#GET PUSHED IDIOT !!!!! (at zim)
ask--invaderzim · 8 months
How to speak Irken? I've tried writing it and even looking up ASL (American Sign Language) for Irken, but I forgot it all! <=(
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knotsoangelic · 5 months
How things change
Style; Oneshot
Word count; unknown
Pairing; Zadf/Zadqp/Zadr
Media; Invader Zim
Genre; Fluff/Silly
Fic is under the cut. :) this didn’t take me very long, but yk. not used to posting fanfics on here. so. enjoy lmao
“You’re still doing this??”
The sudden voice coming from the far end of the Lab made Zim nearly jump out of his skin. He shot his gaze at the doorway of the lab and blinked a couple times under the light red hue of the monitor in front of him. He narrowed his eyes in immediate distrust.
“How did you get in here?” He asked.
Dib didn’t answer at first, instead trailing his gaze to the monitor. He furrowed his brow. “It’s been years, Zim. I know how garbage your security is.”
All the Irken could do was give a haughty scoff, pushing himself out of his seat and aggressively approaching the human. “It’s superior to anything humans could come up with and you know it,” He stopped in front of Dib, a noticeable 3 inches shorter than him. “Now get out. Im not interested in entertaining whatever shenanigans you have for Zim today.”
Dib’s gaze trailed down to the other. For a few seconds he just stared, narrowing his eyes. But then he relented his gaze, sighing in defeat. “My bad for wondering how the space idiot was doing, considering how long he’s been gone. What gives, anyway? It’s weird not seeing you on campus.”
Zim folded his arms behind his back and glared at the human. “You don’t need to know, Dib.”
“Considering I gotta keep you in check, even after five years, yes. I do need to know.” He gestured to the monitor in exasperation. “Don’t you think this is a bit much? They haven’t answered you in years. Let it go, Zim.”
Instead of giving a response, Zim decided on shoving Dib. It wasn’t rough enough to knock him to the ground, but enough to earn a soft ‘oof’ from the human. “Irkens don’t give up, Dib.” He turned from him and paced back over to the monitor. “They’ll answer. I know they will. They have to.”
Zim wasn’t looking at him, but Dibs expression went from incredulous to somewhat sad in an instant. He, too, was looking at the monitor, and after a few beats of silence, sighed again, this time in frustration.
“If they haven’t answered you in the however-many-years you’ve been trying to call them, they’re not answering, Zim.” Dib kept his annoyance in his tone at bay as well as he feasibly could, instead trying a more pleading tone. “Why is this so important to you anyway? What even happened to conquering the planet?”
Something briefly flashed in Zims eyes, before quickly melting into anger. He turned to face the human, snarling. “It’s still my top priority to take over this planet, filthy pest. You don’t deserve to know the inner workings of my plans. Now get out before I skewer you.”
Dib narrowed his eyes, weighing his options of staying just to piss Zim off or leaving a potentially unstable bomb here to fester. His initial choice was the latter, but after careful consideration, he chose the former. He knew Zim like the back of his hand at this point. It’s been five miserable years since the irken got to earth, and Dib would like to think he knows Zim well enough by now. If anyone could deal with him it was Dib.
He was past trying to stop Zim. He knew how his people saw him. He knew no giant armada would come back to earth. He knew, according to Zims “almighty” leaders, that he was no more than trash that was taken out. He watched this alien break down. He watched him struggle. He knew he wouldn’t actually take over Earth, if he could. After all, where would he go afterwards?
Not to mention Dib was taller than him now. Not by a whole lot, but enough. Dib recalled his initial reaction to the human growing as soon as it started. Pure bewilderment, mixed with a touch of jealousy and a whole lot of rage.
So, Dib simply laughed.
It certainly wasn’t what Zim was expecting. His antennae fell back a bit in confusion. As quick as they did though, his annoyance came back twice as fast. “What on Irk are you laughing at?! I will! I’ll puncture your nasty human organs!” He inches closer to Dib while he threatened, but the human wouldn’t stop laughing.
“Enough! Your sniveling disgusts Zim!” The Irken almost pleaded. Whether he intended to or not, Zim’s antennae fell back again, and he shrunk in on himself. It was only then that Dibs laughter started to die down, and he sighed, letting his gaze focus on Zim again.
“I know you don’t have any plans for earth. You’re too busy ringing up your leaders. You can’t lie to me anymore. I’m immune.” Another sigh, though Dibs smile definitely fell. “Eh….Zim?”
It was like Zim was staring off into space, antennae still uncharacteristically pressed flush back, at almost a 90 degree angle. After a solid minute of zoning out, the Irken suddenly sighed, plopping to the floor and hugging his knees to his chest. For just a second he wanted to pretend Dib wasn’t there, he wanted to sulk in isolation. Unfortunately, Dib didn’t get the hint.
“Uh. I’m sorry.” He said awkwardly. Dib shifted from one foot to the other. “Yknow, uh. I wasn’t even laughing at your threat. I kinda got carried away by memory lane outta nowhere.” He knelt close to Zims level when the other didn’t so much as acknowledge him. “Uhhhh…Zim?”
Faint grumbling muffled through limbs. Dib blinked. “Didn’t catch that.”
A very clear groan. “Don’t you know what ‘go away’ means? Go. Away.” Zim finally spoke clearer, looking up only to say this before burying his face in his knees again.
Dib blinked again, though this time out of pure confusion. He had seen Zims breakdowns, he had seen his grandiosity, he had seen his hurt and rage. All of it. But this was new. And in regards to Zim, Dib didn’t like new.
He noted how the Irkens antennae where flush against his head, like if dog ears where pinned back in fear or submissiveness. In that moment of comparing Zim to a dog, he had to fight back the very human urge to pet.
“I’m not going away, I’ve already said that. Last time I let you sulk in solitude, you were gone for weeks at a time.” Dib internally questioned why he had the urge to check on his enemy in the first place back then, but he didn’t give himself an answer. “I can compromise by not talking though. Startingggg, now.” He scooted closer to Zim until he was sitting next to him, leaning back and sighing. He let his weight rest on the palms of his hands as he stared at the ceiling. He thought he heard a light chitter from the other, but he ignored it. If Zims antennae could get any flatter against his skull, they would.
With the lab now silent and fairly dark, all that was left was the very slight buzzing of the monitor. Zim found without the idiots voice to keep his thoughts from spilling around in his head, he was left with the noise. The awful noise. The metaphorical but equally real noise.
He hated the noise.
Zim sighed again, quieter this time, before swiftly standing and pacing back over to the monitor. He ignored the other as he stared curiously, mulling over whether to try the call again or shut the screen off. After a few moments of working his jaw, he opted for the latter, seating himself in the chair and instead burying his head in his arms at the control panel.
Dib stared. This was going nowhere, wasn’t it? Years and years of trying to convince this dumbass of the obvious, and still. Or did he know, and just refuse to admit it to himself? Dib couldn’t decide which option was more likely. He shifted to face him, biting his tongue. “Silence sucks. I’m done shutting up.”
Zim barely peeled his head up from his arms to glare at the human. “You’re an idiot. I don’t want any more idiot ramblings.”
“Takes one to know one,” Dib shot back half heartedly. “Least you shut the screen off. I really thought you were gonna try again.”
Zim scowled to himself as he turned to bury his head in his arms again. He didn’t even give a proper retort back, just groaned and let his antennae fall slack.
“Cant you see it’s a good thing? Well, not them being horrible leaders or whatever. But think of what you could do. It sucks that they don’t care but they don’t care about ANYTHING that you do. Which means you can do absolutely anything you want.” Dib pauses for a second, “Well, except take over the planet. Obviously. But everything else is free game! Isn’t that a good thing?”
Zim shuffled in his seat slightly, finally looking up from his arms and giving Dib an unreadable expression. Was that confusion? Hurt? Apathy? Dib honestly couldn’t tell. But he left his arms open in offering of his propositions anyway.
“And I mean….I know it isn’t much, but you still have me, right?”
Zims first instinct was to grimace in disgust. He looked away, contemplating, not answering Dib immediately. But then he looked at him again and watched as a cheesy, toothy grin plastered the young adults face. That unreadable expression was back on Zims face. “Yeah. I do.”
The words came out solemnly, making Dib relax his outstretched arms. His smile also faded, but it returned a few seconds later, and he stood, confidently pacing to where Zim was sitting and kneeling ever so slightly to meet his eye level.
“I don’t know about you but I think it’s cool when there’s at least ONE person who knows what it’s all like. Or, at the very least, can understand it.” Dib leaned on the control panel. “I know you can’t deny that. I know cause you seek that kind of validation from me all the time.”
Zims head shot up and he glared, almost resembling a pout. But his antennae still lay flat against his head. “You wish someone as amazing as me did such a thing.”
Dibs smile didnt falter once. “Uh-huh.”
For some reason, the way Dib uttered that confirmation made Zim’s antennae twitch. He looked away, feigning confidence as he fidgeted with his uniform. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, Human.”
Rolling his eyes, Dib allowed himself to lean off the control panel and closer to the Irken. “But you do though,” He quipped. “Remember when you begged me to give you a compliment in exchange for that soda? A compliment. Not even, like, one of my organs or something.”
Zims face was turning a different color, and he was afraid it was starting to become noticeable. “Stop it.”
“Or that time you were confused as to why I wasn’t COMPLETELY ENTHRALLED about being in a simulation where we live together.”
“Shut up.”
“Or that time you built some planet-ending machine and got mad when I wasn’t jumping for joy at the idea of you showing it off-“
“Shut UP, Dib!” Zim suddenly shot up, angry. His face was painted bright pink. His antennae still lay flat against his head. “Those where all things DUE to me or threats! Nothing else!”
“Then why are the threats empty? Or why are the requests for praise so desperate?” Dib smirked, not once faltering. Their faces were oddly close together. “I mean surely you would’ve been happy to follow through with all of those threats if they were actually threats.”
