#Fangs Fogarty fanfiction
yourjughead · 9 months
Red Car pt. 2
Requests open.
Sweet Pea POV.
I stood watching the red car fade away, just like I had so many months ago.
"Sweet Pea you need to learn to control yourself"
"I know I do" I looked from the shadow down to the ground again as Josie came down the steps to my side. A moment ago I was ready to ask her to be my girlfriend.... Again .... For the like 10th time..... What happened to me? Was Fangs right? Was I losing myself to fit her?
"I can't have any bad press if I'm to become even more of a star, I don't need them focusing on the guy I'm seeing, how cliche" I slightly scoffed at her comment. She can't call us what we are, like yn and I couldn't call us what we were. That felt different. That was a relationship without labels, this is labels without a relationship. I'm Josie's hobby, her toy, her busywork.
"Josie why can't we be seen publicly together?"
"Sweet Pea, you know why, I'm building a brand"
"So I don't fit that brand?" I almost whispered before turning to face her full on. I don't fit that brand, I was never supposed to fit that brand. I was supposed to have a great senior year, be myself, find who I was without yn and instead I slotted into someone elses life when all along I just wanted to get through this year to slot into yns life. I belonged there. She would make room for me.
"Sweet Pea, we're having fun, why is it always so serious with you" she reached for my hand but I pulled it away from her.
"Ive had enough, find someone else to be your groupie" I turned back away before she could answer. I just wanted to see yn and Fangs. Make sure everyone's okay. I can't believe she's home. I gotta get to Fang's trailer.
3rd Person
Fangs laid across the sofa of his trailer, an ice pack held to his forehead by you. You gave a kind smile to the Serpent as he slowly fluttered his eyes open. Groaning, he attempted to put a bruising hand to the back of his head where fresh several stitches slotted together perfectly. You calmly moved his hand back to his side while shushing him gently, his eyes falling closed again. Toni sat across from you watching you carefully.
"We missed you YN, a lot of crazy things have been happening around here"
"I can only imagine" you gave a small laugh to her as she cracked a beer open and passed it to your hand. You hadn't drank since you left Riverdale, needing to stay focused in the intense environment of University but less than one hour in the more intense environment of Riverdale had sent you craving the cold bottle.
"Try to stay awake now Fangs, here hold this to your head if you can" you guided his hand to ice pack, his eyes fighting to stay open.
"Your bedside manner has improved YN" the three of you laughed at this before you moved to put the medic pack back in the kitchen. You decided to leave the things from the kit in your car in it, knowing the Serpents would need it more often than you. As you looked for a place to tuck the kit into, Sweet Pea almost crashed through the door, Fangs flinching to the sound.
"Fangs! Oh my god! I'm gonna fucking kill those hockey heads!" He sat at his friends side, Fangs unable to hide his smile, you watched grinning from the kitchen, Sweet Pea not noticing you there.
"It's okay SP, YN fixed me up, I'm hoping I get a gnarly scar"
"I suppose she ran off again" Toni and Fangs slightly tensed at this remark.
"No SP, right here" his turn to jump at the new noise. He stood up almost untrusting of his feet as you moved into the sitting area again.
"Come on Fangs, I'll help you into bed"
"I knew this was just a plot to get me into bed with you Toni" he laughed, allowing Toni to pull him up to his feet and support him as they walked into his room.
"No need, I was just going, talk to you guys tomorrow, rest up Fangs" you gave a small wave before exiting the trailer to your car again. Silence filled the trailer, Fangs and Toni looked directly at Sweet Pea while he stared at the door. He finally sighed before following you, the two remaining serpents grinning.
You tried to get the red car to turn over, it struggling with the task. Sweet Pea pulled the door open and slid in next to you, a place he hadn't been in months.
"So.... I hear you're dating a rockstar now" you broke the silence, starting to give up on trying to get the car to start.
"I was yeah...well I was seeing her is the way I'm sure she'd prefer I say it but she probably actually would prefer I don't say anything at all about it" Sweet Pea threw his head against the headrest.
"Yeah, yikes... I guess some things never change, can't quite get out of the secret relationship stage, if that's even a normal stage to be in" he trailed off, silence returning. You moved to start the car again trying to break up some of the silence. Sweet smiled at you before rolling his eyes, leaning over you and twisting the keys until the engine finally gave in and turned over.
"I waited for you to come home at Christmas" he moved away again from you but kept his eyes on yours.
"I just couldn't be around you and Josie, Fangs told me about her"
"Yeah he wasnt too keen on her"
"Were you?" The question Sweet Pea asked himself almost every time after being around Josie. He shook his head.
"I wish I went with you YN, I really wish I went with you"
"I wish you did too"
"Nothing stopping me now" you met his eyes before he leaned across again to meet your mouth. Memories of Summer months past where all you had was one another flooded your mind. The sound of banging glass broke the two of you apart and you looked out the windscreen to see your two serpent friends smiling wildly giving you the thumbs up and cheering from behind the net curtains. Sweet Pea rubbed a hand down his face laughing to himself as you chuckled alongside him.
"Yanno this was his plan all along YN?"
"Yeah it wouldnt surprise me if he took that chair to the back of the head to be a team player" you smiled before it fading away at the memory of what brought you two back together.
"C'mon SP, we have to go pay a visit to someone"
"I'll go anywhere with you" he cupped his hand over yours as it moved the gearstick into action, the red car going willingly.
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arewordsenough · 7 months
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Rated Explicit - One Shot k) - M/M - Explicit Sexual Content
Summary: Archie earns a new role with Southside Serpents.
Featured groups & pairings: Archie Andrews/Fangs Fogarty/Jughead Jones
Key Tags: Cum Dump, Archie Andrews is a Slut, affectionate
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
Sweetness - Sweet Pea x Fem! Reader
Hello my lovelies! I'm not sure if this fandom is even alive anymore... at least not the Sweet Pea love, but I hope the people who find this story might like it? Just to make sure, Trigger Warning! For anyone who is triggered by the following; Death, illness, gang related activity, injury, guns or knives - Please read this book with caution, there will most likely be mentions of at least one of these in each chapter, but I will give a proper warning for any scenes that detail these events!
Thank you my lovelies (Also, I'm not sure when exactly the series takes place, so be gentle with my dates please!), and enjoy the chapter! Xxx __________________________
July 1999,
Dear diary,
I used to think that Riverdale was the safest place for me, Ricky always had my back, someone I could always trust, someone who loved me and that I adored. And now he's gone.
Ricky was a badass! He was an angel of death and was a big deal in the Serpents, he died protecting his friend! He was so young... He was in the hospital for days, I still think they could have saved him, they chose not to! They saw the snake on his shoulder and chose to give him the bare minimum help!!
Screw this town. Screw the Ghoulies. Screw the Northside. The Southside.
I can't help but feel selfish now. Thinking about myself and what I'm going to do with Peanut. Sure they were a surprise, but they were a welcome one. Ricky was so excited about you, little one. He would have spoiled you rotten.
I know that the Serpents would have taken care of us, F.P is definitely going to be named Godfather now, but they aren't Ricky. And everything in this damn town reminds me of him, of what he was. So I'm leaving. My parents are moving with us out of town, as far away as we can.
I love you so so much Peanut, and I'm hoping one day you'll be a nosy little shit like your dad and find these entries one day, it will be much less painful than telling you his story myself.
Until I meet you, Kathryn (aka mama)
February 2000
Dear Ricky,
She's here. She's beautiful. Ten fingers and ten toes, I named her (y/n), the name you wanted, it just seemed perfect for her. I'm going to love her and protect her the way you would have. I've written to F.P, letting him know that he has a happy, healthy god-daughter. I wasn't convinced about him being her godfather, but it's a bit difficult to argue with you now, huh?
Don't think I'm going to let her forget how painful it was getting her out of me though! If this kid ever gives me sass, I'm going to tell her they nearly had to cut her out of me so she can zip it!
I wish you could see her, I was so worried when she first arrived, she didn't make a sound. She hasn't cried since. She just sort of scrunches up her face when she wants something, sort of the way you did when I refused your kisses.
I hope she winds up keeping your eye colour, the gorgeous (e/c). Most people who lose someone say they can't bear to look at others that look like their loved ones. But your eyes, were my everything. My slice of heaven. My oasis. She has my nose, I want her to have your eyes.
I love you Ricky,
December 2015
Dear Diary,
It's been a while huh? Being a parent is a bit of a full time job I guess! But (y/n) is beginning to suspect that I'm hiding something from her, she sees me getting weaker, she can tell I'm going places without her. How am I supposed to tell her that I'm running off to the Oncology department a few times a week...?
I want to tell her, desperately. I hate hiding this from her, she's seen me getting weaker for years, she's been taking care of me, ditching school to make sure I'm okay for fuck's sake! She's my angel, she means everything to me.
I can't hide it from her any longer, I'm going to tell her tonight over dinner.
Wish me luck,
August 2017
Dear Peanut,
I'm sorry it has to go this way, believe me, if I could have stayed longer I would have, but you wouldn't have wanted that. You need to live your life without having to worry about me, follow your dreams without me holding you back.
I love you so so much (y/n), but I think we both know its time for me. This is the hardest thing I have ever written, and I hope you can forgive me.
With this letter, I have left you a folder, it's just dumb legal bullshit really, but I think there are some things in there that you'll like. I know you found your dad's old recipe books, you and him were so alike my darling.
Hopefully, the stuff in the folder will help you, please don't mourn too long, live your life for me, for your dad.
I love you more than words can say.
Be a good girl (y/n).
Love mama
Patient Name: Rick (l/n) Age: 24 Status: Deceased Reason for Admittance: Stab wound Cause of Injury: Gang Fight
Treatment: Patient was admitted with a stab between the second and third ribs (left) at approximately two AM. Patient was given steroids and antibiotics to avoid infection. The wound was more severe than originally believed, the left lung had been punctured. Patient was lost in surgery.
Seeing all the memories that I spent the last month avoiding was harder than I had expected. If I thought it was difficult holding my mother's hand as she fought through the cancer and eventually as she passed away, I wasn't prepared for the feeling of resurfacing memories. Mama's lawyer had handed me a large brown folder, a solemn look on his face, struggling to think of something to say to the girl who was now an orphan.
I left the folder in a draw of my dresser after I'd got home, the house felt so empty without her around. Even when she was weak, my mama lit up the room she was in. She was happy and, as cliche and now untrue as it was to say, full of life. Now the house felt cold and dead. My mama was my best friend, my closest confidante, she hasn't been gone an hour and I was already so lost. The worst part was, when I felt this lost, I spoke to my mother.
