denki??? How did you get here-
Denki kamanari and his strange, magical journey
Admittedly, I don’t have a lot of ideas for this one. I seriously need to rewatch Winx club, it’s been ages for me lmao
But the basic idea is that he appears right near “Redfountain School for Specialists”
Naturally, he’s freaking out cuz WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS PLACE
After a while of freaking out, he looks up to see the WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??? THATS A GIANT ASS PLACE
But as he looks around, realizing that there’s only trees for miles on end, he decides to head into the school to try and find someone to help him. Because… where the fuck is he? He just wanna go back to Izuku and Bakugo :(
So he heads in. I was thinking that it’s probably assembly day, and the kids around him just assumes hes just some poor new kid who’s about to get in trouble cuz he’s not in uniform. It’s an important meeting for the school, so he just gets dragged in with a bunch of boys who are about to be late.
I imagine he’s just trying to ask questions, sees these boys running, and says “what’s going on??” And they turn to him and go “dude, important assembly today! We’re about to be fuckin late, come on”
And they just run off.
And welll- denkis confused and weirded out but… if it means finding someone who can find him, then he’ll just follow behind and play along for now
Long story short, he ends up accidentally becoming a part of the school cuz- just- no one is questioning this yellowed hair boy with a lighting streak on the side. He’s not the weirdest thing they’ve seen. Not to mention- school in the middle of the forest, not really seen by outsiders?
Most people probably wouldn’t think it’s an outsider. I mean… who the fuck would be out in this forest anyways?
And well- it’s probably only haft way though does denki actually tell them what happened to him. And maybe they don’t believe him at first, but once he shows off his “magic” they might start to believe him.
Thing is, the show never really went into this school a lot ( at least what I remember ) sooo I might just make up a bunch of shit for this
I mean the other plan is just to have him be in the fairies school, they quickly realize he’s not suppose to be here, and probably do everything in their power to bring him back to his old world so idk
BUUUTTR the idea of denki learning to fight with a sword is cool and funny at the same time SO-
Also also I’m definitely gonna take some shit from the scrapped monster high x ever after high movie that was suppose to be made but never was, so that’s actually a perfect way to get deku and bakugo back together
Not to mention I’m probably gonna have Cupid ( who actually appears in both shows as an important side character ) to be involved. I mean, dimensional traveling? That’s kinda her thing, I think she would catch wind very quickly that bakugo ISNT from a fairy tale story.
But uhhh yea that’s all of my ideas I guess. Do with them with what you want lmao
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astrastarcharm · 5 months
Random Lamia headcanons
So these are things I made up about the Lamia squad if anyone ever decides to use any of these for a fic just let me know so I can read it 😋.
Yuka has an ugly burn scar on his back from when a building fell on him during Deliora’s attack but he never lets anyone see it. Only ones that have seen it are Lyon, Toby, Sherry, Jura and Obaba
That Lyon’s team had to do a ton of odd jobs both legal and illegal up northeast to get enough money to get a boat big enough to transport Deliora.
Lyon has a lot of people that resent him from up north because he used to hunt down every enemy that Ur has ever fought and was a little asshole about it and has even had some that had tried to attack him out of revenge down in fiore only to be beaten easily. (He keeps this a secret from Gray)
When Toby Yuka and Sherry arrived at Lamia Scale only Yuka spoke there language so he had to be a translator for the other two. Jura tried to learn it but Yuka being a little sh*t would teach him the wrong words and make Sherry and Toby laugh at him constantly. When around a year later when Jura had found out that Fairy tail had someone that understood Isvan he had requested Makarov asked the boy to send a list of common words for Jura to use. (Years later he wondered why he didn’t just have the kids meet may have prevented a lot of issues.
Jura spoils Sherry rotten it hasn't changed from when she was little only issue was that Chelia managed to join in.
(This is based off a fairy tail character sheet that Sherry hates water) When Deliora attacked the three lives in a town near a harbor and she has been knocked into the freezing cold water hearing the sounds of Deliora’s cries and was luckily rescued but ever since then she had a huge fear of water that lasted for years until she hit her teens, but it resurfaced again for a little while after her fight with Aquarius.
Theres a shop in Margaret that sells authentic Isvan food thanks to Sherry teaching the recipes properly so she gets to eat there for free.
It took a long time for other Lamia scale mages to get used to Lyon. They resented him for taking away the mages that they knew since they were kids and he always had a cold condescending attitude. But after he saved a member who had been the biggest disliker of Lyon on a mission despite getting hurt himself opinions slowly changed especially after Lyon lightened up.
When Chelia first entered the guild she did the same thing Wendy did and tripped and face planted and cried. Still gets teased about it to this day.
When Jura left for the council Lyon basically became second in command having to control the more wild guild members doing paperwork because Baabaa hated doing it organizing events but not a single member was surprised by this.
Lyon has comforted all three of his friends on panic attacks from Deliora on separate occasions but has never let them see any time he has.
(This one I actually made into a request fic by Mnemosyne's Elegy) that Lyon actually was the one that had to cut Ur’s leg off
The first time they ever took Lyon to a beach Toby Sherry and Yuka all would remind Lyon every 30 minutes to put on sunscreen because they all had a bad sunburn experience in the past when they had come to Fiore the first time
Well that’s all I can think about for now I’ll come up with some more when I can find them. Don’t know how many people will read this but worth a shot!
