#Familial Moceit
mentally-retired · 1 year
i love dilf for dilf ship dynamic
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stardustsides · 4 months
my writing masterlist
since i’ve finally hit a point where i’ve posted enough of my writing that i can make one of these!! pretty sparse rn, more to follow :)
a midwinter’s tale : roman can’t say he’s ever had a stranger camp out in his yard before. he also can’t say that he’s ever met someone who carries their broken heart in a paper bag, but hey, first time for everything, right? (romantic royality)
what living is for : patton’s health is failing, and he and roman pass a quiet afternoon on the beach. (little women au, with jo!roman and beth!patton; brotherly royality)
beauty in the way of things : logan and patton pass a lazy day together after the end of the world. (romantic logicality)
you’re such a heavenly view : logan loves the night sky, and roman loves to see his fiancé happy. A stargazing date ensues. (romantic logince)
we’ll all be here forever : during the group’s high school grad party, patton and logan have a quiet revelation while looking through their yearbooks. (romatic logicality)
in these small hours : logan comes home from work, and patton is there to greet him. (romantic logicality)
the boy and the ghost : snippet of a longer wip; how medium!virgil first met ghost!patton (fatherly moxiety)
multichapter fics:
love is a beach : patton and janus broke up months ago. the problem? they still haven’t told their friends, and their annual beach trip is looming. not wanting to break the news and ruin the vacation, they come to an…unconventional agreement. (romantic moceit, background prinxiety)
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staledirt87 · 1 year
What if Human!Au
Janus is the father of Virgil and Remus
Patton is the father of Logan and Roman
Logan and Roman are both adopted, as is Remus but Virgil is the bio son of Janus and unnamed ex. The foster house Roman and Remus were in refused to advertise them as siblings as Remus was a "problem child" and Roman was a "golden boy" so Patton and Janus had no idea they were seperating twins.
A lot more under the cut:
There's always music playing in Janus' house, every day he comes home and puts on a jazz or classical record on the old record player he got from an antique store. On relaxed days Janus will come home, put on a record, and read on his armchair with Virgil listening to the music on his lap and Remus drawing at his feet.
Patton makes sure there's always fresh pastries in the Hart household. There's never a limit to how much they can eat as long as they eat an actual meal along with it. Logan always offers to do the measurements and Roman doesn't let anyone else do the mixing. It's a good day when there's flour everywhere, at least one egg got dropped by Roman, and there's warm cookies on the cooling rack.
Logan talks and talks to Roman who writes and writes about what he's told and they excitedly present their work to Patton who is always chest-bursting proud no matter what. Roman and Logan only ever fight when they play together and Roman's ideas are too fanciful for Logan and Logan's ideas are too boring for Roman. Only Patton can settle those arguments by either distracting them with something else or saying "actually, that can work if you do this!"
Virgil is really reserved around Remus at first, clinging to Janus' leg whenever he was near, but then Remus showed him his drawings of monsters and demons and Virgil pointed out a spider and then they were best friends. One day Janus gets called to the school because Remus punched a kid because they were bullying Virgil for crying over a spider and Janus makes this big act of being disappointed and saying "I'll make sure he learns his lesson" for the principal when really he takes them both out for ice cream afterwards.
Janus takes Virgil out record shopping as he refines his music taste, buying him whatever records he wants. As a birthday present Janus and Remus buy and paint a record player for Virgil's room. Whenever Remus runs out of paint or pencils Janus takes him to all the art stores he can and buys like a year's worth of supplies. The best gift he ever got wasn't even for a special occasion, on a whim Virgil composed a playlist for one of Remus' smaller sketchbooks and Janus payed someone to press a vinyl of it with the cover art being the cover of the sketchbook. They have movie nights on an old projector of classic slasher films.
Patton makes days of things. Roman wants to see a play? They're going to the mall afterwards and maybe even going to the aquarium. Logan wants to see the meteor shower that night? They're watching documentaries about deep space objects and meteorites all day until it's time to star gaze. Unlike in the Lis household where the main love language is quality time the Harts excell in gift giving and acts of service. Logan got the box set for all of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's works and a poster of the observable universe on a random Tuesday and Saint Patrick's Day respectively. Roman comes home one day to see all of his scripts edited in eraseable ink and his favorite sweets on the kitchen table. Patton never gets tired of telling them stories at night, taking suggestions from both kids and expertly weaving a tale of magic and science and evolutionary pathways of dragons until both are asleep.
The kids meet in high school and Roman and Remus immediately have a bond. They don't recognize eachother as brothers yet but there's something there that they both feel. They write comics together and commonly argue about the plot and designs, but their relationship never really falters. Virgil attaches himself to Remus' side and because of that meets Logan. Their bond strikes much slower than the twins' but eventually Logan becomes the #1 person Virgil goes to when he's having a panic attack or anxious about something: whether it's talking him through excersices or just being present Virgil always thanks him with a song recommendation or a sneak peak of a song he's writing.
Janus comes home from work (defense attorney) to Remus' embellished tales of the four's escapades and Virgil listening to music, somehow hearing and correcting every time Remus tries to make Virgil look stupid. Occasionally they'll vent about a teacher that took away Remus' figdet toy because it was "distracting" or forced Virgil to present in front of the class. On those days Janus will make them their favorite foods and put on the special jazz record he only ever uses when it's been a tiring day or one of the kids had a nightmare. Janus doesn't hesitate when Virgil is having a bad anxiety day or Remus can't get gory explicit images out of his head to call them out of school with a forged doctor's note.
Patton works at an elementary school so Roman and Logan walk there after school and do homework in his classroom until school lets out. After Patton is able to leave Roman starts telling them an equally embellished story of the day with Logan's occasional correction when it starts getting too outlandish. On bad days where the students were rowdy and Roman got his notebook taken away for writing in class and Logan got picked on for taking slang literally they'll go home and bake whatever they have the ingredients for.
As the friendship goes on they start spending more and more time with eachother outside of school, Remus and Virgil taking the time that Janus is still at work to join Roman and Logan at the elementary school or the Hart kids visiting the Lis house to chill and listen to music. Janus and Patton never officially meet until it's 3 am and they're in the police station because the twins convinced the other two to jump a fence and Remus' sleeve got caught in the barbed wire and their combined yelling alerted someone walking their dog.
