#Flower Demon Damien
pupmusebox · 3 months
Tag dump 10/?
{ Magus of Flowers - Merlin } { King of Unification - Claude von Riegan } { The Savior King - Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd } { Emperor's Confidant - Hubert von Vestra } { Goofball of an Officer and Soldier - Maes Hughes } { Flame Alchemist and Colonel - Roy Mustang } { Royal Bee Demon of a King - Aristaeus } { Leader and Wildcard of the Investigation Team - Yu Narukami } { Second Detective Prince - Goro Akechi/Crow } { Swordsman and Stellaron Hunter - Blade } { First Member of the Fatui and Masked Captain - Il Capitano } { Born from the Union of an Angel and a Demon - Damien Blanc }
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petite-phthora · 8 months
Shouldn’t have digital evidence when you have a family of hackers
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 14]
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Part 1
Text in italics and in-between ' means it is said in sign language
'For example.'
If an entire scene is written in italics, that means that that scene is a flashback.
When Jason glances at where Danny and Ellie were, he sees nothing. He’s too relieved to really care much about how they got out of here so quickly.
He’ll ask Danny about it later.
“Red Hood.”
“Bitch.” Is his response.
Jason is slightly disappointed, but entirely unsurprised, by the lack of reaction he gets.
“Who were they?”
“What were those civilians doing on the roof?”
“Where did they even go?”
“Just some informants for a case I’ve been working on.” Jason says, not giving anything about them away.
“Which case?”
“Did they attack you?”
“Yeah, who took a bite out of your arm? And more importantly, how did you taste?”
“Steph, I don’t think now’s the time—”
‘Medical assistance?’
Jason follows the Bats’ gazes towards his injured arm. He resists the urge to hide it and instead crosses his arms, trying to play it off.
“No, this is from… a cat.”
“A cat?”
“Yes. A stray cat. Bit me.”
“Tch. It’s obvious Todd is incompetent when it comes to caring for animals. For it to attack you like that you must have done quite poorly. What did you do to it?” Damien glares at him in an accusatory way.
“I didn’t do shit, Demon Brat. I was just scanning the street when it bit me outta nowhere.”
“Well, excuse me if I don’t believe you, Todd. You clearly must have cornered, threatened, or hurt it in some way for it to react—"
“Yeah, yeah.” Jason cuts him off and rolls his eyes, even though none of them can see it through the helmet. The energy is there.
“Animals hate me, and I can’t take care of them for shit. Now, can we move on to why you’re all here on my turf?” Jason stares them all down.
Before anyone else can speak up, Dick starts talking.
“Can’t an elder brother just visit his younger sibling every once in a while?” Dick asks with a totally innocent grin.
Dick shrugs. “Worth a shot.”
“While we originally came here to interrogate you about your involvement in the disappearance of the Joker, these imbeciles wanted to use the encounter as a way to simultaneously confront you about your new… beloved” Damian says, gesturing towards the others sounding completely done and unimpressed.
‘Got them flowers?’
“So how was the dinner? And the observatory? Do they like the stars? What’s their name? Hobbies? Age? Appearance? Interests?”
“Are they hot?”
“Seeing as you picked up a bouquet of sweet peas in costume, and didn’t take a detour to your apartment or safehouse before your location started glitching, I have to ask. Are you dating a civilian as Red Hood?” Babs speaks up over the comms.
Tim stays suspiciously silent, not asking any questions. Jason cuts them all off.
“Where the hell did you even get this information from?”
“Tim snitched.”
“Drake mentioned it.”
“Timmy told us.”
“Red Robin informed us about your outing.”
“I hacked some cams to see you pick up the flowers, but Tim was the one to say you were on a date at the time.”
Tim raises his finger and opens his mouth as if he’s about to speak up and defend himself. He then stops, seemingly considering something before dropping his hand back down and just shrugging.
“If you didn’t want anyone to know you shouldn’t have gone out as Red Hood when getting the flowers and taking them out to dinner.
“Besides, I tried to respect your privacy and redirect everyone somewhere else to keep them off your back. But they interrogated me, and I’m sorry.” He says, not sounding sorry at all. “It just… slipped out.”
“You didn’t try that hard—"
Tim shushes Steph and cuts her off.
“Besides! Babs also stalked you! Through the cameras! And, I didn’t say that much. I just told them you were on a date.”
Jason glares at them all through the visor of his helmet. Meanwhile, Dick crosses his arms and pouts.
“Yeah, Timbers—” “No real names.” “— wouldn’t tell us anything! He used his lack of sleep against us.”
“So Timmy, I need you to tell me everything. Pretty please?”
Tim raises his finger and opens his mouth as if he’s about to speak up. Then his eyes roll into the back of his head and he starts falling backward.
Dick yelps and manages to catch him before he falls onto the ground and hits his head.
“Damn it, Tim!” He whines. “Passing out like that should not have been the power move that it is.”
“He can fall asleep after this?!” Steph’s incredulous voice pipes up.
Dick’s gaze moves from Tim over to where Steph was previously half-dying due to Tim’s monstrosity of a drink. She’s standing by now, clutching the mug in a death grip. She’s twitching every now and again, her foot tapping the floor rapidly.
“Ehm, Steph? You okay?”
“Mhmm, think I’m having a stroke”
“Oh, that’s not good—”
Dick cuts himself off as Steph starts to stumble. He moves closer to catch her in case she falls as well, but luckily she manages to save herself from falling, clumsily moving to sit down on the floor instead.
Once seated, she lets her back hit the floor. She also lets go of the mug, letting it spill onto and roll around the floor of the cave.
“Y’know, I think I’m just gonna stay here for a bit. Maybe do some stalactite gazing. It’s riveting stuff, I tell you!”
Dick lets out a small sigh and nods a little.
“You do you, boo”
He gets a thumbs-up in response.
“Why are you actually here?” He cuts them off, already done with their bullshit. “Don’t start the bullshit about the ‘date’ again. Either talk business or leave.”
He privately notes the lack of green in his vision.
They all glance at each other before Batman steps forward and speaks up.
“What is your involvement in the disappearance of the Joker.”
“I don’t have anything to do with the Joker’s disappearance” Jason vehemently denies, arms still crossed.
“Are you sure about that?” Babs’ voice pipes up over the comms.
A hologram forms above Batman’s gauntlet computer. The hologram shows a picture of Jason in his Red Hood costume without his helmet grinning at the camera. He’s holding up the camera selfie style and seems to be in one of the alleys of Crime Alley.
The most intriguing part of the picture is the figure next to Jason on the ground. There, in clear view, lies the dead body of the Joker. His head seems to be caved in in a way that shows he most likely died on impact, hit by something that had a lot of force.
Jason pauses at the sight of one of his most precious keepsakes.
“Of course you hacked my phone” He scoffs, clearly unhappy.
Jason turns back to look at the Bats and watches their reactions to the revelation the Joker is most certainly dead. Dick seems to have some sort of weight lifted off of his shoulders. Cass doesn’t give anything away.
Damian is unimpressed, scoffing at the hologram and likely already mentally criticizing the technique. Steph seems to be more relaxed, “Damn, Jason, this totally looks like that one Grant Gustin next to the grave meme,” while Tim seems to be having some kind of world-shattering epiphany.
He then eyes Batman’s tense posture. Jason shifts slightly, getting ready to fight if it comes to it.
“Red Hood. Did you kill the Joker?” Batman grinds out slowly, pinning Jason with a soul-piercing stare. Jason carefully eyes Batman’s tightened fists before locking eyes with him again.
“No,” Jason answers honestly.
Jason and Batman are locked in a stare-down, neither speaking another word. The tense silence goes on for a few seconds before it’s broken by Dick casually putting his arm around Jason’s shoulders in a friendly gesture.
“Welp. Seems like he didn’t do it, B. If he says he didn’t, I believe him.” Dick speaks up.
Jason and Batman both untense a little, the moment broken. Jason lets out a small grumble and shrugs Dick’s arm off his shoulders. Dick lets him with a smile.
“Wait, so you just found his body dead in a ditch somewhere? I called it!” Steph pipes up.
She holds her hand up for a high-five. Cass gives her one.
Jason shrugs nonchalantly “You could say that.”
“You may not have killed him, but it’s clear you’re covering for the actual murderer. Who is it and why are you protecting them?” Batman asks, not letting it go.
“You may not believe me, B, but it was just a freak accident as far as I could tell.”
If you call a meta one-punching the Joker in self-defense a ‘freak accident’.
It’s not like Danny meant to do it. Ergo: accident.
“Nothing more, nothing less. I found him like that. All I did was get rid of the body and wipe some cams. Not that those would have been much helpful if let unwiped anyway.” He shrugs, unconcerned.
“Do you know what caused the files to become corrupted this way? I’ve seen corrupted files before, but this is something else…” Babs says over the comms, tone curious.
“Nah, they were like that even before I wiped them. Might have something to do with whatever took the fucker out. Don’t know though, and I don’t care.I’m just glad the city’s finally rid of that bastard.”
“Amen to that!”
