be-missed · 11 months
Not Strong Enough (Chap 3)
Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
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(picture not mine)
Summary: Jenna was visiting her mom in the hospital to drop off the food that will be eaten for the hospital party, but she met a resident surgeon and she thought "God forbid I ran into an accident, but I want her to open me and stitch me up." While the surgeon tries her best to keep her fan girling low-key.
Warning: curse words
A/N: Hey, 3rd chapter in a row. Thank you again for reading and enjoy!
Chap 1 | Chap 2
Chap 3
"Had a fun time in the party, I'm so glad we got to have this celebration for our achievements in our department" Ava said as she dropped her bags beside their front door. Behind her is her wife Beatrice, followed by Y/N and their other friend Camila, who is also a doctor in the Pediatric Department.
"Aww, that really sucks, why do I always get to be left out by you guys." Camila said with a pout on her lips while the other three people inside the house just laughed at her.
"Well sweety, you chose to do your residency in Pedia Department and you love kids, that is why." Beatrice answered her while she went to Ava in their kitchen to help with reheating the premade dinner that they cooked earlier today.
As Y/N and Camila got settled in the living room, they started to catch up with each others life and what stresses them in their department. A little banter over here and there, laughs were echoing throughout the household until Ava called them to go to the dining table to eat.
"Cheers to us noobs to conquering and still being here thriving to do our best, cheers." Y/N tells as she raised their glass and drink their wine.
"I told you having a monthly dinner between the four of us is a great idea, us being free and to catch up with one another." Camila said with a cheeky grin while the other three are just laughing.
"We are all well informed with each others life since we are just literally in the same department unlike you." Beatrice chimed in which makes them laugh, because they love to tease Camila for being the only one that chose pediatrics, but they truly support her since that is where her passion goes but they also love teasing her.
"Not fair guys, I'm getting bullied here, I'm all by myself." Camila teasingly moping and laughing.
"But truly, I really am thankful for the three of you for adopting me in your friend group. I always feel that my home is far but when I'm with you all, home just gets a little bit closer." Y/N tells with a grateful smile on her face.
"Okay, stop with the cheesiness, Halloween is just around the corner so Bea and I planned of a Halloween party, but you know, just for the four of us since we can't really handle big crowds and get overstimulated." Ava proposed and laughs.
"I'm definitely in." Y/N approved and everyone nodded while they enjoy their dinner.
While Y/N is having fun in Ava and Bea's household, Jenna on the other side is facing her mom with the questions that she expected to be asked.
"Well?" Natalie asked Jenna with her left hand on her hip.
"She is new and she looks fun, what is wrong with having a new friend right?" Jenna answered.
Natalie looked at her daughter with questioning eyes, not fully believing what her daughter answered, but, she won't push through, she doesn't want to rush and pressure her daughter.
"Okay, I believe in you. But don't pull that stunt on me again mija, I am a nurse not an actress." Natalie answered with a smile and kissed her daughter's forehead as she leaves Jenna's room.
Sun goes up so then another day arrived. The beams of light never shined so bright for Y/N because today is her day-off, which means she can just lay-down and just spend the rest of her day snuggling her pillow and ordering a whole pizza for dinner just to binge watch Brooklyn 99 for the nth time.
BUT. There is a big but that comes to her mind. If they will have a costume party, that means that she needs to buy a costume for herself, because if she did not, Ava will totally gonna punch her face, Camila will kick her in the stomach, and Beatrice will gonna Aikido her. So yes, what she planned was never gonna happen.
Y/N rolled over on her bed until her feet falls and touches the ground, and tries to push her body to stand up. She is trying so hard, looking like a baby that wants to stand up and just walk, and after fighting her own for a second, she got the chance to stand up and scream.
Screaming, that was therapeutic for Y/N, you just scream and all the tension inside your body will somehow get out. For her it is good, but for her neighbors, probably no.
Finding some clothes and going outside to her car, she received a notification.
Fr Jenna:
Thank you again for yesterday.
To Jenna:
No worries. You can text me or call me if you need something :D.
Fr Jenna:
Wow, that is something that I will hold on to ;)
And with that, Y/N smashed her head in her steering wheel, asking WHY OH WHY, Jenna just sent her a wink. A FUCKING WINK. It's just a wink but her heart can't seem to follow the right rhythm for it to function naturally.
Breathing in, Breathing out. A minute of breathing exercise helped Y/N to pull herself together and starts her car to go to the mall.
Traffic lights turned from green to red from red to green, driving around corners and street while listening to NIKI, Y/N arrived at the mall and had one thing in mind; to buy a dress just like Mavis from Hotel Transylvania.
She loved that movie, that is probably one of her comfort movie. So, on the drive to the mall, she sets her mind on finding a black dress, a red and black striped thigh and some pair of fangs.
Going in and out of different stores, she got to buy the dress and the fangs, but those damn red and black striped thighs are surely nowhere to be found. Going down the escalator, she saw a crowd of people that is following a person, with their cellphones out, flashes from their phone camera on, a paper to sign on.
Y/N thinks that it must be a pain in the ass to be in the middle of a crowd and getting huddled at. Trying to find the person that causes a crowd, she stops on the foot of the escalator and tried to tip on her toes and found her target.
While seeing the person that was in the middle she thought "Wow, she is so small in the middle, with her big ass headphones? Damn she might not here a thing, and that fit, she knows how to dress." Slowly, her eyes trail from the girl's outfit and focused on her face that was hidden with those bangs.
And Y/N realised, like she got hit by a truck, struck by lighting, and thrown in an ice bath. HOLY SHIT IT IS JENNA YOU DUMBASS. Y/N hurriedly went and followed the crowd yelling Jenna's name.