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huihuiheart · 25 days
DnD Part 7 SFW - Silent Secrets
Series Masterlist
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Pairing:  reader x Knight! Chan, reader x Dark Prince! Hyunjin, reader x Thief! Felix, reader x Fairy! Jisung
Summary:  Something about this fantasy world is not as it seems, not that Electra cares to keep it a secret. It does however change things dramatically when it means your friends are at risk.
Warnings: Cursing, violent threatening
Word Count: 911
Previous Part ___ Next Part
The kiss is somewhat sloppy, still bleeding with uncertainty at first before fading away into an explosion of deeper emotions. Something you're looking forward to deciphering over time. Pulling away to find gold glitter sparkling across Jisung's skin as if they were as normal as sun-kissed freckles there, only there was no end to them.
Jisung closes the books before leading you back towards the bed, "You're right. Let's focus only on this moment."
When you wake up it’s not due to Jisung, but a loud knock on the door. Jisung makes eye contact before disappearing a second later. You’re thankful he’d helped you into a nightgown before you had passed out considering Hyunjin walks in a moment later. The man looks exceptionally frazzled as he quickly crosses the room.
“Okay seriously Y/N, no more games. Where is the fucking map?” Hyunjin asks voice raised and for the first time since you came to trust he wouldn’t harm you were you undoubtedly afraid of him.
“I genuinely cannot tell you Hyunjin. I handed it off. They could have it anywhere at this point.” You shrug as you sit on the bed watching the man huff and pace, constantly running his hand through his hair.
“This is bad. This is so so bad.” He mumbles to himself. Before he stops and fixes you with his gaze again, “Did you tell them somewhere specific to take it? Tell me your orders to them Y/N, and don’t waste my time.”
“I told them to take it with them and to not turn back for me. They will do as they see fit to keep it safe. So without my being there with them I truly cannot help you.” You reiterate, but it only gets Hyunjin more worked up.
“God fucking damnit Y/N!” Hyunjin curses, shaking his head, “You don’t understand! This is bigger than us okay! If that map isn’t here in 24 hours we’re screwed!”
As intimidated as you are by him at this moment this is what you had been planning for. It was finally happening, your actions were going to get the woman to arrive and get you even closer to the dice now. Get you one step closer to making it home.
“There is nothing more that I can do at this point, Hyunjin.” You speak truthfully and yet calmly in hopes of not angering him further.
“You can watch me burn every inch of your kingdom down until I find that map.” Hyunjin hisses before going to stomp through the door while your blood runs cold at his threat. Only he freezes as the door opens to reveal Electra.
“Now Hyunjin, that isn’t necessary. Not at this point. Why don’t you leave me and Y/N along to chat for a moment?” She asks, but you have a feeling it is a demand, not a request. Hyujin hesitates as he’s not sure what she’ll do to you before silently leaving like a dog with its tail tucked only a moment later. “I have to hand it to you Y/N you’re cleverer than I anticipated. That or you truly are clueless. Either way, you’re going to hate me being here now. See I’m not someone who you want to mess with… death is not what you should be most afraid of in this world… it’s me.”
You raise a brow, “Please enlighten me on why that is.”
“Oh Y/N you don’t understand. You see… When I first came here I was a princess too. Now look at me. Feared. Revered. Powerful. And I’m going to make our world regret forgetting about me. For leaving me here to rot without a way home. Meanwhile, you stay here, after all, one of us will have to and it won’t be me anymore.” She says rather matter-of-factly.
“Like hell, I will. You can’t and won’t make me.” You counter with a scoff, but it does nothing to deter her.
“Tsk… Y/N…. You really think it is a coincidence that the people here resemble those whom you care about?” Your heart nearly stops at the smirk she gives in addition to her words, “It’s not. They’re linked to one another. If something harms one of them here the damage will take permanent effect in their world. I can and will ruin their lives. I will torture and kill them without an ounce of hesitation at all.” 
You feel nauseous at her threat which only makes her chuckle, “See, but I was even generous enough to give you what you wanted in a chance with them. So just take what I’ve so kindly given and be a good girl who follows directions. Now.. where is the map?”
“On its way to my kingdom with Chan and Felix.” You quietly mumble without much choice if you want them safe. Sure you wouldn’t let her off easily, but even if you couldn’t find a way home you weren’t about to risk your friends' lives for yours. Even if ultimately that would result in you being stuck here.
Electra hums before turning around to leave, “I’ll be seeing you a lot Y/N, so don’t get comfortable.”
Her laugh sends shivers down your spine, Hyunjing looking in to check on you physically despite her calling for him to follow after her. Leaving you alone in time for Jisung to slip back through the window, having hidden outside so that she hopefully wouldn’t be able to tell that he was there.
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nagirambles · 8 months
Rambling about Fairies - Manga Chapter 201
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Honestly, I think it's really cute that Lisanna is a girl in love with the idea of love. It's kind of like Juvia but in a slightly different, less obsessive way, and that's why I also like they teamed up in Tenrou. It's a fun character to explore. Lisanna adopted the role of a waitress in Edolas, and for a slightly tomboyish character type, it's sweet that she wants to get married as a dream of sorts.
Personally I don't look for marriage, but Lisanna does, and there hasn't been a character explicitly looking forward to one day finding love and settling down in the guild. (Sherry, for example, is one.)
At this point in the story, it's a fairly unique dream. Lucy and Erza want freedom, Juvia wants belonging, and Lisanna wants to one day build her own family that means just as much to her as her siblings. Her whole thing is 'love for family', so it suits her! Now if only we expanded a little more on her and her entire character in general, she could have been a solid character.