I went to my mama's room, followed by our dog. I had found him in the park when I was younger, he was just a puppy, I begged and pleaded with mama to keep him, after a pretty big temper tantrum, she finally gave in. Sonic wasn't a puppy anymore, he was nine years old and huge! Mama liked him eventually, when he began exhibiting guarding behaviour, feeling more comfortable with him as a guard dog, a big Rottweiler cross that looked like her came straight from guarding Hades.
Sitting on her bed as carefully as I could, I thought about how strange it was, that everything still was the same, the day was a beautiful, blue sky, the house still looked the same. I contemplated opening the folder now, but it was too hard to think about. Instead, I curled up in the bed sheets, humming a lullaby my mama used to sing, until I fell asleep.
But now I was reading the files. It was a lot of suppressed pain that had suddenly bubbled its way to the surface. My heart felt like someone had taken a hammer to it, there was a photo album full of pictures of me and mama, even some of her and my dad, when they were in high school. I never knew my dad, now I knew why.
Mama had told me he had died, she had just never told me how. Now I knew, someone in a gang had murdered my father. But the diary entries mama had written, my dad was in a gang as well. He died, for another gang member. F.P Jones.
I'd seen the name in the folder too, he was listed as my legal guardian, my godfather, on my birth certificate. I'm not sure just how much I was interested in hunting this guy down, yes he was the person that my parents trusted enough to be my legal guardian, but he was also the person my father took a knife for...
Anyway, I began enjoying myself, looking through all of the pictures of my parents, I even smiled a few times at the pictures of mama and I. The smile faded into confusion when a few certificates and documents were mixed into the nostalgia. Leafing through the documents, I was shocked to find deeds. Specifically to my inheritance and to the house my parents had bought, before dad died. Mama did say she wanted to move away when he'd passed.
Away from Riverdale... ________________________________
The house was bigger than I had expected, a two story suburban dream house, sure it was a bit worse for wear, the wood panelling had chipped paint, some of the windows were so filthy I couldn't see through them and the porch was most definitely a health hazard, but that just meant I had something to distract myself with.
Unfortunately for the house, it would have to wait for some TLC, I was already on my way a few streets down, Sonic trailing behind me, to a separate building, one that my parents had left me money to be able to purchase. It was small, but I knew as soon as I'd seen it, I loved it. It had been my dream since I was a little girl to run my own bakery. I loved cooking and food as much as my father had seemingly.
Mama was right in her diary, I had found dad's old recipe books when I was five, I used a lot of the recipes to learn how to cook, and even more of them because they were claimed as healthy, I was a kid, I thought that because an adult deemed it good, it would make her better. It didn't, but I remember mama's face when I eventually fessed up about snooping through dad's stuff.
Dad had a lot of baked goods in his books, I even managed to tweak a few of them, but he never got to have a place of his own, I was looking forward to this. I would be dedicating my life to something I wanted to do, but also to my parents, forming a legacy I hoped they would be proud of.
My future bakery looked a lot worse than the house did, that was putting it lightly, the windows were smashed, glass was everywhere, the door was practically falling off its hinges and the bricks looked like they had been whacked with a battering ram! Although, the most confusing part about the building, was the old woman sitting on the bench outside, staring at the 'Sold' sign in the window of the door.
I walked up to the woman, cautiously, clearing my throat to avoid startling her, "Excuse me?" I asked, seeing her turn her head to face me, a small smile on her face.
"Oh, sorry dear," She began, struggling to get to her feet, I hurried to offer her a hand, Sonic herding around her knees. "Thank you, such a lovely girl! Oh, and dog!" I smiled at her, curious as to the people my age around here, she seemed surprised I offered to help her, what were the other teenagers like here?
"What were you doing sitting in the cold, all on your own?" I asked, trying not to sound too suspicious, the old woman sighed, staring up at the dilapidated building once more.
The woman smiled, wistful, "This used to be my husband's business." She told me, "He passed on quite long ago now, but he loved this place." She placed a hand lightly against the bricks, I smiled at the woman.
"I'm sorry for your loss," I replied, seeing her nodding in response, "Actually, I own this building now, I'm about to start working on it," I told her, hoping she wouldn't be upset with me.
To my surprise, she grinned widely, clapping her hands in excitement, "Oh, that's wonderful news! I'll be delighted to see the old place back to its former glory!" She cheered. "I'm Ruthie, but such a sweet soul like you can call me Granny, if you'd like, all the other kids in town do!"
I took her hand for a shake, shocked at how strong her grip was, for an old woman, she sure had some muscles! And that was the start of a very odd relationship between the two of us.
Granny was lovely, for the first few days, she would pop by to give me lunch and some hot chocolate, saying that I needed the sugar and some 'pep in my step', but then one day, she picked up a saw, beginning to saw planks for me to use. She helped a lot with the renovation of the bakery, we even kept the name that her husband had used for it, Ray's. We did modify it slightly, now it was Rays, as in 'Ray of Sunshine', but still remembering her husband, Raymond. ________________________________
With the place up and running, I had to force Granny to take a break, in return, we had to make a deal, she could have as many free bakery goodies she wanted, and she would cover the shifts I couldn't make because of school. I was so excited for this, today was the grand opening! Unlike in movies and TV shows, I didn't make a huge deal out of it, even if I was positively buzzing! I didn't deck the place out with banners and balloons, instead, I just flipped the sign on the door and went back to baking, I was gonna let the open windows bring people in.
I was kind of worried about the area, especially considering I'd left my scary teddy bear at home, Sonic would have just gotten stressed each time the door opened. But apparently the Southside of town had a pretty bad reputation, most of the place was pretty run down compared to the preppy, expensive Northside, and was riddled with gang activity...
It had been a couple of hours and I was getting bored! I let my eyes wander around the walls of Rays, the glossy, white brick walls reflecting the florescent lights. All the industrial ovens, mixers and fridges were pretty high-grade, but they weren't the things I loved the most.
Next to the coffee machine, were two framed pictures, one of my parents, happy in their high school days, the other, a black and white photo of Granny and Ray, happy in their own. I was brought out of my reverie by the timer on the oven, pushing off of the counter to the kitchen, pulling the cupcakes out of the oven, relishing in the sweet smell of freshly baked cake.
I felt my heart swell with excitement when I heard the bell above the door ringing, we finally had customers! Quickly, but carefully, cause it was blisteringly hot, I set down the tray of cupcakes on the metal decorating tables, wiping my hands on my apron.
Walking back around to the main shop, I saw three teenagers, probably around my age, two guys and a girl. The guys were staring at the display case, their eyes practically sparkling, it was rather strange to see. One of the boys was quite tall, leaning on the display case, the other was significantly shorter, pressing his hands to the front of the glass. The girl on the other hand was gazing around the room, smiling, her most outstanding feature was her bright pink hair, all three of them were decked out in leather jackets and flannel.
A relaxed smile made its way onto my face, "Hey you guys, what can I get ya?" I asked cheerfully, a bounce in my step. The guys hardly looked up from the display case, the girl shaking her head at them disapprovingly.
"Hey, never seen this place before," The girl said, nodding at the door. I smiled and nodded understandingly.
"Yeah, we only just opened today! We've spent the last few weeks renovating this place!" I told her, offering her a hand to shake. "I'm (y/n), sort of new to town," I told her.
She took my hand, strong grip, something that most of the people here seemed to have. "Toni, congrats on opening! Sorry about those two, usually they're not this rude... Shorty is Fangs, the giant is Sweet Pea." She said, causing me to giggle.
"It's cool, I remember going to places like this when I was a kid and being starstruck by all the pretty cakes, not to mention the fact that there were way to many options!" I joked, happy when Toni laughed with me.
Seeming to wake up from the glutton induced trance they were in, Sweet Pea and Fangs looked up, only now realising there was a second party in the room.
The shorter guy, Fangs, looked at me in awe, "Did you make all these?" He asked, pointing at the goodies, I nodded in response, proud that they seemed to like the look of them, I only hoped that they liked the taste.
"Sure did! Would you guys like to try something, no charge! I need some guinea pigs!" I said, giving a cheeky smirk. The boys shared an excited look, fully prepared to say yes, when Toni interrupted them.
"You only just opened, we can't just take from your stock, at least let us pay for them!" She protested, I smiled kindly at her, it was very sweet of her to consider the business aspect, it was pretty important, but it wasn't why I started this! I wanted people to enjoy my food!
"No worries! You guys are the first people to come in today, well, ever! It would be good to have some feedback about some stuff, if it really bothers you, then feel free to come back another time and buy something? For now! I'll set up a sample plate!" I told her, not giving her time to argue.
I put together a large plate of lots of different things, cupcakes, cookies, pies, tarts, cakes, pastries and some drinks, bringing them over to one of the tables on the shop floor. I'll be honest, it was rather funny seeing these edgy teens sitting in my pastel bakery, I offered them seats before taking one myself.
Sweet Pea and Fangs were practically giddy, getting their hands smacked by Toni as they tried to grab some of the sugary treats. "Hey! If (y/n) wants feedback, you can't just shovel it into your faces! Have some manners, damn who raised you two?" She muttered.
I chuckled, "It's fine, go ahead, maybe start with the cookies? They should still be warm from the oven!" I told them, pointing at the chocolate chip cookies, a simple classic.
They each took a bit, their eyes widening as they bit into the warm, gooey chocolate. "Oh my god." Fangs muttered, his mouth full.
"These are amazing," Sweet Pea added, taking another bite.
I clapped my hands slightly, "Yay! I'm so happy you guys like them," Toni nodding along, giving me some info that was actually really useful. We let the boys keep trying the goodies as we settled into conversation.
"So why did you and your family move to Riverdale, we're not exactly a tourist destination," Toni joked, gazing out of the window at the run down streets of the Southside, "Your bakery is probably the nicest thing to be in this side of town for decades..."
My face soured into a sad smile, "Um, it's just me actually, my parents have both passed away, but they used to live in Riverdale before I was born, they left me a house in the Southside." I told her quietly, looking down as tears began too well in my eyes, already beginning to flood my face. I let out a choked laugh, "I'm so sorry, I never cry, this is so strange..."
I wiped my face, feeling my cheeks burn, I can't believe one of the rare times I cry and it's in public. Hearing the chairs scrape against the floor, I thought Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs were saving me the humiliation and leaving me to my tears. Instead, I felt a gentle hand cup my own and sudden large hands resting on my shoulders and knee.