Batman’s glare moves over from Jason to Tim, who meets his gaze headfirst and just gives him an unimpressed stare in return.
“You gotta be honest, B. There’s not really anyone gonna be missing him…”
“Now, if that’s all. I gotta go. I’ve got some work to do, cases to solve, groceries to buy. Y’know, not everyone has the freedom to walk around dressed as furries beating up bad guys 24/7. Some of us have a life.” Jason cuts in.
“And since when are you the one to have a life outside of being a vigilante?”
“Oh, you know, since somewhere around the time my gruesome murder was finally avenged,” Jason says sarcastically.
“Who knew that that would be something that would make it feel like a weight is lifted off of your shoulders and that it would finally bring some peace into your life?
“Let me know if you find the guy who did it, okay? Feel like this was a great service to the community and it deserves a nice reward. Might bake ‘em a cake or something. Maybe some cookies… ” Jason pretends to think.
“Where’s the body?” Batman asks, ignoring Jason’s sarcasm.
“And when are you going to introduce us to your new partner?” Dick chimes in as well.
“Not telling you, and never if I can help it. Now, goodbye.” Jason grinds out before leaving.
Jason turns and runs to the edge of the building, making his way over to the next building and leaving the Bats behind on the roof. As he gets farther away from the other vigilantes, the last thing he hears is Steph speaking up.
“Is it just me or did that conversation involve a lot less… green-eyed rage than I expected?”
Now, it’s time to plan that next date…
@i-always-say-yea @uraniumwizard @why-must-i-be-like-this @griffinthing @i23432i @imsotiredfanficlovertm
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The Little Smiling Mermaid (Chapter 2)
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TW: Emotional/Verbal *b*se, Queerph*bia
(Next chapter will be light-hearted enough to make up for how sad/relatable this chapter turned out)
NOTE: Pim is transmasc in this fanfic but the misgendering he gets isn’t intentional, not that his boorish family would be supportive anyway. When Pim arrived back, he thanked Neptune that the concert only started…30 minutes ago, and yet it already descended into chaos all because of him but better late than never! He hastily dolled himself up with traditional Meeplantica garb consisting of a crown of flowers, a necklace of pearls and orient clams clipped on one’s tail-fins (Pim hated that part because of the pinching) prior to announcing his belated presence on stage and calming down the commotion. “Sorry I’m late everyone I had trouble fitting into my costume!” Alan certainly felt conflicted. On one hand he knew Pim was up to more than just having a wardrobe malfunction and the irritated lobster wanted to read him the riot act for almost ruining his big break, on the other hand he knew Pim on a day-to-day basis already got yelled at enough for far more trivial things and began to count his blessings once that headstrong mercritter finally arrived. “From the top, Mistro!” chirped Pim giving Alan the signal, thus finally began the concert after that awkward disruption.
While the concert was well received overall, the aftermath on the other hand…wasn’t pretty to say the least. Within two hours Pim went from happily singing in front of an impressed crowd to being sheepishly backed into a corner, trying to look away from the glaring faces chewing him out for somehow forgetting the day of the concert and how he made them all look like “a gang of incompetent buffoons” and at worst, Amy was just rolling with the degrading insults, ranging from insulting his body to his intelligence while screaming in his face. Pim tried to explain but kept getting cut off, as the already unreasonable relatives kept getting angrier. Pim failing to hold back his tears only aggravated them even more. Glep, who was hiding in Pim’s iconic satchel couldn’t take all the negativity targeted at his friend and plucked up the courage to defend him even if it would be fruitless and potentially get him fried by King Steven’s trident. Glep swam out and immediately jumped to Pim’s defense, explaining best he could without bringing up the shipwreck or the surface-related stuff. “An abyss demon was chasing my baby?!” Queen Bertha shrieked with an initial gasp, with Glep responding with the ol’ rolling of the eyes how the flibbertyjibbit would go from verbally assaulting her youngest to immediately acting as if he was still her dainty little infant who she couldn’t possibly bare seeing hurt. A skeptical King Steven cut her off, “Hold your damn seahorses, an abyss demon? In MY domain? I harshly trained my palace guards to be on the look out for abyss demons!” As King Steven was going on one of his tangents, Amy swam up to Pim from behind and yanked his satchel away from him, making Pim indignantly grab it in an attempt to take it back. “Amy what are you doing?!” “I wanna see what else is inside! You been hiding more weird creatures in that bag?” Pim’s heart raced as he yanked it harder with an indignant cry of: “Leave me alone!!” Amy pulled her crocodile tears routine, knowing very well her parents would side with the golden child of the family. Damien rolled his eyes and swam to another room to get away from the noise. “Ugh, Pimberly is being mean to me and won’t let me see what’s inside of her bag!” King Steven was too busy with his unrelated gloating of his glory days as a volunteer soldier for the royal army as Queen Bertha barked at Pim: “PIMBERLY! YOU’RE TOO OLD TO ACT LIKE THAT! QUIT BEHAVING LIKE A CHILD AND GIVE HER THE BAG!” Pim didn’t even have a chance to give the bag to Amy because she ripped it out of his arms and tore a hole into it, revealing Pim’s haul of surfaced items he collected today. “Oh, fudge…” Pim uttered to himself as his family witnessed in disgust at what they discovered before returning their vicious glares to Pim. While this family was no stranger to shooting Pim some seriously dirty looks, this was the first time they looked as if they saw him as a sick twisted crook who had no place under their roof and where all ready to disown him all together. King Pimling clenched both of his fists and swam up to Pim’s face, demanding the smaller mercritter to: “Look at me square in the eye.” Pim nervously looked up at the unbridled rage of his father’s face for about 2 seconds until he finally broke the silence with: “I raised you to never indulge in the culture of those filthy fishmongers…”, grabbing Pim’s hair with the fist that wasn’t holding his trident. “…I don’t even know which has me more repulsed by you: carrying that shit around or the fact that you knew better.” He let go of Pim’s hair and backed away, turning his attention to the assorted items that spilled from the satchel as Pim stayed in place, completely frozen with dread. King Steven pointed his trident at the pile and right before zapping it to oblivion, he gave Pim a stern warning: “This is what happens to any of my subjects whom I see ever engaging in collecting this surface filth, be thankful you’re not one of them.”
All was left was a pile of ash, and Pim could feel tears leaking out of his eyes and into the water surrounding him. Amy, still holding the satchel, threw it on the ground and spat out: “While you’re at it, burn this too! That oughta teach this disgusting little monster a lesson!” Pim finally couldn’t take it anymore. “I WOULD RATHER BE A COMMONER THAN LIVE WITH ANY OF YOU!!” cried out Pim, his heartbroken words echoing throughout the palace before grabbing the satchel and escaping in tears; While the rest of the family kept their disgusted expressions, Queen Bertha visibly went from feeling contempt and outrage to guilt and remorse watching Pim rapidly swim his way out of the palace with Glep following him out of sight, even attempting to reach out to him before it was too late. Amy passive-aggressively comforted her mother: “Oh, she’ll be back after she’s done clutching her pearls! Pimberly does this all the time, last time she shit herself like this it was because I told King Steven she wanted to kiss another girl! Like, eww…what a weirdo.” with a snooty laugh. Queen Bertha didn’t respond with continuing with going back-and-forth about her “odd” youngest child like she loved to do, rather she couldn’t stop thinking about the way her youngest was so visibly distraught rather than irreverently ignoring his uptight Father’s rage with a sassy “What would you know?” attitude. “…Maybe you’re right, she is the most overly sensitive of them all!” Queen Bertha giddily replied with a girlish giggle, igniting Amy’s own amused laughter.
It was two hours after dinner time and there was zero sign of either Pim or Glep whatsoever. King Steven and Queen Bertha were on their thrones, silently reflecting on what happened earlier. Of course King Steven was proudly reliving how he destroyed the “surface filth” and laid down the law on his “impossible” child, Queen Bertha failed to further repress her guilt as her restless conscience kept on nagging at her to make it right.
“Steven, darling…don’t you think you were a little too hard on her?” asked Queen Bertha in a voice much softer than usual. King Steven gave his wife a befuddled look, only to smirk with the boastful reply: “Don’t make me laugh, you complain that I don’t discipline hard enough and when I do you still bitch and moan, typical Bertha.” He went from cocky to stoic mode when gloating: “It’ll do the shrimp some good to scare her straight! Whenever I get the trident, she never makes the same screw-up twice.” His stone-cold stiff upper lip twisting into a sadistic grin. Queen Bertha rolled her eyes, humbly announcing: “I’m ready for bed, you coming dear?” to which he gruffly replied: “Yeah I guess.”
