#Foliage Diversity
Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope': A Dazzling Garden Marvel
Abelia x grandiflora ‘Kaleidoscope’ is a captivating ornamental shrub known for its breathtaking foliage and eye-catching colors. This hybrid plant is a result of careful crossbreeding and selection, bringing together the best traits from different Abelia species. ‘Kaleidoscope’ has become a beloved addition to gardens, landscapes, and even container gardens, thanks to its striking appearance and…
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suntails · 20 days
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this is a piece from my silver artbook, currently accepting preorders!!! u can get a copy here!
non-UK: suntails.bigcartel.com
UK: etsy.com/shop/SuntailsArt
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90smisaki · 5 months
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cheerful pink frog sitting amidst a vibrant garden
Your support unlocks new creative adventures for me!
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mangoslixes · 5 months
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“Shadow and light are the most stable and perfect tools of creation: they unite colors, shapes, and dimensions,” says Moldovan artist Sergiu Ciochină, adding that “shadows move us through diversity, enhancing our perception, while light fills us with the joy of discovery.” In saturated hues, he captures dappled sunlight as it filters through the trees and the rich tones of the golden hour as it casts deep bluish-purple shade onto the sides of houses.
Taking cues from the Impressionists, Ciochină focuses on the nuances of light and its ability to reveal outlines and forms. He works in thick, impasto oil paint on board, emphasizing the shapes of windows, doors, and stoops and transforming otherwise ordinary buildings into compositions glowing with the patterns of foliage, architectural angles, and the texture of brushstrokes. “The symbiosis I create between nature and architecture is intended to evoke a love for space,” he says.
on Sergiu Ciochină
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vestaignis · 28 days
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Черный пляж Фаускасандур расположен на южном побережье Исландии, недалеко от небольшого городка Вик-и-Мюрдал. Этот регион характеризуется суровым вулканическим ландшафтом, который является результатом миллионов лет геологической деятельности. До пляжа можно добраться по национальной дороге № 1, известной как Хрингвегур, которая проходит вокруг всей Исландии, соединяя самые важные города и туристические достопримечательности.
Регион, в котором расположен Фаускасандур, отличается исключительным ландшафтным разнообразием. Рядом с пляжем расположены величественные скалы, вулканические скальные образования и многочисленные пещеры. Одной из самых впечатляющих особенностей ландшафта является гора Рейнисфьялль, которая возвышается над пляжем, откуда открывается захватывающий вид на океан и окрестности.
Черный песок пляжа состоит из измельченного базальта, образовавшегося в результате извержений вулканов. Базальтовый песок чрезвычайно мелкий и мягкий, благодаря чему пляж кажется почти сюрреалистическим. Рядом с пляжем можно увидеть впечатляющие базальтовые колонны Рейнисдрангар, которые по легенде являются окаменевшими троллями. Пляж Фаускасандур так же примечателен своим черным песком и огромным монолитом, возвышающимся над его берегом. Почти прямоугольная гигантская скала выглядела неуместно, выступая как недостающая часть окружающих горных оснований. С ее вершиной, покрытой зеленой листвой, которая сползает по скалистым склонам, это естественное скальное образование добавляет уникальный элемент темной береговой линии.Также стоит упомянуть поразительный контраст между белыми изломами в волнах и черным песком.
В целом, уникальный вид Фаускасандура делает его особенно идеальным местом для фотографов. Фаускасандур можно посещать круглый год. Летом, когда погода хорошая, а световой день достигает своей максимальной длины, посетители могут наслаждаться долгими прогулками по песчаному берегу, наблюдая за волнами, разбивающимися о темный песок под полуночным солнцем в течение 20 часов в день. Так же в теплый сезон окрестности становятся зеленее и ярче, а зима подчеркивает завораживающий контраст между белым снегом и черным песком.
The black beach of Fauskasandur is located on the south coast of Iceland, near the small town of Vik y Myrdal. This region is characterized by a rugged volcanic landscape, which is the result of millions of years of geological activity. The beach can be reached via National Road 1, known as Hringvegur, which runs around the entire country of Iceland, connecting the most important cities and tourist attractions.
The region in which Fauskasandur is located has an exceptional landscape diversity. Near the beach there are majestic cliffs, volcanic rock formations and numerous caves. One of the most impressive features of the landscape is the mountain Reynisfjall, which rises above the beach, offering breathtaking views of the ocean and the surrounding area.
The black sand of the beach consists of crushed basalt, formed by volcanic eruptions. Basalt sand is extremely fine and soft, making the beach seem almost surreal. Near the beach, you can see the impressive basalt columns of Reynisdrangar, which according to legend are petrified trolls. Fauskasandur beach is also notable for its black sand and the huge monolith that towers over its shore. The almost rectangular giant rock looked out of place, protruding as a missing part of the surrounding mountain bases. With its top covered in green foliage that creeps down the rocky slopes, this natural rock formation adds a unique element to the dark coastline. Also worth mentioning is the striking contrast between the white breaks in the waves and the black sand.
Overall, Fauskasandur's unique appearance makes it an especially ideal place for photographers. Fauskasandur can be visited all year round. In the summer, when the weather is fine and the daylight hours are at their longest, visitors can enjoy long walks along the sandy shore, watching the waves crash against the dark sand under the midnight sun for 20 hours a day. Also, during the warm season, the surroundings become greener and brighter, and winter highlights the mesmerizing contrast between the white snow and black sand.
Источник://t.me/divo_planeta,/guidetoiceland.is/travel-iceland /drive /fauskasandur-black-sand-beach,/park4night.com/en/place/111259, //sophiecarr.blogspot.com/2018/04/iceland-14-day-7-from-wonderful. html,/www.hatlastravel.com/destination/Iceland/?category=Highland &place=Fauskasandur#pictures,/sandee.com/iceland/east-region/ starmyri/fauskasandur,/ru.gancarczyk.com/Черная-площадь-Фаускасандур-доступ-автостоянка-достопримечательности/, /www.irishroots.pl/czarna-plaza-fauskasandur.htm , /35photo.pro / tags/fauskasandur/.
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hrefna-the-raven · 10 months
Hot as Hades
Words: 2154
Chapter 1 - Call me with a prayer
Summary: You always prayed to Hades and one night, he finally answered your prayers
Warnings: none, just cuteness and love
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More and more people assembled for the festivities of Chtonia. Instead of partaking in the customary rituals like the rest, you chose to venture alone into the neighbouring forest. Your ebony peplos gracefully swayed in the gentle evening breeze as you strolled, held together by a sapphire belt that accentuated your form. Clasped tightly in your grasp was an amphora brimming with the finest wine as you navigated through the thick foliage. You had always been somewhat of a solitary soul, finding solace in the company of animals and the natural world rather than in the presence of others. Therefore, it came as no surprise that you would also pay homage to the gods in seclusion, or more specifically, one particular deity. Your steps came to a halt in front of a weathered shrine, a small wooden box housing an intricate statuette of Hades. Since your earliest memories, you had felt an inexplicable pull towards the ruler of the underworld, without understanding why or needing to know. For years, you had frequented this shrine, engaging in conversations with the god. Though he never responded, it mattered not to you; you continued to visit and converse with him nevertheless.
