#For The Love Of God Vote Blue
slamburger · 4 months
This year’s election will determine whether the United States is run by fascists or not. And it’s not just the US. Things will get so much worse for everyone around the globe. Your views on Israel vs Gaza don’t matter at this point. Trump won’t provide any aid, and he will proceed to let his lackeys commit genocide in America as well.
And if absolutely nothing else, who do you want controlling the world’s largest arsenal of nuclear weapons? An old guy who’s not perfect, but also not actively malevolent, or a demented man-child who’s becoming less coherent by the day?
Vote. Democrat.
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originalleftist · 4 months
You know those Bibles that Trump was blasphemously selling to make himself a quick buck? The ones that came packaged with the Constitution, because fuck the separation of Church and State? Turns out that the Trump Bible's version of the Constitution OMITS a number of passages. Including the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery.
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(Screenshot taken off Spoutible.com)
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thejacketandthehook · 3 months
Hope you all enjoy your 4th of July today! Because if Trump wins in November, this may be the last time we celebrate the little freedom we currently have.
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chibilllama · 3 months
Project 2025
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sergle · 3 months
this stupid fuckin youtube recommendation was specifically formulated in a lab to piss me off
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iamafanofcartoons · 11 months
Why voting for Biden is Crucial for 2024
Right now, we're suffering an alarming issue. Next year we will be voting for the presidential election. It will be Biden vs Trump again. One problem. Biden has made some decisions that weren't popular. Because of that, people are somehow saying he's not deserving of their vote. Okay, I want everyone to remember the last time we had a flawed presidential candidate. Hillary Clinton. Like Joe, Hillary spent 8 years working with Obama and helping him heal America. in 2016, she ran against Trump. But she wasn't squeaky clean. So people decided that they would feel better staying at home or tossing their vote. So not only did we fail at getting the first female POTUS? We got trump in the WH and all that hard work Obama did over 8 years got undone. Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat its consequences. We vote Biden in for 2024, he and the Democrats can continue their work of healing America, and Trump can no longer run, and the GOP will self-destruct. Or? We repeat the stubbornness of refusing to vote for a Democrat who is flawed, Trump gets into the office again, and we basically lose America to religious fundamentalists. "But Joe is enabling Genocide!" If Trump gets elected, the genocide of women, POC, LGBT, and atheists will happen in our own backyard! Focus on what's happening right in front of you before you focus on a region 3,000 or so miles away. We can deal with the middle east in full after we make sure that there is still a democratic America left to deal with the Middle East conflict. You can't have your cake and eat it! Compromises are one of the things a leader has to make. And we have to decide what we want to compromise. You have the ability to learn from 2016 and make the right decision this time by voting for Joe, flawed democrat or not. I beg of you...please take it! America's future? Or short-term gratification? Choice is yours. Please don't cut off your nose to spite your face.
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just-ray · 12 days
To anyone who saw any post or anything where I shat on republicans. I take it back. I am an educated man now. I know the true values of republicans in America, and I apologise for my past ignorance.
I will however be shitting on trump supp-
Oops sorry. Forgot this was supposed to be a neutral news blog.
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a-list-of-moods · 10 months
stop telling people that voting doesn't matter stop it stop it
incremental change is frustrating and feels like it gets nothing done but it's how the american government works (for better or for worse) and if you get paralyzed by 'we need to revolt voting doesn't matter' that's one more effective vote for the fascists since it's one vote we lose.
I'd much rather have slow but tangible progress (or even just prevention of fascist progression) than everyone sitting around going 'let's wait for the revolution' when no revolution is likely to come while everything gets worse around us.
Obviously, still do whatever it is else to support the antifascist movement. Donate where you can (and do your research!) Go to protests if you feel safe doing so. But do all that AND vote.
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sher-ee · 13 days
Every newspaper should look like this today:
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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They don't understand the concept of Separation of church and state. Vote!!
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noir-fem · 6 months
started watching the handmaid's tale today bc i wanna see how many parallels there are btwn gilead and America rn. i'm predicting it's gonna be a very frightening number.
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jarvishayes · 1 month
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inkingtwice · 2 months
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when people tell you who they are, believe them
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originalleftist · 4 months
A horrible thought:
SCOTUS's conservative majority isn't just slow-walking the Trump presidential immunity case because they're afraid to take a position or even to help him stall the case. They're doing it with full premeditation that their answer depends on who wins the presidency in November.
Ie, if Biden wins, they will rule shortly after the election that Presidents do not enjoy total immunity.
