rodspurethoughts · 10 months
Scientists uncover how fermented-food bacteria can guard against depression, anxiety
Newswise — University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers have discovered how Lactobacillus, a bacterium found in fermented foods and yogurt, helps the body manage stress and may help prevent depression and anxiety. The findings open the door to new therapies to treat anxiety, depression and other mental-health conditions. The new research from UVA’s Alban Gaultier, Ph.D., and…
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brattylikestoeat · 1 year
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greelin · 1 year
really like that the “what do you believe the stance vampires generally have towards periods?” question is either met with immediate disgust (loser/skill issue) and shutdown with zero discussion or the most scholarly of debates (normal. well-adjusted and good) for various viewpoints on the matter. people will be saying paragraphs to you. people who i respect, anyway
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acti-veg · 1 month
Animal farming ranks alongside fossil fuel production as one of the two most destructive industries on Earth. It’s not just the vast greenhouse gas emissions and the water and air pollution it causes. Even more important is the amount of land it requires. Land use is a crucial environmental metric, because every hectare we occupy is a hectare that cannot support wild ecosystems.
Wild ecosystems are crucial for the survival of most species on Earth, and of Earth systems themselves: for example, the rainforest and cerrado of South America help to regulate weather systems. The Amazon rainforest is being destroyed above all by cattle ranching, whose expansion is driven in part by the foodie fad for “grass-fed” beef. The cerrado is being trashed primarily by soy farming to produce feed for pigs and chickens.
Feeding ourselves with animal products is a fantastically profligate and inefficient way of using land, swallowing at least four times as much as all the other food we grow while providing just 17% of our calories. More than any other factor, it drives the destruction of forests, wetlands, savannas, rivers and other habitats. Weaning ourselves off these products is as important as weaning ourselves off oil, gas and coal.
Governments seeking to ban alternatives to animal products have scarcely sought to disguise their motivation: protectionism. Several politicians and officials have openly admitted that they’re trying to defend established industries – meat and dairy – against competition. In every other sector they claim to favour “free markets”, and protectionism attracts major penalties. In this sector, it is enforced by legislation.
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why-the-heck-not · 6 months
I have a handle on my procrastination
…. I accessorized Elvis (the sourdough starter)
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fjordfolk · 9 months
Rice was rejected by the Council of Sparty's Innards, so reported to our vet this morning. She's not worried as long as Sparty has an appetite, drinks, pees, and seems relatively chipper, so there's no immediate change of plans other than dropping the rice idea altogether and sticking with very low volumes of a diluted gastrointestinal wet food my sister picked up for me. If she doesn't keep that either or gets worse, we're going in tomorrow evening to consider an x-ray just to rule out foreign objects, but neither of us really feel like that fits the symptoms here.
Also discussed my semi-controversial use of yogurt as a stomach aid and got a thumbs up on that - especially considering she spews bile on a normal day on an empty stomach.
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mushroomgay · 1 year
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Elderflower champagne!
Three weeks of fermenting later, this is finally ready to taste and it's delicious - light, floral, carbonated, and only slightly alcoholic (you can taste that it's not strong, and elderflower champagne tends to cap out at about 4% if you don't add extra yeast).
This recipe is super simple - you add heads of elderflower to cold water, sugar and lemon and let the tea sit for 24 hours. It can then be strained into clean, plastic bottles and left to ferment for a few weeks, depending on how warm it is. You can add extra yeast if you want a more alcoholic beverage, but the natural yeasts on the elderflowers are enough to ferment for a fizzy, low-alcohol drink.
You do need to 'burp' the bottles (release the cap slightly to let some air out) every so often, to avoid the pressure splitting the plastic - this is why it shouldn't be done in glass bottles, unless you have an airlock to let out the gas, or you'll get explosions!
Some sediment will gather at the bottom - this is a normal byproduct of the yeasts and is harmless, but unpleasant if you shake the bottle too much and get it in your glass. I had one out of the three bottles actually go mouldy, which was a shame, but the other two have worker perfectly.
