#Fluff before the storm
casualwriters · 4 months
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Summary: Nathan comes to the one person beside Victoria he trusts, and you, when he has a mental breakdown,  are there to calm him down. 
Warnings ⚠️ Spoilers for LIS, mental breakdowns, underage smoking , Marijuana.
pairing ~ Nathan Prescott x poc fem reader
A/n ~ I love writing this side of Nathan just so adorable had fun doing this small fic.
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Finally Having a day off, you were stuck in your dorm, leaning back against the pillow, sighing, and going through some of the pictures. This was hard, but some of them were okay. and you been into
photography, for a while and most of the pictures were of Nathan and some of Victoria; both of them were photogenic and good, so why not use Victoria for that? Picking up one of the pictures, a smile came onto your face and than there was one of you but would that really work.
Standing in front of Nathan in full swing was one of the Vortex parties. Clearly, both of you were waisted or on something. His head was nuzzled into your neck and kissing your skin, and both of you were smiling and happy. 
Grabbing the lighter, holding the bong in your hand, and taking a hit, the sound of bubbles and the smoke envading your lungs Blowing the smoke into the air, you saw the door open. "Nate?" you asked, setting the bong on the ground. Standing up, you saw him walk in. He looked furious. "Hey," he said. You could tell he was just trying to keep his cool. You wanted to walk over and just give him a huge hug, but you knew better. 
"Fucking Max!" He raised his voice, making you sit down on your bed. You were just here to listen. "She has to put her fucking noise in everything," he said, pushing off from the door frame he was leaning on and walking forward. It looked like he was going to cry, but he never cried. "Nate, come here," you said, stepping up from your bed and walking closer. If any normal person had even tried to talk to him, he would have flipped and gone crazy. "Y/n, I can't do this anymore," he said, his voice stern and his face growing red and in tears, but you could tell it was deeper than that not just about Max Mabye, his dad? 
Nathan pulled away. His eyes were red and puffy from crying into your shoulder; he looked like he was a mess. He was finally breaking down and showing the people, and you turned around to see him looking at the pictures. that were on your bed, you could see the small smile on his face when he walked to your bed and picked up one of the pictures. It was you. Sitting in your dorm room, Christmas lights were over your skin, and the light was dark, but there was some light in the middle. You were posing while sitting, and your back was turned to the camera. "This one," he waved to you. His face was still sad, and anger was in his eyes. "Mr. Jefferson would have to pick this one." 
You sat down on the bed, and Nathan followed. He did not mind having his eyes closed, and some tears were falling down. Wrapping him in a hug, you kissed his head, and Nathan looked down at the picture. "You are beautiful; you know that, right?" It was rare. Nathan was never really verbal with his feelings and never had his guard down, but it was refreshing to see it. 
Holding Nathan, he was laying his head on your chest. Hearing your heart beat and chuckling a little, you nodded. "You told me before," you said, and Nathan chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Don't forget it, Princess," he says. 
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bambinella · 5 months
Junkyard Queens
A/N: It was recently brought to my attention by @whatsjulietslastname that David was an abusive piece of garbage towards Chloe, so now I fully hate the man and I simply had to write this. Enjoy!
Summary: Chloe and Rachel meet up at the junkyard, and Rachel discovers David is an even bigger step-shit than she thought.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, angs, hurt/comfort, fluff
Word Count: 2655
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It was a friday afternoon, and Rachel was impatiently waiting for her girlfriend to arrive. She was currently laying on their mattress in the little shack they had redecorated, reading a book. School had finished an hour ago, and she couldn’t wait to finally spend the weekend with Chloe. Chloe had been out all afternoon to run some errands, and should arrive any minute now. And just like predicted, Rachel heard a car drive onto the junkyard moments later. The blonde jumped up excitedly and tossed the book aside, almost skipping out of the shack. Chloe had parked the car nearby and was already on her way towards her.
“Chloe Price, making me wait an eternity before showing up,” Rachel smiled teasingly as she hugged her girlfriend.
“Sorry, the original plan kind of changed a bit,” Chloe said as she hugged her back, and Rachel could immediately tell something was wrong. Taking a step back, she carefully inspected the taller teen. Chloe had gone out to do a small job today, and was supposedly going home afterwards to freshen up and get a bag with stuff for the weekend. Not only was the bag missing, Chloe had puffy eyes as if she’d been crying and one of her cheeks was suspiciously red.
“Wait, Chloe, your face,” Rachel said with a frown, immediately noticing the bruised area. She reached her hand forward to gently touch it, and Chloe grabbed both of her hands in her own.
“It’s fine, Rachel, don’t worry about it,” Chloe said with a weak smile, which obviously fooled nobody. She raised an eyebrow at the taller teen.
“Well, now I’m definitely worrying about it. Did you get in another fight? Who did this to you?” She asked, refusing to let this matter go as she carefully inspected her cheek. Chloe realized this, and sighed.
“Rachel, I… I messed up. I went home to shower and get some new clothes for the weekend, but my step-douche stopped me as soon as I got in the house. The bastard has gone into my room while I was away, looking for god knows what, and he found the box,” Chloe said, sounding desperate. Rachel’s jaw tightened. For a year now they’d been saving up to leave Arcadia Bay together. Chloe had been taking small jobs fixing up cars, whenever and wherever she could, and had saved the money in a box under a loose plank in her room. They weren’t exactly rich yet, but it was a decent amount already and they were both proud of it. Rachel was waiting to gather all the money her dad had given her for the day they’d actually leave.
“He went into your room and went through your stuff??” Rachel asked, narrowing her eyes in anger. That guy really thought he owned the place, and Chloe.
“That’s not the worst part. Rachel, he found the money. He asked me how I got it, accusing me of selling drugs. I told him the truth and he didn’t believe me, so I got angry and well… things escalated,” She said, touching her red cheek. Rachel’s eyes widened in disbelief.
“Wait, HE hit you?!” She almost yelled, her eyes full of rage. She’d met David on several occasions and she knew how he acted towards Chloe. She’d had no idea he was violent towards her as well, and it made her stomach turn upside down.
“I’m fine, I’m kind of getting used to it now, even though it sucks ass. He was giving me shit for the money, so I got angry and said that I at least earned money and that he’d better take an example if he wanted an actual spot in the house. And that’s when he struck me. But that doesn’t matter, what matters is that he took it, Rachel. He took the money. Said my mom had better use for it, and that I should earn money the ‘right way’ next time,” Chloe said, staring at the ground in frustration. 