It honestly feels quite more like Mira's thing, if I'm honest. Lisanna seems less like the type to want to find love, which is exactly why I want to see more of this. It could really help build her up and have all her separate personality pieces fit together and make sense as the old precocious tease she used to be. She's mature, willing to hurt herself to hide secrets that could hurt the people she loves-- maybe one day there'll come a character that can see right through her kind lies. Wouldn't that be truly the romance she wished for?
To clarify, this isn't really a nice stereotype to put into all girls that get canon romances, but before Gajevy canonized and Mashima put Levy into the meek housewife role, I'd honestly have liked a character whose dream was to settle down and make a family. Especially in a story so heavily themed around family like Fairy Tail. Almost all nuclear families in this story is broken in some way, and I feel like it'd be powerful to finally have one that's picture perfect. I think Gajevy is headed in that direction, but I'm afraid Mashima'll do the same to Juvia and Erza. It would be bad for all of them to decharacterise into those stereotypes, especially Nalu, whose entire dynamic centers upon the fact and she and Natsu will always go on adventures together.
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princessmeepa · 7 months
Is it me or dose all the the goddesses from LO clothes look bad on them (except for Pink RS, who is the only one who has nice and cute girly clothes.
All the goddesses dress like what will Kim K and the other celebrities would wear and it looks bad on them (except for Aphrodite’s baby doll dress and Daphne’s dating dress or Minthe just slaying away her outfits) and Pink RS of course is a Mary Sue and needs to wear cute clothes to make her look stand out. I am going to give some the style of my goddesses to make them look like what they represent and not butch of color Kim K wanna be clones. Here we go!
Amphitrite: some cute and sexy swimsuits or a beautiful mermaid tail dress, because she is the Queen and goddess of sea, after all and she will be covered in pearls, starfishes, bubbles and seashells.
Aphrodite: her outfits are going be look like Jessica Rabbit, Holli Would, Marilyn Monroe and Victoria's Secret Angels, because she is the goddess of beauty of course and her themes are going to be pink, with some hearts, pearls and roses.
Artemis: her look is going to be more of a wild tomboy look and it’s going to make her look like the girl version of Peter Pan and Robin Hood and not dress like she is going to hang out with her girlfriends at yoga. Her theme is going to be green for hunt and blue for the moon.
Athena: will dress mostly like a school girl or teacher, but she has some very cool and bada$$ clothes that will give her some wonder woman vibes.
Calliope: I think she will look cute in a Ballerina Outfits.
Demeter: will have a very pretty traditional toga that shows her lovely chest and she can wear a cute farm girl outfit or a housewife, with corn and poppies in her golden hair.
Daphne: I would give a ballerina tree style look or give her some cute spring related dresses or Lana Del Rey style look.
Echo: I will give her the ballerina look.
Eos: she would wear super sexy clothes to get all the sexy young men attention.
Eris: I will give the sexy black dress with gold that will give her the bad girl It girl look and not the some blond chicken thing.
Hebe: I will give her some cute and pretty youthful dresses or a Melanie Martinez outfits, because she is the goddess of youth and give her color theme orange, because orange means youth.
Hecate: I will give her the super cute and pretty magical girl outfits and sometimes a witch.
Hera: she will dress more like a bride or wear traditional brides dresses from all over the world, because she is the goddess of marriage.
Hestia: I would make her look more of a comic book superhero look with fire theme and she would dress in a 90’s work out outfit for health and a housewife look, when she is at home.
Leto: I will give her a pure white dress.
Leuce: I will give her the sea nymph look with pearls.
Persephone: I will give her the super cute baby doll dresses and other spring related dresses and a sexy black dress, that will give her the it girl.
Polymnia: I will give her the ballerina version of Phantom from The Phantom of the Opera.
Psyche: I will give her the pretty dresses with butterflies themed that will make her look like a butterfly/fairy princess and not RS just googled hot Cheeto girl clothes stereotype with that dumb Micky Mouse hair.
Selene: she would wear the super cute and girly nightgown that will give her the Wendy Darling look to compare to Artemis’ Peter Pan look.
Rhea: she will dress more like a queen and a mother.
Thetis: I will give her the cute girly dresses that will give her bubbly personality.
The Fates looks like Velma’s daughters and the furies look like color versions of Medusa or Medusa’s daughters. I will give mine a new look.
The fate sisters
Atropos: will wear a sexy and dark gothic dresses with a black gogo boots, because she is the oldest.
Lachesis: let’s get rid off the Velma look and replace it with a beautiful Lacey gothic corsets and some gothic themed clothes.
Clotho: she would wear a cute gothic version of Melanie Martinez or a super cute gothic schoolgirl uniform, because she is the youngest sister.
The Furies sisters
Note: each Furies gets a snake in her hair to represent her personality. The normal snake is Alecto, the scary snake is Tisiphone and cute snake is Megaera.
Alecto: will wear a red theme color, sexy and bada$$ clothes.
Tisiphone: would mostly wear pants and shorts and rarely wears skirt and she would wear something more bloody nightmare.
Megaera: she would wear cute and girly dresses with ruffles and some bows.
What do you guys think?
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kaigarax · 2 years
How to Flirt
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Loke (Leo) x Reader
Quote: “Fall in love with the certainty of uncertainty.”
It was no secret that Loke, a new and budding member of Fairy Tail, was a flirt. Among the many mages of Magnolia, Loke ranked among the top five of eligible bachelors. He was good looking, well mannered and overall a kind individual if not a little over zealous when speaking to those of the opposite gender.