I cooled it in the fridge for a few hours before tasting it, and I'm so glad I put the time into it!
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morethansalad · 5 months
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Balkan Fermented Juniper Berry Juice / Smreka / Kleka (Vegan)
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swedebeast · 21 days
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Surströmming time.
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queer-ecopunk · 4 months
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It's a cabbageful day.
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Got this beautiful print at a local festival and started some kraut with garlic
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luvtxt · 1 month
Eating chia seeds is easily the best thing I've started doing for myself this year. 50% of your daily fiber intake in a single tablespoon. Absolutely incredible.
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doedipus · 3 months
!!read moyashimon immediately!!
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quo-usque-tandem · 6 months
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Butcher's steak with fermented radishes and Korean hot sauce
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eddis-not-eeddis · 3 days
80% of the food I make for myself these days is Korean. 17% is Indian. 2% is sandwiches and that last 1% is when I'm craving fresh pasta made with duck eggs.
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 8 months
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I made some very minor edits to my Man-Spider ref for Peter (link) so since Kaine is the source of the man-spider transformation in-universe (...spoilers?), I figured I ought to sketch out some stuff.
The face ref is just edited from Peter's though lol.
update: I am going with 2 human arms and—
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this like in Scarlet Spider (issue #15). I think that's a good way to do it and I like the Other's design anyway.
anyway, some closeups:
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man down!!!
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man getting up!
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spikes :)
also I have written out the scenes where this happens and actually he should have basically the entire top half of his suit missing at the point for reasons but obviously it isn't drawn that way lol
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6 arm stuff i am scrapping
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Tarantula transformation in AU is pretty similar to regular 616—he dies, he becomes a freaky spider guy for a bit. There's no cocoons or anything though, just nasty body horror, and the circumstances are mildly specific in that in my AU Kaine is frequently on immunosuppressants (and a bunch of other medications), which has a side effect of... preventing the tarantula from happening in the event of fatality. So when this happens it necessitates Kaine being off of his medications.
It's the kind of thing where it's like, his body is actively trying to kill him at all times but also prevents him from dying, so the medications he takes make it so that's less intense/technically keep him alive, but also make it way easier for him to actually die (on account of being immunosuppressed) and also the meds... stop the tarantula from busting out if he dies, so it stops him from resurrecting... otoh his medications also help alleviate several of his agonies. so it's like. well, you know. he can't eat fermented food but at least he's not vomiting blood every day!
this is the costume he's wearing in those pics by the way:
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oh btw here is a side by side comparison of Kaine and Peter's faces:
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Kaine is a little paler and still has a nose. lmao. also he has so much hair it looks much nicer than Peter's—Peter has thick hair but he doesn't have hair like Kaine does, you know?? It's more obvious when half of it falls out, though I think I probably still made Kaine's hair too thick and nice looking.
You can also see that their little iridescent bits are slightly different colors.
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cogumelopao · 3 months
rosas com mel fermentado
Olá, hoje eu quero mostrar uma receita com dois ingredientes que eu amo, rosas e mel.
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Sabia que rosas saudáveis podem ser consumidas? Aqui em casa tenho alguns pés enormes e quase sempre acabo não tendo ideias pra fazer algo, então fazer rosas fermentadas para adicionar em bolos, chás, iogurte, pão é uma delícia.
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- Receita
• rosas do jardim
•mel natural
🧺 Em um potinho esterelizado, acrescente as rosas devidamente higienizada, em seguida acrescente o mel até cobrir deixando sempre um espaço no vídro. em seguida guarde em um local arejado durante uns 4 dias sempre chacoalhando até surgir bolinhas e ficar ativo.
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fazer fermentados com conta própria, me trás calma e me deixa mais conectada com o passado. Além de ser super saudável para nosso corpo, mente e flora intestinal.
Lembrando que não se deve consumir rosas de floriculturas ou compradas em mercados. Sempre consumam rosas devidamente orgânicas por serem mais saudáveis e que não tenham agrotóxicos.
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