#First Lines
neil-gaiman · 9 months
Hello Mr Gaiman. I am in year 11, so I've got my English GCSEs coming up, and my only issue is that I have no idea how to start a story. I can write the rest of the story perfectly fine, but I can never figure out how to start it off well. Do you have any advice?
It's ok if you don't respond, but if you do, thank you.
Try to start it in an interesting way that makes people want to go on. A way that, perhaps, asks a question that you need to keep reading to answer, or that will mean something else if you come to it after finishing the story.
Sometimes I write the beginning of the story, the opening lines, last of all.
It can be a fun exercise to just sit and write for yourself first lines of stories that are interesting and make people want to keep reading. They don't have to be any good, and you definitely don't need to know what happens next.
'Everything would have been fine if the Pope had not misplaced the antique silk alms bag containing her birth control pills.'
'The day Julius's mother died was, by no coincidence, the same day that Julius discovered his Jack Russell terrier secretly spoke Italian.'
'The old house squatted on the hill like a toad on the edge of a well, and, like a toad, would occasionally, when unobserved, lumber down from the hill in search of food. It was not choosy. It would eat anything."
Try it. It's fun.
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solomonara · 4 months
Game: 10 first lines challenge
Thanks for the tag @stevieraebarnes! Let's see if my first lines can hold a candle to your absolute bangers.
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
1. Investigator: The crash of shattering glass, and a lot of it, startled the pleasant hum of socialite conversation into hiding.
2. For Good: Some days, Link wonders how they got so lucky.
3. Here, After: If asked, Sidon would not be able to say truly when it began.
4. The Cross Purposes Job: "Well, Mr. Jeffries," Sophie – or rather, Ludmila Popova, official representative of a wealthy overseas tech consortium that was definitely not a thinly veiled front for any shady Eastern European government, no matter how much they were funded like one, wink nudge – said with a charming smile.
5. Scarf: "Emma. What is that?" Georgia asked, stopping immediately inside the door to their apartment.
6. Fever Reducer: Bruce stared at the nearly empty shelf in the breakfast aisle, despairing.
7. Osteoclast: Dick knew, even before he was fully awake, that he wasn't going to enjoy what he discovered when he opened his eyes.
8. Per Aspera: Jason Todd was bleeding.
9. Looked After: Make sure he's looked after.
10. The Damned Prince's Bodyguard: The Damned Prince of Gotham surveyed his domain with a great deal of satisfaction and a very small amount of champagne.
Well, I don't know. Most of these introduce the main characters (but not Looked After or Investigator). Most of these ask a question or imply one (but not For Good or, again, Looked After.) And what was I thinking with The Cross Purposes Job. That's so many words... Maybe I should be looking at second lines XD
Hey @elwon, @dragonsorceress22, @bitterleafs, @burntheupholstery, @unicorncoalition you want to give it a whirl?
This invitation is also open to anyone who is reading it. Yes you! And tag me when you do it, I want to read your first lines (even you, stranger.)
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tildeathiwillwrite · 4 months
Tag Game: Writing Pattern
Thank you to @writer-of-worlds for the tag!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Gently tagging @fourwingedwriter @stargazer-luna @blackrosesandwhump @annakayy @elizaellwrites and open tag! :D
Here goes nothing!
June of Doom Day 1
Whumpee sprinted blindly through the thicket, hands uselessly trying to protect their face from the branches that whipped and stung at their skin.
Victoria Rescues Sam
“I wish to speak with Blizzard."
Killian Poison Ficlet
In hindsight, Killian should’ve expected something to go wrong.
Gunblade Duo Used as Bait Oneshot
The trek back through Zariya was even more tense than the initial trip.
The moonshadow elf had been following Jin for some time now.
First Meeting
First contact happened the night Diana decided against going out to play for the nearby inn.
Getting Stabbed Hurts, Who'd have thought? (Magician's Bait, Part 6)
Reese’s head pounded like her skull was being used as a child’s drum set.
