#zadr oneshot
knotsoangelic · 5 months
How things change
Style; Oneshot
Word count; unknown
Pairing; Zadf/Zadqp/Zadr
Media; Invader Zim
Genre; Fluff/Silly
Fic is under the cut. :) this didn’t take me very long, but yk. not used to posting fanfics on here. so. enjoy lmao
“You’re still doing this??”
The sudden voice coming from the far end of the Lab made Zim nearly jump out of his skin. He shot his gaze at the doorway of the lab and blinked a couple times under the light red hue of the monitor in front of him. He narrowed his eyes in immediate distrust.
“How did you get in here?” He asked.
Dib didn’t answer at first, instead trailing his gaze to the monitor. He furrowed his brow. “It’s been years, Zim. I know how garbage your security is.”
All the Irken could do was give a haughty scoff, pushing himself out of his seat and aggressively approaching the human. “It’s superior to anything humans could come up with and you know it,” He stopped in front of Dib, a noticeable 3 inches shorter than him. “Now get out. Im not interested in entertaining whatever shenanigans you have for Zim today.”
Dib’s gaze trailed down to the other. For a few seconds he just stared, narrowing his eyes. But then he relented his gaze, sighing in defeat. “My bad for wondering how the space idiot was doing, considering how long he’s been gone. What gives, anyway? It’s weird not seeing you on campus.”
Zim folded his arms behind his back and glared at the human. “You don’t need to know, Dib.”
“Considering I gotta keep you in check, even after five years, yes. I do need to know.” He gestured to the monitor in exasperation. “Don’t you think this is a bit much? They haven’t answered you in years. Let it go, Zim.”
Instead of giving a response, Zim decided on shoving Dib. It wasn’t rough enough to knock him to the ground, but enough to earn a soft ‘oof’ from the human. “Irkens don’t give up, Dib.” He turned from him and paced back over to the monitor. “They’ll answer. I know they will. They have to.”
Zim wasn’t looking at him, but Dibs expression went from incredulous to somewhat sad in an instant. He, too, was looking at the monitor, and after a few beats of silence, sighed again, this time in frustration.
“If they haven’t answered you in the however-many-years you’ve been trying to call them, they’re not answering, Zim.” Dib kept his annoyance in his tone at bay as well as he feasibly could, instead trying a more pleading tone. “Why is this so important to you anyway? What even happened to conquering the planet?”
Something briefly flashed in Zims eyes, before quickly melting into anger. He turned to face the human, snarling. “It’s still my top priority to take over this planet, filthy pest. You don’t deserve to know the inner workings of my plans. Now get out before I skewer you.”
Dib narrowed his eyes, weighing his options of staying just to piss Zim off or leaving a potentially unstable bomb here to fester. His initial choice was the latter, but after careful consideration, he chose the former. He knew Zim like the back of his hand at this point. It’s been five miserable years since the irken got to earth, and Dib would like to think he knows Zim well enough by now. If anyone could deal with him it was Dib.
He was past trying to stop Zim. He knew how his people saw him. He knew no giant armada would come back to earth. He knew, according to Zims “almighty” leaders, that he was no more than trash that was taken out. He watched this alien break down. He watched him struggle. He knew he wouldn’t actually take over Earth, if he could. After all, where would he go afterwards?
Not to mention Dib was taller than him now. Not by a whole lot, but enough. Dib recalled his initial reaction to the human growing as soon as it started. Pure bewilderment, mixed with a touch of jealousy and a whole lot of rage.
So, Dib simply laughed.
It certainly wasn’t what Zim was expecting. His antennae fell back a bit in confusion. As quick as they did though, his annoyance came back twice as fast. “What on Irk are you laughing at?! I will! I’ll puncture your nasty human organs!” He inches closer to Dib while he threatened, but the human wouldn’t stop laughing.
“Enough! Your sniveling disgusts Zim!” The Irken almost pleaded. Whether he intended to or not, Zim’s antennae fell back again, and he shrunk in on himself. It was only then that Dibs laughter started to die down, and he sighed, letting his gaze focus on Zim again.
“I know you don’t have any plans for earth. You’re too busy ringing up your leaders. You can’t lie to me anymore. I’m immune.” Another sigh, though Dibs smile definitely fell. “Eh….Zim?”