Zim couldn’t break Dibs gaze and it was eating him alive. He gulped, seeking from within himself any kind of plausible answer, but found nothing, instead finding himself staring dumbly at the equally dumb human in front of him. He felt as his antennae started to vibrate, and he shrunk in on himself again, only breaking Dibs gaze when he was seated once more. Dib gave an airy laugh.
“Yeah. I thought so. But hey, the feelings reciprocated, so I don’t care really.” He found himself staring at the Irkens antennae again, noting how far back they were positioned still. “I mean I gave you what you wanted and you gave me what I wanted…sort of. So evens even, right?” Dib knelt further and Zims eyes shot to his again. “Yknow. We don’t really have to be enemies anymore. Especially if there’s no plan for me to stop anyway.”
Zim narrowed his eyes. “Why would I ally with a disgusting human?”
“Fair point. Counter argument; who else do you have to ally with, space boy?”
Zim opened his mouth to retort, but came up empty, settling for clenching his fists and snarling. “I hate you.”
“Mmhm.” Dib dully acknowledged, “Is that why your antennae are positioned where they are? Or is that another coincidence?”
Said antennae twitched. Zim just looked away.
“I mean, I’ve never seen you so passive before. Body-language wise, anyway.” Dib shrugged. “Usually when an animals ears are back like that it means fear or submissiveness.”
This got the Irkens antennae to shoot right back up again. He glared daggers at Dib. “Like I would ever be subservient to you!”
“I said submissive, not subservient. Dumbass.”
Back down they go. Zim growled. “Do you enjoy being a nuisance to every living creature that breathes?”
“I kinda do actually,” Dib said with a smirk. He was getting under Zims skin. It was his favorite pastime. “Gives me reason to keep living. I’ve grown to liking living out of spite of others actually.” Dib stretched, cracking his knuckles as his arms hyperextended. “It’s even more fun when the person in question fucking LOATHES you.”
Zim glared at first, but then his expression softened into that unreadable expression again. This caught Dib off guard and his smirk fell, drawing attention to the Irken. Zim was looking at his gloved hand, mindlessly flexing his thumb claw in indecipherable thought. Dibs eyes trailed back to his antennae; flat, but tense. He couldn’t resist the urges anymore. With a mild amount of hesitance, Dib reached his hand up, letting it rest in an oddly gentle way on the top of Zims head. The other tensed at the touch, but didn’t move. “I mean, bickering is bickering. Spite is spite. At the end of the day it’s just….fun. Nothing else.”
Dib was surprised that his hand wasn’t immediately smacked away, but he was equally surprised at the noises the Irken emitted when he gave him gentle pats. He watched as the others antennae started to relax, cocking an eyebrow at the otherworldly trills and chitters Zim produced. Dib stifled a laugh at the sight, especially when he felt the alien pressing his head further into his hand, like a cat.
Dib shifted his gaze to look Zim in the eyes, about to make a snarky remark, but held his tongue when he saw the Irkens eyes were closed. At the sound of movement, Zim cracked a magneta-colored eye open to look back at Dib.
“Usually when someone goes for the head, it’s to kill.” Zim said neutrally. “Taller irkens aren’t especially known for giving out head pats to their shorter kin.”
This time, Dib allowed himself to airily laugh. “Thanks, captain obvious.” A sharp pain went up his hand. “Ow, what the fuck, Zim?! That hurt!” The human withdrew his bitten hand in an instant, scowling.
It was Zims turn to crack a smile, and it seemed oddly genuine. “That’s what would happen if they tried.”
Dib furrowed his brow. “Thanks for the info, I guess.” He let venom lace his last few words in that sentence, raising his hand experimentally to pet him again, only stopping when Zim ducked from his hand.
“If we’re doing this whole….’alliance’ thing, it’s on my terms and my terms alone. You have no power here, nasty human.” He narrowed his eyes at Dib. “You go too far, you get bitten. Or smacked. Whichever one I feel like doing that day.” Dibs hand fell back to his side.
“Man, you really are just like a cat.”
“Nothing. I guess I agree to your stupid terms.”
“Good.” Zim smiled deviously. He stood up quickly, knocking Dib back onto his rear. Zim stood above him, still grinning maniacally. “For starters, get out of my lab. You’re making it smell bad in here.”
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anonymoosen · 6 months
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“LIEEESSS!” The alien desperately screeched out loud on the top of his lungs (or whatever aliens had). Dib raised an eyebrow in confusion, distracting him from the overwhelming sadness he was trying to hide. “I…uhhh- didn’t say anything…?”
Zimpai blinked and tried to regain his composure. He slowly took a step back and tried to escape. Dib-chan tilted his head, and his hair bone scythe hair cowlick thingy turned into a light bulb as a thought struck him. “C-could it be…”
Just as the big headed boy opened his mouth to let out his undeniably kawaii anime voice, Zim-kun began to run and covered his nonexistent ears.
“Z-Zimpai has…a…a…”
Dib-Chan’s delicate pretty voice suddenly became deep and sounded like he was a macho and buff man. “CRUSHY WUSHY LUSHY USHY BLUSHY CRUSHY ON MEEEE!11!1!1!1!11”
The yell was so loud and ear piercing that the whole ground collapsed while everything around Dib got pushed away by 999999999 kilometers.
This was so powerful that even Gaz became flabberGAZted by this and was more concerned than ever. “TAK- WHY THE ACTUAL HELL DID YOU MAKE THE ANIME BEAM DO THIS???”
Tak, despite her messy hair and being literally yeeted away by an incredibly long distance from a pathetic lover boy, was still smiling smugly and just shrugged. “I had the most tragic villain story from the most stupid defective Irken of destruction demolishing a vending machine. His stupid lover obviously has to be as insane as he is.”
Back with our main character idiots here, Dibby boi realised what he has done and sobbed, “Z-Zimpai my pookie…! I didn’t mean to hurt you like thisss…!!” (he obviously did lolll)
From 999 something kilometers whatever that number I typed earlier (oh wait I can copy and paste but oh well) away, the green space cockroach creechur growled, “GRGRGRRR YOUUU…!! YOUUUU!! WHEN YOU YOUUU!11!1!1 YOUUU MADE ME MAAADDD GRGRGRGRHDIEJDEKJ” (bro this space boi couldn’t hear dib a shmillion times even when he was 1 inch away from him but now he can-)
Instead of apologizing again, Dib got mad at Zim too because it would be too out of character if the boys didn’t fight each other here as it was still an ENEMIES to lovers arc after all.
Deeb Doob Dob Dib’s voice became all buff again as he himself became buff too, electricity surging all around him. He then ascended from the ground, T-posing and let the mysterious anime power carry him towards the alien.
The alien boi zimmediately tried to become as buff as Dibby boi did by casually grabbing a machine that was 69 420 times his size in his PAK and blasted himself with it, causing his scrawny-looking green arms to develop more and more muscles and become as buff as Dib was.
The boys just stared each other down, eyes glowing while T-posing in front of each other.
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Dib-chan then broke the silence that lasted for 10 hours by saying in a small and cute voice while still in that buff state
“…Z-zim-kun I… I… l-love y-you…”
Zim then reverted back to his cutesy smol chibi shape and responded with a little “B-baka!!” even when Dib didn’t finish the sentence.
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Surprised by that, the big headed boy also reverted back into his original pathetic form and giggled, “I love you….your mom!” He laughed even more and smirked. Zim was taken aback and felt his heart— whatever aliens had shatter into smithereens. Was this really how Dib felt…? Was it all just a silly little game…?
Before Zim could take get out his PAK legs to absolutely destroy and obliterate the human, Dib laughed once more and threw that one love letter to Zim, smacking his face and not the back of his bald head this time.
“Nahhh! Just kidding, and uh- happy birthday, I guess…” Dib looked away quickly as the butterflies returned in his stomach. Dang it— he forgot how cute his crush looked despite how stupid he was…
“Ehhh- birthday?? Invaders don’t NEED pathetic Urth birthdays!”
“Yeah, yeah— but today is still special, y’know? It’s the day you set your little alien foot on this planet!”
Zim tried not to smile at his beloved nemesis remembering AND writing some letter to him for this day. But then…
“WAIT! How did you know it’s today?? We met at the disgusting skool one or two days after I landed on this filthy planet!!”
Dib smiled and responded, “I’m a paranormal investigator! Of COURSE I know the exact day an alien comes here!”
“You were a creepy stalker from the start, Dib-thing… even before becoming those… yhaaan-deers…”
“You’re creepy too, y’know!! And you were so weird too! In fact- everything was so weird earlier… nothing new, I guess!” Dib chuckled.
Zim coughed and shifted his eyes away from Dib, yet getting closer beside him. “…Yeah. Very…strange…”
Dib-ch- I mean DIB noticed this and leaned closer and closer to Zim and….
(Just kidding :3)
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…he affectionately smooched the bug boy’s cheek! This gesture was so sweet that even the usually cold Gaz let out an “awww!” along with every other bystander around them!
The gay boys finally completed their enemies to lovers arc….
…until the cartoon resets again and everyone forgot what happened !
The end uwu
Honestly, I’m gonna miss this story, so maybe I’m still gonna make things for it in the future like doodle comics or more writings but after the reset! Anyway… again thanks so much for reading this if u did and have the bestest day or night! Don’t let the buff boys haunt you XD
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messinwitheddie · 1 year
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Dib "Pretty sure that's everything you brought with you from Cali and whatever you wrote while you lived with us. Dad has literally never touched any of our bedrooms since we moved out. It's kind of sweet, but also kind of creepy."
Squee "I can't believe he didn't throw all of my old journals out. I thought about throwing them out a thousand times."
Reg "Glad you didn't now, hu?"