Little did you know that the ruler of the underworld listened to every single one of your prayers. You intruiged him, becoming a pleasant diversion from his daily dealings with the departed. Initially, he was cautious, as no one had ever approached him solely to pray without seeking something in return. Whether it was the resurrection of a loved one or an extension of their own lifespan, prayers were never simple or genuine acts of devotion, at least not for him. That was a luxury that was only granted to the other gods. Of course, he expected the same from you in the beginning, you were only human and mortal after all. However, as years went by, you continued to visit his shrine, offering prayers without any ulterior motives. And until this moment, you had never asked for anything in return, you simply came to talk, and boy, did you have a way of doing so. The jokes you cracked would have made him drop dead laughing, figuratively speaking. While you strolled through the forest, Hades was captivated by your presence, completely engrossed in observing you from the underworld, as Pain and Panic entered the throne room, arguing about who's turn it was to confess their mistake first. Panic suddenly grew silent and nudged Pain, pointing towards Hades, too engrossed in observing you to even notice his minions. Pain let out an amused giggle and stepped forward.
"Your most lugubriousness", he bowed, "are you watching the mortal again?"
Before Hades could respond, Panic interjected, approaching Pain with an impish grin.
"Ah you know the boss got the major hots for her", he could barely contain his smirk, "isn't that right, boss? When are you gonna talk to her? She prays to you for years now."
Hades' hair flaired up and turned a fiery orange before he quickly rushed his hands through, calming the flames until they turned blue again.
"Guys, guys, guys...you know the rules my stupid brother set up", he sighed, "no interaction is permitted until the mortal pleads for a favour."
"But if she does ask something, anything", Pain victoriously pointed his finger up.
"You could appear and talk to her, ask her on a date, boss", Panic finished the idea.
Hades was about to answer when his eyes fell back on you as you kneeled in front of the shrine, holding up the amphora.
"Wouldn't it be far more delightful to share this fine wine with you instead of pouring it to the ground in your name? I'd definitely prefer that", you playfully teased as you removed the cork.
"Boss, she's asking for something! She wants something from you!", exclaimed in a nervous tandem before they blinked and looked around the throne room, "where did he go?"
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Just as you were about to pour the wine on the ground, goosebumps formed on your skin and the air around you seemed to shift.
"Baboom. Name is Hades, lord of the dead, hi, howya doin'?", a smooth voice resonated from the dissipating smoke that materialised out of thin air.
As the smoke cleared, a towering, muscular man stood before you, his piercing yellow eyes stared right into your soul. Your gaze trailed over his form, a gasp escaping your lips as you took in his bluish-gray skin and the blue flames crowning his head. Stunned, you found yourself unable to move as the amphora slipped from your grasp but instead of the sound of shattering ceramic, silence met your ears and it levitated toward the god's waiting hands, a mischievous smirk adorning his face as he held it before him.
"My sweet", he winked at you, "it would be shame to throw this on the ground, especially after you mentioned wanting to share it with", he took a few steps closer to you as he leaned down to face you directly, "me."
Hades' smug exterior was the perfectly constructed façade, hiding his crumbling confidence. Question: am I mortified? Answer: yes! What will she say? She will be either afraid or disgusted, either way, this will not work in your favour. He blinked a few times, trying to silence his own thoughts, until he felt your hand on his face. Your fingers trailed up his cheek, brushing against his hair as you observed him with curiosity. But when your fingers got too close to the flames on his head, you quickly pulled them back in pain.
"Ouch", you almost laughed as you licked the burnt fingertips, "one can truly say, you're hot as Hades."
And at that very instant, the mind of the god ceased all function, undergoing a painful shutdown in order to reassess the situation. Throughout the ages, he had revealed himself to countless individuals and witnessed a myriad of reactions, yet not a single mortal had ever responded quite like you did. You just casually not only touched him but also made an admittedly funny joke. Clearing his throat, he snapped his fingers, and in an instant, both of you found yourselves seated on a blanket in the heart of a forest clearing, beneath a breathtakingly clear night sky adorned with shimmering stars. Hades proceeded to pour you a goblet of wine.
"So let's embark on the delightful task of sharing of this finer beverage. What do you mortals fancy these days? Actually, never mind. Don't spoil, I have to try this myself", he remarked as he took a sip from his own chalice.
He hummed at the pleasant taste flodding his mouth, eyes falling shut for a moment as he tried to ignore the rapid beating of his heart in your presence.
"So uhm", you shyly began, peering at him, "how are things in the underworld?"
Great, you mentally scolded yourself, you finally get the chance to talk to your god and this is the best you could come up with?
"Well, they're just fine. You know, a little dark, a little gloomy. And, as always, hey, full of dead people. What are you gonna do?"
You couldn't help but chuckle, secretly pondering whether he was simply being polite or if the ruler of the underworld truly shared your sense of humor.
"Come up here and share some wine and jokes with a tiny mortal?", you playfully countered, raising your goblet in invitation.
"Well the dead certainly aren't going anywhere, so what kind of god would I be if I didn't set aside some time from my busy schedule to spend an evening with my most devoted follower?"
You quickly nibbled at your wine, trying to conceal the blush that crept onto your cheeks. The tales circulating about the lord of the underworld were plentiful, none of them portraying him in a favourable light. However, it suddenly struck you that none of these stories had taken the time to truly understand the god sitting next to you. You knew better than to assume that he was only nice and fun based solely on a few pleasantries exchanged, but it also seemed unlikely that he was the monstrous figure painted by the people.
"Here's to Lord Hades, the ruler of the underworld, the lord of the dead, and quite possibly the most handsome god I've encountered thus far", you sincerely smiled at him as you finished another goblet, toasting his name and hoping he wouldn't hold that bold compliment against you.
"Babe, I'm the only god you've met so far."
"But I've seen the statues of the others and meh", you shook your head, "nothing that would shake my acropolis if you catch my drift."
The god burst into a boisterous laughter in response to your remark. After all those years of listening to you, he cherished the warmth of your presence. The way your gaze explored him, brimming with awe and, he could swear, a trace of desire, made him feel woozy on the inside, a weird feeling he hadn't felt in, well, never actually. Time with you slipped away too swiftly, and when Hades caught sight of the sunrise, he let out a melancholic sigh. He took your hand, helped you up and with a snip of his fingers, you found yourself back at the shrine.
"I really enjoyed this, Lord, I mean, my god, Hades", you mumbled, unsure of how to express to an actual god that you yearned for more time together.
My god....my...that one little word, its weight pulling not only his mind in but also his heart which seemed to gravitate around your mortal being, unable to pull away again. Hades shook his head, nervously running his hand through his flaming hair.
"Well, gotta blaze. I have a whole underworld down there waiting for me, so see you around and don't forget to offer your prayers to your one and only", he winked before he disappeared into thin air, leaving behind only a faint trail of dark smoke where he had been standing.
A satisfied grin spread across your lips, your heart fluttering at the mere thought of having spent an entire night with a god. You hummed a sweet tune as you made your way back home, passing the still ongoing festivities. You chuckled at their efforts to please the gods while a small prayer of you summoned the Lord of the underworld himself.