"JENNA..... JEEENNNAAAA." Y/N realised that that was a dumb move, everyone calling Jenna. So the next thing that Y/N did is to thread along in the crowd until she is close enough to touch Jenna.
But Jenna is inside her head thinking, she just wants to chill and relax by the roof top in the mall, reading a book that she just bought so she could have a relaxing day. But then a person noticed her and the news that Jenna Ortega was in the building spread like a wildfire until she builds a crowd that is now huddling her.
All Jenna wanted was some peace. She just wants to do the things that she did in the past, but it looks like she also can't have that now. Being so much in her head, she never realised that Y/N was totally yelling at her and calling her, not until she felt someone tugged at her elbow, and she really tried to be polite, but tugging her elbow was her last straw. So she looked up with her brow meeting at the end and ready to throw some bad looks to the person that just tugged her.
That's when she realised that it was you. The angry face and her eyes that holds a look that can kill slowly disappear. Her eyes are now looking at you with such tender and softness, her lips are holding a sad smile, and her brows never looked so calm. So what she did was to stop on her tracks to focus on you more.
"You wanna get out?" Y/N asked, while Jenna just nodded.
Y/N graced Jenna with a bright smile and asked "Think you can run?" and without waiting for Jenna's answer, Y/N tugged Jenna's hands as they started to run away from the crowd and went inside the department store which where they try to lose the people that is trying to follow Jenna.
Even though they are out of breath, smiles was plastered in their faces, hands are tightly held with each other and with every passing floor that they run to, they got into a secluded place of the store and got the chance to take a little rest and chase their breaths.
Y/N was the one to break the silence "Well that was fun." and she handed Jenna a handkerchief that was neatly folded inside her back pocket while she swiped her own sweat with another handkerchief that she got from her front pocket.
Jenna accepted the handkerchief and helped herself "Always ready. huh?" and smirked, while Y/N answered "Yup, we never know when a pretty lady needs one, right?" and winked at Jenna.
AND DAMN, Jenna knows that she is blushing so she just kept on blotting her face.
"Do you have a ride home? I can drop you by if you want." Y/N kindly offered, and Jenna is too tired to defy so she just nodded and said "Yes please."
While in the car, the album that Y/N played earlier continued to help them blur out the noise from the outside.
"Thank you for earlier, I was just trying to relax then everything got out of hand and then one moment I was alone the I got crowded by a lot of people and I kind of just shut down and blurred my environment." Looking at y/N's side profile with a sad look on her face.
"Hey now, don't be hard on yourself. It's fine and you're welcome. I don't know how you fully feel about the situation that happened earlier but I am right here to listen to it and to understand you okay? I'm here to listen. It's okay to blur things out when everything got out of hand." Y/N answered with a soft smile plastered on her face.
Red light was indicated by the traffic light and that got Y/N a chance to reach for Jenna's hand and squeeze it without looking at her.
Jenna smiled, thankful not only for what Y/N did earlier but for what she also said. Because it sometimes irritates her when someone tells her "I know and I understand your situation" because they just don't. Jenna believed that even if we are faced with the exact same thing in our life, it doesn't mean that we get to experience it just the same. This is where Jenna's understanding the life of other people is not as easy or hard as hers, we have different perspective in life and how we view things.
A comfortable silence once again situated in the air not until Jenna hears Y/N humming to the song that is playing that is slowly turning into mumbled lyrics.
"So why can't you for once, disregard the world and run to what you know is real." Y/N sang without a care in her mind and not noticing that Jenna is now staring at her.
"Take a chance with me... take a chance with me." Y?N sang with such desperation that got Jenna thinking "who the hell is she pertaining that to?"
The car suddenly breaks and Y/N looked at Jenna "Well, we arrived at our destination."
That got Jenna sad, since it means no Y/N beside her.
"Thank you again for earlier and driving me home. I can't think of anything to repay your kindness." Jenna said shyly.
"Hey, don't mind it, we are friends, and I will totally help you whenever you need me." Y/N said, which hurt Jenna slight because Y/N just used the word "friend" but that is a good start isn't it?
"Okay let's stop moping and what if you repay me by going to a concert with me this coming weekend?" Y/N hopefully asked Jenna. Asking her in a concert might be to dangerous since there are a lot of people that will notice them, but taking a risk isn't bad thing, right?
Jenna smirked and nodded her head "Sure, absolutely, I would love to join you."
Y/N went out of her side and went to Jenna's side to open her car door "This way m'lady" Y/N said with a curtsy that made Jenna laugh.
"Hmm, a gentle woman who open doors and gives me a curtsy huh." Jenna teased while Y/N answered "Well this probably will never get out of style huh?" with a grin.
"Oh yeah? You doing some old stuff like curtsy get you girls? Is that why you are still driving a stick?" Jenna teased with a laugh and Y/N acted hurt and answered "Why would you say that? I love my car and it makes me feel like I'm racing just like in Fast and the Furious."
They walked to the Ortega's front door and stand in front of each other.
Jenna broke the silence "Thank you again." and her pointer finger silently reached for Y/N's pointer finger, which Y/N decided to give and they intertwined it with each other.
With Y/N's other hand, she swats the flying hair away from Jenna's face and tell her "Again, if it is for you, I'll always be there." and smiles.
"That's fucking cheesy."
Jenna and Y/N heard from their side and saw Aliyah with a teasing face. The both of them didn't noticed that the door opened just a few seconds after they got situated in the front door.
Jenna immediately closed their front door and yelled "WHAT THE HELL ALIYAH."
Y/N just laughed and said "I'm going now, have some rest." and waved going to her car.
Jenna then yelled "Text me when you got home and stay safe!"
Jenna stayed at their front porch playing with her finger that touched Y/N not knowing that Y/N is also doing the same inside of her car.
