cupozo · 13 days
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finally colored the fem!de designs i made also self-indulgent fem!jean for fun and me time
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doddsmountain · 3 months
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Disco ladies doodles
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errriot · 8 months
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fem!harry and fem!kim I'll finish this laterrr i promise
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delineate-creates · 11 months
Day 24: Shallow
Holding her breath, Harry dips Voldemort’s hand in the warm water, massaging the back of her hand with her thumbs. For all that Lord Voldemort is quite possibly the strongest magic user in all of Britain, her hand feels oddly fragile cradled between her own.
From @being-luminous’s I will see you body bare
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starsandsunkissed · 6 months
Part 1/2
Part 2 here: https://www.tumblr.com/starsandsunkissed/745253788621963264/birthday-gifts-starsandsunkissed-harry-potter?source=share
The early morning sun flooded the windows of the Gryffindor Common room as Holly made her way down the girls' staircase. Spotting Ron in their usual corner, reading a book, she grinned and made her way over.
"Happy birthday, Ron," Holly greeted him, giving him a small punch to the shoulder as some upper-years made their way down. It was his idea to keep their still fledgling romance a secret — citing the twins and their antics — so, in public, they kept displays of affection to a minimum.
"Thanks," he said with a smile.
She sat down next to him, putting her bag on the floor beside her. "Er—here's your gift." She took out an orange-wrapped box and placed it on the table.
Ron shook his head, and Holly knew what was coming. "You already got me one? Chudley, remember?" he said, referring to the owl they had, rather ironically, owl-ordered after Scabbers had died.
"That doesn't count, that was a belated Christmas gift."
"But you already got me a Christmas gift—"
"Just take it. Please?" She widened her eyes in a silent plea.
He opened the present to reveal a hand-carved wooden box. It was nothing special—half the size of a Muggle shoebox and half a hand high, coloured a brilliant red. She had painstakingly carved the Chudley Cannons logo on the lid, with smaller, less detailed broomsticks surrounding it. 
"You got me a Secrets box?" asked Ron, confused.
Holly knew Lavender had one for her makeup. It was a six-inch cube that she boasted held twice that. The box would lock itself every time it closed, and would only unlock when the owner used a wand and said a password.
"Well, not really, but close. I made it in Runes. Hagrid and Professor Babbling helped me out with getting the wood and carving and stuff. I had to do some extra credit projects, but it was worth it," she said with a grin, wiping her sweaty hands on her robes.
Ron stared at the present in awe. "You shouldn't have."
Holly grinned. "I wanted to. Go on, open it."
Inside was a collection of the sweets she had seen him buy during their unexpected solo Hogsmeade trip the year before, along with several non-magical novelties. He took out a packet of—"Raffa Cakes?"
"Jaffa Cakes."
"Oh," said Ron, closing the hinge-free box.
"You can set the box up to answer any password you want, you just need to tap it with your wand when you say it."
When Ron continued to examine the box, she added, "I know it's a bit small, but I didn't want to risk making it too big and messing it up, and I figured you wouldn't want something showy anyway. You always said Fred and George mess with your things and I...well, I thought it would be a good idea. Having something they don't know about and can't break into easily."
Her boyfriend continued to run his fingers over the red-stained willow wood, looking between her and the box with a neutral stare.
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racfoam · 2 years
Funny fact. The first time I watched OOTP (I was a wittle kid and I was pretty oblivious) when Voldy showed up at the station I was so confused. Also, pretty sure my heart dropped because my kid-self thought he was actually there which would make sense why Harry was panicking. It took me years — no I'm not kidding, I googled this shit ‘why does Voldemort appear at King's Cross is it real’— to figure out Harry was DREAMING IT.
So! 😄 Here is a crack version of that scene of nynn. I say crack because it won't be how it happens in nynn but I want to give Harry a heart attack 😁
Enjoy my dumbassery. AKA Voldemort actually does appear at King's Cross in his fancy suit but everyone except Harry sees his face as a normal man and only Harry sees actually Voldemort.