Jin was surrounded by darkness, no longer the angry, invincible, uncontrollable monster but herself before the painful transformation.
Please Don't Kill the Messenger
Octavian moved quickly through the forest, following an old deer path south.
Whumpril Day 8, Day 16
Whumpee could feel the cough rising in their chest, the unbearable tickling, burning sensation in their throat as they held it back.
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wa3v3y · 5 months
Best First Lines
I swear some musicals just have the best first lines.
“C’c’come on. I’m waiting for my porno to load”
(Be More Chill)
“Four Jews In a room bitching!” (Falsettos)
do you know more?!
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rhubarb-mage · 2 years
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First lines - Folie à Deux (Fall Out Boy)
Part 1/2.
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anastasiamaru · 1 year
"We just come out of battle..."
Ukrainian director and former political prisoner of the russian federation,Oleg Sentsov,who is currently serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, sustained a concussion on the front line. Immediately after the battle, despite being on the ground,he recorded a video
"We have just come out of battle,and those who remained fulfilled their mission, overall....Very very
It was very difficult and crucial turning point to continue(incoherently) our counteroffensive...
3 soldiers who remained in formation were injured by shrapnel due to close combat and grenade exchanges.One is in serious condition,and the other too but not in immediate danger .jus
I'm currently waiting here until they are taken away (to evacuation).As for me,it seems I have a minor concussion.l am lying down (sounds of explosions) back in formation.I want to share this with you so that you all know that we will still prevail in this war,but also to make you aware of the price we are paying for it here"
Thank you Heroes defending our Land!
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mybrainismelted · 2 months
First Line Analysis!
I was tagged by @energievie and @bawlbrayker for this one - looks like fun!
rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions.
“Pick up the pace!” Ian called out to the stragglers at the back of the pack. “Nobody gets breakfast until everyone finishes!” from Camp is a Battlefield
Life on the run was exhilarating. from On the Run
3. “Fuckin’ disgusting,” Mickey grumbled again, scrubbing at his face with the sleeve of his shirt. from Had a shitty day, man
4. “Were there ever fish in that thing?” Mickey asked one night as he and Ian lounged on the living room sofa at the Gallagher house. from Fish are friends
5. “Katie! Slow down and stay where I can see you!” Mickey barked, cursing his sister for talking him into this. from Katie
6. They weren’t really supposed to be up here.  from On the roof
7. It was a stupidly hot summer in Chicago. from Summer Heat
8. The Gallagher clan was one that should not have existed. from Battlefield Chicago
9. It had been a long day between both of them having to work, Mickey still stressing about the wedding, and whatever drama Lip had going on with Tami again. from White Stargazer Lilies
10. The party was really kinda lame. from Flights of Fancy Well... I really thought this was going to show that I usually start with a line of dialogue, but I guess I don't do that as often as I thought! So... a mix though of starting with a line of dialogue and a short descriptive sentence, I guess? Maybe I don't have a pattern. lol tagging some people to try it out! @roryonic, @callivich, @blue-disco-lights, @sgtmickeyslaughter, @crossmydna,
@celestialmickey @ms-moonlight-inn @notherenewjersey @gallavichgeek @silvanshadow
@darlingian @mmmichyyy @sam-loves-seb
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mintawasalreadytaken · 7 months
10 first lines
rules: list the first line of your last 10 fics and see if there's a pattern!
analysis: i sure do love starting off with "it" 😅 not in love with some of these , tbh. seeing them all together has taught me i prefer to land the punch in a second line. the first is often set up. and i'm more interested in when the action begins than where, or with whom.