Squee "Sort of. I'm not sure how useful any of this will be to Dipper, but-"
Dib "I think he just wants a second opinion-- like a beta reader. He over thinks everything every step of the way."
Squee "So you recommend ME to help ghost write the fourth journal?"
Dib "It's the perfect side project for you, trust me."
Squee "Yeah, maybe. It's a lot of pressure."
Dib "Only if you psych yourself out over it. Just enjoy the experience. You owe it to yourself."
Squee "I haven't dedicated any significant time or energy into writing since high school. Back then, it was just an escape from school bullies and home bully. Mostly fanfiction and campy short horror stories."
Dib "Which were amazing, I read them. So, keep writing. Don't let the sucky people that got in your way over a decade ago stop you from doing something awesome you want to do now. I was bullied for my interests and look at me, still chasing the paranormal... when free time permits me."
Reg "You were bullied in school too?"
Dib "Yeah, big time."
Reg "By WHO?"
Dib "Pretty much everyone; other kids, teachers, your grandad on occasion, your aunt Gaz-"
Reg "Really?"
Squee "She can bully with the best of them if you push her buttons right."
Reg "Wow."
Dib "Some kids were bigger jerks than others, but I never really found a group of kids I connected with until I met the Pines twins. I rarely left my room without hearing the words "big head" directed towards me."
Reg "But you're big and strong and super science smart. Who would ever screw with you?"
Dib "I was scrawny and awkward right up until my sophomore year of high school. Being... neurodivergent didn't help my case."
Reg "That's not a reason to make fun of someone."
Squee "You're not a bully, that's why you subscribe to that logic. My suggestion, make online friends. That's the beauty of the internet."
Reg "I know technically I have friends, it's just... Is bullying something everyone goes through?"
Squee "I didn't used to think so, but the older I get and the more people I interact with, I realized the answer is yes. Bullying is a learned behavior reinforced by past bullying. Most of the time, if someone is abusing the people around them, in some way, they're being abused themselves. You can't stop bullies from roaming this earth. You can just choose not to be one."
Reg "Is that why dad's a bully now? Because he was bullied when he was a kid?"
Dib "Wait wait wait-- You think I'm a bully? Seriously?"
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Reg "You have... bully-like tendencies."
Dib "NO I DON'T. "
Reg "You bully Zim."
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Dib "ZIM is an imperialist megalomaniac butt weevil from space! I don't BULLY Zim, I retaliate."
Squee "You bully the interns at the lab."
Dib "Because they're idiots who can't follow directions! Being assertive and expecting my coworkers to focus and not blow anything up doesn't make me a bully."
Reg "You harass your fellow swollen eyeballs."
Dib "Don't even-- I've had to defend my theories and research from oblivious trolls and amateurs trying to pick apart my work every step of the way! Todd, man, tell the boy I'm not a bully."
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Squee "You have bully-like tendencies."
Dib "..."
Squee/ Reg "..."
Dib "Okay... nice to know what my big brother and my only son really think of me."
Reg "Dad-"
Dib "No, I get it. It's cool."
Squee "Come on, man-"
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*series of high pitched, static and beeping*
Dib "Holy shit, my ghost boxes are going off like crazy. At least the spirits in this house think I'm bearable to be around."
Squee " Wait, Dib, that's probably just Nny-- he'll figure it out."
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Reg -sad groan-
Squee "I can't win."
[For context, because my aus are all over the place.
Dib had bought a historically haunted house upstate on an impulse with the intention of ghost hunting with Reg, father and son. However, Reg has decided to go live with his mother on the Von Verminstrasser cryptid nature reservation, virtually crushing Dib's dream.
He rents the house out to the recently married, Squee and Pepito.
Sketched these out on break and lunch throughout last week. Decided to clean them up a little earlier today.]
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friendlylifecherry · 2 years
Invader Zim/Psychonauts crossover where due to a horrible accident that's 40% Zim not thinking things through, 40% Dib messing with things he shouldn't have, and 20% GIR pushing random buttons, Zim and Dib's brains have been fused together after yet another scheme, so badly that even Professor Membrane can't fix it. Membrane hates every second of it, but he had to admit, he has no choice but to call in the Psychonauts to untangle this mess.
While Membrane is busy giving the evil eye to the senior Psychonauts on the mission (Clembrane is being perfectly nice and Gaz doesn't care), Razputin goes into their combined mindscape. It's some weird combo of skool and their respective houses as bases, with the city seen as their combat zone. Both of them think of themselves as larger than life, Zim a conquering hero out to prove himself the greatest Invader of all time, and Dib the daring underdog out to stop the vile alien menace and save the world! But mostly they're just 2 idiots with massive personal problems and allergies to self awareness who are just sitting on separate ends of the combined mindscape desperately trying (and failing) to ignore the other and get the other out of their combined brain by any means possible except actually dealing with their issues. You have to abuse Raz and Zim having the same VA a lot.
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project-doomsday · 1 year
The Origin of Doomsday
Hello, everyone! I’m EMatooney and welcome to my side blog of my AU project: Doomsday!
As many people from the 2000s, we all had that one weird phase we were into, and that was Invader Zim. C’mon admit it! We all had our fair share of cringe. As for me, I was a HUGE Invader Zim fan. I was completely obsessed as a child, I had scarfs, shirts, I’d even try to dress up as Zim and run around pretending to be him. And… there were also many fanfictions I wrote BUT BESIDES THAT. I was extremely obsessed. But as time went on, I grew out of it and got into other things instead. Zim became a distant childhood memory and a cringey one at that. Everytime I’d think about Zim my whole body would cringe as all those memories would come crashing back. Not fun.
So, that leaves us with one question: How did you get back into it? And the answer to that is:
By sheer embarrassment and self loathing.
Last year I was at my job doing my business when a little thought came into my mind. It was Invader Zim. Immediately I tried to push the thought away but it kept coming back like a little damn cockroach. So, I did what any rational person would do! I decided to draw him. But with a twist. I drew him as how I would perceive him. In the show, Zim is a complete fucking idiot but believe it or not he's actually really good at killing people. No, I’m not kidding! When Zim is actually being competent he can be terrifying! I mean, have you SEEN Dark Harvest?!? Oh, and what about that time when he, oh I dunno, RIPPED OUT KEEF’S EYEBALLS? Or when he did literal dissection on a fetus in HIS CLASS. Or that time he launched a chicken to space while taunting it or turning that man into a squid? Not to mention WHEN HE ACTUALLY KILLED DIB IN ONE EPISODE. Need I say more?
Zim is a monster, he is insane. If you take away those moments of him being an idiot he could be the most terrifying person on the entire show. So, that’s what I drew, a scary, edgy competent version of Zim. And when I saw this drawing something in my head clicked. I… actually like this. That’s when I made the most dumbest idea I’ve ever made in my entire life. The most dumbest, batshit insane idea I’ve ever come up with.
“What if I made an Invader Zim AU?”
And that my friends is how Doomsday was born. Pretty pathetic, am I right? Well, I would say that if I had any sort of sanity left but I’ve fallen this far from grace so to hell with it. Honestly though, even though Doomsday came from dumb idea it’s also a bit of a love letter to Jhonen Vasquez. He’s been thrown in the wringer with Nickelodeon and it’s honestly pretty sad! I mean, imagine you create your own series and you’ve put a lot of love and care into it, right? You put it in and it gets made into a TV show, and as soon as you get to work the higher ups tell you, “Oh, no we can’t have that. That’s too dark for kids, you’ll need to change it.” And they just keep changing your story over and over and over. A story you worked so hard to make, a story that has so much meaning to you and you aren’t even allowed to express your true creativity. That’s fucked up! Fuck Nickelodeon for that! I feel so sorry for Jhonen and all he’s been through. That’s another reason why I made this AU. To somewhat bring Jhonen’s original version of Invader Zim to life with a twist of my own. And also a big middle finger to Nickelodeon, honestly, fuck them.
Now, do I expect this AU to get popular? Probably not. I’d like for it to! Do I expect to get made fun of? Yes. Undoubtedly. And I welcome it.
Even though this series has brought me so much joy and crippling embarrassment, I have to say one more thing. Thank you, Jhonen. Thank you for creating Invader Zim. You have brought me and so many others joy because of your show. Invader Zim has been a major part of my life and has even got me through the darkest moments. Even though I want to punt him across the field like a football, I love Zim and even though he couldn’t invade the world, he invaded my heart. Thank you.
Okay, enough with the mushy bullshit. Sorry for the long drawn out post! It’s something I’ve been dying to share with people. Feel free to ask me questions about the series! I’d love to answer them! I’ll be sure to update and post often so be on the lookout!! Until then, see y’all next time! Love ya! ❤️
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shipsgaysfordays · 2 years
 This is a response to today’s prompt from @wolfstarmicrofic
Links here
Plus a reminder that in this fic Remus uses they/them pronouns and Sirius uses all pronouns.
CW: Mental illness, questioning of reality, a knife and a bit of violence described with said knife
Remus had no qualms about meeting Sirius, absolutely none. Definitely didn’t despise the combination of THAT location with THAT person and THOSE memories and some stupid thing that Sirius wants to tell Remus so maybe just maybe Remus would forgive her, which they never would do such a thing. No matter how much nostalgia and trauma inducing memories they would be dancing around, nothing could make up for what happened. 
They packed a cloth bag: healing elixir in case they get the upper hand, a knife, poison which will hopefully not get confused with the healing elixir, rope, matches, cigarettes, a sandwich and book for the train, and some chocolate. Despite packing food, Remus couldn’t eat on the train, they couldn’t do anything as they simply stared off into space considering what would be happening in just a few hours. Do they try to start more casually or take the knife out immediately, or maybe give zim food with the poison, or a multitude of options that they considered. 