Girls practically fell over themselves (and each other) just trying to catch a glimpse of the mage’s attention. But just as there were girls who flushed over the simplest things from him there were just as many who kept him at an arm's length. Many women that did not fall victim to his charm. And it wasn’t something that bothered Loke all too much. If someone had denied Loke’s affections he easily just moved on to another.
You were a different story though.
Loke had gotten many of Fairy Tail’s female members to at least flush from his forward nature but never once had he seen you get embarrassed. Being almost as forward as him, Loke made it a little goal to be there the first time heat rose up to your cheeks at the thought of a romantic prospect.
Of course, the Fairy Tail mage hadn’t actually gotten anywhere with that little goal. Even after a full year of trials and attempts you remained calm, composed and unblushing.
Loke had begun to consider if you were attracted to the same gender or not to anyone at all. But you were always so direct when talking about men you found attractive. And, maybe or maybe not, Loke was a little peeved that you hadn’t even expressed even the slightest bit of embarrassment around him.
Tonight, getting you to flush had been one of the last things on Loke’s mind as he stumbled into the guild hall. He had been in the midst of drinking his problems away when you strolled into the guild hall and took a seat beside him.
You were always so pretty with your white cloak and pulled back hair.
“Bad day?” You asked, resting on your arm and giving the ginger haired man a heart fluttering smile.
Loke flashed you a smile of his own, “how could it be when I’ve run into someone as beautiful as you?”
“It’s always a bad day when one indulges in mortal sin alone.” you teased.
“Mortal sin?”
“You’re here with me, aren’t you?”
“And are you asking me to drink with you, Loke?” You asked, a twinkle in your eyes.
And how could Loke say no?
To mugs in and Loke was already starting to feel woozy. He felt inclined to take a drink whenever you did, which happened to be whenever one of you stopped talking. His words were already beginning to get slurred and people's faces were beginning to merge into one. The conversation between yourself and Loke was mostly about mundane things, or at least Loke thought it was. It was getting really hard to concentrate.
Fifteen minutes in and Loke was certain he had finished at least four and was on his fifth. While Loke never considered himself a weak drinker, drinking this much this quickly wasn’t bound to produce anything good.
You were sitting so close to Loke right now. He could feel the warmth of your skin, or maybe that was just his own? He couldn’t be too sure. It was so annoying how you didn’t seem fazed by the drinking. Maybe he should just abandon you to go find someone else to drown his worries in. Someone that he wouldn’t have to face for the rest of his life. At least then he wouldn’t have to worry about embarrassing himself.
Actually, did Loke really care right now?
He was certain he spilled half of his fourth mug on himself and hadn’t done anything about it.
Hopefully you wouldn’t tease him too much.
And even if you did tease him too much, it’s not like Loke wouldn’t be able to recover. You were always such a loose cannon when you spoke. Half of what you said always managed to surprise him. Even predicting what you might say right now seems like a hassle.
“You know,” Loke grumbled, “do you not find me attractive? I mean, everyone has types and all but you never seem fazed by my flirting.”
You took a sip, “maybe it’s just because you’re bad at flirting.”
“Me?” Loke asked incredulously, “bad at flirting? Are you sure you haven’t confused me for someone else?”
“I mean, you do have the gentleman's straightforward approach down but it isn’t going to work on everyone.”
“Oh, and how about you show me different approaches to flirting then?”
At first, Loke hadn’t been expecting you to accept the challenge. You were always so proper and formal. You downed the mug in your hand before slamming it onto the table. Loke watched you curiously as you rearranged your cloak before you smiled sweetly.
Despite asking you, and being ready, he hadn’t expected you to jump directly into the role of a seductress. It was almost a jarring change, seeing you who had always been so reserved suddenly switch personas.
“Take someone like Gray, for example,” you began. Loke turned to see the aforementioned Ice Make Wizard. Gray had been leaning back and relaxing at a booth, gazing over the guild when his eyes landed on the two of you, more specifically you. You smiled shyly at Gray, “he finds the subtle and shy approach the most endearing,” before turning away quickly. Gray flushed a red as he continued looking over at you.
It was almost as if Gray had caught you sneaking a glance.
The Ice Make Wizard, who had eventually turned away kept snapping his gaze back over to you. As if you suddenly kept recapturing his attention.
“It enforces the idea that you like someone so much yet you’re unable to say it aloud.” Then you moved from the seat beside Loke, sitting in the one across from him, “now, someone like Laxus is a little thicker headed. He needs something straightforward and upfront.”
Laxus, who now sat in front of you, a few tables over, caught your gaze. Loke turned to see the Lightning Mage surrounded by the Thunder Troupe. His own gaze was lazy as he listened to the conversations of his guildmates.
You gave the Lighting Mage a wink when his eyes met with yours, “you want to keep eye contact with someone like him. Spell out your intentions.” you giggled as the Lighting Mage looked away, red tingeing the tip of his ears.
Laxus’s sudden movements seemed to have caught the attention of his trio of friends as they all turned to look at him. When Freed had asked Laxus what was wrong the Lighting Wizard could only mumble something in response. Unlike Gray, Laxus was the kind of person to linger on the moment yet refuse to look back.
His ears remained red for the remainder of the night.
You seemed fairly satisfied with yourself as you leaned forward, playing with your now empty mug. Your own eyes watched Loke closely, as if waiting for something.
“How about directly flirting?” Loke asked.
You smiled, “call someone over.”
Loke looked around. He didn’t want to pick someone who would fall for the slightest amount of attention, and definitely not someone you had already charmed. It couldn’t be someone so easily embarrassed either.
