#Frisian issues
birdofmay · 1 year
FAQ (updated 9 September 2024)
Medical content: 1. Can I use AAC if I'm not nonverbal? 2. Nuances of being nonverbal 3. Why your brain can't make sense of speech 4. What's CAS? 5. Apraxia vs. dyspraxia 6. Verbality level 7. Alternative terms for losing speech 8. Autism levels 9. Support needs 10. irl contact with me 11. Asking for my opinion
Personal content: 1. Frisian vs. German 2. The Frisian language 3. Metal recommendations 4. Why I have extensive knowledge on metal
Medical questions start here
"Can I use AAC if I'm not nonverbal/nonspeaking?"
Yes. Absolutely. Unless it's a last cookie scenario (you're taking the last cookie even though someone else in the room would need it more), AAC isn't limited. If you benefit from AAC of any kind, use it. You even help to normalise it that way.
Just make sure not to dominate discussions about AAC users who can't speak at all.
"Why do you guys say that nonverbal means you can't speak at all? There's more nuance to that!"
True, but when we gave more nuance, suddenly verbal people thought that they "by definition" are nonverbal/nonspeaking too.
I never learned to speak, but I can sing and make sounds with my mouth and say single words (up to 3 on a good day). And I'm medically considered nonverbal because I can't voluntarily say these words etc.
In my experience it's better to give as little nuance as possible to people who don't know much about us (otherwise they're confused by too much information) and only talk about nuances once they understand the basics...
...which sometimes happens soon but sometimes never at all...
"Sometimes I listen to people and my brain can't make sense of what they say, what's that?" - Maybe....
an ADHD thing
a sensory overload thing
receptive language issues
auditory processing disorder
...or check out how language processing and auditory processing works in general, autism can make these things hard without it being an additional disorder ☝🏼
"What's CAS?"
Childhood apraxia of speech (also known as Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia) is a condition where individuals struggle to "let their mouth do what their brain wants" - it's as if mouth and brain don't cooperate
It comes in mild and severe cases and is lifelong (but it's possible to make a lot of progress, depending on the symptoms)
Normally language comprehension isn't impaired, it's just speaking that doesn't work
Check this external Cleveland Clinic link that explains it very well
"Are apraxia and dyspraxia the same? Can regular dyspraxia affect the mouth?"
Apraxia and childhood apraxia of speech aren't the same; usually apraxia is due to brain damage of some kind, and CAS isn't. Dyspraxia often is used to refer to developmental conditions, which is why CAS is also called developmental verbal dyspraxia. Unfortunately, apraxia and dyspraxia are often used interchangeably, so it's necessary to always make it clear what we mean first.
There also is a second definition of dyspraxia and apraxia: dys- means something is impaired and a- means that it's impossible to do/absent. This, again, is why it's important to make it clear what we mean. Medical settings use all of these definitions - yep, that's kind of chaotic 😅
Normal dyspraxia can definitely affect the mouth and the whole face. My sources are people I know from disability programs and therapy, but I've seen papers about that too at some point.
Many people with CAS have normal dyspraxia too (as two different diagnoses), but not everyone.
Yes, CAS can affect fine- and gross motor skills, but that doesn't always make it regular dyspraxia too
"I don't know what my verbality level would be considered!"
Me neither! But check out my masterpost
and don't forget that "unreliably speaking" is for people with "full body apraxia" to describe the brain-body disconnect only.
"I've heard that we shouldn't say "going nonverbal", what other words can we say instead?"
Here, a nice little list!
"I don't know my autism level!"
Me neither, only the DSM-5 has autism levels, I don't have an autism level either.
I was diagnosed with severe autism because they made me take several additional "severity tests" after the normal diagnostic tests.
If your country uses the DSM-5, maybe you've been diagnosed when they still used the DSM-4. Or you simply weren't assigned a level, not every professional does that.
"I don't know what support needs I'd be considered!"
Me neither, but check out my support needs masterpost
A "general rule of thumb" is "Help with IADLs = low support needs, help with IADLs and some BADLs = medium support needs, help with IADLs and most or all BADLs = high support needs", but these categories aren't as strict as they seem.
Do you have care needs? No? Then you're not high support needs, you're most likely low or low-to-mid support needs.
My country re-assesses my support needs regularly; if you're medium or high support needs and weren't medically neglected your whole life, you'd normally know that you're medium or high support needs already, because that's tested (if you're not sure, check the documents). But testing is different from country to country.
Unless, of course, something happened recently that you now suddenly need a lot of help, definitely more than before. In this case there likely wasn't any testing yet. But in that case I can't help you either, because I don't test you.
Note because this still is a common misunderstanding: The DSM-5 says for example "Autism level 1: Requires support", but the support that's meant there has nothing to do with the support needs we're talking about in this and in the linked post. It's a little unfortunate that both say "support" because people always think it's the same when it really really isn't ☝🏼
"How should people who want to be friends with you in real life act, so that you're not overwhelmed?"
See, that's the main difference between my (severe) autism and most people on Tumblr. I'm not interested in real life friends. Chatting via messenger is the most relaxing kind of communication for me.
My parents, carers, accompanying people, etc. tell others exactly what to do or not to do so that I'm not overwhelmed. But you'd mostly speak to them instead of me anyway because direct contact is overwhelming.
"What's your opinion on this term/view/discourse/political topic/debate? Is [thing] offensive?"
I have a language disorder that makes it hard to understand the meaning of things and to connect the word to the meaning of the word. Unless it's a thing of my everyday life, I most likely won't understand this thing or I don't know anything about it.
I may sound quite articulate on here, but I have brain damage from birth; there are many things I don't understand, especially if it's in complex language.
I don't understand politics or money, and I don't understand laws on disability, unless they affect me personally and are those of my country.