Moving like a zombie, they walked forward with no thoughts until they were eventually stomping on dead grass walking over annoying little hills until finally standing in front of the decrepit wood shack. I can turn back now, Remus thought, I can turn back and leave and forget that I ever had this life just like Mary did, leave everything and everyone and every memory behind. But they knew, they knew they would need to push through and do it, so they pushed open the door. 
They could feel the sense of magic in the room, not from the atmosphere or anything idiotic like that since the shack was hell, but they could feel power…there wasn’t a sound upstairs. Remus stood in the empty first floor, considering walking up but they had a feeling if they did they would be ambushed, they had a feeling either way that would happen. They hadn’t prepared enough for more people to be here than just their ex lover. Since this seemed like it could be the end, and since they wanted to make it apparent that they were in the home, Remus began stomping around and observing all the little dents and destruction caused to this wooden torture palace when they were young. The image of antlers stuck in the wall and a young annoyed and terrified deer came to mind. 
Anxious steps came closer and closer down the stairs, “Remus,” a familiar gruff voice began. Their back had been turned, quickly Remus spun around and opened their cloth bag, pulling out the knife and pointing it across the room. 
Immediately Sirius’ hands shot up. “I don’t mean to cause trouble.”
“Of course you don’t, you never do, you lying bastard,” Remus voice filled with a sarcasm that sounded almost like what burnt caramel tastes like. Slowly, they took steps closer and closer to Sirius. Zer anxiousness and fear clear in zer wide eyes. 
“I just…I-I need to tell you something, but I don’t know how.” 
“What, you’re gonna tell me you love me, beg for me to come back to you like we’re 16 again, like things are that simple again,” Remus backed them into the wall, holding the knife to their neck, “James and Lily are dead, and you’re barely even you anymore. Padfoot is gone and dead, Lord Black just needs to join them.”
Time felt like it stood still. Remus stared at them, their eyes wide with fear and tears, a part of them wanted to hug them and make things better because it was Sirius. That stupid youthful Moony part of them wanted to throw the knife across the room, kiss him and tell her everything would be okay. But this was how things turned out, Sirius would live up to the expectations of his family and Remus would live to be the murderous killer that everyone expected him to be. 
Sirius's eyes glanced behind Remus for a second, “no,” they started to say.
Remus' eyes were locked on Sirius, “yes,” they said as they began to move their hand.
Then something very unexpected occurred, a third voice spoke, though I guess it’s not too unexpected since Remus had felt other people must be present, he just didn’t expect that voice of all voices. 
“Accio knife,” a man's voice spoke anxiously at the sight of Remus and Sirius.
Small droplets of blood began to trickle down his neck, Remus’ fingers brushing it, nose filled with the smell of copper because of the wolf. Remus couldn’t look away from them, both breathing heavily.
“I–I don’t know what to do…don’t leave,” Remus’ arms started holding them. They stayed there for a few minutes, Sirius holding them back as they stared at the figure behind Remus.
“Please, let me explain.”
A big part of Remus wanted to say no, fuck no, nothing could help this situation. Still another part felt at home in her arms and was desperate for him to stay, so lowly they spoke, “okay.”
“I was falsely imprisoned, for a crime I didn’t commit.”
“Why should I believe you?”
“Just, let me continue…I didn’t commit the crime, no one did.”
“You expect me to believe the Potter’s killed themselves and their child.” 
Sirius was about to speak, until.
“No, because we never died,” Lily’s voice rang in their ears, it was impossible, but it did. 
Remus broke apart from Sirius and stared behind them, Lily and James, next to each other. James holding a bloody knife that they had in their hands only seconds ago. 
They glanced back at Sirius, “What are you doing to my brain?”
“What do you mean, Moony?” Lily spoke softly.
“None of this is real, IT CAN’T BE REAL, I–” they breathed heavily, “this isn’t real, I’m alone surrounded by ghosts by thoughts by everything fucked up in MY MIND.” Remus’ hands ran manically through their hair. 
“Moony, we’re back, please,” James touched their arm. Immediately they backed away, quickly into the corner of the room. 
“No…no, no no no,” Remus shook their head, “no, it can’t be real. I’m alone. I’m alone, I’m sorry I couldn’t fix this before and make things right but you don’t need to….my mind doesn’t need to lie to me.” They fell to the floor, their eyes wide as they trembled. 
“Remus, look at me,” Lily spoke softly, starting to crouch next to them. “Look at me,” she spoke sternly this time.
They looked up into the green eyes and the face and the Lily of it all was overwhelming, it was her, or the closest thing to her. She grabbed their hands that had been moving like a pendulum, “I need you to take a deep breath for me, I know it’s a lot, but it’s real.” 
Remus’ face went blank for a second, looking at their best friend whom they thought was dead, they took a deep breath, not wanting to make her angry. Their hands pulled away but she continued to grip tight. 
“Lily I–” James started from across the room, where he had been helping with Sirius’ small wound. 
Their breath hitched, they felt trapped, and like their air was closing in, they needed…they needed, “GET AWAY FROM ME,” Remus screamed, breaking their hands free and pushing Lily away. 
 It was all too much, they looked back to Sirius, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry,” they wailed as they ran out the door. How is this reality? They questioned as they ran into the night.
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vortship · 1 year
Verse: Frenemies 2.0
Synopsis: Hal is older, 23 ish, lives on Earth, popular internet celebrity where she pretends to be an idiot because it gets her the most views. Dib (24?) has a podcast where he talks about the paranormal... but it's not doing very well. His producers threaten to drop him if he doesn't change something, push him towards having Hal on as a fluke. Initially he thinks, it's not ZIM but maybe he can at least prove Hal is an alien somehow... What results is quite literally internet history. Thousands of viewers tuning in to see their bizarre dynamic. And it works. It's decided she's his new cohost from now on.  Basically leaving him stuck doing the show with her, or having no show at all.
Some references here and here
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abhartach · 2 years
More headcanons/opinions
1. Zim is incredibly competent- 
I love characters who are incredibly skilled but are also huge idiots and Zim falls into this category. He cannot be bothered to use lethal force against Dib but he absolutely could take on multiple skilled fighters at a time. One thing I love from the zimvoid comic is Zim canonically has 99.7% accuracy with vibrating irken death blades which I find hilarious every time i’m reminded of it. The voot is so out of date that it probably shouldn’t be able to fly but Zim is able to make it fly. He’s a skilled pilot partially because he has no fancy computer systems to rely on like other irkens have. The way I look at it is someone with a fancy car that can parallel park itself (I've seen commercials) wouldn’t be as good at parallel parking than someone who does it on their own every time. He is able to preform flight maneuvers that other irkens rely on computers for manually.
Obviously when it comes to emotions and earth things he’s a complete idiot but when push comes to shove he can manage to get himself out of almost any tricky situation.
2. Zim can eat most human food- 
He still can’t eat meat and hes not the biggest fan of dairy but he can stomach most foods. At some point in his mission, a year or two in, he stopped getting supplies from irk and he had to adapt so for the majority of his time on earth he has had to deal with earth food. Some people are able to slowly acclimate themselves to food allergens by eating a small amount every day and slowly increasing how much they eat and this is kind of what happened with Zim although it was not intentional on his part. His pak was able to control the reaction more and more until eventually he doesn’t feel anything anymore kind of like a vaccine preparing the body for an illness so there are antibodies. If he hasn’t been exposed to a food or it’s something he hasn’t tried before he could still have a reaction. I could definitely see Zim trying a new food with Dib and describing it as spicy when it’s obviously not and offhandedly saying it makes it kinda hard to breathe and Dib telling him to stop eating it because that’s anaphylaxis.
Thats all I have right now but there will be more and I am always open to questions so please ask because I love answering questions 
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violintrees · 3 years
"please be quiet" - Dib to Zim, up to you with ZADR or ZADF 😳💖😳💖
Dib and Zim smushed into each other in the crowded broom closet as the emf reader in Dib's hand loudly buzzed with activity.
"It's hunting. So please PLEASE be quiet for once in your life."
"Like you have ever been quiet big mouth!"
Dib tried slapping his hand over Zim's mouth but Zim kept dodging and they began silently dodging and slapping each other.
The emf reader jumped another level and Dib sighed. He moved forward and wrapped Zim up in a tight hug.
The bug went silent and wide eyed, processing the sensation. Luckily the same reaction as last time they had hugged. Their antenna raised up straight in alarm but flicking in interest. Zim returned the gesture after a moment and held Dib just as tightly.
Dib quietly exhaled in relief and his mind left the haunt currently happening. Dib had to admit it was pretty nice. He didn't really know how solid their friendship was sometimes, but this was nice. It was nice that Zim came with him on these excursions. He liked having Zim as a friend. And he didn't really care how dangerous that was for the Earth.
His eyes shot open, not realizing they had even closed. The emf reader had gone silent again. He immediately shoved Zim away.
"Good. We lived."
Zim blinked silently once.
"Yes it was good."
"You mean.. is good."
"Yes that is what Zim meant."
"Of course. We can go now."
And yeah, Dib thought it was good too.
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pioneer-10 · 2 years
Charred and Broken Soul
This is a fic I wrote for @trans-p03g‘s Demon AU (and thanks as well to @zim-card for help brainstorming!). It’s written from Melter’s POV, and it probably doesn’t make any damn sense if you don’t know about the AU already lmao. Regardless, here it is.
The night is cold - at least, that’s what Melter’s been told. Not like he could tell anyway; seated comfortably next to Inspector, head leaning against the other’s shoulder while their demon masters bicker over some card game at Grimora’s dining room table. Inspector drums several pairs of claws against Melter’s shoulder plating, letting out a yawn as Luke steps into the living room, a thick coat halfway over his shoulders.  
He doesn’t go unnoticed. The Masters take note of their human’s appearance with a narrowing of glowing eyes and shifting wings. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Leshy demands, tail flicking and orange eyes swirling as they dart up from the card game. 
