#Friday's Place
missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
Fridays Place
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Chapter 19
Notes: I know nothing about courtroom procedures except what I've learned from movies so forgive me if it's all wrong.
Warnings: swearing, angst and a pinch of sexy stuff. I think that's it.
Bucky woke at 4am, confused by the unfamiliar room and the warm body next to him. When the sleep cleared from his head, he remembered the night before, pulled Friday closer to him and tried to go back to sleep until his alarm went off.
He woke up again to find she had stripped naked and was climbing on top of him "I can't wait anymore, I need you Bucky."
He was happy to oblige and pulled her down to kiss him while he rutted up into her "Fuck doll you feel so good"
He heard her moaning groggily "Bucky?!" She was pulling away "BUCKY!? What are you doing? Stop!"
"What? Did I do?" Then he realized he must have been dreaming and rubbing his morning wood into her backside. He jolted and quickly pulled away, blushing furiously "Oh my god, Friday I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to I was just having this dream where you-" he stopped himself before he could make things even worse. He was sure she already thought he was some kind of perv.
Friday smirked at him "A dream, you say? With little ol me? Whatever could I have been doing to elicit such a response?" And raised her brow questioningly.
Bucky stammered trying to think of a good story to cover his embarrassment "W-W-Well, I was uh you know and then you were doing a uh. Fuck I gotta get up and pee" and bolted for the bathroom, leaving Friday to lay back giggling.
Once he left her bathroom he muttered something about showering, apologized  and quickly left her room. Bucky went to the other bathroom, that looked like it belonged to Becca with a bathtub full of her toys, and started up a cold shower.
Friday got up and made breakfast for the three of them. She smiled at him when Bucky came to the dining room and he just blushed and looked away. Her smile dropped for a moment only to return when Becca came to the table.
Peter and MJ stopped in to grab coffee then went to take care of the horses after promising they would be at the courthouse asap.
Once they were all ready they climbed into Bucky's black SUV with Clint driving. Becca was dropped off first with demands of hugs and kisses from Bucky and Friday. Bucky smiled as he felt that now familiar domestic warmth at the interaction between the most important people in his world. He dropped that smile when he thought of all the trauma his world had already caused Friday and wondered if she would be better off if he left her alone after the trial was over and she was safe.
After Becca was gone the tension in the car shot up. Bucky was stoic, legal issues were nothing new to him but Friday was biting her nails. He reached to grab her hand, to offer some support but she was off in her own mind and flinched when he touched her. Bucky's heart dropped and he opened his mouth to say something when the car stopped and Clint announced their arrival.
Of course the area was mobbed with reporters and paparazzi. Before Bucky got out of the car he waited for Steve and Sam to catch up. Once they made it to his car Bucky opened the door and went around to help Friday out. She looked up at him with anxious eyes and he rubbed her hand in an attempt to soothe her.
The 4 of them headed to the building entrance with the 3 men surrounding Friday to protect her from any threats and the press. Reporters still tried to yell questions at her until Bucky threw a very scary, threatening look their way and they quieted. At least until Sharon showed up on Zemos arm.
When they entered the courtroom the first row of seats had been left open by Nat so Friday sat with her on one side and Bucky on the other. Tony, Vision, Wanda, Peter, MJ, Ororo, Scott and others from the stable were all there in support. The judge came in and made a statement about the case in addition to giving instructions to the jury. The D.A. made their opening statements about the horrific details of the video and Sharon's part in the assault on Friday. He also brought up some of the pranks Sharon had played on Friday for years going back to when they met as tweens.
Sharon's lawyer made his statements about how Sharon was neglected and emotionally abused as a child by her uncaring father and social climbing mother and by Brock when they were together. And how she was in therapy, working to become a better person, making sure to insist that prison time would prevent that and push her to more horrible acts out of desperation. Nat held Friday's hand and squeezed when each incident with Sharon was brought up.
The jury had already seen the video Brock made which included Sharon attacking Friday with the cat o nine tails so the prosecution was told to present their case. Of course the first thing they did was call Friday to the witness stand.
Friday stood up tall and proud, keeping her head up like Peggy had always taught her. She had worn a simple blue dress and low heels with her hair up, looking every inch the business woman and community leader that she was. Once she was sworn in the D.A. asked her to tell the court about her relationship with Sharon, including the horrible things she had done to her.
