#Foodie Delight
praiseinchains · 2 months
Gratitude Journal Entry (7/24/24)
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Today I'm Grateful For:
*Creating a page on Patreon. I'd actually found it last year or so, trying to submit something (I can't even remember what for) but nothing ever came of it. I'm happy to be back on it for something entirely different.
*I finished my book today. It had me hooked all the way through.
*I'm also really grateful for the Jurassic Park movie franchise (only 1-3, though - the REAL movies). I've been reading the Jurassic Park book and it is SO challenging! I've always loved the first Jurassic Park movie, but the book makes me appreciate it so much more.
Something I'm Proud Of:
Just for creating my Patreon page. I feel it's another step toward what I want and I'm excited to pursue my dream of writing even more.
Tomorrow I'm Looking Forward To:
We take my baby girl in for a haircut tomorrow and on the way back we're going to stop at Sonic so I can get their French Toast sticks, which I've never had, but I have a Sonic reward for them. I can't remember the last time I've had French Toast sticks and I'm really looking forward to it :-)
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parveens-kitchen · 1 year
Paneer Tikka Pizza
Paneer Tikka Pizza is a culinary fusion that brings together the best of two worlds – the spicy, tangy flavors of Indian paneer tikka and the cheesy indulgence of pizza. This dish is a celebration of vibrant spices, succulent paneer cubes, and a burst of flavors that will leave your taste buds dancing with joy. Whether you’re a pizza lover, an Indian cuisine enthusiast, or simply someone looking…
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snacksandzaza · 2 months
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This was such a good breakfast at Broodje Daan damn
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libraryleopard · 11 months
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Middle grade fantasy novel
Barclay Thorne an orphan and apprentice mushroom farmer who lives on the edge of feared, magical woods inhabited by strange, vicious Beasts
One day, Barclay strays into the woods and accidentally bonds with a Beast and becomes introduced to the world of Lore Keepers and their Best companions
While he's determined to break his bond with his Beast and return home, Barclay is soon faced with a choice to return home or embrace his new life of adventure
Bi main character (comes out in later installments, I believe); Black side character
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radiashen · 1 year
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itsnoahgarcia · 7 months
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A perfect blend of nature, comfort, and culinary delights all coming together for a delightful outdoor dining adventure!
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viapu-com · 11 months
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Indulge in the rich taste of our simple-to-make Beef Stir Fry. A seamless blend of sizzling beef, crisp veggies & mouthwatering spices. Treat yourself to an explosion of flavor at home! #SavorTheFlavor 🍲
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
These 7 gluten free dessert recipes are so delicious and easy to make. If you are looking for a flourless cake, flourless snack, gluten free cake or dessert, you are in the right place. Some of these recipes are vegan, some of them are “no-bake recipes” and all of them are tasty!
Full written recipe: https://www.thecookingfoodie.com/reci...
Visit my online shop: https://bit.ly/TCFShop and browse my baking supplies and kitchen tools for all of your baking needs.
*Every purchase you make supports my content creation.
0:00 Vegan Bounty Tart
2:34 Pavlova
4:37 Flourless Almond cake
5:22 White Chocolate Mousse
6:18 Strawberry Panna Cotta
7:27 Turkish Delight
8:55 Tahini Fudge
The Cooking Foodie Shop: https://shop.thecookingfoodie.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecookingf...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecookingfo...
Website: https://www.thecookingfoodie.com/
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
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2022/12/10 Fuimos a un bar a tomar algo caliente. Pedimos un chocolate y una ración de churros para compartir.
We went to a bar to drink something hot. We ordered a chocolate and a portion of churros to share.
Google translation into Italian: Siamo andati in un bar a bere qualcosa di caldo. Abbiamo ordinato una cioccolata e una porzione di churros da condividere.
Google Translation into French: Nous sommes allés dans un bar pour boire quelque chose de chaud. Nous avons commandé un chocolat et une portion de churros à partager.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Fomos a um bar para beber algo quente. Pedimos um chocolate e uma porção de churros para dividir.
Google Translation into Arabic: ذهبنا إلى حانة لشرب شيئًا ساخنًا. لقد طلبنا شوكولاتة وجزء من الكروس للمشاركة.