They get to talking more after that and notice some similarities in the twins when they were younger. While Remus used to talk about his "brother at the foster home" Roman would mumble in his sleep about "how unfair it is the knight has to save the dragon." Janus does some digging and finds out the truth. They discuss how best to tell them before eventually deciding on a conversation over a laid-back dinner.
It doesn't stay a laid-back dinner, as soon as they sit down Virgil immediately realizes something is up, which means Logan and Remus realize, which means Roman also knows. Logan asks what's wrong and Virgil just points to Janus: "the snake is gonna tell us something." Janus looks impressed and him and Patton tell them what they found out. Roman and Remus freak out and are split between being pissed they didn't realize before or ecstatic at finally reuniting.
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robertdownerjunior · 9 months
new ep spoilers
i got so many crumbs holy shit
virgil knowing what joanne's fabric is?? (theyre such family they make me sad)
THE WHOLE ANALOGICAL ARC (thomalomadingdong you scared me)
virgil laughing at the bitchslap thing?? (anaroceit crumbs my favorite ship)
virgil getting mad at janus being mean to roman
roman's real gift for janus is so sweet!
remus calling patton daddy made me lose my shit it was extra funny that patton didnt even react (they must spend more time together they would be hilarious)
dukeceit being best friends
virgil and janus being haters!!
logan angst </3
patton being so excited with each box
remus being excited to fry human parts
roman being happy??
most heartwarming episode if you make me sad thomas istfg
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Fanfic Masterlist
I don't know how I completely forgot to make a masterlist for my fanfics so here it is! This list will be pinned at the top of my intro post as well. Each fic has all their warning tags so read safely!
The Favorite Side (Brotherly Creativitwins) [ao3 link]
You And I (Logince) [ao3 link]
A Prince And His Subjects (DLAMP + Brotherly Creativitwins) [ao3 link]
Balloons (Logicality)
Roman's Lullaby (Platonic LAMP)
Goodnight, Family (Platonic LAMP)
You're My Hero! (Logicality)
Mornings Together (Platonic LAMP)
Thanks, Dad (Platonic LAMP)
The Sunrise (Logicality)
Not Even Death Will Do Us Part (Past Roceit + Brotherly Creativitwins) [ao3 link]
He Loves Me, He Lied To Me (Roceit) [ao3 link]
Crayons For Patton (Royality)
Logan The Android (Analogical)
Do It For You, For me (Analogical)
The Quiet Game (Past Moceit + Brotherly Creativitwins)
A Supernatural World: Chapter 1, Chapter 2 (Brotherly Creativitwins) (Permanently incomplete)
Prince Of Hearts (Platonic DRLAMP, Prinxiety if you squint) [ao3 link]
Merry Christmas, Janus (Roceit)
Royal Promise (Brotherly Creativitwins) [ao3 link]
I'm The Star (Platonic Royality)
Bruised Ego (Roceit + Brotherly Creativitwins) [ao3 link]
Drift Away (Brotherly Creativitwins)
The Night Will Be Over Soon (Platonic Royality)
Protect Me (Logicality)
Paint War (Platonic LAMP)
A Blanket Fort Kind of Day (Platonic LAMP)
Bad Liar (No pairings)
Breaking Point (No pairings)
Drunk Host, Drunk Sides (Slight Prinxiety, Slight Logicality)
Bad Things Happen Bingo Fic List
Going Into Hiding
Bedside Vigil
Wiping The Other's Tears Away
Big Brother Instinct
What Have I Done
Backhand Slap
Forgetting To Eat
Sleep Deprivation
Hidden Scar
Rendered Mute
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Oh Hey, More Gay
A Reminder: these playlists are my own. They're just songs that remind me of the Sides + other characters. Not their actual/official playlists.
I included all pairings that have at least 1 song. Most of them have very few or only one song. Some of them have more, but that's only a few pairings.
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So I'm actively watching Supernatural and I can't stop thinking about the boys as hunters.
Roman and Remus are like Sam and Dean, brothers and incredibly stupid for each other. Going to Hell, coming back, punching the Devil in the face because why not. They may not have the best lifestyle but they have each other and really, what else do you need? They handle.. everything. Someone give them a nice hunt. Please.
Virgil got into the life accidentally but fully protected himself as quick as possible. I'm talking tattoos of every protective symbol and phrase that you can think of and he knows plenty of them. He doesn't keep many people close and he has the most run-ins with demons.
Logan didn't believe in monsters at first but he had a Bobby incident happen and lost someone close to him. That's what made him get as practical as he could with his defense and his offense. He deals the most often with ghosts and spirits and he's perfectly comfortable with that.
Patton is the type of hunter where you look at him and think he's completely normal, but then you show up expecting him to be useless and he's the most badass person you've ever met. He's the vampire hunter because of course he ends up being one. He's the cheery "what a nice hunt! Who wants some dinner?" guy. I love him.
Janus tracks down more unusual creatures, got into it because it was a family business. He speaks a whole cacophony of different languages and will not hesitate to start speaking German in the middle of nowhere if he doesn't like the person he's talking to. He
They all as a group culminate in a badass "oh my god stop almost dying" "STOP TRYING TO SUMMON THE DEVIL" "can we have one nice day" "thanks for the tip" group ever. And I don't even think they hunt together. I think they're all in different states, occasionally travelling, and then they call each other for tips. Every once in a while, they send out a "might need help with this one" text and everyone shows up because you can't let a hunter go alone like that.
Dukexiety, Logince, and Moceit are my thoughts here. Remus and Virgil have a weird amount of demon knowledge between the two of them and they use it, Logan and Roman are definitely in love but refuse to admit it and it's "just casual" (it's not), Janus and Patton are basically married.