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Hades didn't return to the underworld but went back to the clearing, pacing around as the thoughts of the night lingering in his mind. You were a tiny mortal, he was a god, an immortal being, your life would be over within the blink of an eye and then your soul would be floating in the river Styx, for all eternity for him to watch. It would be torment, and he despised torment, at least when it came to himself. He had no qualms inflicting his favourite methods of torture on others. He groaned, his hands rubbing across his face, trying to push away that growing warmth within his chest.
"Well well well", a female voice spoke, causing Hades to spin around, "when I sensed the call of love, I certainly wasn't expecting to find you."
"Aphrodite", Hades huffed, "fancy meeting you here. Don't you have somewhere else to be?"
"Oh Hades", the goddess giggled, "the Lord of the underworld in love, and with a mortal no less. How could I be anywhere else when I can revel in taunting you?"
Aphrodite stepped closer, playfully poking her finger into Hades' chest.
"Don't fight it, you won't be able to ignore your love, it has already grown too much."
Hades' hair flared up, fiery orange flames engulfing his neck and shoulders as he suppressed a scream. His nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply, attempting to compose himself while Aphrodite merely chuckled with amusement.
"WHAAAT ARE...? Okay, fine, fine. I'm cool. I'm fine", he grumbled, shooting an irritated glare at the goddess, "I'm.not.in.love."
Although his voice appeared calm, the underlying strain of anger was evident.
"Just savour the moment, my dear", Aphrodite waved at him, "oh and by the way, courtesy of yours truly", she winked at him, mockingly bowing her head, "the mortal loves you too."
And with those words, she disappeared. Hades rolled his eyes; he would never admit it, but she was right. If he set aside his pride and delved deep enough into his corrupted black oozing heart, he would have to acknowledge that the affection and curiosity he felt for you went beyond mere fondness and the fact that you seemed to feel the same way was both worrying and reassuring. Although, for now, he was content to just observe you, spend some time together and see what would unfold and, if possible, hide it from the other gods, they were insufferable enough as it is.
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Chapter 2
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Keep Moving Forwards, Part 14
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Azriel x Reader Fic
Summary: After finally deciding to leave your abusive and manipulative mate for good, you find unexpected companionship with Azriel, the Shadowsinger of the Night Court. As you navigate the aftermath of your traumatic relationship, you struggle to understand where the mating bond went wrong and contemplate your path forward, vowing never to return to the past.
Find other parts here: Master List
To follow this fic, follow tag "Keep Moving Forwards Fic" or comment to be tagged in future parts.
Content Warning: This story contains depictions of extreme emotional manipulation and abuse, detailed descriptions of direct physical abuse, and scenes of men hunting women with implied sexual assault. Please read at your own risk.
Word Count: 1.7k
Author's Note: This is a multi-part series. Unlike my previous works, this fanfiction delves deeper than just fluff, exploring complex emotional landscapes. As I navigate this new writing journey, I kindly ask for gentle feedback. The topics addressed are profoundly impactful, touching many lives with diverse experiences. Please be gentle with yourselves and others. Healing is a journey, and everyone processes it differently. Be kind to yourself. Take what resonates, and leave what doesn’t.
Please continue reading, being aware of the above content warnings, ensuring you are in a healthy headspace. Give yourself time to process and be gentle with yourself.
It felt like it didn’t take more than a few hours for you to make it deep into the woods surrounding the city, remembering the paths your mother used to take you on up into the mountains. You let your hands pass over the bark of trees that had grown so much taller since you last had seen them, the canopy above casting green shadows down onto the forest floor as the entirety of the world seemed to wash over you. You walked with a new clarity, a new sense of purpose, thanking the Mother silently that you hadn’t had to explain more to the Night Court about your own affairs. You were free. You were far from the cabin in the woods, healed, refueled and ready to move on. 
You continued walking, until you came upon a clearing through the trees, looking down onto the quiet city that was slowly rising to life. You felt a slight pang of guilt as you looked across, the House of Wind stuck into the side of the mountain, glimmering in the morning light. You hadn’t said goodbye to Elain, Nesta, or Feyre. And while you knew they wouldn’t be upset at your lack of manners, you still felt a sense of responsibility. 
You wondered what would become of that great family, who had taken you in without question, allowing you to eat their food, sleep in their beds and care for you when you were wounded. They were rulers, diplomats, fae in positions of power, and yet for that week they had been your nurses. You wished them the best and turned back to the deep green wood. 
There was no set path to follow, no destination in sight. You allowed yourself to wander freely, allowing your feet to guide you. Birds, singing out their early morning songs chattered in the treetops, a counterpoint to the crunch of your footsteps. You felt the weight of the world lift from your shoulders, each step deeper was a step farther from the worry and constraint of the world. The dense foliage seemed to absorb your anxiety, replacing them with a profound sense of serenity as you imagined running through the bushes with your mother in hot pursuit, a smile on both your faces with sweat pouring from your brow but without care, giggles echoing through the trees. Your fingers brushed over the rough bark of the ancient oaks and wondered if your mother had touched the same. 
The woods grew more alive with subtle sounds of the world waking up - the rustle of small creatures in the underbrush and the murmur of a hidden stream. 
You came upon a large meadow, the spring flowers a riot of colors as you perched upon a large boulder, the moss soft under your boots and fingers as you breathed in the air around you. Your mind was quiet and content, and the world was yours. 
It felt like it didn’t take more than a few hours for you to make it deep into the woods surrounding the city, retracing the paths your mother used to take you on up into the mountains. Your hands brushed over the bark of trees that had grown so much taller since you last saw them. The canopy above cast green shadows onto the forest floor, and the entirety of the world seemed to wash over you. You walked with a new clarity, a new sense of purpose, silently thanking the Mother that you hadn’t had to explain more to the Night Court about your affairs. You were free. You were far from the cabin in the woods, healed, refueled, and ready to move on.
You continued walking until you came upon a clearing through the trees, looking down onto the quiet city that was slowly rising to life. You felt a slight pang of guilt as you gazed across at the House of Wind, stuck into the side of the mountain, glimmering in the morning light. You hadn’t said goodbye to Elain, Nesta, or Feyre. And while you knew they wouldn’t be upset at your lack of manners, you still felt a sense of guilt. You wondered what would become of that great family, who had taken you in without question, allowing you to eat their food, sleep in their beds, and care for you when you were wounded. They were rulers, diplomats, fae in positions of power, and yet for that week, they had been your nurses. You wished them the best and turned back to the deep green wood.
There was no set path to follow, no destination in sight. You allowed yourself to wander freely, letting your feet guide you. Birds sang their early morning songs, chattering in the treetops, a counterpoint to the crunch of your footsteps. The weight of the world lifted from your shoulders with each step deeper into the forest, the dense foliage absorbing your anxiety and replacing it with a profound sense of serenity. You imagined running through the bushes with your mother in hot pursuit, both of you smiling, sweat pouring from your brow but without care, giggles echoing through the trees. Your fingers brushed over the rough bark of the ancient oaks, wondering if your mother had touched the same.