From putting ink in her showerhead to causing Louie to bolt during a practice jumping round which left Friday with 2 fractured vertebrae in her neck and a pin in the ankle she broke and Louie had to be put down, messing with her horses feed, vandalizing and graffiti, destroying her equipment and sleeping with her fiance after her mom convinced him and everyone they knew that Friday was a slut with a drug problem. Between the injuries from her accident with Louie and Sharon's mom ruining her reputation Friday's dreams were destroyed. Dave turned his back on her and none of the local stables would let her ride their horses and she couldn't afford her own horse so decided to throw herself into Peggys stable and help others.
"Sharon had a slumber party for her 13th birthday and invited me which was a big surprise. I didn't want to go but Peggy convinced me, she wanted us to be friends.......
12 year old Y/N was sweeping the barn after feeding the horses, singing when she heard someone behind her "I'm almost done Miss Peggy"
"Wrong Carter Y/N"
She turned around "Oh, Sharon. I think Peggy is in the house"
Sharon shook her head "I'm not here for Peggy." She paused "Look, I know I've been a real bitch to you and I want to apologize. And invite you to my birthday slumber party" she held out an invitation..
Y/N took it from her warily, not trusting Sharon "Uh yeah thanks. I'll have to talk to my mom but I'll let you know."
Sharon smirked and left Y/N to ponder if she was sincere.
Before she left she went to the office to grab her bike and let Peggy know she was leaving for the night.
"What's that in your hand Y/N?" Peggy inquired.
Y/N looked surprised "Oh this? Sharon invited me to her birthday party but I don't think I'm gonna go. I don't trust her."
Peggy smiled sadly "I know she's been awful to you but she told me she feels really bad about it and wants to make amends. Maybe you could give her one more chance? It would mean a lot to me, I would love for my 2 best students to get along."
Y/N shrugged "I'll ask my mom and think about it."
When she arrived at home Peggy and Sharon's mom, Amanda, had already called about the party. After a talk with her mom Y/N reluctantly decided she would go and give Sharon another chance. Her mom took her shopping for a new dress and nightgown plus a sleeping bag since they were supposed to be sleeping in the Carter's finished basement.
When Y/N arrived at the party most of the girls were already there and Sharon's cousin Agatha took her to the basement so she could drop her stuff.
The evening went smoothly, everyone was nice to Y/N but she noticed girls giggling and pointing at her. It wasn't a surprise since they all went to private school and knew each other while she went to public school. The only girls she knew there were Sharon and Agatha. They were all rich from powerful families and Y/N was just a poor girl whose dad was gone while her mom struggled to keep them housed and fed.
It was after midnight when the girls all changed into their PJ's and settled down in the basement, talking about clothes and boys. Y/N had designer knock off clothes and while she had crushes here and there, none of them ever showed any interest. Her mom always told her she was beautiful and that the boys needed to mature more before they would appreciate her. She stayed pretty quiet during the gossip since she didn't know any of the people they were talking about.
At 2am Sharon's dad came down to tell the girls lights out but Sharon was able to convince him to give them a little longer so they could have cocoa. Sharon and Agatha went to the kitchen and brought the treat down a few minutes later. When they passed it out Sharon made sure to give the mug with horses on it to Y/N and watched while she drank. Y/N could hear the other girls giggling as she drank but tuned them out.
Less than 15 minutes later Y/N was feeling very tired and laid down inside her sleeping bag before she fell asleep. She woke up because she felt something warm and wet in her sleeping bag. She sat up and looked around to see Agatha holding a bowl of water while the rest of the girls were laughing raucously, taking pictures.
Sharon had a malevolent grin on her face "You ok there, hun? Looks like you have a bed wetting problem. Maybe you should take a bathroom break."
Y/N got up and felt she was soaked from her waist to her knees. She quickly got up and ran to the bathroom with her overnight bag. Once she had changed into dry clothes she washed her hands and splashed some cool water on her face. When she looked in the mirror she screamed, they had chopped all her hair off, it looked like a drunk went at it with a lawnmower. It was cut in chunks, some close to her scalp and other parts 2-3 inches long. She called her mom crying, to come pick her up.