The trunks were trundling along. The steam of the hooting train drifted in the air. Parents were hugging their children. Friends were reuniting after an entire summer away. First years who were finding their soulmates released squeals of joy.
“It’s you!" a boy said happily, in the same time as a girl, and they embraced each other as though they’ve known each other their entire lives.
“Mum, dad, I met him! I met my soulmate!”
Minefield, just like always.
Harry ignored the painful ache inside her chest and walked on. Snuffles was circling around the station. It looked aimless to any bystander, but in fact, he was keeping an eye (and a nose) out for any enemies that may be approaching the small area Harry and her friends were in.
Right now, the black, bear-like sized dog was letting himself be snuggled by a bunch of first years on the other side of the station, tail wagging happily at the attention and all the little hands petting his fur.
“He's so fluffy!” a small girl said in awe. She didn't appear to be eleven years old, more closer to nine years old. Most likely, she was seeing an older sibling off.
A fond smile formed on Harry's face as she watched Snuffles lean his head down for a small four-year-old boy to pat him on the head with his tiny hand, murmuring, “Good doggy.”
Snuffles was just a great big cuddlebug.
Harry moved out of the way of a couple escorting their son to one of the train entrances, who rushed past Harry, a grin on his young face.
Harry continued walking down the station. She still had time until the train left. The mist was a bit thicker, bit it was slowly dissolving. There was an outline of a tall man in the mist. The voices of the crowd grew muffled, far away. They sounded like echoes from far away.
Hisses, sibilant and coaxing, reached and echoed softly inside of Harry's ears. They were coming further down. It sounded like they were calling to her...
The mist dissolved, and Harry stopped breathing, breath catching between a surprised gasp and a terrified scream.
Fifteen feet away from Harry, dressed in a sophisticated black-tie suit fitting his slim, tall frame, skeletal, with cat-like eyes as red as blood...
Lord Voldemort stood on the platform. tilted his head, snake-like, staring straight into Harry’s soul.
The moment they made eye contact across the distance, Harry’s breaths came out rapid and uncontrolled, slipping past her lips in a panic, squeezing down upon her lungs like a heavy boulder.
Surely, he could not be real. How could he be real? Surely, he was a figment of Harry’s paranoid, crazy imagination.
Then, Voldemort moved, and the world collapsed, growing deadly silent. His shadow moved with lethal grace, trailing after him in the reflection cast by the light of day.
A part of Harry’s brain screamed at her to run. Run where? Run how? With legs that have turned into a block of solid ice, pasting Harry flat to the pavenent of the platform, there was little possibility for running.
Forget running.
Harry was hyperventilating, staring at the white, serpentine face growing closer and closer. The only thing Harry could move were her eyes.
There were sounds behind her. The Higwarts Express was hooting. The warm steam caressed across the side of her cheek, rising the temperature of the first day of September.
Did people not see him? Did they not know how he looked like? Why wasn’t anyone screaming? Why wasn’t anyone running?
“It is a cloaking spell,” said Voldemort, his cold, high voice making Harry jump in place; she started trembling. “Very similar in context to passing by people and not remembering their faces. It’s a very useful spell to go unnoticed in a crowd.”
Voldemort looked striking, dressed like this. Almost normal. Almost human. Almost like someone Harry would allow to take her by the hand and bid her goodbye with a kiss on the cheek before gesturing her into the train with a promise to write every week.
A faint scent of cologne reached her senses. It was fresh; it smelled of the sea, and it was sharp like a strong gust of wind.
Or maybe thst’s just how Voldemort smells like. Of sea and cold winds.
Harry tried to focus, but she couldn’t. Not when Voldemort was dressed like that. He put Uncle Vernon to shame.
Voldemort stopped, only a feet apart.
“Oi, Harry!”
Voldemort stepped back from Harry, and she breathed again.
It was Fred and George. A wave of relief swept over Harry at the sight of them.
They must be seeing Voldemort differently than how Harry is seeing him.
“Don’t get too close, sir,” teased Fred, and Harry wanted to tell him he was an idiot, that he was going to get himself killed.