Harry’d have to sell the house. (The One Who Lived)
2. It takes an hour for the cave to fill to their waists. (It’s hard to treat myself well after what I’ve put you through)
3. When Harry told Hermione and Ron what he wanted to do with his life, he knew he was on his own again. (Holes)
4. Draco’s gaze does not rest on the back of Harry’s head. (Bad Dreams)
5. He’s not special. (Alone But Never Lonely)
6. The wide round of Ron's cloudless blue eyes alerts Harry to the blood dripping from the corners of his own smile. (All I Want For Kwithmath)
7. It's unbelievable, the things one does to get off. (Truly Being Alive)
8. It started when Harry caught Malfoy puking behind the greenhouse in eighth year. (Yes, But It'll Cost You)
9. It started with a thought. (Yellow Is The Colour)
10. Draco leans to the left, digging his weight into the elbow at his knee as he digs his toes into the squishy bathroom rug and rises onto the ball of his foot. (Bad Times)
thx to @maesterchill @tackytigerfic @vukovich @oknowkiss for the tags xoxo
@nv-md @kittycargo @basicallyahedgehog @citrusses @schmem14 @prolix- @the-starryknight you're up <3
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 7 months
writing patterns
tagged by @kananjarus @rogerzsteven @bigfootsmom @aroeddiediaz @hippolotamus @hoodie-buck @jesuisici33 @thekristen999 @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @honestlydarkprincess @lemonzestywrites @devirnis @jeeyuns @exhuastedpigeon
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern
1. you fill my head with you
Buck loves how Eddie makes the world blur.
2. baby, it's okay if we both end up afraid
Buck hadn’t forgotten how cold the ocean is.
3. it walks with my legs (to fall at your feet)
There’s something intimate and heady about Texas nights.
4. blue eyes and bare walls
Eddie likes lists.
5. to you i'm just a man (to me you're all i am)
Buck is fucking tired of living with his parents.
6. soft prompt
The soft, sultry croon of Dizzy Gillespie’s trumpet filters through the kitchen, its gentle and heartrending notes caressing the floor and cabinets and every inch of Buck’s skin.
7. today i live for a single drop of you
Eddie has such a pretty cock.
8. red life might stream again
The wind is cool, causing the hairs on Eddie’s arms to stand up and goose bumps to pebble across his skin.
9. there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head
Eddie Diaz does not panic.
10. we live and breathe words
Buck didn’t mean to snoop, okay?
mmm yeah i think there is a very distinctive, simple one line pattern here asdfghjkl
tagging @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @911onabc @transboybuckley @rewritetheending @bvckandeddie @colonoscopys @thewolvesof1998 @wh0re-behavi0r @useramor @loserdiaz @buddierights @monsterrae1 and anyone else who wants to do it!
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ghaniblue · 7 months
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern! Thanks to @citrusses for the tag!
I don't have 10 Harry Potter fics above a 1k word count but let's see.
Draco Malfoy and the Unfortunate Incident With the Horny Potion (Drarry, 1,6k)
"I had it under control, Potter."
Sleeping With Ghosts (Regulus/Harry/Draco, 21k)
Harry startled awake to a wand tip pressed into the back of his neck.
The Day Bleeds Into Nightfall (Jegulus, 4,8k)
Regulus never took Muggle Studies.
Wormwood (Regulus, 13,6k)
There was a book in the Grimmauld library, its pages frayed, the gilded spine cracked and darkened by countless hands.
Human (Drarry, 27,7k)
The little screech owl finds Harry in the shed behind the cabin where he's trying to persuade a piece of wood into turning into a chair leg.
An Improbable Bout of Summer Madness (Drarry, 16,4k)
Scorpius wasted no time in turning Draco into his show pony.
The Problem With Non-Euclidean Geometry (Drarry, 1,1k)
Two straight lines in a plane that do not intersect at any point are said to be parallel.
In the Dark (Drarry, 1,3k)
Hogwarts is dark and quiet in slumber.