If Rachel had been fuming before, it was nothing compared to what she was feeling now. She wasn’t even sure what made her feel more sick, the fact that David hit Chloe, or the fact that Chloe considered it as normal at this point. She wanted to hurt him for treating Chloe that way. But being there for Chloe came first, so she forced herself to calm down. One thing was certain, however. David’s life and safety were no longer guaranteed if she had anything to say about it.
“Hey, look at me. You didn’t mess up, okay?” Rachel said as she gently held Chloe’s chin, making her girlfriend look at her. Chloe’s eyes were full of disappointment, and all of it was pointed towards herself. 
“I did, Rachel. I got angry at step-dick, and because of that he took the money. Our money. Fuck, I want to help my mom with the bills, but… we needed that. We need money if we want to get out of this place,” She said with a defeated sigh, and Rachel’s heart broke. The blonde gently held one of Chloe’s hands in her own, placing a kiss on the back of it.
“My sweet Chloe Price. None of this is your fault, and I’ll keep saying it until you realize it’s the truth. David invaded your space and took something that was yours. You had every right to be mad at him. He had no right to do any of those things to begin with,” Rachel said, ending it with an angry huff, which made Chloe smile a little.
“Really? You’re not angry with me?” She asked, and Rachel hated how uncertain she sounded compared to her usual self. How could Chloe not see that she was not to blame here?
“I literally have no reason to be angry at you. I’m saying you didn’t do anything wrong, and we both know I’m always right. Now enough of that, follow me,” She said with a smile, leading the taller teen to their car. Chloe had no idea what was on Rachel's mind, but she didn’t hesitate a second as she followed her. They crawled onto the back of the truck and sat themselves down next to each other. They’d covered the back area with multiple blankets and a few pillows (when it wasn’t raining of course) so it was comfortable for them to either sit or lay there to relax. Rachel wrapped an arm around Chloe and tenderly kissed her bruised cheek.
“Well, that’s certainly an improvement compared to an hour ago,” Chloe hummed approvingly, letting out a content sigh as she smiled at her shorter girlfriend. Rachel smirked at her.
“Yeah? Well I got more where that came from,” She said with a sly grin, proceeding to cover Chloe’s cheek and chin with the most gentle of kisses, earning another approving hum, before moving down to her neck. 
“Ack! Rachel, that tickles!” Chloe burst into giggles as she felt the soft touch on her skin, immediately leaning away from her. While she loved being doted on by Rachel, her neck was stupidly ticklish. The blonde easily followed her and grinned.
“I’m showering you with my love and affection, so deal with it,” Rachel playfully grumbled against her neck, sending Chloe into another loud giggle fit. The taller teen shifted from a sitting position to laying down on her back, in an attempt to get out of reach. Rachel simply used that as an opportunity to sit on top of her girlfriend's hips, leaning in close so she could continue pressing soft, ticklish kisses against her neck and collarbones. 
“Baby! Baby plehehehease!” Chloe cried out while giggling madly, only half-heartedly pushing against Rachel’s shoulders. When she’d been reduced to a blushing, giggling mess, only then did Rachel pull away with a wide smile. She laid herself down on top of Chloe, who was still breathless and giggly, and they cuddled in silence while enjoying the warmth of the sun. Rachel traced her nails over Chloe’s tattoo, following the different patterns, while Chloe played with her hair. 
“Can I ask you a question?” Rachel asked after a while, her eyes still closed as she listened to the rhythm of Chloe’s heartbeat.
“Of course, you can ask me anything,” Chloe immediately replied, not even thinking twice about it. It was simply the truth.
“Why didn’t you tell me your stepdad is an abusive piece of shit?” She asked, lifting her head to look at Chloe. The latter had not expected that question and remained silent for a little while, before sitting herself up. Rachel followed her example.
“I didn’t want to worry you. It’s been going on for a while now, and it’s not gonna change. The worst part is that I’m pretty sure my mom knows of it, yet David still walks around the house, so she’s fine with it. But in all honesty? I probably deserve it half of the time,” Chloe said. Rachel reached over and gently held her chin, making her look at her again.
“Chloe Price, don’t you dare do this to yourself. I really hate to see you blame yourself for things that aren’t your fault,” Rachel said, a frown appearing on her face. So not only was David abusive towards her, he also made her believe she was the problem. Chloe’s life had been hard enough already, she didn’t need this on top of it. Chloe huffed.
“Yeah well, apparently everything is my fault, according to my mom and step-ass,” She mumbled, touching her own cheek. It no longer hurt but the memory still stinged. Rachel’s frown intensified as she placed her hand on Chloe’s arm.
“Well in that case, fuck them. You don’t deserve any of this and they don’t deserve you, period. And as your girlfriend it’s my duty to tell you the truth, so I will. I’ll tell you every single day if I have to. We keep each other grounded, remember? So you can tell me anything, and I’ll be here for you” Rachel said, reaching for Chloe’s hand. The older teen gently squeezed it and gave her a warm smile, actually looking happy at those words.
“Thank you. I’m not really good with emotions, but I’ll take you up on that offer. And yeah, you’re right, we keep each other grounded. Fuck, that minds me, I’ll probably get grounded as soon as Sergeant Dickhead tells his sob story to my mom. I do not look forward to going home,” She mumbled, looking at her phone. She groaned when she saw a bunch of unread messages from her mother.
“Then simply don’t go home,” Rachel concluded, standing up as she put her hands on her hips. Chloe simply looked at her, puzzled.
“Don’t go home? Yeah I don’t know about you, but I don’t have any other place to go to,” Chloe said with a chuckle, raising an eyebrow at her girlfriend. Rachel chewed her lower lip as she considered the options. Her own house wasn’t an option, since she was avoiding her dad at all costs. Maybe she could reach her mom, but it had been a while since they last texted. Then her eyes fell on their little shack, and she had the perfect idea.
“We can just stay here then!” Rachel said with a smile, jumping off of the car as she turned around to face Chloe, who’d stood up herself now.
“Here? You mean at the junkyard?” She asked with another chuckle, jumping off the car as she looked around. It wasn’t that bad and it had mostly junk instead of trash, so it didn’t really smell bad. But it wasn’t the first place she’d think of to spend the night at. Then again, going home to her mom and step-shit wasn’t that high on the list either.
“Yeah! Where’s your sense of adventure?! We’re basically the queens of this junkyard already! We have our little shack which protects us from bad weather, it’s super hot already so we can definitely sleep outside, and nobody will bother us here. I think that’s a win-win-win, no?” Rachel asked with a wide grin, almost bouncing on her feet. Chloe couldn’t help but smile at the energy Rachel was radiating. She really made everything seem possible. This, however, was something they had to think through.