It was like Zim was staring off into space, antennae still uncharacteristically pressed flush back, at almost a 90 degree angle. After a solid minute of zoning out, the Irken suddenly sighed, plopping to the floor and hugging his knees to his chest. For just a second he wanted to pretend Dib wasn’t there, he wanted to sulk in isolation. Unfortunately, Dib didn’t get the hint.
“Uh. I’m sorry.” He said awkwardly. Dib shifted from one foot to the other. “Yknow, uh. I wasn’t even laughing at your threat. I kinda got carried away by memory lane outta nowhere.” He knelt close to Zims level when the other didn’t so much as acknowledge him. “Uhhhh…Zim?”
Faint grumbling muffled through limbs. Dib blinked. “Didn’t catch that.”
A very clear groan. “Don’t you know what ‘go away’ means? Go. Away.” Zim finally spoke clearer, looking up only to say this before burying his face in his knees again.
Dib blinked again, though this time out of pure confusion. He had seen Zims breakdowns, he had seen his grandiosity, he had seen his hurt and rage. All of it. But this was new. And in regards to Zim, Dib didn’t like new.
He noted how the Irkens antennae where flush against his head, like if dog ears where pinned back in fear or submissiveness. In that moment of comparing Zim to a dog, he had to fight back the very human urge to pet.
“I’m not going away, I’ve already said that. Last time I let you sulk in solitude, you were gone for weeks at a time.” Dib internally questioned why he had the urge to check on his enemy in the first place back then, but he didn’t give himself an answer. “I can compromise by not talking though. Startingggg, now.” He scooted closer to Zim until he was sitting next to him, leaning back and sighing. He let his weight rest on the palms of his hands as he stared at the ceiling. He thought he heard a light chitter from the other, but he ignored it. If Zims antennae could get any flatter against his skull, they would.
With the lab now silent and fairly dark, all that was left was the very slight buzzing of the monitor. Zim found without the idiots voice to keep his thoughts from spilling around in his head, he was left with the noise. The awful noise. The metaphorical but equally real noise.
He hated the noise.
Zim sighed again, quieter this time, before swiftly standing and pacing back over to the monitor. He ignored the other as he stared curiously, mulling over whether to try the call again or shut the screen off. After a few moments of working his jaw, he opted for the latter, seating himself in the chair and instead burying his head in his arms at the control panel.
Dib stared. This was going nowhere, wasn’t it? Years and years of trying to convince this dumbass of the obvious, and still. Or did he know, and just refuse to admit it to himself? Dib couldn’t decide which option was more likely. He shifted to face him, biting his tongue. “Silence sucks. I’m done shutting up.”
Zim barely peeled his head up from his arms to glare at the human. “You’re an idiot. I don’t want any more idiot ramblings.”
“Takes one to know one,” Dib shot back half heartedly. “Least you shut the screen off. I really thought you were gonna try again.”
Zim scowled to himself as he turned to bury his head in his arms again. He didn’t even give a proper retort back, just groaned and let his antennae fall slack.
“Cant you see it’s a good thing? Well, not them being horrible leaders or whatever. But think of what you could do. It sucks that they don’t care but they don’t care about ANYTHING that you do. Which means you can do absolutely anything you want.” Dib pauses for a second, “Well, except take over the planet. Obviously. But everything else is free game! Isn’t that a good thing?”
Zim shuffled in his seat slightly, finally looking up from his arms and giving Dib an unreadable expression. Was that confusion? Hurt? Apathy? Dib honestly couldn’t tell. But he left his arms open in offering of his propositions anyway.
“And I mean….I know it isn’t much, but you still have me, right?”
Zims first instinct was to grimace in disgust. He looked away, contemplating, not answering Dib immediately. But then he looked at him again and watched as a cheesy, toothy grin plastered the young adults face. That unreadable expression was back on Zims face. “Yeah. I do.”
The words came out solemnly, making Dib relax his outstretched arms. His smile also faded, but it returned a few seconds later, and he stood, confidently pacing to where Zim was sitting and kneeling ever so slightly to meet his eye level.
“I don’t know about you but I think it’s cool when there’s at least ONE person who knows what it’s all like. Or, at the very least, can understand it.” Dib leaned on the control panel. “I know you can’t deny that. I know cause you seek that kind of validation from me all the time.”
Zims head shot up and he glared, almost resembling a pout. But his antennae still lay flat against his head. “You wish someone as amazing as me did such a thing.”
Dibs smile didnt falter once. “Uh-huh.”