“Yeah, You-Know-Who might find out how close you got to Harry and get jealous.” added George dramatically, grin broadening.
Voldemort, however, smiled back, like he thought it was funny.
He's right here! Harry wanted to scream. Can't you see him?!
Harry turned beetroot, flushing from her chest and straight up to her forehead. Her cheeks and ears were on fire.
Turning her head over her shoulder to the twins, Harry mouthed to them, “I am going to kill you.” in a wordless whisper.
Fred and George grinned and winked at her. “You welcome, You-Know-Who's-Number-One-Target. C’mon, we’re boarding.”
With winks to Harry, who glared at them a glare deadlier than a basilisk’s, they strutted back to the top of the station.
Harry moved to follow them, keeping her narrowed eyes on Voldemort in case he tried something.
“Goodbye, Harriet,” said Voldemort softly.
It took Harry by surprise. She stopped retreating, and stared at Voldemort.
“Bye,” croaked Harry in a gasp of a breath, and ran after Fred and George.
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brmoth · 1 year
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bruh okay. SO here is the final painting 😭 it looks so bad in the picture. I never do digital so like that’s the con of not doing digital work. Hopefully I will have access to digital work but for now it’s just my brunches. Anyway, there are a lot of things I like and dislike about the painting. I think I went overboard with Voldemorts face, he looks to monsterous, personally, I like it but like in the nynn, idk if it would fit. Second, Harry’s hair. I needed to contrast the robe against her hair so I added red, I swear it’s not that red in the actual painting idk why it’s showing so red 😭 it’s very dark. Same with everything else, taking pictures on my phone is making the darkness of his smile and eyes very pale. And it BAD LIKE THAT 🥲🥲🥲 omg I wish there was a way to show that it’s not like that. WELL NOW I HAVE TIME TO PAINT “two apples” NOW! 😎✌🏼pls critique this I need it and it still feels rough lmao @racfoam
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mast3rofd3ath · 1 year
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Hadriana Potter-Black, The Girl Who Lived, Golden Girl-
Revenge is a dish best served cold
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childotkw · 2 years
it’s been a while since we’ve heard from “serpent in these still waters,” do you have any snippets? thanks! 🙏
Albus watched from the side of the ballroom as Tom began his circuit, greeting other attendees with a casual charm that was brutally effective.
But it was the young woman at his side that captured and held Albus' attention.
She really was a pretty thing.
All the reports he'd received had said as much, but it was one thing to hear the rumours and another entirely to see her with his own eyes. There was a classical beautiful to her face, not dissimilar to most pureblood witches around her, but it was her colouring that really elevated her from beautiful to memorable.
Harriet, or Harry, depending on who you asked, had the echo of the old families in her features. It made her familiar in a way that was hard to explain, as if he had met her before yet could not recall where.
What Albus found truly fascinating though, was the way she responded to Tom.
There was a subtle distance between their bodies, a respectable one, as expected of a couple in this kind of setting; but there was a synergy there as well. Even when their eyes drifted, their attention moving away, they circled one another like two stars caught in each other's gravity.
It was curious, and concerning.
Tom had never expressed interest like this in someone before. He had never been one to share his power, and any partner he took on would automatically be considered at least somewhat an equal.
The implications that this young woman, whoever she was, was important enough that Tom would break one of the core components of his character...
It made Albus' hands fist inside his sleeves.
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cupozo · 1 month
Have you considered drawing....drum roll.....Fem!harry or Fem!kim....
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ABSOLUTELY YES i like the idea of harry having really fluffy bangs that serve the same purpose as the muttonchops, covering a lot of her face to hide the "damage" tbh not much changes on kim srthsrth we love a butch in this house
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rp-partnerfinder · 8 months
I am a 30yrld female with 10+ years experience looking for FxF fandom games. Cannon X Canon characters preferred. But sometimes open to Canon x OC.
Looking for NSFW with a 20yr old partner. 20yrsld is the minimum age of my partners. I don’t have a preference for my partners gender. Just looking for someone 20+ years old willing to play FxF fandom games.