“Okay then Ms win-win, what about food? Do we just go home, go ‘hey we’re here for free lunch!’ and then leave again?” Chloe asked, folding her arms as she looked at her with an almost smug grin. Rachel paused as she considered the question, before smirking back equally smugly.
“No, of course not. We could simply go grocery shopping, like the adults that we are. And since it’s going to be nice weather all weekend, we could even pull out the BBQ if we want! I’m sure they sell those disposable ones, and we’re at the right place for after we’re done anyways!” She said excitedly. Chloe smiled as she shook her head. There was simply no changing her mind.
“Yeah alright you win. I guess you do have a point. And I really don’t wanna go home,” She said, reaching out to hold Rachel’s hands. Rachel smiled sweetly at her.
“Then stay here, with me. We’ll order take-out tonight, build a little campfire, gaze at the stars while laying on the back of the car, and then fall asleep in each other’s arms like the romantic souls we are,” She said, standing on her toes to kiss Chloe. She could feel Chloe grin while kissing, and it filled her heart with joy to know her girlfriend was happy. At last.
“Rachel Amber, starting a campfire? Should we call someone in advance this time so they can put out the fire, just in case?” Chloe teased as she pulled away, raising an eyebrow at her. 
“Shut up! Are you my partner in crime or what?!” Rachel laughed as she punched Chloe in the shoulder, to which the two of them laughed harder. It felt good to laugh, to be together. Chloe probably didn’t even realize just how important she really was, in general and to her specifically. Chloe had saved her just as much, if not even more.
“Alright alright, I concede,” She grinned, holding up her hands as she surrendered. Rachel smirked and walked up to her, wrapping her arms around Chloe’s neck as she hugged her.
“You better, if you know what’s good for you,” She playfully threatened with a wink, smirking a little wider as she noticed the blush on her girlfriend’s cheeks. Too easy.
“What do we do about the money, though?” She asked. She didn’t sound as hopeless or desperate as she did before, but it was still a concern to her. Which was fair, to be honest.
“Don’t you worry about that, okay? Like I said last year, I have enough money saved up to kickstart us the day we actually leave, so that’s covered. One good thing my dad did for us, I guess. But I still think David is a major asshole for doing this to you, and he should pay for it,” Rachel grumbled.
“Pay for it, huh? You know what? I think you just gave me an idea on how to do that. But I might need a partner in crime,” Chloe said, her eyes wide with excitement and a grin that meant nothing good. 
“Whatever it is, I’m all in,” Rachel said with a smirk. This was going to be perfect. 
They snuck into Chloe’s garage the next morning to execute their little plan. By the end of the day Chloe had gotten her money back, more than she’d had before in fact, and was having a great time with Rachel at the junkyard. And let’s just say David had lost a specific toolbox, and gained a flat tire or two.
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xnarlie-starlightx · 3 months
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Created: HajusCZ from DeviantArt
“What would it take to convince you?”
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steamworksfairy · 9 months
Ya know, I think my favorite thing about KitTy is the angst. The gut-wrenching longing, the fact Ty's flower card says 'I have loved you and you haven't known it' and Kit's says 'Am I forgotten?' How in SoBH Ty asked Kit when he'd forgive him, and Kit said,"I don't know." And then Ty followed that up with,"But not now?"
It was the 'but not now' that broke me. I can’t get that moment out of my head. I'm a little scared to reread QoAaD now because the moment Kit gets his heart broken is gonna make me sob 😭
Of course, I say all this before having reread LoS. So their angst is still at the forefront of my mind.
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
Life is Strange: Before the Storm
WOUNDS: Frank Bowers x fem!reader
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Summary: "In his own way, he tried to keep her and her friends out of trouble. Yet no one asked him if he was okay. He did so much for them - and she was the only one who wanted to honestly say thank you for that."
They both have injuries, they both worry for the other - so checking up on your loved one is a must.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
I think this one deserves a longer explanation :)
I was working on this / had this in my drafts for months - and now it's finally finished! Although I wanted to make this a series, a longer story following the whole plot of the game, I decided against it. It would've been mostly literal dialogues from the game and I wasn't sure if it would've been interesting that way. Since it was originally suppoused to be a longer story I apologize if the her in this case has a little bit of a personality.
Also, Frank deserves his own stories. He doesn't get enough appreciation.
Warnings: swearing, mentioned drug use, violence, description of wounds
She took a deep, nervous breath as she looked at the path in front of her. It was dark and empty - and it definitely didn't show any sign of life anywhere. She had to admit, Rachel really left her mark on the forest and probably on the whole town. Dead trees were everywhere and when she breathed the dust in, it made her sneeze and cough.
She grabbed the bag on her shoulder, her fingers were slightly shaking and there was a weird feeling in her stomach. She wanted all those feelings to stop and disappear, so she could finally concentrate - but she just couldn't give that command to her body, because it didn't want to co-operate.
Then, after a few moments of silence, she walked towards the meeting point what was sent to her through a message. Soon enough, she saw life in the chaos. There were only a few healthy trees here and there at first, but then she was walking through the forest she knew. The green and lively one.
Was it worth it though? The silence, the walk, the pain?
Even getting the stupid phone number was hard and she blushed so hard when Rachel and Chloe asked why they need to cover for her. She didn't say anything though, she just asked them to drop her off at the Two Whales diner - yet she knew they were dying from curiousity and the fact that they didn't know what was going on with her, especially after the accident.
The accident, where she saved Rachel from Damon Merrick's knife and where she was stabbed because of that decision.
She still felt the need to vomit, whenever she thought about that moment.
She was in front of Rachel and Chloe when it started, so she couldn't see what was going on behind her, but in the next second she was pushed aside by Rachel. She almost fell, but luckily she found her balance. The next thing she saw was Rachel hitting Damon Merrick in the head with a piece of heavy looking plank. The knife - what he used to threaten them - fell out of his hand, he fell too and meanwhile he pushed Frank, who landed on the ground as well. Blood was flowing from the dark wound on Damon's forehead.
She looked at Chloe who froze from shock and most likely panic, then she looked at the knife. Rachel was still standing with the plank is her hands.
And then she jumped. She jumped for the knife, trying to get it, trying to get Damon's weapon far away from it's psychotic owner.
Damon was about to get up and get to Rachel who tried to hit him again. She was there, she could feel the handle... Damon caught the plank with his left hand, trying to catch the knife with the other, but then he felt her hand on the weapon.
She tried to grab it, but her hand was kicked away after the guy pushed Rachel away, who fell. Her fingers were numb from the kick, but she didn't have time to rest and check it.