For some reason, the way Dib uttered that confirmation made Zim’s antennae twitch. He looked away, feigning confidence as he fidgeted with his uniform. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, Human.”
Rolling his eyes, Dib allowed himself to lean off the control panel and closer to the Irken. “But you do though,” He quipped. “Remember when you begged me to give you a compliment in exchange for that soda? A compliment. Not even, like, one of my organs or something.”
Zims face was turning a different color, and he was afraid it was starting to become noticeable. “Stop it.”
“Or that time you were confused as to why I wasn’t COMPLETELY ENTHRALLED about being in a simulation where we live together.”
“Shut up.”
“Or that time you built some planet-ending machine and got mad when I wasn’t jumping for joy at the idea of you showing it off-“
“Shut UP, Dib!” Zim suddenly shot up, angry. His face was painted bright pink. His antennae still lay flat against his head. “Those where all things DUE to me or threats! Nothing else!”
“Then why are the threats empty? Or why are the requests for praise so desperate?” Dib smirked, not once faltering. Their faces were oddly close together. “I mean surely you would’ve been happy to follow through with all of those threats if they were actually threats.”
Zim couldn’t break Dibs gaze and it was eating him alive. He gulped, seeking from within himself any kind of plausible answer, but found nothing, instead finding himself staring dumbly at the equally dumb human in front of him. He felt as his antennae started to vibrate, and he shrunk in on himself again, only breaking Dibs gaze when he was seated once more. Dib gave an airy laugh.
“Yeah. I thought so. But hey, the feelings reciprocated, so I don’t care really.” He found himself staring at the Irkens antennae again, noting how far back they were positioned still. “I mean I gave you what you wanted and you gave me what I wanted…sort of. So evens even, right?” Dib knelt further and Zims eyes shot to his again. “Yknow. We don’t really have to be enemies anymore. Especially if there’s no plan for me to stop anyway.”
Zim narrowed his eyes. “Why would I ally with a disgusting human?”
“Fair point. Counter argument; who else do you have to ally with, space boy?”
Zim opened his mouth to retort, but came up empty, settling for clenching his fists and snarling. “I hate you.”
“Mmhm.” Dib dully acknowledged, “Is that why your antennae are positioned where they are? Or is that another coincidence?”
Said antennae twitched. Zim just looked away.
“I mean, I’ve never seen you so passive before. Body-language wise, anyway.” Dib shrugged. “Usually when an animals ears are back like that it means fear or submissiveness.”
This got the Irkens antennae to shoot right back up again. He glared daggers at Dib. “Like I would ever be subservient to you!”
“I said submissive, not subservient. Dumbass.”
Back down they go. Zim growled. “Do you enjoy being a nuisance to every living creature that breathes?”
“I kinda do actually,” Dib said with a smirk. He was getting under Zims skin. It was his favorite pastime. “Gives me reason to keep living. I’ve grown to liking living out of spite of others actually.” Dib stretched, cracking his knuckles as his arms hyperextended. “It’s even more fun when the person in question fucking LOATHES you.”
Zim glared at first, but then his expression softened into that unreadable expression again. This caught Dib off guard and his smirk fell, drawing attention to the Irken. Zim was looking at his gloved hand, mindlessly flexing his thumb claw in indecipherable thought. Dibs eyes trailed back to his antennae; flat, but tense. He couldn’t resist the urges anymore. With a mild amount of hesitance, Dib reached his hand up, letting it rest in an oddly gentle way on the top of Zims head. The other tensed at the touch, but didn’t move. “I mean, bickering is bickering. Spite is spite. At the end of the day it’s just….fun. Nothing else.”
Dib was surprised that his hand wasn’t immediately smacked away, but he was equally surprised at the noises the Irken emitted when he gave him gentle pats. He watched as the others antennae started to relax, cocking an eyebrow at the otherworldly trills and chitters Zim produced. Dib stifled a laugh at the sight, especially when he felt the alien pressing his head further into his hand, like a cat.
Dib shifted his gaze to look Zim in the eyes, about to make a snarky remark, but held his tongue when he saw the Irkens eyes were closed. At the sound of movement, Zim cracked a magneta-colored eye open to look back at Dib.
“Usually when someone goes for the head, it’s to kill.” Zim said neutrally. “Taller irkens aren’t especially known for giving out head pats to their shorter kin.”
This time, Dib allowed himself to airily laugh. “Thanks, captain obvious.” A sharp pain went up his hand. “Ow, what the fuck, Zim?! That hurt!” The human withdrew his bitten hand in an instant, scowling.