The woods grew more alive with subtle sounds of the world waking up—the rustle of small creatures in the underbrush and the murmur of a hidden stream. You came upon a large meadow, the spring flowers a riot of colors. Perching upon a large boulder, you let your fingers run over the soft moss and breathed in the crisp, fresh air around you. Your mind was quiet and content, and the world felt like it was yours.
A few days and nights of wandering passed without meeting anyone on the way. You sustained yourself on the meals packed for you, sheltered in the tent lovingly provided in the rucksack. You had no issue making your way over the mountain, down the other side, and deeper into the wilderness of the Night Court. On the third day, you found what looked like a path through the woods, long untended but remembered by the underbrush. You followed it and, among the pines and oaks, discovered what looked to be an abandoned cabin. Its windows were missing glass, the door was off its hinges, and the roof had missing slats, covered in moss as the forest reclaimed its property. You made your way around the perimeter, checking for signs of life, and seeing nothing but long-abandoned pots, pans, and furniture.
Attached to the side of the cabin was a small greenhouse with many panes of windows shattered, the tin roof rusted, but small plants still thriving within. You made your way inside, the light of the afternoon shining through cobwebs. The floor was torn apart, with boards arching under the dampness of the forest. It was one room, with a ladder leading to a lofted bed. The curtains, frayed and tattered, fluttered in the breeze as you took a few creaking steps in. The wood stove, perched in the back corner, was rusted over but still looked usable. On the wall, a single desk or kitchen table held various cups and plates left out, and a single candle sat in the center as though someone might be coming back for dinner. But from the layer of dirt lain on the table, you doubted anyone had dined here in many years. The back wall was lined with shelves, crusted over with dust and dirt. You ran your hand over the pans left behind, books heavy and rippling from rain, pages stuck together. Oil lamps lined the walls and seemed to still hold fluid. You dropped your rucksack and clambered up the rickety ladder to see the old, dirty mattress lying on the upper loft with a lamp next to it, the blanket old and rotten.
When you dropped back down to the floor, you gazed around the room. It was broken, worn down, neglected, and yet it seemed to yearn to be lived in. Perhaps it could be home.
You left your pack in the cabin, wandering outside to take in the surroundings. Planting beds needed tending, but the soil was rich. About fifty paces into the woods was a babbling creek with clean water. You decided that for the time being, this would be as good a home as any other.
You spent the next few days cleaning out the cabin. You formed a makeshift broom by collecting old, dried weeds from the creek and securing them to a broken branch, tying them together with a braided cord you found on the shelves. You swept out the dirt and grime, taking care to clear the cobwebs from the rafters and windows. You ripped the rotten boards from the floor, replacing them with bundles of sticks for the time being. You pulled out the old mattress, cutting pieces of it for tinder. You scaled the rooftop, surveying the rotten pieces and laid down brush and moss to patch the holes. It leaked less but still allowed a steady drip when it rained. You cleared the chimney of the stove, finding a rather unhappy squirrel family living within but managed to get it working after an afternoon of sweating and swearing. You tended to the garden and greenhouse, pulling out weeds and turning over the dirt. You saved the seeds of the fruits and vegetables packed for you, pressing them in a piece of wet cloth and planting those that would survive the heat of summer.
Sleep still came in bouts. If you slept with any sort of awareness, your mate still wormed his way in, so you often spent nights tinkering with the oil lamps, working into the early mornings as you tried to mend the curtains with old fabric scraps from around the cabin. Only when you reached exhaustion and seemed to fall asleep from mere necessity, when you slept with a depth of death, did you sleep without his interference. Even then, when it seemed you regained a sense of consciousness, you awakened yourself.
You had found father down the creek a large lake in a clearing and you felt comfortable enough to strip down and bathe in the water, allowing it’s cold temperature to soothe you as you cleansed yourself of the grime of the days.
Within the garden, you collected various stones and etched into one of them, “Anthea. Your escape was worth it.” You laid it among blooming purple flowers that you couldn’t identify. 
As you settled into this new routine, you found a sense of peace and purpose. The world around you was wild and untamed, yet it felt like home. 
My lovely tagged readers: @thatacotargirl @mcuamerica @lilah-asteria @florabelll @fightmedraco @marvelbros-oneshots @mariahoedt @quinzzelx @romantasyreader28 @minnieoo @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @annabethgranger123 @krowiathemythologynerd @scatteredstardustt @romantacyreader28 @caroline-books @slytherintaco @sevikas-whore @sidthedollface2 @405rry @sleepylunarwolf @acourtofbatboydreams @quiettuba @julesofvolterra @skylarkalchemist @darling006
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tribbetherium · 2 months
The Early Temperocene: 135 million years post-establishment
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Guinea Mimics: The Gwinnies
The Cavioidecricetidae, also known as the gwinnies, are a group of duskmice belonging to the same clade as the hammibals and the pondrats, though of closer relation to the pondrats than the hammibals: having diverged sometime in the Middle to Late Rodentocene. The gwinnies are primarily small herbivores, in essence having taken over the niches occupied by the basal gouties and the broadheads during the Early Rodentocene, and adapted to feed on a wide array of foliage, such as roots, leaves, stems and flowers of the various grasses and cloverferns that grow across the world. They process these plant material with the help of hindgut fermentation, allowing them to extract nutrition from even the hardest-to-digest vegetation: however, a consequence of this is that they are required to ingest their droppings a second time in order to absorb their full nutritive content. Mother gwinnies thus produce these special pellets in greater amounts in the few weeks after weaning, as these processed, nutritious pellets are usually her offsprings' introduction to consuming solid food.
Throughout their long history, the gwinnies have not become as diverse as most other duskmice clades, but have persisted nearly across the globe in various niches of "small herbivorous rodent" in many different biomes. Breeding all year round, and producing relatively well-developed young per litter that are born fully-furred and open their eyes in a week or two, they, like most other duskmice, are rather low in most food chains and fear many predators, and thus defend themselves by digging burrows, hiding in crevices, and generally reproducing in large numbers to ensure the survival of a few.
One of the most abundant species in the Temperocene is the common grey rockcavy (Griseocavicricetus vulgaris) which is found throughout temperate regions, primarily in mountainous areas with plentiful small gaps among cliffs and ledges for it to seek shelter in. A nocturnal species with small eyes, it prefers to emerge under cover of dark, finding food with the aid of its powerful sense of smell and sensitive whiskers, and gorging itself all evening before retreating to its den by morning, with a stash of additional food it carries in its cheek pouches in order to feed on while seeking shelter during the day when predators abound.
In tropical forests, meanwhile, one may find a similar yet quite different relative: the forest polka (Punctocavicricetus pardus). This species, in contrast, is active during the day, and scampers about the forest floors of tropical jungle on its relatively-long legs, foraging for the low-growing shrubs and cloverferns found in the ground level and the understory. Here, there is abundant cover among the plants, tree roots and fallen logs, and its primary camouflage comes in the form of pale blotches on its body that mimic the speckled, dappled light on the forest floor, breaking up its outline and making it more difficult to see when it freezes in place to hide from threats. In addition to leaves and stems, the polka also relishes fallen fruit dropped from the canopy: making it an important seed-disperser that scatters tree seeds far and wide in places that are favorable for them to sprout.