While there was no official bet was made, this was suddenly something that Loke didn’t want to lose.
Finally, Loke smirked, “Natsu! Come over here!”
“Nice,” you sat upright in your seat, “someone like Natsu isn’t embarrassed easily. You gotta be direct yet not overly baring.”
“Yo, what’s up, Loke?” Natsu asked, sliding into the seat beside you.
You gave a cheerful and excited grin, “Natsu, how has your mission gone today? I heard you had Happy faced some pretty tough monsters.”
“Oh yeah!” Natsu exclaimed, “I totally got busted up. But I did finish the quest without too many casualties!”
“You’ve gotten really good at your Magic, Natsu~” you gave a closed eye smile, “we should go on a mission together soon!”
“Oh,” Natsu was suddenly at a loss for words as he looked at you. It was almost as if he were unaware of everything else going on around the two of you. Loke didn’t think that Natsu would have fallen victim to your charms that quickly. He was always someone less aware of social norms. “You know, we could go on a mission-” before Natsu could finish his sentence Happy had scrambled over to Natsu with a sheepish grin on his face. The blue Exceed whispered something into the Dragon Slayer’s ear before the two of them were off, giggling like school girls.
It left just the two of you at the table once again.
“So what do you think?” You asked, “impressed?”
Loke had to admit, you were pretty good at flirting. He was almost speechless as he watched you lean back in your chair with a cocky grin. Of course, no matter how drunk Loke may have been, he still had one more trick up his sleeve before he would wave the white flag.
“How would you flirt with me?” Asked Loke, a smug grin forming on his face.
Your own smile dropped and your expression turned serious. Your brows furrowed slightly as you seemed to debate something. Loke knew that the tides were suddenly shifting in favour of him now.
Gray, Laxus and Natsu had been your childhood friends. You knew them inside out and had history with them. By choosing himself Loke changed the battlefield. You would now be playing on even ground. And in Loke’s many years of life, there wasn’t much that would have surprised him all too much. Especially after your own display.
Then you leaned in towards him, “you, Sir Loke, are someone who keeps your own heart under a lock and key. You keep your feelings hidden deep down here,” you poked his chest, “so I’ll bring mine directly up to the surface for you to see. I like you Loke. I like you the way a girl likes a boy; filled with so much unknown and excitement. The way a woman likes a man; attraction and enchantment. And the way a wife likes her husband; with warmth and knowing.”
Loke suddenly felt himself leaning in towards you, his heart thumping erratically, “I didn’t know you could be such a flirt, (Y/n).”
“Do you think I’m lying?” You turned your head to the side in a cute manner, “I really do like you. I wouldn’t have just gone off and done what I just did if I didn’t really like someone. I wanted to show off to you.”
Loke’s own face had begun heating up. Even when he told himself that this was all just for show, even when he knew that this was all just for the sake of a stupid argument, he suddenly found himself flushed with embaressment. Your words had just come out so genuinely and unexpectedly.
Girls typically fell into two categories when speaking to Loke. Either giddy and shy or disgusted and disgruntled. You fell into neither, which was likely why Loke had been so drawn to you in the first place.
Maybe it wasn’t the best thing to ask you to flirt with him. He had always liked you a little too much and this may have been the icing on the cake. Loke rarely allowed himself to indulge in mortal pleasure for too long and being with you seemed to make him forget his sense of time. It made him forget his sense of self. You made him forget his sense of self.
How could he have really known if that's how you were feeling? He had just seen you charm three other of your guild members in a matter of moments. You were magnetic and so ready to shift personas into what you knew the person liked.
What if that was what you were doing to him?
Maybe Loke might’ve deserved it for all the broken hearts he left behind. But you had just seemed so… genuine. But he guessed that was what made you so good at flirting in the first place.
“Do you?” Loke trailed off.
“Do I?”
Loke swallowed, “is that how you really feel about me?”
“Of course, though I doubt you’ll remember. You’re really wasted right now.”
“No.” Loke declared, “I want to remember this moment forever.”
You chuckled, “why?”
“Because I’m really happy knowing how you feel about me.”
And finally, you flushed, “come on, let’s get you to bed.”
Loke leaned into your warmth as you wrapped an arm around him, “promise you’ll be there tomorrow morning?”
“We’ll see.”
Fall in love with the certainty of uncertainty.
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moths-in-the-attic · 11 years
And Now for Something Completely Different: Cerise Hood
I have a secret. I know what you’re thinking…everyone has a secret. But, does everyone have to hide their secret every moment of every day?
I go to Ever After High because it’s my destiny to be the next Red Riding Hood. But that’s not all of who I am. That’s because of my father, the Big Bad Wolf. Even though he can change from wolf to human whenever he wants, he and mom weren’t supposed to fall in love.
So, I guess you could say I am my secret. Every day I have to hide my half wolf ears. Nobody can ever know about my true nature, which is total fairy-fail! Truth is, I’m he most athletic fairyteen in school… even more than Hunter Huntsman and Daring Charming. When I run like the wind, I feel free. I wish I could join the school track team, but I have to hide my strengths. Or do I? I’ve heard whispers that we might be able to rewrite our own destinies. It makes me wonder… can I trust anyone with the real story of me?
Legacy Day… that’s all everyone talked about. Legacy Day dress rehearsal, Legacy Day dance, Legacy day EVERYTHING! UGH! So I wasn’t exactly huffing and puffing when dad Mr. Badwolf called me to his office. Even though I’m not in any of his General Villiany classes, I still need to respect him as his daughter a student.