Really looking for femslash games. I’m open to omega verse and soulmate tropes/themes.
I play romance and dark story themes.
Fall of the House of Usher (Camille/OFC)
Game of Thrones (Sansa / Daenerys with optional + Canon male character, Sansa/OFC, Daenerys/OFC, Brienne/Sansa)
The Witcher (Tissaia / Yennefer)
Harry Potter (Hermione/Fleur, female!Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Pansy, Hermione/Bellatrix, Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Minerva, Minerva/Bellatrix, OFCxany of the previous ladies)
Twilight (Tanya/OFC, Bella/Rosalie, Bella/Tanya, Bella/Alice, Rosalie/OFC, Bella/Leah, Rosalie/Leah, Alice/Leah)
House of Dragons (Alicent / Rhaenyra)
Like this post and I’ll get in touch.
I prefer to play through discord but am open to email or google docs.
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emptysurface · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Katekyou Hitman Reborn!, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Harry Potter/Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) Characters: Harry Potter, Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Kreacher (Harry Potter) Additional Tags: Female Harry Potter, Romance, soulmate, Getting to Know Each Other, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Series: Part 2 of Mythological Creatures Summary:
Harry was back from her harrowing roadtrip through Italy, and things had settled right back into normal. That wasn't to say everything truly was back to ordinary, however, and her time in Italy had left its mark.
In more than one way.
Sequel to Paint Me With Your Colours
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readingisloving · 1 year
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rhosinthorn · 2 years
Quintwizard Chapter 9
Can be read on AO3 or FFN.
Yule Ball time!
I’ll probably have a few supplemental posts this week about the chapter, so stay tuned.
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starsandsunkissed · 6 months
Part 2/2
Part 1 here: https://www.tumblr.com/starsandsunkissed/745253720378490880/birthday-gifts-starsandsunkissed-harry-potter?source=share
Doesn't he like it? Quite nervous now, she continued, "The enchantments should last for about a decade. That's what Babbling told me, anyway. And there are expansion runes on the inside that expands the inside three-fold. I couldn't manage any larger."
Still silence.
Holly could feel her heart plummet at his non-reaction. Why did she have to get all 'creative'? Maybe the broomsticks were a bit much... "I guess it was a rubbish idea, I can get you something else tomorrow if you don't—"
"This," Ron began, an odd tone in his voice, "is the best gift I've ever gotten."
Feeling herself flush, Holly looked down, clasping her hands together. "That can't be true," she muttered. Sure, his family wasn't the richest, but surely if not his mum or dad, then Bill or Charlie must have sent him something just as cool.
Ron shook his head. "No, no one's ever—" he cut himself off, shaking his head. He unexpectedly pulled her into a firm hug. "Thank you."
Holly returned it with a smile.
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realitybitesyouknowit · 7 months
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Rigel Black Chronicles Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Arcturus Rigel "Archie" Black & Harriet Potter | Rigel Black, Harriet Potter | Rigel Black & James Potter, Lily Evans Potter & Arcturus Rigel "Archie" Black, The Marauders & Harriet Potter | Rigel Black, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Characters: Harriet Potter | Rigel Black, Arcturus Rigel "Archie" Black, Lily Evans Potter, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - The Parent Trap Fusion, Inspired by The Rigel Black Chronicles, inspired by Das doppelte Lottchen | The Parent Trap - Erich Kästner, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Humor, Rigel Black Big Bang 2023 Summary:
The camp counsellors at Lil Mugwump's Camp For Mini Mages can't hide their astonishment when nine-year-old Archie Black from England arrives. He looks just like Harriet Evans, the quiet and serious girl from the east coast. Finding your identical stranger is complicated business and it only becomes more complicated when one night, the two children make an incredible discovery that leaves them unable to go back to their lives as they were. So they switch places. Harriet disguises herself as Archie to go meet the father she never knew, while Archie becomes Harry to step towards the future he has always longed for. Things never go smoothly though, when you’re pretending to be somebody else.
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