br1ghtestlight · 2 months
the idea of tina watching one of bob's old western movies w/ him and falling for a cowboy with a thick southern accent and then realizing to her devastation that zeke is actually really hot is very funny to me LMAO
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sansofhumor · 1 year
Can I request 17, spooning with my beloved Salphys, please? ♥♥♥ (Sans/Alphys)
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late night at the lab?
[ask game]
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makelikesprinkles · 2 months
Dirk is hyper self controlling because he doesn't want anyone to see the "real" him, how "bad" of a person he is, so he keeps his social interactions on lockdown. Hal is antagonistic and controlling to all his friends because he is clinging onto that last shred of what makes him a "real" Dirk.
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leonardalphachurch · 11 months
epsilon canonically doing millions of simulations mean that you can make a genuine argument that all rvb fanfiction has been made by epsilon in canon
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king-of-ice420 · 5 days
Hey gang!! I wanted to introduce tumblr to a little somethin' somethin' I've been cooking up for a little while now. Meet Fionna and Cake!! They're based off of my friends, Finn and Jake!
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I got one for everybody, actually! They're like a little extended universe that came from my noodle. I'd be willing to share my books about them on here! 😋
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gobbochune · 8 months
Gale wasn’t entirely sure when the traveling party returned from their business in the city, as he had spent most of the day sulking in his tent. He had a distinct impression that he and his comrades were meant to do something while their leader went about the important work, but as he had always been apart of that work Gale found himself quite out of sorts. Nevertheless at some point the sky had darkened considerably, and by the murmur of talk outside it seemed as though Ciaran had returned. 
…And still wasn’t talking to him. 
Aftermath of the reveal of (@malewife-mansplain-magus) Ciaran's past. Durge/Gale
Gale wasn’t entirely sure when the traveling party returned from their business in the city, as he had spent most of the day sulking in his tent. He had a distinct impression that he and his comrades were meant to do something while their leader went about the important work, but as he had always been apart of that work Gale found himself quite out of sorts. Nevertheless at some point the sky had darkened considerably, and by the murmur of talk outside it seemed as though Ciaran had returned. 
…And still wasn’t talking to him. 
Gale hissed irritably through his teeth. It wasn’t as if, even if they were to speak, there be much to say. No, Gale had made his stance perfectly clear, he thought, and had been punished for it by wasting away in the camp. Both he and Karlach had been exiled from active participation, some nonsense they’d come up with months ago about keeping track of everyone, but somehow seemed utterly ridiculous now it was him on the proverbial bench. 
It wasn’t right. It felt like being placed in a box, told not to make a fuss. It felt like Mystra, which was a pit in his mind that Gale was keen to avoid. And it was partially this feeling that kept Gale from being the one to seek him out. It wasn’t as if he’d been the one to do anything wrong, anything so catastrophically, morally, and cosmically wrong that it doomed the entire coastline. 
And yet it had become dark again, as it seemed to every day now that he was no longer by his side. And just like every night before, he could see the silhouettes of Ciaran from his tent, accompanied by Jahira’s soothing whispers. Gale wasn’t so pathetic as to eavesdrop, but he knew from experience what was likely being said. That had once been him standing there, whispering those same empty comforts. And it was because of this that he found himself glaring rather petulantly through the entrance of his tent. 
Not because he wanted to join, as it was not correct for him to be the one to break the silence. Not because he was jealous, because not even he was so unhinged as to mistake that motherly sort of friendship for something deeper. But simply because Jahira was standing in a place by Ciaran’s side, a place was his, and Gale of Waterdeep was not one to share. 
‘So go back.’ A voice fiendishly similar to a certain Tressim’s whispered in the back of his conscience, ‘If it's your place, you ought to be there.’ 
Grunting, Gale snapped the entrance to his tent shut. He was still angry, he had a right to be angry. Everything they’d done, all the suffering, all the hardship, it was just him all along. Bhaal’s special little chosen, Gortash’s… something or other that Gale cared not to think too deeply on, and they’d been letting him play hero fixing a crisis of his own design. 