Just minutes after the couple retired to their bedroom chamber, a cloaked Pim slipped into his room for what would be the last time. He grabbed some belongings of his while his siblings were asleep, placing them in his now patched-up satchel. Pim knew deep in his heart that this choice was for the best in regards to his mental health…but even if most of his family were mean to him, he still loved them dearly and he couldn’t help at feeling his heart shatter over the idea of making the right choice. He swam back outside and picked four flowers to put each one near his family members. He kissed two of the flowers before placing them by his siblings’ respective bedsides, and he quietly swam into the empty throne room but not before peeking to see if his parents were still there. He thanked Neptune they went to bed already. He kissed the last two flowers and placed them on the seats. With a heavy heart and memories being brought back to him both bad and good, the little mercritter swam back out of the palace knowing even if there where nice times he had with his family, it was for the best he left them for the good of his own mental health. Once Pim was far away enough from the palace, he didn’t bother holding back the fat tears from escaping his eyes.
Charlie couldn’t sleep on nights like this when the moon was big and bright, something about it made him want to stand outside by the ocean, drink from his flask and play his ocarina. As he played his beloved instrument, he fondly recalled a childhood memory of his own when he was about 6 or 7, wearing a cape and an old hat Mr. Boss wore while armed with a little wooden sword, gallivanting around the beach while loudly-and-proudly proclaiming he was King of the Pirates. Little Charlie didn’t have much friends at that time but what he would do was based on one of Mr. Boss’ bedtime stories: writing mercritter runes in the sand and coming back later to see the response. Charlie did exactly that and eagerly waited for the response while distracting himself best he could fighting imaginary monsters and bad guys. Lo and behold Charlie always got a response, while in hindsight a Charlie figured it could have been possible that someone, perhaps even Mr. Boss was playing along writing the responses in runes, he couldn’t shake off the magical sensation he got from the afternoon ritual. If it really was a mercritter responding to him this whole time he’d be over the moon.
The next morning, King Steven and Queen Bertha made an important announcement to the guards, the servants, Alan (who was sheepishly perched on King Steven’s shoulder) and all of the kingdom: “Princess Pimberly” was missing in action, and all of Meeplantica was given an order to search far and wide for their youngest child. As contentious as Pim was to his own family, the public adored Pim for putting his heart on his sleeve (or lack thereof) through his irreverence, tender heart and adorably awkward clumsiness as he felt more relatable and authentic to the common merfolk than the rest of the haughty and “perfect” Royals…and having the most beautiful voice in the entire ocean was just the icing on the cake! After the commoners split up and swam away, King Steven turned to the residents of the castle, looking ever-so-businesslike while trying to silently hide away whatever he deemed as weakness to appear more so unshakable. “If we can overcome what happened to my father, the king before me, then this so-called crisis is just plankton on algae as far as I’m concerned, for all we know the shrimp’s pulling a fast one on us.” Damien, as much as he tried to put on a brave face for his peers, was deeply worried about Pim, regretting how complicit he was in the toxicity of the family’s dynamic. Amy on the other hand whined: “Do we HAVE to look for her?” King Steven sighed: “Well I can’t blame you for being burnt out on her antics, I swear she takes after her mother.” Queen Bertha gave her husband an icy glare for that comment, but he didn’t really give a barnacle. He pointed towards the other palace residents, demanding: “The rest of you better look high and low for my youngest and if she ain’t in one piece, It’ll be on YOU! Now MOVE IT ALONG YOU BLOKES.” Everyone scattered as King Pimling darted his eyes at the nervous Alan, and spoke in a less-furious yet still very serious tone: “You swear to Neptune you’ll fetch her home?” Alan solemnly nodded, “Yes your Majesty, I have yet to let you down.” King Steven picked Alan up and placed him on the ground to scurry away in search of Pim.
Of course Alan felt super conflicted about this search party! On one claw he’s been studying in the palace as a chosen prodigy since Pim was just a little tadpole, serving as the older brother Pim never really had. Unlike his actual-biological brother Damien, Pim felt more comfortable confiding to him about personal things his family would refuse to understand to save their own lives such as who he crushed on and his strained relationship with his own identity. Alan was one of the few Meeplanticans who knew Pim’s authentic self and it would boil his blood whenever Amy would stir up drama between Pim and the rest of the family. Whenever Alan was there to witness the conflict, he tried to speak up on Pim’s behalf but his pleas of defense where drown out by the ear-piercing chorus of screaming and crying, so the best he could do was console Pim and reassure him one day he’d somehow get out of this mess. On the other claw, why the hell would anyone want to knowingly bring Pim back to THAT home?! If the public had any idea what went on behind closed curtains, everyone would whole-heartedly agree that Pim would be much happier and safer inside the depths of Davey Jones’ locker than within the company of that toxic cesspool of a Royal Family. Still, Alan wanted to make sure Pim was alright so even if he wasn’t ordered to join the search party, he willingly set out to look for his friend.
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new-tella-us · 7 days
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I’ve had this mofo drawn for so long but I keep on forgetting to post his story.
The entity, Sam edition
Waking up in a thick forest, Mika lays on a bed of hibiscuses with no idea where she is or how she got there. She looks up to see the sky almost completely covered by the leaves of the trees that surround her. What little sky she could see is slightly warped by a glass roof squared off and connected by metal glazing bars. Every entity inhabits an infinite space, for this entity, that is the greenhouse.
As Mika stands and wanders through the greenhouse, she takes notes of the flowers, both the ones that look familiar and the more supernatural ones. She spots an odd looking daisy; it was green, iridescent and translucent like glass. That, however, wasn’t what made it notable; it was what was on the flower. A familiar dog tag hangs limply on the flower, it had the same S engraving on it. Is Sam here too? Mika takes the dog tag, now concerned for the safety of her incubus. Her search becomes more focused, no longer gazing at the flowers but instead, trying to find Sam and make sure he isn’t hurt.
Unbeknownst to Mika, someone was following her from a fair distance. He stares at her curiously as she searches for Sam. Eventually though, he got too close and Mika caught the vague smell of burnt daisies. She turned around too quick for the entity to hide and caught him red handed. This man was visually indistinguishable from Sam. Wearing a veiled sun hat, his face is obscured behind the opaque veil save for the eyes glowing a soft red. His hands clasped and his stand regal and demure, it was clear that this wasn’t Sam. They didn’t hold the same energy even if they shared the same body.
Mika backed away, now afraid. Sam is tall and muscular, if he wanted to hurt her, he could do damage. Sam wouldn’t but there was no telling if this entity was the same. “Sam” seemed to sense Mika’s fear but instead of attacking or even approaching, he held his hands up and slowly sat down as if to come off as less intimidating. Mika calmed a little, still shuffling back a good distance but no longer afraid of immediate danger. Maybe they could talk, even if “Sam” didn’t seem like much of a talker, having not said a single word to her this entire time.
Over the course of a short conversation (or more like, Mika conversed and “Sam” answered her questions with a nod or shake of the head) Mika would learn a few things about “Sam”. He didn’t seem to know who her Sam was by his human name, she wasn’t going to say his true name. He also may not actually resemble Sam but rather this area they were in was twisting their perception. He was, in fact, a demon. Possibly a royal one too seeing how he carried himself. And through a joke question, she learnt that this entity has two children, a son and a daughter. Interesting…
Their game of questionnaire had to come to an end however as something approached where they were. The flowers wilted at the Threat’s presence. Mika hid in the bushes as the dead leaves and flowers slowly started to weave around each other, forming a man. Mika immediately recognized the dark brown hair and tall frame. James? It seemed to be, though he looked angry as he passed by, red cape floating behind him. “Sam” stood to the side and bowed his head at the threat. It took only a blink for “James” to change into “Erik” then “Matthew” then “Damien” the only consistent thing being the angry scowl and the red, blood stained cloak.
As the threat passed by the bush Mika was hiding in, she hid deeper only to stop hearing the footsteps of the threat. She took a second to peek and see if he was gone and was met with nothing but sharp eyes staring back.
She jolted out of her sleep, sweat pouring down from her face. She was back in her bedroom, her Sam sleeping right next to her. Thank god… it was just a bad dream..
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batesmotelofficial · 3 months
You already know who it is. But now that the rps changed slightly. What songs fit the characters now in your opinion. I'll answer it aswell
Sigh, you always give me such wide variety...
Norman: good old fashion lover-boy (queen), on a bicycle built for two (nat king cole), Norman Bates (bright light fever), the shower scene (INK), mary on a cross (ghost), tea errors (jack stauber), inch man (jack stauber), chloroform girl (polkadot cadaver), vermillion (slipknot), touch-tone telephone (lemon demon), mama (mcr), horror hotel (misfits), bates motel (mute), I know it's over (the smiths), don't sing love songs (the caravelles), mary (Alex g), I don't like my mind (mitski), brave as a noun (AJJ), alligator skin boots (mccafferty), psycho (Eddie noack), twenties (ghost), pizza boy (jack stauber), lime bean man (jack stauber), witch image (ghost).
Norma; living dead girl (Rob zombie), mad hatter (melenie martinez), the afterlife/daughter slaughterer 2 (Bambi baker), cigarette ahego (Penelope scott), i/me/myself (will wood), hate the living love the dead (misfits), I threw a rock off an overpass and killed somebody (sign crushes motorwrist), o superman (laurie anderson), laughing on the outside (Bernadette carroll), house-wife radio (ghost & pals), mood swings (human people), bag of bones (mitski), out of her head (from the film), ritual (ghost), mummy dust (ghost), death knell (ghost), prime mover (ghost).