— 👑
D E V O U R I N G this I fucking L O V E this S O fucking much oml P E A S E!!! I seriously adore all of their roles they D E S E R V E to be a badass team!!! Also I'm cackling at the thought of part of the group being surrounded by supernatural creatures and one of them sends a text to a groupchat and not even 3 seconds later a van pulls up with everyone else XD
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i-am-bitterly-jittery · 4 months
On Death's Doorstep (pt 42/53)
[<<First],,,,[<Prev],[Next>] [ODD Masterlist]
Word count: 2164
Rating: teen
Pairings: Karrot Kings, minor Anxceit, familial Moceit, minor boring heterosexual ocs
Warnings: identity theft, depression, kidnapping, mentioned threats of violence, mentions of drugs
Sophie Lafferty was a mousy woman, awkward in the extreme, and was prone to bouts of eccentricity, but despite all that, she had a reputation for being a hard worker. Usually, during this point of the summer, she’d be off on vacation with her family for two weeks, but this year both of her parents were sick, so the vacation had been pushed to August. 
Sophie worked a desk job in the legal department of the MAA, the work could be boring at times, and most of what she did was research assigned to her by the higher ups about some historic building that a supervillain had blown a hole through, or the insurance policy on a billionaire’s skyscraper that had mysteriously been damaged in a fight that happened twelve blocks away, or a similar case to the one they were working that had happened ten years ago on the other side of the country. One day, Sophie thought, she’d be one of those higher ups, maybe even appearing as a counselor in a court case or two. But that wouldn’t be for a long time yet, for now, she would have to content herself with following the paper trail of one Logan Crofter until he mysteriously dropped off the face of the earth six years ago to see if there was any hint of where he’d gone. 
It was the kind of project that could catapult her career if she did find something, but unfortunately for Sophie Lafferty, she was currently on a cruise to the Bahamas with her family — including her parents, who weren’t any kind of sick except, perhaps, seasick — while someone who looked a lot like Sophie, and talked a lot like Sophie told her bosses that her vacation had been postponed while thoroughly bungling their research on Prof. Crofter. 
Usually, Janus’s impersonation act didn’t last long — a couple hours to kidnap a politician, a day to infiltrate a shitty business — but this was a deeper operation than usual. In two weeks, Sophie would be back and the jig would be up, so they would need to get all the information on where Virgil was being kept, what kind of security was in place, and when the best time to act would be and stage a rescue before the MAA knew there’d been a security breach. No pressure. 
“Morning, Soph!” A security guard said, stopping next to Sophie’s desk for a moment. Sophie and Lee were very friendly, a fact that was both an asset and a hindrance to Janus — on the one hand, Lee had a greater chance of noticing something was off with Sophie, but on the other hand, Janus might have use for a security guard later, depending on how things shook out. 
“Hi Lee.” The voice modulator itched against Janus’s neck, but they resisted the urge to fiddle with it. 
“Sorry to hear about your vacation.” 
“It’s okay, I wouldn’t want to go without my parents anyway. Besides, we’ll go in August. What about you, any big summer plans?” Janus couldn’t force themself to smile even if they tried, but that hardly mattered to the illusion — Sophie’s lips curled upwards in the expression of a person who honestly cared what this man did with his life. 
“Nah, I’m more of a winter sports guy,” Lee grinned as though that were in any way impressive. 
“Oh.” It was, based on Janus’s observations, usually around this point in a conversation that Sophie ran out of things to say, so they said nothing. 
Lee stood there for a moment, marinating in the awkward silence before clearing his throat. “Well, I should be going now.” 
“Yeah.” Please leave. 
“Bye Soph.” 
Janus resisted the urge to gag as Lee walked away, there were other people in the office who might hear if they did, even if their actual face was hidden. 
Turning back to their work, Janus found an article about a boat that sank in the Gulf of Mexico two weeks after Logan dropped off the radar, everyone on board had drowned. They added it to the research on Prof. Crofter they were assembling, they were amusing themself by reimagining Logan as more of the Walter White type, maybe he’d drowned while smuggling drugs — Logan would hate this interpretation (for many reasons, not the least of which being how close to the truth it was) but it was exactly the kind of thing that would fuzz the radar while still looking like Janus was actually working. 
A small usb drive sat innocently plugged into the computer, scanning away for the kind of security and monitoring there was on Sophie’s desktop before Janus started with their actual work. 
Their day was long and boring. They stole Jared’s lunch just to amuse themself — he almost had a full-blown temper-tantrum when he opened the fridge to find his tupperware full of bland chicken missing. Lilie from accounting spent almost an hour monologuing at them about… something, honestly Janus hadn’t been paying attention. And at the end of the day, everyone gathered in the break room to celebrate Jason’s birthday — it took everything they had not to burst out laughing when they realized. 
Finally, as they were gathering their stuff to leave for the day, their hacker drive finished its work. They would need to wait until they got home to see what kind of security they were working with, but at least that meant they could get started first thing tomorrow — plus, they had already outlined most of the details in their Crofter-equals-drug-smuggler “theory”, so they should be good for the next week or so as far as Sophie’s work went. 
They drove Sophie’s car back to Sophie’s building where they parked in Sophie’s parking spot and walked up to Sophie's apartment. Her lights had been set on a timer to make it look like she was spending the night there, but as soon as Janus entered, they left again, this time hiding themself from sight completely. They walked down the block to where their own car was parked, and then proceeded to drive back to their actual home. 
What they should do was go straight upstairs to Logan so they could go over the MAA system’s security, but instead what they did was detour to what was formerly Roman’s apartment before they moving in with his sister and was now, after a couple reconfigurations of the housing arrangements, the — hopefully temporary — apartment of Thomas and Nico Sanders-Flores and their grandson Patton. 
Janus knocked politely, and after a moment, Nico answered the door. It was always awkward to spend time with Thomas and Nico — seeing how Janus had kidnapped them and all — but they were Virgil’s parents, and Patton’s grandparents, and Janus would just have to work through the awkwardness. 
“Oh, hi Janus,” Nico gave them a strained smile, which Janus returned in kind. 
Before they could say their own polite greeting, however, the smoke alarm began to sound. 
“Thomas Sanders!” Nico turned and yelled into the apartment. He walked away from the door, leaving it open, so Janus took that as an invitation. “I turned my back on you for less than a second! How did you burn something already?” 