In open deserts and arid semidesert, in the meantime, during the times when Beta alone in the sky casts the landscape in a brilliant red, the red sandscur (Erythrocavicricetus rubrus) emerges from its den to search for food. Like many animals in the desert, it avoids the searing rays of Alpha by emerging at a period of time when its dimmer, cooler twin instead reigns the sky. As the presence of a red secondary sun has favored the evolution of trichromat vision in many lineages, including predators, so too have prey evolved to hide under these conditions, with red-colored fur originating from erythrism: an unusual increase of red pigment in an animal's pelage that with Beta-twilight as a regular phenomenon became an unexpected survival advantage and thus became the normal state of many species. Well-concealed in the crimson light, the red sandscur is hardly conspicuous as it searches out desert succulents both as a source of food and water.
Most gwinnies of the Temperocene are quite conservative in build, having changed little from their early ancestors, but one significant exception dwells on a small chain of islands between the continents of South Ecatoria and Arcuterra: the Bridge Isles rabbibara (Lepocavicricetus albacauda). The largest of the gwinnies, at roughly twelve kilograms, it grew to such large sizes due to the isolation of its habitat from the mainland, and in the absence of competition grew to an enormous size, comparatively speaking. With its only threats being aerial ones from opportunistic predatory ratbats, it simply grew too large to be carried away by them, and while young may be occasionally vulnerable, adults face little threat and are generally unfazed as they graze on the abundant grasses in the Bridge Isles. The rabbibara, while continuing to survive well into the Middle Temperocene, would find its range restricted to the two northmost islands as its populations disappeared in the southernmost ones due to a period of unstable fluctuations in local food availability. Its absence in those areas, however, would favor a far stranger creature to take its place and become the dominant herbivore of the isles: the zeebeedee (Megalornithomys spp.), a grazing pterodent that, in the absence of predators, also grew to enormous proportions and abandoned its flight entirely.
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wychelmie · 6 months
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i've been asked a few times about what mods i use, and i always say i'll make a modlist and then forget - but not this time!
so here are all* the mods i use in stardew valley (all compatible with 1.6, mostly from nexus mods)
must have mods:
diverse stardew valley
ui info suite 2
fishing made easy suite
lookup anything
npc map locations
custom menu backgrounds
simple foliage
vibrant pastoral recolor (1.6 fix) + vpr inspired ui
custom farms, buildings and interiors:
custom farm loader
solo four corners farm
blackberry fields farm
rolling hills farm
modest map farm cave
elle's seasonal buildings + coop and barn interiors + town buildings
less ugly town interiors + spouse rooms + altar of yoba replacement
animal replacements:
coop animals + barn animals
dogs + cats
town animals + horses
crops and forage
artisan goods
fish and tackles
trash and resources
wallet items
artifacts + elixirs
rings and shoes
qi items and misc
mushroom bins
farmer hair and clothes:
coii's girls pack
coii's all hats pack
coii's hairs pack
kknuma's hairs
rural outfitters
fashion sense
cosy scarves
custom furniture
alternative textures
west elm furniture
nano's retro furniture
too many swatches I + II
idaida's furniture recolor
ornamental garden furniture
flower power furniture
chest deco for alternative textures
gameplay and stuff:
dialogue expansion
part of the community
date night
unique children
tolerable demetrius
*please check the requirements and read the installation instructions for these mods to make sure you have everything you need and it all works correctly!
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sangoziethesimp · 10 months
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Your girlfriend, Yae Miko doing her usual thing but you came to the shrine. You just wanted to visit the pretty lady, now why are you sweating and panting? Why is there also a fox chasing you? Oh well.
In the serene village of Inazuma, where ancient traditions harmonized with the tranquility of nature, stood the sacred shrine presided over by the esteemed Yae Miko. The day unfolded with the sun casting a warm embrace upon the landscape, its gentle rays painting a golden sheen upon the intricate wooden structures that adorned the shrine grounds. Yae Miko, draped in her ceremonial attire, moved with an ethereal grace, her serene countenance illuminated by a mischievous glint in her eyes as she observed the arrival of Y/N, her beloved and spirited partner whose presence often infused the village with a vibrant energy.
The shrine maiden’s heart stirred with the desire for playful diversion amidst the tranquility that enveloped Inazuma. With a playful yet cunning spirit akin to that of a fox, Yae Miko decided to weave a bit of mischief into the otherwise serene day, eager to engage in a playful escapade with her beloved.
Her nimble fingers traced invisible patterns as she invoked her innate powers, transforming seamlessly into her enchanting fox form. Her fur shimmered in the dappling sunlight, a radiant display of russet and gold as she stealthily trailed Y/N. The soft padding of her tiny paws against the earth echoed the whispering breeze, her movements as nimble and graceful as the woodland creatures she emulated. Unbeknownst to Y/N, the shrine maiden was now the epitome of a playful fox, reveling in the anticipation of her impromptu prank on her beloved.
Y/N, caught up in the serene beauty of the village, strolled through the tranquil paths, enchanted by the tranquility of Inazuma’s natural beauty. It was amidst this idyllic scene that Yae Miko, in her fox form, saw the perfect opportunity for mischief. With a swift motion, she approached Y/N and lightly nipped at her ankle, a mischievous glint dancing in her fox-like eyes.
"What in the world...?" Y/N gasped, her surprise evident as she spun around in search of the unseen prankster.
Giggling softly in her fox form, Yae Miko continued her playful pursuit, darting among the foliage, occasionally brushing against Y/N or causing a cascade of leaves to flutter around her. Y/N's laughter filled the tranquil groves, a symphony that harmonized with the playful chuckles of the mischievous fox.
"Alright, who's playing tricks with me?" Y/N laughed, thoroughly enjoying the mysterious interplay of amusement in the serene setting.
The spirited chase persisted, Yae Miko embodying the playful nature of a fox while Y/N reveled in the unexpected joy of the impromptu game. With each playful interaction, Y/N's laughter echoed through the serene groves, blending seamlessly with the rustling leaves and the soft padding of Yae Miko's fox-like steps.
As the playful pursuit continued, Yae Miko relished the spirited joy of her fox-like nature, cherishing every moment spent in the company of her beloved. Each fleeting moment of mischief woven into the tranquility of Inazuma felt like a delightful interlude in the tapestry of their day.
After a sequence of delightful moments, unable to contain her laughter any longer, Yae Miko transformed back into her elegant human form, revealing herself to the astonished yet amused Y/N.
"Surprise, it was me all along," Yae Miko announced with a delighted grin, her fox-like personality shining through her mischievous gaze.
Y/N blinked in astonishment before bursting into laughter. "Yae Miko, you sly fox! That was clever!"
"I couldn't resist a bit of playful fun," Yae Miko confessed, her laughter resonating with the spirited joy of her fox-like nature.
Their bond grew even stronger from that day forward, marked by the memory of a mischievous prank that led to an enduring romance, their laughter echoing through the tranquil groves of Inazuma, a testament to the delightful whimsy of their shared adventure as loving partners.