Damien: devil in disguise (elvis), elenor Rigby (the beatles), hip to be square (huey lewis), child psychology (black box recorder), to the end (mcr), the lobotomy (maebi), nowhere to run (stegosaurus rex), hypnotize (SOAD), pyramid song (radiohead), romance is boring (Los campesinos!), call it fate call it karma (the strokes), love me more (mitski), Hansel (sodikken), hunters moon (ghost), he is (ghost), pro memoria (ghost), stand by him (ghost).
Hailey: possibly in Michigan (ivol), psycho (SOAD), who is she (I, monster), not allowed (tv girl), motorpsycho nightmare (Bob dylan), daughter slaughter (Bambi baker), you don't own me (Leslie gore), it almost worked (tv girl), I bet on losing dogs (mitski), traumatic livelihood (jazmin bean), over & over (Rio Romeo), Mr sandman (chordettes), last words of a shooting star (mitski), SIU (maretu), we will all go together when we go (Tom lehrer), spillways (ghost), dance macabre (ghost).
Carrie: hell in the hallways (INK), devil town (cavetown), home (cavetown), my alcoholic friends (the dredsen dolls), remember you omnichord (trillian), washing machine heart (mitski), Stockholm butterfly, P.U.N.K. girl (heavenly), seventeen (ladytron), hey bunny (baby bugs), dove (antihoney), amygadals rag-doll (ghost & pals), kids (current joys), too young to burn (sonny & the sunsets), the milk carton (Madelyn mei), bunny bunny bunny (golden Orchestra), square hammer (ghost), Elizabeth (ghost), circe (ghost), Bible (ghost).
Wendy: dumpster girl (jack stauber), you know what you've done (jazmin bean), my love mine all mine (mitski), NYMPHOLOGY (melenie martinez), duvet (bóa), duet (omori), dealer (Lana ray), you smell of dead flowers (wastelandpyro), fiesta love/late spring (mitski), stupid cupid (Connie francis), harness your hopes (pavement), sleepwalk (Santo and johnny), lonely eyes (the front bottoms), irrational (cavetown), the moon will sing (the crane wives), midnight the stars and you (al bowlly), life eternal (ghost), if you have ghosts (ghost).
Beetlejuice: one way or another (blondie), hybrid moments (misfits), training wheels (melenie martinez) a little piece of heaven (avenged sevenfold), Charlie's inferno (that handsome devil), twin sized mattress (the front bottoms), can't help falling in love (elvis presley), the saints of violence and innuendo (shinedown), squaring up (sir chloe), half-decade hangover (will wood), the satanic rites of blacula (Rob zombie), jesus he knows me (ghost), kiss the go-goat (ghost).
Abe: are you satisfied? (MARINA), wasted summers (juju<3), aline blues (vundabar), drunk walk home (mitski), best junkie you adore (jazmin bean), Bruno is orange (hop along), terrible things (AXIE), what are we gonna do now (indigo de souza), Adam's song (blink-182), gallowdance (Lebanon hanover), back to the old house (the smiths), literal legend (ayesha erotica), Texas rezinkoff (mitski), fool (bôa), absolution (ghost), nocturnal me (ghost), jigolo har megiddo (ghost).
Miriam: hell of a ride (bo burnham), Brutus (the buttress), anarchy (egg), home (three days grace), good looking (suki waterhouse), new flesh (current joys), just (radiohead), tree hugger (kimya dawson), Lotta true crime (Penelope scott), the chattering lack of common sense (ghost & pals), the loser (verzache), transgender (crystal castles), PSYCHO (HARDY), binomi (maretu), fallen down (undertale), fatal to the flesh (cho tokimeki sendenbu), call me little sunshine (ghost), faith (ghost), missionary man (ghost).
-Mod 1, this took an hour
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machtomiles · 4 months
here's my personal headcanons of redacted characters that i personally project onto! some i wrote specifically for pride month and others are just more specific one's :3
all of the damn crew is trans and in a poly relationship (even if not canon i've always seen them all together in someway whether it's romantic, sexual, or queerplatonic)! they all take t shots together and comfort each other through dysphoria
damien and hux are transmasc, lasko, dear, & fl are non-binary, and gavin is genderfluid or maybe genderqueer
(all characters are queer/bi/pan to some degree that's just canon logically since all audios are mfa)
guy is def transmasc and wears honey's hoodie because it secretly helps him with dysphoria (and also to be a menace because it's a win-win situation either way)
all the wolf boys are transmasc
i feel like vincent might be nonbinary or gender non-conforming regardless he just wears whatever he finds stylish
all other demons/daemons are agender
baby helps ollie with his t shots (ollie said his love language is physical touch so i think doing it together is def intimate and comforting for him)
in elliot's dreamscape, he helps sunshine with their insecurities but encourages them not to change their body because they look perfect in reality
personal/projected headcanons
hux, gavin, anton, & sam are all black because i said so ☝🏾
i see headcanons everywhere that lasko or damien is korean and it's true because like.....that ain't no yt boy.....
asher is a lightskin with freckles HELPPPPP
milo and david are brownskin methinks all them wolves got melanin let's be fr...
anton loves talking to love on the phone because he loves the sound of their voice, regardless if he misses them or not
blake has bpd most definitely (takes one to know one......)
huxley loves being the little spoon and damien loves being the big spoon (they always switch cuddling positions in the middle of the night but don't mention doing it outright before bed for months)
huxley plants fruits, veggies, and flowers for damien so they can cook them together
damien is a good cook he definitely made lots of homemade meals with his mom
lasko secretly loves horror movies even if he gets scared watching them (both him and dear get scared and use it as an excuse to get closer to each other on the couch or in bed)
if lasko was a rolling backpack kid i feel like he was def a mouth breather as a kid (HELPPP this is a joke sorry)
i need to write more later this is all i have 😿
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elenavr13 · 2 years
Darkiplier Head Cannons
-  Capable of manipulating shadows –as well as people–
-  Can change appearance to look normal or like someone else
-  Shares Damien’s face not Mark’s
-  Isn’t actually a demon. Instead, he was made to be one.
-  Always wears a chain which Y/n gave to him
-  Knows how to play the piano but doesn’t do it a lot. As Damien, he loved playing and almost pursued a music career but he avoided it after becoming Dark because it reminded him of his past life. He’ll occasionally play piano for Y/n though because he knows they enjoy it.
-  After he meets Y/n, his style becomes more casual as in sweatshirts, sweaters, and t-shirts. He really only dresses down in front of Y/n which means nearly everyone else just sees him in formal attire.
-  Whenever Wilford asks for something from Dark, Dark plays a prank on him while also complying with what Wil asked.
-  Enjoys it when Y/n plays with his hair
-  Sometimes steals Y/n’s things to see if they notice that it’s gone. If he takes a book or something similar to that, he will leave notes or flowers in the pages.
-  Likes to turn the lights off and use candles instead
-  Takes things apart, like clocks, to put them back together
-  Hums to himself when he is upset. It calms him
-  He finds the sky, stars, space, etc. fascinating even when he was Damien
-  Hates being called Damien, but when Wilford slips and calls him that, he doesn’t correct him.
-  Enjoys being next to/holding Y/n because they are naturally warm while he is cool to the touch. Their heat is also comforting.
-  Has never been one for drinking ever since that night (wkm).
-  Because Damien was such good friends with Y/n (DA), Dark also has feelings for them but doesn’t show it. He treats them the same way as everyone else except for the fact that he would never intentionally hurt them.
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Random Luci misadventures stuff that nobody fuckin' ask for PT 5:
This one is about Lance! About time there is something about him!
Lancelot Damien Florus Perez Morningstar is as you know the youngest child of Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith(Ex-Wife)
Like Arthur, Lance is a prodigy in magic, though, his magical properties are more into the divine angelic side than the demonic side. He's interested in floral activities such as Gardening, Weeding, Flowering etc. he's also interested in poison, hence, his magic is more tune to floral and poison.
Again, Like Arthur, Lance is a Mama/Daddy's boy toward Luci, he doesn't remember anything about Lilith or rather anything good about her as like Arthur he was born aware, he doesn't know Charlie very well and she didn't give him a very good impression when they finally met for the first time, so, he stick more to Arthur as he admires him and looks up to him.
Lance always carries a basket full of flowers, he would give flower necklaces and crowns to cheer someone up or show he likes and trust them or when he sees someone and decided he doesn't like them and if he wants to be a sadist, he would give them poisonous flower crowns or necklaces and would poison their lungs as the flower scents were because Lance puts some of his magic into them, (he gave Alastor a poisonous flower crown in an overlord meeting once as it was their second encounter, the poison was enough for him to just pass out in pain, Lance even grabbed his mic staff and threw it out the window)
Lance has a goal to make Hell have some of their greenery and plants all over and not just in some places like in the noble demons and overlord's factions, he could wait till he's older but he decided to just start small and made small gardens all over the pride ring.