Janus followed Nico to the kitchen where they found Thomas desperately fanning an inflamed pan in a futile attempt at putting it out. 
“I don’t know!” Thomas cried as Nico got the fire extinguisher out from under the sink and put out the fire. 
“I can see where Virgil got his kitchen skills from,” Janus commented dryly. To Janus’s surprise, Thomas actually laughed at that. 
Nico shook his head in exasperation. “I’ve been trying so hard to teach either of them how to make anything. It might just be impossible.” 
“It’s not so bad,” Janus pointed out. “Virgil’s been getting the hang of it.” 
“Really?” Nico asked, looking excited for all of one second before it was replaced with a look of intense sadness. “I guess… I guess it’s been a while since we’ve seen him.” 
Janus cursed themself internally; their score was currently Janus: 1, awkwardness: 1. 
“Uh, where’s Patton?” They asked, knowing that at least Patton didn’t mind when they were awkward. 
Thomas frowned and Nico turned away from them entirely. 
“He’s in the living room,” Thomas explained. “Today hasn’t been a good day.” 
“Oh.” Janus: 1, awkwardness: 2. “I’ll, um…” Janus pointed towards the living room, then walked away. 
Awkwardness: 3. 
Patton was curled in a ball on the floor in front of the couch, The Princess and the Frog was playing on the TV, but Patton didn’t seem to notice. 
“Hey, Pat,” Janus said softly, taking a seat next to the kid and attempting to put their hand on his back. Their hand sank through him as they realized what Thomas meant by it not being a good day. “How are you feeling today?” 
The question wasn’t necessary, even if the intangibility didn’t give him away, Patton projected when he had strong emotions, and the sadness rolling off him reminded Janus of themself at their mama’s funeral. 
Patton didn’t answer, or even look at them, so Janus contented themself with quietly sitting beside him. 
After several minutes and a song about what the main characters would do once they were human, Patton spoke up, quietly. “Mommy, will you tell me a story?” 
Janus startled, but any thought of correcting the boy went out the window when they found Patton staring at them with big, watery eyes. 
“Of course, dear,” Janus said instead, tamping down any trace of panic. “How about the story of when I met your daddy?” 
Patton nodded eagerly, so Janus launched into the story. 
“It was probably about six or seven years ago — before you were born — and I was a law student. Frankie hadn’t joined the business yet, but he had been selling black market gadgets for a few years and had already decided to take me under his wing, so to speak — he likes to think he was my mentor because he was a criminal first, but I was a supervillain first, so it’s really six of one, half dozen of the other. 
“Now, in one of my classes we had recently discussed a situation that had been in the news about the chief of police. I felt that the chief was getting away with some nasty stuff with no repercussions, so I decided to… scare him a little bit — it’s not like I was really going to drop him off that building.” It suddenly occurred to Janus that this might not be the best story for a five-year-old, but Patton looked enraptured, so they continued. 
“I had just gotten him to make a blubbery confession for my camera when we were interrupted. Your dad was dressed like a grade A dork, horns greener than you can believe–” 
“Daddy doesn’t have horns,” Patton frowned, leaning his whole weight into Janus’s arm. 
“It’s an expression, kiddo, what I mean was, he was new to the business and it was obvious. Now, he ordered me to ‘let that poor man go!’ and I was tempted to follow his order to the letter, but turning the chief into a martyr wasn’t on my agenda at that time, so I brought him back on the roof and let him flop like a fish. 
“‘Poor?’ I said. ‘No, not yet he’s not.’ Your dad didn’t like that. He was cute, all angry and just, I just couldn’t stop myself from flirting. Most heroes, once someone as fruity as me starts flirting with them, go from cute-angry to bigot-angry pretty quickly, but Virgil just got more flustered. 
“I may have gotten a little too in to flirting with him, and he nearly managed to catch me when he make some bright starburst in front of my eyes, causing me to see spots, but I’d had years of experience to fall back on, and I knew when it was time to cut and run. The chief wasn’t in any position to catch me — he was still experiencing adverse effects to altitude — so I made a mental illusion of myself in your dad’s mind and had it fly away, mostly to test whether or not your dad could fly.” 
“He can’t,” Patton said. 
“No,” Janus agreed. “He can’t, so he stooped down to help the chief while I waltzed away at my leisure — that trick never worked on him again, by the way.” 
“Hey guys,” Thomas interrupted gently. “Dinner’s ready.” 
“Okay,” Patton stood, sadness no longer leaking from his pores. “Thanks, mommy.” 
He wrapped his little arms around his neck before running off to collide with his grandpa’s legs. 
“Pop pop?” Patton asked as Thomas lifted him into his arms. “Can we have cookies after dinner?” 
“Sure kiddo,” Thomas smiled. “Whatever you want.” 
Thomas smiled at Janus before turning to carry Patton to the table, and Janus felt a little bit of tension leak from them. Janus: 2, awkwardness: 3. 
Y’know that awkwardness when you’re meeting your significant other’s parents after you kidnapped them because your significant other has been kidnapped, and also your significant other’s child has spontaneously begun referring to you as their parent?
ODD taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @arsonic-knight @misunderstood-shadowling @lost-in-thought-20 @remy-the-lemon-berry @jinxcrafter @apinkline2715 @gothfoxx @donutsarepartybagels @xoaningout @awful-at-naming-things @lunatatic
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Sanders Sides OTP Names
Glossary Masterpost
A list of the shipnames of Sanders Sides Characters that include two people! Orange is included with temporary shipnames until we know more about him, as has been voted in this poll! Ordered by however it made sense to me.
All names with a (*) came from this post by @treenissanderssidesstuff which I found to be fun alternatives. Edit: All Sides/Nico shipnames were made by me (as were the King/Roman and Remus ones), as I haven't found any elsewhere. If you have your own ideas for them, please message me!
