#Frank Cannon
cuddlebreak · 2 years
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Frank Cannon’s Spinach Soufflé (1973)
Season 1, Episode 1 
(”Requiem for a Son”)
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seagull9111 · 2 months
hazel and nico looking like the most beautiful, gorgeous, people ever.
hazel with the most captivating eyes and chocolate brown skin you have ever seen.
nico with the brown doe eyes and perfect hair that you could run your hand through over and over again.
the god of the underworld genes be giving the best looks aaaaa
tysm to @d4rkshad0w for catching a mistake i made!
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on-this-day-mcr · 11 months
On this day, October 23
In 2022: My Chemical Romance performed their 59th show of the 2022-2023 Swarm tour at When We Were Young festival in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. At this show, Gerard Way, Ray Toro and Frank Iero all wore prosthetic special effects makeup to look like older version of themselves, and wore the black and red stage costumes they used following the release of their album "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge". Mikey Way did not wear prosthetic makeup, and instead had faux blood dripping from his mouth. This show was the only show of the 2022-2023 Swarm tour where "The Foundations of Decay" was not performed. At this show, "Nothin But the best" was written on the drums. (🖤)
Watch the show here!
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Kris Lori Fuentes Cortes
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My epic welcome home headcannons
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danger-days-fanatic · 5 months
I like to think sometimes, some killjoys tune into BL/ind or battery city radio stations to find out what’s going on and what the state the city is currently in despite the fact they left.
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ramen8008 · 2 months
The rest are very accustomed to randomly having to catch Nico when he falls from the sky when his shadow travel doesn't work right.
Talking? Boom! Nico just fell in you
Walking through the streets? Boom! Nico is now on your head
Just sitting on your bed? Boom! what's in your closet? Nico! Literally
It gets to the point that where you could be having a casual conversation maybe about the upcoming game or something with one of the 7 (10). And then comes a voice yelling from the top. You look up to see Nico di Angelo and then being effortlessly caught by Percy or Jason or any of them.
There's no mention of it other than a "thanks" and "no problem" as both of them go back to whatever they were doing.
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kira-light0 · 8 months
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Happy Valentines Day to those who are celebrating!
Feel free to send these to your mash-loving valentines!
(And if you want one to say something specific, just let me know and I can try to make it)
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atlasdoe · 7 months
The Marauders Eras Godly parents
part one
i got bored last night and this is what came from it
please excuse all the fancasts we've been over this, it is my guilty pleasure
also i don't care about lore and who can have certain kids or not and all that. just roll with it
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cupidstarz · 4 months
My bendy head cannons that are 100% correct.
Wilson Arch smokes 5 packs of cigarettes a day.
Wilson started Smoking at like five although he also eats the cigarettes after he finishes smoking them and turns them into a smoothie.
Baby Bendy and the ink demon have the same voice.
The ink demon steals cigarettes from Wilson.
Sammy started drinking ink because he had an iron deficiency which caused him to have pica so he decided to drink ink.
Wally Franks has a crippling gambling addiction, as my friend put it Wally says “If I lose one more slot machine I’m outta here!” But he’s never out of there and always comes back, it’s part of the reason he never left Joey Drew Studios.
Joey Drew knows nothing about how woman’s anatomy actually works, he does not know how a uterus works.
@crifevergreen and I found the first two pieces of amazing lore together.
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rustyghostviolin · 3 months
I'm going down the rabbit hole of why Albert threw Frank in the well and I need to ramble about my thoughts because omg I need to get all of this out
This all kind of started with me seeing that a lot of different media contains a child falling or being thrown into a well. I was curious why this was so common so I looked into it a bit further. Turns out that back in the day, disabled or children deemed not good enough were sometimes; very rarely though; thrown into wells. Being locked in the attic was more common, but being left for dead in a well was apparently more common than it should've been. Which got me thinking, was that why Albert threw him in that well?
Albert very clearly has a facial scar or deformity even before the beehive incident, which just made his facial scar even worse, which might mean that he was disabled in other ways. We also see how sadistic Albert is, probably a mix of the abuse he endured as a disabled child in some way and mental illness. What I'm trying to say is that Albert clearly wasn't treated very well by his family; his mother gave him wine as a baby for God's sake and the beehive incident is just clear proof; and he wasn't going to let anyone else get the love that he was deprived of.