When Y/N left the bathroom Sharon and all the other girls were waiting outside the door with their phones, laughing, taking pictures and recording her reactions. Y/N tried to ignore them, packed up her stuff and went upstairs to wait for her mom.
Sharon followed her "I hope this teaches you a lesson, trash like you isn't good enough to lick my boots. Remember your place."
Y/N refused to take the bait until Sharon hit her on the back of the head. She turned around and punched Sharon as hard as she could, like Nat taught her, and Sharon went down. "You are the worst person I've ever met. I'd rather be poor than be a stuck up bitch like you" her phone buzzed and she raced out the door to her moms car.
End flashback ~~~~~~~~~
Friday felt tears running down her face and quickly wiped them away. She looked at the table where Sharon was sitting and saw that malevolent gleam in her eyes for just a second before Sharon dabbed at her eyes with a tissue, like she had been crying as well.
"But there must have been something that you did, there are always 2 sides to any story" he implored
Friday shook her head "Nothing that I'm aware of. She made it clear that she hated my relationship with her aunt Peggy and was upset when Peggy left the stable to me.
Recently she accused me of trying to get close to Brock but it was the other way around, he wouldn't leave me alone, even offered to leave my stable alone if I let him take me away for a weekend"
Friday kept her back straight and head high through the entire ordeal, tears running down her face but she refused to break down.
The D.A. offered her water "Miss Y/L/N, I know this has been traumatic for you to relive so I have just one more question for now. Do you believe Sharon has reformed?
Friday shook her head "This isn't the first time she had tried to apologize claiming that she has seen the error of her ways. Best I can remember it's closer to the 10th time. At least 3 of those she claimed she had found God and was working to be a better person. I know her father made her apologize more than once but I also know she never meant it because she couldn't be nice to me for more than a few days. She's afraid of going to jail, nothing else."
Sharons attorney objected saying that was speculation. The judge sustained the objection but the jury heard Friday's implication regardless. She was allowed to get down and a lunch recess was called. Bucky got up to help her walk down and she took his arm, grateful for the support. Nat was on her other side and escorted Friday into the ladies room while Bucky stood watch outside.
Friday splashed cool water on her face and Nat helped her fix her makeup. "Are you ok, Maya lyubov?"
Friday shook her head "I don't know, reliving all the drama with Sharon has made me realize how bad it's been. Almost 20 years of trying to tear me down, hurting me pretty badly a couple of times. I wish I knew what I did."
Nat shook her head "Don't do that. You didn't do anything except be a better rider and have a close relationship with Peggy.
Now, let's get you something to eat"
Friday sighed "I'm not really hungry. This afternoon is going to be worse. Going over that video and what happened for those 2 days in front of a bunch of people isn't my idea of a good time."
"I know but you need to try to eat a little something. A smoothie? How about a chocolate shake"
Friday nodded and grinned.
"That's my girl. Now lets go before Barnes knocks the door down."
After lunch outside under a tree Bucky helped Friday get up "are you ready for this afternoon?"
"As ready as I'll ever be"
Friday took the stand again and the DA went through her kidnapping and the 2 days Brock held her. They went over everything that happened, everything that Sharon did and said during those 2 days. By the time she was done she was sobbing and almost incoherent.
The judge called for a recess until the next morning when more witnesses would be called for the prosecution.
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hajihiko · 5 months
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Have a great day ✨ ❤
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kevinsdsy · 2 months
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all for the game social media au — summer olympics edition (pt. 2): i’ve literally been watching olympics football from 3pm til 11pm today so i think thats reason enough for me to post another part even tho the olympics officially start friday SHDJDHD
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Halloween prompt year 2 day 13
"Please stop..." the teen pleaded and Bruce felt his heart clench. He was strapped down to a metal table like a frog being readied for dissection and it took everything Bruce had to not rush over and free him.
The chanting started up again and the boy started screaming, from pain or rage he wasn't sure. All he knew was that the fluids leaking from his and Salinas sons mouth and eyes looked far too similar to the Lazarus waters. The exorcism continued, with Constantine, Zatanna, and Raven all doing everything they could to back up the Exorcist as Danny convulsed on the table, more and more of the odd green goo oozing from his body. It was coming out of his ears and nose now, as well as his pores, giving the sweat on his body a sickly green sheen.