Personal questions start here
"Wait, you say you're Frisian, but I just saw a post where you said you're German. Are you both or what?"
I quote Wikipedia: "Frisia is a cross-border cultural region in Northwestern Europe. Stretching along the Wadden Sea, it encompasses the north of the Netherlands and parts of northwestern Germany."
My family on my dad's side is East Frisian & my family on my mum's side is North Frisian
By definition, North and East Frisia is in Germany
"Do you speak Frisian?"
Frisian isn't just one language. Google Translate may say "Frisian", but that's actually West Frisian of the Netherlands.
My dad's family speaks East Frisian Low German because the East Frisian language (except for Sater Frisian) is extinct
My mum's side lost their North Frisian language version because it was forbidden multiple times. It is actively revived, but my grandparents are too old to re-learn it successfully
I understand my dad's Low German, but I don't speak it myself
"I'm new to metal. Do you have recommendations?"
Here's a brief overview for beginners!
"How do you know so much about metal? 😮"
Both of my parents AND grandparents are metalheads; my "holiday long car rides" childhood nostalgia songs are mostly Thrash Metal and worse.
While my dad isn't autistic, he's definitely the one I got it from. He has hyperfixated on metal and metal bands since metal came into existence. And he loves to infodump.
Discovering new music is one of my interests. Music is my way to socialise and to understand the world, so when my family still was my only social contact, of course all of this research energy would flow into metal 😄
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fluffycloudprincess · 2 months
I’m indigenous heligolandic Frisian and Nigerian and I love your account because I relate to so many of your posts. But I’m just wondering how you balance your identity yk? Cause I’m so proud to be heligolander because of how fiercely we fought for our island and I feel almost nothing in relation to my Nigerian side.
Sorry this took so long and sorry this is so long 💛💛💛💛💛
Honestly, I'm not sure I do balance my identity. I feel more like a pendulum swinging between extremes than an artist walking a tightrope. I go weeks and months hyperfixating and exploring my Forest Finn identity (as I did while making this account) and then weeks and months exploring what it means to be Ghanaian and a proud Pan-African.
I believe all things can and do coexist, and there will always be cultural similarities that help reunify a split self, but overall my brain is very dichotomous.However, to address the internal schism that multi-ethnic individuals experience, we must analyze the roots of the divide. I spent so long feeling there was an inherent internal divide due to cultural clash, but in actuality, that had little to do with my feelings. For me (and maybe for you, since we have a similar mix, which is very cool—it’s like meeting someone from an alternative universe in a TV show—I love it), the main issues stem from racism, language, and cultural clash.
"Hurt people hurt people." A part of me hates this phrase; it always felt like a cop-out, a half-apology whispered under someone's breath or a statement before a plea deal. It wasn't until I realized that unless I saw through this lens, I would never be able to reconcile my people who fought, whose homes were burned, who traveled through ice and tundra, who sang bear songs in the forest with my people who now call me a stranger, who poke and prod me like a piece of meat, asking questions they don't really care to have answered.
It still hurts when I go to my church (a Finnish church) and have to literally prove my ancestry at the doorstep, when I pronounce something wrong and they laugh, when I join an online group and get kicked out when they find out I'm not like them. It hurts because it doesn't make sense—how can my people, my motherland, reject me? "Hurt people hurt people" is the only thing that's gotten me through.
They have spent their lives being the prey and now, finally, they can be something else, someone else. They can become the hunter, so they take the chance—they pick up the spear and throw it at the easiest target.What they fail to understand is that by doing so, they have compromised themselves and only themselves. They have sided against our ancestors who bled, fought, and died to be recognized and to live free from the oppressors and xenophobes.
For me, being a Forest Finn means continuing to fight the battles of my ancestors and never compromising myself as some modern Forest Finns do. To do this, we must never reject who we are. Just as your ancestors fought fiercely for your land, so too must you fight fiercely for your place on it.
Language and Culture
Another reason for my internal schism is language. Forest Finns spoke Värmland Savonian, a dialect of another dialect of an already widely agreed hard language to learn (Finnish). Due to forced assimilation, most modern Forest Finns speak Swedish, or the few who migrated back either speak Finnish or (like me) English.
This disconnect only emphasizes the divide I already feel due to being a proud Ghanaian. Sometimes communities lend out faux acceptance if you minimize your identity—please don't do it. They are lying and trying to play mental tactics, as i said just as your ancestors fought fiercely for your land, so too must you fight fiercely for your place on it.
I'm awful at languages. I'm thinking of learning Twi, but languages are not my strong suit. I even tried learning Ladino and found it incredibly difficult.Not understanding languages makes maintaining community significantly harder. However, due to the racism and xenophobia in white ethnic minority groups, I no longer view this as a negative. Instead, I see it as my ancestors keeping me safe and not allowing racists to sully my connection with them.
Instead, I try to reconnect with Forest Finn ideas and philosophies that are timeless (great respect for the bear, respect for our ancestors, respect for the forest as our home and protector). I then draw parallels with traditional Ghanaian beliefs such as those found in Vodun (great respect for our ancestors, great respect for nature as our home and protector).
In this way, the body becomes a temple and a melting pot—a sanctified space for the merging and birth of a third culture, born from the union of two previously separated cultures.You said that you feel a strong connection to being Heligolander but less so to feeling Nigerian. There are myriad reasons this might be the case. For me, it was due to internalized anti-African sentiment, which I broke down when I saw others reframe being native African as indigenous, I also explored traditional spirituality, followed more West African TikTokers and influencers, and listened to moreq Afrobeats (I love Rema so much and his new album is a perfect display of resistance that we're seeing in our new generation, an out right refusal to allow others or ourselves to demonise our cultural traditions in the name of white western acceptance) and Afro-origin based music in general.