Rachel was up again, she was about to hit Damon out of anger and frustration. But she saw something Rachel didn't. She saw Damon reaching for the knife. She saw him move towards Rachel. She was sure he was about to stab her...
And then she jumped again. This time to get her friend out of harm's way which was, well - successful. Too successful. She saw Rachel barely keeping her balance and then she felt the pain. The fucking sudden, strong pain in her stomach as she landed on the ground, unable to land on her hands to push herself back up.
She heard someone scream and gasp. Maybe it was her. Maybe it wasn't. Somehow she was sure nothing left her mouth.
She turned around. She was laying on her back and she tried to find the place where the pain came from with her hands. There was something sticky. And then there was a kick.
"Oh, for the fucks sake!" she was sure Rachel was about to hit Damon again who most likely just kicked her in the stomach.
But she wasn't sure. She couldn't think. She gasped, the air ran out of her lungs, her eyes opened in fear and realization. She hugged herself with her arms to try to get away from the pain, she wanted to curl up and disappear...
She tried to get the memories out of her head as she saw light not so far away. Fire, how poetic... - with a table and two chairs, the first one full of booze of course, but that was something she expected.
Her anxiety increased when she looked at the RV she wanted to find and she felt as if her bones turned to jelly. She didn't have time to mentally kick herself for these irrelevant feelings, because in the next moment her muscles moved on their own accord. She knocked on the RV's door, then she stepped back to wait.
She was sweating - she soon realized. She tried to explain it to herself that it was because she was standing so close to the fire, but even she couldn't believe herself.
The RV's door soon opened, the man who she wanted to see was standing in the doorway, but before she could find the right words to say, to begin with; the small puppy ran towards her, jumping on and bumping into her knees, trying to make her pet him. She couldn't however, because the wound still hurt, even if she was only breathing. The puppy's answer was a gentle bite. She just smiled and let out a small laugh.
"Still a killer, I see..."
"It's okay. No need to scold him. He just wants to play, don't you?" she looked down at the puppy still smiling, then she looked up at the man, who was still standing in the doorway. "How are you doing? I heard what happened and I wanted to know if..." she shyly looked at Pompidou who was biting her shoelace, but this time to hide the fact that she was blushing. "you are all right."
She felt his gaze on herself, mainly on her face. She knew he saw the blush she was trying to hide so desperately and she knew he was studying her every expression.
God, she felt so bad that the only thing she can do is awkwardly standing there, waiting for an answer. She can't squat down to pet Pompidou or anything, because of the wound - and in that moment it was the worst thing in the world.
"I'm fine." the answer came after a while and she had to step back to let Frank fully get out of the RV. For a few short seconds they were just standing there, examining the other - even though she still didn't dare to look him in the eye. She could almost feel his breath tickling her forehead. "I'm sorry I didn't check up on you back in the hospital." his words finally made her seek his gaze - there was some kind of softness in his eyes. "I just thought it would be awkward... you know, with family members and all that."
"Oh, don't even start with them!" she laughed as she remembered how annoyingly kind everyone tried to be to her after they found out what happened to her. Her parents didn't want to leave her alone for a second and even Joyce wanted to go and see how she was doing. She adored that woman - especially after she smuggled some food in for her. "It's so weird to see everyone suddenly becoming so annoyingly soft with you, you know."
" 'Good to know you're alright." Frank said and for a moment she thought she heard some kind of relief in his voice. It made her legs shake.
"Yeah," the blush was back again "I'm happy to see you're okay as well."
Pompidou gave up on biting her shoelace and lazily sat down between the two of them.
"Take a seat, I don't want you to stand here all night." he kept his hand on the RV's door handle for a moment and then asked: "I have some beer in the fridge if you want one."
"Sure, why not..." in reality she had plenty of reasons to say no, but she didn't want to refuse the offer. "Thank you!"
Frank was gone for a few minutes and while she was left alone, she took a seat in front of the fire. Sitting down was still a hard and uncomfortable thing to do. She had to get rid of her bag for it and she had to keep her hand on the bandaged wound to slowly sit down and find a great position. Not so long after, Pompidou curled up next to her.
"Why did you want to meet up?" she heard Frank's voice from the RV. "You need something again?"
Her heart ached from that accusation for a moment.
"No." she answered sadly. "I just- uh... wanted to make sure you are okay. I heard what happened with Damon and I didn't know your number so I couldn't call or anything before, so I-" she finished her nervous rambling after he got back with two bottles of beer in his hands. She shyly took one of them and muttered a quiet 'thank you' as Frank took a seat as well.
"I'm happy you're here."
"Yeah, me too."
There was silence for a while as they opened the beers and took a few sips.
"The damn dog seems to like you more than anyone else."
"Yes, he's real cute." she said happily as she looked at the small, sleeping body next to her chair. "His name is really French. Pompidou was the name of a French president. It means: someone from Pompidou, a place in South-East of France."
"You really are a smart ass, huh?" Frank asked, trying to sound annoyed, but she saw the small smile he was hiding.
"Come on, don't act like it bothers you!"
"You're right. It doesn't." after he took a sip from his beer he added: "It's cute."
This time she tried to hide behind the bottle she was holding to hide her rosy cheeks. "I didn't know you- found me... cute." she said slowly and waiting for an answer she took a sip from the beer as well.
"Really? I thought I made it kinda obvious."
Her teeth bumped into the glass as she tried to not choke on the alcohol she wasn't able to swallow properly. God, she really turned a rambling, awkward idiot every single time she was talking to him.
Did he really make it that obvious though?
She didn't know him for long. They met at the Firewalk concert, where she went with Chloe to try and enjoy life after an awful part of reality. It was the day they pissed off Damon's pals as well. Since that day she hasn't heard anything but jokes, kind words and praises from him - and in his own way, he tried to keep her and her friends out of trouble. Yet no one asked him if he was okay after he kept those douchebags back at the concert or after he got in fight with Merrick to give Chloe, Rachel and herself an opportunity to run away. He did so much for them - and she was the only one who wanted to honestly say thank you for that.
She quickly grabbed her bag and looked down at it, not looking at Frank while she was trying to find all the stuff she brought for him. Meanwhile she was praying to the gods above, that her hair was hiding her face well.
"Yeah, so as I was getting here I grabbed a few stuff I thought you might need." she put a paperbag on the table with the Two Whales logo on it. "I didn't know what kind of burger you like, so I stayed with cheeseburgers - I haven't really seen anyone who hates them. Also, Joyce makes the best fucking cheeseburgers in Arcadia Bay and- oh God, I am rambling again, aren't I?"
Frank didn't say anything, but she could tell he wasn't ignoring the poetic question. His eyes were filled with surprise and adoration, and she did her best to hide behind her hair again.