Lance always loves to take naps on trees, especially The Morningstar trees(The trees are one of the most important parts of this blog/AU). He finds them comforting, sometimes he even drag his big brother and cousins to read and nap with him on the trees.
As Lance is still a kid, he would follow either Luci or Arthur like a baby duckling as he just wants to stay near them and some experiences, plus, he loves his Mama/Daddy and Big Brother.
Lance is a quiet boy, who's also a blunt bastard child(Runs in the whole family), he doesn't people he doesn't know very well or doesn't like touches him out of nowhere. Charlie did it once and it did not end well for her, to Lance just because she's his big sister doesn't mean he get to touch her as he doesn't even know her, despite that, he's very affectionate and clingy towards the ones he love and adore, like Luci and Arthur,
His favorite out of the sins is Leviathan and Belphagor, his reasons are his opinions similar to Arthur's towards them.
Doesn't like the heaven hierarchy, he doesn't know as much as Arthur as he is still young but he knows enough to have an opinion about them.
He has a stuff duck he loves very much(It was a gift from Luci), touch it or take it from him and you'll face the consequences!
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ya-boi-haru · 1 year
Random Redacted Headcannons I'm going to add to at random points...
• Lasko isn't a nervous stutter, he has a speach impediment (a stutter) and it gets worse when he's nervous/ uncomfortable.
• Milo isn't good at remembering names (at first) Which is why he gets people's names wrong (ie: Lasky, Scorpio).
- in addition he called Sweetheart 'Sweetheart' at first cause he didn't remember their name, but it just turned into their pet name.
• Laskos writing is like his speech. There's words crossed out, or just has to rewrite the page in general cause he's rethinking/ overthrowing everything. He prefers typing (emails, notes etc)
• Caelum has friendship bracelets for some of his charges. Even if they don't have one/ forget him, he still wears them. He has one for David. (I do this in my cosplay)
• During the Solcits, Damien may have been all "Don't worry about me, go enjoy your Solcsist" to Huxley, but come his bad soloist, he's doing the same thing and worrying over Hux.
• Huxley made matching flower crowns for the DAMN crew. He gives Damien special flowers as little gifts from time to time. Damien tried to make a flower for Hux but he accidentally set it on fire
• Caelum is attending the Pack Wedding and had to get help from another Demon or Charge to help with his tie
• You know the art of pen spinning? Hux does a similar with rocks and his magic whenever he's focusing on something. Damien thinks it's cute.
More to come?
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fgfluidity · 2 years
Summary: Say… Dark looks a bit different lately.
Pairings: past Celine/William, Damien/DA
Warnings: mentions of death and injury, sibling relationships written by an only child
@opprose @statictay @volbeast @mirrorslament (if you want to be tagged lmk)
buy me a coffee?
Celine hadn’t slept in what felt like decades.
In the Place For Broken Things, that cold and snow-filled wasteland, time was meaningless. Every day was engineered to be just the same as the last, as best as she could make it; there was no use in counting the days, because it was never meant to end, not really.
All she wanted was to keep her brother alive and safe, whatever it took. If that meant taking on the full strain of maintaining an inner world all on her own, warding off psychic assaults from the monster her ex-husband had become, while her brother got to play at being a lumberjack, then…
Then it was all worth it. She’d pay whatever price it took to keep them alive.
Celine hates to say it now, and always has, but… she overestimated her strength. Her credit.
It was supposed to last, but every day felt just a bit harder than the last. The sky looked a bit more static, the cold waxing and waning as she struggled to keep their snowglobe world contained. The trees, one by one, disappeared under her brother’s axe, and suddenly she couldn’t make the forest expand any further.
He came home and mentioned voices, a pink flower pushing through the snow.
She shouldn’t have snapped at him, perhaps, but…
How else was she to react to evidence that all of her power and preparation was for naught? How else but with fear, both for her and her brother? If some wayward voice pushed through, then…
And then the bastard finally dared show his face. He didn’t look like himself, a copy of his wardrobe and movie-star smile pasted over him to almost seem as a parody. He oozed slime and confidence, delusions of grandeur miles above anything prior to that night.
It wasn’t fully him, not really, but how could Damien sense such a thing? The stench that clung to his soul, overpowering until cool earth and oranges smelled of rot and the grave— that was something beyond the man they once called dear.
But, ultimately, they’d become inseparable. She knew of nothing to purge that demon from all of her study, and after all Mark had done, well.
She didn’t feel particularly inclined to try, but an axe throw directly to the skull felt pretty good, instead.
Then… then her brother offered to let her sleep. Take the wheel, as it were, after all she’d done.
Seeing the broken sky and static beyond, she wanted to say no. The darkness bonding them in one place would change him, and despite his faults, one thing she could say about her brother is that he was good. Good beyond any of them, save perhaps his lawyer friend.
The demon, the revenge, the vicious world at large… she’d always sought to protect him from all of it. He could keep his golden heart and his optimism, and she’d handle the rest; that’s how it had always been.
But she was so, so tired, and all she could do was offer a warning. He wouldn’t be the same, and he would have a duty to fulfill.
He grinned his cocky grin, and they were swept up in water warmer than it had any right to be.
It felt like climbing into her cup of chamomile just before bed, warm and soothing and fragrant, gentle arms carrying her off to bed.
She slept.
Something isn’t quite right.
Just as it feels when you lose your covers in the night, or someone in the house moves, her bed— for lack of a better term— no longer warms and comforts her. Disgruntled at the interruption, she opens her eyes a crack.
This is not the Place For Broken Things. It isn’t her old home, isn’t a cabin, isn’t… well, it isn’t anything.
Not anything she recognizes, anyway.
Slowly, she sits up in bed, taking stock of the room around her. It’s rather plain, really, if cloaked in shades of charcoal, steel, and white; the bed is a touch firm for her liking, crisp sheets just mussed from a sleeping body.
Aside from the bed, there’s a rolling desk and chair, similarly dark, with a few sheets of paper on the presumably wooden surface. They almost glow in the not-light of the room, and with such sharp contrast, she notes writing in dark ink.
That’s all for the room, unfortunately. Whoever owns or made this place isn’t big on comfort or style— really, it all seems more like an afterthought, necessities only. Sad, in a way, but at least no-nonsense.
The world outside the singular window is equally barren. As far as she can see, there’s only darkness in all directions. It would give the impression of being boxed in, but it glows with its own strange light just as the room does; with the added illusion of depth, it seems to go on for miles.
Were she not made of sterner stuff, she’d probably shudder at the notion of getting lost in that void; as it is, she still feels her magic at hand, enough to form whatever compass she may need, and deeper— a sense of familiarity.
She’s never seen this place in her life, and yet it feels like— well, somewhere she’s been for years.
First things first, though. Celine slides off one side of the bed, aiming to snoop through those papers on the desk. Only a step in, though, one foot wobbles, and the next trips over— something. Fabric?
Curious, she looks down at her body. She’s… not in her dress at all, nor her winter clothes. Rather, it’s a quite sharp white suit, clean and very much tailored, but not for her body. It’s too large, the inseam long enough for a bit of the pant leg to brush the ground, the shoulders too boxy.
It’s certainly not something she would have chosen to wear, not with this sizing. Honestly, if it were to suit anyone’s tastes— aside from the color— it would be…
Far from an unintelligent woman, Celine snaps her head up to look around, out the window again. “Damien? If this is one of your jokes, we don’t have time for—“
Something in her gut gives her pause. A tugging, almost like intuition but not in her voice.
She’s been a medium for years. When a voice is trying to tell you something, indistinct as it may be, you at least check it out. Just as it directs, she steps back to the desk, taking up the paper in one hand.
I don’t know if this will work. You’ve always been better at this than I have, and even after I’ve had a lot more time to practice.
That said… I know what you mean, now. About being tired. It’s been… out here, it’s been a century, almost.
For all her fortitude, Celine can’t help a shiver at the thought, a cold and dawning realization in her chest.
He’s been doing this for almost a century. All while she was asleep.
What kind of sister—? Swallowing hard, she makes herself return to the letter.
I’ve done a lot. I’ve learned some. I’ve worked more than you probably would have allowed. Now, I need a rest, just for a little while.
If you don’t come out when I sleep, I’ll just get rid of this. But I thought I’d leave you something, just on the off-chance you aren’t—
It cuts off and starts fresh. She doesn’t think she’d be able to write something about his death, either.
If you do, know that we have powers, more than even yours. It took me a while, but I’m sure you’ll show me up in no time.
Also, we have responsibilities, as always, but… I’ve been a bit more prone to isolated work after everything. If you don’t show for a while, I don’t think many of them will care.
Well… one will. Don’t approach them. Please.
Which only piques her interest further.
You’ll feel pain, still, but not hunger. I didn’t even feel tired until recently. That pain… it gets manageable. Eventually. I don’t want to leave you with it, but…
I suppose it’s a consequence for what we did.
As if on cue, her stomach burns with fire, and her neck aches. Yes, a consequence from a broken body— and judging from that little voice nudging at her, Damien hasn’t forgiven her.