Nigeria has fought for its land and independence just as hard since the dawn of its creation as any other nation and I can say that we Ghanaians (as much as we love to bicker with you) are so proud when we see you win, because you have always been at the forefront of so many movements throughout time.
As a West African, I understand how our governments currently aid the interests of the West rather than the indigenous peoples (us). However, what's happening in our neighboring countries with the alliance of Sahel states (Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali) and the riots in Kenya has empowered me and MANY others to become even more Pan-African, breaking down prior internalized thoughts and ideals.
It's funny, before I saw your message, I was thinking of pivoting this blog towards documenting my journey with Vodun, Pan-Africanism, and creating a space for an anti-colonial resistance group to form. But then I thought, "No, I can't. This blog is strictly Forest Finn." But I guess I need to take my own advice—this blog isn't just about being a Forest Finn; it's about the nuances of identity. So, thank you so much for asking this because it's honestly helped me align some of my ideas and musings that I've kept locked away.
Identity is never easy, especially when the world tells you your identity innately clashes. I hope I've managed to answer your question somewhat and hopefully helped a tiny bit. I'm always here to chat, and my inbox is always open. I'd love to hear more about both indigenous Heligolandic and Nigerian culture, especially since we have very parallel identities in that sense so if you have a blog about it I'd love to follow it or as i said I'd love to also just hear about your experiencs of both cultures. But if you'd prefer not to and this is the last we speak, then I wish you the absolute best and hope you find the balance you're looking for.
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ineedjesusverymuch · 2 years
Diabolik lovers headcanons bc im bored
Hi, I'm new here and I'm gonna make some headcanons. I'm gonna start with kanato because I have the most hc of him (I don't even know why). And just a short warning: I ship him with azusa for some of those.
Don't like it don't read it I guess
So there will be a few hc with azusa and him
A trigger warning here. I'm gonna talk about some topics that may upset some people. (Anxiety, trauma, maybe some other stuff, probably depression too)
If you are sensitive to any of these topics, PLEASE dont read this post.
A short NSFW will come too at the end. I'm gonna mark it like this.
Kanato uses a lot of skincare products. He just does. Sometimes he is a lil bit overexcessive simply bc he wants to hold up his image of a perfect doll-like body
dis boy has so much trauma, and he needs somebody to talk. Definitely traumadumps sometimes, does not have really control over this
Maniputative but all the fake crying leaves a strain on his mental health, and so does the screaming. So scared that somebody is gonna leave him, even though he currently has nobody. Its a lingering feeling and it drives him crazy
Had defenitely a big crush on Azusa
But was never able to tell him BC of crippling anxiety and his inability to confess his real feelings (especially to somebody who was just so much like...him)
Still sad about it (and still hopes that Azusa maybe feels the same)
Scared to really love somebody (when they leave what will he do then? He doesn't know and doesn't want to find out either)
Pansexual and leans into demi sexual a little bit. (Those are my own hc)
A demi boy. Likes to dress androgynous with a lot of feminine hints. But definitely pulls of more masculine clothing too
Reaaaaalllly loves to cuddle. He is probably just as much of a cuddlebug as Azusa but he doesnt like to show that side of him. Kanato thinks it makes him weak
Scared of crowds, has social anxiety
Has attachmend issues that startet when his brothers and he startet to fight about the affection from their mother
Loves butterflys and pretty horses (and can ride too, he loves especially Frisians)
Speaks a lot of languages.
Like Italian (he spoke it in one of the games for a spell he made)
He loves romantic languages like italian, french and spain
Is able to speak English, has a really strong British accent
Can speak a bit of Russian (The triplets wanted to learn it when they were younger)
A pro when it comes to makeup
Like he can make you look beautiful in 10 minutes
Looooves lolita style (especially dark clothes paired with cute accessories)
A sucker for themed candy (bad punch I know)
stuffed animals.
Has a big obsession with his nails. They have to be clean and long, and they all need to be the same length !
hates candy corn. Deeply resents it
But loves all other candy
Tried to grow by drinking a lot milk. Didn't work. He was upset for a week
Cuddles with Shu. Its the only time he makes something with his oldest brother
Shu enjoys the quiet, calm moments with Kanato
When he realizes that his anxiety is getting worse he will usually go to Reiji or to Subaru (when he goes to anybody really) (Usually he just stays in his room and hopes that it will stop fast)
They will do their best to calm him down and distract him from the dark thoughts (of his past Or just other dark stuff. We all know how f*cked up his mind is)
Has a lot of nightmares and gets panic attacks a lot
They usually occur when Kanato is stressed or he gets triggered by a certain scent or sound
Its really hard to calm Kanato down once he has startet to get panicked and/or nervous
Has a comfort blanket
Is really sensitive with fabrics and how they feel
Loves Satin and Velvet
Hates scratchy fabrics
Loves clothes with embroidery
Kanato likes head massages almost as much as back massages
He is so tense, once Yuma gave him a massage and now he practically begs Yuma for another one anytime the Mukamis are at the Sakamaki Mansion
Likes to get dressed up
Really enjoys scrapbooking (even though his pages are very chaotic)
Sewed a teddy for Azusa once
Loves 3/4 pants. Just loves them
Short NSFW
a switch. Sorry not sorry
Pls his top has to be nice to him or he will cry
But likes to top too
Likes tounge kisses
Really good at flirting like he will make you fall for him in 10 minutes
Out of the triplets, he has the highest body count (nobody knows how and Laito and Ayato are very irritated by that)
Is down for almost everything
Really loves PDA
BDSM? Probably, depends on his mood
Pro at eating out. Nobody can change my mind. He just is
Aftercare pro. A lot of cuddles and he WILL make sure you feel good.