"Anyways, the thought that I am lying in a hospital bed with stitched up stab wounds and not knowing what's up with you didn't let me sleep peacfully. I learned how to take care of stab wounds properly, the nurse kindly showed me before she let me go, so I-" she put a first aid kit on the table, what was filled up with all the things she knew she needed "I packed everything up and got here to check if the wound you have is taken care of the healthy way... If you let me, of course..."
There was complete silence for a long time. It made her sweat nervously and she grabbed the bottle of beer again, so she can do something with her hands.
"What makes you think my wound hasn't been taken care of?" Frank asked as he touched the place above his heart, where the knife stabbed him not so long ago.
"Oh! Well I thought that it would be too risky for you, going to the hospital after you were stabbed by Damon Merrick... You wouldn't want the cops to sneak around and start to ask questions..."
Frank couldn't hold back a chuckle. "Smart ass!"
"Hey! You say it again and I'll take it as a personal insult!"
"Sorry, kid. I really don't want to insult you in any way." he said with a smile, but his voice was full of honesty. "So, Price told you everything... You can't keep anything a secret in this damn town these days, can you?"
"No, with us around you really can't." she laughed.
"Right, so you sure you won't poison me, accidentally kill me or anything?"
"I didn't go to some fancy university, Frank."
"Yet. You could make it anytime though."
She proudly smiled while her cheeks turned pink.
"So it means you trust me enough to believe I won't kill you?"
"I trusted you with the money you and Price had to get from Drew, didn't I? You made sure Price gave it to me. You stopped Damon from stabbing your friend and now you're here to check on me- with food..." the smile Frank gave her made her melt. "I don't see the reason why it would be a bad idea to let you see my wound."
She just smiled shyly as Frank put his beer down on the table, so he could reach the first aid kit to check it out properly.
"So, how do you want to do it?" he asked as he looked through the small box.
"You were stabbed on the left side of your chest weren't you? Oh, come on! Don't look at me like that, you know Chloe told me!"
" 'Course she did!"
"Right so..." she looked down for a moment at Pompidou, so she won't have to look Frank in the eyes, while saying these words: "I think you should take your shirt off or something- I mean it would be weird to stitch you up through it, wouldn't it?"
"Yeah. So this is the moment where I insert a 'if you wanted to see me shirtless all you had to do was ask' joke, right?"
"Please don't or I'll have to accidentally hurt you."
"Right, I get it." Frank said with a small laugh. "Wait a second."
He put the beer down and quickly got rid of his shirt, while she carefully stood up to get her chair closer to his. She kept her left hand on her stomach while she carried the furniture with her right. A few moments later she sat in front of Frank and tried to stop her hands from shaking.
"Were you the one who bandaged the wound?"
"All right. First I'll take this gauze off and then I'll take a proper look."
And then she put her left hand on his shoulder as she tried to get the gauze off with her right. She did her best to avoid his gaze. His skin was warm under her touch and with that it was also comforting. She let out a shaky breath as she realized he put his complete trust in her, he let her feel the way his chest moves with his breathing, he let her feel the warmth of his skin, he let her see the damaged area of his body - she can't fuck this up.
The fabric peeled off rather easily, even if it was stuck to his skin from the dried blood. Frank didn't let out any noise, but his expression meant that it wasn't painless.
"Did you take anything? I can't give you painkillers if you did unless you want to have a heart attack or something." she asked as she opened the med kit and grabbed a small, clean piece of fabric.
"Who do you think I am?"
She let out a laugh as she opened a water bottle and made the fabric wet. "Right, it was a dumb question."
She started to clean off the dried blood, but she was careful not to rub the wound or the stitches directly. She had to say he did a good enough job on the stitching. The thread seemed strong and medically acceptable, and the little holes in his skin where the thread came out seemed healthy and to her relief it wasn't infected at all.
"I have to say that you did a great job." she said as she put the water bottle and the fabric away. "I have close to nothing to do in this case."
She then grabbed a towel from the first aid kit and made sure she dried the area. Soon she was opening a white package what was full of square gauze and put one on the wound.
"Keep it in place, please."
She got some surgical tape and cut four pieces after measuring the gauze, then applied them along the edges of the square gauze so it was half on the dressing and half of his skin.
"Here, that's all I can do. At least I'll sleep calmly at night." she said as he put his shirt back on.
She was about to stand up and put the chair back to its place when he grabbed her hand as gently as possible causing her to stop her movement, and remain sitting on the furniture. "Thanks."
"It's fine. Don't mention it"
"I do appreciate the things you do for me, you know. You look after me, you worry about me..."
"I do the same things you do for us."
"For you." he corrected her. "I do most of that soft shit for you."
Her face was burning up. She could feel it. She tried to hide, but he didn't let her do that.
Frank's thumb softly brushed along her hand and her fingers, but when he reached the ring one and the middle one he stopped. Those two fingers on her right hand were in a bad shape, they were red and full of small cuts, not to mention the nails. The nails were the colour between black and dark purple and they'll most likely fall off after a while. The kick she's got from Damon did a number on her hand.
"Does it hurt?"
"Sometimes." she answered honestly, her voice higher than usual.
"That son of a bitch did a number on you." his voice was full of anger and worry, sending her to a whole new state of mind.
"I could say the same, you know."
"That doesn't matter, I wasn't spending weeks in a hospital room."
"To me it does." she whispered, her throat was getting dry. "And it wasn't weeks, it was only like ten days."
And then it just happened. Frank leaned in, their lips collided and the state of mind she got to when she heard the worry in his voice overtook her. Her thoughts got fuzzy, she felt dizzy and she was unsure if she'd be able to answer simple questions after he kissed her like that.
There was no war, no battle for dominance only a silent statement: I'm happy you are okay. And that statement and understanding made the kiss that passionate, yet that sweet. It was a mix of many undescribable feelings. Her stomach made flips and her face felt hot.
Her hands landed on his shoulders as he pulled her closer, causing their teeth to collide for a second - but that was easily forgettable when his hands were grabbing her waist, massaging the area gently as he pulled her towards himself more.
She was sure she would have landed on his lap if her wound was nonexistent. From the movement her stomach started to burn - and this kind of pain definitely wasn't from the passion. The feeling got a whimper then a pained moan out of her, ending the kiss sooner than she wanted to.
"Damn it, sorry." was Frank's reaction and then his right hand gently, with feather light touches found the place where the bandage on her stomach was applied to. "Didn't mean to hurt you."
His fingers started to draw circles around the wound, then he draw squares along the edges of the surgical tape.