His door opened, and there he stood intimidating to most, but kind to me. “Ms. Hood,” we always act formal at school. “I need you to run an errand.” He handed me a letter, “This is signed by Headmaster Grimm. It excuses a student from his Orientation speech to get supplies for me.”
Reading between the lines, he didn’t tell Headmaster Grimm that I specifically needed to run the errand. That meant one thing – family matters. “Where am I going?”
“The Mad Hatter’s Tea Shoppe in the village of Book End,” he put his hand on my shoulder, “Don’t take too long.” This sounded important… does that mean I can trust the Mad Hatter? His daughter Maddie has always been wicked nice to me…
OOF! Just my luck, I literally bumped into Cedar Wood, the daughter of Pinocchio. She’s such a sweet girl, but everyone knows she really can’t keep a secret. Her dad had a truth spell cast oh her, and now she can’t lie. It’s not her fault, but I get nervous when she asks things like, “Hey Cerise, where are you going?”
“Village of Book End,” I waved the letter, “Headmaster Grimm knows. Bye.” I hoped nobody would ask Cedar if she’d seen me.
The scent of fresh sugarplum biscuits tailed back to the Mad Hatter’s Tea Shoppe, and I suddenly got every hungry. My, how bizarre the Tea Shoppe is – teapots on every table whistle in unison, upside down clocks tick-tock above countless doors. I was immediately lost inside once the door behind me slammed shut. A door on the ceiling swung open, and The Mad Hatter dropped to the floor, “No room! You need a reservation.”
I looked around, “But there’s nobody here.”
“Exactly! They didn’t have a reservation!” the Mad Hatter pulled out a dusty old book, “Here we are… Cersie Hood.” He looked up as if seeing me for the very first time, “Oh, you do have a reservation.” From his vest, he pulled on a long chain, and at the end of it was a key to a wicker door. He unlocked the door and out stepped my mother, “How are you, Cerise?” She hugged me, “Sorry for taking you out of Orientation. Dad left this at home,” she reached into her basket. It was a simple book with a massive front lock, “I don’t get it…”
She sipped her tea, “Since Dad and I can’t risk talking on MirrorPhones, we leave messages for each other in these two-way books. What he writes in his book appears in mine.”
“Mom, you could get in trouble!” I whispered as the Mad Hatter buttered a stack of toast.
“We can trust Mr. Hatter,” she smiled tenderly, “I better go. Send Dad my love.”
I hid the book inside my basket, and made a beeline for school. Right away, I couldn’t shake the feeling someone was following me. Quickly I turned into an alleyway, held my breath and dove into the shadows… literally. My magic riding hood lets me walk inside shadows. It’s kind of like swimming underwater.
Someone hurried past and I stepped out behind her. Odd… it was Briar Beauty, who shockingly jumped when I asked, “Why are you following me?”
That’s when she caught me off guard… she asked me to help plan the Legacy Day dance. For a brief moment I was happy. Everyone sees me as a lone-wolf. I dreamed of just hanging out and planning a party. But the happy moment ended… Briar smelled guilty. I just knew she didn’t want my help. Rather than call her out, I let her off, “We both know the school would never let a non-royal plan the dance.”
The door to my father Mr. Badwolf’s office was open, but inside looked empty. However there was the faint smell of porridge all over the room, “You can come out, Blondie.”
With a CRASH, Blondie Lockes fell from behind the desk. True to her Goldilocks’ roots, Blondie always walks into places she doesn’t belong. “Just who I was looking for,” she held her MirrorPad up, “Hex it out, my MirrorCast audience, Cersie Hood just walked into an empty teacher’s office! But not just any teacher… Mr. Badwolf! Say, Cerise, isn’t he Little Red Riding Hood’s villain?”
“MirrorCast? Villian? No! I mean, yes, but-“
“And you’re the next Red Riding Hood! So why are you here?”
“HAT’S WHAT I’D LIKE TO KNOW?” With a huff and a puff, the Big Bad Wolf blew Blondie’s interview down, “This is my private office! Leave… NOW.”
“That sounds about just right,” Blondie ran like she was being chased by three bears.
Before I could take one step, he growled, “Not so fast.” He snatched my basket off my arm, “I’m confiscating this. You’ll get it back one I’ve made sure you don’t have something that belongs to me.”
“Yes sir,” I walked out, relieved he got his two-way book without arousing suspicion.
That night, there was a knock at my door. When I opened it, there was my basket, with a note reading: “Sorry about earlier. You’re the best daughter ever after.”
In the Castleteria, royals almost always sit with each other. So imagine my surprise when a princess I never met before sat down, “Can I join you?” She had a kind smile, and my, what long hair she had. Three people tripped when she tossed it.
I shrugged my shoulders. Usually I’ll only eat with Raven Queen or Maddie. It was nice to have some new company.
“I;m Holly, the next Rapunzel. I’m new here,” her eyes darted to my cloak, “And you’re… the next Red Ridin Hood!” Oh no. She was going to start prying. “So do you hate Mr. Badwolf?”
“Not really.” My hair stood on end. Why was everyone getting all up in my hood lately?
“I think I would,” she didn’t drop it, “I always wondered, why would he eat your grandmother when-“
“JUST DROP IT!” I walked away, leaving my breakfast unfinished.
As I passed the royal’s table, Blondie shouted, “Holly, come sit with us!” So much for making new friends.
Afterwards, everyone kept their distance from me, though my name kept coming up in hushed tones. It didn’t bother me until I heard, “Psst psst Cerise psst psst Legacy Day psst psst MirrorCast.”