As the day progressed, the routine chores seemed to wane in excitement for the mischievous shrine maiden. Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she noticed the arrival of Y/N, an adventurous soul whose presence never failed to bring a sense of joy to the tranquil village.
"Time for a little fun," Yae Miko whispered to herself, her thoughts already brimming with playful schemes.
Embracing her innate ability, Yae Miko transformed into her diminutive and enchanting fox form, her fur shimmering in the dappling sunlight. With silent steps, she stealthily trailed Y/N, the fox's paws navigating the verdant paths with an almost ethereal grace. Y/N, completely unaware of Yae Miko's transformative powers, wandered through the tranquil groves, admiring the beauty of the landscape.
Seizing the opportune moment, Yae Miko, in her fox form, approached Y/N and, with a playful glint in her eyes, lightly nipped at Y/N's ankle, eliciting a surprised yelp from the unsuspecting adventurer.
"What in the world?" Y/N exclaimed, turning around in search of the unseen culprit.
Giggling softly, Yae Miko continued her playful pursuit, darting between bushes, occasionally rustling leaves, or lightly tugging at the hem of Y/N's clothing. The playful antics continued, accompanied by Y/N's infectious laughter echoing through the tranquil groves.
"Who's playing tricks on me?" Y/N chuckled, thoroughly enjoying the mystery and unexpected amusement.
The mischievous chase continued, the playful fox relishing every moment of the impromptu game, while Y/N found delight in the thrill of the unexpected mischief.
Finally, unable to contain her laughter any longer, Yae Miko transformed back into her ethereal human form, revealing herself to the bewildered yet amused Y/N.
"Surprise, it was me all along," Yae Miko declared, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Y/N's eyes widened in astonishment before erupting into joyful laughter. "Yae Miko, you sneaky fox! I had no idea!"
"I couldn't resist a bit of playful fun," Yae Miko confessed with a warm smile, relishing in the shared joy between them.
From that day forward, the bond between Yae Miko and Y/N flourished, marked by the memory of a mischievous prank that led to an enduring friendship, their laughter echoing through the tranquil groves of Inazuma.
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pastorfutureletthembe · 2 months
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Link Click and flowers
When CANON gives us such amazing and layered characters, we're always fascinated. We go on treasure hunts to find every little secret about them. Because we want to understand them better. We empathize with their struggles. We write meta and fanfictions.
Sometimes, CANON shares golden nuggets of easter eggs: Birthdays and flowers.
Today I'm gonna tell you everything you need to know about Myosotis and Daisies!
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> Myosotis ~ Forget-Me-Not ~ Scorpion Grass
The genus name comes from the ancient Greek word, mus (mouse) and ous or otos (ear). This comes from the shape of the plant’s foliage, which features short, pointed leaves reminiscent of mouse ears. More than 70 species of myosotis exist in the world. Most likely, when you picture this flower, you think about Myosotis Alpestris. The alpine forget-me-not species is distinguished by its delicate blue petals featuring yellow throats, which create a striking contrast against the rugged landscapes where it grows. Its ability to flourish in harsh, cold environments makes it a remarkable example of nature's adaptability. Another type, Myosotis scorpiodes, is sometimes called scorpion grass, which seems like an unusual name for such a pretty little flower. Before the flowers bloom, the plant's stem appears coiled, like a scorpion’s tail. It then slowly uncurls as the flowers open up. When you give someone these tiny blooms, it represents a promise that you will always remember them and will keep them in your thoughts.
Throughout history, forget-me-nots have been laden with meaning. Europe: A German knight was strolling with his lady along the banks of the Danube river. The lady saw pretty blue flowers—but they’d been pulled loose by the river’s flow and were about to disappear downstream. She wanted to save the flowers, so her chivalrous knight jumped into the water. He couldn’t fight the strong current, so he tossed the flowers onto the bank, and as he was carried out to sea, he called out, “vergiss mein nicht”, which is German for “forget me not.” World War I, they were linked to fallen soldiers and were used as a symbol to remember the dead. Victorian era: emblematic of true love and remembrance, often given as tokens to signify faithful and enduring love. During this time period, people sent each other flowers to convey messages that couldn’t be spoken aloud. In this flower language, they represented love, devotion and everlasting faithfulness. They also conveyed the message, “Do not forget me.” Christian creation: God bestows names upon all the plants He created, except for one tiny blue flower. Afraid of being passed over, the unnamed flower calls out, “Forget me not, O Lord!” In response, God declares, “That shall be your name!”
Forget-me-nots represent true love, devotion, and faithfulness. Everlasting love: From the Middle Ages to Victorian era, they were used to decorate valentines. Devotion: They seen as symbols of remembrance for loved ones who have passed away. Commitment: They’re often given to spouses, significant others, or friends to convey deep affection and loyalty. Friendship: Long distance, two friends enduring affection living in different places.
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> Daisy ~ Bellis Perennis ~ April Flower
Daisies originated from the Old English word "dægesēage”, meaning day's eye. This etymology reflects the flower's association with the sun and its daily cycle. It refers to the nature of the flower's sunny appearance as well as its behaviour of opening in the morning and closing at night. A sun-like core surrounded by delicate white petals as if a radiant sun is peeking through the clouds. The white, often red-tipped petals are both separate groupings of numerous flowers giving the illusion of a single flower. It actually posesses a composite flowerhead: daisies are two blossomes in a single one. Daisies are a diverse family of flowers, each carrying a unique symbolism. Bellis (meaning pretty) perennis (meaning everlasting) are the common Daisy, and those provide a message of innocence, childlike happiness and playfulness. Shasta Daisies have an ability to thrive in diverse climates, mirroring our own human resilience and making it a fitting symbol for enduring love and the continuity of life. No matter the species, it is known to bring hope and joy for anyone who takes the time to appreciate its beauty. They are often given to someone you admire. It is also a tangible expression of union, used in weddings, and ironically considered as a heartfelt farewell, placed on graves, as promise of remembrance through genuine love even in death. The birthmonth for Daisies is April.
Norse mythology: In Norse mythology, daisies were considered sacred flowers because of their power to predict the future. They represented love, loyalty, and destiny. They were also associated with Freya, the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. According to legend, whenever Freya cried, her tears turned into daisies. Ancient Greek Mythology: According to Greek mythology, Zeus, king of the gods, fell in love with a beautiful nymph named Belides. When Hera, the wife of Zeus, learned of this, she turned Belides into a daisy to protect her from Zeus' advances. Zeus could not save Belides and instead honoured the daisy for her beauty and love. Celtic Mythology: In Celtic mythology, people associated daisies with the sun, bringing prosperity and good luck. They also believed that these bright flowers were a sign of the summer solstice, carring the sun's light to the earth. In Victorian era, they developed floriography, or the language of flowers, to relay different coded messages depending on the type of flowers they sent and received. Daisies in particular symbolized loyalty and the ability to keep secrets. Someone would send daisies to a person who told them a secret to let them know their secret was safe.