Looking up confused, I saw a soft smile on Toni's lips, as well as Sweet Pea, kneeling beside my chair, his hand on my knee, leading me to believe that it was Fangs' hands on my shoulders.
Sweet Pea, though he wasn't smiling, had a soft look in his eyes, "All of us have lost someone, we get it. You don't have to be strong all the time, we got your back now." He told me, keeping his voice quiet. I looked into his deep brown eyes, wiping my cheeks and smiling at him.
"Thanks, you guys are being so kind to me, you don't even know me," I chuckled.
They laughed with me, "I mean, you gave us free sweets and you don't know us," Toni joked. We once again, fell into relaxed conversation, the guys joining in this time, whilst still snacking on pastries.
Fangs looked over at me, "So, if I can ask... Who were your parents? If they lived here, maybe someone knew them?" He asked, cautiously, probably trying not to set me off again.
"Rick and Kathryn (l/n)." I told them, playing with the straw in my drink, noting how quiet the three had gotten.
Looking up, I saw them all looking at me like they'd seen a ghost, "What?" I asked.
Sharing glances, they seemed to be mentally arguing about who was going to tell me.
"Spit it out, you guys, I thought we were friends now?" I muttered, trying to guilt them into just telling me.
Sweet Pea sighed, "We know your parents, or really, we know of them..." I looked at him confused, gesturing for him to continue.
"Your dad is a Serpent legend! He died saving F.P, he's kind of the boss now. His picture's been in pretty much every Serpent hangout since we before we all joined." He finished.
I smiled at them, clearly not the reaction they were expecting.
"Thank you, for keeping his memory alive, I'd love to meet some of the Serpents that knew him, I only found out what happened to him about a month ago, mama didn't really like talking about it."
Once again, the conversation started up, but, once again, was interrupted. This time, by Sonic, barking outside the bakery, freaking out the Serpents into standing up, "It's okay, he's my dog! Something must have happened, I left him in the house..." I told them, grabbing the keys to the bakery and rushing out to follow Sonic back to the house, Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs following close behind.
So I'm going to end the chapter there! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I based a few characters off of my family... My mum and dog for example... Anyway! I love you guys, see you soon, hopefully! Xxx
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rythmicjea · 3 months
We've reached the halfway point! ...Remember how this was supposed to be a 10 chapter fic? Yeah me neither lol. On a personal note, me and my family have been going through a bit of tragedy currently. My grandfather is at the end stage of his life and it's been very difficult for me to do anything that brings me joy. However, writing this story and posting it for you helps me forget the sadness we're going through. Thank you for reading and commenting and all your kudos. I don't think this is a very eventful chapter but it does set up the next part of the story.
Jughead crossed his arms defensively, taking a moment to think over the proposed deal. Sportsball. He’d probably have to quit the Blue and Gold to make room. “The only thing I’m good at is boxing.” He said sullenly. 
“You belong to a gym?” The intrigue filled the principal’s tone. He was a fan of conditional sports like boxing. It taught young men discipline and fortitude. Hell, he thought it was a great sport for any and all genders to be a part of.
Weatherbee nodded his head slowly, understanding his student’s past. He had more decorum than to bring up his past gang activity, but he was going to look to the young man to help the Southside kids integrate into the school better. That was a discussion for another time. “Well, there is always track and field. Maybe you can do the shot put?” The boy was wiry but maybe there was some untapped strength, especially if he was used to fighting. “You look lithe enough, maybe long distance running? Or Volleyball? You’re tall enough for it.” He watched Jughead silently sigh, not impressed with the options. “...I hear Mr. Andrews is going out for Baseball, maybe you should too.” It was the tiniest of quirks of the boy’s brow but it was enough.
“And if I can’t get on any team?”
“Then Gym it is.”
Fuuucckkkk! Jughead’s mind whined.
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crispyluc · 7 months
I'm currently in a Fangs Fogarty x Kevin Keller x Sweet Pea brainrott
I need fanfics or whatever really
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bettsdevil · 2 years
Alas, the first chapter of my newest (and my funniest) bughead fanfic is published on my ao3, for all of you to read! 
PS it is my first fic in this stye, so bare with me. Moreover, any and all feedback is highly appreciated. Without it, a writer can never improve xx
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theangriestpea · 4 years
Party of Four
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Summary: Y/N has been stringing her favorite serpents on for months. Sweet Pea has a dare for her that she can't possibly refuse. .  <ao3> <Kink Masterlist>
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Reader x Fangs x Jughead
Rating: Mature // Explicit
Word Count: 1.9k+
Warnings: Four-way, Triple penetration, Oral sex, Anal sex, Vaginal sex, Gangbang, unprotected sex. 
A/N: I have one Bingo down  for @riverdalebingo​ and I'm aiming for more! I'd like to fill my entire card but we'll see. I'm currently holding a follower celebration where you can request a fic from me! So click the link, follow the rules, and request away! I’ve gotten a few requests already that I’ll be working on soon. This is for the "Multiple Partners" square on my card.
Serpent parties had always been known for their debauchery. Nine times out of ten the cops were called but since FP was made Sheriff, nothing was ever done about it besides a light tap on the wrist. He’d tell them to turn the music down a bit or take their antics to another location. Tonight in particular he had asked them to relocate, however four snakes in particular stayed behind to have a little extra privatized fun.
She had been stringing along the three of them for months. Jughead, Sweet Pea, and Fangs were her favorite play things and while they had no idea what her endgame was or who she liked most, they all still did their best to win her affection.
Naturally when she said that they should stay behind to play a little game, the three boys obliged with fervor.
Y/N was laid out on the couch, legs in Jughead’s lap as she waited for Sweet Pea to choose someone. They had been playing truth or dare the past thirty minutes and dares were getting raunchier and raunchier. She was already down to her bra and underwear while Fangs had thrown up due to drinking a strange mixture of leftover beer and liquor.
Jughead’s hand was on her thigh, creeping upward. This did not go unnoticed by the other two Serpents, however they said nothing to their king. Sweet Pea’s tongue darted out to wet his lips, unsure if this dare was too much. She could always turn him down. She had one pass still.
“Y/N.” He finally said, “Truth or dare.” She had been declining to tell the truth all night as she knew they’d ask her who she wanted to be with when the answer was more complicated than either three wanted to hear.
She hummed, pretending to be in thought, “Dare.” She said, turning her head to look at the tallest of the snakes with a pretty smirk on her pouty lips.
Sweet Pea stared back at her as he hesitated. This wasn’t just his idea, Fangs had proposed it as well. He just wasn’t sure how Jughead would take the dare. He was the more sexually reserved one of the three boys. “I dare you to take all three of us at once.” He said, finally smirking back at her proudly. If she declined then that was fine, but him and Fangs had been talking about how to ask her to do this for weeks . The time had come and he wasn’t about to waste it.
Fangs shifted nervously while Jughead gave Sweet Pea a curious look. Since he had already been sharing her time with them, he wasn’t totally opposed to the idea. It was just unexpected. Y/N was looking up at the ceiling, contemplating her choices.  
She could have passed and taken truth instead but then she’d have to answer their question. Her finger came up to tap her chin as she pondered, could she even take all three of them on at once? And would it really be so bad?
Y/N sat up, looking between the three of them before shrugging, “if you three think you can take me, then I’m game. Look, I’m already mostly naked for you.” She joked at them with a devious look in her eye. None of them had expected this answer and all were looking at her with mouths agape.
“You better put those mouths to work if you’re going to have them open like that.” She purred to them as she took her legs off of Jughead’s lap. “I have a few jobs in mind…” She continued to tease them as she moved into the Serpent King’s lap and peppered his neck with kisses.
Fangs was up next, his hands running up her sides before unhooking her bra and taking it off so he could squeeze her bare breasts. Sweet Pea was ripping his own clothes off so that he was down to his boxers. He came up behind her and slipped his hand into the front of her underwear to probe at her clit.
She shuddered as she captured Jug’s lips with her own, kissing him roughly as the other two continued to grope and tease her until she was moaning. Her hips were grinding against Sweets’ hand, her own wetness soaking into her underwear. Jughead’s hands were in her hair, holding her head close to his as he took control of the kiss. He didn’t even notice her toss his beanie to the floor.
“I call her pussy,” Fangs said first before anyone could say anything. He grinned as Jughead groaned.
“Then I get her asshole.” Sweet Pea said back hotly and Jughead groaned again.
Y/N giggled, “That leaves my mouth to you, Juggie. Don’t you like my pretty little mouth on your dick?” Her hands moved through his hair before tugging on it.
Jughead couldn’t deny that her blowjobs were mindblowing. Instead he smirked before kissing her again but Y/N pulled away.
“Sweet Pea is the only one not wearing too many layers.” Y/N said in a childlike voice, “How can I touch you if you’re still wearing so much clothes?
Sweet Pea grabbed her and lifted her off of Jughead and placed her onto the couch beside him, attacking her mouth with his own while the other two discarded their clothing.
Y/N moaned again as he skillfully took off her underwear as they waited. He pulled out the kiss and twirled them around his finger, “these are soaked already. You excited over getting plowed by all three of us at once, babe?”
She blushed as he tossed them to the side. He leaned down into her ear, “what a little slut you are.” Y/N pushed him playfully, unoffended by his teasing words.
“It’s my turn.” Fangs said as he pushed Pea to the side and scooped Y/N up into his arms. She squealed and put her arms around his neck. “Let’s go somewhere a bit more comfortable, shall we, princess?”
Her response came in a light giggle as he carried her naked form to a nearby bedroom. He laid down with her on top of him and she adjusted her position to straddle his waist. “Fangs, are you hard for me already?” She asked with a fake gasp, “I had no idea I had such an effect on you.”
He smacked her ass and she giggled again, the other two joining them. Fangs pulled her down for a hungry kiss as Sweet Pea and Jughead moved behind her. Sweet Pea was already grabbing lube to squeeze a grotesque amount onto her ass before sticking in a sole finger. Jughead put his own two fingers into her core. Both boys were pumping her, eliciting whines of pleasure in response.
Her hips rocked to try and feel more, the feeling of both holds having something inside of her was already maddening. She had no idea how she’d take their cocks instead of their fingers.
“It’s like a waterslide in here, Fangs.” Jughead said with a grin, “I’m jealous.”
“You can have it next.” Fangs said, shrugging and Y/N was pouting at him.