1) Patton / Roman - Royality, Royalty*
2) Patton / Logan - Logicality, Motivate *
3) Patton / Virgil - Moxiety, Moxie*
4) Patton / Janus - Moceit, Patceit, Dogma*
5) Patton / Remus - Intruality, Momus, Moduke, Duality*
6) Patton / Thomas - Patmas, Thomality
7) Patton / Nico - Patco, Nitton
8) Patton / King - Moking
9) Patton / Orange - Pange, Oratton, Morange
10) Roman / Logan - Logince, Procudure*
11) Roman / Virgil - Prinxiety, Proximate*
12) Roman / Janus - Roceit, Princeit, Drama Club*
13) Roman / Remus - Remrom, Romrem
! For platonic/familial relationship, please use Creativitwins!
14) Roman / Thomas - Romthom, Romas
15) Roman / Nico - Roco, Niman
16) Roman / King - Roking, Romking, Kingman
17) Roman /Orange - Rorange, Pringe
18) Logan / Virgil - Analogical, Analog*
19) Logan / Janus - Loceit, Decipher
20) Logan / Remus - Intrulogical, Lomus, Reproductive*
21) Logan / Thomas - Lomas
22) Logan / Nico - Loco, Nigan
23) Logan / King - Loking
24) Logan / Orange - Lorange, Logange, Loge
25) Virgil / Janus - Anxceit, Hissterics*
26) Virgil / Remus - Dukexiety, Vimus, Virus*
27) Virgil / Thomas - Thvi, Thomxiety
28) Virgil / Nico - Vico, Nirgil
29) Virgil / King - Kingxiety, Viking
30) Virgil / Orange - Anxange, Virange, Orgil
31) Janus / Remus - Dukeceit, Demus, Remceit, Receit*, Intruceit, Trashnoodle
32) Janus / Thomas - Thomceit
33) Janus / Nico - Janico, Ninus
34) Janus / King - Kingceit
35) Janus / Orange - Oranceit, Jange
36) Remus / Thomas - Intrumas
37) Remus / Nico - Remco, Nimus
38) Remus / King - Intruking, Kingmus
39) Remus / Orange - Intruorange, Intrange
40) Thomas / Nico - Karrot Kings, Pintroverts
41) Thomas / King - Kingmas
42) Thomas / Orange - Thorange, Thomge
43) Nico / King - Kingco, Nicing, Nicoking
44) Nico / Orange - Nicorange
45) King / Orange - Kingange, Kirange
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blu2bee-froast · 2 months
Thinking about Moceit and Janus being cold blooded.
Blankets don't help him stay warm which is annoying, but they do help if he's under a blanket /with/ someone and getting all cuddly and snuggly which he loves doing with Patton so it's okay. He has his own electric heat blanket that no one is allowed to touch though, even Patton.
Patton always makes sure the sides bundle up before going outside in cold weather, but obviously that doesn't help Janus. It makes Patton anxious that Janus just goes out in whatever he was wearing at the time but Janus has to remind Patton that it doesn't help anyway. Patton knitted Janus a scarf and a pair of mittens and had one of the twins enchant it to stay warm because he doesn't want Janus to be cold :(. Janus loves them a lot but in all honesty he never went out in cold weather /too/ much anyway, because he gets sluggish in the winter and would rather stay in.
Janus doesn't need to eat as much as the other sides because cold blooded creatures simply don't need as many calories. He treats himself to little snacks, of course, but he can only stomach a full meal about once every couple of weeks. When Janus started attending family dinners and only eating one or two bites Patton was very worried but Janus assured him that he was okay. When Janus declares he his hungry once a month Patton cooks up the most delicious dinner in the world ever bc he wants Janus to really be able to savor the nice meal.
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shsl-fander · 1 year
Blood Stained
Pairing: Logince and Moceit
Tw: Blood, fighting, yelling, bruises, swearing, threats, bullying, homophobia, hospital, Whump Roman
Au: Family/High School
Summary: Roman won't just watch around and let Logan get harrassed by this jerk at their school, but it backfires when hes caught in a severe fight and must be driven to the hospital. @spacedouterri @lavenderfoxboy
"Okay, let me get this straight," Janus hissed, hands gripping tight on his wheel. He drummed his hands against the leather, glaring to his side towards Roman. "My son, gets himself into a fist fight and I have to drive him to the hospital and all he cares about is missing his REHEARSAL?!" He scolds in disbelief.
Roman tapped his cheek, blood staining his fingers as he did so. He tilted his head up in an attempt to sway the dark, red blood dripping from his nose. "I would have called Dad if I knew you'd take me on a guilt trip," he mumbled.
Janus scoffed, shaking his head, "Roman!" he yelled, "You're lucky I agreed to pick you up, Patton would be freaking out on you just as much, he'd just be gentler," he corrects, rolling his eyes. "Care to tell me what happened? Either of you,"he prompts, raising an eyebrow.
Remus tossed a piece of popcorn into his mouth, grinning ear to ear, "I have no fucking clue what happened, for once I'm innocent!" He leans forward, sticking his head between the two front seats. "Roman?" Remus's smile quickly fades upon looking at Roman, who's usual was charm seemed completely drained. "...Ro bro?"
Roman's gaze fell towards the window, watching as they sped past the surrounding cars. A breeze followed their car. "Some asshole was bothering Logan," he muttered, barely audible above a whisper.
"What was that?" Janus blinked, taking a sharp turn onto the hospital's street. Silence lingered in the car, Janus tuning the music off, the only sound being the faint shuffling of the car's wheels against the ground.
Janus sighed softly, "I'm only strict on you because I don't want you to be like how I was at your age," he explained. "I was an amazing kid, smart but got in alot of trouble. I didn't really know how to protest in a good way."
Janus placed his hand over his son's, lips quirking to force a somber smile,"We just want you to be safe. Both of you, " he insists. He perked up as his ring tone blared from his phone, his muscled tensed scrunching his shoulders close together. He exhaled, "It's just your dad, Remus can you talk to him and explain whats happening?" he asks, rubbing his temples.
Just A few hours prior, Roman found himself leaned against his locker, humming softly to himself while he waited for Logan to come over. He knew Logan had a free period and frankly Roman did not feel like going to biology, so he'd agreed to meet up with him for at least a few minutes.
Roman blinked, glancing down towards the clock again with a raised eyebrow. "That's weird, nerd is never late."
He instinctly reached for his phone in his pocket, narrowing his eyes in confusion.