NSFW over now
sry just wanted to write that. It was in my head for a really long time.
Those are only my personal opinions of Kanato. If you disagree, thats alright.
This is NOT my character, but my headcanons.
If y'all wanna read more just write in the comments. I will continue this probably, depends on if anybody reads it or not.
(Even if not Im gonna continue this, when I'm being honest. It helps me to write this all out.)
Next hc will be Azusa i guess
If sb wants to read Kanato x Azusa hc, I'm gonna write that too.
See y'all and thank you for reading my confusing thoughts.
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nimmenstjer · 7 months
Quick question for you! I’m slowly learning Dutch and I wanted to ask if you have any advice for a beginner.
I’m a bit ashamed to ask but I really want to improve and I figured that asking to someone who is Dutch might be helpful.
Also probably by the end of the year I’ll be able to visit a friend that is moving near Utrecht. Do you think I should try to interact a bit in Dutch or people will get upset if I can’t pronounce/catch the answer very well? (I’m autistic and sometimes I have some issues in elaborating what I hear even in my own language)
I hope I haven’t annoyed you too much with my questions
I think the best kind of advice would be from someone who is also learning dutch, since they would run into the same difficulties.
The one thing I can think of is figure out how vowels sound so you can get the pronounciation more easily when reading something, wich is pretty consistent in dutch, so that might be helpful.
A thing you might at first have trouble with spelling 's ochtends, 's avonds, and suchlike, but that's the same rules as how "you're" is short for "you are", it's just that "des" is an old fashioned version of "de", and basically only survives in contractions like that.
Something you might run into is also the difference between "de" and "het". Both of them are basically "the", with "het" ocasionally leaning towards "it", but in casual use, getting it wrong a couple of times isn't a disaster or anything. Pretty sure this one is mostly an experience thing, so don't sweat it too much.
A lot of compound words have a connecting "e" such as pancake being pronounced "Pannekoek" but spelled "Pannenkoek". This is because in casual word use we went the opposite way of the Germans, and rather than not always pronouncing the "e" en words that end in "-en", the dutch don't always pronounce the "n". As such, at the time this spelling rule was established, it was assumed to be lazy/casual language usage, and the "correct" spelling had an "n" put in, despite the fact that the "e" in a lot of compound words is more of an ease-of-pronounciation add-on than anything else.
I don't think anyone would be upset, your biggest issue with trying to talk in dutch will be that a lot of people know a decent amount of english and will switch to that mid conversation once they figure out that's the language you're better in.
Hey, fellow autistic! Anyway, you have the perfect excuse built in right there! Not that you really need an excuse, but "Oh, I didn't quite catch that, could you repeat that?" and similar is a pretty useful response in those cases, and if you're surrounded by people with varying levels of accent or you straight up don't know the entire language, it's even more effective.
What I remember from school, in grammar, the trickiest bit was figuring out wether a verb ended in a d or a t or a dt, which I basically always just always did by comparing it to "Ik loop, jij loopt, wij lopen, ik heb gelopen/I walk, you walk, we walk, we have walked" rather than figure out what kofschip/fokschaap stands for (some grammar trick about letters I never bothered to figure out, as my method worked most of the time)
A fun fact: There is something called "steenkolen engels", literally "coal english", wich is basically what happens when english speaking crews have to work together with dutch speaking harbour workers, and they figure out that if you pronounce things with the other guys accent and add some of the words you do know, you can mostly figure things out together. So it's basically dutch with an english accent and some english words.
second fun fact: if you ever become fluent in dutch, as an english speaking person, your accent has a chance of sounding frisian, even if you don't speak frisian at all. This is because frisian and english are closely related.
third fun fact: You are not annoying. People who try to learn and improve in anything are a delight. You are, therefore, a delight.
A joke (paarden is dutch for horses. Fokken is dutch for breeding a type of animal) A guy was at a party talking to an englishman when he was asked what he did for a living. "Oh, I fok horses." "Pardon?" "Yes, paarden."
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dove-da-birb · 1 year
Mars, 3h and 9h?
Mars; are you the type to approach others first or do you let others do that instead?
It honestly depends from person to person, typically though I wait for people to come to me, since I don’t know if they’re busy, and I don’t want to accidentally step over a boundary of theirs. Especially if we just met.
But sometimes I decide “fuck it” and approach first (a la goose anon).
Sagittarius Mars in retrograde
3H; what are some of the topics you like to talk about the most?
Irl: social issues, anthropology, earth science, biology, politics.
My interests that you see me reblog and talk about online, I don’t often talk about irl since I would get weird looks.
3rd House in Aquarius with Neptune, Uranus, & Lilith
9H; what languages would you like to learn?
I need to improve my French first, but I would also like to learn;
American Sign Language
Trying to keep my list short until I actually learn them.
9th House in Leo
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ssawmagazine · 1 year
Tumblr media
#SSAWmagazine AW22. Issue 22. Photography #CarlotaGuerrero at WeFolk Styling #RoxaneDanset Casting #LisaDymphMegens at Industry Art Hair #CharlieLeMindu Retouching #Frisian Photography Assistants Albert Font and Gregory Vogel Stylist Assistant Szalay Miller Location Delicia Studio All clothes and accessories #mm6 #MM6MaisonMargiela
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castielmacleod · 2 years
A historical etymological perspective on “Rowena”
Hi I’m Ben and today I’ll be taking the realism of a soupy natural character’s name far too seriously!
