#For the Lady's Favour
thegayestdiaz · 4 months
eddie is mentally unwell, he’s destroyed by grief and trauma and can only act put together for so long. him losing the plot when confronted with a literal reminder of his dead wife and trying to recreate the life they could’ve had is so wrong but makes sense for his situation. kim on the other hand, girl what the fuck is wrong with you? he tells your that he only wanted you because you were a clone of his deceased wife and instead of running far, far away you decided this is the perfect opportunity to dust off your acting skills? that man is sick and you are fucking with his feelings, get away from him?
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
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gracielikegrapes · 2 years
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I'm so out of practice but here us some really messy art of 3 ladies in fanfics by @abadtakehonestly Really enjoying your stuff!
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ginkovskij · 3 months
watching the making of a movie is so amazing and so humbling like wow some movies are so good you forget it's a play pretend story it's so !! to see how it all came together to work in a way that feels so natural and real
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woodelf68 · 2 months
His Lady’s Favour
For day 5 of @sifkiweek 2024, prompt: “restraint”. A wee bit late but I hope it’s worth it. 
Summary: This is an AU diverging from Thor, where Loki never fell into the Void.  There have been long and heartfelt conversations and apologies and forgiveness and everybody has worked hard to convince Loki that he’s loved and wanted. He’s in a much better place mentally now and in a relationship with Sif, which takes an interesting turn when she buys him a cock ring to wear.  
Rated E, 5926 words, AO3 link. 
It was such a simple thing, a ring of stretchy black silicone that had been one of a number of purchases a smirking Sif had returned with after Darcy had dragged her and Jane and Natasha out to a very particular type of store in preparation for Jane’s bachelorette party, in celebration of her upcoming nuptials to Thor. All four women had returned grinning and giddy, Sif’s gaze positively feral as she slowly ran her eyes up and down Loki’s body. He had very much enjoyed the first of her purchases that she had shown to him, a skimpy thing of black lace and gold satin that she had worn to bed that night, a garment that had revealed more than it had concealed. In the morning she had brought out another purchase, handing him the ring to examine. 
“I would have you wear this all day, my prince, to feel my claim on you.” Her voice was husky, nearly purring, her body well sated from their morning lovemaking. “To remember who has chosen you above all others. Will you do so?”
He had swallowed hard, knowing without being told where the ring was to be worn. “It would be my honour to wear the mark of your favour, my lady.  Put it on for me?” He handed the ring back to her.
Sif brought out the small bottle of lubricant that the store had included with all their purchases, and coated the inside of the ring before carefully slipping his balls through one at a time, then tucking his soft cock through, giving it a few pulls and feeling the first stirrings of reawakening interest beneath her fingers. She thought she’d got the fit right; she moved back and eyed him appraisingly. Even flaccid, he was a good size, and the ring pushed his balls forward, putting them nicely on display. She licked her lips, thinking she would never tire of looking at his naked body. “How does it feel?”
“Snug. Very pleasantly so.” He smirked at her. “Perhaps I should send Darcy a thank you note for taking you shopping.  Do you have any other little surprises for me?”
“Be a good boy and you’ll find out.” Sif promised, leaning in to kiss him, deliberately rubbing herself up against his cock as she did so. 
Loki groaned and pushed back into her for a moment before reluctantly pulling away. “Better not. Not unless you want to stay and take care of me again before breakfast.”
Sif hesitated, tempted. She knew Loki could rouse again easily enough, and the urge was there, to reach out and stroke him back to hardness, to take him back into her body again, to feel that perfection of joining, rocking together as the pleasure built between them... But the morning was advancing and she was hungry and they both had places to be and duties to attend to after breakfast, and a quick second coupling seemed rather to go against one of the main benefits of a cock ring, that of a longer-lasting erection and a harder orgasm. Not that Loki lacked control when he wanted to last, but the ring would make it easier for him to relax and enjoy himself without worrying about coming too soon. 
“No, you’re right, we shouldn’t,” She sat back regretfully.  “It’ll be all the better after a day of anticipation.”
“Of all the times for you to agree with me...” Loki grumbled good-naturedly, and rolled off the bed unselfconsciously and gloriously nude. “I’m going to go wash up and get dressed then.”
Sif watched him go, admiring the way his broad shoulders tapered down to his narrow hips, and the dip at the base of his spine above the swell of his buttocks. Loki looked back over his shoulder at her, his hair swinging out as he did so. He’d been growing it out over the past year, and the movement, as always, made her want to play with the curling ends that brushed the top of his shoulders.