Roman: Hey Specs you coming? Or Did you decide to completely ditch me wowww I can't believe this. 😭😞
He snickered to himself as he typed, though he couldn't ignore the worry welling up inside him.
Minutes began to pass, the worry growing inside Roman the longer he stood in the halls, gazing around to find Logan. This was EXTREMELY out of character for Logan. While Roman found the insistence to keep a schedule for literally everything (even hallway roaming)quite annoying, he certainly didn't enjoy when Logan wasn't being himself. 
Suddenly, it felt as if time stood still, the silence lingering in surrounding air. It was quiet, an uncomfortable sense of quiet before a loud slam echoed through the halls. Roman felt his chest tighten, he jolted up, eyes growing wide. He bolted towards the direction of the noise, praying internally that Logan's sudden disappearance had nothing to do with this.
Roman froze infront of the door, gritting his teeth anxiously. "Come on Roman, you're a prince," he murmured under his breath. "You gotta find out whats going on."
He slowly creaked the door open ever so slightly,peering through the small crack. His breath hitched at the sight of the situation, exactly what he'd been dreading.
Logan was pressed up against the wall, his breathing heavy and quick paced. He gulped, swallowing the spit that was closing up his throat. "I mean what I said, you're a pathetic homophobe who can't even win a debate," he spat, "And your threats are only confirming your lack of intelligence."
The boy, who Roman couldn't seem to recognize at first, glared at Logan. He was grumbling something along the lines of killing him.
Roman pounced up, tossing the door open, thoughts spiralling around his head. Everything in his mind was so blurred, he knew whoever this kid was could probably beat the shit out of him, but he also knew he wanted to protect Logan more than anything else in the moment.
He rushed up behind him, tugging on his shirt an yanking him away from Logan. "Leave him alone," he growled. Once he was face to face with him, Roman was able to properly recognize him in under a second: Adam Dotson. His scraggy, short red hair along with piercing blue eyes were both easy to spot.
Adam cackled, "Oh look here! Your fairy boyfriend came along," he teased, shoving Roman backwards leaving him stumbling to catch himself. "The fuck are you doing here, Adelio?"
Roman narrowed his eyes,"Are you deaf? I said leave him alone, " he fumed, voice stern and low. He felt his heart pound against his chest, heart rate increasing rapidly. He stared ahead at Adam, watching him crack his knuckles and return his glare.
Adam rolled his eyes, kicking Roman in his shin, "You think I'm scared of you?" He scoffed, "Tell your gayass boytoy that he needs to fuck off on talking to me too," he retorted, watching Roman clasp onto his leg.
Roman gasped, foundering backwards once again. He inhaled, folding his hand into a fist and he swore his heart was beating so fast he could hear the thundering in his eardrums. Roman took a breath before stepping forward and swinging towards Adam, his knuckles grazed the side of his cheek.
Adam sucked in a breath, bracing against the impact of Roman's punch before swiftly punching him back, hitting him square in his nose.
A trail of blood trickled down Roman's face, and he winced squeezed his eyes closed for a moment. The pain shot through his entire face, burning against his nose.
"Roman!" Logan shrieked.
Roman spat out a chunk of blood, leaving his mouth with a copper tang taste. He ducked. Roman slammed his fist into Adam's stomach. His knuckles pulsed, yet he still kept hitting as much as he could.
Adam groaned, bending over with a heave. His vision began to blur, barely able to make out the tan arm lunging at him again. He stepped back, cracking his knuckles.
Roman lifted his hand to swing at Adam again before he felt a tight grip around his wrist. Hes swung to the side. Blood swishing around his ears. Roman inhales before pain stings against his face once again, spreading throughout his entire body. His head spun and before his senses regain control, he's slammed against the wall.
All Roman could grasp was the imense pain. His knees shook, wobbling underneath him. Another punch hitting him, faint yelling in the background. A swift knee to his stomach. He kicked at Adam in an attempt to push him away. The air around him felt scarce.
Roman rubbed his head, which was splitting with pain. He swallowed, taking another final swing at Adam before he stumbled back again. Roman blinked, the objects around him finally returning to sight.
"That all you got, Princey?" exasperated Adam, wiping the blood resting on his lips. He lunged forward, leaping towards him. He snarled, grabbing at him.
Roman reached forward to push Adam back. He held his arms up to frantically block his face from all of Adam's swings. He elbowed Adam in his side, the closest possible range without having to remove his defense. An ache in his arms, white hot with pain. An attempted punch towards Adam's face, eventually making contact with his shoulder instead.
The impact wouldn't stop, constant punches against his skin. Roman gasped for air, tensing all throughout his body. He grimaced, bracing for the impact of more burning sensations before Adam was suddenly flung off of him. Roman recoiled, bending over and trying not to throw up. The world around him began to spin, and he felt dizzier than he'd ever felt before. He collasped onto the floor, rest tugging at his eyelids. Blood splattered all over his face, bruises scattered on other parts of his body.
Logan frantically snatched Roman's bag as the teacher escorted Adam out of the room, scolding him as she did so. He searched through his emergency contacts before clicking one of Roman's dads' numbers, a complete gamble at whether he was calling Janus or Patton; though it really didn't matter. He just needed Roman to get help.
Logan ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head. He'd never intended to put Roman in a situation of harm this intense. He slowly approaced his boyfriend, eyes wide with concern. "Are you alright? Can you hear me?" He asks gently, Roman's phone vibrating in his hands.
Roman swallowed, he opened his mouth to speak but a bit of blood began to spill out."I'm sorry Specs," he wheezed. He felt a bit of the tension in his muscles fade as Logan pressed his hands on his wounds.
Roman held a tissue against his nose, bandages now plastered over his knuckles, chin, and parts of his jaw. He felt a lump tighten in his throat, a puddle underneath his eyes. Everything hurt possibly even more now that that fight had finished, adrenaline worn off.
"Wheres my baby boy?!" Patton sobbed, rushing into hospital room where Roman sat, frowningly deeply. "Oh Roman," he huffed, kneeling beside his bed. He softly cuped Roman's face, face worn with worry. "How are you doing?"