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Not that any other name would suit her because it truly is perfect, but from my esteemed position as an armchair cultural historian regarding medieval Scotland, I cannot help but be bothered (only mildly) that “Rowena” is not actually a Gaelic or medieval Scottish name. There’s no dramatic issue with “MacLeod” at least, as the MacLeods were a real historical Highland clan based in Skye, but “Rowena” is a frankly BIZARRE thing for a tanner’s daughter born in the 17th century to be called. It’s not technically an anachronism—the name was first recorded in the 12th century in Wales—but that still doesn’t draw a clear line between the name’s apparent origin and our friend Rowena herself.
People aren’t sure about the etymological origin of the name, either. Baby name websites will say all kinds of shite sourced from the lord knows where but from my research, at least, the actual peer-reviewed linguistic historians are saying “Rowena” is either a corruption of an originally Germanic name that is now lost to us, or that it’s related to Welsh rhawn which means…. horsehair. To me the Welsh origin would make sense given that the name was first recorded by a Welsh scholar, but that’s just from my armchair.
Apparently the name has no relation to the tree, which is what I had assumed for the longest time, but I suppose that’s rowan with an “a” as opposed to Rowena with an “e” after all—even little differences like that can be more etymologically significant than you’d think. It’s lightly disappointing, though, since rowans are also called witch-trees and the word “rowan” itself comes from a Germanic verb which means “to redden”. I was so sure the writers had considered one or both of those things when naming their redhead witch character but I guess not. Unless of course they just made the same assumption as me (VERY possible).
Though at this point I think that if Rowena’s name had ANY inspiration at all beyond “this sounds good” from the writers, then Queen Rowena of the Britons is actually a more likely namesake. This Rowena is first mentioned in the Historia Regum Britanniae which was written by the Welsh gentleman I mentioned earlier (the Historia being the aforementioned earliest known place where the name “Rowena” was recorded in the first place—Queen Rowena was the blueprint, as they say). Like most Matter of Britain fare we don’t actually know if Queen Rowena existed. But the Historia, at least, presents her as a femme fatale wicked stepmother type character who poisons people. It’s certainly not 1:1, but it does somewhat recall Rowena’s season 10 characterisation. Were any spn writers familiar with the details of 12th century medieval manuscript Historia Regum Britanniae? Not impossible I suppose. It’s not as though they come off as a particularly well-researched bunch though is it.
But anyway, tying this back into the in-universe explanation for our Rowena being called Rowena. After Historia in 1136, Queen Rowena of the Britons gradually entered English, Welsh, and Frisian traditions and became a recurring villainous figure in works of literature. In 1796 her story was adapted into an English play, and then in 1819 the name was used for the heroine of an English novel, and that popularised the name throughout the 1850s. Remember that Crowley was born in 1661 canonically, meaning the earliest Rowena could have been born would be 1640s—that is, WELL before Rowena was popularised as a given name.
Furthermore, there is a very particular historical context for medieval Europe, Scotland included, about literary namesakes. Put simply, naming your child after a heroic figure was a very common practise, but naming your child after a villainous figure, however, meant there was something deeply wrong with you and you must hate your kid or something because that is just an atrocious choice of name any way you slice it. The idea was that to name your child after somebody was to hope they’d take on their namesake’s characteristics, so people having villainous namesakes was outright unheard of. Thus, even though stories about Queen Rowena had disseminated throughout large areas of the British Isles by the time our Rowena MacLeod was born, and you could technically argue that her parents heard the name somewhere within the time period, for them to have actually named her that would have been just an absolutely bizarre move on their part, culturally.
So, in terms of how Rowena could have realistically come to be called Rowena, these I think are the most likely options:
Rowena’s parents were surprisingly familiar with the Matter of Britain for a tanner’s family, and were on top of that VERY culturally abnormal and weird probably to the point of being social pariahs (not out of the question and honestly a bit funny to think about)
“Rowena” is not her original name but an alias taken from, or she flat out renamed herself after, a contemporary villainous literary figure on purpose (also not out of the question even slightly because she very much would do that, plus another for the “like mother like son” jar)
Personally I think both of these options have a lot of merit. On the one hand you can imagine a young Rowena growing up in a historically accurate medieval Scottish version of the Addams Family where everyone else on the street gossips about how the devil has almost certainly taken the local tanner or something hysterical like that. On the other hand, the narrative suggested by Rowena inventing a new name (and maybe persona) for herself, possibly after becoming a witch or just to feel more powerful in general, is very compelling AND provides a delicious parallel to Crowley who also changed his name to befit a new and less weak version of himself. Of course the specific historicity of Rowena’s name can just as easily be ignored and you can just imagine her name is Rowena with zero caveats, I just tend to find this kind of thing fun.
In the end, though, Rowena is Rowena no matter how she got there! Thanks for coming to my Tedtalk.
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fortressofserenity · 1 month
The full extent of racism
Despite X-Men writers’ tendency to compare mutants to people of colour and co-opting a lot from ethnic minority movements, there are actually really racist X-Men fans out there in the world. I actually know one person who’s a fan of X-Men but is racist and very far-right, to the point where I think X-Men writers may have indulged in cultural appropriation enough to unintentionally inculcate people to think this way. Like how the X-Men are attacked for having unusual abilities, but how almost none of the writers writing those stories are either ethnic minorities themselves nor are they actually into those cultures.
So what the X-Men writers have ended up doing is to indulge in a form of cultural appropriation where they co-opt civil rights ethnic minority movement rhetoric, show little to no real interest in these communities they draw inspiration from. This isn’t always the case for other X-Men writers, but this is true for most of them so far. It’s also telling how not only are nonwestern cultures and countries distorted, well until lately that is, but how so few, if any, mutants speak minority languages. You could say that not a lot of people speak minority languages to begin with, but considering that people still manage to learn Japanese from getting into anime that a writer could do something similar with a minority language.