"It's fine." she said with a smile she couldn't hide, a little out of breath. "I'm fine."
"You scared me, you know?" he started. "When you got stabbed. It scared me."
"But I'm fine. And I wouldn't be if you didn't look out for me and my friends."
"Yeah." there was a small pause, but he didn't withdraw his hands. "So do you want me to take a look at your wound as well?"
She blushed, but this time she didn't look away. "You know how to do it?"
"I learned from the best."
They shared a smile and Frank pressed a kiss to her forehead before he leaned back. "Now, those cheeseburgers are getting cold."
As she carefully stood up to get the food she bought, Frank placed the chair she was sitting on next to his one so there won't be anything between them. Pompidou, like he felt the change in the air, got up from his place and sat down next to her chair again. The puppy looked up at her with big, sweet eyes.
As they sat out there while they ate, one question formed itself in her mind: how will she explain this to her friends, who won't take secrets as an answer.
"Would you like to stay the night?"
"Can I?"
"You can." he answered with a smile as he took a sip from his beer. "Besides I gotta buy you breakfast tomorrow."
The stupid smirk what found its way up on her face was a clear answer. So was the kiss she initiated.
Damn the explanation. That can be a problem what'll have to wait 'til tomorrow.
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jeremys-randomness · 2 months
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
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nem0-nee · 2 years
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A very "poggers" duo (I regret saying that)
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vellichorsdesire · 7 months
preoccupied — a small thing i wrote of my s/i & f/o based on this post that i made
word count: 1147 happens in an AU i've dubbed as a domestic life kind of universe, so they live together in this one ^__^ === Vel notices their lingering gazes when they start on going on dates more frequently than ever.
It’s an idea that he had wanted to do for so long, going on little walks or to newly opened shops whenever they both had the time. Both of them weren’t a fan of those extravagant outings in the first place, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to not go on dates— it was just the question of bringing it up to his partner that made him hestitate. Was it too much to ask of them? Did they share the same sentiment? They were questions that plagued Vel’s mind before he gathered the courage to ask and was replied to with a small, loving ‘yes.’ He made sure to set any boundaries at first before they did go out, of course. They immediately made clear that they weren’t a fan of public displays of affection and nothing else, to which Vel respected and made sure he didn’t overstep such in any of their dates. They had both made a list of places they wanted to go, activities to do, places to eat (there were at least 8 names of dessert places that Vel swears he didn’t put on there). They both decided on when they could have their first one, and for the rest they could either schedule later on or go on random ones. So what was the problem? They were really, really discreet about it, is what he notices. They made sure not to be caught, only looking when they thought he didn’t realize, and when Vel eventually asked if something was wrong the first time he had noticed, they had shook their head. Now they were doing it again while they both were walking through their grocery’s aisles, shopping basket in their hands while Vel was in charge of holding their grocery list and getting what they needed off the shelves. “Could you get the cake mix off the top shelf for me, please?” He asks to his partner behind him, a sheepish smile on his face after failing to reach for the box even on his tiptoes. They seem to be lost in their thoughts, a distant look on their face before Vel waves a hand in front of them. “You okay?” “Y–yes, sorry,” they move forward, snapping out of it. “What did you…?” “Cake mix?” “Right, okay.” And they grab the colorful box off the shelf, placing it into the half empty basket. Soon enough, they’re deep in conversation as they walk out of the store, hands occupied with bags and shoulders almost bumping with how close they are beside each other. They take a detour to their home this time, finding an almost empty park filled with flowers, then stopping by a quaint bakery tucked in the corner of its surroundings. Both of them are at peace, walking with no specific goal in mind like this. Vel’s worries are at the back of his mind now, letting himself think about the matter at hand at a later time— watching from the corner of his eye his partner looking at him with such a warm gaze that makes him look away out of flusteredness. Soon enough the two reach home, key’s in Vel’s hand clinking together as he removes it from the door, shutting it closed, and all too suddenly he hears what he thinks is one of their grocery bags dropping to the floor. Before he can turn around, alarmed with his head still facing their door, Vel feels arms wrap around his waist and their head buried in the crook of his neck. Their breath tickles his neck, a quiet gasp leaving him as he feels his face redden. He doesn’t process the action fully until they mumble an almost unheard “sorry.” “What— what for?” Vel manages out, their arms tightening around him. His voice comes out almost as a squeak, only embarrassing to him but endearing to the other. “...Let me do this. Just for a little while longer.” And so he manages to relax against the embrace with that response, slowly dropping the grocery bag he held to the floor and letting out a content sigh. Eventually they loosen the embrace, letting Vel turn around like he wanted, and he’s met with a look of embarrassment and their lopsided smile that he knows all too well and loves. He wonders if he has the same expression on his face, too. Probably even much more redder than they are.
Their hands find its way to tug on his cardigan's sleeves, pulling him a little closer, making him think for a moment that maybe he wants the hug returned until they ask: “Can I kiss you?” His gaze drops down to the floor. If he looks up now, his partner is probably biting back a laugh with his reaction and the redness that continues to spread or looking at him in such a way yet again that gives him goosebumps. “Please,” is all he can say.
A hand moves to direct his face upwards. The taller leaves short kisses on his cheek and the corner of his lips as if teasingly and then eventually moves onto his lips, Vel moving to grasp onto the other’s jacket as if to keep him standing.
Minutes pass, and with almost equally reddened faces the two pick up their dropped grocery bags and finally make their way inside of the apartment.
“You never answered my question,” Vel says as they put their groceries where it should be. “What was— what was that for?”
“It’s nothing,” they answer, until they see their partner’s expression and change their mind just as quick. “Well. It’s not not nothing.”
“I just… I just missed you.” They say, after a small moment of silence. Vel blinks at the reply, almost not knowing what to say. A puzzled expression fits on his face.
“Miss what, though? I haven’t been away often, have I—”
“Not in that way,” the pantry door clicks shut as they finish with putting in the last of the stuff. “In terms of… well. Physical affection. Hugging and the like, when we’re out.”
“Oh,” is all Vel says, their expression hidden from him with their positions in the room. He wonders if they’re embarassed with the admission. “Is that why you keep staring at me when we’re outside?”
“Right. I’m… sorry, to have made you worry.”
“You’re alright, really.” and he moves to tug on their sleeve, a signal that they immediately get with the way they face him properly. Vel leaves a short kiss on their cheek, a small smile on his face when he lets go of them— before changing his mind just as quick and leaving more kisses on their face and jawline. 
When he finally stops, his partner manages a few words out, to which Vel couldn’t hear so they repeat. “...You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”
His face breaks into a grin at that. “Never ever.” And all they can do is sigh in response at the giggle that follows it. 