It was Zims turn to crack a smile, and it seemed oddly genuine. “That’s what would happen if they tried.”
Dib furrowed his brow. “Thanks for the info, I guess.” He let venom lace his last few words in that sentence, raising his hand experimentally to pet him again, only stopping when Zim ducked from his hand.
“If we’re doing this whole….’alliance’ thing, it’s on my terms and my terms alone. You have no power here, nasty human.” He narrowed his eyes at Dib. “You go too far, you get bitten. Or smacked. Whichever one I feel like doing that day.” Dibs hand fell back to his side.
“Man, you really are just like a cat.”
“Nothing. I guess I agree to your stupid terms.”
“Good.” Zim smiled deviously. He stood up quickly, knocking Dib back onto his rear. Zim stood above him, still grinning maniacally. “For starters, get out of my lab. You’re making it smell bad in here.”
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ghostorbz · 5 months
zadr string of fate and their strings just go out into the sky
Zim walks into the class and the person on the other end of Dibs string is a fucking ALIEN like HELLO??
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asexual-spongebob · 5 days
I decided to finish it today in honor of American Idiot’s 20th anniversary! (Which is the album it’s based off.) Green Day has been one of my favorite bands since childhood, so this is kind of a tribute to my child self lol. :)
You don’t have to have context from the album to read this btw. :) it’s angst with a happy ending! :D
I hope y’all enjoy!!
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I think I might write more fics like this in the future tbh? I’ve been brainstorming ideas for a TaGr demolition lovers au, so we’ll see :)
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daffodilesblog · 6 months
If i write a Invader Zim oneshot would u guys read it be honest 👉🏽👈🏽
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simping-invader · 7 months
I've tried to post this 5 times/d
Fuck every else. Straight to the fic
You're not Defective
3rd person pov
It was a typical night in zims, now shared base. Gir was being...well, gir, zim was down in his lab, and Dib was at work. Despite finding out his mission was a lie, and that his 'all mighty tallest' send him out hoping he would Parrish, zim was just so used spending his days down in the lab, even if now he's only playing games on Dibs 'X-station'.
After dying about 7 times in 'blockcraft,' zim decided he had enough, all but slamming the controller down. "zim is too good for this stupid game anyway!" He huffs as he hops up from his chair. The irken pauses momentarily as the irken Armada symbol suddenly flashes on his screen. It's been years since he's heard from the tallest. He still remembers what they told him, their cruel words suddenly ringing throughout his words. ' You're Defective '.
The screen flashes, a message reading aloud through the room, but zim couldn't hear it. His thoughts consumed him as he's basically transported back to that day.
The day zim realized his tallest..his plannet ....they all wanted him dead.
It was 10 years ago in earth time. Back when zim and Dib were still in what was called 'hi skool', zim had captured Dib and called the tallest to report about the information he stole from the earth boy. The irken child stood proud as he waited for the all mighty ones to pick up, a proud smile on his face. This was the first report he did in years, and he was positive his tallest would be thrilled to find that ZIM! Their most capable soldier, is infact alive and well!, but when the line was answered, he was faced with the undeniable look of annoyance from both of his tallest. Zim couldn't even get a word out before they began to dig into him.
Even to this day, zim can still feel the stab of their words....
"When will you get the hint zim!" Tallest red said, venom in his words as his image glared at zim. "My tallest! I-" zims excitement would fade to confusion "what hint my tallest?" Purple would then cut in as red just groaned."There is no mission! We don't care about earth! We don't care about you! You're defective zim. Just like that stupid robot we gave you! Stop calling us. You were supposed to die! How you manage to survive is beyond me! The fact that you consider yourself an irken is pathetic. Leave us alone." And with that, the line was cut, and zim was left with the harsh reality. After that day, he didn't leave his base for months, only found by Dib when the teen broke into his base, assuming zim was planning something. Instead, what he found was an utterly defeated zim, in a horrible horriblely messy base. That day began the twos friendship, one that would develop into much more. But in this very moment, zim felt like he had all those years ago. Alone, useless, and Defective.
Irkens are raised from the time they're smeets till they reach the age of 'usefulness', which in earthling years is only about 10 or so, to be the perfect irken soldier. They are trained to blindly follow their tallest, to invade, and to only exist to aid the tallest. Zim was 'Defective'. He tried to be the perfect soldier, but no matter what he did he wasn't enough. He still remembers his first mission 'impending doom 1'. The screams still keep him up some nights. He tired to be a good invader, but it wasn't enough.