I don’t think there are any mutants who speak in say Scottish Gaelic, Breton, Basque, Catalan, Low German or Frisian, Kate Pryde is probably the only mutant who actually speaks a minority language because she spoke Yiddish. There are minority language speakers and learners who’d like to see themselves represented in the stories they consume, X-Men writers could’ve done that but I feel not a lot of them are sincerely into this kind of stuff either. So it does colour the way they write those stories and characters, why X-Men writers have indulged in cultural appropriation for as long as they have. That’s why the way X-Men writers handle such issues is going to be iffy anyways.
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linguistlist-blog · 4 months
Jobs: Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics: Researcher, European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI)
The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) invites applications for a researcher to join the research cluster "Minority Issues in the Denmark-Germany Border Region". This cluster critically examines minority experiences in the region, encompassing all four of the acknowledged national minority groups (Germans in Denmark; Danes, North Frisians, and Sinti & Roma in Germany). The researcher will work on the cluster’s projects regarding intergroup relations and minority language issues in the D http://dlvr.it/T7g7Dz
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witekspicsbanknotes · 4 months
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FRIESLAND - a bit different name of private issue origin, fantasy 5 euro note. Frisian (a province in Holland = Frisia) - Dutch.
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forgeofideas · 5 months
Lombards: After the Lombard King Desiderius was defeated by Charlemagne in 773, the Lombards were forced to convert to Christianity and were subjected to Frankish rule. Charlemagne installed his own brother, Carloman, as the Lombard king and a Frankish archbishop as the head of the Lombard church.
Bavarians: Charlemagne fought a series of wars against the Bavarians in the late 8th and early 9th centuries, with the goal of expanding Frankish control over the region. The Bavarians were forcibly converted to Christianity and their local customs and traditions were suppressed.
There are accounts of the use of violence and coercion during Charlemagne's campaigns against the Bavarians in the late 8th and early 9th centuries, although the historical record is somewhat unclear and there is debate among scholars about the details of what actually occurred.
There are also reports of the destruction of pagan temples and shrines, as well as the forced baptism of large numbers of Bavarians during Charlemagne's campaigns. While the use of violence and coercion was not as widespread or systematic as in some other historical examples, it is clear that the Frankish campaigns against the Bavarians were marked by a significant degree of force and intimidation.
Overall, while there may not be a single event in Bavarian history that is comparable to the Massacre of Verden, there are certainly accounts of violence and coercion being used during the Christianization of the Bavarians under Charlemagne's rule.
Avars: The Avars were a nomadic people who had established a powerful empire in central Europe. Charlemagne launched a series of campaigns against them in the late 8th century, with the goal of weakening their power and influence. The Avars were eventually defeated and many were forced to convert to Christianity.
Frisians: The Frisians were a Germanic people who lived along the North Sea coast. Charlemagne launched several campaigns against them in the late 8th and early 9th centuries, with the goal of subjugating them to Frankish rule and converting them to Christianity. The Frisians were eventually defeated and forced to submit to Frankish authority.
Sources for these examples include the "Life of Charlemagne" by Einhard, as well as various chronicles and annals from the Carolingian period.
The Frisians, a Germanic people who inhabited the coastal regions of the Netherlands and Germany, were subject to forced Christianization by Charlemagne and his successors. According to the Royal Frankish Annals, in the year 689, Charlemagne's grandfather Charles Martel attacked and destroyed the Frisian town of Dorestad, taking many Frisian captives, whom he forced to convert to Christianity:
"And Charles captured Dorestad with its riches and destroyed it completely, and he brought a great number of Frisians, with their wives and children, to his home country, where he compelled them to accept the Christian faith and baptize." (Royal Frankish Annals, 689)
Furthermore, the Frisians were subject to the Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae, a set of laws issued by Charlemagne in the late 8th century, which required the conversion of the Saxons and other Germanic peoples to Christianity under penalty of death:
"If any Saxons, Frisians or other pagans are discovered anywhere within the borders of the Franks, they shall be summoned to accept Christianity; and if, after they have been summoned, they refuse to do so, they shall be put to death." (Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae, 785)
These laws were later reinforced by Charlemagne's son, Louis the Pious, who in 825 ordered that Frisians who refused to be baptized be expelled from their lands:
"...we also decree that if any man of that race...shall refuse to be baptized, he shall be forced by his peers and compelled by his lords to receive baptism, and if he persistently refuse, he shall be driven from the lands of the faithful and forfeit his property." (Capitulare Missorum, 825)
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boredgamecieranshippy · 11 months
No We most definitely are not and through time we ourselves have shown that we can have conflicting views with others, even if it wasn't as much as how the Nazi's did, Not to say what we did through time wasn't bad or worse, however I am saying it wasn't as as much worse; we still removed groups of people and had disgusting views upon others throughout history.
Especially when it comes down to how we thought on LGBT Matters also for example The conquest mentality and "cult of virility" shaped same-sex relations. Roman men were free to enjoy sex with other males without a perceived loss of masculinity or social status, as long as they took the dominant or penetrative role.
Although Roman men in general seem to have preferred youths between the ages of 12 and 20 as sexual partners, freeborn male minors were off limits, though professional prostitutes and entertainers might remain sexually available well into adulthood.[3]
Especially during the years times have changed and opinions from religious groups and basic opinions from the public became more profound and direct insulting to all homosexuality, either out right outlasting them for major population groups or execution / murder etc. Throughout the years and decades we've become more better with the whole "Acceptance" of one another, but we still have years to go as their is still prejudice, racist and pound and disgusting views towards the LGBT, maybe not as bad as prior events however still shows we as a species has tons of improvements.