Sweet Pea stuck in a second finger while Jughead pulled his own digits out. He licked them clean, still grinning, before he began to rub her clit at an agonizingly slow pace. She grinded onto his hand, whimpering into Fang’s neck as he continued to smack her ass hard enough to leave red hand prints.
After a few more minutes of grueling foreplay, both boys retracted their hands. Fangs grabbed both ass cheeks and spread them playfully, “make sure there’s plenty of lube on this cute little ass!”
Jughead moved to where their heads were laying, his own cock standing at attention as he pumped it lazily with one hand. “Think all of this is going to fit?” He asked, smirking down at her.
Y/N looked up at him with dilated pupils. “We’ll just have to find out.” She said seductively before opening her mouth wide for him. Jughead slipped inside of her mouth, groaning at the warm wetness of it. It didn’t all fit but she took as much as she could and put her and on what she couldn’t.
While she was distracted, Fangs entered her pussy with his own penis. He moaned at the sensation of her wrapped around him finally, enjoying the fact that he was having her this way first. His hands were still spreading her for his best friend as he got himself ready.
“Hold her still.” Sweet Pea said in a throaty tone as he probed her ass with his tip. She held in a breath as he slowly pushed into her. He could feel Fang’s throbbing cock through the small barrier of tissue, the sensation somehow exciting him further. “Fuck it’s tight.” He breathed out. “Ready, princess?”
There was a garbled affirmative as a response as Y/N’s mouth was currently fully of Jughead’s dick. She sucked and twirled her tongue expertly as he gave shallow thrusts into her mouth.
“Fuck her mouth, Jones, she loves it. Trust me.” Sweet Pea said, smirking as he began to move his hips at a slow pace.
Jughead grabbed a fistful of her hair. He knew that she had blown Sweet Pea before so this wasn’t exactly news to him. He began to move his hips more, hitting the back of her throat and making her gag. She made no sounds that indicated to him that she wanted him to stop. Instead she urged him further by sucking harder and moaning loudly.
Fangs and Sweet Pea started moving in sync with one another. They’d go in and out at the same time at a decent pace, Sweet Pea reached up and grabbed her shoulder roughly, pulling her back against his hips harder and harder.
Tears prick her eyes as a natural response to Jughead’s presence in the back of her throat. She breathed through her nose expertly as she tried to control the drool from slipping out of her mouth.
As he increased his pace, Fangs grabbed both of her breasts and squeezed them before turning his attention to her nipples. She was practically screaming now as all three boys were thrusting into her over and over.
She hit her first peak in no time at all, becoming a whimpering mess that was only being held up by their hands. Jughead pulled on her hair harder as he pushed in even deeper, effectively choking her.
Sweet Pea increased his speed, making Fangs speed up as well. Fangs reached down and started attacking her clit with his fingers gently. Within minutes she was unfolding again, her cries of intense euphoria muffled by Jughead’s cock. He came first, spilling his warm seed down her throat and across her tongue.
He gave one half-hearted thrust before pulling out, panting as he let go of her hair. He crouched down and gave her a forceful kiss, tasting himself on her tongue.
The tallest serpent came next, filling up her ass with his cum as he moaned loudly. Fangs came shortly after in just a few more quick thrusts. Both boys pulled out and Y/N collapsed on top of Fogarty, leaking fluids all over him.
“Wow, you actually did it.” Fangs breathed out into her hair as he rubbed her back. “Damn, babe, who knew you had it in you.”
“I can’t move.” She grumbled, “and I’m spilling out. It feels so gross.”
Sweet Pea came with a towel and started to clean her up lightly. “There, that should be better.”
She rolled off of Fangs and laid beside him panting, “So….who wants to go again?”
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*Mistletoe Stitch Up (S.P Drabble)
*Holiday Baking (S.P Aesthetic)
*Snowday (J.J Drabble)
*Snowball Fight (J.J Aesthetic)
*A Christmas Dance (A.A Aesthetic)
*Christmas Market (S.P Aesthetic)
*Christmas Nightout (S.P Drabble)
*Fireside Cuddles (S.P Aesthetic)
*Decorating The Tree (M.M Aesthetic)
*Christmas Films (S.P Aesthetic)
*Christmas Celebrations (S.P Fake Social Media)
*Wrapping Presents (S.P Drabble)
*Christmas Day (Core Four Aesthetic)
*Family Christmas Dinner (S.P Drabble)
*A Kiss At Midnight (S.P Drabble)
*Celebrating New Years Eve (Core Four Aesthetic)
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*Valentines!Sweet Pea (S.P Aesthetic)
*Valentine’s Day With Sweet Pea (S.P Headcanon)
*One More Present (S.P Fake Texts)
*Office Romance (S.P One Shot)
*Pop’s Date (S.P Drabble)
*Valentines!Jughead (J.J Aesthetic)
*Valentine’s Day With Jughead (J.J Headcanon)
*Mistaken Snap - (F.F Fake Snapchat)
*Forgetful - (S.P Drabble)
*Valentines!Archie (A.A Aesthetic)
*Valentine’s Day With Archie (A.A Headcanon)
*Drunken Confessions (S.P Fake Texts)
*A Naughty Surprise (A.A Drabble)
*Gate Crashing (S.P Drabble)
*Valentines!Fangs (F.F Aesthetic)
*Valentine’s Day With Fangs (F.F Headcanon)
*A Cheeky Surprise (S.P Drabble)
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ravenempress101 · 4 years
Southside Poison Fangs Fogarty Ft. Sweet pea
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Warnings: Choking,Penetration,being manhandled, hickies, body parts exposed,lil daddy kink,dirty talk,sexual positions,sexual advancement, taking advanange of
18 and up to read! my cupcake deserves a whole episode to himself
Standing, feet firmly planted on the ground. Y/n look up at the sky. Y/n notices the sky was filling up with the overwhelming darkness decorated with little lights. The stars were appearing and the half crescent sparkle in the distance. It was show time for her. Time to take the stage of a plan that was brilliant not to follow.
Y/n was strutting down the empty ally of the enemy lines of the southside. Y/n stealthy got to the barb wire gate. She squinted her eyes scanning to see if she could break the chains that were hindering her from her destination. Then y/n guided her hands to her long hair and dipped her fingers through her hair. Trying to find a Bobby pin.
“Dang it I forgot it” y/n huffed out a breath and stomped her right foot making a boom noise. Y/n glanced again when she did there was a little opening of the fence. Y/n smirked and her eyebrow arched up then went toward the small hole and slipped her frame through it.
Continued walking into the dark Southside.
“Finally made it” y/n said while starring at the old rusted barn that held all the potions of the night to have a drunk high the next morning. The blue light shines through the window roar for her to come inside the club. When she started strutting toward the old bar of the serpents. A Man that admired Hercules workouts with tight blue Jean pants and then a red flannel covering his beefy body but no clothing underneath only abs peeking through his clothing. He stormed up to yourself, eyes were dark as the devils blood he circled himself around you while four other guys appeared from the shadows.
“Look what we have here a northsider”
He said stopping behind yourself. Y/n could feel the attention in the air. Even the smirk that was on his face. Y/n knew this was the Southside and she loved being over here with all the mysterious dark gangs that tried to take over their territory but y/n was not a woman like that.
“Hello i know I’m on the wrong side of town but I’m no threat”
Y/n said while pivoting toward the boy that had dark brown hair and dark brown squinted eyes. The man was staring at y/n furrowing his eyebrows as to wonder what she want with the Southside. A glint in his eye and then he started to strut toward you towering over you. He placed his bottom lip in between his teeth and bit slightly. Y/n rolled her eyes at the aroused boy. Y/n knew what he wanted and it was the person standing in front of him. Which is you.
“Oooo Pom poms a river vixen and cute to”
The caramel skinned guy capturing your black mini skirt from the vixens. She wanted to blend in with the Southside but that cover was sadly blown. I guess her preppyness gave it away.he twisted in his slender index finger and he scanned your curvy built. He was slightly fantasizing about your frame in his head. What he could do to you was dangerous but it will be fun for both of you.
But y/n backed away from the serpents hold and then stood there with a wide mouth and unbelievable on her face. The serpent leader and his henchmen exchanged smirks between each other loved watching there leader tease your northside self. Y/n screamed in protest.
“Hey stop fangs don’t touch my skirt”
“Hey she knows my name guys”
Fangs captured your hand in his forcefully backing you up towards the barn door on the other side of the bar. This side was worn out, there was not a soul here only thing was there was a bunch of evergreen trees and grass. With the air whispering and just the southside serpents bullying you.
“Alright sweetheart what do you want on this side of town northsiders are not welcomed “ fangs threaten yourself wanting an answer quick.y/n hit the barnyard door and she let out a wince Y/n panicked sweat dripping from her forehead. Fangs closing the gap between you and him. He was inches away from your face scanning up your soft legs to your curvy torso and then trailing up to meet your soft orbs.
“Well definitely not you slithering”
Y/n snapped at him.. As y/n shifted her weight toward her other leg and crossing her arms over her black leather jacket covered breasts. Trying to hide her harden nipples from him. the peeps he gave your way . Her body swooned with every regard fangs give her. The way he is so bad made her body drip and ooze but she wanted to go get her alcohol so she definitely had to suck up her feelings so she can drown them in the liquid she desires.
“Well your in serpent territory like I said what do you want with the south side river trash” fangs spitting out venom placing both of his hands on both sides of you so he can make you vulnerable. He looks at yourself with his eyes resting on all of your face. The evil he portrayed was kicking your innocent. Y/n began to say
“You know what i don’t have to tell you nothing I'm just gonna be going now” y/n said has she bent down out of his little hold. Then stood up and started sprinting toward the front of the bar. She was almost there by the doors to go in but y/n heard fangs boom of his voice.
“Get her now”
Then y/n heard heavy footsteps on her way.y/n high in the air her feet couldn’t touch the ground. Y/n jolted her body trying to break from the arms of the two serpent henchmen that captured her but it was no use there hold had your fragile body and y/n didn’t want to break anything so she let them have there way.
Both men dragged yourself back to fangs position there with his arms across his chest.  
“Put me down now “
fangs rolled his eyes playing with a tree bark he found and then investigate it while spitting back
“You here the lady put her down”
They threw you on the ground. Y/n winced at the pain the dirt ground brought her and she contemplated right up at fangs with a dark expression.
Then fangs strutted toward you bending down right in front of yourself looking at your helpless body. him taking the tree limb and running it velvety on your love handles He smirked while began to say.