My throat closed. Immediately, I unlocked my MirrorPhone and tuned in to Blondie’s MirrorCast, Just Right. It was about Legacy Day. Specifically the Legacy Day dance and how someone was trying to ruin it. And apparently that someone was me… because, she said, I hate the Big Bad Wolf… She talked about Cedar saying I went to Book End, me breaking into his office, and finally what happened when Holly asked if I hate Mr. Badwolf.
Taking the deepest possible breath, I ran to the nearest shadow. It felt good to run.
Racing in the shadows, I finally found the darkest room in school – the empty Grimmnasium. Hours must have passed before I heard their footsteps. The center of the floor flipped open. Smells of chamomile tea filled the room, as the Mad Hatter’s daughter, Maddie, emerged, “Found her! It’s Cerise!”
Cedar climbed out, followed by Raven, “Are you okay, Cerise?”
Raven sighed, “We all saw Blondie’s MirrorCast. We know it’s a poisoned apple.”
Tears stung my eyes, “Why would she cry wolf?”
“Because I got carried away,” Blondie appeared behind them, “cerise, I was just wrong. I thought I was saving Legacy Day.”
My teeth grinded, “What did I ever do to you, Blondie? Are you happy I don’t have any friends? You know what would be just right? If you go away!”
Her head dropped, “I deserve that. Headmaster Grimm wasn’t happy either. I got in so much trouble…” sincere tears dropped from her eyes, “I never got your side of the story. I-I’m so sorry.”
Raven sat next to me, “By the way, why do you think we were looking for you? We’re your friends, Cerise.”
“I’m going to post a new MirrorCast,” Blondie grabbed her MirrorPad, “Let’s tell everyone the truth.”
Smiling, I stepped through the door, “Thanks Blondie, but I think I’ve had enough attention for one day.” For the first time in my life, I don’t feel like a lone wolf.
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arcanaaa · 4 months
“I love you. I’ve loved you since the beginning.”
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Not necessarily for lack of trying, of course. It's just...life got in the way. It seemed like it always had to have the last say, the last laugh over everything in her life. Someone needed something, or some disaster ( or three ) always came at the wrong time to fucking ruin the goddamn moment.
But, that was life. That was Fairy Tail.
Cana wouldn't have changed it for anything. But there were moments when she wished that the noise of it all would just stop. Just for a minute, an hour, a day-- God, what she wouldn't give for just a moment to herself with him--
Still. The quiet of the night they managed to secret away ( a task that was no easy feat, and she certainly owed a favor or three, but... ) was well worth the price of a few favors.
It was...an adjustment for her-- for both of them-- when he revealed he was Leo the Lion. They have already exchanged words and mended the broken ties between them; the damage done by the years of silence and misunderstandings between them eventually settled. Eventually, they rekindled the ever-present fire between them. It was too late to fix what she broke, but she would mend the bond they have now and make it beautiful again. Now stood someone who she once thought she knew to be just a man was actually a celestial being.
And still, the state of her feelings for Leo-- for Loke-- never changed.
His scent was still the same. The warmth was still the same. And despite the luxurious suit he wore, the cloth soft against her skin while he held her in his arms, the man was still the same.
He was hers.
And she was his.
Cana looked up to meet his gaze, the soft confession gently laid between them unhurried and patient. The truth in his words made the unbearable loneliness and ache inside her stop and melt. Softness. Tenderness. The things he had shown, had given freely, with his heart on his sleeve, she was a fool for having denied him for so long. She was foolish for letting her fear rule her-- no longer. Not anymore.
Please...let there be no more doubts between us...
❝ ...I wish I wasn't such a coward back then... ❞ she said softly. ❝ God, ❞ She laughed. ❝ If I could go back and kick myself, I would. But I s'pose there's no point now. ❞ The Seer fell quiet while looking at Loke, her expression contemplative for a brief spell before she leaned up, reaching up to her tip-toes to plant her mouth against his. Turning in his embrace, she pressed herself close, her body flush with the heat of the moment and the brief chill in the air.
This. This was what she sought. This was what brought her mind to a stand-still, and made the noise of her life quiet.
With hands threading deep within the fur of his mane ( hah ) Cana broke the kiss slowly, gaze open and unguarded.
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❝ I have loved you, ❞ she murmured huskily. ❝ From the moment of our first kiss, you had me. I was yours...I was just too scared to realize it. ❞ Fingertips played with his bangs, fussing them into a semblance of his old look, smiling fondly at the loving mess. ❝ I love you, Loke. No one else has cared for my heart more than you have...and...I...I want you to have it. Have me. All of me. If...if you want.
Because I am, y'know... I'm yours. ❞
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fairytail-whathesays · 11 months
I love your headcanons! could I request some Stingtsu (Natsu x Sting) headcanons? SFW and NSFW, whichever you want, or both
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Sting's magic, holy and purifying in nature, is particularly devastating to Natsu, who is technically an Etherious demon. Before having the book of E.N.D.'s connection to him severed, even being near him hurt. This has lessened as his body has started to reconstruct itself along human morphology lines once both seeds were destroyed. Trying to love Sting is kind of like being Icarus, burned by the sun, and still flying towards it instead of retreating.
Sting is similar to Natsu in many ways, but only on the surface level. Sting is more prone to doubts, has a more centralized pride in himself, and is constantly measuring himself for weakness, as opposed to Natsu who constantly measures himself for strength. In a way, being together brings out traits in themselves that they actually identify with each other--around Natsu, Sting becomes boisterous and childishly high-energy, while around Sting, Natsu becomes calmer and more thoughtful.