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glmfic · 1 year
4k oh snap!
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kodaiki · 7 months
AHH I LOVED THE NEW CHP MWAHHH 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 ACTUALLY SO SCARED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER IK MY HEART IS ABOUT TO BE B R O K E N FOR THE NEXT FEW CHPS AHHH 😭😭😭😭 — anon spamming about how the break up is gon make my heart fall out my ass ‼️‼️ (can i be 🏐 or 🪐 anon [idk which one yet])
THANK YOU LOVELY !! glad you enjoyed it !! <33 it’s only a two month time skip !! so timeline wise, before the timeskip, gojo and y/n have been dating for about a month and a half-ish. so that still leaves a little over a month of them dating !! 🥹🥹
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Back again friend ^_^ Hope you enjoy
So super sorry for the delay! I have been writing, reading, doing hobbies and generally getting my life together!
I looooooove this story! It has so many great lines.
My first favorite line comes right from the summary:
“While I’m sure Raiden would appreciate the tea, I don’t think I’ll appreciate his company as much as I would appreciate yours.”
I love Hanzo snarking on Raiden.
Next favorite is:
Hanzo takes the frozen cup from Kuai Liang’s hand and warms it with his fire.
I LOVE the fact that they complete one another with their powers ❤️❤️❤️ I especially love Hanzo’s nonchalance at having to thaw out the cup. The reason Kuai froze it is because Takeda asked if he was intruding upon Hanzo’s DATE and Kuai got flustered.
It leads into Hanzo continuing to be suave and nonchalant, not acknowledging Takeda’s statement before finally floating the idea that they are on a date. He confidently assures Kuai that they are indeed on a date.
Kuai later suggests that they go on a more exciting date to which Hanzo responds with my favorite line of this story:
“You’re welcome to plan something better, Sub-Zero.”
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Takes place about ten years after the previous snippet~
Waves brushed up against the shore, frothing onto the beach and destroying any remnants of footprints as the tide increased.  The reddish sun crouched low on the horizon, hidden for the most part by heavy purple clouds that were creating a massive tower in the sky.  There would be a storm come nightfall; it was already raining out on the ocean where the water and clouds blurred together.  It was a peaceful comparison to the Capital that they had left hours ago.  No one really knew about the little beach house except for maybe Silas, and now Ariadne and Ophelia.  It was one of the few things that Judd’s late father had splurged on as a gift to his wife as a little getaway for the family.  She had died before they could retire there together, and he had died shortly after in a skirmish on one of Andaseus’s outposts.
    Judd felt he was at least fulfilling part of the intentions behind the gift by bringing Ariadne to the house that had sat there without anyone setting foot in it for the past three years.
He looked down as Ariadne stirred a little in her sleep.  She was leaning against his chest, her hands folded over the growing swell of her stomach.  She was relieved at being able to wear less bulky, concealing clothes with only the three of them at the beach house; the robot attendants weren’t prone to gossip.  The gown she had on now was light, appropriate for a tropical setting and doing nothing to hide the advancing pregnancy.  At twelve months, she was showing a lot more than she would if it was just one child, which had them both convinced she was carrying multiples.  They’d cross that bridge when it came…sooner than anticipated if their joint research proved right about an early delivery.
    From the top of the cliffside where the beach house sat near the edge at his back, Judd could hear Ophelia tuning her tone-harp, then launching into one of her new arrangements.  It carried down to the beach in crystal clear notes.  It was soft with a melancholic touch, something he could only describe as nostalgic, which was fitting for the beach house.  He idly brushed at Ariadne’s hair as she seemed to settle back into her nap, then lifted his gaze to watch the approaching storm.
    It didn’t take long for his mind to wander away from the peaceful surroundings and back to the tumult that had been left behind for the short reprieve.
Silas didn’t say much, but it was heavily implied that the unrest across the Imperium caused by the man who was only known as “The Demagogue” was starting to gain momentum.  He and the Imperial Spies had done what digging they possibly could, but The Demagogue had swept away anything that tied to his past.  He was a walking enigma who seemingly sprouted fully grown from one of the temples one day, garnering a sudden following who were loyal to the point of dying for him.
Judd knew that the man was trouble, and he could see that The Demagogue’s influence was spreading across the temples at an alarming rate.  What he said wasn’t inherently bad.  He pointed out the corruption of the Empire and how the wealthy were only growing wealthier, the poor poorer, and those in between in danger of becoming like the impoverished if conditions persisted.  
There was also an edge to him that said he would be more than happy to send his hordes out against the nobles and the Imperial Family to forcibly remove them from their wealth by whatever violent means necessary.  It was like a bomb with a cracked casing ready to go off given the slightest jar.  And the explosion would be decimating for everyone, not just those that The Demagogue denounced.
That was what Judd was waiting to happen, had been waiting to happen since the man began to crop up across news broadcasts, overshadowing celebrity events and the like.  He coordinated with Silas to see that Ariadne didn’t hear much about the details of The Demagogue’s popularity.  She didn’t need to know about the hundreds of priests and priestesses he had converted and how there had been several, suspicious, bloody deaths of those from the ruling class who spoke out against The Demagogue and his followers within the past few days.  The Demagogue was quick to rule it as “Divine Judgment.”  Judd was certain they were assassinations.  Ariadne was publicly staunchly neutral about it all, which was probably what kept her from becoming a target.  
There was still plenty of time for the renegade priest to line his sights up on her, but Judd would be careful to prevent him from pulling that particular trigger, even if it meant jumping in front of the proverbial blaster.
That wouldn’t sit well with Ariadne, of course.  She was convinced that they would have a long, happy life together with their children she was carrying.  Judd wasn’t sure how well that would go since they were currently hiding the true nature of their relationship, including their secret marriage, and the fact that The Empress was with child from everyone but a handful of people.  Keeping the children under wraps had proven to be more and more strenuous for her as they began to develop mentally.  Maintaining a strong, overshadowing Empathic presence was required to mask them the more that they grew; this vacation was as much for her as it was for him so she could finally relax that solid, invisible veneer with no one around to mentally prod and accidentally sense the infants.
He screwed his eyes to a squint as he felt a slight throbbing batter from inside his skull.  A hand snaked up to the side of his head, tilting it downward.  Ariadne’s green eyes still had that tired look in them from her incomplete rest.  It was a look that had become typical as of late with the infants in her womb doubling in size, along with The Demagogue problem.  She smirked up at him as her fingers rubbed at his jawline.
“I thought we agreed not to think about work while we’re away?”
“How’d you know?”