Y/N smiled at herself and screams inside her car, not because she is stressed but she is filled with happiness that was caused by this girl whom she just dropped off.
Jenna entered their living room and yelled "ALIYAH YOU ARE SO DEAD."
Chap 4
A/N: Thanks for reading. Comments and suggestions are appreciated! Hope you enjoyed the story and you can click this song title to listen to the song Take A Chance With Me by NIKI.
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mimikyu-tmblr · 1 month
‏Hello, can you please reblog or publish a post for my campaign? Due to the weakness of donations, they pass slowly as ice. I hope you can help me. A small amount like $10 will be more than useful to help me and my family. Thank you for everything💔🙏
‏Right now, donated money is being used to help us survive this war. Food is very expensive and my family has to pay rent for the land that our tent is on. However, I want to save up enough money to evacuate my family to a safer place where we can rebuild our lives. I dream of returning to university to finish my computer science degree. I want to provide a better life for my family than is possible in Gaza. My family and I have many dreams we would like to fulfill after this war. We are grateful to everyone who donated and helps us during this time of suffering. Thank you for reading
Make sure to check out the gofund me page to donate. If not, you can share this.
Tagging: @gaillol-13 @lilicannotfly @critter-pedia @gengen39 @c0ffe14 @dantdm-30
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ri-calling · 2 months
I have a check list. I have exams in a week and I have not studied anything. What. Is. New.
goals for today 23/7/24
Food Poisoning
Salmonella - enteric fever
I need to complete these four topics today. I have a seminar on 25th, also have Pedia competency 'Growth and Development' so will have viva of it tomorrow morning.
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spider-mar2004 · 5 months
🕷 Pocket Spiders Pedia 🕷
What are Pocket Spiders?
Pocket Spiders are small quadruped creatures of very small size, basically comparing like a hamster. They are called like that because apart of their size, their bodies are super agile and can enter smaller spaces like cats due their anatomy, and fact they love being in pockets due warm.
Usually their diet is omnivore but most commonly are fruits, depending the Pocket Spider likes, so they can eat anything to be honest, but fruits are more important due they need more of the vitamins from them.
Social Life:
Many of them are social, in case of Kaine as introverted, lonely and territorial is a bit rare case, Usually they like to live in groups of any size, again, depending what they like. In case they live in groups/packs, they always has an alpha leader, no matter the gender.
Their care is a bit basing on hamsters (exept they are not aggressive little demons-) and Guinea Pigs, usually, i keep them in huge cages with toys, comfortable beds, food, water, space for run, etc.
⚠️ Things that need be careful ⚠️
- Make sure the place is comfortable, warm and safe. Pocket Spiders when if they dislike the place they can escape very easily, they can climb walls and other surfaces
- Fights, A fight between Pocket Spiders can be very dangerous for both, there can be a case of they can kill each other! Thankfully, didn't have that case but still would take so much attention and care of it.
- Pay attention to their diet, if their diet are like sweets and unhealthy stuff, can be very risky, foods like high of calories can carry them a heart attack and death.
- Look what you step, their small sizes can confuse you as a toy figure or even also not notice! Their bodies and bones are fragile so.
That's the basic info of Pocket Spiders! Any questions feel free ask hitting the ask button!
Note: ALL OF THIS IS JUST FOR FUN, The Pocket Spiders ill post are mostly canon spidermen/women from the universes, games and movies. Aswell some of my Spider OCs.
(Can also do some friends' too! But i decide if yes or no)
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azeroth-reviews · 7 months
Lion’s Pride inn
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❄️ Fr05tythefr05tm4ge
I came here because I was told it would be a fun time but the food was of poor quality, there were very few rooms available and random draenei kept approaching me. I would not go here again and I can’t see the appeal frankly. In all it’s far too crowded and the food there is not at all worth it…
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Image source: https://arcanewordsmith.wordpress.com/2013/12/14/moon-guard-goldshire/ and wow pedia
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melodisaki · 8 months
January Recap
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Completed my 30-day devotional. I'm really happy about this since I was not able to do a complete streak last year. I will definitely continue this until the end of the year.
Meg had tonsillitis during the 1st week of the month. It was so hard seeing her having difficulty swallowing her food. Thank God for her pedia who prescribed highly effective medicine.
Started my fitness journey, albeit irregular. What's important is that I started. ☺️
Enrolled for the 2nd sem. Enjpying the ride so far. 😁
Had a haircut at David's Salon. It was my first time having my haircut at a high-end salon.
Attended a division training of trainers. I love surrounding myself with intellectuals.
Attended the MPRE for SY 2023-2024. It was not as hectic as that of the previous school years. I was glad to tick off some tasks in my work to-do list.
Participated in the Catch Up Fridays. Not really sure how to sustain this though.Haha.
Found a new playhouse for Meg. It's more serene than the other one that we used to go to. I love the varied activity spaces and the types of toys they included.
Visited a local resto that I have not been into before. The Japanese curry was good!
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saboresdecanela · 9 months
tarte de chocolate e natas/chocolate cream pie
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[please scroll down for english version]
Inspirada nas camadas desta velha receita, influenciada pela cremosidade de outra americana e tentando atingir o sabor deste pudim da Dorie [no recheio], nasceu esta deliciosa tarte.