A miserable laugh escaped Roman, "Well the doctor said I most likely broke my nose," he answers, "So a prince is thriving," he sulked. "I think I hurt my jaw too, and my arms are all bruised."
Patton rubbed his leg, what looked to be the only part of Roman's body that wasn't covered in bandages. "Your dad told me what happened, or at least what you told him about what happened," he sighed, "But you're gonna be okay, I know it! You're my strong prince, always have been." He insisted, though that was partially to calm his own anxieties. The moment Remus called him from the car while Janus drove Roman to the hospital, he felt sick to his stomach.
Normally, that alone would help ease Roman's worries but right now he just felt even worse. If he was actually a strong prince he'd be able to properly defend his boyfriend, instead of losing miserably against Adam fucking Dotson. But Roman loved his parents, and he especially didn't want Patton to feel worse. So, he cracked a smile,nodding along. "Thanks Dad, I love you."
Patton remained kneeled next to his bed, "I love you too Ro, we all do," he exhaled, "None of us want you getting in fights and hurting yourself."
Roman's smile faltered for a moment, a frown tugging at his lips. The lump in his throat tightened, his voice quivering as he spoke. He shook his head, desperately trying to hold back tears. "Is Logan here?" he asks, he really wanted to talk to him now that he wasn't being punched in the face.
Patton glanced towards the door, "Yeah, yeah he's here kiddo. He drove himself here when he found out you were sent in," he confirms, his voice light and soft.
Roman gaze followed Patton's towards the door, where he could see through the window Remus, Janus, and Logan seated right outside,waiting. "Can you ask him to come in? I royally need to talk to him," he requests, rubbing the bandage sat on his chin.
Patton placed a kiss onto Roman's forehead, gently patting his head."Of course, I think I need to help your dad fill out paperwork anyway, " he watched Roman fidget with his bandages or press his hands against his wounds and he swore his heart shattered.
Logan slowly trotted into the room, creaking Roman's door open and gently closing it behind him. His eyes widened, darting to all of the bandages scattered around Roman, and if his body wasn't damaged it was likely covered by a dark, growing bruise.
Logan sighed softly, approaching him with caution. He cleared his throat, "Hi," he greets shyly.
Roman couldn't help but laugh, chuckling under his breath, "Greetings, Specs," he replies, setting the tissue down for a moment. Luckily the bleeding on his nose had begun to subside, but it was still broken. "Listen I'm sorry, I should have been able to protect you better than I did. I mean I'm your boyfriend and not only that but I hold myself like some sort of prince but I can't even win a fight," he rambled on, tears slowly began to fall as he spoke.
Roman sniffled, frantically shaking his head and wiping his eyes. They wouldn't subside though, streaming down his cheeks.
Logan's frown deepened, he grabbed Logan's hands, rubbing his thumb against Roman's hands. "Roman please," he reaches over with his free hand to wipe his tears. He shook his head, "Don't apologize, frankly I feel physical violence to be a rather immature and arrogant solution to conflict anyways," he began. Logan huffed, "Though you tend to he rather immature and arrogant at times so I suppose your disappointment makes sense," he admitted, gently moving his hand up to card through his hair.
"My point is, you didn't have to do that for me, and even though I know why you did, I'm not remotely upset you lost the fight," he assures the other. "I'm just upset that you got in a fight in the first place." Logan watched as Roman shifted uncomfortably.
"Not upset at you," Logan quickly clarified, "upset at the situation," the hand that still had Roman's placed inside it squeezed his hand, while the other was running his fingers through his hair. "I love you."
Roman swallowed, attempting to blink away his tears. "Not as much as I love you, Nerd," he cooes softly. "It's why I did this in the first place," he explained, "I couldn't just sit around and watch him do that to you! Thats like Flynn Ryder just watching mother gothel hurt Rapunzel!"
Logan snorted, shaking his head, "I am nothing like Rapunzel, Roman," he corrects, rolling his eyes.
Roman groaned, rubbing his temples, "Oh MY GOD Logan, you're gonna hurt my head more than Adam did," he exclaimed in disbelief, paired with a dramatic sigh. "You're so literal. It was a metphor, Einstein." Roman felt a smile tug on his lips, watching as Logan pursed his lips, fighting a soft giggle.
"What'd you even say to Adam anyway?" Roman asked after their laughter calmed. "Bruise his masculinity?"
Logan felt his face flush in embarrassment, "Well he was debating with his friend about the morality of gay people, saying it was gross and a sin," he exhaled in exasperation, "Or really just being homophobic in general, so I corrected him because things he was saying was genuinely incorrect and he started getting all defensive and so I told him he was a pathetic piece of shit," he admits, watching Roman's jaw drop.
"He then began to argue with me and I told him he was being a moron since he couldn't grasp basic concepts of sexual and romantic attraction. "
"Oh my stars Specs, that somehow made you even hotter. "
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transfemlogan · 1 year
revys shipping habits:
1. is romance repulsed & dislikes fictional romance. doesnt actually ship all that often & is neutral on most sasi ships
2. Prefers platonic/familial relationships (for example: i do not care 4 romantic demus, but i love platonic demus)
3. The only ships i dislike r the popular ones, l*gicality & pr*nxiety. I also do not like moceit. (I dislike the "opposites attract" trope in media)
4. Big fan of logan ships, especially analogical, loceit, & analoceit.
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loganslowdown4 · 5 months
Extras & Headcanons 2024
Taurus/Queen of Pentacles Photo from 2022
Day Before Hummus Day (Thomas' Bday!)
Familiar Passage: Under The Whispering Door
Happy Hummus Day (April 25th)
Season Finale Blocks Meme
Remus Cape/Les Vampires
Smash States Remus Meme
Notification Short Meme (Guys with Glasses)
Unread Flag
Roman Eating his Jam Promo
Virgil Purple Eyeshadow
Join Me, No Thinking
My Incorrect Quote GIFs
Speculation On Janus’ Single Light
Logan Voicing Janus, Roman & Remus
Magic Change Janus Gif
Janus’ GRWM Makeup Video Reaction
Janus’ GRWM Canon Explanation
Roman’s Gonna Be 10!
Happy Pride!