“Coming?” he asked, and then turned slightly more, allowing her to see the way his genitals stood out slightly away from his body, the black ring barely noticeable against the thatch of black hair. It was a good look, and oh Norns. why hadn’t she waited to put it on until after they’d washed up? If she was this turned on already, how was she supposed to watch him run a wet cloth over his body, see the droplets of water beading up on his pale skin, running down his torso? But she wasn’t about to put her own clothes back on without cleaning up first herself. She realised Loki was still waiting for her answer, smirking, and as she watched, he deliberately stroked his cock. She swallowed hard as it visibly thickened.
“Yes.” She flung herself off the bed to pad after him, rethinking her position on further sex before breakfast. They’d have all night to indulge at their leisure, to take it long and slow. Perhaps one more quick one would be good to take the edge off; she suspected this was going to be a long day for both of them. “I rather think I’m going to.”
Loki’s awareness of the cock ring came and went throughout the day. It was comfortable enough that he forgot about it almost entirely while buried in the library doing research for a few hours, thoroughly sated by the second bout of lovemaking in his bathroom that morning, at other times its gentle pressure was an enjoyable distraction that kept him at a pleasantly low level of arousal. It wasn’t until he sat down for dinner that he knew he was in trouble. Thor had ordered dinner brought to the common room that they shared between their chambers, as he often did. Sif, however, had not taken her usual place at his side on one of the benches that flanked the two longer sides of the table, but had chosen a seat directly across from him. Thor had looked puzzled, but had sat down companionably enough beside Loki, leaving Hogun and Fandral to take their places next to Sif on the other side of the table,  Volstagg having bid them good night and gone to dine with his own family. And as soon as the servants who had brought the meal had left, Sif had placed her booted foot against the bulge at his crotch and pressed down.
“So, how was your day, Loki? Long? Hard?” She grabbed a rack of ribs and moved them to her plate.  
Her foot shifted, rubbing against his rapidly swelling length, her face completely innocent-looking, and Loki fought to keep his reaction from showing on his face, all too aware of the others at the table.
“Bearably so until now.” He narrowed her eyes at her. She smiled back sweetly and continued to torment him until he reached down and grabbed her ankle to still it, drawing Thor’s attention.
Thor glanced down, then shifted his gaze from Loki to Sif and raised one eyebrow. “If you’re molesting my baby brother under the table, Sif, would you mind waiting until I’m no longer sitting next to him and trying to eat my meal?”
Loki burst out laughing, and Sif went red in the face, although she rallied herself quickly enough, tugging her foot loose from Loki’s hold and dropping it to the floor. 
“You never seemed to care about our sensibilities when you were busy pulling wenches into your lap and pawing at them while we tried to eat,” she retorted, recalling many such occasions over the past years. 
“Yes, well, I no longer do such things,” said Thor virtuously. 
“That’s only because of Jane,” Fandral retorted. 
“Jane is a great and civilising influence on my brother,” proclaimed Loki solemnly. “We should toast to her.” He raised his cup and the others promptly did the same, clanking them together.  He had been pleasantly surprised by Jane once he’d gotten to know her, and she him; he was looking forward to having her as a sister. 
“To Jane!” They toasted cheerfully, and Thor smiled goofily. 
“So, group opinion,” said Sif when they had put their drinks down. “Since precedent has been established -- and I’m looking at you too, Fandral -- should I be allowed to tease Loki under the table at mealtime?”
“Yes,” said Fandral, grinning unapologetically. 
“No,” said Thor and Loki simultaneously.
“If you are discreet about it, I do not mind,” said Hogun. 
Sif looked at Loki, the only one who mattered, and raised her eyebrows. “Really, Loki? No?”
“Well,” Loki backtracked. “Not ‘no’. Just...perhaps don’t go straight for the groin before I even get a chance to eat the main course.”
Thor made a face. “Not an image I needed, Brother.”
“Don’t look at me, look at Sif!”
“All right,” Sif agreed, and then smirked. “After all, I wouldn’t want to distract you from eating. You’re going to need to keep your strength up tonight.”
Thor groaned and buried his face in his hands, while Fandral looked positively delighted by the conversation. 
“It sounds like your lady has plans for you tonight, Loki.” 
“I am aware.” Loki couldn’t help smirking back at Fandral. “And I am a lucky man.”