Dedico-a à minha amiga Maria João, que na azáfama do Natal me pedia a receita e eu pesquisando na memória e nas notas soltas, voltava a construí-la, com a promessa de a deixar aqui.
base [para uma forma de aro de 25 cm] 100 gr bolachas digestivas 170 g de bolacha Maria 90 g de manteiga
recheio 6 gemas 250 gr de chocolate 75% 1/4 cup cacau 2/3 cup açúcar mascavado 2 c sopa de maizena 1/2 c café de sal 1 c café de baunilha 2 1/2 cups leite meio gordo 2 c sopa de manteiga
cobertura 50 g chocolate amargo [cortado com faca] 200 ml de natas frescas 1 c. sopa de açúcar
Triture as bolachas num processador e junte a manteiga. Espalhe na base da forma e um pouco dos lados. Leve ao forno a 180 por 10 minutos. Retire e deixe arrefecer.
No copo da thermomix coloque 2 cups de leite, o açúcar, o cacau, o amido de milho e o sal. Programe 8 minutos, 90°C veloc 3. Numa tigela misture o leite restante com as gemas. Seleccione 3 minutos, temperatura 80°C, velocidade 3. Adicione o chocolate, a manteiga e a baunilha e espere 1 minuto. Marque 1 minuto, 80° velocidade 3. Deixe arrefecer. Coloque por cima da base de bolacha e tape com película e leve ao frio.
Numa batedeira fixa bata as natas com o açúcar em baixa velocidade até obter bolhas, depois em média até obter um creme suave. Distribua o creme sobre o recheio e espalhe o chocolate cortado em lâminas por cima.
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Inspired by the layers of this old recipe, influenced by the creaminess of another American one and trying to achieve the flavor of Dorie's pudding in the filling, this delicious pie was born. I dedicate it to my friend Maria João, who in the hustle and bustle of Christmas ask me for the recipe and I would search through my memories and loose notes to build it again, promising to leave it here.
crust [for a 25 cm springform] 270 gr graham crackers 90 g butter
filling 6 egg yolks 250 gr 75% chocolate 1/4 cup cocoa 2/3 cup brown sugar 2 tbsp cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 1/2 cups semi-skimmed milk 2 tbsp butter
topping 50 g dark chocolate [chopped with a knife] 200 ml heavy cream 1 tbsp sugar
Place whole cookies in a food processor until cookies are reduced to crumbs. Add the butter and crush again. Line the bottom of a 25 cm springform and a little on the sides. Bake at 180 for 10 minutes. Remove and leave to cool.
Place 2 cups of milk, the sugar, cocoa, cornstarch and salt in the thermomix bowl. Program 8 minutes, 90°C speed 3. Mix the remaining milk with the egg yolks in a bowl. Add and set to 3 minutes, 80°C, speed 3. Add the chocolate, butter and vanilla and wait 1 minute. Set to 1 minute, 80° speed 3. Leave to cool. Place on top of the cookie base, cover with plastic wrap directly on filling and chill the pie in the refrigerator for about 8h. 
Using a stand mixer beat the heavy cream, sugar, and on low speed until small bubbles form. Increase the speed to medium and beat until the whipped cream is smooth and thick, forming soft peaks; this usually takes about 1 to 2 minutes. Spread the cream over the filling and sprinkle the chopped chocolate on top.
0 notes
socialbrewcoffee · 2 years
7 things you probably didn’t know about Kona Coffee
If you’re a Kona Coffee lover, chances are you would have searched the internet to death to know all you can about the coffee drinking world’s biggest obsession. But just in case, you still have room for a few more facts in your Kona coffee-pedia, here’s a quick read. So, bring out that 100% Kona Coffee pack that you have safely tucked away in one of your kitchen cabinets, fix up your heavenly tasting brew and savor these facts while indulging in the flavor and aroma that rules the coffee drinking world.
Fact #1 Bananas make Kona Coffee taste better
While Hawaii offers Kona Coffee plants that perfect climate to grow and mature, Hawaiian farmers also play a role in ensuring the plants get the type of conditions they deserve. They plant Kona berries in the vicinity of banana trees in order to shield the young, upcoming stars of the coffee world from excessive exposure to the sun. So, bananas do play a significant role in nurturing the flavor notes of the world-beating Kona Coffee.
Fact #2 A festival around the world’s most sought-after coffee
Kona Coffee has a whole festival dedicated to its charm that magically unites coffee lovers from around the world. First held in 1970, the Kona Coffee Festival continues to be a yearly event and is Hawaii’s longest running food festival. Besides the scintillating taste, flavor and history of Kona Coffee, the festival presents a diversified platform that celebrates art, food, music, community, learning and lots more. What kicked off as a weekend activity decades back is now a vibrant event that delightfully engages audiences over 10 days. Purchase a $5 festival button to enter and savor the flavor of any of the numerous events that take place at the greatest coffee festival in the world.
Fact #3 Born in Hawaii, spotted by England
Kona Coffee was first introduced to the world by English merchant Henry Nicholas Greenwell in the 1850s. He set up Greenwell Farms and marketed the first batches of the one-of-its-kind Kona Coffee, which eventually started to make news in coffee consuming communities around the world. Greenwell Farms continues to be Kona’s oldest and largest coffee producer, with generation after generation successfully continuing to not only uphold but further extend the legacy of the world’s most exotic coffee.
Fact #4 Kona humbles the giants of America
In 2019, Kona coffee farmers filed a class action lawsuit against America’s biggest retailers including Amazon, Costco, Walmart, Safeway and Kroger for producing and selling 19 brands of coffee as ‘Kona Coffee’. The ensuing settlement proved that truth always prevails, even if you are the Goliath of the American retail industry.
Fact #5 A bug can wipe out files and farms
One of the biggest threats to Kona Coffee production came about in 2010 with the infestation of plantations by the Coffee Berry Borer. While it was unclear how the beetle got to Kona, the damage was so severe that by late 2010 the Hawaii Department of Agriculture declared a quarantine on all green Kona coffee beans leaving the island. It was either this or having the entire Kona Coffee yield drop by over 90%.