Cake Incorrect Quote Day After Roman’s Birthday
Drag queen or wrestler twin prompt
Sanders sides text posts part 21 ❤️
Me & Janus Snap Transformation
sanders sides text posts part 22 🔪
TS 2018 t-shirt Designs
Delicious In Dungeon on Real Or Fake Anime (My Prompt!)
Karrot Kings & That Mixtape Journal
All Editorial Looks So Far (June 2024)
sanders sides text posts part 23🧊
Crofter’s PB&J Bars Recipe
Logince Edit Commission from Ashley
June Almost Over
Cockroaches for Remus
sanders sides text posts part 24 🤧
Roman Editorial Look Question (Patreon livestream June 2024)
My Little Logince Moment in IQ 4
The Little Anxceit Wave (IQ4)
Moceit Flirting Virgil’s Face (IQ4 meme)
Incorrect Quotes Volume 4 Reaction Video
The Giggle in the Ferris Quote
Stress Ball Quote IQ4 Without Subtitles
Then Beg IQ4 without Subtitles
sanders sides + text posts part 25 🐙
All Editorial Looks Update
Remus 🤝 Tank Tops
Janus as Dr Horrible
sanders sides + text posts part 26🙏
Remus Aesthetic Candle Holders B&BW Fall 2024
How To Be Perfec - Michael Schur Morality Book Very Similar to POF:SVSR
Name Spelling: Brandon’s Eyes lol
Sanders sides + text posts part 27 💤
Small Sides: Thomas Tweet 2019
Virgil Going To His Room/My Quote/My Journey On YouTube
Logan Angst Meme Template
Consumer My Soul Meme
Sanders sides + text posts part 28 🗣️
Virgil/Gideon on a Skateboard
Goldfish In A Condom Meme
2024 Nuclear Family Meme
Zander’s Fanders (Girls5Eva)
Prince & Knight Children’s Books (Roman)
Canadian Money (Spyro Livestream Sep 2024)
My Characters Read Your Tweets YT Reaction
Agatha All Along Purple Line (Sep 18)
Birthday Post!
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spicycreativity · 2 years
I have gone ever-so-slightly off the rails and I'm toying with the idea of writing a fic for every kind of plot outline (not every, but every one that was included in this Reedsy article I found). So 7 longfic total.
Which ship is making your brain go BRRRR today?
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beauty-and-passion · 2 years
So... hey :)
I’m not dead, apparently.
Okay, okay, let me explain: there were things going on in my life.
* I found another job and yes, it’s way better than the old one: better working hours, better environment, better wage. The old job had a toxic environment in which people kept talking behind other people’s backs: here people cooperate for the same goal. The old job had an insane pacing and I couldn’t get one minute to breathe: now I can finally do one thing at the time and not 20 together - and if I need a moment to go to the bathroom, I can do it without people knocking at the door.
However, this is a temporary job. My contract is for 5 months, then we will see how things are going and see if i will keep working here or not. And, if things don’t go well, I need a plan B. So I am working on plan B too (read: teaching).
During all of this, I didn’t get any time to breathe because as soon I left the old job, I jumped into the new one. Take the mental stress of the old job, the stress of leaving it behind, the stress of starting a new one, the stress of not knowing what I will do and how things will be... I was just mentally drained. And maybe that go on my health too, because...
* I got sick on December 24th, just in time to ruin the holidays. I still had to work, sure, but I would’ve appreciated to do it while feeling better and not a piece of trash. This year the flu is worse than Covid and I can assure you that it is: headache, fever, chills, cough, all together. Some days I felt bad, others I felt worse.
Luckily, I also had no plans to go anywhere, so I just spent Chistmas and New Year with my family. But it’s the third year I am spending these holidays at home: before Covid, I used to spend at least a couple of days somewhere else in Europe and, even if for a short time, I could visit some places. Hopefully, I will be able to travel again for 2024 - and I won’t get sick again.
* Speaking of being sick, cough is still bothering me. I have always had cough during winter, for years, and still didn’t find a solution. The cough starts in winter, it lasts for months, then as soon as spring somes, the cough magically disappears.
I tried everything and checked my lungs: nothing. Tried syrups and medicines: still nothing. More sun in summer and more warmth in winter: nothing.
And then, a friend told me it could be gastroesophageal reflux. It’s very possible, considering that I have almost all symptoms. So I did a lot of medical examinations, got the medicines in case the cough started and tried to change my eating habits.
The change was good and so I had great hopes. Maybe, the winter cough will leave me alone!
But then the flu came and now I am coughing again. I am taking the medicines, still no results for now. If this doesn’t work either, I will visit the doctor again - but I really really hope they will work. This stupid thing can’t go on forever.
Now I am (almost) back on track. I feel a bit better (except for the cough), I am slowly getting accustomed to the new job. And yes, I started writing again. Do you remember my Moceit? Yes, it’s still going on, yes I finally finished the first chapter and started the second one. It took me a little longer than expected, but by now I know I can’t make plans, because if i want to follow them, something else will come and ruin them.
So I will just go with the flow and write as much as possible, before the next thing will come and mess my plans. Hopefully, it won’t be soon :)
In the meantime, please take care of yourself <3
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t4t-apexeclipse · 2 years
I FORGOT POLYCULES EXISTED <- is IN a polycule /lh
okay so!! polycule ship opinions:
i just woke up so forgive me if words fail me jsjdjdjf
intruloceit: i love the aesthetic :3 and honestly id prefer it if it was just logan dating remus and janus and not remus and janus dating each other (not a big fan of dukeceit)
moloceit: i have similar thoughts on this one tbh. good aesthetic, don’t like logicality so just the moceit and loceit part. they’d be great :D
anxceitmus: lowkey i prefer them being familial rather than romantic (sometimes i like romantic dukexiety but that’s like. not common lmao). i just feel like janus is virgils dad, which is part of why i don’t like anxceit i think
moralogince: such a good aesthetic even if i don’t like logicality jsjdjdjf i like the idea of them being in a relationship pre aa, and then after virgils name reveal he joins the relationship, even if i fucking despise moxiety ksjdjjcjc idk it’s cute!!!
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