“ ‘m hungry,” Luke answers with a yawn, rubbing at his eyes with the sleeves of his coat. “Gonna get a snack from the gas station.”
“We’ll come with you -” Magnificus starts to say, but Luke waves his hand. 
“It’s literally a ten-minute walk, Mags. I’ll be fine.”
“I don’t think we should risk it,” PO3 interjects with narrowed eyes. “Especially since…” they don’t finish their sentence, gaze turning downward, and Luke yawns again. 
“I’ll be fine,” he repeats. “We’ll look three times as suspicious if I show up at a gas station with all of you at 2 am anyways. Don’t need to tangle with the police because somebody reported you idiots.”
“...Much as I hate to say it, he has a point.” Magnificus slumps down in his seat, eyes barely visible behind the matted hair hanging in front of his eyes - Hell knows how he’s playing at all, but he is (and the bastard’s damn good at it too, though none of the others would ever admit it). 
“At least take Melter with you,” Grimora suggests, sipping from a chipped mug as she puts one of her cards down. PO3 shoots her a furious look that she ignores, gaze meeting Melter’s instead. Automatically, he nods. 
“I’ll keep him safe,” he says. Inspector opens one eye, looking up at him with a soft sigh. 
“Just when I was getting comfy too,” he complains with a lopsided grin. Melter gently bumps his forehead against his. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back before you know it,” he says. Inspector chuckles. 
“You’d better; I’ll hold you to that,” he replies. The two glance up as PO3 launches themself across the table at Leshy with a shout, and the two go tumbling to the floor in a clatter of chairs and angry curses. Inspector rolls his eyes affectionately while the others laugh. 
“I’ll go make sure the idiots don’t kill each other. You two have fun,” he says. He stands, offering a hand to Melter who happily accepts it as he’s pulled to his feet. Luke is already waiting for him by the door, hands shoved deep in his coat pockets, and he nods to Melter as he joins him. 
“Least I won’t have to worry about freezing,” he jokes, ducking into the wind that rushes up to meet them as he pushes the door open. Melter raises an eyebrow - it feels hot to him, just like everything else does - but apparently sometimes that’s not the case for humans. He wonders, briefly, what cold feels like.
“I’ll keep you warm,” he says, brushing the thoughts aside as they make their way down to the street. Luke sticks close to him - not close enough to touch him, as his human skin is much more delicate than the Inspector’s, but close enough that it makes Melter smile anyways. Luke notices his expression and grins up at him. 
“It’s like having my own heater!” he says. “Who needs gloves when they’ve got you?” Melter chuckles. 
“Nobody gets cold around me,” he agrees. 
They make their way down the sidewalk, and Melter watches the smoke billow off his chestplate and into the winter air beyond it. 
“Shit, I should’ve asked Grimora if she wanted anything,” Luke says suddenly. Melter glances down at him. 
“Tea?” he questions more than states. Luke pauses to consider this. 
“Good idea,” he says after a moment. “You remember what kind she likes?”
“Nope.” Luke sighs. 
“Yeah, me neither. Suppose we could get some of everything. Mags likes to try new stuff anyways.”
“A good plan,” Melter agrees with a nod. “I’m sure he will appreciate that.”
Then he freezes. Something’s wrong. Luke stops as well when he realizes Melter isn’t moving, eyebrows furrowing. 
“Melter, wh-”
“Shhh!” Luke’s mouth snaps shut, eyes going wide as Melter frantically scans the area around them. His heart beats in a desperate rhythm - there’s something nearby, he’s sure of it, but he can’t see it. 
“Looking for me?” 
Melter turns, slowly, as a shadow sharp as knives emerges from the darkness beyond the flickering streetlights. 
“Challenger,” he says lowly. 
“Melter,” the Challenger smiles at him, all fangs and needlelike edges where his armor catches in the yellow light. “Fancy seeing you here, hmm?”
“Luke,” Melter says the human’s name softly, turning slightly so that he can see the boy trying very hard to vanish into the ground behind him. “I need you to run. Now.” 
And then he lunges. The Challenger’s form shifts and whirls out of the way with practiced ease, before something slams into the back of Melter’s head and sends him crashing to the ground. He sees the Challenger turn to run after Luke out of the corner of his eye and doesn’t hesitate, spinning after and grabbing their heel before they can get away. 
“No!” he chokes out, before the other demon’s heel connects with his face and sends him slamming into the pavement again. 
“You will not save him,” the Challenger snarls, and a gleaming black sword appears in their hands as they kick sharply at Melter’s side. He rolls away and tries to get up, to face his enemy head on like he was taught to, but before he can the Challenger grabs his shoulder, yanking him forward and driving the sword clean through his side. Pain explodes around his chest as Melter stumbles back, grasping at the blade, only to fall again as the Challenger rips it out and kicks him to the ground. 
The asphalt blurs before him as sharp claws dig into his scalp, twisting his head up so that the Challenger’s cold white eyes meet his. 
“Your masters are mine,” they hiss, slamming his head into the ground as he tries to pull away. He hears the crack of his helmet smashing against the pavement, and Melter’s world tilts sideways as the other demon turns to leave. 
“Where are you Luuuke?” they sing. 
I have to get up. 
Everything hurts. 
Have to…get up. 
Luke needs my help.
Melter’s thoughts swim in and out of focus, steam and smoke billowing off his broken chestplate as the stars above him blur and twist. He remembers the Challenger walking away and coughs up more smoke before finally, finally rolling onto his side and pushing himself to his knees. Home. He has to get home. He has to get to PO3.
PO3 can help.
Standing up isn’t easy. Melter’s left leg gives out beneath him as he attempts to, and he collapses in a heap of near-molten metal and smoke with a yelp.
I can’t give up. The pavement is sharp beneath his palms as he stubbornly tries again, then again, then again, until finally he’s able to get both legs under him. He stumbles forward, broken armor scraping and blood pouring down his side as he desperately tries to keep his balance. I can do this. I have to do this. I have to save Luke. Melter repeats the words to himself like a prayer, except the difference is he knows no God is listening. 
By the time he reaches Grimora’s house he doesn’t even have the strength to open the front door; he collapses against it and falls to the ground, hoping the sound it makes will be enough as the world spins too fast around his eyes. 
“Please open it,” he murmurs, as the windows fog from the steam pouring off his body. 
Miraculously, the door opens. Grimora stands behind it, and her expression quickly shifts from concern to horror as she sees Melter slumped against the doorframe before her. He tilts his head back, trying to meet her gaze. 
“Challenger…Luke…help…” is all he manages, and then the world spins black.
    Spinning lights. Voices shouting. Anger. Fear. Melter feels himself being pulled inside; somewhere distant, the Inspector is shouting his name, but he doesn’t have the strength to answer. He barely has the strength to breathe. 
Then the sounds fade, and a short eternity later Melter forces his eyes open again. He’s covered in blood that burns even him, black and tar-like that sticks to his hands as he tries, again, to push himself to his feet. His chest is hastily bandaged, the wrappings stained black. 
The house is empty. They must have gone after Luke. 
They need me. Luke needs me. 
Melter ignores the pain as he stumbles forward again - he suspects Mags used some healing magic on him, as it doesn’t hurt as bad as before - crashing into the door and breaking clean through it. Sorry Grimora, he thinks, half-deliriously, as he nearly falls down the steps trying to get back to the street. He can hear shouting. He can hear them shouting. He limps toward their echoes, grasping at his chest with one hand as boiling blood seeps across it. 
Eventually Melter finds his Master, standing horribly out of place with the others in a soccer field down the street. The Challenger towers over the other demons, none of whom move from where they stand as they shout their curses at them. He soon realizes why - Luke dangles from one of the Challenger’s hands, face pale with terror as he’s shaken around in the demon’s grip. 
Melter trips onto the field, past his Master, and seven demonic pairs of eyes turn to him in horror as they realize he’s there. 
“Melter?!” Inspector and PO3 both call to him at once, but Melter doesn’t stop. If he stops, he doesn’t think he’ll be able to move again. The Challenger watches him approach silently, amusement and something darker brimming in their eyes. 
“Was what I already did to you not enough?” they ask calmly, grinning down at him with fangs like knives. 
“Melter, stop!” Inspector tries to step after him, but the Challenger’s claws tighten around Luke’s throat, and he stops with a look of terror. 
“Melter, please!” 
“I’m sorry,” Melter murmurs, and steam clouds his face as tears brim on the edges of his vision. “I can’t stop.”
The Challenger regards him with an air of morbid curiosity. Then slowly, deliberately, they lean down so the two are face-to-face, another arm reaching out to take Melter by the throat. He chokes on smoke as they lift him into the air, sharp white eyes meeting dull orange as the Challenger smiles. 
“What a pathetic little thing you are,” they say. 
This is the only way. 
The Challenger pulls his limp body close and Melter squeezes his eyes shut, blood and smoke dripping from his arms as they whisper in his ear. 
“You are nothing.” 
I have to save him.
Melter hears his name - the voice is Inspector’s, he realizes, as black claws sink into his throat, and he only wishes that he could apologize to him as his blood sprays into the Challenger’s face. 
A blood-curdling scream pierces through the dark, and the next thing Melter knows he’s on the ground, gasping for air he can’t seem to breathe while the Challenger clutches at their eyes and stumbles away from Luke. 
Inspector is at his side at an instant, but Melter can’t help the smile that comes to his face as PO3 and Lonely drag Luke away - he’s safe, and that’s all he ever wanted, his friends safe. 
“It worked,” he says weakly, coughing up black blood that hisses and burns them both - though Inspector doesn’t even flinch as the battle begins anew around them. “I-I did it, I saved him.”
Inspector doesn’t seem to hear him; he’s sobbing now, tears turning to steam on Melter’s burning chest as he holds him close. 
“But what about you?” He asks desperately; fiercely. “What about you, Melter?”  Melter smiles, reaching a hand up to cup Inspector’s cheek. 