My pattern: I go for either short and blunt statement sentences, or pure vibes? My as yet unpublished Blackcest Fest fic definitely fits the pattern. 😬 I don't know. Is there a pattern?
tagging: @maesterchill @sorrybutblog @elskanellis @heyjude19-writing @sleepstxtic @thehoneybeet @nv-md
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mailrebel · 2 months
10 First Lines Challenge
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
Oooh, this looks like fun! Thanks for the tag @mistresslrigtar :) (and thanks for the formatting too I totally stole it wahahaha)
It was enchanting. What You’ve Been Waiting For
It was the perfect kiss. So I’m Already Gone
When Link and Zelda first learned that she was expecting, they were so excited. A Daughter’s Blessings
This was it, the final battle against the Demon King, Ganon. Children of the Triforce: Retold
Link felt like an idiot. A Lovely Disaster
It was a mundane thing, the trains and their rails. Susan Alone
Two horses and their riders traversed silently across the Gerudo Desert at twilight. To Capture the Heart of a Hero
Shin glanced from left to right as he walked through his camp, aimlessly searching for someone. First Kiss
It was a typical day in Edo, just like any other. Hunting for Samurai
“The Tank Top Army led by Tank Top Master…Atomic Samurai and his three swordsmen disciples…The alliance of C-Classes who often act in groups…He who has the majority of fans and the association on his side, Sweet Mask with his privileges…And Metal Knight who is rumored to be in control of a whole arsenal of weapons…” Love is like a Blizzard
Tfw you barely have 10 published works 😂 Still, if there's one thing I've learned from this it's that I seem to have made more of an effort to leave an impact with the first line. Some of these lower ones were written years ago, so I really feel like I've come a long way.
My personal favorite is "Link felt like an idiot" lmao 😂
I'll tag @onewingedsparrow @dubiiousfood @lily-alphonse
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themelodyofspring · 1 year
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JOMP Book Photo Challenge
Sep 06, 2023 - Favourite First Lines
Pa was taking too long to cut the boys' throats.
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skeptiquewrites · 6 months
First Line/Last Line
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern! And adding with @magpiefngrl's challenge of the last lines as well. With thanks @lettersbyelise @maesterchill @oknowkiss @wolfpants @magpiefngrl for the tags. Crossed Wires (E, 11k) Minister-elect Kingsley Shacklebolt brings an all-star team to the Wizengamot for a second term in government.  / See page six for pictures of last month's opening of the new Hogwarts Express maglev and new platforms at King's Cross Station connecting to France, Germany, Spain, Italy and more. The Real Thing (M, 5k) It was none of Harry’s business. / As he was, for as long as it made sense. All I Think About (T, 4k) It isn’t really Harry’s scene, is the thing. / "Yeah?"
Winner Takes It All (E, 41k) Aunt Andromeda says an idle Slytherin is trouble, a pack of idle Slytherins is a criminal conspiracy waiting to happen. / "I'll take you home then," Harry says. On The Shore (T, 3k) Every Saturday morning is the same.  / “Noted.” A Little Time (T, 1.7k) The first time they were mistaken for a couple was a week before their second year of Healer Training. / They walked back into town hand in hand. Yours Truly (M, 15k) Dear Malfoy, Have you ever told a lie that spiralled completely out of control? / The kiss was good, too. Lights Down Low (T, 4k) “He was the last person I expected to see in the entire world, you could imagine.  / “We might be a terrible idea,” Draco reassures, but he’s still there kissing him, hot and tender, like he doesn’t want to rush. Thrice Bound (M, 2.3k) Harry had been looking forward to napping at his desk since no one at IntCoop would bother looking for him before the next round of bargaining began at three and would likely continue long into the night. / “I was counting on that,” Harry answered. No Distance (E, 4k) The paper with Draco’s address burns a hole in Harry’s pocket the rest of the summer. / "I think we could have so much more than a year, Harry."
I'm a very straightforward writer, with rather blunt endings. I do love the arcs, I should probably quit the one-word response endings and far fewer begin with dialogue than I thought.
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dreamwatch · 1 month
Writing Patterns
I was tagged three times tonight! Thank you so much for thinking of me @hbyrde36 @penny00dreadful and @devondespresso. You all rock so much. ❤️ I just got done with Corroded Coffin Fest, nine of these are CC Fest fics so the results are heavily skewed, but let’s see!
rules: share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns
Under a cut because I ramble like crazy, and who needs that in their life?