So let's get to why I think Albert threw Frank in the well specifically. Of course this could be just because he was the first nephew and was given the love that Albert was deprived of, but I think it goes deeper than that. I've seen lots of people in the fandom headcannon Frank as nonverbal or having some sort of speech impediment; which I TOTALLY agree with; and that got me thinking... This *popularly headcannoned* nonverbal kid with big dorky glasses was thrown into a well; a way of getting rid of a disabled kid back in the day; by his probably disabled uncle...
Albert threw Frank in that well because he saw that he was treated with the love that he hadn't been given. He saw similar traits in Frank that he himself had and was jealous that he could be loved despite his disability. I'm literally writing a fanfic at this moment with this theme
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darkwitchingflower · 1 month
Cabin 18 - Hebe - Headcanons
They look SO young compared to their actual age its nuts
Like if (and that's a big if) one of Hebes kids made it to the age of 60, they'd probably look 40 it's insane
When the older campers like 21 (I think that's the legal age to drink in America right?) Went on a quest and needed a drink at some point bc like they've seen some stuff they'd get ID'd SO quick
Someone definitely had a theory at some point that Frank may have been a child of Hebe before he got that buff magic from his dad
The cabins decorated with pastel colours and scattered with comfort items from when the campers were young and walls are filled with family photos, not just of specific campers and their mortal familys but the whole cabin too
And when there's a new camper they INSIST on remaking the photo woth that new camper
Any other campers who have passed before the new photos were taken are still commemorated somehow in the photo, maybe with an old special object of theirs
I'm not sure why but when I think of the Hebe cabin I can instantly see a wooden rocking horse like it kind of looks like the blue plastic Fisher price ones except its wooden
Hebe tends to claim her children while they're still really young, which is when she feels a stronger connection to them however she does still try to keep this connection going as they grow older
Unfortunately it does become more difficult for her when they grow older as she's better with her younger kids
She does genuinely try though and her kids understand this
She's like the epitome of a nursery teacher (not sure what age kids start school everywhere else but nursery kids in the UK are aged 3-4)
Alot of her kids tend to be quite childish too like they have that childish sense and childlike laughter
Their voices are somewhat higher pitched too
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bearswithaxes · 2 months
According to Regulus' wiki page, he has a wife and daughter??
Regulus married Emmeline Vance and had a daughter called Renne? No, just no.
Also sirius, the gayest man in hogwarts marrying the lesbian queen Marlene Mckinnon? Just no, and THIRE CHILDREN HAVING WIKI PAGES?? NO
Mary is also Reg and sirius' half sister?
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ima-ghost-art · 7 months
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Guess who finally got around to drawing their post-war Leo design!!! I think after exploding it doesn't make much sense that Leo would still be fully in one piece, to ofc his siblings made sure to help kit him out with some cool new celestial bronze limbs plus a monster-grade hearing aid!!
ALSO sketches of Frank just loving his small bf
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ickymiu · 1 year
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The gang defending themselves
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archer-kacey · 6 months
I saw your video about Norman and it was very interesting, you made many good points and I agree, but I did have a question that I'm wondering if I could get your thoughts on:
What makes canonicity important? I'm not sure if this is just a me thing, but I never considered the canon as a problem because I could just change whatever problem or thing I feel could be different/is missing myself in an au. Not a discredit to your point in the video, I'd just like to understand better if that's alright.
Short answer: It really just depends on the person how much canon matters. To me it does, but I encourage others to make AU's and ignore it altogether if they want lol.
Long answer: I feel like it's generally important to know what details there are in a story before retelling it. That way you have a base line "vanilla" version that also gives the general audience a chance to connect with each other. AU's can still be built off of that by dedicated fans, and the ones that are invested in the "canon" story can still have their fun as well. Of course, some creators are more strict than others. In the case of Bendy and the Ink Machine, Mike and Meatly seem to have an idea of what is canon versus what isn't, and they bring it up in conversations on Twitter/with fans, so I feel it's at least fair to judge how they run their story when their model is "We have a canon plot we are sticking to! (Please believe us!)"
The one time I think the ENTIRE Bendy fandom resisted canon was when Wally was confirmed to be old as hell. Literally nobody believed it lol. Now that the books "aren't canon" I guess the universal Young Wally lives another day.
Hell, even I still run with the idea that Shawn and Wally are together, and I could make a strong case for why they should/could be together, but it's not canon or based on any evidence.
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