They went back to eating, and Sif behaved for a bit, as far as keeping her foot to herself. But she ate as seductively as possible, making a show of licking grease and sauce from her fingers before picking up her napkin, and delicately chasing stray drops of mead from her goblet with her tongue, all the while keeping her eyes locked on Loki’s as much as possible. And when she had cleaned the meat from her ribs -- well, fellated was the only word that could accurately describe what she did to each bone as she bared it. Loki began to feel hot under the collar, and nudged her foot with his under the table, hoping she would get the signal that he was ready for something more tactile by now. 
Sif quirked a brow, and experimentally ran her foot up over his ankle, and when he didn’t protest, proceeded to gradually slide it higher until she was rubbing it back and forth along his thigh. 
Loki shifted, spreading his legs apart slightly to give her more room, and picked up a peach from the bowl of fruit on the table. The juice started to run down his wrist as he bit into it, and he kept his eyes on Sif as he placed his mouth to his skin to suck it clean before returning to the fruit, lips closing over the succulent flesh. 
Sif glanced away from him only long enough to select a smaller plum from the bowl. She widened her lips enough to take most of the whole fruit into her mouth. leaving it there for a moment to suck on before pulling it back and taking a bite out of it, her tongue licking up the juice that spurted over her hand. She nudged his balls meaningfully with her toes as she did so. 
A throb of arousal passed through Loki, his cock stiffening. Slowly, he finished the peach, Sif’s foot gently, maddeningly circling, and became aware of the conversation dying around them, three pairs of eyes fixing on him and Sif. 
“I wish Jane were here,” said Thor wistfully. While she was certainly not cutting all ties with Midgard, she was busy putting her affairs in order there as she prepared to shift her home base to Asgard after the wedding. 
“She will be soon,” said Loki absently. He slid his own foot up Sif’s leg to her crotch and watched her put the pit of the plum down on her plate and suck her juice-stained fingers clean. “Are you done eating, Sif? I thought we could make an early night of it.”
Sif drained her cup with alacrity and grabbed one more plum to go, removing her foot from Loki’s lap and dropping it back to the ground. “I’m done. You?”
Loki copied her, finishing off his mead and pivoting, swinging his legs over the side of the bench and standing. “Done. Thor, Fandral, Hogun -- I bid you goodnight, gentlemen.” He moved around the table and offered his hand to Sif. “My lady?”
Sif got up, her eyes dropping briefly to the very prominent bulge in his trousers and feeling her insides clench with a hunger for something other than food. She placed her hand in his. “My lord.” A small, secret smile curved his lips, one she couldn’t help but return. “I am at your disposal.”
He raised her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “And I am at your service.” His voice was low, throaty, hearing her so publicly saying that she was his physically affecting him nearly as much as the increasingly tight grip of the ring around his cock and balls, reminding him that he was hers. 
Fandral gave a low, admiring whistle. “They’re both still fully clothed, and yet I am beginning to feel like a voyeur.”
“Then we had best leave before we scandalise you any further,” Sif said, addressing Fandral but still not looking away from Loki. 
“Are you planning on doing scandalous things to me, my lady?” Loki took one of her fingers into his mouth and sucked at it, still able to taste the flavour of the rib sauce on it. 
“Oh, most definitely,” she purred, pressing up close to him and pulling his head down until she could kiss him deeply, Loki instantly putting his hands on her hips and rocking into her. 
“All right, that’s enough,” said Thor loudly, making a show of covering his eyes. “You two, out.” He gestured towards the door. “I am happy that you are happy together, but I do not need to see you prove how much right in front of my eyes. You both have rooms; go, use them.”
Loki grinned, sharp and feral. “Excellent idea, Brother. Shall we?” He offered his arm to Sif.
“Lead on,” she said, tucking her hand through it, and he did, his heart beating double time as he led her to his rooms. His, he thought, as Sif walked tall and proud at his side. As he was hers, body and soul both. Desire coiled low in his gut, and he became more aware of the weight of his balls, full and heavy, and the way his cock strained against the confining leather of his trousers. He wanted them off, he wanted Sif naked below him, and he wanted to plough into her body and claim her as his own. The anticipation that he’d kept banked all day flared up, hot and strong. 
Sif released his arm as they reached the doors to his chambers, letting him open them and precede her into the room, all long, sure strides and graceful movements. “Alone at last,” she said, pressing up against his back before he could turn around, wrapping one arm around his waist and reaching down with the other to cup and squeeze him.   
“Sif.” He groaned in pleasure.  