Fact #6 Even exotic coffee has its grades
Kona Coffee is available in 3 grades. The Type I grade where every Kona cherry comprises 2 beans. The Type II grade where the Kona cherry has only one bean. The last grade is the ‘Number 3’ or the ‘Triple X’ which is labeled not as Kona Coffee but Hawaiian Coffee. Bean grades below Number 3 are considered as ‘Offgrade’ coffee and are labeled as ‘Generic Coffee’.
Fact #7 The logo that spells pure Kona Coffee
When you see the 100% Kona Coffee logo, you’re assured of getting the real deal. But how did this originate? The ‘100% Kona Coffee’ logo and emblem that’s now become the global identity and benchmark for authentic Kona Coffee was introduced by Stephen Yamashiro, who served as the Mayor of Hawaii County from 1992 to 2000.
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theje0ngs · 3 years
JJH | “paubaya” preview
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PAUBAYA (n.): to entrust something to someone; to give something away.
SUMMARY | the hardest lesson in life is letting go; you have to give up on things, maybe even the people that matters the most to you. 
PAIRING/CHARACTERS | non-idol!jaehyun x pedia!reader
GENRE/CATEGORY | angst, marriage!au, non-idol!au, songfic
CONTENT WARNING | none for this teaser - tba on the main fic!
GELA SAYS | here we go again with another angst songfic lol ;; i’d like to thank @hwangful​ for the prompt/plot she sent me!! btw i’ll post the remaining requests forthe 600 followers thingy tomorrow and omg thank u for 800 followers ! i just hit 810 today
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How does one react when a significant other tells them that they have a child… from another person and not them? 
Because that’s exactly what’s happening right now. 
Happy? Angry? Sad? How are you supposed to act after he told you that his ex - the one before you, told him that they have a child together? You sat across Jaehyun on the dining table, the platter of food you prepared the whole day was long forgotten at this point. Your mind couldn’t process what your husband just said; “S-say something, please.” He said, his voice so low, it was almost a whisper.
“You can’t just… you can’t do this to me, Jaehyun.” You say, biting your lip. “You can’t tell me news this big and expect me to react in a nice way.”
“Y/N, even if the test results come out and- and it turns out that I really am the father. It doesn’t change anything between us, I promise.”
But, of course that was a lie…
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pigeonfancier · 2 years
Okay, this is going to be my last thing on the pigeons, lmao. Why do replies have a text limit? We just don’t know!
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Palomacy should be referenced twice in this document. The first time is in the shorter feeding bulletpoint, where they are listed among others - as the bullet point itself says - to show that even groups that disagree on the purpose and role of pigeons very strongly still all agree on the topic of eating vegetables. The groups used in total are Palomacy (companion pigeon / rescue), Pigeonpedia (companion pedia), VCA Hospitals (veterinary / academic), Coachella Valley Preserve (rescue), and Racing Pigeon Sport (a racing loft). None of these groups agree 100% on anything about pigeon care.
Palomacy supports a position that is directly against what I personally believe, as reading the document would show: Palomacy argues specifically in that link I used that pigeons do not need insoluable grit.
The other time that Palomacy is referenced is as one of the leading companion pigeon sites / rescues. I have been in the hobby since 2009. In 2009, pigeon owners in the United States were primarily focused on pigeons as either food, racers, or show animals. Palomacy helped normalise the idea of them as pets. I don't have to agree with them or their views in order to acknowledge that there is a very large portion of the community - especially off of tumblr - who had never heard of pigeons as pets prior to Palomacy.
If people disagree with the information I've put up, that's why I put in multiple references - from racing lofts, from veterinary sites, from rehab sites, and from fancier forums off of tumblr. Animal husbandry can have a large variation in what people want to pursue, and as I said in the document, this is not a care guide. Specifically, right at the top of it, I say:
"With that said: this is not a care guide and you should not use it as such. While I’ll be listing my criticisms of Ramsey Loft and what the fuck she’s doing, everyone who owns a pigeon should be doing their own, intensive research to figure out what you should do to care for your birds. Most areas have local clubs or racing groups: talk to them, attend the shows, read the forums, and connect with your community, because a large portion of the community has been breeding birds for longer than I have been alive, and on average, they are perfectly happy to help introduce you to the hobby, and get you started."
Dani has been abusing these pigeons for several years. I decided to comment on it, despite not being a part of the pigeon community on tumblr, because she has been abusing these pigeons for years, and it has gone largely unremarked. I only noticed Dani existed about two or three weeks ago, but she has been a cornerstone of the pigeon-keeping community, per what others have said, for way longer.
I have explicitly told people that they should pursue their own care, engaging with their local communities and doing their own research to come up with a plan of care that works best for them. The links I have included as sources - of which, mind, Palomacy should only be two - are from a very wide variety of sources, specifically because these different sources often have very different views of pigeons, their care, and the purpose of the animals, so it is noteworthy and worth marking when they actually agree.
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mimikyu-tmblr · 13 days
Hello, my dear🫂
I'm Lama and my husband Mohammed and I have been living in this war for 11 months under hunger, destruction and displacement from one place to another every while, and we suffer from a lack of food, medicine, and personal care tools.😞🍉🍉🇵🇸
Our beautiful 6-story house was destroyed, and our car was bombed, my husband and I lost our work, and we were without work and without income for 11 months, my husband supported a whole family and my husband needs a necessary operation for an expensive amount because his health is bad.😞💔🍉🇵🇸
Help us and donate us $20-$30 or as much as you can. 🙏
Every dollar makes a difference and saves our lives.
Don't ignore the story and share and reblog the pinned post among your friends.🇵🇸🍉🍉
I may not be able to donate, but I can still share this
@gaillol-13 @critter-pedia @charliethecandyeater @hyperch1ptune
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otaku-shipper · 3 years
Taichihaya Relationship Headcanons
Chihaya confesses in the club room 30 minutes before their graduation ceremony.