"This is number three!" The exorcist shouted, holding his object of power into the air, "I command you to go back to the damned!" The object was lowered with the intention of touching the boys forehead. The boy desperately tilted his head in an vain attempt to escape from it and Batman forced himself to clench his fists to keep himself from rushing over and helping his son. He hadn't even known Danny existed, having had another son hidden from him by a woman he had loved. He understands why Salina had did it. She must have been early on in the pregnancy with him when Jason had been killed.
She must have thought Bruce couldn't protect her or thier son.
She was right.
But Bruce was here now and he wanted his son to be free of whatever this 'Pit demon' wanted from him. "John. How much longer-"
His question was cut short by an explosion rocking the entirety of the building, forcing him and John to rush to the force of the blast and leave the other behind to complete the ritual
This turned out to be a mistake as it was just a diversion.
Bruce glared at the beast. The werewolf esqe being was holding his sons unconscious form in his arms. Its claws were sharp, long and thin like someone had attached a senbon to the end of each of the creatures fingers. Its teeth weren't much better, all long and needle sharp like something out of a nightmare. The beast, even from this distance, kept is gaze locked onto his own as it slowly backed away into the portal behind it, its clothes and black fur flowing unnaturally with its movements. In moments both the creature and the portal were gone.
So that was a pit demon.
Regardless, Bruce approached the place the portal had been. He would get his son back.
He swore it.
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somegrumpynerd · 5 months
I really want Nightmare and Dream to freaky friday swap into each other's bodies and have to deal with their enemies from the other side.
Like Dream is trying to get used to one eye and being encased in goop and how do you control these tentacles and every few minutes one of the boys appears to ask for something or show him something or just hang around him. He's trying his best to sound professional and stern (it's not a great impression) but also he feeds off negativity now right?? So why does it sting so much when they're around him?
Meanwhile Nightmare is goop-free and seeing in two eyes for the first time in centuries (and probably takes twice as long to do things because he forgets he doesn't have tentacles anymore). He's trying to sound upbeat and cheery (again, not a great impression) but also good grief people really bother Dream for things. It seems like every way he turns there's somebody who needs something or has a sob story or a complaint, and he's beginning to realise why Dream protects Blue so violently how are you emitting all this positivity please don't leave me. Also where is Ink. Every five minutes where is he what is he doing.
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splep · 2 months
hatchetfield x chicago
pls enjoy :3
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theotherhappyplace · 16 days
Just felt like adding sparkles and one of my favorite songs to this illustration I made
The song is called "Hey who really cares" by Linda Perhacs
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pand1on · 5 months
i wish i could articulate my frustration with the knuckles series/scu's handling of knuckles' heritage. i just hope that people recognized that stupid 'joke' where wade couldn't pronounce pachacamac's name as the anti-Indigenous racism it was
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roki-roki-roll · 1 month
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Burn everything down to absolute zero
Take it and take it back
A prelude
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Some other versions
Originally the one on the right was gonna be the final one but I wanna try to improve rather than staying at the same look shrug
I wonder how these girlies are doing
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
Fridays Place
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Mob AU
Notes: She's back! this is kinda short but I've been struggling with it for months and finally pushed thru the block. Hopefully I'll be able to keep the story flowing.
Warnings: swearing, angst
Chapter 18
The first few days that Bucky and Becca stayed at her place were awkward. Becca didn't notice but they did. One morning Bucky thought Friday was still outside so he tried to go from the bathroom to the guest room in just a towel. Unfortunately for him, she came back in the house as he was walking down the hall.
After watching him for a second she joked "Jeez Bucky, don't you have a bathrobe or anything? It's dangerous running around a single girls house in nothing but a towel."
Bucky blushed and turned around smirking "I don't mind but I could get rid of the towel if you prefer."
Before Friday could respond Becca had opened her bedroom door and looked at her father "Daddy! That's gross, keep the towel or you might scare Miss Friday away again"
Friday had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. Bucky grumbled about smart ass kids and went to his room to get dressed.
Friday went into the kitchen to make breakfast for Becca before Bucky needed to take her to school. The three of them at the table eating together was so sweet and domestic Bucky thought he might explode.