Daisies are quite popular for radiating cheerfulness and positivity. The beauty of this flower is that it implies trust and reciprocity. Innocence: symbolise innocence, purity, and childlike wonder, because of the flowers’ soft, white petals, which give a sense of freshness and purity. They also stand for innocence in the sense of faithful love and loyalty. Love and Romance: associated with true love and secret admirers. As two flowers which have blended harmoniously together into one bloom, it represents perfect union. Beauty: while appearing simple, their sunlike attribute makes them the symbol of aesthetics. New beginnings: for transformative times, most especially for new beginnings. Popular for spring and to welcome new chapters in life. They represent a positive change or even a fresh start. They are often used for depictions of Mary, mother of Jesus, as childbirth symbol. Friendship: tokens to express appreciation or to celebrate a beautiful bond between friends. Joy, loyalty and union in the purest sense. This one is for me haha: Celebrate a 5th anniversary
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That's all for today! they choose wisely, don't you think?
I am willingly ignoring that Forget-Me-Not could hint on Lu Guang's death :D I just wanted a cute post on flowers for now.
Find out more about Hyacinth, Qiao Ling's flower, here!
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cselandscapearchitect · 8 months
Annual Flowers for the Shade Garden
It is that time of year again when the seed and garden catalogs begin to fill the mailbox with their promise of spring flowers. While flipping through the glossy color pages admiring the colors of the blossoms and reading the brief but tantalizing descriptions of each species, it got me thinking about the possibilities for adding color to the shade garden this year. It is easy to find annuals…
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jillraggett · 9 months
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Plant of the Day
Friday 5 January 2024
Stamford Botanics, Lincolnshire, Uk, has a diverse range of houseplants displayed over two floors in one of Stamford’s oldest buildings with an impressive beamed ceiling. Included in the foliage plants was the distinctive Calathea ‘Vittata’, a native of South America, with ornamental leaves having white stripes which appear hand painted.  
Jill Raggett
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riseoftheclansrpg · 2 months
Welcome to Rise of the Clans!
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Welcome to Rise of the Clans (RotC), a fantasy discord-based RPG directly inspired by the warrior cats series created by Erin Hunter.  You are not expected, nor required, to have read any official canon material released to be a part of this group! All lore developed is original, based on the worldbuilding from the canon series.
This group originally started over on deviantart several years ago, as a deviantart and skype hosted RP. Over the years, the group has changed with the times, and was formally rebooted and opened to the group it is today, on August 19th, 2019! With deviantart's recent forced changes, RotC has left deviantart for good, and is now hosted on Discord, with a google website (coming soon!) in tandem.
Rise of the Clans is set in a fictional region in the United States, generally assumed to be located around the Pacific Northwest! As a result, there are a variety of naturally occurring phenomena, such as mountain ranges, lakes, marshes, the ocean, as well as more urban lifestyle, with a city located far away, along the ocean's coast. Weather can be extreme being so close to the ocean, as well as closer to the United State's northern border.
Communities of feral felines have come to dwell in several places across the region. From the city to the mountains, felines live all different walks of life.
There are four Clans that reside besides a lake with territories filled with diverse terrain and foliage, known as WoodClan, ValleyClan, RockClan, and StreamClan. Up within the mountains are a feline community known as Fjell'Byr, who organize themselves into factions to support a united, large population. Outside of these populations are rogues, loners, and kittypets.
This roleplay is plot-driven, both by an overarching groupwide plot, as well as both indirect and direct influences by personal character plots. As a result, roleplay mechanics are always updating and expanding, as members contribute and introduce new canon.  Through group participation to earn group currency, simply called "points", your character can unlock potential plots that can result in permanent, canonizing changes to the roleplay.
We are LGBTQ+ friendly, and encourage character creation from all walks of LGBTQ+ life!
A discord account is required to participate as an active member of this roleplay. All roleplay happens in the official Rise of the Clans discord server.
Rise of the Clans is OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS! Click here to learn how to join!
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knight-elkwarden · 2 years
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Carpet Drakes are a group of mostly aquatic ambush hunting hexapods found throughout the rivers and lakes of Har Fang. They are believed to be physiologically very similar to the first hexapods of millions of years ago.
While more common and diverse to the west of the continent, some species are still found in modest numbers to the east.
Giant Carpet Drake
Giant Carpet Drakes are found exclusively in the Musonese river basin, where the wide, murky, slow moving water offers them the best environment for their ambush hunting lifestyle. Despite their size and rather clumsy looking body, these giants are capable of surprising bursts of speed and have been known to capsize boats.
They readily see humans as prey, though they tend to back off if they realize their cover has been blown. Sometimes hunted by dragons.
Stubby Carpet Drake
A relatively small species. These drakes live in fast flowing rivers and streams, where they can easily anchor themselves to the riverbed with their long hooked claws. They are most often seen at higher elevations and in colder water, though they are very hardy and can survive a wide range of temperatures.
Not particularly dangerous to humans, but they will bite and scratch if they feel threatened.
Common Carpet Drake
The most widespread of the carpet drake species, hence the name. It is believed that it has either multiple subspecies or is multiple closely related species. These animals are found in almost any freshwater habitat and are extremely hardy creatures.
Not domesticated, but certain riverside communities have managed to tame some individuals. Caution should still be exercised when handling them since their bite is strong enough to sever fingers.
Musonese Carpet Drake
Despite the name, these creatures can be found outside of the Musonese river basin, though they are most common within it. They have a narrower body to help them navigate their often flooded and dense with foliage homes. They live only in warm and wet habitats on the western side of the continent.
Naturally skittish, but can be tamed pretty easily with enough patience.
Nyrian Carpet Drake
These carpet drakes inhabit the dry savannas and deserts of Har Fang, particularly Nyr, but neighboring regions also have populations of these creatures. The only known carpet drake species to aestivate, cocooning themselves in clay and water to stave off desiccation until the rains return and fill the watering holes.
Aggressive and will attack careless humans.
Kelp Stalker
Found wherever kelp forests exist. These derived drakes are the only known carpet drakes that lives exclusively in salt water. These ambush predators hide in the kelp to catch passing fish and other small prey. Closely related to the River Stalker and other free swimming carpet drakes.
Curious about humans and will follow them around sometimes, but tends to avoid dragons.
River Stalker
Fast swimming drakes native to the eastern side of the continent. Only known carpet drake that isn't an ambush predator. Highly social creatures, they are known to hunt in bands consisting of a dozen individuals. They can tolerate brackish waters, but are most comfortable in fresh waters.
Tends to avoid humans and dragons whenever possible.
Dwarf Carpet Drake
Found almost anywhere with fresh water. Thought of as something of a pest in cities, where they infest wells and crawl along roads during heavy rains. In the wild they feed mostly on small fish, insects, insect larvae and generally anything else they can fit in their mouths.
City dwelling dwarf carpet drakes are somewhat bold and will bite if provoked, but in the wild they are extremely skittish. Sometimes harvested by humans and dragons for their magical properties and general abundance.
Jewel Drake
Small tree dwelling carpet drakes from the Musonese river basin. A large number of jewel drake species are known, but they all have a few things in common: Vividly colored and highly poisonous. Their toxins come from their diet, and so people have figured out how to keep them as pets without the high risk of poisoning.