Home Eddie kicks at another box trying to work out if it’s light enough for him to lift on his own, or whether it’s another one over filled with unread books that he should just donate.
The Last Song Eddie’s not sure what wakes him.
Turn The Page. The moment Eddie gets off the stage Steve knows something is wrong.
Looking California, Feeling Indiana The logistics of getting home are left to Jeff.
Let The Bodies Hit The Foor These shitty little bar gigs are a curse and a blessing, honestly; like some set up for a shitty joke - what happens when you throw four hundred people into an underground bunker with no air conditioning?
Exposure It was inevitable, honestly.
Mine Is Yours It’s been a year since Eddie’s been home.
Computer Love Steve wasn’t exactly over the moon about working for his dad, but one failed retail job after another and a few unpaid bills is all it took to have him crawling back to Harrington Senior.
Town Called Malice It’s been two days since the earthquake.
Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man Steve’s at the Grammys.
I’m not good at analysing stuff. (Let me tell you a secret, adjacent to this. If you asked me to describe what a verb, an adverb, a noun or an adjective was I couldn’t easily do it. No joke. It’s a mental block from school. Grammar and writing is vibes to me, so it’s hard to pick these things apart.) But…
There are four uses of ‘Eddie’ and three uses of ‘Steve’. - Equal opportunities, we love to see it.
Five are Eddie POV. Three are Steve POV. Two are Gareth POV. - I wrote 26? fics for CC Fest and I think in all there were three Gareth POV, and it’s funny two of them are in the last ten fics. Again, skewed. But go Gareth!
A mix of lengths, I have a habit of being on the short side with opening sentences, so it’s actually cool to see a few mixing it up.
I do think about my opening sentences quite carefully. I have a habit, good or bad but I lean bad, of using time as a marker really early on - “it’s been a year since…”, “its been two days since…”, i read that back actually and i hate it. Most of these were written in a few hours on the day of posting so I didn’t have time to sit on them which I really like to do, so I’m always spotting things I hate in them.
Okay, so the social anxiety is pretty strong today so I’m not going to tags anyone, but please join in if you see this and tag me because I’m really interested in this kind of thing.
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ms-moonlight-inn · 2 months
10:00 pm. Time to make some bad bedtime decisions. Tagged by @jrooc @mybrainismelted @lingy910y & @bawlbrayker to do a ✨✨ FIRST LINE ANALYSIS ✨✨ (escándalo)
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions.
"Milo - portrayed by Ian Gallagher
Catchphrase - Duct tape won’t fix that!
Dante - portrayed by Mickey Milkovich
Classic Dante Move - raised right brow and Elvis-style lip curl."
Shame-proof, written with @notherenewjersey
"He's been doing this for a long time now, Ian's beginning to wonder if it's too long. It was fun at first –a hobby to keep his boyfriend out of trouble, out of juvie, away from his family– but now Mickey's his husband and doing drag has become a bonafide profession." Enough Ain't The Test
"The last thing Mickey remembers is falling asleep with one thought in mind: 'Get me the fuck outta here.' The last thing Ian remembers before closing his eyes and drifting off last night was: 'Get me out of this South Side hell hole.' Happy Wish Night, Asshole
"'Stay in bed, it's still early.' Ian whispers the words, careful not to rouse his slumbering husband." Passenger Prince
"Ian loses things, loses them all the time. His keys, his wallet, his focus, his sanity." Eyes Of Disarray
"It’s 2 am when Ian notices it for the first time. That 'it' feeling, beginning at the center of his solar plexus and radiating down towards his stomach and up to his throat. Soon, his body’s engulfed in the feeling, the it." Mango and Yuzu Flowers, written with @notherenewjersey
"The frayed hole at the bottom of his backpack threatens to bust loose any minute, but that doesn't stop 10-year-old Mickey Milkovich from marching his scrawny ass down the railroad tracks." The Adventures Of Striker The Cat, written with @deathclassic
"King has been planning this for a long time. For longer than he can consciously remember, his brain has been thinking on the prom dilemma and planning out how to make it happen." The Reactions Of Friends, The Combustion Of Elements (King and the Dragonflies)