After Bucky dropped Becca off he called Tony, Steve, Sam and Clint to meet him at the stable and discuss Malick returning to town, obviously due to the dust up with Hydra and the upcoming trials for Sharon and Pierce.
When he pulled back into the stable he sat in his SUV for a few minutes trying to figure out how to deal with this new twist. All he knew for sure was that he would kill anyone who tried to hurt Friday, with his bare hands if necessary.
When other cars started pulling up he got out and went to the grassy picnic area behind the house and waited for everyone to show.
Tony and Vis, driven by Happy, were the last to arrive. Friday made coffee and went with Peter and MJ to take care of the horses while the rest of them talked or more like argued about how to handle Malicks return.
Tony shook his head "I know you're spun on this girl Barnes but you have to think with your big head. You're moved in here so should be able to keep a close eye on her. The problem is that the trial is creeping up on us which means Sharon and Pierce will be around."
Bucky nodded "I know. There are restraining orders on both of them so they shouldn't come here but that doesn't mean they won't. I'm more concerned about the actual trial and Friday testifying. That's coming up quickly and I want to make sure we can keep her safe. She hasn't left her property since she came home from the hospital so leaving will likely be rough on her."
Tony nodded "We need to get our best lawyer in here. Matt Murdock is the only man for this job. He's really good with people who have been through Hell. Sensitive and all that. He also knows everyone and can find out what angle Sharon will play."
Bucky snorted "Sharon is the best at being horrible and playing the victim all at once. Friday will probably have to go through their entire relationship to prove Sharon's lifetime of animosity and nasty pranks."
Tony's phone rang "What's up Rhodey? Shit, that's all we need." his face paled and he hung up. He looked at Bucky "Rhodeys contact at the airport called. Private jet came in last night. From Sokovia."
Bucky and Steve groaned as Bucky looked at Steve "Go find out where that prick is amd keep me updated."
Steve nodded and grabbed Sam "C'mon, man."
Matt Murdock was called and scheduled to meet with Friday in a couple of days so that he had time to suss out the defense's strategy before he met her. That way they could work on theirs. When they did meet she was surprised to see he was blind, no one had mentioned it to her. They sat in her living room with Bucky while Becca was in school and went over what Matt had found out about the defense's plans and work on theirs.
"Sounds like Sharon is planning to play penitent and newly saved to help reduce her sentence. And they are selling Pierce down the river." Matt told them.
Friday rolled her eyes "She's tried that before. After the accident she caused that killed Louie and broke my leg, she showed up at the hospital, crying and begging me to forgive her. She blamed her mom, insisted she was forced to do it. I didn't believe her but Peggy did and wanted me to accept. I did but only for Peggy, she had done so much for me I couldn't tell her no. It wasn't even a month before Sharon and her friends were at it again. I don't believe for one second that she's changed or that she ever will."
In the last week Friday's anxiety ramped up and her sleep was plagued by nightmares. She woke up screaming every night and Bucky rarely left her side except to sleep, not including the times she fell asleep curled up against him while watching tv. She could barely eat either and started to look gaunt and sickly again. Bucky did everything he could think of to help her feel better without much luck.
A few days before the trial started Bucky, Friday and Matt were finishing up their meeting on the porch when a car pulled up. Bucky quickly stood up and reached for his gun, waving Friday and Matt behind him.
A medium height man with light brown hair stepped out of the car.
Bucky growled "Helmet, when did you slither back into town"
The man shook his head "Now James I thought we had grown past all that silly name calling." He raised his hands up showing he wasn't armed "I've come to speak with the famous Miss Friday, on behalf of my fiance."
"Fiance? What happened to your wife?"
"You know that story already James. Could you introduce me to your lady friend?"
"I'd really rather not" Bucky sighed "Friday, this is Baron Helmut Zemo from Sokovia. One of Malicks associates. Zemo, this is Miss Friday.
Now, Zemo, who is your fiance and why would she send you here?"
"Of course you both know her, Sharon Carter and I will be married as soon as this court mess is settled"
Friday rolled her eyes "Are you stupid, a masochist or one of those people that's into convicts? I'm not interested in anything Sharon has to say so you can leave now."
Bucky grinned "You heard the lady, so head on out."