Zims thoughts swirl through his mind as his legs give out on him, causing him to fall onto the hard lab floor, tears now welling up in his magenta eyes and rolling down his face "i- I'm not Defective- zim can't be! Zim- zim is trying his best!" His words echo off the walls, making him feel even more alone.
Zim is left there for a good 30 minutes before Dib comes home, gir greeting him at the door "HAIII DIBTHING!!!" The faulty sir unit calls out cheerful "inside voice gir, where's zim?" Dib questions as he shuts the door behind him. Typically his alien boyfriend would be on the couch waiting for him, so only being greeted by gir raised some questions "he hasn't left the lab! And I made waffles" gir points over to the mess in the kitchen, making Dib grimace a bit "I see..." Dib hangs up his long white coat and slips off his boots before walking twords the elevator, which is luckily no longer a toilet "computer, take me to zim please" he calls outz the elevator door opening immediately, followed by a robotic voice as Dib steps inside and the doors close "zim does not seem to be in the best of states.."
Dibs face twists at the computers words "what do you mean by that?" The elevator doors suddenly open "see for yourself " the computer says. The signs infront of him makes his heart ache. Zim was curled up on the floor, his small body shaking from how hard he was crying. His pac legs were practically caged around him in an attempt to hide his 'shame'. Dib slowly stepped closer, not wanting to accidentally scare his irken partner. As he approached, he could hear zims shakey voice repeating the same phrase over and over again. "I'm Defective"
Dib slowly crouches down beside zim "zim...zim what happened?" He askes softly, his voice laced with concern. Zim looks up at his boyfriend, his face splochy with tears. Seeing Dib, his pac legs retract and he almost immediately seeks out his embrace, to which Dib grants, scooping the irken into his lap and holding him close. "You're not Defective zim..." Dib dint need his question answered as he looked around, seeing the irken symbol still flash on the large computer screen "the system is what's Defective..you where practically a kid..."
The two sat there for a good hour, Dib simply holding zim as he cries into his chest, eventually calming down enough to steady his breathing and calm down "i..I should be over this..zim shouldn't hold onto to these...these puney feelings ."
zims words earn a small sigh from Dib "it'd good to have feeling zim..and no Matter how much time has passed, it's ok to be hurt by what they did.." the irken looks up at Dib, wiping the tears from his eyes "I'm supposed to be a soldier..a mighty irken invader! Not...not this!" His voice rings with defeat, making Dibs heart nearly break.
Dib genently cups zims face, a soft expression on his own "..well I'm glad you're not...I love you how you are...what would I do if my space boy actually took over earth instead of just my heart?" He places a soft kiss to zims forehead, earning a small smile from his 'space boy'. "You would have been my pet, Dib stink" zim smiles "an irken ruler would need something stupid to entertain him"
happy to see zim smile again, Dib rises to his feet, still holding zim close to himself "You're only getting away with that because you're cute, I hope you know that" he smiles, capturing zims lips in a soft kiss "let's go get dinner started...gir made waffles so we have that clean up to look forward to." He rolls his eyes a bit, zim resting his head on his shoulder "oh how very fun" the irken says sarcastically as the two head up in the elevator to deal with the monstrosity gir had caused.
-the end <3-
Ignore any grammar or spelling mistakes..I have no excuse, I'm just stupid. 💀
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d3m0l1t10n-lvrs · 2 years
uhhh can we get a uhh "embracing them from a sudden hug from behind" fur . zadr 👍
Here you go!!! This was fun to write :3
AO3 version
Dib sighed and rubbed his eyes. 12 hours in the lab does wonders for your health. The human had been working endlessly on a sample of Vortian skin Zim had 'stumbled upon', seeing how it reacts to different substances and environments. He was fascinated! He wondered if he could score a live test subject one day...
Dib shook his head. "No zoning out..." He mumbled to himself as he reached a gloved hand for a pair of tweezers. Just as he grabbed them, a little green roach scurried up behind the human and wrapped his arms around his waist, burying his head into the other's back. "Ah!" Dib squeaked, but immediately relaxed when he felt familiar claws digging into his skin. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to pinch.
"Dib-Lover! You have been working for millennia!  Zim demands attention!" The little alien complainer, stepping on his tippy toes to allow himself to rest his head on the human's shoulder.