Natsu, short of attention span as he is, takes a dumbfounding amount of time to realize Sting is down bad. Everyone else can see Sting's general raging rainbow, bisexual king vibes, emanating from a country away. Natsu is the only one who doesn't pick up on it. Sting once ran into him covered in glitter, hickeys, and smudged glow-in-the-dark body paint, and was stammering defenses and alibis, and Natsu was like 'neat'.
Lector and Happy actually get along really well! It's the major catalyst that pushes Sting to ask Natsu out, realizing oh hey, maybe that's not such a far-fetched fantasy after all...! Happy, after Lector loses some of his bad attitude, actually becomes sort of a mentor for what little magic he knows to Lector.
As out of pocket as Sting often is, Natsu simply has him beat for spontaneity and short attention span. Keeping up with him and his emotions can be a challenge, and Sting has on occasion sought out Lucy's help for trying to translate Natsu's latest hare-brained venture into sense. Somehow, they became the pair of down-to-earth blondes trying to reign in the ball of pink hair and fire that is Natsu.
Secret special headcanon: Lucy/Loke and Natsu/Sting double date frequently.
I'm gonna be real with you--I think these two have more sex overall than possibly any other Fairy Tail relationship. They both have a high libido, actively enjoy sex, are committed to the other's pleasure, and are verse kings.
Sting is very flexible physically and in bed and Natsu very quickly learns to exploit this.
Natsu is natural talent; Sting is experience and skill. Sex is the one thing Natsu might be good at, but Sting is definitively better at and can actually teach his hero something about it. Natsu discovers a lot about himself and his desires when naked in the sheets with Sting.
Sting looks ridiculously good naked. Even Natsu, whose focus on sex rarely controls him, has difficulty not getting distracted if Sting starts shedding clothes.
Jealousy? A little. More playful than anything, they love each other too much to be threatened by outside forces. They just like the attention their lovers spend on them and pout if it's on someone else. One threatens to withhold sex if the other is caught looking at another guy--and the other laughs out loud.
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slitheryowl · 26 days
New chapter where everyone is happy and NOTHING bad happens XD
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Unpopular RWBY Opinions
Some of these things are incorporated into my reimagined RWBY AU(not all of them) and my original stories
1. Arkos, BlackSun, Iceberg, and Renora should have survived and get a happy ending, I don’t give a damn about Pyrrha’s name or allusion.
2. RWBY didn’t have to be a super dark epic, it’s become pretentious. Maybe more akin to Star Wars or Justice League Unlimited
3. Adam should have just been an initial antagonist who doesn't commit super horrible things, the psycho abusive ex was melodramatic and dumb. Wether he joins the good guys or ends tragically is up to anybody.
4. Maybe we were better off without the Salem/Ozma conflict and have WTCH as individual arc villains with their own minions
5. I think Roman, Cinder, and their gang should have been just morally grey found family characters like Boba Fett, some kind of gang of thieves akin to those in Baccano or something and just help or hinder the cast like Team Rocket or something but not as silly. 
With Cinder and Roman becoming a couple and kinda like a "Gomez and Mortica" pair and Emerald and Merc hooking up, and Emerald and Neo would be like their daughters and Merc the son-in-law. I might recycle that idea for one of my original stories thats inspired by Skullgirls and Baccano who's protagonist sis something of an Anti-Cinder and an Anti-Torchwick with a ragtag gang fighting against a corrupt government run by a demonic-powered mafia.
6. Maybe RWBY could have been more like a Dragonball/Fairy Tail universe instead in terms of tone and narrative structure, and that wouldn’t have been a bad thing.
7. At the very least, Ozma and Salem could have been an explanation of the origin of the world and just something that would be rediscovered overtime and Ozpin and his circle are some keepers of ancient myth or something. Like The Jedi Order or The Time Lords or something idk.
8. Kinda feel Oscar wasn’t necessary, as much as I like him
9. Maybe the corrupt SDC and Bad Dad Jacques was also needless, maybe just one of the few good underdog companies in Atlas and Jack being initially a bit too hard on Weiss due to upholding the family’s honor and chivalry but means well and initial harsh nature involving his wife, a scientist who worked with Dr.Watts and Dr. Poldenia, being murdered at the hands of an anti-Faunus milita group and Watts having some role in it. Mostly because I'm just exhausted of the "Bad Dad" trope
10. Have Watts have a megacorporation and be the corrupt company in Atlas instead who’s responsible for their tech and uses unethical Faunus labor in his factories(even though in secret Watts just hates everybody) instead and have a bitter rivalry with Jacques and The SDC, especially due to Jack and Arthur’s personal history regarding Mrs.Schnee.
11. Hazel should have just been a Meta-Knight like character, a good guy but on nobody’s side with a grudge against Ozpin for understandable reasons, he has bear claw-like gauntlet weapons, and becomes a rival to Yang seeing his sister in her and is the “Papa Bear” to her “Goldilocks”
12. Bumbleby is a bad ship and it’s fandom are filled with bitter shrews who use it as representation despite how toxic it is.
13. Disagreeing with Monty’s vision isn’t inherently malicious.
14. I agree with @sytokun making Blake basically a Princess and have loving parents who are also influential was also dumb. Make her an Orphan with the WF/Team RWBY her found family instead. Or I would at least give her a “dead dad” with her Mom living in Menagerie but not as a “Chieftess” aka a QUEEN. They called themselves Cheiftan and Chieftess because it sounded cute.
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