Gale told himself that this could all have been a trick. Between world domination and the horrors of the cult, what was a little game of playing amnesiac? His dearest sister certainly had no qualms against shifting into whatever role could twist the knife the firecest. There was always the chance that there was no Ciaran Finch in the first place. 
Somewhere far away, a city dog howled. There was some feeble chorus in answer, before the night stilled into silence once again. 
Upright and whitefaced, Gale had to contend with the realization that his initial fear was that the sound meant someone, somehow, had been privy to his thoughts, and had been foolish enough to think they held any merit. 
Gale settled with a groan. If he believed any of that, even a little, then he wouldn’t have spent hours seething over someone else standing in his place. It wouldn’t still be his place in his heart, just as it had been that horrible night in moonrise towers, or the evening spent together in the weave. He was only angry because he wasn’t angry, or at least wouldn’t be forever. 
Rolling over onto his side, Gale finally concluded that he wouldn’t do any sleeping again. And the thought that his probable inactivity the next day did nothing to ease his frustrations as to the fact. He and Ciaran needed to have… a chat. Some things were said, or rather, Gale had said some things, and Ciaran had simply dismissed him. At the time he stewed in outrage at being told what to do by the architect of their combined doom, but now he just felt himself aching to take it all back. It wouldn’t be fair to wake Ciaran up just to reconcile, so it seemed a proper penance for Gale to wait, alone, for the sun to rise. 
Sheepishly, he rolled back to the tent flap just a crack, curious if his musings had done anything to pass the hours by. 
Outside was still, a frigid painting of a cool summer night. It would be first light soon, the fire smoking and anyone beside it had long since retired to their tents. Or rather, those that had tents. 
Somewhere Ciaran was sleeping alone. He always did, ever since that night Bhaal had nearly taken him. Somewhere far away from the rest of them so they might have a chance to escape if his urge took over again. Every single precaution taken to ensure that whoever he had once been wouldn’t hurt the people he cared for. 
Gale scrunched his eyes shut. Courtesy or no, they needed to talk now. 
Assuming that there weren’t any other horrific urges stewing in Ciaran’s mind, now would be the best time. Explanations and apologies needed to be made. There simply wasn’t enough time for them to waste on petty infighting. After a cursory attempt to look less like he’d been tossing and turning by himself for hours, he pushed the flap aside and went about searching. 
It wasn’t as if Ciaran was hiding every night. That would be almost childish, and whatever else his condition had done to him, he wasn’t a coward. But some nights Gale found him camping a bit further out than others, as seemed to be the case now. As the dawn threatened to brighten with every moment that passed, Gale searched further and further than the outskirts. 
But just as he was about to turn back, wondering if Ciaran had been so unsettled by their spat that he’d actually joined Jahira in her tent, there he was sitting on a raised bit of grass overlooking Wyrm’s Rock. 
Wide awake and fully dressed, Ciaran looked no different than he did any morning. If not for the dim lighting, Gale might have thought it was simply him who had overslept. 
“You’re… awake?” He asked, and then winced at being the one to break the silence. 
Slowly Ciaran swung his head to face Gale, only making his nerves spike further. He didn’t know what he expected to see, pain, anger, even a crumb of the haunting dread that had been torturing him all night? On the contrary, Ciaran looked almost… peaceful. 
“Ah,” He rumbled, “As are you.”
There was an awkward silence, Gale had the distinct impression they both felt as though they’d been caught red handed by the other. He slid his tongue awkwardly over his teeth
“...I had hoped to have a moment to speak to you.” began Gale awkwardly. 
A warm smile spread across Ciaran’s face, and for a moment it was as though things could go back to normal. 
“There’s no need.” 
The moment passed quickly. 
“What?” Gale asked, “I… highly disagree.”
Ciaran looked at him for a long time with that faraway smile on his face, before heaving a deep sigh. He released it quickly, with finality, before leaping off the rock to face Gale fully. 
“You were right,” He said simply, “How many horrors have we witnessed on this little adventure of ours? From the cruelty of the goblins to Yenna’s abandonment, all of this is my fault.”