"Just a few more minutes" Dib yawned, picking up a skin sample while the Irken held him. "No!  Besides, your feeble human body needs to rest, or it'll collapse!"
"It's fine, bug..." Dib paused to let out another yawn. Zim groaned. "Idiot! Even an alien can see the signs of exhaustion! Out of the lab, now!"
"Mmm, no" Dib stuck out his tounge. Zim hissed playfully in response. A few minutes passed, just Dib working as Zim tried to coax him out of the lab, until Zim's mouth curled up at a brilliant idea. MANIPULATION! NOBODY CAN RESIST ZIM'S CHARM!
"Dib-Lover..." Zim whined, nuzzling his head into the crook of Dib's neck and begining to run his antennae through Dib's hair. The human felt a shiver run down his spine, and his tiredness wash over him. He set his tools down and rested his hands on the alien's, leaning into the touch. "Mmyeah?" He mumbled.
"Rest. For Zim?" He turned Dib's face to be able to look at the Irken's big bug eyes. Dib let a puff of air out of his nose and smiled softly. "Fine. But only for a few minutes, okay, bug?" Zim smiled triumphantly.
A few seconds went by, and Zim was still clinging to his lover. "Uh- are we gonna go?" Dib cocked his head to the side. "Carry me." Zim replied, flashing his signature shit eating grin.
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invaderoli · 1 month
The youtooz plushies are making me want to do a voodoo zadr oneshot im going inzane should i do it or no
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theautumnaldemon · 6 months
How about a zadr oneshot on halloween, You know, since Zim doesn't understand human traditions and celebrations, and Halloween is Dib's favorite holiday, they would do a lot of Shenanigans together, And in the end, they'd be on the sidewalk eating candy AND being silly 2gether, and Gaz would be like *homophobic slur*
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Confession time!!! I’ve said it before (that i really like your fanfiction) but i just recently wrote a zadf/zadr/zadqp oneshot and found….a lot of accidental similarities to the way you write them lol. So i guess what I’m saying is that you inspired me :) i haven’t written in like. 1-5 years so writing characters i’ve never written before was….hard lmao. But anyway yeah!! Your recent drawings from chapter 21 made me scream at work dude!!!! /pos
Thank you!! <3 I'm so happy my gay chaos has inspired you!
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verm1c1de · 6 months
Sorry, do you have a recommendation for some good TAGR fics?
Bonus question: What would be your ideal story for them?
no. half of all tagr fics feature them as background food fur zadr and the ofur half is people who dont really understand one or both of the characters. also they are mewsually oneshots. such is fate
well,,, half is being generous. id say 80% of all tagr fics is them in zadrs shadow
my ideal story would be LITERALLY ANYTHING THAT FOCUSES ON JUST THEM and has A grasp of their characters. beyond that, id love a parallel rival story thats not rehashed zadr but instead plays off of the twos own purrsonalities and comedy combo. tak is basically a cartoon villain and gaz doesnt give a fuck about anything. its funny
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shadowofthelamp · 7 months
Hi there!! I just binged your AIP series on AO3, and I LOVED IT!!!! There needs to be more zadr mpreg kids in the world hehe!!! AMZING work!!! I’m just bummed out that I don’t have any more chapters to read!!!
Thank you! :D I'm glad you liked it, and agreed- there's never enough zadr kids, in my opinion, and I say that as someone who's been reading zimpreg fics for over a decade.
I don't have a secret third fic, but I do have a lot of oneshots set in other aus that include Twix that were built with a lot of back-and-forth asks back in 2019-2021 or so. Here's the list of aus (with all posts for each au included on the links for each) and my writing tag (which has other fandom stuff mixed in, but a lot of it is AIP au related that never got moved over to ao3) if you want some more, and I'm always happy to chat!
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geekcat · 1 year
Just published a short and sweet ZaDR oneshot, for anyone interested.
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asexual-spongebob · 4 days
hi guys!!!
I made a one shot collection for wots!!!
it’s basically just random oneshots related to the au! basically like side stuff for it that I didn’t feel like posting on its own! everything is stand alone unless specified otherwise!!! :) I might even post some of my au-of-au stuff too!!
it’s mostly zadr and or ghost and vela related but I’ll probably write some ska and tagr related ones too :)
Hell, I might even write some abt Gir and Mimi too :D
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bugsabound · 3 years
anyway heres a kinda shit pre-zadr oneshot where zim revives dib from the dead for your consideration
also i know the science of it all makes no sense, but were blamming that on alien stuff i guess?
