#Feminist Studies
garadinervi · 2 years
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Women's Graphics Collective, Abortion is a personal decision not a legal debate, Chicago, IL, 1969-1970s [Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG), Culver City, CA]. Plus: Posters designed by the Chicago Women's Graphics Collective at the Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG) / at the Oakland Museum of California, Oakland, CA. Plus: Chicago Women's Graphics Collective by Estelle Carol, Chicago Women's Liberation Union (CWLU) Herstory Project. Plus: The Chicago Women’s Graphics Collective: A Memoir by Estelle Carol, «Feminist Studies», Vol. 44, No. 1 (2018), pp. 104-124. Plus: Interview with Estelle Carol, co-founder of the Chicago Women’s Graphics Collective, Never The Same, 2012
(Near complete) list of CWGC members reconstructed by the Chicago Women's Liberation Union (CWLU) Herstory Project:
First group (1970-1975)
Estelle Carol Leslie Nevraumont Barbara Carrillo Barbara Morgan Shirley Blumenthal Barbara Bejna Tibby Lerner Wendy Garber Jeanne (Susan Galatzer) Galatzer-Levy Nancy Boothe Cynthia Staples Elena
Second Group (1975-1979)
Jane Trish Merri Furlong Cedar (Janet) Kindy Karen Dodson Helen Factor Julie Zolot
Third Group (1978-1983)
Jan Contento Cathy Joritz Marcia Grubb Jan Wills
– (source: Never The Same)
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“By denying women control over their bodies, the state deprived them of the most fundamental condition for physical and psychological integrity and degraded maternity to the status of forced labour”
- Silvia Federici, The Devaluation of Women’s Labour (2009)
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scaredenglishmajor · 8 months
on today’s episode of “what wild thing is emily searching up for class,” we have this absolute gem
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mimi-mindless · 1 year
gathered a lot of academic work about queer, feminist, and gender theory and anything related to that. let me know if you want some PDFs 👀
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fade-out-lights · 1 year
Language uses us as much as we use language. As much as our choice of forms of expression is guided by the thoughts we want to express, to the same extent the way we feel about the things. Two words can be synonymous in their denotative sense, but one will be used in ease a speaker feels favorably toward the object the word denotes, the other if he is unfavorably disposed. Similar situations are legion, involving unexpectedness, interest, and other emotional reactions on the part of the speaker to what he is talking about. Thus, while two speakers may be talking about the same thing or real-world situation, their descriptions may end up sounding utterly unrelated.
If a little girl "talks rough" like a boy, she will normally be ostracized, scolded, or made fun of. In this way, society in the form of a child's parents and friends, keeps her in line, in her place. This socializing process is, in most of its aspects, harmless and often necessary, but in this particular instance - the teaching of special linguistic uses to little girls - it raises serious problems, though the teachers may well be unaware of this. If the little girl learns her lesson well, she is not rewarded with unquestioned acceptance on the part of society; rather, the acquisition of this special style of speech will later be an excuse others use to keep her in a demeaning position, to refuse to take her seriously as a human being. Because of the way she speaks, the little girl - now grown to womanhood - will be accused of being unable to speak precisely or to express herself forcefully.
So a girl is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. If she refuses to talk like a lady, she is ridiculed and subjected to criticism as umfeminine; if she does learn, she is ridiculed as unable to think clearly, unable to take part in a series discussion: in some sense, as less than fully human. These two choices which a woman has - to be less than a woman or less than a person - are highly painful.
– Language and Woman's Place by Robin Tolmach Lakoff (edit. by Mary Bucholtz)
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anxietyfrappuccino · 2 years
do i actually want to be in women's studies or do i just want a degree to back up all my feminist points
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fruitsome · 2 years
Pro Choice -sticker
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firstpersonnarrator · 2 years
“I am a grown man. You’re my child. I don’t need your help.” He’s 85. Had children late in life. I’m sitting here at his house today, instead of work, specifically so that I can help him. I love him. I want to be here for him. I am here for him. But I’m a girl. I’m his child. He doesn’t need my help. Grrrr.
I swear to god and the entire concept of pinky swearing that he actually looks at me and sees, My Child + Girl = “I’ll wait til your brother is here.”
One day we were out to breakfast at his favorite restaurant, where the main clientele are always his generation, people facing aging just like him. He looked at some of the other diners who needed help standing or seeing the menu, etc. This put him in an introspective, sharing mood. Rare, but happens every once in a great while. Looking melancholy, he told me that it’s hard for him when a female offers him help. It makes him feel like less of a man. I swear to god, I am embellishing nothing.