It saved their lives. His friend offered. No reason to feel guilty.
That should be it. I have my files here and in the office outside of the void. Copies— you can never be too careful.
I’ll try not to be long, and then you can go right back to sleep.
I love you, Lina.
She hasn’t heard that name in a very long time. Not since that night, at the very least, before that thing took her body and forced her hands around her brother’s neck.
Deep in a different kind of dream, it would have been less painful to kill her than to hear her twin, her Pup, plead with her.
Pup certainly took more explanation than Lina, in terms of nicknames. It was simple, though, really— all he’d ever done was remind her of a dog, even in their earliest years. Earnest, kind, loyal— puppy eyes when he wanted you to listen to him.
Her Pup is tired, now, and she’s his Lina. His big sister.
“Don’t worry, little brother,” she mutters to herself, tucking away the letter in a drawer for safekeeping. “You can rest. I’ll handle this for now.”
First things first— she’s adjusting this suit. She might need to move, and tripping over fabric isn’t in the plan.
The room holds no closet or chest of drawers, and she was never good with a needle and thread. With a sigh, she goes about doing it the old-fashioned, do-it-yourself way, rolling up and twisting the fabric until it holds.
Her pant leg doesn’t look too bad when she’s done, and it should hold if she needs to walk, but as she moves to the other, something in her gut nudges. Curious, but even more so when it doesn’t direct her to one of the drawers or the door leading outside; instead…
Well, what it recommends otherwise simply isn’t possible, or not in her wheelhouse. Mental constructs, internal compasses, and reading the future are all… simple. Little more than imagination and intuition with the tiniest bit of outside help. She’s never managed anything physical.
“But we have powers, now,” she murmurs. Hesitant, she looks down at that exact pant leg, already formed into a cuff on her ankle.
It takes less effort than she thought something like this would require, a cold power like ice water leaping to her hand almost before she finishes the thought. It doesn’t look right, black un-light lined in her favored red pooling in her hand, but with a gesture, it jumps to the white cloth.
Inky as it is, she’s surprised the suit remains pristine as the power flows. In a wash of black and red, the suit forms better to her smaller body, a slimmer and shorter cut. Still white, a splash of color to cut up the monochrome at her throat in the form of a blood red scarf.
Ties are too confining, and a bit of stability won’t hurt her neck any further. The dress shoes, though, stay; heels can’t give her any more presence than she, herself, can, and they’re a mite better at any quick movements she may need.
Always best to be prepared.
She wasn’t prepared for this.
How could she be, really? Anything could have been on the other side of that door, and you can’t prevent every potentiality.
Another office, though?
“You never could leave work at work, could you?” Though she’s sure— pretty sure— Damien can’t hear her from wherever he’s sleeping, it’s comforting to pretend he’s right there. Ribbing him for his choices is normal, and goodness knows they both need a bit of normal right now.
She could be imagining it, but the gut feeling turns a bit sour, and she smiles.
“At the very least, you stay organized,” she comments, sitting down in a rather comfortable leather chair. She spins it a bit to reach the large cabinet behind her. “If I were expected to pick up where you left off without your filing, you’d be shoved right back up front.”
She wouldn’t, but he doesn’t need to know that.
The top drawer glides open smoothly, and she flicks through the little tabbed files. It’s her brother’s handwriting, all right, neater than print should be, but the names don’t add up, even when she moves down a drawer.
It’s filled with files labeled with things like permits, receipts, insurance. There’s a book with carefully-printed names and numbers, professions and services neatly beside them. Casting, lighting, photography, carpentry—
Really, it all reads more like something of his, rather than her brother’s. Damien didn’t have much interest in entering show business. Right?
It’s a mystery for later, she reasons, and moves to the next cabinet. She’ll have time to question his decisions once she’s sure he’s done his initial duty.
This cabinet has what she’s looking for, but it’s surprisingly full. Mark’s name, over and over, with addresses, aliases, his colleagues and whatever new friends he’d manage to trick. She’d never put it past him to be so conniving, not anymore, but this… well, it’s almost like Damien couldn’t pin him down.
Her frown deepening, she pulls out information on Mark's whereabouts at the most recent date. It's a far too recent date than she'd prefer, and shocking besides, but the address sounds right. There's a picture of a house, not quite a manor but very large and likely pricey, and prints of other photographs of Mark, himself.
Either he's just woken up or styles have definitely changed in a century, because he looks scruffy. More than even Damien managed to, back in their Place. Simple clothing, a patchy beard, long and ruffled hair-- it's a far cry from the Mark she remembers. That makes it perfect for blending in.
A good disguise for the layperson, but not her, and not her brother. So why, then, does he still live? Damien had seemed to share in her anger before, on board with the quest for revenge; could it be that, despite everything, he can't bring himself to do it? They grew up as brothers, but... well, many things can turn brothers against each other, and they all know that very well by now.
There has to be some other reason. Something that's kept Damien from finally striking, when he has every opportunity to do so. Shoving the pictures back into the folder, she begins to look through the other sections. Projects, payment, the—
“Dames, now, I can’t quite figure out why I have to be—“
The brash voice cuts off in a surprised yelp, and Celine turns to face it, bristling with surprise— then, shock.
For one, something that looks an awful lot like tendrils of her power has the owner of the voice pinned right to the wall. It was born of surprise, an instinct of protection rather than malice.
Then again, when she looks past the pink and curls, notes the shape of the face and the shade of his eyes, she bares her teeth and urges harder. “You.”
“Me!” The man gives her a beaming smile, which quickly turns into a curious look. “Hey, you aren’t Damien. He wouldn’t have me so tight— if you don’t mind..?”
“No.” She doesn’t lessen the pressure, staring daggers at him, but she doesn’t push any harder, either. “How are you here, Wil? Why? What are you doing with my brother?”
“Oh, I’m here and there. Everywhere, really.” He looks closer, and she knows the moment he recognizes her face; the madness leaves his eyes, the mustache drooping ever so slightly. “Cel- Celine… how are you? You haven’t aged a day.”
Once, if he tried to flatter her, she’d have melted. That was a very long time ago. “I suppose I have you to thank. I wouldn’t have a body if you hadn’t provided. My questions, William.”
“William?” Such deep pain in those eyes, such guilt, and then the madness comes back in a tidal wave. “Oh, no, I’m Wilford, pleasure to meet you. I have a script, but Dames won’t let me until I go to a ‘safety seminar’—“ his hands are pinned but somehow he still manages to free them for the quotes,” but I can’t find him. Where is he?”
This isn’t the man she fell in with. Maybe loved, once. He’s just… mad. Of no consequence. With pity, she shoves him towards the door with her tendrils of magic. “Sleeping. Deal with it, yourself.”
She has bigger fish to fry, and nice as their dalliance had been, it wasn’t love. It’s not enough now.
“Alright, stop shoving!” Wilford huffs from the doorframe, straightening out his shirt and bowtie. “Didn’t you have your coffee this morning? Oh, speaking of— the PA should be here by now. Do you know when he might wake up?”
Celine frowns. “PA?”
“Yes, that cute little helper.” He waves a hand, a slightly indulgent smile of his face. “Damie’s awfully fond of them— but don’t tell him I said that, he gets all glitchy.”
“… Right.” She supposes she can understand. This power feels unstable even under her control, and Damien had no experience when he decided to take the reins. “Well, if I find out, I’ll… let you know.”
Out of sorts, she can’t stop the note of affection in her voice. Just a little, for a friend long gone.
When Wilford leaves, she turns back to the open drawer. There’s one last section, and it rivals the one on Mark. Addresses, aliases, and above all else, photographs.
The PA.
Damien is fond. He has a file the size of Mark’s. After much debate, she reaches out to take the first photograph she can and brings it into view.
“… Oh, damn it, Damien.”
Celine isn’t one to look on the bright side of things. She never has been, always all too aware of what’s going on under the surface, what things might possibly go wrong.
Out of everything she could have prepared for, her brother’s crush apparently returning from the dead and halting any of their progress was not one of them.
If Mark had picked anyone else in the entire world, anyone at all, he’d have been long dead and they could rest. That idiotic, monstrous, evil asshole just had to pick them.
It makes sense, she thinks idly, a spread of papers across the desk as she tries to triangulate a current position. He was so set on Damien being his villain, why not use the object of his affections as a bit of leverage? It’s practical.
Hell, she did the same thing. They could have used her body, after all, and gotten the same result. Damien’s insistence on checking on his friend— and their rather timely death— was simply a perfect storm.
To be fair… she had expected to keep them in the body a little longer. They were sharp, they could have been of further use, but…
You have to make sacrifices in this life. It was them, or the very power keeping this body intact now. Keeping her brother alive.
They’d be safe in the mirror, just a little spell until everything was dealt with, then she could come back and release their spirit and they’d all be fine.
Dead, sure, but fine.
Who managed to break it, she isn’t sure. It would take considerable power for anyone to override it, but considerable power isn’t in short supply where that house is concerned. It could be Mark— almost certainly is— but, well.
She didn’t choose the DA to read the future with her for no reason.