Their first real kiss also happened there right after Chihaya’s confession.
Kana-chan caught them kissing. She, with the rest of the Mizusawa Club members, were stopping by the clubroom as they wait for the ceremony. When she was about to open the door, she saw them and her instinctual flight response was to pull everyone away from the clubroom hallway. Sumire immediately caught on her senpai’s embarrassed face and was about to stomped her way to the clubroom to confirm her gut feeling but Kana-chan was able to restrain her. Somehow.
There is a weird period of time when Taichi and Chihaya constantly run into Suo out of nowhere during their dates and they always end up eating in a sweets shop WITH Suo. Suo and Chihaya always force Taichi to eat their sweets. Taichi puts up with this for a while until he suspects Suo is probably stalking them so he can get free sweets. Suo is offended for how dare his favorite and only disciple accuse him, a “lonely, blind man who only wished to experience the dating world” for stalking? Taichi treats him to a sweets shop in order to placate his dramatics.  AND was forced to eat them. 
Taichi thinks helping Suo how to “date” girls seriously will get him out of his dates with his girlfriend. He believes this to be true for 3 months of not running into Suo during their dates. Not until he and Chihaya find out that Chitose is dating someone “obscure” and that someone turned out to be--Suo! They go on a double date once. Only Chihaya and Suo are happy about it.
“Of all the girls available in Tokyo, you had to choose my girlfriend’s sister? Really?” 
Reiko Mashima asked Chihaya if she had read “Pride and Prejudice”. Chihaya said no. “I see,” was all Reiko said but Chihaya thought she heard her say “You’re dumb”. 
Reiko and Chihaya has a tense relationship throughout the time Chihaya and Taichi are dating. It has something to do with Chihaya’s constant overthinking when it comes to Mrs. Pressure. Taichi learned that there is a dormant sadist residing in his mother and Chihaya had an effortlessly charming way of coaxing it out. They start a casual relationship during the engagement period. With a sprinkle of mother-in-law terrorizing here and there.
Chihaya and Taichi made the Mashima family (Oligoto, Reiko, and Rika) play karuta. Only Oligito finds it fun. He plays in Shiranami and loves Harada-sensei as the opponent. And Harada-sensei loves him for his Sun Tzu quotes in his game commentaries.
Taichi think it’s nice that Chihaya and Rika are getting along closely. It’s really nice until Chihaya becomes Rika’s accomplice in her pranks and the scenarios either end up with a) he helps them get out of it; b) he is mistaken as the culprit; c) he’s the victim. 
Taichi gets random invites from Chieko Ayase for meals. Or Chihaya becomes the errand-girl to send Taichi her mom’s homecooked food. 
“I sometimes think she loves you more than her own children. We only have *any fancy dish* on Christmas but she made this for you without a special occasion. Maybe…she has a crush on you too.” “Your Dad is going to kill me if he finds out.” "No, I think he has a crush on you too."
Chitose immediately made it clear to Taichi that she should to be married first and she doesn’t care if they have to wait 15 years until she can settle with a marriageable boyfriend. “Not all men are as committedly smitten as you, Mashima-kun.” It was non-negotiable.
Chihaya is never jealous of any girl because a) she’s an airhead who hasn’t caught up with how flirting works and b) Taichi ignores any girl who isn’t her or any of their friends. The first time jealousy came to her was when Taichi started as a junior clerk. One time when visiting the hospital, she caught him with a lot of female nurses and his “fellow junior clerks” as what he told her, in the pedia ward during a supposed “break time”. It was proven then and there that Chihaya has a female brain because she quickly came up with a hundred interpretations other than a friendly chit chat between her boyfriend and the members of the fair sex. It might also have something to do with the lesser time she got to spend with Taichi so how dare they have more time with him than her.
She had a crazy idea that in order to reinforce her place in his life above her fellow female species, she just had to cook him dinner. A surprise dinner. “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” Sumire once told her. She might have forgotten that math is not her strongest suit and miscalculated her cooking exp. So she decided to cook Taichi’s favorite Turkey dish when her exp range is <<cooking instant food to frying eggs and fish>>. Of course it was a failure and Taichi came home panicking about the strong smell of burnt meat only to find Chihaya splayed on the floor, crying in front of the opened oven and picking at a big mount of charcoaled mater. And cried even more when she saw him. A cleaning lady cleaned up the mess and they ordered take out. It was still one of the best nights for both of them for they ended up sleeping together on the sofa until the next day. And Taichi held her close the entire time. 
It was also the first time she realized the bigger reality of being in a relationship with a (soon to be) doctor.
When they have movie nights together in either of their apartment, Taichi and Chihaya wears a Daddy Bear and Mommy Bear onesie respectively. Tacihi made her swear to secrecy not to tell anyone. Chihaya only agreed because she discovered there’s so much power in being the sole person who has knowledge about it. Her teasing and “blackmailing” (both of them knew there were empty words but it always make Taichi tense just the same) percentage of effectiveness sky-rocketed with this weapon on hand. Besides, she finds it cute and hilarious when he blushes and panics over a Daddy Bear onesie. In Taichi’s defense, the onesie is very comfortable and Chihaya loves it when he wears it. Can you blame him?
Taichi’s internship is somewhere in the province and it is their first time dealing with being apart for months. What’s more, karuta is a forgotten game there after people graduated elementary.