“Norns, you feel huge,” she said, and the next moment she was gasping as Loki spun around and slammed her up against the wall, leaning in to kiss her wildly, his hips rutting forward, driving his very obvious erection against her body.
“You play a dangerous game, Sif.” He trailed his mouth down her throat, nipping at the flesh.
“The best kind.” She grabbed onto his leather-clad hip with bruising fingers and buried her other hand in the fall of his dark hair, holding him close.
“I can’t believe the way you attacked me at dinner,” he growled, pulling her tight against him as he sought a way up under her clothes. 
“I am a warrior; attacking is what I do.” She tried to get at the fastenings to his leathers without pulling back. 
“And then Thor.” Loki huffed a laugh against her neck, and deepened his voice into a passable imitation of his brother’s. “Sif, please stop molesting my baby brother; you are offending my delicate sensibilities.”
“Just wait until Jane gets here,” Sif said, with relish. Inhibitions had rather flowed away during the course of that shopping trip. “She has no plans to be delicate with Thor.”
Loki pulled away to look at her face, a thought striking him. “I have a feeling I am going to regret asking this -- but did Jane ...ah, buy anything fun for Thor to wear?”
“Oh, she did,” said Sif gleefully. “Two different kinds. A black rubber one and an adjustable leather one with more straps.”
Loki squeezed his eyes shut. “Dammit, I knew I shouldn’t have asked.  I don’t need that kind of image in my head when I look at my brother. And how come I only got one?”
“You can’t wear more than one at a time,” she pointed out, obligingly lifting her arms as Loki deftly undid the straps down her side, loosening her armour. “Although actually – I suppose you could. Silly me. But your name day is coming up, is it not?” Her back and breast plates were pulled away and dropped to the floor, and her breath quickened as Loki slid his hands up under her tunic, kneading her breasts.
“Oh.” He smiled. “Am I to presume I shall be getting a gift that we shall both enjoy?” His thumbs circled her nipples.
“It has this stud,” she said with satisfaction. “Sticking up from the leather. It’s going to hit me right where I want it every time you thrust. Mm, that feels good.”
His smile widened. “Wicked Sif. Speaking of which – “ he dragged her leg up the outside of his thigh, the better to hit her core as he rocked up against her. “I saw the way you were sucking on that rib bone. If you want to slide your mouth up and down something, I can offer something better.”
“So I can feel.” He felt good, hard, but there were too many layers of leather separating them, Sif thought. "You're going to have to let me go if you want me to suck you off, though." Loki stilled briefly against her, then drew back and let her leg fall. Sif grinned. "You might want the wall at your back for support," she suggested.
"Planning on making me weak in the knees?" Loki asked, but obediently switched positions.
"I'm certainly going to try," she promised, and dropped to her knees in front of him.
Loki's hands settled on her shoulders as she made short work of his laces, and she heard his breath hitch in his throat as she drew him out into the open and touched his hard length, his flesh springing up towards his belly, pale and hard and perfect against the black leather still covering his torso. She took the weight of him in her hand, smoothed her thumb up over the flushed, silken head. 
"You have got the most gorgeous cock," she said appreciatively, and Loki made another noise, his fingers tightening upon her shoulders. She glanced up, into wide blue eyes watching her. 
“Sif, please –” He didn’t get any further as she held him steady and took him into her mouth. His head thunked back against the wall as pleasure jolted through him. She didn’t waste any time teasing, sucking and stroking him and kneading his balls with her free hand. He pulled her ponytail tie loose and buried one hand in her hair, fingers flexing and caressing, fighting the urge to thrust. He could feel his climax racing up on him. “Sif.”
She pulled away, her eyes glittering, blowing softly against the wet head of his cock as she let him slide slowly from her mouth. “Oh no,” she said, rising smoothly to her feet. “I’m not going to let you come so easily. That’s the whole point of this, after all.” She touched the ring encircling him, admiring the way the veins bulged beneath the skin of his engorged cock. “You’re not going to come until I say you can.”
Loki’s chest rose and fell rapidly as he sought to regather the threads of his control. He licked his lips, feeling the press of the ring against the base of his cock and beneath his balls, keeping them pulled down away from his body, exquisitely tight.  He knew that she was right, that his climax wouldn’t come easily. “I am at your service, my lady.” 
“Good boy.” Sif stroked her hand up and down his cock, pressing her thumb against the underside and feeling it twitch in her grip, his eyelids fluttering shut. “Get undressed and get on the bed.”