Regardless, they’re alive and well in the present, palling around with Mark, and Damien won’t do a thing about him while they’re together.
Damn it.
She doesn't mind leaving the DA without him once again-- they're smart and tough, according to Damien's long-winded descriptions of them-- but the very idea sends that little inner voice into a tizzy. Somehow, it manages to aggravate her wounded stomach again, and she grimaces as she presses a hand to the spot.
"Alright, already, I get it. You can't bear it." She heaves a sigh as the pain lessens, straightening up. "But he has to go one way or another. They aren't incapable of being alone, you know."
That gives her pause. Attached as he may be, Damien knows that very well. He’s an optimist, but he isn’t stupid. He would have tried to separate them, almost certainly. The attempts failed, yes, but there were still attempts.
It takes another drawer, but she finds those attempts— and, fortuitously, just what Mark has been up to lately.
That absolutely explains why the DA hasn’t left. Either of their own accord, or through some machination of Mark, they can’t leave him. Ever.
Celine groans to herself. Why must everything be so complicated? If Damien didn’t care so damn much—
Well, he wouldn’t be her Pup, would he?
She needs a plan. She needs people who have interacted with her target. She needs an edge.
As uncomfortable as it might be, given everything that’s happened…
She’s going to have to talk to the PA.
Or, maybe, work her way up to it.
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knightinink · 1 year
Do you have any dip hanahaki disease headcannons?
Ooh this could actually go along with my Damien hc's nicely! Lets get this one rolling! 🌹🌷
-Okay so I feel that it would affect Damien more than it would affect Pip, since he would be less likely to confess his feelings & let them bottle up. Going off of another post of mine where I (kinda) talk about how Damien's mean & evil persona is just a front because he's scared & insecure underneath it all, & he's afraid of what could happen if people were to see his more vulnerable & sensitive side. He wants to be soft & tender, but he doesn't know how to express this to Pip, so he just keeps it inside.
-At some point, the demon notices that he has a bit of a hard time breathing, but doesn't think too much of it. That silly disease couldn't be real, right? It was just some stupid folktale! Something made up to scare people!
-A few weeks go by, & it's becoming more & more difficult for the demon to breathe, & he's horrified when, while he's roughly coughing into the bathroom sink, a repeating sharpness feels like its poking into his throat & he quickly falls to his knees, knuckles white as he grips the edge of the toilet bowl, & hacks up whatever he's now choking on.
-He's finally able to cough up whatever felt like it was shredding his throat, & as he blinks tears out of his eyes, he zeros in on the small bundle of about 5 red roses, thorns shining crimson with his blood, & turning the water slightly pink. Eyes widening in horror, he falls back onto his butt, his breathing picking up as he begins to panic, & a taste of nature floods his mouth as he clenches his teeth shut; the roses have left their vines, & they have rooted into his lungs quite nicely, not intent on letting go.
-He would hide this from his father & Pip of course, but he wouldn't be able to for very long.
-Pip meanwhile keeps coughing up pink tulip petals every now & then, but they always eventually cough up all wilted, as Pip is thoroughly convinced that whatever romantic interest he's ever had will not come to be, as he is simply not capable of being loved; everyone in his upbringing had reminded him oh so many times of this. It was true with Estella, & it was true with Herbert (bless him!), that whenever Pip would finally decide to get close, he would end up convincing himself that he wasn't worth their time, that he would be bothering them, & would back out.
-This would continue... except for when it came to Damien.
-There was something within the Brit that just wouldn't let the demon go from his mind, & ever since then the petals would come up flourishing, no longer in their dreary, wilted state. About a week had gone by when the first full flower had shown up, a soft pastel pink, petals open in all their beauty. Pip was horrified.
-More time would go by & the confession would come first from Damien, who is being drowned from the inside by his own blood, as there is a full rose bush growing in & around his chest & chest cavity, the thorns ripping through the tender flesh. Pip would be in shock, completely oblivious to the fact that the feelings he had harbored for the demon laying his head in his lap as he lay dying, had been returned this entire time.
-Damien would just laugh in a fuzzy sense of warmth, as well as the irony of being killed by something of his namesake. He would ask Pip to kiss him, the latter obligingly leaning down to do so, & presses a tearful kiss to the demon's bloodied lips. Their lips are lightly pushed apart as a red rose & a pink tulip come to the surface, brushing against each other tenderly, before they melt into a kiss of their own.
-When Pip breaks from the kiss, he's met with glazed-over eyes that were once as vibrant as the blood that he could still taste on his lips. He brushed a hand delicately over the rose & the tulip. then brushes the hair away from the demon's face so he could see all of him more clearly. Pip choked back a sob.
-Damien was gone.
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
D(a)emon Headcanons (Ft Starlight, Freelancer, and Precious)
Again, I call Regulus’ listener “Precious” because I really don’t know their nickname
- Gavin flosses 4 times a day
- Avior wears glasses with chains attached
- Warden has worn the same flower crown for so long that it’s dead, nobody has the heart to tell them
- Scorpius fakes his accent
- Whenever Freelancer wants to sleep in, and Caelum won’t let them, they open their phone, go onto Youtube Shorts, and show him someone playing Subway Surfers.
- This distracts him for 10 minutes to 3 hours, and usually ends the 3rd time he sees Family Guy.
- Avior has never had coffee, so when he and Starlight planned on going to the coffee shop, he was actually looking forward to it
- Vega loves Regina George from Mean Girls.
- Cam has a Zen garden, it’s his pride and joy
- Gavin ADORES jelly donuts
- Regulus can draw…like..scaringly good
- Whenever he modifies memories, Scorpius usually steals some traumatizing memories as well
- Warden loves Zootopia
- Gavin only knows “pecs” as “tits”
- If your version of Cam has long hair, he wears it in a ponytail
- One of them has a badass spear, I just don’t know which
- Avior uses cable boxes to watch TV
- Caelum doesn’t know his ABCs, or how to talk telepathically
- Caelum watches PBS kids
- Scorpius has a dress somewhere and it looks SO damn good on him
- Delphinus has the calmest smile ever
- Warden has never fed on sadism, they didn’t know it was something they could do. They hated doing it for the first time with Vega.
- Scorpius plays tic tac toe with himself and hates it when he loses
- Vega has a chipped horn
- Avior CANNOT jump rope
- He WILL fall on his face after being caught on it
- Warden can only jump rope if they do it backwards
- Due to the way Regulus grips his pencils, he can only draw traditionally
- Despite popular belief, Cam prefers Lemon Tea
- Gavin microwaves water just to piss off Damien, especially if there’s a kettle in front of him
- When Warden first coalesced, their first words were incoherent and LOUD. They were just taking in the beauty of Aria for the first time and didn’t know how. Their steward/ess was concerned about them. They got embarrassed when they realized what was going on.
- Scorpius hates streaming sites purely because of their raising prices
- Caelum was forced to soap his mouth out after one of his older brothers’ tricked him into saying “comé mierda” to Delphinus. He thought it meant “I love you”
- Warden uses Instagram reels
- Vega only talks telepathically because he bites his tongue with his sharp teeth so often he took a vow of physical silence
- Avior hates fantasy books because of how much they get wrong
- Cam and Warden used to have tea time on Wednesdays before they decided to “rehabilitate” Vega
- Regulus can’t operate a camera
- Caelum likes to pretend to be a dinosaur and have Cam try to defeat him
- Gavin has a unicorn onesie somewhere in his closet he wears to sleep with Freelancer
- Warden always blushes when they smile. It’s not a romantic thing, their cheeks just go red.
- If your Warden is darker skinned, their pupils expand when they smile.
- Scorpius has broken covert for fun, like, 7 times
- Regulus uses Tarot Cards on himself. The first time he used them, his future was the “6 of Lovers: Attraction, Upside Down”^1
- Avior does the Velma “My glasses! I can’t see without my glasses!” thing whenever Starlight steals them. He doesn’t need them, but he likes how they look
- Regulus likes to kiss Precious’ hand as a romantic gesture 
- Warden wears glasses for fun, inspired by another inchoate demon they befriended
- Vega refuses to call bananas “berries” and glares at anyone who does
- Cam believes in astrology
- So does Caelum
- Delphinus is TALL, I’m talking 6’11
- Gavin wears shirts with boob windows, if it wasn’t obvious enough
1: Infatuation, Passing fancy, Lust
Taglist: @ryn-halo26
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OC Name Meanings Tag Game
So @starlit-hopes-and-dreams tagged me with this, and I should be writing, so let's do that instead! Gonna leave it an open tag.
Rules: Put down an OC or more and tell what their name means.
Gonna take my POV OCs. Fair warning: I am not googling all names. Everyone can do that. I'm just putting down where they came from for most.
Was a random name generator for the game GW2, I am pretty sure. Possibly swapped some letters around as well.
I don't think this name exist with that a — so either I used a Gaelic name generator and just stuffed it in, or it appears like that in the GW name generator. Either way, no meaning was intended.