Dib's body was still warm in Zims arms as he rocketed through the basement of his base, down endless tunnels and elevators into the lowermost underground pod that served as a medical ward. It was cramped, far too cramped for zims liking, with computers and control boards over nearly every surface and a harsh metal slab in the middle of the room. Dib was thrown, rather unceremoniously, onto the metal table, body slumping awkwardly against the cold steel,hand falling off the edge and dangling limply. He cursed harshly under his breath, pak legs deploying in every direction into a piece of machinery, with a thought the base spit out metallic limbs similar to his pak legs towards dib. 
“Fucking human” zim hissed, attatching tubes every which way across his body, directing medical aid legs to each and every wound of his. He didn't look at the screen as he typed on the computer, fingers moving with practiced expertise, like this wasn't the first time he's had to do any of this. His own wounds were in desperate need of repair too, the only difference was his heart was still beating. Right now, it's way too hard to assess his own damage when each and every part of him was drenched in dibs blood. He could hear the blood dripping down the table's edge and onto the floor, it was the only sound aside from the light mechanical humm of robots and his own fingers against the keyboard. He smashed a large pink button without sparring it a glance. A small tray extended from nowhere, with a large pink syringe, filled to the brim with the finest irken medical supply he had. It was supposed to be reserved for elites, soldiers, tallests- invaders were rarely deemed necessary enough for the clearance needed for the serum, let alone invaders coded as food service drones and publically labeled irken traders. Not that zim paid that any mind when he loaded his arms full and fled the hospital upon his last trip to irk. An air mask dropped from the low ceiling, zim fashioned it to his face. A robot slotted an iv into dibs arm, another popped his leg back into place with a large, loud, crack that made zim shudder.
The screen across from him glitched to life with a blank heart monitor, zim eyed it with disdain. Hands wrapped around the needle hovering just a second over dibs chest. His antennas flicked forward, usually dib had the tiniest of heartbeats to help him find his aim, but he was dead silent. He took a chance, plunging the needle where he could only hope was his heart, and pumping the fluid into him. He waited, eyes trained on the monitor. Nothing. Shit. he pulled the needle out and tossed it god knows where, crossing his hands over dibs chest and hoping to god he remembered enough of his earthly first aid classes to not make the situation worse. He used his whole weight to shove into dibs heart in a crude approximation of cpr. Again and again, until he heard a rib crack. Still nothing.
“Shit shit shit!” he swore in irken loudly, hands rifling around to a drawer hidden in the wall. It popped open with a hiss and showed an impressive array of small tools. He grabbed a handful of what looked like lock picks, and slammed them on the table beside dib. He took a deep breath, before reaching behind him and popping off his pak with a groan. Nearly immediately emergency lights bathed the room in pink, painting everything monotone. He shoved his pak into dibs chest, with a wince, prying open a compartment with a screwdriver. He refused to be too late. He rifled under the wires with the tools, before manually administering a shock through dibs whole system. One beat registered on the monitor. “Come on, useless human” he did it again. Dibs fingertips twitched against the table. Again. He vaguely worried he'd fry the dib-thing from the inside out. Again. 
A beat. A small beep, then another, he could see the monitor register the smallest, faintest heart beats. Zim let out a heavy breath. His whole body slumped forward in relief, his chest rose under the weight of the pak, then fell, then rose again, a little stronger. Zim collapsed into his hands, smearing both of their blood against his face. Alive. Dib was alive. That was… much too close for comfort. He watched his life counter tick in the corner of his eye, content to wait until the very last second before pulling his pak off the dibs chest. He hadnt meant to get this close this time, he hadnt meant to get that close any of the other times either, even if it was almost completely dibs fault this time. He didn't actually want the dib dead, it'd be so much easier if he did, on both of them no doubt.he shuddered at the thought of what he must've looked like, screaming, tears running down his face, clutching a corpse with all the desperation of a lover watching their partner die. Pushing past any onlookers with inhuman speed and into his own base. With shaky hands he pushed himself up and reached into another hidden drawer. He kept an eye on his timer, and gently stitched a large wound together himself, with the practiced precision of a soldier. 