Loki vanished his clothes with a quick gesture, and climbed onto the bed, propping himself up on his elbows to watch as she began methodically removing her clothing. “Need any help?” His eyes flicked down as her tunic dropped to the floor, then back up to her bared chest. 
“Not tonight. You just lie there and look pretty for me,” she said, gazing her fill of his long, lean form, all hard planes and muscle. She saw his throat bob, and he reached down to take himself in hand, stroking slowly. She smiled, knowing well how he responded to such words of praise, and more than willing to fill his ears with them. She dropped the last of her garments and stalked naked towards the bed, climbing onto the mattress and sliding her hands up his long legs as she moved up over his body and straddled his hips. His hand fell away as she ran her palm up the underside of his cock, pressing it flat against his belly. “You look so good,” she said, admiringly. “So beautifully on display for me.”
Loki’s hips jerked up without his permission. “Let me please you.” 
“Oh, you already do. Want to feel?” She lifted up onto her knees, and let his cock bob back upright, sinking down just enough that she could guide him through her wetness, letting the head of his cock slide through her labia and over her clitoris, feeling herself swell and harden from the stimulation. “Feel how wet I am for you? How ready I am for you to fill me?” She positioned him against her entrance and sank down, pausing halfway to lean forward and find the angle that allowed her to take all of his length inside her, feeling him pressing against her back walls as she circled her hips and ground down upon him.
Loki groaned and collapsed back against the pillows. “Oh Norns.” He shut his eyes for a second, the better to feel every inch of him being clenched in a hot, tight, slippery grip. 
Sif’s own focus had shifted inward. “Mm. Feels good. So good, Loki.”
“Yes,” he agreed, bracketing her hips with his hands and rolling up beneath her. 
Sif traced the lines of his body -- hipbones, ribs, the hard flat planes of his chest, feeling the layers of muscle beneath his skin. She circled his nipples, very much aware of his gaze locked upon her, his quick intakes of breath, the way he was obviously trying to hold still for her and let her do as she wished but couldn’t help his small constant shiftings.
“You’re being so good for me, Loki,” she praised, and began gliding her palms lightly back and forth over the small nubs, feeling them harden as he arched up in search of more pressure, the same as she would have done -- had done, many a time, until she was achingly sensitive to any touch. She gave a sharp pinch to one of his nipples now, and tugged at the other, the sudden roughness making him cry out, and his hips twisting beneath her and his hands coming up to cup and knead her own breasts, and she made her own needy sound in return. She let herself enjoy it for a minute, feeling fresh liquid spurt out around him in response, angling to get pressure on her pubic bone.  But she wasn’t done with him yet, and leaned forward until she could take one of his nipples between her lips, forcing his hands away from her as she teased it with her tongue then mouthed her way across his chest to its twin and gave it the same attention while the maddening graze of her own nipples against his skin was sending jolts of pleasure straight down to her groin, making her tighten reflexively around him, keeping him secure within her. One of his hands cupped the back of her head, the other snaked down between their bodies and lightly stroked the swollen, tingling pad of flesh that tightened further under his touch; she straightened back up abruptly and ran her hands down his torso to his belly, to where they were joined together. She felt his muscles jump beneath her fingertips.
“You could perhaps,” he suggested a little breathlessly, “Move your hips a bit more.”
“Mm, like this?” She lifted herself up, tossing her hair back out of the way, and eased back down. Oh yes, that was nice. She repeated the motion, enjoying the long slide of him in and out, aiming him at her front wall.  
“Yes, exactly like that.” His eyes never leaving her, his middle finger continued to stroke her, grazing repeatedly over her slippery flesh until she increased her pace, slamming herself down upon him, pleasuring herself on his hardness. Until she stopped abruptly, and he made a desperate noise of protest.
“My plum,” she remembered.
His mind blanked as he stared at her, only knowing that she needed to start moving again. “Your plum? Surely you cannot be hungry again already?”
“I had plans for that plum.” She looked suggestively up and down his body. “I left it in the outer room; I’ll go get it.” She made to get off his body, but his hands clamped down on her hips before he could slip out of her body, keeping her in place.
“I’ll get it for you.” He stretched out one hand, remembering the plum she had taken from the bowl on the table, imagining the size and weight of it filling his hand, concentrating. And suddenly it was there, and he closed his fingers around its solid shape with satisfaction. He turned his palm upward and uncurled his fingers, feeling justified if he looked a little smug. “Your plum, my lady.”