“A feisty one and a runner I love them like that hun”
Y/n pants from her tiredness and tries to stand up but finds herself right back on the floor with a cringe. Fangs grabbed her foot covered by black leather boots and tripped her. He loved seeing her struggle. It was like a game of cat and mouse. You were his prey.
“Okay okay hear me out, I’m not here for the bulldogs only for a hard drink of your Southside whiskey that’s it”
“She’s lying I heard her talking with her boyfriend Reggie”
One of the gang members with dark raven sloppy hair and golden eyes accused her of the little plan from the northside bulldogs for her to accomplish. Y/n stormed over toward the guy then placed her index finger on his chest pointing vigorously at him.
“First of all he’s not my boyfriend and second shut up sweet pea”
Then the guy named sweet pea pushed yourself making yourself fall back and sweet pea squinted at fangs.then yourself loop around towards fangs as he came back to you and then began to say.
“Honey rule number one of lying don’t make it so obvious”
“Serpents she’s a plant from the bulldogs and you know what we do with northside girls”
Fangs boomed as he took yourself in his. He apprehend your torso and placed yourself on his shoulder. Then started walking to the empty trailer park. while throwing the tree branch. Y/n breathing quickened as to what fangs had in store for her. She couldn’t believe Reggie wanted to know so bad what the southside did. Now she was betting on with her life. Fangs he was sexy but ruthless.
“Please I’m sorry they put me up to it I’m innocent in this I swear please no”
“Oh don’t worry your gonna be in good hands for a while now”
Fangs saying with every step he takes to the empty trailer. Y/n mentally slapped herself at the failed attempt of accomplishing this situation that the bulldogs brought.then y/n began to threaten fangs.
“You know what you snakes are just dogs to with your fake bad boy demeanor your just so fake
Fangs makes it into the empty trailer and drops you to the floor of the trailer while locking the door right behind him then he conquers your body forcefully and deposite you on the wall of the home he owned and squeezing your neck slightly and then said sternly
“Now look, I don’t like how you northsiders think you're so better than us. With your fake preppyness and always having your way”
“But you, river vixen, needs a lesson to be taught to”
Fangs hand leaves your throat as you cough a breath. He held your hands above your head. Y/n squirmed trying to force herself out his grasp. Fangs got closer to your face. You could feel his scorching breath brush against your lips.
“Mhmmm love when they struggle” fangs still having his hands in yours and taking your arms twirling you around your back is to his beefy chest. Fangs forcing your hands behind your back and you turn around away from him. Y/n panting
“Mhmmm if you weren’t sexy I would’ve kicked your but already” fangs smiled at the smart remark you performed and then he started to place small kisses on your neck .fangs deepening the kisses making them linger. Then he twirled yourself back around and switch to the left side of your neck pecking. Then he stopped on your shoulder French kissing and sucking at the skin. Your skin started to break from his sucking and flare up with blue and purple wombs.
Once he was done marking yourself he licked his masterpieces and trailed down to your chest. Fangs lifted your body off the ground. Hanging your frame like a painting. While on the wall he ripped your white tank top off exposing your red lingerie. He kissed in the bridge of your breasts and then he trailed kisses on the right side of your boob. He started to lick the naval of your boob. Fangs placing his strong slender finger on the nipple squeezing it making you wince out right in front of him.
Then he placed your thick legs on the sides of his shoulder and placed gentle kisses on your clit. Your core ached for fangs. Dripping through your panties from his licking he brought to you. Y/n through her head back in euphoria taking all of the pleasure that he did on her. Y/n moaned and was moving up and down the wall at fangs being forceful making his tongue draw figure 8s of her covered core. Y/n found her painted fingers in the boys raven hair and she loved the hold fangs had on her thighs. He removed his mouth from her heat and placed velvety kisses on her inner thighs.
Y/n smirked looking at his movement.y/n wanted fangs in her so badly. She wanted his weight to crush her while he had his way with her. Fangs dropped her down to the floor. As y/n caught herself just in time. Y/n quiver from her legs shaking beneath her from his pleasure.
Fangs started to take his flannel off throwing it and the clothing landed on his worn out tv. Then he undid his pants and they pooled to the floor along with his underwear. Y/n got loss in his beefy abs.
“I love that look in your eyes”
Fangs hiked over towards her. Placing sloppy kisses on her lips. Him pushing yourself toward the bedroom. Y/n met with the bed her back plopped on the bed along while fangs climbed on top. He started kissing slipping his tongue in your mouth His tongue battling with yours. His dominance took over and him winning in the process. He placed his hands on your red lingerie pantie. Slowly bringing the underwear down your legs as you were exposed to him.
Fangs lined his pre cum soaked head at y/ns entrance. He plunged in yourself and started moving in and out. Fangs was enormous growing inside her when he went back out. Y/n groaned loudly at fangs stabbing her. Her moans danced around the room as she felt the sharp pain of his panther like thrust. Fangs changing direction and curving inside her. He stayed inside her and repeatedly did short strokes. Y/n felt her walls tickle with his movement. Y/ns core clenched around him.
Fangs felt her warmth and started to move slowly in and out. Fangs moaned from the pressure you placed on his head. Then fangs took himself out of you. Y/n whines from the miss feeling of him. But he started to turn yourself around and then fangs lined up at your entrance from the back of yourself and then entered with one swift motion. Him stabbing at yourself. Fangs was on top of your back drilling into yourself. Y/n melted against him as he towered over yourself. Y/n leaned her head back moaning.
fangs whispered in your ear
“i love that i’m making you mine darling”  Then her mouth fell agape. Y/n getting loose in his lust. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head as her orbs shut right behind them. Y/n loved the feeling fangs brought her.
Then he turned yourself right back around while he was still in yourself. Fangs changing his direction and teasing the cervix. Y/n could feel him throb in her as he began to interject inside. Y/n grabbed fangs back for resistance. Y/n getting lose in his thrusts. Fangs moaning feeling the room while she moaned from his jabs.
“uh uh uh yes”
Y/n grieve out she could feel fangs sweat drip on her body. Y/n was panting at the fast pace pokes he carried. Y/n leaned her face inside his shoulder as fangs rides her out. Y/n feeling him pierce more and more in her made her frame go into a frenzy.
Y/n could feel her high coming all at once. Y/n endured a few more rough digs as fangs kissed her neck. Y/n felt fangs slow down but his structure gotten sloppier as he started to feel his high come. He grabbed her throat restriction her inhale. Y/n whispering her moans as fangs did one more thrust and stayed in her cervix. He felt his high lace his body and then he split all of his white substance inside her. While booming a “fuck”
Then y/n felt fangs warm cum inside her. She followed right up to him. Shutting her eyes feeling her orgasm rule over her body. Fangs pushed a little harder on her neck which made her orbs shot open.
Fangs roar
“Look at me while you release. I deserve to see how you look northsider”
Y/n starred at fangs her eyes going gloomy as her orgasm spilled on his manhood. Y/n moaned from her high. Y/n couldn’t stop squirting it felt like eternity. She came down from it. Her legs shaking in the process and her body was at a stand still. Going limp. Fangs got off her and y/n stared at the glow fangs had.
Then he smiled at yourself and then he grabbed something from the desk and y/n looked at what was in his hand. It was a glass of his liquor from the bar she wanted to go to. He had a whole bottle and he wanted to share it with yourself.
“You earned it” fangs said while waving the drink in front of your face y/n grabbed the dark liquor from him
“Shut up fogarty”
then y/n mashing the glasses together the glasses making a clink sound then y/n sipped the liquid and laughed at how good it tasted and how much fun fangs was to her even if she did break the rules.
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emma-ofnormandy · 5 years
29 with fangs? 🥺
Thank you for requesting! Sorry it took me so long to get the drabble up, was toying with a few ideas and suffered a major delete problem so this is shorter than I intended, but enjoy!
Written from the prompt list mini game for @southsidearchive‘s Falloween Event and squishing into Theme 3 for @riverdale-events Tricks and Treats of Riverdale.
Prompt 29: “Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to dance with the devil.”
The masquerade was in full swing, gowns of brilliant blues and golds and masks with decadent detail filled the room. Men, dressed in their best black and white, spun women around as an orchestra played waltz after waltz and masked servers toted around trays of bubbling champagne for guests to sip on.
Snagging a flute from a passing server, you took a turn around the room in search of a gentleman, the one that had hosted this engagement and the one who had personally delivered the invitation to you. Balls were not your usual scene, preferring to keep yourself away from the probing eyes of high society types and gossip out of the mouths of courtesans, but he had been adamant about your attendance and something about the way he looked at you that night had folded you like a bad hand of cards.
“Looking for me?” Fangs murmured in your ear, his hand ghosting along the back of your dress.
Irritated he was able to find you first, you sipped on your champagne and continued to watch the couples move around the dance floor, your own hips swaying along to the orchestra. “Don’t sound so smug.”
Unruffled, Fangs brought his hand to rest on the swell of your hip and pulled you flush against his chest, words whispered so only you could hear them. “I picked you out the moment you stepped into the room.”
His declaration sent butterflies dancing in your stomach and faint color into your cheeks. The two of you had been on a steady simmer over the last few months, both unsure of where the next step would take you, and something about his words made you feel steadier in what was blooming between you two.
Coy smile in place, you took a sip of your drink, the bubbles beginning to loosen the tension that came with public parties and glanced over your shoulder. Looking as innocent as possible, you fluttered your lashes behind your mask and looked into his caramel colored eyes. “Oh really?”
Slipping the champagne flute from your hand, Fangs placed it on a passing tray and turned you in a small circle, taking his time to appreciate the sight of you in something so elegant. “The red dress and checkered mask gave you away. Quite scandalous.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, knowing exactly what he was meaning. The rich color and low cut bodice had been a bold move for someone who preferred to go unnoticed, but you had liked it too much to turn it away in favor of something simpler.
“And what about you?” Dressed in all black with a mask adorned with red accents, that appeared to be horns if you looked hard enough, Fangs stood out amongst the men. Where they had adorned masks that resembled African cats or simple geometric shapes, his was… one of a kind. “What are you supposed to be?”
With a smile and not a word uttered, Fangs spun you onto the dance floor as the orchestra picked up the next waltz and held you close, moving about the room with practiced ease. To some, the way his hand rested low on the small of your back and how closely he held you could be deemed inappropriate, but neither of you cared, too lost in each other to worry about gossiping hens and jealous harlettes.