He’s 85. He can’t bear help from a female. It makes him feel like less of a man.
This kinda makes me want to post something on tumblr for the whole world to see that this shit actually happens in real life. Not just Feminist Studies courses.
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lover-praxis · 10 months
Love is not commerce; a relationship is not a safety-tested Tonka toy—and any attempt to make it such is bound to be catastrophic
from Cristina Nehring, "The Higher Yearning: Bringing Eros Back to Academe"
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lesbionia · 15 days
Every time a woman says "I'm not going to vote" an angel loses its wings. 💔
Women fought tooth and nail for the right to vote! Voting means having a say, however small, in how your country is run. If you don't use your say, then you can count on being spoken over by the men who are getting out there and voting.
In the name of feminism and in honour of all the women who came before you, PLEASE exercise your right to vote! 🗳️
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garadinervi · 1 year
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June Jordan, From Sea to Shining Sea [«Feminist Studies», Vol. 8, No. 3, Autumn, 1982; then in Living Room. New Poems, Thunder's Mouth Press, New York, NY, and Chicago, IL, 1985], in Home Girls. A Black Feminist Anthology, Edited by Barbara Smith, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ, 2000, pp. 215-221 [first edition Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press, 1983]
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gaytransbimbo · 2 years
i actually think we should abolish queer theory as an academic field
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noitanorjassa · 2 years
The term papers and assigments have finally landed and it seems like it’s all I do. Though it’s just 5h of actual, intense studying daily, it still is more than Ive done so far in here. Still, it´s quite possible that with this pace I will get everything done 2 weeks in advance but I think that´s part of the plan, so I can just chill and enjoy the winter here.
The polar night is what I´ve awaited the most even though I have experienced it before. The northern lights were on top of my list but it seems that on most nights it´s too cloudy here so you can´t see them. I think that is fine since I can still have the fjells and the actual 6 weeks of darkness. Tho I know from experience that it´s not going to be completely dark, a kind of sunset that lasts for 3 hours and then it slowly sets to dark skies again.
The assigments that I am working on at the moment are:
3 page essay about a “keyword” (probably Land) in 2 native american novels (I´m going with “There There” by Tommy Orange and “The Grass Dancer” by Susan Power).
8 page essay of a deeper analysis on either of the books I´ve mentioned above
10-15 page essay analysis about Faulkner´s “As I lay dying”, I´ll pair southern gothic with the “downfall of the slavery system”
10-15 page essay about “Bewilderment” (by Richard Powers), with a gender studies and ecocritical lens
past assigments (things I´ve finished in the past 3 days):
A presentation of the violence against native american women
Backround statistics hunting for the said presentation
Two smaller 2 -page essays (for Native lit + theory of lit courses)
4 very small, 400 -page “blog posts” for the Native Lit course
Read both Faulkner´s “Absalom Absalom!” and “The Only Good Indians” by Stephen Graham Jones
Started reading Faulkner´s “Go down Moses”
... Looking at the list makes me understand why I feel ~a bit~ stressed and why my undereyes hurt. Should sleep more but we had two nights of clear skies so obviously I had to stay up all night sky watching. It was a nice full moon too. I have been too busy to actually practice my norwegian but I will get back to it after I get some of this work amount done.
There´s snow on the mountains but not in here anymore, it was a couple of degrees on the plus C side and it melted from the lowlands area. Waiting that maybe it could snow more on the following 4 days that´s supposed to be rainy anyways and it would be bright and lovely.
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queerographies · 2 years
[Terre di confine. La frontera][Gloria Anzaldúa]
"Terre di confine. La frontera" torna in libreria in una nuova traduzione di Paola Zaccaria, grande studiosa dell'opera di Gloria Anzaldúa
Texana, docente di Chicano Studies, Feminist Studies e scrittura creativa, e attivista del movimento per i diritti dei lavoratori agricoli migranti, Gloria Anzaldúa ha dato grande impulso alla letteratura e alla coscienza chicana, ponendo al centro del dibattito politico ed estetico la questione della frontiera e le sue implicazioni culturali. In Terre di confine. La Frontera si mescolano diversi…
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aubreyhepbum · 2 years
What the FUCK was Sam’s major
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radhachip · 2 years
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(via Feminist Queen For Dark Background Coffee Mug by cosmicreative)
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