Sif grinned and took it from him, not really sure how he could do that, but unable to argue about the usefulness of the trick. “Thank you.” She took a big bite out of it, and then dragged the exposed, moist flesh down over his pectoral muscles while she chewed and swallowed her bit.
Loki gasped and arched beneath her.
“Good?” she asked, smirking.
"It's...different." He closed his eyes, wanting no distractions from feeling, and -- "Mm, yeah, it's good."
Sif moved from left to right, working over both his nipples until they were stiff and swollen. She bent low again to take one in her mouth and suckle, cleaning the stickiness of the plum from his skin.
He hummed in pleasure as Sif’s tongue moved over the path of the plum, feeling his cock strain against its restraint. His hips pushed up against her, wanting more.
“Mm, you taste delicious,” Sif informed him with a final lick. “Should I do your cock and balls next?”
He couldn’t get any harder, he couldn’t, but his cock tried. “Yes -- no. Bor’s beard, I won’t last through that. Let me do you first.”
Sif sat back up and surrendered the plum to his somewhat shaky grip. He took a fresh bite out of it, exposing a new juicy surface, and brought it to her breasts. She tightened immediately around him, feeling another gush of moisture slide out of her, and her lips parted on a moan. Her breasts swayed and jounced as she leaned into the wet, slippery flesh gliding over her nipples and around her areolas and she went without protest when he suddenly surged up and rolled them over, his mouth descending on her breasts when he had her beneath him, his cock somehow managing to stay inside her, hot and hard and thick, shifting inside her with every one of his movements.
“Loki!” she cried, her orgasm rising up inside her, inexorable. HIs only response was to tighten his mouth around her nipple, sucking, sucking, sucking, and she came with a shout, her hips bucking up and her muscles clamping down, but he didn’t let up, keeping her riding the high until he suddenly looked up, his eyes wild, and said her name. She understood at once.
“You can come,” she told him. “You’ve been so good. Don’t fight it, come for me.”
Loki made an agonised sound, feeling the long-denied orgasm refusing to be held back any longer, Sif’s body rippling around him milking it out of him, his seed pushing up into his cock until it exploded out of him in a burst of sensation, paralysing him with the intensity of it. He couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, his balls finally emptying in long flooding spurts, everything except pleasure and relief leaving his mind until he finally collapsed atop Sif, a rush of their fluids spilling out of her as he pulled out. He shifted partly onto his side to take the pressure off both her and his over-sensitised cock and lay like the dead, uncaring, his lungs heaving in air and his eyes tight shut.
Sif was glad enough to be still for a while as well, her muscles lax after her own orgasm, one hand splayed atop Loki’s back. She listened to his breathing slowly quiet, and bestirred herself enough to move her hand up to play with the ends of her hair. “Still alive?” she murmured.
“There’s an absolute mess between us, if you’re up to doing anything about it,” she observed.
Loki sighed and stretched, then grimaced and gestured, removing the sticky wetness that lay between them and puddled on the bed. They’d still need to bathe, but the worst of it was gone and the bed was clean.
Sif turned on her side to face him, her eyes dropping to his sated cock. “So...good buy?” She ran her thumb over the ring, and he twitched.
“Very good.” While cock rings weren't unknown to him, he'd never used one with Sif before. An oversight, he now realised.
“Want me to take it off?’
Loki wasn’t sure he could take her touching him there that much just yet. He sat up reluctantly. “I’ll do it.”  He felt Sif’s eyes on him as he carefully removed the ring, then discovered the forgotten plum lying between them and held it up. “I regret you didn’t get a chance to use this elsewhere on me.”
“There’ll be other plums,” Sif assured him, sitting up herself. “Other nights.” She took the plum from him and worked the pit out of it,
"I'll look forward to them -- after I recover from tonight. I’m going to go wash this off.” He held up the ring. “And myself. Care to join me in a bath?”
“I would love to.” Sif popped the rest of the plum in her mouth and rolled off the side of the bed, while Loki stood up to lead her into the bathroom,
“And,” he asked, cleaning the ring and putting it aside to dry thoroughly. “Will you spend tonight at my side?” He began filling the tub, adding a handful of scented salts.
“Gladly,” Sif answered. “I would have no other company, and would hate to be sent back to my room like a common harlot.”