“It’s-it’s okay,” he coughs again, choking on the blood in his throat as it pools around him. “You - you made it all worth it. You - Luke…all of you. You showed me what it was like to belong. Showed me what it was like to have a family; what it was like to live.”  He’s crying too, he realizes, as their gazes meet. Melter smiles one last time.
“Thank you, Inspector.”  Darkness rushes up to meet him as his blood drains away, but Melter doesn’t fight it. He’s tired of fighting. 
Now is time to rest.
He’s standing in a field of wilted flowers and bone-white sand, stretching forever beneath a pale red sky. Melter blinks and looks around - he realizes, suddenly, that something is missing. 
The burning. No smoke pours off his shoulders as he steps forward, and the leaves of the dead flowers do not char at his touch as he runs his fingers over their wilted petals. Melter takes a breath, and the air smells like sickly sweet decay. 
He notices a figure standing before him, its head a bleached white skull and body wrapped in black fur.
“Melter,” the figure says. Melter’s eyes widen, and he automatically drops to his knees before the other. 
“Bone Lord,” he says reverently. The Bone Lord smiles at him, though his expression is tired. 
“You do not need to bow; we’re both dead men here,” he says. Melter opens his eyes. 
“Am I to remain here?” he asks. 
“No.” The Bone Lord shakes his head, gaze turning up to the red sky. “I’ve been sent on behalf of Heaven to speak to you.”
“What? Why?”
“You died giving up your life for a human soul; such acts of self-sacrifice do not go unnoticed. They’ve…decided that you redeemed yourself, Melter. You’re going to be reincarnated; given another chance to be human again.”
Another chance. Melter looks down at his hands, at the chipped and dented metal still covered in black blood, even though he feels none of it anymore, and he…
He cries. 
Melter sinks to his knees in the dead flowers, and the Bone Lord is silent as he cries until he can cry no more. 
“You are going to miss your friends,” he says eventually. It’s not a question. Melter nods silently. 
“Inspector, I - he…I love him. I didn’t want to leave him behind but…” he sniffs. “I couldn’t let Luke die. Not when I was…I wasn’t going to live anyway, was I?”
“You did the right thing,” the Bone Lord says. He doesn’t answer Melter’s question, and he doesn’t press it. 
“Will…can I see him again?” he asks instead. “Inspector?”
“The world is big, but your friends are determined,” the Bone Lord answers. “And I believe that souls who are meant to find each other will.”
It’s not much, really, but it’s enough for him. Melter nods. He stands. 
“Are you ready to live again?” The Bone Lord tilts its head at him, black eyes glittering like the sword that pierced through his chest. “You can stay here as long as you want.”
Melter looks around him, at the field of dead flowers and bone-white sand. He looks back at the creature before him. 
“I’m ready,” he says, and for the first time in a long time he means it. 
Twenty years later Ashter sits on the edge of his porch, absentmindedly stirring a cup of coffee as he watches the clouds drift by in the morning air. The chipped mug he holds makes him think of something, but he’s not sure what it is as he takes a sip. 
“Do you like it?” Ashter turns, and Ivan is looking at him expectantly. He grins. 
“It’s great,” he says. “You always make the best coffee, you know.” Ivan smiles. 
“Thanks,” he says. “I learned from the best.” 
The two return to silence. Ashter looks at his coffee, then at the sky again, then at Ivan. 
“I love you,” he says, suddenly. His face turns red as Ivan looks at him, eyes going wide in surprise. 
“You love me?” he asks, and suddenly his voice is soft - hesitant. “Are you…are you sure?” Ashter looks away. 
“I - no, I mean yes! I do, but it - it’s okay if you don’t feel the same! I understand, I - I’ll-” He’s stopped short as Ivan grabs his shoulders, turning him towards him. 
“No no, I didn’t mean it like that,” he says hurriedly. “I love you too, Ashter. More than…more than I can express. But I…” he looks away, and suddenly Ivan is not human - a dark shadow with three piercing eyes and claws instead of hands sits where he did, before the shadow vanishes and Ivan is Ivan again. He looks ashamed, almost. 
“I’m…” Ivan lets out a long sigh. “I’m a demon, Ashter,” he says softly. “I’m…I’m not safe for you to be around, and I don’t want to hurt you but gods, I do love you Ashter, and-”
Asher sets his mug down, throwing his arms around Ivan’s shoulders as he slumps into him. He presses a small kiss to his cheek, holding him tighter as tears brim in the other’s eyes. 
“I love you no less, do you understand me?” Ashter says. “Demon or not, it means nothing to me - I love you, Ivan. Nothing you are or do will ever change that for me.”
For a long time, Ivan is silent, and Ashter holds him as he cries in his arms.
“Do you-” Ivan stops himself, then shakes his head. “Do you ever feel like…perhaps, we knew each other before?”
“In another life, you mean?” Ashter asks. He wants to say no, because that doesn’t make any sense to him at all, but the strange thing is that he does. 
“I…I do,” he whispers. He frowns and looks up at Ivan. “How do you - why is that -”
“Another time,” Ivan answers softly. “I promise, I’ll explain it all to you one day. I just want you to know - you did the right thing. And I never stopped loving you.”
He’s - why is he crying? Ashter stares at his lap as the tears slip down his cheeks, and Ivan gently pulls him back into a hug that he leans into with a choked sob. 
“Why don’t I remember?” he whispers. 
“It’s not your fault.” Ivan hugs him tighter. “It’s okay, Melter. It’s okay.”
“I…I was Melter?”
“Yes. I loved you then, and I love you now.” Ashter - Melter - blinks through his tears. 
“I love you too.”
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melodyofthevoid · 3 years
In your royal IZ Au, you said Miyuki babied Zim a lot? Well, I would kill to see a glimpse of that in art/writing form. I’m a sucker for mostly wholesome relationships between a parent and their child-
Alright this has sat in my asks for long enough I think I'll make an attempt:
Miyuki let out a sigh as yet another petition crossed her desk. Likely just as frivolous as the last. Something regarding the alliance with Tierras, wanting her to reconsider and choose their kingdom instead. Or maybe those upstarts from Vort, well, some from Vort at least, calling for her head.
She'd love to see them try frankly. The only reason she left them alive was out of sheer amusement. They'd fled the first assassination attempt at the slightest sign of her suspicion.
In any case, a migraine throbbed behind her eyes, forcing her to put down the parchment with a huff. This wouldn't necessarily be such a problem if Red decided to take his duties more seriously, but alas, he spent his days lazing about with Purple. At the very least he took that aspect seriously.
Perhaps too much so, but she digressed.
Heavy footsteps thudded on the carpet outside of the room, muffled shouts of "HE CAN'T BE FAR" and "WHERE'D THAT BRAT GO" making their way through the thick wood. Casting an eye to the side, where a small panel opened hesitantly, lavender eyes scanning the surroundings before landing on her.
"Well hello there little one, you seem to be in quite a jam."
Zim flashed that clever grin he did when his pride outweighed his common sense. Which was often.
"Zim did nothing."
"Oh I don't know if I believe you," Miyuki got up, moving over to crouch at Zim's level, her child moving back into the passage, "Those guards seemed awfully mad."
"It wasn't that bad, just some little bugs is all."
"How many bugs?"
A few hundred was her current guess given Zim's current silence. Could be fewer if he's lying about the size. Or more. Always getting into trouble he was.
"...a few."
"Sure. It looks like someone's not going to get dessert tonight for being a troublesome little smeet, I guess it's all going to Red then."
She felt herself smile slightly as Zim's face paled and his lip trembled. So easily bribed. The love of sweets ran in the family.
"No! Mother please, you can't!"
"I don't know," she sang, straightening up and returning to her desk, "I might have to tell the cook to do less cake tonight. A shame really. However, I could be convinced to not tell him if you'll keep me company while I finish up these boring old papers."
He thought, pouting his little cheeks out.
"...mmmmm deal. But I want a slice and a half of cake."
"Don't push it dear."
"Fine, but Zim will make fun of the dumb idiots in the guard anyway. You should have seen their faces! You'd think they've never seen a mega ant before!"
"I'm sure they haven't."
At least her paperwork was no longer boring. She could always use the company.
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trancelord · 3 years
OOC: HI I am so sorry I fell off the face of the earth with this blog but long story short my IZ hyperfixation got pushed to the back burner of my mind because I just generally couldn’t stand the fandom anymore and how unsafe I felt around the mass amount of z@dr shippers/supporters. I’m not posting in the fandom anymore because I kinda just couldn’t take the stress and it was becoming unhealthy. However, I was introducing the contents of this blog to a friend of mine and remembered that I had a bunch of asks typed up that I never had the energy to make art for. So I’ve decided to post them all here just in case anyone wanted to read them! Here they are under the cut:
"how long have you been in the business of mind control? Are you worried someone might follow in your footsteps?"
How long? (he pauses to consider this) I... Am not at liberty to say. Long enough for my antennae to lose color- but that might have been long before I had gathered up the strength I needed to manually override my PAK with my- (a few memories flash before his eyes) (kidnapping an unlucky invader to use as a guinea pig for the hypnosis vision) (completely alone in his ship, both hands on his head) (staring madly at the massive with his eyes just starting to spiral) I've said too much, on that end. I'm not telling you how I did it, you dirty cheat. No one can follow in my footsteps. I will die with my secrets. It will take anyone else far too long to understand the nature of irken hypnosis, how deep it runs, deep enough that I halfway decommissioned myself digging it to the surface. If you try, I will know. And if I know, it'll be the last thing you try. (he yawns) The only way YOU could actually perform hypnosis through natural means- that is, if you're irken- is through an accident. But that's rare. Rare enough that it might not even really happen.
(I'm hinting at what happened w zim and pustulio at the end there hehehehehehe) "why are you journeying to urth- urth? Earth. Why there?"