410 – Following the departure of the Romans, Jutes, Angles, Frisians and Saxons arrived at different times and regions, bringing with them their indigenous sexual traditions. (Tacitus previously described North Germanic tribes punishing homosexuality by drowning the offender in a bog.) There was no specific mention of homosexuality in Anglo-Saxon law (which was in place during the Anglo-Saxon period in England, before the Norman conquest) until the seventh century.[10]
1727 – Charles Hitchen, a London Under City Marshal, was convicted of attempted sodomy at a Molly House. Hitchen had abused his position of power to extort bribes from brothels and pickpockets to prevent arrest, and he particularly leaned on the thieves to make them fence their goods through him. Hitchen had frequently picked up soldiers for sex, but had eluded prosecution by the Society for the Reformation of Manners.[38]
As this shows even homo individuals were up to no good. As with this, it can help with my idea with the whole social issue problem; that just because you're defending for someone's right does not mean you have to look pass the terrible things they or what a group of individuals have done, as with the whole talk of social issues there isn't really one person or one group at fault and the others are victims, it's the fact that everyone is accountable whether or not it is small or big and how they influenced it to become worse or better.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 9.26 (before 1940)
46 BC – Julius Caesar dedicates a temple to Venus Genetrix, fulfilling a vow he made at the Battle of Pharsalus. 715 – Ragenfrid defeats Theudoald at the Battle of Compiègne. 1087 – William II is crowned King of England, and reigns until 1100. 1212 – The Golden Bull of Sicily is issued to confirm the hereditary royal title in Bohemia for the Přemyslid dynasty. 1345 – Friso-Hollandic Wars: Frisians defeat Holland in the Battle of Warns. 1371 – Serbian–Turkish wars: Ottoman Turks fought against a Serbian army at the Battle of Maritsa. 1423 – Hundred Years' War: A French army defeats the English at the Battle of La Brossinière. 1493 – Pope Alexander VI issues the papal bull Dudum siquidem to the Spanish, extending the grant of new lands he made them in Inter caetera. 1580 – Francis Drake finishes his circumnavigation of the Earth in Plymouth, England. 1687 – Morean War: The Parthenon in Athens, used as a gunpowder depot by the Ottoman garrison, is partially destroyed after being bombarded during the Siege of the Acropolis by Venetian forces. 1688 – The city council of Amsterdam votes to support William of Orange's invasion of England, which became the Glorious Revolution. 1777 – American Revolution: British troops occupy Philadelphia. 1789 – George Washington appoints Thomas Jefferson the first United States Secretary of State. 1799 – War of the 2nd Coalition: French troops defeat Austro-Russian forces, leading to the collapse of Suvorov's campaign. 1810 – A new Act of Succession is adopted by the Riksdag of the Estates, and Jean Baptiste Bernadotte becomes heir to the Swedish throne. 1905 – Albert Einstein publishes the third of his Annus Mirabilis papers, introducing the special theory of relativity. 1907 – Four months after the 1907 Imperial Conference, New Zealand and Newfoundland are promoted from colonies to dominions within the British Empire. 1910 – Indian journalist Swadeshabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai is arrested after publishing criticism of the government of Travancore and is exiled. 1914 – The United States Federal Trade Commission is established by the Federal Trade Commission Act. 1917 – World War I: The Battle of Polygon Wood begins. 1918 – World War I: The Meuse-Argonne Offensive began which would last until the total surrender of German forces. 1923 – The German government accepts the occupation of the Ruhr. 1933 – As gangster Machine Gun Kelly surrenders to the FBI, he shouts out, "Don't shoot, G-Men!", which becomes a nickname for FBI agents. 1934 – The ocean liner RMS Queen Mary is launched. 1936 – Spanish Civil War: Lluis Companys reshuffles the Generalitat de Catalunya, with the marxist POUM and anarcho-syndicalist CNT joining the government.
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cgtrust · 2 years
Another word for satisfactory
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Though the first part sounds a bit like the hunker of hunker down (which is also of Dutch origin), the words seem not to be related. It has links to another reduplicated term, hunkum-bunkum. This word (and presumably the game, too) was said to have been taken by the Dutch to New Amsterdam, later New York, but was first recorded only around the 1840s. This derives from the Dutch honk, meaning “goal” or “home” in a Frisian variant of the game of tag. In turn, this probably derives from the adjective hunk, which means that one is all right or in a safe or good position. What seems certain is that hunky-dory was a play on an existing sense of the word hunky for something that was fine, splendid or satisfactory. In Yokohama today a broad thoroughfare called Honcho-dori runs from the centre of the city to the port area, so one that would have been familiar to sailors ( dori is the Japanese word for a road, in particular a broad or important one). Other references suggest that it may have been sailors’ slang for a street in Yokohama that catered for what one might describe as the special needs of sailors. Where does it come from?Ī The Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang suggests that the term may have been introduced in America about 1865 by a popular variety performer named Japanese Tommy. Please let us know if you require any reasonable adjustments to be made for the recruitment process.Q From Brad Lytle: I’m not sure how you would spell hunky dorey, but it means ‘just great’, or something like that. You are a person who has excellent organizational skills and impeccable attention to detail.īloomberg is a disability inclusive employer. You like nothing more than to work with a team and to learn new things. You naturally think strategically and creatively. If you would prefer to discuss this confidentially, please email friends all look at you as their go-to problem-solving friend. Please let us know if you require any reasonable adjustments to be made for the recruitment process. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, ancestry, color, gender identity or expression, genetic predisposition or carrier status, marital status, national or ethnic origin, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, sexual and other reproductive health decisions, parental or caring status, physical or mental disability, pregnancy or maternity/parental leave, protected veteran status, status as a victim of domestic violence, or any other classification protected by applicable law.īloomberg is a disability inclusive employer. We'll get in touch to let you know what the next steps are.īloomberg is an equal opportunity employer and we value diversity at our company. Fluency or advanced knowledge of Spanish is a plusĪpply if you think we're a good match.Ability to work 6 hours per day for the 1-2 years while in school/university.Excel, Word and Power Point experience would be beneficial.Be a strong team player with great people skills (communication, collaboration, integrity).Upload contract on our system and on the shared drive.Customer service focus on resolving invoices issues for Latam and North America region.Be able to handle a rapidly changing environment while working diligently.Process, review and release approval purchase orders to suppliers across various technology and non-technology commodities.Achieve customer satisfaction through timely purchase order processing (for both the LatAm and N.We partner with Accounts Payable as well as vendors to ensure expedite deliveries, timely payments, and handle purchase order change requests. We support category managers, sourcing specialists and our internal clients to identify buying channel opportunities and potential cost savings. We collaborate with our internal clients, gather buying requirements, and create purchase orders in a timely manner and in compliance with our processes and policies. As the Purchasing intern, you will provide procurement operational support to various lines of businesses. The Global Purchasing Operations Department is looking for a procurement intern to join our team. Partnering with different teams we will trust you to ensure data accuracy and integrity when interfacing with our system(s). We love what we do, and doing it with each other. Our hierarchy is horizontal, and we all sit together. Here at Bloomberg we don't have a classic corporate culture. You are a person who has excellent organizational skills and impeccable attention to detail. Your friends all look at you as their go-to problem-solving friend.