The species pictured here is known as the Ultramarine Jewel Drake. All species posses a sharp claw on their front two pairs of limbs, which can easily puncture skin and cause the poison on their skin to seep into the body. Caution is heavily advised when handling these creatures.
Root Serpent
Originally thought to be a serpent due to it's elongated body, it was eventually figured out that it was instead a carpet drake, though the name stuck. These creatures are found mostly in Musonee, where they hide among the mangroves, looking like roots to fool their prey.
A relatively popular pet and familiar in Musonee due to their elongated shape and gentle temperament.
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I Promised, Too
Summary: A promise given is a promise kept.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Language; Canon typical injuries; Implied sex
Word Count: 1,194
Note: A companion fic to I Promised but can be read separately.
Beta: @princessmisery666
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Cutting left, she disappears into the denser tree line, taking the route he'd laid out for her to Baby. He could have led the way, but he wants to make sure she doesn't fall prey to the douchebags hunting them like animals.
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She rescued him from the basement where he was being held, but they hadn't made it far from the house when the bullets started flying. The twisted bastards must have known, simply giving them a head start under the guise of an easy escape. The small projectiles whistle through the air decimating the fresh foliage in tiny explosions of bark and greenery.
Clenching his jaw when the shout, accompanied by snorting sounds, reaches him, he stops and pushes up against a tree for cover. If they call out again, he can pinpoint their location. A few moments later, he's rewarded with, "Here, piggy-piggies."
Even though it's too dark to see clearly, he turns toward their voices, searching. The snap of a twig tells him they're headed in the opposite direction, so he sets off to follow her, cursing when a tracer sets the sky alight in a shower of white sparks and smoke. Glancing one last time in her direction, he takes off to the right to lure them away and give her a chance to get to safety. 
It’s only been a matter of seconds when he feels the burn of molten metal bore through the meat of his shoulder. Stumbling, he manages to stay upright. The next round rips through his side, and another pierces his thigh, sending him to his knees.
Crawling over to a patch of undergrowth to hide, he grits his teeth against the pain. Hearing them crashing through the forest toward him, he slides further into the brush, arm and leg dropping when they land on nothing but air. “Shit.” 
Cautiously looking over the edge, he can just make out the ground below as the last remnants of the tracer’s illumination fade. It’s about a five-foot drop. He debates letting them capture him to distract them from hunting her. Then again, what good will he be if they truss him up again …or worse.
There are four of them, and he’s not exactly in top form at the moment. She’s quick and smart. She’ll make it out. He decides to bide his time for now and assess his injuries before making a move. Clamping his mouth closed to quiet his breathing, he rolls over the ledge. 
“Where did he go?”
“I saw him drop. He has to be close.”
Shuffling overhead sends debris raining down on him, and he presses himself beneath the outcropping as far as possible. His shoulder numbs as they thrash through the scrub and underbrush, searching. Then a shout echos through the darkness, and they take off.
Fear that they're going straight for her spurs him into action. It doesn’t matter now what happens to him. He needs to create a diversion. Sitting up sends a wave of dizziness and nausea through him. He won’t make it back up the rock face, but he needs to get out in the open and get their attention. A couple of deep breaths, and he’s on his knees, grunting with a final push upward.
Stumbling away from the overhang, he makes it a couple of yards before collapsing. Fuckers must have tipped the bullets with something. There's no way those shots should be taking him out this quickly. 
“Son of a bitch!” Rolling onto his back, he berates himself. He should have just stayed with her. At least they would be together.
He's always known that his end would be bloody, and she thought hers would be the same. They'd talked about it in hushed voices, bodies moving in sync, hands tracing over sweat-slicked skin, fingers pressed against pulse points. Affirmation to each that they were alive and safe. They'd promised each other that no matter what, they'd be together when the end came, but he'd silently sworn to keep her from falling prey to a hunter's end. He hopes fate doesn't intervene and lets those sonsofbitches cut her down.
She deserves better.
Making one more attempt to move, he can barely lift himself an inch off the ground. A piece of bark scrapes his neck as he falls back into the mossy earth. Bugs chirp and hum, leaves rustle, and a frog croaks nearby, a soothing lament to his ragged breaths. Life fading faster than the blood flowing, he tries to focus, to send a silent message to the stars of all the things he should have said to her. Words he should have whispered in her ear or said aloud daily but will never get to say now.
Lips soft and sweet brush along his jaw, breath warm as her tongue sweeps over his, fingers card through his hair, nails gently scraping over his scalp, the weight of her body a comfort. The memories attempt to swallow him and ease the guilt, but the exigency to protect her fights against the lull of contentment. Feeling his pulse spike, then slow, breaths becoming irregular, he shivers beneath the layers of flannel and canvas, his vision blurs, thoughts drifting. He wonders if he'll know his reaper. Maybe they'll tell her for him.
Another tracer illuminates the canopy of trees in the direction she'd gone, and he cries out in anger and frustration. The night falls eerily silent beneath the brightness and then roars to life as a wave of gunfire fills the misty air, along with cries of fury and pain. He swears he can hear her screaming for him and prays they didn't catch up to her. He calls her name one final time. A spray of dirt and decay shower his face as something lands hard next to him, but he's too far gone to do anything, sinking into the peaceful abyss.
He jerks awake, grunting as pain shoots through his entire body, rippling from the epicenters of his leg and shoulder wounds. His chest heaves as he breathes through the worst of it, hands fisting in the fabric beneath his palms. He hears a click and a beep, the pain recedes to a tolerable level, and then awareness hits. Snapping his eyelids open, he's met by blinding light and immediately closes them. Definitely not Hell, but he gets a sense that it's not Heaven, either. You never know with those dicks, though.
Movement to his right and the sweetest sounding growled, "Thank fuck!" have him peeling his eyes open again. This time in a squint. Softly calloused fingers wrap around his wrist, pressing into his pulse, and a palm is carefully flattened over his heart.
A few blinks later, he's met with trembling lips and a tear-filled gaze when their eyes fully connect.
"Y- you came b- back." His voice cracks, throat raw, the words laced with anger and awed adoration. Reaching for her, he's stopped short by the tug of an IV needle and monitor wires and drops his hand to his chest to cover hers.
A cheek damp with tears presses against his, and she whispers, "I promised, too."
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Love Me Some Pie tag list:
@123passwort // @akshi8278 // @asgoodasdancingqueen // @calaofnoldor // @compresshischest09 // @deaneverafter // @deans-baby-momma // @deans-spinster-witch // @deanwanddamons // @globetrotter28 // @iamsapphine // @idreamofplaid // @impala-dreamer // @iprobablyshipit91 // @irgendwas122 // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt // @justagirlinafandomworld // @justrealizedimmascifygurl // @ladysparkles78 // @lyarr24 // @mimaria420 // @mrswhozeewhatsis // @musicissmylife // @mvdeanw // @pallographsunspot // @princessmisery666 // @raisinggray // @shawnie74 // @thinkinghardhardlythinking // @thoughts-and-funnies // @waynes-multiverse // @wayward-and-worn // @waywardbaby // @weepingwillowphoenix // @yvonneeeee
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