Oh, did the tallest spell it wrong? (he brings out a small tablet, fixing the error.) How embarrassing for them- but not surprising. Those two couldn't fix a single luminous unit between them. All they know is laugh at drones, lasers, "throw them out the airlock," eat hot chip, and lie. Anyway, weren't you listening? I'm journeying there to find Zim. The tallest are my clients; they sent me to go there in person to use my talents and throw him out of commission. Apparently the poor idiot doesn't know he's been exiled, and he's very serious about his "mission". I guess it's getting harder for the tallest to get any entertainment out of laughing at him, the more serious he gets about invading this backwater planet. You should have seen how many monies I squeezed out of them to perform this job! I have never seen a pair of irkens more desperate. I should have recorded the call so I could look back on it on a long day and laugh. They insisted the job needed to be done in person rather than through a call, so... here we are. (he hides a yawn behind his hand) "Hey since it will take a while to get to earth, wanna play video games?"
(Ren is asleep)
Lonny: Oh, looks like he fell asleep. (he hurriedly shifts the camera away from ren) It's just as well. He doesn't play games very often. I would, but I don't think we have any downloaded into our ship's console. Well, anyway, you all are already here, so I will entertain you in the meantime. Could I perhaps answer any of your questions?
OOC: Aaaaaaannd that’s where I stopped. Still though, despite all the adversity I’ve faced during my time in the fandom, I still adore IZ and all the happiness and inspiration that’s given me. I’m still really proud of the character and story I came up with, and am genuinely sad that I never got to go further with it. 
If anyone ever has any questions, my DMs are always open! I love talking about Ren and talking about him again after months really made me yearn for old times where working on his story and in relation to Zim brought me so much happiness. I hope y’all enjoyed the very brief time I was able to provide you with content of him, and I hope that y’all are safe and healthy and I wanna thank you for being interested in his story. 
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anonymoosen · 7 months
Our lovely majestic tsundere green lizard boi ELEEEGANTLY pranced over to Dib-chans house with the cherry blossom petals blowing as intensely as ever.
Dib-chan immediately crashed through his own window from his room and landed on top of Zimpai, “accidentally” pinning him to the ground like that romantic move a lot of people use in movies.
The big headed boy giggled cutely with the usual sparkles in his eyes, “Ooooh woopsiess!! I totaaally didn’t know this cliche romantic trope would happen!!”
The alien rolled his and blushed deeply from the close proxZIMity and the way his crush’s voice sounded like the most adorable thing in the whole world— even cuter than their old class pet hamster, Peepi! (hehehehe peepeepoopoo)
Wait- NO! This is a disease! A CURSE!! The Dib-thing wanted me to fall prey into his hands this whole time!! Zim immediately shook his head and pushed Dib away. Dib-chan looked to the ground and wondered worriedly if he had gone too far in invading the invader’s personal space.
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Zim-kun tried not to feel bad about Dib looking a bit saddened and growled, “GRRR YOU’LL NEVER CURSE ME WITH THAT STYOOPID FEELING!”
Dib sighed and tried to hold back his once again returning sparkling anime tears. Of course it was one sided. Of course he got rejected by even the most annoying alien in the world. Who would even want some creepy weirdo like Dib?
Meanwhile, Gaz was eating popcorn while the whole cheesy but slightly angsty in a way Fanfiction scene played out. “Why are they acting even stupider than usual?” The whatever-colour-her-hair-is girl asked out loud. The question was then answered by a familiar British voice. “Innit!” Gaz blinked.
“Uh- what?”
“WAIT WHERE DID THAT BRITISH STEREOTYPE OF A WORD COME FROM- I MEAN-” The dark purple / indigo / dark blue (HELP IM BAD AT COLORS) alien girl continued, “Ahem, I meant that this whole anime stupidity Fanfiction scene was all part of my revenge plan! MuahahahAAHAHAAHHA!!”
Gaz face palmed. Was the hideous not-so-new girl, Tak, the one who she once viewed as the biggest threat to earth, THIS pathetic??
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“Dude- you’re STILL plotting your revenge on these idiots? And you’re doing it by zapping them with some in-real-life-anime gun thingy??” Gaz asked, trying not to sound slightly intrigued by this. Tak saw the undeniable interest in Gaz’s eyes and smugly nodded. The shorter of the two gave up and shrugged. At least she had some show to watch! (even though it was too cheesy and stupid for her liking sometimes)
Back to the main drama going on, Zim noticed Dib trying to hold his tears and gulped. Why the heck did he even feel bad about his ENEMY?? He’s supposed to HATE that big headed dork! The dorkiest dork ever! The cutest- WAIT-
The alien tried to look away. However, it couldn’t be helped. The so-called ‘curse’ was too strong, like the big-headed boy was a magnet pulling Zim’s eyes to look at his adorable face.
Could it beeeee… that the feeling Zimpai was feeling…
WASN’T a curse?!11!1?! hOW ShoCKiNG-
NO!! (Z)IMPOSSIBLEEE!! Invaders needed NO ONEEEE!
…But no one is perfect, and Dib can be his no one-
“LIEEESSS!” The alien desperately screeched out loud on the top of his lungs (or whatever aliens had). Dib raised an eyebrow in confusion, distracting him from the overwhelming sadness he was trying to hide. “I…uhhh- didn’t say anything…?”
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The past encounter
Zes just paused as she watched the thing try to crawl its way out of the portal. The thing was just a word to describe it all. Something that echoed only in rumors.
The product of a reality where Zim was killed by Dib. Though a part of her wonders what made anyone want to put a Pak on their head like that. It didn't matter in the long run. More work that nobody would want.
Looks impressive for two minds just jammed together. Less escaping anything and more like he ripped a hole to brute force everything. Still way too much trouble.
The roach just laughed. Still didn’t notice her watching him.
“Finally, fuck that void.”
She grinned as slowly she walked from her spot. At this point the disguise was pointless. He seemed confused to see an Irken. “Still wouldn’t count on anything yet pal.”
"What are you supposed to be? Female Zim?" He asked. The hybrid was just laughing looking at her. It wasn't that surprising. The florpus confirmed that a while ago.
There aren't many versions of her out there.
Not complaining much. Though the idiot here does give me an idea. Portals sound like a fun project.
Zes shrugged. "No, and beyond that, I don't feel like telling you more. Now, either you're going to move on or you're going to give more work than I want tonight."
Zib laughed as extra arms emerged from him. “Like I'd listen to what a random Irken. Just have to get rid of you and everything will be quiet again."
Sounds exhausting just being this guy. Sorry pal, but find another reality to run off to.
As Zib tried to lundge she doged uder him. Took only a moment to place a few small presents on the extra arms. All it took was an extra kick to catch him off guard.
His grin grew more manic. "Good, I would be disappointed if this was like Zim."
She bounced off as he wanted to attack with that stolen Pak of his. Only really had time to grab one of two of the legs. Took only a moment to pin her on the ground. Her hands were a little preoccupied trying to keep the Pak legs from skewering her.
“Still a big smeetling under all of that. It never changes.” She grinned. That only caused Zib to grow angrier.
“WHO ARE YOU CALLING A SMEETLING! I AM THE ONE WHO'S WINNING!" Even though he put more force into his assault, it was still very funny to Zes.
All she did was say the same thing she said to Zim when they were smeets, and sure enough, the hybrid took the bait. Under all that, there is still a part of the brain that is Zim.
Zes grinned as her own Pak legs reached to pull her detonator out. He didn't even notice in his pride-filled rage.
“You make this way too easy.”
His eyes widened for only a moment as the detonator was pressed. The extra arms exploded to sever off almost right at the joints. Zib recoiled and screamed in pain. He was almost afraid once she was towering over him.
"I really couldn't care less what you want to do. Just don't involve things here. Yet you're the one who wanted to push it."
So much trouble just from an insane little roach monkey. Great, now I'm thinking humans like monkeys. I need to wrap this up.
“Don’t send me back!” he yelled.
Her eyes narrowed as she grabbed him by the collar. Right back to that hole, he ripped open. "Maybe don't be an idiot and rip apart things you don't understand."
She dropped kicked him back into the portal. The resulting collision forced it to close. Whether that Zib survived wasn't certain and she didn't care.
So annoying to even deal with all of this.
Her eyes focused as she spotted the little device he used. "Cool, though really rough. Bet I can make something with portals…"
“Zes...Is there going to be a problem?”
She turned as Miyuki was standing there watching. There was a bit of a mess that this Zib left behind. Including those arms, she blew off.
She shrugged. “Nah, It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
No this was not any Zib that's here on Tumblr. This guy was more see Irken and attack. I wasn't having that. Annoying prick. -Zes
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cdarkheartzero · 4 years
Today’s theme- “Too far”
I was skimming through some comments and such and came across @the-garbage-is-my-fandom ‘s comment of “more horror art” on my “Bathtime” piece. And I was inspired. I’m especially excited for @melodyofthevoid to tear into me like I do her when she abuses my son.
“I didn’t mean for this to happen” Dib chanted to himself choking on what little air his lungs could grasp. He had never known fear like this and his body just had no idea how to handle it.
Dib mind raced, playing the previous weeks in his head, trying to figure out what went wrong. His master plan, a small gas bomb capable of temporarily paralyzing or knocking his enemy out, was finally complete. Many a sleepless night and wasted weekend on containment structure, chemical analysis and test runs. This was it. Finally, he could capture the alien menace and expose him. Finally, he would no longer be the crazy kid. Finally, the world would see the danger they were in all along. Finally.... he would be the hero.
But this wasn’t supposed to happen.