“Computer” zim's voice was weak, shaky, “how is he holding” he watched the monitor go up and down, it pumped irken goo through his humans body, he knew it sped up the healing process, hed replace the humans blood with gallons of the stuff if it meant avoiding doing any of that again. He tied off the ends of the string, wrapping a bandage tenderly around his forearm, cutting it off with his teeth.
“Erm..” it hummed noncommittally, “stable-ish, not dead.�� That was enough of an answer for him. Zim pulled the pak off his chest and back into his back. The alarm lights disabled. He lowered himself to the floor, leaning against the table legs with labored breath. How much blood had he lost? How close was his timer again? Dib was still alive right?  He bumped his head against the cold metal, turning to stare at the dibs hand. It had fallen off the table in the commotion, he watched it twitch with blood pulsing through his veins again. The healing serum should take care of any nerve or brain damage, the computer's first aid should stop any of the too serious injuries from getting worse. 
“Lock all doors, keep an eye on him” It was still so quiet, but the beeping of dibs heart monitor was the most comforting sound he had heard in years. He fell against the metal floors, letting the computer stitch him back together too. “Wake me if his condition worsens”  A weak hand reached up for dibs, and intertwined their fingers loosely, before succumbing to the exhaustion. 
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virago-777 · 2 years
Happy Birthing Day
(Dibs POV)
It's your 20th birthday and Zim insists that you get in his Voot Cruiser because he has a surprise for you. You're reluctant at first but curiosity gets the best of you, so you join him. Climbing your way in was a lot harder than you thought it would be but once you're in Zim hardly waits for you to get settled before blindfolding you and taking off, breaking into the stratosphere at fast speeds. After a brief moment the Voot begins to settle and you feel that it is now hovering calmly. Zim is the first to break the silence as he steps away from the pilot console, leaving you there as he makes his way to the back of the Voot Cruiser. "If you wait any longer to take the blind fold off Dib-human, you'll miss the surprise. Do not waste Zim's efforts or I'll shoot your huge head out of the airlock." You snatch off the offending fabric that was obstructing your vision to shoot him a glare, focusing on the reflection of Zim against the Voots windshield; he had a softened expression on his face and a small smile which was very uncharacteristic for Zim. For a moment it looked as if magenta eyes had met yours and were staring back at you through the reflection. The idea makes your heart skip a beat and you feel your cheeks heat up; clutching at your chest to still your fast beating heart. You bring your attention to the beautiful sight painting itself outside of the Voot Cruiser but can't help but be distracted when you hear Zim mutter. "This filthy planets pollution is so thick, Zim had to fly through its weak inferior stratosphere just to bring you here." Huffing out a breath before speaking in a triumphant tone with a smirk on his lips. "It took weeks of scouting to find the best location but that is to be expected as Zim is superior and will only ever provide the best for yo-" He abruptly shuts his mouth to cease the complaints and confessions from spilling out further, fidgeting in a flustered manner with a few blueprints he has on a mini workstation next to him but that doesn't last long. You chew at the bottom of your lip and choose to take a chance while he's not looking; managing to sneak another glance at his reflection. This time his arms are crossed, antennae are perked up and twitching. But before you can cast your attention back to the scene outside of the Voot, the hot intensity of magenta eyes catches your warm amber pools. There is a spark in Zims eyes; something you've never seen before. His gaze felt feral and passionate, almost like it could be look of desire but mixed with something else. The intertwined gazes between you both lasts only for a moment despite it feeling like forever. Zim is the first to look away shyly as he taps his foot against the Voots hard metal floor with vigor and murmurs something in Irken. This sends butterflies fluttering around in the pit of your stomach and makes your pulse race, you've always secretly adored the attention he gave you and how his eyes were always watching you and only you. Zim must have noticed your elevated heart rate because his antennae were now dancing in your direction, but he catches himself and flattens them down with his clawed hands before straightening his posture and clearing his throat; boldly announcing in a very Zim way "Happy Birthing Day, Dib-worm."
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(Dibs gift)
The author of this work is @virago-777
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smeetfeet · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Invader Zim Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dib/Zim (Invader Zim), Dib & Zim (Invader Zim) Characters: Zim (Invader Zim), Dib (Invader Zim), Gaz (Invader Zim) Additional Tags: Explicit Language Summary:
During an intense storm, a power outage at the Membrane household leaves Dib stuck inside with an annoyed sister and an even more annoying alien. In an attempt to avoid thinking about his newly discovered feelings for his friend, Dib suggests they play a game.
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