Shamefully stolen from a book I read back when I made the ingame char. In the book Transformation by Carol Berg, the protagonist's name is Seyonne, and it sounded so very fitting for that ingame race. Now I am stuck with it.
I decided that some kalani will probably have plant (and later: object) names, and picked the first flower I could think of lol
I literally did not think about it. I needed a name and she just appeared out of nowhere. Apparently it means "bitter" and "beloved" — well she's not bitter.
Back in my roleplaying days, I had a char concept that never got much playtime which was a demon possessed girl, who really wanted to live, while the demon wanted to kill her to take over her body. I named her Joy, full name Josephine. I believe the original char's parents were religious, but no such meaning intended for this Josephine.
My second stolen name — from my favorite book The Wind Witch, and I will live forever with the shame that this char was named after a stallion. Well, Valadan would find it very funny, I assure you.
I was listening to Savatage's Damien when I wanted to make a brother for Valadan. It apparently means "to subdue".
This one I actually went for meaning — it was yet another ingame char, and for some reason, I had just bought the musical instrument flute, and I wanted a char with a music name. Some page I had back then said it means "happy melody" :D She does not have anything to do with music in writing.
Just like Marian, appeared out of fucking nowhere.
Cédric means “warlord” or “war chief” (from Celtic “kad” = war + “rîg” = ruler/king) and “loved one” (from Celtic-Welsh “carad” = loved or “caru” = to love”.
Well. good pick.
Was a name I like since I named... one of my neopets that. I did not have an OC for that name, instead using it for my weekly deleted key farmer in the game. It means something like "poet king, royal poet".
Then Fancy Boots arrived without a name and I looked at my list and thought— you know what, let's give this name a face.
I am probably rolling with Caldeia having lots of french names, so I looked up a super french name and came up with that. It's so french. Realized a bit too late I have (had) a coworker with that name. Oops.
(No, France does not exist ̇)
Another neopet. I have no idea where I got her from — she was a plush Ixi, and I am sure I never turned one plush myself, so it was probably a pound catch, and then lab turned. I was looking for names that work as, well, names, while keeping a small memory of my pets.
A different kind of pet! I once drove 350 km to pick up two albino rat rescues, and named them Finnian and Winifred, both names which meant "white". Finnian is not particularly white; he's white, yes, but with dark hair and dark eyes, but I like the name.
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new-tella-us · 26 days
Shard wrong Mika does to surprise each of the boys? How do they react to the surprise?
Not sure what "shard wrong" means but if Mika were to surprise the boys, it would be dependent on the reason for the surprise. So lets say a birthday surprise. Demons don't really have birthday but they do seem to know the season that they were born in so Mika would ask them to choose a random day from their season and not tell them that it's gunna function as their "birthday".
First off the general surprise for any of the boys would have presents, balloons, food (a lot of food honestly), and just a LOT. The more custom responses would come from the place that Mika would take each boy to.
For James- Since it would be some time in Fall, I can see Mika taking James out for a nice walk, away from all of their responsibilities. The autumn leaves and cool air would bring a nice atmosphere. Then maybe they can get a hotel in a different town, dinner, exploring the town. Yknow a mini vacation. James wouldn't really know how to process all this attention and consideration, he's used to being the person that would plan this sort of event. Though after he gets over the initial shock, he would really appreciate the effort and genuinely have fun.
For Erik- His is in winter so ice skating! The lake that Mika mentions in a Seduce Me Episode would be frozen over so it could be perfect for skating. Then some shopping for some fabric to supply Erik's budding interest in fashion (assuming this is Pre-Demon War) and then finally they go to the skyscraper I talked about from my dream. That could be the day Erik revealed what happened to his eye. Erik would be really happy over this gesture. It's not every day he gets spoiled so rotten. He'll return the favor for her birthday.
For Sam- His is also winter so snowball fight! They go to the park, now covered in a blanket of snow and Mika gets the devious idea to launch a snowball at Sam, unaware of the war she would start in that park. Then they could go to the roof of the Anderson estate like they did in game and watch the sunset. Sam would be too busy having fun to question why Mika would spend time to make him happy... at least until the end of the day, then that's all he can think about. Maybe his mother's teachings about kindness had truth to them.
For Matthew- Our only spring birthday is enjoying his birthday in the butterfly garden! Full of flowers and of course, butterflies of different kinds. Maybe they can even go to the zoo for more animal research. Of course Simon Tabby will cause some mischief to make the day harder but they'll find a way to enjoy it and it ends with some karaoke. Matthew would be elated all day, the garden would remind him of his mother, a little bittersweet but it's pleasant memories. He's got a big smile on his face while also planning his counterattack one day. In his eyes, someone willing to do so much for really no reason is a person worth protecting.
For Damien- He's another fall baby and it would be hard to keep this a surprise from him because mind reading so which Mika concedes to the knowledge that Damien will know about the birthday party, where she puts her focus is in making sure he doesn't find out the big surprise. The day would be walking around the city, window shopping, simple stuff that Damien would like to do just to feed his curiosity about the world. And then, at the end of the day, Mika takes Damien into the woods nearby the house and reveals an overgrown grotto. The lush greenery and the sunset light make it look almost otherworldly. And this place is just for them, the others don't know about it. Damien would be very close to crying. The kindness shown by this girl who has no real reason to be so nice is overwhelming. Plus he's being included in an exclusively human event so it makes him feel more human. Mika is getting a big bear hug after this!
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mings-lore-library · 9 months
do they have theme colors? or color palettes? or favorite colors? :))
Yessssss I have been waiting for this ask THANK YOU
Okay so for the main ten.
Ming technically has several colour palettes. Her designs in 80’s and 90’s are very blue-centred because water is her thing. Her human form is still a bit of blue every once in a while because yeah. It’s nice. Her demon form is lots of reds and blacks. Very warm and dark colours because she’s a demon princess of fire. Her current ninja outfit is black as usual but her place in the team is yellow, so her mask is yellow and her weapon has yellow handles.
Damien and Rex both have lots of red and orange because they both like fire quite a bit.
Victoria refuses to wear any colour besides black and dark grey. (But she secretly really likes pink)
Hami used to have a very brown/sandy colour palette but now she’s just a mishmash of whatever she’s feeling that day.
Kyle Wu is similar, he likes dying his hair green, blue, red, really any colour.
Elsa is a very aesthetic girl, her favourite colour is purple but her theme is usually around white and pastels, especially because her birds are all white/very light colours.
Ivy is also lots of white and light sparkly blue sometimes. She leans into her werewolf fur colours and her snow and ice powers quite a bit.
Ted also leans into his fur colour. He likes to wear brown and some bits of red.
Tweet’s colour is green. It’s all green. Green as grass and caterpillars and flower buds.
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writtengalaxies · 2 years
I Never Stopped Loving You
Characters: Celine
Word Count: 542
Spicy Rating: Accusations of cheating (no actual)
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It was better that Damien didn't see her like this.
They were the smaller moments of rest she had, barely holding herself together for her baby brother.
Days-that-weren't-days both flew past in easy repetition, a hypnotic pattern to help keep him deep in the illusion.
She hated it, hated knowing she was keeping him locked away where he could be safe. She just needed to continue this for eternity, give him a purpose to keep up everything day by day, something to strive for while each day, while she took care of everything.
The minutes that each day took felt like miniature eternities already.
She had spent too long fighting the influence alone, and he didn't need to know the darker parts of the subconscious they were forced to share. He didn't deserve to know the demons she hadn't been strong enough to face down.
Celine buried her face into her hands, letting herself feel the moment of weakness, if only in passing.
The worst part, as angry as she was...part of her still loved Mark with her whole heart. The fact that people accused her of cheating...The House had whispered those lies into his ear, then. William was her friend, had been their friend for years. She needed to talk to someone, and Damien had been so busy with his job, and Mark wasn't listening to her about how the house felt wrong and she didn't want to be there...
And William, still haunted by the war, took the time to make sure she smiled. Hugged her. Made her feel like they were children again, without the weight of a world on the edge of changing...
And then Mark hired people to tail her. Because he had been so insecure, had been convinced. Had spun a web of lies that had trapped them all...and he didn't even know he was being puppeted.
Whoever this man was now, it wasn't her estranged husband.
He had died years ago, she knew now. The first victim to her inability to stop things from getting this far. He hadn't died that night they had all gathered...no, he had died when she had left, heart already grieving like it knew, as she refused to look back as he screamed at her.
She still loved him.
She loved the young, eager man who wanted to woo her with all the ritz and glam he could because he thought she deserved it. She loved the man who would rest his head against her shoulder, eager to just be with her no matter what form it took.
And she despised the creature that broke him, shattered him, ripped out all the soft caring that had been there and abandoned it in a battered corpse that now dwelled in a world between realities.
The door blew open, and the ritual began again, the repetition helping anchor her illusion, her Place That Never Was.
Until Damien said words that shot a chill through her, colder than the wind outside.
"I saw a flower today."
He had found them already.
Their time was running out.
As she marched through the snow, shotgun slung over her back, Celine marched until she saw the bright pink petals.
"...I'm so tired..."
All for her brother.
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