Google Translation into German: Wir gingen in eine Bar, um etwas Heißes zu trinken. Wir bestellten eine Schokolade und eine Portion Churros zum Teilen.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Shkuam në një bar për të pirë diçka të nxehtë. Ne porositëm një çokollatë dhe një pjesë churros për të ndarë.
Google Translation into Armenian: Մենք գնացինք բար մի տաք խմելու: Մենք պատվիրեցինք շոկոլադ և մի բաժին չուրրո, որպեսզի բաժանենք:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Отидохме на бар за нещо горещо за пиене. Поръчахме шоколад и порция чурос за споделяне.
Google Translation into Czech: Šli jsme do baru na něco horkého k pití. Objednali jsme si čokoládu a část churros ke sdílení.
Google Translation into Croatian: Otišli smo u bar popiti nešto toplo. Naručili smo čokoladu i porciju churrosa da ih podijelimo.
Google Translation into Slovak: Išli sme do baru na niečo horúce na pitie. Objednali sme si čokoládu a časť churros na zdieľanie.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Šla sva v bar po nekaj toplega. Naročila sva si čokolado in porcijo churrosa.
Google Translation into Estonian: Käisime baaris midagi kuuma juua. Tellisime jagamiseks šokolaadi ja portsu churrosid.
Google Translation into Suomi: Menimme baariin hakemaan kuumaa juotavaa. Tilasimme jaettavaksi suklaan ja annoksen churroja.
Google Translation into Greek: Πήγαμε σε ένα μπαρ για κάτι ζεστό να πιούμε. Παραγγείλαμε μια σοκολάτα και μια μερίδα churros για να μοιραστούμε.
Google Translation into Dutch: We gingen naar een bar om iets warms te drinken. We bestelden een chocolaatje en een portie churros om te delen.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi dro til en bar for noe varmt å drikke. Vi bestilte en sjokolade og en porsjon churros for å dele.
Google Translation into Polish: Poszliśmy do baru na coś gorącego do picia. Zamówiliśmy czekoladę i porcję churros do podzielenia się.
Google Translation into Romanian: Am fost la un bar să bem ceva cald. Am comandat o ciocolată și o porție de churros de împărțit.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы пошли в бар выпить чего-нибудь горячего. Мы заказали шоколад и порцию чуррос на двоих.
Google Translation into Serbian: Отишли ​​смо у бар по нешто топло за пиће. Наручили смо чоколаду и порцију цхурроса да поделимо.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi gick till en bar för något varmt att dricka. Vi beställde en choklad och en portion churros att dela på.
Google Translation into Turkish: Sıcak bir şeyler içmek için bir bara gittik. Paylaşmak için bir çikolata ve bir parça tatlı sipariş ettik.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми пішли в бар випити чогось гарячого. Ми замовили шоколад і порцію чуррос, щоб поділитися.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা পান করার জন্য গরম কিছু জন্য একটি বার গিয়েছিলাম. আমরা একটি চকোলেট এবং ভাগ করার জন্য churros একটি অংশ আদেশ.
Google Translation into Chinese: 我们去酒吧喝点热饮。 我们点了一份巧克力和一份油条来分享。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리는 뜨거운 음료를 마시기 위해 바에 갔다. 우리는 나눠먹을 초콜릿과 츄러스를 주문했습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: הלכנו לבר לשתות משהו חם. הזמנו שוקולד ומנת צ'ורוס לחלוק.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम कुछ गर्म पीने के लिए एक बार में गए। हमने साझा करने के लिए एक चॉकलेट और चूरोस के एक हिस्से का आदेश दिया।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami pergi ke bar untuk minum sesuatu yang panas. Kami memesan cokelat dan sebagian churro untuk dibagikan.