As the final chord echoed through the grand hall, Fangs spun you into him, brining a bright flush to your features when his lips brushed against yours and a round of applause broke out around the room. Fangs grinned down at you.
“Didn’t anyone every tell you not to dace with the Devil?” he whispered, lips capturing yours one again, this time in full view for everyone to see.
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collecting-stories · 5 years
Paper Rings - Fangs Fogarty
Can you do a Fangs Fogarty x reader fic for the Discography Series with Paper Rings by Taylor Swift, please? - @thecaptainsgingersnap
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this                               uh-huh, that’s right, darling, you’re the one I want - Paper Rings, Taylor Swift
He was fidgeting. His knee bobbing as he sat in the chair beside you in the hallway. You were filling out paperwork because whenever he tried to write anything down his hand shook. Not exactly the tough guy image he tried to portray on a regular basis but he really couldn’t help it. Your leaned into him slightly, grabbing his knee and giving it a gentle squeeze. When he looked over you smiled, “chill babe.”
“I’m totally chill.” He replied, leaning back in his chair and stretching out, arms crossed in an attempt to look as calm as possible.  
“Yeah. Course you are.” You laughed.  
Fangs had met you at a house party exactly a year ago. You’d been there with Veronica and it had taken him almost two hours before he finally approached you, the practiced ease he usually had coming off a bit awkward. He wasn’t normally so nervous but you looked so confident standing there at the drinks table with Veronica, laughing about something he couldn’t hear. He had the overwhelming urge to make you laugh just like that and decided that standing there watching you from afar was not a great game plan.  
Up close your laugh was even better and you looked beautiful in the simple jeans and top you were sporting. Less pretentious than Veronica’s ‘big city’ outfit not that it helped him feel any better. He was still shaking with nerves. Be cool, he kept repeating. Just be cool. It was only a slight bruise to his ego when you laughed at his introduction.  
“Hey, Fangs Fogarty, can I get you a drink?” It was his standard line. And usually his reputation proceeded him enough that it was a line that worked to get a girls’ attention.  
“Fangs?” You laughed. “For real?”
He gulped, keep your cool. “Yeah, Fangs, for real.”  
“Well hey Fangs.” You bit your lip to stop from laughing again and handed your empty red cup to him, “sure, you can grab me a drink.”  
“What about me?” Veronica asked, picking up on the nervous energy he was emitting. She leaned across the table and waved her drink at him.  
“Ignore her, she’s taken.” You laughed, moving closer to him. Sure his name made you laugh but that didn’t mean he wasn’t cute and he was just the sort of distraction that you needed for the evening. Veronica rolled her eyes and moved away from the two of you, grabbing a wine cooler as she went.  
You watched as Fangs poured you a drink from the keg that was set up beside the table. He got himself one too, his hand shaking slightly from the nerves. You grabbed your drink from him, taking a sip, watching him from over the rim. You were doing your best to stay cool too, even if you did have the upper hand for a moment. The minute the beer hit your tongue you grimaced, cheap and watery.  
“Oh wow,” you stuck your tongue out at the cup, “that’s nasty.”
“Beer is beer?” He asked, grinning at the way you wrinkled your nose.
“I guess so.”
Fangs glanced back to the sliding glass door that allowed the party to flow into the backyard. There was a bonfire set up out there and people hanging around chatting. Inside it was definitely more crowded and when Fangs saw a chair open up near the fire he took the opportunity to have you more to himself. “Do you wanna go outside?” He asked, nodding his head back.  
“Sure,” you let him lead you outside and when he sat in the lawn chair your sat on his lap, wrapping your arm around his shoulders. He placed his hand on your thigh and held you close to him. His hand warm on your jean-clad thigh and it felt good in the cold night air.  
You spent most of the night with Fangs but when Veronica was ready to go you left, sliding off his lap and promising to text him. You had exchanged numbers with him willingly but you avoided texting him after that. It wasn’t that you didn’t like him at all, and Veronica chastised you for ghosting him but it wasn’t that anyway. You were just scared, scared because you really like him and it had only been one night and it wasn’t just the cheap beer playing with your senses. You liked him. He had been sweet and funny and-
“Hey,” he nudged you this time and you realized you were leaning over the clipboard staring at the paper. “You okay?”  
“Yeah, yeah...I’m good.” You smiled, “spaced out.”
“Now who’s nervous?” He teased.  
“I’m not nervous.” You replied and you meant it. There wasn’t a nervous bone in your body.  
You had ghosted him for at least a week until you saw him at a party again. And he had sworn that he didn’t want to be ‘that guy’ but he just had to know. Were you interested in him or were you just looking for someone for a night? And as much as you wanted to tell him that you weren’t looking for anything serious right now you told him that you liked him and he made you nervous.  
This party was at his house and he took you to his room but all you did was talk. You browsed the small bookshelf he had and asked him about the books there, surprised to find mostly classics. He was easy to talk to and when he listened he really listened. Not just a half-ass ‘yeah’ and ‘oh wow’ when you said something but actual responses. He made you laugh more than you thought possible and when Veronica came to look for you she went home alone.  
He took you to Pop’s at three in the morning for strawberry shakes and you talked about things you wanted to do after school ended. You had some pretty big plans, one of which was leaving Riverdale. He said he wouldn’t mind leaving too and somehow you thought that you wouldn’t mind leaving with him. That was a scary thought so you pushed the thought away and avoided saying anything to him about your lofty dreams for the budding relationship.  
“Do you have all your papers?” You asked, leaning into his space again, forehead against his cheek as you looked down to the papers in his lap.  
“You asked me that three times already.” He replied, trying to look exasperated but knowing that you were worried about having everything together made him thrilled.  
He was in the hallway at the courthouse outside the office that filed marriage licenses with you. He’d asked just three days ago, while the two of you were laying on the couch watching a rerun of a TV show he couldn’t remember because he was too nervous thinking about asking you to marry him. He’d been thinking it about it, at that point, for months. Maybe even since the night at his house party but it would be crazy to tell you that. But then he was just lying on the couch with you and just came out with it.  
“Marry me?” He’d asked, hands playing with yours.  
“What?” You had sat up, turned to look at him in shock.  
“Marry me.”  
And then here you were, sitting in the hallway filling out the marriage license application because you didn’t want to wait for all the showy stuff. The thought of being married a year ago when you first met Fangs at a party was not even in your mind but when he asked you all you wanted to do was be married already. So that was exactly what you did. The next morning you woke him up early and dragged him to the courthouse to be married.  
Fangs stopped twitching his knee again when he felt your hand there, holding him. “Hey,” You whispered, kissing his cheek.
“I’m fine, I’m not nervous.” He replied.
“I can tell,” you laughed. “I’ll be right back.” You stood up and took the clipboard to the office, handing it over to the woman behind the desk to file. Looking back at Fangs you smiled and he couldn’t help smiling back at you, thinking that it was crazy to him how things had changed in such a short time.  
I’ve obviously never written Fangs before and it’s been some time since I’ve watched Riverdale so I was pretty worried about this but I’m actually quite happy with it. Plus I love this song. 
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yourjughead · 7 months
Forgotten Mail
Sweet Pea X Reader Oneshot
Synopsis: Following the death of his best friend, Sweet Pea finds the emotional toll a lot to bear even a year following Fangs death.
A/N: This is kinda a sad fic, gets a bit fluffy after getting a bit shouty.
The unmistakable sound of a bottle opener cracking against its latest victim, a bottle of golden liquor. Sweet Pea took a drag of his freshly opened drink and sat in the darkness of home, the tv attempting to illuminate the tin shell. His head could only just be torn from the tv set as you stumbled in the door, groceries in hand, diner uniform begging to be swapped for pjs.
“Hey honey” Sweet Pea replied with a lowly grunt and took another sip, returning his eyes to the screen. You rolled your eyes and then went onto to unpack the groceries before a large manila envelope caught your eye.
“Pea…” you took it in your hands and walked to Sweet Peas side after flicking on a main light
“Mhm” you stepping in front of him in a bid to get his attention only to have him tilt to see around you. You reached down beside him, taking the remote and switched off the buzzing screen.
“Hey yourself!” you smacked the envelope into his chest and his face immediately dropped.
“Ohhh I was supp-osed to mail this wasn't I?” you huffed loudly before stomping off and slamming your bedroom door. Sweet Pea took a few misguided steps, putting his two hands on the doorframe to steady himself.
“I'm sorry I forgot” the door flew open in front of his face and you found yourself squaring up to the tipsy Serpent.
“WELL I DI-DNT MEAN T-O FORGET!” you pulled your face further from his at the smell of liquor tainting his breath. You found yourself slamming the door again.
“YN! Ope-n the door, I forgot, I'll do it tomorr-ow”
“You said that yesterday!” You called from the other side. You curled up at the end of the bed, hugging your knees to your chin.
“YNN, I'll g-o do it no-w” he attempted, turning on his heels and stumbling toward the envelope. You unlatched the door, easily overtaking him and retrieving the envelope first.
“Don't bother. I'll do it myself, I do everything else”
“YN, you know the pa-st year has bee-n hard for me” he glanced to his feet and back again, to find your face softening.
“Sweet Pea. I know it's not been easy. No one has found losing….losing Fangs easy to deal with-” he looked away from you again, unable to cope with the words and your eyes. Sweet Pea reached back for the bottle he had opened only to have you snatch it from him again.
“Sweet Pea, enough. You've had enough. Fangs wouldn't want you wasting here,a fucking shell of someone who was once great”
“You don't understand” Sweet Pea bit out, his tone taking a completely different turn, his face souring. The past year had been hard on both of you. You had bounced back as much as you could, if only so the both of you could survive. You helped Sweet Pea as best as you could but often you felt you were fighting a losing the battle.
“I understand Sweets” you tried to pull him back to softness, unable to. You could feel your heart almost leap from your chest as he suddenly caught the mud coloured bottle from you and sent it flying into the living room wall behind you.
“NO Y-OU DON-T” you flinched at both his action and his volume. Shock painted across his face at his own actions as pain decorated yours. You turned quickly, clutching the evenlope, reaching for your jacket and heading back towards the door.
“Get help Sweet Pea, I can't do it anymore” for a final time that night you slammed a door between the both of you. Enough was enough, you needed space from it. Sweet Pea threw himself back down on the sofa, cracking open the lid of a new bottle, bringing the opening to his mouth. He sighed into it, looking around the empty trailer, his eyes landing on the shards of glass. He couldn't believe he'd done that, that was so unlike him. He felt he didn't know himself in that moment and was unsure if he could find his way back to who he was again. Unsteady, he rose again from his seat, stalking over to the coat hanger and draping on his leather jacket. He needed a change of scenery, drunkenly lacing on his shoes and heading out in the direction you had just left.