Zemo shook his head "Miss Friday, I know you and Sharon have had a contentious relationship for many years but-"
Friday scoffed "If by contentious you mean she has done everything in her power to terrorize and bully me since we were kids, sure."
"I understand Miss but the most recent incident has given Sharon much to think about. She wants to turn her life around. She feels horrible about how she's treated you."
"Most recent incident? You mean the one where she and her boyfriend raped me for 2 days, she flogged me, poured alcohol on the welts and then tried to kill me? I don't care if she had an epiphany or found Jesus. I hope she feels like shit and rots in prison." She turned and led Matt back into the house.
Bucky smirked at Zemo "I think shes done talking to you. See you at the trial." And watched Zemo leave before going back inside.
The night before the trial started Bucky got a late call from Tony. "Pierce is dead. Fury said they're calling it suicide but I think Zemo and Malick are cutting their losses. There was a note, confessing to coordinating Friday's abduction and apologizing. They'll probably try to push the blame for all of it to him and claim Sharon was manipulated by him and Brock."
Bucky scoffed "Too bad they didn't find Sharon with him. Zemo stopped by, claims he's engaged to her and she wants to apologize to Friday, feels terrible about what she did"
Tony chuckled "I'm guessing she didn't go for it?"
"Nah, something about hoping Sharon rots and questioning Zemos intelligence and morals for getting involved with her."
"I hope she can keep that strength up. I'll see you in the morning, pal. Get some rest."
Friday came out of her room, looking exhausted "Who was that? Is everything ok?"
Bucky pulled her into his arms "It was Tony. Pierce was found dead. The police are calling it a suicide but thats unlikely. Malick probably had him taken out." He told her about the note.
Friday gripped him tighter "Cleaning up their mess. How long till someone comes for me?" She asked lifelessly.
Bucky pulled back, gently grabbed her chin until she was looking him in the eyes. "It doesn't matter, I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."
She pulled away from him "So you'll spend the rest of your life babysitting me? I get to live the rest of my life looking over my shoulder? I don't know if I can do this Buck."
"It won't be forever doll. We'll get past this."
She rested her head on his shoulder "I know you mean it but I don't believe it."
"Lets get you back to bed. You need your rest before tomorrow."
In a voice so soft he almost didn't hear her she told him "I don't want to be alone"
"You aren't" and he lead her back into her room where he helped her into bed and curled up behind her and whispered "I'll always be here next to you." Before they both drifted off.
Chapter 19
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
Obsessed with how pathetic you make Jim Guangyao look. The hat. I love it.
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Don't let the smile and sweet words fool you, Jim Guangyao has lost everything in the divorce, and continues to lose.
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strawberrystepmom · 8 days
in the tags - tell me what love tastes, smells, and feels like to you
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dual-domination · 1 month
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Guardian vol 3 Special Edition 💚💚💚
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wtfwhy · 4 months
Emma Perkins has always given me strong Eleanor Shellstrop vibes
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You should send her to the Black and White from the Starkid play Black Friday.
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Pomni is in the Black And White
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ivanttakethis · 2 months
Till has to have known Ivan had a crush on him right. He's not that oblivious. He didn't think Ivan was trying just to bro it out with him like bros do right. He didn't think they were just pals palling around. He didn't think that his very much straight friend Ivan was just asking for a kissy right.
I feel like this Alien Stage Friday post is going to come back to haunt us later
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Honestly, I don’t know WHAT is rattling around in Till’s skull.
He may not know that Ivan likes him in the same way that he likes Mizi, but I hope he doesn’t think this is average bro behavior 💀
Kissing your guy friends isn’t just “guys being dudes” Till! That’s guys being gay!! (Or bisexual, at the very least)
And also, what the FUCK Ivan?!?
You think the guy who considered KISSING YOU as a BIRTHDAY PRESENT doesn’t care about you AT ALL????? 🤨
Till wasn’t in Anakt Garden chatting it up with fucking Acorn like “Yeah bro when’s your birthday? I’ll kiss you on the mouth as a gift, no tongue tho.” IT’S JUST YOU.
If any other guy even thought about asking Till to kiss them, he would probably punch their lights out. Actually, I’m surprised he didn’t punch YOUR lights out!!
But the fact that he didn’t means SOMETHING!!!
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