If Trump wins, they will rule that they do, the final piece for solidifying dictatorship slotting into place before there is any chance to challenge it.
Don't tell me this court wouldn't do it.
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mcsquared789 · 2 months
Ah whoopsie-daisy, it seems that I have winded up in the crosshairs of terrible facebook memes and unsubtle threats from the alt-right
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Image 1 description: Kamala saying ‘when I was 29, I dated 60 year old Willy Brown. He was married at the time I want to be your president’ against said man who says ‘I could have told you Kamala sucks at her job’ and under that from the author chagalx ‘Keep your nose out of American business commie bitch’
Image 2 description: that stupid ass meme of the guy saying ‘if anyone could tell me exactly what Kamala has done since she took office, that would be great’
This is what I have to deal with now
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swagyna · 10 months
A "Quick" Guide to Independent US President Candidates of 2024
Regardless of the party you usually vote for, I encourage you to go over this list
Jill Stein, Green Party
A Jewish Doctor, she's been running in different campaigns for 21 years. This will be her third time running for presidency; her announcement was in direct response to President Biden's lack of action in regards to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Her main concerns are to reinvigorate our lacking Green New Deal, for the right of a living wage in a revised Economic Bills of Rights, an end to discrimination of women, BIPOC, and LGBT+ members; the removal of US influence in wars across the globe, as well as an end to our politicians being bought out by lobbyists.
Dr. Stein learned of the impacts of environmental pollution first hand while she was a practicing physician; her patients' were suffering from the nicknamed "Filthy Five" coal plants in her area. This spurred her into activism, which did eventually lead to the removal of these coal plants. While involved in this activism, she heard how many people had been demanding the removal of the plants for years. Local politicians refused to heed the people's words. Stein eventually learned it was due to lobbying, and helped to pass the Clean Elections Law. This law would only last for 5 years before Democrats removed it. A/N: Dr. Stein has only declared her running just this month on Nov. 9th. This may explain her lacking platform.
Chase Oliver, Libertarian Party
Wikipedia You could describe him as sort of an "average Joe". Before entering politics, he worked restaurant jobs for 13 years. He's previously ran for Georgia's 5th district for House in 2020, as well as running for Senator in 2022 of the same state. He got enough support during his run for Senate that it caused a runoff election. His campaign is addressing many different problems, from positive immigration reform to being prochoice. Here's the list and a brief summary of what his plans are:
○ Healthcare system overhaul, swap to Direct Primary Care ○ Addressing Student Loans, making current loans interest free, ending FAFSA entirely, using Department of Defense money to pay for interest fees lost by this move. Also addressing high tuition costs. ○ Education, removal of the Department of Education to allocate money directly back to the states. ○ Allowing free market on Marijuana, signing full pardons for anyone with a non-violent drug-only criminal charge. ○ Changes to the Justice System, from courts to prisons to cops, removal of immunity from those in power, removal of mandatory minimum sentences, removal of prosecution of victimless crimes. ○ Work Changes, adjustments to taxes to make it easier on lower-income families, as well as law adjustments for people looking to open their own businesses. ○ Immigration reform, simplification for immigrants to become citizens to allow them to work and better integrate into our society. ○ Government invasion of Privacy, the potential repeal of the Patriot Act as well as any other invasive laws the government has passed in the guise of "safety". ○ The rights of bodily autonomy and Abortion, which should be codified. The exception here is that tax money cannot be used for it.
○ Ending the Death Penalty ○ Reducing Inflation by reducing government spending [a/n: this is not what causes inflation] ○ Removal of any Gun Restrictions and will strike down any new one that come up in the future What spurred him into activism roughly 2 decades ago, was President Bush's war campaign in Iraq. In 2008, he initially supported President Obama but later left the Democratic Party as he found that their policies were not anti-war and had no intention of becoming anti-war. He's spoken against regulations that prevent that feeding of the homeless and hungry in the City of Columbia [agenda], and has also made a public comment to the Atlanta City Council against Cop city (time stamp is 2:17:00).
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Independent Party
An avid environmentalist lawyer who has won exceptional lawsuits for Indigenous People. This will be the first time RFK Jr. has officially ran for an election. In prior years, he's considered running for a Senator seat, NY's Attorney General seat, and has previously declined NY's Senate seat.