Cool liquid swirled around the soles of his shoes, the puddles finally breaking down the worn walls of torn sneakers. He kept his pace even and eyes on the flooded path ahead as the rain and night encapsulated his entire figure. The fresh water rain whirled into the salty drops falling from his world-weary eyes and were almost immediately swept back away with a battered hand. A chill coarsed down his spine with bitter revenge, the sensation of multiple sets of eyes sank into his back. Sweet Pea let the next 10 minutes happen, too tired from his fight with you to fight off the Ghoulies earning their stripes, he let them tear him down as if only so his outside appearance could attempt to match the raging storm inside.
Air laboured its way through Sweet Peas lungs as the smell of clean cotton woke him from his heavy sleep. His blurred vision attempted to take in the sterile light of his environment. Every inch of his body screamed at his gentle movement, placing a heavy hand to a swollen right eye.
“oh my god my head” he rasped out, the beeping of various machines competing with the volume of his heart beating.
“Take it easy Sweets” you guided his hand gently back down to his side, holding it in yours to trace small circles around the IV insertion site.
“YN” he breathed quietly out, closing his eyes gently again.
“YN!” Sweet Pea attempted to jolt forward, his aching bones bringing that movement to a swift and painful halt.
“Shhh Sweets it's okay, I'm here for you”
“What happened?” Sweet Pea brought his other hand to hold his throat, the scratching vocal cords burning from his side of the conversation.
“You're in the hospital. Last week….they jumped you…Ghoulies…..I shouldn't have left you alone that night” betraying tears fell from your eyes, landing on the crystal white cotton sheets as you sat on the edge of his bed.
“I threw…I threw something at you YNN” his own tears falling now, only to be brushed away gently by the back of your free hand.
“YN, I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry, I can't believe I did that” Sweet Pea pleaded and began to once again attempt to sit up, only to have you beckon him to stay put.
“It's okay Sweets, this has been a hard year”
“That's not good enough YN, I'm in a bad place. I want to feel like myself again. I want to be better, I'm going to get better” a small saddened smile found its way across your face as you leaned down and kissed his cheek forgivingly. He meant it, he'd try, he'd try to be better and you'd help him.
“Sweet Pea when I got that phone call about what happened you….I really thought you were gone” you fought back the sob, pressure building in your throat.
“YN, I will never leave you….besides I have a letter I have to mail” you gently nudged his chest as his soft laugh. Sweet Pea did get better from there, of course he had his moments but never again a moment like that night. Never again was all hope lost. Never again did he forget to mail your letters
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arewordsenough · 1 year
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Rated Explicit - 1.8k One Shot - M/M - Explicit Sexual Content
Summary: Kevin's convinced Fangs to go with him to the local cruising spot and find some fun together. When they spot Archie already there having some fun, they make sure they're next.
Based on a prompt from one of my readers.
Featured group: Archie Andrews/Fangs Fogarty/Kevin Keller
Key tags: Archie Is A Slut (Affectionate), Double Penetration
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southsidewrites · 6 years
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Summary: On a Serpent camping trip, you and Fangs are forced to share a tent.  Normally, this wouldn't be an issue--you and Fangs had been friends for years.  Lately, though, you've been having some feelings for him that a little more than friendly.
Word Count: 5392
Warnings: sex, language
Author’s Note: This wasn’t requested, but it was definitely inspired by @fcgartys who wrote an amazing Fangs camping drabble a few days ago.  Between that and how dirty Riverdale’s been doing Fangs lately, I knew I needed some really fluffy Fangs sexytimes.  Enjoy!
PS: This fic also features my headcanon as to how Fangs got the nickname Fangs back in middle school.
My Masterlist
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No More Hiding - Fangs Fogarty x Reader
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(Not my gif, credit to the creator!)
Requested by @thecaptainsgingersnap :
“I saw you were looking for prompts and since Fangs owns my 💙, here I am!!! I had this idea for a fic where Jughead's twin sister is secretly dating Fangs because she thinks FP won't approve. Then she & Fangs have kind of a "Rewrite the Stars" conversation (if that makes any sense) and she runs out, but she leaves her phone or something. He brings it to her trailer and when she answers the door, he holds it above her head saying he won't give it back until she kisses him. She hesitates bc  Jughead and FP are in the kitchen, but eventually relents. While they're kissing, FP and Jug walk in and she starts trying to explain, but FP is like, "Relax, did you really think I didn't know? A. I'm your dad and B. I'm the Serpent king." That got really specific and you don't have to do it exactly like that, but if you wanna use any or all of that, you're welcome to it“
A/N: I tried to stick pretty close to the request with this one because I loved it, so thank you to @thecaptainsgingersnap for sending such an amazing request! (And I hope I did it justice).
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 1,927
You lay your head back on Fangs’ shoulder, curled up under his arm on his couch. You two had spent twenty minutes picking a movie to watch, which you both stopped paying attention to faster than it had taken to pick it out, choosing to talk instead.
“When are we going to stop hiding this?” Fangs asks suddenly and your breath hitches in your throat, heart racing. You and Fangs had been dating for a few months now but had been hiding it from everyone. You hated having this conversation and Fangs seemed to insist on bringing it up on a weekly basis.
Sighing you move away from him, sitting sideways on the couch so you could face him. “We’ve been over this, my dad will never let this happen. Not to mention Jughead, who, despite being two minute younger than me, treats me like I’m a child, he would never be okay with it either,” you tell Fangs.
“You must really not see this lasting then, hey?” Fangs comments, reaching over and placing a hand on your leg. You look down at it, contemplating pushing it away because even the briefest moment of affection from him made you want to give in to anything he wanted.
“I didn’t say that,” you whisper.
“We can’t hide this forever, Y/N,” Fangs tells you.
“I don’t to ruin this by telling people. My dad is okay with us hanging out as friends, but he won’t be if he finds out it’s more than that,” you tell Fangs.
“Well I don’t want to do this anymore, Y/N. I’m tired of pretending we’re nothing more than friends when we’re not alone. What do you think your dad is even going to do? Send you away? You’re not even giving us a chance. Are you sure you don’t want to tell anyone because you’re worried about what your dad will do, or is there something else?” Fangs asks, his voice serious and unwavering.
“No,” you state, standing up off the couch, his hand falling away from your thigh, “what does that even mean?”
“Are you ashamed to be in a relationship with me?” Fangs asks, standing up as well, stepping in front of you.
“What?” you ask, exasperated, “no, of course I’m not!”
“Then tell people about us.”
“No,” you state firmly, running your fingers though your hair anxiously, “no, we can’t.”
“Then we’re done,” Fangs’ words were harsh, but you knew they weren’t real. This is how this conversation ended almost every week.
“No, we’re not,” you tell him, rolling your eyes.
“I mean it this time, Y/N. I don’t want to go to school everyday and watch other guys flirt with you, knowing there’s not a goddamn thing I can say or do about it. I don’t want to keep my hands off of you around other people.”
His tone is serious and you feel the prickling of tears in your eyes, “you don’t mean it,” you whisper, your arms crossed over your chest.
“Yes, I do,” Fangs tells you, his own voice lower now as he keeps himself firmly planted a few feet away from you.
The sound of the movie playing seems to get louder as you both stop talking, staring at each other.
“Fine,” you eventually whisper, turning around and hurrying out through the front door, not looking back and letting the door of Fangs’ trailer slam shut behind you.
A couple tears roll down your cheeks as you walk away from Fangs’ trailer, your arms wrapped tightly around your body to protect yourself from the cold. As you reach for your phone you realize it wasn’t in your back pocket like it usually was.
“Shit,” you mutter to yourself, hands tapping over every pocket in your outfit. You turn back in the direction of Fangs’ trailer, standing on the sidewalk weighing your options. You couldn’t remember the last time you had gone any significant amount of time without your phone. But you also couldn’t bear the thought of going back there right now, not with the tears in your eyes, an admission that you were upset about what had just happened. Slowly you turn back around, towards your own trailer, forcing yourself to continue home.
As you approach your trailer you wipe your eyes and face, taking a deep breath so your dad and Jughead wouldn’t notice you were upset. They didn’t know about you and Fangs, you couldn’t walk in there and tell them you were crying because you think you and Fangs may have just broken up.
“I’m home,” you call into the trailer after pushing the door open, seeing your dad and Jughead sitting in the living room watching TV.
“How was studying?” your dad asks, smiling over at you.
“Good,” you reply simply, turning and walking through the trailer to your bedroom, unconsciously reaching for your phone. Of course you couldn’t have forgotten something a little more inconsequential. You lay down on your bed, staring mindlessly at the ceiling, trying to think about anything other than Fangs.
“Y/N,” you hear Jughead yell through the trailer.
“What do you want?” you yell back, not getting off your bed.
“You both have legs, get up, talk to each other and stop yelling,” your dad yells, evoking an eye roll from you at the irony of it.
Rolling off the bed you whip your door open, heading down the small hallway and into the living room.
“What do you want, Jughead?” you ask, freezing when you notice him standing at the door with Fangs.
Fangs raises his hand with your phone in it and you smile hesitantly.
“I thought you were studying with Toni,” you dad comments, sitting on the couch and looking at you with the same smile he had given you earlier when you got home.
“Yeah, I was. We all were, studying together, at Fangs’ place,” you stumble nervously over your words, walking through the living room.
“Yeah, studying for that chemistry test,” Fangs comments, his eyes not leaving yours as he leans casually against the doorframe.
“You’re not in chemistry,” Jughead states, turning his head to look at you.
“No, I’m not, I was just helping them study, you know, quizzing them and stuff,” you say, giving Fangs a look.
Walking across the room you push past Jughead and nudge Fangs out of the doorway. “I actually have a couple questions about that homework,” you tell Fangs, loud enough for Jughead and your dad to hear. You step outside and close the door behind you, holding out your hand for your cellphone.
“You don’t think you’re getting it that easily, do you?” Fangs asks, pulling his hand away as you reach to grab for the phone.
“Just give me my phone, I’m not in the mood for this,” you comment, trying again to reach for it, watching Fangs move his arm up, holding it out of your reach. “Fuck off,” you grumble leaning against the doorframe with your arms folded over your chest.
“Kiss me and I’ll give it back,” Fangs tells you and you give him a look of disapproval.