    Her hand shifted higher to rub along the spot where he felt the headache coming on.
“All your worrying woke me up.”
“Sorry,” he replied with a small grimace.  Sometimes he forgot how much Empaths could tap into thoughts and emotions around them, even when unconscious. “Want to switch jobs?”
“I doubt you’d be able to handle the rigors of life as an Emperor,” she hummed. “It’s not as exciting.  You’d die of boredom within a week.”
    “You’re probably right.  I’d rather go out fighting anyways.”
Ariadne’s brow puckered.
“What did we agree about that sort of talk too?”
“Not to say it out loud?” he replied cheekily.
She flicked the side of his head with two fingers before the offending hand grew less hostile and resumed easing away the oncoming migraine.  Judd lowered his head as the tension started to relax the muscles in his neck and shoulders.
“Whatever is going on outside this little piece of property is going to be completely ignored until we go back,” she said, using some of that tone that came into play when she really needed to act like an Empress. “So the next five days will be spent not thinking about what we left in the Capital and whatever it is you and Old Silas have been discussing behind my back since the two of you think that you’re protecting me from whatever it is you’re being so cryptic about.”
“You catch on pretty quick.”
Ariadne’s expression turned coy.
“I have my ways.  Maybe you talk in your sleep and that’s how I’ve been able to keep up with everything.”
“I doubt that,” he countered. “I’d have known by now how much you’d spill about my secrets.”
“Fine.  But just remember that I’m not far behind when it comes to your little schemes.  So you should think about telling me them sooner instead of later—“
Judd fixed her with a wry look, his tone mimicking her own she’d used on him just a few minutes ago as his voice lilted high to match hers:
“I thought we agreed not to think about work while we’re away, hmm?”
Ariadne squinted at him in response.
“All right, I won’t.  I think I’m hungry.”
“You’re always hungry now.”
Something told him not to say it, but he knew he had to.  She mock-gasped, though he caught a stifled laugh as her hands drew away from his face to rest on her round belly.
“You would be too if you had five babies relying on you.”
“Quit being so overdramatic,” he retorted with an eye roll. “It’s not five.”
He hoped to the heavens he was right.  Ariadne’s head twisted down towards her stomach as she rubbed at the bump.
“Well it’s felt like five lately.  Especially with all the kicking.  If they’re getting into fights this early they’re going to be little hellions when they’re able to walk.”
“I can tell you it’s not five, and you know we’d know for sure if we got a doctor to–”
The frown that his wife gave him cut him off.  They’d discussed that too, and he kept on insisting that they let at least one doctor in on the secret to keep them updated on the health of the infants–and the mother–now that the former seemed to be growing faster.  Ariadne’s excuse was always that she didn’t know who she could trust with such a delicate matter, and that if he was as worried about what was going on with the unrest and everything, then giving “the enemy” another hand to play in what would appear to be the Empress having a child out of wedlock would shatter support for her.
    He also seemed to give Empaths more credit than he thought.  She couldn’t tell the babies apart yet due to how their brains were still developing, so it could have been two…or five for all they knew.
Judd bent down to peck her on the brow.
“Only for an emergency, I know.  Your turn to stop worrying.”
    The frown melted away from Ariadne’s face as she stretched her neck to return the peck on his jaw, sliding her hands down her stomach.
    “But if it’s five…”
“You know I’d be the pushover.  It’s up to you to keep them in line.”
“No, you’d have them trained to act like little soldiers in no time.  I’m the one who would get run all over by them—you’ve seen me with children.”
Judd seemed to consider.
“You’re right.  They’d hogtie you and take over the Empire by the time they’re toddlers.”
That earned him another flick against the head, though the roughness of it was countered by Ariadne’s laughter.  Her eyes narrowed as she used both hands to gently pull his head down further.
“I’d be careful if I were you about the sorts of things you say to your Empress.  You might face severe punishments if you go on with that kind of treasonous talk.”
Judd bent his head along with Ariadne’s pull.
“I don’t know.  Depends on what sort of punishment we’re talking about—“
The distant rumble of thunder out at sea had them both looking to the choppy waters.  A strong gust of wind drove a cloud of sand down the beach, colliding with the increasingly bigger waves that pounded onto the shore.  Judd was already helping Ariadne sit up, positioning his back so the onslaught of sand peppered that instead of her face.
“We should get up to the house before that storm gets here,” he grunted, gathering the lounge blanket and tossing it over his shoulder.  Ariadne was chuckling as he helped her to her feet, one hand sliding under her stomach as her dress flew around her legs.
“You and your terror of the rain,” she laughed. “At least we aren’t in danger of getting trapped in a cave this time.”
Judd dusted sand off her dress before wrapping an arm over her shoulders as they turned to walk to the glinting Lift that would take them to the top of the cliff, whispering close enough to her ear so that he had her giggling:
“Well I’m not the one who fell down that damn hole.”
“Yes you did”—she kissed him on the corner of the mouth—“after I did.  It was very brave of you, even if it would’ve been smarter to go get help like I told you to.”
“And since when do I ever follow an order you give me?”
Ariadne looped an arm around his back as she pressed into his side.
“Not often.  I should really fire you for being so insubordinate.”
“You really should.  Any reason you keep putting that off?”
    “I can think of a few…”
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Love In The Air - FMV 11/24
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
Special Episode - Love Sky
Special Episode - Love Storm
Phayu x Rain | Prapai x Sky | BONUS | The Wedding!
The Engagement
Character Showcase
Phayu | Rain | Prapai | Sky | The Weather Boys | Bisexual Biker Heaven
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
Masterlist by alessiathepirate
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!
I created it to share the ideas that popped up in my head, and to practice my writing - and with that, my English. I hope you'll enjoy my stories :)
Before you start reading, please note that English isn't my first language (I'm sorry if I make any mistakes because of it) and that I don't take requests - I'm simply writing for fun.
Also, please DO NOT COPY my work to another site or profile. If my work gave you an idea for a fic, that's fine, as long as it's not a direct copy. If you'd like to translate my work to a different language, please ask me first about it - and then tag me as the original poster / writer.
Comments, reblogs and likes are appreciated! :)
alessiathepirate's christmas special 2023
The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
Until Dawn
The Quarry
Resident Evil
Assassin's Creed: Mirage
Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Life is Strange
Fast and Furious
Saw (2004)
Creep 2014/2017
The Collector / The Collection
Hannibal NBC
Ocean's Eleven
Now You See Me
No Time To Die
Home Alone
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jeremys-randomness · 2 months
I'm so sad 😞
So here's some blobs of Grace and Akira
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atragicsquirrel · 3 months
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freddy in chapter 11 btw
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