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Dib snuck in through the front door after Zim’s idiot sidekick carelessly left it open, making haste to the neighborhood taco truck’s sirens blaring in the distance. He cautiously entered, realizing the Invader was no where in sight and gently placed the bomb in the center of the floor of the “living room”. Carefully he made his way up to the wires completely covering the ceiling for shelter. Soon enough, Gir threw the door open, Damn near ripping it off its hinges, absolutely covered in grease and meat. It seemed the taco run was a success.
He wandered over to the “box” in the middle of the floor and started screaming for his master. “MASTAAAAA!!!! A PRESENT!!!!!!” He shrieked and screeched. How did Zim deal with this all the time?
Within a moment or two, an undisguised Zim angrily emerged from the toilet in the kitchen (which was a sight Dib never really got used to. How does a WHOLE BODY fit down the small opening of a TOILET?!)
“Gir! What nonsense are you going on about!?”
“I gots a present! I’m the birthday boy!”
Zim quickly snatched the “gift” from the metallic hands, studying it’s shotty craftsmanship briefly and returning his full attention to the wide eyed robot standing before him. “What have I told you about bringing junk into this house? First that street lamp-” “But I wanted a nightlight to keep the monkey away.” Gir quietly and somberly interrupted.
Zim sighed. Was this conversation going to go anywhere? No. No, it wasn’t. He might as well talk to the jar of mayo still sitting open on the kitchen table from 3 days ago.
He bent down, clutching the box to his abdomen and give the robot a small pat on the head. “Zim told you he took care of the monkey. It can’t hurt you anymore. But please, Gir, refrain from bringing more stuff home.” He said calmly with a defeated tone in his voice. Gir’s face lit up with a wide grin spanning from “ear to ear” (had he had them anyway). “OKAAAAAY!” He screeched and wrapped his arms around his master. Dib could swear he heard something pop and squish under the groans and painful sounds Zim was emitting.
Then there was a click.
It seemed like the blink of an eye it all happened. An explosion unlike anything Dib ever thought possible by his hands unfolding around him. Windows shattered as glass slashed through the air in every which way direction. Chunks of flooring and wall violently slammed into anything unfortunate enough to come into their path. The fogged air was tainted with this disgustingly potent smell blanketing the entire room. The resulting shock wave flung Dib from his hiding spot, colliding with the cold tiles beneath him.
He blacked out for just a moment, his body on fire and his ears ringing loudly, drowning out all other sound. His eyes slowly opened and he worked up the strength to push himself to his feet. He noticed the blood on his hands as he lifted himself. He wasn’t surprised he got cut. He just couldn’t determain how bad. He was so disoriented.
He tried his best to scan the room, eyes adjusting themselves from the bright blast that had just assaulted them. A shine in the corner grabbed his attention in the sea of rubble and destruction. The robot, Gir, was crushed into the wall by large slabs of concrete and tiles. His once blue glowing eyes dim and cracked. He remained motionless.
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“Oh, no.” Dib thought, realizing the severity of his actions. “Zim!” He cried out of instinct. There was no response. There was no movement in the cloud of smoke as it slowly decepated. The clearing air revealed Zim’s limp frame sprawled out within the neon-green splattered crater the explosion created by the front door. A gigantic hole displayed the vacant interior of his chest and abdominal cavity. Every bit of his internal organs were laid on the ground. His ruby eyes open and dull with his face resting almost peaceful. Dib’s stomach dropped.
Panic was setting in. He wanted to get close to the alien but it’s like his legs forbid such an action. So he goggled. “WHAT DO I DO?!” He blurted out to no one. He backed into the kitchen, never taking his eyes off the crater of debris and guts. His breathing jagged, his pulse racing and his throat overflowing, begging to release its contents on the oddly colored tiling. He felt sick.
He jumped. A sudden noise in this deafening silence. It was a voice he instantly recognized. Zim’s Computer. But it wasn’t echoing from the darkness of the house... it was coming from Zim.
The once limp body slowly started to adjust itself, trying to sit itself up. The more it moved, the more it’s contents leaked out of the organic frame. Dib just silently stared in awe....in relief.... in disgust as his fallen rival stood up. Swaying slightly as it tried to regain its balance. Their eyes locked. A shutter violently shook Dib. Zim was a lot of things. A pain in the ass. An idiot. Selfish. A narcissist. Incompetent. But this wasn’t Zim. This.... was TERRIFYING.
The creature’s thousand yard stare prickled Dib’s skin with the feeling of a million bugs crawling on his person. The paranormal investigator watched-even from several feet away- the speedy throbbing of the veins protruding around It’s eyes. The alien opened his mouth to speak and all that came out through the river of brightly colored blood was the sound of static. It was painful. SO PAINFUL to hear. Dib wanted to shield his ears from the sound but his body stood there still.
The creature’s attention tore away from Dib for a moment, eyeing the damaged robot. His PAK opened up, aggressively flinging his long, thin, robotic legs outwards. The legs came down one by one, echoing a small “clink” on the floor as the razor sharp ends touched the tile. His body lifted and made his way to the faithful metallic companion. Without saying a word, Dib watched as Zim’s body pried the heavy debris pinning the small robot. Gir’s body was released and the gloved hands gently caught him before he could fall on the floor.
“Zim.... I swear.... I didn’t mean to...-“
He was caught off when the red eyes turned to his direction again. Even without pupils or Iris’, Dib could feel the daggers being thrown at him. The mouth opened to speak. “Gir.... why?”
Dib backed up one more step, further into the kitchen. Zim’s voice.... it was wrong. Metallic. Cold. Disoriented. Unlike anything he had ever heard before. Words caught in Dib’s throat but he mustered all his strength to release them. “It was an accident. It-it was just supposed to knock you out.” Dib continued to ramble. “I don’t know what happened!”
Dib tensed up “W-what is?”
“Your existence brings misery. To your planet. To your family. To anyone unfortunate enough to come into contact with you.”
Those words cut Dib’s soul deep. It’s like Zim could read his worst fears. Something he kept hidden- that black stain in his heart-all this time. Exposed. Just like that.
Before he could say anything, the alien continued “ You have always been an annoyance, you sickening human. We cannot escape you. Your voice. Your presence. Your smell. Forever a thorn in our side. The reason my tallest find me nothing more than entertainment. Why Zim can never succeed in his goals. Now this....the only good Zim had...” he said staring at Gir’s face.
“What is he talking about? What did I do with his leaders?” Dib pondered, eyes frantically shifting between Zim’s body and the door behind him.
His neck snapped in Dib’s direction. “But that’s not the worst part. Zim always heard it. For years. It was always following me.” The legs carried him one step closer to the kitchen. Dib silently took a step backwards. “There. Annoying me. Attacking his senses. A constant reminder of the misery you cause. Zim will rid himself of this....this sound...”
Dib needed to flee. But how? This creature was in front of the door!
Zim’s lips curled up. His smirk growing, stretching wider and wider, tearing the ends of his mouth apart. Blood leaking down the sides of his face as the smile grew to sizes ever more disturbing. It was like he was trying to separate the top and bottom of head. There was a silence. With a grin unseen by human eyes before, The creature chucked.
“OnCe I sILeNcE tHaT hEaRt Of YoUrS, wiLl ZiM FiNaLLy bE FrEe?
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As the creature leapt towards the investigator, his body (FINALLY) responded by quickly dodging out of the way, slamming into the sink. The thin, metallic legs crashed into the dining room table decimating it instantly. Without so much as a thought, Dib crawled into the trash can and landed into the claustrophobic elevator to the lab. He panted and shook. It was a terrible idea to go down to the labs. A territory not his. He was out of his element and he wasn’t sure how he would escape. But it beat staying up there and getting ripped to shreds. The pink glow of the elevator made him even more on edge.
The doors opened, startling Dib who was frantically lost in thought. He ran from the elevator, peeking behind tables, tubes and anything else while keeping his senses sharp and alert. Zim was somewhere. Maybe he could just take the elevator back up and leave? But what if he was still in the kitchen?
There was a high-pitched screech pouring from the shaft he had just exited. The elevator lights flickered, sparks raining down and the glow of Zim’s upside down eyes peeked through its opening. His legs slowly pulled him out, adjusting he and Gir (whom was still being cradled) upright. “Diiiiiiiiib.... I kNoW YoU aRe In HeRe....” it gargled.
Dib patiently waited, holding back his sobs and screams, for the towering monster to pass. He needed to keep running. Find the elevator to the toilet! It was the only way! He hid. And ran. Hid. And ran. It was the most horrifying game of cat and mouse conceivable. The longer it went on, the worse it seemed to get for him. He couldn’t find the exit. And he couldn’t find Zim. Not that he WANTED to find him, but at least pass him to know he was still in this metallic labyrinth. That the kitchen was clear.
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Finally, he stumbled upon what he assumed was the elevator on the other side of a large room. He was so close-! Within a single second, his joy faded to nothingness by the familiar sound of scraping. He watched the shadow on the floor as it shakily passed by the table Dib had temporarily chosen as shelter. It stopped and stood still like a statue momentarily: Then went about it’s way. “Finally-! To that door!”
He sprinted to the exit, knocking a few items from a table and catching the beast’s attention. Running with all the strength his body had to offer, he was finally within reach of the button left of the doorframe. His fist slammed into it and the sounds of the creature hurried closer, bellowing his name in a mortifying shriek.
The double doors opened. Dib threw his body into the room only to hit into something and get pelted with tools and cans tumbling from above. Realization slapped him in the face. This isn’t an elevator....
This is a closet.
With heavy dread, Dib turned his face to see that he and the creature were mere inches away from each other. There was no where to go. Never taking his eye’s off Zim’s, he felt two sharp knives glide over his ribcage, gently banging on each bone as they made their way to their target. It’s face had a permanent smile, gradually becoming more and more uncontrollable the harder and faster the thrashing in Dib’s chest became. As the blades slowly began digging in and red blood mixed with green, 5 words continuously haunted his thoughts.
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Thanks so much to anyone that read this! I hope you enjoyed!
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