Gale felt a pit sinking in his stomach, too vast to speak for a moment. It was in that silence that he allowed his gaze to drop, and subsequently see the packed satchel sitting at Ciaran’s feet. 
“Don’t give me that look, it’s not as though this is anything new. We always knew I was something horrible. If anything, it's a long time coming…” 
Ciaran chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head as though this were a conversation about anything more lighthearted. 
The words caught behind Gale’s tongue, wanting to say that whatever he’d done in his past life was over now, the very same affirmations he’d been repeating for weeks. But those affirmations had meant nothing in the face of Ciaran’s true origins, weeks of trying to convince him of his value were undone in an instant. 
With nothing else he could say, Gale repeated hopelessly: “Ciaran…”
The smile twitched. A slight crack in Ciaran’s mask of self assurance. 
“Don’t,” he said, “I don’t want to go back and forth with this. I felt the world… crumble beneath me when I learned the truth. And when I reached out to steady myself, I realized not even you could justify what I’ve done.”
The smile was back on his face again, but there was a distinct desperation in his eyes. 
“I can’t be around you all anymore, I can’t look at you knowing it was me who caused all of this. I don’t presume to ask anything from any of you, but if you have any sympathy left for me you’d let me go.”
A kernel of doubt rotted in the base of Gale’s gut, but beneath the despair it didn’t register. He dropped his jaw to croak a retort, before snapping it shut again. 
A long silence followed, before he sighed and looked away. He couldn’t force himself to give his blessing, but there was merit to the request. He’d said something horrible to someone who must have been reeling himself. What right did Gale have to stop him?
Agonized moments slid away, Gale unable to look at Ciaran, unable to know what expression he was making. Stupidly, he was unable to look up. An archmage who had once fancied himself a god in the making, too afraid to say a single word. 
“So you’ll let me go?” Came Ciaran’s familiar low voice, but with a slightly more musical cadence then usual. 
The dissonance was enough to make Gale finally snap his head up. 
A smirk was playing on Ciaran’s lips as he looked at Gale with outraged astonishment. 
“After all that, I really matter so little do you?” He chirped a high and terrible thing that might have been a laugh, “Poor, poor, older brother…”
Gale wasn’t sure what was more horrifying, the sight of Ciarian’s head pulling and twisting to one side, or the sounds of bones snapping, skin sliding, and the rustle of worm-like hairs slithering through pores. White, milky, pigment flooded across his skin like a blight, his features dissolved into cinders, and through it all that awful high giggle that had mocked them since arriving at the gate. 
Gale took a shaking step back, suddenly aware of just how far from the camp he had wandered. It was a foregone conclusion, even before the sickly-sweet scent of carrion stepped from a pool of gore. 
“Look at it…”
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badlydrawnkankri · 10 months
come on kankri... give meulin a chance...
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how well do you think a relationship between idia and no wei would work out
for research purposes
Romantic, friendship...?
Let's do friendship.
As we are aware, No Wei is an extrovert. I know, the absolute horror of it. Idia, as we know, is an introvert. This creates the situation of the extrovert adopting the introvert. So, this basic friendship type does work. As we see, No is very fine to adopt introverts, extroverts, ambiverts--the magic of friendship.
No's amicable to any sort of hang-out, but would definitely drag Idia out (which is good for him, in her opinion) to do things. Maybe a cafe that resembles something from one of his animes, or just a stroll around campus.
Idia is super obvious about his thoughts and feelings. He clearly can't stop saying the quiet parts aloud, and he would certainly be the one to slip up with a crush with a variety of phrases about how cute No is, etc. Which, would make this easy except.
Romantic intentions
No's head.
Which is something we can consider one of her personality flaws? Or, great Otome. :)
Either No gets a clue, or Idia fucks up and confesses. There's really those two scenarios of how it happens. If No gets a clue, she's going to talk to him about it and since we're in Otome mode, accept his feeling (if not, oof)--if Idia just fucks up, then we get Idia running away, No chasing, and that's just going to be nice and ridiculous isn't it?