“Nothing about you is common, my lady, and I would never do such a thing.” He took out a couple of hair pins when she began gathering her hair in a quick, loose braid and passed them to her when she held her hand out, watching her pin the braid to the top of her head to keep it out of the water and dry. There was a pleasant domesticity to the action, the companionable silence between them not needing words to fill it. He shut off the water, checked the temperature of it, then held his hand out to her.
Sif took it, no longer seeing doing so as a sign of weakness as she had once done, and allowed him to steady her as she climbed in, sinking down into the deep, hot water and sighing in bliss as her skin tingled pleasurably. She made room for Loki as he followed her in, and by common unvoiced consent, they put off washing for a bit in favour of fitting themselves together, Loki leaning back against the tub’s edge and Sif sitting between his legs and leaning back against him, simply letting the water relax their muscles and the calming fragrance of the scented salts quiet their minds.
Loki sat with his eyes closed, his arms loosely wrapped around Sif, perfectly content with just her presence and wanting nothing further tonight. He wondered if this was what it might feel like to be married; to be able to retire to bed every night with the person you loved and know they'd still be there in the morning. To have a quiet space each evening to talk about anything on your mind with someone who would listen. He thought of all the times he'd gone in to say good night to his parents and found them quietly talking together, or his father unbraiding or brushing his mother's hair with a look of peace on his face. He thought of the small looks and touches he'd seen them share over the years, that ability to communicate without words. He thought of Thor and Jane's upcoming nuptials, and the way Thor's eyes shone when he looked at her, or talked about her. He thought of Jane being willing to pledge her life to Thor's, sure enough in their love to leave her world and make a new life for herself on a realm that was very different from her own. He envied them their surety.  Despite everything, he wasn't ready to take that big of a step yet, and he didn't think Sif was, either.
But...he remembered her voice saying she had chosen him above all others, and he thought that one day he would like to hear her swear that in front of a hall full of witnesses. Thought that he would like to swear that in return.
They were still young, he told himself. There was no rush, their mended relationship still untried. Or perhaps they had already been through the trial, and come out newly forged and stronger. She had been there to steady him when his entire identity had been rocked to the core, surprising him with her acceptance and her fierce support as he'd sorted out his feelings towards the family he had not been born into, but who had chosen him. It had taken some time, but he no longer doubted that he was loved, and wanted, and that he had every right to call himself Loki Odinson, and no desire to be anyone else.
He opened his eyes and bent his head, burying his nose in Sif's hair, then pressing a kiss to her temple. He would wait until he was absolutely sure, because she deserved that, because it was important, because it would be forever. But one day, he thought, he would ask if she wanted to share more than his bath, more than his bed. 
He would ask if she wanted to share his life.
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Hot tip - if you want to write 13s on your hands (or ‘I ❤️ ?’ in my case) use lip stain to write it! It lasts all night and it doesn’t smear or get on your clothes, but it also comes off at the end of the night so you don’t have it on your hands still the next day like you do with marker. I got home from the show like 2 hours ago and it just started to fade but look you can still see it! I just used drew barrymore’s lip stain which is only like $10
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vigilskeep · 1 year
I also wish to microwave the vampire, study him like a bug. Which is why when I eventually do a romance route for him I intend to bully the man. He's a high elf, vampire lord and can handle it. I heard the wizard gets fussy if you don't give him your magic items so I'm also still unsure if I want to deal with him. I am very excited for Karlach though.
i did not include karlach in that post because my license to engage in rational judgement about women was revoked and i can’t think of anything to say that isn’t deeply embarrassing
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ladespeinada · 1 year
I’ve honestly been trying to turn off my The Bear hyperfixation the past couple days and I’m nearly there, lmao, but I keep thinking about Tina!!! Ms Tina Marrero, whose surname we didn't get until S2. Tina whose first name could arguably be Agustina, Valentina, Martina, or something similar—but I know, I just absolutely fucking know, it’s not any of those.
Tina Marrero, sous chef of The Bear? La señorita Marrero, chica Boricua nacida y creída en Chicago? She’s a fucking Cristina if I’ve ever met one.
Her family probably called her Cristiana as a nickname, if they wanted to add some ‘formal’ tenderness when speaking to her. Cristi when they wanted to sound more “American”. La Cris or Cris for everything else, Tina for everyone else. 
Maybe her family told her to soften herself to be like the big-league Cristina they all knew, the Cristina on Univisión, la del Show de Cristina. Told her to relax, to stop being so angry all the time, so ready to fight. But you’d be like that, too, if you always had to correct people, tell them your name was spelled C R I S T I N A, when sometimes the grocery sheet cakes at your own damn birthday parties would have that fucking H. Even though you know someone asked—When you write her name, can you write Cristina without the H? 