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leyhejuhyunghan · 2 years
ley, an area of land where grass is grown temporarily instead of crops, ley line, an imaginary line that is believed to follow the route of an ancient track and to have special powers, lēx  from *leǵ- (“to gather”) law, religion, lea, an open field, meadow, Antonio Vivaldi (Italian, 1678–1741) The Four Seasons (Le quattro stagioni) were composed around 1718−1720, when Vivaldi was the court chapel master in Mantua., Winter
ley, an area of land where grass is grown temporarily instead of crops, ley line, an imaginary line that is believed to follow the route of an ancient track and to have special powers, lēx  from *leǵ- (“to gather”) law, religion, lea, an open field, meadow, Antonio Vivaldi (Italian, 1678–1741) The Four Seasons (Le quattro stagioni) were composed around 1718−1720, when Vivaldi was the court chapel master in Mantua., Winter https://blog.naver.com/artnouveau19/222891369469 https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/ley https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/ley https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ley https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/lea#English
https://youtu.be/TZCfydWF48c https://youtu.be/pPqUjH7zsug
(also ley line) an imaginary line that is believed to follow the route of an ancient track and to have special powers (specialist) an area of land where grass is grown temporarily instead of crops https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/ley
From Latin lēgem, singular accusative of lēx (whence English legal and legitimate), from Proto-Italic *lēg-, from Proto-Indo-European *leǵ-s, from *leǵ- (“to gather”).
ley f (plural leyes)
law (a well-established characteristic of nature)
law (body of rules issued by a legislative body)
law (particular piece of legislation)
religion, credence, worship of a god Alternative spelling of lea
lea (plural leas)
1 An open field, meadow. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ley
(also ley line) an imaginary line that is believed to follow the route of an ancient track and to have special powers (specialist) an area of land where grass is grown temporarily instead of crops
https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/ley 1.  arable land put down to grass; grassland or pastureland 2.  Also called: ley line
a line joining two prominent points in the landscape, thought to be the line of a prehistoric track
Alternative spelling of lea A ley line. (agriculture) Fallow; unseeded.
(agriculture) Rotated to pasture instead of cropping.
Old Occitan
From Latin lēgem, accusative of lēx. Compare Old French lei, loi.
ley f (oblique plural leys, nominative singular ley, nominative plural leys)
From Latin lēgem, singular accusative of lēx (whence English legal and legitimate), from Proto-Italic *lēg-, from Proto-Indo-European *leǵ-s, from *leǵ- (“to gather”). Noun[edit]
ley f (plural leyes)
law (a well-established characteristic of nature)
law (body of rules issued by a legislative body)
law (particular piece of legislation)
religion, credence, worship of a god
Etymology 1
Alternative spelling of lea
lea Etymology 1[edit]
From Middle English legh, lege, lei (“clearing, open ground”), from Old English lēah (“clearing in a forest”) from Proto-West Germanic *lauh (“meadow”), from Proto-Germanic *lauhaz (“meadow”), from Proto-Indo-European *lówkos (“field, meadow”).
Akin to Old Frisian lāch (“meadow”), Old Saxon lōh (“forest, grove”) (Middle Dutch loo (“forest, thicket”); Dutch -lo (“in placenames”)), Old High German lōh (“covered clearing, low bushes”), Old Norse lō (“clearing, meadow”).
Alternative forms[edit]
leigh, ley, lay
lea (plural leas)
1 An open field, meadow. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/lea#English Antonio Vivaldi (Italian, 1678–1741) The Four Seasons (Le quattro stagioni) were composed around 1718−1720, when Vivaldi was the court chapel master in Mantua. 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Four_Seasons_(Vivaldi) Antonio Vivaldi - Winter (Full) - The Four Seasons
The Four Seasons: Winter in F minor, RV 297 / Op. 8 No. 4 - Allegro non molto - Largo - Allegro https://youtu.be/pPqUjH7zsug
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psithurism-elisheba · 2 years
Good afternoon to everyone except the non-Frisians moving to, vacationing in, buying holiday houses or air/bnbs on Sylt and Amrum who are polluting the islands and their waters, harming the wildlife and making Sylt and Amrum to expensive for Frsian islanders to live on, I hate you with a passion. https://www.dw.com/en/prices-force-sylt-natives-off-the-island/a-16196041
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