Idia's habit of both being the most arrogant fucker in the room and the most self-deprecating will come out here. He snagged the girl, so he's going to be egotistical about it, "wow I have an SO so how big of losers do you have to be to still be single", he's going to get punched in the face probably. Deserved. Then, of course, freak out about how he's going to fuck up. It's lucky that No will find this amusing.
He'll approach dates from anime examples and lucky for him No has a little bit of weeb-ness in her, so as awkward and dumb it'll be, they'll both have a lot of fun and enjoy dates together.
Idia also has Ortho to run success rates.
That will save him a lot.
No may not end up liking the whole taking-over-the-family business thing for the happily ever after, but she'll be a great, supportive wife. <3
There you go. It works out pretty well. Idia is very much the, "it's fine they messed up my meal i'm just gonna bitch online", and No is the, "pardon ME, but he asked for no pickles". They have a very good balance potential.
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biomic · 2 years
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im going to pass out
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nanenna · 1 year
Y'all! I have a very, very serious question for ya:
Would Data (Star Trek TNG) write fiction in MLA format?
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blood-orange-juice · 1 year
Scara would look at how Kaeluc is burnt in the fandom and ask what is happening, people will explain how it's incest and he would laught his ass off not understanding how people misunderstood their relationship that badly.
Then seeing how annoyed people can be at this innocent ship, he would begun (irronicaly) shipping the most bad things in the fandom just to see people go mad over pixels (...he's pixels too but that's okay)
He would create the crackest and the most cursed ships you could think of and he would just grin at every death thread he would receive,
He absolutely would, this is my headcanon now.
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tifadoesnotblog · 9 months
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Coming soon...ish
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edgarallanpoestan · 1 year
yaoicord cant even take the angst seriously oh my god
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unheardm · 1 year
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Here's an update on Devil or Angel - Love-Hate relationship (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1297856950-devil-or-angel-love-hate-relationship?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=blueranger12&wp_originator=h3i7wA38yt352uvIYJnV%2BuxuloI597mcWh4DvbMxBr%2Bi9fNdge5t6xGXlYDEfffynDJbNUEfsjJf2m2ALyHi7ef%2BX3ZR9M90MgjX5cWjsIMyhz%2FML4m1khZamkzKt7Yu How do events that happen in one person's life change their entire life? In this story, you will read about two girls who became best friends after a small clash, and how their lives changed. Angel, a girl with a beautiful name and a devilish yet caring personality, comes to a new school after beating a few boys on the street. With a record for fighting and picking fights with people and rough behaviour towards everyone, she struggles to cope with her new surroundings and make new friends. But despite her challenges, she excels academically and has an undiscovered talent that is yet to be revealed. Moon is a simple, introverted girl who manages to make friends with Angel, despite their differences. As they navigate the ups and downs of high school over the course of three years, Moon and Denial help Angel discover her undiscovered talent. Along the way, they face challenges and triumphs, and their friendship grows stronger. This story is narrated by Moon, one of the two girls, as she reflects on the events of their high school years and the impact they had on her life.
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scottvenn · 1 year
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The Silk Trap - Chapter One: The Fall (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1296254701-the-silk-trap-chapter-one-the-fall?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Aldothalion&wp_originator=rSIHu4xOl3yKTQwkJey52lGlWagtYpYbb7pUq8EBri2%2FYC6nJGAwrJD4tDUBSvSrsTrLpXinYJcIoIvI8wMv7bdC%2B60VRARFGys2DB5nuYPvQ451GUEz4GzXnu%2BY1Fal After the death of a family member, Marcus Bachman returns to his family's hometown to connect with his eccentric extended family. After the move his life becomes far more terrifying than he ever could have thought. Magic? Witches? Monsters?! On top of graduation and college applications now he has to save his hometown from evil AND solve a crime!
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shawshankshadow · 17 days
amy rose should be allowed to be as unabashedly twelve as possible and while i’m grateful that she’s been freed from the weird misogynistic caricature hell she was trapped in during the early 2000s, i feel like the newer takes sometimes lean a little too hard into mom girlbossification. she should have mabel pines-esque sticker-covered diaries and a shelf full of tina belcher-style friendfiction. she is not pepper potts!!!
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