"After two weeks of expediting at The Bear, he gets his first asshole customer. A real asshole, not those posers pretending to be difficult, trying to get a rise out of Sugar as a way to score a free meal." Baby Steps (The Bear)
"Planning a caper is exactly like planning Thanksgiving dinner. You gotta start with your end time. When the fuck do you want to get out of there? Or rather, what's your departure?" The Caper, written with @notherenewjersey (Our Flag Means Death)
Man, I sure as fuck love utilizing in media res as a starting technique, don't I? No preamble, no mincing words. Just dive straight into the bullshittery of my story & let's go. Don't worry, you'll pick up whatever information you need along the way. 😁
I also noticed that I often either start a fic with the person that the story is not about (kinda like an insider's outside perspective if that makes sense), or I make sure to include the perspective of both characters. And I think I do this so that I have an excuse to dump as much information as I can without having to stop the narrative for a bunch of explanations. I could literally just build-in pertinent information in dialogues or headspace narrative as the introductory character(s) interact with each other and/or their environment.
Well, ok. I'ma tag a few people, with no pressure to play: @blue-disco-lights @transmurderbug @sluttygallavich @sweetbee78 @depressedstressedlemonzest @transmurderbug @rayrayor @gallavichgeek @energievie @spacerockwriting @sgtmickeyslaughter @ian-galagher @callivich @palepinkgoat
As always, I'm forgetting a bunch of people 'cause my memory is shit. 🙈 Sorry, I mean no harm.
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Writing Patterns ~ Opening Lines
I was tagged by @thelettersfromnoone. Thanks for the tag, my friend!
Rules: list the first line of your 10 most recent (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
I chose to limit myself to fics that I knew when I began them that they would be longer pieces and/or multichapter fics. I've excluded drabbles, outtakes, bonus content for completed fics etc, and any stories that I've posted only the first chapter.
Where the Stars Crumble to Life
She was alone.
Maybe Tomorrow
His eyes itch and his head is pounding.
The Baker & The Hunter
How long does it take for the scars of loss to heal, I wonder as I stand next to the door and the train slows down to enter the station at District Twelve.
A Case of the Honeymoons
Six months of insanity all for this moment. 
The rain only exacerbates my headache.
[pauses to go ....hmmmm....]
9000 rpm
The echo of the announcer beats through the trees, tinny and grating.
The Midnight Train
Her father died when she was seventeen.
12 X 12
Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah!
Katniss peels her eyes open and growls at the offensive red numbers informing her that she has slept through six minutes of her alarm clock ringing.
The sun is mid sky by the time I return to the house with my haul for the day.
Outside Expectations
I drive by the place once just to make sure I have the right address. Twice because I know this can’t be right.
[It feels wrong to include OE without including the stories that go with it in the series, even though they've been posted longer and this puts me over my ten]
Outside the Lines
First Line posted: “Three brunettes and a blonde walk into a bar,” Laura says and Heather snorts.
Actual first line if you're reading the chapters chronologically: It’s late and dark. The window only useful to see my reflection. I’m restless and toss in bed.
Outside Chance:
First line of the text: “And that’s it folks. Katniss Everdeen takes the lead.”
First line of the action because split time formatting: “You wanna explain that garbage?” Haymitch snarls and I squint at the target.
BONUS! Because out of all my fics, this first line actually gets regular comments on it, to include multiple people claiming it's the most memorable opening line of anything I've ever shared with you all. If you've read it, you already know what it is. ;)
It's always snowing when I fuck up.
CONCLUSION: They're all short (concise?) opening sentences, and with maybe a handful of exceptions, they start with my characters at an extremely low point.
I tag! @mollywog, @sohypothetically, @rosegardeninwinter, @littlerosette, @creamytinydays, @endlessnightlock If you so choose to play!
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