RFK Jr.'s campaign also has quite an extensive list of problems to address: ○ Housing Crisis and Cost: raising minimum wage to $15 an hour, changing zoning laws, changing taxes, opening ownership to local abandoned housing/buildings ○ Environment: restoring USDA and EPA control, incentivize companies to go green on a global scale, change agricultural practices ○ Ending of Lobbying: prosecution of officials and politicians who have been bought out by corporations, restoration of individual privacy, full government transparency. ○ Ending Party Division: RFK Jr. acknowledges that the Left vs Right is not helpful to the average person and seeks to remedy this divide by listening and compromising. ○ War: the removal of our troops and bases from countries in which we do not belong. The stop of unnecessary and profligate spending in our military machine. ○ Southern Border: Tighten control on checkpoints, restore lighting and motion detectors, but also allocate money into our courts to move asylum cases thru faster. This ties back with his stance on war, however; he wants the removal of our forces and weapons from the hands of the cartel. The US needs to stop funding the displacement of civilians in their own nations. ○ Restoration of Rights: Write into law that tech companies cannot ban, shadowban, or suppress someone if the government asks them to. Removal of government surveillance. ○ Civil Rights: to do this, a complete overhaul of these systems will happen - community repair, prison/police reform, focus on the working class and disenfranchised schooling, find addiction care that is long term, expanded youth programs, and free IDs for US citizens. ○ Native Americans: the restoration of land, the complete adherence to previous treaties that have been written and ignored by the US. ○ Veterans: optimization of the VA, creating a federal Veteran's council, to provide ways veterans can still "serve" in their communities. ○ Student Loans: the repeal of Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act which will allow people to file bankruptcy on student loans, allow people to refinance their student loans, remove interest on student loans, to hold universities accountable and not banks for loan defaults to prevent the rising prices of tuition.
Some things to note; Robert is a member of Children's Health Defense, which is an anti-vax organization that claims vaccines cause autism. Robert doesn't believe that HIV causes AIDS which he writes about in his book The Real Anthony Fauci (pg numbers: 298, 332, 347, 348, 351).
Cornel West, Independent Party
Another Doctor on the list, Cornel is a philosophy professor at Union Theological Seminary. In his practice, he focuses on how American society treats differences between gender, race, and class. This is his first time running for office, and had previously been with the People's Party which he dropped for the Green Party. In October '23, he left the Green Party to be Independent. Here is a list of what Dr. West is looking to address during his presidency: ○ Environmentalism: Canceling any and all national oil projects, codifying informed consent (FPIC) for Indigenous people and their land, end water privatization by making a clean water committee ○ Racial Justice: Reparations for black residents, following thru on the Civil Liberties Act of '88, public review commissions for all police stations, creating a committee dedicated to finding missing and murdered Indigenous women ○ Prison/Police Reform: End the death penalty, abolish current privatized prison practices, shutting down Cop City, end and ban police training thru military forces ○ Voters' Rights: Election day is to be a national holiday to ensure everyone can vote, term limits for all elected officials, ban on past elected officials from becoming lobbyists, term limits for SCOTUS members ○ Gun Control: Create national gun registry, reduce gun sales at shows, similar requirements for driver licenses to gun ownership ○ Economics: Tax billionaires, remove tax loopholes for the super rich, end Wall Street housing market holdings, ban stock trading for elected gov. officials, national minimum wage of $27/hr, create UBI commission ○ Workers' Rights: Four day work week, review US trade agreements and ban any that exploit domestic and international workers, free pre-K childcare, all for-profit companies must allow the creation of unions ○ Healthcare: Free healthcare, codify abortions, address addiction and help those affected by it, create federal panel to oversee the creation/safety/effectiveness of vaccines, focus on giving more power back to disabled people ○ Education: Redistribute tax money equally across all public schools based on student count (this way rural students still receive the same schooling as urban students), minimum wage of 80k for K-12 teachers, abolish state laws that obfuscate our US history, cancel student debt ○ LGBTQIA+: establish standards for trans healthcare, end assaults on trans people, ban on state anti-LGBTQIA+ laws, codify equal rights for LGBTQIA+ people ○ Global Influence: Removal of military support in all current wars, establish Truth Commission for the global south, disband NATO, cut the military budget, end global patriarchy and help women in Iran and Afghanistan, cancel IMF debts
A note to end on: Firstly, I will not be discussing who I will be voting for on this post. Secondly, I want to add that just because a candidate has a large list of issues they're addressing doesn't mean they will actually get it done while in office. We regularly see candidates come in with large promises only to "forget" about them once they reach office.
Remember: the presidential election is important, but getting out and voting during midterms is infinitely much more impactful because those are our lawmakers!! A president cannot change anything if there is no house or senate backing her/him!
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