Google Translation into Japanese: 私たちは温かい飲み物を求めてバーに行きました。 チョコレートとチュロスの一部を注文して共有しました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Биз ысык бир нерсе ичкени барга бардык. Бөлүшүү үчүн шоколад жана чурролордун бир бөлүгүнө буйрутма бердик.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami pergi ke bar untuk minum minuman panas. Kami memesan coklat dan sebahagian churros untuk dikongsi.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਸੀਂ ਕੁਝ ਗਰਮ ਪੀਣ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਬਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਗਏ। ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਚਾਕਲੇਟ ਅਤੇ ਚੂਰੋ ਦੇ ਇੱਕ ਹਿੱਸੇ ਨੂੰ ਸਾਂਝਾ ਕਰਨ ਦਾ ਆਦੇਸ਼ ਦਿੱਤਾ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ د څښاک لپاره د ګرمو شیانو لپاره بار ته لاړو. موږ د چاکلیټ او د کرورو یوه برخه د شریکولو امر وکړ.
Google Translation into Persian: برای نوشیدنی گرم به یک بار رفتیم. یک شکلات و یک قسمت چورو سفارش دادیم که به اشتراک بگذاریم.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Pumunta kami sa isang bar para uminom ng mainit. Umorder kami ng chocolate at isang portion ng churros para pagsaluhan.
Google Translation into Thai: เราไปที่บาร์เพื่อดื่มอะไรร้อนๆ เราสั่งช็อคโกแลตและชูโรสบางส่วนเพื่อแบ่งปัน
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم پینے کے لیے گرم چیز لینے کے لیے ایک بار میں گئے۔ ہم نے ایک چاکلیٹ اور churros کا ایک حصہ بانٹنے کا آرڈر دیا۔
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familythings · 20 days
How to make Chickpea and Chicken Stew with Two Serving Options
Chickpeas are a fantastic source of fiber and flavor. I used to enjoy them solely in simit with chickpea flour from a local bakery, but now I’ve expanded my cooking to include this delicious recipe. It can be served as a hearty stew or a creamy puree. Here’s how to make it: Ingredients: 200 gr of chickpeas300 gr chicken fillets2 carrots1 branch of celery1/2 onion1 leek5 cloves garlic1 red sweet…
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wangramen · 20 days
Why Vegetable Ramen is a Must-Try for Ramen Enthusiasts
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Korean cuisine is renowned for its bold flavors, and Korean Veg Ramen is a standout street food favorite. With its spicy kick and savory depth, this dish combines the chewy texture of vegetable ramen noodles with crisp veggies and a flavorful broth, creating a delicious and harmonious experience. Dive into this street food classic and enjoy a blend of taste and texture that’s loved by food enthusiasts worldwide.
Discover more about this must-try dish—read on!
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riaalba · 2 months
Indulge in a delectable dish of salmon lemon buttercream pasta from Acoustics Coffee Bar in Singapore. This mouthwatering pasta features tender salmon paired with a rich and creamy lemon buttercream sauce, creating a perfect blend of flavors. Captured in vibrant detail, this image showcases the dish’s gourmet presentation and highlights Singapore’s culinary scene. Ideal for food enthusiasts and restaurant-goers, this photo is a delightful representation of fine dining and exquisite pasta dishes
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bourbontrend · 2 months
Get ready to spice up your summer at the Bourbon Festival Tampa Bay! Discover mouthwatering BBQ delights and indulge in handcrafted cocktails at Busch Gardens. From tender pork ribs to unique bourbon tastings, this event is a must-visit for foodies and spirit lovers alike. Join the summer fun and savor every moment!
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thepanvelite · 3 months
Step-by-Step Guide to Making Fresh Paneer at Home
Paneer: versatile, nutritious Indian cheese for delicious, balanced culinary creations.
Paneer, the beloved Indian cheese, is a versatile ingredient that can elevate your culinary game. Forget store-bought versions with additives; let’s whip up some fresh, homemade paneer that’ll make your taste buds dance! Nutritional Value: Protein: 18 grams per 100 grams Fat: 20 grams per 100 grams Carbohydrates: 2.6 grams per 100 grams Calories: Approximately 265 calories per 100…
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traveler-food · 4 months
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Craving delicious meals on the go? Traveler Food App connects you to the best local cuisines while you travel. Order easily, eat happily. Download now and satisfy your travel cravings! 👌🏻
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viapu-com · 11 months
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Get ready to be swayed by the incredible taste of our Enoki Mushroom Recipe! A delightful journey of flavors with every bite. Stay tuned! #DelightInEveryBite
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