Chihaya makes a surprise visit to the province and on her way to the hospital, she catches sight of a group of high school kids with a single adult man playing soccer in a field near the hospital. She recognizes Taichi who has clearly just gotten out of duty based on the rolled up sleeves of his polo, without a necktie. She silently watches them and is happy to see that Taichi doesn’t look sad or lonely at all. He looked bright, and was laughing and smiling too much...so well-adjusted. Suddenly Chihaya panicks over this because what if...Taichi has abandoned karuta for soccer and decides to stay here forever?
“Have you ever thought that I stole you away from soccer?” she asks him one day. 
“I can’t believe you came to this place and started an affair.” “What makes you think I’m cheating on you?” “Not me--KARUTA! God, it’s like you don’t know me.” 
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miekasa · 3 years
feeling semi-called out because i wear my name tag on one of the pockets of my scrub top, like that's my waist not crotch but i'd probably get a side eye 😭😭 i have so many things and thoughts about the scouts in a hospital au, and omg all your posts about it is bringing it out!! hange in ortho taking in eren too. yes. hange amd all those tools especially the drill LMAO it's perfect. eren is scared at first, but he's also hammering and drilling away in no time. jean in pedia looking like he's holding a football as he holds the little babies 😭 levi being the unexpectedly fair and kind dude from neuro is a fave!! him in oncology is also very special to me tho, like it could be surgical or medical oncology, but he would be so good at both and his juniors would do a double take at how he isn't charming per se, but he has such a way with patients!!!!!! mikasa the smartest girl, endocrinology plus a masters in clinical genetics 🥰 connie in a nonpatient department 😭 i can see it, he is a disaster but an expert at reading those images!! sasha his partner down in pathology or smth, always gets reprimanded for having food out but no one smells out cancer in those specimens like her!!
also...imagine the reverse too, roommate au with levi, but this time he's the one in healthcare and you get to watch him strip at the door after work because of the pancetta. heh. lemme dote on (and bark at) you 🥰🥰
bye i finally had time to go on tumblr and this spilled out, im sorry 😭😭 -💉
Hange as Eren’s attending just makes SENSE!! Eren is hesitant (isn’t he supposed to fix things); but also because a part of him feels like he’s a disappointment for not taking interest in/being gifted at cardio (daddy issues galore). But Hange brings out the best in him, encourages him to use all that feistiness and personality to the best of his ability, and that being a doctor isn’t just about being technical and intelligent on paper; there’s real life application, and personality is a big deal! Honestly, if it weren’t for Hange, Eren might have honestly considered something else, even if he was this far along. They’re the best pair. The loudest too, with the most provocative music taste in the OR, but still the best.
Jean in pediatrics is so near and dear to me. You know he loves the babies so much he’s scared shitless about dropping them that’s why he look so awkward holding them at first. It just takes some practice tho, and soon he’s a pro. It’s kinda... sexy to see how good he is with children, and how easily he can calm a crying infant, and explain complex things to a toddler. He’s such a dream. He knows the white coat thing is a bit pretentious too, but damn if he doesn’t look good in it. 
Levi in neuro... it’s just so GOOD. Of course he of all people would handle the brain and all its complexities, and handle it well. Not only is he a dedicated surgeon, but he’s done his fair share of research, his contributions are crazy, even if they’re (literally) microscopic analyses. He’s pretty decorated, but he never flexes it. When his residents find out they kinda freak, “What the hell is he doing mentoring us?? I’m pretty sure this guy is gonna have a newly discovered brain activity/region named after him in 5 years at least. He’s published in Nature. THRICE.” All that, and he’s good with patients, too, it’s unfair. He’s not peppy or “nice,” to them, but he’s gentle; he’s got that charm about him that doesn’t bullshit, but doesn’t fear monger, and is careful to explain things in layman’s terms so his patients fully understand what’s going on. And when his patients are children? God. Godddd. 
Mikasa best girl, Levi is/was her attending, at least for a period of time, and he never said it but she was his favorite. She’s smart, competent, flexible, and doesn’t have an ego about it. Truly, a blessing. She still/frequently goes to him for advice, and she’s the only resident to ever enter Levi’s office for a non-offense. Just to talk... maybe even have lunch and talk shit about Eren and Hange’s playlist. Mikasa wants to bitch about a difficult patient, and Levi reminds her about HIPAA violations... but gossips (without names) nonetheless. 
So right about Connie in a non-patient department PLEASE. To think Connie considered EMS at first and swiftly shut that idea down when he saw a real life broken bone protruding through skin for the first time, he was SICK LMFAOOO. The bone part was cool to him tho, so radiology turned out to be a great alternative; that way he doesn’t have to see and blood or severed skin, so problem solved! It’s easy to think he’s a slacker or a dunce, but give him labs or imaging to analyze and he’s got it done with ease and accuracy. 
Sasha as a nurse is precious, but I can totally see her in pathology. She literally studies disease for a living/interacts with people with these diseases and other illnesses and is still like, “Can’t believe the human immune system was caught slipping like this. Embarrassiiiiiiiing. Simply be vaccinated.” The rage she feels when she hears about parents not vaccinating their children... Sasha’s usually pretty cheery and always finds fun and hope in her work, but that’s one thing that’ll set her off. 