“My dad and brother are right behind that door, plus, we broke up, don’t you remember that conversation from, like, twenty minutes ago?” you ask quietly.
“I’m not breaking up with you,” Fangs tells you seriously, “I can’t not be with you, Y/N, but I just want to be able to show the world how much I care about you,” Fangs tells you. “I guess you don’t want your phone that bad then,” he adds, slipping your phone into his pocket.  
You sigh and shake your head, avoiding his gaze. You wanted that too, to show the world that you were together. But as soon as it wasn’t a secret then you had to deal with the problems that the world brought.
You reach for your phone and Fangs grabs your hand as it gets to his pocket, using it to pull you closer “trying to feel me up, Y/N?” Fangs asks quietly, a smirk on his face.
“Shut up,” you try to say seriously but end up giggling despite your attempts to stay mad at him, “just give me my phone.”
“Just kiss me then,” Fangs retorts and you roll your eyes, leaning up and pressing your lips to his quickly. You had really only meant to kiss him briefly, to get your phone back and then go back inside and deal with this another time. But you find yourself so wrapped up in the moment that you don’t pull back. Fangs reaches into his pocket, taking your phone out and moving his arm around you, sliding the phone into your back pocket without breaking the kiss.
“What the hell?” you hear Jughead exclaim and you pull away from Fangs, his hands not wanting to leave your body until you push his arm away from your waist.
“I-it’s-it’s not-we-it’s,” you stutter, cheeks red and eyes locked on the ground.
You hear your dad chuckle and you peel your eyes away from the crumbling concrete driveway, forcing yourself to look at him.
“You really thought I didn’t know?” your dad asks, leaning against the door frame, arms crossed with a slight smile.
“You knew?” both you and Jughead exclaim at the same time.
“Y/N, I’m your dad, of course I knew. You’re also just a really bad liar,” he tells you.
“You’re not mad?” you ask quietly, glancing up at Fangs for a second.
“I can’t keep you from growing up,” your dad states, turning his focus to Fangs, “but just because you’re a Serpent doesn’t mean I won’t kill you if you hurt her,” he tells him, it coming across as a joke but you can detect a hint of truth in his words. Your dad heads back into the trailer, leaving you and Fangs alone with Jughead.
“Why didn’t I know about this? How long have you two been, wait, are you dating? Are you just hooking-up? Never mind, gross, I don’t want to know that,” Jughead’s words spill out of him at a hundred miles an hour, looking like he had been giving the worlds most shocking news.
“Take a breath, Jug. I’ll tell you about it later,” you tell him, gesturing for him to go back inside.
Once you were alone you turn back to Fangs, looking up at him.
“Well now I feel stupid,” you state, laughing softly. “I really thought he would tell me I can’t see you anymore.”
“So, remember when I told you everything would be fine if we told your dad like three months ago?” Fangs teases you and you shake your head.
“You’re not allowed to spend the rest of our relationship teasing me about this,” you tell him, leaning up and kissing him quickly, “or it’ll be a short relationship,” you joke, lips close to his.
“I can’t make fun of you for it even just a little bit? You made us hide a relationship for three months over absolutely nothing,” Fangs laughs, placing his hands on your waist.
“Fine, you can make a few jokes,” you tell him, giggling as he presses his lips to yours again. For three months you had felt so happy being with Fangs that you hadn’t realized that you could feel even happier with him until now. Standing there with Fangs, knowing that the only people who could cause problems in your relationship were as fine with it as they could be, the happiness was now accompanied by an overwhelming sense of relief.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it!
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River Serpent (Drabble-ish)
Fangs Fogarty x Reader
#64 What happened back there? #60 You look like you could use a hug.
(A/N: Okay so I get a bit carried away with my drabbles sometimes...)
The soles of your vintage vans scuffed along the empty corridor towards the student lounge. The muffled laughs of your friends floated down the hallway and straight past you. All you could hear were Cheryl’s viscous snipes rattling around your brain.
“You can’t be a River Vixen and associated with snakes Y/N, I won’t allow it,” Her cherry lips caressed every word.
“You can’t be serious Cheryl? They’re my friends!” The pitch in your voice rising in disbelief.
“So were we.” She cut you off, she had already made up her mind. “Just leave your uniform in the locker room, you won’t be needing it.”
“Cheryl please.” You still begged, although instantly regretted it, and she gave you a once over as though you were purely there for her inconvenience.
“We’re done here. Ta ta Serpent bitch.” And with a wiggle of her fingers she spun on her heels and fluttered back to the girls, not caring that they had just witnessed the whole exchange.
You turned and fled out of the gym to the lockers, making sure no one could see your tears. Cheerleading was your life, how could she so easily rip it away from you. But then you took a moment, and you faced the prospect of losing your friends, and that caused your heart to plummet, threatening a much more painful outcome.
How could you go a day without seeing your best friend Toni, just the sight of her rose coloured hair and camera in hand was enough to cheer you up. You had been each others closest confidants since she scared away the bullies picking on you in pre-school.
Or what would you do without the looming figure of Sweet Pea over you, ready and waiting to protect you from anyone that posed a danger to his true family.
And then there was the boy who held your heart; Fangs. Not that he knew of course. The thought of not being able to tease him or laugh with him or just see his deep brown eyes everyday sent a wave of nausea through you.
No, you would not give any of them up, they were your friends, your family and you loved them with every fibre of yourself.
With the echo of Cheryl clouding your ears and the image of Fangs blurring your vision, you arrived in the lounge. You didn't even realise everyone was staring at your seemingly zombified state until Toni's voice pulled you into the present.
"Y/N? What happened back there?" She referred to seeing Cheryl not so politely hurl you into practise. Little did she know to only throw you back out again almost instantly.
"Where's your cheerleading uniform?" Fangs piped up before you could form words and your gaze shot from Toni over to him leaning forward in the armchair, his dark chocolate eyes fixed on you.
He loved you in that outfit; although he had never admitted it. But the way your skirt swirled around your thighs with your every move always had his mind racing, with not entirely innocent scenarios.
As the question slipped from his mouth his gazed drifted over your skinny jeans hugging you so graciously, and he suddenly regretted it.
"I got cut from the squad." You couldn't even bare to look at the shock written across each of them.
Toni was the quickest to react, "She can't do that!"
"Well she just did. And she's the Captain so technically she can," You sighed as your legs found they could move again and slowly carried you closer to your friends.
"On what grounds?" She had a knowing look in her eye but you weren't going to indulge in the details, it would only taint them with guilt.
You shrugged as you were passing Fangs in his armchair trying to avoid brushing his leg, knowing what it would do to you; but he had other ideas.
"You look like you could use a hug." The corners of your mouth lifted as he pulled you onto his lap, wrapping his comforting arms around your waist and earning a giggle from you as he squeezed you tightly to his chest.
You were enveloped in his intoxicating aftershave mixed with his serpent leather, it was the place you always wanted to be.
"Thanks Fangs." You pressed a friendly kiss to his temple and rested your head of the crown of his.
He mindfully stroked your hip with his callused fingertips, well aware he was catching your exposed skin between your jeans and blouse, "De nada mi Princesa."
His warm touch and honey toned voice sent an all too real shiver up your spine and straight to your heart.
Toni's questioning look caught your eye and she, not so subtly, raised her eyebrows at you both. To which you could only reply with an eye roll and slight pink flush to your cheeks.
"It's because of us isn't it?" Sweet Pea spoke up for the first time since you walked through the door, completely oblivious to the rising tension within the room, the ever present frown troubling his forehead.
He had been silently seething since Toni had asked the question; expecting, knowing, that their snake ink must be the reason Cheryl had gone all hell bent on you.
You lifted your head, not taking your eyes off the rage within Sweet Pea's and gave a small nod, inwardly cringing as you felt Fangs' arms stiffen slightly around you."It's fine Sweets. I promise-"
"It sure as hell is not fine Y/N," Sweet Pea stood and started pacing, "It's bad enough that we get punished for being Serpents but to start dragging you into it because you hang out with us, is not acceptable."
"Woah there Sweet Pea-" Nope, he wouldn't let Toni speak either.
"No Topaz-" He stopped pacing and turned to look at us all- "I'm sick of it." His voice was low, threatening. You was all too familiar with seeing this Sweet Pea, most recently in action against the bulldogs.
"Sweets stop." Finally he took a breath and snapped his head towards you, letting you speak, "Listen, you can't punch my way back onto the squad for me, it doesn't work like that, I'm fine. And besides, I'd rather be your friend than a Vixen anyways!"
A lightness returned to him at the defiance in your revelation, Toni sat there with a satisfactory smile and Fangs glanced up at you with pride.
"What about a Serpent?" All three sets of eyes swivelled to Fangs, who didn't falter at the sudden attention.
"What?" Your voice was barely audible and you couldn't look away from his iris's as they sparkled with his idea.
"Well you basically are one anyways just without the jacket," He shrugged but quickly became serious willing you all to agree, "Look, you defend us, you have literally just chosen us over cheerleading, and we know how much you love it. I know for a fact FP thinks of you as a daughter, and hell, you've gotten us out of enough shit up to now. You're a Serpent Y/N, maybe it's time it was official."
He flitted between the three of you but your eyes never left him, you could see the sincerity, he really wanted this. Did you want it though?
And as you sat with your best friends your heart told you yes.
You glanced at Toni and Sweets who looked impressed.
"I'm in." Sweets replied a smirk gracing his lips.
"Yeah me too," Toni agreed, "You're part of the family anyways babe, we got your back on this, like always."
Now all eyes turned to you. You could feel Fangs' eyes burning a hole in the side of your face trying to gauge your feelings.
A long deep breath passed through your lips before you spoke, your voice laced with excitement, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but yes, I'll do it."
They erupted in cheers, you couldn't hold your smile in any longer and Fangs squeezed you again, so tight you didn't think he was going to let go; not that you'd have minded if he didn't.
"Alright alright," You motioned them to calm down before turning to Fangs, a daring glimmer in your eyes, "Bet you only suggested it to watch me do the initiation dance."
You heard Toni bark out a laugh, and even glimpsed Sweet Pea smiling at your flirty accusation.
"Would I ever?!" He feigned shock and insult at your words before matching your cheeky tone, "Besides I reckon I'd get to see that anytime I wanted."
"Fangs!!" You screeched and smacked his chest in jest. "Bloody Serpents."
And at that you all cracked up, your earlier anguish long forgotten in the midst of the laughter.
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