Tina’s been defensive her whole life. In S1, that defensiveness is against—it’s anger, it’s sharpness, it’s, look at Syd, all willowy and scribbling and shit. In S2, her defensiveness is for—for Sydney as she grows through some shit, for The Bear, for her relationship with Ebra, for what they can all collectively create. For what’s to come, what’s possible. 
Anyway, I love Tina. 
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Rumour has it that Macron will come for a visit next week. Rumour also has it that Ze will travel to the MSC mid-February (possibly tied with an official Germany visit).
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ruzhuzhu · 1 year
late night sletch!
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ssaalexblake · 10 months
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Happy Birthday @yetanothercriminalmindsfanatic !!!
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crimsonbastard · 2 years
Enough of Senile Vhagar. Give me articulated Vhagar who knew what she was getting into!
Edit: Touch/Click the picture to see the Black Text clearly. The Green Text has been written below the post for your convenience.
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What the Green Text Says:
"zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor" (A Dragon is not a Slave in High Valyrian)
I've lived for over half a century, escaped the doom of my ancestral home. I've partaken in countless battles that brought this realm under the fold of the Three Headed Dragon by burning men who hid inside their strongholds and armor. I let both terrible and exceptional Targaryens whom I found worthy, to bond with me. I'm not some heirloom that can be passed from parent to child as they see fit. This boy has proven himself to be worthy of me. He has a fire within him that I long lamented was lost since Visenya. Offend him and you shall bathe in my wrath!
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stupid-lemon-eater · 2 years
i read fantine's descent for the first time last night - i had fallen behind on les mis by 10 days so i read it all in one go when i was meant to be going to sleep, and at several points i just had to Stop and stare across my dark bedroom at the mirror and the faint outline of my face lit up by my ipad and just Breathe for a second.
the thing i found most interesting while reading it was just how horrifying it was. as mentioned in the post i just reblogged, fantine had to choose every single time to carve herself away, to give up more and more of herself until she was unrecognisable, and she did it all out of hope and love for her daughter who she doesn't even know was being mistreated, that all her sacrifice was doing was lining thernardier's pockets while cosette still suffered.
and that would be interesting enough as is, but the thing that struck me the most while reading is how all of the actual horror of fantine's fate is stripped from her in adaptations (or at least in the musical/movie) in favour of the lurid idea of her having to go into sex work. the book itself treats fantine going into sex work as another tragic loss on effectively the same level as cutting off her hair, learning how to live in winter with no heat nor light, losing her modest lodgings for an uncomfortable attic with no bedding, her persistent illness or removing her front teeth — it's, "Let us sell what is left!" — what's one more loss on top of everything else, right?
(one could even make an argument that the tooth removal was treated as the most horrifying part of fantine's descent - it certainly was for me, as someone who had two wisdom teeth removed recently! the imagery of her bloody smile with the hole where her front teeth should be lit up by candlelight is definitely one that's going to haunt me.)
but in adaptations, we don't see that slow chipping away of personhood, of identity, of belongings and comfort. it's kicked out of the workhouse - hair cut off - prostitute - dead. bamatabois is changed from an arrogant, wealthy asshole with nothing better to do with his time than torment those less fortunate than him for the crime of merely existing to a potential customer who gets angry when fantine turns him down. by adding that dynamic to their interaction it softens bamatabois' cruelty, makes it less about an act of completely unprovoked dehumanisation and, well, cruelty against someone vulnerable that was answered by that person snapping and lashing out.
bamatabois in the book did not just target fantine because she was a sex worker, but also because her hair was cut, because she had no front teeth, because of how she dressed, how she behaved - in short, she was an acceptable target.
it feels as though the people adapting the novel don't understand that the tragedy and horror of fantine's fate was not the fact that she had to sell sex for money, but the fact that she had to give up everything of herself to the point where she was an unrecognisable wretch drinking brandy to keep the misery at bay with the only thing keeping her alive being her love for cosette. even the tooth removal, when it is adapted, is changed to her back teeth, making fantine's loss less visible and more palatable, and is oft ignored in favour of focusing on fantine's work as a sex worker in a way the book never does, not realising that the sex work was a symptom, not the disease.
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violets-and-books · 4 months
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fideidefenswhore · 3 months
also, ‘should have been burned alive’ is something norfolk said about katherine howard…
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disengaged · 5 months
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