The reverse roommates au!!! I see the vision!!! Also might I offer: they both work in healthcare, maybe at different hospitals, but kind of on opposite shifts (Levi in the morning, OC in the afternoon/night), all to come home and shit talk their respective hospital boards and healthcare systems. Mutual understanding of their situation and finding time to dote on the other even tho they’re barely holding it together themselves. Peak romance
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yamszaki · 3 years
“  i’m sorry— i shouldn’t have kissed you i just…  ” // hyena & taeil
o corpo de taeil estava paralisado. o mundo ao redor parecia ter se silenciado e parado no tempo, sobrando apenas ele e a mulher em sua frente. havia concordado em acompanhá-la até em casa por conta do horário, haviam passado tanto tempo conversando sobre a vida um do outro na pequena cafeteria onde hyena trabalhava que era próximo da meia noite quando colocaram os pés em frente da casa dela. normalmente ele já estaria em casa com a pequena jiae, mas se via passando cada vez mais tempo ao lado da mais nova, e não somente por causa do trabalho: descobriu que hyena, tal qual ele, era uma minhoca de bibliotecas, adorava filmes ruins, comidas junk food e piadas ruins. descobriu suas músicas favoritas, os lugares que frequentava, o tipo de clima que ela mais gostava.. e era como se houvesse algo puxando taeil até hyena, uma força que ele tentou relutar por muito tempo não por medo, mas por culpa. não era bobo e estava velho demais para ilusões, sabia que o que sentia por ela estava muito próximo de amor, mas seria certo seguir em frente?
quando ouvira a voz baixa e trêmula de hyena escapar de seus lábios, ainda tão próximos dos de taeil, foi que ele lembrou-se de piscar e levou seu olhar até ela. havia contado tudo para a mais nova: de quem era o anel que repousava em seu dedo anelar, sobre o casamento com minah e o dia que ela deu seu último suspiro nos braços do homem. nunca antes havia tido essa conversa com alguém e, por algum motivo, sua colega de trabalho foi a melhor e única opção que considerou para tal evento. não era um teste nem nada do tipo, mas era com ela que taeil se sentia compreendido o suficiente para falar de tamanha ferida, que aos poucos parecia deixar apenas uma cicatriz no local onde antigamente jorravam lágrimas de sangue. 
sua mão inconscientemente foi até a bochecha alheia, acariciando a pele aquecida do rosto da morena, só não sabia se pelo frio ou por vergonha. sentia arrepios por seu corpo todo, e sabia que definitivamente não era por causa do clima. “está tudo bem, hyena..” murmurou, oferecendo um sorriso gentil para ela, em seguida mordendo o lábio inferior pensando nas palavras que viriam a seguir. normalmente era muito bom com elas, mas não quando envolviam coisas que o deixavam nervoso. “eu.. isso era algo que eu também queria. o beijo” admitiu, assentindo brevemente com a cabeça para que ela tivesse certeza de que não estava mentindo para si. em um gesto um tanto inseguro, abraçou a garota e apoiou o queixo em seu ombro, sentindo o perfume e o calor do corpo menor contra si. “você é uma das mulheres mais formidáveis que eu já conheci, e estaria mentindo se dissesse que não sinto algo por você” acariciou as costas dela devagar enquanto falava, respirando fundo tentando conter sua ansiedade. “não peça desculpas, não estamos fazendo nada de errado, não é?” e torcia para que recebesse um sinal divino que auto respondesse sua pergunta.
e ela veio em forma de flocos de neve que repousavam suavemente sobre ambos, fazendo com que taeil sorrisse enquanto olhasse o trajeto deles. sabia o quanto minah amava o inverno e ela sempre pedia para assistirem a primeira nevasca do ano juntos. se ela dizia que estava tudo bem continuar, que estava tudo bem para taeil continuar a ser feliz em vida, então ele o faria. “se for com você, está tudo bem” sorriu mais uma vez, segurando a mão de hyena e entrelaçando seus dedos juntos. “está bem frio, não quer entrar? vou fazer um pouco de chocolate quente para nós”
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mrsannventures · 3 years
I dunno if I posted about this before. But if I have single mutuals here that are planning to get married and have kids in the future, it’s a good idea to know or ask about you and your SO’s family medical history. Why? Because some health conditions can be passed down to your children. Knowing if your family has a history of developing a certain conditions can help you identify the risks of developing it, then you’ll be more prepared on how to decrease those risks.
I wasn’t aware how important this is until I became a mom and had our first born. My baby was doing well during her first few weeks until she was diagnosed with severe Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema. I didn’t know about this condition before and I kinda blamed myself that my baby had to suffer this condition. Until one of her pedia asked if my family has a history of Asthma. My MIL was with me during that one particular check up and mentioned that my husband had Asthma when he was a kid. Bam! Now I finally know why. Had I known that my husband had a Asthma before and that our babies could develop this condition, I would have made the proper precautions like 1. Not letting my mom and MIL bathe my baby with bathwater made with boiled water, various leaves, and calamansi 2. Using mild and scentfree products 3. Avoiding all possible food that could trigger any allergies (because I was breastfeeding). Etc. Now on my second child, I’m already talking to my husband that we should know how to be more careful.
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jiminrings · 3 years
hannah sis did you intentionally name it heartburn because you KNEW it would give us one 😫
tbh i had a hard time picking out a title 😭😭 i wanted it to resonate clearly with the writing itself and i was so torn because????? WHAT DO I PUT THAT WOULDNT MAKE DA BESTIES SCROLL?????? and then it hit me, the best idea i’ve ever had <3 lmao even when i was a kid, i used to have heartburns out of the blue even if i didn’t eat/digest anything that would’ve triggered it!! my pedia checked me out a couple of times because it literally felt that i was gonna puke and fold in on myself and it was just pure..... heartburn. like literally just that. idk if people experience heartburns like EYE do but it’s a literal breathtaking experience for me!! i can’t breathe and i want to puke and i wanna curl up on myself and i can barely feel my heart with how painful it is :O
anyway i wanted to make heartburn as the title because i feel like it resonates with oc’s feelings a lot!!! she’s anxious and she’s taking off her shirt and unclasping her bra because her chest hurts too much, she’s rocking herself back and forth while trying to ground herself while she’s crying, she can barely speak because her throat’s congested, she’s in pain over a heartburn that’s only supposedly connected to something as simple as food and reflux..... yeah.............. that’s what i can say lads
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